#I think the messages came out of order I’m sorry 💀
palipunk · 2 months
errrrrmmm what the sigma
What does this mean Olly…
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spookyserenades · 2 months
Just finished reading chapter 16 AND HONEY; I AM UNDONE. The Seokjin fluff we got was precious and absolutely delicious. I ate that shit up like it was a five-course meal, lol. Seokjin just announcing their relationship to the world?? Possibly the cutest thing I’ve ever read, along with the way he was so touchy and clingy. Finally able to indulge in his wants!! My poor heart!!
Taehyung felt so distant in this chapter, and it breaks my heart! Especially with that other woman at the club 😤😤 who you talkin to, Pookie?? I miss him.. and I can only hope he isn’t trying to get over his obvious feelings for the MC with someone else; I won’t be able to handle that angst!!
But seriously, that ending felt so unexpected. I thought I could finally rest easy after the previous cliffhanger from chapter 15, but nope, here you go again! It’s incredible how well you are able to build up suspense within your work. I am captivated each time and desperate for more! I can only imagine how much work you put into each chapter; writing 20k nearly each time, + editing is really impressive! It flows well, and each detail you put into your work shows the way the relationships between everyone seem to grow. Truly amazing!! I remember reading the first chapter of Trouvaille when it came out, and I’m just so happy that romantic relationships are finally developing. It’s so rewarding :)
Sorry for the long ass ramble. Love your work and take care~ <33
HEHEH!!! I hope you enjoyed the wild ride!!! OOF There's nothing better than romantic Seokjin, I KNOW he'd be the best boyfriend ever 🥺 He's also turning into a goofball he's so happy he can love up on her,... All of the touchiness, the clinginess god I wish I was Y/N.
Ah... Tae 😭 I smell some angst coming up surrounding him, sorry to my Tae bear stans in advance 😭 Eventually things will end up working out in the end, but there has to be some rocky conflict in order to keep things balanced and zesty. I miss him too 😭 I can't believe he had the courage (or balls) to flirt with another girl in that club...
Stopppp you're too sweet, M! 🥺 Honestly I don't set out to write so much each month, but as I go, I keep getting new ideas and oops suddenly its 20k 💀 I'm so happy that you think it's flowing well, that's one of the things I worry about, so thank you for telling me 💜💜💜 AH I love how close they're all getting, even the friendships like Jin/Hoseok and Joon/Jeongguk 🥰 EEE I can't believe you've been here since the beginning, I'm honored 🥺 We're on quite the journey together and I'm so glad you're here with me! Sending you so much love and thank you for reading and writing me a lovely message 💕
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princessozera · 4 years
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(bold will be MC texting, all else is brothers)
🌇Outing to the Devildom’s shopping district🌇
“Guys! Slow down, I can’t see any of you anymore!”
“What do you mean MC? We’re still in Majolish, Asmo is trying on more pants.”
“Well then who was I just following for the last 5 minutes?”
🚑Devildom’s healthcare system🚑
“Hey you guys, do I have health insurance as an exchange student? Or is a hospital visit all out of my own pocket?”
“Our hospitals actually don’t charge, they’re all directly funded under an initiative that Diavolo undertook 4 centuries ago.”
“MC, is this a hypothetical question.”- Satan, already knowing that it is not.
“ :) “
“MC.” “MC!” “MC where are you.” “MC!!!” “What happened” “MC! 🤬🤬”
“It’s okay, don’t worry, the banister broke my fall.”
“and maybe a rib, idk yet”
🥧Gourmet Cuisine🥧
“Wow, when I ordered the apple seed pie from Ristorante Six, I didn’t expect it to be filled with actual apple seed concentrate”
“Oh, was it not good? I’ll buy you a hellfire cheesecake if you give me the rest of the pie.”
“Wait, the apple SEED pie? MC, isn’t that filling the concentrated cyanide from apple seeds?”
“ 😔 I got gotted 😭😫”
 🤸‍♂️Devildom clubs🤹‍♀️
“Why didn’t you guys tell me that the Devildom had clubs for adults! You know I’ve been struggling to make friends outside of the House of Lamentation!”
“.... Because we don’t?”
“Yes you do! A couple of demons from school came up to talk to me about it and they brought me to their club house to show me around💖 ”
“They have this really cool wall decor, the symbols are mesmerizing!”
“They’re all so badass! They have a lot of human artifacts actually! Knunchucks, throwing stars, iron pipes, switch blades and butterfly knives! They’re taking me to meet their captain”
“I might have joined a gang🤡💀💀 ”
⚠Necessary information⚠
“Hey, do you guys remember when you told me about the 8 levels of the Devildom/Hell?”
“Yeah, to reach the human world. What about them?”
“Is there like specific way to access them? Is it like a portal you open, or a specific place you have to go?”
“Nah, you’d have to track down a mirror portal. They appear randomly and actually don’t last that long. Creepy looking honestly”
“MAMMON. WHY WOULD YOU TELL THEM THAT”- Everyone in the brother’s only groupchat.
“...Do these mirrors happen to be framed in gold with no reflection, only a dark purple heavy mist swirling in the glass?”
“Should have mentioned in my first message that the issue is no longer time sensitive. On a completely unrelated note, how would one go about leaving the 8 levels?”
🚓We really should have covered this :/  🚓
“ Hey guys, is anyone available right now?”
“I am.”
“Me too.”
“I’m not busy, what do you need MC?”
“I’m sorry, but could you come meet me at the police station? Something happened.”
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iridescentxstars · 5 years
Omg did I send my 2 part message?? I’m freaking out thinking if I pressed ask or cancel since I had to copy/paste them 😂💀
Yes sorry 😭 they came in in a weird order though lol
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