#scheduling this to post 12 hours after I made it lol
diospore · 4 months
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[I'm sorry, the quirk you are looking for cannot be found.]
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beauzos · 2 years
i think i made a post a while back joking that i’d probably die of a completely preventable illness by just not noticing that something is wrong with me until it’s too late but i feel like the real thing that’s going to get me is damn well knowing something is wrong with me, and then talking myself out of going to the doctor about it.
how am i to convince myself that having a 116+ bpm resting heart rate for months is something worth going to the doctor for if it is not self-evident.
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sen-ya · 5 months
Life After Info Post
[Click here to access the Life After Digital Comic Book]
Summary: Two years ago, a viral outbreak rose the dead. Considering how his life had gone up to this point, surgeon Trafalgar Law figured this might as well happen too. When a supply run into the nearby city gets intercepted by a seemingly reckless and impulsive former patient, the dependable routine Law had settled into in this new life shatters. He finds himself exposed — his body out in the infected landscape, his conscious clawing to define what he believes is right, his heart begrudgingly deciding to find a new home on his sleeve. Maybe there’s more than a virus roaming the new world that can bring a dead man back to life.
Content Warnings: Canon typical violence, zombies/body horror (but lbr I am not good at making scary things look scary)
Relationships: Luffy x Law
Update Schedule: New page every Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Page Count: [37 posted | 55 drawn]
Latest Update: [7/21/24] WOWEE did I get myself carried away this morning. I just spent 5 hours organizing my comics and creating the digital comic book pages. I could have spent that time drawing or idk not doing what I do for my job, but I cannot be stopped. Anyway I blocked out 30 pages of this comic last week and they include the most intense action sequence I've ever done in my gotdang life. Wish me luck because I am nervous about tying down all my drawings lmao.
[6/29/24] HULLO! I'm doing so bad at keeping my masterposts updated lately I am sorry. All pages of life after are tagged life after if you're ever looking between masterpost updates! Also exciting update, I finally have figured out all the different plot points i'm gonna be hitting (yay!). I got hung up on something for awhile that made me not wanna work on this project, but I'm back at it. I think we'll end up with 6-7 parts! I have probably another 80-100 pages to draw lol. Also i got the app Magic Poser and it's AWESOME and I immediately used it to block out sets cuz MAN I hate backgrounds.
[6/10/24] HELLO. I'm sorry I've been shit at updating my masterposts lately. It's easiest to do from my computer, which I rarely use, and life has been happening. I also can't believe I bungled the queue and posted pg19 before pg18 i am very sorry 🤦 Eventually I'll have to turn this into an airtable base I'm sure, but until that day comes where I have like 100 pages of this comic we're stickin to the regular post lmao
[5/26/23] I got real caught up in doing summer of lawlu comics this week and this is the first week since the first week of April I haven't drawn new Life After pages and it feels weird 🙊
[5/19/24] More Luffy backstory comin' this week! :^)
[5/12/24] Updating now so get myself on schedule to update on Sundays like I had been with my other comic master post!
[5/8/24] Thank you to everyone who's liked/reblogged/comment on the first few pages!! It means the world to me that anyone's reading my silly little comics.
[4/28/24] HULLO. It’s happeninnng. I’ve spent the last few weeks working on this comic, and I gotta make this post so I can start queuing pages & link this in them! This is the most like….legit? Comic endeavor I’ve undertaken perhaps….ever. I’m very nervous about committing to how long it will need to be lol. This story is dear to my heart — zombie content is kind of my very favorite. I’ve always found it to be a great backdrop for exploring themes like grief, coping with change, community, and learning to live again. It’ll be a long haul but I hope you’ll ride it out with me!! Tomorrow I’ll be posting the first two pages. After that a page will post every Monday/Wednesday/Friday. As of this post I’ve completed over 20 pages so that I have a good lead on what’s posting and continuing to write, so I’m hopeful that’s a cadence I’ll be able to maintain. I’ll update this post weekly to include the most recent pages the way I do with my main comics master post. All pages will be tagged 'Life After' and I'll tag any pages with zombies in them with 'zombie' for blacklisting etc.
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dddevilsadvocate · 1 year
1. and now I’m covered in you
Leviathan x gn!AFAB!reader
a/n: here it is folks! the first chapter of the longest fic I’ve ever written. literally. 12 pages and counting. after the overwhelmingly horny positive reception on this post, I decided to split what I currently have into instalments and release them periodically as I edit them. there is no schedule lol I have ADHD and am also very not good at this 🥲
CW: self-indulgent smut (unprotected vaginal sex, dry humping, fingering), loss of virginity
midnight had struck well over 2 hours ago. RAD’s 8am start crept closer and closer, like a cat upon a mouse. like a threat. and though you were in bed, covered in blankets and surrounded by pillows, basking in the warmth of the body pressed against you, sleep could not reach you. there was no room for it.
the third eldest’s allocated “you” time - an entire 24 hours with you all to himself! - had started right as the new day did. at 0:03, you’d snuck into his room, where he’d been waiting like a lovesick puppy to show you what he’d done. he’d chosen a great movie for you two to watch; some niche title from his surprisingly robust comedic horror collection, apparently a Devildom cult classic. he’d even gone through all the trouble to have it projected onto his ceiling so you could easily see it from the comfort of his bed - which he’d rearranged into the perfect cuddle nook. snacks he’d fought to keep safe from Beel were laid out like a buffet. the lights of his tank were set to your favourite colour, casting a hazy glow over the space. 
everything had started innocently enough. you’d pressed your lips to his cheek, complimenting his efforts. he’d rushed to start the movie and practically dove into his tub, finally able to wrap his arms around you and rest his head atop yours. his chest rose and fell against you as he laughed at every slapstick gag, mandarin eyes sparkling when he realised you were laughing too. you don’t quite remember how he’d ended up under you, with his hands on your waist and your tongue between his lips, but you weren’t going to complain.
Levi had always been cautious of intimacy. he rarely went further than where he was with you right now, and even such familiar territory made him nervous. you feel the heat of the blush on his face as if you’re leaning over a fire. your kisses are sloppy, and his are desperate. his hands don’t dare stray from their places above your hips, but the lust he’s holding them back from sparks from his fingertips. he wants to let them roam. he wants to let then roam more than anyth-
a sudden, violent rise in the movie’s volume comes like a bomb over your senses. you push yourself up from the demon, a scream tearing from your throat. Levi is just as startled; his eyes are wider than you’ve ever seen them as they study the room for the threat.
“AAAH WHAT THE HELL WAS TH- oh. th-the movie.” groaning, his head falls back against the pillow. “I completely forgot about that part… and that it was still playing…”
though your heart continues to pound against your sternum, you giggle. “my god.” running your fingers through his fringe brings his attention back to you. “we should probably turn that off and get some sleep now.”
you reach for the projector’s remote and click it off. but as you go to slide off the demon, his fingers suddenly dig into you. your shirt separates his skin from yours, but you swear you can feel the ridges of his fingerprints. his grip is somehow full of panic, like he’s worried you’ll float away. “w-wait! wait. can… c-can we keep going?”
you smile. you can survive tomorrow’s classes with no sleep if it comes to that. and if you’re honest with yourself, sleeping wouldn’t be nearly as fun as continuing. “of course we-”
“can we go further? maybe?” despite threatening to, Levi’s voice does not waver. his eyes - golden and indigo like the most vibrant of sunsets - dart between yours from beneath furrowed brows. 
the shock of the question does not strike you as hard as his confidence does. your relationship with Levi had never been consummated in the traditional sense, but he wasn’t a stranger to the concept. the rock of your hips always left him a babbling mess. your hands brought him such pleasure he only lasted a minute the first time. and your mouth? god, it was like he was addicted. you’d never heard him - or anyone, for that matter - make such noise while actively trying not to. and yet, as much as he enjoyed the acts as they were happening, asking for them activated his fight or flight. red-cheeked and stuttering, until you saved him with your overwhelming perfection.
you figured he’d get to this question at some point, but you never thought he’d ask it in one smooth go.
“you… want to go further?” you arch an eyebrow. “how much further?”
Levi’s gaze darts to the door. you made sure to lock it behind you at his request, but now he seems worried a brotherly ear or two might be pressed against the other side. he stares for a moment before glancing back at you, unable to meet your eyes this time. he studies your lips, your chest, your shoulders, before his voice drops to a whisper: “a-all the way?”
you open your mouth to respond, but the response doesn’t come. nothing you think of seems appropriate in reply. if you say yes, you’d be the first being to have ever done so. Levi had never even asked anyone before - a confession Asmo had once drunkenly given on the otaku’s behalf. the amount of courage it must have taken to verbalise the question, to venture so far from his comfort zone… your heart swells. the poor demon must be scared shitless.
you don’t even entertain the idea of refusal. of all the centuries he’s had to ask this question, he’s asked you. he wants you.
finally, you cup his cheek in your hand. “I’d love to.” his eyes return to yours, staring wide and glossy over crimson cheeks.
“r-r-really?!” his voice squeaks. his expression is pure disbelief, like he was expecting you to echo his signature ‘disgusting reclusive weirdo’ tirade and flee back to your own room. when you smile again, leaning forwards so your forehead is pressed against his, he inhales sharply and tightens his grip on your waist.
“I’d be honoured, Levi.” your lips brush over his brow, his cheek, his nose. “I’ll take good care of you. I promise. just let me know if you want me to stop at any point, okay?”
(read the next part here)
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dreambunnynotes · 10 months
daily check-in: dec. 11th
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hi lovely friends! i missed my check-in on sunday and i was going to skip monday's because i had the mentality that i could just 'start again tomorrow,' but better habits are built today, not later! i'm trying to find ways to encourage myself to be disciplined and this is one of the ways i'm showing up for myself. monday felt like a huge success in terms of discipline and hard work without pushing myself, and i feel really proud!
please note: in this post i celebrate my lack of rest on monday because i often default to rest without discipline, so personally this was a success in developing a healthier work/play balance, focused on the 'work' part of things. however, everyone is in their own journey with self improvement and i absolutely do not advocate for overworking oneself generally - i believe that a good work/play balance is essential, i am just personally working on the work side of things so that is why i am proud of my lack of rest today!
i followed through on my work obligations even though i felt super tired and wanted to reschedule; i have so few work obligations these days and i need the money so it felt really good to not cancel even though i wanted to. i only had to cancel one appointment at the very end of the day because i was starting to feel sick (everyone i know is getting a cold or flu these days) but i pushed through earlier in the day for every other appointment and still listened to what my body needed at the end of the day, which feels like a huge success for someone who often cancels her obligations!
i found a new way to enjoy tasks that normally stress me out, which is to listen to a podcast my sister recommended while completing mindless tasks. it made the tasks fly by and made doing them actually fun!
i put in a few hours of work on a project that has a deadline, even though i wanted to spend time doing leisurely things. i feel really proud of myself for accomplishing what i did!
room for improvement:
this is less about today specifically and more about the past week, but i should have gotten started on the project that has a deadline much earlier; i need way more time than i thought i would, which is of course chalked up to time-blindness. i need to find a way to give myself earlier deadlines; last night i researched how to create a sense of urgency for adhd brains and i think i've figured out a way to do this for myself. so, despite my flub in starting the project late, i am proud of myself because i was the one who sought out a deadline for the project in the first place and it has helped me lots!
still need to get to bed earlier; typing this at 12:30am is no good 😭
hohkaaaaay, i am SLEEPY (edit: posting this during the day after i slept lol). i seriously need to get my sleep schedule figured out, but i'm taking one step at a time. i'm calling this day a success, being compassionate to myself for where i made mistakes, and looking forward to another beautiful day today! have a wonderful evening and take care of your lovely self 🥰
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Advent Anthology by @pacific-rimbaud
A Compilation of PR's one-shot entries for DHr Advent, years 2020-2022.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Relationship: Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger
Art by the wonderful @chestercompany
My binderary baby and second fanbinding project.
read below the cut for the process and other binding deets.
Quick Specs
20,015 words | 179 pages | Quarto (1/4 of Letter)
Technique: Flatback bradel Title & Body Font: Libre Baskerville (in various style emphasis)
Fics included:
Les Pelerins (10k; 2020 entry)
I'm Never Lonely When I'm With You (5k; 2021 entry)
On The Virtues of Inexhaustible Burning (5k; 2022 entry)
Pac is the type I could trust to write anything and I know I'll absolutely love. Her advent fics, in particular, I especially adore. The writing is very visceral and I will not admit how many times I've reread these.
On The Book
I had not intended to bind any book/s for @renegadepublishing's binderary because of my hectic schedule, however FOMO won over and this book was born. It was a relatively quick design and typeset (I really do better under pressure lol). I wish I could say the same for when I started the actual binding though. This is the 8th book I’ve bound and I had expected it to go relatively smoothly, but this book fought me every step of the way and I'll indulge in expressing my distress on this post.
First, the print place I go to messed up my typeset, thus me having to travel back home to use our old crappy inkjet (that took 3 hours to print). And because said printer is crappy, I had to use 100gsm short grain to minimize show-through, and well, you can imagine how stick straight the pages are. Second, I made the case too small (I worked on the book after a toxic 12 hour lab day and was not in the right state) and instead of redoing the covers, I re-trimmed and repainted the fore edge (at cost of my lovely margins ..wails). Third & last, the vinyl refused! to stick to the cover and I proper burnt the HTV as well as my finger on my iron. In the book's defense, it was my first time using leather paper and I forgot to test their chemistry.
On The Bind
Everything else went swimmingly, aforementioned shit aside. I tried not to make this book scream Christmas and leaned into a more subtle theme through color choices. I finally got to use this lovely red leather paper from Itoya, which my parents bought me during their trip in Japan. Many thanks to @celestial-sphere-press for helping me out with the shops to visit!
The design cover was made on Illustrator. The words are actually the fic prompts which I arranged in concentric circles, inspired by the arrangement of the advent candles in our local church from years back. I have no idea what paper my print place used, but it has some nice pulp to it.
As I said, I melted the HTV and certain parts refused to stick, so I peeled all of it off, except for the spine title (which miraculously stuck) and used my foil quill pen instead. I used an off-brand one and it's really good!
I also did this sort of strip across the edge which I learned is called a "river" as Nic @bindsbymunchkin called it. The side near the spine though, looked asymmetrically empty, so I added the foiling. And as this is an anthology, the punctuations was a design choice to convey the start and end and pauses in-between stories (and mostly because they just look fancy lol).
Like my last bind, the edges are gold which is comprised of an undercoat of diluted dark gray Sakura acrylic paint and many layers of Liquitex iridescent gold acrylic ink.
Endbands are made with alternating colors of cream, gray, and gold DMC cotton threads, however I'm learning I don't very much like how sewn endbands look on small flatbacks.
The endpapers are my fave. I had already tipped in plain cream cardstock but then I was like: this book needs MARBLED PAPER! so I ripped off the one I had stuck and replaced it. It's actually not real marbled paper HAHA. I sourced it from this site, printed it on some heavy paper, and oh my god I believe the universe really meant for me to find this pattern because it coincidentally matched the colors of the endbands!!
On The Typeset
I wanted to keep things cohesive but also give each story its own character. Libre Baskerville was a lovely typeface to do that on.
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From left to right: Les Pelerins, I'm Never Lonely When I'm With You, On The Virtues of Inexhaustible Burning
For Les Pelerins, I wanted to mimic the silhouette of the establishments in Montmartre, hence the varying heights of the letters. If I wasn’t on a time crunch, I would’ve spent more time editing the headers but alas this is what we get. INLWIWY is more straightforward– a pinecone, which was a recurring theme in the story. And I think OTVOIB is my favorite. I drew tiny gold cracks onto the coal rock which is a significant element in the story. It still gives me that stomach flip whenever I reread it (iykyk).
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lizzylizzard · 1 year
I simply love Social Path so much, from the first sentence I knew this song was going to hit so hard. As someone who busted ass in college out of fear of never making it in their industry I just feel for these boys so much. They didn’t just give up college, they gave up chunks of childhood and years of innocence to get to where they are. Especially Chan who leads and takes care of the other members so well. (I also don’t want to hear anyone coming for Jeongin being babied or whatever. He gave up just as much as the others, and yes thankfully he had his older members to guide him, but that doesn’t make his sacrifice any less significant.…wow guess who my bias is lol)
That’s the other thing. They clearly all knew to some degree what they were giving up choosing the life they did and I think this song is an anthem saying they would do it again in a heartbeat. Two things can be true at once, they can miss the kids they never got to be and be incredibly proud and happy to be where they are. As someone who works in the film industry in NYC this struck a real cord with me. My days are 12+ hours long for not great pay, I get home sometimes at 5am after starting a day at 1pm. The only thing that’s certain about my schedule is it will change every single day. It sucks to see what other people get to do when they get off the clock from their 9-5. Looking on social media and seeing people go one dates, go to a happy hour, catch up with a friend, etc on a work day is something I will never really get to do. That’s the sacrifice I make to see my name in the credits for movies and shows I love. Some days I really do feel like crying and giving up on my dreams, but the thrill and love I have for this industry is like nothing else I’ve ever felt. I know that’s the same emotions SKZ put into this song and it really means the world to me. To have a song that speaks to the terrified student working on 9 different projects hoping one of them leads to something bigger makes me feel so seen and held. I love Stray Kids so much for this, and feel so proud of them for how far they have come.
Okayyyyyy rant over lol. If you read this far thank you lol! I literally have never made such a long post in my life, and I’m sure this is so messy!!! Still I just had to get this off my chest after listening to Social Path 10000 times today.
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sapphyreopal5 · 2 months
Hello, I'm the one who asked about Gen's birthday post for Jared a few days ago, I sort of bring a theory, from fans, and the tour guy from Holland we found out Jared's brother was on the trip, my question is that, a few days before Gen posted about the trip a page on insta posted a few pictures of Jared with his parents, Gen and the kids, apparently this was before the trip to Holland and Belgium, by checking the pictures Gen posted you can see the kids aren't on the trip with them apparently, but the tour guy did say in facebook that he showed around Jared and his family. Link below: ⬇️
But then on Gen's post you can't see Jeff or the kids, so my question is, do you think they left the kids with Jared's parents in Austin or they did take all the family and Gen just didn’t post anything on that, my theory is that they did left the kids on Austin with Jared's parents.
And to finish my ask, I have a theory that some of the pictures from Belgium and Holland are old, like we for sure know Jared was there like around July 11, 12, and maybe even until 15, but is weird that Gen didn't post that much pictures like she did with the Venice trip, I was theorizing with a friend that the pics that she posted were old and possibly she didn't spend that much time with Jared on the tip or that maybe she didn't even really went, but when they were in France they did went to Belgium (from personal experience I know that you can go to Belgium from France in less than five hours) and for the Holland part maybe when last year they went for that con to Scotland maybe they went to Holland too, but didn't post anything (by car is like 14 hours, by flight is 1 hour, 22 minutes).
So I wanted to know what you thought.
Thank you 🥰
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Hello Anon, I am assuming this is probably you as well so I figured I'd attach this screenshot; if not, well both asks are about the same trip so what the hell, kill 2 birds with one stone here, eh? Before I continue with the ask. I attached the photos and screenshot of the post below for visual sakes.
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Now, we have this Facebook post from May 7 2015, and also this post from May 11 2015 from their 2015 Belgium trip. There's also notably so this shirt that said Always Keep Fighting with Moose and Squirrel on it May 12, 2015 a couple days before his last breakdown. I can't seem to find any other Holland/Belgium trips unless I'm missing something.
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I'm not 100% certain here but from what you're suggesting they may have gone to Belgium and Holland after going to France, is that correct? If so, there are a couple problems with this theory based on what we know of post timelines, convention schedules, etc.
1. The Darklight Convention 6 was in Paris dated June 1 and 2. In Gen's Instastory from May 30, 2024 she made (see screenshot below), the caption read in the image "2 gals going out of town". This post of Gen's with Jared, her and the kids was made on June 6. This post here has a pretty good timeline of their trip in Italy, which was really more or less their France -> Italy -> back to USA trip with the kids. Now if you want to see me crack up, tell me they were together the entire time in Italy. Based on all of the posts throughout that entire trip from this year, not a chance. They did of course reunite on time for their lunch appointment with the Just Jared paparazzi on July 11 in Portofino closer to where Jared was; Venice is on the other side of the country meanwhile some fans posed with Jared for photos in posts dated between the 6th and the 11th. And don't tell me they went from Cinque Terre to Portofino to Venice then back to Portofino a day and a half or 2 later. No, that's not how traveling in other countries works lol.
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2. The Seattle convention happened from June 28 to June 30 that Jared did attend.
3. The Fan Expo Convention in Denver took place on July 3 to 6 that he did show up to as well on July 4 and 5.
4. I see that the post you so kindly provided me the link to is dated July 12, 2024. Gen made this post on July 18. She also made this birthday post July 19 with some photos from their last trip. then this one dated July 22 is a "getting caught up stateside" post. It looks to me like they probably left close to the end of that week around the 17th or 18th is my guess.
Now, as for the kids. It's likely they left them home for this longer trip while Jared, Gen and his siblings were in Belgium and Holland. It's clear based on the timeline of things that these are 2 separate trips to Europe. Must be nice, right? Actually as a fun fact, I don't care to see most places in Europe (perhaps Greece, Italy, Germany, and maybe Spain/Portugal would be cool to see), so much as I would love to go see Egypt, India and other Southeast Asian countries, and even some of Central and South America. Don't really care to go in Europe that much to tell you the truth ha ha.
For the old photos suggestion, there is no evidence to support the notion that Gen may have gone to Holland and Belgium before the Dark Light Con or afterwards. I know, I know, Gen does recycle old photos and treat them as new for the sakes of making content. I don't think she used any particularly old ones for the Belgium/Holland trip. Now, does someone want to tell me WHAT THE HELL is up with Gen's face in this photo? Good grief, made me think of like a dead body or someone getting stitches on their nose and developing a prevalent scar or something...
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Do I think they spent a good portion of this Belgium/Holland trip together? Maybe half of the time, give or take some time. I think that Gen generally tends to catch Jared off guard with a lot of posts. Funny she decided to have him be included in one of her latest ads that happened to include their nanny in the background as well. At the very least, she didn't throw him in without his permission like she did from this one back in mid November. I suspect they (or is it Gen?) needs the cash for their frivolous trips, watch and clothes shopping sprees.
Thank you for the ask Anon.
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honestmouse20 · 8 months
Small rant time !
So schedules at work are posted by hr on thursdays. This time of year, hours are cut by corporate bc they're 'making less money' it's bs but we live with it. Anyway, this thursday when i get my newest schedule, it says i have a vacation day on the 24th. Which immediatly im like?? Bc one, I didn't request the day, and two bceacuse a leader Has to help me request a day. And this day off leaves me with only 28 hours that week. I can't live off of that.
So i go to hr and all they do is take the little bannor off that says 'unpaid vacation day' and then tell me that I have to ask if anyone would give me their shift that day. Which, is rediculous. And Then when I finally get them to look into Who exactly made the request for a day off in the first place, we find that it was a random leader on wednesday. Wednesdays are my day off, requests have to be made while im working. If i'd have done it, id' have my number attatched to it even if the leader helped. So someone typed in the wrong number, hr saw and recongized it was weird (in their own words) but still pushed it thorugh without asking me? ?
And so I asked that, since I very clearly didn't make the request, if they could schedule me that day. Any shift. Doesn't even have to be my usual closing. I just Need at least 34 horus to pay by bills mininum. And she tells me that they'll have to look into it. Cause theve already used more hours making the schedule that corporate gave them.
But here's the kicker yall. FOUR people have called out every single shift for the last 3 nights. The Same four people. That's at least 32 extra hours in the system, not counting that one of the people was scheduled for 10 plus hours. so yeah, i called bs and the hr lady said she would email Her leader to try and get it fixed.
This of course was all after she'd texted me at 8am saying that those same four people called out again and was wondering if I'd work a 12 to 10pm shift. by myself. Again. I said no i could come in at 1:30 and stay to clsoe. She was very relieved lol
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livingroombeat · 9 months
Living room beat progress update 12\16\23
Hi gang, are you ready for your scheduled progress update? I sure am the worlds most consistent writer. well anyway ive been doing some planning for a4 and im gonna kinda explain my current roadmap here.
-do end of a3 animation
Yeah i havent done it yet, ive just been procrastinating. Anyway though its gonna be a short one and it wont take long so this isnt like a major deal or anything.
-do a4
I have the events of a4 planned in detail already in a text file so all i have to do is write the dialogue and turn it into comics. Ive said it before and ill say it again: a3 was WAY too many comics. There were so many comics that were just a couple of words and thats just completely stupid. A3 couldve been like 100 comics but instead ended up at 300+ because i did it like an idiot. But im not gonna do that with a4, it will be pretty short in comic number but each one will have loads of dialogue. It will be super efficient.
I might actually post a3 before finishing a4, but again a4 is going to be super short in page count so it probably wont take TOO long to actually make, so waiting til after its done isnt completely unreasonable.
-do new website
Blogger sucks, its a terrible platform, so im gonna make a new website and host it on github pages. It will be made so that it is super easy for me to bulk upload LOADS of new pages at once so that i wont keep putting it off like ive been doing with the rest of a3. It will be all automatic and everything so i dont have to spend multiple hours on it lol. I will also be able to do bulk changes to the page format so i dont have to go individually through each post and change it. Maybe even a back button????
-do a lot of the story
This is a super vague bullet point but i just kinda want to make my way a fair chunk through the story before doing the next point because it would be kinda annoying to just be halted after a4 for ages.
-go back and redo a0 through a3 (and maybe a4, well see how that turns out)
Ive already said it in this post but a0 through a3 kinda just suck, theres loads of changes i would make now if i made them, so i plan to go back and change them. This would also make lrb more accessible for new readers because they dont have through over 100 pages for it to get 'ok'. I also plan to have a summary page to catch people up on the story of a0 through a4 quickly so that they can get into a5 and beyond. I will probably only keep that summary page until ive finished remaking a0 through a3, but i will post it after a4 as a4 is a good break off point in the story (youll see).
-do rest of the story
This is pretty self explanatory. Theres loads of story to go.
Among all of these points is also planning a5 and beyond as what i said before isnt true. I originally wasnt going to change the actual story i had planned but i changed my mind on that, the main story is being changed quite a bit.
The thing is i noticed the problems with the structure but didnt notice the ROOT cause of those problems, the fact that the characters act as too much of a conglomerate and have literally 0 independence.
Ok what do i mean by that. Well basically all of the alternate reality versions of streve and brian, and even streve and brian themselves, could be compressed into 1 character reasoning their decisions out with themself. They have 'disagreements' but they dont have any REAL disagreements, they always come around and end up acting as a group in the end.
Now is this because im a bad writer? Probably but i can (try to) fix it in future parts of the story. So im gonna do that.
I also plan to make more social media for the comic rather than just tumblr and reddit. Like a twitter even though that site is dying.
I also also need to come up with a name to sign these posts with. All webcomic authors have some name they go by, i dont. So ill come up with one. Anyway thats all i have to say for this progress update. This one ended up being super long so hopefully that makes up for me missing so many. See you next saturday.
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steamishot · 2 years
xmas 2022 pt 2
on the day after xmas, i called carnival cruise who told me that we are unable to embark on the cruise from cozumel and proceeded to cancel our ticket because there was no way we could make it to nola in time. we were refunded only the taxes & fees, as well as the price for our chichen itza excursion. currently we have to pay our cruise ticket price (~$1800 for two) as a penalty fee. NY state has a regulation where we are unable to utilize carnival’s refund if we did not buy travel insurance from the cruise company. i’m hoping that amex can come to the rescue with trip cancellation insurance. as the department is out of office today, i should have an answer tomorrow. 
we cancelled our very expensive business class ticket to cancun right after we were told that embarkment was impossible. out of desperation and emotions, matt was willing to pay $3k for the tickets if that meant he could cruise with his family. 
after a 4 hour hold on the phone with delta the day after xmas, they issued me a $250 voucher for the inconvenience of missing the cruise. we are hoping for more compensation but it is pending processing from the refunds department and may take up to 30 days for a response. i followed up with delta today via chat (which took a considerably shorter time for a response ~15 minutes) and they again offered apologies and a $150 voucher/person. so far, i am up $550 for the two of us for this flight cancellation and hope i can get more so that all our expenses will be covered lol. 
xmas and the days after xmas turned into scrambling and troubleshooting for the trip. it wasn’t the easiest to communicate because matt was on a different schedule than us. i had to be the bearer of bad news to his family and to him when he woke up that day after night shifts (after only 4 hours of sleep). running on fumes, post-night shifts/80 hour work week recovery and the disappointment of missing a family cruise made this experience very emotional. we booked last minute flights to new orleans to arrive thursday morning and booked a last minute hotel room in the french quarter. also did our best to book restaurants and activities. 
matt always sets out to bite off more than he can chew. its admirable that he always does so much though it comes with extra benefits and extra tolls/stress. the moment that our flight to nola got cancelled, i would have given up, stayed put in nyc, and went straight to amex to try and get our money back. matt (regardless of the fact that he’s working a 12 hr shift until 7am the night before) immediately goes to check for other flights that we can possibly take, from philly, or other routes, to get on the damn cruise. 
f*ck marwa (his boss) for putting him on night shifts yet again. although his contract says 20% of nights, we calculated his nights to be 45% thus far. he finally complained when she put him on nights on the second half of january again. a trip right after night shifts is definitely not enjoyable because you’re basically recovering and reversing the “jet lag” the first few days. anyway, if he was on days, we saw that the flight that we would have taken on xmas night made it to nola soundly. 
nola 2022: the last time i was in nola was right before the pandemic in january 2020. i guess this trip makes it full circle. this time around, i experienced the richer side of nola. we had a rental car last time; this time we ubered or took tours. due to our sleep schedules being off, we only got one hour of sleep before our flight thursday morning. the hotel fortunately allowed us complimentary early check in. we took an uber to eat at blue oaks bbq near city park and trudged over to cafe du monde afterwards. came back to the hotel to nap. that night, we ate at compere lapin. 
on the second day, our steamboat on the mississippi river got delayed and then cancelled. it was pouring rain and they said the boat had mechanical issues. i think the world was telling us that we’re not allowed on any boats that week. we went to eat herbsaint, checked out the sazerac house, and then rode a streetcar to the garden district to eat la petite grocery. all of these restaurants that we were eating were mostly white, “fine dining” establishments. la petite grocery especially was entirely white. it felt interesting to be the only POC. my favorite dish of this trip was the hamachi with pineapple and fried okra from compere lapin.
on the third day (NYE), we met up with matt’s family for a swamp and plantation tour. i did these activities in 2020 but at different locations so it was interesting to compare/contrast. the weather was warmer this time around, so we saw more alligators. i was lucky to see one up close. the plantation’s oak trees are beautiful. the one we went to this time was more commercialized and the experience was more like a museum. after the tour, we checked in to the sonder that i booked for everyone - it was a two bedroom apartment and extremely spacious. i led matt’s dad, brother and cousin in and it was really nice to see their reaction to the space. matt and his mom came in later and she liked it too. matt and i have become the default planners/navigators of trips. he did the majority of the work when it came to booking everyone’s plane tickets, cruise tickets, excursions, hotels, activities, restaurants etc. not only does he book these, but everything has to be up to his standards as good quality and good deal. 
sidebar: we have met his match when it comes to these credit card points/travel hacking, his indian coworker R. R was helping us through this scramble during xmas night shift (tips on converting points to stay at a 5 star resort for cheap, how to email a complaint letter to delta using an AI generator, etc)
NYE evening, we ate at trenasse, which FINALLY was a mixed crowd. we ate the flavors of lousiana (crawfish pie, shrimp and grits, gumbo, oysters, etc) and shared a bottle of wine. the timing worked out perfectly for us to walk over to jackson square to watch the ball drop at midnight. our sonder also provided NYE props for us to wear and matts cousin had some raver necklaces. i think this was my first time ever celebrating new years by actually being out and counting down? the crowd was not at all rowdy and overall it was pretty quiet - i was scared it was going to be very crazy like bourbon st which i can only handle in doses. the fireworks were mesmerizing and the whole experience was really nice. 
all of our uber drivers were friendly and talkative, which is completely different from NYC and most other cities. there were three uber drivers that we had who were talking on the phone on speaker. one was specifically chatting to his baby mama or girlfriend about nye plans and his lost debit card lol. i’ve never seen an uber driver have a full on conversation with passengers in their car. i was a bit apprehensive about all the talking (like i see how covid can spread more easily with this southern hospitality culture) but i started liking it by the end of the trip. 
it usually comes down to: we got to experience really cool and memorable things, but is it worth the extra stress/lack of relaxation and rest? especially when the lack of relaxation and rest impacts the quality of being able to experience said really cool things? is it worth it if the extra stress causes us to be in worse moods and argue more? seeing family also comes with extra responsibilities as we are the adult couple who has more travel experiences and therefore should make the call on a lot of things. 
this month, i am making it a point to only stay in town. we need to learn how to cultivate our lives here, which can be difficult without family and many friends. 
although we have more money now, we are not using it to make our lives less stressful. in fact we are complicating our lives and adding more pressure. with the bougier choices that we are making (to try and make ourselves happier), ie the expensive trips and expensive dinners, there are definitely higher expectations, higher financial pressures and stress, more planning involved (and more opportunities for mishaps to occur), and then then more pressure to work more to fund this lifestyle that you’re too burnt out to enjoy. soooo stupid.
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xelsjournal · 2 years
Dec 16, 2022 - 12:45 am
making plans for my social media stuff at the end of the year. or rather i made the plans yesterday and i just started executing them. writing and scheduling posts for the coming days. one of them is a spotify playlist series for the zodiac calendar of 2022 which is one of my fav hobbies. glad im getting to share it with people this way too. imma do those and then post a photo dump the last 12 days of the year on insta as a little jump start to my rekindled sm presence over there. im playing cut me x moses sumney rn off the capricorn playlist and fanny (my dog) is absolutely inconsolable from the noise lmao. im petting her as we speak. typing is a slow going process. actually i lied im typing kinda fast for alladat. i think i predominantly type with this hand anyways and my other just chips in every once in while for keys that are far away from this one lol. interesting. oooh must be x lou phelps just started. a banger.
anyway im just going with the flow (by nubiyan twist) rn. i started journalling cuz i thought i had something to say but that seemed to slip away. whatever. im proud of myself for like. taking actionable steps on the things i wanna do. like ive actually been learning guitar and actually been writing and posting. i like it! (by debarge). altho i sleep SOOO late into the day. i have many thoughts on jet lag from southern california straight to the northeast coast as the clock was setting back. i lost 3 hours in one day and then every day since like 20 mins of sunlight at the start and end of the day sksksk i was set up for failure re: early mornings. it lasted like a week waking up at 6. now im lucky if im up by 12. tragically dependent on vitamin d supplements.
but what i can say is i rlly do think im past the long sorrowful bouts of depression i used to get whenever i came home. cheers to healing!! now my depressive episodes look drastically different and they are few and far between. when they do come about its no where NEAR the like “i wanna die and i and everyone else hates me” energy i used to be in. the drowning in detestation sensation. the wallowing in wintery whimpering worry. i distinctly remember the moment when i first recognized that those sensations were a thing of the past (shortly after i left college and toxic environments feeding off my sorrow) and the excitement at the prospect of like… actually being able to plan a life and future without having to accommodate potential months longs off periods. and here i am!! living that out!! planning for my future! taking steps for it! learning my cues, taking rest as i need, practicing compassion with myself, and doing the damn thing!! super proud of me 🥹
closing it out on tune x emmavie
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right 😂 this is an abomination. i'm two weeks late for this post, as today is already December 13th i fully acknowledge i can no longer offer any form of apologies this time but i swear i was just distracted! i didn't forget you guys!!!
but anyways: hello everyone!!! hoping you lot are staying sane, 2022 will be over soon, maybe we'll get some proper rest this yearend, with xmas and new years' holidays! (i think this is my sole motivation to get through November and December lol)
this November the only highlight and worth mentioning is my Labuan Bajo trip! my dad (again) got another work trip scheduled on my birthday weekend, the place and timing were perfect down to the t! so of course me and my sister took another leave, and honestly thank god i have cool head dentists they didn't ask much and just approved my 7-days leave request.
Labuan Bajo (at Flores island, East Nusa Tenggara to be exact) is one of locations i have on my bucket list, and having my dad's office arranging everything we got to stay at one of the best resorts there. booked a room with a view overlooking Waecicu beach and i'm telling you every second is heaven! the weather was perfect, we have direct view of sunset from the high level every evening, the hotel was great, and most importantly: the food was delicious! i think i gained weight because all i do was just eat and try as many things as possible.
we stayed for 6 days (actually just 4 days, the rest 2 days were for the flights so they were more like rest days to me) and the thing about Labuan Bajo is that the town its located in (West Manggarai district) is a small one, you can explore everything in just 2-3 days.
for the first day, we hired a driver to show us to places. in the main island the tourist spot is mostly caves, the ones that used to be underwater hundred years ago but now is a dry cave. out of the many caves, we picked the most popular aka the Batu Cermin cave. during initial minutes of us entering the cave complex, we were awed. we can't stop ooh-ing or aah-ing because the stones were huge HUGE like a five stories building high. i was feeling fine, because i love height. but then the guide showed us a small opening to a slightly deeper and underground cave system and i was so close to freak out. mind you, i have claustrophobic tendency, so it was almost like a daytime nightmare for me. but i steeled myself and push forward after i put my caving helmet on. turned out it wasn't so bad, i managed to keep myself under control and enjoyed seeing the stalactites and fossils!
after the below ground zero cave experience, our driver (i don't know if he intentionally did this or not) brought us to a tribe village high up on the mountain (it was an hour drive from the cave) so the pressure change was hilarious (to me at least). there we tried the local traditional clothing and took pics on the traditional house. my mum bought traditional textile and my dad got grounded coffee. after that we had lunch and went back to the hotel!
for our second day, we rented a private speedboat to reach the islands and decided it'll be just a 1 day trip scouring everything in one go.
on the islands tour trip day, we all had to wake up early because we wanted to make sure not to waste the good weather (the sea's always a lot more windy from 12 pm onwards). the waves even at 6 am is pretty scary (i might be biased since i have thalassophobia heh) but everywhere you look it's just endless nice blue ocean and tiny empty islands dotting green here and there, it was beautiful!
our first destination is Padar island. where the main attraction is this photo spot on top of the hill with three different beaches as the view. to reach it, we had to climb 815 steps and somehow out of all four in the family, only i made it all the way up 😂 but oh boy it counted as a strenuous exercise for me since i don't workout, but i made it anyway after 30 mins! so i took photos and thankfully there were rangers who helped take pics for me. spent a good ten minutes up there before going back down.
next island is a carefully selected one from the many mini islands by our captain that has 'pink' beach. it's actually a trick of the eye because what's causing the beach sand to look pinkish in color is just smithereens of red corals scattered everywhere. again, it's beautiful and you can do snorkeling here but i was too lazy so all i did was play at the beach and drink coconut water hehehe. we spent almost an hour there to rest (mind you, 815 steps up and down is no joke) before resuming the trip.
third stop is the one and only Komodo Island!!! there you'll find the Komodo National Park where you can hire a guide/ranger to show you where the komodos are. there's an option to explore and hike further into the woods but my parents chose the shortcut track to just go see the komodo. we found a big, chunky one! everyone took turns to take a picture with it, and since it was noon the komodo was sleeping 🥺 i know they can kill you in an instant but they're still so cute 🥺
our fourth and final stop is Kanawa island. much like any other islands in the area, its focal tourist spot is the beach and the sea surrounding it. we had our lunch at the little port attached as we treat our eyes with the view, feeding the fish right below our feet with our leftovers. actually, there were other islands we can go to, but because it was already 1 pm and weather forecast saying it'll rain on the afternoon, we decided to head back to the main island. every other islands are pretty much offering the same thing, and we don't plan on swimming or diving or snorkeling, the sun was super duper scorching hot (our skin got considerably a shade darker even when we already put on sunblock shades and wore clothes covering almost everything) and we were tired anyway, so yup. i think we got back at the hotel at around 2 pm and we all fell asleep 😂
the rest of the trip was spent with, yes you guessed it right, eating!!! being literally so close to the ocean, the popular food choice is seafood. we ate loads of things and tried the local cuisines. local best food is se'i and i think it was the best se'i i've ever eaten in my whole life (yet, so far)
by now you probably can tell (or already established the fact) that my family mostly do touristy & culinary things before staycation-ing because we just don't have that much energy lol so yeah. the next 3 days days we just spent it at the hotel, sitting at the balcony watching the sea and sunset, the harbor, the ships... it was so peaceful, serene, and that's the kind of life i strive to have. maybe one day.
the irony is after we went back to Jakarta, all of us caught cold and flu! i think it was the temp fluctuation (the sun was hot yet the weather is super windy and cold) and i took a week off from work 😂 so yeah, that's how i spend the last week of November and the first week of December leisurely hehehe.
really can't believe it's almost the end of 2022 already. it's been a year since i graduated as a dentist also. time passing is always a mystifying wonder to me, and i can never stop being in awe. i'm a quarter of a century old now! so many things have gone swallowed by the past and seem to be so, so far away from me now. i'm trying as best as i can to enjoy everything i have at the very moment, so it'll somehow lessen the pain when all i can do is to think of them from my memories.
but yeah, we're looking forward. let's see what the future holds, shall we?
edit on 03/02/23: omg i forgot to mention that first week of November is marked with me finally meeting my senior high school friends that i haven't seen/talked to for years!!! it's just a bunch of 4 peeps and what's funny to me now is that we're not alike in any way whatsoever it's like a jumbled mix. but it worked out well? i'm so happy to meet them, and i'll see them again February 12th 2023 (i'll write about this on the Feb '23 post) we went to the mall for lunch, it was a all-you-can-eat day and we talked a lot... it was a good day :) it's quite hilarious the fact that most of the things that find its way back to me are always occurring in the most unexpected way possible 😂
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ocean-sailor · 3 years
I think I saw a post that seemed to indicate that you know something about these kind of fancy rental buses like Louis tour bus- if so I have a question. Who cleans them? Do they have like people who get on in each city and clean the bathroom or like does the bus driver do all that? Is it one bus driver the whole time or...? If you don't know anything about this sorry about just randomly appearing with these pointless questions
Well I know a bit about Prevost (the brand of tour bus Louis has). I call them posh bus because they're all custom made and very high lux quality - the ones Louis has look like the 45' versions (starting price $1,700,000 each). He may be leasing for tour or he could've bought them and is planning to sell them when tour is done. They sleep 8-12 people and likely have 2 bathrooms/bus. They have slide outs (when the bus is parked) that give you more room to walk around and they have heated floors. I think they have 2 different styles - the one Louis' on has a larger lounging area so probably sleeps 8-9 (double bunks and maybe 1 queen bed) vs the crew one that sleeps 12 (all double bunks). They both have nice kitchens - for coffee/breakfast/drinks/snacks and a washer/dryer - good for emergencies but no way is there enough water tank storage on the bus for laundry for 8-12 lol. The water limit also applies to showers - they'd all shower at the venues.
The bus driver is responsible for driving but also maintenance of the bus - the exterior always seems clean so they likely go through the bus wash whenever they can (there are RV companies that specialize in this and maintenance). There's a time limit to the number of hours a bus driver can drive for safety but Louis' tour stops aren't that far apart and they seem to have extra days worked in so they wouldn't need spare drivers. The driver also has to empty the grey/black tanks and fill the water tanks. They'd likely give everything a quick wipe down/vacuum while the outside is being washed but a 'clean as you go' strategy for everyone is the best way to keep things nice in a small space. Louis' tour family seem friendly so it wouldn't take much effort to keep that going - they'd keep each other on it :)
So I've only worked on yachts so this next bit is more practicalities of traveling - basically what I would do if I was looking after them ;)
Louis (and Oli) are the only ones used to living the posh life - the rest of the band/crew/team are all 'normal' - in a good way - they know how to clean up after themselves. But they're on tour and they're working/traveling on a tight schedule so organization and planning is key. I think the person organizing this is someone from Louis' current team and privacy would be a priority - they're not going to have randoms getting on at each city and risking someone taking 'souvenirs' or photos.
I'd research best laundry service in each city where they have an extra day stopover. The day before that arrival, they'd each get a laundry bag for their clothes/bedding to be picked up the next morning by the laundry service and returned later that day. There's spare bedding for all beds and they'd make their own. This would never happen on a yacht lol but there isn't extra bed space on tour for non-essential people. I'd have a list of everyone's fave drinks/snacks/allergies/medical info and have an inventory/plan to stock up throughout tour. It's really easy to order ahead and have things delivered directly to the bus. For anything not easy to find, I'd have extra on the trucks they're using to bring all the gear/merch/etc. There's at least 2 of those Truck'N Roll trucks - Louis may be playing smaller venues but he's used to stadium style touring so that's how he rolls ;)
This is maybe more than you were curious about but it's always fun to think about tour life!
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accio-victuuri · 3 years
A Step Closer : BoXiao in 2017. 🍬🍭
you all know i’m a sucker for pre-filming cql galaxy brain theories / connecting dots that don’t necessarily connect type of posts. so here’s one of those. same drill. this is not real and nothing but clownery.
• Joker, Batman & Legos. 🦇
The reason why this post was made in the first place was because I was reading about this— which led me to look into all the 2017 things. So. We are all familiar with Web’s “Joker” Dance back in 2017. No surprise. He likes the character. They both do. It’s the kind of villain I think they wanna portray someday. So, what happened was, you have him playing “Joker”. Then days later, GG posts with the emoji of Batman. Why Batman? because of the shadow and his whole look? This is taken from Metersbonwe 2017 fashion show. It’s such a coincidence that days before Web was all Joker and then here comes GG as batman.
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(caption of GG’s post is : Walking in the dark night)
Then 12/13/2017, in this recording, he described the facemask as Batman.
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Now let’s move on to a few years later, they have already filmed. They know each other and are really good friends. ya know, brotherhood and all that. 2019, posted the Joker Manor Lego set. Clearly showing it off and that joker emoji. At this time, it’s the set with most pieces he had assembled. CPN is, GG gave this to him as a gift. ( apparently a 🍤 once said they saw GG buying this specific set, but just treat that as ff cause there is no screenshot )
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Why is Batman cooking a shrimp? Lol. He is also watching a movie, and is that a book? Who do we know is associated with 🍤. Loves to watch movies and read books. 🤔
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We’re not done, let’s move a bit further to 2020. In an episode of TTXS, he was showing off this one he built. He said he’s been building legos during quarantine and there was a specific car that he built for 14 hours. What???? BXGs speculate that it’s a special edition bat mobile that has 3k+ pieces. it features Batman and Joker as characters too. Then add into the mix the CPN that they quarantined together. Did they build it? 👀
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• them being featured in the same GQ Magazine back in January 2017. More on that here.
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• posting selfies on Children’s Day— and this famous one ( famous in cpn world ) that Web is copying GG’s style. and the third photo is winter solstice post talking about eating tangyuan. ( disclaimer : i mean copying what your crush is doing to make it seem like you have more in common with them and to feel closer w/ them )
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• In the process - In 5/26 episode of TTXS, the bros where at it again with clowning Bobo.
( The subject was dating and falling in love )
WH : Yb is the most serious .. Because he is in the process right now... And look at Yibo’s face omg!
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This is months after XNINE’s appearance on the show. It could be WH was just saying this to tease Bobo and he is in that age where most people are into dating. but like, coming from the same show that used a minion emoji ( something yb likes ) on a reply to GG? hmmmm. Plus, I wouldn’t put it pass WH + the bros + select crew to know the actual tea on Bobo’s love life ☕️.
• 5/29: GG posted a video diary, he talks alot but what is 👀 , so he says this message to his fans.
FYI, he is very sweet and interacts with fans back in the day. Especially since boy groups are required to that + he’s nice. A combination of both. So anyway, towards the end of that video he goes:
And finally, I want to say, I miss you very much, I really miss you, we will meet soon, look forward to it!
Okay. Really sweet. Then he comes back again with almost the same message? Lol. Who is this for?
then the last the last the last the last, and then I will tell you, byebye, and then, look forward to our meeting.
Huh? You said that already! Which leads me to the next item in this post. 👇🏼
• 621 & 622 & 623 & 624- On 621, Web came to Beijing after filming in Changsha. The next day 622, GG posted about cooking, with a caption of : “In the days with no schedule, I transformed into Big Chef Xiao’s Time and made pepper chicken!” Hmmm. He also has a selfie that had a moto in the background, which I doubt is Yibo’s. but there you go. Who is he cooking for? Who just recently came back to Beijing?
Next day 623, GG posted selfies and there is someone behind him in black. Caption was “No filters can beat iPhone’s built-in camera, ahahahahaha face yourself bravely! I’m not really used to seeing myself without the moustache” ( moustache = he had it filming the wolf )
624, Web posts a car that he finished building. Alluding to him having a time off as well.
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Then add GG’s message to his fans (same day 624), which is actually really sweet but the CPN 👀 ones are emphasized below:
It's raining here, how about for you guys? Running in the rain feels good, but don't try it, you'll catch a cold!
How is my life going? Ok, I'll stop saying fulfilling. In the days I have no schedules, I really, really don't leave my house, I read and watch movies I like, and I also sketch. The people around me all think I need toget out more, what a headache....
How are you guys doing?
Actually we're all scared to become people we hate after we grow up, that's why we have to do our best to live! ll leave with you a quote that I used to really
Work, like you don't need money. Live, like tomorrow is the end of the world. Dance, like no one is watching you. Love, like you've never been hurt!
I miss you guys a lot, goodnight!
In case you can’t tell what I was alluding to, they were spending time together. Lol. and just the whole message of his 624 post about living your life and making the most out of it. Not caring what other people say. Very interesting.
The cute selfie - This was shared by GG on his weibo 07272017, the same one we saw Web show off. Did he save this? Was he already following GG before? Did GG send it, the big question is WHEN.
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That’s all for now 🤍🤍🤍
Note: I did not include the day they officially met in TTXS cause we all know how that went already + posted in my 2017 timeline 🤍 I’m trying to include unpopular cpns from that year. Also, excuse the ugly insta stories collage cause i’m on mobile and we can only add a few photos.
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prettylightsbigcity · 2 years
Author Self Fic Recs!
Post your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers.
Thank you to @tea-brigade @mostlymaudlin and @palimpsessed for tagging me! I know y'all tagged me ages ago, oops, I appreciate it sm!! I'm doing this super late so I feel like most folks have already done it, but just in case, tagging: @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @facewithoutheart @stillmadaboutpetra @krisrix and @captain-aralias If you've already done this, then this tag is just to say hi, I love your writing and I'm sending you a virtual hug <3
Make It Up To Me, 8k, rated E This was my main Erotic Gropefest collab with @stardustasincocaine and it's also probably the fic I wrote over the longest period of time? My schedule is really crazy so I'm usually a "sit down and bang it out" kind of writer (pun intended... this fic is VERY smutty lmao). I'm extremely proud of how it turned out, and Tessa's art for this fic is next level. TLDR: Dom/sub dynamic, lots of sex, lots of feelings.
The Edge of Memory, 8k, rated T The only non-explicit fic that made my top 5! Lol. In contrast to the previous fic, this one I wrote in one crazy sprint in less than 12 hours as a pinch hit for @captain-aralias. I'm honestly kind of obsessed with how it turned out? Who knew I could write an interesting plot without sex? Not me. I also never did it again lmao. TLDR: Canon divergent amnesia fic where Simon loses his memory right after he defeats the Humdrum and the Mage and forgets all of 8th year.
Angst, COC 2021, 2k, rated E This is probably my favorite thing I wrote for COC 2021, and I wrote... a lot. Like 50,000 words, more than I've ever written in that short a time before. It's honestly a pretty fucked up ficlet, but it was extremely cathartic to write. Plus, what was I supposed to do with the angst prompt? NOT torture Baz? TLDR: Coffin fic, coffin fic, COFFIN FIC!
A Room with a View, 7.5k, rated E I feel like this was the first truly filthy thing I ever wrote for the CO fandom, and I simply have not looked back since. This fic was a gift for @mostlymaudlin, who gave the most delicious and inspiring prompts (and also just makes delicious and inspiring content on the reg), and I reeeally wanted to do it justice for them. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out. TLDR: Baz and Simon go on a ski vacation and fuck a lot. Bonus Brobelove!
Every Part of You, 8k, rated E This was the first fic I wrote after really connecting with other people in the fandom, and it was a gift for @caitybug :) It's sweet, a lil smutty, a little angsty. Honestly, I don't think it's as good as some of my more recent stuff, but it has a special place in my heart because it helped me connect to some of my fave fandom humans <3 TLDR: Simon works through his feelings both with sex and with words and a lot of help from Baz.
That's all, folks! If you haven't done this yet and you wanna, say I tagged you and GO FOR IT :)
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