#I promise SOTS is my main focus until it is done now
missmeasured · 1 year
Oh my goodness the question I hoped and feared in equal measure. Back when I was inspired and writing at every available moment I began to spin many possible next things to SOTS. I promise I have had writers block on all fronts and will finish SOTS before anything else but he’s what has been partially begun with no promise of it becoming anything.
But please do let me know if something excites you.
Hiccoughs and Hufflepuffs
In a world where some witches and wizards are lucky enough to find their soulmates for life, happily mated Minerva is very excited to discover that her good, but frequently sad friend Severus has the early symptoms of a mating bond; hot pink ears and the appetite of an elephant. She sets out to find the matching pink ears.
Severus on the other hand is less than thrilled by all of it. To say nothing of the fact that his first love got hot pink ears for another before they even finished Hogwarts, he is utterly gobsmacked by the gall of Minerva to suggest that his mate is a student. Worse than that, a Hufflepuff.
Madelyn’s own shock turns to anger when instead of a supportive soon to be life partner she receives an extra bitter curmudgeon who is less than sympathetic toward her troubles, the fact her muggle parents are unlikely to accept that she just happens to be life bonded to a man double her age. To make matters worse the unbearable discomforts of the mating bond’s symptoms are only quelled by touching the bitter curmudgeon in question.
The Brilliant Miss Bones
Set in an AU where Severus never became a death eater but instead became the owner of an apothecary shop, financed by his good friend Lucius Malfoy. Despite its beautiful interior, the shop's location in Knockturn Alley keeps it from truly flourishing financially. The influence of he-who-must-not-be-named is ever on the rise and Severus is determined to stay out of it, and plod away at his shop, more interested in inventing potions than being in business.
Lucius is forever talking about his promise to people Severus would rather he not, but he can’t really blame the man, he must want his initial investment back out of the place. When the need arises to hire an assistant, the unlikely choice of a young curvy fashionista Miss Susan Bones breathes new life into the shop. She doubles his sales in a month from small changes. Half his age, her chattiness and joy sometimes confound him. She has a sense of humour of all things. She brings him tea cups full of snacks he didn’t know he wanted. She is exquisite and he hates that he wants her.
Amid rising darkness his assistant and he get closer. He is determined to protect her from the new laws being passed but more than anything determined not to allow himself to be one of those men having a mid life crisis and falling in love with someone who is ill suited, too young, and frilly for him.
Lily, very pregnant, is sent on a mission to check in on Severus Snape who has been seen in public with suspected Death Eaters. She finds out that, thanks to her husband, she has been holding a nasty false assumption about him for years. He is a grower not a show-er.
THEN I have not one but THREE WIPS where I write him as a bad man instead of a good one. I have nary a clue if I will finish or write any of these.
-Corruption- In a world where the ministry has fallen, our main character is moved from her job in muggle relations to a position in the department of mysteries as the secretary to Severus snape. He seems to be his own department. Little does she know he is working on transferring the power of Legilimency into physical objects like a portkey of bad thoughts. She is less of a secretary than a human Guinea pig left to languish with nothing to do in these dark hallways. Her mind begins to play tricks on her and when she loses the ability to sleep all together, she finds the open arms of her new boss the only place she can go.
-Sleeping Beside the Enemy- A dark arranged marriage story where the reader is a pure blood witch who had been hiding amongst muggles working as a librarian. Forced back into the fray, she hides in a library at a singles ball only to find her hiding place invaded by someone who orders her out of “his” hiding place. They have a small argument, little does she know the exchanges endears her to the man and before she knows it she finds herself engaged to this stranger. In the marriage she tries with all her might to stay distant from him which proves difficult as he seems intent on extracting as much pleasure from her body as possible.
-The Grey Area- Written in the style of Lolita this is a Severus POV where he sets out to seduce a student who has an obvious crush on him by slowly pushing her boundaries. When she finally develops a back bone later in the semester he has to be more creative to ensare her again.
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