#I need to lie down bc I've got a headache
earanie · 1 year
you know when one day before going away _everything_ than can happen, happens?
spoiler alert: it is happening
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heartysworld · 4 months
Thy blood shall flow through mine || Aemond Targaryen x Reader
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What's up my loves, it's been a while! After I watched the new trailer and everything I couldn't contain my excitement and I just HAD to write something to cope with the 1 month we have left until season 2! I got the inspo for this from my Old English classes and as much as I was disgusted during class my mind had to turn this into an Aemond fic bc let's be honest, that man could be nastyyyy...
I'm not gonna lie this one is a bit rusty but it's been a while since I've written about Aemond and I was in my 3rd coffee omfor the day as I wrote it so yeah...enjoy
W.C: 1k
Mark but this knife, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest me is;
It sucked me first, and now sucks thee, And in it our two bloods mingled be;
Thou know’st that this cannot be said
A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead, Yet this enjoys before it woo, And pampered swells with one blood made of two, And this, alas, is more than we would do.
The letter was ripped apart in your hands moments after you read it out loud. Your uncle stood in front of you, his face covered with an unreadable expression as he watched you read his letter, the one of many you had found in your rooms.
The beautiful letter A sat neatly written in the bottom right corner of the parchment.
The first time you received one of these you were scandalized. Who could be so shameless to address such shameful writings to a princess? The first person who came to mind was your uncle Aegon, after all this was something that he would do with no doubt.
But then, as the letters kept coming you realized that the fool who dared call himself the future heir to the Iron Throne lacked the mental capacity to come up with such carefully crafted words, arranged in such way that send chills down your spine every time you read them. Aemond. It had to be him.
"Have you lost your mind, Aemond?" You asked, voice raising slightly as you looked at him, a desperate expression plastered on your face. "What if one of my maids found it? What if it got to my mother? Or the Queen? Not even Balerion himself could save me from their wrath. How could you be so senseless? And they call you the brightest one of the King's children!"
Everything that had been piling inside of you for the past few weeks finally came out as you voiced all of your frustrations.
The ripped pieces of paper gracefully fell from your fingers as they made their way towards the burning fire that lit up your chambers.
Your hand slowly made its way towards your face, touching the now wrinkled skin of your forehead as you felt the slowly forming headache that was going to torment you until dawn.
Seconds later, a larger, colder hand wrapped itself around yours, pulling you closer to a firm chest. The much familiar aroma of leather from riding gear, and hints of smoke and ash filled your nostrils.
"Hush, little hatchling. Do not fill yourself with excess frustrations. The Red Keep does not need another burnt scrub of the gardens." Aemond hushed against your ear. You could feel the corners of his mouth curl upwards as they hovered over the shell of your ear.
The contact with his body alongside his raspy voice stirred something deep inside you that made you shiver.
"We both know the way you've been looking at me for the past few moons. After that day in the courtyard, when my blade cut across your arm. It is soaked with your blood as much as it is with mine. Tell me, hatchling, does this not count as the consumation of a marriage? Is our blood not mingled together as it would be inside our own child? You are mine, hatchling, you've always been and will always be."
Aemond's words caused your breath to get caught inside your lungs, hot waves pulsating through your body.
His arms slowly encircled your waist, like a snake wrapping around their pray. He was the beast, you were his pray, and you've been willingly letting him sink his teeth in your neck for weeks now, taming you as his pet, his little hatchling that was about to become him forever.
" We can't, Aemond. Not when a war is about to rage above King's Landing and we're about to be on the opposing sides. I cannot let you take my hart in your possession only for you to shatter it to pieces the moment your grandfather blows his whistle at you like a dog and makes you drive a sword in between my mothers eyes!" You voice came out broken, eyes misty and reddish.
" I would rather drive that same sword through my grandfather's skull than let him take you away from me, Y/N!" Aemond snapped, his anger finally surfacing despite the facade he attempted to put up for you.
It never worked with you, him trying to hide what he truly felt. It's always been like this, to you, he was like an open book. No secrets, no nothing.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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eijirou kirishima | f!reader, DARK CONTENT, drugging, noncon, but also the reader isn't not into it bc like...i have my limits okay, talk of vomit for a sec (no actual vomit), degradation, bondage, size kink, hair pulling, ripping clothes, slut-calling once or twice. minors dni!
— 3k words
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart? Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
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"See somethin' you like, Sweetheart?"
"U-Um," you flush a deeper red than the stranger's hair and pray he can't see it under neon red lights. Either way, you've been caught red-handed, and recoil. "Sorry."
The stranger's crimson eyes soften before relaxing into a kind smile, and he lifts a dismissive hand. "I was just messing with you! That's on me."
He lifts a hand to scratch the back of his head and the smile grows wider, displaying the rows of predatory sharp teeth that shouldn't look as gentle as they do. You relax in the seat to his right, immediately turning to the bartender to order a funny named a drink. The redhead raises an eyebrow, leaning his arm on the counter.
"A Stranger Danger?" He nearly deadpans.
"Club Special," you shrug. You've never been particularly great at holding your alcohol, but this drink provides just enough punch for a buzz, aka what you need to get through the night. The bartender slides over a tall, rose-dyed wine glass without another word.
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"Eijirou Kirishima," the stranger says with his sharp teeth, offering a large hand to shake. He looks comical next to you, all hunched over the neon bar while you sit up straight for your head to reach his shoulder, and as you take the handshake, can't help but notice how his palm eats yours like it's nothing.
"Y/N," you smile. His hand lingers before it pulls away, and he tells the bartender he'll have what you're having.
"So," Eijirou starts once his order has been placed. "You come here often?" You snort at the cheesy line, and the way Eijirou smirks implies he knows just how cliché it is.
"Sometimes," you shrug vaguely. The club's fairly new, so it's not as if you can say you've been going here for years. You lift the drink to your lips, the sugar-crusted rim tickling the corners of your mouth. "You?"
He shrugs, "When I want to get out."
You nod at that and offer him your glass with a raised eyebrow. Eijirou shakes his head, lifting a glass of his own. Your nose scrunches.
He takes a sip before answering, lips white from the foam before his tongue licks them over, "Stella Artois. Want some?"
Your eyes shift between your dainty glass and his not-so-dainty one before you snort, "I'll pass."
Eijirou shrugs, reclining back in his seat and beer in hand, "Suit yourself."
You pat your back pocket for your phone, but when you realize there's a loss of weight on one side, you pat your right buttcheek to realize you left your wallet in the car. Fuck.
"Uh, hey," you say, knocking the redhead on the shoulder. You figure he's trustworthy enough, and the bartender always keeps an eye out for you anyway. "I'll be right back—left my wallet in the car."
Eijirou nods at that as you push away from the counter practically shaking your head at how distracted you can be sometimes. Seriously, your wallet?
At least the bartender didn't ask for your ID. Yikes.
You slam the car door shut with a huff, wallet finally in hand as you trudge back to the bar. When you return, Eijirou's got the beer lifted to his lips and greets you with a small wave as you sit down.
"Long time no see."
You giggle while grabbing your glass by the neck. As the club starts to fill out, you begin to shrink into your shell—throwing the entire drink down the hatch fixes you right up, though.
"Oh wow okay, looks like we're just going for the whole thing, then," Eijirou chuckles as he takes a much more civilized sip of his. You smack your lips with a satisfied aah.
"Gotta get the buzz going somehow," you wink, before getting comfortable in your seat. Alcohol warms your veins already, prompting your body to start pulse in time with the bass of the music. Eijirou smiles, watching you.
"You like this song?" he asks softly, before adjusting so you're both sat the same way—elbows and backs against the counter, facing the club and all its chaos. You shrug.
"I guess. I've never heard it 'till now."
He tosses his head back onto his muscled shoulders in a chuckle, and you watch the entire act in slow motion. The glint of his teeth in the neon lights, how his chest balloons and quivers under the weight of a bellow. You find yourself staring much harder than you intend to, but he doesn't seem to notice, eyes locked on the dance floor.
"Touché, touché," he says upon recovery. The alcohol in your veins turns to syrup and time starts to blur more than you're used to it being, body so light and weightless you have to pat the chair to make sure you aren't floating. That usually doesn't happen.
"You okay?" Eijirou frowns when you falter. You pull a smile and nod.
"Mhm," you say, though silently panicking when you feel like you're falling out of your seat. You grip the countertop just in case. "Mhm, yeah."
He raises an eyebrow, "You sure?"
"Yeah," you nod, before clearing your throat. Your body flashes hot then cold, and you wonder if you shouldn't have taken that drink down like you did. "I'm um—I'm going to go to the bathroom, one sec."
You're unsure if Eijirou says something as you leave because you pour all your energy into stumbling across the obnoxiously loud club, filled with too much bass and pandemonium for your liking. You're suddenly overwhelmed by everything and your esophagus goes numb at the thought of vomiting, but you make it to the singles bathroom just in time to shut the door and control your goddamn stomach.
With a sigh, you rest your head against the cool sink. The incessant buzz of the overhead lights is much, much better.
You take a deep breath and flick on the sink. Ensuring it's as freezing as it can possibly go, you launch some into your face. You don't even consider ruining the amount of work that went into your outfit today, because ultimately you aren't sober enough to give a shit, blinking back at your reflection to find it fairly blurry. You nearly stumble and fall, but your vice grip on the counter keeps you alive.
"You okay?"
The second you step back into the noisy club, Eijirou's there—with his sweet sharp-toothed smile, he's posted next to the bathroom door and you find yourself grappling his jacket for stability.
"Whoa—Careful now," He chuckles at your sloppiness with a lifted eyebrow. You blink once, twice—the spots floating in your line of vision don't disappear. His hands snake around your waist to keep you from falling and eating shit, and you dig your forehead into his muscled chest.
"Gotta—I gotta go home."
"Okay," Eijirou soothes softly upon realizing how utterly shit-faced you are. "How'd you get here?"
"Walked," you groan and nearly cry, looking up at him with a pout. Eijirou coos.
"Well, no offense but I don't think you're good to walk on your own, Sweetheart."
His voice is heady with something you can't quite recognize, but it's comfortable, and you melt into his chest with a weak nod.
"Can I help you home?" He offers with a kind smile. You nod, fists gripping his shirt in tufts.
"Yes please."
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"I am al—hic—always so fu—fucking careful," you slur. Your body has gone so numb that Eijirou gave up and resorted to carrying you bridal style the rest of the way instead. But he has to set you down so you can stuff your keys in the door, but you can't even do that right.
"Need me to do it?"
"No!" You puff your cheeks, trying twice more before you successfully get it in the keyhole. "'Mma strong independent woman who don' nee' no mahn."
Eijirou chuckles, and using his big shoulder, opens the door to chauffeur you inside. Neither of you get very far, maybe halfway to your room, before your legs give out and the only thing that saves you is the hand on your waist.
"Down this hall?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. You nod so profusely it gives you a temporary headache.
You blink and you're in your bedroom, your front hitting the sheets with a soft thump. Huh. Maybe he carried you the rest of the way. With a face full of pillows, you groan at the new and improved position as you feel the bed dip behind you, and Eijirou grab both of your wrists.
"You're so cute, you know that?"
Something soft and silk ties your fists behind your back. You recognize the material as the belt from your robe, tossed carelessly on your bed during the chaos that ensues every time you get ready for the club. It's not until you try to pull your hands apart that you realize they're tied tight.
"Pulling is only going to make it tighter," Eijirou says with an absentminded sigh, like he's done this before, and trepidation spikes in your chest once he raises your hipbone and slides a pillow underneath to angle them, the only way you could break free—especially with the new grip on your hips.
"Ei—" you try to squirm, legs kicking blindly into the space behind you, but once he seizes your thighs he's sitting on your calves to keep you in place. There's the undeniable sound of cloth ripping and your behind is suddenly met with cool air, prompting a shiver or two.
"Eijirou, what are yo—"
You're interrupted by a stinging slap to your ass and a growl. "Don't tell me I gotta gag your pretty mouth too, Sweetheart."
His voice is low and sharp with a threat, his grip tightening around your thighs.
"You're soaked already? Fuck...and I bet you taste so sweet too..." he bites back a groan in thought, sliding a finger down your slit.
He clicks his tongue but it's damn near mocking. You gasp as he fills you with two large fingers instead of one, body tensing as the alcohol-induced numbness fades in favor of amplified arousal. Eijirou chuckles at your reaction.
"Taking it so well already," he purrs, hand caressing the crest of your ass. In your defense, there isn't much you can do but take it. Ah-ah, Sweetheart—Speak up for me."
"O-Ow," you hiss when your head is wrenched. upwards via your hair to expose your broken moan. Eijirou's grip only tightens after you complain, and you can feel his hot breath ghost the base of your neck. His thumb finds your clit and doesn't move, it just sits there as heavy weight—and it's just as frustrating as it is teasing.
"Ei," you rasp into the pillow, voice hoarse and thick. "I nee—fuck, more—"
"More?" He chuckles derisively, shaking his head with a tut. "Two fingers and you want more? Fuckin' slut."
Each word is loaded with something pitifully mocking and if you were in any other position you would've curled a lip and spat back. But that's a little hard with your face in the pillow and Eijirou's weight above you, isn't it? You shake your head against his fist until he lets go in favor of crackling a solid hand against your ass.
"Oh, you like that, don't you Sweetheart?" He grunts and his fingers increase in speed, the lewd squelch bounces off the walls of the bedroom and echoes in your head in the most insulting way. "My fingers fill you up that good?"
"Y-Yeah, I—" you choke around drool that gathers in the corners of your mouth and shake under his palm. "Fuck me Ei, I nee—"
The quick spank cracked against your ass shakes you from your thought process. "Dirty fucking girl—you really so desperate to let a guy you just met fuck you like this? So goddamn easy."
But he's removing his fingers regardless, stuffing them between your swollen lips as he assumes the space behind you. You hear the quiet fumble of his belt and the run of his zipper, before you feel his hot cock pressing against your soaked entrance.
Eijirou pushes in with a groan, his free hand finding your hips to keep them in place. Your legs thrash as he fills you up with a pleasurable burn, and by the time he bottoms out, you're positive he's filling you up all the way to your lungs.
"Fucking hell," he heaves above you, and the fingers in your mouth disappear to grasp the sheets. You shake along with him, back straightening in a poor attempt to alleviate the burn—and he barely gives you a second to breathe before he's pulling out and slamming back in.
You jump each time the head of his cock rams against your cervix, feet scrambling in a poor attempt to escape. Eijirou growls and puts all of his weight in his hips to ensure you'll stay still, a big hand smushing your face into the sheets.
"Sing for me, Sweetheart—I wanna hear ya."
Your voice cracks as Eijirou speeds up, simply using you for his own pleasure—but maybe that's what excites you the most.
"'S this what you need, Sweetheart?" He spits, and you can feel the sweat dripping from his shoulders onto your exposed back. "Y'need me to use you to get off while you just lie there and take it?"
You whimper uselessly and nod, but Eijirou growls, yanking your head up for a proper answer.
"I said, don't you?"
"Fuck I—" he hikes your hips even higher for a better angle and gets one, the head of his cock forcing a scream out of your lungs as you yelp, "I do!"
"'Course you do," he chuckles, and drops your head back onto the pillow, "'Course you fuckin' do—"
"Ei-Eiji—" you gasp like you've been underwater forever. "I can't, I nee—"
"Dumb little baby can't even speak," he coos, before his hand finds the sides of your neck and squeezes. "What? Whadd'ya need, Sweetheart?"
And honestly, you're not completely sure what you need, you just know you're chasing after *something—*and Eijirou's got you sprinting after it while you melt into the sheets into a hot, gooey mess. You think the split ends of EIjirou's hair ticking the back of your arms, but you aren't sure. The only thing you are sure of is the burn between your legs and the feeling of being very, very close.
"'Mma cum!" You squeal, the vein in the side of your neck bulging. Eijirou grunts and slides a calloused hand under your stomach to play with your clit, hissing as you squeeze around him.
"Awe, the little slut's gonna cream all over my cock?" He coos, and you're positive his hips speed up just a bit. The grip on your neck slides to the hands tied behind your back for leverage. "Yeah she fuckin' is—I can see your eyes rolling back already."
And he's right, because the weight of your orgasm knocks the wind out of your lungs and your lips round to form and 'o'. You couldn't say if you screamed or not, as the ringing in your ears peaks with your orgasm. The only reason you know Eijirou finishes is because his hips stutter to a stop while you lay face down in the pillow, heart thrumming against your ribcage.
"Hey, you okay?" Eijirou nearly scrambles to get your back on your chest. You know this type of thing gets him nervous, but he does it oh so well, and there isn't much you can do but smile at the ceiling lazily.
"You just railed me into the sheets and you're asking if I'm fine?" You snort at your boyfriend's frazzled appearance—and the afterglow doesn't help, his chili red hair sticking in every other direction except the one it's supposed to.
"Yeah," Eijirou doesn't even hesitate and then gives you a quick peck on the lips. His voice edges on a petulant whine as he says, "I was rough, Sweetheart."
"Because I asked you to be," you quirk an eyebrow and finally, the redhead stumbles to your joint bathroom butt naked. "And don't forget to wet the towel this time!
A little shuffling in the bathroom, and then:
"That was one time!"
"And my vag will never recover!" You holler back. Eijirou just snorts before the white noise of a running sink takes possession of the conversation, and you scoot to the section of your shared bed that isn't soiled with a sigh.
You roll onto your side and come face to face with a framed selfie of you and Eijirou on your first date. Next to that one is first anniversary, second anniversary, third...
Now you're edging on the fifth, comfortable enough where he's walking around with his soft dick out and you've given up in swatting at his hands every time they grab for your tits. You two are comfortable—this is comfortable.
Eyeing the bathroom door, you still hear running water. Sneakily, you reach for the drawer where Eijirou keeps the the ring he doesn't know you know he hides. But frankly, you're the only one who cleans this goddamn house, so it wasn't like you weren't going to find it. You open the red velvet box to blink down at a diamond ring, thumb caressing gem. It glimmers even when the lights are low, and you can't help but be jealous of it—which is silly. You know it'll be yours anyway. The ring is always smoother than you expect it to be, but that thought doesn't last long, because you quickly toss it back into Eijirou's drawer and assume a less suspicious position upon hearing the sink turn off.
"What?" he asks with a small grin as he walks in with a wet towel in hand. "You're giving me that weird look again."
You snort, rolling your eyes before adjusting so you face the ceiling again. Spreading your legs, you demand, "'S nothing. Now clean me up, big boy."
Eijirou huffs at that but he assumes the space between your legs with a light blush. You smile.
He'll do it. When he grows the balls.
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bringingglory · 3 years
@eerna oh my god acshdgagaahhdvsahsv I never expected you to see my post, so I won't lie, I feel like super embarrassed acsgsga
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anyway! not gonna lie, this wip has been sitting in my drafts for months now because I wanted to see if I could plan stuff but then I got stuck because Details are hard to figure out BUT I did write out a few scenes, so I'll put them below the cut because they're kind of long. the first one is the "opening" of the fic and the second one is a sort of reimagining of the Silent Princess memory. i have a few other scenes sort of scribbled out, but these are the most "polished" of the stuff i've written alsdkfjasdfk
the opening lol
Link wakes to a faint buzzing in his ear that sends little darts of pain shooting through his skull. He waits for it to end, and when it doesn’t he groans and rolls over, smacking the space around him to find whatever was making that noise and make it shut up. He can’t fathom why his brain is rolling through his skull like that and why there’s an intense pressure behind his eyes, but when he rolls onto his side, he has to press a hand to his abdomen to settle whatever was sloshing around inside his stomach.
Ah. He’s hungover.
Link peels open his eyes and the light sends a fresh wave of pain ricocheting through his skull. He blinks once, twice, and then forces his eyes open to find a phone the size vibrating against the ground a few inches away from his hand.
Link groans and pushes himself up to a sitting position before grabbing the phone and dismissing the alarm. When the phone falls silent in his hands, he finally looks around and tries to assess the situation.
He’s sitting in a bathtub, the porcelain slightly damp from what he hopes is just water. His shirt smells vaguely of cheap vodka and he still can barely look at the sunlight streaming through the window without wincing.
A moment later, he realizes the phone in his hands isn’t his.
Link holds the phone up to his face and rubs the grogginess from his eyes. He swipes up on the screen, surprised that it isn’t protected by a password.
The phone is open on note in the notes app, and it reads:
link, if you’re reading this right now, im so sorry for leaving you in the tub like that!!! my dad’s supposed to come home from the office today and the document case i was telling you about is missing and he cant know i lost it. i know we just started getting along, and im so sorry to ask you this, but could you find the document case? impa’s in my contacts and she can help you. also you have permission to dig through my phone, just dont judge me if i have anything embarrassing on there. can you find the file by midnight? his flight leaves at 3 and i can stall him until then.
it’s 6:11 right now so i have to run before he gets back, but please hurry! i’ll be waiting for you
Link blinks and turns the phone off.
Last night? What happened last night? Why can’t he remember anything?
Well, if his raging headache tells him anything, it’s that he had probably blacked out last night.
Link isn’t usually a drinker or a partier. He isn’t really one to go to big social events. So he’s really confused as to why he woke up passed out in a tub with zero memories.
And also, why Zelda left her phone with him.
a version of the Silent Princess memory but they're at a party and its modern
Zelda laughs. “I think I got a little too sober from the Yiga incident to enjoy the party now.”
Link isn’t sure if he’s supposed to laugh with her, but nods anyway. “Do you want to get some air?”
Zelda gives him an odd look, then sighs. “Yeah. Yes. That would be a good idea.”
Surprisingly, she grabs his forearm and leads him through all the bodies pressed against each other. He can feel the heat of her hand wrapping entirely around his arm like a hot glove, even above the heat of the late summer air and the heat from other people in close proximity.
Somehow, they make it to the other side of the house. Zelda pushes the back door open and pulls him past the other stragglers outside before they find a nice tree with a patch of grass that seems generally clear of alcohol and vomit.
Zelda releases his arm as soon as she finds the tree and she sits down, dropping her head against the trunk.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
Zelda waves her hand vaguely.
Link pauses. “Do you need water?”
“If you get me any more water, I’m probably gonna piss myself,” says Zelda. “Sit down.”
He sits down.
The crickets hum vaguely around them, mingling with the distant buzzing and thumping bass of the music from the party. But without people pressing in from all sides and an open field in front of them, it finally feels like he can take a full breath.
The silence settles over them like a blanket. It feels comfortable to him, but he isn’t sure if it’s supposed to be.
“Oh, Link, look.”
Link cranes his head to see Zelda twist around and point out a blue flower glowing vaguely in the dark. It was beautiful with blue petals so light they looked almost white, and a sky blue bleeding out from the center before fading out.
He wants to give her a questioning look, but she’s transfixed on the flower. He can see the smallest of smiles creeping up onto the corners of her mouth.
“It’s a Silent Princess,” she says. “It was my mom’s favorite flower.”
He can tell something important is happening, so he keeps his mouth shut.
“She said that we can’t grow them domestically yet, despite our best efforts.” Zelda breaks into a full smile and it’s radiant. “The Princess can only thrive out here. In the wild.”
They both turn to look back at the house as another loud WHOOP cuts through the air, followed by the sound of a can being crushed against a head.
“Nature is beautiful,” says Link.
Zelda swats him and he has to bite back a laugh.
She turns and runs a gentle finger along one of the petals before sighing and leaning back against the tree.
“Thank you,” she says suddenly. “For being there with the Yiga. And for being there the whole party.” He can hear her swallow. “I’m sorry for being a bitch.”
“You weren’t being a bitch,” says Link.
“I was, though.” Zelda inhales beside him. “I mean, just because I’m under a lot of stress from my dad doesn’t mean I’m allowed to take it out on other people. I was acting like a kid.”
“To be fair, your dad sounds like an asshole sometimes.”
Zelda snorts. “Yeah. He can be.” He turns his head to see her lean forward to fiddle with the grass. “But he’s got a lot on his plate. And it probably doesn’t help that his daughter doesn’t want anything to do with his ‘legacy.’”
“Just because your dad’s under a lot of pressure doesn’t mean he’s allowed to be an asshole,” Link points out.
Zelda finally looks up at him and offers him a small grin. “Fair enough.”
“And besides, you’re your own person. You don’t need to follow in his footsteps.”
“That’s what I said,” huffs Zelda. “But of course it’s, ‘blah blah you have a responsibility. I didn’t raise you like this so you could waste your time researching pointless things.’” She sighs. “It’s fine. It’s whatever. I came to this stupid party to blow off steam, I guess. But Goddess, I did not eat enough today to drink that many cans of shitty beer.”
Link sits upright, alert. “Do you need to get food or—”
“No, no, that’s fine.” And that smile returns and Link wonders what else he can say to make it stay. “You’re sweet. But I’ve probably gotten drunk enough tonight.” Her eyes slide up to him and the mischief in them stops his heart for a moment. “You still have to try the Hot Frog.”
Link blinked. “...what is that?”
the endings are abrupt on both of them just bc i wasn't entirely sure how to end them akldjfasd. also the "Hot Frog" is gonna be some kind of mixed drink that gets link really drunk -- me trying to allude more to the original memory from the game haha
anyway, thank you so much for the ask! and thank u for coming up with the shitpost because it made me laugh the first time i read it hasdklfj hopefully i'll continue this one day and do ur shitpost au justice!
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zackmartin · 3 years
I've never seen bunkd but your post got me thinking about how every disney channel live action show exists in the same universe bc of all the crossovers and it sent me down a rabbit hole and a half. anyway now I'm staring at my bedroom wall tryna process this hellish information 😔😔😔
No, but no lie, I’ve gone down this exact same rabbit hole before and given myself a headache more than once
And it just gets even more chaotic when you take into account that they reused actors, so Jessie exists in the same universe as Bailey and they even make a joke about it, and Alex Russo exists in the same universe as the girl in the first season of Suite Life also played by Selena Gomez and just. I need to lie down
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myheartisbro-ken · 7 years
Hi. 💙 Well, that's dedication. Hopefully, the book is fun so you're​ bit bored whilst you power read through it. Oh, also I haven't read JK's new book. Did you? Whatk is it? How did you break both middle fingers? Ouch. I've never even been stung by a wasp/bee...You win. 😥 The blue bunny sounds cute. I don't recall many childhood stories. More so generic ones like the 3 little bears, but the bears were replaced with cats because I like cats more. 😌🐈 Let's see. (Pt 1)
(2) I agree. I felt the tried to make the later movies too trope-y and cinematic, rather than sticking by the books. I also loved when Hermione decked Malfoy. 😏 Hmm, Kara’s character almost needs a funeral at this point. Idk, I’m probably still salty bc I watched 2.17 semi recently. Ugh. Yes! The SuperCorp cuddle is cute, but even more so it’s important that Lena has someone who will comfort her. I agree. I’m curious has to how Kara closed the distance though bc they were pretty far. 💙 (3) I see what you did there with Deadpool. That was cool. Hmm, ⚫🕷…That’s not as good. 😅 Anyway, i agree that romances shouldn’t be the focus of a Superhero movie. I dislike when they are too overblown etc. I was more so mad about the new Thor trailer because there’s no female representation, really. Also, Jane and Darcy are fixtures of there series, so idk why they’d axe them. It’s stupid. I don’t ship Thor/Jane, but I liked she was a female scientist. Darcy was cool too. (Pt 3) 💙 (4) I agree that the balance with Captain America and Peggy is they way to go with movies. Which DC or Marvel film is your favorite? 💙 I have bittersweet feelings toward AoU. I liked the introduction of Wanda, but hated what was done to Natasha. Ugh. I’m not sure of my favorite. I actually didn’t like Civil War. I felt it lacked a real plot; too much fighting. Idk. Yay! You got my reference. ❄😅 No pressure with the ye olde speak, haha. 🗡 Unrelated: I’ve never been to a medieval fest. I’m glad you agree that they deserve better. I’m very protective of her characters. 😅😊 Anyway, I hope you have a great day or night. Also, I agree with you about the new school she added. It seems pointless to me. If you couldn’t attend Hogwarts, which school would you want to attend? I kind of meant the schools from the original books, but I’m not that picky. I’d go with Durmstrang , probably. I like that they teach the Dark Arts, but don’t agree with some of their philosophy etc. 💙🐈 (5).
Hi! The dedication is mostly to pass the class, I had 3 weeks to read the book, but I didn’t have enough money to buy it, and now she knows I haven’t read it yet, because I didn’t lie when she asked who read it.  😳
Cursed Child was like My Immortal if My Immortal had been written after all the movies came out and after the author grew out of her goth phase but not over her Voldemort love yet. Basically, it sucks.
I don’t know about the left hand, but the right-hand middle finger was broken during PE when I was playing volleyball with this girl named Cynthia, she was so tall like a freaking amazon and I was tiny and awkward and usually managed to get out of PE by faking a headache or something… anyways, the ball hit the very tip of the finger, because I was too short and couldn’t reach well, so the finger bent back. It was so fun. I have been stung by bees twice, and by a wasp once, and an unidentified flying creature with furry feeling, on my hand (I never saw it) The fun part is that I’m allergic to insects. 😀
My grandmother could never read the regular stories because I would memorize my favorite ones and she tried to make up stories and I would tell her it was wrong, so she had to start making up full stories instead of just trying to change the books.
I’m pretty sure 2x17 was the funeral for Kara’s character though, it went so low it was painful to watch. 😢 Poor Lena just needs a friend and three thousand hugs.
The emoji thing was a promotional stunt for Deadpool, so I can’t take credit for that genius thing. I really like Darcy though, like she was the best character of the MCU because all she did was deliver great one-liners and be sassy. #Epic!
My favorite superhero movie is The First Avenger, definitely, it has everything I love in a movie: 1940′s, WWII, superheroes, strong female characters, Natalie Dormer, a plot revolving in friendship and doing what’s right, Chris Evans, a scrawny kid who was bullied and still never let that get him down, a descent love subplot that didn’t take over the entire movie, a man being treated as the hot eye-candy instead of the woman, women in a position of power and in a higher rank and with more experience than most men, a sexist man being punched in the face by a badass woman who managed to still look on point and never ruined her hair or makeup or outfit, gorgeous women with red lipstick… 💙 It’s got it all, really. Civil War was shit.
I always know a frozen reference when I see it. ALWAYS! ⛄
Unrelated: I only knew about medieval fests from tv shows and I didn’t think it was an actual thing until recently.
I’m very protective of her characters as well, they’re either too soft or suffer(ed) too much, or both, poor things. Have you seen all the things she did? I’m watching Frontier right now, and I have to finish the Leading Lady. I’ll have to watch Labyrinth at some point… Oh! And I have to finish The Tudors, I have the DVDs, but my computer doesn’t have a disc entry and the only DVD player we have is in my parents’ bedroom… not an experience I’m willing to have. I mean, I know she’s only there for a hot second, but she worked on that too behind the scenes so I always associate the show with her and Natalie.
I’d definitely go to Beauxbaton because that’s where students from France, Spain and Portugal go to, so easier for me to communicate (in all 3 of those) than it would be in Durmstrang 😉 , also less cold than Durmstrang, I say I like the cold, but I would probably freeze in the ‘far north of Europe’. ❄
Hope you have an amazing day😊🌻💚
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mxncipium · 8 years
i’m gonna head to bed now bc i feel very ill nighty night i love you guys <3
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