#gonna finish this guy up and probably stuff him & give him to the dog to chew on
byanyan · 8 months
so my first foray into amigurumi has resulted in a slightly lopsided octopus with..... nine tentacles. but it still turned out better than I expected so I'm happy
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charliemwrites · 9 months
Bark bark bark awoooo
No content warnings
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You’re gonna fucking combust.
Somehow, someway, this is Johnny’s fault. You’re not sure how yet, so he it isn’t fair for him to be in trouble, but you know it.
“This is your fault,” you tell him, pouting in bed — bare ass naked, but that means nothing to him, he’s a dog. He cocks his head, and you wave your (broken) vibrator at him. “I don’t know how, but it is. Is this because I wanna chop your balls off?”
His mouth closes, eyes big - like he actually understands you. In your horny delirium, you almost believe he really does.
You flop onto your back with a sigh, eyes a little wet with frustration.
It’s been two months since you last successfully got off. Your vibrator (and its replacement… and its replacement’s replacement) keep breaking, or running out of battery. The plug is defective or falls out of the socket.
Once you successfully got right to the edge - just for it to die. You almost did cry that time.
Sure, there’s your hand. But every time you try ol’ reliable a certain four-legged roommate interrupts one way or another. And when you tried to kick him out of the room, and then ignored the howling, scratching, and general drama - there was loud and rapid knocking at your door.
Like fucking clockwork. If you get anywhere at all, you never get to finish.
It wouldn’t be so bad, either. Your libido isn’t anything crazy, you don’t think. At least it wasn’t before. But now there’s Soap.
Soap who you should not be so attracted to. Who has no sense of propriety or boundaries, who murmurs the dirtiest things to you in the most public and otherwise mundane places. And he just keeps. Showing. Up.
Like he’s got a tracker on you or something. (You’ve checked, he doesn’t.)
He’s like every guilty fantasy you had as a good, studious girl back in high school. The kind of guy to grab your thigh under your parents’ dinner table and take your virginity in the back of his car. Maybe corner you by the lockers between classes to kiss you silly and drive up your absence record.
You never actually went for those boys — and perhaps gratefully, they never went for you. In romance novels, it would be a quaint little coming of age story. The stuff to swoon over. But reality was a lot scarier for you, especially with your older sister always keeping an ear out to report back to your parents and… well, yeah.
You’ve always been a firm introvert, anyway. That’s why you live out in the woods with only a dog for regular company.
But Soap. Soap is some unholy amalgamation of those innocent, shy girl fantasies turned R-rated. Like the grown-up version of those cute YA novels.
And you have no defense for it — except distrust, that is.
Soft-hearted as you are, you know you don’t do casual well. And you know that guys like Soap just like to spin you up and up until you finally give in, think the dreaded words “maybe it’ll work out” despite that rational voice in your head saying, “don’t bet on it.”
Doesn’t stop you from secretly wanting him though.
Fear is the only thing keeping you in check now. Some of it for you own feelings; of getting invested in a guy that has done nothing but treat you like a prime cut of meat. The rest of it is a genuine concern that he might be a bit dangerous. He’s so much bigger than you, visibly stronger. Has gone out of his way to make you uncomfortable (doesn’t matter that a very dark and slutty part of you liked it) and ignored your attempts at brushing him off.
Fear, unfortunately, is beginning to add to the temptation.
“I’m not going to do it,” you tell yourself, or maybe Johnny. Soap’s contact is on the screen. You don’t remember putting it into your phone, but you must have at some point. “Nope. No way.”
You slide a sideways look at Johnny, tail wagging at a steady clip.
“He’s probably a former frat boy or something, right?” you muse.
“No, you don’t think so?” you question, sitting up. He happily crawls into your lap when you pat your thighs, chin resting on your tummy. “Nah, you’re right. Could almost imagine him beating the hell out of one for pissing him off.”
A little grumbly noise. You smile and start petting absently over his head and ears, phone forgotten now.
“This is dumb anyway,” you sigh, head tilted back to the ceiling. “You don’t like men. I couldn’t bring him back here.”
Johnny’s ears flick. You giggle and start flopping them around, making airplane noises. Eventually he huffs and starts licking at your face until you stop, complaining that you’ll need to wash off now.
“Fuck it.”
Johnny picks his head up, staring at you as you run a hand down your face.
“Fuck it all. I’m going to a bar. I’m getting… I dunno. Laid or something.” Thank god it’s only Johnny here. You don’t think you could live with the embarrassment of someone else hearing the way you talk.
You set your hands on your hips, nod to yourself.
“And if it happens to be Soap, then… sign from the universe, right?” You grimace a bit, striding for your bedroom. “Please don’t let him be a murderer or something…”
For once, Johnny is perfectly behaved as you get ready. He doesn’t try to lick at you when you come out of shower (freshly shaved and lotioned and everything). Sits patiently on the bed as you pick through your closet, even noses at a pretty pink dress you rarely wear but were considering for this.
He doesn’t try to bump your arms or hands while you do your makeup, just watches attentively. You choose a pretty, matching bra-panty set, apply a light spritz of perfume. Hesitate over jewelry.
“Is it normal to wear jewelry when you plan on fucking?” you wander allowed.
A little “boof” from the bed. You’ll take that as a yes.
You decide on a set of faux pearls with a gold heart pendant in the center. Not quite a choker, but high enough on your throat to suggest one. A delicate bracelet, a pair of stud earrings, and you’re just about set.
“Christ, I hate doing this alone,” you mutter, fumbling with the zip on the back of the dress.
Lastly, the shoes.
“Fuck it,” you say again. Your mantra for the evening, apparently. Wobble into a pair of heels, a bow on the outside of each ankle where you buckle them.
You pause when you’re done, giving yourself a once over in the full length mirror. Pleased with what you see. Coquettish and pretty, not necessarily bombshell sexy maybe, at least not on first glance. But the necklace, the heels, the cutouts at the waist of your dress… it’s all exactly what you wanted.
“Alright,” you breathe, tummy swooping with excitement. “I can do this… right?”
Johnny’s gotten down off the bed, is keeping a respectful distance. You appreciate it, don’t want to have to lint roll hair off yourself.
“Oh, god. What if he’s bad?” You ask, giving him a horrified look. “What if he’s been, like, compensating?”
To your shock, he stomps his paw and starts damn near howling. Carrying on and on like he’s bitching you out. You blink in shock, almost laugh — then check the time.
“Oh! Don’t worry, baby. I won’t let you starve!”
You toddle off to the kitchen and prep his dinner, scrunching your nose at the raw chicken and beef liver. He grumbles and fusses the whole way, making you laugh as you pretend to have a whole conversation about the economy with him.
“Okay, bonnie Johnny,” you coo, setting his bowl down. “Be good, okay? If I bring someone back here please don’t eat them, okay?”
More grumbles and whines and growls. You roll your eyes, blow him a kiss, and slip out the door.
You tell yourself you just need action with someone. Don’t admit to yourself that there’s really a specific someone you’re hoping to see.
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mialikeshockey · 1 month
Watch - Jack Hughes
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I sit down on my chair and move towards my vanity. “I still can’t believe summers over and it’s already the first day of school.” Jack sighs, while petting my dog. “Tell me about it. It feels like just yesterday, we were out.”
Jack and I have made it a schedule to where he comes over and we get ready together every morning for school since he lives next door. Living next door to your boyfriend, obviously gives you a lot of time to hang out with each other. Jack, who is already dressed, is laying on my bed scrolling through instagram.
I start working on my skincare, Jack looks over and I smile at him while seeing him not taking his eyes off of me. “What? Do you want your skin care done, Hughes?” Jack giggles. “Perhaps, I wouldn’t mind a little fresh up.”
“Let me finish all my stuff and then if we have time, I’ll do your skincare.” Jack hums and goes back to petting my dog and is now watching YouTube. I start putting on light makeup, obviously not wanting to do too much for school, and once again, Jacks eyes look right up and follow my every movement. I ignore it this time and keep going, every couple minutes I look in the mirror to see if he’s still watching, and he is.
“What are you looking at?” I question him, turning around in my chair with my makeup now done. “What do you mean.” Jack giggles, trying to play dumb. “Your eyes haven’t left me since I turned around in my chair. Why are you watching me?” Jack stands up from my bed and walks over to my vanity. I turn back around in my chair, facing my mirror, watching every move Jack makes.
He drops his arms around me and pulls me into a hug, giving my neck kisses. “You’re just so beautiful, how can I not watch.” He says softly as I start to giggle, pushing him off, knowing we will end up being late, if we don’t hurry up. “We can’t be late, do you still want your skincare done?” Jack nods and I start to hurry up to fix my hair so I can focus on him.
School has literally been kicking my ass dude, my biology teacher is actually my number one hater and my math teacher can’t teach. I have made a crap ton of new friends though, we are all gonna be on the soccer team together to so that’s exciting. I know a lot of people are starting school this week, wishing everyone luck!!
Imma try to be more active, but with soccer coming up and flag football i probably will be too busy with practice and games but I’ll try to post short stuff like this. I might make a part two to this if you guys want it, so let me know. Feel free to send in requests!
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Mad Love Chapter 21 His POV
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
We started the process of making an antidote to condemn the condemned. Hoever, it was difficult to do…
Roger: So how ‘bout you take a break and run an errand for me?
Kate: An errand?
Roger: Yeah, it’s a kind of errand only you can do. I’m gonna keep researching, but I got someone to go with you—
Before I could even finish my sentence, the lab’s door opened.
Alfons: What is it. Why are you calling people over all of a sudden?
Roger: …See?
After Kate and Alfons left to run a “cemetery visit” errand, silence fell in the lab.
The silence seemed to bare his heart.
(...I still haven’t told Kate yet)
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—That being, the fact that repeatedly conducting experiments on myself had shortened my lifespan.
(I got no intention of devaluing my own life. Humans are nothing without it) 
(But before I joined Crown, there weren’t a lot of Cursed Ones around me)
I suddenly remembered the day I went out to collect information on a new Cursed One…
~~ Flashback ~~
Roger: It’s Roger! You there?! Don’t be so depressed about your life. I’m cursed like you—  —Anyway, let me explain in person! If you’re pretending you’re out, I’m kicking down your door!
I kicked the door open and—
Puppy: Arf arf!
There was a small, beer-colored puppy.
Roger: A dog…? You’re so thin. Where’s your owner…
Puppy: Arf! Arf!
The man that the puppy was trying so hard to wake up, laid sleeping forever in his bed.
Roger: Ah, damn it! I was too late… If I came sooner, I might’ve been able to stop him…
From the bottles of liquor on the floor, it was easy to imagine that the man gave up on life in his despair.
(I’m sure…this guy died without knowing he was cursed)
—So many of the Cursed believed they were abnormal, so they either fell into evil or chose to die like this.
Puppy: Awoo…?
That beer-colored one was still a pup and didn’t seem to understand that his owner had died.
Roger: Sorry I couldn’t save your owner…
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That’s how Ale and I met.
~~ End flashback ~~
(Before I joined Crown, stuff like that always happened)
Not being able to find Cursed Ones.
Or when I did find one, they’d either be already dead or jailed for their crimes.
(—So my only choice was to stick needles in myself. So that I could get data on Cursed Ones)
Life’s a series of choices.
And I don’t regret my choices.
Rather…I’ve decided that the choices I make will be the right ones.
(That’s how I really feel)
~~ Flashback ~~
Kate: Pull yourself together, Roger Barel! You’re the strongest egoist out there! This despair’s nothing. Just give it the middle finger and laugh it off like you always do!
Roger: …O_O
~~ End flashback ~~
Roger: I never thought…I’d fall in love
Whenever I heard Kate laugh, whenever I saw Kate’s carefree smile, whenever Kate taught me about romantic love, I wished for an “eternity” that humans could never obtain.
(For the first time, I might be regretting a choice)
(Because I fell in love with the lil’ lady)
With a bitter smile, I picked up a test tube and resumed my research.
(...I’m the worst at giving up)
(I’m a hunter. I never let my prey get away)
(I will get everything I want)
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Lyney & Lynette with GN S/O's pet
notes: mod dont quite know what exactly to write about but thats fine cause can just make it up as mod goes on.. would post more but dont wanna overflow the tags with mods stuff and drown out other wonderful writers n whatnot! this is probably way worse than the last one so sorry if it sucks :( [btw rq reminder that u can request stuff, so look into that if you want something made for one of/both of these two.)
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Lyney is pretty good with animals of all types pretty much!! Besides fish though, fish hate him (and no even in a scared way, they bite him.) As soon as he realizes you have a pet he instantly wants to befriend it, asks you what they're like, do they like to eat this or that..
Probably gonna have to tell him to not give your pet too many treats, cause he might overdo it a tiny bit while trying to make him their favorite. Would probably start bringing a treat for everytime he went to your house then explains it as him having to pay an "entrance fee". If your pet is able to/likes to play he might bring them a toy like.. Every two or so weeks? Whenever he sees a cute toy for their species he'll just get one for your pet.
If it's a dog, he doesn't have much experience with them due to various reasons, but he doesn't dislike them or anything (even if he does prefer kitties..) You might not want a big one on his lap or anything though since he's not neccesarily the biggest guy, so be careful with that.
Asks you if it sheds before he even enters the house. He needs to know cause nine times out of ten he just finished a show and he does not want pet hair all over his show clothes. If it is then he'll probably end up going home to change to avoid any issues regarding that.
Cats love Lyney 99% of the time, can tame even the craziest of crazies into lapcats. Of course, this is 99%, not 100.. The 1% wants him dead. Birds also tend to like him since he's used to working with doves and whatnot, used to dealing with them. Asks you if he can have it on his finger/arm. Also good with rabbits due to him also working with them, might scare it like once with a magic trick though since he might forget yours isn't really used to that.?? Feels bad afterwards though and gives it food as an apology so I suppose it's alright.
Lyney is willing to petsit and is good at it. If your pet destroys anything you own while your gone he might just.. Replace it and hope you don't notice. Would be a bit scared that you might get angry at him also for letting it do that or something. In general would describe him as a pretty solid person to keep around your pet with points deducted due to the issue of him spoiling the thing too much, 8/10.
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Lynette is liked by cats, and they tend to gravitate towards her. So, if you have a cat, hurray! If you have a dog, however...
Dogs don't really like her, with the range going from them barking at her constantly to just ignoring her, depending entirely on the dog's personality. Don't worry, though; it won't really offend her. She's quite used to it, and besides, she isn't a dog fan anyway. She would probably ask you to put the dog up if it won't leave her alone, though.
A lot like Lyney, she is also good with birds and rabbits. But do keep in mind, just because she's good with them, doesn't mean they're good with her. Birds, unless having been subject to Lynette for long enough, tend to fly away from her. Not all of them, just most of them.
Rodents and the like also run from her. And amphibians. And fish. Her cat-like features and smell seem to frighten any animals that would qualify as prey to a cat. But again, she doesn't really mind; she expected this sort of reaction anyway.
She doesn't try to make them like her or anything, wouldn't even mind if they hated her. Still, that doesn't mean she would turn the animal down if it does happen to enjoy her presence; she'd not-so-secretly like it if they did. Lynette might even come to your house just to chill out with the pet (you being a small side bonus to the trip).
Pretty good petsitter, kind of. Lynette has her own cats at home, so she's used to being climbed all over or serving food and whatnot. As long as the animal isn't scared of her, it will go fine. Just pray to God you have no machines that she'd have to use in her time there, and she'll be fine, 8/10 (points deducted for obvious reasons).
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josephquinnswhore · 1 year
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Fuckin’ Brat
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader.
Summary: you’ve had a bad day and taking it out on Joel leads to primitive measures to fix your attitude.
Word count: 0.6k
Warnings: swear words, reader having a mental breakdown I guess, Joel using pet names like angel, brat.
alternative thoughts to the other little blurb I posted about this pic. Bonus pic for better effect.
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You were so fucking tired, so worn and aching and sweaty and irritated. The combination usually wouldn’t have been that much of an issue on a normal day; you were great at handling your emotions and worked through them like a champ.
Today things had fallen apart; a handful of otherwise tiny manageable things that all add up in what becomes a cluttered mess that accumulates like a fire hazard. The more things that go wrong; the more flammable you become.
And fuck you were about to blow up.
First it was Janice, the old hag from down the street, complaining about your dog, burnie, a well behaved border collie, he was a bit stupid sometimes; he liked to chase the birds that flew through her garden. That became a you issue. She was lucky he didn’t chase her.
Then, as you get to the hall to start volunteering for the lunch service, cooking for all the guys coming home from patrol; nothing had been started. No prep, no cooking. No cleaning. You roll up your sleeves and pick up the slack; because you’re a fucking people pleaser who can’t say no.
Lastly, you get home, just wanting to relax and read a chapter of your romance book. Only to find it had tea spilt all through it; the pages were now a damp shade of brown, soaked and completely ruined. Ellie had looked at it last night after showing some intrest, neglecting to put the precious book back onto its respective shelf.
Ellie said she’d clean up after herself, you understood she was just a teenager and she probably just forgot.
But you couldn’t help but just explode, it was the final fucking straw. The match that had lit the impending internal explosion.
In that exact moment your brain had decided to short circuit into a fit of rage, Joel walks through the door, walking snow all through the house as he sits on the lounge, groaning loudly.
“Couldn’t even take your fucking boots off at the door?” You scold angrily, gesturing to the mess he’d walked though the house.
Joel stopped untying his boots to look at you; he raises his eyebrow, giving you an unspoken warning.
Don’t speak to me like that again.
But you got the message, you just push further, knowing he would snap eventually.
“Thanks for letting the damn dog out this morning too, now Janice is on my fucking ass as always!” You grumble, starting to pace a little.
Joel stood off the lounge, bending at the knees a little so he’s more your height and he rested his palms on the top of his jeans on his thighs. His head was tilted as he watched you ramble, waiting for you to realise you’d fucked up.
“She’s that obsessed with you, she’s got to take her shit out on me, maybe you should just go over there and stuff her full of your co-“
Your rambling is cut short by a large hand roughly gripping your chin, your eyes widen at the sudden action and he jerks your face towards his, you stumble forward two steps. He doesn’t take his eyes off you.
“Fuckin’ finish that sentence, angel.” He growls lowly, warning you against it. He waits, looking at you expectantly.
You freeze, blinking dumbly at him. He hums.
“You really want me to go over there and stuff Janice full of my cock, huh? Show her what she’s missing, why she’s rightfully jealous of you?” His tone was husky. His eyes hadn’t left your own.
Your eyes water at the thought, your shoulders droop as you shake your head no.
“‘S what I thought. Listen to me real careful now, angel.” His voice is softer, but still demands that you comply with his orders.
He softens his grip on your chin, but still maintaining that eye contact.
“You’re gonna come sit on my lap, tell me what happened today, and you’re gonna stop being such a fuckin’ brat. Understand?”
You nod frantically, tears welling in your eyes, Joel knew you needed him to put you in place, to break you down so you’d stop pushing all your problems down to bury them. So you’d finally open up and embellish in the support you needed. He would listen, and help however he could.
“Repeat it, baby.” He orders firmly.
“I’m gonna sit on your lap and tell you why I’m upset..” You trail off for a moment. “And stop bein’ a brat.” You mumble.
Joel let’s go of your chin, sitting back down on the lounge where he pats his lap. You sit on your throne and cry to him; about everything that had happened.
He spends hours with you; in his arms, letting you cry and rant about all the stress you’d harboured. You were thankful for the stern and loving man that was Joel Miller.
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myonos · 1 year
Real Love
sunghoon x f!reader wc:2k genre: fluff
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Sunghoon can feel his heart lurching in his chest. His girlfriend has been spotted at another party with another guy that’s not him.
He doesn't know why he keeps going back to her, you don't know why either.
You’ve admired Sunghoon for a long time.
Although you keep your crush to yourself. Not even your best friend knows.
He doesn’t know you, at least you think he doesn’t.
You’ve tried to gather the courage to talk to him, but he’s either with his extremely toxic girlfriend, or mourning over her.
They’re so on and off it makes everyone’s heads spin.
You want a chance with Sunghoon, to show him what a real, healthy relationship could look like, but you don't think you'll get it.
Today in class Sunghoon looks terrible. You can see the bags under his eyes, the tiredness.
Must have been another tough night.
You can’t imagine what his girlfriend has done now, but it can’t be anything good.
Your teacher pairs you up for a project and you miraculously get paired up with Sunghoon.
He makes his way over to you, sitting in the seat next to yours.
He doesn’t say anything at first, almost making you worried. Are you gonna have to do the whole project?
“What do you wanna work on first?” He says, opening his laptop.
Oh, maybe not.
“We can start here,” you point to your page and he nods.
He starts typing on his computer, looking up articles for you to analyze.
You don’t say anything as you both work. You want to strike up a conversation but don’t know how to start.
Unfortunately, the first thing in your head comes out of your mouth, “You look rough.”
Y/N you idiot. That’s the last thing you should say to someone going through what he’s going through.
But instead of telling you off, he surprisingly laughs.
“Yeah, I didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“Is it because of her?”
Everyone on campus knows about Sunghoon’s issues with his girlfriend, yet you almost feel like it’s rude to bring it up, especially when you don’t know each other like that.
Sunghoon sighs and you think you've pissed him off, but he just nods.
You give a hum in response.
“So? Aren't you gonna tell me how terrible she treats me and how I shouldn't be with her anymore?”
You shake your head, “No. You've probably heard it more times than I can count. I could treat you better though.”
With that, you turn back to your work, your confidence shocking you. You didn't even mean to say that, it just came out.
Sunghoon doesn't say anything for a second.
Now instead of pissing him off, you think you weirded him out.
“You think so?”
“Think what?”
“That you could treat me better?”
“Oh, I know I could.”
“Prove it.”
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You know Sunghoon is probably using you as a distraction, but you don't even care.
After he said that, you told him to pack his stuff, and that you were taking him out to eat.
Your favorite restaurant is not too far of a walk from campus, and you make it there within 5 minutes.
You tell him to order whatever he wants as you think about what to order yourself.
He's just staring at you.
“Come on, don't make me order for you.”
You smile gently, and he smiles back.
You continue to work on your project as you eat.
Sunghoon asks you to tell him about yourself, so you indulge him in everything about you.
He does the same after you ask questions.
You find out that he participated in figure skating for a couple of years before he became a part of your school's dance team.
His favorite colors are white and silver, he has a younger sister named Yeji, one of his favorite foods is steamed monkfish and he has a dog named Gaeul.
You coo as he shows you pictures of her.
You have another class to attend as does Sunghoon so you bid each other farewell after you finish paying, but not before exchanging numbers.
Later on in the day, during dance practice, Sunghoon can't stop thinking about you.
His (ex)girlfriend never offered to buy him food, she always demanded food from him.
“What are you thinking about, and don't tell me it's about her again.”
Sunghoon knows what ‘her’ Jungwon is referring to, but he shakes his head. “I'm not thinking about her, and you don't have to give me the same lecture. I think… I'm finally getting over her.”
Suddenly all his friends are whooping and hollering in the practice room, yelling “Finally” and moving like they just won the lotto.
He rolls his eyes, yes they're annoying, but he knows they just want what's best for him.
That night, you've just gotten back from your last class when you get a text from Sunghoon.
10:54 PM
What are you doing?
10:54 PM
Just got back from my last class
10:55 PM
Wanna go for a walk?
So Sunghoon picks you up in front of your dorm room and you make your way around campus.
You learn very quickly that Sunghoon loves making bad jokes, but you laugh anyway to humor him.
He offers to buy you a late-night snack, as a thank-you for earlier. You try to decline but he insists and that's how you find yourself holding a small container of ice cream.
He got vanilla and you got smores.
“Let me try yours,” he says, opening his mouth cutely.
You giggle, spooning some of your ice cream into his mouth.
He hums, “It’s good. I'll remember that for next time.”
“Oh, so there’s gonna be a next time?” You tease, laughing at the blush that rises to his cheeks.
“Shut up.”
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It’s not until a week into your adventures with Sunghoon that he starts acting differently.
He starts clinging to you like a koala, although you're not complaining.
You met the rest of the dance team, those he calls his friends. Not to brag, but you heard them telling Sunghoon how much they like you.
Now when you walk with Sunghoon, he walks so close that your hands are constantly brushing. You want to hold his hand so badly that it aches.
But, you don't want to scare him off.
So you just resist the urge and keep to yourself.
Which isn't easy considering Sunghoon is always touching you somehow. Whether it's an arm around your shoulders or a hand delicately tracing your waist.
You want to scream every time he comes near you.
Today you and Sunghoon are in a cafe, finishing your project for class.
It came out great, with hard work from both of you.
“Hey,” he says, taking your attention away from your computer.
“What's up?”
“I've been thinking about this for the past week and I've decided not to be a pussy anymore. Do you wanna go on a date tonight?”
A date? With you?
Your confusion must be present on your face because he asks you, “What's wrong?”
You snap out of it, shaking your head. “Nothing, I’m just surprised. I didn't know you saw me that way.”
Sunghoon laughs, “You're the one who told me you could treat me better, why wouldn't I see you like that?”
Oh yeah, you almost forgot how your boldness is what started it all.
“In that case, yes Sunghoon, I'd love to go on a date with you.”
Later on, as you're getting ready for your date, your best friend helping you, you think about how none of this was expected.
You loved being Sunghoon’s friend, if that was all you were given then you'd be happy. But now the boy you've admired for so long is going on a date with you?
You just hope you don't screw this up.
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Sunghoon arrives 10 minutes later.
He looks at you in awe when you open the door.
“Wow, you look beautiful.”
“You don't look so bad yourself,” you smile tugging on his nice blazer.
He's taking you to a fancy restaurant, although anything would've been perfect as long as you're with him.
He holds the car door open for you as you thank him graciously.
As he drives, you finally make a move and put your hand on top of his free one.
He turns his hand over, intertwining your fingers and looking at you with a smile.
Once at the restaurant, you're seated and given 2 menus.
You can barely pronounce anything on the menu but it's okay because Sunghoon can't either.
You have to keep your laughs hushed so as to not disturb other people, but it's so funny you can't help the cough that comes from your throat.
You order whatever sounds the least daunting and when the food arrives, it's actually delicious.
Sunghoon has good taste, even if he doesn't realize it.
You two talk so naturally, it’s as if you’ve known each other forever.
He tells you about his dance practices and you promise to come watch him sometime.
You’ve actually seen him before, and he was amazing, but he doesn’t need to know.
Sunghoon can only think about impressing you, wanting you to see him at his best.
Before you know it, an hour passes and you’ve both finished your food.
Sunghoon graciously pays and you tell him you’ll treat him next time.
He tries to argue but you shut him up with a hand on his mouth.
He takes your hand, holding it tightly in his own.
“I had a great time tonight.”
“I did too, you really know how to show a girl a good time.”
Sunghoon stops in his tracks, she had never said that to him, or anything like it.
He’s finally realizing how bad she was for him.
And how good you are, you make him feel loved.
Something he hasn’t felt in a long time.
So he tells you just that.
You smile warmly at him, something he loves looking at.
“You deserve to be loved Sunghoon. You deserve everything.”
You stare into each other's eyes and he takes the first move, leaning forward slightly.
You meet him the rest of the way, and your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
After pulling away, you walk back to his car and leave the restaurant.
You hold hands the entire way home and when he drops you off in front of your dorm, he gives you one last goodnight kiss.
On his way home, Sunghoon can’t help but yell in happiness.
When he reaches home, the first thing he does is block her and deletes any trace of her from his phone, and his life.
He posts a picture on his instagram, a candid he took of you just the day before, captioning it ‘her ❤️’, making sure to tag you.
Within 5 minutes, his phone is blowing up with texts from his friends.
Some of the texts are congratulatory, others are just keyboard smashes, but they all make him smile.
The next day, you and Sunghoon present your project, getting an immediate A.
Afterwards, he begs you to come to his dance practice, where all the boys are waiting for you.
While Sunghoon practices, you can’t take your eyes off him.
Sneakily, you take a candid picture while he’s taking a break.
Opening Instagram, you make a new post with the photo, captioning it ‘him ❤️’ and tagging Sunghoon.
You watch as he opens his phone, finding the tag immediately.
His head snaps to you automatically, and he smiles.
He walks over, sitting next to you on the floor.
“Real cheeky,” he says, wrapping his arm around you.
“Hey, you did it first!”
You lean your head on his shoulder, but not before leaning up to leave a kiss on his cheek.
His friends all coo at you both.
Sunghoon finally gets to know what real love is and he couldn’t be happier.
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please know if you’re in a toxic relationship (romantic or not) that you deserve so much better ❤️
this is just a lil something that came into mind and i decided to actually do it! please excuse any typos or mistakes.
permanent taglist: @escapetheash @vatterie @kaexox
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istherewifiinhell · 1 month
anyway havent had the wearwithall to finish a post or lay stuff out With Proof. in some way yet but. Just lets play our favourite game. This story from someone elses perspective.
the very funny stone pov. ur the oldest coolest strongest guy around doing ur tasks and also lookig to bring home a guy/polictical tool for ur granddaughter. u see a alone consort guy and ur like okay. interesting. but when he sees u watching he gets SO SCARED and runs away. then u see him sentenced to death via the elements.so u save his life. and turns out hes the most neurotic lost puppy in the whole world. and he doesnt know anything. and he thinks your going to kill him for the weirdest things. and hes an asshole. but also probably sometimes he looks at you and your like. jesus. this fucking kid. all through it all ur still mostly considering using him politically/setting him up with ur granddaughter. and not telling him.
and then get in the shit at this place u were going to that got all destoryed and ur fighting for ur life and all that. and the little idiot followed you in? and saves you and you save him. and then hes looking SO SCARED but different scared and hes all banged up and ur like. jesus. kid. and its like... okay well what if we did sometime crazy ur not gonna like it AT ALL. and he would have to trust you. AND HE DOESNT TRUST U. but he does it.
and u show him more of you and The Lost Neurotic Puppy factor has just gone throught the roof. cornered prey AND homesick dog. and he finds out the other part of the plan. and he HATES that hes NOT gonna do that... but he keeps hedging whether hes gonna run away now. while reaffirm his commitment to 'helping temporarily'.
likeee do u get my point just like. that moon is NOT actually able to hide whats going on for him and like. damn. thats insane. whats wrong with this guy (his pathetic and abrasive nature has charmed another grandfatherly figure)
OR. and this one sends me into hysterics. from jades pov i think this turns into a DIFFERENT genre eh? like ur grandpa was supposed to bring you a politicial/royal match but he brought... a dark brooding stranger... hes a little Wild. he Hunts or Runs off by himself, he doesnt know the customs blah blah. He's illusive and wont accept ur gifts what are you doing wrong!!! and u travel off with him and its like. right hes neurotic and shy and he maybe doesnt wanna stay. oh but hes so good at solving problems in excepted ways. he nearly dies saving ppl. and u gotta like. hold his weak shivering form <- take a shot every time. and anyway he WONT commit to you... he MIGHT CONSIDER giving u some kids tho... but its complicate. and he DID seem interested for a second but breaks it off... but u have gotten the faint impression he does likes being lead/bossed/pushed around a bit.
including up to. getting attacked and he kills and enemy but not b4 u hear stuff where its like. Woah. did he betray you all. can he be trusted. but no its actually just. His Tragic Backstory, THE SECOND PART. oh and another, ah thats why hes like that. in general and about ur advances. but anyway he tells you all that be hesssss freezing to death.... wont someone keep him warm 👀. and NOW finally. he wants u back. cause he just really needed to be seen and acceptected that bady. oh and... He does. Like being pushed around. btw.
insane. insane. his stray dog rizz. his. horrible everything going on that is impossible to resist. as long as where INSIDE moons head the story is filtered thru his 8000 layers of social calculus and his constant mantra of 'what the fuck is going on and Are you going to kill me and fuck this shit honestly im so tired' but thinking NOT seeing his thougths its hard to imagine it makes it less obvious that his whole. shit. is fucked like that. it would just instead be. ppl reacting to the scrappiest little weirdo in the world. my little freak. what do the kids say. pookie?
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holdmytesseract · 2 years
A Touch of Destiny?
Daryl Dixon x fem!Reader
"hi dear
I love Daryl!! Super nice to see your requests are open again 😻
What about an angsty but fluff-ending story where yn is one of Negan's wifes and got send to entertain Daryl since he feigned loyalty to Negan (who believed it was real). They met more often and fell in love what leads to yn helping Daryl to escape and leaves with him?
Thanks 🙏🏻" - Requested by a nonny! 😄
Summary: When Negan asks you - one of his wives, to entertain the newest member of the Saviors, you expected a lot to happen... But certainly not to fall in love...
Set in Season 7!
Warnings: usual TWD stuff, bit angsty, fluff, swear words, Negan? (Once again, apologies to all the Negan fans! 🙈)
Word Count: 3,1k (Whoopsies...)
a/n: That was really challenging and interesting to write! 🤔 I have no idea, if this is a good oneshot or not... 🙈 Thanks for the request, nonny! I hope you like it - and I hope I got Negan right! ☺️
Tagging: @fictive-sl0th @in-this-minute @hotgirlsshareaccounts @fuseburner @goobysgoobers @thefemininemystiquee @alexreadz07 @azanoni @lokisgoodgirl
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"And now look at him." Negan finished his little 'fairy-tale' story about Dwight and his family with a signature smile. "Pow!" He exclaimed. "One of my top guys. And we are totally cool." Negan exchanged a look with the blonde-haired man. "The point being, I think you can be that guy." His gaze travelled back to Daryl, "I think you are ready to be that guy." who stood like frozen to the ground beside them, dressed in those baggy, filthy sweatpants and sweater. A thin stripe of dried blood grazed his philtrum; long shaggy strands of brown, greasy hair was covering his eyes. "You look around here." The man with black hair said, gesturing around the 'fancy' room with Lucille. "This? Well... it can all be yours." Negan said with a smile, wetting his bottom lip. "All you got to do is answer one simple question." The man took a step closer. "Who are you?" Daryl answered nothing, just stared straight ahead, not moving an inch. Negan chuckled. "What, does the cat got your tongue?" He questioned, "You're just overwhelmed by the awesomeness of this?" and gestured around the room once again, "I'm gonna ask you one more time." before taking another threatening step closer. "Who are you?" A thousand thoughts were running through the archer's mind in this very moment at lighting speed. The answer to this question was simple, yet it was as twice as important. Probably the most important question he had ever answered. The answer to it was quite easy as well. Daryl... He was Daryl - and those Savior pricks wouldn't ever change that, no matter how hard they tried to break him. No matter what hell they are going to break loose over him. He was a hairsbreadth away from answering exactly that - but he stopped himself. What if... What if he would say Negan? What if he could help his people in that way, pretending to be a Savior? He would never do this just to have a better life, oh no... If he would do it, then for his family back in Alexandria and Hilltop. So, he did it - without thinking twice.
The surprise on the man's face himself and Dwight was clearly visible. Apparently, they didn't expect him to say that at all. Negan was, of course, the first of them to 'recover', breaking out in a laugh. "Oh you've got to be shitting me! Dwighty-Boy can you believe that?!" The leader looked over to his 'best man', shocked. Dwight just stared at him, quite a bit flabbergasted. "We lock you into a tiny cell, butt naked, give you dog food and a lovely song to wake up to - and you don't give a fuck!" He exclaimed, before laughing once again. "We show you a damn room with a bed, TV and kitchen counter, and you literally get a hard one? Suddenly taking the bait?" Once again Negan laughed. "Damn... If I would've known that this was all it would take, I would've shown you right away!" The man bridged the last distance between himself and his new recruit, wrapping an arm around his shoulder. "Well, Daryl... Welcome to your new home."
You were seated at the bar in the way too big room; the nth glass of Whiskey in your hands. With every passing day you regretted your decision more of becoming one of Negan's wives. But what were you supposed to do? You had no choice. You were alone in this big, ugly, rotten world. It had been do or die - and you certainly weren't ready to die yet, even if there was nothing much left worth living for.
Taking another sip of your Whiskey, you suddenly felt a presence behind you - and you knew exactly who it was; causing a shiver to run down your spine. "Y/N, my pretty, extraordinarily hot wife... Please excuse the shit out of my goddamn French but fucking hell do you look hot today in that dress." You internally rolled your eyes. You hated, when he called you that, but nevertheless you put on your mask, turned on the bar stool to face him with a smile. You knew that when he approached you like that, he wanted something from you. "Negan, hey. What can I do for you?" He smiled that smug smile of his, wrapping an arm around your red mini dress clad waist. "There's something I want you to do for me..." You knew it. It was always the same. "And what would that be?" "Well, we took a prisoner a few weeks back... He got a special treatment by our Dwighty-Boy here and now he claimed loyalty to us. He's a Savior now... Belongs to the crew." You knew what this 'special treatment' meant as well - and you didn't like it one bit. You were in the Sanctuary long enough to see through Negan's... methods. "I want you to reward him for it. Tonight. Entertain him. Watch a movie with him, play a card game or chess, have a drink, give him a blowjob or even screw him - whatever he wants, I don't care. Just give him the night of his life. If someone can do that, then it's you." You frowned, were slightly confused by his request. Usually, he didn't let another man 'play' with his wives... And if he did, then it was one of his right-hand men, like Dwight or Simon. Not a 'newbie'... Negan seemed to notice your confusion. The man started to chuckle, giving you a wink. "I am in an awesome mood this evening, so I am opening up the pussy bar." You would've loved to slap him in the face at those words - but you didn't. Instead, you smiled again and nodded. "Alright. Name and room number?" Negan grinned. "55, Daryl."
You took a deep breath, when you came to stand in front of the stranger's room. You didn't like this - at all. But what choice did you have? You just hoped, that this Daryl wasn't a douchebag and treated you at least halfway respectfully. Not like some other men around here; objectifying you and only interacting with you, because they were lusting after you, due to the simple fact that you were a woman and therefore fuckable.
With another deep breath, you knocked, praying that this evening wouldn't end in a disaster for you. Please be not a cringy, old pervert. You thought, squeezing your eyes shut for a moment. Please be not a cringy, old pervert. Please be not- Your mantra got interrupted by the creaking of the door, which sprung cautiously open. A pair of greyish blue eyes appeared first in the crack, before the door got opened completely, after those mesmerising eyes scanned your frame; probably checking if you were a threat. You could only imagine, what Negan put him through... What your eyes then saw, as they landed on the figure, standing in the door frame was something you didn't expect at all. The man, who must be Daryl was definitely not a cringy, old pervert. Rather the complete opposite... A shy, hot stranger in his thirties - you guessed. You swallowed hard, overwhelmed by Daryl's dashing appearance. And you just couldn't help it... You couldn't suppress the urge to check him out - so you stared, eyes travelling over his body.
He was tall. That was the first thing you noticed. Probably not as tall as Negan, but not small either. A blonde-brown, slightly greyish beard adorned his face. Although, the stubble was rather centred around his upper lip and chin. Framed was his defined and handsome face by brown, shaggy hair, which fell in soft waves shortly over his shoulders. Speaking of shoulders... Daryl's shoulders were broad. His upper body in general seemed to be very strong and bulky underneath that dark blue shirt he wore. A few buttons were undone, giving you a glimpse of some fine, silky chest hairs peeking out of the opened shirt. Strong, muscular thighs and legs were confined in a pair of jeans. Once again you swallowed, desperately trying to calm your rapidly beating heart. Your eyes met his again, and you could see in them confusion. After all, neither of you spoke a word yet - until Daryl decided to break the silence. "Who are ya and whaddaya want 'ere?" Gods, his gravelly voice, paired with that southern accent was turning your knees into jelly. You had to focus hard, in order to not make a complete fool out of yourself. "H-Hi, I, um, I'm Y/N - one of Negan's wives. He, uh, he sent me to entertain you." The man opposite you frowned. "Entertain me?" You nodded, biting nervously your lip. "Y-Yes. As a, um, reward for showing loyalty to us."
Daryl was sceptical, to say the least and quite a bit overwhelmed by the occurrence of this sudden situation. He actually preferred to stay alone, was not here to make friends after all. This was the enemy. And not just that... You were a woman. He certainly wasn't very talented when speaking with women. Words didn't come easy to him in general and a female being made it even more difficult. In summary, everything spoke against letting you enter his room. He wanted to just decline and close the door back shut - but something stopped him. A tingling feeling deep inside his stomach, he couldn't put a finger on. When he looked into your innocent eyes, he couldn't say no. And besides, he was really good in reading people - and he could tell that you were only doing your job. So, he stepped aside, signalling you to come in. "Thank you." The archer closed the door behind you, and once again Daryl and you found yourselves in that awkward, unpleasant silence. Although this time, you were the one who started to speak. "I, uh, I'm sorry for kind of just barging in. This, um, must be quite a bit weird..." The man opposite you slightly shrugged his shoulders. "Ain't weird, jus' didn't expect anyone else than Negan or Dwight to look fer me." You nodded. "Yeah, sure, right." Once again, awkward silence spread between the shy and forbiddingly handsome new recruit and you. Daryl shuffled nervously with his feet, clearly overwhelmed with the sudden presence of such a gorgeous woman. You quickly realised, that you needed to take the initiative, because Daryl wouldn't do it - which was completely okay for you. Shaking your head, smiling, before you looked him in the eyes once again. "Sorry. Let's just start over... I'm Y/N." The archer blinked at first and just stared a few seconds at you, but then the corners of his lips twitched into a small smile. "Daryl."
This was the first time you met the mysterious, shy and kind of withdrawn man. You couldn't deny, that you were immediately drawn in by his interesting personality - and his insanely good looks. That evening continued to be a bit... awkward, given the situation you and him were in. But nevertheless, you wouldn't say it was a wasted night - or even bad. No, not at all. You spent the night, talking. Yes, he didn't talk much at the beginning, but at some point you managed to coax him out of his shell a bit. Daryl tried his best to not make a wrong step. After all, he had a role to play and didn't know if he could trust you yet. You were one of Negan's wives... But just if fate wanted it, you came to meet Daryl more often. Sometimes sent by Negan; sometimes just crossing his path. The chemistry between you and the archer was close to perfection. A match made in heaven. You got along with Daryl so very well. He shared your opinions, your thoughts. At some point, you started to just sneak out, only to end up in room number 55. You treasured the friendship you had built up with him and so slowly, he became the centre of your life; the reason for you to smile.
The weeks flew by quickly and you and the archer grew closer and closer. Gaining Daryl's trust wasn't easy, but he felt so utterly warm and accepted in your presence, that he felt like he could trust you blindly. You were, without a doubt, his reason to smile. And what was this strange, fluttery feeling inside of his stomach, whenever he looked at you?
Unlike Daryl, you soon realised, that you had developed a huge crush on him - and well... It came how it had to come... You fell for him. Hard - and you regretted it not one bit. Yes, you were Negan's wife, but you never even harboured a trace of feelings for him. You were with him, because you had to. Did Negan love you? You doubted it. All you were for him, was a hot sex toy. Nothing more. Just another puppet on his strings. You weren't sure, if Daryl felt the same about you. You hoped he did. But all your doubts got washed away, as it suddenly happened...
It had been one of those nights, in which you had sneaked out and landed, of course, straight in Daryl's room. Talking, laughing and sipping on a glass Whiskey. Those nights were the best. So, it was no wonder, that you were slightly tipsy at the end.
"I suppose, I should go now... Sure, Negan's with Sherry tonight, but you'll never know... Wouldn't want him to discover our secret meetings." Daryl nodded, feeling a pang in his heart at your words. "'Course. Ain't want him to find out either." Sighing, you stood up, just like Daryl. You wanted to head for the door, but your foot got caught around one foot of the small table. Paired with the slight intoxication of the alcohol, coursing through your veins, which ensured that your sense of balance wasn't at its best, you stumbled and fell - of course, straight into Daryl's arms. He caught you. It was so clichéd; almost like in the movies. Your palms landed on his chest; his hands on your waist. The moment you realised in which position you were, your cheeks turned in a dark shade of red. Of course, you had been close to Daryl... But never this close. "O-Oh gods, I-I'm so sorry! I'm s-so clumsy, I-" You didn't get any further. Daryl interrupted you - in a way you never expected. He dipped his head, inched closer to your face, and suddenly were his chapped but utterly gentle lips on yours. Your eyes widened, as your brain caught up on what was happening. Could this be real? Could this be true? Your heart almost exploded inside your chest from all the happiness and love you suddenly felt. What caused him to be so brave all of a sudden and making such a 'bold' move? Perhaps it was the alcohol. Well, whatever it was, you didn't care. All you cared about was, that this was happening. You were so overwhelmed - in the best way possible, that you literally froze in place. Daryl noticed immediately that you didn't kiss him back - and being the insecure person he was, he started to pull back on an instant; afraid that he might have made a mistake. But to his sheer relief, you didn't let him pull away. Instead, you grabbed him by the lapels of his shirt and pulled him even closer, slamming your lips back onto his.
From that day on, you spent even more time with Daryl. As much as you somehow could, without arising suspicion. Another few days - weeks, passed, in which you had been the happiest person, after the world ended. You could tell that Daryl was happy, too, but you found him often huddled in a corner, thinking. He was on a mission here, sure, but he also missed his family. He had to help them above all. They had to get their old life back. So, the archer made a decision…
You looked at him, blinking; shocked. "You... You want to leave?" Daryl nodded, chewing his lip. "Have to. Ya know that, Y/N. I gotta help 'em. I know the Sanctuary now. I know how things work 'ere... They need me..." You swallowed hard, but nodded as well. You knew. Gods, of course you knew... And who were you to stop him? It wouldn't be fair. "I'll help you escape." The man gave you a small smile. "Thank you, but... 'M not leavin' without ya." Your eyes widened at his words, "Daryl... I... This is..." before you sighed. "I-I can't leave... Negan's going to notice. He'll know - and he is going to hunt me down. I would put you in danger - and I don't want this. I would never forgive myself, if something happened to you because of me..." Daryl was quick to reach for your hand, taking it into his. "Y/N... Nothin' is goin' to happen ta me or you... Sure, that prick will notice and 'm certain he hunts us down, but... He won't find us. We can hide, until we and the others come up with a plan to defeat 'em. 'Sides, I ain't let somethin' happen to ya. 'M gonna keep ya safe, I promise." He squeezed your hand in order to underline his words. "Y-You really think so?" The man nodded. "Yes. Whatever happens, I ain't gonna leave ya." You smiled at him and quickly jumped to hug him; wrapping both your arms around his neck.
Planning your escape was easy. Putting your plan into action wasn't. You had to sneak out at night, passing several guards and of course the barricade, made out of walkers, but together you and Daryl made it; working perfectly as a team. Sure, there were a few close calls, but in the end, you managed to escape. Stealing one of the bikes, Daryl swung his leg over the vehicle, with you following close behind. "C'mon. Hurry." You quickly hopped onto the bike as well. "Hold on ta me." You nodded - more to yourself than to Daryl, 'cause he wasn't able to see it. You wrapped your arms tightly around his strong torso, holding on for dear life. Daryl started the engine and drove off, leaving the Sanctuary behind. You buried your face in between his shoulder blades, not daring to look back. You were, without a doubt glad that Daryl literally rescued you out of the life you lived in the Sanctuary.
The wind brushed through your hair, as you drove on the back of the bike, clinging to your 'knight in shining armour', hopefully into a new and better life. Sure, you had to find a way to defeat the Saviors first, but after that... The possibilities were endless.
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emeritus-fuckers · 1 year
So I woke up and decided to not stay in my room looking like a feral possum✨ do you think you could write something about a self care day with nihil (old cause old him is superior 💅🏽) and primo? Just a ton of cuteness and simping 😩💙
Bold of you to assume I know anything about self-care - Jez
Self-care day with old Papa Nihil and Primo
Papa Nihil
Old man can barely take care of himself at this point, so this was probably your idea.
He's gonna be sceptical about it first. Don't take this personally, he's always sceptical at first.
"Listen, I'm already old and covered in wrinkles, I don't think a facemask or some silly massage is gonna do much about it."
Gives in eventually because he's a fucking simp and he needs your approval.
He's a "Walk him like a dog and he'll beg you to let him bark" type of guy when it comes to you. Of course he gave in.
You have no idea what grip you have on him. He's wrapped around your finger completely.
He sends you to whatever store you need to go in order to buy everything you wanted for this "self-care day" you came up with.
Send a few Ghouls with you. For protection and so they carry your bags.
You're obviously spending his money, not yours. Go all out, old man's got stacks.
When you return, you find that he had some Siblings of Sin help him arrange a little spa area in his chambers. And by help I mean they did everything while he stood there complaining it wasn't perfect enough for you.
Only the best for the love of his life!
Now, Nihil has no idea what any of the products you use do. He used to be fairly knowledgeable when he was younger, but there was way less stuff back then and he stopped using all that years ago. Too much effort.
He lets you organize everything.
You've got an old music compilation playing quietly in the background while you both lay there in your facemasks, relaxing as you talk about everything and nothing.
You go through any procedure he's willing to sit through.
He only has three conditions, really. He needs to be able to use his oxygen machine (obviously), he needs to be able to move his face properly and it can't hurt.
You make a neat little plan of all the facial stuff you two do, making sure to take reasonable breaks between them. He's over a hundred years old, his bladder ain't what it used to be.
You take a movie break when it's time for dinner, ordering take out.
"You see, Papa, on days like this, we're being bad." you winked at him before making the phone call to order your food.
Oh, how he loved the way those words sounded when you said them...
After you two finished eating, you insisted on doing his nails. And once again, he couldn't refuse.
You worked diligently while he got to watch a movie.
Okay, let's be real, he watched you work while he movie played in the background.
When you were done, he tried doing your nails, too. It was a disaster, but you just laughed it off and kept your messy, uneven nail polish for as long as you could.
Primo has his own definition of a self-care day, but he's willing to compromise if what you want is very different from what he usually does when he has the rare opportunity to take a day off.
When he's not busy working, he spends his free time tending to the garden. His age sadly limits what he can do, but he has a group of young Siblings of Sin help out. They all look up to him, seeing him as a father figure (he has a unique sort of aura that brings in people who didn't have good parental figures in their lives and he always ends up filling that role for them), so they love helping him, even if in small ways.
He enjoys reading, too. And knitting. You know, the typical cozy old people hobbies. He likes the idea of being able to relax in his life, after everything he did both for the Ministry and for the people in it.
However, he tends to overwork himself. Put the people before him. He's a good soul, one that yearns for a family, even if he couldn't have one. He threw his youth away to raise his brothers and while he doesn't regret that, he wishes he could've had at least a bit more time to himself.
He was happy when you offered a self-care day just for the two of you. He left a list of things to do in the garden and let you plan the day.
He adored how well you knew him, even if he wasn't a very open person.
You two planted some flowers in new pots in his room first. He guided you through it, teaching you about the plants.
You baked a nice cake, too. And made tea (once again, from scratch. Primo makes his tea from scratch and I will die on this hill - Jez).
You enjoy what you made in his greenhouse, the butterflies flying around and sitting on the both of you as you took a walk together after eating.
Just like the taught you about plants, he taught you about the butterflies, showing you their eggs and teaching how to tell the difference between their chrysalises.
You spend the day there, time flying like the butterflies around you.
In the evening you both read in bed when the evening came and then cuddled to sleep, Primo wrapping his arms around you and humming quietly to soothe you.
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laliamluv · 1 year
Lost and Found
A Welcome Home Fanfic series!! Part 1
Warning : profanities
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My phone rang, giving me the signal that my friends are here. I walked down the stairs to head out but my dad went in front of me.
 ❝ And where are you going young lady? ❞ My dad asks me while he crosses his hands on his chest.   ❝ I’m gonna hang out with my friends, dad.❞ before he could even ask I quickly answered  ❝ And mom already knows, and she allowed me to.❞ and with that he patted my head and told me to take care before going back to the living room.
I close the front door and pull out my phone, texting my friends on where they are already.
 ❝ Boo. ❞ I flinch in shock and slap Vinly’s back.
 ❝ Ow.. that hurts you know? ❞ Vinly rubs her back while Allan rolls his eyes at her.
We talk while walking to Nelson’s house to pick him up.
❝ We’re here! Nel! Come on out dude! ❞ Vinly shouted as she ran towards Nelson’s door and knocked on it. ❝ Calm down, I’m here already alright? ❞ Nelson says as he pushes Vinly’s face to the side.
❝ So where we headin’ to? ❞ Nelson aks Allan while me and Vinly walk in front of them.
❝ Do ya’ll remember that old building we passed through before?? ❞, while me and Nelson nodded our heads, Vinly looked at him with suspicion before opening her mouth to speak.
❝ Don’t tell me we’ll go inside that place… ❞
When Allan just smiled, Nelson shook his head. ❝ And how do you plan to go inside? Glass breaking? Even if it’s abandoned it’s still trespassing Al. ❞ With this Allan’s smile dropped.
❝ We’re dumpster diving, kinda… ❞ He says while he scratches his neck. Vinly just looked at him with disgust while Nelson sighs in disappointment.
❝ How ‘bout we just hunt the inside? That seems better than dumpster diving right? ❞ Nelson states. 
I look at him with wide eyes, ❝ And what if it turns out like that poppy playtime stuff? ❞ I ask while waving my hands around.
He pats my head and tells me ‘it’ll be fine’ and 'it's just a game’, with no other choice I sigh in disappointment and just agree with them. ❝ Off to the building we go! ❞ Vinly states as we walk to our destination.
❝ Shit, door’s locked. ❞ Allan says while trying to open the buildings doors. ❝ The windows are stuck over here. ❞ Nelson says.
❝ Any luck with you guys? Y/N? Vinly? ❞
Vinly and I went to where they are and shook our heads. ❝ Should we use a hairp–. ❞ before Allan can even finish his question. I accidentally broke the lock when my backpack hit it.
He looked at me with a large grin, ❝ Never have I ever loved your backpack so much Y/N. ❞ I slapped his arm and we went inside.
❝ dude… look at all these drawings! They’re so pretty… ❞ Vinly says as she picks up some of them. 
While me and Vinly look at some of the drawings, Allan and Nelson went to another room. ❝ Y/N look how cute the pink one is!! ❞ she squeals while showing a kind of ripped drawing that had a pink monster girl on it and some others too.
❝ Yeah and the hair looks fluffy… oh! and this dude looks like a hugger, and this one too… ❞ I said while pointing on a green dude with two pairs of arm and legs, and a blue’s clues looking dog with some rainbows on him.
We continued to look at other drawings, until I found a drawing of a yellow dude with blue hair.
❛ Why do I feel like someone’s staring at me… ❜ I felt shivers running down my spine but I brush it off, thinking it’s just Nelson or Allan about to scare me from behind.
I look back at the drawing and the uneasiness comes back. I put the drawing down and took deep breaths. ❛ calm down, stop imagining things. ❜
❝ Y/N? Are you alright? ❞ Vinly asks me as she caresses my back. I nodded my head at her and gave her a ‘thank you’.
Everything was quiet as we continued digging through the building, Allan and Nelson are also back with us. They for some reason found absolutely nothing great in the other room except for files and other files. 
Few moments later Allan spoke up, ❝ Hey, we should probably get going. It’s past 5pm already. ❞ We agreed and took our things to get ready to leave when suddenly a phone rang.
We looked around and saw an old red phone, ringing. ❝ What the fuck… ❞ Allan mutters out, while Nelson grabs his flashlight to get a better look at it.
❝ Uhm… guys?.. ❞ Vinly looked to us at fear before pointing at the telephone’s plug. ❝ What the… It’s not… then how? ❞ I felt as if all the words were stuck in my throat.
Nelson backed away from the phone but tripped on something.
❝ A tape? ❞slowly he picked it up and looked if it’s broken when he found it isn’t he passed it to me before telling us to head out. 
I didn’t like the idea of me holding the tape but I continued to do so and pushed the idea out of my head and so I took my backpack, but before I could even put the tape on my backpack, a wave of nausea hit me. I can barely hear Nelson but I knew from his tone that he was panicking.
❝ Y/N? Guys! hel.. You… alri..t.. Wh…t..Gu..uck!.. ❞ 
❝ Ne…calm…n..k! ❞ 
❝ Wh…k..G– ❞
And with that, my eyes closed and I was met with darkness.
And I still felt eyes on me.
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ladycamillewrites · 2 years
Against the Odds
Chapter 10 - Don't be sorry
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warnings: pregnancy stuff, emotional scenes, cussing
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“Chris? Can you hear me?“
“Tom! G’day mate! I know I might’ve overstrained your nerves yesterday“ Chris sighed, suddenly feeling a bit guilty for throwing the overwhelming piece of information at his best friend on a random Thursday night. Wile he was out with Benedict.
“No, it’s- I… fuck, man“ Tom’s husky voice echoed through the Aussie’s phone, self-doubts were battling rays of hope for a brighter future in his voice. “I’m in Dubai right now“
Short silence.
“Erm, you are where?“ 
“Dubai. It’s a three hour layover but those guys have quite the comfortable business class lounge“ Tom replied, the rattling of cutlery adding to the background noises.
The gears in Chris’ head shifted fast, the realization of what his best friend was doing set in like a lightning. But honestly he didn’t expect anything else. Tom was a good man with a strong heart.
“Oh god, thank ya. Y/n is” he stopped for a second “Well, she needs you“, his voice vanishing in a whisper as he heard your high-pitched curse from upstairs. Perhaps the baby was giving his sister some thundering headaches again. A muffled giggle resounded from the actor’s vocal cords whereas Tom was on red alert.
“Is she alright? God, I should’ve come far earlier“ the Brit sighed, doing a desperate facepalm and his left forearm landed on the table with a dull smack. The Arabian specialties he ordered smelled tantalizing however, his hunger was gone.
“Bro, calm down. It’s probably just the baby doing it’s first moves. She always complains about how it tickles on the inside and she can’t do anything about it“ the Thor actor explained, trying to take the guilt from his friend. There was no real need to make him insecure by telling the first conjecture about the reason of your cry. 
“Thank god. It sounds like her“ Tom chuckled lightly, freeing his forehead from the strong grip of his hand. Planes were taking off and pushing back behind the thick windows giving him hope to finally be reunited with the woman he loved more than anything else.
And his unborn child.
“So, If nothing gets in the way I’ll be arriving in Brisbane at 2pm“. 
“I’ll pick you up, bro. Have a nice flight“ Chris hurried to say goodbye before his secret phone call would blow up.
You were bustling all around the house, finding something new to do every five minutes. The second trimester, despite of small movements of the baby and occasional migraine, was flooding you with energy and motivation to do the most random stuff at even more random times. 
“Arielle? Where are you?“ Liam’s voice echoed from downstairs. “Bathroom. Thor tries to eat my bikini bottooooooms“ you yelled back, the panic in your voice amusingly audible. The fluffy Australian Shepherd was a sweetheart. Mostly. But sometimes he turned into Satan himself and tried to annoy the hell out of you.
“Thor tries to do what?“ Your youngest brother asked, the wicked entertainment obvious. Of course he found that funny. “When you finished laughing could you please get your pretty ass up here and put that dog away-ahhhhh!“.
Liam bit his hand to repress a roaring laughter while Chris fist banged on the counter top. Another desperate try to keep it in whereas your agitated curses echoed from above. Their gazes met and both knew they were absolutely defeated. Bursting out in crippling laughter the brothers bathed in your suffering. 
“Liam and Chris fucking Hemsworth! I know y’all grinning like a shot fox. M’ gonna kill you by drowning in the sea“ you cried out before dull thuds announced you descending the stairs and approaching your brothers with the chewed string of wet fabric menacingly in your hand. “Nooo, don’t“ Liam cried out running away from you like a scared, giggling child. You were a mess with your brothers but hell, no one cared so it was just perfect. 
“You’ll buy me a new crossie, friend“ you pointed at Chris who was still choking on a slice of mango. “Why should I?“ He threw his hands up in despair before the salivated fabric hit his naked torso with a wet smack. You weren’t to play games with right now but secretly you enjoyed the childish banter.
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“Arielle, could you please accept the mail?“ Chris yelled from out of the garage. He just got back from grocery shopping and you were the only one dry and inside since your nephews were having quality time with their mother in the pool. Reluctantly, you got up, hasty legs carrying you towards the big, white door. 
Lost in thoughts about Tom, the few months you relished in a perfect life with him London, you twisted the doorknob.
“Hello, my love“.
Your jaw dropped, hands flying up to cup your cheeks as the man you were thinking about nonstop stood in the doorframe, a pretty bouquet made out of lilies and roses in his hands. It felt like you were frozen, as if the person who played you as character just paused the game while Tom’s coy yet incredibly charming smile dazzled your widened eyes. 
“May I come-“ he began, but the baritone voice you had missed so much died as your lips sealed with his. It was as if there had never been a second of pause, not even the slightest touch of difference. It was beautiful whereas you felt horrible inside. Hot tears teetered in the brink of your eyelids, ready to stain Tom’s notorious blue sweater.
“I missed you, darling“ he breathed as you parted for a second, causing the dam of your eyes to breake and gushes of salty tears streamed down you reddened cheeks. 
You had basically abandoned him, left him without a trace and only a ludicrous excuse of a letter. Nevertheless, the man stood right here in front of you smiling thorough his own emotionality with the biggest doe eyes. He wasn’t angry, was he?
Honestly, you couldn’t even blame him if he was.
“Listen, Tom I- I am so fucking sorry” it blurted out of you, unable to meet his ocean blues and turning away from the door instead. Your step away allowed the Brit to enter, however, you were trying to get a safe distance. A few feet that would spare you from his beautiful face contorted in disappointment like a Bernini statue.
“Love, please” 
“No, I can’t. There’s no adequate excuse for what I have done. I should have spoken to you before I left. I should’ve told you that I am…” your voice died in the sore passageway of your throat. Tom was unaware of your biggest secret, wasn’t he?
A whole damn child spending it’s thirteenth week of live in your belly was a hell of a secret. You felt like crumbling apart.
“Pregnant? I know, y/n” Tom’s soothing voice hoisted your gaze from the floor, rays of hope sparkling in your eyes and the broadly smiling man came closer. Was he alright with it? Would he possibly want to have a child with you? A thousand scenarios rumbled through your agitated mind, images of your happy family life fighting the idea of raising him or her alone.
“How do you-“ you began, your boyfriends sharp jawline pointing at your brother as he nodded agreeing wordlessly. Chris sat in the staircase grinning like a Cheshire Cat and holding both thumbs up in an affirmative gesture. Of course. How could you’ve been so stupid to tell him and not expecting him to tell his best friend who happened to be the father. 
You scoffed, grabbing Tom’s hand and pulling him across the whole living room until you reached the terrace, elaborately peppered with exotic plants and a few loungers. Peaceful and peace was definitely what you desired the most. Inner peace with yourself and the man you were ready to lose everything else for. 
“I found out the night of the London Awards but I was already in the tenth week. Remember when I stumbled and you dragged me to the ER?” you whispered, hands playing with vivid petals of the bouquet Tom had bought you. Oh, the scent was heavenly reminding you of the unique lilly-scented washing powder Tom used for his dress shirts. 
Probably not a coincidence but a gentle innuendo.
“Oh god. Why- Why didn’t you tell me?” He panted, looking up from the glass table that separated you like bars of a mental prison. His question weighed heavy on your delicate shoulders, the tickle of your baby’s first tries of movements added oil to the fire that spread across every single sense. It felt shitty, as if you had committed a felony.
“Fuck“ you sighed, hiding your sensitive face in the last fortress of small hands. You had hurt him and blatantly so. Shifting uncomfortable on the soft leather, you stopped as his gentle fingertips brushed your bare knees, slowly pushing the hem of your dress upwards, calculated wave-like motions. “Thomas, I didn’t mean to fool you. I really didn’t. It was just… I-“ you began to stammer mid-sentence.
“Shhh“ he calmed your troubled mind, squatting from the leathery surface and reaching to grab your waist. A gentle flex of his exposed forearms lifted you upwards, coaxing you to straddle his lap. His scent invaded your nostrils like sedative gas, his touch melted your spent muscles like lava melts snow. It felt like the exact same home you left three weeks ago.
Guilt. That was what fueled your tears as soon as your face nuzzled in the crook of his neck. You had left him. Pregnant. You could never properly excuse this although your choice had been influenced heavily by the greedy, destructive voices that wanted nothing but drama and heartbreak.
“I know, darling. I could never reproach you for what you did“ he whispered, the big hand continuously tracing little circles and other swirling patterns on your back. “But I sincerely hope that you can give us a second chance“ the Brit purred carefully. “Please, love. I need you“ the last words flew silently in the Australian breeze like a heavy promise. A promise to your ears only before it got carried away.
“Would you want me back? After…well, I left you?“ You murmured barely audible against the drenched fabric of his signature sweater. Your tears had devoured his whole shoulder but the relentless sun would dry it in an instant anyway. A bit of wetness was Tom’s smallest problem at the moment.
“I’ve never not wanted you, y/n. Since the day Chris introduced me to you again I knew you would play the leading role my own, personal movie. God, I have thought about you since that day. Nonstop, not until this very second“ 
“Can we take a break from the world? Just us and the people who don’t judge for a little while? I need to get my life- we need to get our life sorted“ you paused for a little sigh, slightly hesitant to mention the ‘issue‘. “Especially since she’s with us“.
“So… you think it is a girl? Our baby?“ Tom breathed, the words sinking in like hot ash burning all his previous experiences and nurturing the new life he would be building with you. And with whoever little wonder was hiding in your womb. It was much to take in. “Our baby“ he repeated almost absent-mindedly, thoughts trailing off to how he would be a father in about… wait.
“How far along are you, love?“ The question dragged you out of the gleeful bliss of watching Tom’s gorgeous face contort in pure awe. “Fourteenth week so in the beginning of the second trimester“ you began to explain, your boyfriend’s lips twitching with every new piece of vulnerable information he got. You could almost smell his adorable excitement. 
“Wow” his soft baritone cooed, almost in sync with your giggle. “With you wearing this loose dress I could never have guessed”.
“And yes, somehow I have the feeling it’s a girl. She’ll have your beautiful curls, Tommy“. You smiled so freely and happily for the first time in a long time. Your cheeks wandered up to give way to proud, curling lips and your pregnancy glow reflected the sun like a touch of divinity. He always wanted to have children once and with you being their mother, the actor couldn’t be any happier. He never had been to be exact, in none of his earlier relationships.
Tom hummed in approval, returning your smile before your delicate hand grabbed his, guiding it towards your stomach but he stopped, steel blue doe eyes searching for consent. He was a gentleman of the first waters. Always. Even if it was about his own flesh and blood growing like a wonderful flower.
“Go on“ you smiled coyly, gaze fixed on the Brit’s unique facial features scanning them for any sign of reaction as he touched your small bump. It wasn’t too big yet but clearly visible now that you brushed the fabric of the dress. “Christ“ he breathed, a sudden warmth spreading from his palms like a calming balm. You could feel how she was enjoying her dad’s touch.
For the first time knowingly.
“You’re gonna be a father, Thomas Hiddleston“ you snickered. The angelic sound of your words and their overwhelming meaning dragged the curly haired Brit out of his trance and back into the reality he would cherish and treasure like a guard dog. 
“We- we’ll have a baby“ he eventually whimpered with a sniffy tone. The man had lost control over his words or expressions. “I thought it was impossible for me“ you mused, smiling to yourself at all the comments and bottomless accusations Nate had planted in your mind.
Bullshit. It had all been bullshit and Tom, the real love of your life, had proven it.
Nate could proudly go fuck himself because you had everything you wanted. 
But deep down you knew this triumph wouldn’t be for too long. In a few months the premiere of ‘The Moralizer‘ would take place with compulsory attendance for you and Tom. Logically the world world would know if you came.
However, you wanted to keep this piece of heaven for as long as it lasted. In private.
“God, y/n. You're growing a wonder. I can’t wait to meet him“ he chuckled pulling you in a gentle kiss and lavishly toying with your lower lip. He was devastatingly seductive as always but suave in his tender touch.
“Him? So you don’t think it’s a girl?“ You mused against his wet lips, both of your mouths curling in fond smiles and giggles. 
“Hmmm“ he hummed, the dark timbre of his voice always remaining you of Loki, the Asgardian god you had a massive movie-crush on since the first Thor movie and naturally it got progressively worse. To your defense, you weren’t alone. “No. It’s gonna be a daddy’s boy“.
“Tommy! What even is my role then? You cannot just claim little Hiddles!“ 
“Excuse me? Little Hiddles?“ Tom chuckled, butterflies swirling in his belly at your face all scrunched up in mischievous laughter and of course the cute nickname you had given the baby. He would copy that most definitely. ‘Little Hiddles’ he repeated in his head, pride swelling in his chest, the thought of you as the mother of his child was simple in it’s nature but utterly beautiful.
“Y/n, Tom? Can we talk for a second?“ A shy Elsa peeked around the corner of the brick column. She had been an angel since your arrival, the second person to know of your pregnancy in general and the best source of productive help you got so far. She had three kids after all.
“Sure, and thank you for letting me stay, Elsa. Truly“ Tom unwrapped his charming, British smile making Elsa return it a mere blink of an eye. This man was a honeytrap for every breathing being, a fluffy looking predator that could lure anyone he wished. But it was you who owned his pure heart. You and baby-Tommy, of course.
“You’re something like my brother-in-law so how could I say no?“ She giggled, sitting down opposite of you. “Have you told him about the appointment and the little thing we’ve planned?“ 
You but your lower lips, sudden nervousness cursed your veins at the thought of today’s ultrasound appointment. The biggest one in a while and with a little luck, the doc would be able to determine the gender. Hopefully, everything was alright with your little wonder. You couldn’t bear any complications in this emotionally vulnerable state. Not with the newfound happiness Tom brought with him from London. 
“Well, erm I thought you c- can“ you begun to stutter like a child, your gaze jumping from Tom’s right eyes to his left. “She has a big exam today and now that the daddy is here…“ Elsa tried to help you, nodding affirmatively until the words slipped from your tongue.
“Would you like to come with me?“ 
“If you would have me, dove“ Tom cooed with excitement tugging at his lips.
Chris’ wife was slowly melting but not from the Australian sun, no, from the utter cuteness of the whole scenario. It felt like the final, happy reunion in a rom-com with the best actors on the planet. To her you definitely were.
“And Elsa wants to organize a gender reveal party if that’s okay with you, baby“ you snickered against his muscular chest, the training for Skull Island and the Moralizer was still showing off so seductively. If everything was going well later, Tom would definitely not be allowed the leave the bedroom tonight. 
You were touch starved and so was he, his hips subtly bucking as you leaned back, temptingly putting your cleavage on display for him.
Oh, the passion never died.
“I can hear it in your voice, dove. You would love this, wouldn’t you?“ He mocked playfully, long digits flying to hold you in place. “Maybe“. The giggle spoke volumes, making the handsome Brit set up the serotonin-boosting smile you loved so much about him. The shiny teeth reflected the sun like luxurious pearls while you drowned in the ocean and sky blue shades of his almond eyes.
A beautiful man and all yours. Hopefully, forever.
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“Ready? It could feel a bit cold“ the doctor asked for consent before applying the ultrasound probe on your bump. It tickled, felt weird but Tom was sitting right next to you caressing your arm and smiling like an exited kid. You wouldn’t know whether it was a girl or a boy since Elsa planned the party for you. 
The doc knew so everything that came out of his mouth were the standard affirmations. You smiled at Tom, watching him look at the monitor with an awe-struck expression painting his sharp facials.
Fuck Nate. This was exactly what you wanted. This man and this little family.
But his smile died, brows furrowed in confusion as the doctor mumbled incoherent phrases to himself, moving the probe across your belly as if he was searching something. 
“Ehm, is everything alright?“ Your dry voice was shaking and Tom’s big hand grabbed your left hand. The tension was palpable and thousands of bad scenarios began to flash in your irritated mommy-mind. 
“Oh, sorry! Yes, it is actually all good twice“ he explained, fingers moving on the monitor to make measurements or whatever this device was capable of. 
Your confused gaze met your boyfriend’s equally puzzled ocean blues, both unable to process what the doctor was trying to imply. 
“You didn’t know?“ The older man asked again, an exited grin on his thin lips. “Sorry, know what?“
“You’re expecting twins, Ms Hemsworth“ 
“I beg your pardon?“ It blurted out of Tom, disbelief written all over his gorgeous face like an emotional love letter. The shock turned into a sweet realization as the monitor got turned and you saw the two tiny beings sharing your belly like roommates.
“Well, the babies are a bit small for your stage of pregnancy but it's nothing to worry about. Both seem perfectly healthy“.
Two babies.
“Oh my god“ you breathed, mouth agape from feeling you couldn’t even describe properly. Of course, you were overwhelmed for more than just a blink of an eye and maybe would need some days to really process this. However, the main emotions were pure luck, happiness and pride swelling in your fast pounding heart when glassy eyes met Tom.
* beep beep *
“Oh, excuse me for a minute“ the friendly doctor nodded, the honest smile on his face silently congratulating the happy couple before the he left. 
“Twins, darling! You’re a wonder“ Tom sobbed, sweet tears rolling down the sharp path of his cheekbones until they hit your naked belly. It felt so wholesome yet utterly distant as you sat up, back against Tom’s chest and both staring at the on-hold image the doctor captured. 
At first you thought you would never have a baby and now… two little creatures sleeping safe and sound in your bump. The natural consequence of your love to the most perfect man on earth.
“I- I don’t… we have to buy twice as much clothes?!“ It blurted out of you, realization slowly setting like dawn. Tom just chuckled, the deep sound intertwining with happy sobs and vibrating against your neck. He held you tight, one hand sinking down to cup your belly in such loving manner, the twins would surely notice.
“Looks like I have to order two Loki jumpers then“. “Sorry, you ordered what?“ You bursted out in laughter swiftly turning your shoulders to face the grinning man. He was Loki, there was no doubt. But the stubble of his beard was kind of distracting to the image of the ethereal trickster nevertheless, you loved it as much. 
“You will be an amazing father, Tom“ you snickered, the tip of your nose touching his before his pointer brushed your chin and coaxed you into a passionate kiss. Tongues were swirling around each other, tears were mingling at your touching cheeks. This moment was one to treasure, one that was burnt deep in your memory. One that you shared with Tom forever and maybe would think about again when your twins had kids of their own…
“I’m so sorry I left you. Is there any way I could-“ but Tom was quick to interrupt “Love, we talked about this. No more apologies because I am happier than ever“ he breathed in between the heated kiss. Perhaps it grew a bit out of control, his greedy hands melting in the curves of your hips.
“Guys, I’ve heard you’re-“ Elsa stumbled in the room, the handle of her bag getting caught on the doorknob. With heavy pants you parted, mentally thanking the door for distracting your sister-in-law. There was no need for her to see you almost making out in the examination room of the local hospital, right?
“Twins!“ You grinned like a Cheshire Cat while it was still dawning on you that this meant twice the work, twice the fatigue and twice the bustle.
But hell, as if you couldn’t manage it with Tom on your side. You were ready for this luck of a challenge and so was your boyfriend, agog to tell his mom. You’ve met her already, even visited her a few times and she was so adorable. The perfect grandmother, you were sure.
Elsa squeaked like an overly exited child, jumping around to pull both of you in a hug. “Congratulations, you two“ she chirped, suddenly pulling back to stare at you with eyes widened and a silent o on her lips. “Oh gosh! I have to double up all the decoration and stuff“ it blurted out of her bestowing you a good round of laughter.
Unbeknownst to you the doctor returned, your documents and files in his hands.
“Mister Hiddleston, do you know your blood type by any chance?“ He intervened, the smile in his voice audible as the sweet serotonin swirling in the air infiltrated him as well. 
“A negative, sir“ his answer came like shot leaving Elsa and you startled, exchanging funny looks as the doc completed the entries in your maternity record. “Well, you could shoot me in the leg and I wouldn’t know“ your best friend quipped nudging Tom in the side to elicit some kind of explanation.  
Tom’s amused chuckle warmed your heart as you smoothened your blouse again, turning on the medical couch, your legs dangling freely. “While filming Skull Island they needed to know in case anyone got injured in the backland of Vietnam“ he explained, smiling at all the interesting memories he made.
“Have you heard that mini-Hiddlestons? Your daddy is a pretty cool guy“ you cackled, caressing the small bump hidden by comfortable leggings.
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“Twins? Are you kidding me mate?“ Chris’ deep voice echoed through the whole house as Tom proudly presented the ultrasound picture the doc gave you. “What?“ India squeaked running towards her daddy and swiftly grabbing the photo. Logically, it was just a weird black and white image of something she was far too young to realize but her youthful joy was unstoppable. 
“Like Tristan and Sasha?“ She asked Tom, small eyebrows furrowed in concentration to process the gleeful situation. India had idolized her aunt y/n since the day she was born and finding out there would be more kids in her family soon was totally awesome to her.
“Exactly. Maybe this kind of luck runs in the Hemsworth-blood?“ Tom joked patting his bro’s shoulders; the man as hard as rock yet fighting happy tears like a toddler. “You have no idea what multiplying this kind of work means“ your big brother tried to detract from his emotionality but Tom just laughed it off.
There was no space for worries or fears right now. Just bliss.
“Chris, what the hell?“ Liam intervened crossing his arms in front of his chest defensively. The youngest brother sometimes actually was the most reasonable. “Are you really just terrifying him? Give this man a break“.
“Exactly, Chris. Listen to your brother“ you feigned seriousness while jumping on Liam’s back letting him carry you around the house like a human horse. “To the fridge“ you commanded strictly, extending one arm with your fingers pointing to the kitchen.
The mini-Hiddles were hungry so the mango in the fridge was destined to die.
The other mango you knew was certainly better suited for more private times…
“Lucky you. The last few days she wanted me to drive her to Macca’s“ Chris sighed, getting up to indulge his begging daughter’s wish to go play with Thor. Tom was left turning around on the couch, his right arm resting on the backrest so that he could watch his beautiful y/n bickering with her brother. She was perfect, curling the corners of lips upwards with ease. 
After you were finished arguing with Liam on how to cut a mango the right way, you were huddled up in Tom’s strong arms, the two of you enjoying the privacy at the pool. Light blue pool lights were creating flickering and swaying rays with the tiny waves rippling across the water surface. It was so peaceful, and so was your heart. Almost.
“Tommy?“ “Hmm?“ He hummed, eyes closed and tired from the excruciatingly long day. A stop-over flight, a fateful talk and finding out he was gonna be the dad of twins had the Brit’s mind dizzy.
However, it was a good kind of dizzy, the way you would feel after a fun rollercoaster ride. 
“What do you say about taking some time off? I want to to savor this with you before we have to face reality again“ you spoke, barely audible in the valley between his biceps and torso. You knew it was going to happen and the media outcry would be heavy. Needless to say you weren’t keen on Nate’s fucking stupid comments. 
But they would meet your ears soon enough and you wanted to be prepared.
“Of course. I already told my manager about a break due to personal reasons. Are three weeks fine with you, darling?“ He cooed, dexterous digits toying with a strand of your hair sprawled across his bare chest. You could feel his defined pectorals flexing as his arm reached out to cradle your figure lovingly. 
“More than fine, my love“ you grinned up at him. “We will be stronger than ever“ He added while his ocean blues wandered your bikini clad body greedily. Oh, how well you knew this look and what would follow. 
“I hope so, Tommy. But let’s not waste time on those idiots, shall we?“ You chirped, his subtle beard tickling your delicate skin as your lips sealed agin.
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a/n: twins guyssss 🎉 let's see if the newfound happiness lasts
tags: @crimson25 @kikster606 @huntress-artemiss @123forgottherest @lovingchoices14 @ozymdias @vbecker10 @coldnique @lokixryss @simplyholl @peaches1958 @lokibadguy @jennyggggrrr @stephenstrangeaddictions @holymultiplefandomsbatman @mischief2sarawr @mypsychoticlove @mochie85 @muddyorbs @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @simping-for-marvel @lady-rose-moon @goblingirlsarah @kats72 @vickie5446 @buffyfan2833 @12-pm-510 @ladymischief11 @somewiseguy @woooonau @cabingrlandrandomcrap @alchemxx @honeyrydernot
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anonymous-gambito · 1 year
Just finished watching but I refuse to say anything smart about Revolutionary Girl Utena since all that I've gathered and analysed has probably already been said before countless times in the last two decades and a half, so I'll just share some of my mostly unhinged reactions instead (not all in order):
- "What's with the egg cracking" "I should tell future kids this was the trans agenda"
- " 'Yeah I like guys. For instance, i like that one idealized guy I made up in my head' – said no baby lesbian ever" (sarcasm)
- "Thanks for all the trigger warning folks :)" "My biggest trigger was actually seeing cats be mistreated so RIP me I guess haha" (I went to Does The Dog Die as soon as I saw the cat this is a joke ppl no one overthink this pls)
- "When people told me there'd be incest in this I didn't realize it'd be the only sibling flavor on the menu"
- "That Black Rose stuff sounds like bad news but it's giving ppl cool outfits so..."
- "If I had a penny for every pink haired character who fantasized about that creepy dude looking like a young little twink I'd have two pennies, which isn't a lot but–"
- "When dudes peaked in highschool so they just decided to never leave"
- "I thought my first Ikuhara anime would have desensitized me to all other Ikuhara anime but in retrospective the butt stuff was a much easier metaphor to understand"
- "Are you really trying to go for both the brother and the sister???" (Things I have somehow said more than once while watching this)
- "Is that guy for real???" *Is actually legitimately doubting that guy's existence*
- "Spree of vehicular manslaughter (allegory) (allegory for other kinds of crime even)"
- " 'Daddy Long legs'? You mean, like, the book??? You mean the book or that anime adaptation where the age gap is actually creepier? Because the art style and the fashion in that thing was cool af but damn was it uncomfortable" "Anyways don't fucking call him that I might throw up"
- "They care more about the dress code than about all this child grooming going around so this is basically like ur average school"
- "He was LEADING HER ON! *hits table* I KNEW IT! He's been manipulative since the beginning so of course I suspected that he was encouraging his sister's feelings so he could have control over her and–" *keeps rambling*
- "This is the future the 'abstinence only sex ed' crowd want. Just look at them! They don't even see the red flags!"
- "My face is gonna get stuck in that cringe"
- *Starts biting table* "Hitting isn't dramatic enough for this anymore"
- "I'm getting all kinds of deja vu about that reveal, like I've seen it years before and had just forgotten about it until now" "which is surely annoying me because I did NOT sign up to be part of this show's narrative themes FUCK this immersive experience bullshit"
- "Intricate Rituals™" "Okay I'm just surprised I hadn't said that one before, considering..."
- "...Suddenly all that slapping around has gained a lot more narrative significance..."
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altocat · 1 year
The boy's name is Rosen. And the island is called Sijad, one of the various islands around the Rhadore archipelago. Our team needs to get over to their perspective mako reactor site by boat. He wants the rando trio off his island ASAP, though they sorta make friends with him by running errands for him and his dog.
Rosen lives by himself and draws attention to the big fire chimney near his house. It's very important to him.
He tells the gang how Rhadorans view mako energy as "mana", something spiritual and sacred. And when the mana is disrupted through various means, crazy destructive nature shit happens. Rosen's ancestors have experienced it throughout generations.
It's basically Rosen's job to watch for that stuff. He's basically the guardian of the island, stuck there to watch nature until he dies. Mystical mumbo jumbo idk. His official title is The Eye of Rhadore.
The chimney is basically a means of communicating with the Rhadore folk from across islands. They have different signals and warnings they can send to each other. But Rosen is stuck there alone to perform his duties.
The boat needs a battery so our group heads out to fix it. Rosen warns them that calling in a search party would REALLY fuck with the mana here. Aka if certain silver-haired catboys show up.
Matt is REALLY pushing for that distress signal. Glenn's doing all this for the reward money, since his grandma's in the hospital. Aww.
They fight a giant sea-goblin thing while getting the battery for the boat.
Glenn clearly cares about Rosen despite them being enemies. Rosen is sad and pissy that these three assholes are heading to the other island and will likely run into his people there. He openly tells them that hey, maybe they'll die once they reach to the mainland. This little guy's pretty savage lmao. But rightfully so because...Shinra.
Anyway, the boat's good to go. Rosen is glad to have gotten the chance to talk to someone, but still very much wants them to gtfo. Glenn gives him a pat. Awww.
Theorizing that Glenn is probably gonna be attached to this kid but not Seph. I sense a Seph-Glenn rivalry brewing, probably over the whole "hero/new soldiers replacing the old" thing. But Glenn is genuinely soft about Rosen and that's kind of sweet.
Off to the mainland! Apparently there's a Chapter 3 so I will recap that as well once I've finished!
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yaoxsblog · 1 year
Bosnia horny headcanons NOW 🔥🔥🔥
Ok as per usual CW: mentions of sex, fetishes and overall gross stuff, if you don’t want to see it don’t read
Oh and also disclaimer, my version of Enis is a cis male bisexual, and most if not all of this will apply to his relationship with herze, i mean what else Did you expect of me really.
I actually think he’s not 100% a bottom. Yeah i know throwing tomatoes because that joke that herze tops him is so old it sprouted roots in my brain but just hear me out. Cause when he gets to actually be dominant he’s got that dog in him (i don’t even know what that means)
What i wanted to say basically is dom bos is more agressive.
Sub bos is way different. Good boy, very obedient 10/10
Giving oral >>>recieving oral
His sex drive is actually pretty low, out of him and herze you would think hes to more horny one but no lol
Totally into being choked, also probably enjoys being tied up in some way
WOW THATS A LOT OF EDGING like a lot a lot
Hes actually pretty quiet, sometimes whimpers but almost never moans. Instead he prefers for his partner to be loud
^^^ doesn’t even have to ask herze for it, she’s just loud in general, screaming with the s this time
… ass guy. All I’m gonna say. Ass and Hips are Top tier.
Fav position is probably some variation of cowgirl or lotus (oh and any form of face riding)
Very much enjoys taking his time, teasing or being teased, leaving little kisses everywhere and slowly undressing his partner (contrary to herze who would just like to unzip his pants and hop on Top)
Sigh… okay fine he has a snail trail (but i very much prefer the polish term for it because ścieżka do leszka is objectively funnier)
And MAYBE… because im not sure but cum gutters???
Fav place to finish on… well nowhere on the outside hehe *gets electrocuted*
Sigh besides that probably his partner’s stomach
ACTUALLY doesn’t smoke right after he finishes, but that is literally just because herze doesn’t like it when he does, thats the only time of day when she wants to cuddle so you gotta make use of that
Doesn’t actually have the balls to do it but probably fantasizes about doing it in public
When he was little uncle turkey told him masturbation is haram and therefore he doesn’t do it even now (and when he does he cries after)
This comes as no surprise but he enjoys being pegged. You knew this was gonna be mentioned and here it is
Not super horny but super filrty and probably says shit like „hey bbg u wanna tie me up and drip wax on my dick????”
Im not gonna do cock size and color headcanons. If you can imagine he has one i think thats enough to think about
I mentioned that he likes touching well uhhhhhhhh this also applies here. Def grabs herze’s Hips whenever he can
Likes sundresses, skirts, anything that can give you ‚easy access’ *gets electrocuted again*
Ok i think thats enough bye lolll
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ill-written-god · 11 months
G | 916 | m/m vampire/werewolf finally some monster on monster action | fantasy | drugged flirting, pre relationship, d/s dynamics hinted
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It's embarrassing. What kind of respectable vampire chips his fucking fangs? He lies to himself that maybe no one will notice, that it's not that bad. But fangs were a vamp's most noticeable feature, they were their pride and any blemish was commented on by his so-called best friends constantly.
So he sucked it up and went to the only dentist in the state who specialized in monster teeth. 
The business was in no way illegal but also wasn’t regulated in any way, so he found himself under the ground level of some back alley building, greeted by a bulky half-orc and an ‘interspecies peace zone’ sign. 
Inside there is a fairly insane-looking guy with thick glasses, scribbling something down. In front of him, sitting sideways on the dentist chair, is a werewolf, holding his cheek. His nose moves and he turns towards him, instantly twisting his face into a scowl. 
It quickly drops, the wolf letting out a pained whimper instead. 
“Awww, somebody got a cavity?” he cooed meanly. The wolf glared.
“Ah, Mr. Lee. Haven’t you chipped your fang opening a wine bottle?”
If there was any blood in him, he would go pink with embarrassment. 
“What about doctor confidentiality?!” he asks, while the wolf snickers. 
“There’s none,” the dentist shrugs. “I work on the fringes of law, so I make my own rules. One of them being my patients acting civil to each other. Respect that or find another doctor.”
He doesn’t answer, he just sits down on a vacant chair and waits for the two to finish their transaction. After the wolf pays though, he doesn’t leave. He sits down next to him, while the dentist motions him to take his place. 
“Is he gonna watch?”
“Yep. Gotta wait for the anaesthesia to wear down.”
“But-!” he cuts himself off under the doctor’s murderous gaze. He should have gone to medical school himself. To be a vampire and be overpowered by a medical professional. Unthinkable. 
He lets the mortal put his fingers in his mouth while a werewolf watches. The most mortifying time of his life.
The doctor hums as he studies his fangs. 
“I’ll give you a temporary filling but after taking a cast of your teeth. Until we fix your teeth with proper acrylic, no biting because the filling isn’t strong enough for that. It should be ready in a couple of days though, so no worries.”
The vampire hums an affirmative, mouth still full of dental tools.
After that, even more weird stuff gets placed there, like some artificially smelling pink cream, used for the cast. After that, a piece of clay to form the missing tip of his fang. 
He pays a lot, but he can afford it, and it’s worth not listening to his friends laugh anymore.
“Do you remember what to do?”
“No biting, brush gently, be back in two days.”
“Great. Now please take Mr. Blum on your way out, I’m closing up.”
“What?!” his head whips to the chair in the corner, where the werewolf is still sitting.
“He told me he reacts badly to anaesthesia but I didn’t expect it to be this bad,” the man explains with a shrug. “Just call him a taxi or something,” he waves his hand dismissively.
Lee gapes. But the doctor doesn’t seem to give him any attention, and the half-orc enters the room, giving him the stink-eye, so he grabs the werewolve’s elbow and drags him outside.
“Okay, Mr. Blum, where do you live?” he asks, straightening him up since he’s a bit wobbly on his legs. He looks around to see the nearest place to grab a taxi, but when he doesn’t get an answer, he looks down. A pair of puppy dog eyes is looking up at him, big and sparkly. The waning moon is reflected in them.
Dumbass probably was too drained after the full moon to fight the chemical haze.
The werewolf sighs.
“You vampires are so pretty…” 
For a second he’s so taken aback he’s frozen speechless. Then, he scoffs. 
“Okay, if you don’t tell me where you live, I’m just going to drop you here.”
The wolf seems to be deciphering his words for a very long time, and he’s about to drop him here and there, when he finally gets an answer, along with a giggle.
“16 Mirkwood Lane,” he says, slurring just a bit. “Will you come in?” 
The question was bad, but the eyebrow waggle was too much. He drops the werewolf on the pavement, letting him wobble against the nearest lamp pole.
He makes only a couple steps away when the night is pierced by a howl.
“Shit, fuck, fuck, shit!” he hurries back to the werewolf, covering his mouth with his hands. “Shut up!”
“Give me your number.”
He blinks.
The werewolf inhales again.
“Fine, fine!” he hurries to cover his mouth again. “Whatever, just, shut up!”
He whips out his business card (of course he has one, he’s cultured) and hands it to the werewolf. “Here. Now, you’re gonna get in the cab, I’ll see you walk into your house, and you can call me when you sober up, no sooner,” he instructs, dragging him forward and waving to a taxi driver who stopped for a smoke.
“Yes, sir.” 
The voice is smaller than before, and when he looks down the puppy eyes are even bigger, shinier. Guess he let his dominant side out too much.
This is what he gets for drinking alcohol. 
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