#I think I may have accidentally overdosed on advil..
50000bears · 4 months
Ughh I have so much to do today but I suddenly got really sick 5 minutes before leaving the house
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thenamesblurrito · 2 years
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boy oh boy uhhh. so you’re asking someone who doesn’t know anything about drugs beyond memes about ketamine and the phrase “acid trip”, and doesn’t understand the difference between advil, aspirin, and tylenol, AND doesn’t know anything about computing or mechanics, so go easy on me as i completely make stuff up. i originally screenshot this to put it in an ask dump but then it got too long so it’s in its own post
there are far more digital drugs than physical ones. the physical ones are likely to be fuel additives to affect the performance of the frame, like an upper for self repair systems or temporary nitro boosts that can give you a burst of speed and energy but also might burn out your engine. cy-gars, cy-garettes, and other aerosol inhalants like what Kup and Ravage smoke do actually have an affect on sensory perception, hijacking chemoreception in the mouth and vents. some numb the neurocircuits and deaden senses and can be medicinally used for pain relief, some wake you up, and some are mildly hallucinogenic in that they can mess with the neurocircuitry they come in contact with, and they can end up addictive for some. none of these are powerful enough to actually get someone properly high or in an altered state, because even cycling aerosols throughout the vents of one’s entire frame is still not enough contact and absorption to really affect the processor. otherwise, there isn’t a lot of physically consumed/injected/applied material that will make you feel wonky or something? it’s almost always about changing or enhancing physical performance, medicinally or otherwise
many drugs are digital files uploaded through medical interfacing, either by a medical professional or in a self-contained USB-stick type device often called a holochip or simultronic stick, comparable to an inhaler or pill bottle or injection that can be easily self applied on the regular. all of these are temporary scripts that run their course and then are naturally cleared from the nervous system. it’s incredibly difficult if not outright impossible to permanently change someone’s hardcoding, especially not in the processor itself. medical drugs like mood stabilizers for mental health issues, inoculations, painkillers, programs to prevent rejection of cloned transplants or kibble additions, immune system conditions or allergy pills, and other types are all well regulated, thoroughly tested in AI simulations, and updated to prevent bugs or accidental immunity. not every program can run on every mech, as everyone’s processor and frame is different. especially when considering the differences in alt mode and kibble, it’s incredibly important for medics to identify and test which drugs will actually run on the operating system of a mech’s nervous circuitry
obviously all of those can be altered, heightened, mixed with physical substances, or just overdosed to cause an altered state of mind or physicality that may be addictive and/or detrimental for the mech in question. recreational drugs or performance enhancers are typically called stimms, circuitjacks, or circuit boosters/speeders. examples include syk and nucleon. bootleg programs are extremely dangerous but not exactly uncommon among addicted communities. most drug addicts have dysphoria of some kind, or are actively self-medicating to escape or ignore something wrong in their lives. sometimes just uploading the wrong program to the wrong frame would act as a narcotic, eg a script coded for mecha with flightframe kibble running on a wheeled grounder frame might get trippy and cause phantom limb sensations... assuming it wasn’t just crippling or lethal. it would be unfair to say that recreational drug usage is universally evil or dangerous or what have you, but i think there’s probably a slightly higher risk factor for mecha than humans? their version of drugs does literally temporarily take over and/or their own processing for awhile. if something goes wrong, the program might not end, might corrupt its file, might replicate or overwrite natural coding on accident, might crash the system, or might eat up too much memory or processing space. a fatal computer error, if you would. (i’m absolutely aware of irl bad reactions to drugs, that’s partially what this is based on, i’m not trying to pretend humans aren’t in danger from irresponsible use or something)
the really bad drugs would just straight up be malware. viruses aren’t uncommon and often act like the flu, and self-replicating programs can be a problem if the processor can’t clear its cache fast enough to get rid of them. but truly malicious viruses actively hijack the frame or delete swathes of code or act invisibly while taking up more and more storage space. nothing is capable of actually mind controlling a mech or what have you, but they can mess with the processor and divorce the function and sensory suites of the frame from conscious control. take it too far, and energon circulation might get messed up, self repair might go on the fritz, cooling might go off and freeze or overheat the frame, neurocircuitry might not have the bandwidth to actually run the virus and start causing fatal lag, or the spark might start guttering from working so hard to support such overworked activity from the viruses
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simplemlmsponsoring · 6 years
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New Post has been published on http://simplemlmsponsoring.com/attraction-marketing-formula/mlm-sponsoring/did-your-dog-eat-human-medication-expert-advice-on-what-to-do/
Did Your Dog Eat Human Medication? Expert Advice on What to Do
The post Did Your Dog Eat Human Medication? Expert Advice on What to Do by Dr. Ernie Ward appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
I didn’t know if I was looking at a Cocker Spaniel or a miniature Cujo. Gracie, a 3-year-old sweetie I’d known since puppyhood, was a hot mess of mangled fur, dripping drool and wild eyes. At that moment, she was about as sweet as a jalapeño pepper.
“I turned my back for a second, and she swiped my allergy medication off the counter. I didn’t think it would hurt her. Then she started acting like this a couple hours later. Can you help her?” I scanned the torn package label as Gracie’s mom sobbed her story. I’d seen this before.
“Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine, an antihistamine that can be poisonous to dogs at high doses. Fortunately, you caught her quickly, and it appears she only ate two caplets. That dosage may certainly make her sick, but I think we can treat her.”
The dangers of human medications
If your dog ingests any supplement, contact your vet. Photography © Photoboyko | iStock / Getty Images.
Accidental ingestion of human prescription medications leads the list of animal poisonings reported to the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC). Nearly 35,000 cases were logged in 2017, most involving pain relievers, antidepressants and heart drugs.
Runner-up was over-the-counter (OTC) medications including anti-inflammatory meds such as aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve), antihistamines (cases such as Gracie are astonishingly common), vitamins and supplements. Rounding out the top five pet poisons are foods (especially grapes, raisins, alcohol and xylitol-sweetened food) and veterinary drugs and products. Chocolate, cleaning agents (laundry pods are popping up more frequently), insecticides, rat poison, plants and garden products complete the top 10.
Veterinarians also see dogs sickened by topical medications, including hormone replacement therapies so potent that innocently petting a dog after applying can pose a problem. I’ve also seen several cases of dogs chewing (or swallowing) asthma inhalers containing albuterol, resulting in dangerous heart rate, lethargy and agitation.
I once saw a dog who ate nearly half a bottle of Adderall, an ADHD treatment, causing a series of mild seizures and tremors. The owners reported their child had inadvertently left the prescription on the bathroom counter, snapped up in an instant by their furry household counter surfer.
Nutritional supplements and herbal remedies are also common causes of medicine cabinet catastrophes. I’m especially concerned about vitamin D, which when consumed in large amounts can cause elevated calcium and phosphorus levels and kidney failure. Iron supplements can trigger severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Herbal supplements containing garlic, gingko, ginseng and ephedra (Ma Huang) should be kept away from dogs.
Generally speaking, if your canine scarfs any supplement, check with your veterinarian immediately.
Gracie’s treatment
Gracie was rushed to the treatment ward and given activated charcoal and started on intravenous fluids. The charcoal would hopefully block continued absorption.
Many human medications are extended-release formulations, such as Sudafed 24-hour, meaning Gracie was at risk for a considerable time after ingestion. Inducing vomiting wouldn’t help because Gracie had eaten the pills hours earlier. I gave her a small amount of intravenous acepromazine to ease her agitation and cyproheptadine to prevent a potential pseudoephedrine overdose side effect called serotonin syndrome.
Gracie recovered from her medicine cabinet catastrophe, although her mom was worried sick for the next week. Our dogs depend on us to be good stewards of their health and protect them from risks they can’t comprehend. Accidents can happen in the flash of your dog’s tongue; take this opportunity to dog-proof your medications.
Medication safety tips
While it’s impossible to completely prevent a dog from accidentally ingesting a medication, here are some sensible precautions for any home:
Never leave any medications on low countertops or tables where a curious canine could access them. Better yet, take medications in a room your dog does not have access to. Keep all medication and supplement bottles securely closed with childproof caps. If you spill a liquid or topical medicine, immediately and thoroughly clean it up. If you spill your pills, pick them up right away and count them. I once had a dog suck at least three sleeping pills from under a bathroom cabinet after an owner failed to verify she’d picked them all up. That was one sleepy Shepherd. Never give your dog or cat any kind of medication or start a supplement without first talking with your veterinarian.
Thumbnail: Photography ©Kosheleva_Kristina | Getty Images.
About the author
Dr. Ernie Ward is an internationally recognized veterinarian known for his innovations in general small-animal practice, long-term medication monitoring, special needs of senior dogs, and cats, and pet obesity. He has authored three books and has been a frequent guest on numerous TV programs.
Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Dogster magazine. Have you seen the new Dogster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting room of your vet’s office? Subscribe now to get Dogster magazine delivered straight to you!
Read more about dog health on Dogster.com:
8 Tips for Year-Round Dog Paw Health What Shots Do Dogs Need? A Guide to Dog Vaccinations and Medications Imodium for Dogs — Is It Okay to Give Your Dog OTC Human Medicine for His Upset Stomach?
The post Did Your Dog Eat Human Medication? Expert Advice on What to Do by Dr. Ernie Ward appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
Read more: dogster.com
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jeffreyrwelch · 6 years
Did Your Dog Eat Human Medication? Expert Advice on What to Do
The post Did Your Dog Eat Human Medication? Expert Advice on What to Do by Dr. Ernie Ward appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
I didn’t know if I was looking at a Cocker Spaniel or a miniature Cujo. Gracie, a 3-year-old sweetie I’d known since puppyhood, was a hot mess of mangled fur, dripping drool and wild eyes. At that moment, she was about as sweet as a jalapeño pepper.
“I turned my back for a second, and she swiped my allergy medication off the counter. I didn’t think it would hurt her. Then she started acting like this a couple hours later. Can you help her?” I scanned the torn package label as Gracie’s mom sobbed her story. I’d seen this before.
“Sudafed contains pseudoephedrine, an antihistamine that can be poisonous to dogs at high doses. Fortunately, you caught her quickly, and it appears she only ate two caplets. That dosage may certainly make her sick, but I think we can treat her.”
The dangers of human medications
If your dog ingests any supplement, contact your vet. Photography © Photoboyko | iStock / Getty Images.
Accidental ingestion of human prescription medications leads the list of animal poisonings reported to the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC). Nearly 35,000 cases were logged in 2017, most involving pain relievers, antidepressants and heart drugs.
Runner-up was over-the-counter (OTC) medications including anti-inflammatory meds such as aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil) or naproxen (Aleve), antihistamines (cases such as Gracie are astonishingly common), vitamins and supplements. Rounding out the top five pet poisons are foods (especially grapes, raisins, alcohol and xylitol-sweetened food) and veterinary drugs and products. Chocolate, cleaning agents (laundry pods are popping up more frequently), insecticides, rat poison, plants and garden products complete the top 10.
Veterinarians also see dogs sickened by topical medications, including hormone replacement therapies so potent that innocently petting a dog after applying can pose a problem. I’ve also seen several cases of dogs chewing (or swallowing) asthma inhalers containing albuterol, resulting in dangerous heart rate, lethargy and agitation.
I once saw a dog who ate nearly half a bottle of Adderall, an ADHD treatment, causing a series of mild seizures and tremors. The owners reported their child had inadvertently left the prescription on the bathroom counter, snapped up in an instant by their furry household counter surfer.
Nutritional supplements and herbal remedies are also common causes of medicine cabinet catastrophes. I’m especially concerned about vitamin D, which when consumed in large amounts can cause elevated calcium and phosphorus levels and kidney failure. Iron supplements can trigger severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Herbal supplements containing garlic, gingko, ginseng and ephedra (Ma Huang) should be kept away from dogs.
Generally speaking, if your canine scarfs any supplement, check with your veterinarian immediately.
Gracie’s treatment
Gracie was rushed to the treatment ward and given activated charcoal and started on intravenous fluids. The charcoal would hopefully block continued absorption.
Many human medications are extended-release formulations, such as Sudafed 24-hour, meaning Gracie was at risk for a considerable time after ingestion. Inducing vomiting wouldn’t help because Gracie had eaten the pills hours earlier. I gave her a small amount of intravenous acepromazine to ease her agitation and cyproheptadine to prevent a potential pseudoephedrine overdose side effect called serotonin syndrome.
Gracie recovered from her medicine cabinet catastrophe, although her mom was worried sick for the next week. Our dogs depend on us to be good stewards of their health and protect them from risks they can’t comprehend. Accidents can happen in the flash of your dog’s tongue; take this opportunity to dog-proof your medications.
Medication safety tips
While it’s impossible to completely prevent a dog from accidentally ingesting a medication, here are some sensible precautions for any home:
Never leave any medications on low countertops or tables where a curious canine could access them. Better yet, take medications in a room your dog does not have access to.
Keep all medication and supplement bottles securely closed with childproof caps.
If you spill a liquid or topical medicine, immediately and thoroughly clean it up.
If you spill your pills, pick them up right away and count them. I once had a dog suck at least three sleeping pills from under a bathroom cabinet after an owner failed to verify she’d picked them all up. That was one sleepy Shepherd.
Never give your dog or cat any kind of medication or start a supplement without first talking with your veterinarian.
Thumbnail: Photography ©Kosheleva_Kristina | Getty Images.
About the author
Dr. Ernie Ward is an internationally recognized veterinarian known for his innovations in general small-animal practice, long-term medication monitoring, special needs of senior dogs, and cats, and pet obesity. He has authored three books and has been a frequent guest on numerous TV programs.
Editor’s note: This article first appeared in Dogster magazine. Have you seen the new Dogster print magazine in stores? Or in the waiting room of your vet’s office? Subscribe now to get Dogster magazine delivered straight to you!
Read more about dog health on Dogster.com:
8 Tips for Year-Round Dog Paw Health
What Shots Do Dogs Need? A Guide to Dog Vaccinations and Medications
Imodium for Dogs — Is It Okay to Give Your Dog OTC Human Medicine for His Upset Stomach?
The post Did Your Dog Eat Human Medication? Expert Advice on What to Do by Dr. Ernie Ward appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on Dogster.com.
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Metformin is utilized to treat high blood sugar level levels that are triggered by a sort of diabetic issues mellitus or sugar diabetes mellitus called type 2 diabetic issues With this kind of diabetes mellitus, insulin generated by the pancreas is unable to get sugar right into the cells of the body where it can function correctly. Very addicting medications like Suboxone and also anti-seizure medication Klonopin were provided with no medical reason. Rather, we locate man-made means to inflate our power: high levels of caffeine, foods high in sugar as well as simple carbs, and, maybe most remarkably, our body's own anxiety hormones - cortisol, noradrenalin and also adrenalin. http://hallaniaszepseg.info with the authors, there is proof to recommend that mobile energy deprival additional to demyelination is in charge of the progressive irreversible neuronal deterioration" related to progressive several sclerosis. Numbers showed below were 1,030 problem drinkers aged in between 18 as well as 24 getting ESA, along with 930 addict of the very same ages as well as 20 matured under 18. Instead the fact that the items are dry improperly gotten by the body, either being declined as energy and also go directly to come to be fat cells or burn out hormonal agents. Interdiction consists of stopping the flow of medicines into the nation, whether that is at the border with boundary enforcement or via examinations that target thought suppliers as well as traffickers. Splits and also grins, I read this publication in one resting and wanted I understood more of this male. If the Building Trades training system, that includes both apprentice-level as well as journeyman-level training, was a level providing college or university, it would certainly be the largest degree providing college or college in the USA - over 5 times bigger than Arizona State University. They deeply comprehend exactly what the client's usage patterns are," said Swapnil Shah, chief executive of FirstFuel Software application, which offers energy monitoring services to buildings. The different formula of the drug could make a difference to the way the body soaks up as well as refines the medication, and some have somewhat various adverse effects. A: Advil (trade names: Advil, Motrin) is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (NSAID) originally marketed as Brufen. So any negative comments you could see regarding this tale - or any story subjecting Big Pharma scams - is most likely being posted by a cowardly shill making money by the medication firms to seriously attempt to interrupt the fact activity that's subjecting their crimes. If he were a canine, I continued (I really resembled a pet with a bone because this consultant was an extremely busy male), he would be placed to sleep. If either partner is using it throughout fertilization or pregnancy Tell your doctor right away if you or your partner comes to be expecting, this medication may trigger birth issues. These are the inquiries I ask myself (also?) often, so when a rather strange possibility existed to me-- fly on a private plane from New york city to Nashville to meet Kim in the flesh while she promotes Hype Power Consume alcohol-- I stated absolutely, yes, 100%. The FDA advises that the medication be lessened over a 1- to 2-week duration with close monitoring by a medical care professional. He claimed that the price rise was a result of his company's large outlay on a new production line to make the drug. Another issue is the similarity in between prescription ketamine and the road drug, a material of abuse. Helicos means over the longer term to use its core technologyEURs quantitative abilities to check out creating MDx examinations accordinged to the detection as well as quantification of international DNA/RNA circulating in the bloodstream, such as a non-invasive prenatal analysis examination. However, when prescription medicine is over used, these drugs could produce dangerous negative effects equivalent to lots of controlled substances such as drug and also heroin.
While definitely less thorough (as well as cheaper) compared to a Physicians' Workdesk Referral Guide, it does offer the names, sorts of drugs, basic information, cautions, dosages, as well as drug interactions for the most commonly prescribed medications on the marketplace in the United States, in addition to just what problems these drugs are prescribed for. Nonetheless, that usage largely stopped in 1990, when the Federal Drug Organization in the United States disallowed the medication. A research published in a major pediatric journal found that there were 19.9% more treatment failures in kids given a placebo compared to those given a homeopathic medication. When to take it as well as will most likely begin out with a low dosage of the medicine, your doctor will inform you just how much medicine to take and also. In concept, this enables a macromolecule to embrace a nearly limitless number of shapes, or conformations, as the polymer chain writhes and revolves under the influence of random thermal power. One person in Dr Bailey's study experienced kidney problems while taking the drug tacrolimus to subdue their immune system after a body organ transplant. Do not make http://hallaniaszepseg.info of Prozac with an MAOI or within 2 Week of stopping therapy with an MAOI to stay clear of a possibly unsafe medicine communication. Suppositories of the medication put in the urethra could also be used rather than injections. Most frightening to me is that somebody passes away in the USA every 19 minutes from a prescription medicine overdose, mainly accidental. Dall Benson thinks this might allow his brand-new heater to generate up to 30% more power. Typically, concerning $4,000 worth of power saving-related work, like sealing air leakages, was finished over a couple of days for the 2015 program year. It can't be that we read the Schopenhauer quote, 'We shall do ideal to think about life as a desengano, as a procedure of disillusionment: because this is, clearly sufficient, what whatever that happens to us is computed to produce' and also believe, 'Oh, the man was so really brilliant, because he was sad.' We can't listen to a Tony Robbins speech, hear him state 'We could alter our lives. I went ahead and took 10 pills three times a day, I believe they may have been assisting a little. Dosage selection should be cautious, usually starting at the low end of the application range, showing the higher frequency of decreased hepatic, renal, or heart function and of concomitant disease or various other medication treatment. You can also shop for thousands all natural treatments in the Underground Health and wellness Natural Wellness Store or visit the Underground Health Facebook Web page. Make certain any type of physician or dentist who treats you recognizes that you are using this medicine. The harmful assaults from the ever getting worse atmosphere, poisonous medicine, hazardous dentistry as well as foods tied with numerous impurities and also refinements that really remove our foods of the nutrients we require will only make survival and also wellness harder. An overdose of numbing medication can trigger fatal side effects if excessive of the medication is soaked up via your skin and right into your blood. The medication has actually been identified in bust milk, yet there's little info on the dangers Abilify may provide to a breastfeeding baby. In 2015 sufferers in more than half of the 1,319 opioid-related fatalities in Massachusetts had fentanyl in their system, and 283 deadly drug overdoses included fentanyl in New Hampshire. An offering of semolina supplies 37 micrograms of selenium, or two-thirds of your everyday consumption, as suggested by the Institute of Medication. The DEA has actually established its very own referral materials for state and also regional law enforcement since they were experiencing numerous different medication substances they 'd never ever seen prior to. Scripps scientists are attempting to remain in advance of the curve" on associated drugs and also at some point create efficient counter measures as well as injections, Taffe stated.
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