#I put a bunch of among us crewmates in here tell me if you find them
diospore · 5 months
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voxxiedustadam · 16 days
Josiah nelson x short fem Reader (If Mario Was In Among us)
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   This was requested by Cassidy on quotev
( Your Pov)        
                 Emergency meeting 🚨
"There was a! ... wait why is the table so small ?"jocelyn asked"SOMEONE SET UP A BOB-BOMB AND THE TIMER ONLY SAYS 30 MINUTES LEFT!!!"micah finishes jocelyns sentenceEveryone gasps
 "Wait why is green Mario here" wario asked then starts laughing with waluigi (I don't know ther actuall names )
I wasn't really paying much attention because all I heard was arguing. Then I heard eligah speak up"They couldn't have done it on there own that means two of us here are imposters "eligah said
Well i knew that part already as i were one of those imposters. Yeah "Is anyone sus"shiloh asks
"Well there's 3 people wearing red so let's vote them all of just to be safe"judah says
"Wait if the imposter who started his is still among us"shiloh starts to say but gets interupted by judahs laughter "Stop. So they wouldn't wanna risk being inside the castle when it went off "shiloh continues
  Then something something something then everyone votes skip .Even though I was an imposter I took a task card anyway.
 Me Y/N and was (whatever mario character) and also an imposter, Josiah comes up to me "hiya shortie"
 Oh how I hate it when people call me that but when Josiah says it it kinda hits different, buuuut it's still annoying I wasn't that short . Was I?
"I'm not that short"I say while blush appears on my face.i had a crush on josiah a while now but the no way he would like a short person like me and plus he's also like my best friend I can't lose him so I won't risk it
Any way shiloh was saying there are power ups around the place anyone can use pipes and stuff so yeah
Josiah starts talking to me"Sooo my Tiny Y/N it's a big dangerous place out here and I thi-" "Yes Josiah I'll be your buddy "I already knew what the rest would be everyone treats my like I'm some child but I'm like the same age as all of them .
"Well wanna go for a pipe ride it's great that crewmates can like vent to right "Josiah says smiling"Yeeeeah crewmates sure it's great "I wisper to myself.Josiah was wearing a pretty nice toad outfit and li..
."Oh wait a power up box!"josiah screams "No wait you have to collect enough "Josiah tries to break the power up box put practically breaks his hand and is now screaming on the floor.
"Ouch are you ok that look like it hurt "I ask josiah genuinely concerned 
"Nah im fine shortie nothing I can't hand "josiah replies still holding his hand in pain .He gets up and we continue to go do our tasks well his tasks anyway"Well so Y/N there's something I kinda wanted to tell yo-"
"PIRANA PLANT IS LOSE " judah shouts Then it just...         
          Emergency meeting 🚨
"Someone let  pirana plant lose but judah took care of it "Pauline said
Juudah had and flame onto his head as he bangs his head on the table."And shyguy is gone "shiloh reported and everyone gasp
 Well I didn't do it but I did let out piranha plant while josiah was doing his task silly me I guess.
Wario was saying shiloh was sus and given a bunch of valid reasons and if I were a crewmate I would think she was the imposter , but sadly jocelyn defended her
.shiloh Is the best at finding imposter if we don't get rid of her were doomed Then the meeting was over
 "Hey josiah what did you wanna say to me earlier "I ask curious
 "Oh huh that that wasn't important shortie don't worry bout it in fact you stay right here I gotta goooo do some task be right back "josiah says quick then runs off
I then see a power box and then Pauline, a smirk grows on my face I break the power Box and get a red shell
"Hey stay back " Pauline says afraid and tries to run away"Sorry but these never miss "I say I throw the red shell stun here then throw her out damn I am good.
The josiah comes back "Oh where's Pauline "he wonders
"W-well she- umm"i try to make up and exuse put josiah didn't really seem to care"Huh guess we're ya know shortie alone but dont worry ill protecty you "he say, I just roll my eyes , but i smile
"Huh hey josiah even if was acting just a bit sus you wouldn't vote me out right "I ask hopefull
y Josiah repliesw ith "of course not shortie I would never plus I trust you. You wouldn't lie to me"
"Ummm yeah of course "I say but I do feel bad now"Umm well I have something what is the word agani oh yeah vague to do over there so wait here be right back "I say shyly"
Alright shortie but be care if you aren't back in 5 minutes "josiah says smirking
"Josiah I may be short but I aint no baby I'll be back "
I say smiling "ALso next meeting vote out micah he acting sus "I say as I run of
"If he's acting sus we need to vote him out byee" josiah said
After I come back to josiah but shiloh ,eligah and micah are already talking to him"Woah woah woah woah woah now no way shorties the imposter she to innocent for that "
"Josiah  Y/N is the imposter "Shiloh says
"Y/N is not the imposter "he replies back
I couldn't take it anymore "sorry josiah but shiloh is right hehe funny " Josiah looks sad he says"o-okay but I can't lose you, your my shortie"
An idea popped up in my head "then stay with me"i shout happily then I throw him out 
         Emergency meeting 🚨
 "It's " micah begins to speak but I interupt " yeah it is me vote me of I have a friend to see"
"Aaah " I scream as I get voted of"Did you really do that just for me "josiah ask smiling
 "Maybe , maybe not" I say as I smile
 "I love you " we both say at the same time
"Aww I love you to "we again say at the same time 
And then the most magical thing happened he kissed me
"eew gross josiah shes an imposter "Pauline says still mad I threw her out"I couldn't care less she's my little imposter "josiah responds happily 
Judah got thrown out and was talking with josiah "So for your leg you can either take one pill a day for 14 days or you could take this 💊 once"judah says holding a gigantic pill in his hand.
"I am not eating that"josiah says.
"Oh come on"
"No""Just do it "
"just a nibble "
And to be honest I'm more concerned how that fitted in judahs pocket
So maybe the imposters lost but josiah let me celebrate with them so I say this was a win win for everyone well maybe not everyone 😅
"My Tiny Y/N do you wanna be my first ever girlfriend every did I say the ever part "josiah asked with hope in his eyes 
"Of course how could I say no "I reply "Wait really ,i really thought you'd say no .damn I got rejected a lot in life" josiah answers surprised
 I just slightly laugh and give him a peck on the cheek well I kinda had to step on a stool though hehe that's the short life for me
The end
Word count :1,320🥰
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starcrossedyanderes · 3 years
A Yandere Among Us (Rygel ft. Mr. Mittens)
Is the Among Us trend over yet? No? Okay. Anyway Rygel is definitely the yandere in this and Mr. Mittens is just making a cameo guest star appearance.
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Why is it when it is raining cats and dogs things don’t get cancelled meanwhile if a single flake of snow is seen everything comes to a screeching halt? This situation was slightly different you supposed but the point still stands.
Despite security warnings about pirates and invaders here you were with a bunch of other teenagers on a spaceship by yourselves. 
Most of you were making the Summer commute over to the colony on Europa as part of the colonization program for juveniles. A large portion of you actually had family on the colony long time and as an experiment on juveniles you would all spend Summer there. Or so it was planned. But fate obviously had different plans for you.
“Green’s dead and you guys are bickering if someone can even fit in a vent!?”
You spoke up this time.
“I just find it somewhat hard to believe that a person can fit in one of those small vents!”
Yellow narrowed his eyes a blue, the one who asked about the bickering. 
“I don’t know blue, you are acting kind of sus right now.”
Blue gained an appalled look from what you could all tell from the helmet.
“What does sus even mean!? Why would I kill Green when I am his BEST FRIEND?!”
Green leaned back a bit in his chair before stating in an overly calm voice,
“Alright if you say so man but just to make sure let’s put it up to a vote.”
You let out a sigh as you sat next to one of the people you actually slightly knew, purple or as you knew him, Rygel. You were already 2 deaths in and 1 person has been thrown out of the ship. In other words it was pure chaos. You merely pressed the skip button and watched hopelessly as blue was eventually put to pasture.
Murder #3; Green
Unlike the other murders this one seemed to involve a knife based off the puncture wounds. Meaning that anyone could have done it. And with only 5 people left it was harder to point fingers and have more conclusive evidence. So people did what they usually did and winged it.
Cyan made accusations this time. 
“Okay so since this is becoming way too much like a horror movie lets act as if it is a horror movie. Since this is a case of an imposter sort of situation that means this is more of a twist villain sort of movie. Now twist villains tend to be the most plain and average characters. Not to hot, not the poor ugly person, and their personality seems to generally be ‘nice’. Now based off of that I think the person who fits that category the best would be pink- er, I mean (Y/n).”
You let out a gasp at the audacity of such a statement with such a lack of evidence. And did he just call you the most average!?
“What do you mean it was me? You have no evidence in the slightest!”
Cyan turned to you with a sneer.
“And do you have any evidence that you weren’t the culprit? If not then you how can we know you didn’t do it with such a lack of evidence?”
It was during this stalemate an imposing figure decided to speak up.
“Cyan, enough.”
The words of her crush speaking immediately shut her up.
“If you are wanting evidence (Y/n) and I were in reactor together. Also, last I checked, Cyan you are by far the most basic person I have ever met. Now I personally find it suspicious for you to start accusing a person out of nowhere like that as if you were trying to cover up something you did, hmm?”
Cyan was left gapping like a fish as she was sent out.
Seeing the telltale purple suit you quickened your pace to meet your friends long strides.  “Hey Rygel, thanks a lot for helping me back there. If it wasn’t for you I would probably have taken cyan’s place.”
Rygel simply nodded his head.
“Of course. I couldn’t just have an innocent acquaintance of mine thrown under the rug for something so idiotic.”
You rubbed the back of your neck as best as you could.
“Yeah, I’m just worried that I may be next. Our numbers are getting smaller after all.”
Rygel decided in your moment of panic to remove his helmet to free his long purple locks and grace you with his gorgeous mocha skin.
“If it helps remember that there’s 3 of us remaining. If you are that worried about you being the next on the chopping block you’re more than welcome to stay in my quarters for now.”
A small blush appeared on your skin.
“Oh, now I don’t know about that-”
Rygel merely shrugged as he turned away.
“If you say so. Just know, the offer will still exist.”
You hated walking down hallways by yourself. Even more so during these times. Also when it’s dark, and quiet, and also there may be a serial killer after you-
Okay (Y/n). You’re just trying to psych yourself out.
As much as you hated it sometimes you get abhorrently thirsty in the middle of the night. 
So here you were in a dimly lit hall, by yourself, in your pajamas, and still rather sleepy.
Where could this ever go wrong?
Yet a death was not what you were face with in the dim light.
Against the stark black of the floor and in the rather low mood lightning you saw a stark flash of white. 
Okay, make that multiple.
Upon closer inspection they looked like little paw prints. 
And they all lead in the same direction.
Now on the ship no animals or pets were allowed for various safety reasons. So why in the world would there be white footprints?
Of course like the stupid person you were you followed the flour path (as you had now determined it to be) down various hallways.
It was met you that you were more so expecting.
In electrical you were met with the dead body of yellow along with the end of the flour pawprints.
A scream was strangled out of your lips as your eyes also landed on the very much alive 2 bodies of black and purple, or as you know him, Rygel.
And both of them were absolutely covered in blood.
“Wha-how? Why? WHO?”
The two of them turned slowly to look at you. Rygel’s eyes widened before a pained sigh left him.
“Oops. Mittens, was it? Your services seem to no longer be needed.”
“Mittens?! What is going on!?”
Rygel rolled his eyes.
“Well, as you can see, yellow is dead.”
Rygel merely strolled over to your side as he started to chuckle.
“My apologies, moonlight. I suppose you should get a bit of an explanation before you get fully relocated.”
“What the heck are you even talking ab-”
Rygel made a single swipe of his hand and your lips were immediately shut close. They wouldn’t open.
“This ship is being used to transport me to, and well us now I suppose, my home planet. My chauffeur here has been killing off your crewmates to ensure our safe and successful travels. If they were still present we would have been forced to stop at Europa.”
His long arms wrapped around your shoulders as black started to shake vigorously.
“It’s just much easier and quicker this way isn’t it?”
As you squirmed against his grip black’s shaking suddenly stopped and his clothing dropped into a pile.
Did he dissapear?
Then the pile started to wiggle until a two colored small head popped out.
Black seemed to have become a cat..
Wait.. Mittens..
“Mittens here caused those footprints you saw as he used them to lure your peers. As you can see he is a shape shifter. This is also the answer to your question of how someone could ever fit into a vent. Now come dear, it’s gotten late and I desire to retire for the night.”
Rygel was saddened that you stood stock still.
“Moonlight, you’re my mate and shall suffer much worse. Now come before I have to leave you to sleep with yellow.”
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agentravensong · 3 years
I love watching Among Us Town of Us vids. For those who don’t know, it’s a mod of Among Us that adds a bunch of roles.
Yesterday, after watching one, I came up with an idea for a role that I think would add some fun layers and extra chaos to the game, and I figured I’d share it to see what others thought of the concept. For now, I’m calling it the Bomber role.
The Bomber is an Imposter role. They carry a bomb which can be used in three ways, detailed below:
Firstly, the Bomber cannot get regular kills while holding the bomb. Instead, they can detonate the bomb while holding it, which kills everyone in a certain radius visible to them, including the Bomber themself and, potentially, an unlucky imposter buddy.
The Bomber gains the ability to get regular kills if they “dispose” of the bomb. The first of the two ways they can do this is by placing it anywhere on the map (except in vents, and maybe within a certain radius of the emergency button, for obvious reasons). It’s invisible, can be picked up and moved, and is detonated remotely, which can be done from just out of its range (which, again, would be visible to the Bomber) or anywhere else on the map. The detonate button would only light up if at least one person is in the radius, but the Bomber can only know exactly how many people are there by looking at admin.
Once they detonate it, the players at the site of the explosion would only get a second or two of warning with some beeping sound - not enough for them to get away in most circumstances, but enough so that they know what killed them. The Bomber also has a short animation when they detonate the bomb, which gives the chance for a lucky witness to tell on them - if the Bomber doesn’t kill them before the bodies are reported, of course. The Bomber gets a new bomb the round after it explodes.
Alternatively, the Bomber can plant their bomb on another person during a meeting. A timer to auto kill the victim starts after the meeting and can only be stopped if a new meeting is called - or if the person is otherwise killed, in which case the killer will also be killed by the resulting explosion. During this time, the Bomber will be unable to plant bombs, but can kill normally.
At a certain amount of time remaining, the victim is notified of their impending doom. This gives them the chance to try and find a body to report, press the emergency button, or at least get away from other crew so they aren’t also killed by the explosion. Or, they could find/bait someone they’re sus of to die with them.
If the victim survives the round, the bomb is disposed during the meeting, and the bomber cannot plant another bomb on any crewmate (or at least not the same one) for the rest of the game.
Part of me wants the Bomber’s explosion to have a unique animation, but part of the fun of the Among Us mod is that there can be confusion when a body drops over whether it was, say, a murder, a failed Sheriff shot, or a Shifter trying to become an Imposter. Either way, it should def leave default looking bodies behind.
In terms of interaction with other roles, and other balancing related stuff:
- If the Bomber is killed by a Sheriff or Glitch and they’ve planted a bomb on the map, the bomb will go off immediately. If no one was there, great! If there was someone… oops. On the other hand, if the Bomber has planted a bomb on a crewmate, I think the timer should continue as normal. On the other other hand, if the Bomber still has their bomb on them… should it also kill the person who attacked them? It follows from the logic set up so far, but is that too harsh?
- If a person with a Shield is caught in explosion, they will live, unless the Medic is caught in the same explosion. Not sure how Shield should work with the planted bomb…
- A Spy can see the bomb after it’s been planted on the map, either on admin or at its physical location, and could maybe defuse it?
- I could also see letting the Engineer dispose of bombs if they find them, or even letting the Medic save a crewmate who has a bomb planted on them.
- Heck, if you really wanted to, then perhaps, if a crewmate who was killed by a bomb (planted or detonated remotely) is lucky enough to get revived by an Altruist, they could be made aware of who the Bomber is similar to how the Snitch becomes aware of Imps. Maybe? Maybe that’s too much.
- Because planting a bomb where people have to go to fix a sabotage is such an obvious strategy, perhaps the Bomber should be unable to cause sabotages, at least in games with multiple Imps. Though I’m not sure how tricky that, or anything else here, would be to code in without breaking things. Maybe it’d be better to just limit the area where they can put the bomb around each sabotage site.
- This role obviously has a lot more going on than the other Town of Us Imp roles, but I wouldn’t want it to be a neutral role because a) adding another neutral killing role could mean 4 (or 5 counting sheriff) killing roles in a ten person lobby, which feels like a bit much; and b) I like forcing the Bomber to have to work with another Imp and be careful about not killing them too.
That’s everything I came up with yesterday. I really enjoy the idea of a role that can cause this much chaos, with potentially killing multiple people without even being present at the scene of the crime - but I also think it’s not too OP as laid out here. The main thing I’m concerned about at this point is that, other than the animation I mentioned for detonating the bomb remotely, and sus from normal kills, there aren’t really any ways to sus out the Bomber.
I’d love to hear what other people thought of this concept, and any tweaks you think could make it more interesting, balanced, and/or fun!
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cyanisbirdmom666 · 3 years
Dark Skies - Part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Summary: Space seems fun at first, right? Well it is... until people on your spaceship start getting murdered by monsters.
Notes: Just another Among Us chapter.
Word Count: 2.2k
Trigger Warnings: none :)
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“OK EVERYONE, are you guys ready?” Daisy asked as everyone sat down. The cafeteria tables were quite large, so the 12 of them all fit on one table. Rusty came out of the kitchen with all the seafood. Salmon chowder, baked cod, potato-brussel sprout hash, seared scallops, popcorn shrimp, hot crab dip, and an avocado and fennel salad. “I really hope you guys aren’t allergic to seafood.” he joked. They all laughed and dug in. The food was delicious.
After about 10 minutes of silent eating, Daisy stood up cleared her throat, “Ok guys, to start off I’m going to first ask for your ages. We all look pretty young, so no need to be embarrassed. I’ll start, and we’ll go clockwise from there. I’m 21 years old.”
“I’m 27.” said Rusty.
“I’m 25.” said Rosa.
“I’m 23.” said Violet.
“21.” said Azul.
“I’m 20.” said Sky.
“I’m 21.” said Chartreuse.
“31.” said Scarlet.
“I’m 24.” said Viridian.
“I am 21.” said Coal.
“I’m 25.” said Bronze.
“26.” said Ivory.
“Ok great! Let’s do an easy question first: why are you guys in space? I’m sure this will bring up some interesting stories... I’ll start, again. I like rocks. I’m a geologist and going to space to actually touch and handle space dust has always been a dream of mine, ever since I was a little girl that played with sand. That may sound weird to you guys, but, like, studying the moons, the dirt, and the lava in Polus was SUCH a wonderful experience!! 10 outta 10, I would definitely do this again. MiraSpace noticed my experience in the field, and offered me this trip. All I needed to do in return was conduct some research on the lava in Polus. I enjoyed every minute of it! Now Rusty, it’s your turn.
“MiraSpace needed a chef for this group. You only live once, so I took the opportunity to go to space. I don’t regret it. Space is pretty cool.”
Rosa stopped eating and cleared her throat, “Well, I’m an astronomer, so getting to study the stars and celestial objects up close was an opportunity I could not refuse. MiraSpace needed the research and I had already been working with MiraSpace for years, so I know I can trust this organization to send me into space. It’s been very pleasant so far.” Rosa finished talking and continued to eat.
“Well, I also had been working in MiraSpace before taking this trip. They wanted me to be the electrical and software engineer of the ship, and I of course accepted, even though the chances of this ship breaking down is really small.” Violet said, very confidently.
“I’ve never worked for MiraSpace, and the only thing I know about the organization was from what I heard on the news. Scandals, new programs they’re launching and stuff. BUT they did offer me a lot of bucks for researching weather in space, so I gave them a chance. So here I am, the ship’s space meteorologist.” Azul droned, obviously bored. He was staring at the ceiling.
“I’m a surgeon and MiraSpace contacted me, saying that they needed a medic for the ship. I at first declined, because I love Earth and flying gives me anxiety. Besides I didn’t really need the money, and space was never an interest of mine.They even offered to give me an assistant! BUT, then MiraSpace told me that if I was able to find an alien bird in Polus, I would be able to keep it. All I needed to do was get samples and data from Polus and be the ship’s doctor. I don’t know how MiraSpace found out I love birds, but they did and now they had me hooked. I accepted, so now I have two alien bird eggs on my helmet, and a bunch of data and research to sort out. I still don’t know who was assigned to be my assistant, or if I even have an assistant. But other than that it’s been pretty fun.”
Azul looked at Sky a bit confused, “Aren’t you a bit young to be a surgeon? You said you were 20? Aren’t surgeons like, really old? You’re not even at legal drinking age!” Sky shrugged, “I suppose I just skipped a few grades.” Azul gazed at Sky for another moment before returning to staring at the ceiling.
Chartreuse started, “MiraSpace wanted me to document everything we- well everything you guys do, and I accepted the position. The Skeld is my set and you guys are the actors. I’m just the movie director letting the drama unfold.”
Daisy giggled nervously, “But there is no drama here, silly! We all get along great!”
Chartreuse smirked, “There will be hon, there’s always will be drama wherever you go. I’m just patiently waiting. I know where to sniff out the dirt, darling.”
Daisy forced a smile, “You’re a funny one Chartreuse... but erm, I don’t really see your equipment? You’re not doing a very good job so far if you want to sniff out the dir-”
“Look up sugarcakes. I have cameras everywhere to record the latest news among the crewmates. And to make sure I’m documenting everything you’re doing of course. MiraSpace doesn’t want any funny business going on on their ships.” Chartreuse disclosed.
Everyone went from happy to very uncomfortable. They all (reluctantly) looked up and sure enough, there was a camera taped to the ceiling. How did it get there? They didn’t know, since Chartreuse was short. Coal immediately tensed thinking, is it possible that he put a camera in Electrical? Did he record the whole conversation??
“So Chartreuse, what are ya planning on doing with the footage eh? You wanna make a movie out of us or something? Or are you just going to turn in all the footage to MiraSpace?” Scarlet asked, a bit irritated. She did not want to be recorded.
“I have to give all the footage to MiraSpace but... MiraSpace didn’t stop me from bringing my own equipment so... perhaps I will make a movie out of this. It all depends on how good my footage is and how much footage MiraSpace takes. Enough about me though, we should probably keep playing our bonding game, yes?” Chartreuse said, still smirking.
Scarlet wanted to slap his stupid little smirk off his face, but she restrained herself. “I work in MiraSpace. I handle Comms. I will be spending most of my time in Comms. So, don’t bother me.” Or record me.
“I’m a psychologist and MiraSpace wanted me to study you guys’ behavior throughout the day.”
“Great! So not only are we starring actors in Chartreuse's space movie, but we’re also lab rats.” Scarlet said, exasperated.
“heh... I’m also supposed to study the crewmate’s health too... I guess Viridian and I are supposed to work together to monitor your overall health.” Sky mumbled timidly. She didn’t want to make Scarlet angrier, and she definitely didn’t want Scarlet to hate her.
“This must be a joke. MiraSpace NEVER told me any of this. They just said that the only thing I would be doing, was communicating back and forth with MiraSpace headquarters. They never said anything about being monitored.” Scarlet exclaimed.
Daisy laughed nervously, “How about we just continue the bonding? Coal I think you’re next?”
“MiraSpace wanted me to study plants in Polus.” Coal grumbled.
“Oh. Ok. Well, what about you, Bronze?”
“I’m just a physicist. MiraSpace hired me to study astrophysics and quantum mechanics out here.” Bronze sighed.
“I’m an aerospace and mechanical engineer. I’m supposed to work with Violet.” Ivory stated plainly.
Daisy nodded, “OK great! I guess we should stop the questions since everyone seems a bit tense... I have an idea! Why don’t we all group up and-”
“Why don’t we all just go to bed? It’s 11pm eastern time right now on Earth, and some of us seem a little cranky.” Ivory interrupted.
The crewmates looked back and forth between Daisy and Ivory until Sky blurted out, “Seems like a good idea, I’m pretty tired.” Sky stood up and started to walk to her room. The others nodded and muttered words in agreement. Only Chartreuse, Ivory, Rosa, Rusty, and Azul remained at the table.
“Aren’t you guys going to leave?” Ivory questioned. “Well I need to wash dishes and stuff...” Rusty muttered as he quickly grabbed a few plates and headed to the kitchen. Rosa looked around, “I was going to help him wash the dishes... there’s a lot and... and four hands are better than two!” Rosa hastily grabbed the remaining plates and rushed off towards the kitchen to help Rusty.
Ivory glared at Azul and Chartreuse, “And you two?”
“Oh nothing... he just happens to be taller than me and is helping me grab that camera.” Chartreuse said, pointing at the camera still taped to the ceiling, “I got some very good footage that I’d love to review. You can leave darling, nothing suspicious is going on here.”
There is definitely something suspicious about you two, Ivory thought as she headed towards the sleeping pods.
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Azul Aegan
Now, why would I help this short little man retrieve his camera? Usually, I would walk away and let the person fend for themselves if they need help. But he’s different. This time it’s different. We both want something, and I know we can help each other get what we want. Hopefully Mr. Chartreuse is as smart as he seems. Just gotta wait for that annoying Ivory girl to walk away.
Once Ivory was away from sight, Chartreuse immediately asked, “What do you want?”
I should play dumb at first, just to see what I’m dealing with here, “What do you mean? I’m just being a nice guy by helping you with your equipment!” I said that in the fakest way possible. Whoopsies!
Chartreuse snickered, “Why would you be helping a guy like me? The guy who wants to sniff out you guys’ dirtiest little secrets? The guy who wants to record all the drama and your most private moments? Hmm?”
He knows. I sighed and said, “We both know that I want something, yes?”
He scoffed, “Yeah I can tell. But I’m afraid I can’t help ya with whatever you want. Or need. I work alone.”
“I think I can help you... create... drama.”
“Drama happens on its own darling. I don’t need help ‘creating’ drama. I’ve been doing this sort of thing for years hon.”
“Oh really? How come I’ve never seen a Chartreuse movie on the big screen, hmm? Please, don’t be so close-minded,” I demurred, “Think of it this way. I’ll be your starring actor. I mean honestly, if I- I mean we, don’t create drama, your movie is just going to be about a bunch of astronauts in colored suits doing space tasks!”
“Editing changes things.” Chartreuse said stubbornly.
“Your ‘movie’ will be more like a children’s film! But if you want that, that’s fine with me. I guess I’ll just go to bed instead.” I gave him the camera and started to walk away, a bit disappointed to be honest. I honestly thought he was smarter than this.
“Wait...” Chartreuse hesitated before saying, “What can you help me with.”
I turned around and sneered, “What are your thoughts on romance? I think that will definitely make your little project more interesting... I could even sprinkle in some extra drama for you...”
Chartreuse smiled, clearly on board with the start of my idea. Chartreuse leaned forward, “What sort of romance?”
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Sky Aguamarina
Today was an eventful day. I was really enjoying the bonding until Chartreuse told us about his documenting plans. That sorta ruined the mood. But I do gotta say that Scarlet was overreacting a bit. I mean yeah, it’s weird to think that a camera will be following me on the way back home but it probably won’t even be that bad! I don’t think anyone has any big secrets that affect everyone on the ship, right? The only footage Chartreuse will get, is us just doing our tasks! Hmm... well since I got nothing else to do, I’m gonna write my opinions on everyone else in here.
Daisy Flaxer seems like a nice and fun person. I’m glad she’s in our group.
I feel like Viridian and I will get along really well! I can’t wait to work with him tomorrow.
Azul seems to only be here for money. No judgement, but I honestly don’t think he has any interest in space. Which is unfair to those who do want to go to space, but didn’t get to because of limited space. But hey, maybe this journey back home will interest him in space?
Scarlet Laulanga seems to be very moody. I’m kinda scared of her.
Ivory scares me. She’s very intimidating. But she seems cool. And really smart.
Coal scares me. He seems anti-social.
Bronze seems like a pleasant person to be around.
Rosa, Rusty, and Violet seem like really nice people. Rusty’s a really good cook.
Chartreuse was probably a snitch during his elementary school years.
I suppose I’ll add more once I get to know them better! I guess I should go to sleep now though. According to Scarlet, we’re supposed to get our tasks tomorrow (very exciting).
0 notes
genogenocrazycatman · 7 years
Rush - Trafalgar Law x OC
Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece. All copyrights and trademarks go to their respective owners.
This story contains graphic depictions of violence.
Note: This is the sixth rewrite of this, and while I'm still not happy with it, this one has turned out far better than the others.
Medical things. I am not a doctor. I have no clue what I'm talking about. Everything I mention is about 50% google, 10% it's anime, 15% plot convenience (at least I'm willing to admit it) and 25% fuck it. So if I get something wrong oh well, cause I'm not knowledgeable enough and I don't give enough of a fuck to go and fix it.
I took my drag of my cigarette, and stared out at the ocean. The moon light reflected on the water’s surface. The spring island, where I had boarded the ship I was currently on, was no longer visible. The sounds of the village, the people in the taverns, the shops closing up had given way to the gentle lapping of waves on the hull.
  There was something about the vastness of the sea that was just special. I couldn’t say that it was a positive quality, nor was it entirely negative. You could sail for weeks without encountering another soul. The solitude was liberating in a way. There was no one to answer to, no social constructs to uphold. You could do whatever you wanted, and no one could tell you otherwise.
  On the other hand, that solitude could easily give way to loneliness. There was no one to answer to, but that also meant that there was no one to talk to, no one to laugh with, no one to pick you up, no shoulder to cry on, no one to share your joy with.
  By the time I set sail, I was already well acquainted with loneliness, among many other things. Violence and pain standing out among them. I found solace in those two concepts. It was more than solace. It was bliss.
  It wasn’t until I had met a pirate crew and their enigmatic captain that I was able to find that joy and that comfort elsewhere, in friendship, in love.
I was lucky in that respect. I had found a place in this world. Surrounded by my crewmates, the vastness of the sea wasn’t so daunting. It wasn’t so lonely. I would do whatever it took to preserve that, which was why I was on this ship, taking one last drag of my cigarette, before flicking it overboard.
  I turned around and surveyed the deck, the carnage around me. My kills had been quick and fairly quiet. Cervical fractures, carotid artery compression, exsanguination due to CTIs.
  It was a waste. I was relying on the element of surprise. I couldn’t allow them to yell out and give me away, no matter how much I wanted to.
  With the exception of the helmsman, who I had taken care of first and the captain, who was below deck, all of the men on the boat had been posted on the small ship’s deck with their weapons in hand and cannons readied. Guard duty. It was a good idea.
  They had abducted a supernova. In theory there were the marines to worry about, bounty hunters, the captive’s crew, possible rivals. In actuality, there was just me, who had no problem taking out a dozen mediocre pirates. If not for the intelligence of their captain, no doubt these buffoons would have perished long ago.
  I headed below deck for the bilge for the hold. I stopped at the top of the hatch, hearing a deep voice coming from down below.
  “How’s it feel, Trafalgar, to know that I’m going to put you through the same hell that you’ve inflicted on so many others?”
  I lifted the hatch just enough to peer down into the hold. Law was sitting on the floor, his arms chained up over his head.  He was beat up. His lip was busted, and a bruise was forming around his left eye. He was shirtless, revealing the beep bruising on his abdomen.
  Hovering over him was a large brutish man. At first glance, I would’ve just assumed that he was all brawn no brain, but he had managed not only to track down Law, but to abduct him as well. It was an impressive feat.
  He’d played it smart and waited until Law and his crew were comfortable in a tavern. Law had only had a few, before leaving, while the rest of the lot continued to enjoy the booze, food and women. The brute had snuck up on the Surgeon of Death and knocked him out, before dragging him to the docks, where his ship was located. The crew had quickly left the docks and headed out to see, unaware that I had snuck aboard. The brute wasn’t the only smart one.
  He seemed pretty tough. He would make a nice reward for my efforts tonight. Once I freed Law, I was going to have some real fun.
  I didn’t remember the brute, but he obviously knew us or at least Law. The melodramatic monologue that I was listening in on, was filled with promises of vengeance and retribution, not something that you’d hit a stranger with.
  He had a knife in his hand, undoubtedly to cut Law’s heart out. I was undecided on whether it was poetic or ironic. It depended on how emotionally invested you were in the situation. It was a fairly short blade, long enough to puncture the heart, but not so deep that I had to worry about him
  Law said nothing in response, staring down at his lap the entire time.
  “Look at me, when I’m talking to you!” the Brute snapped, grabbing Law’s chin and forcing him to look up.
  Law’s usual smirk was absent, a far more sarcastic and sinister one in its place.
  I couldn’t help, the grin that tugged at the corner of my lips. He knew I was there.
  His smirk set the guy off. He brought the knife down, driving it into Law’s chest between the third and fourth rib. In addition to piercing the heart, the brute had to have damaged the costal cartilages, based on the angle of entry and the width of the blade.
  I should have intervened earlier. I should have prevented the injury from occurring, but I was momentarily frozen. The part of my brain that said, keep Law safe was drowned out by the part that reveled in his suffering.
  It wasn’t a sexual thing. I didn’t get off on the pain of others. It would be easier to explain that way. Sexual sadism seemed to be easier for people to comprehend than sadistic personality disorder. It was euphoric in its own sense, stimulating my brain like a drug. The feeling I got from seeing people hurt, watching them suffer and ultimately break was indescribable. Words didn’t do it justice.
  The man used a serrated knife, which ripped through the flesh as opposed to slicing through it. The same went for the cardiac tissue beneath. The serrated edge sawed into the cartilage.
  Law’s pained cry rang out through the ship with only me and the brute to hear it.
  I couldn’t help, but stare at the scene in front of me. Law’s muscles tensed and involuntarily, causing him to writhe in place, wrists pulling against the sea stone cuffs. A sheen of sweat quickly developed over his skin, and crimson ran from the newly created wound in his chest.
  Law was strong, resilient, calculating and composed. Very rarely did anyone ever get the jump on him. Sea kings sure. The weather definitely, but not people. I had never seen his composure shattered like this.
  It was a beautiful sight.
  The brute retracted his knife, causing Law to yell out again.
  He looked down at Law, with a victorious gleam in his eye. “You took my brother’s heart. Now I’m taking yours, you sadistic bastard.”
  If it had been anyone else, I would’ve just sat there and enjoyed the show, watching as the knife tore through the flesh, sawing through the costal cartilage, listening to the crunch of bones breaking as the brute broke ribs to get to the heart. But it wasn’t anyone else.
  It was Law. Law, who I owed a great debt to. Law, who gave me a place in this world. Law, who made me feel as if I belonged. Law, I had already failed with my moment of weakness, my hesitation.
  I had eaten the pocket pocket fruit, which gave me access to a pocket dimension. With a poof of blood red smoke, I could send items to and summon items from that space, including supplies, treasure, weapons and even people. I often used that ability to teleport so to speak, poofing into my dimension from one spot and poofing myself out in another.
  I poofed myself into my pocket space, grabbing a bullhook and poofing back out, behind the brute. I swung the hook around, the hook piercing his cheek and yanking it back. It ripped through the flesh and hooked itself on his ramus. I caught him off guard. He couldn’t properly balance himself, when I yanked back on the hook hard. I knocked him through a bunch of crates that were serving as a makeshift table in the center of the room.
  “Let’s get something clear here,” I started, standing over the brute.
  I unhooked the bullhook from his jaw and cranked back, before driving it into his bicep. He cried out in pain, a sound that delighted me to no end.
  “I’m the only one, who has my captain’s heart.” I put my left hand out, poofing the organ into it. I tossed it back towards Law, so that it landed in his lap.
  I hit the brute with the handle of my bullhook, knocking him out for the time being. I patted down the brute finding the key for the cuffs on Law’s wrists. I pulled it out of one of his pockets and walked over to my captain, carefully unlocking them and releasing him.
  I poofed the necessary supplies out of my pocket space and knelt down in front of him, quickly examining him. The bruises were simply that bruises. There were no underlying injuries, at least that I could tell. It appeared that the brute had made sure that Law suffered no serious injuries, save for the chest wound.
  Law raised his hand uttering, “Room.”
  “Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked, sounding understandably irritated.
  I poofed a scalpel into my hand, handing it over to Law. “I was,” I admitted.
  “I snapped out of it.”
  Law popped the heart in his chest out. I took a look at it. It had been punctured, but not deeply. It was enough to be fatal, if not attended to immediately, but that was none of my concern. I turned and lobbed it at the brute, hitting him square in his half-shredded face with it.
  “You did,” he conceded. “Though we still have work to do on your discipline.”
  I was relieved. He was okay.  If he was already using this experience as a measurement of my self-control, something that we had been working on since we met, then he was fine.
  “He didn’t hit any major blood vessels, nor the lung, but he did hit the costal cartilage connecting your third and fourth ribs to your sternum. The muscle has obviously been lacerated, as has the skin. I lifted his heart up off of his lap and carefully slotted it into the hole in his chest.
  At this point there weren’t many of Law’s organs actually in his body, the important ones at least. They all resided in specialized cases with in my pocket dimension.
  “You did well,” he said. “I can take it from here.” Using the supplies that I summoned and his fruit, he repaired the injury fairly quickly, the only sign, being a short line of stitches underneath a bandage.
  Remind me, when we’re back at the island, and we’ll take inventory of your stock.”
  I nodded. He stood up, groaning a bit at the soreness, while I packed everything up and returned it to my space.
  Law walked over to the brute. He had to be hurting. There was nothing we could do about the cartilage. It had to heal on its own. Each breath had to be painful.
  He waved something under the brute’s nose. Only when the large man woke up, did I realize what they were, smelling salts.
  I peered at Law curiously, not sure what it was he was planning, but sure that whatever it was wasn’t going to end well for the brute.
  He pushed himself back, trying to get away from Law, but ran into a wall.
  “You think I’m sadistic,” Law said to the brute. “You have no idea what sadism really looks like.”
  “Do whatever you want,” Law told me.
  I smirked.  I looked at the side of the brute’s face that I had torn through. My expression switched to one of petulance. “I rushed that side.” I stalked towards him. “But this one I’m going to do properly.”
  I swapped out my bullhook for a club, swinging it around and striking the brute in the chest. The wall behind him cracked. He coughed, trying to breathe, having the wind knocked out of him. I switched out my club for another scalpel, using the sharp blade to nick the corner of the brute’s mouth.
  “Ratchet-ya, what have I told you about using medical instruments to play your games,” Law scolded.
  I looked over my shoulder and gave Law a wide grin showing how not-sorry I was.  “Thank you, Ratchet for saving my ass,” I teased, knowing that despite this situation we were on the same ground as usual.
  I swapped the club out for a heavy metal pillar. I lifted it, dropping it onto the brute’s shin. With a satisfying crack, his tibia and fibula both snapped.
  That crack was nothing in comparison to the anguished cry that left his mouth. The nick I had made at the corner of his mouth, was pulled apart further.
  My heart rate quickened, and a pleasant tingle traveled up my spine. It was a struggle to keep my composure. The game ended if they passed out. It was about maintaining a delicate balance. Inflict enough pain for it to be fun, but not so much that they passed out or died. It was a delicate balance but one that I had mastered. I had only intended to go until both sides of the brute’s mouth matched, but I had gone overboard, caught in the cadence of his screams, the fear and pain in his eyes, his feeble attempts to speak, pleading for me to stop.
  Two hours later and the smell of blood was thick in the air. The substance coated the brute, pooled on the floor beneath him. He was still. All the fight had drained out of him. The defiance was gone. There was nothing left but fear and pain. I kneeled down, so that I was eye level with the big man. “You know what the best part of this is?” I asked. “That you’re not going to die.” I laughed. “We’re going to take this ship back to port. My captain and I are going to head back to our inn. I’m going to shower, and think about every last one of those delectable noises you made for me. Tomorrow, we’re going to leave, and on our way out, someone’s going to alert the local authorities to your condition. By the time they stitch you back together and set your bones, we’ll be gone, and you’ll have to spend every day living with the reminders of what happened here.
  “But it’s okay, because it gives you a chance to do some good. See I’m sure you think this is the part, where I warn you never to tell a soul about who did this, but that’s not the case. I want you to tell everyone that Ratchet the Hatchet did this, and that I’ll do it all over again to anyone, who even thinks about harming my captain.
  “You understand?”
  He made no effort to move.
  I grabbed his face. “Do you understand?” I repeated slowly.
  The brute nodded.
  I stood up and poofed into my pocket dimension, taking a few moments to clean myself up and change into a new set of clothes, before poofing to the bridge, where Law was manning the helm. He was still shirtless, but otherwise clean. I handed him one of his shirts I had stored.
  “You done?” he asked.
  “Yes,” I answered, a dopey grin on my face. I was still riding my high. “Too bad about the rest of them. If their big bad captain squealed like that, I can only imagine what they would’ve done.”
  “Ratchet-ya, you would’ve killed them and then been disappointed.”
  “True,” I agreed. “You okay?” I asked.
  “I would be better, if you hadn’t waited until after he stabbed me in the chest, before taking care of him.”
  “I know. I’m sorry. I was weak. I couldn’t help it. It was like you told me I could only have vegetables for dinner and then someone set a big juicy T-bone right in front of me. I was tempted.”
  “And you gave into that,” Law shot.
  “I took one bite, and I enjoyed it,” I admitted shamelessly. “One of the steaks I’ve ever had in my life. But then I went and tossed it out.”
  “Considering, where we began with your blood lust, you’ve come a long way,” he sighed. “And I know that it must be difficult, considering that I don’t remove the temptation all together. We’ll have to work more on it.”
  I nodded.
  He shook his head at me, the corners of his mouth pulling upwards. “What am I going to do with you.”
  I knew that I was in the clear this time.
  “You know you still haven’t thanked me,” I joked. I knew I wasn’t actually going to get a “thank you” out of him, considering that I let him get stabbed.
  “I let you have your fun.”
  I scoffed. “That wasn’t just for me. You know as well as I do, that you let me do that, because you wanted revenge on him, because he embarrassed you.”
  “I’m not embarrassed.”
  “Really? Not at all? Big bad Trafalgar Law got captured by some second-rate pirate out for petty revenge? Doesn’t make you want to get back at him? To cut a smile into his face? To shatter his bones and rip out his finger nails? To cut off his fingers, and blow out his ear drums? To-”
  I was cut off by Law’s lips on mine. There were few things that surpassed the thrill I got inflicting pain upon others, and kissing Law was one of them. Torturing someone was a rush. It was a quick and intense bout of euphoria. It overtook your senses and once it was over, all you wanted was to seek that feeling, that high out again, but Law was different.
  Being with Law was a rush at first, but soon after it was like everything slowed down, and we were in our own world, floating away from everyone and everything else. He was a slow and steady warmth that spread throughout my body. When we were apart, I didn’t just want that feeling again. I needed it, whether it be from a look, a hug, a kiss, whatever. I didn’t care.
   “Thank you, Ratchet,” he said, once we parted, resting his forehead on mine.
“You’re welcome,” I replied, grinning at him.
Like it? If so check out my other stories here. I write for a number of fandoms.
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genogenocrazycatman · 5 years
Rush - Trafalgar Law x OC
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Rush [Archive of Our Own]
Characters: Original Female Character, Trafalgar Law, Original Male Character
Being with Law was a rush at first, but soon after it was like everything slowed down, and we were in our own world, floating away from everyone and everything else. He was a slow and steady warmth that spread throughout my body. When we were apart, I didn’t just want that feeling again. I needed it, whether it be from a look, a hug, a kiss, whatever. I didn’t care.
This is the sixth rewrite of this, and while I'm still not happy with it, this one has turned out far better than the others.
Medical things. I am not a doctor. I have no clue what I'm talking about. Everything I mention is about 50% google, 10% it's anime, 15% plot convenience (at least I'm willing to admit it) and 25% fuck it. So if I get something wrong oh well, cause I'm not knowledgeable enough and I don't give enough of a fuck to go and fix it.
I took my drag of my cigarette, and stared out at the ocean. The moon light reflected on the water’s surface. The spring island, where I had boarded the ship I was currently on, was no longer visible. The sounds of the village, the people in the taverns, the shops closing up had given way to the gentle lapping of waves on the hull.
There was something about the vastness of the sea that was just special. I couldn’t say that it was a positive quality, nor was it entirely negative. You could sail for weeks without encountering another soul. The solitude was liberating in a way. There was no one to answer to, no social constructs to uphold. You could do whatever you wanted, and no one could tell you otherwise.
On the other hand, that solitude could easily give way to loneliness. There was no one to answer to, but that also meant that there was no one to talk to, no one to laugh with, no one to pick you up, no shoulder to cry on, no one to share your joy with.
By the time I set sail, I was already well acquainted with loneliness, among many other things. Violence and pain standing out among them. I found solace in those two concepts. It was more than solace. It was bliss.
It wasn’t until I had met a pirate crew and their enigmatic captain that I was able to find that joy and that comfort elsewhere, in friendship, in love.
I was lucky in that respect. I had found a place in this world. Surrounded by my crewmates, the vastness of the sea wasn’t so daunting. It wasn’t so lonely. I would do whatever it took to preserve that, which was why I was on this ship, taking one last drag of my cigarette, before flicking it overboard.
I turned around and surveyed the deck, the carnage around me. My kills had been quick and fairly quiet. Cervical fractures, carotid artery compression, exsanguination due to CTIs.
It was a waste. I was relying on the element of surprise. I couldn’t allow them to yell out and give me away, no matter how much I wanted to.
With the exception of the helmsman, who I had taken care of first and the captain, who was below deck, all of the men on the boat had been posted on the small ship’s deck with their weapons in hand and cannons readied. Guard duty. It was a good idea.
They had abducted a supernova. In theory there were the marines to worry about, bounty hunters, the captive’s crew, possible rivals. In actuality, there was just me, who had no problem taking out a dozen mediocre pirates. If not for the intelligence of their captain, no doubt these buffoons would have perished long ago.
I headed below deck for the bilge for the hold. I stopped at the top of the hatch, hearing a deep voice coming from down below.
“How’s it feel, Trafalgar, to know that I’m going to put you through the same hell that you’ve inflicted on so many others?”
I lifted the hatch just enough to peer down into the hold. Law was sitting on the floor, his arms chained up over his head.  He was beat up. His lip was busted, and a bruise was forming around his left eye. He was shirtless, revealing the beep bruising on his abdomen.
Hovering over him was a large brutish man. At first glance, I would’ve just assumed that he was all brawn no brain, but he had managed not only to track down Law, but to abduct him as well. It was an impressive feat.
He’d played it smart and waited until Law and his crew were comfortable in a tavern. Law had only had a few, before leaving, while the rest of the lot continued to enjoy the booze, food and women. The brute had snuck up on the Surgeon of Death and knocked him out, before dragging him to the docks, where his ship was located. The crew had quickly left the docks and headed out to see, unaware that I had snuck aboard. The brute wasn’t the only smart one.
He seemed pretty tough. He would make a nice reward for my efforts tonight. Once I freed Law, I was going to have some real fun.
I didn’t remember the brute, but he obviously knew us or at least Law. The melodramatic monologue that I was listening in on, was filled with promises of vengeance and retribution, not something that you’d hit a stranger with.
He had a knife in his hand, undoubtedly to cut Law’s heart out. I was undecided on whether it was poetic or ironic. It depended on how emotionally invested you were in the situation. It was a fairly short blade, long enough to puncture the heart, but not so deep that I had to worry about him
Law said nothing in response, staring down at his lap the entire time.
“Look at me, when I’m talking to you!” the Brute snapped, grabbing Law’s chin and forcing him to look up.
Law’s usual smirk was absent, a far more sarcastic and sinister one in its place.
I couldn’t help, the grin that tugged at the corner of my lips. He knew I was there.
His smirk set the guy off. He brought the knife down, driving it into Law’s chest between the third and fourth rib. In addition to piercing the heart, the brute had to have damaged the costal cartilages, based on the angle of entry and the width of the blade.
I should have intervened earlier. I should have prevented the injury from occurring, but I was momentarily frozen. The part of my brain that said, keep Law safe was drowned out by the part that reveled in his suffering.
It wasn’t a sexual thing. I didn’t get off on the pain of others. It would be easier to explain that way. Sexual sadism seemed to be easier for people to comprehend than sadistic personality disorder. It was euphoric in its own sense, stimulating my brain like a drug. The feeling I got from seeing people hurt, watching them suffer and ultimately break was indescribable. Words didn’t do it justice.
The man used a serrated knife, which ripped through the flesh as opposed to slicing through it. The same went for the cardiac tissue beneath. The serrated edge sawed into the cartilage.
Law’s pained cry rang out through the ship with only me and the brute to hear it.
I couldn’t help, but stare at the scene in front of me. Law’s muscles tensed and involuntarily, causing him to writhe in place, wrists pulling against the sea stone cuffs. A sheen of sweat quickly developed over his skin, and crimson ran from the newly created wound in his chest.
Law was strong, resilient, calculating and composed. Very rarely did anyone ever get the jump on him. Sea kings sure. The weather definitely, but not people. I had never seen his composure shattered like this.
It was a beautiful sight.
The brute retracted his knife, causing Law to yell out again.
He looked down at Law, with a victorious gleam in his eye. “You took my brother’s heart. Now I’m taking yours, you sadistic bastard.”
If it had been anyone else, I would’ve just sat there and enjoyed the show, watching as the knife tore through the flesh, sawing through the costal cartilage, listening to the crunch of bones breaking as the brute broke ribs to get to the heart. But it wasn’t anyone else.
It was Law. Law, who I owed a great debt to. Law, who gave me a place in this world. Law, who made me feel as if I belonged. Law, I had already failed with my moment of weakness, my hesitation.
I had eaten the pocket pocket fruit, which gave me access to a pocket dimension. With a poof of blood red smoke, I could send items to and summon items from that space, including supplies, treasure, weapons and even people. I often used that ability to teleport so to speak, poofing into my dimension from one spot and poofing myself out in another.
I poofed myself into my pocket space, grabbing a bullhook and poofing back out, behind the brute. I swung the hook around, the hook piercing his cheek and yanking it back. It ripped through the flesh and hooked itself on his ramus. I caught him off guard. He couldn’t properly balance himself, when I yanked back on the hook hard. I knocked him through a bunch of crates that were serving as a makeshift table in the center of the room.
“Let’s get something clear here,” I started, standing over the brute.
I unhooked the bullhook from his jaw and cranked back, before driving it into his bicep. He cried out in pain, a sound that delighted me to no end.
“I’m the only one, who has my captain’s heart.” I put my left hand out, poofing the organ into it. I tossed it back towards Law, so that it landed in his lap.
I hit the brute with the handle of my bullhook, knocking him out for the time being. I patted down the brute finding the key for the cuffs on Law’s wrists. I pulled it out of one of his pockets and walked over to my captain, carefully unlocking them and releasing him.
I poofed the necessary supplies out of my pocket space and knelt down in front of him, quickly examining him. The bruises were simply that bruises. There were no underlying injuries, at least that I could tell. It appeared that the brute had made sure that Law suffered no serious injuries, save for the chest wound.
Law raised his hand uttering, “Room.”
“Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked, sounding understandably irritated.
I poofed a scalpel into my hand, handing it over to Law. “I was,” I admitted.
“I snapped out of it.”
Law popped the heart in his chest out. I took a look at it. It had been punctured, but not deeply. It was enough to be fatal, if not attended to immediately, but that was none of my concern. I turned and lobbed it at the brute, hitting him square in his half-shredded face with it.
“You did,” he conceded. “Though we still have work to do on your discipline.”
I was relieved. He was okay.  If he was already using this experience as a measurement of my self-control, something that we had been working on since we met, then he was fine.
“He didn’t hit any major blood vessels, nor the lung, but he did hit the costal cartilage connecting your third and fourth ribs to your sternum. The muscle has obviously been lacerated, as has the skin. I lifted his heart up off of his lap and carefully slotted it into the hole in his chest.
At this point there weren’t many of Law’s organs actually in his body, the important ones at least. They all resided in specialized cases with in my pocket dimension.
“You did well,” he said. “I can take it from here.” Using the supplies that I summoned and his fruit, he repaired the injury fairly quickly, the only sign, being a short line of stitches underneath a bandage.
Remind me, when we’re back at the island, and we’ll take inventory of your stock.”
I nodded. He stood up, groaning a bit at the soreness, while I packed everything up and returned it to my space.
Law walked over to the brute. He had to be hurting. There was nothing we could do about the cartilage. It had to heal on its own. Each breath had to be painful.
He waved something under the brute’s nose. Only when the large man woke up, did I realize what they were, smelling salts.
I peered at Law curiously, not sure what it was he was planning, but sure that whatever it was wasn’t going to end well for the brute.
He pushed himself back, trying to get away from Law, but ran into a wall.
“You think I’m sadistic,” Law said to the brute. “You have no idea what sadism really looks like.”
“Do whatever you want,” Law told me.
I smirked.  I looked at the side of the brute’s face that I had torn through. My expression switched to one of petulance. “I rushed that side.” I stalked towards him. “But this one I’m going to do properly.”
I swapped out my bullhook for a club, swinging it around and striking the brute in the chest. The wall behind him cracked. He coughed, trying to breathe, having the wind knocked out of him. I switched out my club for another scalpel, using the sharp blade to nick the corner of the brute’s mouth.
“Ratchet-ya, what have I told you about using medical instruments to play your games,” Law scolded.
I looked over my shoulder and gave Law a wide grin showing how not-sorry I was.  “Thank you, Ratchet for saving my ass,” I teased, knowing that despite this situation we were on the same ground as usual.
I swapped the club out for a heavy metal pillar. I lifted it, dropping it onto the brute’s shin. With a satisfying crack, his tibia and fibula both snapped.
That crack was nothing in comparison to the anguished cry that left his mouth. The nick I had made at the corner of his mouth, was pulled apart further.
My heart rate quickened, and a pleasant tingle traveled up my spine. It was a struggle to keep my composure. The game ended if they passed out. It was about maintaining a delicate balance. Inflict enough pain for it to be fun, but not so much that they passed out or died. It was a delicate balance but one that I had mastered. I had only intended to go until both sides of the brute’s mouth matched, but I had gone overboard, caught in the cadence of his screams, the fear and pain in his eyes, his feeble attempts to speak, pleading for me to stop.
Two hours later and the smell of blood was thick in the air. The substance coated the brute, pooled on the floor beneath him. He was still. All the fight had drained out of him. The defiance was gone. There was nothing left but fear and pain. I kneeled down, so that I was eye level with the big man. “You know what the best part of this is?” I asked. “That you’re not going to die.” I laughed. “We’re going to take this ship back to port. My captain and I are going to head back to our inn. I’m going to shower, and think about every last one of those delectable noises you made for me. Tomorrow, we’re going to leave, and on our way out, someone’s going to alert the local authorities to your condition. By the time they stitch you back together and set your bones, we’ll be gone, and you’ll have to spend every day living with the reminders of what happened here.
“But it’s okay, because it gives you a chance to do some good. See I’m sure you think this is the part, where I warn you never to tell a soul about who did this, but that’s not the case. I want you to tell everyone that Ratchet the Hatchet did this, and that I’ll do it all over again to anyone, who even thinks about harming my captain.
“You understand?”
He made no effort to move.
I grabbed his face. “Do you understand?” I repeated slowly.
The brute nodded.
I stood up and poofed into my pocket dimension, taking a few moments to clean myself up and change into a new set of clothes, before poofing to the bridge, where Law was manning the helm. He was still shirtless, but otherwise clean. I handed him one of his shirts I had stored.
“You done?” he asked.
“Yes,” I answered, a dopey grin on my face. I was still riding my high. “Too bad about the rest of them. If their big bad captain squealed like that, I can only imagine what they would’ve done.”
“Ratchet-ya, you would’ve killed them and then been disappointed.”
“True,” I agreed. “You okay?” I asked.
“I would be better, if you hadn’t waited until after he stabbed me in the chest, before taking care of him.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I was weak. I couldn’t help it. It was like you told me I could only have vegetables for dinner and then someone set a big juicy T-bone right in front of me. I was tempted.”
“And you gave into that,” Law shot.
“I took one bite, and I enjoyed it,” I admitted shamelessly. “One of the steaks I’ve ever had in my life. But then I went and tossed it out.”
“Considering, where we began with your blood lust, you’ve come a long way,” he sighed. “And I know that it must be difficult, considering that I don’t remove the temptation all together. We’ll have to work more on it.”
I nodded.
He shook his head at me, the corners of his mouth pulling upwards. “What am I going to do with you.”
I knew that I was in the clear this time.
“You know you still haven’t thanked me,” I joked. I knew I wasn’t actually going to get a “thank you” out of him, considering that I let him get stabbed.
“I let you have your fun.”
I scoffed. “That wasn’t just for me. You know as well as I do, that you let me do that, because you wanted revenge on him, because he embarrassed you.”
“I’m not embarrassed.”
“Really? Not at all? Big bad Trafalgar Law got captured by some second-rate pirate out for petty revenge? Doesn’t make you want to get back at him? To cut a smile into his face? To shatter his bones and rip out his finger nails? To cut off his fingers, and blow out his ear drums? To-”
I was cut off by Law’s lips on mine. There were few things that surpassed the thrill I got inflicting pain upon others, and kissing Law was one of them. Torturing someone was a rush. It was a quick and intense bout of euphoria. It overtook your senses and once it was over, all you wanted was to seek that feeling, that high out again, but Law was different.
Being with Law was a rush at first, but soon after it was like everything slowed down, and we were in our own world, floating away from everyone and everything else. He was a slow and steady warmth that spread throughout my body. When we were apart, I didn’t just want that feeling again. I needed it, whether it be from a look, a hug, a kiss, whatever. I didn’t care.
“Thank you, Ratchet,” he said, once we parted, resting his forehead on mine.
“You’re welcome,” I replied, grinning at him.
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