#I think the O in asshole would be the red dot on his forehead too
i-am-a-fan · 1 year
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How I think Chapter 12 of Garden Across Our Collarbones By @pittdpeaches should have ended
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kitty0boy · 3 years
More Marichat fanfiction because I’m obsessed.
It’s set a bit in the future so Adrien is 18 and Marinette is 17. Chat is grown up and can use multiple cataclysms but Marinette isn’t yet (I think the age will be 18 so yeah). It’s also reverse love square, so Ladybug is in love with Chat and Adrien is in love with Marinette
Another day, another akuma. Recently, Hawkmoth had toned down on the frequency of Akumas, maybe he supposed that he would only akumatize the more powerful emotions and oh boy, was this one really mad.
His name was Trickster, his power was shapeshifting. Doesn’t seem very destructive at first but he can turn himself into anything his little heart desires. From blood sucking mosquitoes to giants straight out of a fairy tale to a frog? This guy could do it all. The problem was, what couldn’t he do? How would they stop him?
She was running a little late to the action, who knew getting away from class during a life threatening disaster would be so difficult. Spotting her beloved partner, she landed beside him. “What have we got today kitty?”
“Just your average asshole Ladybug.” He muttered obviously angry.
“You know this guy?” She asked, why was he so mad about this one?
“Not purrsonsly, he was harassing women on the street, following them around. That is until he was called out for it and arrested.”
“You wouldn’t happen to be the one to correct his behaviour, would you?” Silence. She looked up at him, oh he looked seriously ticked off.
She quickly changed the subject. “Well let’s take care of this quickly. Any idea where his akuma is?”
“His camera maybe, or his phone.” He clenched his fists. “Mon dieu what a creep.”
“Alright let’s get a closer look then shall we?”
He nodded before he extended his baton towards the now troll running down the street. His giant club dragging along the ground behind him leaving an indent every time it bounced off the pavement. Without warning he whipped around and threw it into the air, catching on Ladybug’s yo-yo and sending her flying backwards. Twisting mid air she grabbed onto a street lamp, saving her face from scraping the road. Then she was off again, swinging from roof to roof towards the, what was he now? A Yeti?
“Lucky Charm!” She called and down dropped a baseball? Seriously?
She looked everywhere but couldn’t find what to use it for. She raced around looking for its purpose but nothing came into view. “Come on, come on.” She panicked.
Cat looked over, noticing her struggling. “How much time do you have left?”
“Two minutes! I need more time.” She was shaking now, she couldn’t afford to detransform now. It was too dangerous.
“Got it, brace yourself little bug!” Raising his arm in the air he called for his “Cataclysm!” And pressed his hand to the ground creating a giant crater under Trickster’s feet. He only sunk about 2 feet before becoming a raven and flying high above them. So much for getting more time. She had no choice but to leave. She tossed her lucky charm to Chat Noir and hoped he got the message, he looked over to her and nodded before using his baton like a baseball bat launching the ball at Trickster. Well at least the Lucky Charm had some use. She ran until her last dot beeped and slipped into an empty alleyway.
“That was a close one Tikki, I can’t wait until I grow up.” Tikki flew into her purse and pulled out a cookie. “Don’t worry Marinette, you’ll grow up soon. In the meantime Chat Noir will cover for you.” Her heart fluttered a little at the thought of him. “Yeah, I wonder how old he is.”
“Marinette you can’t know each other’s-“
“Identities I know” she cut off “I just want to know when I will be old enough.” Tikki scrunched her face in contemplation, “18” she said, decided it was ok.
“Really! That’s so soon, oh I can’t wait!” She exclaimed. A little too loudly apparently. She heard footsteps, she needed to transform but Tikki wasn’t ready yet. “Hide Tikki.” She whispered before pulling out her phone. Using the camera, she peeked around the corner only to see a tiger creeping towards her. She gasped slightly as she moved backwards, trying not to make any noise. That was when she heard a small thump behind her and a hand covered her mouth. Before she could scream she felt him lean towards her ear “It’s me.” He whispered before scooping her up quietly and trying to figure out how to escape. Marinette looked around and spotted a window on the second floor of the building beside them. He caught on and calling for another cataclysm, reduced the glass to ash. He lifted her inside before climbing up himself.
“Follow.” He instructed before creeping towards the back of the office building. They found an elevator and before he could press the button she grabbed his shoulder, which made him turn around. She pulled him down to whisper in his ear. “Wouldn’t an elevator be too loud kitty?” He paused thinking, “What do you propose?” She looked over his other shoulder and saw a staircase. “We take the stairs.”
“That might take too long, we have to get you out of here fast.”
“You have superpowers Chat, it shouldn’t take that long if you carry me.” His cat ear twitched and without warning he wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her off the ground making a beeline for the stairs. The stairs were those kind of box-y spiral staircases so standing between the gap, he extended his baton causing them to shoot upwards, as if they were in an elevator. She had to tuck her head into his shoulder to avoid smacking it on the bottom of each flight. Reaching the top he put his baton away and wrapped both his arms around her, one behind her back, which caused her to blush, and one under her thighs.
And they were off, though he didn’t get very far before a pigeon started to follow them. She spotted it but wasn’t sure if it was him. “Take a left!” She yelled over the wind and he did, so did the bird. When it turned, a flash of light blinded her but he was still a pigeon. The light came from his foot, which could only mean, she gasped “Chat, he’s wearing a ring! That’s where the akuma is!”
“As helpful as that is purrincess, I can’t do anything until I make sure you’re safe. We’ve gotta get him off my tail.” He huffed in frustration, or from exhaustion. One of the two
She looked around before an idea came to her.
“Cat the sewer system! We need to get down. That way he can’t sniff us out!”
“Got it, hold on tight!”
He quickly pulled something out of his pocket. A blue slice of cheese and popping it into his mouth. He repositioned her so he was carrying her bridal style. “Power up!” He yelled. She felt his hand leave her legs before he twisted around and jumped off the roof, they were going to splat on the road! “Cataclysm!” He growled before extending his hand backwards towards the ground. It made contact with the pavement and it crumbled beneath his hand, they fell straight through the street and she heard him grunt as his back collided with the water. She held her breath. This was gross, something pressed to her lips and she grabbed it inhaling. He started kicking his feet swimming with the current. She had to keep her eyes closed. Luckily it had rained the day before so the water wasn’t just garbage. It was just as disgusting as you’d think it is, but if she had to choose between death and garbage water, this was her best bet. He took a leap before they left the water. Laying side by side. She propped herself up on her elbow and took the baton out of her mouth. Cringing at the stench, she peeled her shirt away from her body, jeez this sucked.
“Sorry Marinette, I was hoping we’d land on the floor.” He panted, she reached over and patted him on the shoulder.
“It’s ok, I’d take sewer water with you over death any day.
Was he blushing, or were his cheeks tinged from the cold water? Catching his breath he stood and held a hand out to her. She took it and stood. He smiled at her and she smiled back. “Claws in” he whispered “Woah woah woah!” She covered her eyes quickly and turned around. He chuckled behind her “Relax m’lady, I just took off my power up.” M’lady? Isn’t that what he called Ladybug? She felt her face grow hot under her hands. “I thought Ladybug was your lady?” She said before she could stop herself. He stammered “O-oh right my bad. I guess the cat got My tongue.” She chuckled slightly before turning around to smile at him, he smiled back and she felt little akumas flutter around her stomach. He eyes drifted from his to his lips. Was he wearing chapstick? What did it taste like? Ugh snap out of it Marinette, there’s an akuma! “Thank you kitty, I’ll be safe down here.”
“I’m not convinced. You’re still out in the open, even if you’re down here. It might be risky to leave you here.” He raised a claw to his chin, trying to decide if he wanted her to stay there.
“Purrhaps if a certain superhero was distracting him, he would leave me alone.” She grinned at her clever wording. She wasn’t usually the type to make puns, but she had to admit, they were kinda fun.
He giggled a little at her pun ‘adorable’ she thought. “You’re right, just please stay safe ok, find a place to hide.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, his thumb brushed over her collar bone and made her blush. “O-ok I will.” She stammered a little breathless. Seriously? She thought she got over the stammering a long time ago. Suddenly, a gloves hand brushed across her forehead before she felt something soft press against it. He pulled back and gave his signature salute before sprinting away from her. Her hand came up to touch the spot where his lips were seconds ago, her face burned and she knew it was as red as her super suit.
“Marinette focus! We’ve got an akuma to capture!” Tikki squeaked. Marinette jumped a little, she completely forgot Tikki was there.
She smacked both sides of her face with her hands “Right! Tikki spots on!” She ran towards an opening, and leapt out, following the trail of footprints no doubt left by the akuma.
She saw Chat Noir pinned to a wall under a bent street lamp, he couldn’t reach it with his hand. The giant shrunk down and changed into an elephant and using its trunk, it made to grab Chat’s miraculous. He almost grabbed it, until her yo-yo wrapped around the trunk and launched him into the building across the street. She ran over to Chat and using all of her strength she pulled the street lamp off of him.
“Thanks bug, the akuma is in his ring.” ‘Bug’ she thought
“Ok then, let’s hope it works this time. Lucky Charm!” And down fell another baseball, the same as before.
“Maybe it was the location last time?” He reasoned.
But she still couldn’t see anything. Was her power broken? “I’ll figure it out, can you provide a distraction?” She asked, “Gladly.” He smiled reassuringly before sprinting towards Trickster.
‘Look at your wrist.’ She had no idea where the thought came from, was that Tikki? She looked down and saw a little bracelet with a loop on it, almost like the loops on a bra. She stared at it curiously “Look out!” She heard before her partner tackled her to the ground. “I don’t know what is interesting about your arm, but please figure it out soon.” He stood and using his baton as a shield, he repelled what looked like water balloons. They were launched back at the akuma who dodged each one, they exploded when they broke.
Chat’s baton flashed red with black spots, it was working! She looked around, the bracelet flashed, and so did her yo-yo and then she saw it. Her yo-yo had a little hook carved into it. She slipped the hook into the loop on the bracelet and the yo-yo spun out into a proper shield. “That’s new.” She exclaimed. Suddenly the vision of Chat using his baton like a baseball bat popped into her head. The solution hit her, “Chat I know what to do!” She yelled leaping out from behind him. The akuma transformed into a giant again and Chat looked at her, “Batter up kitty!” She yelled before pitching the ball to him. He got the idea and hit the ball back to her. She repositioned and angled the shield towards the akuma’s hand. It made contact with the shield and the giant tried to hit it away, but not before it cracked the ring and the akuma fluttered away.
She captured it “bye bye little butterfly!” Throwing the baseball into the air she yelled “Miraculous Ladybug!” And the streets looked good as new.
“Pound it!” The duo said with a fist bump.
The police arrived just in time and arrested the man. “Oh come on I didn’t even do anything wrong! It’s not a crime to take pictures!” He pleaded, “It is to take pictures of people without their consent!” Chat retorted before the door closed and the cruiser sped off.
A small beep came from her earrings, “I’ve gotta go Chat Noir, I’m proud of you though.” She smiled before hooking her yo-yo onto a chimney. “What for?” He asked. “For standing up for those women, being cat-called and followed is terrifying, those women wouldn’t get justice if you hadn’t stepped in. I’m sure they appreciated it very much. Bug out!” She yelled before taking off.
She landed close to where Chat left her and detransformed. “You figured it out! Oh I knew you would.” Tikki came up to hug her cheek. “Figured what out?”
“Your yo-yo can change functions! You figured out how to turn it into a shield today. Chat can do the same thing with his baton.” She explained. Maybe they should experiment on patrol tomorrow then, versatility of their weapons would really help with defeating Hawkmoth. Tikki squeaked suddenly and flew into her purse.
Marinette stood confused before she heard a thud beside her and was encircled by a pair of very strong arms. “There you are, you’re ok.” Chat pulled back and smiled at her.
“Of course I am, I’m a good hider.” She said and put her hands on her hips. He chuckled slightly and crossed his arms.
“What were you doing so close anyways?” He asked, “I uh was getting footage for the Ladyblog.” She lied, he furrowed his brows and stood up straight, “That’s really dangerous Marinette, especially with how strong Hawkmoth is now. You can’t be running around chasing after super villains anymore.”
She looked to the ground, even though it was a lie, hearing him disappointed in her still didn’t feel good.
He sighed before lifting her chin. “I just don’t want you to get hurt Mari, today was a close call. If I hadn’t found you who knows what would have happened. Just promise you won’t chase after Akumas anymore.”
“I promise, I’m sorry.” She said
“It’s ok, besides, if it’s footage you want, I’ve got a camera on my suit.” He said calmly. “Wait really? Where?” She was curious now, did her suit have a camera too? He reached up and flicked the bell on his neck. He lifted his chin as she stood on her toes to get a closer look, sure enough, there was a little camera peeking out from the slit in his bell.
“Woah that’s so cool! And helpful. You should tell Alya, that might make her back off.” Maybe Ladybug should tell Alya too, footage from not one but two superheroes! Besides, maybe they could analyze that footage and see where the akumas come from. “So now that that’s sorted, would like a lift back to school? Lunch just ended didn’t it?” Oh shoot she forgot! “Yeah a ride would be great! I’ve got a-“ she paused in confusion, why did his face turn crimson? Oh mon dieu, she really needed to work on her wording. Her face also grew hot with embarrassment and she looked away from him.
He cleared his throat, “Ok then let’s go.” He turned around and kneeled so she could climb onto his back, that was probably a good idea.
She wrapped her arms around his neck again and he stood holding her thighs for support. In one leap they were on the roof tops running towards her school.
Alya was waiting at the front for her and gasped when she saw the best friend on the back of one of Paris’ superheroes.
“Delivery for a Ms. Cesaire?” He joked, “That would be me.” She teased back Marinette slid off his back and was immediately tackled in a bear hug by Alya, “Where were you girl! We were worried sick!”
“I went to get footage for you, it was clearly a bad idea.” She said for consistency. “Oh Mari, you don’t have to do that for me, if I want footage, I’ll go get it myself.”
“Well in my opinion,” Chat cut in “Marinette’s technique is much more subtle than yours. I guess it just didn’t work out today.” Marinette puffed up her chest and gave a triumphant “Hmph” and the three of them burst into laughter.
“Well I’d better get going.” He said,
“Let me guess,” she put on her best Chat impression “Damsels in distress, ladies in waiting, you’ve got a lot more saving to do,” she mimicked “I can thank you, later?” He laughed at that, “I’m surprised you remember that, look out Ms. Blogger, you got competition for Chat Noir’s #1 fan.”
“A battle that was lost long ago kitten, between you and me, her sketchbook is filled with outfits inspired by your,” she raised a hand dramatically to her forehead “beauty.” She finished, “ALYA!” Marinette squeaked.
He laughed “Well I am honoured purrincess.” He bowed before turning around and grabbing his baton to leave. Something burned inside her and without thinking she walked towards him. “Chat wait!” She nearly yelled, as he turned around she tripped and grabbed his bell trying to pull herself upright.
She meant to kiss him on the cheek, she swears! But he’d turned his face towards her and her lips crashed into his. He was caught off guard but quickly kissed her back, reaching up to caress her cheek with his hand.
Realizing what was happening she pulled back and felt her face go hot again. “Uh I, thank you for saving me.” She mumbled and rubbed her forearm. She looked up at his face, which was tinged a pretty shade of pink. He reached up and ruffled her hair, “Anytime Marinette.” There was something about the way he said her name that caused little butterflies to flutter in her stomach and chest again. He gave her a wink before leaping off.
“Ok girl spill!” Marinette jumped and turned to see Alya holding her phone. “Alya did you take a picture!” She squeaked. “I won’t post it, this is just for me. Ooh maybe I’ll send it to Chat too.”
Her face burned as Alya led her back to class.
Thanks for reading!
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Bikes, Bikinis, and Blanket Forts
This was a writing prompt. I ran, RAN with it. So enjoy this super long, fluffy, smutty, sweetness that is Herman Kozik. Sorry in advance. It’s super looooong. I just oculdn’t stop. XD
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You grabbed your phone, tapping in your brother’s new number and shooting him a text.
Tiggy: Alexander! It’s your sister! Dawn and Fawn are supposed to be over today. You better get your ass here! These fifty boxes of cake mix aren’t gonna magically make themselves. Feel free to bring a couple guys for backup. Maybe a cute one if you can handle it. And no, Happy isn’t cute. Love you! See ya in a few!
You: Hey! I think you have the wrong number, but I’ll be there in a few! Frosting cakes is my specialty! Love you too! PS I like to think I’m pretty cute.
What? Who did you text then? In all honesty, you weren’t really even mad. The more help the better, and he was confident in his looks. About half an hour went by and you heard the bikes roaring down the road. Your laughed to yourself, Tig must’ve just been messing with you. Dawn and Fawn emerged from their cave at twelve-thirty, and the bikes pulled into your driveway. You counted five bikes, which wasn’t normal, maybe bike five was your mystery man. You laughed to yourself, shaking your head. Tig gave a quick knock before pushing open the door.
“Hey guys!” You cheer, waving to the few you already knew. Happy, your brother Tig, Bobby, and Juice, but you didn’t know the blonde who hung back behind everyone, a smile on his face so wide his blue eyes were barely visible.
“Shoes at the door assholes, dirt in the kitchen makes you a dead man.” Tig barks at the blonde who kicks his boots with everyone else’s. “Hey princess, the girls finally get up?” You looked back to the couch where they’d been and no longer were.
“Maybe they went to the kitchen. Wanted to look like formidable wives when your biker gang showed up.” You let out a laugh, holding Tig’s shoulder. He laughed dryly. He didn’t like the idea of you with a biker, much less his daughters. Your eyes met the blonde’s for a second before you looked away. “What’s the deal with Creeps over there?” You ask lowly, Tig’s eyes follow your directional nod and finds Kozik standing at the receiving end.
“That’s Kozik. Used to live around here, moved to Tacoma after he killed Missy.” Tig nips, frowning. He felt you roll your eyes and heave a sigh.
“Christ Alex, that was eight years ago. Just forgive him.” You snap, grabbing his arm and dragging him to the kitchen. “Feel free to follow Mister Kozik!” You call as you disappear around the corner. He followed, still smiling, she was as cute and sassy in real life as she was in the picture.
“Happy, don’t break that, Jesus.” You nip, snagging the pig decoration from his big hands. You wrap him in a quick hug, getting a kiss on the forehead.
“I just don’t see why you can like pigs so much. The animal or the cops.” He rolls his eyes with a chuckle as he heads to the sink.
“I think they’re cute! The animals and the cops!” You retort, kicking him in the ass as he washed his hands. “Everyone, wash your grubby greasy hands and follow me. I have fifty boxes, so everyone’s gonna have to do a few.”
“I got dibs on you.” Happy calls, drying his hands. You threw a box at him.
“Shut it, bald head!” You call, shaking your head before handing out bowls and whisks. “And I have the girls on cutting parchment circles for our pans. So once you get a box mixed, pour into a pan, the girls will get started putting them in the oven.
Three hours spent mixing boxes of cake batter and putting it in the oven, once you were done, you had a kitchen table full of small round cakes and a big smile. You had made more the twice the amount of frosting you needed because you knew these idiots would make a mess.
“So Kozik, you’re from Tacoma, you killed my brother’s beloved Missy. And I texted you this morning, didn’t I?” You ask, handing him a bowl of frosting and a frosting spatula. The blonde gave you a look of concern and then smiled.
“Yeah, it was me. I told Tig he better get his shit around, you didn’t sound like you were playing. My frosting skills are, at best, adequate. Just so you know.” He laughs, getting you to laugh too. Tig watched from the other end of the table as his sister fell for the blonde idiot. To break up the weird dynamic, Happy grabbed a finger scoop of frosting and smeared it across your face. You couldn’t help the laugh as you grabbed a little frosting and smeared it back across his shirt and face.
“Hey now!” He barks, grabbing some and smudging Dawn’s face. She shrieks, smearing some on Tig’s goatee. You watch on as he gets her back. You couldn’t help the laugh. You had needed a fun change. The seriousness of work had been too much lately and you just needed a break. Alex always knew how to cheer you up. The blonde gets the bright idea to follow suit, getting a little frosting and wiping it down the bridge of your nose, dotting each cheek and your chin.
“Actually, my frosting skills are still badass.” He nods, grinning from ear to ear as you try to lick it off your nose.
“Oh buddy, you have no idea.” You disappear into the kitchen, returning with a plastic spoon and a dark grin. Dipping the back of the plastic spoon, you smudge it across his forehead. “Simba!” You laugh, going back to frosting your cakes.
“You guys quit! We only have two more hours before I have to go to work and these are getting dropped at Gemma’s.” You bark, trying not to smile as Kozik mimics you, rolling his eyes. Tig couldn’t help the littlest smile. You and the dumb blonde were getting along well. You finished the cakes’ first layer of white frosting and got out the piping bags and colored frosting. You had a bag of pink frosting, red, black, and green. “S-O-A is going on thirty of them. Like this.”
You concentrated on the lettering, making it look so easy and pretty. Kozik was mesmerized as he watched you work. You handed him a bag of red frosting, Happy a bag of black, the girls each a smaller pink and green bag for flowers, and the others grabbed their own bags and filled them with black frosting.
An hour later, all the cakes were decorated and put into cute boxes that the girls decorated. You gave a content sigh, happy with the finished products for Gemma’s fundraiser and piled them into your car.
You got to Gemma’s and shockingly enough, there was blondie, waiting patiently to help unload the boxes. Gemma watched the interaction, your face hot with blush as you let him do all the heavy lifting. Once done, he met you back at your car door with that big dumb grin on his face.
“You goin’ to the fundraiser tomorrow?” He asks, eyes dropping to your badge on your scrub top.
“Yeah, I plan on it, but I gotta get to work.” You smile, climbing into the car.
“I’ll see you there. Hey! I think you’re beautiful. Let’s hang out tomorrow. Can’t promise how long though. I guess Gemma’s making me help the guys with something.” He chuckles, watching you flush bright cherry red, looking down at your tennis shoes.
“Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow. I can’t make any promises either, I guess I’m on the bike washing in a bikini crew.” You roll your eyes as he laughs.
“I’ll be sure to bring the Dyna through.” He assures, giving you a wink and biting his bottom lip before heading back towards his bike.
“Hey! You were right!” You call as you watch him walk away. He looks over his shoulder at you. “You are pretty cute.” You bite the corner of your lip as he chuckles and climbs on the Dyna, leaving you there smiling like an idiot.
“Oh hunny, you two might as well get hitched at this gig tomorrow.” Gemma calls from the front door.
“Shut up.” You laugh, leaving to the hospital. As you stepped into the locker room to put your lunch away, Carrie Ann meets you in there, giving you a knowing look.
“You met someone.” She announces, grabbing your shoulders.
“I did.” You put your head down and sigh, giving it a shake to try and get rid of the smile but to no avail.
“Tell me everything, but let’s talk in the ER, I’ve got a couple guys needing some stitches. A couple harmless wounds.” You follow her to a bay and you turn around quickly.
“Shit.” You mutter, gripping your fists together Carrie Ann caught you, and peeks back into the room. She saw your brother, whom she’d met at a little party you’d had, but the blonde, she didn’t know him.
“Oh girl. Hunny. Yes.” She nods, patting your shoulder as the two of you walk into the room.
“Well you were the dumbass that pulled out into traffic. And I’m the one without a license!” Tig barks, smacking Kozik upside the head.
“Ow! Asshole listen! I said I was sorry! Listen, about your sister— I really-“ Tig coughs, points a thumb behind him. Kozik peeks over his shoulder and quickly turns back around. “Shit.” He coughs, putting on his best grin. Carrie Ann starts to disinfect the wound on Tig, making small talk with the man. Carrie Ann had slept with your brother more than once, but you didn’t much care. Groaning internally, you slide a cart over to the grinning blonde with a stab wound to the shoulder. You start disinfecting, numbing the area around his deep cut.
“You two in an accident?” You ask, grabbing the curved needle and the sterile thread.
“Nah, I—“
“No! His stupid ass pulled out in front of a black van full of cholos and the cholos jumped out, cut us off, and beat our ass.” Tig barks, yelling more at the blonde.
“I said I was sorry! I swear to god they were not there before!” He shouts, throwing an arm at your fired up brother. He hisses, grabbing at his shoulder.
“Well, quit moving.” You snip, giving him a sweet smile. He visibly calmed down when he saw your smile. Tig watched on with a smug grin.
“Tell me doc, why are you doing the bike wash tomorrow?” He asks as you continue stitching the gash.
“Why not?” You ask, eyes never leaving his chest.
“Cause you’re too pretty to be standing there in a bikini, gettin’ chatted up by a bunch lowlifes.” He coos, stopping your hand. You look into his dark blue eyes for a second, getting lost in the pools.
“Wouldn’t that make you a lowlife?” You ask, raising a brow at him.
“Yeah, I am. I don’t deserve you. No one does, but I don’t wanna beat up some guy cause he put his hands on you.” He mutters, hiding his face as he dropped his chin to his chest.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask, lifting his chin.
“Yeah, I just-I don’t even know you and I already wanna fight guys that haven’t even seen you yet. It’s just weird. I’m not normally like this.” He chuckles, standing and following you out of the room as you discharge him.
“Okay, Kozik. No swinging punches or anything, got me? You pull those stitches you’re gonna cry. And I’m gonna laugh.” You order, pointing a stern finger at him. He grasps your hand and kisses your knuckles.
“Yes dear.” He smirks, watching you turn cherry red and yank your hand away as if his lips were made of fire.
“Christ, go on.” You push playfully at his shoulder and he turns and saunters away with your brother. He looks over his shoulder as he rounds the corner, giving you a wink before disappearing out of sight.
“Oh my God!” Carrie cheers, grabbing your hands and shaking them. You laugh, shaking your head as you start towards the other bay ready to finish your night. The rest of the night was pretty normal, as normal as it could be in the emergency room. You were heading home when a bike pulls out behind your car on the last bend before your driveway.
“Hey,” Tig coos as he shuts the bike off in the drive. He sometimes stayed the night if the clubhouse was overcrowded. A bike roared up as you two headed towards the house.
“Hey!” Kozik calls as he makes it towards the steps. Tig ignored him as he swung the door open for you.
“You invite the whole club for a sleep over?” You ask with a chuckle. Kozik gives a low warning as he scoops you up at the threshold.
“Nah, just lover boy. I’m building fort. And you fuckers aren’t allowed in if you don’t help.” You giggle excitedly. You and Tig built blanket forts so often as kids, it was your fondest memories of him. With a spring in your step, you headed to your room and pulled out a pair of matching jammies that consisted of a SAMCRO tank top and shorts with a drawstrings. Slipping on your favorite pair of pink socks that went up to your knees. You and Tig used to race across the kitchen floor in your slipperiest pair of socks.
Tig offered Kozik a pair of basketball shorts he’d never worn to keep and he warned him before you and the girls came running back with armloads of blankets.
“No funny business. You’re lucky I’m letting you see her like this. This is our secret. I’d like you to straight-ly explain to another biker that you were making a blanket fort with me. Gay. It doesn’t leave this room. Got it?” He asks, pointing a ringed finger at him.
“The only thing gay is that you’re here.” He laughs, heading to change. When he returns, he stops short, jaw close to the floor. There you were sitting on the counter with a Jaws coffee mug full of brightly colored ice cream, spoon in your mouth, head tipped back and eyes closed. Tig cleared his throat next to him, wondering if they saw the same thing. The pale peach skin that divided the shorts from the socks made Kozik shift uncomfortably. He wanted a taste of it, his face between your—.
“Are you okay?” His thoughts are interrupted by Tig’s daughter Dawn, and he coughs, shaking his head.
“Yeah, sorry.” He smirks, wiping a hand down his face. You hop down, giving him a little smirk as you swing your hips while you walk. He watched every movement with full attention. Tig gave a low guttural warning, glaring at you.
“Enough, get all the pillows and blankets.” He barks to the girls, yourself obviously included. You scamper away to get all the pillows, big and small. Kozik appears at your doorway, giving you a little fright. He takes the pillows from your hands, watching as you head back towards your bed for more. Stretching you toes to boost you a little further forward, Kozik drops the pillows and grabs your hips, pulling you up and back against him. Finally. You thought, letting his breath tickle the back of your neck. Your breath catches, and he hears it, revels in it. His lips brush gently against the column of your throat, sending shivers down your spine. Your eyes closed, listening to the thudding of your pulse in your ears as his hands drifted up your body to your breasts, your nipples taut as the pad of his thumb brushed back and forth across them. You stifled a moan as you rolled your head back against his shoulder, pressing your lips to his jaw. He groaned, pulling away from you and gathering the pillows he dropped, disappearing. He left you there, in shock, completely vulnerable. Your hands followed the path he’d made like a brand.
You grabbed the rest of the pillows and head out to the living room. Hanging blankets precariously from chairs and the sofa, you hand Kozik the other end to hang over the TV. Tig watched the interaction with a smile. A small part of him saw a glimpse of the future. You and Kozik with two kids, maybe a boy and a girl, doing this ten years from now. He accepted that might be a good outcome.
“Alex? Alexander!” You call, snapping your finger in his face.
“What? Sorry.”
“Get the movie started! I’m gonna start the popcorn, Kozik is grabbing beer and pop.” You laugh as the two of you leave the fort. Once behind the safety of the kitchen wall, Kozik’s hands find your waist, his lips meeting yours for a quick passionate kiss. You toss a bag of popcorn into the microwave and hit the button.
“Here, put them in this basket.” He took your stretched up figure as an opportunity, grinding against you, his lips pressing quick hot kisses where your tank top strap had been nosed aside. As quick as he was there, he was gone, filling the wicker basket with drinks and heading back to the fort.
You awoke with a start, smiling when you felt. A nose pressed against your neck. You peeked as gently as you could to see Kozik fast asleep, arm slung heavily over yours, hand tucked under your ribs. Wriggling out from under him, you’re met in the kitchen with a hot cup of coffee and a smiling Alex.
“Aren’t you two just cute as pie.” He chuckles softly, sipping from his favorite mug with Missy’s face on it. The girls got it for him last year.
Shut up, asshole. You’ll never experience it. Cause you beat hookers.” You giggle, mimicking his sip. You shivered as the coffee warmed your soul.
“You are. Seriously, kid. Just be careful.” He warns, sitting at the bar. You finish the coffee in silence, kissing your brother’s cheek in agreement before disappearing to your room. Finding your black bikini with high waisted bottoms, you find your curling iron, giving your hair a quick once over. Brushing on a light dusting of makeup, you slip on a yellow sundress and slip on your pink strapped gladiator sandals and head out to the fundraiser. You met Gemma there, helping her set up the cakes. She was grinning as if she knew something. You didn’t dare ask with her, you didn’t really wanna know.
“You and Tacoma, what’s going on?” You shake your head as you put down the last cake on the table.
“Nothing much, just a little fun. He’s a pretty cute guy, Gem.” You gush, sitting in a chair with her as you waited for the rest of the girls to show up. This kicked off at eleven, and it was currently nine fifty-eight.
“Yeah, he and Tig have a deep beef. You know that right?” She asks, eyeing you as you drink your coffee.
“Yeah, I know. Listen, Alex even said he thought we were cute. Okay? Plus, I’m never gonna be with Jax, stop trying. He’s too young.” You both laugh. For a long time, Gemma was sure you’d date her perfectly eligible son, but you kindly refused each time.
The bikes began rolling in, as did the Cara Cara girls, and you pulled your sundress off. Heading towards the small crowd of women, you greet each with a hug and smile. Handing them each a small tube of sunscreen and chuckle.
“Girls! We’re here for a good time and a good cause! Don’t burn yourselves, don’t dehydrate yourselves, and don’t take shit from a man that isn’t yours.” Gemma cheers as the women get ready. Bikes were lined up down the street when Kozik and Tig arrived, Tig’s eyes found you washing down a bike from another charter, the man standing there obviously looking at your ass. Tig groaned in pain when the man slid money into the hip of her bottoms, he wanted to drop that old fuck for touching his sister. Stalking to the table, his hands hit the top and make Gemma jump.
“Yes?” She nips, glaring at him.
“Why in the fuck are the other guys touching them? I told you I’d talk my sister into it if they were just washing bikes.” He growls, white knuckles gripping the edge of the table.
“Oh shit.” Gemma mutters, heading towards the blonde Tacoma man as he stormed into the line of fire of the hose. You turned, wondering where the water was, when you saw a very angry Kozik standing behind you, the water pattering against the leather kutte.
“Hey you!” You giggle awkwardly, patting his chest.
“Garage.” He demands, pointing to the open bay of the Teller-Morrow repair garage.
“Now.” His eyes were dark and dangerous. You headed towards the garage, stopping to tell Lyla you’d be right back. Kozik stormed ahead to his bike, grabbing a small blanket from his saddlebag and wrapping it around you. Once in the garage, he herded you into a corner, his lips attacking yours hungrily.
“I wanted to kill him.” He grinds through clenched teeth, leaving angry little marks along your shoulder. He was claiming his territory, and it was hot. You wrap your legs around him, his hands holding you against the toolbox.
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doggonneit · 7 years
Honey Eyes and Bloody Lips
Fandom: Haikyuu!!
Pairing/Characters: Kuroo/Tsukishima
Rating: T for Teen
Warnings: Swearing, piercings, tattoos, blood
A.N. This is for @its-love-u-asshole for the @hqvalentineexchange. I hope you enjoy!
[Read on AO3]
Kuroo should’ve guessed from the name Karasuno that there would be a crow theme to the studio. The front was nothing spectacular to look at, all the dirty grey of concrete with a few crow silhouettes spray-painted onto its surface. Whoever had been tasked with that job had taken liberties with the amount of paint they used, as each bird had black trails trickling down like blood.
It was morbid.
Kuroo thought it was adorable.
Akaashi had recommended the studio since one of his friends worked there, and he gave a ringing endorsement to their piercing services which was impressive because praise that like didn’t come lightly from someone like him. A quick Google search further cemented Karasuno’s reputation-- they’d only been open for six months but already garnered over one hundred reviews raving about their excellent standards of service and friendly staff.
That was all Kuroo needed before he grabbed his keys and drove down to the studio.
Given its macabre exterior, it wasn’t surprising to see the same theme running in its interior-- more of the same dripping birds gliding along the walls and resting on silhouettes of tree branches that curled around the polaroids of ironically happy customers with their new piercings.
A blond man sat behind the front counter, so concentrated on adjusting jewellery in a velvet case while humming to the music coming from the portable speaker next to him that he didn’t notice Kuroo’s presence till he leaned over and put his elbows on the surface.
“Oh.” The man’s golden gaze flitted upwards and his mouth formed a perfect o. “Sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
Kuroo gaped and his elbows slipped out from under him. He smacked his forehead on the counter with the loudest crack and in that moment he wished through the haze of pain for instant death to save him from the humiliation of looking like a complete moron in front of the most gorgeous man to walk the earth.
“Shit.” The man leaned closer to him and that was not good for his heart . “Are you all right?”
“Fine!” Kuroo sprang back a safe distance and pretended he couldn't the heat blazing across his cheeks like a wildfire. He usually wasn’t this inept, and he cursed the little black crows on the walls for his dismal state. “Sorry, clumsy. Super clumsy.”
“Yeah, that looks like it’ll bruise.”
“The only thing bruised is my pride,” Kuroo weakly joked. “Nothing important.”
The man gave a small huff of laughter and Kuroo’s pride swelled back to its usual inflated proportions. How many people could boast they had literally heard happiness from an angel? It was the most beautiful sound, the kind that was meant to be curled up on the couch next to him laughing late into the night about their hopes and dreams.
“Well then, welcome to Karasuno. My name’s Tsukishima and I’m here for all your piercing needs. What can I do for you today?”
It took Kuroo a moment to remember why he even came here in the first place.
“I’m thinking of getting pierced,” Kuroo said, then gave himself the biggest mental slap. He was in a piercing studio, for fuck’s sake. It wasn’t like he walked in here looking for rainbows and unicorns. “So, uh, you take walk-ins?”
“Yeah, absolutely. What did you want done?”
Kuroo paused. He’d wanted to get a third set done in his ears for a while now, but all the client photos showcasing a variety of piercings in a variety of places wavered his intentions and a good, long look at Tsukishima changed them completely.
Tsukishima was naturally stunning, and the jewellery that adorned him made him a complete work of art. The most striking piece was a barbell that went straight through the middle of his bottom lip and moved with every word like a hypnotic dance. Kuroo had never seen jewellery so perfect for someone and he wanted something like that for himself.
Tsukishima’s golden eyes followed Kuroo’s gaze and ran his tongue over the piercing, far too slow to be anything but deliberate. “You like the labret?”
Say something cool, say something cool, say something cool.
“It’s cool,” Kuroo said, and wished he could melt through the floor. That had to be the lamest response ever. Why was he being such a thirteen year old boy trying to impress his crush? He ignored the fact that it wasn’t too far from his current reality. “I don’t have the guts to take a needle through the lip though. I’m squeamish.”
That’ll make the devastatingly handsome man swoon. Good job, dumbass.
Tsukishima raised one pierced eyebrow. “Squeamish,” he repeated, looking pointedly at Kuroo’s arms. “That makes so much sense.”
“Oh, these.” Kuroo touched his tattooed sleeves with an abashed chuckle. He liked his ink and it was nothing to call it an addiction, not since he got his first taste on his nineteenth birthday when Akaashi tattooed a little black cat sitting on the side of his neck and showed him the wonders of body art.
The needle hooked him and never let go. Kuroo turned to Akaashi for his every tattooing need: a love poem in cursive Spanish across his ribs, the vivid blues of a stormy ocean crashing down his right arm and the livid greens of a snarling dragon spiralling its way down his left arm.
“You must have a stomach for needles if you can sit through hours of being repeatedly stabbed and injected with ink,” Tsukishima said.
“The needle’s not as big,” Kuroo protested, and if he didn't feel like a child before then he certainly did now. But hey, this was pure survival instincts speaking-- it was perfectly natural to be wary of sharp objects that could punch a hole through your body. “It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective.”
“Fair enough,” Tsukishima agreed. “So, no labret for you today?”
Kuroo was about to say no, but he just couldn’t peel his eyes away from Tsukishima’s mouth and how amazing they looked with the silver ball ends seated perfectly above and below his bottom lip. He wanted to know what that felt like on his lips, whether it be through a kiss or a needle.
You romantic, you.
“I want it,” Kuroo quickly said.
Tsukishima frowned, noticing Kuroo’s snap decision and clearly wanting him to take a step back and think it through. “If you’re unsure, it may be best to postpone--”
“No, I want it,” Kuroo said again, this time slower and with greater conviction. “I want the labret.”
Tsukishima fell silent and he held out for what felt like an eternity, no doubt testing Kuroo’s resolution. But Kuroo didn’t budge-- he was going to stick with the big, scary needle going through his whole lip because his mama may have raised a fool but she didn’t raise no quitter.
“If you’re sure--”
“Oh, I am.”
“--we have a selection of colours available you can see over there. Take your time picking one and I’ll go get my equipment ready.”
They parted from the counter, Kuroo ducking his head as soon as it was polite and burying his face in his hands. If he rubbed hard enough, maybe he’d scourge the redness from his cheeks by completely sanding off his skin. It’d been years since his awkward teenage years and here he was reliving every single one of those horror stories again.
At least he didn’t have acne anymore.
Kuroo took a deep breath and faced the display cabinet-- nope, he wasn’t going to let himself spiral down that particular path right now, not when there was a chance he could make an even bigger fool of himself. He focused on the jewellery gleaming under the little lights and where was he even supposed to start? Colour? Stone? Ends? Kuroo just blinked and stared-- he’d made too big a decision in getting a labret and now his decision-making skills had deserted him in his hour of need.
“What are you thinking?”
Kuroo yelped and jumped straight into the cabinet. The jewellery inside rattled loose like beads all over their shelves and Tsukishima grabbed onto his arms to steady him.
“Whoa, sorry.” Tsukishima smoothed down his shirt and gave it a pat. “I didn’t mean to frighten you.”
Oh my god, he touched my chest, not a drill, not a drill!
“No, I was just supised-- surpised-- surp--surp--”
“Surprised?” Tsukishima offered.
“Surprised.” Kuroo’s voice came out embarrassingly high-pitched and now he was even squeaking like he was thirteen again. He cleared his throat and said in a much deeper and sexier voice, “Surprised. Yes. Sorry about the, uh, mess in the cabinet.”
“No need,” Tsukishima said with a shrug. “I’ve been meaning to rearrange it anyway.”
“Oh,” Kuroo said. “Good.”
“So,” Tsukishima prompted. “Jewellery?”
“Right!” Kuroo gave a nervous laugh. “Uh, I’m not too sure what’ll look best on me, so I don’t know?”
Fantastic, men love indecision.
Tsukishima considered his answer. “If you’re not sure then you can never go wrong with simplicity. How about silver, with ball ends?”
“Like yours?”
“Like mine.”
Kuroo’s heart did a weird flop. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, that’s good.”
Tsukishima smiled and this is how men go blind and led him into one of the back rooms where a small stool and a tray of various equipment were set out. Kuroo tried not to look at them because his imagination conjured visuals far worse than reality could ever be.
“Take a seat there. You’ve been pierced before, and this process is no different.” Tsukishima snapped on a pair of purple latex gloves and cleaned Kuroo’s lip with an antibacterial wipe and used a black marker to make a small dot beneath the swell of his bottom lip. “How does that look?”
Kuroo glanced into the mirror on the wall and nodded. “Good.”
“Okay, I’m going to use this,” Tsukishima picked up a giant pair of glistening forceps, “to hold your lip in position.”
Kuroo’s eyes bugged out at the contraption and he began to sweat. “Tha-- that’s huge,” he managed.
“It doesn’t hurt or anything,” Tsukishima assured him. “It just steadies your lip so the needle doesn’t go in crooked.”
“The needle--”
“It looks like this.” Tsukishima picked it up. “It’s not as bad as you thought, right?”
Okay, so maybe it wasn’t as thick or threatening as Kuroo had envisioned but it still was going to punch a hole through his lip and he might just faint if he saw it coming towards him.
“Can I keep my eyes shut?” he asked.
“Of course.”
Kuroo did just that and he felt Tsukishima pull his lip out and hold onto it with the forceps. He was okay, he was doing okay, he was going to be okay…
“Take a deep breath,” Tsukishima said.
Kuroo obeyed, then a sharp sting went through his lip and he couldn’t help but open his eyes and see the needle sticking out of his lip. And what was that? The warmth dripping from his lip and down to his chin?
“Oh ny god,” he said through motionless lips. “Oh ny god… the glood…”
“Hey,” Tsukishima said. “Hey. Look at me.”
Kuroo tore his gaze upwards and looked straight into honey eyes and began to drown in their warmth and beauty. If he was going to bleed to death, this was surely the way to go. “Hi,” he whispered.
“Hi,” Tsukishima whispered back. "Keep your eyes on me, okay?"
That wasn't a difficult request-- in fact, Kuroo would gladly just sit there all day long and admire the sharp planes of Tsukishima's cheekbones, his milky smooth skin and how long and fluttery hiseyelashes were. If karma was indeed a thing, then Tsukishima had to have done something amazing in his past lives to be an angel walking on this earth today.
You are such a goner, you sap.
Tsukishima’s hands never stopped working and far too soon he stepped back with a small smile. “That’s it. All done.”
“That quick?”
Tsukishima gestured to the mirror. “Take a look.”
Kuroo turned and hot damn . He turned this way and that way, admiring how much more badass he looked now. He couldn’t have asked for a better piercer-- Tsukishima knew his stuff and even better, he was art and he made other people art too.
“How’s that?” Tsukishima asked. “We match.”
“We match,” Kuroo happily said.
“You like it?”
"Yeah," Kuroo said. He gave a wide grin which, to his surprise, made Tsukishima wince. "Is something wrong?"
"Not... wrong, per se," Tsukishima said. He made a vague gesture to his mouth. "You, uh, have blood on your teeth. It looks rather threatening."
"Shit, ha." Kuroo wiped the smile from his face and adopted a glare instead with his teeth bared. "How do I look now? Badass?"
"Badass," Tsukishima confirmed, setting his equipment straight again and beckoning. "Come out front. I'll ring you up and book you in for a follow-up appointment."
They made their way back to the front of the studio where Kuroo paid for his new piercing and zoned out of the spiel on how to take care of it. He'd gone through the routines before and this was hardly any different so he played with his barbell instead-- poking at it with the tip of his tongue and mouthing at it between his lips. It didn't hurt as much as he thought it would and he was so engrossed that he didn't notice Tsukishima frowning at him till it was too late.
Oops. Can't ignore the calls of an angel.
"Sorry, I just really like it," Kuroo said.
"Keep doing that and it won't heal straight," Tsukishima warned. "You want a crooked piercing?"
The thought of the perfectly placed barbell growing slanted made Kuroo's eye twitch and he vowed not to touch it again, at least until it healed, otherwise it'd be a waste of Tsukishima's skills.
"I've booked you in for the same time in two weeks," Tsukishima said. He took a business card from the counter and scrawled the appointment details on the back, ending it with an elegant flick of his wrist and pressing the card into Kuroo's hand. His skin was warm and his touch lingered against Kuroo's.
I'm absolutely besotted, help.
Kuroo wanted to say more and prolong his visit but Tsukishima had already turned away and busied himself with another jewellery display. Kuroo didn't want to call his attention, not when he'd so clearly been dismissed, so he bade a silent farewell and stepped outside to a bustling street filled with noisy pedestrians and blaring traffic. It was such a contrast from the interior of the quiet studio that it took Kuroo by surprise.
He leaned on one of the concrete walls next to a little black crow that looked like it was shitting black paint on his shoulder, and was about to slip the card into his phone case when he noticed something extra written on the back.
Call me. 03-XXXX-XXXX
Kuroo stared at the words with his jaw wide open and almost swallowed a fly. He choked on his spit and whipped around to look through the glass door but Tsukishima had already disappeared.
Oh my god oh my god ohmygod ohmygodohmygod!
Kuroo couldn't control the gigantic grin that broke out over his face and he probably still had blood in his teeth judging by some of the horrified stares he got but who cared about them when he got the number of the most gorgeous man to exist on this plane? Kuroo hurriedly opened up his camera and gave the most terrifying grin and holy hell did he look demonic with his hair spiking up in a hundred different directions and his mouth filled with blood. He took a picture, posted it to Karasuno's page and began writing another five star review to add to their collection.  
10/10 would recommend, should've taken a polaroid like this. Thanks, Tsukishima!
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