#I should just. learn to be fun and sexy and creative and active again
luciferspartner · 4 months
bro I should get into burlesque
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cherrykindness · 3 years
let's make babies |
pairing: Harry Styles x Actress!Reader
summary: you and harry are doing a live on instagram, you've drunk a lot of wine and now the world knows that the future Mrs. Styles is ready to make babies.
warnings: mostly cute, but the title tells you what you need to know 🤪
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"What is your favorite song from the Fine Line album?" Y/N read aloud, twirling in her right hand the second glass of wine of the evening, the one already halfway through. "Adore You and Watermelon Sugar, of course."
Harry giggled, rolling his eyes upon hearing his fiancée's statement.
"Y/N will always choose Adore You because it was obviously written for her." He accused. "She wouldn't give that answer under different circumstances."
The comments climbed up the screen continuously, most fans gushing about how cute Harry Styles and YN/LN could be while the other part was concerned with wringing even more information out of the slightly inebriated couple who had decided to do a surprise live one early Sunday morning.
As expected after being away for some time to begin filming Don't Worry, Darling in Southern California, Harry enjoyed a lazy weekend in the house he shared with his fiancée and her pets. The days were filled with late naps and relentless Netflix marathons, sublime and ethereal evenings, marked mostly by unexpected declarations and rounds of sex that used to last until the beams of light were shyly coming through the linen curtains. They were not a monotonous couple, so this order could easily be changed.
"Watermelon Sugar is nothing more than about my love for watermelons, don't get too creative." Harry replied to a fan while sporting a corner smile, the message standing out among the rest for its dozens of emojis and large print, questioning the singer about erotic content behind the lyrics of his latest hit. "I really don't know what you guys are talking about."
Y/N laughed, shaking her head before leaning it against her fiancé's chest, propped up on the soft white pillows that were spread practically all over the bed. The air conditioner was on at a minimal temperature and a light rain whipped on the panes of glass camouflaged by the cream-colored curtain, that being the projection of Y/N's favorite nights.
"You can tell them, I'm not shy." She joked, nudging her fiancé's waist.
"You know what it was written about and who it was written for." Harry replied, raising one of his eyebrows. "That's what matters."
It went without saying that much of Harry's newest album, as well as some of his earlier work, had been done in exclusive dedication to his future wife. Y/N had been the muse for a vast repertoire of romantic songs, and even though the singer preferred to keep the story behind his more explicit compositions a "secret", the relationship the two had shared for more than three years was already solid and known enough for the media and fans to distinguish hidden messages in small details.
"It's a song about what usually comes before the act of making babies." Y/N laughed as he pointed at the display. "Honestly, you guys are impossible."
"No, we make babies every day." Harry joked, making a funny motion with his eyebrows. "I would spend my entire career writing just about that."
"Harry!" The actress exclaimed incredulously, slapping her fiancé weakly on the chest. "Children might be watching this."
"You don't want to have babies with me?" He asked falsely offended, accepting the cup that Y/N offered him. "Because I want some babies with you."
Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes as she watched the internet freak out at the dialogue that had suddenly emerged. Since the beginning of the quarantine, it was kind of inevitable that the couple of artists would not become the darlings of all social media; they were fervently active with photos, videos, and lives that depicted step by step daily life in isolation, gaining more and more followers and making the media more and more fascinated by the relationship they both shared.
The wedding was scheduled for the summer of next year and it was perhaps the most anticipated event in the tabloids. Bets about what the model of Y/N's dress would be and lists presuming who would be selected for the short list of guests stood out among countless news stories about the famous people influencing pop culture today.
The possible arrival of a Styles baby was an inevitable topic in interviews. Harry and Niall were the only members of the ex-boyband that had not become fathers yet, and because they had maintained a solid relationship and were seen as one of the most enviable couples during the last four years, Y/N and Harry had gotten used to all this openly asked questions. They didn't mind, they even had fun with the montages and all the anxiety that dominated the whole internet, often mentioning the fandoms' efforts to represent them as such "cool" parents in perfectly edited pictures.
"No, guys, I'm not pregnant." Y/N amusingly clarified the doubt of dozens of new comments. "Please don't believe so many controversial news stories that appear out there. I was on twitter last week and saw several people theorizing about a possible pregnancy, most of the arguments based on a website that used photos from the set of How to Get Away with Murder in the season where I was actually playing a pregnant woman as Laurel." She laughed. "It's so funny! I know you guys love to guess these things, but we won't hide something so special when it actually happen, I promise."
"Especially because Y/N can hide absolutely nothing from anyone." Harry accused, leaving his drink on the corner table before settling into a comfortable position for the two of them. "Anyone who's a Marvel fan knows that. That's one of her most characteristic quirks."
"They gave me a fake script for the last two movies." Y/N agreed, shaking his head. "For me and Tom."
"We agreed to keep the engagement a secret for a while. The plan was to travel to Holmes Chapel to break the news to my family in person, but guess who got a call at ten o'clock at night from an angry Anne because she learned of her son's engagement from an interview Y/N gave the next day?"
Y/N gave a guilty smile, winking gracefully at the camera. "It was all James' fault! I'm sure he already suspected something, those questions were very suspicious."
"Of course the questions were suspicious, babe. You literally said you had a secret that involved both of us but that you couldn't tell because it was important that our families knew first."
"I thought he would think about a pregnancy or something!" The actress defended herself, feeling very convincing in her intonation bordering on obviousness. "That's a mania I can't get rid of, it's in my genes."
"Did you all hear that? Further proof that you guys don't have to worry about guessing when Y/N's pregnancy will be, I'm sure our baby will make sure to tell you everything while still in the womb, mom's genes will make sure of that."
"You are so funny, Harry Styles." Y/N sarcastically stated, holding back a giggle as countless messages with laughing emojis were frantically up. "Yeah, I know I talk a lot and all, but you have annoying quirks too."
It was obvious that live would be news the next day. Although they were completely open about matters concerning their relationship, nothing seemed better than receiving so much exclusive information from a Harry and S/N drunk on expensive wine.
"You wake up in a bad mood and you're dangerously sexy, that should be illegal."
Harry laughed, holding his fiancée's waist a little tighter as he felt her tumble a little further to the side, getting closer and closer to the edge of the bed. Y/N was dangerously weak for drinks, and the singer knew that the actress' body was already near its limit.
"You're the only sexy person here, love." He declared with a corner smile, evidently finding the whole situation funny. "Do you want to go to sleep now?"
"No." Y/N shook her head. "Can we watch some movie? Can we watch Sweet Home?"
"Of course, love." He murmured, giving the woman a quick kiss on the forehead.
Even though Harry knew that his fiancée was unlikely to make it past the five-minute mark of the episode, he made sure to restart the korean series at exactly the scene where she had stopped, the first chapter still halfway through after Y/N realized that it would be impossible to watch such a macabre work without a drop of alcohol in her blood.
She had been so excited by the taste of Argentinian wine and the idea of updating her fans after a few weeks away, that she had forgotten the main purpose of the live. Harry and Y/N had been apart for a few days due to the new movie the Brit was shooting in North America, all happening in an unrestrictedly careful manner due to the restrictions caused by the pandemic.
He was slowly migrating towards acting and the future Mrs. Styles couldn't be prouder. Y/N had felt on cloud nine when Harry had given her the news of his upcoming job, but her only pronouncement on the subject had been a succinct post on instagram. Just a photo of the couple on a trip to Germany with a simple heart emoji didn't seem enough for the actress' exhibitionist soul, and coming to that conclusion was the main reason she decided to invite him, already relatively changed, for a live appearance. Y/N wanted to go on and on about how much she loved that man and work on that whole honeyed speech that would bring her (once again) the title of "cutest bride of all time," but of course Harry had to come home from his trip with his favorite red wine and poison her with those sweet caresses that took her out of orbit, turning the degree of alcohol content into the least of her problems.
"You're going to kiss Florence." Y/N exclaimed suddenly, as if only now realizing that her fiancé would share the screen with Florence Pugh, one of her closest friends in that industry. "Kiss on the mouth."
The MacBook was still open and hundreds of new comments were going up every second, but Harry didn't bother one bit to warn her about the possibility of her becoming a meme the next day. He was having too much fun with the situation to worry.
"Are you jealous?"
"Yes." She stated with a pout. "I am jealous, I just don't know if I'm more jealous of her or of you."
"But you kiss me every day, babe." Harry laughed. "And you've been kissing other people's men for almost ten years." He joked.
"But I only think about you, I already told you that."
Harry shook his head negatively at the camera, knowing he was sharing with the fans the funniest side of his fiancée.
"I know that, honey." He assured, lightly stroking the actress' back. "I think we'd better turn off the TV and go to sleep now, I'm sure you'll have a terrible headache tomorrow."
The brit planned to bid his audience goodbye and put an end to that recording, but Y/N was drunk and her sense of right and wrong had already gone to space. Harry should have been quicker, however, because his fiancée's speech would be cause for new tags and the only subject for the interviewers for at least the next few months.
"I don't want to sleep, how about we make babies?"
That's what Watermelon Sugar was all about, after all.
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isozyme · 4 years
:salt: what do you think fandom generally gets wrong?
belatedly: more salty opinions
this one goes out to both the untamed and fandom in general, none of y’all are free from sin
every damn one of you vanilla ass virgins and diehard BDSM hall monitors needs to quit it with the handwringing “but where are the safewords” shit.
safewords aren’t the be-all end-all of kink safety! and nobody is handwringing this much about “but condoms” or “but where’s the shears while they’re doing rope bondage in case somebody panics” or “how long have those nipple clamps been on?” because for those things people seem to understand that it’s porn and “you have to be careful with abruptly pulling long hair because you might fuck up someone’s neck” isn’t fun and sexy to read about. smut is for fun! the author controls whether or not there’s accidents, so if i’m reading something that’s just a kinky pwp, i assume that no inconvenient practicalities are going to rear their head the way they always might irl. included in “inconvenient practicalities” is being prepared someone might need to safeword out. 
sometimes there’s a good reason to put in a safeword discussion: maybe badwrong sexy bit includes someone starting to have a bad time and the presence/absence of a safeword gives the sex scene tension. maybe one character is kinking on inexperience and enjoying leading their partner through the basics in detail. some story justification! something more than “oh right and i need to be a Responsible Porn Writer and include the safeword discussion”
fanfiction isn’t sex ed anymore than pornhub is! you can learn stuff from it, sure (there’s some creative stuff out there on the internet) but it’s not a how-to guide.
but all that isn’t even what i’m most steamed about!
the thing that makes me insane is the idea that you have to have a safeword for all kink activities. safewords are for consent play! there is absolutely no reason that saying “no” or yanking yourself away shouldn’t be sufficient outside of roleplay. otherwise, you know what is a good way to make your partner stop hitting you? saying “stop hitting me.” 
if you’re using a safeword as the big consent marker, then there’s only one way to say stop. if you’re not, there’s a thousand ways to say no. body language! tone of voice! a very wide range of vocabulary! there are also a thousand ways to say yes that aren’t “green,” and you can add “stops conveying yes/enjoyment” to the ways to say no. you don’t have to remember a special vocabulary word to be able to say “hey, bad spot, back off.” more importantly, the person hitting you has no excuse to not pay attention to that signal because it’s “well it’s not a safeword sooooo.....”
there’s just such a big difference between how somebody enjoying themselves acts and someone who isn’t! it’s almost always fucking obvious. people who try to convince you it’s all subtle and confusing are not good people. 
like: “ah, fuck, that hurts so bad, i can’t, i can’t -- oh my god, no, not again, please please please!”
versus: “whoa, uh-uh, that was too much. ow. i need a five minute break.”
one of those examples has the word “no” in it. it’s not the one that should bring things to an absolute screeching halt. the difference in tone is stark, and would be even starker with an actual voice behind it.
another example with consent play!
compare: “oh no, it’s so big, don’t put it in me! i won’t be able to take it! if you touch me there i’ll be ruined forever!”
to: “wait, i’m getting freaked out, let’s stop playing.”
most fic is writing about characters who know each other really well and should be able to read the body language of their partner. a lot of rules and safety precautions are most applicable when two people who don’t know each other super well are having sex and needing to have things you can point to and say “you agreed if i said red, you would stop, and when i said it you didn’t stop” with no room grey areas. if you have a bad actor in the room, they’ll take any chance they get to say they got mixed signals and how could they have known. two characters who love each other should be different! and in that vein: a lot of kink irl is done with dominant men and submissive women, so the dom is physically a LOT stronger than the sub. so many m/m ships are between characters with basically equal strength and there’s an element of fear that just isn’t present the same way.
a safeword is a big stressful thing to use -- there’s a lot of weight and seriousness put behind it. plus if it’s some cutesy thing you have to remember it under duress, that seems hard! there’s not enough nuance in a single word to easily make the difference clear between “i’m getting a leg cramp” and “if you touch me one more time i’m going to feel traumatized.” in some ways, this obsession with safewords makes me worry about the false safe of security given by following the rulebook. ticking off all the boxes on the consent to-do list isn’t a substitute for using your goddamn human social skills that you’ve been developing for 18 YEARS AT ABSOLUTE MINIMUM! 
personally, asking if someone is “green” is also deeply unsexy in my book, akin to my arbitrary hatred of the word “panties,” but that’s less serious, and you’re free to disagree. the rest you can fight me about if you want, but i’m right and you’ll lose
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The Cabin - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader (Part 3/3)
Part 1
Part 2
You threw some shorts and your favorite baggy hoodie on and headed downstairs to see what everyone’s plans were for the day. When you made it downstairs you saw that most of Chris’ family was dressed to go to the mountain and ski or snowboard.
“You guys headed up to the resort?” you asked, taking the plate of food that Lisa handed you and sitting next to one of Chris’ sisters.
“Everyone but ma” Scott answered, looking half asleep on the other side of the table.
“Let Chris know that I had all of the tires checked on my SUV, even the spare” you said to Scott.
Scott nodded towards the stairs where Chris was almost to the bottom. “Y/n, Can I borrow your truck or do you need it today?” he asked.
“I was just telling Scott the tires and the spare are all good to go so you shouldn’t have to worry about them” you answered, taking a sip of your coffee.
“Perfect” he said, stopping to kiss you on the cheek before going to the kitchen to grab food. “Between our two trucks I think we can fit everyone.”
When everyone was packing up for their day trip up the mountain, you made sure to throw some extra jackets, blankets, and snacks in the back of your truck and made sure Chris knew they were there.
“Are you not going?” you asked Tom when he started helping Lisa gather all of the dirty dishes from breakfast.
“I think I’d rather hang back with you if you’d like the company” he said, stacking a few more plates.
“I think Lisa and I can put you to good use” you teased, grabbing the stack of plates from him and walking them to the kitchen. “Lisa, what are your plans for the day?”
“I don’t need to start dinner until 2 or so” she answered, cleaning up the kitchen from the breakfast mess. “Is the TV by the hot tub out back set up?”
“It is!” you answered. “The remote is waterproof and it’s already signed into all of the apps on it so you can watch pretty much anything.”
“Then I think I’m going to enjoy my quiet day relaxing” she laughed. “I watch the kids most days back home so this’ll be a little vacation within a vacation.”
“Oh my god, I almost forgot!” you said, turning to reach into the cabinet above your refrigerator. “I got you this last time I drove down through the vineyards.”
You handed her a bottle of the wine she fell in love with last time the family was at your cabin. “You didn’t!” She sat the bottle down on the counter and pulled you into a hug.
“You may as well have a glass while you’re relaxing out back” you said, watching Tom put the rest of the dishes from the table into the sink.
“Maybe just one” she laughed, going back to putting the leftover food away.
“What wine is it?” Tom asked.
Lisa started talking about the wine and how it reminded her of her favorite wine that they no longer made, insisting that she pour the two of you a glass when she poured hers.
“Ooo, that is very nice” Tom said, taking a sip.
When Lisa tried to help with the dishes you told her to go and relax. Tom helped you finish up cleaning the kitchen.
“What’s next?” Tom asked.
“Do you want to bake our cookies?” you asked in response.
Tom smiled, taking another sip of his wine. “That sounds wonderful.”
You turned the oven on and pulled all of the ingredients you bought out of the cabinet, telling Tom where he could grab the mixing bowls and measuring cups/spoons. The two of you took your time, laughing and talking as you mixed the ingredients all together.  
“These are going to be so good” you said, commenting on the fact that Tom had picked out regular chocolate chips and white chocolate chips and mixed them together in the cookie dough.
“You can never have too much chocolate” he said, sneaking a bit of the uncooked cookie dough into his mouth.
“So impatient” you teased, shooing his hand away when he went to grab more.
When you filled a baking sheet with balls of cookie dough, Tom put it in the oven and set the timer. You hopped up to sit on your counter while you waited, taking another sip of your wine.
“How was your workout with Chris this morning” you asked.
Tom laughed. “Let’s just say I was grateful to get rid of some tension after doing some…*clears throat*…light reading last night.”
You looked confused for about two second before you realized what he was talking about. You threw your head back laughing, “You started reading my book.”
“Oh, you underestimate your own talent, darling” Tom replied, walking up to you. “I read the whole book.”
Your cheeks instantly went warm. “Well, what did you think?” The look on Tom’s face, the way he licked his lips…you almost wished you hadn’t started baking so that you could just drag him up to your bedroom right now.
Tom’s hands settled on your knees, slowly pulling them apart so that he could stand between them. “I think…” his lips gently pressed against yours as his hands slid up to rest against your hips. “…that your mind is just as sexy as the rest of you.” He deepened the kiss, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips.
You put your arms around his neck, his body leaning into yours. “Is that so?”
Tom wrapped his arms around your middle, pulling you tight against his body. “Absolutely, darling.” Right when Tom reconnected your lips, the timer to the oven went off.
Tom laughed, resting his forehead against yours.
“We keep getting interrupted” you laughed.
Right as you finished talking, Lisa walked back inside from the back porch with a towel wrapped around her.
“You’re not wrong” Tom laughed.
Lisa looked over at the two of you and smiled. “Aww, don’t let me stop you two. You might want to check whatever you’ve got in the oven, though.” The timer was continuing to beep.
Tom quickly kissed you again before stepping back and grabbing the oven mitts. “I’ll switch these out.”
While Tom was putting the last sheet of cookies in the oven, you were talking to Lisa.
“I think we should prepare everything we can for dinner early” you suggested.
“What for?” Lisa asked, topping off all three of the wine glasses.
“Well, if we get it done now, we’ll just have to throw it in the oven later” you answered. “Then we can order some Chinese take-out for lunch, open another bottle of wine, and play some games.”
Lisa seemed to be considering it.
“Sounds like the perfect way to spend probably your only quiet afternoon on this trip” Tom laughed, resetting the oven timer for the last batch of cookies.
“Okay, you’ve convinced me” Lisa said, opening the refrigerator to start prepping dinner.
You and Tom quickly cleaned up the mess from the cookies, making room for Lisa. “Mmm, these are delicious” Tom said, taking a bite of one of the cookies. He held the cookie towards you so you could take a bite.
“They’re so good when they’re still warm” you said, licking a bit of chocolate off of your lip.
Tom smiled, pulling you into a quick kiss. “I could have gotten that for you, you know.”
You laughed, stealing the rest of his cookie. “Okay, what do you guys want from the Chinese restaurant?”
Over the next few hours, the three of you went through another bottle of wine, most of the Chinese food, and 3 or 4 different card and board games. When Chris and the rest of the family got back, the three of you were a little drunk, hanging out in the kitchen while dinner finished cooking, telling stories and spending most of the time laughing.
“What’s going on here?” Chris asked, hugging his mom and asking if she was drunk.
“Just a little” Lisa laughed, moving to pull dinner out of the oven.
“It looks like you guys had a good time” he said, leaning against the counter that you were currently sitting on. Tom had started pulling out clean dishes for dinner.
“We had a great time” you answered. “How was the mountain?”
“So good” Chris said, pulling out his phone and showing you pictures and videos of the kids learning how to snowboard.
“Aww, I’m glad” you said, telling him to send you a few of them so that you could have them printed and added to the photos in the den.
“The table is set” Tom said, walking back into the kitchen.
“Thank you” you replied, opening your arms so that he would come stand between your knees. “Dinner should be ready in a few minutes”
Tom blushed as he slid his arms around you, knowing Chris was going to say something “I think everything is good to go, then.”
Chris smirked over at you. “Let me reiterate my statement from earlier. It looks like you guys had a great time.”
“You could say that” Tom said, pressing a quick, sweet kiss to your lips before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the dining room table.
That night you, Chris, Tom, and Scott were the last ones up. All of the activity on the mountain made most call it an early night.
“I’m going to go sit up in the hot tub if anyone wants to join me” you said, standing up from your position tucked into Tom’s side.
When you were all the way up the stairs, Scott and Chris turned to Tom.
“How’s it goin’ buddy?” Scott asked, smirking.
Tom laughed, looking up the stairs where you’d disappeared to. “Well, if I had to put it into words I’d say ‘very well’.”
“Is this just you guys having fun or is this going to continue after break?” Chris asked. He knew you were an adult, but he still felt very protective of you.
“I haven’t actually had the chance to talk to her about it” Tom replied.
“What do you want it to be?” Scott asked.
“If I’m being honest, I hope this is going somewhere permanent” Tom confessed. “She’s…” He started his sentence and cleared his throat, knowing that he was about to gush about his feelings. “Well, you two know her. You know she’s incredible.”
“Nah, what were you going to say” Chris reached to slap Tom’s shoulder, laughing.
“I know that this is going to sound horribly cliché” Tom continued, “but she’s perfect. She’s kind, creative, intelligent, beautiful, confident, funny…”
Scott let out a quiet “aww”
“And if you don’t mind, I’d like a few minute head start joining her upstairs” Tom said, standing and walking towards the stairs.
“No sex in the hot tub!” Chris jokingly yelled.
Tom laughed. “I’d need more than a few minutes for that.” He could hear the brothers laughing as he jogged up the stairs, snagging his swim shorts before walking into your room.
“Y/n?” Tom called into your room.
“Just getting changed” you said, your arms covering your bare chest as you peeked out your closet door. You’d just slipped your bikini bottoms on, but you hadn’t sorted out the straps to your top. “Are you joining me?”
“I think we all are” Tom smiled, closing your bedroom door. “I asked for a head start so I could speak to you for a moment.”
“Can we talk while I sort out my top?” you asked, walking back into your closet.
“Of course,” Tom replied, pulling his own shirt off. “I wanted to talk to you about…well, us.”
“A topic I’m very interested in” you answered. “Go on.”
“That’s good to hear” Tom laughed, stripping out of his jeans and boxers. “I don’t know what you want, but I wanted to make sure that my feelings were clear.” Tom pulled the swim trunks on.
“Well, I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours” you said, walking out of your closet when your top was in place.
Tom smiled, opening his arms and pulling you against him. “I really like you” he said, pressing a gentle kiss against your lips. “I was hoping that this is something you will want to continue after I’ve gone back to LA.”
Tom’s eyes were closed, his forehead rested against yours. “That’s a relief” you said, connecting your lips in a much more passionate kiss. “I was going to ask you how you felt about me driving back down to LA with you two.”  
“Really?” Tom’s eyes brightened.
“Yes, really” you laughed.
“That would make me very happy” Tom replied.
“Then it’s a plan” you said, moving to open your bedroom door and pulling Tom out onto the balcony.
When the brothers joined you two a few minutes later, they were dramatically walking around with their eyes closed, trying to feel their way to the balcony door. “Please tell me no one’s naked” Chris teased.
“You’re gonna have to see for yourself” you laughed. You were leaning back against Tom’s chest with his arms wrapped around your middle.
Scott opened one eye, calling an “all clear” when he spotted the two of you cuddled up in the hot tub.
The four of you hung out in the hot tub for probably another hour before the brothers called it a night.
When you and Tom climbed out of the hot tub, you wrapped a towel around yourself and walked to the bathroom that was connected to your bedroom. You turned on the shower and walked back to the doorway. “I’m going to shower tonight if you’d like to join me.”
Without waiting for a response, you dropped your towel on the counter and stripped out of your bikini. You stepped into the steaming shower, feeling the hot water run from your hair down your body. With your eyes closed, you lathered up your hair with shampoo and started rinsing it out. You could feel a short cool breeze as Tom opened the curtain to step into the shower with you. Before you opened your eyes, you felt Tom’s hands on your hips.
“You are absolutely stunning” Tom said, one of his hands moving to rest against the side of your face as he pulled your lips against his.
“I could say the same thing about you” you replied as your eyes took in his full naked form. Your hands slid down tom’s back and rested against his ass.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” Tom asked, his hands moving to your breasts and his lips moving to your neck.
“Just move your stuff to my room” you answered, your hands pulling Tom’s body firmly against yours.
“Now that I know I’ve got more time with you tonight” Tom laughed, grabbing your body soap and lathering his hands. “Let’s get clean and then we can move this to your bed.”
“Gladly” you smiled, lathering your hands and running them over Tom’s body.
The two of you didn’t actually fall asleep until after Tom’s gym alarm went off. Tom had sent Chris a text saying that he was going to skip the gym this morning, but that he’d continue going with Chris starting tomorrow.
When Chris went to give Tom shit for ditching the gym, he realized why he was staying home. Tom’s room was empty.
“I’m sure you got enough of a workout in last night anyways” Chris replied to Tom’s text with a few obscene emojis.
Tom laughed, tightening his arms around you after he set his phone down on the bedside table. “Chris will probably have a few questions for us when we wake up.”
“I don’t doubt it” you replied, snuggling into Tom’s side.
“Get some rest, darling” Tom said, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
A few weeks later while on a lunch break from filming, Chris looked over at Tom and you. “Did Y/n ever tell you what her other pen name is for?”
Tom nearly choked on his food, and you couldn’t help but laugh and reply, “You’re never going to drop that, are you?”
Chris’ eyes narrowed as he started at Tom. “God damnit, she told you.”
Tom started laughing. “I simply don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Did you tell him?” Chris looked at you.
“He’s my boyfriend, Chris. Of course he knows.”
“I’ve known you for years! You’re my best friend! You barely just met him!” You couldn’t help but laugh at Chris’ dramatics.
“Should I tell him?” you turned to Tom.
“I don’t know how he would handle it” Tom teased.
“I can handle it!” Chris interrupted.
“If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone else. Not even Scott.” You reached your hand across the table with your pinky sticking out.
“Did you make him pinky promise?” Chris snarked, hooking his pinky with yours.
“She did, actually” Tom laughed.
“Fine, I swear on my life I won’t tell anyone” Chris said, leaning forward so you could tell him.
You pulled out your phone and sent him a link to your website that lists all of your adult books. “Just so you know, you were sort of the inspiration for one of my characters.” You stood from the table and grabbed Tom’s hand as Chris opened the text and clicked the link. You were quietly laughing at Chris’ wide eyes as he realized what he was looking at.
“Wait, what?!” Chris looked up at the two of you. “You wrote all of these?”
“She’s did.” Tom squeezed your hand. “The ones I’ve read so far are actually incredible.”
“Thanks, babe” you pressed a quick kiss to his cheek, the two of you walking towards his trailer.
“How do I know which one you based on me?” Chris called out.
“You’ll have to read them to find out” you answered, feeling Tom wrap his arm around your shoulders.
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Giveaway winner for @ophoney Full NSFW alphabet w/ Eustass Kid!
I'm so sorry with my breaks, sudden interest dip for one piece, and Kid being a character I struggle writing for, I'm so sorry that this took as long as it did but it's finally here! I really hope you enjoy! 
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Answered here. 
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Eutass Kid is most definitely a boob/pec type of guy and blood just absolutely gushes to his dick if you so happen to wear clothing that shows them off. During sexy times the very moment your shirt is pulled off your head it's guaranteed that his mouth will latch onto your nipples (and sometimes he'll even give the occasional honk with his hand) He just really likes the squishy feeling in his hand, lips, and under his teeth it doesn't matter how big or small your chest is a chest and he wants nothing more but to rub his cock between and just soak it with his come. It's very common to find both smudges of his lipstick and flakes of dried come smeared on your chest afterwards. 
On himself he would have to say - besides whole damn body (he knows he looks good) if he had to make a decision it would have to be his arms - well now just arm thanks to Red Haired, the man is strong and it about gets right to his dick if while sitting on his lap either on the deck of the Victoria Punk or in some booth at a random bar you just ran your fingers down ever so teasingly down his arms to come and give his muscles a squeeze (a honk, if you will) and this gets him extra hard and so since he loves getting a little rough with you be expected not to be in your place on his lap for very long to be slammed down on any given surface with his strength before clenching on tightly to your wrist and going to town on you from behind all the while he mutters all the dirtiest things to your ear anyone near be dammed (and Killer has had to apologize to countless of bar owners in the new world because of his captain's horny decisions) 
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
Kid's cum is extremely thick and given his appetite, it tastes sort of bland but nothing too bad. He definitely likes seeing it on your skin, his personal favorite thing to do is busting inside of you then pulling out and watching all of his juices just flood out of your hole, that and how you look at him with lust dulled eyes and how your lips look as you pant down from your high, it's just the type of sight that always gets him ready for more rounds. 
The man treats your come as if it were crack once he gets some he can't get enough of it with how he's addicted to the way you taste. If he could, he would fucking live off of it. Sure receiving is fun and all but Kid has learned that giving is just as good, his oral game is very strong sure the first few times can be awkward but once he gets the full mental view of your body and all of your spots in his head he memorizes them and actively seeks them out to get you screaming for him. The moment your juices wash over his face does a wide grin appear on his soaked face as he tears away from your sex so you can get a good look at him to see his lipstick smudged (now smeared all over your thighs) and red hair disheveled and stuck to his forehead from sweat, before you can say anything his grin widens before commenting on how fucking good you taste before diving right back in to rock your world for more. 
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kid and Killer have been best friends since they were kids so the two completely trust each other completely to where I see Kid having no problem with sharing a bed partner with him and the two have had done so for many years. Sure neither of them will just casually bring it up in conversation but if you just so happen to find out and are down for it, I don't think either of them would decline. 
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
So like D implied he definitely has had several on and off again and one night flings that would last depending on however long the crew would stay on an island to know the basics of what to do in bed. Although back then these flings were nothing more than entertainment or just a distraction from deeper inner struggles with himself, sex was just sex and besides the basic needs of that nights partner he'd tend to be really selfish and mostly focus on his on pleasures. But once he's with you and knows you're both in it for the long hall he learns how to balance pleasure out for the both of you to where both of your needs are greatly satisfied, after he is going to become King of the Pirates after he beats Kaido and Red Haired's asses and for you to be the one right there by his side with him and the rest of the crew you definitely deserve to know his both appreciation and adoration. 
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Answered here. 
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Sometimes he can be goofy without even realizing it. Like the two of you can be in the middle of doing the dirty where he's has a tight grip on your hip as he bounces you up and down his cock taking in your moans and cries and in his head he'll try and think of something smooth and sexy to say, which is a skill he can definitely do, but sometimes the sexy thought barrel just gets a few cogs stuck and he just says...the most random funny 'sexy' shit, the type that brings you out of the pleasure mindset and and to physically stop yourself from laughing. This of course gets Kid to stop mid thrust into you to demand what's so damn funny and at that that point you just lose it (this makes a pouty grumpy Kid but just give him some kisses and you should get yourself back into favor) 
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Kid is surprisingly very taken care of down there since he definitely cares a lot about his hygiene. The hair there is slightly lighter to the tulip that's on his head. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Now Kid isn't just the rough powerhouse magnet man we all came to know and love, he can actually be a gentleman at times and sometimes full blown romantic at others...just in his own way. He can be plowing you full steam ahead his hand grip tightly in yours and in grunts and groans tell you how fucking hot you looked whilst you fought those marines but his hand is tightly clasped in yours and kisses pecked all over your lower jaw to your neck before biting into your skin, taking in every moment as if it was his last. He can go multiple rounds but he always makes sure that you've at least came twice from either his tongue, fingers, or (and more preferably) his cock, he finds your needs extremely detrimental for any sexual situation and is determined to show how much he loves and appreciates you by this because those three words to him are extremely hard to personally say for him at times. 
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Yes, he'll shamelessly admit he does it often when he's feeling for it, though not as much these days now that you're around he does what to save as much of it as he can for you after all...
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Facial; honestly on both of you, but most you. Like I said in C, Kid absolutely looks the look of his come on your skin so seeing it sprayed on your face is just absolutely gold to him. 
Praise; it's simple it feeds his ego but also self esteem.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He's down for doing it anywhere, but if he had to pick at least a few he'd pick; his personal shower because you both can get an easy clean then afterwards and his desk in his workshop because not only can he easily just easily fling things off of it with his fruit (since most things on it are metal) just having you bent over where he works is like one of the hottest images in the world. 
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Kid is still young so his sex drive is quite high so it's doesn't take much to get him horny, but one definite sure way is by either doing what I said in B squeezing (honking) his arms or wearing something that shows off your chest it'll immediately get his rocks going. 
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Kid is down to try most reasonable things at least once but he isn't a fan of using his devil fruit in bed despite the creative things he's thought of doing with it but he doesn't want to risk it by accidentally hurting you.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Like I said in C, his oral game is strong and after being your throat feels like heaven around his cock and he's absolutely addicted to your taste so honestly he can go either way. 
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Given his nature, Kid does tend to be on the rougher side but given the situation or circumstance Kid can be extremely gentle and absolutely loving. 
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Absolutely 100% down at any given time just say the word and Kid will whip it out in the nearest supply closet or alley (and poor Wire has a really bad habit of stumbling upon you two at the worst possible times)
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
This is Kid we're talking about, of course he's game for taking risks so doing the dirty in public absolutely thrills him. He loves pounding so restlessly into you as you have to bite on the back of your hand to keep any noises from slipping out any louder for him only to snap into you do sudden, hard, and fast that you completely gasp out and moan out his name before immediately slamming your hand back over your mouth and looking back pissed at him. Ah, it brings him such joy. 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Like stated previously, Kid is still pretty young to have a high drive in him so he can rock your world for hours at a time in about 5-6 rounds before then conking out on you. 
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Yeah with the necessary resources I'd say he'd be able to build his own sex gadgets yo use on you, toys always brings a new twist to things, not that things get boring but it's always nice to have a breath of new fresh air once in awhile. 
Although to use them on himself...Kid would hesitant at first but after some convincing, he does try it out and oh boy - does he fucking enjoy it. They're of course nothing compared to you but they're definitely something, and for you seeing Kid turned from well...Kid to a whimpering whining mess is always a treat to savor.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Eutass Kid is one of the biggest teases of them all, both in and out of the bedroom. But in a bedroom sense, he likes to touch you and please you right like you want him to and the moment you almost crossed the threshold of pleasure he'll pull away with a grin telling you if you want to come so bad you're going to have to give him a damn good reason why he should let you. Cheeky bastard he is. But not to worry, he won't let you hanging for long (as soon as you beg for him at least) 
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Answered here. 
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Kid doesn't say "I love you" a lot but there are the moments he does which are the instances he puts all of his guards and facades down and just lets you have all him. One such instance was right after he lost his arm; feeling humiliated and dead set on planning revenge Kid completely shut himself off from the rest of the crew, especially you and Killer, you're the two he feels he's let down the most after all. So of course when you try and talk to him about this he shuts you off and when you tell him he's doing just that and that you're trying to support him a loud argument breaks out - but not the usual 'Kid flips over a table and some sort of scrap metal gets thrown somewhere' argument Kid completely opens up in the most cold harshest tone and tells you how he's failed the entire crew and how he's a disgrace of a captain for letting Red Haired get away with what he did. After that the both of you go quiet as the captain slumps back to his desk in defeat. After a very long discussion the sex between the two of you that night is the most sensual you've ever had, Kid isn't rough he's practically putty in your hands as he slumps back on the pillows behind him and watches as you ride him. Kisses are pressed everywhere and while you grip tightly onto him as you get closer to your end, he says it loud and clear. It honestly shocks you at first until he repeats it again and again until you both release. In your sweaty afterglow haze his hand hesitantly cups your cheek so that you meet the very serious yet loving look in his eyes and he says the words again, promising you he's going to personally change all of this and he's going to everything in his power to find the one piece to become King. 
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
Not a surprise but Kid acts like a huge dick and he most definitely has one to match, like previously mentioned he's pretty well groomed down there. 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Again like stated previously, Kid's sex drive is high he can on on for a long time and his horny average with you in the picture and you're down to it is about at least once every other few days. 
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Immediately conks out after a few minutes after busting, or sometimes immediately. He'll try to talk to you after it but eventually goes "nah fuck it, sleep." and passes out. Although it's after a quickie and there's still shit to be done he is able to compose himself to get done whatever it was he's supposed to do (bit it does encourage him to do the task faster, the man wants body holding (cuddling) time and sleep. 
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louiserandom · 4 years
I hear someone is taking prompts! How about MadaTobi, for whatever reason is most hilarious to you, getting stuck in a bathtub together.
creativity in times of crisis
Rating: M
Summary: Madara and Tobirama are stuck in a bathtub together.
It’s all their stupid brothers’ fault.
Read on AO3 or under the cut :3
“This,” Madara hisses, “is all your brother’s fault.”
“And your brother’s idea,” Tobirama points out. “Mine just provided the means to carry it out.”
“Nothing you say is going to keep me from killing him with fire and then decapitating him,” Madara growls, testing the restraints, again, though it was pretty obvious after their tenth attempt that they weren’t going to get out of this unless they explicitly complied with Hashirama’s wishes. “And Izuna, for that matter. Who needs brothers anyway.”
Normally, Tobirama would roll his eyes at Madara’s dramatics and jest about the inherent stupidity and crudeness of his statement. Normally, though, he wasn’t tied to Madara with thick, apparently semi-conscious Mokuton vines keeping them back-to-back in a godsdamned bathtub as Izuna’s idea of putting him and Madara in a corner to think about what they’ve done.
They’ve literally done nothing—except shout for a bit, and possibly hit each other a few times, and maybe lead to the partial destruction of the central market with a couple of overpowered jutsu. Such things happen, though, and are easily fixable, as Tobirama knows all too well from his frequent lab accidents. But no, Izuna had to propose locking them up together until they apologized to each other, and Hashirama had to take it one step further and render them motionless.
In a bathtub.
Honestly, Hashirama’s overreaction is bordering on impolite and as such, Tobirama allows himself a bit of self-indulgence.
“Agreed,” he says, “and I’m not trying to quell your homicidal tendencies for once but do leave Anija to me.” Were the Mokuton vines not suppressing his chakra, Tobirama would have flooded the room with killing intent, but for now has to contend with vivid imagery of Hashirama’s suffering as a satisfying anticipation of vengeance. “What I don’t get is the redundancy of cremation and decapitation done in succession.”
“Hm. You’re right,” Madara actually agrees with him. Truly, an event worthy of the history books. “I’ll decapitate him, then burn him with my Majestic Destroyer Flame,” he says cheerfully. “Izuna, I mean. You can have the overgrown tree.”
As if in answer, the Mokuton squeezes them tighter, making them almost wheeze, before returning to its previous state.
“Dumbass Senju!” Madara bellows, as Tobirama utters a heartfelt, “Fuck you, Anija.”
A spark of what feels like derision radiates from the Mokuton before quickly flickering away.
Madara and Tobirama both groan.
“Maybe the Hiraishin can work?” Madara pleads.
“We’ve established that this thing blocks everything save for our sensing,” Tobirama says, sighing in frustration. “Besides, I’ve tried every which way to activate it. Anija is sneaky. He’s an idiot but still a shinobi.”
Tobirama feels the pangs of Madara’s anger as he broods for a few torturous minutes before blurting out,
“I’m still not apologizing first, because that was a dick move that you pulled, and you owe me one.”
“What a ‘dick move,’ Madara,” Tobirama’s voice leaks sarcasm, “to imply that you harbor affection for cats.”
“You didn’t imply shit.” Unable to learn his lesson, Madara thrashes against their bonds once more in an attempt to physically assault Tobirama, apparently. “You all but fucking cooed over me and made fun of me in public, Senju, and you compared me to a godsdamned kitten!”
Tobirama turns out for a part of the ensuing rant, wondering whether this talent of Madara’s to shout continuously for extended periods of time—all in a single breath, too—is an ability inherent to all Uchiha, or just him.
Probably the latter.
“My hair is nothing like that messy, spiky monstrosity on that fucking fluffball,” Madara goes on shrieking, “and I am not cute!”
That marks the end of his rant, and really, Tobirama would take offence if only at the fact that Madara dared call a perfectly adorable kitten a monstrosity.
“Did you really have to resort to fistfights and fireballs to argue that point, koibito?”
“Yes, and don’t you call me that until you beg for my forgiveness,” Madara grumbles, blessedly quieter this time.
Tobirama scoffs. “Deal with it however you wish, Uchiha, I stand by my words.”
Madara growls. “If anything, I am handsome.”
There’s a pause.
“And beautiful, some might say,” Madara goes on, tone cautious.
“Of course, Madara.” Tobirama wouldn’t dream of arguing; he’s reminded of that fact every day as he awakens to Madara’s lovely smile.
“And… uhm… physically appealing—”
“Just say sexy, Madara. And yes, you are.”
“And,” Madara says, trying to shift against him but only making them tilt stiffly towards the wall, “definitely not cute. Just admit that, Senju, and it’ll do. And—ugh—I can’t glare at you. But know I am, in fact, glaring at you. With extreme disapproval.”
Tobirama can’t hold back a chuckle. “Fine, Madara, you aren’t cute,” he concedes, waiting just enough to hear Madara’s contented hum before saying, “you’re mind-meltingly adorable.”
“FUCK YOU, SENJU!” Madara’s peak volume is music to Tobirama’s ears. “I HATE YOU, YOU MASSIVE DICK!”
Tobirama can only do so much to keep his chuckles from turning into full-fledged laughter, and this finally breaks him. It’s a testament to how truly peaceful their lives have become in this village they’ve build, that they’re an hour into a ridiculous lockdown arguing about the level of Madara’s cuteness—or lack thereof.
Just two years ago, when the interclan war was still raging, this would have seemed impossible.
And yet, here they are.
“Mine’s getting hard,” Tobirama makes for a diversion. “You know it turns me on when you’re pissed off.”
Tobirama can only imagine the expression on Madara’s face. Priceless.
“I said—”
“I heard what you said, Senju!” Madara moves them an incremental bit again before sagging and giving up with an explosive sigh. “Not. The time.”
“Calmed you down, didn’t it?” Tobirama smirks.
“Fuck you.”
“I’d rather you do that.”
“Then apologize.”
And because Tobirama is never going to apologize for the truth, they both fall into belligerent silence.
“We’ll be stuck here forever, then,” Madara says some time later. “Dick.”
Because Tobirama is a man of his word, he stays silent, knowing his Anija would never actually let them die without food and water, at least. Too bad boredom might kill them far, far sooner.
“D’you think they’ve figured out,” Madara says suddenly, “that we realized we’ve been mistaking sexual tension for killing intent and aren’t seriously trying to maim each other these days?”
Tobirama attempts to shrug, unsuccessfully. “We’ve been careful. And the notion of fighting and liking each other at the same is definitely not something Anija can comprehend,” he laments. “Izuna may suspect something. After all, it would have been more logical to suggest locking us up separately, so we’d cool down quicker.”
“That bastard,” Madara mutters.
“Your brother,” Tobirama reminds him.
“And look what yours did!” Madara accuses in turn, making them sway a little. “I hate everything.”
Something clicks in Tobirama’s head.
“You know what,” he says, “you’re right. I should apologize.”
Ignoring Madara’s confused spluttering, Tobirama looks down to the vines wrapped around his arms and body, focusing all his attention and thoughts on them in hopes to convey what he wants.
“Uh, Anija’s Mokuton?” he starts, noting how the roots seem to stiffen as if in attention. “I’ve decided to apologize to Madara, and I believe it more productive to the, uh, apology process if I am able to do it face-to-face.” Tobirama praises himself for making it sound sincere. “As friends,” he adds.
The Mokuton vibrates with minute pulses of energy, as if considering his words, before unfurling a bit, even as it still keeps their limbs in its chakra-suppressing clutches and rearranges them so they’re sitting cross-legged facing each other.
The shock on Madara’s face is glorious to behold. As is the godawful (but still somehow appealing) tangled mess his mane had become from their scuffles.
“How?” Madara asks.
Tobirama has finally regained his ability to shrug. “Anija did say it’s partially sentient,” he says. The Mokuton sprouts another thin vine that pokes him in the chest, as if to remind him of his earlier decision. “Yeah, yeah, I remember,” Tobirama grumbles, swatting the vine away with his shoulder.
“Do you even realize,” Madara whispers, “how freaky that is?”
“Don’t insult it,” Tobirama chastises him, giving their restraints a worried glance and an apologetic smile. “Anyway, in the spirit of… the Magical Power of Hugs,” Tobirama invokes Hashirama’s sappy notion, “I would also love to be able to hug my.” He swallows heavily. “Friend.”
The Mokuton takes a longer time to think this time. Madara mouths, “Will this seriously work?” and Tobirama shushes him with a glare. Oblivious to the exchange, the Mokuton unceremoniously pushes them together into an awkward embrace.
Then, Tobirama seizes his chance and captures Madara’s lips with his.
They’re already pressed together with almost no space between them, blood still running hot from their fight, and enough hours have passed since their last bout of lovemaking for Tobirama’s arousal to ratchet up to aching in a matter of seconds. By the way Madara moans into the kiss, sliding his hands under Tobirama’s shirt and pulling him impossibly closer, he seems to be in a similar state.
Perfect, Tobirama thinks. Now he has to do is to wait for the Mokuton to process this…
Madara pulls away, almost forcefully withdrawing his hands to grip Tobirama’s shoulders, movements still somewhat restrained by the vines.
…but first, get Madara back on the right track.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Madara demands, breathing heavy and eyes glazed over.
“What does it look like?” Tobirama says, offering a smirk in place of an annoyed scowl. “Apologizing the best way I know how.”
“B-but,” Madara breathes, as Tobirama trails his fingers down his chest, down to palm the obvious bulge in his pants. “Uh. What.”
Tobirama huffs out a laugh. This ability to render his lover incoherent with a simple touch has long since become second nature. Granted, it works both ways, but Madara is, for some reason, much more prone to surprise attacks by seduction.
“Just trust me,” Tobirama says, leaning down to place a lingering, open-mouthed kiss on his lover’s neck, wrangling out a drawn-out whimper Madara would probably never admit to. “If you’d like me to stop, just say so, koibito.”
Madara doesn’t object to the endearment this time, and Tobirama counts that as a clear victory.
Tobirama shifts to place another kiss on the underside of his jaw, making quick work of divesting Madara of his pants so he can give his cock a firm stroke. This earns him a breathless moan from his lover—and no further complaints.
Madara drags him by the collar into another kiss, biting and sucking on Tobirama’s bottom lip as he fucks into his hand, getting just as lost in the pleasure as Tobirama feels. Hands, hot and demanding, run over Tobirama’s body, tugging at his clothes insistently, soon bordering on desperate. Madara’s cock grows rock hard under his touch, an enticing prize that makes Tobirama’s mouth water. It takes a monumental effort to keep track of the Mokuton that’s still twitching and twisting around their limbs with confused agitation, its grip getting weaker and weaker until—
Madara is busy sucking on one of Tobirama’s nipples, fingers toying with the other, when the vines grow stiff, then totally slack, and yank themselves away to all but fly over to the opposite corner. The motion throws them both off-balance, and Madara ends up sprawled on top of Tobirama as they scramble to untangle their limbs and get into a more or less comfortable position.
“What the—”
“It worked,” Tobirama says, smirking wider as the sound of Hashirama’s wail resounds through every single wall of the mansion.
“MADARA,” the idiot shrieks from somewhere in the distance, “NOT MY LITTLE BROTHER!”
Before Madara has the chance to yell back his retort, Tobirama Hiraishins them both to land on the softness of the futon back home, reeling Madara in to distract him from the ordeal with fervent kisses and wandering hands. Madara doesn’t seem to mind. 
He shifts his weight from hands to elbows, cradling them both with his hair, and deepens the kiss, it seems, with the sole intent of driving Tobirama mad with want. Madara moves with him, cock rubbing against his thigh as Tobirama thrusts back, chasing the delicious friction, his pants too tight, skin too hot, Madara’s touch not nearly enough.
“Good creative thinking back there,” Madara says as they break away for air before meeting once more for another bruising kiss.
“Do I get a reward then?” Tobirama asks, shivering with pleasure as Madara moves to mouth at his collarbone, sucking on the sensitive skin there.
“Oh yes,” Madara drawls, dragging his mouth down Tobirama’s chest to his hipbone with just the slightest hint of teeth. Finally, Madara frees his length, lips hovering over it, teasing, barely touching. Tobirama can’t quite hold back a groan. “I’ll show you how creative I can be.”
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crimsonbluemoon · 5 years
Working for Love: A TerrorMoo story 16/17
Hello hello! Happy Saturday to everyone reading this. This story’s been a lot of fun to write, and I’m happy to get this final part out. This is the technical ending to the story, but per Grace’s request, I’ll have an extra scene for people looking for a mature epilogue. 
But for those who don’t, this is the final one! So please, enjoy.
OH! And also make sure to come to my new Discord’s Podcast tonight at 8pm! ‘The Creativity Corner’ is for writers and authors who want to have others to connect with, or fans that wanna help support their favorite content creators. We’ve got a happy little community right now, so come join us! 
Our Podcast tonight will be about Burnout and Artblocks and how to push through them. 
If you need the link, here it is. <3 
Now enjoy the story!
Previous Part
Start from the beginning
Brian couldn’t keep the smile off his face if someone punched him (Tyler had already threatened to once, due to how ‘goofy’ his grin looked all day). Why?
Because he and Brock were together. 
Well, sort of. 
After comforting Brock during his breakdown, he’d spent a week sleeping at Brock’s place. Cuddling and kissing Brock every morning before life dragged them out of bed had been the best part of his day, and he felt high from the sensations that thrummed through his body each time Brock murmured his name with fondness. Sex hadn’t been talked about yet, which Brian understood. Brock had taken two hours to fully explain the negative effects his ex had on his body image, as well as his mental health. Just hearing how Brock’s previous boyfriend handled the situation was disgusting and left a bitter taste in his mouth. He’d split a pizza with Craig on Brock’s couch the next day, letting Brock catch up on sleep he’d been struggling to claim due to his anxiety. Mini looked rightfully spiteful when speaking about the ex, pointing out that the emotional abuse he’d provided Brock had been going on long before Brock even realized it. 
Brian had made sure to cuddle Brock even tighter that night, hoping his warmth could chase away any residual pain left behind. 
“You still didn’t ask him to be your boyfriend? You’re literally worse than Jonathan and Evan. I didn’t even think that was possible.” Tyler’s blunt statement made Brian laugh and Evan shrug, arms leaning on the front desk.
“There’s no expiration date on love.” 
“You saying you love Jonathan?” Brian asked, forcing himself not to pump his fists when finally getting a hint of a blush on Evan’s face. 
“I’m just here for the pizza man, not to get dissected.” And to prove his point, Evan reached forward to snag a piece from the box in front of him. The tradition of the gym was to provide pizza every first monday of the month as an incentive to get fair-weather members in for a work-out. The likelihood of them signing up for a class once there was higher, especially after the guilt of eating four slices of pizza came into play. It was a smart marketing move on Tyler’s part, Brian would give him that. 
“Number one, you’re here because I still pay you for some fucking reason.” Tyler smacked the back of Evan’s hand, scowling when Evan only clutched the crust harder and took the pain in order to rip a bite off the piece. 
“You can’t separate a man from his true love.”
“Funny, I don’t see Jonathan here.” Brian quipped back, snickering.
“Look who’s talking!” Evan’s childish reply didn’t deserve a response, so Brian ignored it by stuffing his own piece of pizza into his mouth. 
“Number two,” Tyler continued, glaring at both guilty parties. “Stop eating the customer’s food.”
“It’s closing time; the only one whose gonna come in now is Brock,” Brian said, glancing to the clock. It was close to 9:30, meaning they only had a half hour before the place officially shut down. A quick sweep of the gym saw two, maybe three, people inside. 
“And it’s so good.” Evan said, or that was what Brian thought he said, since pizza was muffling his words. 
“Number three; you both are hopeless losers if you can’t get the balls to ask out the men you’re in love with. I barely even tolerate Mini, but I was smart enough to make it official.” The last piece of information made Brian choke on his slice. Tyler and Craig were dating? Since when?! What alternate reality was he living in? And were they fucking, because Tyler still was just as grouchy as he’d been during his dry spell. Brian was going to have words with Craig. “And for the last fucking time, Brian, put your hat on.”
“Can’t,” he coughed out after swallowing the ball of dough lodged in his throat. “Gotta go get the weights ready for Brocky, bye!” 
“I’m going to fire you!” Tyler’s threat barely left a scratch on Brian as he tuned him out, humming when jogging through the gym to get to the weight rack. He’d set up time for Brock to work with him on free weights, which really was just a ploy to watch Brock’s bicep flex up close. All of Brock was handsome, but there was something about the transformation of his arm that really made Brian’s stomach heat with arousal. He wasn’t planning on getting anything out of it (other than a nice little image to think of in the shower), but Brian had already accepted that Brock could read a newspaper and he would somehow find it sexy. At least during this particular activity, he’d have a reason to ‘fix his form’.
“Hey.” Brian paused in moving one of the bars to the side when he heard a new voice call out to him, glancing over his shoulder at the newcomer. The man wasn’t out of shape, though the lack of definement on his muscles proved the gym wasn’t the first place he thought of going after work. It may have explained why he was calling out to Brian; he probably needed help with something he hadn’t learned to use yet.
“What can I help you with?” Brian asked, caught off guard by the once over he got. Sure, this wouldn’t be the first time someone had checked him out, but most did it from the corner of their eyes or behind machinery. The guy was bold, Brian would give him that. 
“I’m new to this gym. Was wondering how to sign up for training lessons.” 
“Most of our sessions are between the hours of 9am and 5pm; we rarely do one this close to closing. You can talk to Evan or Tyler at the front desk and see what trainer fits your timeframe,” Brian answered, giving a polite smile that stayed rigid with professionalism. Flirting was nice when he wasn’t dating someone, but Brian knew how to turn off his charm when he needed to. Here, seeing the obvious interest in Brian, he made sure to keep an appropriate distance from him when pointing out the front desk. “They’ll tell you all of our availability up there.” 
“Are you free now?” Persistence did not look good on this man, and Brian had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. From the corner of his gaze, he caught a familiar face, and his smile was much easier to throw out when seeing Brock giving him a wave.  
“Actually, I’m not. My boyfriend’s coming over to work out with me.” He’d said the title hundreds of times in his head, but it was the first that he’d let slip from his lips. And damn, did it feel good. He added a nod behind the man, who huffed and turned to inspect who Brian was talking about. Brian didn’t get to see the man’s reaction, because the joy that drained from Brock’s smile was far more important. Brock had never turned pale so fast in Brian’s presence, his wide eyes and quickened breathing both signs that something had gone terribly wrong. And fuck if people were watching (really it was just this one guy in the gym now), Brian needed to soothe him.  “Brock? Sweetheart, you okay?” 
“That’s who you’re dating?” The unnecessary bite to the man’s tone had Brian snapping his head back, his glare already reved up. 
“That a problem?” 
“He’s my ex-boyfriend.” A sentence had never made Brian’s stomach drop out and boil with rage at the same time. 
He was going to give Tyler a reason to fire him, after all. 
“You fucking asshole.” Brian’s hands grabbed the man’s shirt before slammed him into the mirror, fists shaking from how hard he was pressing into the other’s chest. “You fucking waste of life.” 
“Brian!” Brock’s cry of his name was heard, but for once, he didn’t feel soothed by it. Instead, the hatred and anger blistered in his skin, his teeth clenched together between scalding words of disgust.
“You vile dick. You, you, think you have any right to say shit to Brock? That you deserve anyone close to his calibre? Are you fucking crazy?” His arms slammed the man back again when he tried to respond, not wanting to hear his response. “I should knock every one of your stupid teeth out-”
“Please stop!” Brock’s chest was warm when he grabbed Brian from behind, his forehead pressed to the back of Brian’s neck. The arms around Brian were strong, but shaking, and it was the fact that Brock was trembling that made Brian finally let go of the other’s shirt. Brock pulled him back a couple feet before another hand grabbed him, turning him to face Evan and Tyler.
“Yo, calm down dude,” Evan tried to be calm about the outburst, but Tyler’s anger palpable in the air. 
“What the fuck was that? You can’t attack random ass people in the gym!” 
“He’s not random!” Brian snarled back, sending a scathing glare toward the man now staring at Brock. Brock, who was now pressed to his side, hadn’t noticed the look, too busy grabbing Brian’s hands to check his knuckles for bruises. But Brian had, and he wanted to rip the man’s eyeballs out of his head for even thinking he had the right. “That’s Brock’s ex.” 
“Oh shit.” Evan’s voice was quiet, but it seemed to echo from how silent the gym had become. Brock flinched next to him, but stayed silent on the topic, shaky fingers rubbing circles into Brian’s knuckles. 
“Jesus fuck, what is my life.” Tyler’s groan was followed by his hand sliding down his face, but Brian picked up on some of his ire washing away. He wished his anger had lowered at all, but seeing Brock’s ex open his mouth made fury rise through him again.
“Brock, you… you lost some weight.” It was insulting to hear Brock’s accomplishment said with such a surprised tone. Brian’s spine was ready to snap with how stiff it was, but he held himself still when Brock’s hand slipped to his lower back and rubbed along the vertebrae. 
“I’ve been working on being healthier,” Brock answered quietly, and Brian hated how hard it looked for Brock to make eye contact with the man who’d crushed him months ago. “It’s not really about the weight; just trying to be happy.” 
“That’s what I meant, that’s what I’ve always been telling you-” 
“No.” In an uncharacteristic rudeness that had Brian’s pride swelling, Brock steadied his feet and took a slow breath before continuing. “No, that’s not what you did. You tore me down and picked out everything you felt was wrong about me. It wasn’t about me being happy, it was about being good enough for you to date. You supported change; you just… you didn’t support me.”
“Well, I-” 
“But now,” Brock’s hand paused in its movement against Brian’s back, and he didn’t need any incentive to lean down and kiss Brock’s temple for reassurance. He felt Brock lean into the connection for a moment, as if trying to absorb Brian’s confidence in him. “I’m with someone who will.” 
“He’s only with you because you lost weight. If anything, I helped you. You’re never going to get better than you are now, which you only got to because I left you.” 
“Brock’s been the same fucking person since day one, you prick. Do you really think losing weight made him different somehow? How blind can you be? I swear to God- say something stupid like that again-” Brian was ready to launch across the floor to tackle the man to the ground, but in a blink of an eye, the man was yanked out of sight. Surprised, Brian glanced over to see that Tyler had the guy by the scruff of the neck. Using his height and strength, he manhandled the ex to the front of the gym, his scowl fierce. 
“Okay, I’m done with this. I have a no douchebag policy in my gym, and you’re well past that line. You’re done.” 
“Excuse me? I have a membership-”
“I’ll mail you a fucking refund.” Evan let out a cheer when Tyler tossed the man out of the gym, the doors slamming shut behind him. Brian wanted to feel anything but anger, but his blood was boiling. 
“Fuck!” Frustrated at himself for not chasing the man down, Brian pulled away from Brock, shoulders stiff when storming into the locker room. He barely made it past the door before he shouted again, hands slamming into the row of steel lockers lining the wall. His palms stung from the intense contact, but he didn’t care, needing to feel something other than pure rage. Why had that guy thought he had any right to make Brock feel worthless? All the emotional scars, the times Brock had lost sleep, the tears poured over that beautiful face were because of a piece of garbage like that? Another heavy roll of emotion washed over Brian, who clenched his hands and pounded against the lockers again. He leaned his forearms onto the cool metal, head no longer supported by his neck when he dropped it against the solid surface. Closing his eyes, Brian could feel his trembles trickling down his back, coasting along the skin light enough to create goosebumps in their path. 
“Brian.” The voice was cautious and soft, and Brian wanted to curl into it and never come out. He didn’t move from his tense position against the locker, hearing Brock move closer. “Tyler said to tell you he really did revoke his membership. Just deleted him from the database, too.” 
“Probably so I wouldn’t look up his address and beat the fock outta him.” And deep down, he knew Tyler’s caution was right on the money. 
“You wouldn’t really-”
“I would.” He took his time lifting his head to make sure that Brock could take in the serious expression on his face. “I would do it without a second thought.” 
“You shouldn’t do that.” Brock didn’t flinch away from the violence, but his concerned look was enough to settle some of the anger in Brian’s stomach. 
“After everything that focker did to you, I’d be more than happy to rearrange his face. Give me one reason I shouldn’t.” 
“Because that wouldn’t make me happy.”  Brian felt his lungs release the final wisps of tension at Brock’s soft touch, palms sliding over his cheeks to cradle his face in his hands.  “He’s a coward who would press charges, and then I’d be the one punished again. It’d just hurt me in the end.”
“Don’t want that,” Brian admitted without a fight. His shoulders slumped, leaning his weight onto the lockers. How did Brock ease his soul like this? Seconds ago, he’d been ready to tear through every house in the town in order to find the bastard who’d hurt the nicest man Brian had ever met. Now, nuzzling his nose against the soothing touch, he just wanted to hold Brock. But his body still shook with anger, and he didn’t trust himself to stay soft yet. Not the way Brock deserved. So he kept his forearms still, letting Brock take the lead in bringing their mouths together for a kiss that only lingered for a second. When Brock continued, the words caressed his lips like a whisper for nobody else to hear. 
“Neither do I. So we need to put this behind us.” 
“But he-”
“All that matters is that I’m here with you right now, not chasing after him to blow up his ego and make excuses for why other guys are stronger than him.” Brian could tell from the wistful way Brock’s tone shook that he’d been in those shoes far too many times before. “He can’t hurt me anymore. Maybe a year ago, seeing him would have ruined my confidence for days. But you helped me find my self-worth. I love myself too much to let him break me down again. And giving him any more of our time just feels wrong. So we’re not going to go after him; let his last memory of me be standing tall by your side without him. That’ll be worse than any bruise you’d give him, because it won’t ever fade. He’ll know I’m...” 
Brock’s confidence faltered, and Brian’s focus zeroed in on the quiver of the thumb that brushed over his cheek again. Brock was trying to be so strong, to be the support that Brian needed after he lost his cool over the ex. He was so amazing, and it shook Brian how often the beauty of Brock’s personality was hidden to make others feel better. Like Brian, right in this moment. And playing the bull-headed gym idiot others tended to see him as, he’d forgotten something important. 
“He’ll know you’re mine, sweetheart.” Brock’s face dusted with red was always Brian’s favorite image, and he felt a genuine grin catch the side of his lips at the sight. Still, he didn’t feel clear enough with his words. There was no way he was going to let Brock walk out of the locker room without knowing exactly what Brian wanted. Feeling in control of himself, Brian dropped one arm from the locker, his fingers roaming over the curve of Brock’s hip to pull him closer. Their chests met as Brian turned to face him, crowding him between his body and the lockers. “Tonight, he’s gonna go to sleep with the knowledge that I’m the luckiest son of a bitch in this town, because you’re my boyfriend.”
“Really?” The wide eyes and parted lips only lasted until Brian nodded. Then, like the first hint of sunlight over the horizon, Brock’s face bloomed with awe. His cheeks were stilly rosy, rounded and perfect to cradle the cute nose between them. His lips couldn’t hide his teeth from how brightly he smiled, eyes aglow with a warmth that would make fire jealous. Hands that others could find too clammy or pudgy were soft silk holding Brian’s cheek tightly, their foreheads meeting in the middle without words. Brian couldn’t stop himself from kissing Brock once, twice, three times more, his own relief growing with each second Brock didn’t deny the claim. And when he needed to pull away (because lungs didn’t care about romance), he made sure to use the space to answer Brock’s silly question.
“I’ve been head over heels for you since I saw you singing on the treadmill.” 
“Oh my God, Brian. You're the worst.” But the pure joy that came out of Brock’s watery laughter proved he didn’t mean it at all. Brian wanted to feel that giggle on his mouth, but before he could lean in again, a crackle shot through the air.
“Attention, love birds! Tyler and I would like to go home sometime before Christmas, so please stop fucking in the locker room. And clean any sex messes you make!” Mini’s loud cackle after the comment could be heard outside of the loudspeaker, and Brian laughed at the absurdity of their lives. Brock didn’t seem to find the humor in it, groaning before dropping his head onto Brian’s shoulder.
“I take it back; Craig’s the worst.” Despite rubbing Brock’s back to show sympathy, Brian couldn’t wipe the grin off his face if he tried. 
Because he and Brock were together.
No doubt about it.
And look at that; happy ending! I love these two, theyre so fun to write. <3 So I hope you’ve enjoyed this! Don’t forget about our Podcast tonight, come join and hang out, and as always, like, reblog, and let me know what you think! <3
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walkingshcdow-a · 4 years
Soft Things: Finnegan/Victor Trevor
((I did the headcanons, but not the drabble because @tinfoiltemplar is a BEAST and I cannot live up to her prowess)).
12 soft things your muse would have learned about mine by now
Finnegan has a lengthy skin care routine and up close, his skin smells slightly sweet and is very soft. His bathroom counter is lined with bottles of creams and sprays and he keeps them organized but will not put them in a drawer. He has an extensive collection of soaps, lotions, and bath products as well.
Finnegan knows Too Many ways to tie a tie. He has a modest collection of ties, which is to say he has quite a few but not nearly as many as you would expect. He likes to do Victor’s tie and he likes to swap ties with Victor.
Finnegan reads a lot of science articles for fun. He’s not a scientist and not all of the articles are medical in nature, but he is quietly very curious. He gets hard copies of magazines like Smithsonian and WIRED at the airport every time he goes. If he’s reading a “real book”, he’s reading it on his tablet or his phone from his digital library. 
Finnegan likes to take pictures on vacation, far more than he likes to buy souvenirs. He sends his own vacation photos to his publicist and social media manager, but saves the best ones for rotation in his digital picture frame or for proper framing. He’s pretty good at photography, but he spends chunks of time deleting ones that he finds “unsuitable” with a very, very critical eye. 
Finnegan tips generously and is the cryptid customer people at the local diner talk about having left a three hundred dollar tip on a cup of coffee. He will not tell anyone he’s doing this because it really is nothing to him and he’s not trying to get attention for it. In fact, when confronted, he gets a little indignant that you would think it was unusual enough to point out. 
Finnegan talks very softly to his horses and always brings them snacks as an apology for being gone so long. He has favorites and will gladly introduce you. In fact, one of his favorite things about being at the stables is talking to people about his horses - especially spectators and small children. It’s one of the few places he doesn’t have to be himself. 
Finnegan rolls his own cigarettes en masse once a month as a mind-numbing, relaxation activity. He’s attempted to substitute crafts for this activity when he’s quit smoking. He hated doing them. He washes his hands very thoroughly afterward and bathes them in lotion to keep them from getting raw from washing or smelling like an ashtray. 
Finnegan wears slightly heeled shoes. Nothing gauche or dramatic, but just enough to raise him up to 6’ until he’s barefoot again.  
Finnegan likes to play solitaire when he’s bored. He prefers to play it with cards to playing it on an app because he also likes to shuffle cards, perhaps more than he actually likes to play the game. 
Finnegan keeps a charging station for his tablet in every room of the house. They’re usually very intentionally discreet. 
Finnegan enjoys riding shotgun and is surprisingly Not Bossy when in the passenger seat. He will be particular about the AC or the music, but is otherwise content to let the driver do the driving while he stares out the windows or takes a nap. Actually, he really loves to take naps in the passenger seat of Victor’s car. At ease, he will press his cheek against the sun-warmed window and drift off. 
Finnegan calls his Aunt Edie once a week just to catch up. When he talks to her, he smiles so much that his dimples actually show and he would be flustered if Victor pointed them out.
6 soft things my muse loves about yours
His hair! Finnegan loves Victor’s curls. He loves to touch his hair, stroke it, pull it… it’s so curly and messy in the mornings and I don’t know if he wants to use the word “cute” or “hot” to describe Victor in those moments, but he loves it. 
That Victor likes to be held. Finnegan has never thought of himself as a physically affectionate person until Victor was in his life. Maybe he just never had someone in his life who was as sweet and cute (and sometimes sloppy, but he’s alllll heart eyes about it right now) about wanting affection from him. Finnegan loves holding Victor at night but the thing I’m LIVING for is how much he likes Victor climbing into his lap because he thinks it’s not only cute and sexy, but hilarious with Victor being taller and more muscular than him that he just… does that. He wants to hold Victor all the time because Victor is so pleased to be held. 
Victor’s eye for art and ear for poetry. Two things, one quality. Finnegan loves that his boyfriend is artistic and creative and a little dreamy. He could listen to Victor talk all day and if Victor steadily redecorated Finnegan’s apartment “without him noticing”, Finnegan would appreciate it. He also likes that they can joke and tease and talk and argue about the humanities without either of them having a real stake in it. It’s fun and nice. 
Victor’s affection for Evan. Finnegan likes looking at pictures of him when Victor shows him them, likes hearing Victor excited and happy about something good in his life. Finnegan actually would much rather see VIctor’s pictures of Evan than other people’s photos of their children. He won’t say this because he knows how it sounds, but it’s true. 
Victor’s workaholic tendencies. Finnegan also values a strong work ethic and a drive for perfection, however what he loves best about Victor’s workaholic nature is finding Victor asleep in odd places and tucking him in or cajoling him to come to bed. He loves that Victor “needs” him to take care of him. He loves that Victor tries his best in everything. He just really loves Victor, ok? Even (or perhaps especially) when he’s being a disaster. 
Victor’s stupid, scratchy old man socks. They’re emblematic of how old fashioned Victor is and they’re also really warm. Finnegan teases him mercilessly about them and about all of his other “old man” habits, but if he woke up one morning to Victor’s bare feet pressed to his shins, I think he’d be confused and a little concerned. He loves that Victor is a little stuffy and traditional and rationalizing why he loves it is silly. He just does.
3 soft things they should do together
Dance together. I cannot stress enough how much Finnegan wants to hold Victor in his arms on a dance floor. I also can't stress enough that Finnegan is shorter than Victor. I want to know if this means he lets Victor lead (for a change) or if he still leads even dancing or if there’s a power struggle and fumbling as they try to figure out what they’re doing. Love it!
Take a cooking class together. They need it but I also need them getting distracted while doing "homework" in the kitchen. Please enjoy the mental image of them having a food fight and ruining expensive suits.
Kiss and hold hands in public. Please.
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 4 years
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it’s (nearly) mid-year muse update time aka beth is addicted to doing pointless things instead of the things she actually needs to get done! no one has to read, but i wanted to collect and share my thoughts on where ash is currently so i can figure out where he’s headed and what i need to do to push him toward some key development points i’m planning on. will probably be redoing his intro post again soon too.
ash’s main solo work focuses currently continue to be solo music, endorsements and cfs, and writing/composing/producing for others. nothing new there except perhaps more focus on concerts/fanmeetings/live performances this year as well as osts thanks to the success of “so long”.
ash is overworked as always, but it’s going to be even more this year than last year. knight’s not promoting as often, so ash is being milked for everything he’s worth. largely, the plan is for the push to be very successful, which only feeds into ash’s workaholism because he’s getting rewarded for it :/ it doesn’t come without its negatives. ash is holding out for now but Honey, You’ve Got A Big Storm Coming
he’s working on his next album (i do not want to discuss the number of times i’ve changed my mind about parts of it thank you) and his goal is to have as much of a hand in it creatively as he possibly can. he wants it to be his magnum opus (ash vc: red was taylor swift’s fourth album!! it has to live up to that!! fatalism was not the speak now it should have been!!), which it may not really be, but he’ll probably end up happier with it than he was with fatalism.
technically, he’s started working on his next album after that one too but that isn’t a sure thing with the company yet so it’s not something he’s super actively aware of, but his thought processes leading to that album are happening concurrently with the thought processes leading to kty4
insecurities about his songwriting are a big theme because “so long” and “now” both did so well (while romanticism flopped and d (half moon) is doing way better than expected but didn’t peak as high as ash and bc had hoped) and he didn’t write them so :///////////////// maybe people like his music more when he doesn’t write it and that hurts because he needs that Good Good external validation about the one thing he still loves doing
his seasonal single series is going well and continues to go well tho ! bc is basing most of his marketing for the year around it so it’s gotta do well
oh he’s learning how to ice skate rn for a competition show !! that’s fun ! ice dancer!ash au rise
his image continues to be fine-tuned to give him his ~marketable niche~ the push has really narrowed into a sexy but sensitive, mysterious but emotionally vulnerable, desirable but unattainable kind of thing (because he can’t really be marketed as Innocent and Completely Available as effectively at this point)
musically, he’s striking a balance between r&b and ballads that he’s Not Mad about
public sentiment is growing gradually more positive toward him again though! it’s been over two years now since he got in a scandal and most have forgotten to be pissed about past incidents or believe he’s matured, though his dedicated antis are still very dedicated and waiting for him to slip up at any turn. most comments are people being horny over him now instead of yelling at him for being horny so that’s a win for bc ent
his personal life is messy but he’s Working On Himself and it’s not just in theory even if it comes off that way sometimes :///
he wants to be a better person and be better to himself, so he’s been actively trying to work toward that since april. it’s hard, though, ‘cause, you know... positive thinking can’t make the clinical depression go away. he hasn’t fully come to the realization of how much he makes things worse for himself when he doesn’t need to, but it’s a process. he’ll probably start going back to therapy regularly soon for the first time in like three or four years so we love that for him
alcohol & substance abuse tw // his Problematic Relationship With Alcohol is still there :// he is working on it kinda, but he hasn’t acknowledged that it’s as big a problem as it is, so he isn’t addressing it in his efforts to treat himself better as much as he should
still struggling because he believes he has to put himself in emotionally painful situations in order to write good music, but :/ nobody’s perfect
he’s also kinda realizing san francisco might not be the shining beacon of hope he considered it to be for so long and he’s scared to go back now because he doesn’t want to feel like his soul doesn’t have a home anymore
so generally he’s Sad as usual, but he’s trying to slowly better himself though he’s not without his flaws in that plan
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I'm not sure if requests are open, the description says they are but it could be a mistake. If they are could I request Starish reactions with a scaredy cat s/o. It's the season of spookiness and I'm not taking it well.
Being a bit of a scaredy cat himself, Otoya understands how his s/o feels during Halloween especially.
He tries to be brave for them, and he’ll always assure them that none of the pranks are real, and that although the decorations look real, they’re just pretend, and that it’s all in good fun and in a few days everything will be back to normal.
When his s/o clings to him when something especially spooky crosses their path, he feels a tiny bit of pride that he’s the one they go to when they’re scared. Of course, it gets to Otoya too, and he returns the bear hug right away.
When everyone else wants to watch a scary movie, Otoya arranges his own movie date with his s/o to keep their mind off things. They have a cuddly movie date with comedies, and they just laugh when they hear their friends screaming in the videos that somehow made their way on social media.
Masato vows to keep any and all scary things out of his s/o’s sight. If the decorations in the dorms get out of hand, he’ll sneakily tear down the more gruesome ones. If something is hidden away, waiting to be found, he’ll disarm the trap before his s/o can even get close.
He doesn’t want to ruin everyone’s fun, though, so he’ll hold his s/o’s hand whenever they need him to, and he’ll lead them to the less scary decorations so they can have a bit of holiday fun too. There’s plenty of shops to admire that utilize the colors of fall instead, and they’re just as fun to check out.
They’ll do a lot of Halloween activities that are completely innocent, like carving pumpkins and thinking of a cute couple costume, that Masato will make for them, of course. Masato will also bake Halloween treats with them and hand them out to everyone early on Halloween.
If something really scares them, Masato will hold them close and whisper they’ll be alright in their ear, and he won’t let anything happen to them. They’ll be safe as long as they’re in his arms, and that’s just the thing that his s/o wants to hear.
Even though his initial reaction to his s/o’s scared reactions is that they’re just the cutest things he’s ever seen, he’ll quickly change his mindset and promise he’ll bring a smile back to their face, since that’s when they’re actually the cutest.
Natsuki knows all the shops in town that have cute Halloween decorations, the ones with the cutest stuffed animals, and the ones with the best tasting Halloween-themed desserts. His s/o would be so overloaded with all the cute parts of Halloween they’ll forget there’s anything scary out there in the first place.
He’ll buy them a cute costume to wear on the actual holiday, and he’ll stay in with them and give candy to all the Trick-or-Treaters. Kids are too adorable to be really scary, so they’ll have a great time watching all the costumes pass by. Everyone is so creative this year, Natsuki is already planning the next costumes for them to wear next time.
Natsuki is a pretty big guy, so he promises that he’ll be his s/o’s personal bodyguard any time they feel like they need some extra protection during the spooky season. He’ll pick them up and carry them in his arms, claiming that he’s too tall for any vampires or werewolves to get him. Ghosts might be a bit trickier to take care of, but he says he’ll ask them nicely to leave his s/o alone. He’s got them covered no matter what kind of monster may appear.
Tokiya, being the logical guy he is, really doesn’t understand what is so terrifying about Halloween, but he makes an effort to see things from his s/o’s point of view. Fake blood was more cheesy than anything, and although special effects in movies were getting better, they were still pretty easy to spot, but he supposed that too much of this stuff could wear away at someone.
His s/o gets a little more clingy, and he takes it in stride. He’ll talk about the origins of certain monsters and movie characters, and somehow hearing these things explained in the most matter-of-fact way possible really detracts from the scare factor. Tokiya rattling on about the figures in the horror genre is actually pretty soothing, and they’ll end up falling asleep more often than not to the sound of his voice on those nights they were too scared to sleep.
Also: “I was a big wolf in one of my stage plays, and I wasn’t so scary then, was I?”
Tokiya isn’t the biggest fans of Halloween parties to begin with, so he has no problem staying inside when the rest of Starish goes out to scare themselves silly. But in the off chance they do want to go out, he’ll stay by their side and talk with them most of the night. If anyone tries to pull pranks on them, he’ll quickly shut them down and give them a look that will guarantee they won’t try it again.
There’s plenty of stuff to focus on that isn’t scary that can improve their view on Halloween. He’ll tell them to focus on black kittens, jack-o-lanterns, candy, hiding under a blanket with hot cider… which he suggests they do, because that’s one of the best parts of fall.
Ren loved that his s/o was a little scaredy cat. The fact that they were practically always hanging from him was absolutely amazing, and he loved that he was who they turned to when their fears were acting up. And of course, he always told them that they can latch on as long as they needed to. He’ll hug them and give them kisses and picks them up and smother them with affection to distract them from any terrors.
Ego boost aside, he’s genuinely very attentive to his s/o when they’re upset. He knows when to remove them from a situation that’s a bit too much for them, and he’ll stick with them as long as he needs to in order to calm them down. Sometimes he’ll take them on a drive just to get them to focus on something else.
Ren’s favorite part of Halloween by far is the costumes, so he sees this as a great way to bring a little positivity to the night. He’ll tease that they could always dress up as a ‘sexy’ version of something, or they could always go the route of dressing up as elegant vampires that would surely gain the attention of everyone that saw them. How could they be scared when they’re too busy stealing the show?
In the true spirit of things, Ren thinks of a cute nickname for his s/o just for Halloween. Perhaps they’re his black kitten, or they could be his little devil… the possibilities are endless, and his s/o is too busy shooting down all of his advances to be scared of Halloween.
Syo, of course, will be the absolute bravest person on the planet for his s/o’s sake. Nothing can get past him. No one jumping from behind a corner, no hyper-realistic spiders hanging from the ceiling, no jump scares on websites… Well, that last one was a little trickier, but he was good at looking over his s/o’s shoulder and making sure they don’t follow any weird links.
He sees Halloween as a good time to try to get over their fears. He believes in them, and he knows that if they put their mind to it, they’ll be able to take anything head on. He’ll ease them into scary situations on their own terms; they’ll start with something small like plastic bugs and rats and gradually move on to scary movies and things like that. Of course, if anything gets to be too much, he’ll calm their nerves and tell them he’s proud of them for trying.
If his s/o is embarrassed about being scared, he’ll take the fall for them and claim that whatever going on is too scary for him, and he’ll insist that they should knock it off because it’s getting to him. Then when no one’s looking, he’ll wink at his s/o and give them a knowing smile.
Syo has the perfect alternative for scary moving nights: Prince of Fighting! Sure they’ve watched them a million times, but they’re not scary at all now since all the suspenseful scenes are easy to predict at this point.
Since Cecil isn’t used to any Halloween traditions yet, he’s more confused than scared of anything. He’ll ask his s/o to explain their reactions and what’s so scary about stuff, and they’ll usually refuse and just tell him to ask someone else. But he’s pretty persistent, and through explaining things to him, his s/o starts to realize that all these things they thought were terrifying aren’t so bad.
Cecil reminds his s/o that he spent a good chunk of time as a black cat, so he can personally guarantee that there’s nothing scary about felines. He thinks that all of the Halloween creatures are just misunderstood, and he’ll talk to his s/o about that and those conversations also help ease their fears.
He also asks if there’s any Halloween songs that he should know about. Once his s/o fills him in, he’ll insist that they sing together. It’s hard to be scared when you’re having a blast singing a duet with Cecil, and he’ll definitely start up random singalongs as often as he can.
Cecil is always wanting to learn, and as a result of that, his s/o ends up learning things too. Knowledge helps get rid of the fear of the unknown, and it’s a subtle way Cecil helps his s/o get over the Halloween jitters. By the end of the season, Cecil sits back and smiles as they take in all Halloween has to offer. It took a little bit of work, but he knew it was just the thing his loved one needed.
Also, since Halloween is his birthday, a lot of the focus is taken from spooks and instead directed at birthday prep and festivities. His s/o never had a lot to look forward to during this season, but now that Cecil was around to dote on, they had a brand new outlook on the holiday.
I hope your Halloween isn’t too scary, and I hope you can have a fun day despite all the scares! 
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hobstagram · 5 years
album review
yes I'm on hiatus, yes I need to talk abt this album in depth bc I'm going fucking insane
Persona: this fucking song ok it pays homage to their old hip hop sound whilst still sounding like the ‘current bts’, namjoon’s flow is amazing and works really well with the beat of the song, which is also just... fun and bouncy.... the song just makes me wanna bounce in my chair. the beat is just rlly fun and good and the chorus is catchy and fun and just honestly one of my favourite songs on the album
Boy With Luv: I'm not gonna lie it’s better than what I expected but still.... manages to be the most Okay song on this album. like its not bad I can’t really pick out anything that I specifically don’t like it’s just that there’s also very little that I can pick out that I really like. but what I will say is... yoongi and namjoon’s raps!!! r so sexy!! the rap breaks up the rhythm of the song nicely and is a little unexpected (esp yoongi’s) also whilst I don't dislike halsey’s part she didn’t bring anything new/interesting to the song and I personally find her ad-libs rlly annoying esp her ‘I want it’ (and esp on the non-mv ver bc they’re on Every Chorus) but I do think her effort is commendable singing in a new language/learning a dance is hard and she did ok. the mv was also just generally cute and the dance seems like a lot of fun! 
Mikrokosmos: i like this song! it’s gets a tad too repetitive for me by the end but the beat is rlly funky esp when u listen w good quality headphones u can hear a lot of nice little quirks of the synth that it’s harder to pick up w normal quality headphones/out loud. it’s the kinda song that needs ur full attention to be able to appreciate it. I like the chorus even tho it’s quite simple it’s effective at getting the feeling of the song across and the melodies r all so prettyalso the vmin (?) harmonies are so pretty!! the raps are nothing special but they fit the vibe of the song rlly well and add the perfect little change. but my favourite bit is at around 2:40 when the beat drops out and there’s this dreamy synth under the vocals..... that’s the SHIT but the build up afterwards is kinda meh... if they’d finished the song there it would’ve rlly been something special the last bit just doesn’t bring anything new to the song. I just like..... idk I rlly want to like this song!! I really really want to like this song a lot but it’s just an amazing first half that fizzles out by the end...... I still like it tho I would definitely recommend listening to this song w nice headphones!!
Make It Right: ok this song fucking sounds like an ed sheeran song I could fucking tell this song was ed was soon as I heard it. personally this is my least favourite song on the album but there’s still a lot of good things about it. I like the synth initially and hoseok’s singing!!!! (maybe the hoseok stan just jumped out) but generally this is probably the most forgettable song..... dare I even say aggressively mediocre...... the synth motif gets rlly old quite fast like by the end I just don't wanna hear it anymore!! it gets old waaay too fast bc it’s so simple n repetitive and nothing new happens in the song after the first chorus...... it’s just the same.... idk again not bad just quite...... boring....... there’s just no development at all. the vocals during the pre-chorus r also just so breathy although it feels like a creative choice..... I just don’t particularly like it (again personal preference) I feel like this song will b popular w the gp bc again it sounds like an ed sheeran song skdjfh (maybe it gave me flashbacks to when I was 11 ok don't @ me)
HOME: oh yes..... as soon as namjoon starts the song u know it’s gonna b sexy. I like jimin’s voice!! in this song!! like they don’t force him to strain and it sounds good!!! however the autotune kinda makes vocal line all sound like jimin which is just a bit...... weird....... but in general jimin’s parts rlly shine in this song!! all of rap line’s verses are really good!!! it’s just groovy!! ngl the part of this song that gets me the most is the lyrics. but I feel like the song ends weirdly.... it finishes w the bridge and so sounds like it should lead to something else..... it feels unfinished and also bc it’s a bridge it doesn’t musically resolve so furthering the kinda unfinished feel (general pet peeve tho pop artists just fucking resolve ur songs its not that hard!! resolve it!! ur not cool for not resolving at the end of ur song!!)
Jamais Vu: ugh jin starting it off...... big sexy...... ngl hoseok’s first verse is sexy as well and the synth piano is nice the way it goes minor all of a sudden big fuckin sexy but then u know whats the real fucker in this song when jungkook fucking KEY CHANGE all of a fucking sudden like I practically had a heart attack when I heard it for the first time i feel like it’s a perfect musical representation of what jamais vu feels like. just this kinda musical experimentation is what I'm fucking here for!! u used to get a lot of crazy key changes in like early 2010′s kpop but recently ppl r being v safe and western but like BAM this I just love it ok ksdjhfksdj it manages to be jarring but also fit perfectly with the rest of the song like I just love it. I LOVE hoseok’s 2nd verse as well the deep synth brass(??) sounds it’s just sexy ok like this song is sad sexy and I'm fucking here for it. ugh and he layering of hoseok’s sing/rap over the vocals at the end just..... so good. it doesn’t feel messy it’s clean and effective and again matching w theme of jamais vu and kinda gives it a conversational feel. jin and jungkook both sound so good and the song actually builds on previous musical ideas and doesn’t just repeat them over and over again blindly, it feels nice and more experimental (they still didn’t resolve the song but this time I feel like it fits w the idea of jamais vu) the more I listen to this song the more I love it, it might actually be my favourite
Dionysus: holy fuck yes this was by far my favourite song in the album on the first listen like it perfectly manages to fuse the old school hiphop sound bts used to have with rock and I fucking LOVE it like it starts off as a hiphop song and the rock elements enter completely flawlessly. it’s one of the few times I really really like the super over auto-tuned voice like it feels purposeful and it fits so well with the song. also just all of hoseok’s high-pitched nasal rap/ad-libs just fits so well!! yoongi’s rap allows the best to quiet down a little and build up again w out having to have a ‘beat drop’ neccesarily. this song gets me so much more hype than a lot of their other ‘hype’ songs!! the high note/scream as well.... just wow!! it feels like there’s a lot happening but it manages to still sound rlly cohesive and just!! how the fuck did they even think of this idea I'm just in AWE. also hoseok wrote this song like I'm so fucking proud ksjdhf
overall: I was rlly surprised by this album! like genuinely rlly surprised! they managed to create an album that spans so many genres from hiphop to pop to edm to rock, some of the songs on here (mainly jamais vu and dionysus) work both conceptually and just as music. there r some songs that I felt like could’ve been executed better (coughmikrokosmoscough) and had the potential to be really amazing. bts has started being a lot more experimental w their music recently in terms of incorporating elements of other genres into their songs but this album especially feels like they’re pushing the boundaries a lot more. it’s interesting and doesn’t always work but it rlly worked here! I think esp as they’re becoming so much more popular they can kinda afford to experiment more w their music and I'm excited for more stuff like this in the future! generally the album is rlly good, some songs I like less but none that I actively dislike and a lot of interesting music!!
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ask-the-chan-family · 6 years
Tira Bright and Friends School life: Halloween special
Halloween treat. somewhere at an open field by the school, all the students were working on a homemade hunted house, so they have it ready to scare some trick or treater for Harvest Nights. Inside one of the hunted room, Tira Bright and Timber Night Wolf were working together decorating the evil witches room. They brought some items from Tira Uncle shop. so they can use them to make the place look very scary. Tira was lucky that she was in her dragon form, so it was easy for her to hang up the decorations. Timber was doing his best to carry some decorations on his back, and holding one with his mouth like a dog. Tira Bright look back to see if Timber needed help, and she noticed that he was struggling to hold them. Tira Bright laugh to herself a little, before she had the chance to ask him what he was doing. Tira Bright: Timber, what are you doing? Timber night wolf: *before he say anything, he place the decoration from his mouth on the ground* what do you think Tira. Timber is moving some decorations. Tira Bright: I can see that, but why carrying the stuff that way. you're a alicorn for peek sake, you have magic to lift alot of things. Timber night wolf: Timber know about that, but don't forget that Timber is a hybrid. Timber half alicorn and half lycane pony, So Timber is not good with magic yet. Besides, you shouldn't be complaining that your a dragon pony and able to carry things with your claws. Tira Bright: I know, it part of me still feel weird that I'm a dragon then a pegasus. It also not easy for me to changed back to normal since most of my magic have to keep this form leveled. There still alot I have to learned about myself and these abilities I have. Timber night wolf: and you will Tira. Just remember what your Uncle said during our training. Magic can't be rush, but you must understand magic itself. Tira Bright: *he laugh* your right, I try to remember that. The funny thing, you always know what my Uncle always talk about during our magic training, but always have a hard time paying attention when doing the spells. Timber night wolf: Timber prefer being a lycane like mother. Timber understands that father is an alicorn, but Timber want to learn how to achieve wolf form like mother instead. Tira Bright: that right, your mom have a special beast form whenever she facing danger. I'm surprised that you haven't reach that point yet. Timber night wolf: Timber been trying. Even little sister Zelda Night wolf already in wolf form at a young age. Tira Bright: it sound like someone is a bit jealous of their sibling. Timber night wolf: Timber is not jealous, Timber is happy for little sis. Can we change subjects, and continued working on this set, before the head mistress found us slacking off again. Tira Bright: you got a point there. I'm still mad that Auntie Della Pinn Dragon is making us work after school. Timber night wolf: and who fault was it for causing a food fight, and get Me involved. Tira Bright: I told you the last time that I was sorry. Nightshade stole my pudding cup from my lunch tray, and I was trying to get back. Timber night wolf: you know how she is whenever she see something sweet. Especially when it comes to cookies, and pudding cup. Tira Bright: yeah. and because of her, I'm stuck here helping the art and crafts club with their hunted house maze. Timber night wolf: just be lucky that you have a friend to hangout with during the punishment. On the plus side, we are able to leave classes an hour early before everyone else. Tira Bright: true, but at the same time we already miss some training sessions with my grandfather, and magic lesson from Uncle. I'm just glad today is the last day, so we can leave here and get ready for Harvest Nights festival. Timber night wolf: Timber is already excited to go trick or treating together with Nightshade, and her sister. Tira Bright: well of course. Nightshade is a total sassy dragon friend, but when it come to finding the perfect spot for candy hunting, she the dragon to ask. Timber night wolf: that true, but we still have to get some costumes for trick or treating, and most of the stores already sold out of them. Tira Bright: none to worried, Nightshade was cool enough to buy our costumes, while were busy helping this hunted house maze. Timber night wolf: did she said what costume we are wearing? Tira Bright: all I know she got me a cow girl costume, but the outfit is a little bit showing, and part of me going to hate wearing it. Timber night wolf: you would look cute that outfit Tira. Tira Bright: thanks Timber, but just be very lucky that your my best friend, or I would slap you for having some dirty thoughts about me wearing that outfit. Timber night wolf: *he gulp* noted. So what costume she got for me, knowing her she going to try to match us something together. Even though Timber kept on telling her we are friends. Tira Bright: funny thing, she was plan to wear a red riding hood costume, so she can make a couple costume when you transformed into a werewolf. But her cousin Pumpkin Spice already clam it already, and she going as a sexy Vampire instead. Timber night wolf: ok, but what about her sister Lavender, is she going to join us. Tira Bright: she not a big fan for Harvest Nights festival, but she going to join us anyway, dressing up as a bag of chip. Timber night wolf: that an .... interesting costume idea. Tira Bright: she not very creative when it come to costume. Timber night wolf: hey Timber not saying wrong. Just an interesting choose of costume she picked. Tira Bright: it is, believe me on that. Now then, I think we are done decorating this area. Since we got alot of time now, we can head over for Nightshade place and get our costumes Timber night wolf: ok, but what about me though, since Nightshade was expecting me to be a were werewolf for trick or treating, and I still can't transformed yet. Tira Bright: oh yeah, I forgot that small problem. Well then, I guess I have to help you push your transformation then. Timber night wolf: really, what is it? Tira Bright: it a potion that I been working on for a few weeks. I'm not sure it going to work right, but it should work. Timber night wolf: are you sure about that. Timber remember you try potions making before, and Timber gotten hurt from the last one. Tira Bright:, trust me Timber, this potion is going to work this time, and look at the bright side, the effect only last for the night, so you should be back to normal in the morning. Timber night wolf: .... well if you said the effect only last for the night, Timber will give it a shot. Be nice that Timber becomes a awesome werewolf for Harvest Nights. Tira Bright: trust me Timber, you won't regret it. Later that night for Harvest Nights festival, all the kids, teens, and adult alike are wearing their fancy costumes, so they can enjoy the fun activities. Somewhere down the street by a busy neighborhood, Tira Bright was walking down sidewalk, heading for houses to gain some candy. Tira Bright was wearing her cow girl costume, which Nightshade got for her, and so far she already hate the outfit. She wore a cow girl vest that barely cover her upper body, and a cow girl pants that only came with nothing that much. However she does like the hat that look cool on her, but that mostly it. While Tira doing her best to get used with the outfit, she kept on looking around her surroundings, to see where her friend Timber was. Tira was about to call his name, until she look at a nearby bushes was shaken a bit. Tira already know that Timber must be hiding in there, so she try to talk to him, before she get a chance to pull him out. Tira Bright: come on out Timber, you can't stay inside the bushes forever. Timber night wolf: Timber is fine hiding in here. You can continue on the next house without me. Tira Bright: there no way I'm going to the next house by myself in this outfit. I already got a few guys asking me on a date, and one of them try to pull my panty. Mom said never punch a guy in the face, but I'm very close wanting too. Timber night wolf: you having problems *he jump out from the bushes and reveal himself to Tira* at least you have a costume that look ok, as for me, I'm a female werewolf. Tira Bright: give me a break, Timber, I already said that I was sorry about the side effects. I though for sure I add the proper portion of the potion, but it seem like I must the miss an important ingredient, which sort of changes your sex a bit. Timber night wolf: no kidding. Tira Bright: relax Timber, like I said before that the side effects only last for the rest of the night, and you should be back to normal in the morning. As for now, let us go to a few houses, and gather some more candy. I know Mr. and Mrs. Williams might have our favorite candy bar we like. Timber Night wolf: ..... sigh, you always know how to make me feel better with candy *he feel his stomach growling* for some reason Timber been feeling much more hungrier then before. Tira Bright: be grateful that you don't have the same appetite like Nightshade. I still remember last year Harvest Nights festival that she nearly eat the entire bag of candy we gather together. We were lucky enough to get at least a few candy out of it. Tumber Night Wolf: speaking of Nightshade, Timber thought she was coming with us for trick or treating tonight. Tira Bright: Nightshade said that she going to be running a little late. She. and Lavender are trick or treating with Pumpkin Spice, and they got to make sure she doesn't get lost on her own, or eat too much candy at the same time. Timber Night Wolf: well if she going to be late. At least Timber won't need to worry about her seeing me like this. Just when he thought he could relax for a moment. Timber felt a weird present behind, and part of him feel like that he should run away. Before he got a chance to do anything, the strange present finally ravel themself by hugging him tight. Timber look and notice Nightshade was right behind him, and she kept on hugging him more. Nightshade: hello my dear sweet Timber Wimber. Do you miss seeing your dear adorable future girlfriend. Timber night wolf: Nightshade, Timber can't breath. Nightshade: you breath later, after I get another hug from you. Tira Bright: where have you been Nightshade, we thought you was going to be late trick or treating with us. Nightshade: *she let Timber go from her hug* it true I wasn't sure I going to make it, but luck for me that I convince my sister, and Pumpkin Spice to join me to catch up with you guys, instead of going the usual simple route. Tira Bright: uh huh, and I'm guessing you use your sassy charms to get them doing what you want. Nightshade: what can I say, I'm a mistress with words. Tira Bright: .... Sigh, why I'm not surprised. Nightshade: speaking of surprises, why my dear Timber Wimber have breast all of sudden, and look like a girl. I'm not complaining, I like Timber either way, but still what happened to him? Tira Bright: well Timber wanted help on gaining his beast form, and I sort of gave him a experimental potion that sort of need work. Nightshade: in other word, your so call expertise on magic still stink. Tira Bright: my magic doesn't stink Nightshade, I'm still training to be a good spell caster. Nightshade: then you need more practice half breed. Tira Bright: would you stop calling me that, Chubby cheeks. Nightshade: *she stare at Tira* who you calling chubby cheeks. Timber night wolf: *he got in between Nightshade and Tira, in order to stop their fighting* alright, that is quite enough from both of you. Don't forget that you two are best friends, and best friends don't fight each other. Nightshade: oh we are not fighting dear Timber Wimber, I'm just having a good conversation with the half breed here, who have to show respect towards a Princess. Tira Bright: the only Princess I see here, is the Princess chubby cheeks of snacks. Nightshade: I'm going to enjoy destroying you. Just before Timber had to try to stop his two friends from harming each other, they over heard a familiar voices that was coming from a distant. All three of them look, and noticed that Nightshade little sister Lavender wearing a potato chipbag, and their cousin Pumpkin Spice in a little red riding hood costume, walking up the street towards them. Nightshade was happy to see them, and also excited to see her cousin Pumpkin Spice carrying a large sack of candies she was able to gather. Nightshade walk away from her two friends for a second, and Timber was relief that the fight was over. When Lavender and Pumpkin Spice finally reach up to them, Nightshade was standing in front of the large sack of candy, and was drooling of how beautiful it was. Just before she got the chance to open the bag, Pumpkin Spice surprise Nightshade with a big hug. Pumpkin Spice: hey cousin Shadie, super glad that we finally caught up with you, and your friends. Nightshade: I'm glad you did shirt cake, but what did I said about giving me big hugs like this. Pumpkin Spice: is never give you random hugs, but cousin Lavi told me that I can give infinite of hugs on Harvest Nights, if I was able to gather large amounts of candy. Nightshade: .... you don't say! Lavender: hey, don't give me that look, big sister. I told you I wasn't a fan of going out for Harvest Nights, and being force me wearing this lame costume. So consider this a little payback. Nightshade: you do realize I'm going to get you for this Lavender. Lavender: I know, and I be ready for you, big sis. Tira Bright: hey Lavender, it good to see you, and Pumpkin Spice were able to make it out for Harvest Nights Lavender: I wasn't really planning on coming out at first, but since Pumpkin Spice never gone out trick or treating before, and our mom want us to make sure to keep an eye on her so she doesn't get into any trouble. Tira Bright: and also Nightshade try to blackmail you with something, and force you to wear that silly costume. Lavender: well my costume may look silly, but at least my stuck with an outfit that attract every guy wanting a piece of it. Tira Bright: you can blame this outfit on your elder sister. Nightshade: can't blame on someone that trying to help a friend to look a little more sexier is all. Tira Bright: I told you before this outfit look silly on me. I mean the bmvery pant you lent me kept on going up every five minutes, and I got glare a guy for looking at me everytime they walk by. Nightshade: see, I told you that costume make you look hot. Tira Bright: and again your not listening. Nightshade: well you shouldn't be complaining anyway. I was plan to wear the litte red riding hood costume, but short cake took the last one. So I had no choice, but to wear this vampire queen costume. Lavender: at least it a costume that fit you big sis. Pumpkin Spice chest so big, the blouse of the costume kept on coming down when she walk. Pumpkin Spice: that not true *she look for a moment and notice her blouse was down a bit, and she pull it back up* ok, maybe a little. Lavender: *face palm* but any case, where is Timber at, I actually wanted to see his outfit as being a werewolf. Timber night wolf: *he blush* your looking at him. Lavender: .... Timber, is that really you? Timber night wolf: sigh, yes it me, and please don't ask too many questions. Lavender: are you sure, I still like yo know how you became a girl? Tira Bright: it a long story, and my fault that he look this way. Nightshade: which I'm going to blame you all week that your so call magic skills stink. Tira Bright: oh you are any better in magic skills then me. Nightshade: do you want me to show you? Tira Bright: not unless you. Timber night wolf: that enough. Can we please try not to fight each other, and have some fun. Timber want to go through some houses, before we go to the school hunted house maze. Lavender: what so special about the haunted house maze at the school. Tira Bright: oh you mustn't haven't hear about it yet. The art and crafts club are doing a special special challenge for anyone that dare walk through the maze. Timber night wolf: they said if the first person is able to walk through the maze without being scared, the winner will get a large supply of candy. Nightshade: big deal, Short cake, and Lavender were able to get a large sack of candy already. why would I want to waste my time of going through a haunted house maze, and be sweaty. Tira Bright: that sad to hear that, Nightshade. I guess you don't want to hear that if one of the winners is a student at the school, will also get a special golden pass that allow them to leave the school property during lunch, for a whole year. After hearing that news, Nightshade walk over to Timber side, and grab one of his arms. Nightshade: oh Timber wimber, how about you and join together as a team and go through the maze. Timber night wolf: are you sure, Nightshade. I'm not exactly a guy right now. Nightshade: do I look like I care. Guy, or girl, you still my favorite person to hangout with. Timber night wolf: *she blush* re.... really. Nightshade: and besides, this be a simple punishment on Tira, for changing your gender, before testing the potion. Tira Bright: is it bad enough that you got me wearing this cowgirl outfit in the first place. I rather wear Valo Moriarty costume then this. Nightshade: true, it that costume lame, and I made you cute. Come on Timber, let head for the haunted house, before someone else get the prize. Tira wanted to said a few words to Nightshade, but she was already halfway down the block with Timber Night Wolf. Tira sigh to herself knowing better that no matter how much she try to fight with her, Nightshade always find a way to win. Lavender, and Pumpkin Spice walk right next to Tira, and give her some support. Lavender: don't worry too much about it Tira. You and I both know that Nightshade always be a sassy dragon. Tira Bright: I know, but one day that sassy dragon going to know that she can't always win like that. Pumpkin Spice: true, but look at the bright side. All three of us can go inside the haunted house together. Lavender: that right Pumpkin, and with the three of us, we can easily defeat my older sister, and get the major prize. Tira Bright: that a not half bad idea right there. We can show off the golden pass in Chubby cheeks faces. Pumpkin Spice: I don't like the idea to be mean to cousin Shadie like that. I wanted us to be friends. Tira Bright: of course I'm still friends with her, Pumpkin Spice. All I'm doing is play a little game with her. I promise no body feelings won't get hurt .... except for Nightshade. Pumpkin Spice: ok! since you promised you wouldn't hurt cousin Shadie feeling, I guess I be part of it. Lavender: we won't be part of anything, if we don't head over there, before they do. Tira finally realize what Lavender said, and knew that Timber, and Nightshade are way ahead of them. They all grab their candy and race over to the school. A few feet from where they were standing, two husky sisters wearing their matching cheerleaders outfit, jumped out from their hidden hiding spot, since the kids they were spying on are gone. Molly and Dolly started talking to each other, talking about the things they need to tell their shark bully boss Britney Fear. Molly: did you hear that Dolly, the bosses rival is heading for the school haunted house maze to win some sort of prize. Dolly: well of course, Molly. I was right next with you hiding behind the dumpster, but I was busy looking at the. if bag of candy that one dragon had earlier. I still like to know how she got that much candy in one night. Molly: well that dragon have much bigger boobs then our boss, and we're just plain average, and a bit chunky on the side. Dolly: what we said about being chunky sis? Molly: being Chunky is hunky? Dolly: *face palm* oh never mind. let head over to the boss, and tell her what we heard. Knowing her, having that golden pass, will give her some freedom to do whatever she wants. Molly: totally, and as her cheering squad, we can do anything we like. Molly and Dolly both laughed together, knowing some of the devious deed. We head back at the school yard where they are having the haunted house maze. A bunch of kids from the school, and other random folks from nearby town are having good fun time getting scared from the haunted maze. At the front of the Haunted house maze, Nightshade and Timber were standing by the main entrance, waiting in line to enter the place. Timber Night Wolf remember that she, and Tira both help out fix up the place, but after seeing it at night, Timber was a little nervous of how scary it look. Timber is starting to feel scared, and she felt her legs didn't want to move. Nightshade notice something was wrong with Timber, and she held her arm to comfort Timber. Nightshade: are you feeling alright Timber. I noticed that your acting a little nervous. Timber night wolf: Timber not nervous, Timber just felt a little draft is all. *she look and saw Nightshade lay her head by her arm, which marking him blush* Nightshade: don't worry Timber, I'm here to protect my sweetheart. Timber night wolf: *she blush* Nightshade. While both of their attention were on each other, a purple smoke appeared out of nowhere, which startled Timber a bit, and hide behind Nightshade. Nightshade would have been upset that Timber is acting a coward, but one of her dreams of having Timber Night Wolf behind her was coming true, and Nightshade was grinning in so many levels. When the purple smoke finally cleared up, they noticed a female cat dressing in a magician costume was moving her arms around to clear more dust from her face. Nightshade look at her for a moment and recognize her from anywhere. After fanning away the smoke, the young feline look at her two guest, and greet them with a nice scary jester. Quirky: hello, and well to the Harvest night festival haunted house maze. Where all our victims may enter, but never come out. My name is. Nightshade: Quirky Muffin, the class president of the arts and craft club. Quirky aww man, I was going to say my name in a super cool fancy way. How the hey you know me anyway? Nightshade: that because I had we're classmates from art class. Nightshade ring any bells to you. Quirky Muffin: Nightshade! oh yeah, I remember you now. You're that sassy dragon that enjoy sneaking in snacks during art class. I remember you literally sneak in a bag of chips inside one of the clay vase you made. Timber night wolf: you .... you actually did that Nightshade? Nightshade: when it come to snack dear Timber, I always find a way. So your the one running this maze. Anything we need to know, of how to get the ultimate prize. Quirky Muffin: oh nothing special really. all you have to do is go through the maze, and dodge some obstacles that are in the way. If you manage to survive the maze, you earn the ultimate prize. Timber Night Wolf: but what sort of obstacles we had to face exactly? Quirky: just a few teachers, and student is dress up in scary costumes, and don't worry, they won't scare you too much .... maybe. Timber night wolf: what do you mean maybe? Timber night wolf: wait, what do you mean by *she was cut off, when she notice that Nightshade was pushing her* Nightshade, what are you doing? Nightshade: you and I are going inside that maze. I want to be the first dragon, to get that prize. Timber eyes started to tear up, not wanting to go inside that maze. Before you got a chance to hear any crying, they were already inside. Once they were gone, Quirky look back to see anyone else, and she noticed that Tira, Lavender, and Pumpkin Spice finally showed up, after trying to catch up with their friends. Quirky Muffin was happy to see Tira who help out fixing up the haunted house maze, and greet her with a smile. Quirky Muffin: hey Tira Bright, glad that you, and your friends are able to make it. Are you planning on entering the maze? Tira Bright: I am, but I need to catch my breath for a second. We were being chase by two dogs down the street, because someone was carrying some dog treats in their costume. Lavender: I told you my sister is good at getting even. I never thought she put actual dog treats inside of them. Tira Bright: how is she even got them inside there, without being noticed in the first place? Before she can answer Tira question, Lavender heard some chewing behind her, and see that Pumpkin Spice was eating some of the dog treat. Pumpkin Spice was about to take another bite, and saw Lavender, and Tira were both starting at with an angry look in their eyes. Pumpkin Spice smile with an innocent look, and hand out the handful of dog treats, seeing if they wants some. Quirky Muffin laugh at the situation, and try to talk to them, before they had the chance to say anything else. Quirky Muffin: well I hope you three alright though. Especially when you guys want to take the chance of getting the ultimate prize. Tira Bright: you got a point there. I want to try to beat Nightshade, and gain the prize first. Lavender: is there any chance my older sister, and Timber pass by here. Quirky Muffin: I did see her earlier, but she already gone inside the maze with some girl I never seen before. The funny thing, she had the same name like your friend Tira. Tira Bright: ..... right, very funny. Lavender: this just great, my sister already have a good head start. By the time we try to catch up, she be closer to reach the finish line. Tira Bright: don't worry about it. Timber, and I help build this place with the arts and crafts club. I already know one shortcut that will get us to the finish line, before Nightshade ever reach there. Britney Fear: is that so! well then, I guess I have no choice but to join with you. Tira, and her friends look and saw Britney Fear the great white shark bully standing a few feet from them. They notice that Britney Fear was wearing a pop star outfit, acting like she was a famous singer. Tira Bright wasn’t in the mood to deal with Britney Fear, so she told her to leave. Tira Bright: what are you doing here, Brigitte. Can’t you see that me, and my friends are right in the middle of something. Britney Fear: how many times I’m going to tell people that my name is Britney, not Brigitte. Also, I know that your right in the middle of something, but I’m curious if your alright to join with you guys. Lavender: and let you hug up the prize to yourself. Fat chance Britney, we already know that you want the golden hall pass, so you can do whatever you feel like, and never get caught. Britney Fear: that what you said, but give a girl can dream big *she laugh* Tira Bright: well sorry to break your dream Britney, but you ain’t coming with us. If you want the grand prize, you have to go get it yourself. Britney Fear: really now! Then I guess I have no choice, but to let my two cheer leaders to finish something up for me. Lavender: huh! Finish what up. Britney Fear didn’t said anything except snapping her fingers, and call apon her two sidekicks Molly, and Dolly to finally appear by their boss side. Not only that, Tira, and her friends saw that the twins had a very large bag of candy, which look exactly the same bag that Pumpkin Spice was carrying earlier before. Pumpkin Spice look at the bag as well and finally relies that was most defiantly her bag. Britney Fear order her girls to stand beside her, and both of them cheer their boss on. Molly and Dolly: 2,4,6,8, Britney Fear, is super great. Britney Fear: *she laugh* indeed I am. Pumpkin Spice: oh no! My candy bag. Cousin Lavi, they stole my candy bag. Lavender: don’t worry Pumpkin Spice, we going to get it back for you. Tira Bright: that really low for you guys to steal that from a kid. Britney Fear: big deal. That big dragon is big enough to get more on her own. But if you want the candy back, all you have to do is help me get the prize, by showing me the short cut. Tira Bright: No way! I’m not going to do that. Britney Fear: it your choice. Girls! Start eating the candy. Molly and Dolly: you got it boss! Pumpkin Spice: *her eyes started to tear up* no, please don’t eat my candy. Cousin Shadie be very made at me. Lavender: Tira! Just do it. Tira Bright: what! What about defeating Nightshade? Lavender: I know, but my cousin happiness is more important to me, then defeating my sister. I know you want to defeat Nightshade, but can you let it go, and help my cousin. Tira know that she want defeat Nightshade for being a pain, but looking at Pumpkin Spice feeling sad that her candy is almost about being eating. She swallow her pride, and tell Britney that she would help her. Tira Bright: ok, Britney, I will help you, but you got to give back all the ccandy to Pumpkin Spice. Everysingle piece. Britney Fear: how I know you going to help me? Tira Bright: there is a secret tunnel at the witches’ room, which lead straight to The Exist. We made it for an emergency if anyone is too afraid to finish walking through the maze. Britney Fear: very clever to make an exist there. I guess Nightshade made some right choices of keeping you around as her friend. Tira Bright: whatever, just hand over the bag of candy, and we call it a night. Britney Fear: not so fast miss smarty pants. I will give you back the bag of candy, but you and I are going through the maze together, and getting the prize Lavender: that not fair. You said that Tira should tell you where the Exist is, not the other way around. Britney Fear: I’m not taking my chances of fallen for a trap. Especially a trap so obvious. Tira Bright: very well then. I go with you, and show you the Exist. Just hand over the candy back to my friend. Britney Fear: I like it when I get things my way. Girls! Hand over the goods Molly and Dolly: sure thing boss *they hand over the bag of candy back to Pumkin Spice* sorry for taking your bag. Pumpkin Spice: *she clear her eyes* thank you, Tira. Tira Bright: don’t mention it. Britney Fear: alright, then. Let head over for the witch’s room. Tira didn’t said anything else, except walking towards the entrance of the haunted house maze. So she can help Britney Fear. Molly, and Dolly walk approach Pumpkin Spice with the bag of candy, and they ask her to see if she can share, which Pumpkin Spice said sure. Somewhere inside the deeper part of the maze, Nightshade was still pushing Timber Night Wolf large figure, so they can reach towards the finish line, and gain the prize. Nightshade was getting tired of pushing her, and figure to stop for a moment. While Timber body was still stiff, she notice the hallways was so dark, it was hard for her to see anything at all. Part of her know this place is not real, but turning into a girl bring out some of the feeling she been trying to hide of her fear. Timber Night Wolf was thinking about escaping this place, but interrupted by Nightshade voice, which made her jump in the air for a second. Nightshade look at Timber, and she was very curious of why her dear Timber is acting so scare all of sudden. Nightshade: Timber dear, are you sure your feeling alright. You been acting more scrared then you usually do. Timber Night Wolf: Timber is not scared. Timber is a lycanepony, and lycanepony doesn’t get *she was interrupted when she heard a hooting owl. She ran, and hid behind Nightshade* Nightshade: ……….. Timber Night Wolf: ………. Sigh, ok, Timber is afraid. I’m not really a fan for Harvest Night Festival that much. Nightshade: not a fan, but why you’re not a fan of one of the best holiday to gain candy. Timber Night Wolf: Timber like the part of getting candy, just not the scary part. Timber get scared easily when Timber is not ready for. Even though it not real …. Most of the time. Nightshade: if you knew that you get scared easily, why you didn’t say anything to me. Timber Night Wolf: because Timber didn’t want to hurt your feeling. If Timber told you truth, not only you won’t talk to me, you don’t want to be friend with me, or Tira. Nightshade stare at Timber with disappointment, thinking that she won’t like her anymore, and she wanted to slap her for being a jerk. She raise her hand to plan to do that, which made Timber lower her head in case Nightshade does it. When she was waiting for the hit, Timber notice that Nightshade padded her head instead. Timber Night Wolf was confuse of what Nightshade was doing, she wasn’t sure if Nightshade was more upset, or not. All she see a disappointment look in her eye, but an understanding smile. Nightshade: Timber Night Wolf, you know I will never be mad at you, if you haven’t told me the truth. Upset sure, but never mad. Timber Night Wolf: really? Nightshade: of course. You got to remember that I like you a lot Timber, much more than just being a crush to me. Timber Night Wolf: *she blush* well it nice of you telling me that, but do you think we should get out of her, before something pop out, and scare us. Nightshade: come on Timber, nothing is going to scare us. It not like some strange undead earth pony with a shovel. Will crawl out from the out from the ground, and try to scare us. Just when Nightshade finish saying those key words, Timber saw something from a distant, which she notice some movement from the ground. Timber saw a hooves like hand pop out from the ground, then another hooves hand came out as well. Timber Night Wolf kept on looking, and then saw the entire body finally came out from the ground. Timber Night Wolf see the undead earth pony, and it had a shovel on his back. The undead pony look around for a moment, and then finally spotted his two victim. Timber was super shock to see the undead pony, and start to run away down the hallway. Nightshade was upset that Timber left him, but when she finally see the undead earth pony, Nightshade open her wings and started flying where Timber ran off to. Somewhere at the other side of the haunted hallway, Tira Bright, and Britney Fear both were running through the hallway, trying to get away from an angry demon female pegasus with a skull was chasing them down for stealing her coffee. Tira Bright was lucky that she remember the path of the maze, and know where they need to go. She look at Britney was trying to catch, but the demon pegasus was getting a bit too close to her. Tira look and saw the entrance door that lead to the witches room. She look back at Britney, and grab her hand so they can get inside, before the demon pegasus get the chance to catch them. Once inside the witches room, Tira Bright did her best to berracade the door, so that the demon pegasus doesn’t try to break in. When she was done, Tira check on Britney and saw her hiding under the table, saying some random words out of fear. Tira doesn’t understand how a bully like her act so tough, and then become a big coward, but she can’t blame of being scared, since even the bravest people can be afraid of something. Tira walk over to Britney, and see if she was doing alright. Britney notice that Tira was approaching her, and ask Tira to see if they were safe. Britney Fear: Is that demon thing gone? Tira Bright: I think so. I was able to barricade the door, just in case if she try to come inside. Britney Fear: *she came out hiding from the table* well if that the case, we show that stupid what for. Tira Bright: are you kidding me. You’re the main reason why the demon was chasing us in the first place. Britney Fear: exactly how it was my fault? Tira Bright: you was trying to steal that demon golden coffee mug. Britney Fear: I wasn’t trying to steal it, I was just looking at it, is all. Tira Bright: by looking at it, you mean taking it, without asking. Britney Fear: eh, details. So this is the witches room huh, then I guess the secret entrance you was talking about must be here. Tira Bright: it is, but it not going to be that easy. Britney Fear: what do you mean by that? I thought you said reaching for the secret entrance was going to be easy. Tira Bright: getting there yes, but trying to use the secret entrance is the hard part. Britney Fear: oh yeah, and what sort of hard part we have to deal with. Mysterious voice: the hard part is dealing with me my dears. Both of them stood quiet when they heard a mysterious voice echo through the room, they look to see where the voice was coming from, but nowhere to be found. Tira, and Britney were both confuse they didn’t see anyone there, and they knew they heard something before. Before either one of them think about looking around the room, Britney was frozen solid when she felt a hand was touching her shoulder. Tira look by her side, and saw a female white wolf wearing a witch outfit, standing between her, and Britney. The female white wolf witch look at her two intruders, and was pleased to have some guest to visit her home. Tira wanted to say something to the witch, but part of her didn��t want to say anything wrong, since Britney was petrified of the situation they are in. The witch didn’t do anything, except walk pass them, and head for her magic cauldron, where she was right in the middle making something special. A raven flew over the cauldron, and drop a wooden spoon by the witch hand, then landed on her shoulder. Tira, and Britney were both freak out seeing an actual witch. Britney wanted to act brave, but all she did was standing behind Tira, hoping that she would protect her from the evil witch. Tira wanted to roll her eyes, but even she was afraid of seeing the witch as well. The witch look at the raven by her shoulder, and pet it for a bit. Then she speak to the two girls, to see what they wanted. Dahlila the Witch: well now, this is sure is a nice surprise. Two girls intrude the witches lair, not knowing if they going to live, or die at the end. Tira & Britney: ……….. Witch: *she laugh* calm yourself, I’m only joking. A witch like me enjoy having guess. Especially for the one that seeking for something. Tira Bright: wait a second, how you know we are seeking for something? Britney Fear: yeah! We could be searching for something else. Witch: *the raven fly of her shoulder, when she started to steer the liquid inside the cauldron* people that search for the witch’s room, only come here for something good. I have the answers that you seek, but only if dare to do a favor. Britney Fear: what kind of favor you want us to do exactly? Witch: *she continue steering, until some mist starting to pour out from the cauldron* one of you may got, but the other will stay. One of you will make a choice, while the other become my slave. Tira Bright: ok, now you’re talking crazy. You think you’re going to me one of us your slave, you’re got another thing coming. Britney Fear: and besides, I bet your bluffing thinking you know what our answers is. Because so far I see nothing, but empty promises. The witch is please that the two girls are acting brave enough to stand their ground. She held her arm out by pointing at the wall, showing them something they need to see. Tira, and Britney look, and saw a secret entrance they never seen before. They knew they look around the place before, and didn’t see any doors at all, but yet somehow this one appear out of thin-air. The witch speak them with the same question, seeing if they going to accept her favor. Witch: now you see the answer you see. Will you accept my favor, or both of you share the same faith. Either way, I always win. Tira Bright think for a moment to herself, to see what she, and Britney can do. Both of them want to get out, and head for the exit to gain the prize, but one of them had to stay here, and become the witch eternal slave. Britney try to think about it as well, but deep down she would double cross Tira, and leave the place. Neither can’t trust each other, since they are thinking the same thing. Britney Fear: I knew you was plan to have me as the witch slave. Tira Bright: of course not, what gave you that dumb idea. Britney Fear: I just know, ok. Tira Bright: ……… for the love of. Look, I’m going to give myself up, ok. Britney Fear: …….. Wait, for real. You actually give yourself up like, just like that Tira Bright: of course I am. I’m still keeping my end of the bargain, and helping you find the exit out of here. Even if I have to become a mindless servant to the witch. Britney Fear: …………. I don’t know about this. Tira Bright: don’t tell me you having second thought about this. You been thinking about getting what you wanted, and now you a bully, having second thoughts Britney Fear: hey, it not easy of being me, alright. Sure I’m a bully, and I like to pick on the weak to get what I want, but I’m not always like this. Tira Bright: if you weren’t like that all the time, then why you kept on being a bully. Britney Fear: because the very person you been friends with, is the reason why I’m still a bully. Tira Bright: you’re talking about Nightshade, the very sassy dragon that was part of your gang. Britney Fear: yes, the very sassy dragon that I wish would have stay with me, instead of going with you, and that lycane pony. Tira Bright: ……… now I get it. Your really are jealous of me, and Timber. The reason why you always pick on us all the time. Britney Fear: of course it was. Part of me hate you two for taking away the only first friend I ever made my entire life. Tira Bright: what about the twins that follow you all the time? Britney Fear: they are more than just fan to me, but they are alright to hang out with. Nightshade on the other hand, she was someone very important to me, and when she went up and left me, I was hurt in so many levels. Tira Bright look at Britney for a bit, and notice there was sadness in her eyes. Tira didn’t know that Nightshade was that important to her, but it would make since if she lost her friendship with Timber Night Wolf, she be feeling the same way as well. Tira Bright sigh to herself, knowing she have to do the right thing. She look at the witch, and told her to stop the act. Tira Bright: alright Dahlila, you can stop the act now. Britney Fear: act, what act? Dahlila: are you sure you want to stop this, Tira? Tira Bright: yeah I’m sure. It was going to be a good prank, but I think Britney learn a lesson already. Dahlila: …. Sigh, if you exist. Dahlila walk away from the cauldron and head over for the wall she was near her. She look around to find something, and she was able to find the light switch. Once she flip the switch, the whole witches room light up, and everyone can see how fake the place was. Britney Fear was sort of confuse of what going on. She look Tira standing next with the evil witch, but the witch was actually the white wolf with the red eyes, after she took the witch hat, and wig off. Dahlila sigh a little, feeling sad that the prank which she, and Tira were plan to pull was cancel. Dahlila: …. Sigh, it really ashamed that we had to stop from doing that great prank we were planning to do. I even had the potion ready to make you look like a cowgirl zombie. Tira Bright: I know, and part of me feel like it was the perfect prank, but after seeing her how she feeling, part of me feel like it was the bad timing. Britney Fear: alright, would you please tell me what the heck is going on. Why your all buddy with that evil witch that lurk at the school, and what all this about of a prank. Tira Bright: you see Britney, I actually knew Dahlila long time ago. My mother, and grandfather actually met her from the forest she was living, and ask her to join the school. Dahlila: I stop by at Tira house to meet with her mother, to let her know how I’m doing at school, and see if I need anything help. At the same time, I chat with Tira a lot, and we became good frineds. Britney Fear: wait, so Tira friends know about this? Tira Bright: not really, Timber, and Nightshade were a bit too scared when they heard about Dahlila joining our school, so I never had the chance to tell them. Dahlila: I was ok being some kind of scary person at the school, so I have some personal space. Britney Fear: ok then, that make some sense, but I still like to know about this prank you was about to pull. Tira Bright: I had this prank all planed out, after you pick on me, and Timber last week. When I was working the witch’s room, I place a few stuff inside that Dahlila needed, which was a few potion to make me turn into a zombie for a second. Dahlila: but of course you weren’t planning to be a cowgirl zombie in the first place, but I really like the idea. Tira Bright: for the last time, it was Nightshade idea. My butt been feeling cold all day, and I know for sure I be catching a cold later. Britney Fear: wait, so you been plotting to prank me all this time. I though this prank was about me, and my lackeys for stealing that dragon candies. Tira Bright: that was icing on the cake. When you stole Pumpkin Spice candy, and plan to eat it, you made it personal, and I was going to make sure you pay for that. Britney Fear: eat her candy! I wasn’t plan on doing that. Tira Bright: if you wasn’t, then why Molly, and Dolly were about to eat the candy then. Britney Fear: those two take things a little seriously, but I was plan to tell them to give the candy back, even if you weren’t going to help me. Tira Bright: I sort of wish to believe you, but it a bit hard for me to trust someone like you. Birtney Fear: *she laugh* you got me there, even I won’t trust myself, for the thing I done. But I will say this though, it was good of try that you went all this way to prank. Tira Bright: thank you, I got a lot of help from Timber, and Dahlila. Although I might have to ask Timber to forgive me, for not telling her about it. Dahlila: I though Timber was a guy? Tira Bright: it a long story, I will tell you about it later. Britney Fear: *she laugh* well either way, I give you credit, you’re not half bad of a dragon slash Pegasus. Even if you’re a bit of a weirdo. Tira Bright: same goes to you as well. Now then, you promise you not going to harm me, and my friends again. Britney Fear: yeah I give it a try. I let you go a week, or two, but after that, it back to normal picking on you guys again. Dahlila: *she place her hand on Tira shoulder* best take her offer, you’re only going to get that far. Tira Bright: yeah I know, just wish it could have been a little better. Britney Fear: great, so anyway of how to get out of here? Tira Bright: there is, but we need to head back to the maze first. Britne Fear: huh! Why we need to head back to the maze for? Tira Bright: Nightshade, and Timber been moving around the maze for hours, and I don’t think they haven’t gone that far. Dahlila: let me guest, Timber is still afraid of the maze. Tira Bright: yup, and knowing Nightshade, she might be trying her best to talk to Timber, and try to build up her confidents. Somewhere at the other side of the haunted maze, Nightshade was sitting on the floor, and eating a bowl of candy that she found. While she was eating the bowl of candy, Nightshade was handing some candy to Timber, who was sitting right next to her. Timber Night Wolf was doing her best to eat the candy, but she stop every second, when she heard some strange noise in the background. Nightshade know that Timber is a lycane pony, but still surpsied that she still is afraid of scary things. Even though those scary things aren’t real. Timber Night Wolf look at Nightshade, and feel bad that they haven’t reach the exit. She stare at the candy in her hand, and start talking to Nightshade of how sorry she it. Timber Night Wolf: Timber is sorry for this, Nightshade. This was meant to be a great night for all of us, but instead Timber is acting a total baby. Nightshade: stop saying that Timber. This is one of the best night I ever had with you, and Tira. Timber Night Wolf: Really! Nightshade: sure, well other than bringing my little sister, and short cake with me for trick or treating, then I had to deal with my future lover being a girl the entire night. Timber Night Wolf: ………… Nightshade: which is nothing wrong being a girl, you still wonderful no matter what. Timber Night Wolf: thanks Nightshade Nightshade: no problem, but other than that, this is one of the best Night Harvest festival I ever had, and I’m glad to spend it with you. Timber Night Wolf: …….. *she blush* me too Nightshade. Timber guess all thing isn’t bad. Sure I’m a girl for now, but at least Timber be back to normal on the next day. Nightshade: speaking of which, what kind of potion was it exactly you drank anyway? Timber Night Wolf: Tira said it was an experimental potion, and it was missing an important ingredient. But she said the effect isn’t long lasting. Nightshade: ok, but where did she get the idea to make the potion. Timber Night Wolf: from a black book, why you ask? Nightshade: ……….. Well, there is something you might want to know, but you got to promise not to be mad when you hear. Timber Night Wolf wasn’t sure what she meant by that, but when Nightshade told her about the potion she drink, you be able to hear the wholing echoing the hallway, knowing that her condition was much worst. When Timber finish hearing the news, she was laying on her back completely knock out. Nightshade sigh to herself, knowing it was going to be one of those night. So she sat right next to Timber, and continue eating the bowl of candy, until she see her friends to find her. The end. Special guest character Quirky: quirky-artzy-muffin Spade: askspades Caffe: askcaffeinehazard Dahlila: PhaniiX
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mistressarachnia · 7 years
I’ve changed my page info/description to reflect what N+C fandom projects I’m currently working on. Further details are below the cut.
But first... reminder that any of you are more than welcome to message me anytime! I joined this site in large part for the community, so if you want to talk N+C I’d be more than happy to get to know you. You don’t need to have the same fav characters/pairings as me to talk to me (I’m entertained with how many friends I’ve made here who initially didn’t think I would talk to them because of their preferred pairings). As far as I’m concerned, diversity is the spice of life. <3
Now, on to projects...
- I successfully figured out how to make language patches for the N+C games! Yay! I’m working on Osu Boys (one of the N+C April Fools joke games) as a proof of concept. It’ll be finished shortly.
- I’d already started on TnC Poker as my original “learn to patch” game before @seragaki-yuki wisely suggested Osu Boys as a better starting project. There is actually a TON of dialog/text in TnC poker, believe it or not, so I’m picking away at it slowly between other projects.
- I definitely plan on making a patch for Rhythm Carnival as soon as I get a copy. Most of the text is actually what I’ve already translated for the 10th Anniversary video, so it shouldn’t take too long to do once I get started on it.
- I plan on making patches for TnC Typing and True Blood once the others are finished. I have hard copies of both already. I’m *hoping* to recruit some help on the translation front prior to attempting these games, though, since I feel like it’s a bigger deal if I screw things up. FYI, the actual typing portion of TnC Typing will still be in Japanese (both kana and romanji), because that’s just how the game is set up. It’s supposed to help you learn to type in Japanese - you don’t need to be able to understand it, just copy the letters on the screen.
- Regarding the DMMd games, I don’t want to attempt to patch Re:Code before a better translation patch for DMMd/Re:Connect is made, otherwise all of the same mistakes will just be repeated over again. I was pretty late to the N+C fandom, but I have definitely picked up on how unhappy many fans seem to be with the original translation (which frankly scares me a bit, since my own translation skills are far from perfect). I’ve sort of put out antennae to find some of the other fans who have done work on re-translating DMMd. Since I’m already working on so many other things, I won’t aggressively pursue them right now, but if other fans want these games translated/re-translated badly enough to be willing to do some actual work on them, I’m definitely willing to help out in whatever ways I can to make sure that it happens. (Justice for Mink!)
- Regarding the other N+C mini games like Nyanda, Lamento Typing, and Chiral Mori... I don’t personally have any plans to work on them, but that might change if someone else was really inspired to translate these guys, wanted to pick them up as their own projects, and just needed an editor to turn them into an actual patch that people could use and play with.
- I seriously need to finish my own gift project for the N+C Exchange, so progress on the translation front will be a little slow for the next couple of weeks until the release date on August 31st. But I’ll pick right back up after that.
- I’m actually RPing now! That’s been a lot of fun. I RP Nano (TnC), but I have a merged DMMd/TnC universe if any DMMd RPers want to play with me (or just want to talk merged-universe conspiracy theories). Even if you don’t RP, you can always send me asks, anon or otherwise. I’m not too picky - I’m just happy to have an excuse to write.
- I really want to find more time to work on my original fanfic... I’m a much better writer than translator (I hope!). If I’m procrastinating on my other projects, there’s a good chance that it’s because I’m writing and don’t want to stop. Unsurprisingly the vast majority of original content that I write centers around Nano. Fair warning, I went really dark with some of it, even for N+C. I’ve also written a few DMMd fics, but... lately I just want to focus on Nano right now, because I find him to be a very inspirational muse.
- Our discord server is alive and very active, both on the project and social front. Lately we’ve been playing a N+C Cards Against Humanity game with a custom deck created by @kisamaa more-or-less in-character. It’s such a weird and fun cast. Depending on who’s on (since we’re all around the world) we’ve got: Nano, Shiki, Arbitro, Alpha, Akushima, Usui, Sly Blue, and Leaks. Shenanigans are inevitable. We’re starting up some new games, too. Send any of us a message if you want a link. (I’d just post the link here, but apparently the links expire and I’ve had a couple of people complain about it, so it’s easier to send them to folks directly.)
- I’m working on scanlations for several different doujinshi, it’s just been a little slower than usual on account of everything else I’m doing. I’m still focusing on Alpha and Nano doujinshi, with some Clear stuff thrown in for good measure. The next one that will be released is Experiment Time! which has a good combo of both sexiness (Alphas testing out their sexual functions in many different ways) and angsty existential robot problems. Once I get the three big doujins that are half-finished completed, I am going to start on Hiki’s three volume series “The Last Days.” It’s a very angsty BE!Clear/Aoba series designed to tear your heart out. Hiki is my fav CleAo artist, both because of her impressive artistic talent and her storytelling expertise. (And here I swore I’d never do BE!Clear... ah well, so much for that...)
- If you haven’t already heard, there is a really awesome and active new DMMd scanlation group that has recently formed and focuses primarily on NoiAo doujinshi (but are working on doujins for several other pairings as well). They’re looking for more translators, editors, and proofreaders, so contact @desamparo7, @seragaki-yuki, and/or @a-little-harmed-shinra if you want to help out with their projects.
- I’m still scanning/digitizing doujinshi for multiple people/groups. My make-shift “scanner” which I posted a tutorial for earlier still works better than any professional scanner I’ve tried. I should probably update my tutorial on post-processing, though - I’ve since gotten it down much faster with noticeably better results since I originally posted. (Speaking of which, if I’ve promised you something and haven’t given it to you yet, please remind me. It isn’t an intentional slight - there’s just a lot to keep track of sometimes and I get scatterbrained.)
- I’ve scanned all three of the 10 Years Archive books. I’ll get back to posting artwork from them shortly as I get them edited... I’ve been spending so much time on my Nano blog lately that I forgot my queue ran out on this one. XD I will post the full-spread 2-page images later in their entirety, because it takes some creative photoshop skills to get them to match up exactly and I just don’t have the time to do that right now. (But I will do it!)
- Random, but I’m so ridiculously excited to get a hold of that TnC benefits poster that came with the C92 Comiket Rhythm Carnival. Nano in a sparkly rainbow butterfly costume... seriously WTF? (It’s especially funny to me because I used to cosplay/RP Caterpillar many years ago when I still went to Nocturnal Wonderland... and I was just talking about how he reminds me of Nano. Apparently N+C thought so, too! Now I have this weird mental image of Nano sitting on a mushroom smoking hookah... and I’m not sure it’s any sillier than Nano in a sparkly butterfly costume holding a magic wand.)
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rkwendy · 5 years
May 10, 2019 | Session 2
TW: self-destructive tendencies, eating and sleeping problems, mentions of weight loss and plastic surgery
They’re all at the half-way mark toward the end. Honestly? Wendy’s not sure how she feels about this. It’s almost as if she hadn’t had enough time to be good enough for CEO Hyun Bin’s high standards. Sometimes, she wishes she has more time to improve. Though, a small part of her is considering giving up. She’s given too much of herself to the company: her time, her youth, her energy, and her emotional investment. She wonders whether she has anything left to give after this is over. Nova has taken everything she has, only to let her crash head-first into the ground. 
She walks over to where Coach Yonghwa is waiting for her. Wendy sighs as she takes the usual seat across him. She stares at him with somewhat blank eyes, struggling to hide the fatigue and defeat in them. After all, Wendy isn’t sure how this is going to go now. There’s so much she can think of saying, but she has no idea where to begin. 
How was the experience at the recording studio last week? 
Wendy blinks. She definitely wasn’t expecting that question to come up today when there were juicier topics to talk about. But Wendy suspects that maybe it is to lure her into a false sense of security and get her to start talking. And damn it, it works. 
“It’s almost like coming back to see an old friend after a long time,” she says with a fond smile at the experience. “As a producer myself, being in a recording studio is like being in familiar territory. Although I have to admit, it was also a new feeling... It made me feel like this was the real deal, if you get what I mean?” She feels herself smiling as she talks. Music is the reason she’s putting up with all this. “It made me feel like a real artist instead of an aspiring artist dreaming of a future,” she continues. “I have to admit it was a little weird too, since I’m used to being the one in control of the way a song sounds and being able to give more input as to how I sing the song. It felt rather... foreign to not have that much creative control, but it’s a good kind of uncomfortable I guess? I have to learn from those who are established in the industry before I can make it, right?”
How about the choreography? You will be showing us your progress tomorrow.
Wendy makes a face. “I hope that I’ve been doing well enough,” she says with a small smile. “I’m not the best dancer in the company, but I like to think I’m able to hold my own ground and remain at pace with the more skilled dancers in the project.” Wendy lets out a loud sigh, whether it’s of frustration or fatigue, she’s not sure. 
“As for my thoughts on the choreography? I’m not too sure whether I’m supposed to feel anything. Dancing isn’t exactly my specialty!” She allows herself to laugh. She turns a little more serious before she answers the question. “For Hush, I like how the choreography is more on the sexy, yet self-assured side of the spectrum. As for Omona, it’s a fun song so it fits that the choreography is something fun and will make you and your friends stand up and dance along when someone does this song at noraebang.”  She decides to make it clear that she doesn’t think the choreography is beneath her, nor is it beyond anything she is capable of doing. She wants to give both the coaches and the viewers that she’s doing just fine, but it’s not easy for just anyone to do. “The moves for both dances aren’t impossible to learn in the time frame we have, but still show off what kind of standards Nova has set for its artists.”  
How have you been doing?
“I’ve been trying to do what CEO Hyun Bin said and trying to stand out even when I don’t sing. But I’m not exactly sure how I am supposed to do that,” she begins as she tries to maintain eye contact with the coach. “I keep practicing even beyond what people think my limits are. But then again, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong and doing right. The feedback is very specific to the point that I’m not sure how I can fix it?” She pauses as she tries thinking of an answer. “Does this mean I have to dance better? Lord knows I’m already trying my best. Fix my stage presence? I think I might have to ask for more help on that as soon as I’m done here.” Wendy pouts as she comes up with more solutions. “Do I have to be prettier? Go under the knife? Lose more weight? I need answers!” 
I heard that you had an altercation with another trainee. May I ask you to tell us about it?
Wendy should have known this would reach Coach Yonghwa. “I wouldn’t call it an altercation,” she says with a soft sigh. “Sunmi unni was just reminding me to take care of myself.” 
What do you mean by that?
“Apparently, my method of coping with failure wasn’t very healthy and I hadn’t realized it,” Wendy admits. “I haven’t been able to sleep at all. Ever since that announcement, I ended up throwing up everything I eat. It’s been difficult.” She pauses before she decides to throw caution to the wind. The cameras in their dorm have probably caught it anyway. She takes a breath before continuing. “I’m competitive by nature, and I’d rather die knowing I tried everything rather than live to see myself fail.” Wendy blinks back the tears that are threatening to fall. “I actually needed Sunmi unni to pull me out of that headspace,” she continues. “I’m thankful to her for that talk. I’m now actively trying to be better and coping without self-destructing.” Wendy takes a deep breath. “I want to be better...” 
0 notes
mishamoonberry · 7 years
You asked for shorter chapters, here comes shorter chapter. Bc it's shorter, it may not seem like anything is going on in the fic, but things are happening, if not then there wouldn't be anything for me to write, geez. There is always plot development in each chapter. The last chapter's focus is Kishimoto, okay. I'm tired of writing long chapters with perfectly placed climax in each chapter so bear with it okay? Also I'm curious as to why you keep on saying Oro-tan-san… when it's Oro-chan-san lmao.
Anyway, here. Enough about me being salty as fuck.
Here, a new chapter.
Warnings: Oro-chan-san feels, a possible start of slash pairing
It takes me quite awhile to manage to find time and guts to face Orochimaru again. With more and more D-ranks and training and sparring sessions piling upon one another especially with the impending C-rank that shall befall upon us (soon, Minato-sensei said. It is after all, better to experience C-rank at least once before trying out the Chuunin Exams, no matter if it’s an isolated one because of the war), it’s hard to find a leisure time with people other than my teammates and their immediate family or close relatives.
And such, to find a perfect time (and courage) to face the ever so evasive Orochimaru is a bit of a challenge.
Plus, I keep on getting new things to learn from Kishimoto-sensei—he insists I need to learn to make chakra scalpels on my body than only using my hands for combat purposes—and I’ve started on basic sealing with Kushina.
Sealing is fun to learn, even though the calligraphy sometimes hurt my eyes and my brain, but perhaps because Kushina is such an energetic but gentle person—really, she doesn’t babble like Naruto unless she gets too excited—I find it immensely enjoyable to learn from her.
The Uzumaki has promised me to teach me more about stasis seals, which would be immensely useful to keep either corpses or important body parts or even fresh blood for transfusion. That, and also many other stuff. She does tell me I need to be creative; because that’s the bane of fuuinjutsu. Other than the obvious calligraphy and knowledge of sealing as well as its properties, of course.
Minato-sensei has taken to teaching fuuinjutsu to Kakashi, now that Kushina has ‘claimed’ me as hers to teach. He doesn’t seem to dare taking me under his wings for fear of Kushina’s possessive streak that is very sexy, in my humble opinion. Kakashi does lend me the books Minato gave him after he’s done with it though. I am forever baffled on how quick Kakashi can learn about something. Sealing is complicated for me, way more than genjutsu, so to see Kakashi going through books after books is a bit dazzling.
(Perhaps I’m a bit jealous on how he progresses so easily, but then again, he is a genius, isn’t he?)
(I just smile at him; because jealousy is unbecoming and largely unnecessary).
Obito, although curious, ends up not learning fuuinjutsu sans the very basics like storage and exploding seals. Not that he can’t learn it; he just seems to not have the interest for it. However, he does have lessons with Mikoto-sensei who is probably bored beyond belief now that she is no longer in active duty. Despite his dead last moniker, Mikoto-sensei’s gentle but sometimes passive aggressive way of teaching seems to work on him quite well, considering he has managed to produce some more variants of Katon jutsu.
Let it be known that he is no longer allowed to be near the Yamanaka’s flower garden ever again.
(He still pouts over that, the cutie).
(It’s not his fault that he accidentally set almost half of the garden on fire during a spar, he said).
Right now though, I am not with Obito, or Kakashi, or Minato-sensei or even anyone else. I am in front of Orochimaru’s lab, eyes glancing hesitantly to the glass window on the door, which shows me that the lights inside are on, which indicates that Orochimaru is inside.
He doesn’t come outside nor does he invite me to come inside, however.
(“What are you doing, standing there all day,” Orochimaru says, staring down at me as I give him a sheepish grin.
“I haven’t been here all day, Oro-chan-san!” I say, because I just have to counter him on that one, like the suicidal fool that I am. The man does love his dramatics sometimes, and it includes hyperboles, it seems. “It’s probably been three minutes. How do you know I’m outside?”
“There’s something called chakra sensing, child, perhaps you should look it up,” he drawls, looking impatient. I grin at him, a bit awkward now that I realized I should keep on practicing on my stupid chakra sensing skills. “Now what do you want?”
“Oh, well,” I pause, “I heard it’s your birthday!” I say then, breaking out into a smile. I take out a bracelet the shape of a small green-grey colored snake from my back pocket, presenting it to him with both of my palms. “It can work as a small blade too!” It’s hard to get hold of it, in all honesty. I had to ask Mikoto-sensei for pointers of where people sell nice blades—because I couldn’t think of anything else Orochimaru might appreciate; he’ll probably complain if I try to give him books, books that he probably already has read or worse, has zero interest in—and she, quite predictably, sent me to an Uchiha blacksmith near the corner of the clan grounds.
I had to request a specific design that is largely inspired by something I found on the internet Back Then, and it kinda cost me more than it would’ve if I just had given him a pack of kunai, but the result is really good and I’d like to think Orochimaru will appreciate it somehow.
When I look at him, his face is unreadable. Totally blank, and for a moment, I fear for the worst.
His hand reaches out to touch the bracelet, taking it out of my grasp. He looks over the thing for a little while, before his eyes soften a little bit. If I haven’t been looking for it, I wouldn’t have seen it. But I do, and I allow myself to relax.
“Do you like it?” I say quite eagerly, seeing a flash of reluctant amusement in his yellow eyes as he scoffs, turning around to enter the lab without much word, obviously not wanting to answer my question.
The door is left ajar, however.
I grin. It’s an invitation to get inside as much as any.)
My fingers twitch beside me, and I find myself licking my own lips in anticipation. Last time, it took Orochimaru three minutes to get out of the room and inquire me about my presence. I don’t know how long I’ve been standing here, but surely it must’ve been longer than three minutes somehow.
Is he ignoring me? I feel something heavy sink in my stomach, and I have to bite the bottom of my lip to prevent a frustrated sigh to go out.
I… Kishimoto-sensei did warn me to stay away from Orochimaru. But he had been the normal hissing older man I’ve grown accustomed to the last time I met him and—and—
And I’m just a little bit attached. A little bit. It’s perhaps a huge mistake on my part, to let myself be attached to the grumpy (lonely and hurting and lost) Snake Sannin, but now, when threatened by a possibility of losing him to his insanity and power hungry tendencies, I finally find it very hard to imagine a world where I don’t annoy Orochimaru at least once a week.
I… really have to make sure, to really see it for myself, to determine and to judge. Rinny will be there to help me to be as objective as I can, and if Kishimoto-sensei is really only influenced by the rumors (but why now? Why now, when the rumors must have been circulating around for years?) and not because he finds something odd with Orochimaru, then I can be relieved.
Steeling my resolve, I nod decisively to myself and firmly knocks on the door before twisting the knob open, peeking inside.
Orochimaru is there, his body facing away from me while his head is turned toward me. For a moment, I think that his posture looks a little bit defensive, and when I look at his face, I very nearly falter.
His expression is near flat, eyes guarded and mouth pressed into a thin line. No other expression like the usual exasperation or reluctant amusement that he usually shows around me; just a pure, blank canvas.
It’s a face he shows when he’s facing scared, gossiping civilians.
My eyebrows furrow, and ignoring the hurt at his sudden change in attitude towards me, I step forward. “Oro-chan-san, are you busy?”
He is silent for a moment.
“I am,” he says, then, voice a bit raspy.
My shoulders sag, “Oh.”
Is he really avoiding me? I peer up at him, a little bit hesitant, and he looks back steadily, not saying anything, not showing anything.
…Perhaps he’s waiting for something? But what is he waiting for? For me to walk out? To talk to him about something? To start singing a random song?
I do not know what to say, in all honesty, but I have never been one with much filter anyways, not with the people I care about at the very least. Therefore, when I open my mouth next, what comes out from me is pure, blatant truth.
“You know, Kishimoto-sensei told me to stay away from you.”
His expression doesn’t change. “I see.”
“But I won’t!” I add hastily, “Really.” I bit my lip, perhaps having unconsciously stepped closer to the man while I was too focused in my anxiety. “Did you have a fight with Kishimoto-sensei, Oro-chan-san?”
He looks at me, and perhaps I’m imagining it, but his gaze looks kinder.
Rinny, somehow, through all this, doesn’t say a thing.
“Your sensei told me to stay away from me, and you’re going to keep on meeting me, anyway?”
My eyebrows furrow, and I say, “Who I interact with outside of training hours is none of his business, actually.” Seeing surprise flash in his eyes, I continue on talking, “and he’s just my teacher for iryo-ninjutsu; my official sensei is Minato-sensei, you know? And Minato-sensei never seems to mind when I say that I hang out with you sometimes, Oro-chan-san, and you’re my friend!” I tack on in the end, “Friends hang out with each other, right? So”.
I look up at Orochimaru, hopeful, and to my immense relief, the man finally sighs after a few moments of silence, a twitch of his lips and the usual reluctant amusement (relief, Rinny says to me, he’s relieved, too) apparent in his eyes.
“What an annoying, stubborn brat,” he mutters.
I take the kind insult as it is. That doesn’t stop me from pouting though. “Oro-chan-san, that’s mean!”
He rolls his eyes, giving me a gentle tap on top of my head. “What do you want,” he seems to still have the ability to ask a question while sounding like he’s making a statement instead of a question. He and Kakashi are both similar in that way.
I brighten, though, at the thought of Orochimaru indulging me and my whims once again. “Can we eat dinner together?” I ask, making sure to put my best puppy eyes ever.
Orochimaru’s eyebrow twitch in irritation at that pathetic attempt to suck him up, looks at the clock, pulls a face at the 6.30 pm that stares back at him, and finally sighs in defeat.
“Rin?” Kakashi’s voice manages to make me jolt in surprise as I walk side by side with Orochimaru, who is standing to my left, the both of us walking in the food district to find an appealing place for us to eat in. I have been too focused on telling Orochimaru about the D-rank missions I have gone through (he seems to be particularly amused by the Cat Catching Mission) that I failed to register Kakashi’s and Sakumo’s presence a few meters away from the both of us.
Kakashi looks surprised himself, though perhaps by seeing Orochimaru’s presence near me than anything. Sakumo looks a bit surprised (though I myself am surprised; Sakumo has been going outside for a few minutes once a day now to familiarize himself once again with something other than the Hatake Compound walls, but this district is far from the compound. Has he gotten comfortable enough with himself?) But he looks more weary and tired and guilty more than anything.
I can’t help but narrow my eyes at that. Did something happen?
“What’s up, Kakashi?” I say, waving, before literally gets in front of Sakumo to chirp, “and hi, Sakumo-san!”
Sakumo chuckles good naturedly, some of his weariness seeping off of him, “Hello, Rin-chan,” he ruffles my hair, his grey eyes finding Orochimaru’s and he inclines his head. “Orochimaru.”
“Hatake,” Orochimaru replies evenly. “It is good to see you out of the Compound.”
“Ah…. Yes,” Sakumo trails off, looking a bit hesitant thanks to the unsubtle jab Orochimaru just threw at him. I am tempted to stomp on Orochimaru’s feet a little bit, because that was rude, Oro-chan-san! “I’m afraid we’ve run out of groceries, so Kakashi and I thought of eating take outs, you see.”
“Oh!” I exclaim, smiling, “Same! Oro-chan-san and I,” Sakumo raises an eyebrow at the nickname, flicking an amused glance toward Orochimaru who looks a little bit longsuffering, “are gonna eat in a restaurant too! How about if we go eat together?”
Kakashi mumbles something.
He huffs, letting out a bitter, “We can’t. Nobody allows dad to eat inside.”
Silence. Sakumo looks to the side, avoiding my startled gaze.
(Behind me, Orochimaru stares at Sakumo, at his hunched shoulders, the darkness in his eyes, the downward pull of his lips and thinks—
He knows how this feels, doesn’t he?)
I feel a surge of rage inside of me, and looking at Kakashi’s eyes, I’m sure he must have the same opinion as I.
Those fucking, self absorbed, gossiping bastards.
I hate them.
Forcefully calming myself down, because blowing up here won’t do anyone any good other than embarrassing myself, I settle with sighing. “Well, we’re going to the Akimichi’s BBQ place,” I say, staring at Sakumo’s eyes. “I’m sure they’re not that stupid to turn you away, Sakumo-san.”
Sakumo’s smile seems a bit strained. “It’s okay, Rin-chan, we can just—“
“Sure,” Kakashi cuts him off, hands in his pockets. He blinks at Sakumo’s startled look, cocking his head. “…What? I want some BBQ. And… It doesn’t hurt to try.”
Sakumo hesitates. “I… guess.”
“C’mon,” I grab Kakashi’s hand, leading him forward. I cackle, ignoring his startled shout. “The last one there pays for all of us!”
“No way in hell.”
“Hatake,” Orochimaru calls again, inclining his head. Beside him, Sakumo tears his amused gaze away from the bickering children and inclines his head in return.
“Orochimaru. I did not know you’re that close to Rin-chan.”
Orochimaru hums. He won’t say that they’re particularly close. Despite meeting rather frequently than most—than even his old teammates and his own teacher—they don’t really know each other inside out like how he knows (knew) his teammates.
But Rin is kind, fierce and loyal, determinedly so, if how she stubbornly decides that Orochimaru is still worth hanging out with is any indication.
Orochimaru won’t say it, but he’s relieved, perhaps, that this bright young girl who tackles him and calls him with a cutesy nickname not fit with his reputation thinks he’s worth hanging out with, that he’s worth spending time with, with no strings attached, with no other ulterior motives behind it.
That Rin, who reminds him of Tsunade and Jiraiya in equal measures (don’t compare her to them, his mind hisses, if she’s the same as them, she’ll leave. She’s not the same as them, she’s not she’s not she’snotshesnot—), who cares and cares and cares is still bright and there, smiling up at him and trusting him and—
Even after Kishimoto, after him telling her to stay away—
(“I see a monster,” he said, and it rings inside of his head for days and days to come. Sometimes it will be Kishimoto, and civilians, and fellow shinobi.)
(Other times, he thinks he hears her).
(“Monster,” he’ll hear her say. “Monster, monster, monstermonstermonster—“)
She chooses to stay.
She chooses him.
(“You’re my friend”).
Orochimaru’s gaze softens, his hand reaching toward his left wrist decorated with a snake-shaped bracelet. “She’s more like a nuisance than anything, honestly,” he says, expertly ignoring how Sakumo’s lips curves into a knowing smile, walking alongside the former legend as they watch the children, in which Kakashi has somehow find it necessary to smack Rin’s head, the latter letting out an exaggerated whine. “You don’t seem to mind her, yourself.”
“Ah?” Sakumo blinks, “Well, she is my son’s best friend.”
“I see.”
Orochimaru glances at him, the person who is almost as popular as Orochimaru when it comes to nasty gossips, with whispers and talks about how he’s a traitor, a shameful man, a failure of a shinobi and so on and so forth. With one failure, they easily forgets the White Fang’s contribution to the village, forgets his sacrifices and his many triumphs, his many successful missions that brought forth many good things for the village.
Just one failure, and now he’s nothing but a village trash.
Perhaps he can say that it will get better, only that it’s a lie and it’s not like he cares about it, really.
(Perhaps he should feel guilty for the satisfaction rushing in his veins at the thought of someone else bearing the same treatment as him. Perhaps he should feel guilty for feeling glad that he’s not the only one in this god damned village to bear that sort of hate and scrutiny.
But Orochimaru isn’t really one for guilt, is he?)
“She saved me,” Sakumo’s voice brings him back to reality, and Orochimaru blinks slowly. The White Fang murmurs, “I thought I would have no one left. My own son turned against me and it was only thanks to her that he forgave me for my mistakes.” He shifts his gaze toward the Snake Sannin, his eyes knowing, “She’s a very special girl, isn’t she?”
Orochimaru thinks of her eyes. Her knowing and patient eyes, how she assesses him and perhaps finding something in him that allows her to smile at him, her eyes that sometimes look too kind, too understanding, too old, too old for her age—
“An old soul,” he says. And then, as if in an attempt to amend for something, continues with a mutter, “Still a huge brat”.
Sakumo stares at him for a moment longer, slightly wide eyes blinking a few times before a chuckle breaks out from his lips, his eyes crinkling and  dimples appearing as he smiles wide and—
That smile reminds him of Rin, too.
(Did she learn it from him?)
“I’d say Rin-chan is very talented and smart for her own age,” Sakumo chuckles, “but an old soul works too.”
Orochimaru rolls his eyes.
“I think Rin-chan said once that you’re apparently very dramatic,” the tone is teasing, and Orochimaru wonders for a moment since when has the man beside him decide he’s good enough to be this familiar with him.
(But Rin did this too, didn’t she?)
(This overly familiar approach, this easy smiles and teases).
(Isn’t that why he likes her?)
“Watch your mouth, Hatake,” Orochimaru drawls out, “I will not hesitate to show you just how dramatic I can be.”
The Hatake raises his arms, “I apologize,” he smiles softly, and Orochimaru once again wonders how many gestures the girl has unconsciously learned from her best friend’s father. “I did not mean to offend you.”
Orochimaru doesn’t grace him with a reply, and at that moment Rin chooses to shout.
“Oro-chan-saaaaaaaan! Sakumo-san! Hurry! I’m hungry!”
He exhales sharply, striding forward to flick the girl sharply with his finger.
“Ow! What was that for, Oro-chan-san?!”
“For yelling in the middle of the street.”
“But—“ He steps into the restaurant, ignoring her.
The sound of Sakumo’s snickers and Rin’s whines are like bells to his ears.
The Orochimaru angst fest is done. Sort of. He has found an established foundation in Rin’s circle of friends now—he mostlikely won’t doubt her loyalty to him until much later on when things get messy (coughspoilerscough)—and his trust in her is immense. He knows she won’t betray him unless he gives her a reason to. (In which, I’m sure we all know what the reason could be).
Also, I’m thinking of doing SakuOro, but it’s still a plan; it might end up as this close friendship between two shunned legendary shinobi, or it might end up with kisses, idk. Tell me what you think about it.
Also, did you notice Rin internally calls Obito cute a lot of times nowadays? ;)
If you don’t, it’s okay because she doesn’t notice it either.
Next chapter, we’re going to have more genin children bickering and having fun with each other!
We’re getting closer to their first C-rank, so wait for it!
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