#I suffer already at +20C
awkwardsadmad · 3 years
the temp here has been below 30C these last few days i cant take this looool
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viviun · 6 years
Someone please end me. It’s +31C outside. It’s creeping into my apartment too and I’m slowly dying...
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owl-bones · 4 years
Aster and Marygold??
Aster: Would you rather be cold or hot?
definitely cold; if you’re cold you can have a blanket or a sweater, but if you’re hot you just kinda suffer?? also i grew up in the sub-arctic so like i never acclimated to hot climates hahahaha 
anything above 20C or 68F is too much
Marigold: Do you listen to what's on the radio?
when i drove around frequently i did! mostly alternative stations, tho, and now that i don’t have a car and bike everywhere, i mostly just listen to what i already have 
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it currently gets around 25C here which is fine but the sun is out most of the time and im one of those people where sunny warm weather makes me irritable af and cloudy and cooler weather (not too cold though, like 10-20 is ideal) gives me energy. we had a bunch of storms and rain last week with about 20C and that was top tier for me. we got up to like 34C in june and i was absolutely miserable lol. favorite thing is shorts and hoodie temperature with some rain or just after rain <3
Are we the same person?? Cause same, fam!! I wish I could wear hoodies all year round, I'm 1000x more comfortable in a hoodie lol 25C is about the maximum I can handle, but of course I know it'll get 30+ around here too. Out high for today is 27 but it'll feel like 30 🥲 we don't get a lot of thunderstorms around here so I cherish them (as long as I don't have to work in the mud anyways) as much as I can cause yeah, where I live is considered a semi-arid desert, so we average <10 inches of moisture a year. Last year was way less at about 8 inches for the whole year and our crops suffered for it, but we are already nearing 10 inches by now, so this year should be better 🤞
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ace-malarky · 5 years
Character Intro; Sebastian Blake
Sebastian Blake - 17/5 - cismale, pansexual - I stole Thomas Brodie-Sangster’s face - wingless
+figure skating, scarves, short walks
-heat over 20C, maths, rejection
He’s dedicated to his skating more than anyone would ever believe to look at him, but sometimes it can be truly hard to pull him away from the rink. Outside of it, he’s light hearted and easy to get along with, always up for a slow wander and a quick laugh and a bag of chips. Inside, there’s nothing but the ice. He compartmentalises, and if things suffer because of it, then- well. So be it.
Sebastian would probably follow Kari to the ends of the earth, but now he’s not so sure if that’s because he’s the responsible one that needs to drag her back, or because he’s just trying to keep up.
He still remembers the day they met, although they have wildly different ideas on what really happened. He remembers that she was crying, hiding behind the bins in the playground. He never found out what she was crying over, and almost got decked for his trouble. But he persisted, because what else was he supposed to do, and he never saw her cry again.
He doesn’t love her, not anymore, but he hopes they will always be friends. Hell, when he thinks about it afterwards, he’ll argue that he was never in love with her, that he’d conflated his feelings.
Still, he’d fucked up. He gets that, gets that he went too far. He isn’t proud of how easily he took advantage. Oh, he has excuses – adrenalin running high, it was just a kiss, she’d leant in just as much – but they don’t excuse him. Not as such.
He acted on feelings he’d all but buried because he had to know, and ok she wasn’t Kari but in some way... some small way, she was. Even after, looking back, he’s not sure if it was the right ways. If that was really what he was looking for.
So he’s surprised when they offer him a second chance, give him an explanation and closure and one last pun of a warning before Ifernia leaves. It’s somehow more than he feels he deserves, even after he knows the full story. Even after he hears about his double and Ifernia – that he laughs at, the idea that there is a universe out there in which they work. But he’s come far enough to know that isn’t his path. His path lies carved in the ice. Or something.
Seb’s just going to continue doing what he loves and run after Kari’s haphazard ideas on the weekends.
Maybe something will come of them. And if nothing does? He’s got his skates on already, so it’s not as if she can leave him behind by running.
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bargegrowth8-blog · 6 years
Will National Policy Boundaries Reduce Our Ability to Stop Climate Change?
Marcelle McManus is a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bath.
We have 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns the UN. This is a stark warning to all of us that if we want to ensure continued access to the kind of lifestyles we have, we need to act now. But even with action our lifestyles are under threat. Even limited warming, warns the report, is likely to mean displacement of millions of people due to sea level rise and a decline in global crop yields.
Knowledge of climate change impacts are nothing new. Policies to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been in place for decades in some countries. Previously, targets were based around a limit of 20C temperature increase, but during and after the Paris Agreement, many countries, particularly Small Island Developing States (SIDS), campaigned for a lower temperature increase target. This was predominantly because these nations are particularly susceptible to climate change and associated sea level rise – some SIDS stated they may disappear if a 1.5°C limit is breached.
The recent IPCC report explores the differing impacts associated with a difference of 1.5 and 2 degrees. The report was commissioned in 2015, meaning it took almost three years to research and write. According to this report we have only four times that to act. Will we do it?
Scientist have warned for decades that rising atmospheric concentrations of GHGs risk affecting the climate, and yet still the emissions rise (see Figure 1 a and b). The latest IPCC report, basically a literature review of thousands of academic and industrial papers and studies, shows that that the difference between allowing the earth’s climate to raise by 2°C and 1.5°C is stark.
Figure 1a. Global CO2 levels over 400,000 years
Figure 1b. Global Carbon Dioxide emissions since 1850
A direct impact of this extra increase in temperature is the difference between virtually all the worlds’ coral being wiped out, rather than 70 – 90% of the world’s coral being wiped out. As coral is a carbon sink (i.e. it acts to store carbon), clinging on to even 10-30% of our coral is important. Putting the intrinsic value of carbon aside, even if we only want to keep the coral from a carbon management perspective, a rise in temperature by half a degree will make a big difference. Similarly the increase of 2°C in temperature may also cause sea levels to rise an extra 10cm (wiping out many of those SIDS).
Can we do it? Depending on geography and politics, policymakers have been working towards a 2°C reduction with a mixture of apathy and enthusiasm. Some European Union environment ministers want to adopt 1.5°C as a guide to policy before a UN summit in Poland in December. The Australian government has rejected the IPCCS report’s call to phase out coal by 2050, stating that Australia should absolutely continue to use and exploit its reserves. This is particularly problematic given that according to the research evidence, the 2°C increase would mean the decimation of the Great Barrier Reef.
According to the New Yorker, Donald Trump appeared to have never heard of the IPCC before this report was published. Simultaneously, the US is minimising the impact of GHG reducing policies and rules as part of a string of policy changes to dismantle Obama’s climate legacy plans (including withdrawing from the Paris Agreement and repealing the Clean Power Plan). When justifying rolling away from a required greater vehicle efficiency the administration pointed out that the reduction of six billion tons of CO2 was a drop in the ocean compared with global emissions – so why would they bother?
We in the UK are reducing our emissions – so we can lead by example. The UK has developed and signed up to a number of strategies and targets to reduce emissions, most notably the Climate Change Act, which legally obliges an 80% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050. But just because a country is meeting its emission reduction targets doesn’t mean it isn’t responsible for increased emissions elsewhere. The way national targets are measured means that some countries, including the UK, effectively “outsource” their emissions to other regions or countries.
When we calculate our emissions we include those which are emitted here, and in the UK there is a general trend of emission reduction. This is great – but considering this from a wider (systems) perspective, we are also responsible for the emissions produced in the process of providing the goods and services we buy. For example, if I buy a computer, or a solar panel, that is made in China, none of the emissions related to making that product (the emissions from the extraction of the raw materials or the emissions from the factory) are reported in our territorial emissions – they are reported by China. When an increasing number of our products are made elsewhere this makes it unsurprising that our territorial emissions decrease even if our consumption of goods increases. And if we see our reported emission decreasing as a nation we are bound to believe that we’re doing our bit to reduce emissions.
Figure 2. Emissions and Target for the UK (adapted from www.emissions.leeds.ac.uk - from DEFRA data)
Nevertheless, our global supply chain means that little we use is completely made or produced within the country in which it is purchased. Using a wider systems, or life cycle based approach, this “consumption-based” perspective looks at the whole life cycle of products consumed in a nation. Evidence suggests (Figure 2) that supporting our lifestyles actually causes far more GHG than those just emitted within our national boundaries. Again, this matters because of the global impact. The UK is just as affected by a tonne of GHGs emitted in Beijing as in Birmingham. The world’s GHG emissions don’t respect borders. The people in those low lying island states are just as affected by a tonne of GHGs emitted there as in the US or China; more so due to the increased severity of the impact in those regions. Therefore, unless emissions are addressed, calculated and accounted for on a global scale (or based on consumption), we run the risk of frustrating the purpose of any national strategy by shifting the burden from our shores to others.
This environmental (in)justice is questionable. Our actions have a real and long term impact elsewhere in the world. Often it is, and will continue to be, people with less access to goods and services already that will suffer the most. We need to think carefully about our impact, our emissions now, and about who will be affected. This is not a regional problem. Emissions in any country have a global impact. What our neighbours do (on a large and small scale) makes a difference. Apathy will drive us to either paralysis by analysis or simply running out of time.
With a clear approach we could deliver mechanisms to minimise the catastrophic impact of climate change. But we need to act fast, we need to act globally, and we need to think big. We need to remove arbitrary boundaries around our calculations and take a system wide perspective to dealing with, and reporting emissions, otherwise we will continue to kid ourselves that we are doing okay.
Source: http://blogs.bath.ac.uk/iprblog/2018/10/26/will-national-policy-boundaries-reduce-our-ability-to-stop-climate-change/
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sommer-rain · 6 years
Some more sunburn in this heat around lately in finland, at least in Ostrabotnia. it’s basically +30-35C here in finland that’s as hot as it ever gets in this country so now it’s definiately not fun at all being at work in most places and i sure for my part is hella glad i’m on my vacation and don’t need to work. And i barely even tolerate +20C anyway x_x. I easily get heatstrokes and such. I have always been able to take coldness better than heat (well not when i am to swim that much but otherwise).   Got some sun tan but sunburn wins this summer.
It was all nice and good staying from monday to wednesday(today) at my sister in Kristinestad.   First day we went to Fagerö beach (which is rather around Närpes than K-stad, and takes some time to drive to) and it’s my favorite place of the swimming places we have been to. The water was surprisingly warm and super lovely there as when we went there just some day before with Marja on saturday...or maybe Marja was with us to one of the other places..hmmm :|   We barely got up from the water in Fagerö because we just couldn’t stop swimming the water. It was just so fantastic and refreshing! We could barely contain ourselves! It all just fell all too good right then right there :D.  -Afterwards we went to eat dinner at Casa in Närpes and rest of the day we were pretty much just sloppying and tried i guess to stand the heat. I think i mixing up a bit monday with tuesday. I can’t exactly recall, if it were yesterday or not we went..nooo it was on monday we went to the super cozy, nice and idyllic place called “Cornelia” on our way to Fagerö. It’s so beautiful and idyllic there!    It’s a caffée/little shop and in two of the other buildings on the yard it’s flea-markets! They have superdelicious wafflels with whipped cream and applejam! -Or with strawberry jam if you want. They also make some of their own home made ice cream there and the two current when we were there was cappuchino and other was salmiak or licorice. They had other ice creams there too and one of my favorite more rare, and finnish lemonades there too! There were other tasty things to buy there too, of course. I had hard to choose.
Yesterday, tuesday, even more hot than previous day. We went to Havsbadet, just barely five mins to drive there from my sisters house. She often bikes over there too instead of taking the car.   We didn’t swim there because the wind had blown from wrong direction so tho it was superhot otherwise it was fuck +14C in the water and it’s other suppose to be about +18C or +20C to swim during summer :(.   We tried alright but we both said, as pretty much all other who were there at the same time, that it’s SO cold it HURTS! Really not fun, even more SO ANNOYING when it all LOOKS so warm in the water and you see all those waves you just wanna run right into but nope it’s fucking ice-cold! >_< It really were. No joke.  -So we went abit instead go arouhnd in the city centrum..trying to kill time and didn’t really know what to do about all the time we had meant and wanted to spend on swimming most of that day :/.   I did actually, after along while of trying a few, buy a pair shoes, tho it wasn’t exactly that kind of shoes i had meant yo buy but all the other of that kind of shoes just didn’t exactly fit my dang feet. Well, i’m still satisfied tho with the ones i bought.
We went home to hers, went up in my bed room there on the second floor where they have it cooled down to some around +20C with the air..-i don’t know what that kind of airconditionering is called in english :/- but it felt pretty humane than even on the otherside of the corridor that goes to the staircase.   And Downstares? It’s about the same temperature as outside there and it’s like standing almost next to a..something majorily really hot. x_x You just feel really drowzy and sloppy and sleepy..except that ironic thing that the heat makes you sleepy but then also it’s too hot to be able to sleep.. :|   We throwed ourselves on the bed layed beside each other and complained about the heat and hoe good it felt being in this temperature..   The only thing we came up with to do was to watch some on netflix. (they always watch netflix) It was a..quite new series, apparentli there were already two seasons of it. It was “(the?) Frankenstein Chronicles” and we watch atm leach a few episodes. It seems like really good series, just the type of series i NEEEEDD! I really wanna watch mystic, thrilling and supernatural/fantasy series. I love that. Also, ones that isn’t afraid to be scary.   I really like the head character in this show, “Mr Marlott”. I like alot the intro too, and the OST as well!
Today then, i slept longer than the other nights and went up some time i think around 11:30~. Sister came back from her work shift at halv two, afternoon. Her husband had come back home from his work shift some time in the forenoon and had throwed himself on one of the sofas more or less sleeping.   I went outside for a while and didn’t eat much because their cat was distracting me with wanting cuddles. That  cat definiately must have gotten some heatstroke too because we all have seen how suffering and sloppy she looks doing nothing but trying to find a better spot in the shade all around the garden and yard. Like it’s hella warm even just in the shade/shadows too. And she was just happy once we put her up in the bedroom upstairs: 3. We went to check up on heer two times (since there is too doors there that is always tov be shut to keep away the heat from the the two rooms further in on that floor, but she didn’t want to from the bed at all. She just wanted cuddles when i went briefly to see if she wanted downstares. Her husband said that too when he had checked. She was all like:
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We went first to Havsbadet and hoped the water temperature would be warmer than yesterday. It was..slightly warmer but still kinda too cold to enjoy and too hot up to just stay on the beach. We decided to drive to Kanonviken. Which i think, in a way, is my second favorite. Not really swimming there myself because i hate the feeling of all those green algae growing on the shallows there. >_< I really don’t like that texture.. even seaweed i can better with.   Also the place is more direct to the sea, but that doesn’t bother me. It only makes me love the place more. It’s a really nice and - if anything - rocky place. No sand there because the whole “beach” is in fact a big wide smooth flatrock..or flatrockS. Whichever.. Above the flatrock part it’s forest and mountain part of the place and you can go nature paths there too! :D You can be pretty much anywhere on the flatrocks, like perfect for sunbath. You wouldn’t even really need a blanket or alike to sit on there. You dry so fast in that sun anyway there. It’s beautiful place for someone who love rocky/mountain landscape-/places. :)    -We weren’t really swimming there either but it was still a bit warmer there than at the other place. so we were enjoying basking in the shallows on some of the further out flatrocks and enjoyed the pretty small but still enjoyable waves :).   We stopped by to by some ice cream on the way back from the swimmingplaces. I took a bit too much ice cream uagh.. but it was nice although. I took Pätkis (it’s actually really good as ice cream) and raspberry pannacotta. Both were good.
Maybe around a halfhour i were to go home back from K-stad with the bus. We were all quietly slacking inside the house, dozing off on a sofa or reading something until she drove me to the bus station.   Dad picked me up from the station in Vasa to drive home to my apartment.
I’ll really try not to be up late tonight because i’m gonna go up around 10~ in the morning to go with my friends to the local small square market that is tomorrow five mins from me. MNaybe some simple picknick too afterwards. 
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xottzot · 8 years
2016-01(JAN)-2&3-Monday & Tuesday-2017.
around 3am in total darkness except for weak streetlights, nobody about and THEN I saw somebody on a pushbike that had a LED light on it go into the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD -- (I was up with Sam & Max (THEIR choice, not mine) fed them, then we were outside for their ablutions). - Windy morning and already 20C temperature.- Going to be a VERY hot day.
at 2:48---It was 40C (104F) outside here. -- I heard a strange 'rumbling' sounds outside. When I looked, what did I see do you think? -- Whatever you thought, you were wrong! -- It was actually an aboriginal adult male, trundling along behind him 2 big 'wheelie bins' on the road. He wheeled them all the way along and thru a pedestrian walkway and away. -- This is immediately suspicious. Now let me tell you why.....- its because of a known tactic that's use to transport illegal items (ie. stolen, drugs, whatever) from one place to another. Fliss and I use to always see 'Fatguts' who ran the aboriginal drug dealer place, and he was constantly strangely transporting wheelie bins away from his house on a vehicle trailer, them bringing them back again. Only to transport them away again, and return them again. -- TOMORROW IS A REGULAR RUBBISH BIN COLLECTION DAY HERE. --
at 4:26pm.....once again it's hot. 40C (104F) outside here. A LOUD 2-stroke illegal motorcycle screamed up via Kalara Way street, turned right into Kalara Road street, and rode through the pedestran walkway. - And of course it drew out aboriginals from the aborginal CRIMINAL RESIDENCE and now they are sitting on the roadside kerb around 8-10 of them including an adult female or two. For them it's like 'party in the street time' AGAIN.......
Those rubbish bins that were stolen and wheeled away by oen of the criinals from the CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, well the bins 'magically' appeared to be empties by the council rubbish truck outside the residence....DESPITE NOBODY LIVING IN THAT HOUSE......and the criminals emphasised the bins to be emtied by outting them hard up against the kerb and well away from the CRIMINAL RESIDENCE.
Fucking illegal unlicensable motorbikes have been SCREAMING going up and down the streets during the heat of the day as well. (POLICE seem to have given up trying to capture them)
1DRE 942 09:38am--License plate number of a UTILITY vehicle which I saw yesterday parked across (and on) the road from the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD. And which looked to be somehow involved in an illegal drug drop. An adult male from the CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD caem out and ferreted in the hedge, took something out, then he walked off 180 degrees away.
Today I saw that same vehicle came around again. This time I saw it travel from the Koongamia shops direction.
But he just stopped dead in the Kalara Road, Kalara Way intersection. Why? - Because he saw workers and many vehicles at 4 Kalara Way, and he literally just stopped his vehicle on the road IN the intersection upon seeing the several vehicles parked on the verge opposite the aboriginal CRIMINAL HOUSEHOLD, as if they were a Police raiding force.
Workmen were chainsawing trees from the household where I had previously observed possible drug-drops & pickups were being made into the massively high hedge alongside there growing wild.
The ute today had a passenger.
The ute then very slowly drove down Kalara Way, then strangely stopped at the end of Kalara Way for a extended period on the road during it's travelling, then after around 45 seconds it turned left onto Clayton Street and slowly drove away towards Bellevue direction.
11:40am--approx.......the VERY NOISY chipping and chainsawing is still going on despite the very hot heat of today.
Outside in the yard (and measured under shelter) it was 40C (104F). And there was not a breath of moving air.
At 1pm it's 42C (about 108F) outside in the shade of this backyard in this hellhole. Inside this hovel, the airconditioner is not working. Sam & Max are becoming very distressed because of the heat. I have a truly massive painful headache.
At 3:20pm it's 47C degrees, (116F). Not is not a breath of moving air outside.
At 7:10pm it's 34C degrees, (93F). Not is not a breath of moving air outside. The sun is just going down over the horizon....like me.
At 8:pm its 32C degrees (90F). Not is not a breath of moving air outside. The sun has gone down. Not a whisper of any breeze. Or any air or life...like me.
And yet the 'offical' weather report recordings for this hellhole is always by them stated at least 10-15 degrees cooler. That's why reality does NOT match up the bullshit they keep spewing out. ....... at least for this fucking hellhole.
I feel extremely much in pain. Literally staggering about, having to grab hold of anything in order to take the next step to go anywhere because otherwise I'll just collpase.
Floor electric fans inside this hovel do nothing except push around terribly hot airless air. Outside is cooler-ish.....but now is full of mosquitos and bugs.
As this shitty terribly hot weather travels from this part of hell to others parts, in other Australian States, watch the news make light of it all and dismiss the suffering.
I exepct the usual fucking schedule of hell will be stuck again to very slowly cooling down over night, and just when it starts to get okay cool, the damn sun come up and it leaps up into temeprature again. It's a losing battle. Just like me. I'm a lost battle it has been decreed against me by ?
I love you Fliss and want to be with you away from this hellhole, and for us to have a new and loving life, the life we BOTH were denied by so many other.
You wuld not recognise me Fliss. Becaues of utter despair, I have lost a terrible amount of weight. My ribs stick obscenely out, and my face is becoming more gant, which I am trying to hide behind a beard. Because I have nobody worthy to talk to, my voice has gone.
YOU Fliss, may be being feted and aggrandised, and getting all the things THEY want you NOW to have just so you forget about ME...who is the poor destroyed soul here in Western Australia who still loves you deeply and dearly, and for saying that I've been ordered to kill myself.
Fliss....please dear God save me!
PLans for my death at my own hands are well at hand believe me FLiss.
Fliss, Felcity Ann Carthew, of New South Wales, Australia....Please contact me!
Tuesday......at 20:32--2016-01(JAN)-02a-Monday-2017--TUESDAY.--I love you Fliss........I've always Loved you and I never stopped loving you......and is THIS how you treat me, your loving partner by cutting off all communications between us and removing your internet presences online or hiding them!?
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