#I refuse to screenshot the rest of that dialogue lol
scarefox · 4 months
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Congratulating us immature perverts in the tag who called this. But at what cost? 🤣🙈💀
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Assassin with a Heart of Gold
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Name: Admaer Daeneiros (He/Him)
Race: High Elf
Class: Rogue (Assassin)
Background: Criminal
The final one on the roaster is Admaer as we speedrun to get Halsin out. I mentioned this before, but initally, Admaer didn't care about helping the Tieflings and their quarrel against the Goblins. While the idea of getting Halsin out was on his mind, going to the Githyanki Creche sounded more reasonable than looking for a Druid who may or may not help them. However, when he finally unlocked his tadpole powers, Admaer decided that going after Halsin will help him do a test run with his powers. So far, only he and Astarion are enjoying these new powers.
This time, I didn't fuck up with saving the peeps at Waukeen's Rest and intentionally left it to burn as Astarion isn't holding his neck out for those people. He does learn about Wyll's father and while he's a pessimist about his fathers chance of survival, if they just so happen to run into the guy during their travels...Well, shit, it's the Duke of Baller Gate, so why not save him so that he gives us compensation for saving his life if he's worth that much to the cesspool city.
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After fucking with the Zhentarim because Admaer despises them; not so much because he hates their business, but they played a large part in his life of enslavement as he worked and killed for them time and time again. So any chance he gets to fuck up their own little business, he'll take it. But after dealing with them and helping a artist get free, I decided to pay Auntie Ethel a visit. Unlike the other four who went to save Mayrinna, Admaer could give a rats ass since whatever she and the Hag got going on is none of his business. He did refuse to sacrifice his eye for the chance of being cured by the old lady.
After doing those final side missions, I finally went to go and kill the Goblin leaders as quick and quietly as possible. Just to fit into Admaer's whole assassin deal. After freeing Halsin, Admaer only asked the questions relevant to getting the tadpole out of his head, immune to the buddy daddy vibes of the Elf Druid. During the party, Admaer finally got to lay Astarion and discover his tattoos. Admaer was able to deduce that it was written in Infernal, but he avoids asking about the language and mostly ask if Astarion even knows how to read it. Admaer also learned about Shadowhearts whole deal with the Shar worshipers...TBH, homie doesn't care that much lol. Though was able able to sus out that when the Shar worshippers found her, she was in the middle of doing a Selunite coming-of-age ritual
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Because Admaer was going above ground, I decided to take a peek behind the veil and see what the mountain pass looked like and OMG IT'S BEAUTIFUL! I was so at awe with the place! It's so beautiful that I couldn't help but take every opportunity to take screenshots. Looking for the Gith Creche, it led us to the ruined Monk monastery dedicated to Lathandar. While getting there, we met a elderly woman who wanted to take a Gith egg from the Githyanki. After using up MOST of my inspiration points, I was able to convince the woman to pay up first THEN she'll get the egg.
That bitch is never seeing that egg lol! That depends tho, Admaer might change his mind. While resting here, Admaer met his dream Guardian again and if I was able to add a free dialogue option for my lil guy, Admaer would ask the Guardian why they chose the likeness of Alex, a past flame Admaer knew. Admaer tried to get information about the tadpole and learn what could be done about it. Going forward, I was able to get inside the monastery and met a room full of little guys...It wasn't fun.
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oversimplify-it · 3 years
Story Process Tag by @herpixels​
I was tagged by @dynastiasimss​ - Thank you so much for tagging me!! 😊💖💗 This will most definitely get a bit wordy because I’m terrible at explaining things concisely! 😂 Also, I’ll mostly be talking about my process for 2.B.A Grandmaster but I’ll touch on my process for Erin in San Myshuno too!
I’m also going to get tags out of the way up here so that no one has to scroll all the way through this ... absolute novel that is under the cut LMAO so I tag: @cyansimblr  @x-simss @matchacake and any other simblrs who wanna do this!! and feel free to skip if you want!
1. Your writing process My writing process is very, very chaotic, and changes with the wind... Erin in San Myshuno doesn’t really have a process, I just play the game and then put in some dialogue based on the events. None of it is guided by my hand at all though! 2.B.A Grandmaster on the other hand is written in part based on what happens in game and in part by my own creative vision. Most of the time, I let stuff happen, and then fill in the blanks in between events. I go in game, play Sims as I normally would (skill build, take care of needs, go out to venues, etc.) and then watch what weird and interesting things happen. For example, Augusta’s meeting with Xavier in the beginning was completely the game’s doing! He was the only one to show up for the Welcome Wagon event, so I rolled with that. Scenes like Kaitlin’s meeting with Maverick and those sort of things are planned by me, as they’re necessary to create a more full narrative! It’s like collaborative storytelling, but my “partner” is a game that is weird and random and crazy. 😂 After stuff happens in game and I get screenshots, I then actually write for it. I chose to write novel style for the series because - as some of my long-term followers may remember - I had another story that was just screenshots with dialogue on them? And it was very hard, LOL, it didn’t suit my workflow very well and I ended up dropping it after a month or so. I wanted 2.B.A Grandmaster to be something I could post consistently, and so I opted for a style that I was more familiar and experienced with!
2. Scene building For the most part, I just work with what sims gives me, but as I mentioned above, some scenes I actually go to the trouble of setting up. For those, I still use the sims animations mostly (I’ve used poses about 3 times in 2.B.A Grandmaster so far) but I do usher my sims around the "set” as I see fit. I build a lot of my own lots and locations for 2.B.A GM because I tend to get a vision in my mind of what I want and refuse to settle for less. 😂 One such case is the scene where Maverick meets up with Octavia--
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I made the alleyway we see here - it’s two entirely empty buildings sandwiched side by side on an otherwise empty lot in Oasis Springs. The only part I bothered to decorate was the alley itself because I knew I wasn’t going to use the rest of the area, but maybe we’ll revisit it sometime and I’ll finish the two buildings! I actually loved making this set and like how it turned out, LOL~
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Then I just have whatever sims are involved in a scene interact with each other for ages until I feel like I have enough screenshots to make a scene. I usually have a vague idea of what’s going to be said in any given scene - especially the ones I actually planned out beforehand - but I get some excess screenshots to be safe. I try lots of different interactions and pause like every few frames to get interesting expressions and stuff, LOL. Lots of “Complain about Cold Weather” and “Give fake bad news” ...
3. CC/Pose making I don’t actually make my own CC for 2.B.A GM specifically (I’ve made a couple eyeshadows but I don’t use them super frequently) but there is a scene coming up in the future that I plan to make poses for. I have a very clear image in my mind that includes a lot of subtle expressions and very specific things that I doubt I could find poses for, so I’m gonna have to brave the terrifying landscape of blender in order to make it a reality. 😧
4. Getting in the zone I don’t have any sort of “ok, show time” ritual like some people do but I wish I did, because my motivation waxes and wanes so unpredictably. Some days I just don’t feel like doing anything, and other days I edit and write for 5 posts in a row! I am always listening to something though, usually music, every once in a blue moon a video with lots of talking. 5. Screenshot folder
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6. Captions I don’t do captions on 2.B.A GM posts, but for my city living gameplay I do! I keep them simple, because I don’t want to make it too much work for myself. Erin in San Myshuno’s style of editing is 100% based around ease, because I wanted something to post often that didn’t put too much of a strain on me. Verdana in white, typically 35-40 px, with a gradient border. Each sim we encounter has a different gradient color, usually based on their outfit or just the ~vibe~ I get from them. Erin’s gradient is Hot pink to ... gee, what would you call it. Sonic the Hedgehog Blue LMAO-- I chose that gradient because that’s the color of the overlay, which I’ll talk more about in the next section!
7. Editing My two ‘series’ - and I use that term loosely LMAO - have different editing processes, so I’ll try to summarize them both. Basically, for 2.B.A Grandmaster, I touch up the saturation and brightness depending on the scene. If it’s evening in the shots, I usually won’t touch brightness, and if it’s night, I might even lower it a bit for more accurate lighting! Once that’s done, I blur everything but relevant elements of a scene, usually the character we’re following or who is speaking. I have to select the character from the background manually which takes a bit, but other than that it’s very minimal.
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My shots aren’t super glamorous, but I prefer simple screenshots and actually being able to keep up with a story schedule as opposed to what happened with my last story. 😬 As for Erin in San Myshuno, barring captions which I only do when I feel it’s necessary, it’s literally just an overlay on otherwise untouched screenshots. 😭 I would do more, but again, it’s supposed to be an easy downtime sort of series for me so~
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This goes over top all screenshots on the “Add” setting at 20% opacity. It brightens things up and softens them, as well as making the colors slightly more harmonious! If anyone wants me to go more in depth on editing, or maybe captions, please let me know! I’m happy to talk about it if it’ll help anyone, and I know that a lot of tutorials cover how to do stuff in Photoshop, whereas I use FireAlpaca (which is 100% free btw! It’s more of an art program, but not bad for editing) 8. Throwback!
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Oh boy, so this is one of my first posts on simblr. For starters, I didn’t know about camera mode at the time, so that’s the first thing I would change obviously LOL. 😬 The framing I did at the time was ... cute, but it makes the pictures feel kind of cramped and small in my opinion, so I did away with that for all of my later stories. Also, Amy and Gemma aren’t very well centered in this picture! Other than that, this isn’t actually terrible I don’t think, so aside from maybe blurring the background as I do on 2.B.A GM now, I wouldn’t change too much! Thankfully, I had observed other people’s stories before making my own on here for a little bit, so I wasn’t starting with absolutely no idea what to do, but I still think I’ve improved since I made these. 😊
This was a ton of fun!! If anyone has questions or wants more info on anything I covered in here, absolutely feel free to ask, and thank you so much if you actually read through all of this - I know I rambled for quite a while!! 🙏
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Hey, it's me again! The Anon that constantly comes back because I'm too lazy to play the new lessons myself.
Anyway, Lesson 30-something, what happened in it? I've just seen screenshots and most of them are Solomon blushing (which, well, can't really say I'm complaining).
Hope you answer, and I'll probably ask you about the lessons after this.
-Anon that's still somehow stuck on Lesson 31. Seriously, I should really start playing the game again soon.
I'm screaming I literally wrote this whole thing and it got deleted because tumblr refused to send it and just banished the reply into the void i want to fight someone. I'm so sorry I'm gonna bang my head against something now.
It's okay if you ask cause I need someone to rant to after lessons!
So two days before the ritual to break the pacts. Solomon is researching how to use the night dagger.
Lucifer & Satan are arguing on the staircase (cause 50% of all important conversations happen on staircases - and I mean this sincerely). Lucifer promised mammon he'd come play cards with him and Satan doesn't want him to go cause he thinks it'll be a scam (he's worried about his dad big brother❤). MC asks Satan if he's worried about Lucifer and that makes his affection go up. He asks MC to promise him to go with Lucifer and keep an eye on him. He ruffles MC's hair and gives them the same we'll still be friends talk that the others do
They go to play cards and place bets, if Mammon wins he gets Lucifer's credit card for a day and if Lucifer wins he gets mc alone for a day. You can choose whether you want mc to either play along or cheer for Lucifer. (And look my MC's performing Olympic grade gymnastics to avoid Lucifer's advances & this lesson has a lot of options to romance Lucifer that I didn't pick so...)
Lucifer gets distracted by Mammon's car before they start playing.
Mammon really really wanted this limited edition car (it had a rare colour) so he worked his ass off and earned money to buy it (I think it's mentioned that this is the first thing he bought from his own money). But by the time he'd earned enough it had been sold out. As far as Mammon knows Lucifer spoke to the dealer and was able to find one last car (can you do that? Can you just ask them to look in the back and they'll just pop out with a car they accidentally overlooked?). BUT Lucifer recalls that he actually spoke to diavolo and called in a special favour to get the car for mammon. Lucifer tells mammon he was impressed by him and I no longer possess a physical form I'm now a bowl of goop with thumbs to type
Lucifer wins (duh) and mammon asks to speak to mc alone. He tells them that even if their pact is severed he'll always be their first man. MC says 'I won't forget.' Mammon does that stuttery thing and says something like 'don't forget.' He hugs them tight. I added a screenshot of this (& other important moments) to my first answer but I don't wanna risk it cause if I lose this again I will realistically commit homicide. But anyway this line killed me 'suddenly I feel like the invisible bond between us is even stronger than it was before'. If I wasn't a puddle before I would be now
The next day mc & Lucifer meet up to go out, Asmo and mammon complain, I'm a total dick so I don't let MC hold Lucifer's hand and it makes him sad (I cry). They meet Solomon at the gate and he says he needs to talk with MC but can wait till after. He suggests going to the carnival (from the beginning of the season) cause it's the last day at the devildom and Simeon was planning on taking Luke but had to bail to go to the celestial realm. (Also the devildom is only one city/district right? I always saw it as the capital of The Devildom as a whole)
Lucifer laments not being able to remeber their first time at the carnival, mc gets to reassure him that it's okay. They get popcorn and go on the ferris wheel.
He asks them what they spoke about last time on the ferris wheel. The answers are 'Lucifer' or 'diavolo' . if you choose diavolo he throws shade at past Lucifer for being an idiot and talking about another man when with MC (*SNORT*) .
Yes yes ik mammon technically confessed first and did so twice (thrice?) but neither were direct. The first was him agreeing with mc about them being in love in front of someone else and the second was under the influence of the truth bracelet. Asmo confessed too but in a 'never thought I'd find someone I love more than me. That's wild' way.
After mc shoots him down he goes 'that sucks guess I'll have to try harder to make you fall for me'
@like-nxrthernstxrs if you say you love him back, you get to kiss and mammon who followed you sees and goes quiet which yeah no, no thanks
I didn't unlock the locked lessons but screenshots show that all the brothers follow them I think (imagine the nightmare of dating one of them for real tho? Like you, me and your friend Steve except Steve is your 6 brothers who want to sleep with me)
The most notable exchange during them is when Levi asks whether Lucifer seems happier without his memories (he actually is more carefree) but mammon says he wouldn't be happier because he loves all his little brothers and he wouldn't be happy if he couldnt remember them. Levi tells mammon it's gross whenever he starts acting like an actual older brother (so we've seen mammon step up to the role of a older brother every once in a while - specially when Lucifer isnt able to - and he's actually really good at it? And that's just💞💞)
When they go home, solomon's in MC's room. He goes 'so do you want the good news or bad news first? Actually they're both bad news and you're fucked lol'
The dagger is so old that it doesn't have enough power to break the bonds and even when charged with Solomon's power it isn't enough.
The only way to restore the power is to use it to stab a powerful demon in the chest and have it absorb the demon's power.
Then he gives mc the dagger and is like 'anyway go stab Lucifer in the chest or we're all gonna die'
MC's like 'what the fuck'
Solomon goes 'lol just kidding i wouldn't ask you to do that'
Solomon tells them that he spent his whole life protecting humanity and that he is willing to do anything to save it. He tells them that choosing between all of the three realms and one demon should be easy. But he can't because he knows that'll make MC sad and he doesn't want to hurt them (honestly some of the dialogue from Solomon, Simeon and even diavolo makes me wonder if they'll ever become LIs down the road)
Lucifer has been eavesdropping the whole time (obviously) and kicks Solomon out.
Mc tells time not to worry and that they'll figure something else out. He tells them that he cares about his brothers and them (he puts a bit of emphasis on MC) and that he wants them to stab him. MC keeps on protesting. He grabs their hand and makes them point the dagger to his chest. You get a choice. You can either stab Lucifer, MC or command him to 'stay'. If you choose to command him, he freezes for a sec and then tells MC they are too distraught to be able to put any actual power behind the command. He moves their hand to stab himself. The screen goes white. If you decide to stab MC he screams their name. The screen goes white
A '???' voice tells them to stop and that it's not needed. Simeon (the only person with even a single braincell in this entire game) stops their hand and tells them they've been brave. He slips an old ring on to their finger. The screen goes white.
The screen's still white but now it's white in a way that makes it look like it's sunlight blinding the screen.
Another '???' voice apologises to MC for not being able to meet them before. It asks mc why they refused to stab Lucifer. They can say it's because they love him, because they didn't want anyone to get hurt or because they wanted to find another way. And look even if you aren't romancing Lucifer you have to admit at this point of the game MC does love him and all his brothers as well.If you pick the first option the voice says that it's a good thing and that they should cherish that love and let it grow. If you choose the second it tells them they are kind. The voice then tells them that after seeing how much the brothers adore them it expected them to be wicked and that it's happy they aren't. It tells them that they don't have to worry and that the ring of light will keep their powers in check and that they should go back because the others are worried. MC wakes up to Lucifer calling their name.
I'm 90% certain the voice in Michael, 10% of me is terrified it'll turn out to be God. And look I'm not religious, I don't really believe in anything and either way I was raised in a Buddhist household so God has never been anything I believed in BUT God talking to me through an otome game is definitely not something I need rn or ever really
Mc, Solomon, Simeon and Luke are by the lake at the palace. Solomon says he can finally relate to Mammon cause Lucifer had punished him. Simeon reveals that Lucifer had punished diavolo as well and would be coming after the rest of them that kept this whole thing secret from him (And this kills me! This man loves his family so much he was not only willing to go against God and his army when his family was in danger but he was also willing to lash out at DIAVOLO who he has so much respect & loyalty towards when he accidentally put Lucifer's family in danger!??? Anyway any chance I had of solidifying into a physical state has been completely swept away)
It's revealed that Simeon may or may not have stolen the ring from Michael who still loves Lucifer and keeps a shrine to Lucifer all of Lucifer's things from the celestial realm with him. And honestly I want whatever superpower Lucifer has that allows him to act like a dick with major issues but still makes ppl just absolutely love him. (I absolutely adore how easily om! throws around the word 'love' or actions of love. And I don't mean regarding MC. I mean between the brothers, undateables, Luke and side characters. Like at this point there's no doubt that despite all their differences everyone loves each other.)
Simeon (or Luke) note that now with the ring MC is as powerful a sorcerer as Solomon and may someday surpass him. Solomon is asked of he's jealous and he says he's not and he's glad to finally have someone like him.
Solomon pulls MC aside and asks them for a favour. They can either ask what it is or say 'anything for you'. If you choose the second option he blushes. He tells them he has spent his whole life looking out for humanity (thousands of years) and that he would like to work side by side with them to protect the humans. In his own words they'd be 'partners'. You can either agree or tell him it sounds like a pain in the ass. If you agree he says that a part of him knew they'd agree. (I can't remember if this is said outloud or implied but I'm assuming this means Solomon will teach them to use actual magic thus making 3 out of 4 of my main game MCs magical apprentices. Nice.)
*Solomon refers to himself as 'the witty sorcerer' confirming that all their aliases in the cards have actual canon meaning...so Mammon's 'fallen warrior' and 'punishment party' is basically just confirming he was probably the only one classed as a fighter from all his brothers back in the celestial realm and that he's a masochist right? That's what that means?*
Barbatos arrives to welcome them and ask them to follow him.
The lesson ends.
The pre stabbing scene with Solomon and mc doesn't really follow the exact dialogue of the first scene in S2 and the backgrounds don't match either (the human world vs MC's bedroom). Now this could mean the devs fucked up or it could mean there's more BS waiting to be stirred up. Personally I believe it's the first one BUT with how determined the devs seem with turning all of Lucifer's hair white i wouldn't be surprised if it was the second either
Hope that helps 31!❤ sorry it took some time I had to take constant breaks to scream cause the app sucks :)))
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vyvesvi · 3 years
That tweet was made by a kpop stan
A kpop stans that hates bts
So no that was about bts and being glad they didn't win
The tweet still read as brining down a group and issues they face bc op didn't like them
first off i’m not about to look into the acc of every single person who’s tweet is screenshotted and put on tumblr, thanks. even if they were bashing bts the screenshotted tweet doesn’t imply that anywhere so i don’t really know what you want from me there.
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bashing kpop groups doesn’t inherently uplift the black community obviously, but please refer to the above and my previous response. a singular tweet that they made, not having looked at their account, was correct and  i’m not going to restate things that i pointed out already if you refuse to read or accept them lol.
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i can’t really dialogue with you if you don’t read what i have to say lmfao. //as i said// reading the content of the tweet it’s not obviously about bts, but looking back it makes sense with the pfp and username.
i’m not going to engage with the rest of this because once again, it’s clear that you haven’t read my first response, so there’s not a way for us to have any sort of productive conversation moving forward.
and the last thing you threw in there isn’t really related but in my opinion? it’s going too far to say that bts directly profits from BLM but they do profit from and have an active interest in (they being the people who profit from bts’ success) maintaining an image of being “woke,” which includes donating to blm (which was super great of them!!! but i’m not going to pretend that they don’t also benefit, especially in the context of their early career when black ARMYs asked that they speak out against really obvious examples of racism, to no response). bts has long been called out for their early image as a group that wasn’t afraid to speak out against society’s ills because it was pretty generally pretty incongruous with the fact that they never actually did lol. so no, they don’t profit off of BLM directly, but they do benefit imo. 
anyways, feel free to block me if it would make you feel better! <3
first response for those interested
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drunkin-kong-donic · 5 years
Zavazz: A GUIDE
HEY, so I promised I’d make a ‘tutorial’ on the new OTP that’s swept me by storm since others seem to want to get into it too. This is a helpful guide diving into Zavok x Zazz and why i like it! Two of the Deadly Six from the game Sonic Lost World. If you’re here, you are already interested in what these two murder zeets can offer. So I’m not going to get into how underrated the zeti are. That will be for another time, so I won’t get into the zeti’s lore very much in this guide because I’m assuming anyone reading this already know the basics. Anyway, LET’S INTRODUCE the two of them. I predict this is going to get kind of long, so the rest will be under the cut. I’ll be using mostly canon evidence for the ship’s dynamics in this thread. I’ll make one that incorporates more of my headcanons later down the road otherwise this would be even LONGER than it already is. Note that this OTP ain’t exactly your sunshine and daisies kind of ship. They’re both evil and sadists so keep that in mind, and if that ain’t your cup of tea there are plenty of other OTPs the sonic fandom has to offer. Now then, without further ado...
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Zavok, is a 148 year old zeti and current leader of the Deadly Six, who live on the hidden world of the Lost Hex. 
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and Zazz, is 127 year old zeti that presides over the Windy Hill Zone on the Lost Hex, the first area Sonic enters in the beginning of the game which makes Zazz the first boss.
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So let’s get right into it shall we? If you aren’t aware of the plot in Sonic Lost World, basically Eggman invades this hidden mini-world that is floating in the atmosphere called The Lost Hex that Sonic and Tails happen to crash land on after Eggman shoots them out of the sky. Eggman has enslaved the natives there (the zeti) to do his bidding which a mystical shell called the Cacophonic Conch and set them to collect animals for his robots and destroy Sonic. 
After Sonic starts showing his presence on the Lost Hex, Eggman tells Zavok to take care of him before he can start messing with his plans.  And before Zavok can even go beyond contemplating what to do or which of the Deadly Six to send out, Zazz jumps at the chance to volunteer. Now this is where we get into the meat and bones of Zavazz. Because we see it from Zazz’s first appearance and it continues throughout the rest of the game and other media that features Zazz.  And that is that Zazz will do absolutely anything for a chance to impress Zavok. And Zavok KNOWS THIS.
Look at how Zazz’s expression changes during the course of this exchange with Zavok when he’s being complimented by his leader. Going from ‘aw yeah im ready to kick some Sonic ass’
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Straight to genuine excitement like a puppy dog who did something good. 
Now, Zavok is a total bastard, and this shouldn’t come to anyone’s surprise. He’s a villain after all, and he is EVIL, as are the rest of the zeti. And Zavok is shown countless times manipulating and using the other Deadly Six (besides Master Zik) for his own gain. And for Zazz, it’s mostly using him as battle fodder to gain information on his enemies so he can better learn on how to defeat them. This is seen more than once, as Zavok boosts Zazz’s confidence by showering him in compliments and then sending him off into death traps which Zazz eagerly jumps into. (anything to please the boss) It’s in Sonic Lost World AND in Sonic Runners, a mobile app that had several Zazz Raid Events.
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A quick summary of the Sonic Runners 2nd Zazz Raid event (which you can watch yourself here)  Is that Zazz is trying to get back at Sonic and his friends for defeating him during the first Raid event. And after each time you defeat him, he goes and consoles each member of the Deadly Six to get advice on ways to get more powerful, thus upping the difficulty of his boss fights every time you face him as a player. It’s actually really cool because it had cutscenes of all the Deadly Six interacting with one another! And they’re all so good. But when I was watching it, I noticed the stark difference between the way Zazz behaved around the other zeti compared to Zavok. When he was talking to Zomom, Zeena, Zor, and even Master Zik, he was his usual chompin’-at-the-bit, ready-to-let-lose-and-kill ragey self. Even with Master Zik, who was trying to get Zazz to calm the fuck down and meditate. (seriously, he ends up absorbing the power of the power rings by punching them LOL) 
I don’t want to clog up this thread with screenshots, but I’ll post the transcript below between Zavok and Zazz, in which Zavok convinces Zazz that he’d please him more to die for him in battle than to run away from the fight which Zazz eagerly agrees to after getting gassed up by Zavok. 
Zazz: "I don't believe it! I just... I just don't believe it! All these power ups, and I still can't beat that rodent!"
Zavok: “Sonic seems to be giving you some trouble, Zazz...”
Zazz: "He ain't givin' me trouble, it's just... I can't seem to beat him, that's all."
Zavok: "Really, Zazz? That little hedgehog is too much for you...?"
Zazz: "No! It's not that! It's just... Next time! I'll get him next time!" 
Zavok: "You know that we consider defeat to be unacceptable, Zazz... But there's no shame in being wiped out in battle."
Zavok: “The only shame is in running away! Hiding from reality! Refusing to fight on!"
Zazz: "Fightin' on, huh... But... It's just..."
Zavok: "I know how determined you are to win, Zazz... I wouldn't have you in the Deadly Six otherwise..."
Zavok: "Now come on... Show me. Show me your determination... Show me how much you want to win..."
Zazz: "HyaaaAAARGH! Yeah... Yeah, this is it! I'd forgotten about this feelin'!"
Zazz: "Hyaaah hah hah! That was my problem all along! I didn't want to win bad enough! Well now that's changed - now I want it really bad!"
Zazz: "I'm gonna show you what I'm really made of, Sonic! I'm gonna drag you down to the very depths of hell!"
Also note that Zazz is his most powerful after his exchange with Zavok. :) But even so, right after Zavok has the following exchange with Master Zik. Once again showing that Zavok will have no problem sending off Zazz into a fight he know’s he’s going to lose.  Zik: "Are you sure it was wise, telling him all that, Zavok? I mean, it doesn't matter how much he wants it. He's not going to beat Sonic..."
Zavok: "I am well aware of that, Master Zik. I know poor Zazz doesn't stand a chance..."
Zavok: "However, he WILL allow us to collect all sorts of useful data that may lead to us beating the rodent one day."
Zavok: "After all, the Deadly Six always win in the end, don't we..." Zik: "Yes. And success is our only source of pride... Don't worry, I haven't forgotten." 
Zavok: "Heh heh... Sonic may think he's got the better of us, but we're just biding our time. When the Deadly Six finally strike, that rat is done for!"
I can see how this seems like Zavok doesn’t give a single shit about Zazz or what happens to him, but evidence within context states that even though Zavok’s aware that Zazz can’t stand up against Sonic, he knows that he’ll be fine in the end because Zazz can handle it. After all, Zazz seems to be indifferent to pain. 
Because it’s curious to note that out of all the Deadly Six, Zazz is the only one during boss fights in Lost World that won’t run away or return to his mech once he’s knocked down. (Excluding zomom who’s cornered rather than confronted) Instead he rushes at Sonic full force, uninhibited by the fear of getting the crap kicked outta him.  However, saying this, it’s also interesting to notice that despite Zazz having no qualm to physical injury. He does indeed have a fear of disappointing Zavok and getting beat by him instead which you can see from the quote  "The boss is gonna beat me!"—Zazz after being defeated for the last time. (taken from Zazz’s wiki page) Now, there’s no evidence that Zavok actually does this. In fact, I tend to lean more towards that it’s just self-inflicted fear that Zazz has if Zavok ever finds out because that would disappoint Zavok. And that would just be the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to him. But I could be wrong, after all the zeti are extremely sadistic creatures and take pleasure in inflicting all kinds of violence. I’m just not sure if they do it to each other.
And I'm like 90% sure Zazz the only one who has dialogue referring to Zavok when Sonic is fighting him. So as scatterbrained as Zazz is, he’s still worried and has in mind about what Zavok’s and the others are gonna think. Zazz’s desperation for impressing Zavok is well... Impressive, and he actually seems to be the only zeti in the Deadly Six obsessed with the notion of it. After accidentally capturing Tails instead of Sonic, Zavok berates the others for a hot second. And I noticed that Zazz is the only one who visibly cringes from being yelled at by Zavok. (it’s very slight, but you can also notice him reel his tongue in as an added reaction)
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HOWEVER, despite Zavok being a total bastard most of the time, (don’t forget! he’s evil!) I can also prove that he isn’t entirely heartless. Zavok has shown many times within the games to care about the Deadly Six above anything else. (I’d say the only thing he’d put above his fellow zeti is himself and whatever ulterior motives he has hidden up his sleeve.) The first thing he commands the Deadly Six to do after breaking free from Eggman’s control is revenge. After this, he spends the rest of the game fucking with Sonic and Eggman before ultimately trying to destroy the entire world. All because Eggman and Sonic thought they could fuck with his Deadly Six.   
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Also back to Zavazz dynamics; Zazz ONLY cares about impressing Zavok. When under the command of Eggman, Eggman was openly berating their performance and how disappointed he was in them being unable to defeat Sonic, and the only thing Zazz does is yawn. So even with another ‘boss’, Zazz only cares about Zavok’s approval and is loyal only to him. 
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Even this small little detail, when Zavok is standing up for himself and the other Deadly Six, Zazz is shown behind the safety of Zavok making faces at Eggman. (this screenshot is from the japanese dub since Zazz actually makes little noises during this cutscene and makes his teasing more evident)
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Anyway, I really do think that Zazz is Zavok’s right hand, yes man, and is most definitely his most loyal member of the Deadly Six. (This excludes Master Zik, since he’s the former leader of the Deadly Six and is in a semi-retirement phase and kinda acts as advisor for the bunch of them) Zazz is the only one who doesn’t need to be convinced to follow orders and is even seen with Zavok in the Frozen Factory Zone when they’re gloating to Sonic and Eggman about destroying their world, 
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even laughing together after Zavok steps back and allows Zazz to have some fun tormenting them too.
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Zavok loves carnage and destruction, relishing in others having the same nature as well. He’s a lot more cool headed than Eggman and other villains, showing respect to those who impress him with their viciousness. This is very evident in his dialogue from Team Sonic Racing, where he frequently seems to compliment other racers when they attack him. Here are a few as examples:
“Vicious, Amy... I approve!” 
“You’re a savage competitor, Blaze.”
In Lost World he states he would respect Sonic if he didn’t hate him so much, given the frustration of trying to defeat him the entire game.
"Tenacious little hedgehog. I'd respect you if I didn't hate you so much."—Zavok taunting Sonic during Sky Road Zone 4.
Also if you defeat him in boxing in the Mario & Sonic 2016 Rio Games he actually shows the player a decent amount of respect for being stronger, welcoming the challenge.
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Speaking of the Mario & Sonic Olympics and other Sonic spinoff games that feature the zeti, Zavok and Zazz are ALWAYS together. Thus proving more that Zazz is totally Zavok’s first go-to in terms of the other zeti. They are BOTH the only zeti featured in Rio 2016, the mobile app Sonic Forces Speed Battle as the Kings of Carnage, and now the new Mario & Sonic Olympics 2020 Tokyo Games.
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And shown in the Mario & Sonic Olympics 2020 Tokyo trivia section, Zavok cannonly sees and trusts Zazz as a brave and powerful warrior.
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This also leads me into my next point, which are Zavok’s feelings towards Zazz since we mostly just covered Zazz’s side of the sweet sweet Zavazz.
Now, Zavok is a villain, and like all villains, he’s tied with an incredible ego even if he doesn’t outwardly show it as often as someone like Eggman would. 
Zavok admires Zazz because he is always just so eager to jump at a chance to fight whenever Zavok wants him to, and Zazz just generally wanting to do anything for him. A RIDE OR DIE...LITERALLY. I think Zazz being so eager to please him DEFINITELY strokes that ego in him, even if he’s not aware. Like getting blind loyalty and determination from Zazz compared to the other Deadly’s Six general lack of interest definitely allows Zavok to take more notice in Zazz. And it's probably what would attract him the most to Zazz and why he keeps going back to him. Zazz has Zavok’s respect, and it’s so mutual it hurts. Not only that, but Zazz is the most intense zeti out of all of them in terms of ferality, wrecking violence, and havoc. It is stated that even by zeti standards, Zazz is “the meanest and most psychopathic of his entire race”,[3][6]  And Zavok is someone who revels in destruction and savagery, admiring it in general even when it isn’t from himself. So, to have the most destructive and violent of the zeti at his complete command? Zazz lives to destroy, and he’s basically Zavok’s attack dog. What wouldn’t he love about that.  I also think that Zavok finds Zazz entirely endearing, and trusts him the most out of the rest of the Deadly Six. Zavok could be rough with him if he wanted to, and he knows that Zazz would be able to handle it no problem, given their size and strength differences. And you know Zazz would love any bit of attention Zavok shows towards him.  Now, I’m starting to get into headcanon territory so I’ll end this thread here. I think I covered everything. And if not, guess I’ll have to make a part two. I didn’t even get into the comics, so we’ll see what happens. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS ALL IF YOU MADE IT THIS FAR, it makes me incredibly happy that ya’ll have shown interest in this sleeper of an OTP. Now go enjoy some Zavazz! 
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wrenbee · 6 years
Inquisitor as a Companion!
Tagged by @galadrieljones and @thevikingwoman Thank you!!! This was SO much fun! Also had to get a new screenshot of her :)
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Inquisitor’s Name: Aura Lavellan Race / Class / Specialisation: Dalish Elf/Mage/Healer Gender Identity: Female Varric’s Nickname for them: Sprout
Short bio: Aura is a healer and herbalist of Clan Lavellan. She grew up in  The Free Marches, around the forested swamps along the Minanter. She came into her magic at the age of four and trained with her grandmother, Keeper Deshanna. She is very close to her grandmother and with her guidance, Aura grew up to handle her own magic with precision. Her magic is very connected to the natural world and she can charge all kinds of things with her emotional energy.  When not tending to the sick or wounded, she would always wander the surrounding forests, gathering herbs and ingredients for her work. Aura is quiet and thoughtful but warms up quickly to people who show her kindness. She is highly sensitive, almost empathic, and a nurturer at heart. Just before Inquisition, she would have been helping refugees affected by Mage Rebellion. She would have been working near and around Kirkwall and would have worked closely with Merrill. She was also responsible for convincing her Clan to welcome numerous Elven refugees into their camp. After the events of the Conclave, Deshanna asked her to find, help, and bring back any of the surviving Clan Lavellan spies. No one survived, and Aura got caught up helping the refugees in the Hinterlands. What would their companion card look like? A take on the ace of wands. She would be holding onto her staff that is sprouting with new growth and little flower buds. Some of the leaves have been taken by the wind and are drifting toward a darkening horizon. Recruitment mission: Find the Dalish Healer- The Herald will approach Varric in Haven and he would say something like “There is a…friend of a friend in the Hinterlands that wants in on the Inquisition, a Dalish girl that set up camp near the crossroads. She’s out there helping the wounded, maybe she could be of use. Adan could sure use the help.” Aura would be found at a little camp just outside the crossroads tending to several sick/hurt people. She will be wary of anyone armed approaching, but will be excited to learn it is the Inquisition. The Herald can comment on her being a Dalish mage in the middle of a war zone, to which she will reply, “I can handle myself.” She’s eager to help, but there is the option to refuse or accept her. If accepted, she will make sure the people under her care are better before meeting the Herald in Haven. Where they would be in Skyhold / Haven: In Haven, Aura would be found in the apothecary helping Adan. At Skyhold, she will be found in the gardens, often planting things. Personal quests: Basically just of playable version of Protect Clan Lavellan. Quest 1: A War Table mission where Aura will ask the inquisitor to help her look into some strange bandit attacks her clan has been experiencing. If the inquisitor does, they will find out that they were hired by the Duke of Wycome. Quest 2: After the war table mission is complete, Aura will beg the inquisitor to come with her to help to protect her clan. If the inquisitor refuses, Aura will GREATLY disapprove. If the inquisitor agrees to go, they will confront the Duke of Wycome which ends in his death and basically saving the city from Red lyrium poison. Aura is reunited with the Keeper in a very personal moment where the Inquisitor gets to see just how close they are to each other. The rest of her clan expresses their approval, which is something Aura never experienced from them. The inquisitor gets a fancy new Dalish inspired staff (Its Aura’s grandmother’s and, I mean, should really go to Aura. Just sayin’.) Quest 3: Not really a quest, just a follow up cutscene. If the inquisitor refused to help Aura they find out that her grandmother has died, along with the rest of her clan. She is distraught and says that she should have been there for her people. There is no chance for the inquisitor to romance her with this outcome. If the inquisitor helped, Aura will tell them that her clan is doing well, along with the elves in Wycome. She will tell them how grateful she is for their help and their friendship.This is where the inquisitor can lock her romance! Commence happy smooches!
How to get their approval: Helping people will get you mega approval with Aura. Any dialogue option where the inquisitor is just nice to her? She was always a bit of a loner and will jump at the chance to have a friend. Also, commending her sensitivity! She needs the support! She will approve of allying with the mages or disbanding the Templars, allying with the Grey Wardens, forcing the Orlesians into a public truce, doing the rituals in temple. She will also approve of judgments the Inquisitor carries out if the prisoner’s life is spared. How to get their disapproval: Dialogue options that berate her or are just plain mean. Killing people who could be saved. Indirectly killing her grandmother by brushing of her personal quest. She will generally disapprove of a power driven Inquisitor. Are they romanceable? YES! Someone please love her! She gives soft, slow kisses in the gardens ;) Can you have sex with them? Yis. Are they open to polyamoury? No.
If they can be romanced and are not, will they begin a relationship / relationships with other character(s)? If so, who? If she nor Solas are romanced by the quizzy, she will fall for the pretty elven man. If Solas is romanced she will fall for the giant hunky beard man, Blackwall. If none of them are romanced, it would just depend on who got to who first in the party banter MWAHAHAHA. Who are they friendly with? Solas, Cole, Blackwall, Sera, and and Dorian, Josie, Varric….and just EVERYONE. Who do they dislike? No one! She wants to be friends with everyone.  Companion card changes: (use a text descrip. if you have no images) Loyalty: A version of The Star: A giant star illuminates the night sky. She’s at the edge of a river, her staff in full bloom in one hand, rain falling from the other hand into the river. (I need to find someone doing tarot commissions!) Romance: (if any) Same as loyalty. The love of a friend is just as powerful to her as the love of a, well, lover lol. Side Missions: (eg: fetch / gather / kill quests) Help Aura find 5 rare herbs. Find various herbs across the map. Extra approval if she is in the party.  Once completed, a new type of health potion can be equipped. Opinions on mages / templars / how the world is going to shit? Very distrustful of the Chantry and Templars, mostly because she does not completely understand them. She does not hate them, and would not refuse to help either side. She just knows how magic was handled in her clan  and is strongly against locking people away and treating them as less than, no matter who they are. She is terrified of Corypheus and what his plans are, but wants to do whatever she can to makes sure they don’t happen. She’d rather be in the thick of the disaster, trying to help, than sitting by watching the world fall apart. Something guaranteed to make them leave the party: An evil inquisitor. She would have a limit to how much she could disapprove before leaving. Like a combination of not doing her quest and killing the Sentinels would for sure push her over the edge. Wanna see an Aura cry giant, angry anime tears? Let her grandmother die or kill the sentinels. Special Events: Imprisoned at Redcliffe: How is your Inquisitor holding up in Redcliffe, being slowly infected with red lyrium over the course of a year? Not very well. She would be near lost to madness, lying on the floor in a cell, murmuring to herself about being useless. She will think she has completely lost her mind when the Herald and Dorian approach and say she is just “seeing things again.” When told they are trying to fix things she will pick herself up and agree to help. At the Winter Palace: Does your Inquisitor enjoy the party, any special events with them at the Palace? *In this AU ball gowns are a thing!* Aura would be tucked away in the guest garden, trying to stay away from the gawking Orlesians. She would be very nervous and uncomfortable at the beginning of the night, commenting: “These puffy sleeves are awful. I almost knocked over an antique vase! *nervous laugh*.” However, after a few drinks she will actually start to enjoy herself. She’ll giggle and attempt to whisper “I took my shoes off.” To a romanced Inquisitor : *hiccups* “Can we dance later?!” Or if she is with Solas or Blackwall and they are in the party: 
Inquisitor: “You’re blushing!”
Aura: “Am I?! *laughs* “Solas/Blackwall asked me to dance…”
In the Fade: Your Inquisitor’s reaction upon entering the Fade? Archdemon’s taunt, and Inquisitor’s response? Epitaph on their grave? Aura would be terrified initially. Anything she had experienced in the Fade prior to this would not compare. She does not handle the energy of that particular area of the fade well. It makes her feel nauseous. The Nightmare would probably say something like, “Silly girl, how could you possibly be of any help. You can’t even keep yourself together.” To which is would respond,“You don’t know me.” Her gravestone would read “Weakness” Trespasser: What is your Inquisitor up to two years after Corypheus’ defeat? Any special events with them over the events of Trespasser? If romanced by the Inquisitor, she would stay by their side, helping anyway she could, especially with the worsening condition of the anchor. They can get married in Trespasser! If Solas left her *sobs* she would have gone back to her clan for a while. She would make her way back to the Hinterlands, run her own little clinic, and help people there get back on their feet. She would still end up living alone in a little cottage there. If she was with Blackwall, now Thom, they both would have gone back to the Free Marches together for a while. Thom makes his reconciliations, she reconnects with her clan. They have a small Dalish wedding <3. They would still come back to the Hinterlands and share her little cottage.. And you know…there’s the possibility she could end up his widow *sobbing intensifies*.
Tagging @ladylike-foxes @buttsonthebeach @dreadhobo @mistressdreadwolf (only if you want) and anyone else who sees this! PLEASE TAG ME!  This is such a fun meme and I LOVE reading them!
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sleepymarmot · 7 years
Adventures in house-hunting, gardening, and modding, feat. Lakeview Manor & Breezehome
A lot of the stuff in the previous post was happening on my way back to Whiterun to finally buy a house here... I do a favor for a jarl here and suddenly buy land from him. Okay...
The garden is pretty disappointing. I'm excited to grow ingredients, but I expected it to be pretty! Wild flowers are pretty and grow near each other, this looks terrible. I hoped to have my own colorful patch of flowers that attacts butterflies and bees... And why can't I grow a full size juniper tree if I want?
Also the interface flickers between "harvest" and "re-plant" pretty fast, and the harvest option doesn't have the enhanced UI mod's captions :(
It's also slightly immersion breaking that I can smith with only an anvil, but no proper forge. And I generally don't feel safe leaving it all out in the open, especially in the middle of nowhere...
Why can't I dismiss a steward without a mod?!
Why do I have to build an entire useless hall if I just want an arcane enchanter and an alchemy lab?
It's completely absurd that I can build a bedroom OR a greenhouse OR an enchanting tower. What if I want all of these, but none of the east wing options?
I finally reached Whiterun and bought Breezehome... Time to waste several hours on deciding between different mods, namely Breezehome TNF - Elianora's Flavour and Breezehome FullyUpgradable.
TNF works out of the box and is very beautiful. My favourite things are planters inside and outside the house, part pre-planted so they look pretty already, part free for me to choose. A detail that instantly made me like the mod before I even entered the house: chimney from the basement forge. And the tower is also very cool, obviously (with more planters!!). But sometimes it can be too much, like that armory with red carpet. That said, I love the bath; it's obscenely luxurious, but I feel like my Argonian needs it.
FullyUpgradeable: Garden! That was my biggest selling point from the screenshots. It looks like I expected the vanilla gardens to look. It's convenient to have all crafting stations in the same room, though the guy is right: who the hell puts a smelter and a tanning rack in their basement?! Another plus is that the vanilla alchemy table on the second floor was replaced by a generic "study", so I can replace it with the children's room without hesitation. All upgrades have to be bought separately which makes it feel less like cheating. But it took a long time, I kept running out of money and missing the dialogue I needed -- which had only happened once or twice in the entire game before this mod! And I didn't really need all the storage -- I carry everything in my infinite inventory -- and without all upgrades, the basement looks too big and bare. When I first came down there, it was like a freaking metro station! Not to mention the rest of the lower area -- I was just looking for a small convenient house... Speaking of storage, the alchemy and enchantment containers are cool but I'm not about to return here for every single slow potion or banishment iron dagger! I live and work everywhere and this is just one of my stations, no reason to keep my resources here.
I wanted to try out every Hearthfire option myself, but watched videos instead and came to the conclusion that the vanilla houses are irreparably empty and ugly. The only thing I want to build is the greenhouse because it attracts insects, plus the two crafting tables -- is it worth to build a giant hall just for that? I'd be better off with a modded house that is pretty and useful from the start, instead of trying to polish this turd. There are mods for Hearthfire that swap the contents of the wings but is it worth it? Like, when it comes to mods I struggle choose the most beautiful option, and with the vanilla house I search for the least shitty.
I wonder if I can duplicate the "fertile soil" with Jaxonz Positioner... If so then I can make my Lakeview garden more lush and copy it over to Breezehome, right? And I should also try the version by Lupus since it's intentionally simpler which I want too. I actually like the simple and cozy vanilla Breezehome, and I'd like to preserve the general feeling, just with some polish and practical additions. I don't get why I'd need display cases or mannequins -- especially since they can glitch and start walking around! I prefer furniture that doesn't give me heart attacks, thank you very much!
The following testing was all done with FullyUpgradeable.
Okay, copying fertile soil doesn't work. This page recommends the "build fertile soil/planters" mod that I've already been eyeing.
Jaxonz cant't multiselect, but turns out there are other options! Cobb Positioner + Atronach Crossing looks powerful... I don't even think this is cheating at this point, the amount of effort is no less than buying stuff through the vanilla mechanics.
Testing Cobb Positioner. First of all, it can't copy-paste. Second, I wanted multiselect specifically for moving potted plants, and it selected the pot with no problem but managed to select a plant only once in all of my attempts. Third, I can't move the crafting equipment in the house ("Can't select this object, something is blocking it"); their counterparts in the city and other interactible objects work fine. It's probably because the modded Breezehome ones are molded into the house just like the fence.
Oh right, there's "Select console ref" for the normally unselectable objects! Now it doesn't even want to select the pot without that, lol. But it doesn't work well on plants, either: leaves stuff behind. I could move parts of the fence that way, but the crafting equipment still returns error messages.
Testing Craftable Hearthfire Planters. It requires Campfire which I don't need and which also for some reason conflicts with Simply Knock (why?!) The "Fertile Soil" activator is in a very large radius around the planter. Every time I activate the soil, it also shows the planter's "What do you do? Use/Pick Up/Exit" even if it doesn't have a pot. I can't move the soil with Cobb Positioner (but maybe I’m doing something wrong).
Atronach doesn't have fences :( Bye then
So, here's the interaction between the positioners and the fertile soil (both vanilla ones and the craftable mod ones). When you move the soil with something planted in it, the plant stays behind. It stays until respawn in about three days, when the old plant is deleted and replaced with a new one. The plant respawns even if it wasn't harvested and doesn't need to refresh the model. While the plant is waiting to respawn, it can be moved to the new spot separately. All of this is probably ABCs to anyone familiar with this game's mechanics, but I needed to see it for myself.
What if I planted the garden by simple copy-pasting, without reusable fertile soil? It'd be more of a pain to re-plant it, of course. And it'd be almost purely for aesthetics, not harvesting. Normal plants respawn after 10 days and only if you don't visit the cell at all during that time; Hearthfire plants respawn every three days and you only need to leave the cell once.
Tried House Decorations - Plants and Flowers. The plant and the planter are a single active object that can be taken -- so, they can’t be harvested at all, and they’re bad decoration because the “take” message appears every time you mouse over them which is almost as irritating as Craftable Hearthfire Planters. Pass...
I think my Whiterun is broken. It refuses to reset after 10 days -- plants can’t be harvested, dead bodies lie in the middle of the street. I’ve noticed that the plants have never reset before, but I thought it was because of the bug Flora Respawn Fix would solve. But it’s like the entire cell is stuck. The flowers inside my house, Arcadia’s Cauldron’s shelves and all merchants’s inventories reset normally. Now I’m waiting for 30 days to see if that does the trick, even though it shouldn’t. Why make the player wait at all irl? I’m so tired of all this troubleshooting. I want to go back to adventures. 
At least I found out that toggling free camera (tfc) makes waiting much quicker for some reason. Isn’t it possible to make a fast waiting mod based on that -- whenever player activates waiting, toggle camera back and forth?
I read advice on the internet to fast travel and wait in another location (I was waiting in houses inside the city and just outside the city walls). I came back, and it worked! The bodies disappeared and the “normal” lavender in the city (that was in the game from the start) respawned.
My test plants didn’t respawn -- but I finally figured out why! That’s because I copied them from the planters. I guess they’re just dummies without any respawn mechanic of their own, all scipts are inside the planter. Should have figured that out sooner, since even the models are different, and they respawn where the planter is, not the original plant... Eh, better late than never. Whew, that’s a relief! Of course this makes things a bit more complicated -- I thought I’d just grow stuff in a pot and then move it to open ground. But now looks like I have to bring them from their natural habitat. Can Jaxonz positioner go across load screens? I think it has a function to put items in the inventory. I guess I can just spawn anything I want with the console, somehow this option has never even occured to me during all this... But I guess this feels too cheaty. The point is not to build a Super Cheating Free Alchemy Area to break my game. The point is to make my property as pretty, functional and customized as possible. I can’t do it irl, let me at least have a house and garden of my dreams in a game! Give me my wish fulfillment!!!
Alright, I think I’ll stick with Breezehome by Lupus, at least for now. It’s simple and cozy so it doesn’t look drastically more luxurious than the rest of Whiterun and fits my character’s progression -- when I get obscenely rich, maybe I upgrade to a more overwrought mod. I like the rustic style -- and it’s very green with a lot of ivy (which I wish I could take...) and hanging moss. I kinda like that most of the clutter is bolted to the shelves -- in other houses I took all of the pretty gems and stuff out of habit / to see if they respawn somehow, which ruined the design, and it’d be hard to stop myself from doing that repeatedly.
Finally, I could leave Whiterun and take care of my other house. I completed my plans -- built an animal pen, made Lydia a steward and was about to move on... but it felt wrong. This isn’t a “manor” for me -- it’s a tiny refuge away from busy streets. I just come here to tend to my garden, craft something, rest for a bit and then be on my way. Why invite a stranger to live here, why make it a farm?
(And then, visiting Whiterun next time, I discovered that Lydia invites herself to Breezehome anyway. And I feel so possessive of them after all this trouble... Oh well.)
I did build an apiary, that fit the image. And now I think... I’m done? The garden is pretty good now with More soils for Hearthfires gardens -- though it’s hard to make picturesque because the plants come more or less in only two sizes. Maybe I should try to enlarge some of them... I started bringing stuff to decorate the house both inside and outside, so it looks more inhabited now. I even managed to bring some ivy at last! So I think I’m finally ready to return to the game proper -- I have only discovered about half of the major locations and they’re getting old!
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