coffee-bubbles · 3 years
TsuChako Witch AU !!!
I’ve been looking forward to this all week omg time for older!TsuChako as ✨WITCHES✨
this was absolutely inspired by the official Halloween art:
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a green/nature witch !!
her magic depends on potions, herbal remedies, and a strong connection to the Earth🌱
lives in a lil cottage at the edge of a swamp
it’s got vines all over that bloom with the prettiest flowers
their colors change depending on the season but they never wilt
s o r c e r y
inside is so cozy oml😭
shelves of “for sale” potions line the walls, plush chairs sit in the corners, potted plants are scattered around
a big ole’ counter sits in front of the back wall and next to it is a staircase leading up to her apartment
there’s also a back room where she does all her ✨witchy stuff✨
it’s got the traditional cauldron, bundles of dry herbs hanging on the walls, plenty of windows for ventilation (safety’s important people !!)
overall just vvv welcoming and lovely
an EXPERT at potion brewing
only uses the best materials because shitty ingredients = shitty potions
thank the spirits she met Shiozaki Ibara
finally a supplier who cares as much about Mother Nature + quality as she does
AND carries rare ingredients 👀
whenever she stops by with a delivery they have tea and catch up~
has a frog familiar !
his name is Michi💚 (meaning “pathway”)
they met while Tsuyu was out berry picking for a customer’s allergy tonic
the poor thing was being chased by a hungry snake :(
he hopped into her bag to hide ksjdhfsj
she took one look at this tiny lil froglet and went “mine now”
he’s grown since and now fits perfectly in her hand <3
Michi is vv cute and vv sleepy
he loves to sit on Tsuyu’s shoulder and nap all day
will jump on annoying/rude customers to freak them out
she loves him so much :’)
a cosmic witch !!
her magic is rooted in astrology, the alignments of celestial bodies, and understanding the laws/energies of the universe💫
travels the land helping people and selling readings
can give predictions for one’s future, love, money, etc.
they are...really accurate...
also gives excellent advice !!
she does that for free hdksksks
sells charms for good luck, protection, and success
makes them herself when the stars and planets and moons and everything are in the right position
has excellent carving skills btw
like her charms are so fucking pretty holy shit
sends most of the money she makes to her parents
thanks to her becoming famous they don’t struggle with finances anymore
they’re now happily retired and write to her often <3
her grimoire is filled to the BRIM with notes and pages she added
could she get another ?? sure, but that’d mean carrying extra stuff when the original can still hold more!
uh, probably
her familiar is a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel !!
her name is Hoshi💖 (meaning “star”)
Hoshi is super sweet and loves to help with everything🥺
she’s nocturnal which is PERFECT because Ochako needs to see the stars/moon to conduct rituals, summon spirits, cast spells, etc.
Hoshi sleeps in a lil bag with a tiny fluffy blanket during the day
she likes to get all curled up and adorable :’)
remember when I mentioned Ochako’s amazing carving skills?
it doesn’t translate to her handwriting jghsjsks
like it’s pretty absolutely but easy to read?? nOPE
it’s all loops and rushed lines and she starts with giant words that get smaller and smaller
just…just ask her to read it
they met because Ochako needed more mint leaves to chew on
(she gets nauseous during flights😭)
the innkeeper she talked to recommended the “weird house at the edge of the swamp”
which y’know, definitely suspicious, but she’s a witch she can handle it
walks around for a bit before finding it
she’s too used to seeing things from the sky heCC
instead of a rundown building she finds a beautiful cottage?? covered in flowers?? it has a welcome mat??
she opens the door to find the coziest shop she’s ever been in omg
there’s a candle burning somewhere that smells like apricots and roses
she hears a voice from somewhere in the back say “just a moment, ribbit” so she looks around a lil
everything’s clearly labeled and organized by use
she finds mint leaves in like two minutes which is great because she needs to get to the market and set up her booth
she walks over to the counter to wait and sees the cutest frog on Earth sleeping on a little pillow
“oh my spirits, you’re adorable”
“he says thank you”
Ochako looks up and finds the most beautiful witch she’s ever seen smiling at her
“I-uh-I mean you’re-um…hi!!”
the witch blinks before giggling a little
oh spirits she’s even more adorable than the frog
“hi, did you find what you need?”
“yes!! it was really easy, I just love your shop it’s so cozy and pretty, I could stay here forever!!”
wait she’s blushing???
“oh, thank you. I’m Asui Tsuyu, but please, call me Tsuyu”
“I’m Uraraka Ochako! feel free to call me by my first name!!”
they make small talk as the mint leaves are bought, conversation surprisingly easy
Ochako mentions that she’s setting up a booth at the market and Tsuyu promises to visit
the night goes wonderfully
the two head to downtown after the reading and spend a couple of hours just enjoying each others’ presence
Ochako has to leave first thing in the morning but promises to come back as soon as she can
they start dating not long after :’3
author’s note: aaaaaaand done !! man this is long gsjsksks should I write a fic ?? I’m gonna write a fic >:3 I hope you enjoyed reading !!
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lingy910y · 3 years
wedding <3
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coffee-bubbles · 3 years
TsuChako Week 2021 - Cook
headcanons time !! I hope you like them!! <3
💚let’s start with Tsuyu a.k.a. one of the most adorable sweethearts to EVER exist💚
• okay so she can absolutely cook
• she’s had to take care of her little siblings for years because their parents worked 24/7 so she’s got lots of experience !!
• can cook a couple of meals from memory and tons of others with recipes
• not good at super complicated foods yet but she’s a quick study so it’s only a matter of time
• favorite food is jelly so our girl’s got a sweet tooth
• spicy food,,,would not be a favorite of hers,,,
• can you imagine having a 20-meter long tongue on fire ??
• that sounds like a nightmare no thank you
• never baked before but wanted to try so she asked Satou for lessons
• turns out she’s amazing at it😎
• they are now Baking Buddies
• she’s really good at making/putting together bento boxes
• always remembers the recipient’s favorite foods and makes sure to include them (if they can be eaten at room temp)
• uses cute lil food dividers, silicone cups, food picks, etc.
• is straightforward with the food so no rice bunnies or flower-shaped sandwiches or anything
• she has training in the morning and at least 3 rescue op simulations there is no time
💖next we have Ochako a.k.a. a wholesome lil cinnamon roll who WILL fuck you up💖
• not actually hopeless in the kitchen !!
• she can follow easy recipes just fine but doesn’t know any dishes by heart
• except dessert-in-a-mug recipes ksjdfskj
• prefers the cookie ones because “they’re gooey and soft and pERFECTION DEKU”
• (Izuku prefers the cake ones)
• (she considers this blasphemy)
• makes amazing drinks ???
• teas, coffees, hot chocolate, you name it she’ll make it ten times better than you
• they taste like hugs
• had no idea how to put together a bento box
• her mom always made them for her so she was vv lost
• scoured the internet and called her mom like a million times to learn how
• she wanted to make them for the rest of the DekuSquad🥺
• finally got the basics down after a week or two of practicing
• is determined to master the cute designs because her friends deserve Hello Kitty lunches dammit !!😤
✨some short cooking HCs for the two <3✨
• they don’t cook just the two of them until they move in together
• they had cooked together before but it was for school events and things so their friends were always there too
• the first time they made dinner was oddly,,,normal ??
• no disasters, no giant messes, no surprise missions
• just two girlfriends in their new apartment wearing fuzzy socks and stealing kisses🥺
• Ochako has her “songs to serenade Tsu to <3” mix playing
• she’s sliding around with floating ingredients following her
• Tsuyu’s trying to focus on cooking but it’s really really difficult when the world’s cutest superhero is singing “My love will never fail you / My arms will always save you~” to you
• the second it won’t ruin the food, she turns the heat off and slides over to her girlfriend, wrapping her arms around her and kissing her breath away
• she’s only human ghkdgsjks
try to drink something, eat a little, and relax any tense muscles <3 you’re doing great <33
credits: thank god for @applejee, they helped like crazy with these HCs😭 GO READ THEIR WORK ITS ALL INCREDIBLE <333
the song lyrics are from “My Love Will Never Fail You” by Marie Hines !!
and finally this website was a life-saver !!
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coffee-bubbles · 3 years
Dream - TsuChako Week 2021
author’s note: this is a rushed lil fluff piece but I hope you still enjoy!! remember to rest and stay hydrated!! <3
One night, after laying down and wrapping herself up in no less than three blankets, Asui Tsuyu finds herself floating up towards a beautiful starry sky. 
Her eyes are wide with wonder as constellations in foreign shapes drift past, a gasp escaping her throat as a comet soars overhead, its long tail glittering beautifully.
Without thinking, Tsuyu reaches out to catch it before it’s gone, awe and confusion battling for her attention as she finds she succeeded in grabbing a tiny flicker of light.
What...? This isn’t possible, she tells herself, is this because of a quirk? Am I hallucinating? 
Tsuyu considers pinching her arm but decides that it wouldn’t be much help against a quirk induced whatever-this-was.
I hope I’m not knocked out in the middle of a fight, she thinks worriedly, do the others need my help?
“Tsuyu! C’mon, you’re thinking too much!”
She jolts as she registers the voice, looking left and right for the source.
“Just enjoy it!”
Tsuyu finally turns around, coming face-to-face with one of her closest friends, Uraraka Ochako. The brunette looks perfectly at home floating on her back with her hands folded on her stomach and a bright smile on her lips.
“Ochako? What are you doing here, ribbit?” Tsuyu asks with a confused frown, her shoulders tense with concern.
Ochako just giggles, “What do you mean? I floated us up here!” She gestures widely to the pink-green galaxy they’re surrounded by, eyes twinkling with pride.
Tsuyu’s eyebrows raise as she tries to guess when exactly her friend’s quirk mutated, “But how? Why?” 
The other girl gracefully flips onto her stomach mid-air, head tilting to the side as a pensive expression settles on her face. It morphs into quiet determination as she lifts a gentle hand to push Tsuyu’s hair behind her ear.
“I wanted our first date to be special. I wanted to make you as happy as you make me,” Ochako admits quietly, her hand moving to cup the other teen’s face, “And I figured, what better place for a memorable date than the middle of an alien galaxy?”
Tsuyu’s eyes widen as her hands reflexively curl, crushing the small flicker she was holding into a shower of sparks.
“But I…you…we don’t like each other like that!” Tsuyu stutters out, cheeks flushed.
Ochako’s expression turns thoughtful again as she brings her hand back, “Are you sure? You’re always so observant, but you’ve been kind of ignoring your feelings lately.”
Tsuyu flushes deeper, her eyebrows creasing in thought.
Do I have a crush on Ochako? Have I been ignoring it this whole time? She wonders, But why would I be avoiding it? 
Interpreting Tsuyu’s pinched expression as discomfort, Ochako clasps her hands and asks, “Just…try to think about it? Please? But not if it freaks you out, of course!”
“No, no, it doesn’t. I just want to figure this out, ribbit,” Tsuyu responds distractedly, her heart racing from both the realization and the adorable image in front of her.
Has Ochako always been this...cute? 
The thought has her blushing all over again.
Watching as Tsuyu’s face turns pink, Ochako grins and leans in, mischief written across her features.
“I’ll see you in class then, you have to go get ready. And don’t forget to ask!” 
“Ask wh-?” Tsuyu starts before being cut off by petal-soft lips on her cheek.
Her face burns impossibly hotter.
Ochako leans back and giggles into her hands, repeating her request, “Remember to ask!”
Tsuyu can only stare in disbelief as she feels herself being pulled back to Earth, air rushing past her and dulling her hearing until…
“Urgghhhh,” Tsuyu groans as she shuts off her phone’s alarm, turning over onto her other side.
That was all a dream? She sighs, But it felt so real.
The lingering feeling of Ochako’s lips fills Tsuyu’s chest with butterflies, her arms hugging a pillow tight as she remembers it. 
Even if it was just a dream, she muses with a soft smile, it gave me a lot to think about...
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coffee-bubbles · 3 years
TsuChako Playlist
here’s the playlist I made for TsuChako week!! it’s a collection of songs I’ve heard used for them + plus some of mine <3
you’re absolutely lovely, I hope you rest well!!
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