#I think it’s that I miss when sci fi didn’t automatically mean distopian and used to mean hope
stuckasmain · 2 months
I love thinking about the Retrofuturistic world of 2001 and how fascinating it is. As it’s partly responsible for pushing the aesthetic but also just how the 60s and the space age in general had a lot of future spectating and inventing a TON of stuff that, lasted shortly then but we have versions of how. It also exists in a fascinating in between spot where it appears to “diverge” from our version of things sometime in the late 80s— and as someone who likes referencing music/film that’s great for me lol.
I love how this version of the future got to the end of the 80s then “ok the 60s had some cool plans let’s do them” when there was a technological boom to get them to the point we see in 2001. Space stations, underwater hotels- established bases on the moon and mars etc.
Anyway here’s some inspo and ideas I have when it comes to writing/drawing for the fandom:
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It’s a shame that 2010 (movie) didn’t stick as close to the world of the first film as I would’ve LOVED to see the expansion of how things looked on earth (we get some remote idea with advertised space flights but not fully). AND like I was saying before it’s a shame Clarke continued the series when he didn’t want to because all the optimism and world building sort of disappears… what I propose here and above sort of follows the initial 2.
Smart phones never become a thing. Videophone’s are more in vogue and stationary. However there’s enough booths and ones set up in homes where you wouldn’t need to carry one around
However, I’d say this world’s version of a “smart watch” would be like a small video phone and personal secretary (?) set reminders, book a few things, keep important information on.
Monorails. (Retrofuturistic, effective public transport), cars still exist but in a cleaner form
Shapes! Physicality! Funky furniture!
I really think the world would follow the grand romantic view of “Progress” where technology makes certain things conviennent but everyone has a good ethic to get along, explore, better tomorrow - hold hands type thing.
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