#I say this as a Reonagi shipper
hiorintruther · 2 years
If I ever go on a tirade of Reo slander during the next few eps know it comes from a place of love and I just want to see the best for my boy. Sometimes people need a bit of tough love to make them see sense 😑
After this is all over I want popcorn for myself, ice cream, tissues and a emotional support for Reo (we’re having a slumber party to cheer him up, anyone joining?) and a steel chair for Nagi :)
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linnaearosie · 4 months
Why can I have otp that is popular!? I love love blue lock and I think main characters are great. So why am I shipping egonoa? Like there are literally 50 or more ships with isagi or reonagi or ryusae or egoxanri. They have more fan content, some of them are having so many on page interactions.
Is it because egonoa is in canon blueprint of dinamic presents in other ships? Is it because like it or not isagi is combination of both of them ( canon rivaly child (diffrent kind of love child)) ? Or am I simply living for possible tragic backstory?
I don't know but if not for their relationship in universe blue lock wouldn't exist. If ego didn't fail to beat noa and aclimate ( assuming story about young player who returned to japan to play in third league is about ego) this whole best striker experiment wouldn't be needed.
I wish that with season 2 coming and possibly covering begining of nel egonoa will gain more fans. Please.
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lakeside-paradise · 2 months
Sae and Rin's relationship actually causes me so much pain. They were so happy when they were little (Mostly. See near the end for more elaboration on that).
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They grew up together with soccer making them so strong as a pair. Rin was never meant to play soccer. It just so happened that he was completely fascinated by his brother's skills. He first kicked a ball when his brother was unable to score a goal after getting his scoring range cut off. After that, they were a pair. And when Sae was given that golden opportunity in Spain, they were still so happy. Rin was happy for Sae, and Sae was excited about where his soccer career would go.
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The pride in Rin's eyes honestly breaks my heart, because he has that same smile when he gets to see Sae back after so long. But when he does come back, he's not the same brother that Rin recognised. He was lost, exhausted, crushed underfoot with his dream squashed and manipulated because the people in Spain were too strong, and he had to bow to them. Rin had never seen his brother like that before.
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He looks completely empty here. They must have been the worst four years in his life, and despite the fact that he loves his brother so dearly, it must crush him to see Rin carrying on with his dream. Rin still wants to be a striker, but from Sae's point of view, that was a dream he could no longer have despite his skill being so much stronger than Rin's. So maybe he wanted to protect him. Maybe he wanted to encourage him in his own broken way. Maybe he didn't want Rin to look up to him anymore because he was so different to the brother than Rin knew and loved. Either way, Sae shattered their relationship that night. And Rin was crushed.
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But he's not like his brother. He continued to believe that he could be the best in the world, but that's no longer because he wants to fight alongside Sae to be the best. He wants to break Sae in the same way that he broke Rin. His love for soccer turned to hatred, which is why he never looks happy while playing anymore. He played soccer just because Sae told him that he could, that he could be the second best in the world, by Sae's side forever. (Sound familiar, ReoNagi shippers?) Sae's dream changed, Rin's withered. Now they have their own separate goals.
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When they see each other again for the first time in years, Rin lets his hatred show through, glaring at Sae as if trying to get his attention, to show him how much he hates him, how far he's come without his brother. But Sae doesn't even look at him. He doesn't give Rin what he wants, and that isn't because he doesn't care. At least, in my opinion. No, he just doesn't want to do anything that will stop Rin's hatred for him or make it even worse.
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On the pitch, Rin has the same expression, still so angry and obsessed with beating his brother once and for all. But Sae is professional, treating Rin like he's just another opponent to beat, just another person to get through. That's why he's able to beat Rin one on one the first time around. He doesn't have any feelings for Rin on the pitch, unlike Rin's obsessive hatred.
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Sae's biggest weapon against his brother is his words. It could be both a direct attack against Rin, like the day that Sae came back from Spain and used his words and his insults to break his brother's resolve and determination. Back then, Sae used any weapon he could to destroy Rin's love of soccer, making sure that Rin wouldn't look up to him ever again. And in the past, it really did work.
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Now I'm not gonna lie, if someone I loved and looked up to that much said something like that to me, it would absolutely destroy me as well. For four years, Rin had dedicated his training and soccer games to be a striker who could match Sae, who could play alongside him and support him. But after seeing his brother for the first time in all those years, all he had to say to his little brother was that he was a defective product, that he wasn't needed.
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This time, Rin doesn't let Sae take advantage of his mental state. He doesn't allow the insults to get to him. He knows what his abilities are and how good a player he is. And after being crushed by Sae's ego and words years ago, he isn't going to let that happen to him again. He uses that new outlook and his newfound 'Flow State' to completely dominate the field until his final block against his brother left the ball to Yoichi Isagi, allowing him to score that incredible last goal.
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Now, their reactions after the game are just so interesting to me. Rin finally beat his brother, he finally got what he wanted. His brother walks over to him, speaks to him, acknowledges Rin for the first time that game with gentleness and for a second, Rin thinks for just a second that they can carry on as before. Sae will be the number one striker, and Rin will follow just behind. But once again, Sae can't keep eye contact with him. He knows he won't be able to be the player that Rin wants, so he tells him to focus on Yoichi Isagi instead, to work with him instead. But that's not what Rin wants, and once again, he feels crushed by his brother.
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His ego takes over once again and he lashes out at the person who Sae told him to play alongside. From the very beginning, Blue Lock and everyone inside were just stepping stones for him to overpower and beat until he was able to play soccer with his brother and show him how much he had changed from that one day in the snow. But Sae refused to acknowledge that, he didn't want his brother to be dragged down by him, and so Rin continued to hate him, and his way of playing soccer wouldn't go back to how it was before.
Now. There were a few things that didn't make sense to me in the U20 game, such as Sae mentioning Rin's 'Flow State'. According to the manga, there was no reason that Sae should have seen this state before, especially since they only really learned what 'Flow' meant in Chapter 111 (If I'm correct). But Sae mentions being familiar with it:
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I spent a long time trying to figure out what Sae meant by "You can still make that face, huh. What's with you?" I just assumed he meant that Rin could still continue with that determination even when Sae kept blocking him over and over again and Rin never being able to get past. But with Chapter 270 and 271 coming out, it sure explains a lot more. Rin had had a similar facial expression a few times before, back when he was little.
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For reasons that aren't clear yet, Rin had been quite a heavy-handed child, breaking toys constantly whenever he got too excited and began to show a strong interest in death as a whole and being able to die after killing someone stronger than him. I'll talk more about that just a little bit later. But this is a clear example of a premature 'Flow State', with Rin getting far too caught up in his own actions, like during that soccer game, where he was barely aware of his own surroundings, but fully aware at the same time. Sae recognised it all too well.
Their relationship as kids were, like I said before, overwhelmingly positive, mostly. Sae had inspired Rin to play soccer, and Rin was someone who could work alongside Sae and help him in ways that other players couldn't, making them an unstoppable duo, also making it seem like they were the only other players on the entire pitch. But that wasn't just it. I'm not sure about their parents as a whole, but their father keeps ringing warning bells in my head.
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The way their father is standing behind them makes me nervous, just like it does with Rin. Here, Rin doesn't seem like a guilty child who just doesn't want to tell the truth. He seems worried about what his parents might do or say, which is why he also asks Sae if he thinks they will be angry. Sae notices that Rin looks afraid and uncertain, so he steps in to reassure him and take the blame instead.
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As an abuse survivor with an older sibling who took the blame for me as much as I took the blame for them growing up, I can see a similar attitude here. Rin's uncertain fidgeting, Sae instantly taking the blame and then sticking his tongue at Rin to reassure him all seems like a sibling trying to protect them from abuse or something similar. And while his father saying "Come here for a bit, Sae." could just mean Sae needing to fix the toys that 'he' broke (as we see toys fixed later), it still makes me uncomfortable.
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Anyway. Like I mentioned, Sae will do anything to protect and reassure his brother, which is why he tries to comfort Rin in his own way when he got upset about being treated like he was weird. The last thing that Sae wants is for Rin to be upset, so he's always there to comfort him.
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But despite how close they are and how fiercely protective Sae is when it comes to Rin, I can't help but think there are times that Rin scares Sae, especially when he mentions his new fascination with death and becoming excited at the thought of destroying someone else and then dying himself. When Sae hears that, he looks visibly worried and a little scared, and considering the fact that he's just a kid as well, it's understandable that he'd look so worried.
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We also know from this chapter that Rin has hurt himself several times in order to get himself used to the feeling of being broken down and beaten. It's likely that this was the first time that Sae had heard anything like that from Rin, so it must have been worrying to him to see his little brother always coming home hurt. As much as Sae tries to protect his little brother from the world and how terrifying it could be, it must have been the first time that Sae doubted he could protect his brother from something like that.
Anyway. That concludes my long-ass essay of the Itoshi siblings. I had to cut down on a few details because I hit the image limit and I'm sure there were still some things I missed out. But here it is.
Edit because I saw an amazing post from @animentality :
I was putting a lot of heavy emphasis on Sae and the way he completely crushed Rin's dreams, but I don't think I put enough emphasis on Sae himself.
He was completely crushed by the time he came back. You put it wonderfully when you said that Sae looked like he wanted to die. He looked like he had lost everything, and in a way, he did. No, he wasn't right for what he said or did, but at the same time, he had been completely broken down, and Rin wasn't helping him. It's understandable that Rin would be excited that his brother had returned, but like you also said, Rin should have read the room and Sae's mood.
At that moment, Sae really didn't need to hear about Rin and everything that had been happening. He needed Rin to reassure him and tell him that they didn't need to talk about soccer at that moment. Their dreams could wait while Sae got the rest he needed and deserved, to recover his sense of self, to try to gain back everything that he lost.
But Rin, in all his innocence, didn't give Sae that reassurance, and considering that Sae had had his dream destroyed in Spain, why would he think that Rin's dream would be able to stay afloat, especially since he always saw himself second to Sae.
Both had a part to play in that argument, and Sae went too far. That's for certain. But Rin also went too far, and that can't be denied. Not only that, Rin started it. Both were responsible for the way their relationship shattered and not all the blame can be put on either party.
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lazysublimeengineer · 2 months
Probably one of my last posts about the Blue Lock movie and Nagireo/Reonagi in general because half of the fandom had watched this movie in the past and already shared their thoughts on this matter.
Pros about this movie is that it explored more of Nagi and Reo's thoughts about each other and how it validated some of the viewer's thoughts that due to their personality differences and temperament, it easily led to their miscommunication most of the time. I like that we were shown that Nagi isn't really a cold and lazy bastard in this movie. He cares for Reo in his own way. But most of the time he doesn't verbalized his thoughts and he shows it mostly through his actions rather than his words. A lot of people had stated that he wasn't that much invested in his partnership with Reo and I have to disagree with that. He cares about Reo a lot. Reo is the first person who has shown genuine interest in a slacker like him. Although Nagi is a passive character most of the time, he has an attitude that he won't be doing anything that he doesn't worth his time or doesn't his get his personal interest. He was going along with Reo's whims and wishes even though they're a hassle to him because being with Reo isn't a hassle after all. He doesn't like seeing Reo upset or sad as evident in their match against Team Z when Reo's face was in despair because of the possibility of losing against them so he made an effort to think and made an action for himself independent of Reo's strategy and judgment in the field.
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Nagi acting and saying mean things to Reo during the second selection like "you're a pain in the ass" is a knee jerk reaction. He was hurt by Reo's constant reaction of being displeased and angry over his actions of choosing Isagi's team rather than staying with him because he thought Reo would understand what he was doing and how it would benefit both of them in the long run. He doesn't mean those things. When a person is hurt they tend to say or do things recklessly and would often regret after and that's why he's apologizing to Reo in his head (I REALLY PREFER HIM TO SAY SORRY TO REO VERBALLY BUT THAT'S FOR ANOTHER STORY). Nagi cares about Reo. A lot. He's just shit at verbalizing it to him. But he's shown it in his nonverbal cues and being a practical person in situations that calls for it.
Now for Reo it's an interesting matter. Because in the movie we were shown his more genuine and vulnerable side. The fandom always thought that he was a spoiled, possessive brat. But he was more than that. WHEN REO CARES FOR A PERSON. HE CARES. A LOT. IT'S INTENSE. IT'S ALL OR NOTHING. HE WILL GIVE IT ALL. NAGI IS HIS FIRST GENUINE FRIEND (IF YOU'RE A NAGIREO SHIPPER THEN YOU CAN INTERPRET THIS AS HIS S.O. OR WHATEVER). He believes in Nagi's talent and skill. He was the first person who saw his genuine potential and immediately shut down Ego's words against Nagi before entering the program. He caters to Nagi's needs most of the time. To the point that he coddles and spoils him (nothing wrong with that but it backfired on Reo during Blue Lock because that isn't what Nagi needs to be awakened at that moment). When Reo was hurt and was lashing out at Nagi it was a normal reaction of a person who was genuinely hurt by their actions. Because Nagi's decision was out of the blue. Plus the fact that Nagi made him promise of to stick to each other til the end, then THAT HAPPENS, REO WOULD FEEL BETRAYED ABOUT IT. I wouldn't invalidate his emotions and thoughts about that moment because that's his genuine reaction to that situation and Reo didn't even had a public nervous breakdown. It's just him moping around during the second selection but he still made an effort to be the tactician and strategizer in every match that they went into when he teamed up with Chigiri and Kunigami during the second selection. So, people need to calm the fuck down about accusing Reo of overreacting because he is not. It's a part of his character that makes him well rounded and more human. And that makes him more intriguing and interesting.
Now for the cons of the movie.
It will work as a side anime tbh.
There I said it.
As a Blue Lock fan, I was impressed by the first half of the movie then it was a let down in the last half because the scenes were too compressed and it was more of a fast forward of scenes that we already saw in the season 1 of the anime.
They should've made the U20 arc a movie honestly. It would work more as a movie rather than a second season of the anime.
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bythewillows · 2 years
I'm happy I can find a reonagi shipper that doesn't hate nagi's guts lmao. Do you think there's potential for them to end up together (in a general sense, like friends) and build a healthy relationship?
I'm tired of everyone on twitter expecting nagi to mess up again and hating him, and i know it's a possibility, but i want to see some character progression and not them making the same mistakes of the past (considering nagi DOES feel apologetic)
I don't want to think he's gonna toss reo away again like nothing, like so many people say in twitter. It's clear that they don't progress in football when they're together, but that doesn't mean their relationship has to be broken as a whole.
But anyway, i came here to let it all out, twitter is so stressful and even the reonagi shippers are sure of this happening
I completely understand my dude!!! Coming here after feeding off mostly twt for discussions was like a breath of fresh air haha, made me take a step back and realize "hey these two kids just SUCK at communicating" ☠️
First off (long rant incoming), yea it does seem to be a general consensus among reonagi/nagireo twt that Nagi's gonna "throw reo away in breakup part 3" after they lost to Isagi again, even after teaming up at their bests, n it do be a downer. As someone w a similar expressive style to Nagi (basically, bad at verbal communication and taking social cues) I can't hate him for what he did to Reo bc from his pov and with his personality it makes sense how he reacted, even if it was cruel and hurtful to someone he considers a close friend. Especially a friend who treated him like Reo did, which is why everyone's pissed off. But people forget that Nagi didn't even have friends before Reo, and that he probably wouldn't know he was being hurtful (other than the "you're a pain, idc anymore" line bc wtf bro but in hindsight he's a teenager who 1) doesn't think things through, 2) acts on instinct and 3) v rarely feels strongly on anything in the first place, so Reo telling him he didn't care abt the two things that got him into football, Reo's dream and Reo himself, probably tipped him over). Does it make all the suffering Reo went through alright? No, ofc not, and Reo should get an actual apology from his blockhead partner, but it's rlly sad to see so many people hating on Nagi for being 17 years old with no empathy skills (he says he and his parents are more like friends bc of how little they interact,,,,his best friend before Reo was a cactus,,,,give the boy a pass 😭).
((((spoilers for after the bllk manga ch202 here so if you haven't caught up or read the leaks pls be warned!!))))
Personally, I think they will end up together for sure, playing side by side once their character arcs are fully fleshed out (bc they're PARTNERS DAMMIT, THE SPINOFF CH8 LIVES RENT FREE IN MY HEAD)—but whether they stay together after the Manshine v Bastard match can go either way. We saw how well they played together and how the entire Bastard team couldn't stop their first goal against Isagi, showing how powerful their partnership can be, but it didn't last. Even if reonagi are completely in sync, Isagi could still shut them down over and over again (and even Kaiser could see what they were doing) after that first goal bc of two things: Nagi hasn't evolved his ego, and Reo devoted his extremely adaptable (therefore unpredictable) playstyle to accommodate what Nagi would want best at the moment. Because of this, Isagi and anyone with metavision who gets a read on what kind of player Nagi is has the ability to counter whatever they do—because Reo will do whatever Nagi wants to do, and will always favor Nagi. He said it himself, making Nagi the best striker is his new ego and that all other players are second to him, but this is detrimental to both of them because it makes them even worse than how they were in the first selection. Back then, Nagi could still direct plays while playing with Reo once pushed and Reo still wanted to score goals himself (the spinoff expands on this further when they play against other teams and w/ zantetsu), but now that they've both levelled up their skillsets (and bc Nagi likes succeeding + is frustrated that his game making isn't good enough yet), they've turned into an actual codependent team up in which Nagi relies entirely on Reo's creativity while Reo only focuses on Nagi scoring instead of him scoring, even when he has the opportunity to.
It's...bad. Even Ego pointed out how the We Beat Isagi Goal™️ would test Nagi's ego, bc he won't feel compelled to try harder anymore, and that that goal could never be replicated bc the conditions were too perfect both emotionally and physically, so even if Nagi was at his peak at that point, he would no longer evolve past now since his goal of "beating Isagi" was completed in such a memorable way. Nagi is basically stagnant and every other player with metavision can take advantage of that.
Reo, on the other hand, is on the other side of this and evolving extremely rapidly. During Yukimiya's final goal against Manshine, Reo had actually seen through Isagi's pass and moved to stop Yukimiya from scoring (but was tragically a step too late, my poor 99% boi, kaneshiro-sensei pls stop making him take Ls) and even Isagi was shocked he could!!! Reo's raw adaptability is growing to be a real menace and his main motive for evolving this entire time has been for Nagi, to get him back and to get Nagi to acknowledge him as the one who's best for him—so what'll happen when Reo gets to a point where his evolution is so great that when he looks back, Nagi is still at the same place he was during the Manshine v Bastard match? When he comes to a realization that the guy who's literally his own motivation to evolve isn't even trying to keep up with him bc he doesn't have any motivation himself?
I'm p sure you've read this already but @okkottsus has a rlly great analysis on reonagi n their skills + dynamic that puts it into words better than I can ☠️
If you haven't tho pls do it's amazing (and even has pictures!!):
So yea, imo, after a bunch of character development (on mostly Nagi's end bc he's stayed p much the same other than actually liking playing football after the team z vs v match) they'll get back together, but as for now I'm p sure they'll have at least one more break 😭 it's sad but it'll be good for them in the long run and above all else I just want both Reo and Nagi to be happy and healthy for each other. It's weird to hate on or blame one of them for their fallouts bc they're such a complex relationship and they both care for each other a lot in their own ways but oh well, people have opinions *shrugs*.
Anyway I hope this loosely related bunch of rambling is what you were looking for anon!! Ty for the ask, I'm also vv happy every time I see a reonagi shipper who loves both boys and it's always nice to talk abt them <3
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
For the shipping bingo board, Rin/Isagi, Kunigami/Chigiri & Nagi/Reo :3
Woo, a fun one!
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Listen. They are The ship because they are divorced and soulmates at the same time. I love that energy they have going on. Their dynamic got sidetracked with the neo egoist arc and kaiser's introduction as isagi's new foil/rival, but imho bllk peaked when these two were still navigating how to coexist with each other and simultaneously come on top of each other. What I like about their dynamic is that is balanced. While isagi makes an effort to understand rin and work with him instead of for him like everyone else, isagi also doesn't coddle him or tries to fix him.
They are equally deranged for football and their skill levels are different, but on the field they push and challenge each other in ways that other dynamics simply don't, imho. I never get the feeling from them that either one has fully caught up to the other, and that's part of why I like them so much. They barely tolerate each other, yet they're the closest thing to actual teamwork this manga will ever have. What I love about them is that despite being polar opposite in basically every respect (personalities, family curcumstances, attitude towards others), they're also very in-synch because on the field they see the same view and think the same way. Everyone always says that kaisagi is the dbhwks equivalent of bllk, but to me that's rinsagi. Enemies that have way too much in common and don't want to admit it.
Plus I find it funny that they're both lowkey-highkey touch averse so that makes imagining them as a couple fairly fun :')
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This is where I'm conflicted because this is a very very small fandom, and the bloggers who actively talk here (here being tumblr or discord) as opposed to just... Sharing things are almost all kncg shippers. For the sake of finding fandom friends, I tried liking this ship. Believe me, I did! But it just isn't hitting for me. And the thing is, I can see the appeal. They have the same tragic angle of friends separed that nagireo and bachisagi do, except it's even more tragic because one of them is almost eliminated! Plus the whole "came back wrong" potential angle! I should be shipping them! I live for angst and for hurt/comfort! But I just... I don't know. I find them a bit bland, and it doesn't help that I hate with a passion the nickname "princess" and you just cannot avoid it in this corner of the fandom
I guess I will try harder, maybe eventually I will find out the fic that will convert me
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This is where I reveal myself as unhinged because they have completely hijacked my brain. I STARTED SHIPPING THEM AS A JOKE. because it was funny. And then I read episode nagi. And then somehow they became my biggest comfort ship ever??? They can barely communicate. They actively make each other worse (at least as far as blue lock themes go. They'd be fine in a different manga). How did this happen.
Ahem. Without writing (another) essay on them (check my meta tag for those), I will say that I am absolutely feral about these two. They're fun because they are so Weird. They're the best friends to lovers trope but they can't talk to each other at all. Miscommunication is their daily bread. They're rivals who can't help being wrapped around each other's fingers. One moment they're trying to progress as their own individuals, the next they're back to being codependent. They exemplify so many of the themes of blue lock and one day I'm gonna write a whole essay on it. Like I'm not even kidding, reonagi, bachisagi and rinsae are all faces of the same coin. I'm convinced Kaneshiro introduced them all to drive home the idea that the best striker in the world cannot live for someone else's success, and those three dynamics are different stages of self awareness in that respect. In that respect I think all three are integral to the series and that's why they're the most nuanced dynamics of the show
But as for nagireo itself? I know they will make me miserable eventually because I want them to be a team and that will never happen (well, if you don't take into account how they're both likely to make it to the u20 proper at least). But still. If I didn't like pain I wouldn't be shipping them in the first place I guess
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ask-mikage-reo · 30 days
Hello! ☆
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I'm Reo Mikage, the Heir to the Mikage Corporation and a player in Blue Lock! I thought it would be fun to make an account and let you guys ask me questions!
Some rules I have and things to know:
— I am a minor! Please don't send anything suggestive or NSFW.
— Don't be hateful to anyone or anything. That means no racism, sexism, homophobia etc, but also don't spread negativity! My blog is a positive and safe place <3
— Nagi, my best friend's account, is @ask-nagi-seishiro!
With all that said, enjoy your time here! Feel free to send me asks or interact! (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*。
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//ooc under the cut
Hi! I'm the person running this blog! When I'm talking, I'll put it in pink.
Things about me you should know:
— I am a minor! Both Reo and I are minors, so once more, no NSFW.
— (sighs) Yes I am a ReoNagi shipper. They aren't technically canon, so I won't be actively saying "I LOVE NAGI!!!!" ...Only implying it.
— When he replies, I'll tag it with #Rich boy replies ʚ♡ɞ, if he's just talking, I'll tag it with #Number 14 yappin' again𖦹, and when he reblogs something I'll tag it with #reoblogs 𐦍༘⋆
— If I'm talking (ooc), I'll tag it #☆ Rich boy is a not rich girl
— I'm caught up in the manga, currently waiting for chapter 273. I'm immune to spoilers, but some people are not. I'll be careful with spoilers if you absolutely must send them, but let's try to keep that away for now!
— If you want to make your own Blue Lock roleplay blog, please tag my main (@wabatle) so I can follow you!!! I would love to find some more bllk rp blogs!! (No need to credit though!)
— I also run @assistant-teieri!!
That's all for now! Feel free to interact!
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best ask I've ever gotten now framed in my pinned post
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
It’s unbelievable how much we are on the same wavelength LMAO YOUR HAIR GEL JOKES ALWAYS HIT I LOVE THEM Keep rambling on because it’s truly doing wonders blessing my feed!!
But ALSO OMG YEAH THE EPINAGI PINKIE THING HAD ME ROLLING LMAOOO Tbh I’m also not much of a reonagi shipper so I feel you! Movie def felt a bit rushed though I’m glad they added in some cool Nagi scenes!! His aura in the movie was sooo pretty I loved how they did that but YEAH MY DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN WE DIDNT GET CRUMBS OF THEIR MATCH AGAINST KARASU AND OTOYA??? I guess it was pretty recent in the epinagi chapters but I was fr hoping for more scenes with them T-T I was actually kinda just comparing it to the recent spy x family movie too and you can definitely notice some of the less refined moments in parts of the animation haha….overall I like how they explored a bit more of Nagi fs but it kinda makes me want another installment of the movie that’s less rushed and includes more of the actual epinagi content instead of only the parts that overall with the main series…I mean as a Nagi fan too I’m not really complaining much bc hey, more Nagi screen time! Considering the speed in which they got this out I won’t complain too much about the quality though I still think it was a good watch for Nagi and BLLK fans in general lolll
Ok but I think they chose Karasu’s va sooooo well like it fits him perfectly which I’m really happy about but THAT ADDITIONAL TIME CLIP I feel like the art is always a bit crunchy for those I kinda died at the close up on Karasu’s face there but ykw I’ll take it it’s Karasu so…
I LIVE FOR WEIRD LITTLE FREAK CHILD HIORI OMG that epinagi scene where he looks like that balled up watery eyed hamster meme thing (I hope you get the ref bc I’m not sure how else to explain LOL) I loved the light novel references in remember going crazy when that chapter released with the whole stalking thing LOLL
LMAOOO 1 CM TALLER YUKIMIYA IM CRYING THATS GENIUS I completely forgot about that fact you thought this out so well!! Imagine he puts in extra hair gel or styles his hair a little differently to add even more height or something
KARASU LOOKS SO GOOD IN THE EPINAGI MANGA!!!! I know exactly which panel you’re talking about and it’s permanently living in my camera roll! I think the next chapter should be coming out relatively soon?? But I’m also so happy that we get to see more action from Karasu and Otoya!!! And ofc their interactions with Chigiri and Nagi too! (Actually when I first got into BLLK nagi was my fav HAHA it’s changed around a little bit but he still holds a special place in my heart so I feel that) The Chigiri Barou dynamic lately is also something I’ve been loving lately they’re so goofy as a rival duo it’s hilarious
LMAOOO I COULD HEAR JUSTIN BIEBER SAYING THOSE WORDS AS I READ THEM but THANK YOU AGAIN!!! I’ll happily eat up whatever work you throw out even if it’s not Karasu because there’s just something about your writing style that’s just so nice to read (Ngl I kinda stalked your page and read through your other works like Cherry Tree, Peregrine, White Butterfly, Pathways, etc. and honestly your writing has been just invading my brain throughout the day your work is just amazing (I almost cried reading White Butterfly too)) but also don’t forget to take care of yourself!! No rush at all I hope you enjoy yourself while writing everything!!! You never fail to deliver and I’m glad to have given an opportunity for you to write about Karasu!
- Karasu anon :)
P. S. That Rin art you reblogged jumpscared me so bad LMAOOO almost died laughing and nearly peeing my pants LOL Also sorry these are always so long I just noticed the last reply you sent needed to have the “keep reading” button in order to respond to everything I said oops lmk if you’d prefer I be more concise HAHA
omg YAYYAY i love that we agree!! the hair gel jokes are necessary unfortunately…the one manga panel in the pxg vs bm game where we see him from above and his hair forms a ninety degree angle HAUNTS me. how long does bro spent sculpting that 😭
THE PINKY THING WAS SO FUNNY PLEASE i cannot get over it like why did they add that in LMAOAO i feel like reonagi is one of those ships that i acknowledge is probably closer to canon than most but i just do not care about it. honestly i don’t really have any ships in bllk (except kunigiri a bit??) that i’m super into just because them being weirdos abt soccer is so much funnier than anything!! i’ve also never really been a big shipper in general w any show i watch so that could also be why. like i recognize they exist and idc what other people ship but me personally you’ll never see me pressed or championing one ship or another. for me romance is more of a route to character exploration than a be-all end-all which is why on the RARE occasions i read a ship fic it’s almost always for the most random rare pair — you have to understand characters super well to convincingly write them together when they’ve met MAYBE once on screen so those types of fics always end up being more interesting to me. overall though if i like a character i’m going to write my own stories abt them and i’m not abt to write them w someone else when i could write abt them being in love with me 🙄 HAHA
i love nagi’s whole sparkly death aura i think it’s super cool!! and the little vacuum sound effect whenever he touches the ball hehe they definitely made it so pretty in the movie. i wasn’t expecting karasu and otoya to pull up just because of how recently it happened in the manga but i was still sad because they just made the second selection a montage (although when rin pulled up with his dramatic ass theme i laughed tbh) 😔 like ik we see it in the show already but LET ME SEE IT AGAINNNN!! i think w bllk the good animation is REALLY good and the bad is…well it’s certainly smth!! but i agree it was a fun movie and watch if you already like bllk…i hope they eventually do release another one or maybe an ova or smth w the rest of the second selection from nagi’s pov i would love to see it on screen.
the additional times either have majestic animation (the aryu vs rin glam battle was like. oddly well animated i feel??) or they’re super crunchy and i fear tabieitaken got the short end of the stick this time around…hoping they don’t do them dirty in season two because those are two of the most handsome boys in the manga (plus otoya) so i will be heartbroken if they aren’t given justice. karasu’s voice actor is super good though!! i actually do think bllk (at least the sub, i haven’t watched dub so can’t comment on that) has hit the mark with va’s every time. they all sound exactly how i would expect them too so far and i can’t wait for more scenes w the newer characters!!
YESS IK WHICH HAMSTER YOU MEAN that’s exactly what he looks like!! i don’t feel too bad about slandering hiori in the fwtkac series because i wrote white butterfly where he’s the main interest so obviously i don’t hate him…plus fwtkac y/n is hiori’s biggest (and probably only atm) defender so it balances out (and technically all of his nonsense is literally canon KHLFJSJD his light novel is so funny!! why does he literally stalk karasu (me fr though)!! i feel like in the manga it seems like karasu’s interest in hiori is v one-sided but then you read the ln and you’re like oh…this guy (meaning hiori) is actually a little bit Not Normal…in the words of y/n “he was definitely a freak.”) his light novel goes the most into depth about karasu’s character (it’s almost as much abt karasu as it is about hiori) so i did a reread before starting fwtkac and that’s what made me include little references to it!!
I JUST CHECKED THEIR WIKI PAGES BEFORE WRITING THAT TO MAKE SURE IT WAS TRUE i honestly forgot which one was taller between the two of them but i had a sense it was yuki AND IT WAS DSLFKJ especially the fact that it’s only by one cm you KNOW that is karasu’s roman empire…tbf i don’t think that it includes hair because according to the wiki nagi is taller than barou but w the hair included i think they end up being about the same height?? though nagi does slouch a bit so that much contribute to it…imagine the hairstyle y/n makes fun of in the series is actually a different one than we’re used to and he only pulls up w the crow hairstyle while in bllk so he can feel like he’s taller than yukimiya HAHAHA
oh that panel will forever be famous in the hearts of all karasu stans…plus the ones of him in the latest chapter AHHHH that is one pretty boyyy. chigiri and barou are so unserious together i honestly love how chigiri is characterized in epinagi!! he’s so much sillier than he is in the main manga. omg so i actually started the show because of rin and then when i first started watching i really liked kunigami?? i was pretty lukewarm on nagi during his first appearance and then i noticed myself rewatching his scenes in the team v vs team z match and i was like oh no…then he was in the second selection and it went downhill from there and now he’s my stupid dumb squishy boyfriend who i love sm 🥹 omg who are your favs now?? besides karasu ofc 😏
PEOPLE KEEP SAYING THEY ALMOST CRIED TO WHITE BUTTERFLY IS IT REALLY THAT SAD??? i had fun writing that one though it felt very whimsical and dreamy which fit hiori imo…omg peregrine i need to get back to working on it hehe i love nagi and reo in that fic!! the boys of all time fr 💖 thank you so much though you’re too kind 🫶🏻 i do enjoy writing a lot!! i’ve been pretty bored this summer so i’m glad that my milestone event could line up with me having sm free time…although honestly just by doing requests i’ve gotten so many new followers that i might have to do another event soon 😭 i actually really like having them open though!! i think i’ll probably leave them closed for a bit while i finish up the existing ones and work on some of my own ideas but i might open them up just for bllk again in the future because everyone’s ideas are sm fun and i love meeting new people through them!! plus i get to try writing for new characters…like realistically i never would’ve written for sae hiori or even isagi and kaiser without people requesting for them but some of those requests ended up becoming my fav fics i’ve written so far!! we will see though hehe no promises atm but like i said i’m always open to thoughts and if inspiration strikes then i won’t say no 🤩
PLSSSS THAT RIN FANART HAD ME DYING that’s who rin is to me!! he is an emotionally unavailable little weirdo SKLDJFLKJS i think a big reason why i don’t really like rin that much is because his fanon characterization is so different from the type of character i like that i’m just meh abt him. actual canon rin is one of my favs though he’s sooo funny and such a loser but i CANNOT engage with 90% of media abt him because i’m just sitting there like He Would Not Say That. ofc characters are open to interpretation though so i will never slander someone for writing him how they want to but i am afraid that the rin who exists to me and the rin who exists to the world are very diff characters entirely
NOOO dw i love getting long asks!! i add the ‘read more’ so that people who want to lurk on my blog don’t have to scroll through a bunch of my nonsense chattering to get to things like my writing/the majestic fan art that i reblog but long asks are like my fav thing ever so please don’t restrain yourself!! i will respond to each and every thing you say with pleasure 🤞🏻
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