#I need to whiteboard with some of you. On muffin
reidsaurora · 2 years
"Midnight Muffins" ~ S. Reid
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Summary: When Spencer and Reader find themselves pulling an all-nighter for a case and Spencer accidentally reveals that midnight marks his birthday, Reader has the perfect way to celebrate—chocolate muffins at midnight.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader (no use of Y/N, Reader carries a purse tho)
Word Count: 1,888
Content Warning: food consumption, very mild swearing, honestly i think that's it? lmk if i missed anything though!
Genre: chocolatey, sugary Fluff 🥰
Extra Notes: none that i can think of!
Based On the Prompt: "What Doesn't Kill Me" - sleep deprivation (from 2022 Whumptober Prompts)
Originally Written: between 10/11/2022 and 10/12/2022
Beta Read By: @dungeons-are-too-cold 🫶🏻
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
Whumptober masterlist/schedule can be found here!
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Hotch wiped the sleep from his eyes as he let out a loud yawn. "Alright, everyone, it's been a long day. Head back to the hotel and get some rest. We'll meet back here in the morning," he instructed, followed by another yawn.
Everyone headed toward the door sluggishly, being hit with a whiff of night air as Derek opened the door.
"Shoot," Spencer exhaled as his foot hit the second stair.
"What is it?" I managed to ask through a yawn of my own.
"I forgot my bag," he explained, heading back toward the door.
"I can wait here."
A crimson color flushed over his cheeks. "No, that's OK. You go ahead with everyone else. I'll be right behind you guys."
I shrugged my shoulders in response, watching as he disappeared back into the police station. Little did he know I wasn't taking no for an answer, promptly sitting down on the brick steps and pulling my windbreaker tighter to my arms to shield them from the coldness of the October night air.
I nearly fell asleep on the steps as I waited for him, checking my watch just to see how long I'd been waiting. "Twenty minutes is a long time to search for a bag," I thought, pushing myself up.
I wandered through the precinct, eventually pacing into the office we'd been previously working in. I immediately spotted Spencer, who was writing something on the whiteboard and Hotch, who was looking over some files at the desk.
"What are you two doing in here?" I asked, one of my eyebrows cocking upward.
"I'm working," Hotch answered, "He's supposed to be searching for his bag but apparently he's decided to work as well."
My hands flew to my hips. "I thought you were right behind us," I mentioned, directed at Spencer.
He had the face of a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. "I was…" his voice dragged off.
"Then what are you doing in here?"
"Well, I figured if Hotch was staying all night that he might need some help," he answered, his puppy-dog eyes prominent. "Honestly, I didn't think anyone would notice if I stayed behind."
A pang stung my heart as I listened to his answer. "Of course I'd notice. I promised I'd wait for you."
His brows furrowed as he asked, "You've been waiting out in the cold for me for almost a half hour?"
"Yes, I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me," I answered deadpan.
"Never," he chuckled, "I honestly thought you'd gone with everyone else."
Hotch walked toward the doorway, fist tight around the files he carried. "Well, if the two of you are going to stay, could you actually work and stop gabbing?" he sassed, stalking out the door.
Spencer's cheeks blushed red as he turned back to the board in front of him. He quickly put his attention back on the geographical profile.
I couldn't help but giggle as I placed my bag down and promptly got back to work.
A couple hours came and went, I wasn't sure how long it had been exactly. I found myself combing through the suspect list, my eyes growing heavy as I scanned over each page.
I let out a long yawn as I glanced at my watch. "How is there only a half an hour 'til midnight?" I grumbled, looking up at Spencer from my spot in the office chair.
"This is not how I imagined I'd be spending my birthday this year," Spencer commented nonchalantly.
My mouth fell agape in disbelief. "Tomorrow's your birthday and you didn't remind me?"
He shrugged his shoulders before turning to face me. "I didn't think it was all that important."
"We have to celebrate!" I told him. "I'm not quite sure where I could get a birthday cake at this time of night but I'm sure I could find something."
"You aren't going anywhere," he insisted. "If you leave, I swear my ghost will haunt you forever."
I pouted, the same pout a kid would give their parent when they told them "no" to eating sweets before dinner. "But I wanna celebrate you!"
He rolled his eyes, turning back around. "You act like a child when you're sleep deprived," he commented.
"How about this? I won't leave, but I will treat you to whatever snack you want from the vending machine."
He mumbled something under his breath, just loud enough for me to understand his aggravation. "You aren't going to let this go, are you?" he commented at full volume.
"Nope," I answered, the p popping loudly.
"OK, fine," he muttered, "but you aren't allowed to celebrate until after midnight."
"I'll have my alarm set."
And with that, I turned my attention back to the files in front of me, most of my strength being put into the act of holding my eyes open.
I wasn't quite sure how it happened, but just as soon as I'd closed my eyes to blink, I was awakening from a short slumber.
Or what I thought was a short slumber.
I frantically rubbed the sleep from my eyes as I pushed myself up from my previous position of resting my head on the hard, wooden desk. I looked down at my watch, registering that the clock had somehow magically skipped from 11:45 to 2:15.
"You let me sleep for two and a half hours? And miss your birthday?" I whined, sleep heavily coating my throat.
"To be fair," he answered, pausing for a yawn, "I wasn't born until the afternoon so technically you didn't miss it."
I pushed myself up from the office chair, stretching out my arms as I plodded toward him. "What would you like from the machine?" I asked, pulling my wallet out of my purse.
His mouth scrunched as he thought, presumably attempting to figure out his answer. "What's your favorite?"
"No," I argued, "it's your birthday. I wanna buy you a snack."
"Buy something we can share," he instructed.
And with that, I trudged out of the office and over to the vending machine. My eyes scanned all the options, contemplating what he'd like most.
My eyes landed on a bag of those mini chocolate muffins. Bingo. Sure, it wasn't a traditional cake or cupcake, but Spencer liked chocolate more than anyone I'd ever met.
I punched in the number, watching eagerly as the bag slid down to the bottom of the machine. After marching back to the meeting room, I held out the muffins in front of the birthday boy himself.
"You like these?" he inquired, his eyebrows ruffling.
"Why? Do you not like them?" I fretted, my eyes darting away from him.
"No, they're my favorite," he answered reassuringly. "I just wanted to make sure you didn't buy them just for me."
I shook my head. "They're for us to share. If you want to share them, that is."
"Of course."
And with that, he ripped open the package, placing a muffin in my hand before popping one into his mouth.
I tossed the muffin into my mouth, savoring the taste of chocolate and sugar. I watched as Spencer turned his attention away from the muffins and back to the files in his hand, mentally deciding that he worked himself too hard.
"Coffee delivery," Hotch said as he paced through the door with a drink carrier, three steaming hot cups of coffee being held in place.
"Where the hell did you find coffee at this hour of the night?" I asked, taking the cup marked pumpkin spice latte from the cardboard carrier.
"You'd be surprised how many twenty-four-hour coffee shops New York City has to offer," he chuckled, taking his presumably plain black coffee from the container and pressing it to his lips.
Spencer took the last drink, looking over the label on the side. I assumed it was most likely a caramel latte—Spencer's favorite—my suspicions being confirmed when he commented, "Thank you for remembering my order. Morgan and JJ usually get it wrong."
My heart felt heavy when I considered Spencer's comments throughout the night—his comment about nobody caring if he stayed behind, his comment about how his birthday wasn't important, and now his comment about everyone forgetting his coffee order. If it hadn't been considered weird, I might've given him a reassuring kiss just to let him know that even if no one else did, I cared.
I pushed my feelings to the back of my mind, placing them in the "to figure out later" box in my mind. One good thing that came from this job was learning how to be good at compartmentalization.
One hour turned into two, two turned into three, and before we knew it, the sun was on the brink of rising, light orange colors painting the sky outside the slightly ajar window (Spencer had claimed the fresh air from the window helped him think better).
"You two head back to the hotel," Hotch instructed.
"What about this?" Spencer fretted, motioning to the stack of files that sat on the edge of the desk.
"I've got this. The others will be here in about an hour. You two go rest up. Enjoy your day off."
"Day off?" I questioned. "Hotch, we don't-"
"Go," he commanded, "you two have worked harder than I've seen anyone work in a long time. If I see you come back within the next twenty-four hours, I'll have to write you up and then Strauss will get involved. Do you guys really want that?"
The two of us shook our heads, managed a quick, "Thank you," before heading out into the coolness of the morning air.
Luckily, our hotel was only a ten-minute walk from the precinct, prompting us to not drive in our exhausted state.
I watched as the sunrise glistened over Spencer's skin, the rays practically sparkling on the dark freckles of his arms. The oranges and pinks in the sky nearly illuminated his lips, making them look even more plump and pink than they did before. He looked pretty like this.
"What?" he said, a chuckle sitting at the edge of his tongue.
"Nothing," I answered, internally embarrassed that he'd caught me staring.
We walked a few more feet in silence, a comfortable kind of silence that I'd probably only enjoy with Spencer.
He ended up being the one to break the silence, initially letting out a verbal yawn before saying, "Thank you, by the way."
"You're welcome," I replied, lightly nudging his shoulder with mine, "It's the least I could do. I'm sorry you had to spend your birthday pulling an all-nighter and sifting through suspect files."
"Eh, it's OK. At least I got to do it with you."
For a second, I thought he might kiss me. To be honest, I was hoping he would. Instead, he just looked down at my hand for a moment before looking back up so as to ask for permission.
I nodded in approval, a half-smile finding its way to my lips as he wrapped his fingers around mine. He caressed the back of my hand with his thumb, his silent way of saying, "Thank you again."
I lay my head against his shoulder as we continued our trek, my silent way of replying, "You didn't even have to ask."
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Happy birthday, my favorite libra boy!! You really have completed 41 trips around the sun!
Alright, I know you aren't real in this universe 🥲 but someday, I'm gonna shift and get to tell you all this in person.
I love you so much Spencer Reid, happy birthday my chocolate-loving genius 🫶🏻
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sunshinerapmonster · 2 months
Detective ᰔᩚ chapter thirteen - going back
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"No, Theo you can't go back, please! You're my older brother y-y-your meant to stay here and take care of your baby sister and your son Park Jae-chan"
Chapter 13: going back Season 5 Episode 13: Chasing Monsters *Trigger Warning*
Isabella locked her apartment door and headed towards her car to meet Jay at the station and talk with people who work around the area where their victim was murdered.
"These are very bad people. I heard what they did to Marco. Everyone has" he said.
"We can protect you," Isabella said.
"Can you?" he said questioning Isabella's statement, "And my kids, and my wife? Look, I'm sorry, but I've got to do what's best for my family"
"At least tell us what they look like, was there anything distinct about them?" Isabella said.
He looked at Isabella and Jay, "The ones who collect, they're just kids. But once I was late to pay, and three older men came. They warned me that if I went to the police, they were going to kill me, and my family" he said whispering the last part, "One was the boss, he had tattoos all over his face. Um, the letters 'SS' next to a fist with two fingers extended" he said.
"Thank you, if you need anything, you can call us," Jay said handing him his card.
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"Okay," Kim said rolling the whiteboard towards the back of the room, "Marcella's people in El Salvador matched those tattoos in the video to these two guys. Yovani Velasquez, Alonso Amaya. Part of a violent SS-11 led by that guy." Kim said pointing to the guy's tattoos.
"That's Raul Martinez, AKA El Lobo. Wanted for murder and other felonies in my country" Marcella said.
"I notified Interpol, flagged them with the Feds, and put their faces out to patrol"
"All right, so where are we at with the sting operation?"
"OCD's got the bakery wired for video sound," Antonio said.
"Kevin and I will be inside, baking," Adam said.
"Yeah, and we'll probably be in there for a while, because if these dudes are smart they might lay low after what they did in the pawn shop, right?" Kevin said biting on a toothpick.
"Not SS-11. They just keep coming, they keep intimidating" Marcella said.
"Copy that, be careful out there" ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Isabella and Jay were in an empty apartment right across from the bakery, Adam was standing by the window eating a muffin as he looked out into the street.
"How's therapy going?" Isabella asked him breaking the awkward silence between them.
Jay deeply breathed, "I never thought I'd say this out loud, but..I actually kind of like it"
My eyes widened in surprise, "Wow, I am shocked" Isabella said smiling at him.
"It's helpful," He said smiling and nodding his head, "Finally dealing with some stuff that happened in Afghanistan. And Chicago"
"I'm happy to hear that you're finally getting help," Isabella said.
"Listen, I wanted to talk--" he was cut off by Antonio's voice over the radio.
heads up, we might be in business
They both got their cameras and started taking pictures of a suspect standing in front of the bakery. He was scooping the area before walking right in.
Target went inside
Can I help you, young man?
Pretty nice place you got here
Wanna keep it that way? Gonna have to pay.
I am not like the other folks around here. I can take care of my own business.
Dead man down the block didn't want to pay. Could get dangerous around here for an old lady like you.
Don't threaten me, little boy
I'm a little boy.
hey, hey, hey, ma, put the bat down. Hey, listen.
Kevin's voice was heard over the mic.
We don't want those problems, okay? Can you just get out of here?
You go back and tell your boss that I ain't paying nobody nothing
Come on, man, just leave.
Get your sorry ass out of my store...
The man left the store pulled out a notebook from his pocket and started writing down what looked like the address of the store.
Isabella and Jay packed everything up quickly put everything in Jay's truck and drove off.
"I need eyes on number three who's now northbound under the El, heading towards 17," Antonio said into his radio.
"In the car heading your way," Jay said into his radio.
They picked up Antonio and Isabella drove towards their new location. Isabella stopped the car where Kim and Marcella were standing in front of a house. Antonio rushed out of the car and made his way towards them. Isabella got out of the car slammed the door shut and made her way towards everyone.
"So what now?" Isabella asked them Kim turned and looked at her.
"We wait. Franny's message, or should I say middle finger, is on its way back to the boss. I'm guessing he's going to respond"
"Yeah, no doubt. The question is when" Isabella said looking at Marcella.
"Yeah, and with how many machetes," Jay said. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
A knock was heard on Isabella's door she stood up from the couch, pausing the TV walked towards the door checked the peephole, and saw Kim standing outside holding a file in her hand.
Isabella opened the door "Kim, come in you must be cold," Isabella said inviting her in and closing the door.
She threw the file that she was holding onto the dining table the file had a sticky note with the name 'Marcella' on top of it.
"Read it" she mumbled pulling out a chair and sitting down, Isabella picked up the file and opened it up and another sticky note was placed on top.
Flagging these guys with our CIs. I'll let you know if I hear something else.
(I hope I can get a rain check on that drink)
"huh," Isabella said looking underneath the note and saw Raul Martinez, "Bitch is playing us," mumbled putting everything back into the file and throwing it onto the table.
"yeah, that's what I'm thinking but it's odd but looks like she's been talking with O'Brien from gangs," Kim said.
"Yeah, but how did they even cross paths? I mean O'Brien would do anything for a pretty detective being married doesn't stop him"
"Exactly, I thought she was here to observe homicide, but he dropped this off tonight. Platt gave this to me left on her desk but I got curious and I opened it up and saw that note and came straight to you" she said.
"What else did you pick up on Kim?"
"When I was going to meet Marcella to follow her with the girl I radioed her and she never picked up she wasn't where she said and then I found her following the suspect that matched the description to the house where we meant up and she straight up lied to me Bella," she said.
"Have you called Antonio yet?"
"yeah, many times straight to voice mail"
"We have to tell Hank about this, sneaky bitch, opening her legs to get answers" ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Kim pulled up to where Keith would be meeting them since he was in the neighborhood. He was only meeting them because Isabella had flirted with him over the phone to convince him to meet with them. They got out of Isabella's car and walked towards Keith, "Hey Keith, thanks for meeting up with us" Kim said smiling at him.
"No sweat, like I said I was in the neighborhood. What's up" He said leaning up against his car.
"Marcella Gomez"
"What about her?" He said tensing about her name.
Isabella smirked at him, "Did she ask you to do the workups for the homicide at Marco's pawn shop?" Kim asked him.
"Yeah, is there a problem?"
"No, I just--"
"Yeah, there is Keith," Isabella said cutting Kim off.
"How did you get her number, if she's only been here for a week or so," Kim said.
"Two months ago, she reached out from El Salvador andwanted to know more about Raul Martinez-"
"Yes, El Lobo but tell me something I don't know"
"Wait, she was talking to you about El Lobo two months ago?" Kim said looking at him confused as Isabella just nodded her head.
"Yeah, an informant in El Salvador told her he was headed to Chicago. So I checked it out with our CI's but came up dry. Why, what's the big deal?"
"Don't you find that suspicious at all? That she would contact you about a C.I. then come up dry" Isabella questioned him.
"Look, I'm not trying to step on toes. She called me yesterday, said she just happened to be here for training, was working with you guys, and El Lobo's name came up" he said shrugging her shoulders
"Right, no big deal," Isabella said laughing, and walked back towards her car.
"I owe you a beer"
The two detectives were back hiding in the apartment the following day. Jay was eating pizza and looking out the window when Isabella noticed a car arriving at the back alley.
"Jay," Isabella said quickly standing up and grabbing her radio, "Guys, we've got company," Isabella said looking at the computer screen, "Possible targets pulling up to the rear of the location. No tags on the vehicle"
Isabella walked into the station and ran up the steps before Antonio and Marcella could talk to their only suspect.
"Hank, I will be talking with the suspect not them two," Isabella said looking at them.
"Now why is that?" He asked.
"Kim will inform you after we are done talking with him," Isabella said brushing passed them and bumping into Marcella with force.
"Watch it, Park!" Antonio shouted.
"Ya! Dawnson you have no room to talk right now!" Isabella shouted back
"Well.." Hank said walking behind the suspect and taking a seat behind him, "We know what happened at the pawn shop, Alonzo. We got the whole thing on video"
"I think you're scared but the way you were holding that machete says otherwise, you and your partner were ready to murder that woman and her two employees, but let's go back to that Jeweler who was murdered a couple of weeks ago. I say Valasquez killed him, he was dead before you gave him his beatings no?" Isabella said leaning in and resting her hands on the metal chair, "His name was Marco and someone has to pay for that and since your partner is dead I guess you will have to pay for it"
He looked down and Hank stood up from his seat, "Hey!" He shouted at him and walked away from him and stood on the right side of the table, "Look at me, Alonzo"
Isabella moved so she and Hank both corned Alonzo to make him feel small and like he couldn't escape at all.
"Marco was your first, right? Yeah, I thought so" Hank mumbled moving to take a seat across from him, "let me guess. You wish you hadn't done it, right? Wish you could take it back"
"I do" He whispered looking up to look at Hank.
"well, here is the thing about murder you can't take it back. It stays with you for the rest of your life. No matter how hard you try"
"How old are you, Alonzo? Sixteen?" Isabella asked "Don't start crying now, you weren't crying when Marco was murdered, were you? So start talking and play your cards right? Isabella said.
"Son, what happens in this room right now, will determine if you die in prison an old man or you walk free by your 25th birthday"
"All you've got to do is tell us where El Lobo is," Isabella said.
"Mmm-hmm, so what's it going to be?" Hank said leaning back against the mental chair.
"Last night, El Lobo slept in a house on a street called Sawyer," he said
"It's be big street so was it near it, on it?"
"it was on a corner. um, it was blue. There was Chinese across the street" he said
"What else was around there?"
"Umm..there was a grocery across the street next to the Chinese. I think it was near a firehouse"
"You're sure he stayed there on Saturday?"
Kim was rushed into the room, "Hank Bella! I have some news" She said. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Back in the bullpen, the team sat around Antonio's desk looking at Kim who was holding pictures in her hand passing them around Kim handed Antonio a picture from the file she was holding, "Marcella's son was murdered?" he said.
"Stabbed to death for looking at an ss-11 member the wrong way," Adam said.
"You walked right into her trap" Isabella muttered.
"She's been playing me" he mumbled.
"No, she's been playing us," Kim said, "she didn't come to Chicago to observe homicide. She came to kill El Lobo, Antonio"
"Kill? How do you know that?" He asked.
"Because she has been running around town with this guy," Kim said handing him a picture, "Francisco Flores. He's the leader of a Salvadorian hit squad that kills SS-11 leaders. El mano negra"
"They don't just kill, they also engage in torture. sometimes for days" Adam said.
"I got the address, 1235 Sawyer Street, it's a blue house across the street from Wu's Chinese Restaurant and Lopez Groceria. The house is owned by Guadalupe Diaz. She got two young kids" Jay said.
"All right let's hit it," Hank said looking at his team. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
They all pulled up to the house in their cars and made their way towards the house. Kevin and Adam took the back while the rest of them took the front. The door happened to open a bit and Hank pushed it open and we walked in.
Isabella walked into the living room and saw a guy up against the wall with his gun on the ground, Isabella kneeled down to look for a pulse but didn't feel one.
"50-21, Charlie, emergency. Man down, multiple gunshot wounds to the chest" Isabella whispered into her radio.
copy that, 21-70
"Yo, we got into Marcella's phone records," Kevin said as they walked into the room, "Since she's been in Chicago, she's made about a dozen calls from her phone to this burner phone that we're assuming belongs to Flores"
"The Flores burner's dead, but OCD was able to recreate a digital trail using signal data from his previous outgoing calls. Those calls originated from one of three homes on South Shield. Kim, can you run these addresses?" Isabella said showing her the addresses. "5220, 22, 26 south shields"
"Okay, 5220 is a single-family home. owned by Thomas Miller. He's been paying taxes since 1967. Then there's 5222, Maria Valdez owns it. She's lived there 10 years. 5226...is vacant"
"That's the one. Let's hit it"
Snow was falling making the ground wet and that ugly brown snow was on the water making it slippery. Antonio rushed up the steps with his gun and flashlight in front of him and kicked down the door.
"Marcella drop your weapon," Antonio said as they all walked into the room.
"Drop it!" Hank yelled.
"Step back or I'm going to kill him," she said.
"Don't do this Marcella, it's not worth it"
"Sure it is," she said still having her gun pointed at El Lobo's head.
"Marcella, he's going to pay for what he did to your son. His life's already over" Hank said putting his gun away, "You pull that trigger, your life is over too. Now put the gun down"
"I died the day he killed my son," She said crying.
"But killing him is not going to bring your boy back. It won't make you whole again. Believe me. Give me the gun"
"Do what he says. Put it down" Antonio said.
"Step back! step back!"
"Marcella, give me the gun"
Marcella shot the gun killing El Lobo, she raised her gun and pointed it at Antonio Isabella pulled the trigger hitting her in the neck.
Antonio rushed towards her picked her up into his arms and started crying. ༘⋆🌷🫧💭₊˚ෆ
Isabella walked towards the living room holding two beers in hand and handed one to her older brother Theo. He had come to see his younger sister after standing her up last time but unknowingly his partner had spent the night with his younger sister.
"So how is Eliot?" Isabella asked sitting down on the couch crossing her legs and drinking her beer.
"Great, he's made the varsity soccer team and is excited to leave high school even though he has two years left? He said chuckling bringing the bottle to his lips.
"That's great when is his first game?"
"I think in about two weeks, but sadly I won't be here to watch any of them?" He mumbled out Isabella almost didn't catch what he had said.
"W-what do you mean Oppa?" Isabella asked him.
"I was called back, I'm being deployed in one week and I will be in Afghanistan," he said chugging his beer.
Isabella started shaking her head as tears formed," No, Theo you can't go back, please! You're my older brother y-y-your meant to stay here and take care of your baby sister and your son Park Jae-chan" Isabella yelled out running her hands through her hair.
He stood up putting his empty beer bottle on the coffee table and brought me into a tight hug. Isabella cried harder into his chest as he kissed his younger sister's head.
"Bella, you will be okay. Eliot will come visit every day when he has time after practice and work, and if you like he can just move in with you" he said pulling away from the hug and holding her face with his hands. Isabella nods wiping her face with the back of her hand.
Intro Act One 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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