#I still love grogu
bearsbeetsbeskar · 1 year
Mando Episode 4 Thoughts:
Well foundlings, we are 2 episodes away from the season being over and here we are. I truly don't know how to feel at this point. I mainly feel like I am still clinging to the vestiges of positivity and hopefulness that this season will turn out amazing, and BUILD upon what we have witnessed and learned in s1 and s2. I would however, be lying if I said I am losing hope and feeling frustrated/short changed at what we continue to receive for our Mandalorian and his little ward (also c'mon Din when are you going to just say that you are his father and he is your son???)
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Buckle up cause this is long and I have a lot of feelings, and also I am sorry lol. I still love this show with all my heart but seeing Din and Grogu not really in the spotlight has got my panties in a bunch.
The Mon Calmari and Quarren romance that was dismissed as a FLING, I COULD NOT WITH THAT (she really said boy this was a situationship, cuffing season is over goodbye)
Din is playing sidekick to Bo as she embarks on this journey of reuniting Mandalore and reclaiming her forces (now let me be specific here and say that there is literally nothing wrong with sidequests, much of Din's journey with Grogu throughout s1 and s2 after The Sin, was completing sidequests, whether it was helping Cobb Vanth, the frog lady, or Cara Dune and Greef Karga. And I appreciate the friendship he has somewhat inadvertently formed with Bo up to this point, but it truly feels like he is being sidelined and she has been the main character). While Pedro confirmed that this season will show many other Mandalorians, the premise of this show focuses primarily on one Mandalorian and his journey with his son does it not??!!
It was endearing to see how he remembered speaking to Kuuil, and was educating Bo on how to speak to Ugnaughts but that was about it
WHEN JACK BLACK AND LIZZO APPEARED ON MY SCREEN I FULL OUT CACKLED AND SCREAMED YALL (because as much as I appreciate both respectively as actors and artists, that was the point that hammered home the writers and casting directors are taking their liberties with this season, not really serious, like yeah lets throw Jack Black in SW because why not???) Again, let me preface by saying there is nothing wrong with incorporating well known actors and celebrities when their characters add value, and depth to the storyline of the season or episode, e.g. Bill Burr as Mayfeld who appears in s1 and s2. But at this point it felt like shits and giggles that these two individuals were added to the storyline
I understand that the episode was called Guns for Hire, but it gets a little tiring to see the characters get sidequested into other things before they can accomplish their main mission. It feels like a plot line that has been overplayed at this point. Perhaps it would feel different if the stakes were higher with said sidequest, but investigating malfunctioning droids??? It's not really doing it for me. Now again, when Din was quested into helping Bo take that weapons freighter in Trask, or when he was quested into helping Cobb Vanth kill the krayt dragon for Boba Fett's armour, those had substance to them, and were genuinely enjoyable to watch because of the relationships he had with those characters, but this sidequest seemed so futile and put Din two steps backwards in terms of personal growth
Bringing me to my next point of contention, which is that we all of a sudden reverted back to Din hating droids? He made such progress with IG-11, specifically wanting THAT droid to help him navigate the atmosphere of Mandalore, or what about when he was rebuilding the N-1 starfighter in BoBF and working with Peli Motto's droids, like did we forget all that and return Din to his base programming of hating droids? I got a chuckle out of watching him donkey kick the battle droids, don't get me wrong, but the persistent comments to Bo and how his demeanour quickly changed up when he was interrogating them in the droid bar (it was hot but also disheartening) made me sad :(. What happened to that character development??
And lastly but most certainly not least, the relinquishing of the darksaber. LORD HELP ME THIS WAS THE HARDEST PART TO WATCH AND I WAS SITTING ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT IN DISBELIEF THE WHOLE TIME
I genuinely could not fathom that the writers would disregard the lore of the darksaber and everything we had learnt about it up to this point, from what Moff Gideon said about having to win it in combat, to the armorer telling Din in the BoBF the tale of the darksaber, explaining to him how to wield it properly
SO much of the anticipation built up towards season 3 has been placed on this weapon (including it in all of the show promo and posters) and it was handled so carelessly imo, its importance in Dins character and story building, his journey, him learning to wield it properly (lets face it, even though he isn't perfect at it, every time that man pulls out the darksaber and uses it I get wet) it was flippantly pushed aside just so he could hand it over to Bo and be like 'this is yours, you are the ruler of Mandalore now'
I, as I am sure many others did, wanted a good chunk of this seasons storyline to be Din's redemption, and some introspection into his pov of being a ruler, being a leader, reuniting Mandalore, what the Creed means to him now, how to be free of conflict so he can properly wield the darksaber, and how to be a Mandalorian after all that he has seen and been through (*cough* AFTER HAVING WALKED BOTH WAYS *cough*)
It felt like they struggled to connect the dots so so soooo hard by having him be like ' Bo defeated the mechanical bug creature that defeated me so it belongs to her' LIKE SIR WHAT
EVEN AXE WOVES ACKNOWLEDGES THIS. He was like girl the man you need to defeat is standing right behind you like a damn sidekick, I am not the one. And while I appreciated Bo standing up for Din and validating his identity as a Mandalorian just as much as they are, it all was such a mess and made no sense???
There is so much internal conflict within me yall, I keep thinking about what Pedro said in that interview of how interesting it is to play and witness a character that is thrust into a leadership position reluctantly, who has no desire to lead, and watching them grow, but Din has not done much growing to me in this season, he has stayed to Bo's side, watching her journey
no other thoughts of substance, except that grogu continues to be a cutie pie (he's a KNIGHT NOW ASDAGSKDASDJ), Din continues to look like a shiny WHORE without even trying (I still swoon)
I am really, genuinely, worried for the next two episodes, there is a lot riding on them. I have a sneaking suspicion that they also will not confirm Moff Gideon's return until the season finale, and end on that cliff hanger
If you have read this far honestly you are wonderful and I appreciate you following me and listening to my nonsense rambling cause this show has ruined by life in the best way but it feels so UNTETHERED rn
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dindjarindiaries · 5 months
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space dads getting happy endings >>>
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omgahgase · 1 year
idk man but i just picture din as this amazing cook who can whip up an delicious, healthy meals for grogu out of like 3 lame ass ingredients and luke is just never allowed in the kitchen bc he somehow burned water so din told him one day "i'll do all the cooking" and he does. and he's good at it.
but give this man a recipe for a cake or pie? no. absolutely not. he will serve you a blackened brick and think nothing is wrong with it. din's homemade cookies? this man is a mandalorian, he'll make the spiciest space chocolate chip cookies you've ever tasted. and that's if they make it out of the oven edible and not charred. not even grogu can stomach his baked goods. boba, cobb, and fennec have all told him that he's a terrible baker, and din's response is always, "you guys are just picky."
"yeah, vod, i choose to keep my teeth. not chip them on those abominations."
"bo is right—"
"don't call me that."
*chuckles* "bo is taken. call him booba."
"can it, shand."
din just shrugs and plops his horrendous snickerdoodles on the coffee table like they didn't just rattle the entire surface. meanwhile luke is in the kitchen with han saying that he "absolutely baked this bread! i'm capable of it!"
han takes another slice and gives luke an incredulous look, eyebrow arched and overly bushy. "sure, kid."
"i did!
"this is best kirffing bread i've ever had. it tastes like the holy land and carbs had a baby. i don't even believe if there's a holy land, but dank farrik, this bread can take me there."
"han...it's just bread."
and just like that, luke discovers that he can bake like a man mad. whatever he envisions, he can make with ease. cookies, snickerdoodles, cupcakes, pastries. he can bake it without so much as reading the recipe twice and din is flabbergasted.
"how can...how do you do that?"
"do what, my love?"
din waves his hand in a blobby, misshapen circle with luke—and his disaster of a kitchen whipping up some sort of blue macaroon for grogu that din knows comes out perfect every single time—in its center.
luke chuckles and moves around the island to place a floury kiss to his cheek, smearing some left over batter into the scruff of his chin.
"call it a gift."
"is this some sort of...force thing?"
luke laughs again and din hopes he kisses him one last time bc he deserves it for bringing forth such a lovely sound.
"no, it's just a me thing."
din hums, still not 100% convinced it's not luke and his confusing, space wizard magic, offers to help. only, luke shoos him out of the kitchen, brandishing his batter ladened spoon, dripping sticky all over the floor din just cleaned that morning.
"absolutely not. the last time you helped me, you mistook the sugar for garlic powder. chewie threw up, my love. i've never seen chewie throw up.
"...that was one time."
luke pats his cheek with delicate fingers, and if din wasn't already leaning into his touch, he would've griped about the batter trickling down his jaw.
"one time too many. it's fine, i can handle myself in here. now, get going. go on, out of my kitchen."
luke hops up onto his toes to press a fleeting kiss to din's lips and—really, it should be criminal how easily luke can turn off din's brain with one simple touch bc he didn't even notice how he ended up in the living room with both grogu and the family loth-cat trying to lick the drying batter off his face.
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thefrogdalorian · 5 months
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The UCS Lego Razor Crest figure of Din made a fine addition to my collection...
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merrysithmas · 1 year
oh, you say the darksaber is "broken" and no longer represents the Mandalorian head of state?
looks like the perfect opportunity for SOMEONE (cough ahsoka and luke) to help mando & din grogu reforge its crystal into something else cool for perhaps a cowboy Ranger
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minecraftian1213 · 2 years
No one:
Purrgil: omg it's a baby force user
Purrgil: hiiiiii
Anyway I've now got a headcanon that Purrgil actually adore Force users (especially the small ones) and they go out of their way to say hello. It doesn't happen often cause they're so damn rare.
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ravenalla · 1 year
Thinking about how Din’s parents never got to see how much of an impact their humble son from Aq Ventia would have on the rest of the galaxy, the warrior he grew into, the violence he became capable of, the sympathy and respect he shows to people in spite of it, infamous figures he has made both allies and enemies of, feats such as saving entire villages from raiders and dragons, tracking down the last known remnants of mythical Jedi, helping to take back an entire planet from Imperial forces, and bringing a grandson into their family who they would have loved but will never meet. They’ll never get to know any of that, they could only pray that their death meant their tiny son got to live a happy and fulfilling life. And what gets me is it’ll be the same cycle for Din and Grogu, where Din will have to leave him long before he should, and he’ll never get to see the type of person Grogu grows up to be or what he’ll accomplish but he knows he’d be damn proud regardless. All he can do is hope pieces of himself will be left behind for his son to remember him by.
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sadcena · 1 month
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The duality of a man
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not-a-cheese-thief · 1 year
They gave Grogu an AAC device. Which is also a mobility aid. Excuse me while I sob my lil disabled heart out.
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movietimegirl · 1 year
The only way I'll accept Din dying is if he dies from old age. That's the only death I'll accept.
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levitatingbiscuits · 2 years
Fandom whining about merchandising tool grogu getting forced into s3 plot of mando are so funny. it's what they deserve. they didn't want a narrative for din and yoda jr to develop individually as characters so they could actually earn that reunion scene. instead they threw a tantrum about Jedi being baby snatchers, claiming luke and din had to fight for baby rights (wtf is this logic) in the s2 finale, so this is what Disney and favreau tosses in their laps instead. enjoy!
honestly din taking over half of tbobf because of the fandom reaction to a survivor of order 66 choosing to continue the legacy of his own purposefully eradicated religious group left such a bad taste in my mouth that i might not even bother pirating season 3. they whined so much they got what they wanted, grogu as din's lapdog and a mascot to sell merch with rather than a character in his own right. now they have to fucking live with it! of course grogu has nothing to do, that was the natural end of his character functionality!! there's not much else they can fucking do with him when he's a nonverbal toddler, other than make him go even closer to the dark side and force choke more people. they're never gonna let him grow up. what can they do with him if he's not a jedi?? make him a tiny suit of armor and staple him to din's apron strings forevermore? have the first order keep kidnapping him like he's princess peach? fuck, maybe maul will get shoehorned in again and try to turn him like he did with ahsoka. i highly doubt grogu is ever going to be allowed to become his own character.
boba was robbed, luke was robbed, and grogu was robbed. the end of season 2 was a perfect resolution to the story and now disney is gonna ride the mandalorian into the ground like they did with the sequel trilogy.
anyway, i heard andor was good, maybe i'll finally start pirating that instead lmao
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hira492 · 2 years
Look. That episode Mando episode.
Man, i´m not even angry, i´m just disappointed , cause I KNOW how good this show can be. Specially this season that´s, supposedly, gonna revolve around what it means to be a Mandalorian and Mandalore's history 
Din is such an interesting, compeling and complex character and he could be so much more if only THEY- JUST. LET. HIM.
They are completely misunderstanding what´s what drove people to Mando at first. Yes, it´s cute to see this bounty hunter begrudgingly take care of a jedi baby BUT the show is SO MUCH MORE THAN THAT! It was about dissecting this misterious and closed off character who´s being through so much, it was seeing how all that trauma that he has - that made him separate himself from everything and everyone - was what ultimately helped him connect with Grogu. It´s lovely to see him open up little by little knowing he shouldn't, knowing that a goodbye is imminent. It was complex, it had layers. 
And Grogu. I know everyone jokes about how he was just made to sell toys and i thought so as well before starting the show a few years back. I used to really hate him and all the fuss everyone was making around him being a cute baby, but when i finally watched the show, i sat captivated and saw it was so much more. He´s more than just cute baby, he is a survivor ,just like Din, and has lived through so many things. His story is so interesting and he could be much more than a “marketable sw mascot”, but again, THEY ARE NOT ALLOWING THEM THAT!
It´s so frustrating watching this first episode and see both our main characters being reduced to “cute baby” and “dad”. They feel as they have no agency. And damn my brain for making me think this, but i felt, watching this episode, as i felt watching the last Jurassic World movie. Everyone is a diluted version of their character, everyone moves and does whatever the plot and script needs them to do without any explanation or reason to why or HOW they did it and everything just moves SO FUCKING FAST for no reason.
The first 3 episodes of the 1st season were such bangers cause they were the total opposite of this one. They were paced so well, letting viewers experience events along the characters, they made an amazing use of Show not tell (cof cof what do you mean Grogu was away from Din for around a year, Favreau cof cof), they introduced a conflict in a natural and organic way, and most importantly, they trusted the audience to understand what was happening without having a character explain it as we were a bunch of idiots or smth. 
Think about that scene in the 3rd episode when Din decides to take Grogu back from the imperials. We, as an audience, understand (without seeing the guy´s face) what´s going on in his mind in that moment; the doubt, the regret, the decision, everything just through body language, well done cinematography and music. We didn´t need Din or someone else going “you felt bad so you went back for him”, no, we just understood, and the show trusted us to understand that, to come to our own conclussions and understanding of the scene and motivations of the characters. AND WE HAD JUST MET THE GUY.
The difference here from last episode is that they gave us something to work with and, watching the episodes, you understand Din´s final decision.
Now we just don´t know what the hell Din´s thinking, and not because of a mystery or to build tension, it just feels as if Din is a weird NPC that moves the story forward and is there only to show us cool action scenes, cameos and Mandalore lore, without relating to anything. He feels as if he´s just not thinking at all, not as being stupid, but just as if he literally had no mind of his own, no opinions,no feelings, no nothing. And Grogu is just..there, i guess. Being cute and that´s all. 
Also, not as important as the narrative and script issues i had with the episode but, when i first watched The Mandalorian - begrudgingly, i must add, as i actually hated star wars but a friend of mine kept insisting that i gave it a try - i was amazed at how detailed the effects were, how everything felt alive and lived in. I remember rewatching again and again the scene where Din lands the Razor Crest in Arvala 7 and just admire the detail of the dust and water moving with the ship´s power, the way everything felt so real. Everything in the 1st and 2nd season ( i have my issues with the effects in season 2 as well but they´re still okay, imo) felt alive, real. And wow, what a downgrade this episode was.
For a show with a ridiculous budget it´s not showing at all. The kid helmet at the start looked like a toy (i can let it slide cause it´s literally brand new so you could argue there´s no reason for it to not look all shiny and clean), the alligator was okay, i guess, but didn´t feel nearly as real as the  Krayt Dragon from S2, and the rest...to be honest, not surprised at all. I kept getting thrown off by the straight up green screen feel of the Greef vs Random Pirates scene (Also an unnecessary scene, tbh, felt like an escuse for a “cool star wars space battle ™” ). The Mandalorian castle was cool, tho, i guess.
I´m not dissing the people who worked in the show´s Visual Effects at all, btw. I know they can do amazing things, cause they have, i´m sure it was more of a direction and studio issue.
It surprised me how Mando´s episode in TBOBF felt much more interesting, well paced, compelling and true to Din´s character than this episode. 
I know it might be way too early to judge the season as we only have this 1st episode but it´s not looking too good, Mando nation.
I want to be clear, I´m not saying everything sucked, either. I´m just frustrated cause this is my favourite show, it means a lot to me and i just want it to be as good as i know it can be.
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roguestarr · 2 years
Still thinking about the fact we could have had a complete rivalry arc between Boba Fett and Cad Bane in The Book of Boba Fett that was set up from the beginning instead of just being basically a tagged-on cameo if they hadn't spent two episodes undermining the emotional ending of The Mandalorian season 2 to set up season 3 back to the status quo. Like, truly think about if they had fully committed to a Boba Fett story what we could have had. While still keeping the Tusken storyline (and not fridging them), there could have been real conflict between Cad Bane and Boba as we get to elaborate on their rivalry from the past instead of just relying on the fact that people have probably watched the unfinished The Clone Wars footage that show the dual that ended with Boba getting that dent on his helmet and Bane getting that metal skull cap.
Sorry for the rant, it's just.... argh the unrealized potential this series had to be absolutely awesome if only the plot had been used as its own storyline instead of an entre-mets between seasons of The Mandalorian.
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hinderr · 1 year
i'm gonna sharpen all my teeth and build a fire
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apricusapollo · 1 year
very tiny grogu <3
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amethystsoda · 2 years
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Babysitting for Mando today 🤫🤫🤫 (My Jyn Erso turned out perfect, I’m so happy!!)
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