#I need to sleep gsjsksks
coffee-bubbles · 3 years
TsuChako Week 2021 - Cook
headcanons time !! I hope you like them!! <3
💚let’s start with Tsuyu a.k.a. one of the most adorable sweethearts to EVER exist💚
• okay so she can absolutely cook
• she’s had to take care of her little siblings for years because their parents worked 24/7 so she’s got lots of experience !!
• can cook a couple of meals from memory and tons of others with recipes
• not good at super complicated foods yet but she’s a quick study so it’s only a matter of time
• favorite food is jelly so our girl’s got a sweet tooth
• spicy food,,,would not be a favorite of hers,,,
• can you imagine having a 20-meter long tongue on fire ??
• that sounds like a nightmare no thank you
• never baked before but wanted to try so she asked Satou for lessons
• turns out she’s amazing at it😎
• they are now Baking Buddies
• she’s really good at making/putting together bento boxes
• always remembers the recipient’s favorite foods and makes sure to include them (if they can be eaten at room temp)
• uses cute lil food dividers, silicone cups, food picks, etc.
• is straightforward with the food so no rice bunnies or flower-shaped sandwiches or anything
• she has training in the morning and at least 3 rescue op simulations there is no time
💖next we have Ochako a.k.a. a wholesome lil cinnamon roll who WILL fuck you up💖
• not actually hopeless in the kitchen !!
• she can follow easy recipes just fine but doesn’t know any dishes by heart
• except dessert-in-a-mug recipes ksjdfskj
• prefers the cookie ones because “they’re gooey and soft and pERFECTION DEKU”
• (Izuku prefers the cake ones)
• (she considers this blasphemy)
• makes amazing drinks ???
• teas, coffees, hot chocolate, you name it she’ll make it ten times better than you
• they taste like hugs
• had no idea how to put together a bento box
• her mom always made them for her so she was vv lost
• scoured the internet and called her mom like a million times to learn how
• she wanted to make them for the rest of the DekuSquad🥺
• finally got the basics down after a week or two of practicing
• is determined to master the cute designs because her friends deserve Hello Kitty lunches dammit !!😤
✨some short cooking HCs for the two <3✨
• they don’t cook just the two of them until they move in together
• they had cooked together before but it was for school events and things so their friends were always there too
• the first time they made dinner was oddly,,,normal ??
• no disasters, no giant messes, no surprise missions
• just two girlfriends in their new apartment wearing fuzzy socks and stealing kisses🥺
• Ochako has her “songs to serenade Tsu to <3” mix playing
• she’s sliding around with floating ingredients following her
• Tsuyu’s trying to focus on cooking but it’s really really difficult when the world’s cutest superhero is singing “My love will never fail you / My arms will always save you~” to you
• the second it won’t ruin the food, she turns the heat off and slides over to her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her and kissing her breath away
• she’s only human ghkdgsjks
try to drink something, eat a little, and relax any tense muscles <3 you’re doing great <33
credits: thank god for @applejee, they helped like crazy with these HCs😭 GO READ THEIR WORK ITS ALL INCREDIBLE <333
the song lyrics are from “My Love Will Never Fail You” by Marie Hines !!
and finally this website was a life-saver !!
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