shuuv · 6 years
Case Files of Blue, Chapter 3. The Revolutionary King(?) Page 114-125
Page 114 - 125
At the side of no man’s island, there where temporary toilets and many sources of entertainment, such as movies and PS4s. There was also a box filled with PSPs and Gameboys and other handheld consoles. It seems that someone had known he was going to be there and had prepared the island just for him.
Fuse thought to himself, “Looks like I’m in a trap... Well if I have too, I’ll drink muddy water and eat raw fish just to get out of here!”
There was a sign in the corner that said
‘The best camp spot is right here.’ The sign said.
Fuse thought of this whole trap as insulting however, he wanted a real challenge, not a paradise.
As such, he made a tank and formed it into a round ball with a cooler compartment for food.* He looked into the horizon and examined the sea. Well prepared, he jumped into the ocean and swam. However, after what seemed like hours of strenuous swimming, there was no sign of shore.
Frustated, he shouted “GODAMNIT!!!”
He splashed the surface of the water around him. All of a sudden, a motor could be heard. Fuse cried for help. He thought that it was a fishing boat at first, however, as the boat got closer, a bespectacled man with a miner’s hat leaned over the boat.
It was Captain Munakata.
“I’ve come to get you.”
Fuse chuckled to himself,
“Don’t cha think you’re too late?”
Fuse got onto the boat and dried himself off with a towel. It was in fact, a squid fishing boat. It wasn’t a big fishing boat and in the captain’s cabin, the Captain Munakata was chewing gum.**
“Fuse, its not like you to have jumped into the ocean. Were you that desperate?”
“I wanted to lure who the guy spying on me was.”
“That’s not wrong.”
With this compliment from the captain, Fuse felt a sense of security. Fuse had the right instinct, and that made him feel comforted.
“That island had everything for me. I can’t believe it.” Fuse felt super offended. ***
“They tried keeping you on that island, Daiki-kun. By monitoring you on that island with CCTV cameras and with actual people watching you, they kept an eye on you. That’s what you think right? That you wanted to lure them out yes?”
Fuse nodded.
“Both you and I have the same thinking... if there was someone actually watching you, you came up with the best plan and found a way out.”
Fuse felt embarrassed yet proud.
“I’m more than happy that you personally came to fetch me, Captain Munakata.”
“While you may feel very fatigued, I urgently require your help. We meed everyone in the Special Forces to restore order and name to Scepter 4. Would you assist me?”
Fuse didn’t reply. However, he stood in attention, still dripping wet with seawater and saluted to Captain Munakata.
“Captain! You don’t need to ask for my help. I will gratefully follow you without hesitation!”
Yuujiro Benzai was in a quaint town by the seaside. 11pm at night, he sat at the police station drinking instant coffee. He had been in this town as he was chasing a thief-strain. This “thief-strain” was Takeshi Tamada, aged 26. He was not employed. Benzai was sure that Tamada was hiding nearby. Benzai had a car ready to catch him.
The town was rather sub-urban, it wasn’t modernized and was rather rural, filled with grass and small wooden buildings. It was possible that Tamada was hiding in an abandoned building or in a vehicle. The whole area Benzai had to cover was as big as Tōkyo, as such, he was exhausted. This town actually had a very low crime rate. Policemen at the station empathized Benzai.
“Cases like this take time, let us help you.”
Benzai actually worried alot. Firstly, Scepter 4 was in disarray. Secondly, Lieutenant Awashima had disappeared. Thirdly, his partner Akiyama was still under suspicion of molestation. Although there was no point worrying. He knew that Akiyama was innocent. Akiyama already had the best lawyer to represent him, but Benzai still wanted to help.
Tamada was like a wild animal roaming about Hōkkaido. Tamada’s case file stated that he had already stolen tens of thousands of dollars. If Tamada had just turned himseld in, his punishment wouldn’t have been so bad, however, Tamada kept running away. As though he’d committed a grave crime.
Benzai thought for a moment. He was a high ranking officer in Scepter 4, why was he responsible of catching a theif. As he decided to leave the town, he stepped out of the police station and was greeted woth a flurry of lights. Strong winds blew at him. A helicopter that had belonged to Scepter 4 was above his head. He blinked for awhile, before making sure that the helicopter did belong to Scepter 4.
As the helicopter landed, wind gushed to Benzai’s face and used his hand to try and block it. As the helicopter door opened, Benzai generally felt surprised.
“Benzai-san! I got em! C’mon pack your stuff let’s go!”
This voice belonged to his squadmate, Fuse Daiki. Next to him stood Takeshi Tamada, in handcuffs and behind them stood Captain Munakata. Still in a state of surprise, Benzai hurriedly packed his luggage and left with the trio in the helicopter.
Arriving in a helicopter felt very... odd though.**** Benzai was burning with questions.
“How did you manage to catch him?”
“I know what you’re feeling now, Benzai-san.”
“Benzai-kun, what do you think about this?”
Benzai was pnce again, in a state of bewilderment.
“Benzai-kun, you ran all over Japan just to catch Takeshi-kun. What do you think you’ve been doing all this while?” *****
*i have no idea what he was making, like maybe a scuba suit with a back pack or smthh
**at least i think he’s chewing gum, maybe a translation error.
***Fuse wanted a real challenge and because he was placed on an island with basic necessities he thought he was looked down upon, unlike his colleagues that was working day and night to fight Zenichi he was made to relax, or smth like that
****the direct translation would be extravagant but Benzai felt more confused or compelled as to why Munakata and Fuse arrived in a helicopter
*****The last statement was to prompt Benzai to think about what he was actually doing to try to catch Tamada, like what Munakata had asked Fuse earlier.
Also they kind of repeated an earlier part where Fuse and Munakata were talking about whatever was happening on that squid boat thing
PS i may have made a mistake in the names back in the scene where fushimi visited hidaka it may have been munakata instead of fushimi, ill have to recheck again later ^^;;
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professionalist-blue · 10 years
fuse-daiki replied to your post:·
OMG U S RS?! I'll do it if you ask me to! -dies-
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x-scarfinblue · 10 years
Send ✉ for a half-asleep text
TO: S4.Daifuku
MSG: I live in a condom, not an apartment.
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shuuv · 6 years
Chapter 3: The Revolutionary King (?) Part 1/3
Hidaka Akira laid on the bed, covered in a blanket but yet he still broke in a cold sweat.
“Not again.”
He was one of the only few on the frontlines that could fight for his king. There was a shortage of manpower in Scepter 4 as such, everyday, he works nearly 24/7 before returning to the pitch dark dorm with no viable source of electricity.
The candle flickered in the darkness. It wasn’t the sound of a mouse or a cockroach. It was a shadow in the shape of a young girl. Retreating like a tortoise into its shell, he hid in his blanket. The cry of a girl could be heard yet again. Covering his ears with his hands, he felt someone touched his back. “Hey, do you hear me? Why don’t you care now that I’m back? Come’on, play with me!” In a last ditch attempt to get rid of the “ghost”, Hidaka chanted and recited phrases from the bible.
“It’s not real!” He told himself.
Every night, he constantly heard eerie and busy footsteps. A pungent smell filled the area and it was as though he was a protagonist in a horror flick. His room seemed to be a hotspot for paranormal activity. No matter what talisman, burning of incense or chanting he did, the “ghosts” didn’t disappear. With the “paranormal activity” going on around him and the disappearance of the other squad members, his stress piled up.
It was a sensitive topic in a sense and no one would believe him even if he talked about it. Just like a kid telling his parents about monsters in his closet or under his bed. He tried sleeping with other members in their rooms but the “paranormal activity” wouldn’t stop. As such he came to a conclusion.
He was being haunted.
The bed rocked at night and moaning of girls, boys, men and women of all ages could be heard.
At this moment, a knocking could be heard. As the door creaked open, a figure emerged.
“Scuse me?”
Turned out, it was his superior and the Captain of Scepter4, Munakata Reisi. He was donned in casual clothes with a helmet-light on his head and a backpack. Hidaka felt as though he had met an idol for the first time. Or as if an angel had appeared.
“Is this the correct lightbulb?”* “Ahhh... yea i think it is.”
With that, Captain Munakata was about to leave the room.
“Captain! Where are you going?!” “To fix all the problems. Just listen to the next set of instructions.”
As he left, Hidaka felt as though the burden had been lifted and the “paranormal activity” had disappeared. Seems like Captain Munakata’s presence was stronger than any “ghost” in the world. He could finally get a good night’s rest.
Daiki Fuse stood on a cliff, skipping rocks into the ocean. He shouted and screamed, feeling lost in the great ocean before him His phone was unusable and no matter how much he shouted, no one could hear him. He was stranded on an island. He knew that it was impossible to swim back to shore, even though they had went through relentless beach training by Lieutenant Awashima. With the distance and his stamina, he would never make it. Even with a life jacket or a bouy. His experience in fishing taught him that the ocean is dangerous and swimming in its tough currents could easily sweep him away. After what had seemed like a shipwreck, Fuse had found a chest. With it, every amenity that could keep him alive. Ranging from tents and sleeping bags to beer, wine and underwear.
Here’s the first few pages :,,) Ive had this book for about 2/3 years now and yes my lazy ass didn’t bother translating till now :,D its written in traditional chinese and i suck at basic chinese already but my aunt majored in chinese history or smth so ill probs be uploading snippets day by day then compiling everything eventually. pray for daily updates orz :,D
Page 114 - 125
At the side of no man’s island, there where temporary toilets and many sources of entertainment, such as movies and PS4s. There was also a box filled with PSPs and Gameboys and other handheld consoles. It seems that someone had known he was going to be there and had prepared the island just for him.
Fuse thought to himself, “Looks like I’m in a trap... Well if I have too, I’ll drink muddy water and eat raw fish just to get out of here!”
There was a sign in the corner that said
‘The best camp spot is right here.’ The sign said.
Fuse thought of this whole trap as insulting however, he wanted a real challenge, not a paradise.
As such, he made a tank and formed it into a round ball with a cooler compartment for food.* He looked into the horizon and examined the sea. Well prepared, he jumped into the ocean and swam. However, after what seemed like hours of strenuous swimming, there was no sign of shore.
Frustated, he shouted “GODAMNIT!!!”
He splashed the surface of the water around him. All of a sudden, a motor could be heard. Fuse cried for help. He thought that it was a fishing boat at first, however, as the boat got closer, a bespectacled man with a miner’s hat leaned over the boat.
It was Captain Munakata.
“I’ve come to get you.”
Fuse chuckled to himself,
“Don’t cha think you’re too late?”
Fuse got onto the boat and dried himself off with a towel. It was in fact, a squid fishing boat. It wasn’t a big fishing boat and in the captain’s cabin, the Captain Munakata was chewing gum.**
“Fuse, its not like you to have jumped into the ocean. Were you that desperate?”
“I wanted to lure who the guy spying on me was.”
“That’s not wrong.”
With this compliment from the captain, Fuse felt a sense of security. Fuse had the right instinct, and that made him feel comforted.
“That island had everything for me. I can’t believe it.” Fuse felt super offended. *
“They tried keeping you on that island, Daiki-kun. By monitoring you on that island with CCTV cameras and with actual people watching you, they kept an eye on you. That’s what you think right? That you wanted to lure them out yes?”
Fuse nodded.
“Both you and I have the same thinking... if there was someone actually watching you, you came up with the best plan and found a way out.”
Fuse felt embarrassed yet proud.
“I’m more than happy that you personally came to fetch me, Captain Munakata.”
“While you may feel very fatigued, I urgently require your help. We meed everyone in the Special Forces to restore order and name to Scepter 4. Would you assist me?”
Fuse didn’t reply. However, he stood in attention and saluted to Captain Munakata.
“Captain! You don’t need to ask for my help. I will gratefully follow you without hesitation!”
Yuujiro Benzai was in a quaint town by the seaside. 11pm at night, he sat at the police station drinking instant coffee. He had been in this town as he was chasing a thief-strain. This “thief-strain” was Takeshi Tamada, aged 26. He was not employed. Benzai was sure that Tamada was hiding nearby. Benzai had a car ready to catch him.
The town was rather sub-urban, it wasn’t modernized and was rather rural, filled with grass and small wooden buildings. It was possible that Tamada was hiding in an abandoned building or in a vehicle. The whole area Benzai had to cover was as big as Tōkyo, as such, he was exhausted. This town actually had a very low crime rate. Policemen at the station empathized Benzai.
“Cases like this take time, let us help you.”
Benzai actually worried alot. Firstly, Scepter 4 was in disarray. Secondly, Lieutenant Awashima had disappeared. Thirdly, his partner Akiyama was still under suspicion of molestation. Although there was no point worrying. He knew that Akiyama was innocent.  Akiyama already had the best lawyer to represent him, but Benzai still wanted to help.
Tamada was like a wild animal roaming about Hōkkaido. Tamada’s case file stated that he had already stolen tens of thousands of dollars. If Tamada had just turned himseld in, his punishment wouldn’t have been so bad, however, Tamada kept running away. As though he’d committed a grave crime.
Benzai thought for a moment. He was a high ranking officer in Scepter 4, why was he responsible of catching a theif. As he decided to leave the town, he stepped out of the police station and was greeted woth a flurry of lights. Strong winds blew at him. A helicopter that had belonged to Scepter 4 was above his head. He blinked for awhile, before making sure that the helicopter did belong to Scepter 4.
As the helicopter landed, wind gushed to Benzai’s face and used his hand to try and block it. As the helicopter door opened, Benzai generally felt surprised.
“Benzai-san! I got em! C’mon pack your stuff let’s go!”
This voice belonged to his squadmate, Fuse Daiki. Next to him stood Takeshi Tamada, in handcuffs and behind them stood Captain Munakata. Still in a state of surprise, Benzai hurriedly packed his luggage and left with the trio in the helicopter.
Arriving in a helicopter felt very... odd though.** Benzai was burning with questions.
“How did you manage to catch him?”
“I know what you’re feeling now, Benzai-san.”
“Benzai-kun, what do you think about this?”
Benzai was pnce again, in a state of bewilderment.
“Benzai-kun, you ran all over Japan just to catch Takeshi-kun. What do you think you’ve been doing all this while?” ^^^^^
Benzai had alot he wanted to ask Captain Munakata. But he began to recall what he’d been doing. Benzai wasn’t a genius, nor did he have an extraordinary IQ but he meticulously thought of every detail, even the small ones. When he was in the military, he accumulated a bunch of experience as a investigator.
“This whole situation is a mess, I don’t even have to point it out, do I?” The captain said.
“A strain activity hotspot has been happening is within a 100-kilometer radius.” Benzai reported.
Fuse nodded in agreement.
Munakata Reisi was a King, selected by the Slate. And Konomura Zenichi was after his role, and the role of Scepter 4.
“There are strains in this world, and they go against our “order”(1). That is why Scepter 4 exists. For our clan to work, a King must have clansmen. And we have to maintain order in out society. But everything with Konomura, is a special case.” In a sarcastic manner, Captain Munakata said
“All these strains committing crimes... they all have a variety of motives to escape. Though all of then are everywhere, not all of them are bad. Some strains have the sudden urge to steal or commit petty theft but its not always against the law. Some of them want to escape just because they want to pray to their dead relatives or hang out with their classmates.”
“Isn’t it strange for these to happen amongst strains? Didn’t they all commit crimes? Because of that Benzai-san has to travel all across Japan. Not everything that the strains say are true though.” Fuse interrupted.
“Some of these claims have a certain degree of truth. However, there are some strains starting rumors amongst others. Claiming that Scepter 4 is currently immobilized.” Munakata said.
Captain Munakata did not go into great detail about the mastermind, but both Fuse and Benzai knew who their captain was talking about. Konomura Zenichi.
“If it was not Konomura Zenichi, there would be no one else to attack Scepter 4 like that.”
“Firstly, how did Konomura Zenichi force minor strains like Takeshi Tamada to commit all these crimes and follow him? Tamada. Why did you decide to leave capital and run here? Who asked you to do it? Were you blackmailed?”
Tamada looked up at Benzai.
Tamada turned around. That was when Tamada has realised that Benzai had an anti-social aura around him.
“I just don’t want to be with the rebellious dogs!” Tamada pouted.
Even if its Konomura, it was unlikely that Tamada would listen to him. Would it be possible that Konomura had actually bribed Tamada?
Munakata closed his eyes, thought for a moment, and then smiled.
Fuse smiled as well. He didn’t know how much of help he could be to the Captain. Benzai was very anxious to know what method Munakata Reisi had used to catch Tamada.
“I figured out the problem. As such, Daiki-Kun and I came up with a plan.”
A jolt went down Tamada’s body(2). Captain Munakata made this statement very calmly, but yet it felt as though there was a very deep meaning behind. As he began to explain the situation, Benzai, Fuse and Tamada listented intensively.
As Munakata was in the midst of explaining Konomura’s strategy, another clansmen seemed to be very unhappy.
This unhappy clansmen was Dōmyoji Andy. As of now, there were 2 departments. The PR department and the Legal department. They were currently using the Legal department to talk about Akiyama’s case, where he had allegedly molested a high schooler. But the one in charge of the legal department was Andy. Everyday after talking with several lawyers and diplomats about Akiyama’s case, he had to collect data and information before compling a report to be handed in. However, he had absolutely despised having to write reports or doing paperwork. Because of his inital mistake, he felt that he was being punished by Captain Munakata.
Domyoji felt as though that paperwork was the most boring job ever. So he had a brilliant idea. He would take a break. As he was just going to leave, his Supervisor walked in. This supervisor was none other than Fushimi Saruhiko. Carrying a paper lantern with the Scepter 4 symbol, a slouched back and glasses, he looked like a ghost.
“Who? What? Where?” (English) Domyouji’s mind blanked out and flung his arms and he started doing weird body movements, just like performing a ritual.
“Speak Japanese, idiot. And stop dancing.”
“Ah, weren’t you in America?”
“I’ve returned.”
The impression Fushimi gave off was as though he had come back just because Domyouji could not be trusted. He looked at Domyouji and then turned to the table with documents.
“Hehe.”Domyouji shrugged and gave an awkward smile.
“Why am I unsurprised?” Fushimi approached the table. “I’ll help you.”
“What can we do? There’s so many things that have to be done. Work quicker.”
“I’m sorry Fushimi-san!” He clapped his arms and bent 90degrees. “I can’t take this anymore!” Afterwards, he made haste and ran as fast as he could. Fushimi would have never imagined that Domyoji had acutally ran away from his responsibilities. He was lost for words.
“That asshole...!”
Angrily, Fushimi hunted him down and chased him. It was simple. Domyouji could run but he couldn’t hide from Fushimi.
“If you analyze the situation, the situation is actually very simple.” Munakata said.
As Fushimi and Domyoji played cat and mouse, Munakata was still explaining the idea to Benzai, Fuse and Tamada.
“The first step. Find out the truth. You have to find where the strains are and how they live on a daily basis. Benzai, please recall. How did Konomura find out what we do daily?”
Munakata took great humor in the photos that Konomura took of them(3).He shot us from fair and used underhanded methods to access CCTV footage. As such, Munakata took the information and data from electronic devices too.
“What program did he use to access this information? It was probably stolen from other sources. The whole city could have been affected.” Munakata said.
“In other words, not just Scepter 4 but every other civilian was under surveillance. Maybe I have said it before, but when Konomura sent the message to us, he could have access to the Yushiki system as well, and all the private data of each human is now accessible and defying the rights of the public. This is our weak point.”
Benzai was actually surprised. Fuse’s mouth gaped open too. Tamada examined Captain Munakata, questioning who he really was.
“I have no rights to reveal this information to you. But human rights must be protected. The only issue now is that we keep losing out to Konomura and he’s able to reach and stop them before Scepter4 can. We need to step back and reorganize ourselves and the system.”
Benzai and Fuse didn’t know how to reply. Only Tamada understood what the Captain had meant.
“Moreover, whatever method Konomura used could have been easily been applied all across Japan.”
Tamada slyly smirked at them. Konomura had carefully studied the behaviors and characters of the strain, in order to lure them to where he wanted them to be, just like moving pieces on a chess board.
T/Ns *it was unclear of what Munakata had gone to hidaka for. Something about asking for the correct hardware along those lines. also in the previous chapter he had a vintage lamp? Seems like he has a miners hat now LOL
^^at least i think he’s chewing gum, maybe a translation error.
^^^Fuse wanted a real challenge and because he was placed on an island with basic necessities he thought he was looked down upon, unlike his colleagues that was working day and night to fight Zenichi he was made to relax, or smth like that
^^^^the direct translation would be extravagant but Benzai felt more confused or compelled as to why Munakata and Fuse arrived in a helicopter
^^^^^The last statement was to prompt Benzai to think about what he was actually doing to try to catch Tamada, like what Munakata had asked Fuse earlier.
Also they kind of repeated an earlier part where Fuse and Munakata were talking about whatever was happening on that squid boat thing
(1)”Order” probs refers to their ways or laws. (2)A chill went down his spine (3)back in chapter 1/2 where eno was looking at porn or something
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goto-ren-blog · 10 years
and also hiraeno eheh
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you who holds what.
The umbrella, when it rains - Douhan! But Eno would offer to hold it bc he’s a gentleman~
The popcorn at the cinema - Eno for sure
The baby, when it cries - BOTH!!!
The ice cream cone, when they share - Whoever grabs the cone first
The remote, when they sit down to watch a movie - They like the same stuff so sharing is not a problem
The basket, when they go shopping - Eno bc it might get heavy! (even if the bae is probably stronger)
The door, on dates - Eno… or Douhan! weeps
The other’s hand, most often - Douhan bc Eno is v shy~
Their breath, upon seeing the other on their wedding day - Probably Eno XD
The camera, when they take pictures together - Oooo I think Douhan, she gets the better angles! :’D
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goto-ren-blog · 10 years
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you who holds what.
The umbrella, when it rains - Ren because he’s taller! XD
The popcorn at the cinema - Probably Fuse
The baby, when it cries - (mama) Ren
The ice cream cone, when they share - ooh I’m sure Ren does~
The remote, when they sit down to watch a movie - Normally Fuse, but if it’s a scary movie then it’s Goto! eheheh
The basket, when they go shopping - I think they’d take turns
The door, on dates - Ren! and it makes Daiki blush every time~ :’3c
The other’s hand, most often - Reeeen does~
Their breath, upon seeing the other on their wedding day - omg Fuse!!
The camera, when they take pictures together - They’re both selfie experts!!
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goto-ren-blog · 10 years
( Testing some text formatting and loving it, thanks Lio~ )
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professionalist-blue · 10 years
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