#I only JUST got into the real world in my rewatch but I'm pretty sure there that between being all on their own in the real world
curedigiqueen · 4 months
Mimi notably never directly refers to Yamato over the course of both adventure and 02. However there IS an implication of interactions in the first half of the show.
Mimi is one of the youngest in the group. Though she and Koshiro are the same age, Koshiro's quiet serious nature and computer skills often lead him to be treated more seriously while Mimi's penchant for complaining (no matter how justified), makes her treated a little more like a junior. There's a hierarchy of protection, that Mimi sits only above Takeru for. Mimi, being on the younger side, is more free to complain about her situation. Sora clearly looks after Mimi as the senior girl, as does Joe as the oldest over all, but Yamato also seems to look after her, at least in the first half of the season, as an extension of looking after Takeru. For instance, very early in the series, Yamato advocated for taking a break, presumably on behalf of Takeru, but it was both Takeru and Mimi who were struggling. And in episodes 5, 7, and 19 Yamato seems to be tasked with looking after the younger kids, Takeru and Mimi, Koshiro sometimes, even if I don't think it was necessarily purposeful in 5.
As such while we don't see much of Yamato and Mimi directly interacting it does stand to reason that they get along and do work well together. Yamato is generally rather considerate of people's negative emotions, such as with how he treated Sora's breakdown in episode 26 and how he handled Mimi's graves early in the dark masters arc. I would imagine that Yamato is relatively tolerant of Mimi's complaining. Conversely I would imagine Yamato is someone who Mimi holds a lot of respect for.
As a side note, the fact Taichi leaves Hikari in Yamato's care I think also speaks to Yamato's unspoken role of "babysitter", the complimentary shield to the role of sword Taichi plays. Yamato's tendency to prioritize the group's well being, over Taichi's tendency to take initiative and confront enemies. It also of course makes sense in the context of their crests, Taichi is courage (to do things), and Yamato's is friendship (to look after people).
And of course on the other side we get Joe Taichi and Sora as a group, the initiative takers, the ones who are more likely to do a dangerous job. Joe who went out in episode 7, Taichi and Sora who went to find him. Those three were the ones dealing with Andromon while the others looked around the factory, and the ones who went in for Sora's crest. Koshiro goes either way depending on if his skills are necessary or not.
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More little things I noticed in my third rewatch of ATSV.
There was a moment that confused me where Spot was robbing the guy of the ATM and he was setting down some cans for (seemingly) no reason. He was actually placing the ATM on top of the cans so he can roll it out.
I can't confirm if this is what was actually there, but when Uncle Aaron was telling Miles they "gotta roll," there was an acrylic stand of Spider-Man there that looked like Miles Morales Spider-Man (color and all).
When Miles was swinging through 42 NYC, there was an advertisement for "Vulture" something, I'm assuming a company. Messed up.
When Miguel first introduces himself by ramming into Vulture, Gwen gets to the spot and does this really slick landing animation where she kinda just gracefully brushes against the bannister briefly before landing on the ground.
42 Rio being given more hours at the hospital shows just how bad 42 New York has gotten without a Spider-Man. Terrifying.
I think I may have pointed this out on a previous post, but 1610 Uncle Aaron had a lucky black cat while 42 Uncle Aaron had a lucky white cat instead. I also like the parallels of Peter being tied up against a punching bag by Miles in ITSV while Miles is tied up by Uncle Aaron in ATSV.
I find it hilarious that Miles STILL doesn't know about ComicCon and didn't bother to look it up since ITSV when 42 Rio brings up "ComicsCon."
When Hobie is blocking off Miles from walking through to Miguel and Miles bumps into him, there's a tiny skull that appears when they make contact. It might just be a punk thing, but I wonder if it's an omen for the bad thing that's ahead of Miles.
Lego Spider-Man's vocalized "boop boop"s killed me.
I love the reveal when Miles realizes he's in the wrong universe, the camera pulls into his face and twists slightly. Obvious but nonetheless cool film styling of "his world is spinning" aside, I love that it feels like a 40's/50's kind of thing. Like this is something that you would see in The Twilight Zone, it nails the old comic book-y vibes too.
42 Miles' facial posture has his head up high and his chin slightly jutting out and up, like he's this "in-charge," cold, dignified superior while our Miles has his chin straight, sometimes pointed down and his head straight, showing he's trying to appeal to his humanity and trying to be humble and unassuming. It's awesome details like this that I love.
Hearing Spot say that he couldn't get a job because of what happened to him at that deli really hurts, honestly. Even if, in a way, he himself is partially to blame, it sucks that he has to resort to this. And the way he says it, almost in a "well, I can't do anything else so this is the only thing I can do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯" kind of way is really saddening, like he's trying to take it in stride and as a matter of fact. As awful as Spot becomes, I still feel bad for him.
Miles has a "#BLM" pin on his backpack. I'm sure people saw it already and it's probably a given, but in a world where media is trying to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible, it's nice to see the studio make a clear stance with a character that absolutely fits the bill.
That title drop for Earth 42 when Uncle Aaron tries to dab up Miles going into slow-mo with the music subdued was dope as fuck.
Miles throwing his arms up when asking when his dad dies ("When does it happen?!") is so on-point and well animated, it feels like something every New Yorker would do (I would personally know, since I am one).
When Gwen asks Jess if she ever made mistakes, Jess' reply, saying "yeah, but I got over it," is pretty toxic. It feeds into Gwen's need to avoid her problems rather than address them and face them, and I think that's why she probably chooses to avoid discussing things about Miles to him directly.
That look of disgust on Miles' face when he's being surrounded by Spider-People ("What is this? Some kind of intervention or something?") was so real.
The long silence between Miles choosing to go into the portal to follow Gwen is so good, I love when the movie speaks for itself rather than the dialogue. You can see the hesitation in Miles' eyes and face and then his determination as he jumps headfirst into the portal. A great character scene and fitting transition into the next act.
The album cover for the soundtrack is so good and comes from the scene where Miles goes into the portal. It feels like a mix of something from a Golden Age comic book cover, Miles' hand opened out towards the camera like he's being thrust into another world. And the colors of the portal and transition to Mumbattan are gorgeous. Fills the 40's/50's vibes I was talking about earlier, too.
Jeff's toast is really well done and I like how heartfelt and real it feels. Makes his anger, unfortunately, justified on Miles, even if Miles was trying to do the right thing for him and Rio in the end.
"I was just cool the whole time" is such a boss line, I love Hobie.
Miguel casually (almost lazily) swinging around rescuing civilians at the Guggenheim whilst talking to Gwen about a serious conversation is unironically cool. And it fits to his character, he's probably done it so many times that it becomes child's play in the end.
"I ain't got Scooby-Doo, mate."
How does Hobie know that Miles should use his palms for those powers? Curious.
"But now...I'm not afraid of anything." I love Miles so much, he's grown and become so strong not just for himself but for others. He's the best Spidey. Full stop.
I love the reversal of reflections for Gwen. At the beginning of the movie, she's in her casual wear but with the reflections always showing her in her Spider outfit. At the end, she comes home in her Spider outfit but with herself in her casual wear in the reflection instead. She started off alone in the world as Spider-Woman and ended feeling like Gwen. Her arc was completed and she's facing herself, the real Gwen Stacy and not Spider-Woman.
I felt bad that the deli clerk got bonked by the bat :( But, at least he's all right.
Miles saying "Don't do that" to the kid licking the subway window is real. That shit is nasty, the windows are the least clean parts of NYC's subway.
I love that both Gwen and Miles use comically deep voices around their respective dads. It's cute.
When the police officer was saying "I think we found our sign" when Gwen webbed them up, George's silent head turn with unamusement was awesome.
I will not have anymore George Stacy slander. Yeah, he made a bad call in seemingly arresting his daughter, but he QUIT his job for her. He loves her that much that he quit being, not just a police officer, but a CAPTAIN, for HER sake.
Speaking of which, when George had his gun pointed at her before she unmasked, he had his gun down the whole time after she unmasked, even while he was re-relaying her her rights. And when she tries to approach him, his gun flinches up a bit but stops.
"Can you go easy on the penguin?"
This is actually a follow-up post, since I said before that I might make another. This movie is too much for me and I love taking it apart.
Edit: I'm sorry for the constant updates and changes/revisions, but I can't stop thinking about this movie.
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pianocat939 · 1 year
Celina, I had the most random thought about a yandere rottmnt isekai au.
I was rewatching some rottmnt earlier and I noticed how I barely commented on anything, aside from a smile and a small chuckle here and there. It got me thinking…
What if m/c was like that? What if m/c never really commented at all aside from a few chuckles and small comments sprinkled throughout an episode? Maybe they are a bit of an introvert too? How would yandere rottmnt turtles react to this?
I think they would go insane trying to find any information at all about m/c, and at first it isn’t even because of their yandere-ness! They just want to know who the heck is watching them!
I think that they may try to do things to make m/c speak, but they wouldn’t outright reveal themselves as able to hear m/c (let’s be real here, if you found out an entity beyond your realm was watching you, would you instantly let them know you are aware of them or would you at least try to make sure they are safe first?).
Soon, m/c’s voice becomes… addicting. The boys constantly crave m/c’s voice and comments, doing anything to know more about them and just hear them again! This is amped up if m/c gives them small compliments here and there… especially with Donnie and Leo… (The turtles would probably develop the belief that the only reason they can hear m/c and no one else from m/c’s realm is because m/c belongs in their realm…)
Then they try to break into m/c’s realm…
Donnie would most likely be able to connect with the tech first with his nimpo, then he would hack into any device near m/c. Cameras, laptops, phones, everything! It isn’t long before the turtles learn more about m/c than they would’ve ever known beforehand, maybe even more than m/c themself…
It isn’t long before Donnie hacks into m/c’s phone and establishes a connection between the turtles and m/c’s devices…
Poor m/c would have no idea who these random people who sound-er, text?- a lot like their favorite characters from ROTTMNT. I doubt the turtles would give themselves away immediately, they would most likely bide their time and gain more information on m/c (This could also be translated into your sentient AI thing you have going on).
They would only reveal themselves in person, once the portal is ready and they can take what rightfully belongs in their world. M/c wouldn’t have the chance to run before they are dragged away, kicking, screaming, and crying, out of their own reality…
“Why are you fighting us, dear? Don’t you love us? Our reality is- No, stop fighting us- our reality is much better than this bitter and cold world, you won’t have to worry about anything ever again!”
(Bonus if Donnie hacks into m/c’s friends and families phones so Dr. Delicate Touch can have a few words with them…)
(I’m sorry, It’s almost midnight for me and I HAD to share this idea with someone :,/)
Me at 3 AM 3 hours later-
Someone send help I cried because of an angst story but now I'm dehydrated but I'm too scared to go get liquid bcs I'm pretty sure someone is on the couch and I'm far too paranoid for that shit-
Tw: Raph gets a little- too dependent on MC speaking, Mikey glorifies his position, mentions of manipulation + anxiety
First of all, delicious idea you got here- as always I'll just add a little tidbit.
Imagine occasionally they accidentally whisper or mumble when they hear you speak in the rare moments that you do. Like with me, I either talk to myself about somewhat off-topic things or just say the most basic compliments that are more or less for my self-indulgence in expressing my true feelings. (We'll go with compliment bcs that makes more sense in terms of yan development)
"Donnie is so skrunkly when he's feral I love it-"
*Donnie who was just having a typical "who's better" debate with Leo* "Oh won't you look at that...I'm loved even in times of undomesticated behaviours~" *he's very smug, and definitely is bouncing with joy internally*
I think for the most part Donnie, Leo, and Raph react pretty similarly. They kinda just have an odd pull to the weird ass voice they occasionally hear sometimes, wanting to find out more about it. So they can cling to it as emotional support.
But Mikey?
He is legit going to think he's some prophet of this mysterious voice which he believes is a superior being. Like even the smallest comment will literally make him whisper to himself- "Oh my divinity, I am a follower of your every word.." Wouldn't be surprised if he has heart eyes istg-
But if his bros say they can hear it too, he will literally be so pissed. He'll accuse they're lying and basically manipulating him into thinking he's not special. I wouldn't be surprised if he busts out Dr. Delicate Touch to start accusing them of any crime that fits with the situation. And in the end, he'll always conclude with "I'm the only one who gets to be the chosen one of my divinity~ so stop lying alright?"
Also there's one thing I want to point out with Raph, I feel he would get attached to the voice so bad over time that he either A. cannot make any rational decisions without it or B. he gets super anxious if he doesn't hear it in his head 24/7. I feel he would nickname it like, "my secret voice" or "my mind plushie".
Leo and Donnie definitely fight the most about the voice, but they also plan together the most when it comes to finding out more about the owner of the voice. But their intentions with each other are never mentioned.
(this was such a half-assed rant but surely it should be a little insight on my thoughts).
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
last twilight ep 5 thoughts feelings etc.
eyy actually watched this earlier and rewatching it, so things should be a little less feral and unhinged. actually took notes my first watch through as well (wtf am i doing)
once again i love how stories are our constant companions in this show. i love how they keep playing with the parallels between worlds, it's one of my absolute favorite things in storytelling.
i love the fact that day is now 'invisible' in the world of badminton but he can still experience all of the joy of the game by supporting his friends. badminton was such a big part of his life and he doesn't have to leave it all behind, he just experiences it a little differently now.
film is so fucking pretty even covered in 'sweat.' i do love the show let her be 'sweaty' and disheveled instead of having perfect hair and make up after what was clearly a hard game. GIVE ME SWEATY WOMEN. (god im so gay)
so i said it last week but the only time we've ever seen mhok be violent is when he's been protecting the people close to him. (his garage bro, porjai x 2, etc) and we see him ready to do it again when august confronts day. there is no doubt in my mind that mhok was fully prepared to bury that bitch for even daring to make day the slightest bit afraid.
and god how scary does that have to be? you can't see, you're already nervous to be here, and suddenly someone is shouting at you - and maybe you don't recognize them at first because you haven't heard their voice in over a year but all you know is they're coming closer and they're so angry. i can't imagine anything scarier than that.
ahh, a broken picture frame representing a broken bond, an absolute classic metaphor. an oldie but a goodie.
once again i love that we see day's rage. anger really is such a big part of coming to terms with being disabled. i got some bad news a few weeks ago about my own disease and i've spent the last few weeks so angry and frustrated and then just sad. it's such a complex journey and the show is doing an absolutely brilliant job of showing that.
i do owe day's family a small smidgen of an apology since day is the one that asked it to be kept a secret, HOWEVER, i do think that conversation should have been revisited after a fucking year. how long were they just going to let him live in isolation? like cool for respecting his agency, not cool for letting him waste away in a tomb of his own making.
so here's the thing with mhok. i love him. no - the real thing is i see so much of myself in him. my friends and family constantly get frustrated with me because i will never tell them when something is wrong or when i'm shouldering a lot of emotions about something. when i got the bad news about my disease i hid in my office and cried at my desk and then cleaned myself up and pretended nothing happened. fuck, i feel like i understand mhok on such a deep level.
not to get too into it but my own habits stem from neglect in my formative years, and i have to wonder if mhok's behavior maybe stems from his isolation in prison? oftentimes people with these behavior patterns will self isolate, either deal with or bury their emotions, and then emerge back into their friend group as if nothing happened. (am i talking about myself again? shhh.) mhok didn't really have a choice - sure you can write letters, have visitors, but a large part of his day was probably handling his grief in solitude. he's probably gotten so good at "handling it" and pushing everything down and dealing with everything in silence that he doesn't know how to handle it any other way now.
to make things worse, it happened over a year ago. he probably feels like he should be "over it" and not make it a big deal. maybe i'm projecting just a smidge (just a lot) but i do think it's something interesting to keep in mind. either way, him finally talking about rung to day is fucking MASSIVE, both for their relationship and mhok's emotional wellbeing.
august is fucking king of mixed signals and i don't super like that he looked for mhok's permission to lead day through the court. why the fuck are you looking at mhok when you could just ask day? if you look closely, as mhok is letting go day curls his fingers around the hand that mhok uses to remove his hand from his arm.
i do love we see mhok pushing day a little more out of his comfort zone as he did in earlier episodes.
porjai is so fucking pretty. is there anything more attractive than a woman in shorts and an oversized band tee? no. no there is not.
and again we see how much time and effort mhok has put into being day's caretaker - and his friend. he did research and learned methods that would make dining out easier for day. i love him so much! i don't know how day could still be thinking about august after that adorable little date.
in my opinion, the theme of this episode has been "being late." here's why.
the boys were very nearly, or were, late to gee's badminton game
you could consider mhok 'late' to tell day about rung
day thinks he's too late to confess to august
mhok realizes he's come into day's life too late to receive his affection
and then we have august's literal late arrival (i still dont know what fucking game this jackass is playing)
this also ties in to a little trend i've been noticing in regards to mhok that oftentimes he's too late in life.
he was too late to save rung, and learned of her death late
he was too late to receive the mechanic job as it had 'already been given to someone else'
he was a late arrival to the interview to become day's caretaker
and again, he's entered day's life too late to receive his affection (or so he thinks)
i genuinely don't know if this is intentional, but i think it's something interesting to draw connections to.
anyway, again, i dont know what the fuck august's deal is but i can tell you if i was day i'd be getting over my feelings for him real fucking quick. i don't super like that august shows up, hears about day's feelings, and asks mhok to keep his being there a secret - but i do understand it and i do understand mhok's side of things. i don't think he does it out of his own selfishness, i think rather he realizes august likely doesn't return day's affection and letting him think august didn't show up is possibly the kinder of the two scenarios. (my only hope is we don't see august return and try to woo day or something later with this knowledge)
i do love that mhok stayed. he was concerned and it might seem a little overbearing but day was clearly nervous for this outing and all in all it's good that he stayed. and then he made sure to salvage the evening for day and take him out on a proper date. maybe it's not the date day wanted but it looks like he had a great time (perhaps even a better time) spending a day with someone he could relax and be himself around.
flowers have so many different meanings across cultures and tbh i'm far to tired to dig into the thai meaning of hydrangeas (if there are any) but i do think hydrangeas are neat. this is prob common knowledge but the color of hydrangea petals is determined by the ph balance in the soil they're grown in. (blue hydrangeas grow in soil with a ph balance of 5.2-5.5, far more in the base range than red hydrangeas that grow in a ph balance of 6.0-6.2, and once the soil reaches acidic levels it tends to produce pink flowers) i guess maybe if you wanted you could draw a connection to how malleable mhok is becoming and how his environment is changing him.
scientifically, sunflowers are also an interesting flower because they are often used to heal damaged and irradiated soil. they're so fucking resilient and help heal the world around them. i think there's a lot of connections we can make there with both mhok and day, regardless of flower symbolism and going purely on science.
anyway sorry to be a science nerd.
that's all ive really got for this episode, i say, as if i have not written you all a novel. this show continues to make me feel so much and tickle my brain in such a delightful way. between this and moonlight chicken p'aof has definitely made me a fan for life.
tag loves: @benkaaoi | @callipigio | @lookwhatihave (once again pls always feel free to lmk if you want to be added or removed)
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mdhwrites · 9 months
Going back through TOH's episodes, it strikes me how boring they are. Part of the problem seems to be how criminally unfunny the show is, generally speaking. I can count how many times I've laughed on one hand. In fact I can list them:
There was the "It's been my dream since I was a boy" guy pushing kids off cliffs (Moving Hassle), Luz's "He'll be fine" after throwing Hunter overboard - and then his subsequent re-entry (Hunting Palismen) - and lastly Luz tumbling offscreen in front of Amity after a spider crawls on her face (Grom). That's 3 scenes, 4 jokes if we're being charitable. And sure, maybe my sense of humour is just incompatible with TOH's and I'm being harsh.
But I can't deny that I just feel like there's no rewatch value in TOH? Like it's just... the jokes are so bad to the point it's not fun, it's not entertaining, it's a slog, I see no value in retreading the same ground. And I am a SERIAL rewatcher! This is coming from someone who spends maybe 85% of their time experiencing the same stories! I love seeing well-done media all over again, because even if I know what's going to happen or what they will say, a well-structured joke or a skillfully delivered line is still gonna engage me.
I can't even recommend the show to anyone because I HAVE in the past... and what ends up happening is they watch the first couple episodes, get bored, go "I recognize that you like this, but it's not my thing" and drop it. And I CAN'T BLAME THAT! Because that's how I reacted too when I got into the show! I only stuck with it because it seemed like it was going really interesting places. And it tried to, I think, and failed.
I'm also a very fandom-heavy person so TOH's boring episodes have made it increasingly harder for me to stay within it. Because I'm not rewatching anything, I can see myself in real time as I forget more and more of the plotlines, and even a lot of the characters. It's just... kind of disappointing. It's like I just had a gradual fizzling out of interest. I don't even hate the show, which might be better in some ways - instead I just can't muster enough shits to feel any type of way towards it.
I rambled a bit but I guess my ultimate ask here was: what are your thoughts on whether or not TOH manages to entertain new/old viewers?
So I like S1. I think the characters are what carry it and that they are at their most interesting, EASILY, in S1.
The vast majority of S1, in terms of concepts and executions for plots, is OKAY AT BEST.
This actually just comes down to a simple tonal decision of TOH and also just the fact that a boring world with boring magic creates little to do with bog standard plots and TOH actually has a LOT of bog standard plotting. It is a pretty classic story structurally and takes genuinely very few risks in the structure... Which is okay in theory.
There is nothing wrong with not reinventing the wheel and TOH talks a big game about subverting tropes but no. As a fantasy fan, I can tell you this is EXCEPTIONALLY normal. Like... Insultingly from how much it talks a big game. Especially because if you're going to do classic, you have three options: Shoot the moon, lean into the unique elements of your concept or do it VERY. VERY. WELL.
And remember: They did a body swap episode and it is one of the most hated episodes of the entire show. That's not a good sign.
But this touches on the second problem I brought up: This is a boring world with boring magic. Because TOH's fantasy world is so basic, has little magic and little flair with its magic, it inherently limits what it can do. Now, it doesn't have to be this way but the show made it this way with how little we see of it, how limited it is (like how plant magic is 99% vines), and how often it just blatantly makes one to one comparisons between it and our world with effectively NOTHING altered like how the covens are just jobs, right down to them being introduced through a job fair and a boring one at that.
So when we look at a classic episode concept like the body swap episode, the three plots are... Easily replicated elsewhere. One person gets in trouble in the swap's job because they don't know what they're doing (with the most unique twist of this actually landing them in prison), a classic animal plot where they're taken in by a place that seems cozy and then isn't with literally no changes, and finally... Teenager pisses off bullies and agrees to jump DEAD MAN'S GORGE! But instead of skateboards and people really building it up, its rat beasts.
None of these plots are actually bad, they're go tos for a reason, but... No one is bringing anything special to this. Luz is entirely ignored so her character may as well not matter, Eda is doing NOTHING to add to her plot and King... King is fun for about two minutes leading the bullies and otherwise is just any other character in this situation. It's not bad, I personally enjoy parts of the episode... But it's nothing special. From the second the thing that X character is going to do is revealed, you can guess every step of the plot and they don't even really throw in good jokes in the process. A couple jokes but nothing memorable because everything is weirdly subdued compared to how other shows would be, even in an episode that is definitely trying to be more over the top.
And this runs into the inherent tonal issue of TOH: It doesn't want to be an adventure comedy. Those are genres that are commonly really over the top. They hear jump the shark and go "How about a shark jumping ten other sharks in order to finish making a can of tuna for their fire giant overlord?" And the face of this fact, in that the genres it pitches itself as for the first two episodes!
TOH flatly refuses to be silly and over the top. It's characters are very... 'realistic'. I don't mean real, just that they're meant to feel more mature by being more in control. They don't let them interrupt each other for a joke, they don't let a character be potentially OOC for a one off gag like Hop Pop screaming "EAT THE RICH!" or Sprig asking "Have you ever killed a a man, Hop Pop," and I can only think of one time Luz got mad for the sake of a joke and honestly, yelling about the Rusty Smidge barely comes across as a joke because of how genuine the anger feels after a point. Otherwise, stuff that would normally get exaggerated frustration or the like to at least let you laugh at the reaction just... doesn't get one, like how Luz yells about Luzura being killed off but then... Just walks off and is passive aggressive mostly instead of even exasperated. For a drama or romance, this is not a bad approach but for even just an adventure kid's show... It's not great to put it mildly because people meet odd situations with weird levels of nonchalance. Not quite irony poisoned levels but getting there.
It's why TOH is mostly remembered for the romance and drama episodes. Not only do they allow some of the romance scenes to actually include melodrama, they also just fit how the characters act better. It's why Amity has some of the biggest emotions of the series and why Lumity have such great lines between each other because they're actually willing to lean into the sort of genre fiction that they're doing. This is also why S2 works better than S1 because a lot of the pretense of being a comedy adventure gets dropped but like... There's still plenty of boring in S2 with stuff like how Elsewhere Elsewhen takes time travel and includes a couple jokes at the beginning and then is just... horribly bland and barely qualifies as an adventure.
This lack of allowing people to be emotional and jokey also leads to the reliance on comic relief characters. People like Gus, King or Hooty, or S2 Lilith, who the characters can mock in someway, including the writers. Characters who can be the punchline even if it means a lot of people come off a lot meaner than they should, i.e. Luz absolutely rejecting Hooty for the vast majority of the series despite supposedly liking the weird and rejected. That also means that most of the time they're not on screen, either the scene starts getting pretty dry or you have a character suddenly warp to be comic relief, like how Eda gets in some S2 episodes like Elsewhere Elsewhen or Eclipse Lake where suddenly she's MUCH more of a joke than she normally is and also REALLY bad at it too and seeming potentially brain dead for it. Thanks to Them even does this to Amity even though she is probably the last person in the cast to make sense as a sudden clutz.
All of this stuff makes it so that if you go in wanting a kid's show, a fantasy show, ANYTHING that is pitched in the first episode... S1 is going to be just okay to you. I enjoyed it... But I also fell off when I first watched it. I thought the characters were good but none of it stuck with me as actually memorable and I watched until I think Adventure in the Elements. I never was never compelled to come back until Lumity animations (literally THE Little Miss Perfect animatic that is nowadays probably hard to find actually) made me go "I remember this show being neat." And Lumity was what kept me, not because I was generally laughing or calling these episodes something special. In fact, that sense of unsatisfaction is probably why I watched through it faster than Amphibia. No one episode of TOH is really great to watch on its own because... It's just kind of boring, or like half of it is boring because the B plots across the board are SO BLAND. S1 or 2 for that matter since Lumity starts getting boring B plots like with the archives or finding out the author of Azura. Both concepts btw that could have been really interesting setups and instead... If you're not into blushing Amity, get FUUUUUCKED.
That's without getting into REPETITION. Repetition kills comedy so King having one joke for S1 and also taking up like half of the B plots for the first ten episodes means you are going to be in agony eventually anytime someone talks to him because you know where it's going and you have DEFINITELY heard this joke before. And you know, he also gets three repetitive B plots which just hurts the joke even more, even as they try to make twists on it, and hurts the feeling that the show is doing... Anything..
It's just not good. Which is probably why once the characters and the 'subversive/unique' elements of the show both weakened, more and more people left because... Why would you keep watching this then? Those elements are what made up for boring plots with boring execution in a world that didn't allow for more interesting storytelling because it had few ideas and expanded on NONE OF THEM. So of course people pitch it using the elements that say "this isn't like other kids shows/fantasy shows" because if you pitch it to people who like those... They'll just be disappointed eventually and bored quickly. Like i think a lot of people did to be quite honest.
And a lack of creativity, and a lack of genre understanding, isn't something time could have ever fixed.
The short version of proving this point btw is going "Compare Bumi's introductory episode, which is a character giving three trials to prove another's worth, versus when the Bat Queen challenges Luz. One is exceptionally funny, interesting and has genuinely interesting twists while the other is... There. So very there. Painfully just... there. Not even bad, just... There.
Also, yes, comedy is extremely subjective which is why I tried to talk more about how a lot of these premises are boring because that can be a bit more objective.
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And a Kofi if you like what I do and want to help out with the fact that disability doesn’t pay much.
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ryanthel0ser · 8 months
My Reactions to Trigun Stampede After Watching the 1998 show
So I watched all of the 98 show in less than 24 hours and adored it so I went into Stampede cautious and yknow I liked it just a tiny bit (as I am writing this I am on my 4th rewatch, I watched it for the first time 3 days ago, I adore it). I decided to document my reactions cause I feel like a few mutuals will enjoy this.
Episode 1
awww hi Vash, lil guy <333
what are they cooking here, showing us the Rem situation immediately
Rem 😢
This is very much like Eva in DMC5
Oh they're reporters now?
i miss milly...
yep that's Meryl
VASHHHHHHH <333333 MY GUY <3333333
JOHNNY YOUNG BOSCH <333333333333333333333 (yes i watched the dub, it's good and I love Johnny Young Bosch)
only 6 million??
He's so sillay <333
MAJOR aesthetic difference
"Careful the kitchen's serving lead" queen
so weird to see a town not running Vash out
love that they're still mixing the music so that it's louder than the dialogue (not)
Knives you are so close to playing the Interstellar theme
I should really read the manga to see what they're adapting that 98 didn't
Ooo i love this song
Episode 2
I just noticed he calls him "Nai" euueueueueu
*insert catjam here* intro goes so hard
It'd be funny if Roberto went "man this sounds like Dante and Vergil"
Not him trying to cry his way out asjkdfjlkadf that's Vash for sure
I'm so glad they got Johnny Young Bosch for this I don't think anyone else could do it
July is still around??
noooo :[
"why'd they have to use this photo" it's a cute photo!
Did they model Rosa after Milly to atone for the fact she isn't here
Me seeing things that are identical to the 1998 one: excited pointing at tv while pogging
"Mm, Yeah no <3" I love him so much
"what's wrong with being a little timid" I want to hold you and never let go, you do not deserve what's coming
look at my boy dodging lets go
"I don't have any reason not to...eh, I don't really care...I told you I don't" Vash you deserve the world
hell yeah gunslinger moment
that smile AUEUEUEUEUUEUEUEUEU it really reminds me of 98
Episode 3
uh oh
well how we getting outta this
love seeing Vash angry some of my favorite moments are when he's pissed
oh this is a smart plan actually
"who's side are you on anyway" is this going to be recurring
man Knives you really arent holding back
the creators of this show went "hey we saw your twin angst in DMC Capcom and how much yall emphasize the twins so we'd like to do the same since you probably were inspired by Knives and Vash for the Vergil and Dante situation"
is Johnny Young Bosch the only returning voice???
this is the third ask for who's side Vash's on this is definitely recurring
uhhhh whatcha doing there
"you would shoot me?" lowkey wish it was still as funny as it was in the 98 version
He's living up to the Million Knives name
that is certainly a Million knives
Metal Gear ass name
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holy crap they quickly established the difference in serious tone oh my god, there is so much emotional weight here
also the music is gorgeous
yeah the stakes are much higher in this version, they are not afraid to kill characters
this is just heartbreaking
Vash 🥺
so will we get to see what happens to July or will it just not happen
Episode 4
hi Wolfwood
not gonna lie I don't like this fit, the pants specifically
where's your nose king, they took it away
oh well this aint good
Not a priest????
yep that's Wolfwood (lollipop scene)
he's much more emo here tho not as charming as 98
loved that animation of Vash looking at the bill
well Roberto isn't wrong, you did work for Knives
hey isnt that Meryl's gun
"don't worry I can see through his emo persona ^-^" "HEY"
woah cool design
we are getting so much more of these guys than we did in 98
that actually looks good, id eat it
"i can see it in your eyes" dont think i didnt notice that little parallel
im snorting those end credit arts like crack cocaine
Episode 5
Todoroki that you?
the radio spouting religious stuff and doomsday talk is giving DMC5 intro
It's so interesting that at some angles the style is identical to the 1998 show
Vash in particular, they translated his facial expressions perfectly
what's the deal with this kid
man they really are just tugging on my heartstrings in this show
"If God won't, I will!" STOP
Alice Angel that you?
same face as the 98 guy tho just with the scar
Oh Wolfwood doing that has so much more impact now
although in the 1998 version by having it not be someone Vash knew it added to how far Vash's ideals went and it caused Wolfwood to have introspection but this is a different arc
And in the 1998 version the situation is much more ambigous cause Vash is talking to the "kid" but he hasn't turned back at all yet and Wolfwood shoots
so it's more unclear who is right in that situation while in this you can see Rolo is sorta just frozen there and thinking so you're inclined to Vash's side more
what are they cooking, im so intrigued
Episode 6
"im like the cool big brother" tumblr does not agree
I have seen some art
this guy must be a bleach fan
i love this 2D style can I get an entire anime in this style
Little Wolfwood and Little Megumi need to be in a idgaf competition
tiny menace to society
stfu this is so cute, how will this go horribly wrong
smoking at like 7 years old asjkdfalfd
Woah Trigun, your mom lets you have TWO tragic sibling plots???
wow they made Wolfwood trip balls
man they did screw you up
they took his emo swag
S+ what is this Devil May Cry
they flipped Legato's design and put the spikes on the right side and the part the other way
Livio has become Sans Undertale
Wolfwood better have a tiddies out fit next season
they were POPPING in 98
that jacket was STRUGGLING
"Ryan you're objectifying him" yes I am
I want to see his tiddies hand em over
Not gonna lie Wolfwood, you calling Vash "blondie" isnt helping the allegations
Episode 7
if Buddy Daddies hadn't sucked me dry from crying so hard (i had just finished it the previous day) I would be weeping
he aint dead though i saw stuff about him
Legato not gonna lie I prefer your 98 version so far, like he made me shake in my boots a bit
Vash why is your arm made of the blown glass stuff they use to make little glass figures you see in the glass cabinets at the back of the PX or at a big gas station
that gun definitely hit something, just not the town bet
the title card of "Wolfwood" after he calls himself the punisher asjkdfjlaf
hello why am I crying at the scene of Vash with his hands against the glass in the plant
this just in, scene so pretty with pretty music that it made Ryan cry
not the first time
Episode 8
oh nooooooooooooooooooo
dont show me this
dont show me them being happy
my little baby boy auaueueueueueueueueueueueueueueu
"im mom to the sweetest boys in the universe" ONE sweet boy
The little blush on Nai dwaw
Plant lore????
Saverem? Really that's her last name??? Is this Metal Gear
actually not surprised that's Brad
"there has to be something special that only you can do" be the most babygirl anyone could ever be, though you gotta grow up for that
when is this going to go horribly wrong
Man they made Knives look EXTRA Vergil
Episode 9
epic piano, also how are you playing both parts by yourself
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i fully believe they're emulating the 1998 style just in 3D now, the side profiles give it away
well that's messed up, i can see why Knives hates humans
that doesnt explain why he crashed the ships though
"Millions Knives" i really do think you played Metal Gear
Knives I do wonder what your plan was cause how do you expect the plants to survive here
oh so the gun isn't custom made
98 THING HE SAID THAT KINDA IN 98 TOO ("all this time and you're still just as useless without me)
i appreciate them trying to keep the deranged faces Knives makes in 98
Now Vash is even MORE like Nero
oh nevermind, its been 150 years
a whole ship of passengers...I'm sure this won't be relevant later they're going to die arent they
oh my gosh that's right she's never seen flowers and such like this
more of this side picking stuff
I'm not ready for when he does kill again, that will actually break my heart
oh they are just bugs
Episode 10
I literally became a Trigun fan in less than 24 hours
Hundred Spoons lmaooooo
so weird to hear them talk about Earth, but it's not as much of a HUH like 98's
than you remember??? when did you come here last
I need him to say Love and Peace
please please say it
okay is Conrad aware Knives probably aint gonna let him make a new race of humans, like have fun with your experiment he does not want human to live at all
"they're disgusted by you" that is the most babygirl man ive ever seen
i have the exact opposite reaction
also his scars aren't as gnarly as 98...will he get more later
well that's what you get for mixing Knives genetics in that
El-what's her face got homophobia in her eyes
God Knives you drama queen with this piano
oh NOW he's a pastor
BRUH i cant
wtf did you do to him Conrad
also Knives's VA sounds so much like Vergil at times
it's not Dan Southworth but this guy can sound close
Episode 11
oh intro immediately you know it's gonna be intense
okay Wolfwood Im begging you next season at the very least change pants the skinny jean look isnt good
jesus kids these days
always wearing revealing outfits
man they aren't letting up the bible allegories
"dawn your crown of thorns"
1998 had more subtle ones and then the super obvious one with the garden of eden stuff
"we're going to reverse humanity's suicide by killing them all" do yall...do yall not see the problem with that logic
god this makes me want to read the manga now just to see how much this version pulls from it and how much the 98 version pulls from it
Knives what is your workout routine do you workout with Toji or something
"comparison is the thief of joy" SO REAL AND BASED
Knives yknow I have this gut feeling that Rem did mean something to you and you are just in SUPER denial
was it Knives was it? Cause you seem willing to sacrifice your brother for all this
Knives this is gonna backfire on you
Knives read the bible and took all the wrong lessons
dont think i didnt notice that the giant plant resembles Rem
Episode 12
"like a western, life on the frontier" STFUUUUUUUUUUU
ONCE AGAIN THE MERYL REM CONNECTION (referring to 98 when Vash sees Rem in Meryl)
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jytan2018 · 1 year
Hi hello!! Hope you have been well :]
Gently requesting more of your thoughts on Nimona (movie and comic), bc I love what you’ve been saying thus far, like you’ve been spittin’ facts left and right and I’m absolutely here for ittt!!! 🔥
Hope you have an amazing day!! ✨✨
Thanks, anon! I rewatched Nimona with my cousin just last week AND reread the comic, so you're in luck because I have a bunch of new thoughts and headcanons.
(WEEWOO WEEWOO, SPOILERS for the comic and the movie below, proceed at your own risk.)
- At the beginning of the movie, it's implied that Nimona was there for every step of the kingdom's development, or at least keeping tabs on it since she knew about Gloreth's knights. Did she disguise herself as a rando civilian, like she did in the comic when checking on Ballister? If so, how long did it take her to assume her default human form again? Until Gloreth passed on? Until there was no one alive who remembers her human form?
(I say "default human form" in like a humansona sense and not the default sense, though. She seems used to retaining a specific appearance for each form she takes, unless she's shifting for disguise purposes.)
- Baby Ballister literally ripping the head off the horse he was attacking is kinda cute, but also very sobering when you remember that if the Institution had accepted him wholeheartedly, he would have become their greatest asset but also Nimona's second greatest enemy besides the Director. It's a great way to establish that he was ready to fight and die for the Institute even before it begrudgingly accepted him, not because ND randomly decided to make him a sad little meow meow who struggled to find a purpose beyond serving the Institute.
- Meredith Blitzmeyer, my beloved, it was truly a tragedy that your character got cut from the movie but it needed to be done. A device that stops Nimona from shifting, in a movie where shifting is a metaphor for queerness and possibly neurodivergence? Nah, that would have ruined the whole plot.
- (I would have loved it if the movie revealed she was the one who developed the laser sword and the Director's laser staff, though. Give me a chaotic neutral scientist with no concept of the consequences that come with making things for evil people, any day.)
- When I first read the comic, I struggled to interpret Nimona's final words to Ballister: "I was just playing with you". After rereading it, I'm pretty sure she wasn't. Movie Nimona and Comic Nimona's arcs seem similar on the surface, but Comic Nimona canonically looks her age because she didn't become a shapeshifter until some time after Ambrosius blasted Ballister's arm off. Ballister may be the movie's freshly traumatised character, but it's Nimona who plays that role in the comics.
- What this means is she probably DID see herself as a monster even though it was an unhealthy way to define herself, and she was looking for someone who'd tell her, "You're right, this is you, and I accept it." instead of trying to comfort her by denying this part of her identity. Hence, why she was so hurt when Ballister tried that exact wrong answer with her, and she reacted by denying their bond was real in the first place.
- That being said, I highkey suspect Comic Nimona only survived because Ballister DID get through to her. When she tells Ballister that she will disintegrate after splitting herself, Ballister insists that SHE'S the strong part that will survive, not the monster and more importantly, he apologised to the monster after beating it AND calls it by Nimona's name. She saw with her own eyes that Ballister not only acknowledged both parts of her identity in the end, but also saw the humanity in her even when she herself believed what the world told her: that she was a monster.
- This definitely influenced the "Movie Nimona is passively suicidal" plot point because both near-deaths feature Nimona succumbing to the world's hatred against her, and it's Ballister who has to pull her out of that self-destructive spiral. The only difference is the movie wanted to show how disproportionate and irrational queerphobic oppression is, while the comic zeroed in on the hypocrisy of fearing Nimona's destructive tendencies while the Institute was the one who could have poisoned the entire kingdom by accident.
- (Grabs you by the face) Do you understand how feral this realisation made me? Do you understand the danger of queer people accepting their "deviance" without stripping away the label's negative connotations before it can mess with their self-perception? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW BADLY ND STEVENSON DRAGGED QUEERPHOBES IN BOTH VERSIONS OF THE STORY?
Anyway, yes, consider this Part 3 of my thoughts on Nimona. Hope y'all like them.
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squeakygeeky · 1 year
My Ride Episode 10 Drama vs. Novel
I'll actually start with Nadia. I was kind of disappointed by the way it took a really bad date to make Nadia finally go for Mayom, although it was a pretty funny terrible date. I'm also disappointed how the show needed to make Mayom the Most Specialist Barista Influencer to justify them getting together. Book Mayom does disappear for a bit, leaving Nadia upset, but he was just taking a management training course and a latte art class (because he does want to improve himself to be a better match, but he is a perfectly normal barista). Mayom gives him a latte with a heart (less impressive than a detailed portrait, but still very cute), and their story wraps up with them happily together.
Meanwhile everything with Mork and Tawan in the show just...did not happen at all in the book. But I understand that they needed something exciting to end the series. I hate the cliche of the ex coming back and causing a misunderstanding, and I hate that Tawan was apparently ready to quit his residency over a boy. But I do love that as a mototaxi driver Mork got to have a big dramatic moment on a bike, and a sunset kiss on a mountainside is a romantic cliche I need more of so 10/10 for setting, although I'm not sure we needed the mototaxi guys watching (what were they even doing there for any of this?)
The book has a much simpler and quieter confession scene, with Mork meeting Tawan at the end of a difficult shift in order to bring him more 'hearty' hainanese chicken rice. Tawan had been worrying a little bit about risking losing a friend but at that gesture he goes ahead and confesses to Mork that he likes him, and this is the thing from the end that I wish they'd kept for the show. TAWAN GETS THE CONFESSION. Technically Mork is the one that officially asks Tawan to be his boyfriend, but only after Tawan is forced to repeat himself several times so Mork can get his thoughts together. Also Tawan has to tell Mork to stop calling him Doctor and use his name now that they're boyfriends.
@bengiyo I'm kind of laughing at myself right now because the book doesn't even have a real kiss, when the show has 3. Literally Mork just kisses Tawan's hand and then the hug for a while. But to be fair I'm pretty sure this is all taking place at the entrance to the hospital still and also Mork is telling this story to P'Fueang as a flashback so it's not like he was going to include anything racier.
There's a flash-forward scene in both, but the book's scene is not quite as far ahead in time, it's 2 years. Mork just graduated with his high vocational certificate and is just about to start studying engineering and Tawan is about to start even more training, in cardiology. They celebrate with the mototaxi guys and I really like that Ms. Ai the teacher is there too. There's some joking re: Tawan being the 'wife' clearly related to him being the bottom which its just as well that didn't make it to the show, but maybe this was what made think there had been something vaguely spicy in the novel when there absolutely was not. Anway, Mork asks Tawan to move in with him and Tawan agrees, but only on the condition that Mork meets his father first so we're left with that as a semi-cliffhanger.
The show gives a little more closure, but I kind of prefer seeing Tawan becoming part of the mototaxi tribe. There's a lot in the book about Mork working to better himself, and that's a good thing, but it's nice to see that Tawan also becomes part of Mork's world, it's not all about Mork becoming good enough to be able to date a doctor.
I'm sad to be saying goodbye to Mork and Tawan again. Rewatching the series without the Boss and Toy scenes drastically improved the experience, and this remains one of my favorite BLs, and the only change I'm really mad about is Nadia because otherwise it was a very close adaptation. I do think there were different vibes, with something about the book feeling a little more real. Maybe just because it was in first person able to be introspective, in a way that I don't think you can translate to screen.
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thatiranianphantom · 1 year
ND Rewatch 110: The Mark of the Poisoner's Pearl
(As always, thanks to my rewatch partner @middleagedresidentofriverdale)
So, if Carson just told her the truth none of this would be happening, so I find my sympathy for him is quite limited.
I love that they appeared to use a promo shot for Kennedy's pic in the newspaper:
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Also Ace's pic on the cake. (I MISSED YOU ACE)
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George allowing one minute of party and not a second more. Queen.
Also George trying very hard to be nice.
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I do really want to see NancyDrewsNews and also FanFans. That would be a hoppin' profile.
Oh, Owen. My friend who I got on the ND train texted me "Owen has to be evil, right? Working for someone? There's no way he's THAT bland..."
I really want more info on why Ace, the chillest guy in the world, describes his house as a warzone.
Captain Thom meeting his future daughter in law!
Oh, a moment for the deaf representation: I will openly admit I am not part of the Deaf/HOH community and may be wrong. But also, it's pretty general knowledge that lip reading is ferociously inaccurate and difficult. Like the BEST lip-readers get maybe half of what is said and it's a huge effort. I would really just like to see Ace interpreting. But if they insist on lip reading, please slow down and enunciate! Also not sure how I feel on Captain Thom verbally speaking to Ace at the end. But to their credit, they got a lot better on this. I know they had someone from the local Jewish Deaf community consulting on the Seder episode. Also, this is truly not a shot at Alex Saxon, but the way Captain Thom signs is so fluid and detailed and the other signing looks like bare basics. Again, not an expert.
Love that Nancy rainchecks Owen but still takes the food. Get it, girl.
Ryan really starting to turn it around here
I really want to know if Nancy's car is just standard manual transmission or if there's specifics to driving a 50+ year old car. I can't do manual. I got 15 minutes into a lesson, cried and quit.
George and her crowbar will always be iconic.
Relatable, Nancy. I failed my driver's test 3 times. Only failing once is an achievement.
PLEASE give up this whole Nick/Nancy thing. At least Nick seems fully aware this is a friends thing.
Why are we leaving Nancy alone when she almost died. Someone sleep over, please!
Okay, onto what is hopefully the last Ace-less episode because I'm getting real tired of those. But thanks for all the Nace moments this episode.
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gfdatingsim · 2 years
HOO you don't have to respond to this bc I'm gonna RAMBLE but I just wanted to say thank you so much for making this game. I remember when it first came out years ago, I love dating sims, but I had never seen Gravity Falls before. I thought "aw man, if I play this, a bunch of references will probably go over my head huh" so I decided to actually sit and watch GF, I binged it and managed to finish the whole series in about two or three days. I wouldn't have taken initiative to watch the show at *all* if it wasn't for this dating sim, but I sincerely love visual novels more than anything else in the world, and I am so glad I watched the show. I really enjoyed it. Now, years have passed, I decided that I wanted to replay this dating sim again today, but it'd been years since I'd played or even watched the show and I didn't remember much of anything at all, so I rewatched again and fell in love like the first time. I'm pretty sure I sped through the episodes in less than five days this week because I was so so so excited to play this game again. I smiled SO big when I heard the music after opening the title screen. Felt like coming home.
I can tell a lot of love was put into this game. I've tried making dating sims before, just personal ones for my own self indulgence with my OCs and such, and like... dude, it's so hard! Making games is hard!!! Pushing yourself to actually finish a game is hard! Not to mention coding, that's like a whole other can of worms more tempting to never open. So the fact that you finished this game is impressive just in itself! Not only does your game seem so in-character, making it so easy to read everything in the character voices, but it's got such expressive sprites!! I cannot tell you how many otomes I've played where the sprites are just one plain expression with maybe 3 different eyebrow angles and just a switch between a smile and a frown. But your sprites really move!! The body language!! Oh my god. The way the sprites are colored to fit the setting. Like their coloring is darker if they're outside, and even tinted red in the sunset backgrounds. I literally just sat and stared at the screen when that first transition into nighttime happened and you see the characters matching. I was so impressed. Even Stan's hands in his pockets change when he bunches his shoulders forward ever so slightly. The attention to detail is amazing. The outfit changes too!!! Ahh!!! :D
The illustrations. Wow. Just.. man, please let me ramble about the CGs, they're gorgeous. The brush strokes look so so so soft and the fact that so much time was put even into the backgrounds... lineless and so clean... every few minutes I take the time to just stare at the artwork. I rarely draw backgrounds because I find it so difficult, and anyone who has the patience to make backgrounds and also paint is really admirable to me. I'm so blown away by the art in this game. The illustrations are magnificent. There is genuine fondness and joy in their eyes in each drawing and it's so pretty to just [parks and rec voice] this is beautiful, I've been staring at these for 5 hours now
I'm so happy to have found a fan-made dating sim who is not only true to the characters, but also slowburn. It feels real, making a genuine connection with these characters at a steady pace, not rushing into things. And maybe this is just because I'm ace, but agh, I can't tell you how refreshing it is to play a game where I don't have to do anything raunchy to get a good ending... like, I've played so many dating sims, it's one of my favorite things to do, but it's always a little bit disheartening to only get a good ending if you do something sexual, from the perspective of a person who. well. isn't! And when I replayed this game today, I remembered "oh yeah... I don't have to worry about that sort of thing" and it also makes me feel more lovable because... well. ahh this might sound dumb but it made me feel like these two would really truly love me, not just despite me being ace, but maybe even *because* of it? It was so refreshing, I'm sorry I'm not the best with putting things into words but I hope I was able to phrase it clear enough to state: I am really, really grateful that this game is made the way that it is, that someone like me is able to play it without any worries. A huge lift off of my shoulders. I can't tell you how many otomes I've played where I've gotten a bad ending or a neutral ending just bc I didn't sleep with someone. Playing this and just having pure fluff and kisses (with a bit of the steamy makeouts on Stan's route? heehee) Hoooo, that was perfect, that was just perfect.
This message is getting so long fjdhkfh I'm sorry I was gonna ramble more about how much I love the game like, the dates, how the dates are very fun to play bc there's such a variety of things to do that makes you feel like you're really in Gravity Falls, and I love how you get to interact with many more characters on the side without it distracting from the main storyline, like interacting with Dipper and Mabel and even Dan and Susan, things like that! I love the little mini games like boxing and playing dungeons, I love that you have to really work hard to get the perfect endings and that Ford takes a little more time to open up about his feelings - hell, I love the little detail that you have to encrypt the codes to get their walkthroughs!! That's such a cute little touch! This whole thing couldn't be more perfect. I adore everything about this game, it's very dear to my heart. You've all put so much love into it, I don't think there's any other fan-made games out there for any other fandoms I'm in, at least to my knowledge, that are so well put together. It's one of my favorite things and I love replaying it at least once a year. Thank you for making me feel like these characters would love me, it helped me through a tough time lately, I've been in and out of the hospital for a few months and this game gave me some much needed comfort today. I hope everyone who worked on this game is doing well right now. And know that there is some random person out there on this planet under the same sky as you, who is always going to cherish the love put into this game, forever, always gonna have a special place in my heart for it and I am so thankful it exists 🥰💙
i love that you noticed so many details about the game!
reading this felt like looking into a mirror a couple times--i've had a similar experience with vns/dating sims, though for me i gave in and stopped playing them bc it felt like while i loved the genre, it never loved me. i've felt those thoughts and worries myself, so i'm really glad you can just relax with this one!!
thank you so much for sending this in :') i hope you're doing well right now too!
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pearly--rose · 1 year
9 people you'd like to know more
Tagged by @pretty-thief, @wildlingoftarth (& I'm pretty sure @goddesspharo also tagged me weeks ago and I totally forgot to answer)
last song: Older by Searows, and because I am Mentally Ill™ about Jaime x Brienne (see: "current obsession" below) I'd like to add that the lyrics give me real Jaime Lannister "put this in the fire” vibes.
currently watching: Rewatching Skins (lmaooo I know, but it makes for good background noise. Though I gotta say, that show did not age well!!! At all!!!!)
currently reading: I've gone through a real reading slump in the past few years, and am just starting to get my mojo back. Just finished Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, and also read Circe last month (I'm very late to the party.) I've got A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara on hold at the library, because apparently I'm only interested in media that will completely destroy me?
current obsession: You all know it's Jaime x Brienne, I can't even pretend I'm normal about them. I'm also pretty invested in the Women's World Cup at the moment, but after the first two USWNT games it's starting to feel a little masochistic of me...holding out some hope for Sunday's game, but I'd be a lot more optimistic if someone would just punt our coach into the sun, first 😂 Oh and let's add Formula 1 to this List of Pain, which is all @sdwolfpup's fault since I finally read Heart Full of Gasoline earlier this year. I'm literally wearing a Lewis Hamilton shirt at this very moment. Look what you've done.
Tagging: @musing-and-music @beesreadbooks @albatrossisland @wordybee @gatomojado @robotsdance @angelowl-fics @cashewdani @halfagod
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johannestevans · 1 year
BristolCon Looms!
Good evening!
BristolCon is coming up on the 21st of October, and I've ordered all the books I'll be selling there, plus have a bunch of badges ready to sell. I won't be on any panels this year, but I will be doing a reading in the evening, and I'll of course be available to chat, answer questions, or sign books.
If you're in or around Bristol, make sure to book your ticket and come along - if not, I'll be filming answers to questions on my TikTok, which I'll also repost on Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, etc. You can send questions here on this Google Form.
As far go media recs, I have a few - obviously I've been enjoying the newest season of Our Flag Means Death, and I've started a rewatch of Boston Legal, which is a classic show that I love absolutely to death.
I also have some movies to rec!
Talk To Me (2022, dir. Michael & Danny Philippou) - This movie has everything. Utterly fucked up miserable possession horror, scary jumps and slowly building dread, great character writing, incredible editing, TikTok trends, a pair of side characters made up of an extremely hot Samoan guy built like a rugby player and an extremely hot transmasc person who absolutely fucks shit up, good jokes, good banter, utterly fucked up gore and violence! It's so well-written, it's so well-paced, it fucking rocks!
Swallowed (2022, dir. Carter Smith) - Is this movie good? No. But must a movie be good? Can't a movie effectively be a bugfuck tortureporn flick where a straight guy with a huge dick secretly in love with his gay best friend who's about to leave for Los Angeles to be a pornstar is erect for most of the movie because he ate a magical bug that has an aphrodisiac effect on him whilst trying to traffic those bugs for money, and the gay best friend has to fist him to pull some of the bugs out of his guts? And also Mark Patton is in it and dressed gorgeously and fruiting it up the entire time?
Layer Cake (2004, dir. Matthew Vaughn) - This wasn't a groundbreaking flick or anything, but it was fun and it was pretty gay and sexy. It's got a great cast, really good pacing and choreography - as you'd expect from Mr Vaughn - and a really fun, tightly-written script. Lots of room for male objectification in this one, and that's honestly why I'm reccing it.
We also watched No One Will Save You (2023, dir. Brian Duffield) - I recommend this with a caveat, in that like... So Swallowed is obviously a bit of a shit flick, but has a lot of great stuff going on despite that - No One Will Save You is incredible... for the first two acts. The aliens are haunting in their movements and design, the world feels so real and rich, we get a deep insight into someone utterly consumed with agony and regret at the worst thing they'd done in their childhood. The third act is a complete fumble, and the last ten minutes particularly had me fucking raging. I still think that the rest of the film is so good the movie is worth watching - Kaitlyn Dever really carries it beautifully whilst having no dialogue at all - but just. Be prepared for a shit ending, that's all.
New Works Published
Our Flag Means Death Fanfiction Update: Repentance & Forgiveness
Rated E. Izzy/Frenchie. 49k+, WIP. On the Queen Anne, Frenchie can't sleep.
Desperate to just get whatever he can away from Blackbeard's crew, he knocks on Izzy's door and invites himself in.
Chapter 13 on Ao3 / Chapter 14 on Ao3
Romance Short: Workplace Connections
A junior secretary makes a friend at work, and some more besides. 
10k, rated M, F/F. A young woman makes friends with one of the only male secretaries in her workplace. 1960s Manhattan, featuring lavender marriages, period queerness, misogyny, etc. Light-hearted age gap cheeriness. Adapted from a TweetFic.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Medium
Erotic Short: Yes, Sir
A criminal accountant’s goon obeys his orders, then takes them a bit further.
3.6k, cis M/trans M, rated E. A criminal accountant has his big bear muscle guy fuck him, and the bear does so until the accountant is a whimpering mess. Vaginal sex, size difference, rough sex, objectification, implied overstim, power dynamics and role reversal, age difference.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Medium
Erotic Short: A Gift for the Wolfmen
A young man in a brothel is invited to join a quartet of hulking wolf-like warriors.
6.4k, rated E. Two trans men, both being gangbanged by four cis wolfmen with huge cocks.
Fantasy universe with adventurers and so forth. Featuring stuck-through-wall and grope boxes, body writing, vaginal, oral, and anal play, huge come inflation, size difference, knotting, power dynamics, virginity kink, objectification and dehumanisation, degradation, humiliation, breeding kink, body modification, mentions of lactation and pregnancy, and enthusiastic consent throughout.
Read on Patreon / / Read on Medium
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ardentlytess · 2 years
✨the tag game✨
tagged by: @talays-portkey thank you so much!!<3
THREE SHIPS 🚢 i have so many, but the top three that live in my brain rent free most often would have to be: puentalay from vice versa, wangxian from mdzs/the untamed, & sangwoo/jaeyoung from semantic error (with akktheo from enchanté as a close close close fourth)!
FIRST SHIP 🚢 i'm honestly pretty sure the first ship i was every properly invested in was percabeth from percy jackson & the olympians, followed by peeta & katniss from the hunger games, closely followed by suki from avatar: the last airbender & myself. what can i say. past me had taste.
LAST SONG 🎧 it was one step closer by intersection (AKA, fruits basket's second ending theme)! i tend to listen to a lot of anime openings/endings while studying in particular so i'm cycling through one of my usual playlists right now!
LAST MOVIE 🍿 i actually very rarely watch movies so i had to think a bit for this one, but i'm relatively certain that it was your name engraved herein. very heartbreaking. very beautiful. very very very real. the ending broke me as a human being, especially paired with the quote the director gave about the reality of missing the "train of happiness."
CURRENTLY READING 📖 i am currently reading girls of paper & fire by natasha ngan! to be honest, it's been a pretty difficult read for me emotionally given the subject matter, but it's a sapphic fantasy novel set in an asian-inspired, caste-based fantasy world that follows a young girl who's abducted & forced to become a concubine to the king, only to find herself falling for a fellow courtesan while juggling her own goals of survival, justice, & revenge. i'm just about to finish this one, though, so after i do, i'm probably going to pick up either hell followed with us by andrew joseph white (a queer sci-fi/dystopian novel that follows a trans mc who's slowly mutating into a deadly monster— also has autistic rep) or godslayers by zoe hana mikuta (the second book in a sapphic sci-fi/dystopian series about mechas carrying out the will of a tyrannical capital city & gearbreakers who are the only ones willing to bring them down)!
CURRENTLY WATCHING 👀 i've been in a weird kind of slump lately, so of everything currently airing i'm only really keeping up with my school president, moonlight chicken, & bokura no micro na shuumatsu— & even with these, i'm very rarely watching them on the days they actually come out, even though i'm enjoying all of them so far! i am, however, also doing an impromptu, completely unofficial vice versa rewatch that was definitely not supposed to be a full rewatch & was just supposed to be a quick little flip through to get some quotes for a set i'm working on but turned into a full rewatch because i simply couldn't resist. 10/10. highly recommend. puentalay will never not transcend a slump for me.
CURRENTLY CONSUMING 👄 this one's maybe slightly strange but strawberries dipped in ice water!! ice water just makes strawberries (& every fruit, honestly) taste so much better. also trying (& failing) to focus on a pchem lecture. considering i'm writing this up instead, i'd say it's not going too swimmingly. 
CURRENTLY CRAVING 🫦 hmmmmm honestly i've been craving milk tea for weeks now & tteokbokki even longer! will hopefully be treating myself with one or the other once this round of midterms is over & done with!
ONWARD TAGS 🏷️ i'm tagging: @i-got-the-feels @pannakorn @puentalay @oswlld @icouldhyperfixatehim @stormyoceans @chinzhilla @chinzillas @gooseras @hidden-joy @laowen @intolove & anyone else who'd like to do it! i'm not entirely sure who has/hasn't been tagged yet &/or who's interested so definitely don't feel obligated! just sending lots of good vibes & love to you all<3
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dontgofarfromme · 2 years
Rewatching EXU bc the Dorian message got me thinking abt them and I missed them, things I have noticed as of ep 1:
Dorian has always been the wildest combination of lying liar who lies and guy who can't lie to save his life. He won't tell you shit about himself however he constantly flags that he's rich by accident and doesn't realize it.
The number of characters all from small towns/areas (or not from this plane of existance) all with minimal experience in big cities!! The exploration of newness is an overarching theme. I also forgot how closely paralleled Opal and Dorian especially are on some fronts in this respect, there's a naivete to both of them, which Opal just spills all over the place and which Dorian tries his best to cover up. Theres this sense esp this early into the show that they've just been let out of a restricting cage for the first time and are riding high on it, but also have some gaps in their understanding of how everything...works. Orym is an interesting contrast bc you get the feeling that while he may not have experienced the city himself and has lived his whole life in a place with leaders that could be trusted, he seems aware of the potential dangers and corruption in the world but actively chooses to give people the benefit of the doubt despite this.
Fearne was always chaotic but I think she's actually become more chaotic as time goes on. Ashley plays her as slightly more reserved here.
Forgot how much Dorian and Orym sort of teamed up as the slightly more restrained ones early on. This obviously goes out the window a bit later on Dorian's part, but the contrasting reasons for not wanting to steal shit for Poska are interesting--Orym has a clear moral objection and suspicion of Posla's intentions, Dorian seems to both have some 'grew up rich' sympathy for her targets but I think also has some worry around doing an illegal thing in general (another compare/contrast between him and opal, she's raring to use her newfound independence to do whatever the hell she wants; and also maybe a consequence of his history in a pretty restrictive environment).
Ruidis + Catha on flag of the ship they rob 2:07:15. The ship is called "the Blightstar" and Aabria says "this looks like...the ship is named after Ruidis, yeah." *Travis voice* WEEEOOOOWEEEOOOWEEEOO. It's also from Issylra, not a place known for trade, so it's weird that it's there.
In the same convo Aabria says Orym is "extremely well-traveled," but earlier in the ep Orym says he's only been to 2 "city taverns." Was the traveling for work with Keyleth or in the 6 years after he left Zephra, or both? I am shaking this little guy upside down so all his secrets fall out of his pockets tell me everything!!!!
Truly the entire "He's a real sailor! He's kept us aloive! Many toimes I would've doied if it weren't for him!" is hilarious
Do we know what Dariax's compass is for? Does he actually follow a deity?
I fully don't remember who did all the murders on this boat or why they didn't take the crown with them while they escaped, I can't remember if we ever figured it out?
It's really interesting how often Dorian tosses the ball to Orym for input/final decisions from like day one. It feels almost like he's looking for either someone who knows what they're doing or a moral compass outside himself and he's pretty convinced Orym's got both those things covered.
Orym, questioning all his life choices: we stole an oily dark crown from a ship full of corpses with evaporating assassins and a monster in the hull.
Opal, having the time of her life: Yeah!!!! We did that!!!
Speaking of evaporating assassins, hey Orym...I do wonder if any of this poked at those memories for him
The fact that Orym's first battle maneuver was bait and switch, I continue to sob over this halfling oh my god he's just doing his best to keep everyone else safe.
I've been doing an awful job of keeping track of plot points in cr3 and I'm p sure they mentioned it but the nameless ones have 40 pounds of smuggled refined residuum from Zephra, def ties into the box they got recently in cr3.
How do the baby ankheg and the big ankheg line up is it that the ship the CK rolled was one Poska's group was targeting anyway but the CK interrupted and took the crown before anyone else could?
It's really interesting that while Orym has been the one trying desperately to steer them right and keep them away from unnecessary dangerous theft etc through this whole episode, in the end his decision to take the residuum (honestly a fair and understandable one!!) is a solid 50% of what puts them on Poska's bad side. It's about what's right for him, not what's safe--he's consistent!
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over-the-time-flow · 1 year
Super Robot Rollcall: Time Divers
Amuro Ray
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"People keep repeating the same mistakes... damn it!"
Source Material: Mobile Suit Z Gundam
Birthday: November 4th
Age: 24 (SRW R, ZZ) / 23 (Z)
Education Level: Middle school graduate
Favorite Food: Hamburgers
Voice Actor: Tooru Furuya
Amuro from 5 years in the past... sure is Amuro. I've never been the most die hard Amuro fan (though a good friend of mine who's not on Tumblr is definitely up there in those rankings), but his role in Zeta really stuck with me on my last rewatch, especially the Kilimanjaro episode. I'm sure you can tell, what with the quote i picked.
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Amuro from 5 years in the past… sure is Amuro. No, seriously, the stats are near exactly the same. As such, he's still almost as much of a beast... except he gains Spirit Commands much slower now, doesn't keep his kills from the future (duh), and has a smaller SP pool. Still, those are less "things that past Amuro is missing" than they are "things that future Amuro had to essentially give you godmode for 4 chapters".
Excellence Striker Frame
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Source Material: Banpresto Original
Model Number: EXF-02S
Height: 20.4 meters
Power Source: Timeflow Engine
Real World Designer: Mitsuru Owa
The Excellence's close-combat oriented frame. With thick armor and a large claw arm (Crusher Arm), it's bound to destroy anything within its range.
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The Striker Frame is probably the single Excellence Frame you'll use the most if you picked Raul, as other than the final one, it's the only frame with a Melee-attribute finisher.
Defensively, it's pretty unimpressive. The armor is higher than most other frames, but that bar is low, the HP is hardly Super Robot-class, and it can't dodge either, but it makes up for it with its sheer damage capabilities. Its finisher (which it gets as early as 110 Will, unlike every other frame, which only gets theirs at 120) packs a serious punch, and its modest 2-tile range can still be leveraged fairly well alongside Raul's Support Attack for some boss kills that'd otherwise be impossible.
Just make sure to remember that it's got dogshit terrain adaptability anywhere but the ground.
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mothmans-cumrag · 1 year
Rewatching The Apple be like
finally! I took a break of about a year but I'm back!
I feel like I'm always saying this but how many people, especially high ranking people does it take for them to go on a mission? because of "strange sensor readings"??
I forgot how hot Bones is, fuck (<- this is also Jim's and Spock's internal monologue whenever they see him, btw)
"Husbandry would be quite efficacious" Spock I had to google that word before I was sure but I think you just proposed
Ah, the garden of Eden was just outside Moscow scene, we've all seen it
So he just used kilometres which I am happy about but before they were talking about the planet having an average of 76° which must mean Fahrenheit. I am confusion
killer flowers over here lol
Scotty fishing for shore leave <3 love him
Pavel using this situation to flirt as if he did't just see a colleague die like two metres in front of him
no matter how often I rewatch it, the explosive rock scene is one of the funniest things ever to me
Spock diving in front of a deadly plant for his boyfriends is the best thing ever to me, sorry not sorry <3<3<3<3<3<3
Oh wow, the transporters don't work, that's something I've never seen before in my life.
Spock calling the hypospray "potion" <3
Jim is so fucking right every time someone jumps in front of someone they could just fucking yell for them to get out of the way. This way it's much more romantic tho so...
These lighting bolts are so... realistic
Three redshirts down, and one of their dads apparently helped Jim get into the academy? But why did the redshirt not get a better job than redshirt if his dad apparently had some sort of influence?
ah, the survivor's guilt mixed with the guilt of being in charge... getting real Hans Kammerlander vibes rn... (google his name and the Manaslu if you don't know what I mean)
"what do you want, Violins?" will now be my answer every time someone comments on my tone of voice
ohhhhh, this was the planet of the Aryans! (not sure if my being German makes it more or less ok for me to say that, but there isn't another word I know for blonde ppl with blue eyes who are conventionally attractive)
Spock just touched this man's chin. With his hand. Is that cheating?
"If you don't get those Warp engine's working you're fired" mate if he doesn't fix them he'll literally die. WHat are you, Hermione?
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me no more
"It makes me uncomfortable" bitch I bet, those things look scratchy as fuck
I like how half of them immediately got rid of these flower things <3 literally me
you tell him Spock! Humans literally are the minority!!!
"stawp fighting!!!! They've got the Enterprise!!!!" Jim I hear you but philosophical arguments are literally my only life source
sex. the word you're looking for is sex.
goddamnit they are all so uncomfortable talking about one of the most natural things in the world, idk if I should be amused or sad for them
awwwww, she calls him Pav!!! they are actually pretty cute
i feel gross watching the natives kiss and idk why
how to kill someone 101
oh really Spock. you telling me James Tiddies out Kirk wants to ignore the prime directive? wow. what a shocker. I am shocked.
Bones stepped on the belt of his tricoder when getting up and for some reason this is endearing to me
This is the third time Spock injured himself this episode and yet he is still capable of more sass than any squatch I know (get it? sasquatch. haha.
Damn, Martha can fight! Oh, and the last redshirt has died
awww hell nah, Scotty lost his job :(
awww hell yea, Scotty got his job back :)
They should give them actual sex ed wtf
the bickering at the end is always my favourite thing <3<3<3<3<3<3 10/10 will watch again (and again and again and again)
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