#I only just followed Mouse the other day orz
royalarchivist · 9 months
Aimsey: Next question... is- are- is Teaduo one of the most popular ships?
Aimsey: And if they're not, I will make sure they become one of the most popular ships. Thank you.
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linchxpin · 5 years
——— answer these questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better!
TAGGED BY: i stole it lies down
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Zodiac: taurus Height: 5′4 Time: 1:45 am Favourite band / artist: whispers it’s tool still, even tho i haven’t been listening to them very much lately rip Song stuck in my head: jfiea; it might actually be heartbreak usa by kitty wells lmaooo Last movie I saw: ..........i recently. watched the first kung fu panda on a whim ahaa Last thing I googled: lmao ‘WHY IS DARK MEAT DARK’ bc my brother brought it up weeks ago and i just remembered i had no idea why either :v Other blogs: hhhhhhhhhh i have 13 (??) other RP blogs, about 5 of which are ‘active’, a personal, an art blog, and a meme blog Do I get asks: i haven’t on this blog in some time, but that’s bc i’ve been fairly inactive rip Why did I choose this username: bc natori is a linchpin :v Following: 76 lies down Average amount of sleep: sshhhhhh What I’m wearing: uhhh a plaid tunic, brown skirt, and leggings lmao Dream job: it used to be a comic creator for my own original stories rip but. well. i’m coming to grips with the fact that i’m just not disciplined enough for that hhh really, i’d love to do Something to do with animated movies, but. again. i just don’t feel like my artistic Muse is Good Enough Dream trip: it’s honestly russia ahaa but lbr i’d kill to travel again period thinking emoji i’d also love to visit hawaii, china, and i’d love to see sorrento again. also getting to see more of killarney national park would be nice. also also i’d love to visit blarney castle again bc i actually went there and. didn’t. see the blarney stone lmao ALSO also i would not mind getting to explore more of paris bc i was only there for two days and i hardly got to see anything orz
Favourite food: mostly dumplings-- anything that could conceivably be called a dumpling, whether that’s baozi, ravioli, piroshki, empanadas, and so on, but lately i’ve been having the Biggest cravings for soup. i think it’s bc i can finally feel winter coming on `^` Play any instruments: i can. Kinda play the piano Eye color: black??? i mean i know it’s just dark brown but lbr unless you’re right up in my face, they look black Hair color: also almost black lies down Languages you speak: yeahhh mostly just english orz i know bits and pieces of spanish and italian and i can read cyrillic still but i can’t really hold a conversation in any of them rip Most iconic song:  hmmm the patient? Random fact: the buttons on my mouse are reversed :v they’ve been reversed for like three years now, and i have the Hardest time getting re-accustomed to the Usual Setup Describe yourself as aesthetic things: how. do i do that 8|
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shuuv · 6 years
Chapter 3: The Revolutionary King (?) Part 1/3
Hidaka Akira laid on the bed, covered in a blanket but yet he still broke in a cold sweat.
“Not again.”
He was one of the only few on the frontlines that could fight for his king. There was a shortage of manpower in Scepter 4 as such, everyday, he works nearly 24/7 before returning to the pitch dark dorm with no viable source of electricity.
The candle flickered in the darkness. It wasn’t the sound of a mouse or a cockroach. It was a shadow in the shape of a young girl. Retreating like a tortoise into its shell, he hid in his blanket. The cry of a girl could be heard yet again. Covering his ears with his hands, he felt someone touched his back. “Hey, do you hear me? Why don’t you care now that I’m back? Come’on, play with me!” In a last ditch attempt to get rid of the “ghost”, Hidaka chanted and recited phrases from the bible.
“It’s not real!” He told himself.
Every night, he constantly heard eerie and busy footsteps. A pungent smell filled the area and it was as though he was a protagonist in a horror flick. His room seemed to be a hotspot for paranormal activity. No matter what talisman, burning of incense or chanting he did, the “ghosts” didn’t disappear. With the “paranormal activity” going on around him and the disappearance of the other squad members, his stress piled up.
It was a sensitive topic in a sense and no one would believe him even if he talked about it. Just like a kid telling his parents about monsters in his closet or under his bed. He tried sleeping with other members in their rooms but the “paranormal activity” wouldn’t stop. As such he came to a conclusion.
He was being haunted.
The bed rocked at night and moaning of girls, boys, men and women of all ages could be heard.
At this moment, a knocking could be heard. As the door creaked open, a figure emerged.
“Scuse me?”
Turned out, it was his superior and the Captain of Scepter4, Munakata Reisi. He was donned in casual clothes with a helmet-light on his head and a backpack. Hidaka felt as though he had met an idol for the first time. Or as if an angel had appeared.
“Is this the correct lightbulb?”* “Ahhh... yea i think it is.”
With that, Captain Munakata was about to leave the room.
“Captain! Where are you going?!” “To fix all the problems. Just listen to the next set of instructions.”
As he left, Hidaka felt as though the burden had been lifted and the “paranormal activity” had disappeared. Seems like Captain Munakata’s presence was stronger than any “ghost” in the world. He could finally get a good night’s rest.
Daiki Fuse stood on a cliff, skipping rocks into the ocean. He shouted and screamed, feeling lost in the great ocean before him His phone was unusable and no matter how much he shouted, no one could hear him. He was stranded on an island. He knew that it was impossible to swim back to shore, even though they had went through relentless beach training by Lieutenant Awashima. With the distance and his stamina, he would never make it. Even with a life jacket or a bouy. His experience in fishing taught him that the ocean is dangerous and swimming in its tough currents could easily sweep him away. After what had seemed like a shipwreck, Fuse had found a chest. With it, every amenity that could keep him alive. Ranging from tents and sleeping bags to beer, wine and underwear.
Here’s the first few pages :,,) Ive had this book for about 2/3 years now and yes my lazy ass didn’t bother translating till now :,D its written in traditional chinese and i suck at basic chinese already but my aunt majored in chinese history or smth so ill probs be uploading snippets day by day then compiling everything eventually. pray for daily updates orz :,D
Page 114 - 125
At the side of no man’s island, there where temporary toilets and many sources of entertainment, such as movies and PS4s. There was also a box filled with PSPs and Gameboys and other handheld consoles. It seems that someone had known he was going to be there and had prepared the island just for him.
Fuse thought to himself, “Looks like I’m in a trap... Well if I have too, I’ll drink muddy water and eat raw fish just to get out of here!”
There was a sign in the corner that said
‘The best camp spot is right here.’ The sign said.
Fuse thought of this whole trap as insulting however, he wanted a real challenge, not a paradise.
As such, he made a tank and formed it into a round ball with a cooler compartment for food.* He looked into the horizon and examined the sea. Well prepared, he jumped into the ocean and swam. However, after what seemed like hours of strenuous swimming, there was no sign of shore.
Frustated, he shouted “GODAMNIT!!!”
He splashed the surface of the water around him. All of a sudden, a motor could be heard. Fuse cried for help. He thought that it was a fishing boat at first, however, as the boat got closer, a bespectacled man with a miner’s hat leaned over the boat.
It was Captain Munakata.
“I’ve come to get you.”
Fuse chuckled to himself,
“Don’t cha think you’re too late?”
Fuse got onto the boat and dried himself off with a towel. It was in fact, a squid fishing boat. It wasn’t a big fishing boat and in the captain’s cabin, the Captain Munakata was chewing gum.**
“Fuse, its not like you to have jumped into the ocean. Were you that desperate?”
“I wanted to lure who the guy spying on me was.”
“That’s not wrong.”
With this compliment from the captain, Fuse felt a sense of security. Fuse had the right instinct, and that made him feel comforted.
“That island had everything for me. I can’t believe it.” Fuse felt super offended. *
“They tried keeping you on that island, Daiki-kun. By monitoring you on that island with CCTV cameras and with actual people watching you, they kept an eye on you. That’s what you think right? That you wanted to lure them out yes?”
Fuse nodded.
“Both you and I have the same thinking... if there was someone actually watching you, you came up with the best plan and found a way out.”
Fuse felt embarrassed yet proud.
“I’m more than happy that you personally came to fetch me, Captain Munakata.”
“While you may feel very fatigued, I urgently require your help. We meed everyone in the Special Forces to restore order and name to Scepter 4. Would you assist me?”
Fuse didn’t reply. However, he stood in attention and saluted to Captain Munakata.
“Captain! You don’t need to ask for my help. I will gratefully follow you without hesitation!”
Yuujiro Benzai was in a quaint town by the seaside. 11pm at night, he sat at the police station drinking instant coffee. He had been in this town as he was chasing a thief-strain. This “thief-strain” was Takeshi Tamada, aged 26. He was not employed. Benzai was sure that Tamada was hiding nearby. Benzai had a car ready to catch him.
The town was rather sub-urban, it wasn’t modernized and was rather rural, filled with grass and small wooden buildings. It was possible that Tamada was hiding in an abandoned building or in a vehicle. The whole area Benzai had to cover was as big as Tōkyo, as such, he was exhausted. This town actually had a very low crime rate. Policemen at the station empathized Benzai.
“Cases like this take time, let us help you.”
Benzai actually worried alot. Firstly, Scepter 4 was in disarray. Secondly, Lieutenant Awashima had disappeared. Thirdly, his partner Akiyama was still under suspicion of molestation. Although there was no point worrying. He knew that Akiyama was innocent.  Akiyama already had the best lawyer to represent him, but Benzai still wanted to help.
Tamada was like a wild animal roaming about Hōkkaido. Tamada’s case file stated that he had already stolen tens of thousands of dollars. If Tamada had just turned himseld in, his punishment wouldn’t have been so bad, however, Tamada kept running away. As though he’d committed a grave crime.
Benzai thought for a moment. He was a high ranking officer in Scepter 4, why was he responsible of catching a theif. As he decided to leave the town, he stepped out of the police station and was greeted woth a flurry of lights. Strong winds blew at him. A helicopter that had belonged to Scepter 4 was above his head. He blinked for awhile, before making sure that the helicopter did belong to Scepter 4.
As the helicopter landed, wind gushed to Benzai’s face and used his hand to try and block it. As the helicopter door opened, Benzai generally felt surprised.
“Benzai-san! I got em! C’mon pack your stuff let’s go!”
This voice belonged to his squadmate, Fuse Daiki. Next to him stood Takeshi Tamada, in handcuffs and behind them stood Captain Munakata. Still in a state of surprise, Benzai hurriedly packed his luggage and left with the trio in the helicopter.
Arriving in a helicopter felt very... odd though.** Benzai was burning with questions.
“How did you manage to catch him?”
“I know what you’re feeling now, Benzai-san.”
“Benzai-kun, what do you think about this?”
Benzai was pnce again, in a state of bewilderment.
“Benzai-kun, you ran all over Japan just to catch Takeshi-kun. What do you think you’ve been doing all this while?” ^^^^^
Benzai had alot he wanted to ask Captain Munakata. But he began to recall what he’d been doing. Benzai wasn’t a genius, nor did he have an extraordinary IQ but he meticulously thought of every detail, even the small ones. When he was in the military, he accumulated a bunch of experience as a investigator.
“This whole situation is a mess, I don’t even have to point it out, do I?” The captain said.
“A strain activity hotspot has been happening is within a 100-kilometer radius.” Benzai reported.
Fuse nodded in agreement.
Munakata Reisi was a King, selected by the Slate. And Konomura Zenichi was after his role, and the role of Scepter 4.
“There are strains in this world, and they go against our “order”(1). That is why Scepter 4 exists. For our clan to work, a King must have clansmen. And we have to maintain order in out society. But everything with Konomura, is a special case.” In a sarcastic manner, Captain Munakata said
“All these strains committing crimes... they all have a variety of motives to escape. Though all of then are everywhere, not all of them are bad. Some strains have the sudden urge to steal or commit petty theft but its not always against the law. Some of them want to escape just because they want to pray to their dead relatives or hang out with their classmates.”
“Isn’t it strange for these to happen amongst strains? Didn’t they all commit crimes? Because of that Benzai-san has to travel all across Japan. Not everything that the strains say are true though.” Fuse interrupted.
“Some of these claims have a certain degree of truth. However, there are some strains starting rumors amongst others. Claiming that Scepter 4 is currently immobilized.” Munakata said.
Captain Munakata did not go into great detail about the mastermind, but both Fuse and Benzai knew who their captain was talking about. Konomura Zenichi.
“If it was not Konomura Zenichi, there would be no one else to attack Scepter 4 like that.”
“Firstly, how did Konomura Zenichi force minor strains like Takeshi Tamada to commit all these crimes and follow him? Tamada. Why did you decide to leave capital and run here? Who asked you to do it? Were you blackmailed?”
Tamada looked up at Benzai.
Tamada turned around. That was when Tamada has realised that Benzai had an anti-social aura around him.
“I just don’t want to be with the rebellious dogs!” Tamada pouted.
Even if its Konomura, it was unlikely that Tamada would listen to him. Would it be possible that Konomura had actually bribed Tamada?
Munakata closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then smiled.
Fuse smiled as well. He didn’t know how much of help he could be to the Captain. Benzai was very anxious to know what method Munakata Reisi had used to catch Tamada.
“I figured out the problem. As such, Daiki-Kun and I came up with a plan.”
A jolt went down Tamada’s body(2). Captain Munakata made this statement very calmly, but yet it felt as though there was a very deep meaning behind. As he began to explain the situation, Benzai, Fuse and Tamada listented intensively.
As Munakata was in the midst of explaining Konomura’s strategy, another clansmen seemed to be very unhappy.
This unhappy clansmen was Dōmyoji Andy. As of now, there were 2 departments. The PR department and the Legal department. They were currently using the Legal department to talk about Akiyama’s case, where he had allegedly molested a high schooler. But the one in charge of the legal department was Andy. Everyday after talking with several lawyers and diplomats about Akiyama’s case, he had to collect data and information before compling a report to be handed in. However, he had absolutely despised having to write reports or doing paperwork. Because of his inital mistake, he felt that he was being punished by Captain Munakata.
Domyoji felt as though that paperwork was the most boring job ever. So he had a brilliant idea. He would take a break. As he was just going to leave, his Supervisor walked in. This supervisor was none other than Fushimi Saruhiko. Carrying a paper lantern with the Scepter 4 symbol, a slouched back and glasses, he looked like a ghost.
“Who? What? Where?” (English) Domyouji’s mind blanked out and flung his arms and he started doing weird body movements, just like performing a ritual.
“Speak Japanese, idiot. And stop dancing.”
“Ah, weren’t you in America?”
“I’ve returned.”
The impression Fushimi gave off was as though he had come back just because Domyouji could not be trusted. He looked at Domyouji and then turned to the table with documents.
“Hehe.”Domyouji shrugged and gave an awkward smile.
“Why am I unsurprised?” Fushimi approached the table. “I’ll help you.”
“What can we do? There’s so many things that have to be done. Work quicker.”
“I’m sorry Fushimi-san!” He clapped his arms and bent 90degrees. “I can’t take this anymore!” Afterwards, he made haste and ran as fast as he could. Fushimi would have never imagined that Domyoji had acutally ran away from his responsibilities. He was lost for words.
“That asshole...!”
Angrily, Fushimi hunted him down and chased him. It was simple. Domyouji could run but he couldn’t hide from Fushimi.
“If you analyze the situation, the situation is actually very simple.” Munakata said.
As Fushimi and Domyoji played cat and mouse, Munakata was still explaining the idea to Benzai, Fuse and Tamada.
“The first step. Find out the truth. You have to find where the strains are and how they live on a daily basis. Benzai, please recall. How did Konomura find out what we do daily?”
Munakata took great humor in the photos that Konomura took of them(3).He shot us from fair and used underhanded methods to access CCTV footage. As such, Munakata took the information and data from electronic devices too.
“What program did he use to access this information? It was probably stolen from other sources. The whole city could have been affected.” Munakata said.
“In other words, not just Scepter 4 but every other civilian was under surveillance. Maybe I have said it before, but when Konomura sent the message to us, he could have access to the Yushiki system as well, and all the private data of each human is now accessible and defying the rights of the public. This is our weak point.”
Benzai was actually surprised. Fuse’s mouth gaped open too. Tamada examined Captain Munakata, questioning who he really was.
“I have no rights to reveal this information to you. But human rights must be protected. The only issue now is that we keep losing out to Konomura and he’s able to reach and stop them before Scepter4 can. We need to step back and reorganize ourselves and the system.”
Benzai and Fuse didn’t know how to reply. Only Tamada understood what the Captain had meant.
“Moreover, whatever method Konomura used could have been easily been applied all across Japan.”
Tamada slyly smirked at them. Konomura had carefully studied the behaviors and characters of the strain, in order to lure them to where he wanted them to be, just like moving pieces on a chess board.
T/Ns *it was unclear of what Munakata had gone to hidaka for. Something about asking for the correct hardware along those lines. also in the previous chapter he had a vintage lamp? Seems like he has a miners hat now LOL
^^at least i think he’s chewing gum, maybe a translation error.
^^^Fuse wanted a real challenge and because he was placed on an island with basic necessities he thought he was looked down upon, unlike his colleagues that was working day and night to fight Zenichi he was made to relax, or smth like that
^^^^the direct translation would be extravagant but Benzai felt more confused or compelled as to why Munakata and Fuse arrived in a helicopter
^^^^^The last statement was to prompt Benzai to think about what he was actually doing to try to catch Tamada, like what Munakata had asked Fuse earlier.
Also they kind of repeated an earlier part where Fuse and Munakata were talking about whatever was happening on that squid boat thing
(1)”Order” probs refers to their ways or laws. (2)A chill went down his spine (3)back in chapter 1/2 where eno was looking at porn or something
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Hey, could you write headcanons where the reader makes a mixtape for her crush and their reaction to it for the Paladins, Matt and Allura please? Obviously when you have the time, I know you're busy xx
This was just what I needed to get back in the swing of things! I ended up actually… Making mixtapes for each of them orz
Know that the playlists are all more so meant to be music that I think each character would like more so than playlists that I think describe each character. Like, less fanmixes and more what I think they would have on their mp3 players, you feel?
Links next to each character (youtube playlists) + track lists under the cut
Keith (Listen here)
He’s??? So thankful????
He probably constantly had music on when he lived alone so it’s really special for him that you would do this
Can’t believe you took the time to make him a mixtape like holy shit
Listens to it for the first time on his own and he blushes the whole time
Not only did you pretty much nail the kind of music he likes
He also couldn’t get you out of his head when he was listening to the mix
Afterwards, he’d make you one in return
Doesn’t really know what to put on it though so he sort of guesses what kind of music of his he thinks you’d like
Lance (Listen here)
So excited!!!
He isn’t a big music guy (mostly listens to whatever other people have on at any given time) but he loves that you picked stuff out for him
100% wants you to listen to it with him
He doesn’t talk much while you guys are listening to it but every now and then he catches your eye and tells you how much he loves it
Would try to get you to dance with him during a few songs
Gives you a BIG hug once it’s over because wow he’s just so happy you did this for him
Probably plays it all the time afterwards
Would figure out how to rig it so he can play the mix in his lion
The only reason he’d stop is if you made him a new one
Shiro (Listen here)
Thinks it’s really sweet and like??? The cutest thing
Probably asks you if you want to listen to it the second you give it to him
He pauses it in the middle of the mixtape and is just like “??? How did you know I like this kind of music?????”
He really enjoys music but he doesn’t really talk about it or his tastes much so he’s SUPER surprised
Tries to act all cool and mature but he’s screaming inside the whole time because he’s so smitten with you rn
Asks you if you have any more artists and songs that you think he might like because at this point he 100% trusts you to recommend him some quality stuff
Pidge (Listen here)
She’s so into it holy shit
Offers to listen to it with you later that night after she’s done working
Probably just relaxes and hangs out with you while listening
Talks while it’s playing but sometimes she goes quiet to listen more closely
v surprised bc you didn’t strike her as someone who would be into this kind of music?
v excited about it though
Recommends you a bunch of other bands
If you’re not *actually* into more electronic and indie-electro stuff though, she tries gets super flattered that you looked into it for her? like that’s so nice ????
Really appreciative of it ;-;
It’s her new work playlist and the only way anyone’s turning it off is over her dead body
Hunk (Listen here)
He doesn’t like sitting in silence, and tends to have music or ambient noise on in the background at All Times so this is a perfect thing for him
That being said, it probably takes him a day or two to give it a listen
Probably turns it on when he was getting some work done or during training
Screams because holy shit he hasn’t really heard this type of music before but he is into it
You pass by him one day and he’s singing along to your mixtape
He gets kind of embarrassed when he notices you but also wants to tell you how much he loves the tape
Would probably put it on whenever you guys were hanging out
Matt (Listen here)
Dies on the spot
Already planning your wedding, he’s so flattered you did this for him
IMMEDIATELY goes to listen to it the first chance he gets he’s so excited
Doesn’t mention it though until the next time you guys hang out alone
That’s when he starts singing some of the songs to you
He’s a pretty alright singer too and it’s very cute
It’s very cheesy though and honestly even he’s a little embarrassed
It’s worth it tho to make you smile
Asks if you have anymore music you think he’d like
This time though, he wants to listen to it with you
Probs would blush the whole time though
You think it’s pretty cute
Allura (Listen here)
Doesn’t really understand what it is at first
After you explain it though? She’s very curious and excited and so happy you did this for her
All but drags you to go listen to this with her
Listens very intently the whole time
Really likes earth music!! It wasn’t what she was expecting at all
Wants to try out other kinds of music too but what you showed her on the mixtape ends up being her favourite
Mostly because it’s what you specifically picked out and thought she would like
It means a lot to her that you did that
Decides that she’s going to make a mixtape for you, but of Altean music!
Eyes Half Closed (Acoustic) - CrywolfElectric Feel (Gespleu Downcast Edit) - Henry GreenThe World At Large - Modest MouseR.I.P 2 My Youth - The NeighborhoodRoom To Breathe - You Me At SixAlways - blink-182Follow You - Bring Me The HorizonIt Ends Tonight - The All-American Rejects
Lisa Baby - Walk The MoonHold Me Tight or Don’t - Fall Out BoyYou’re Gonna Go Far, Kid - The Offspring15 Dreams - New PoliticsAnimal - Neon TreesSmile Like You Mean It - The KillersTokyo (Vampires & Wolves) - The WombatsMy Type - Saint Motel
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic MonkeysC’est Toi - Cameron AveryBad Habits - The Last Shadow PuppetsMadness - MuseSit Next to Me - Foster The PeopleDon’t Forget Who You Are - Miles KaneDark Necessities - Red Hot Chili PeppersAin’t No Rest For The Wicked - Cage The Elephant
Leave A Trace - ChvrchesSeptember - St. LuciaOur Fragment (feat. Missio) - SkruxFreesol (Dabin Remix) - Seven LionsProfessional Griefers (feat. Gerard Way) - deadmau5Midnight City - M83Up All Night - BeckGive Life Back To Music - Daft Punk
Buddy Holly - WeezerKarma Police - RadioheadThe One Moment - OK GoDiane Young - Vampire WeekendYou Only Live Once - The StrokesNaive - The KooksDon’t Look Back Into The Sun - The LibertinesLittle Black Submarines - The Black Keys
Fingerprints - POP ECTSwimming Pool Blues - Miniature TigersSomething Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema ClubTake Me Out - Franz FerdinandKiwi - Harry StylesLove, Selfish Love - Patrick StumpParis - Magic ManCardiac Arrest - Bad Suns
Lonely Hearts Club - Marina and the DiamondsToo Much is Never Enough - Florence + the MachineGreen Light - LordeBody Talk - FoxesOf The Night - BastilleThe Sound - The 1975New Rules - Dua LipaPaper Love - Allie X
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