#I never got far into crochet back when I was doing knitting stuff so I'm pretty much learning as I go
byanyan · 5 months
so my first foray into amigurumi has resulted in a slightly lopsided octopus with..... nine tentacles. but it still turned out better than I expected so I'm happy
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aziraphales-library · 8 months
Hey! So I just read a Tumblr post about a costumer always going to this one coffee shop and asking for the most disgusting thing ever and NEVER drinking it (and one time they took a sip, they said yuck). And it got me thinking. Do you have any fics here about A or C doing something once as a joke or whatever and then it scaling and they can't back out now, but like, humorous? Could be this sort of setting, could be any other setting. The only tags I can come up with for similar things is the fake dating/married, but I'm pretty sure I've already read most of what's there and I want something different to that anyway. Hell, it doesn't even need to be A and/or Z who are stuck in that situation. I just really wanna read more stuff like this.
Hi! There isn't a specific tag for this kind of fic, really. But you might find similar fics to enjoy on our #misunderstandings tags. And here are some fics I think fit the idea you're describing...
Would you like to get a drink? by AppleSeeds (G)
Crowley has been drooling over the handsome checkout operator in his local supermarket for months and finally summons the courage to approach him. Unfortunately, it doesn't take long for Crowley's brain to shut down completely.
Calling All Catchers by Quefish (E)
Crowley is horny and puts out a personal ad, Aziraphale knocks on the door.
Ways to Make You Smile by WickedWriter (M)
Crowley has always been awkward around anyone who he develops feelings for. While Aziraphale is always nice to him, he can't help but screw things up when trying to flirt. But when he starts making latte art to impress his angel, it was only a matter of time before he found a way to cock things up again. Rated M for adult themed jokes and puns
Sansevieria by KissMyAsthma & leukozyna (M)
Crowley is on the prowl for a rare plant. Unwilling to pay such a high price, he takes a stroll to the plant shop to look for an alternative... then meeting a handsome stranger who happens to own the plant of his dreams. How far will Crowley go to seize a cutting of this botanical masterpiece? Or: when you want to get a cutting of a rare, expensive plant, what do you do? You slither your way into the pants of its owner (too bad if you fall in love on the way)
Thrown for a Loop by MickyRC (T)
It is a truth universally acknowledged that a man in possession of a large amount of yarn will be assumed to be a knitter. It is a truth universally acknowledged among crocheters that this is annoying as hell. In his many years crocheting, Aziraphale has never been one to let that assumption stand. But faced with an opportunity to join a knitting group run by a very sweet new shop owner, he decides to play along. Even if it means he has to pretend he wants to learn how to knit. Even if it means he has to hide his skill with a crochet hook. It’ll be worth it to get to know Crowley better. Probably. Hopefully. (It will.)
Waking Up Slow by the_moonmoth (E)
“Then you’ll just have to come back with me," Aziraphale said. “You what?” “You’ll have to come and isolate with me, at my cottage.” The thing about messing with people, Crowley thought, was that sometimes, they genuinely surprised you. After both being exposed to coronavirus, total strangers Crowley and Aziraphale are forced to wait out their isolation together. A tale of soft winter romance by the sea.
- Mod D
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naritaren · 1 year
Remember how I said my wallet is going to hurt because of this shop hop? Well, it's not hit too bad after my first day. I visited 7 of the 12 stores for the shop hop. I didn't plan on hitting a ton, so I didn't bring my card with me to buy stuff. I only purchased things at two of the first 5 stores I hit because they were the only ones that did tap to pay. Details on my day under the cut. The theme for the shop hop was "Under The Sea". If you read it all, you'll get a sneak peek at a pattern I'm releasing on Monday as well ;)
Here is my passport so far:
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I'm going to go in order of each store I hit with my thoughts on them. Each shop offered one free knitting pattern and they also had the choice to also do a crochet pattern. I'll get to that in a bit. First place I went, and where I started, was Muse2320 Fiber. I have never been here before, but my partner has and he has purchased yarn for me from here. This place is unique because it's very narrow, but in the back of the shop they spin and hand dye most of the yarn they carry. They took the tap to pay, thank god, because I had to pay for my passport. The shop went with the theme shipwrecked and they had a crochet pattern! The theme was pirates and the pattern is a double sided skull and crossbones cowl/bandana. They had run out of the neon blue yarn so I only got some of the brown/white/black stuff. That was a DK weight yarn and I also picked up a hank of worsted yarn that is super cool and speckled and white. I also got a super cool sticker that is a skull with yarn and crochet hooks. Second place I hit up was Knitting From The Heart. This shop was nice and large, but in a major shopping center so it was super busy. They had a knitting and crochet pattern. The crochet pattern was a lacy shoulder cozy (aka, cowl). It uses beads and sport weight yarn. This store didn't have tap to pay so I didn't purchase anything. The theme for them was sea glass! It was a nice and large space but no social stitching area. I'll probably go back to this one because it's near where I have to go for work every Thursday. Third place was darn. knit. (anyway). This shop also didn't take tap to pay, but I probably won't go back this weekend because parking was a fucking NIGHTMARE at 11am on a Friday. That being said, I also have a house I supervise near this shop so I might swing by one afternoon. The store was very large and had a ton of options. They has a massive cozy social stitching area filled with oversized chairs and nice soft music playing. They had both a knit and crochet pattern available and had tunisian crochet samples sitting out! That's a first! The crochet pattern was for a cowl using DK weight yarn. Fourth place I went to was Sheepy Yarn Shop. This place only had knitting patterns. Parking was a nightmare. The shop was well lit and had a small area where you could sit and stitch. The downside was they didn't even sell crochet hooks or notions. I didn't spend any money because no tap to pay and they don't support crocheters so I don't feel comfortable supporting them. Cute name though! Next up (and by this point I really had to fucking pee), was Amazing Threads. Now I'm going to be biased here, but please understand I'm also being truthful. This store is massive and well organized. They have an entire upstairs area for classes and social stitching. They sell crochet items and fully support crocheters. Trust me on this one. They also had both a knit and crochet pattern. The theme for this story was jellyfish...which I DIDN'T FUCKING KNOW WHEN I WROTE MY PATTERN. (sorry). This is the yarn store I teach classes at and I was the one who wrote the crochet pattern being given away for free. The High Tide Texting Gloves will release on Monday. If you live in the Twin Cities, you can go there and get the pattern for free this weekend ;)
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These are the gloves using the special yarn! This is also the only store with a crochet pattern that isn't a fucking cowl apparently. Because I like to be practical. Anyway. I've been hiding this information for over a month. Ta-da! Oh yeah. I bought three hanks of sport weight yarn to make more of these mitts (and a super cute sticker) because they absolutely take tap to pay. I use it all the time lmao Then a brief interlude as I went home to get my card and to eat lunch (which I didn't fucking do....) Armed with my actual credit card and a slight plan of action of where to go next, and in what order, I head back out. I also changed into shorts because it was 87 fucking degrees out. This is also when I realized I missed a store over by where I started and I'll have to go there tomorrow.
Store number six! I went to Needle & Skein. I about died in traffic on my way there because by the time I left from getting gas and a car wash, it was almost 3pm. It's Friday. I live in a major metro area. This was a Bad Idea. Anyway. This store was smaller, but parking was easy and they had options for both knitters and crocheters. They had kits for both the knitting and crochet patterns, and you had a few options for main color and contrasting color. Again, it was another fucking cowl. I took the pattern though and debated on grabbing the kit until I realized it uses sport weight yarn and a 3mm hook. I don't do projects with hooks smaller than 4mm because of my poor fucked up hands. They had a whole wall of crochet items, including some really nice hooks and the yarn was organized very very well and labeled for what weight it was. Prices were also very reasonable. I will be visiting this one again FOR SURE. I purchased two balls of a blue yarn made 100% from recycled materials.
The last store I hit for today was Harriet & Alice. So, the location is nice and the prices were pretty reasonable, considering the fact it's in fucking Edina. (iykyk) Parking for this area of Edina is all in parking garages, so it's a bit of walking. By this point I still haven't eaten since breakfast and my neck is hurting. I walked the very long way around the building. The store was nice and large and they had multiple places to sit and stitch. The organization of the store was a downright nightmare though. There was no real organization and the yarn was in different cutesy bins or on weird shelves or on hooks. They did have both a knitting and crochet pattern, but it uses fingering weight yarn so fuuuuuuck that shit. The yarn was really pretty though. That's the sucky part. It would never get used. That being said, I did buy two hanks of DK weight yarn from the brand Emma's Yarn. I haven't been able to find that brand since my trip to Florida in 2021. Apparently this store is the only one that carries her stuff in all of MN. I also learned that the store I bought it from while in Florida is where she is based out of, so super cool! The yarn I got was greens and blues and those will become one of these cowl patterns I picked up. Oh yeah. The pattern here was also a cowl. The plan for tomorrow: I have 5 stores left to hit, but three of them are all within like 10 minutes of each other and I've been to all of the three that are near each other. I plan on dragging my partner with me so I don't have to try and street park in Minneapolis. I value my sanity. One of the other two stores is about an hour south of the Twin Cities so I will be heading there first thing in the morning and then hitting the store I missed today on my way back because it's kinda that direction. I think the last store I'll hit is my own store again, just to drop off my card and to hang out and chat with customers about the pattern. I kept it pretty reasonable and you can see my haul from today below. The really egregious purchase was the 40 dollars worth of bread I bought from a bakery as I left Edina. Forget the yarn. I'm living off bread and cheese this weekend lmao
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The blue, red, and light pink on the left are sport weight and are merino wool and I got them at Amazing Threads. I also got the sticker with the balls of yarn and hook there. The blue balls of yarn propped up is the stuff that is recycled and was the cheapest yarn purchase all day at a whopping 20 bucks. That's a DK weight that is really nifty. The two in the front are what I got from Muse, the brown one being a DK weight and the white speckled one is worsted. The skull sticker is the one I also got from Muse. The pastel green/blue/pink yarn is DK weight and is from Harriet & Alice.
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dorefasolsido · 8 months
Section 1 – Who were you?
Think back as far as you can. What is the first memory you have?
My first memory is from the time I injured my leg when it got stuck in the bicycle wheel. I was super super young, so I don't remember anything too clearly, only like a still image of a hospital corridor, no details or anything, just a flash of light at the end and some doors.
What is something you remember enjoying very much as a small child?
Making up my own stories or changing existing ones into my own version. I guess I was a fanfiction writer before I knew what that was lol.
How old were you, when you made your very first friend?
My mum and dad's friends had two daughters who were around my age, so we basically knew each other since birth and were always friends. We lost touch, sadly, but I'm happy to run into them.
Are you still friends with this person today?
Whoops, already answered that.
Was there a story somebody read or told you that has stuck with you?
Yeah, my grandpa liked to tell me stories about his fake adventures with his village gang lol. There was one about a giant tree and a bird that lived on top, and his gang had to climb all the way to its nest to retrieve something. Or the one about an island of children-eating cannibals that my grandpa and his gang had to fight off during summer holidays. I loved those stories.
What is something you get an immense feeling of nostalgia from?
Usually music I listened to a decade or so ago. Like, songs I haven't heard in a long long time.
As a child, were you a sore loser or a sore winner?
I wasn't either, I think. I liked winning, but I don't think I rubbed it into people's faces or cried about losing.
Did you go through the "naked phase"?
Lol I don't think so. At least my parents never told me.
Which television shows do you watch the most as a child?
Charmed, Pokemon, Dragon Ball, Yu-Gi-Oh, Spongebob, Rugrats, etc. 
Did you play with siblings, neighbourhood kids or by yourself?
I played mostly by myself or with my sister, but we also had a few kids in the neighbourhood we were friends with.
Is there something you really miss from your childhood today?
I miss plenty of things from my childhood. But if I have to pick something specific, coloured pancakes or cutting out paper snowflakes for Christmas with mum.
Section 2 – Likes and interests
Would you ever like to try competitive pinball playing?
I didn't even know that was a thing. I mean, if I got time to practice, I guess lol
Do you knit, crochet or cross stitch?
Have you ever, or would you like to attend a gaming or comic convention?
Oh for sure. I regret not going to comic conventions (manga-oriented) here, especially since they stopped organizing them after COVID.
What's your opinion on online multiplayer games?
Looks fun, but I'm more of a solo gamer myself.
Do you like to go cycling? If so, where?
I don't often, usually only when I'm in my hometown over the summer.
Have you ever tried woodturning? If not, would you like to?
I had to look it up, looks neat! But I'd have no talent for that.
Do you enjoy drawing? If so, what do you usually draw?
I actually do, but I suck at it. Still, I find it relaxing, so I like to doodle once in a while. Usually like, chibi anime characters -- that's the whole extent of my abilities lol.
Have you ever attended a painting class? If so, what did you create?
I haven't. I hated art in school, so I never really considered going, but maybe it would actually be kinda cool to try in a no-pressure environment.
How about a creative writing course? If so, did you get any feedback?
I considered it at uni since I love creating writing, but no. I would be able to submit my writing, but if we had to read it out loud or anything like that, I'd literally just drop dead.
What is your favourite form of exercise?
Cardio. I like jogging, swimming, that kind of stuff. Don't do it nearly as often as I should though.
Section 3 – People
Who is the most important person in your life (besides yourself)?
Probably my sister and my best friend.
Do people generally approach you easily?
Not really. I mean, in my mind, I'm approachable and friendly, but that might not be the impression I give off.
Do you get along with people well? If not, what's the problem?
I get along well enough, I just struggle to establish a deep connection. And well, I'm the problem there.
Do you enjoy being in crowds or do you prefer your own company?
I prefer my own company, but I sometimes enjoy crowds too. Depends on the mood.
Which one of your friends have you known the longest?
I think Millie from middle school.
Do you find it easy to make friends now? If not, what makes it difficult?
Lol no. I never ever found it easy, but I think it's even harder in adulthood. Like, I'd have an easier time talking to people now than I did in the past, but everyone kind of has their own thing going on and it's rare to find someone who wants and has time for new friends.
What is something about people that annoys you?
How selfish almost everyone is, including myself. I genuinely believe a lot of people don't even do it on purpose, but yeah.
What is something about people that you really like?
I like that they can be very creative. I mean, look how much we've made and make every single day. That's so cool.
If you live alone, what would be your criteria for a roommate?
I don't, but if I had to find a roommate, I guess I'd look for someone easy to compromise with and who's ready to give me my space sometimes. Someone responsible, I guess.
How about criteria for a spouse, if you're single?
I don't want a spouse so I don't have criteria for one. But generally speaking, I think it's important to have someone reliable and comfortable by your side if you're talking about long-term. And someone you vibe with.
In general, what's your attitude towards people?
Oh I don't know, I'm conflicted.
Section 4 – Habits
What is something you do every day without fail?
Lately work, lol. Hopefully that will change soon.
What is your typical breakfast?
I don't typically eat breakfast.
Which article of clothing do you like to wear the most?
Hoodies and my sister's black cargo pants when I steal them from her lol. I wanted to buy ones just like that, but I haven't been able to find the exact kind...
Is there a TV show you watch habitually?
Not really.
Where do you usually spend most of your day?
Hmm, probably on the floor of my living room.
Is there a product that you do not want to run out of?
I don't know, I can buy most things I run out of.
What is your preferred mode of transport?
Train, but we don't really use them here. They're so cool though.
Do you usually have something playing in the background when you're home?
When I'm alone, no. My sister always has the TV on, and I used to be like that too when I first moved out. But now I actually enjoy just sitting in silence.
Where do you usually get your groceries?
Local Maxi.
How often do you go to your local park?
Hmm, not too often. I jog there sometimes, but if I'm going for a walk, I usually switch to some different area of the city.
Which of your hobbies do you indulge in most often?
Doing surveys lately.
Section 5 – Favourites and dislikes
What is your favourite fruit?
Maybe apples.
How about your favourite berry?
Not too big on berries, but I guess strawberry. Dipped in sugar or melted chocolate.
Which food do you highly dislike?
Tomatoes. I have an actual beef with them.
What is your favourite song, and why?
H. by Tool is an all-time favourite, and I don't know why, I think it just hits something within me that I'm not able to express, but the song does.
Then there's also many songs from BTS discography, in particular Blood Sweat & Tears.
What is a movie you cannot stand?
I don't really like stuff like the After series, 365 Days and similar. It's fun to watch YouTube commentaries on them, but I would hate to actually waste my time on them.
Which trait in a person do you find most appealing?
Passion, warmth, sense of humour.
Which trait puts you instantly off?
When someone makes their whole personality about how much they drink, party, and take drugs. Like, okay, congrats, but tell me something actually interesting??
Who is an actor/actress who you dislike so much you can't watch them?
I don't think I have such an actor. At least no one that comes to mind.
What colour are your favourite shoes?
What is a smell that disgusts you to no end?
Vomit, well disgust might be the wrong word, but it triggers me, like anything related to it.
Which door handle/door knob do you like the most in your home?
Now you're asking the real questions lol. I guess my front door doorknob is pretty neat.
Section 6 – Culture
What is something very typical to the culture of your home country?
Eating way way too much meat, drinking way too much alcohol, spending the money we don't have on lavish celebrations and summer holidays in Greece, and of course, beef with all of our neighbours.
Do you enjoy art? If so, which form of art is the most enjoyable?
I do, I love abstract art personally. The less I understand the better, it allows me to make my own interpretations.
What is something about another country's culture you don't understand?
Well, there are some weird-ass traditions in other countries, but that's the case everywhere. Here we used to have a really weird tradition too, where a woman whose fiance died before marriage still had to marry him after his death. So like, guess I can't judge.
Do you ever attend the theater? If so, which play did you see last?
I do, but it's been a while. So I'm not totally sure what I've seen last.
How about the opera or the ballet?
I have seen some ballets and I'd like to see an opera in the future.
Which dance troupe do you enjoy, if any?
I don't know, I don't follow any in particular.
Do you attend concerts or gigs? If so, which band did you see last?
I love concerts and gigs and attend one cover band's gig pretty regularly. As for an actual band, I'm not entirely sure what I've seen last, but I'll see Rammstein in May!
Are you interested in foreign food?
If so, which country's cuisine do you enjoy the most?
Italian, Japanese, and Korean.
Do you enjoy stand-up comedy? If so, who is your favourite comic?
I'm not too big of a fan of stand-up. I tried to get into it, but idk, even when it's funny I don't really feel the need to see more.
Do you contribute to culture in some way? If so, how?
Probably not.
Section 7 – Charity
Do you volunteer your time to anything charitable? If so, what?
Not time unfortunately, but I donate once in a while.
Do you donate money to any charities? If so, which ones?
Yes, here and there, when I stumble upon something I believe deserves support. And when I have enough money to spare.
If you have pets, are any of them rescues from shelters?
My cat isn't a rescue, we adopted him from my sister's friend.
Do you donate your old clothes, linen etc. to charitable organizations?
I haven't yet, but I think my mum does that for us.
If someone you know is in need, is it in your nature to offer help?
I mean, maybe it's not my first instinct, but yeah, I would help.
Have you ever donated Christmas presents to children of poor families?
I don't think so.
Have you ever had to rely on other people's charity?
How do you feel about donating to charities endorsed by celebrities?
Well why not if it's a legit charity.
Is there a charity you absolutely never ever will not trust?
I'm honestly not sure.
Have you ever donated to a cause that had a person going door to door?
I don't think I've seen that in a long long time, and when I did last, I was a kid with no money to donate.
In general, what is your opinion on charity?
Well, I support it. You just gotta be careful who you donate to.
Section 8 – Entertainment
Which was the very first video game you remember playing?
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.
Which was the very first film you remember watching?
Hmmmm, I'm not actually sure at all.
What is your go-to form of entertainment?
Netflix, Youtube, Tumblr, Instagram sometimes.
Do you have a large collection of DVDs/Blu-Rays?
We still have some at home, but we don't use them anymore.
How about music albums?
I have a few albums because, even though I listen to music on Spotify, it feels nice to have a physical copy and support the artist you like.
Do you prefer to have your music on vinyls, tapes, CDs or digital?
Definitely digital now.
When and where do you like to entertain yourself usually?
Well sometimes at home, sometimes outside... Idk.
Do you ever binge watch shows? If so, what are you binging now?
I can only binge when I'm watching something with someone else, like with my sister. We aren't binging anything now, just finished The House of Usher.
What kinds of books do you like to read, if any?
All kinds, but mostly horror, psychological horror and thriller, postmodernist stuff, dystopian books...
Is there a book series you're currently collecting?
Hmm, I don't think so.
Is entertainment something you prefer to enjoy alone or with someone else?
Depends, I obviously read on my own, but as for watching TV shows, I really struggle to do it by myself.
Section 9 – Internet
Do you always have access to the Internet, wherever you go? If not, why?
Pretty much, except when I'm travelling abroad. But even then sometimes I buy data plans.
Which website do you frequent the most?
Tumblr lately.
Which search engine do you prefer and trust the most?
I use only Google.
What do you use the Internet the most for?
Lately work, but also for entertainment, communication...
Do you judge people who have their phones out all the time? If so, why?
I don't, I'm one of those people. The only thing I judge is when I'm sitting with a friend and they're just on their phone the whole time, completely disinterested in the conversation. That's one thing I don't do, although I did in the past, long time ago.
If your connection goes down, what do you do?
Depends. If I'm in the middle of something important, then obviously get annoyed. But if not, then well, I don't care.
Is there something you wish you could do online that isn't possible yet?
Hmm, not sure.
Do you remember the first time you used the Internet? When was it?
I don't remember exactly, but sometime in mid 2000s.
What was a website you used to frequent that doesn't exist anymore?
I loved 9gag. It probably still exists, but I don't think it's nearly as big of a deal as it was when I used it.
Do/Did you ever have your own website?
I actually made one before, but I abandoned it.
Isn't it great how much knowledge and info we have at our fingertips?
It is pretty amazing. And wild to think about.
Section 10 – And finally...
What is something you consider to be highly controversial?
Idk, many topics related to political and social issues.
What kinds of jokes do you like the best?
Dad jokes, the stupider the better.
Is there a person who makes you laugh effortlessly?
Hmm yeah, my sister.
What's something random, out of context you remember from your past?
Once a pair of Ukrainians scammed me out of 40 euros using an owl in Rome. I won't explain anything further.
Do you wear shoes indoors?
Of course not.
What's the silliest thing you've worn on your body in public?
I don't think I've ever worn anything particularly silly.
What is the most distant point on the planet that you've been from home?
Hmm, probably Portugal.
Do you enjoy trivia games? If so, which one's your favourite?
Sure, but I don't really have a favourite.
Are you more logical or emotional?
Generally I use logic to guide me, but idk, I think emotions always play a huge role whether we notice it or not.
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purplesurveys · 8 months
LONG WEEKEND WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I don't get to go back to work til next Friday :D :D :D
Have you ever had a pet turtle before?  I've never had a pet turtle nor have I met anyone with one.
Do you still sleep with your parents when you're scared sometimes?  No...I don't remember ever sleeping beside the both of them, actually. Not even as a kid since only my sister and I shared a bed.
Have you ever met someone with two different color eyes?  Technically we never met or spoke with each other but there was one girl in my high school whose irises were different colors.
Have you ever felt like someone was following you?  This has only happened to me once and I promptly sped the fuck off until I got to a much more well-lit area. As dangerous as the city can be I've been pretty fortunate in this regard.
How many surveys on average would you say you've done in your lifetime?  Fewer than I ever thought considering I've been doing these for over a decade, now that you made me think about it. I checked my old survey blog and only got to around 1,400 there, so combining that with how many I've done so far here totals to only a little over 3,000.
What color shirt are you wearing at the moment?  Black.
Do you enjoy going school shopping?  It was fun when I had to do it, but it was never something I had to do often because I used my supplies so sparingly, lol. The only thing I had to restock on regularly was my highlighter set and that's because I liked to highlight on my readings a lot lot lot lot.
Do you think Pug dogs are adorable or just plain ugly?  I have a soft spot for pugs that mainly stems from feelings of guilt and helplessness.
Have you ever met someone who completely resembled their pet?  Uh, I guess not...
Has anyone ever knitted you something before?  Idk if it was knitting or crocheting but Kata's mom made me a face mask before.
What was the worst substance you've spilled on yourself before?  The dogs' piss. When they were younger they would pee on the tray of their crate and I had occasionally spilled a portion of it onto my legs whenever I would carry the trays outside for cleaning.
Have you ever made out with more than one person in one night?  No.
What three words would describe the person you love?  There's no one like that for me.
Do you think their is a soulmate out there for everyone? Not really.
Do you like short or long surveys the best?  Better long than short.
Do you think hairspray is more helpful or annoying?  Idk I only ever use it when going to formal events when I know it would helpful for me.
Have you ever bought fake money and tried to make it pass for real?  No, that's very dumb.
Are your siblings nice the majority of the time?  My sister is, yes. I don't think there's a bad bone in her.
How many uncles do you have?  Where I'm from any older guy that you have some sort of positive relationship with is called an uncle so I'd have lots and lots.
What would you say is the worst movie you've ever seen? I've desperately tried to give The Notebook a chance but just can't.
Do you freak out when a thunderstorm comes along?  Only when they get very loud but otherwise I don't mind them.
What is something you'd consider yourself obsessed with?  Let's go with BTS.
How often do you shower?  It's the first thing I do every morning.
Have you ever had to sell something for a school fundraiser?  Not a school fundraiser but it's tradition in our college org culture to do income-generating projects during the application process – basically you and your batchmates are required to earn a certain amount of money to fund your own initiation rites by the end of the app process. I had to sell crinkles, graham balls, pizza, and a couple of other stuff to help out but it usually ended with me just paying my share because I'm not an entrepreneur by any means haha.
What is the absolute worst thing about high school?  The drama among the batches. We hated each other for no reason at all and it's hilarious to look back on now. Why couldn't we just mind our own business?
How many sodas do you usually drink in one day?  I never drink soda. Nasty fizzy stuff.
What kind of cheese do you like the most?  Anything that doesn't taste like it's rotting.
Have you ever met someone who was completely weird all-around?  Sure.
What is your favorite lyric of all time?  There was a bird who never flew But she still kept all of her feathers So she could pluck 'em out for you And you could wear them in your hair and She'd be with you
Always hits me where it hurts. I've never seen sacrifice described so gut-wrenchingly personally in a song.
Do you know someone who has made their Xbox their best friend basically?  Eh, not really.
Do you ever watch any soap operas?  I don't.
Have you ever met someone who was mean to everyone?  Nope.
If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be?  Seven dots or Kimi's pawprint.
If you have any piercings, who did them?  Idk but I bet it was a professional.
Do you usually have a low tolerance for pain or high tolerance?  Low, for everything.
Do you give into peer pressure easily?  No, especially not at this point in my life.
Have you ever simply looked at someone & could tell they were homosexual?  I'll sometimes say my gaydar is tingling lol but it's always meant jokingly and I don't really think like that about most people.
Would you rather eat or sleep?  Eat.
Are you one of those die hard Twilight or Harry Potter fans?  I've long been obsessed with Twilight but never to the extent of having like Team Edward shirts or posters on my wall, lol.
Have you ever cried while watching a movie trailer? I don't think that's ever happened, no.
When was the last time you changed your hairstyle?  Last June.
Do your parents ever force you to talk to your grandparents?  No. That's sad to think about.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?  Scarlet. I always liked how strong/pigmented it is; makes it fun to color with.
Do you think long surveys are boring or entertaining?  It would depend on the questions. And how game I am to fill out a survey. This one has decent questions but I'm feeling increasingly lazy by the minute lol, so it's definitely a mix of different factors.
Have you ever learned that someone had lied to you all along?  Sure.
When was the last time you had a physical injury?  April 2022 when I sprained my ankle.
Have you ever wanted to be a lawyer?  Briefly when I was in college. I very nearly went to law school until I slapped some sense into myself with the reality that I'm a big crybaby and wouldn't last a semester.
Have you ever had to bail someone out of jail before?  Nopes. That sounds extremely stressful and I hope I never get in that kind of situation.
Is there anyone in your immediate family who was adopted?  No.
Do you know anyone who doesn't have any common sense? Honestly? Me, sometimes. I have my fair share of ditzy moments lol. When was the last time you bought something?  I got McDonald's delivered last night.
Do you think you look anything like your parents?  I very much look like my mom.
Who is the skinniest person you know? Is it because of a disease?  Someone I used to go to college with; I don't think so.
Do you know someone who insults themselves to get attention?  No, but I can imagine how I could quickly get fed up with someone like that.
Is this year the best one you've had so far?  It's been pretty internally tumultuous I would say, but nooooowhere near being one of the worst. There's just been a lot of maturing and realizing and mulling on my end, which I guess is par for the course when you're entering your mid-20s.
What are your plans for this weekend?  I'll be getting my hair dyed, and I also want to watch a couple of things on Netflix and such given I get six days off. I wanna see a museum but not sure which yet; and I also kind of want to go ice skating as well, hehe. Maybe visit Cubao Expo too? Idk, I want to do a lot of things with this much free time; I hope I do at least one of these things and not end up staying at home the whole time!
What color is your significant other's hair?  I don't have one.
Have you ever applied for a job at Walmart before?  We don't have Walmart here.
Do you know anyone who does drugs currently?  It's definitely possible.
Would you ever become a foster parent?  No.
Are you ashamed of anyone in your family?  Little bit yeah, but I'm not as filled with rage as I used to be. It's a calmer kind of shame/annoyance, lol.
What jobs do your parents have?  They both work in the hospitality industry.
Would rather talk to someone on a landline or a cell phone?  Landline; it's a lot clearer. There's always the threat of asking "Sorry, what was that?" a million times with every phone call and that makes me feel so anxious.
Have you ever had a Tumblr account? Are you devoted to it?  Yup, Tumblr I've always found to be a cozy safe space when it comes to dumping giant brain farts like these surveys. I wouldn't say I'm devoted to this blog per se; all I do in it is do surveys.
Has anyone ever given you a psychiatric assessment?  Yes, I needed to have one done on me as part of my college admissions. Apparently they sensed that I may have had depression or anxiety so I had to go through an extra round of assessment. I didn't want to freak my parents out, so during that bonus round I just pretended I was doing fine to get it over with.
If you got pregnant right now, would you abort the baby?  No; I can't do that here even if I wanted to.
Speaking of which, are you for or against abortion?  I'm pro-choice.
What is your favorite amusement park?  Not a big fan of amusement/theme parks. Too crowded, too hot, and I don't even like rides lol.
What was the best Christmas gift you've ever gotten?  BTS albums from my favorite aunt. Those things are NOT cheap in the slightest so I was extremely surprised she got me two.
Has anyone ever called you jealous of them before?  I can't remember anything like that ever happening.
Did you ever have braces? Yes. I currently have them.
Who is your favorite actor or actress?  I don't really have a favorite actor. As for actresses, I have Kate Winslet, Kristen Stewart, and Emma Thompson.
What is the most important date in your life so far?  The day I found out I passed my university.
How many people your age do you know who are pregnant? I'm not sure. 0, I think? Hahahaha I might be missing someone.
What is cuter: kisses on the forehead of the cheek?  Forehead.
Do you believe in evolution or creation?  Evolution.
Would you rather take a bath or a shower?  Shower.
What group would you say you'd normally fit into the most?  Well, I don't know. What kinds of groups are we talking about?
As a child, what game did you want to play the most?  Grand Theft Auto...we didn't have the most supervised childhood, lol.
Does it bother you when people touch your personal items?  Definitely, especially if done without my permission.
When was the last time you did something sexual?  This morning.
Where was the last place you went on vacation?  Went for a quick weekend trip to Nasugbu last August.
Do you collect anything? What?  K-pop merch.
What kind of Pringles do you like the most?  Original. The other ones I find too salty/rich.
Are you better at hand-drawing things or painting?  I'm terrible at both but I enjoy painting a lot more.
Have either of your parents ever called you a failure before?  My mom would imply it to me before, and I had always made it a point to prove her wrong.
What do you think is the grossest taste in the world?   Pickles.
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If the plague ever makes a comeback, I'm locking my grandmother in her bedroom. Not for her safety, but for everyone else's. How she managed to avoid contracting covid before now I will never know, but she did get it recently and ended up in the hospital because of it.
I live with her. I had to be the one to pick her up from the hospital when she was released. The moment she got into my car was the moment she began refusing to wear a mask again even though she was told she needed to wear one around other people for a few days. Because she 'couldn't breathe' and it was 'too hot' and 'too uncomfortable'. And rather than stay in her room to avoid spreading it around the house, she wanted to be in the living room because the recliner was more comfortable for her to read in.
Despite the fact that I opted to wear a mask around the house, wore one in the car with her, minimized contact with her, and was taking as many precautions as a I could (like regularly wiping surfaces down with Clorox wipes because she's terrible about washing her hands and sneezes/coughs into them, instead of her elbow) since she refused to be careful...I managed to contract covid.
Thankfully I'm vaccinated so it didn't hit me as hard as it did her, but I still had to miss a few days of work and I spent two days with a fever that hovered between 102 and 103 degrees F. My grandmother doesn't understand why I'm upset with her, either. I tried to lay it out as nicely as I could but she just acted like I was picking on her for pointing out that she dismissed her doctor's orders and got me sick because she wouldn't be careful.
Today is my first day back at work and omg I haven't been this happy to be at work in years. (I have to wear a mask at work for the rest of the week even though I have little to no contact with other people, thanks to our work areas being spaced out. Definitely gonna be running my fan all week because wearing a mask is hot, but I'm following every single guideline I'm given. Because I don't want to get anyone else sick or give anyone here a reason to send me home.)
In other news, I did finish the sweater for my coworker's daughter! I finished it right before I got covid. Ends are all woven in, but it still needs to be blocked; I didn't want to handle it while I was sick so I'll block that this weekend once I'm in the clear. (I want to be especially cautious since the little girl has had some health scares this year. I think her immune system is fine, and she wouldn't be getting the sweater for at least another month anyway, but I would so much rather be careful. Her family has dealt with enough medical stuff this year.)
I ended up starting on a knitted blanket while I was sick, once the fever broke. Because I needed another WIP. I just really wasn't feeling like crocheting--which is what my sister's blanket is--or assembling a sweater, and all of my other WIPs are on tiny needles with light-weight yarn. I was not up for handling small stitches or knitting in the round. Or anything complicated since I kept dozing off.
But I've had some super bulky alpaca/polyester blend sitting in my stash for the last six years that really needs to get used up. I had originally gotten it to make a sweater but it's just scratchy enough that it would drive me nuts to wear it, and also I do not live in a climate where a sweater that bulky makes sense. There is, however, enough to make a nice knitted blanket out of it that I can gift my eternally freezing mother for Christmas this year. (There will not be money for gift-buying this year thanks to medical bills and a long overdue holiday visit to friends and family I haven't seen in thirteen years. But I have time, excessive amounts of yarn and fabric and other craft stuff, and the skills to make those things into thoughtful gifts.)
So I now also have a bulky blanket on needles. It's looking really good so far, and the pattern isn't hard at all. There are cables, but it's thick yarn, thick needles, and just simple front or back held cables. It's going to be the perfect project for late nights when I'm exhausted but insomnia/restless leg/my brain won't let me sleep.
I've also started on the mitts again. Well, a different pattern. I was planning on making two sets of fingerless gloves and this is the other pattern since I can use the same yarn I used on the sweater and hopefully finish off the ball (or at least use up the majority of what's left; the original skein was about 1000 yards and I know the sweater only used about a third of that).
Its definitely crafting crunch time for me if I want to get something done for everyone on my list for the holidays.
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