#I told you I'm karl-deprived
error-dream-was-found · 10 months
I would love to see more from Enderchest torture ngl
Don't worry, I've got you covered!
I'm not really sure what to talk about so lets talk about the inside of the enderchest and how it might affect blob!
To cover this quickly ... the inside of the chest is nothing. Like, nothing. Empty. Void. No light, no sound, nothing but you and eternal nothingness. Sensory deprivation box 10 000. You do not wanna get stuck in this. On the bright side, the chest's magic prevents Dream from dying of thirst or starvation, in fact time passes differently there, slower than in the world outside. I'm not decided on what exactly the ratio is but the 5 years that passed weren't 5 years for Dream (I have no idea what 5 years of complete sensory deprivation would do to him so I'm backing off from that) still it was damn long (I'd say between a few months and a year cuz I really have no idea)
I struggle to decide how this will affect Dream. Currently I'm kinda working with stuff like sensitivity to light and noise, dissociation, memory loss (he already struggled with this in prison, mostly he doesn't remember stuff from before prison) and of course serious lasting damage from torture.
When he's finally released from the chest, he has no recognition of Sapnap or Karl. He only vaguely recognizes Quackity. Even then he only associates him with rules, pain and the box (as he calls the enderchest). He also developed a pretty serious self-harming habit.
In the chest he couldn't see or hear anything (not even himself when he spoke, after being out he struggles differing between his thoughts (not that there were many, most of the time he just kinda dissociates) and what he said out loud). The pain soon became a comfort, it proved that he still exists, that somewhere in that dark is a body. That he is in fact still alive.
For the longest time he is overly sensitive to any sound or light. It's overwhelming for him no matter how soft it is (even the sound of his own voice sometimes bothers him, he's not used to hearing it). This makes taking care of him quite difficult for the fiancees (now husbands as you might've noticed)
Sapnap entered the room slowly, trying his hardest to make as little noise as possible. He thought he was doing a decent job, the sob from the bed told him he didn't.
Dream sat curled on the sheets, keeping his head hidden in his knees. A first sign that today is a very bad day. Still the blaze tried, approaching carefully, keeping his voice barely audible.
The blonde shook his head, as if he was trying to deny the whole situation. His hands clapped over his ears firmly, making the ravenette sigh. He wanted to help his friend but how could he when even talking seem to make things worse? On most days he'd just leave and give Dream time to calm down, or dissociate, but today he couldn't. It's been 2 days since Dream last drunk and even longer since his last meal. That might've been the most frustrating part, Dream completely ignored his body's needs. They didn't know much about what the inside of the chest was like but given that Dream was still alive and not a starved corpse it was very likely that he didn't need to eat or drink in there. That probably explained why he always forgot to do it now. The first few tries that got him to throw up immediately didn't help either.
But he had to eat! He- he had to ... if he won't ... Sapnap wasn't ready to lose him again. He had to make sure Dream lives, if not for his own sake than for Quackity's. The duck hybrid was devastated after he realized what he's done. He was just coming to peace with what happened in the prison, what he did in search of power. This- this hit him hard. If Dream died now Q would forever blame himself.
"Dream, please, you need to eat."
The blonde only shook his head again. Whenever it was a response to Sapnap's words or just an attempt to block out his voice was unclear. The blaze felt tears weight in his eyes but he ignored them in favour of looking around the room to ensure the blinds were closed properly. On good days Dream could handle dim light the curtain let in without trouble but direct sunlight was something he could take just yet, not even with blindfold on. Speaking of ... Sapnap's eyes caught on the strip of fabric discarded on the bed next to Dream. He must've became overwhelmed by it again.
At this point tears fell freely of blaze's amber eyes. For 5 years he thought that his best friend is death. And despite everything he missed him. Even after more than 6 years he'd sometimes looked over his shoulder, Dream's name on his lips with some lewd joke, only to meet an empty space where his friend should be. There was a hole in his heart no amount of laughing with his husbands could fill. He never stopped regretting the last words he told Dream. The goddamn promise! His best friend died thinking that he hates him. He'd do anything to be able to speak to Dream one more time, to apologize and-
Now after all those years his wish came true. Dream was alive ... and Sapnap almost wished he wasn't.
@bleue-flora you might like to check this out?
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strechanadi · 5 years
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Hannah O’Neill, Karl Paquette
Gala d’étoiles - Esmeralda
photo: Fernandez Fernando
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moxfirefly · 3 years
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You know when you think about something so much but when you try to write it, it comes out wrong? Like the words aren't enough...
I want... No, it's a need. Yeah, I'm going to have to seek help. I need a short or headcannon of laying on Hesienburg's chest. Cuddles and kisses from the reader while he pretends to hates it but, is so touch deprived that he is purring with every little movement... Ya know???
I say we kidnap Neil and just have him reenact all of this for us....
Oh friend do I ever, it’s a terrible feeling and I too wish I could have somebody just remove the scene from my head and make better use of it.
I hope I can do just that. We out here feeling s o f t™️
Rated Fluff/Feels
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This corner of the factory, specifically in this room where it slowly had become both yours and his, that’s where Heisenberg would rather be.
Truth be told he would rather be anywhere than the village so long as he had you.
And that he did, had you right here with him. Breathing and warm and a fucking bright spot in this god forsaken hole that was home to him.
He had stopped by the room (yours and his) and had leaned against the door frame to reflect on the sight before him. Whatever book you must’ve found in his collection had you awfully enthralled, between you not noticing his presence and the bounce of your bent knee as you laid on the bed there simply existed nothing. His eyes ran up the length of that bouncing leg, a few scattered marks from a few nights ago lingered in their yellowish hue.
“Holy shit…” Ah the book was getting good.
“The ending is good” He commented and deceived way too much pleasure from your shriek.
“Asshole! Gonna kill me one of these days” The book rested on your chest in your startled state. While your frown was playful, you couldn’t help but arch a brow at the man before you.
There was a real subtleness to Karl’s body language, a blink and you miss it type.
But you felt you’d studied him long enough to catch those subtle cues.
He’s shrugged out most of his attire, what remained was the green undershirt and his pants. A small smile graced your lips at seeing his eyes finally free of those black shades. Casting your latest reading material on the night table you outstretched your arms to invite him over.
“C’mere” You smiled softly, even when he arched a brow but that lasted all of one second before he closed the distance and climbed onto the bed with you. Before he could pick his designated side you nudged him to lay on you. “I’m not some baby” He had half muttered more to himself than you probably. “Nothing wrong with being held after a rough day” You felt him settle on you, head on your chest, legs entangled. He wasn’t awfully heavy if anything he was incredibly warm and that was always a welcomed feature of his.
Your chin rested atop his head, hands came to smooth his unruly waves and with each swipe you made sure you caressed his cheek. Heisenberg merely melted, brows furrowed accompanied by an exasperated sigh. “Stop that, I’m not a child” He grumbled but made zero efforts to move or shake your comforting strokes. “You can be as stubborn as one” You retorted back with a smile.
It was the softness of you. The way he could physically tell apart what your flesh felt like compared to his scarred one. Just how utterly perfect you were in his eyes, to the tips of his fingertips as they shyly touched you. He, embarrassed enough, moved your hand to the back of his head. You silently understood, you always did. The sensation of nails meeting his scalp made him burrow into your neck with a slight shiver.
No matter how much Heisenberg complained, claimed that he wasn’t some infant or weakling, he always crashed with you. The scared touch deprived little boy he once was always showed up. It grounded him to feel your other hand rub up and and down his back, feather like and gentle to make his skin breakout in goosebumps. There was always a static to him whenever he was his docile, drifting between serene comfort and impending crash landing levels of tired.
You pressed kisses to his head, brow and watched those eyes shut. He couldn’t deny how safe he felt.
Heisenberg doesn’t remember the last time he felt that. Safety? Miranda had never introduced that word to him.
“Sleep baby, you can sleep” You whispered to him, the puffs of air hit his temple and it all but served him to shutter again in comforting delight.
He was out like a light by the hundredth time you threaded your fingers through his hair, pushing it all to one side to allow a better look of his features.
In the soft feel of your breast beneath his cheek, breathing along with each rise of them and those delicate fingers mapping everything about him, Karl safely drifted off to sleep.
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neptuneofthesky · 3 years
MCYT Incorrect Quotes
Featuring | Dream, Gerogenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Karl Jacobs, Quackity, Philza Minecraft, Technoblade, Wilbur Soot, Tommyinnit, Tubbo, Ranboo, Michael, The Egg, Red vines
Next Part
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Skeppy: I'm sad
Bad: (puts an arm around him) hey, it's ok, I'm here for you
Dream: George, I'm sad
George: mood
Dream: I'm good at hiding my crush
George: hey guys I'm back
Dream: I-i have to gay- I mean GO-
Dream: I love sunglasses
Dream: am I looking at that tree? am I looking at George's ass?
Dream: you'll never be able to tell
Skeppy: *admiring bad* he is so cool, he could hit me with a car and I'd thank him
Techno: we'd thank him too
Wilbur: you know when I first met you I thought u were a real bitch
Tommy: so, what changed?
Wilbur: I still think you are a real bitch, I've just grown to like that about you
Dream walks into Sapnap's room
Sapnap: hello Dream I hope you are well
Sapnap: so you may be wondering why I am glued to the ceiling
George: crushes are the worst
Dream: yeah, whenever I'm near someone I have a crush on, I start acting stupid
George: you are always acting stupid
Dream: yeah, don't think about that too hard
George: I fell-
Dream: from heaven?
George: no, I actually fell-
Dream: in love with me the moment you saw me?
Dream: ok but do you think I'm pretty? be honest
Tommy: is the pink panther a lion?
Techno: ........ say that again but slower
Tommy: I don't get it
Wilbur: he's the PINK PANTHER
Tommy: okay?? But is he a lion?
Philza: Tommy, he's a panther
Tommy :
Tommy: is that a kind of lion?
Wilbur: no, its a PANTHER
Tommy: I just googled it, they're not pink tho
Tommy: yesterday I yote my water bottle down the stairs and almost hit Tubbo
Wilbur: I- did you just use yeet in the past sense?
Tubbo: wanna hang out tomorrow?
Tommy: can't I have a doctors appointment
Tubbo: say you're sick or something and just cancel
Tommy: ......
Philza: can I speak to you for a minute?
Tommy: oooooh someone is in trouble!
Tommy: it's me I down know why I did that
Bad: why is Karl laying on the ground screaming into a pillow?
Quackity: oh, he's been like that for a few minutes.
Bad: but, why?
Quackity: Sapnap giggled at his joke.
Dream: love is in the air
George: *spraying a can of Febreeze and holding his shirt over his nose* not anymore.
Philza: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity?
Techno: *yelling* hey Tommy! how tall are you?
Techno, talking on the phone: Phil, I have good news and bad news
Philza: just give me the good news
Techno: the smoke alarm is functioning perfectly
Skeppy: who do you think is hotter, me or the sun?
Bad: the sun
Skeppy: okay, let me rephrase it. who do you think is hotter, me, your amazingly adorable best friend who loves you very much, or the sun?
Bad: the sun
Quackity: I have an idea!
Karl: no bullying Bad today
Quackity: I no longer have an idea
Wilbur: is the past tense yeet or yeeted??
Techno: yeet is the present tense, but yote could be the past tense too!
Philza: I just want to know who threw Tommy out of the window
Bad: *aggressively throws water bottles at everyone*
Geroge: uh...
Dream: he's trying to yell mental health and wellbeing into us
Sapnap: *crying* it's working
George: I hate you with every inch of my body
Sapnap: That's not a lot of inches
Bad: I don't know if they'll notice, but I slipped a little note in each of my friend's bad to let them know that I love them
Skeppy, pulling out a twenty-five-page note: what the fuck-
Dream: I don't know. I just feel like we are destined to be together. I mean, look at how fate keeps throwing us together!
George: it's three am and you're stuck in the middle of my window. how did you even get here?
Dream: I just told you. fate.
Philza: Tommy, I know you three toilet papered my garden
Wilbur: *whispers* play dumb!
Tommy: who's Tommy?
Techno: *whispers* not that dumb!
Bad: tell us a secret, Dream.
Dream: uh, okay! I have a crush on George!
Sapnap: no, dream, he said secret.
Wilbur: Tommy is in the pool and I don't think he is waterproof
Philza: what
Techno: I think he means Tommy is drowning
Philza: oh okay
Quackity: can I get a strawberry milkshake with two straws, please?
Karl, thinking: aw, that's cute... he wants to share his milkshake with me
Quackity, putting both straws in his mouth: hey, watch how fast I can drink this
Quackity: I- I think I saw a monster
Tubbo, terrified: w-where?
Quackity, pointing at the door: THERE
Ranboo, opening the lights: shut up, it's just me
[This one is because Tubbo and Quackity are one of the shortest ;) ]
Philza: who broke the flower pots?
Techno: it was Tommy
Wilbur: it was Tommy
Tommy: it was Tommy
Tommy: dammit
Policeman: so, what's your name?
Tubbo: don't tell him, Tommy
Policeman writes down: okay, Tommy
Tommy: dammit Tubbo
George: Interrupt my sleeping and I will interrupt your breathing :)
Sapnap: hey, is anyone else d-
Tommy: dead?
Wilbur: depressed?
Dream: drained?
Techno: deprived of sleep?
Sapnap: ...done with your work? What is wrong with you people?
Karl: hey, how much money do you have?
Quackity: uh.. 69 cents
Karl: ayy, you know what that means!!
Quackity: *choking up* I don't have enough money for chicken nuggets.
Ranboo: *exists*
Tommy: you got a problem mate?
Tommy: I mean, you are so tall, you must got a problem
Ranboo: I'm just sitting here
Tommy: WAS UP
Ranboo: a-are you trying to fight me?
Tommy: WAS UP
Tommy: why don't women have to take the DNA test to see if the child is their's
Michael: papa, there's a monster under my bed!
Ranboo, tucking him in: Don't worry bud. There are no monsters in this house.
Michel: can you check, please?
Ranboo: alright.
Ranboo: *kneels down to check*
Techno: subscribe to Technoblade
Ranboo: *startled* WHAT THE-
(Credits to @/your.gehenna on Instagram)
George: I think Dream was right.
Sapnap: I'm surprised he hadn't marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Geroge: he wouldn't do that.
Dream: you're right, George. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
Dream: *turns around, the shirt he is wearing says 'Dream Told You So' on the back*
Sapnap: You lying, cheating piece of shit!
Dream: Oh yeah? You're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD
Dream: I'm leaving you and I'M TAKING GEORGE WITH ME
Bad, picking up the monopoly board: I think we're gonna stop playing now
Quackity: why are Bad and skeppy sitting with their backs to each other?
Karl: they had a fight.
Quackity: then why are they holding hands?
Karl: they get sad when they fight
Ranboo:*serenading* with you, 60 minutes feel like an hour
Tubbo:*almost in tears*
Tommy: what the fuck
The Egg: I just ended a four-year relationship.
Red Vines: oh, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?
The Egg: hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. It wasn't my relationship.
*Bad and Skeppy fighting from across the room*
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