#I took like over 100 screenshots of him and only 40-something are in this
bitten-button · 7 months
Nanamin time!!
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themaskedtree · 10 months
Just a heads up I’m about to go on a rant about something that happened a while ago but still pisses me off and this is the last time I’m going to talk about it unless someone asks me about it so if you don’t want to hear about it again just skip this . So a while ago the group of friends which was about 5 even though I only saw three of them as friends and liked three so if they somehow see this good luck trying to find out who it is! But two of them I’ve been friends with years and even went to school with so they knew me for years but still did that! But we played D&D together once a week at our own houses we never did a play in person and I only miss three session two because I was having car trouble and the other one because the night before playing I was using the bathroom a lot and didn’t get much sleep at all only two hours at most and I didn’t know why probably because of IBS was asking up. So I out out on my social medias to warn people that I’m not 100% they saw that the people in the D&D and said nothing about it all day until the incident happened. So I was tried all day but I didn’t think I was tired enough to just pass out like I did. Just so you know I posted that wasn’t feeling well around 1 or 2 in the afternoon and felt like crap all day and we normally played D&D around 6 to 7 sometimes 8 because they wouldn’t shut up about anime or anime porn which is just cringe. Also and still makes me uncomfortable. So they have 4 or 5 hours to ask me if I was ok and didn’t. One of them has a family member’s birthday party they he skipped to play D&D and blamed me for that even though I didn’t know until he yelled at me from making him miss it! Like dumb ass go be with family instead of playing a game! But I was watching disenchanted on my Xbox One with TheMaskedTree girl because it just came out on Disney plus and she liked the first one so we watched it and get halfway through until we had to pause it to eat dinner and afterwards it was 5:40 so she went go hangout with her cats and I was waiting for in bed for 6 to hit with mt phone on the charger because we did discord to talk and I don’t have a mic that works on my laptop and then I passed out. Now I didn’t know I was going to just fall asleep out of nowhere but it happens when you’re don’t get much sleep and having to use the bathroom a lot throughout the night and morning. But before I passed out I turned off my xbox and got on my iPad to was movies on there. So when I woke up I had a lot of miss calls and Snapchat/ discord messages. No one bothered to text my number or call my phone. But this guy in the group John I guess they pick him to be that Asshole to yell at me. So John sent me a bunch of messages on Snapchat so I responded to him telling him that I was sick and didn’t get much sleep and must have passed out. No he yelled at me for missing because I was sick but not at the other person for missing because of work and she would miss a lot of games not even showing up for most of them. So I went off on him for yelling at me for being sick and as him and I and text yelling at each other I called one of my other friends up and to explain to him what was going on. John even said that people pass out when they get sick but then continued to go off on me for ruining D&D when they had 4 people and 5 characters so yeah they still could have played. They didn’t care that I was sick or that I passed out. They only cared that I somehow ruined D&D night and that without my knowledge made one of the guys not go to a family’s birthday party! Don’t pick games over family and then blame someone who didn’t know for you missing it. So I had it with John texting him so I told him to call me so many times to yell at him for yelling at someone for being sick! The cowards wouldn’t and started to slow down on texting me. Then I got a text because John took a screenshot of our conversation which you can’t do unless you have the other person’s promise because that’s the law! It’s a violation of privacy. The conversation him and I have just showed my sticking up for myself!
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kuriboo · 4 years
Hugsaku 2021
Day 5 - Awkward Hugs | Dueling But The Final Blow Is A Hug 
I’ve been writing a continuous story with prompts for Yusaku. This part is getting close to the end of the story. If you’d like to read the whole thing, you can read my previous posts or read the whole thing on ao3; I’ll link the ao3 in the notes. The general story is this: Yusaku finds himself in Heartland with no memory of how he got there, and Yuma decides to help Yusaku figure out how to get home.
As you can guess by the prompts I used, there’s a duel in this one. Probably most of this is actually the duel, and the duel made this pretty long compared to the other days I wrote. I probably actually spent two or three weeks working on just this part because of the duel. I’ve held onto 40 different screenshots to plan out this duel, I had to watch a specific episode of Zexal twice and track down part of an episode of Vrains that I rewatched a bunch of times. I also had to rewrite this duel probably around twice because I used the wrong cards and misread card effects. All the work paid off, though. The duel should all be correct now, and this was one of my favorite parts to write.
The four of them were doing research together in a park when another one appeared.
It was Tori who had taken the books out from the library. Given she was the biggest reader out of herself, Bronk, and Yuma, she was the only one with a library card. She brought the books to the park and the three of them, alongside Yusaku, read through them.
All the books looked like they discussed the idea that other worlds existed out there somewhere. Their hope was that they discussed how to get to those worlds so they could find a clue.
To help Astral remember his past. To help Yusaku get home.
A lot of books on the subject weren’t really intended for a younger audience. Yusaku seemed to be having an easier time reading through his book than everyone else was. Everyone else other than maybe Yuma, who was cheating and having Astral read his book for him. It wasn’t that Yusaku was overly interested in the subject, Astral was definitely more interested than he was. But Yusaku had read through lengthier, more complicated material to learn the knowledge he needed to see his revenge through. He was used to this.
The book was deep in an explanation of the possibility of other dimensions and what they could be like when they all heard the commotion.
That’s when they chased after its source, and that’s when they found another Number.
Yuma took the Number on, of course. His opponent didn’t take long to summon the Number. Rank 2, 100 Attack. This Number didn’t seem that threatening on the surface, but Yusaku knew better. XYZ Monsters were always more than just their stats. That’s what they had Overlay Units for, and this Number still had all of its own.
Yuma summoned Utopia on his next turn. Immediately after, he entered the battle phase. His victory seemed assured in his eyes, but Yusaku wasn’t so sure about that.
Neither were Yuma’s friends. Bronk, Tori, and Astral each yelled out their own warnings, but Yuma ignored them all. He declared an attack with Utopia against the other Number and…
The monster was destroyed, the other duelist’s life points dropped to 0, and the duel was over.
Yusaku blinked. Surely that Number had an effect. An effect that probably could’ve saved it, he guessed. Why didn’t the other duelist activate it? Why did they let themself lose?
Bronk confronted Yuma about his reckless play, but Yuma didn’t want to hear it. Apparently, as long as he won, he didn’t care about the possibility that his plan went horribly wrong. Yusaku sucked in a deep breath. He was definitely on Bronk’s side on this one, but he also still had to live with Yuma. Joining the argument would just make life more annoying. 
Eventually, Yuma and Bronk’s yelling reached a boiling point. The two of them turned around and left in opposite directions, leaving Tori and Yusaku by themselves.
“I don’t know how he doesn’t understand how dangerous that move was,” Yusaku muttered.
“Yuma never thinks things through like that. I mean, he focuses more on the victory he sees in front of him than the possible obstacles in the way. It helps boost his confidence; if he worried about the roadblocks too much, he’d give up every time. Plus, if that Number used an effect, Yuma could’ve saved himself with Utopia’s ability to negate the attack. Anyway, it doesn’t matter anymore. The duel’s over. We can’t let their friendship end like this,” Tori fretted. “Bronk and Yuma have been best friends for a long time. I don’t know if we can get them to see eye to eye on this, but we have to do something…”
‘We’. Right. Yusaku wasn’t one to care about friendship and friends, but after everything Tori, Yuma, and Bronk had been doing to try to help him, he owed them. Besides, Yuma wasn’t like Yusaku. Yuma deserved to have good friends. But what could Yusaku do about it? It wasn’t like he had much experience with this kind of thing. 
What would Kolter do if Yusaku was stubborn like this? The two of them had a different kind of relationship than Bronk and Yuma, but… 
“You try to talk to Bronk. I’ll try to talk to Yuma. If their friendship should be stronger than this one argument, we’ll try to remind them of that. You know Yuma better than I do, so maybe you can get Bronk to see where Yuma’s coming from.” Yusaku had a feeling that would go better than him trying to convince Yuma to see Bronk’s point of view. “Maybe we can get them to talk after they’ve cooled down a bit.”
If it didn’t work out, though, then it didn’t work out. If they were determined to be mad at each other, Yusaku didn’t know if he could stop them.
“Yeah…” Tori nodded. “I know they can work it out if we can get them to talk. Thanks, Yusaku.”
Yusaku shrugged. He didn’t feel like he was really doing much.
Tori ran after Bronk, while Yusaku headed back to Yuma’s house. Yuma had gone off in that direction, and Yusaku didn’t know where else he might go. If Yuma wasn't home, though, he’d have to go home eventually. Yusaku would be able to talk to him either way.
Luckily for him, though, Yuma was already at his home. As soon as Yusaku walked through the door, Yuma pulled Yusaku into his room to rant to him.
“Who cares if my attack in that duel didn’t work? It did, and that’s all that matters!” Yuma was still really worked up about this. “I know Bronk’s better at dueling me, but that doesn’t mean he has to put down my successes as much as my failures! I’m trying to get better, and he knows it because he’s been trying to help me. Doing a pretty lousy job of it right now, though.”
“Maybe you both have different dueling strategies,” Yusaku suggested. He was having trouble figuring out what to say, but he thought back to Tori’s words. “Sometimes it’s better to declare a reckless attack than to never do anything because you’re afraid of what could happen.” Yusaku knew from experience that that line of thinking would definitely lose you the duel. 
“Exactly! I have to attack if I want my opponent to lose life points! If you were in my situation, what would you have done?”
“I would’ve been thinking about what that Number’s special ability could be. I would’ve felt safer with Utopia than most other monsters in that situation, since Utopia can negate the attack if it looks like it’s going to go back. But it’s always possible the opponent had an effect that would’ve prevented Utopia from using its effect, so I would’ve been cautious. I definitely would’ve wanted a Spell or Trap card backing me up. There’s a possibility I could’ve declared an attack, but I’m not sure.”
“It’s not as black and white as Bronk made it seem, anyway. He doesn’t need to be so high and mighty about it!”
“I don’t think it’s that,” Yusaku said. Not fully, anyway, he didn’t know Bronk that well. But Bronk knew Yuma better than Yusaku did, which meant Bronk probably had stronger feelings about this than Yusaku. At the very least, Yusaku had Kolter’s reactions to help him out on this, whenever Yusaku’s grades slipped or he skipped a class or he skipped meals for Playmaker business. He’d already had this discussion with Kolter multiple times. Yusaku’s relationship with Kolter was still different from Yuma’s relationship with Bronk, though. “I won’t say I know how he’s thinking without any doubts, but…he’s pointing it out because he cares about you. He was worried about you. Not because he thinks you’ll give up if you lose, but these duels involving Numbers are different from duels against your friends. You want to get all the Numbers to help Astral, and Bronk wants you to succeed because he cares about you so… He wanted you to win, and he was afraid you might not. He’s afraid that this could happen again and not work out for you. Or, uh, something like that, I think.”
“He’s not just trying to be mean?”
“I don’t think so. I don’t think friends are like that.”
Yuma sighed. “I was feeling the flow in that duel. Felt like I could do anything and it couldn’t go wrong. All I could think about was how I was gonna win. When I feel like that, sometimes it feels bad when everyone around me’s not supporting me.”
“You don’t always think ahead as much as other people tend to do. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. It can be good to be in the moment and to enjoy the moment while you’re in it.” At the very least, Yusaku did miss that.
“I don’t wanna lose Bronk, but I don’t know what to do…”
“Talk to him. Communication is important in any kind of relationship working out. Figure out where you’re going from here. He probably doesn’t want to lose you, either.”
Yuma agreed to it, and later Bronk agreed to it, and they met up again after school. Tori went with them, while Yusaku met the group there. 
However, it didn’t go well. The meeting turned into more fighting and arguing, and Bronk pushed Yusaku away from him. When he did so, he accidentally disconnected the key hanging around Yuma’s neck from its rope. The key went flying, landing near Yusaku. Yusaku bent down and picked the key up, not sure what else to do in this situation.
Astral was present for this meeting, floating silently next to Yuma. Since the most recent duel against the Number, he’d kept to himself and stayed fairly quiet. But now he was staring at the ground next to him, no longer absorbed in his thoughts. “Yuma, what is that?”
Yuma looked down as well and yelped when he saw it. Black slime was creating a puddle around Yuma, oozing around his shoes. Yusaku looked around the slime for its source; it appeared to be dripping out of Yuma’s deck. That was strange, considering Yuma did not coat his cards in black slime. Everyone else noticed this at the same time as Yuma before focusing their attention back to the slime on the ground. Now it was flowing towards Astral. Astral screamed in pain as it began to envelope him.
“Astral!!” Yuma reached a hand towards Astral, but didn’t make contact.
“Number 96… It is trying to take control of me!” Astral’s body started to turn dark as more of the slime reached him. He opened his eyes and looked towards Yuma. “Yuma… give Yusaku… card…”
Yuma blinked. “What card? Why?”
“Just do it!”
Yuma reached into his deck and pulled out a couple of cards. Briefly, he looked at them as if deciding which one to pick. Then he tossed them to Yusaku, who caught them easily.
Yusaku glanced over the cards Yuma had just given him. One of them he recognized as Utopia. Another he recognized as.... the card he’d found when he first arrived in Heartland…
Were these the cards Astral wanted Yuma to give him? Why did Astral want Yusaku to have these?
Then Yusaku heard laughter, and he looked up from his cards. Astral had been completely overtaken by whatever that darkness was; even his eye that was normally all white was now all black. His lower body turned into long tentacles that curled around Yuma’s arms and torso. Yuma was lifted in the air. 
Yums screamed. “Who are you? Let me go! Let Astral go!!!”
“I am the strongest Number of them all. When you dropped your key, you allowed me to escape.” Not-Astral was smiling coldly. The strongest Number? Astral had mentioned a Number when this started happening. Was this Number 96? “Now onto step two: acquiring Number 39, Utopia!” He glared at Yusaku. Yusaku took a step back. 96 already knew Yusaku had Utopia, then? “You will give him back to me.”
96 stretched his arm forward towards Yusaku, intending to grab the card out of his hand. Yusaku held the cards close to him to make them harder to grasp. 96’s hand came closer but something stopped it before his hand could get close enough. As if an invisible wall was protecting Yusaku. Yuma’s key, still in Yusaku’s other hand, glinted in the light. Did the key protect him?
This all started when the key was separated from Yuma… Was that how 96 had been able to gain control of Astral?
“No matter.” 96 pulled his arm back until it was at its normal length. “If I can’t get it back by force, then I’ll get it back with a duel. All this is is delayed satisfaction.”
Yusaku snorted. Bold of this Number to assume Yusaku would lose. “I’ll take you on to free Astral and Yuma.” Yusaku only dueled when he had to, so luckily for 96, his hand had already been forced. He glanced over at Bronk and Tori. “Stay out of this. I’ll get them back.” 
Thankfully Yusaku was able to keep cool under the pressure. Link Vrains had given him experience dealing with people who seemed menacing and talked a big game. Tori and Bronk weren’t so lucky. They were both clearly worried and panicked. The two of them nodded and moved to be more on the sidelines. Their eyes barely left Yuma, still trapped in the air.
“Excellent.” Number 96 lowered Yuma to the ground. Yuma then proceeded to put on his duel gazer and draw his starting hand. “Oh, and by the way… Yuma will be dueling for me. Not his mind, but his body, so be careful..”
Yuma stared at Yusaku. Yuma was definitely scared, Yusaku could tell, but he knew Yuma wouldn’t lose his determination, either. “Can you duel?” Yuma asked. “You don’t even have a duel gazer…”
“I can duel without it.” Yusaku drew his starting hand as well, after sliding his cards from Yuma into his extra deck. It wasn’t like he could use his Link Monsters, anyway. “I have my deck, and that’s all I need.”
It’s all he ever needed. All the other students at his school had fancier duel disks and everything, but this duel disk that Yusaku had had for years still worked fine. The rest of his apartment had older tech anyway, from his phone to his kitchen appliances. It fit the aesthetic, as if that mattered.
“I’ll go first,” Yusaku announced before looking down at his hand. When he did, he could feel his stomach drop.
Maybe he should’ve asked to borrow Bronk’s deck, or something like that. For just a moment, he’d managed to forget the way his deck was built. It wasn’t just that he couldn’t use Link Monsters. A lot of his cards worked well with Link Monsters, many of them even having effects that required him to have one on his field. He wouldn’t be able to use some of his cards at all. He could win like this, right?
“What’s wrong? Ready to give up already?” Number 96 taunted.
Yusaku shook himself out of it. He could still win. Of course he could win. He couldn’t lose. Especially not now. “Because I have no monsters on my field, I can special summon Linkslayer from my hand.” He normally could start to pull combos in his first turn, but these conditions made it more difficult. “I place two cards face-down and end my turn.”
“A weak start.” Number 96 chuckled. “My turn now.” Yuma drew a card, grimacing. “First, I will place two cards face-down. Next, I am summoning Acorno. I can summon this card by sending one card in my hand to the graveyard. And, you see, since the card I sent to the grave is Pinecono, it sprouts back up right on the field. Next I summon forth Darklon. And now, since Darklon was summoned, all my monsters increase their level by 1. But, I am not done yet. Next, I am overlaying these 3 level 2s to XYZ summon a copy of myself. Number 96: Dark Mist!”
A Number card already? 96 didn’t like to waste time. 
“Wait, how is that thing Dark Mist?” Tori asked. “It’s completely different from before.”
Yusaku didn’t notice any difference, but that was because he couldn’t see Dark Mist at all without the Augmented Reality system. That seemed to be working in his favor right now: Bronk, Tori, and Yuma seemed far more intimidated than him by the newly summoned monster.
“That is because this is Dark Mist’s true appearance. And now, Dark Mist, attack Linkslayer!”
Yusaku frowned. Dark Mist only had 100 Attack, but 96 was still declaring battle. 96 must have something up his sleeve; Yusaku knew there was more to Dark Mist than first appeared.
“I activate Dark Mist’s special ability. By using 1 overlay unit, Dark Mist can steal half of your monster’s Attack points in order to power itself up.”
“So as long as Dark Mist has overlay units, it’ll always be stronger than any of my monsters.” Yusaku grit his teeth. This wasn’t good.
“You catch on quickly!” 96 grinned back at Yusaku. “Now, let him have it.”
Dark Mist started to unleash its attack on Linkslayer, but luckily Yusaku was prepared for an attack, even if he wasn’t sure how. “I activate my trap: Three Strikes Barrier. Linkslayer isn’t destroyed.”
“But you still take the damage! Now, I end my turn,” 96 finished. 
Yusaku drew his next card. “Since Linkslayer’s Attack is different from its original Attack, I play Cyberse Cache and draw 2 cards.” Perfect. “Now I activate Linkslayer’s special ability. By sending two cards to the graveyard, I destroy your two face-downs.” Destroying the cards themselves wasn’t too important to Yusaku’s plan, but it was a bonus. “I summon ROM Cloudia. ROM Cloudia allows me to add Latency to my hand from my graveyard. And since Latency was added to my hand from my graveyard, I can summon it right away.” Latency went to the field on defense. 
Yusaku stared at the cards on his field. Dark Mist should have 1100 attack right now. Linkslayer couldn’t beat that, but ROM Cloudia was a different story. “Now, ROM Cloudia attacks Dark Mist.”
“I use another overlay unit to use Dark Mist’s attack again!” 96 smirked at Yusaku.
“So you can use that effect during my turn as well,” Yusaku mused.
96 laughed. “Perhaps now you see. For every move you make, I can make one better.”
At least Yusaku knew for sure now. “From my hand, I activate Security Block. Neither of us take damage, and ROM Cloudia isn’t destroyed.”
Dark Mist should now be up to 2000 Attack. This wasn’t looking good, but Yusaku could work with that. “I place one card face-down and end my turn.”
“Stay tough, you hear me?” Yuma called out to Yusaku. 
Yusaku nodded. He had a plan in mind by now, since he was sure how Dark Mist’s ability worked. He wasn’t coming out of this duel with anything but a win. 
Now it was 96’s turn. He looked over the card he drew, and smiled. “Let’s have a do-over. Black Mist, attack ROM Cloudia. Black Mist’s ability activates once again!”
That brought Black Mist up to 2450, if Yusaku’s math was correct. Yusaku frowned. Why was Number 96 so fixated on ROM Cloudia? He couldn’t save ROM Cloudia this time, but he’d already…
96 laughed. “It’s pointless to keep fighting.” He turned to Yuma. “Do you have any insights into what he’s planning?”
“I wouldn’t tell you even if I knew, but I’ve never seen Yusaku duel.” Yuma shrugged. “I’ve never seen his cards, either. It’s all as new to me as it is to you. I’m on the edge of my seat, I can’t wait to see how Yusaku pulls off a victory!”
“He won’t. Not like this,” 96 muttered.
Yusaku looked over his cards. He could make this work. Everything was coming together. “I summon Draconnet. And using its ability, I can summon Dotscaper from my deck.”
“I hope you’re planning something with all these monsters,” Bronk commented.
“I always have a plan.” Normally, it’d be a Link Summon, but this time Yusaku had something different up his sleeve. “I overlay level 1 Latency and Dotscaper.” Yusaku held both his hands out, palms forward, and crossed them over each other. The number 13 appeared, glowing, on his right palm. “Appear, Rank 1, Number 13: Embodiment of Crime!”
As the Embodiment of Crime took the field, Yusaku felt the same feeling he did when he first picked up this card when he arrived in Heartland. Revenge. An overwhelming desire to lash out, get revenge against the people that hurt Yusaku and the people he cared about. It threatened to consume him, just as before. But this time he could direct it. Number 96 had hurt Yuma, taken him hostage, and like this Yusaku could clearly see how much he cared about Yuma. He could direct it at 96 and still do exactly what he intended to do before he had been given any Numbers.
Yusaku had been fueled by his revenge before, and now once more he would direct it to achieve his goals. He still felt that strong desire, but it stopped trying to overtake him as he committed himself. 
Number 96’s eyes widened. “That’s not Rank 4… That’s not… Utopia… What is this?”
“You thought I was trying to summon Utopia?” Yusaku rolled his eyes. Did he look like Yuma, always trying to win his duels with Utopia? “If it was convenient, maybe. But I’m not done. Embodiment of Chaos uses one overlay unit to change all your monsters to Attack mode.”
“Black Mist is already in Attack mode,” 96 pointed out. “I’m starting to wonder if you should have placed your hopes in someone else, Yuma. Someone whose deck you were familiar with and you knew could win, perhaps?”
“I know Yusaku can win. I don’t need to know his deck to know that.”
“And I’m still not finished. Since Dotscaper was the overlay unit I used, its ability activates, allowing me to Special Summon it,” Yusaku went on. “Next, I play Cynet Defrag. I Special Summon Protron from my graveyard. Once again, I overlay both my level 1 monsters to XYZ Summon Number 31: Embodiment of Punishment!” 
This time, during Yusaku’s XYZ Summon, the number 31 glowed on his left palm. 
“Another Rank 1 monster with only a seemingly worthless ability to help you,” Number 96 mused. “If you want to win, your next move better be good.”
“I end my turn,” Yusaku said.
“You pulled off two XYZ Summons and you aren’t even gonna attack?” Yuma puffed his cheeks.
“Why would he? Check you math, Yuma, Embodiments of Crime and Punishment both have only 500 Attack,” Tori pointed out.
“Why summon monsters with almost no Attack??”
As confused as Yuma was, Yusaku wasn’t going to explain anything. Not until Number 96 entered the Battle Phase, anyway. 96 was cautious about the new Number, but Yuma wasn’t about to let him get away without battling.
“I use one overlay unit to activate Embodiment of Punishment’s effect. Dark Mist is forced to attack Embodiment of Punishment. As long as Embodiment of Crime is on the field, Embodiment of Punishment isn’t destroyed as long as it still has one overlay unit, and you take the damage I would take!”
“I do not like this,” 96 said. Even if Black Mist had an overlay unit left, it would only make the situation worse for him.
“Well, you’re going to positively hate what’s coming next. Do you feel it, Yusaku? I sure do!” Yuma yelled.
Black Mist had 2,450 Attack. Embodiment of Punishment had 500, leaving 96 to take 1,950 points of damage, and all the monsters on Yusaku’s field had enough Attack to take out the rest of 96’s Life Points.
96 scowled. “I suppose I have no choice but to end my turn.”
From there, the duel was practically over. All he needed was Cyberse Wizard’s effect, and his monsters took care of the rest.
And as they attacked, he ran forward. He ran towards Yuma. Once he was within reach, Yusaku threw his arms around Yuma. After a moment, Yuma hugged him back. And while they stood there and hugged, Yusaku tied the key’s rope together around Yuma’s neck, allowing him to wear the key just like he had before. 
The hug had started out awkward. Yusaku couldn’t remember the last time he gave a hug, he only ever remembered receiving them, and the way he’d wrapped his arms around Yuma definitely didn’t seem how it felt whenever Yuma had hugged him. Not to mention the difference in their heights. But Yuma did hug him back. And hugged him back. He didn’t let Yusaku go for what seemed like a long time. From behind him, Yusaku could hear Tori and Bronk running towards them as well. Resigning himself to his fate, Yusaku braced himself for a group hug. 
Once the key was securely around Yuma’s neck once more, Astral reappeared beside them. He reabsorbed Number 96, and obtained Black Mist once more.
“Only friends so close fight so much...” Astral mused to himself.
Only seconds later, Yusaku could feel himself being hugged by three people at once, and he was starting to regret some of his decisions.
Bronk and Yuma immediately started apologizing to each other for everything.
“I’m so glad everyone’s getting along again,” Tori sighed. “Of course, we have Yusaku to thank for that!”
“Yeah, that was awesome! I know you said you could duel, but you did so many cool moves, and you totally had a plan the whole time that you made work no matter what, and you saved me and Astral, and I wish I could watch you duel again!”
“Not interested.”
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 12 liveblog/review thing
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*loud sigh*
i am DREADING watching this episode. one reason is that i don't know if this is the end... the end, forever??? i don't know!!! i really hope not!! ;__; the other reason is that because this is the season finale, i know it's going to be emotional!!! there's no way a free! season finale will not be emotional. the other two were. XD
but i have to watch the episode. as much as i am terrified to watch it... i must. i've got to do it. >__<UUU
so here we go!!!!!
please read my previous liveblogs as well. i've been reacting to everything this season!  (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7) (episode 8) (episode 9)  (episode 10) (episode 11) and THANK YOU VERY MUCH to anyone who reads my liveblogs. thank you for taking the time to read them!!!! <33333
watch ep 12 officially on crunchyroll: http://www.crunchyroll.com/free-iwatobi-swim-club/episode-12-dive-to-the-future-775643
the episode starts out with some BEAUTIFUL animation!!!
i think it's so cute that haru was fascinated by water ever since he was little.
yesssss i was waiting for that shot of little haru smiling!!! i already posted that screenshot here on my blog. XD if that doesn't absolutely melt your heart, then... you have no heart!
makoto cooking??? THAT'S SO ADORABLE <3
i would be happy to eat burnt toast if makoto made it. <33333
;___; omg omg omg that is so sad. he didn't help his friend. so i bet that is a major source of guilt for him. and, i wonder if that's some kind of foreshadowing...??? maybe haru and/or rin will be forced to make some kind of difficult choice between swimming and something else. i'm not saying that'll happen in this episode but maybe in the future (well, that's assuming there is another season)
hahaha, the muscle lovers have brainwashed ayumu!!! XD
yaaaaaay i am actually seeing ikuya and hiyori again!!!! i love them! ^__^
rin's surprised face at seeing natsuya again hahahaha
"you're late haru... just like me lol" -rin
"it's been so lon--" SLAP. what a warm welcome???
i feel like there should have been a theme song by now...
ikuya and natsuya about to race each other while remembering all those memories ;__; this episode is so emotional already lol.
*very dramatic music*
HAHAHAHAHA that out-of-date phrase came back. those random laughing people are like "who is that old fool??"
that little screenshot of ikuya and natsuya sleeping while leaning against each other UGGGGHHH that was a really sharp knife in my heart <3
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hiyori is so excited for ikuya, awww.
*awkward panting*
yay i was hoping ikuya would win, just because i think it's funny that natsuya lost to his little brother!!!
NATUYA'S CRYING?!?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!? WTF WHY ARE YOU CRYING, STOP THAT, NOOO THIS IS TOO PRECIOUS. he really is so proud of ikuya!!!!! ^___^
lol now ikuya's crying and his little shaky voice, aaaaaaggghh. i hate this show so much. this show is too dangerous for my heart. i can't survive all this. why are all of these characters such wonderful angels???? WHY???????
i think asahi is starting to cry too lol
all right, that's a good stopping point. well, i'm done. ...wait... whaddaya mean there's more time left in this episode??? whaddaya mean that i haven't even watched half of the episode??? oh no, i have to keep watching!!! i don't think i'm ready for this you guys
"haruka-senpai and the rest have really dived into an incredible world." no, rei, they have DIVED INTO THE FUTURE!!!!!! =)
you couldn't have just walked AROUND them???? -__-
this guy's bright orange hair bothers me...
that confident look you get on your face when you are aware of how awesome you are and how powerfully bright your hair is:
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"you cant gain that kind of strength without throwing something else away." uhhhh well that's creepy. what did kinjou throw away? (his sanity???)
ryuuji believes you basically have to give up everything, even your friends, to make it in the competitive world =( he's obviously still feeling guilt about what happened with his own friend. what's interesting is that we don't know how haru feels about what ryuuji just said. does haru agree?
rin is so cool that he has his own cool new music now hahaha.
haru looks suprised that rin did so well??? he shouldn't be surprised! rin is amazing <3
haru looks nervous??? (to be honest, i am nervous too lol. my heart is beating fast...)
he had a late start? i couldn't tell. XD
i am seriously freaking out over this animation. i just love it. the animation in this show is wonderful in general, but i feel like the animators take extra care in doing haru's swimming scenes. those scenes always look gorgeous. (even when haru's swimming isn't as fast as normal...)
everyone looks so sad about what happened with haru =(
asahi is so cute. XD he's so awkwardly funny!!!
sousuke startling rin... hahaha
hmmm, rin and sousuke are talking about sousuke swimming in a race in the future. does this mean there will be another season???
"nagisacchi" ^__^
"kissme?" looooool
omg there are so many more races tomorrow. but there are only a few minutes left in the episode!!! a lot needs to happen in just a few minutes!!
"bye-bye!" ugh why is every single thing that happens in this show so cute???
what was makoto about to ask haru???
marinka date???? <3 <3 <3
hmm, so haru really is bothered by what ryuuji said earlier
makoto and rin are laughing like "our son is so precious." XD
the three seagulls are on a date too??
rin saying he'd support makoto, awww that's so sweet!!! <3
haru yelling and scaring the birds away... what did those birds do to you, haru????
and omg, rin and makoto were totally caught off guard by that!!!! (well i was too o___o)
haru is running into the ocean... in order to turn into a merman?!?!?!??!! (i have been thinking about mermen all season, you know.)
"what kind of teen drama is this?" it took you this long to figure out that you are in a teen drama, rin?? XD
ummm for real where are they going though???
there are seriously like three minutes left in the episode. ... ... how is everything going to fit into three mins?
haru's speed surpassed albert's?!?!? wasn't albert the alien god?? wow...
ryuuji is trying to sit there and analyze why haru lost, but... dude, it's kinda your fault!! you're telling haru some weird stuff about "giving something up" and it made him nervous! =(
"he keeps talking about stupid stuff like friendship and bonds..." IT'S NOT STUPID, IT'S FREE!!!!!!
okay. so i'm at 21:40 and the entire episode is 23:40. rin and haru have not raced yet?!?!?!?!
finally!!! here it is!!!!!!!
hey, there's some new song sung by the voice actors playing in the bg???? i'm feeling emotions again...
let's dive... to the future!!!!!!
hmm, crunchyroll must be having techincal difficulties. instead of playing the rest of the episode, they are showing random pictures of the characters. this technical glitch must be fixed immediately.
oh. it's not a glitch. it's the ACTUAL EPISODE. THE ACTUAL EPISODE CUT OFF RIGHT BEFORE HARU AND RIN'S RACE. WHAT THE F@#^@$&#%%!%#^@^#^$#^@!@#$#%#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE WAITED ALL SEASON TO SEE THIS RACE!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING, PEOPLE WHO CREATE THIS CRAZY SHOW???!?!?!?!?!?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO US?!?!?! WHY????? WHYYYYYY????????!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!   >=(
*tries to calm down?*
"blue destination," that's what this song is called.
haha i like the samezuka guys doing the same silly-looking pose.
huh? there's a scene with just a few seconds left in the episode? what could possibly happen in this amount of time?????
nanase is in the lead?? okay, but... that doesn't really answer the question of who won the race. it's possible that rin could catch up. but i guess if he did catch up, they would have said it?
the god alien sees that haru is setting a new record! hmmm are you jealous??? =)
"see you in 2020" ?!?!?!?!?!?!? so i have to wait two years to find out who won the race??? -__-UUU
wait, wait... that means... FREE HAS NOT ENDED!!!!!!!!! IT'S NOT OVER!!!!!! THIS ISN'T THE END!!!!!!! omg omg omg omg!!!!!! you guys. i didn't know this. i didn't know if there was going to be any more. wow wow wow!!!!!!! i finally got my reassurance!!! <33333333 oh my goodness!!!!!! this is extremely important to me!!! like i have said before, free! is my #1 favorite anime ever. i didn't want it to end right now. i need more!!! i'm so incredibly happy that it's not over yet! that makes me feel a lot better.
okay now. it's time for me to sum up not only this episode, but the season. first, the episode. this was an exciting, heart-thumping episode. i was nervous about everyone's races!!! especially rin and haru's, but... it was a disappointment that the race wasn't actually shown. i'll assume haru won because they mentioned that he was in the lead. but i'm not 100% sure!!!
ikuya and natsuya were lovely. i really liked that scene when they were hugging and they were clearly so proud of each other!!! it was so touching!! this is why i love this show. <3 and i was happy to see hiyori again too. everyone was reunited. everyone was realizing what their dreams are and finding their confidence. so it was an important episode;.
and... MARINKA!!!!!! i will be honest and say that i really wanted a makoharu moment. but i've gotta say, marinka is nice too. =) it was really funny to me how rin and makoto were both laughing at haru at the same time. they each gave haru the encouragement that he needed in that moment. they really got him fired up. when he suddenly yelled into the ocean, i was like "O__O uuuuhhhhh..." but it's good to see haru feeling motivated!! ^__^ the shot of the three of them lying together in the water was something that i think instantly became iconic.
the scene in the theme song (which didn't even play today?!?) where haru is screaming and looking like he's turning super saiyan (lol) was about haru's scream in this episode!! mystery solved. =)
so how'd i feel about this whole season? umm... EXCELLENT!!!!! everything was amazing!! the characters' relationships and emotions!!! the music!!! the animation!!! the voices!!!! just... everything. i am impressed with this anime, as always. i have so much appreciation for all of the people who put it together, because i like everything about it. that's why i didn't want to think about it ending. when i saw that it was coming back in 2020, i became very, very eager to know what would happen in the future!!! i want to dive to the future...
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A fair warning: the following is the first part of a long story involving something that happened on my Oblivion save. Prepare to read a lot (and this is only the first part of the story)!
Before I begin my tale, allow me to give some background information on my character. He's a male Breton battlemage, whose name (Nickies) is derived from two previous characters I made: a warrior and a mage named Nick and Mikies, respectively.
Nickies represents the culmination of all of my attempts at making the perfect Oblivion character. His gear grants him 100% Resistance to Magic, 40% Spell Absorb, 40% Spell Reflect, and 30% Damage Reflect. He has an insanely large magicka pool, admittedly due to some use of the ring duplication glitch. The spells I threw together on this character were simply obscene.
Needless to say, the game soon became boring. Despite Oblivion being my favorite game of all time, I eventually ran out of things to do and dropped it. Years passed, until a few months ago I read about the Skull of Corruption glitch that allows you to make a permanent clone of yourself. I thought this would be a perfect way to make Oblivion fun again; my character was so strong that the only challenge possible was fighting myself.
So I threw on an alternate set of armor, as to differentiate between the Corrupted Clone and myself, and performed the glitch using Capstone Cave. Note that I purposefully did not equip my best gear, including the Mundane Ring, as to make sure I could still kill the clone.
Once I brought the clone outside, thus making him permanent, he proved harder to kill than I thought. I play on max difficulty as a rule, so essentially he was 6x stronger than me stat-wise, and he would use my massive healing spells whenever he got to a low health. Naturally, he couldn't kill me either, since I too could heal myself.
Even in this first battle, I noticed something was off. He used odd dialogue I had not heard before, such as "I'm sworn to die, are you?" Additionally, his Reflect Damage probability seemed to be much higher than 30%, it seemed like around 80% to me.
So, I broke off the fight, used an Invisibility spell, and left. After some time to plan out a strategy or two, I returned to find the clone in my best gear. I'm not making this up, the clone had switched from his alternate outfit into the actual best gear that I had, Mundane Ring and all (I figured that out as soon as I tried blasting him with a 2000+ damage spell).
What puzzled me the most at this point is how he put on that equipment. As far as I knew, Oblivion NPCs only equipped the gear that was highest (alphabetically) in their inventory when they refreshed their inventory states. By that logic, the clone should have put on a hood I had called "AAAAAAA," which purposefully had such a name because it had a Fire Damage on Self enchantment and was meant to be reverse-pickpocketed onto an NPC as a form of assassination. Yet, the clone did not seem to have any inclination towards wearing it at all.
I and the clone fought several times after this, gradually heading south of Capstone Cave (near Bruma). He continued to say weird dialogue I had never heard before, such as "The training of a thousand years has passed through me!" I lost track of him a few times, on the journey southward. On one occasion I found an entire village that looked to have been ransacked by him, and I swear that at one point I got a 1000 gold bounty when I never committed murder. He wore boots that allowed him to walk on water, and yet when I fought him outside Deepscorn Hollow, he was able to swim and follow me underwater to get inside the home.
After many close calls and several battles, I was only able to kill the clone after leading him into the Imperial City and fighting him alongside the entire Imperial Watch - and he killed dozens of them in the process. In that final battle, our armors and swords broke several times over. He donned Sheogorath's Regalia while I fought with only my Greaves on. After myself and ten Imperial Palace Guards attacked him at once, he finally died. It was over.
A month or two went by, and I decided to try to make the clone again, to get to the bottom of just what caused those strange details. This time, after I fought him once, left, then returned, he was not wearing my best gear, as he did the first time, but rather a full set of Shrouded Armor. Since it was substantially weaker than what I wore, I managed to get him to a low health pretty quickly, but then he said something that chilled my bones: "Why, Brother ... why?" I hesitated to kill him, and after about a minute he used my Restore Health / Invisibility spell, said "Night Mother have mercy on you!" and then vanished completely (that is to say, he ran off somewhere while invisible).
Due to his equipping of Shrouded Armor, a few of my friends have suggested I call the clone, "Nickies Black," referencing Dragonball Super. The name has since caught on.
This all took place on an unmodded Xbox 360 (ported to Xbox One) save.
The following are Xbox DVR clips I hope can prove that I’m not making this up:
Me trying to switch up my style to counter him, which ended up backfiring big time
Switching between Water Walking and Swimming
Part of the first “final” Battle, ft. a weird lag glitch; the picture above is after I defeated him and moved his body onto the main table for a victorious screenshot
The Second Nickies Black saying “Why Brother, Why?”
This is merely part 1 of a very long story.  I will continue to recount it on this blog soon.
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drewxmay · 8 years
Contestshipping Masterpost - Part 8 - WHO WHAT WHEN WHERE WYNUAT???
and now… the best contestshipping episode of them all!!! yell it loud and clear (even though your parents will think you are weird)
Link to episode can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbLuBt3YaKQ
whenever I say Why not I say it like a wynuat. This is the best episode.
Episode starts off with Ash yelling at a river. Wonderful.
0:06 Oh Pikachu too?
0:20 Best of luck to you on your contest May!
0:27 Hi Drew :D
0:37 hmm. Interested I see?
Masqurain Uses waves to complete his technique
1:27 Drew won 5 a while back! Remember when he had 3?
1:37 Well May will win the contest you two will battle for the 4th time!
1:42 Fancy words will only give May more determination to win… Drew knows this.
1:57 Okay so we have Mr.Perfect, Mr.Know-it-all, and Mr.Rose. Wonderful.
3:08 Ash saying the titles sometimes makes me laugh. “MAY WE HARLEY DREW’D YA!” Imagine him saying that. ya.
3:11 Narrator, she is working hard at her skill because Drew convinced her too in his own way.  ADVANCED SHIPPERS HE WAS NOT BEING MEAN AND THAT IS WHY SHE IS TRYING, SHE IS TRYING BECUASE DREW TOLD HER TO AND MADE HER WANT TO IN HIS OWN WAY.
3:23 Masquain flap your wings not your legs
3:26 Flirting!
3:35 Drew is teaching May some tactics :3
Also, May has really improved! Character development and attack skills, and based off these episodes it was mainly because of Drew!
3:51 … that was not somersault. Translations…
3:57 MAGICARP. this is just the best team rocket entrance. Ever. Just imagine a big magicarp jumped into the beach and said “MAGICARP" I laughed at this the first time I saw it~
4:06 :pulls up image of face swap:
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4:19 Welp, it was a good run pikachu. Goodbye :)
4:22 :TAKES SCREENSHOT: Omg they are so scared for their pokemon
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4:36 I love this pic… so much…
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4:42 silly max! You pressed the hypo turbo engine switch! You should’ve known :P
4:56 they are now standing next to each other even though last time they were almost across the room, they walked next to each other and called their pokemon at the same time. This is what writers do when they foreshadow.
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5:00 I dunno :Looks up I am going to on google: I am going to die. Jessie you are going to die!
5:15 and then you hear wabbafet
Hi team Rocket!
5:25 Imma look that on google… You are at my house.
5:29 No you are in my house
5:35 Thank you Wabaf- I mean James
5:40 but James was trying to cheer you up by being Wabbafet :P
5:49 Thank you Wabaf- I mean Meowth
5:54 Don’t worry, they’re having fun Max.
6:08 People might say that Drew is being mean here and that Drew doesn’t like May but this has a second meaning and May didn’t get it (just like how she never noticed him flirting)
6:19 :Screenshots:
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I cursed myself with faceswap
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6:25 So ye ol’ pirate likes eh story o’ contest shipp'n?
6:30 :Looks up mirage: mi·rage m?'räZH/ noun noun: mirage; plural noun: mirages
  an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.
okay I get it now! The wynuat!!!
6:42 Leechy berry?
6:50 Teaching May about Leechy berries in his own way.
6:58 I find it amazing that May says she knows everything about them, proceeds to pronounce it wrong, and then Drew point that out. I didn’t expect him to.
7:03 :Takes screenshot
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7:19 ShuuHaru
I told you I love this episode AND WE AREN’T EVEN HALFWAY DONE MWA HA HA AH AHA HA
7:36 Swellow did you find contestshipping
7:43 Don’t worry Max!
7:52 wynuat? Also while listening to this I heard Max say "Ya! They might’ve decided to-” finish this sentence please :3
8:21 Mudkip: points with fin
8:23 “You don’t get out much do you…”  "Well you just don’t know how to have fun!“ -Contestshipping
8:33 you know what I want this man to be a chaperone at a school field trip.
8:48 in the time you were gone, James, Jessie and Meowth turned into wabaffets! :D
9:03 No james. did you hear it say Wabafett? No. It said wynuat.
9:08 at least Meowth knows!
9:12 let me tell ya’ lads ye ol’ story of how I got ‘ere
9:58 People say Drew never gets exited.
One scene includes a closeup of May and Drew holding hands while falling down a cliff and into a river.
… I’m disappointed in you Bulbapedia
10:27 YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!
10:49 Bulbapedia: Then May sees that Drew has been knocked out from the impact of the waterfall, she becomes extremely concerned and tries to keep Drew’s head above the water while telling him not to worry because she’s got him.
You missed something, when somebody passes out they stop holding their own weight, meaning that Drew is actually way heavier than if he were conscious, let’s see an average 10-year-old boy weighs about 90 pounds… May is carrying an almost 100 pound weight, above water, while also trying to keep herself over water
10:58 WYNUAT!!! HELP!!!
11:03 the mirage island.
11:24 Hopefully safe with the wynuat!
11:46 You did as much as you could…
11:54: "Drew… are you okay? Say something please!” May said in a destressed tone of voice
12:02 omg I ship it so much Bulbapedia? how about you?
After being pulled out of the river by the Wynaut, May is seen begging a still unconscious Drew to say something. When he finally wakes up, she is visibly relieved.
12:06 No May… you don’t have to be so modest. If it weren’t for you he would be dead. he would have drowned.
May is too modest.
12:22 Wynuat is a light pokemon, so is there body an illusion? I saw somewhere a theory that their tails are the pokemon and their blue body is a shield… so the blue part is an illusion?
“They travel in herds and at night sleep together in groups”
all of the contestshippers are wynuats. We stick together.
12:30 Drew is happy :D
12:33 omg the wynuat are so nice!!! “Are these for us?” “Wynuat!” Omgggg I love them so much
12:39 I love Drew in this pic I dunno why
12:42 Your ship is strong.
12:48 yes. GodI just wanna hug May and Drew. So. Flippin. Much.
12:54 aww poor team rocket
13:02 Why hello there
13:07 num num num num
13:12 Wanub nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:16 oh well hi there
13:19 nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:27 There right there
13:31 spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
13:34 ye’ ol’ lad ta'tst'a 'tory if I ever said i’
13:58 Imma not mention how his last statement was incorrect because this episode is so great.
14:04 You studied their shoes max?
14:08 actually Drew was unconscious so he didn’t walk, and the wynuats were in the trees and picked up May and Drew. You are wrong guys.
14:23 wynuat join us?
14:30 Let’s join the contestshipping celebration!
14:39 wynuat join us too Drew X3
14:47 Bulbapedia? Do you wanna say something?
During the Wynauts’ “party” shortly after, Drew is seen watching May intently.
Watching her intently ya say? He must be happy that she is having fun :D (btw he likes her)
14:53 After a long journey… we have finally found the thing we have been looking for: food. it has been many mins we have walked around this forest, searching and searching while following our mentorour, Wabaffet, but finally…
nvm I’ll stop.
14:58 James is great, so is jessie. Now have sour tastes :3
My shoulders heart from typing so I won’t tag as much… :’(
15:29 Drew is still watching her have fun :3
15:33 wtf is that! D:
15:37 oh no!!!
15:40 Jessie you love romantic stories give them the berries
15:46 Dew: Oh no! The person who I helped grow as a trainer and saved my life is about to be taken away D:
15:47 unless y'know. You sell her as a slave.
15:55 The wynuat our us, the contestshippers, remember that. Also I love the episode and all, but I’m sick of the female being in danger, wynuat it be the male for once???
16:03 you wait for the wynuat of course :3
16:07 great job guys!!! Keep it up and we will help in the advencement of contestshipping!
16:27 you said sift her out at the end… why is she on a rope and you are still vacuming?
16:40 Shiiipppiiiinnnnnggggg
16:50 Aye re'ember 'is cave 'iketha back o’ me ol’ 'and
17:13 remember kids, an Arbock turns into a Saviper!
17:23 Death by leaves
17:29 protect our ship!
17:50 ya but Drew didn’t tell rosellia WHERE to shoot it, what do they talk telepathicly now?
17:57 Rip a rope with peatals. Sure I’ll try that.
18:07 and then I remembered Advencedshipping and started to cry becuase even though this is the best contestsipping episode people are going to advanced ship becuase of this scene.
and then they beat team rocket :skips to after that:
19:52 Enjoy the rest of the contestshipping in this episode!
19:54 So Rodrick is actually older Pual. Cool.
20:23 And Drew got May to make pokeblock, in his own way :3
The end (that took me 4 hours to make wtf)
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
How Influencers Outperform Competitors Through Extreme Productivity by @WebDevEtc
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/how-influencers-outperform-competitors-through-extreme-productivity-by-webdevetc/
How Influencers Outperform Competitors Through Extreme Productivity by @WebDevEtc
In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto observed that 20 percent of the people in Italy owned 80 percent of the land.
In later years, he went on to show how the 80/20 rule applied to many other areas of life.
This phenomenon later became known as the Pareto principle.
The Pareto principle (a.k.a., the 80/20 rule) also applies to marketing concepts like influence.
Thousands of marketers are blogging, doing public speaking, and trying to grow large social media followings.
But if you asked people who the best marketers are, you will probably hear the same handful of names.
What makes a small handful of people super successful while most other people struggle and fail?
One reason that influencers outperform others is that they are very focused and extremely productive.
In this article, I’ll give a few examples of influencers using extreme productivity to grow their influence and how you can replicate their success.
1. Guest Blogging
Guest blogging is one of the best ways to grow an audience and get SEO results at the same time. But for most people, achieving influence through guest blogging requires doing a lot of it.
Leo Widrich wrote 150 guest posts in just seven months to get Buffer’s first 100,000 users. He mentioned that guest blogging hardly drove any traffic at the beginning, but it gradually got better after that. Another insight he provided was that it took him time to write guest posts initially, but he got better and faster at it. Eventually, he was able to create guest posts at a rate of 2-3 per day, but it took awhile to get to the point where he could create high-quality articles that quickly.
Brian Dean is known for being a master at email outreach. But Dean also used guest posting to grow his brand and published more than 200 guest posts.
Neil Patel published more than 300 guest posts, averaging a little over 100 guest posts per year. Patel also mentions that individually, each guest post doesn’t drive that much traffic, but cumulatively, the referral traffic adds up and that guest posting is his best inbound marketing tactic.
A lot of people that have tried content marketing have attempted guest posting, but the people who really succeeded with it did a lot of it.
The key to succeeding with guest blogging is to be consistent and keep practicing until you become extremely productive at content creation.
2. Podcasting
John Lee Dumas launched his Entrepreneur on Fire podcast in 2012 and is one of the most well-known podcasters in the business and marketing space.
Although a lot of other podcasters started before him, Dumas quickly outperformed them to become the top authority on podcasting by publishing a daily podcast.
To achieve extreme productivity with podcasting, Dumas developed a systematic approach to podcasting that he executed consistently each week.
He scheduled and recorded an entire week’s worth of podcasts in one day, which left the rest of the week open for other tasks.
It took some time for the podcast to grow and, according to his income report, Dumas only made $26,143 net income in his first year. But his podcast continued to grow and John’s podcast is now a seven-figure business.
3. LinkedIn Pulse
When LinkedIn first launched its Pulse platform to the public, publishing articles on LinkedIn was a huge opportunity to generate leads as LinkedIn would promote interesting content to its readers. I saw articles from completely unknown authors getting more than 100,000 views within a day or two.
I published a few short-form articles myself and some of them got thousands of views and sent me over a hundred subscribers, which was great considering most of the articles took me less than an hour to write.
But one person I noticed that really focused on LinkedIn publishing was Brian de Haaff, founder of Aha.io.
De Haaff published a LinkedIn article daily and many of his articles got featured on the main Pulse page. As a result, he has grown his following to over 286,000 and the Aha blog has over 150,000 subscribers.
His following is larger than many other contributors, including people that were given the “influencer” tag by LinkedIn.
4. Relationship Building
When I started blogging, I asked more than 40 successful bloggers how they became successful.
The most popular answer I heard:
Focus on relationship building.
A lot of businesses don’t focus on relationships because we rarely see case studies or data-driven content about it.
However, relationship building can be a powerful marketing activity. And it can be scaled with extreme productivity and the right systems.
One of my favorite examples of effective relationship building in marketing is how Alex Turnbull kickstarted Groove’s content marketing.
Most people use email outreach to ask for links or to sell something. Turnball decided to focus on building relationships before he needed them.
He created an engagement schedule where he systematically engaged influencers that already spoke to his target audience. He started by building a large list of targeted influencers that he wanted to build a relationship with. He would then share their content, comment on their blogs, and finally, email them.
As a result, Groove was able to gain 1,000 subscribers within 24 hours of publishing their first blog post and more than 5,000 subscribers in five weeks. Groove’s approach to content marketing allowed them to grow into an eight-figure business.
5. Video Marketing
In 2017, I had the opportunity to interview Amy Landino for my Traffic and Influence Summit. She has been video blogging since 2011 and one of the big tips she shared was to just be consistent with making videos.
She mentioned that a lot of people won’t be great at video when they start and her early videos weren’t that great either. But over time, she got better at video and her channel continued to grow.
I looked at how many videos she published on her YouTube channel after I interviewed her and it averaged to about three videos per week.
Landino’s videos have over 10 million views in total and her channel has grown to over 200,000 subscribers.
She’s made a great living as a consultant, public speaker, and through teaching video marketing to other entrepreneurs.
How to Adopt the Extreme Productivity Mindset
Lots of people are successful at marketing, but very few become influencers. To really win big, commit to these four steps to develop extreme productivity.
1. Adopt a Long-Term Mindset
Growth hacking became popular because people love the idea of being able to get really fast results.
However, in practice, the best results often come with consistent execution over a long period of time.
While progress may seem slow or even non-existent at the beginning, keep in mind that results will not only grow, but also accelerate over time.
Psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus first presented the learning curve in 1885 showing that learning and results accelerate over time.
Even if you discover a way to grow quickly, develop the expectation that results may take longer than expected.
Having a long-term mindset is healthy if you want to achieve massive results.
2. Pick an Area to Focus on (And Ignore Everything Else)
Most really successful people are laser-focused on one or two things and are able to selectively ignore everything else.
It’s easy for people to get tempted by new and exciting marketing tactics when the techniques they are currently using seems slow and ineffective at the beginning.
However, staying focused is critical to achieving extreme success.
Pick a proven tactic that others have used before, commit to getting really good at it and don’t get distracted by “bright shiny objects.”
3. Develop a Step-By-Step System
Once you know what tactics to use, break everything down into a step-by-step system.
Systematizing your marketing will simplify the process for you so that you know exactly what to do each day and when to do it.
4. Execute Consistently
Aside from creating a system, also use a calendar and schedule each task so that you are executing consistently.
Set goals and timelines to reach those goals.
Evaluate your progress over time and reflect on how you can continue to improve.
Key Takeaway
For most people, influence doesn’t come easily or occur overnight. But with the right mindset, consistency, and focus, anyone can grow their influence.
More Marketing Career Resources:
Image Credits
Featured Image: Pixabay.com In-post Photo: Pixabay.com Screenshots taken by Brian Liang, June 2018
Source: http://tracking.feedpress.it/link/13962/9923160
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tortuga-aak · 7 years
The downfall of Kinect: Why Microsoft gave up on its most promising product
Joe Raedle / Getty Images
On Tuesday, Microsoft announced it had discontinued the Kinect sensor, a pioneering motion-sensing accessory line for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One that sold almost 30 million units in its lifetime.
The Kinect was a huge bet for Microsoft, but it didn't pay off — the technology wasn't quite reliable enough, the games weren't as good as they could be, and the novelty wore off.
The death of the Kinect has been a long time coming, with Microsoft removing the Kinect port from its most recent model of Xbox One consoles.
On Tuesday, Fast Company reported that Microsoft is killing the Kinect, the ahead-of-its-time motion sensor for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. Back in 2015, we took a deep look at the history of the Kinect and its downfall. The story below was originally published on September 8th, 2015, now updated to reflect current facts.
When the Kinect for Xbox 360 was first demonstrated in June 2009, it looked like the future of technology.
By tracking your body with an advanced infrared camera, sensors, and a microphone, the $150 Kinect accessory let you control games and media using just your body and voice.
But then, after Microsoft sold about 29 million of them for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, it just kind of faded away. 
Even Microsoft appears to have given up on it — the Xbox One originally required Kinect to function, but Microsoft dropped that requirement last year.
There are only a handful of Kinect games available for the Xbox One. And the current-model Xbox One S, and the forthcoming Xbox One X, no longer have the correct port to directly plug in a Kinect — you need an optional $40 adapter. 
What happened?
It looked like the future
The goal of Kinect was to broaden the Xbox 360 console's appeal beyond who you would typically think of as "gamers." Instead of playing games with intimidating and complicated controllers, you just had to move.
The Xbox 360 had been selling well since its 2005 introduction, but now needed something to set itself apart, as the Sony PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii were providing stiff competition.
The Kinect was intended to be a shot in the arm, extending the Xbox 360's appeal and providing a new platform for games and content that could take it into the future. Microsoft Corporate Vice President Shane Kim once claimed that the Kinect would mean that the Xbox 360 could stay on the market through 2015.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer even tellingly referred to the Kinect as a "new Xbox" in one presentation.
At first, everything looked like it was going according to plan.
The Kinect launched with tons of fanfare — and a $500 million marketing budget — November 4, 2010, with the tagline "You Are the Controller." Oprah Winfrey even gave away Xbox 360s and Kinects on an episode of her show.
You could either buy it separately for $150 or with an Xbox 360 in bundles starting at $299. The Xbox 360 interface itself was given a revamp to be more Kinect-friendly.
The press, especially the non-gaming mainstream media, ate it up and gave the Kinect glowing reviews. And within 60 days, Microsoft sold 8 million Kinects, earning it the Guinness World Record of "fastest-selling consumer device."
Developers started to line up to make games for the device, too, with 17 available at launch, including "Kinect Adventures," a Microsoft-made game that came packaged with the Kinect sensor.
Most of those games were panned by reviewers: "Critics are complaining about a lack of solid launch titles for the new control system; only 'Dance Central' seems to have anything to recommend it," said a Metacritic roundup of launch titles at the time.
But people realized it was new technology, and they were willing to give it time. Even when people noticed that you needed a lot of space to make good use of the Kinect sensor, nobody seemed to mind moving their furniture.
At least, not at first.
Problem #1: Not enough great games
A slow but steady trickle of Kinect games came out over the following months, but a lot of them fell into the "family entertainment" or "fitness trainer" veins, far from the core gamer demographic that made up most of the Xbox 360-owning audience.
Worse, a lot of the titles got poor reviews, alienating those many who bought an Xbox 360 just to play Kinect games.
Microsoft convinced a lot of larger publishers of marquee franchise games to integrate Kinect features into their gameplay, but they were largely gimmicky — I'll never forget the time my friend got a red card in "FIFA 15" soccer for the Xbox 360 because the Kinect's microphone caught him swearing.
We asked a former Xbox insider familiar with the development of the Kinect why it was so hard to find any good games that did cool things with the sensor.
The simple answer is that the best of the best developers simply weren't interested because they had invested so much in making their existing, lucrative, big-budget franchises work frighteningly well with a traditional controller.
"'Halo' doesn’t need Kinect — it has an incredibly precise and detailed control set, and further, can’t give a Kinect user an unfair advantage over non-Kinect owners," the former Xbox insider says.
In other words, even if top-tier developers thought it was cool, they weren't going to blow the time and budget to make it work with their existing games.
Plus, you didn't need a Kinect to play those games, so many players likely didn't even know there was any integration in those games at all.
At the same time, circa the early 2010s, those developers who were best suited to creating really new, innovative games for non-gaming crowds were starting to shift their efforts toward the iPhone and Android platforms, where there was cash and a rapidly growing audience to be found, the insider says.
Problem #2: "85% magic, 15% frustrating"
The Kinect also introduced voice commands and a gesture interface to the Xbox 360 itself. You could pause a movie with your voice, or log in to your account on the console by standing in front of the camera.
But as cool as that all sounded, the Kinect was still a new technology, and there were some glitches with those cool new interface tricks.
"It does do magic, but only 85% correctly. When you encounter the 15%, it’s frustrating," the former Xbox insider said.
Serious gamers care about precise movements, like landing a perfect Super Combo in "Street Fighter IV" or nailing a headshot in "Call of Duty." Similarly, if you have voice controls for a movie, it had better work the first time, or else you're just shouting "pause" at your TV over and over.
In both cases, it wasn't quite the totally accurate experience that people wanted.
"It’s essentially a less precise replacement for a lot of things which, once the novelty wears off, is not valued by the market. So it’s real value is for new experiences impossible before without it. There isn’t enough interest or investment in those," the ex-insider says.
Problem #3: It required a lot of space.
Worse, the longer people used Kinect, the more they found places and situations where it just fell short and didn't work as well as it should have.
In my apartment, playing a Kinect game requires moving furniture around to give the sensor the field of view that it needs to work well. It's a big problem for lots of gamers, since you need 6 to 10 feet between you and the sensor.
Try playing that in a dorm room or small apartment.
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon / NBC screenshot
"I'd be surprised if even 20% of rooms with Xboxes 'work well' for the really new/fun experiences," the former Xbox insider says.
Meanwhile, you can sit on a couch in a room of any size and play a more traditional video game.
A second push with the Xbox One
Despite these pros, Kinect adoption was fairly strong, at least partially because Microsoft was pushing it as part of those bundles with the wildly popular Xbox 360 console.
But not every Xbox 360 owner took the plunge: In January 2012, Microsoft announced that it had sold 18 million Kinects versus 66 million total Xbox 360 consoles.
A year after later, in February 2013, Microsoft Xbox community relations head Larry Hryb announced on Twitter that the company had sold 24 million Kinects for 76-million-plus Xbox 360 consoles, which suggests — but doesn't prove — that most of them were sold bundled with the console.
Microsoft / Xbox One via YouTube
Microsoft wasn't ready to give up on the Kinect just yet, though.
When the Xbox One was first introduced in November 2013, Microsoft made the shocking announcement that the new console would come with and require a new version of the Kinect sensor. That meant the Xbox One would cost $499 versus the competing Sony PlayStation 4's $399 price tag.
In exchange for the $100 premium over the competition, Microsoft promised that the new system would provide an unprecedented user experience, including immersive games and television shows that you could actually interact with. Plus, it shipped with Bing-powered search and the Internet Explorer browser preinstalled.
For Microsoft, it was all part of its long-time ambition to place a computer in the living room. With the Kinect, Microsoft thought it had made a user-friendly multimedia hub with a natural interface that anybody could use for both games and media.
The Xbox One's core gamer demographic hated the idea. When the Xbox One hit the market in November 2013, it was quickly outsold by the cheaper PlayStation 4 for months after its launch. At one point, the PlayStation 4 outsold the Xbox One at a factor of 3 to 1. That early lead means PlayStation 4 still dominates the Xbox One in sales.
Microsoft refused to relent and doubled down on its message that the Kinect was the future.
That message was undercut by the fact that the Xbox One only launched with one game that needed the Kinect: The incredibly, poorly reviewed "Fighter Within," with a 23% average on review aggregation site Metacritic.
Furthermore, the actual Kinect for Xbox One sensor itself turned out to only be a minor improvement on the first, with some new, but still gimmicky, integrations with the interface. For instance, you could take a screenshot in a game by asking the Kinect, nicely, to do so.
The final retreat
In April 2014, the flagship "Kinect Sports Rivals" came out for the Xbox One. Published by Microsoft, it was going to be a big, if belated, showcase for what the new Kinect could do. It was a big bet for the company, with a team of 150 working on the title.
Instead, it ended up wildly underselling, ultimately getting written off as a massive loss that led to layoffs at developer studio Rare, according to reports at the time.
In May 2014, Microsoft finally relented on its insistence on the Kinect sensor and announced that it would sell a version of the Xbox One console without it for $399 — recently marked down again to $349. You can still buy a Kinect bundled with the Xbox One system for $499 or by itself for $150.
The move has significantly helped Xbox One's sales, and the gap between it and the leading Sony PlayStation 4 is getting smaller by the quarter.
YouTube/The Podmeister
But it meant that the estimated 5 million Xbox One owners who had bought their console before the Kinect unbundling were stuck with an accessory they didn't necessarily want in the first place. Meanwhile, only a handful of games support Kinect for Xbox One at all, and of those only a few received decent reviews.
And with the novelty gone after the first generation of Kinect for Xbox 360, even the most optimistic Xbox fans were out of patience with the device.
"Microsoft has only itself to blame for Kinect's failure," said a headline on Microsoft news site Neowin in May 2014.
The gloves were off.
The article's author noted that no new big flagship games had been announced for the Kinect for Xbox One — not even from Microsoft itself. That remained true for the rest of the lifetime of the Kinect.
In addition, Microsoft actually closed the TV studio it had opened to provide interactive TV content with Kinect in October 2014. In 2016, with the release of the Xbox One S, Microsoft removed the built-in Kinect port, requiring users to use an external USB adapter.
In other words, it really seems like Kinect had been swept under a rug, even before the official discontinuation.
Not game over
There's an interesting coda here: The Kinect has found a strange second life outside gaming.
Its nifty motion-tracking tech has a ton of other applications. In 2010, Adafruit CEO Limor Fried released a set of unofficial drivers to make the Kinect for Xbox 360 work with Windows — which allegedly annoyed Microsoft at first, but they came around and released an official version down the line.
From there, artists and robotics hobbyists started working the Kinect into all kinds of projects, Fried tells Business Insider.
This bizarre "PomPom Mirror" art piece uses a Kinect to match your motion, for example:
Vimeo Embed: http://ift.tt/2h89rN4 Width: 500px Height: 281px
Elements of the Kinect made it into Windows itself: Windows Hello, the facial recognition system built into select Windows 10 PCs, uses similar infrared-tracking technology as the Kinect to work.
In short, with 23 million Kinects sold for the Xbox 360, and at least 5 million Xbox Ones sold that included the sensor, it's a little funny, and a little sad, that Microsoft couldn't make it work as the future of gaming.
But at least it's getting good use somewhere.
And when the Microsoft HoloLens, its futuristic wearable computer, comes out with a consumer version down the line, it's going to face a lot of the same problems with finding a niche. Notably, Kinect's product lead, Alex Kipman, is also responsible for the HoloLens.
But where Kinect led with gaming, Microsoft is being careful to reaffirm that the HoloLens has lots of commercial applications for business users, even as it shows off holographic "Minecraft" demos. 
Microsoft has become wary of trying to appease hardcore gamers alone, it seems.
NOW WATCH: The head of Xbox says this one product is 'critical' to the future of gaming
from Feedburner http://ift.tt/1O55nI6
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drewxmay · 8 years
I’m making a Contestshipping MasterPost but I decided to release this part of it early.
and now... the best contestshipping episode of them all!!! yell it loud and clear (even though your parents will think you are weird)
Link to episode can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbLuBt3YaKQ
whenever I say Why not I say it like a wynuat. This is the best episode.
Episode starts off with Ash yelling at a river. Wonderful. 0:06 Oh Pikachu too?
0:20 Best of luck to you on your contest May!
0:27 Hi Drew :D
0:37 hmm. Interested I see?
Masqurain Uses waves to complete his technique
1:27 Drew won 5 a while back! Remember when he had 3?
1:37 Well May will win the contest you two will battle for the 4th time!
1:42 Fancy words will only give May more determination to win... Drew knows this.
1:57 Okay so we have Mr.Perfect, Mr.Know-it-all, and Mr.Rose. Wonderful.
3:08 Ash saying the titles sometimes makes me laugh. "MAY WE HARLEY DREW'D YA!" Imagine him saying that. ya.
3:11 Narrator, she is working hard at her skill because Drew convinced her too in his own way.  ADVANCED SHIPPERS HE WAS NOT BEING MEAN AND THAT IS WHY SHE IS TRYING, SHE IS TRYING BECUASE DREW TOLD HER TO AND MADE HER WANT TO IN HIS OWN WAY.
3:23 Masquain flap your wings not your legs
3:26 Flirting!
3:35 Drew is teaching May some tactics :3
Also May has really improved! Character development and attack skills, and based off these episodes it was mainly because of Drew!
3:51 ... that was not somersault. Translations...
3:57 MAGICARP. this is just the best team rocket entrance. Ever. Just imagine a big magicarp jumped into the beach and said "MAGICARP"I laughed at this the first time I saw it~
4:06 :pulls up image of face swap:
4:19 Welp, it was a good run pikachu. Goodbye :)
4:22 :TAKES SCREENSHOT: Omg they are so scared for their pokemon
4:36 I love this pic... so much...
4:42 silly max! You pressed the hypo turbo engine switch! You should've known :P
4:56 they are now standing next to each other even though last time they were almost across the room, they walked next to each other and called their pokemon at the same time. This is what writers do when they foreshadow.
5:00 I dunno :Looks up I am going to on google: I am going to die. Jessie you are going to die!
5:15 and then you hear wabbafet
Hi team Rocket!
5:25 Imma look that on google... You are at my house.
5:29 No you are in my house
5:35 Thank you Wabaf- I mean James
5:40 but James was trying to cheer you up by being Wabbafet :P
5:49 Thank you Wabaf- I mean Meowth
5:54 Don't worry, their having fun Max.
6:08 People might say that Drew is being mean here and that Drew doesn't like May but this has a second meaning and May didn't get it (just like how she never noticed him flirting)
6:19 :Screenshots:
6:25 So ye ol' pirate likes eh story o' contest shipp'n?
6:30 :Looks up mirage: mi·rage məˈräZH/ noun noun: mirage; plural noun: mirages
   an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.
okay I get it now! The wynuat!!!
6:42 Leechy berry?
6:50 Teaching May about Leechy berries in his own way.
6:58 I find it amazing that May says she knows everything about them, proceeds to pronounce it wrong, and then Drew point that out. I didn't expect him to.
7:03 :Takes screenshot
7:19 ShuuHaru
I told you I love this episode AND WE AREN'T EVEN HALFWAY DONE MWA HA HA AH AHA HA
7:36 Swellow did you find contestshipping
7:43 Don't worry Max!
7:52 wynuat? Also while listening to this I heard Max say "Ya! They might've decided to-" finish this sentence please :3
8:21 Mudkip: points with fin
8:23 "You don't get out much do you..."  "Well you just don't know how to have fun!" -Contestshipping
8:33 you know what I want this man to be a chaperone at a school field trip.
8:48 in the time you were gone, James, Jessie and Meowth turned into wabaffets! :D
9:03 No james. did you hear it say Wabafett? No. It said wynuat.
9:08 at least Meowth knows!
9:12 let me tell ya' lads ye ol' story of how I got 'ere
9:58 People say Drew never gets exited.
10:20 HOLDING HANDS OMG LIFE SAVER SHIPPING BULBAPEDIA!!! One scene includes a closeup of May and Drew holding hands while falling down a cliff and into a river.
... I'm disappointed in you Bulbapedia
10:27 YOU CAN MAKE IT!!!
10:49 Bulbapedia: Then May sees that Drew has been knocked out from the impact of the waterfall, she becomes extremely concerned and tries to keep Drew's head above the water while telling him not to worry because she's got him. You missed something, when somebody passes out they stop holding their own weight, meaning that Drew is actually way heavier than if he were conscious, let's see an average 10 year old boy weighs about 90 pounds... May is carrying an almost 100 pound weight, above water, while also trying to keep herself over water
10:58 WYNUAT!!! HELP!!!
11:03 the mirage island.
11:24 Hopefully save with the wynuat!
11:46 You did as much as you could...
11:54: "Drew... are you okay? Say something please!" May said in a destressed tone of voice
12:02 omg I ship it so much Bulbapedia? how about you? After being pulled out of the river by the Wynaut, May is seen begging a still unconscious Drew to say something. When he finally wakes up, she is visibly relieved.
12:06 No May... you don't have to be so modest. If it weren't for you he would be dead. he would have drowned. May is too modest.
12:22 Wynuat is a light pokemon, so is there body an illusion? I saw somewhere a theory that their tails are the pokemon and their blue body is a shield... so the blue part is an illusion? "They travel in herds and at night sleep together in groups" all of the contestshippers are wynuats. We stick together.
12:30 Drew is happy :D
12:33 omg the wynuat are so nice!!! "Are these for us?" "Wynuat!" Omgggg I love them so much
12:39 I love Drew in this pic I dunno why
12:42 Your ship is strong.
12:48 yes. God I just wanna hug May and Drew. So. Flippin. Much.
12:54 aww poor team rocket
13:02 Why hello there
13:07 num num num num
13:12 Wanub nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:16 oh well hi there
13:19 nub nub nub nub nub nub nub
13:27 There right there
13:31 spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin
13:34 ye' ol' lad ta'ts t'a 'tory if I ever said i'
13:58 Imma not mention how his last statement was incorrect because this episode is so great.
14:04 You studied their shoes max?
14:08 actually Drew was unconscious so he didn't walk, and the wynuats were in the trees and picked up May and Drew. You are wrong guys.
14:23 wynuat join us?
14:30 Let's join the contestshipping celebration!
14:39 wynuat join us too Drew X3
14:47 Bulbapedia? Do you wanna say something? During the Wynauts' "party" shortly after, Drew is seen watching May intently.
Watching her intently ya say? He must be happy that she is having fun :D (btw he likes her)
14:53 After a long journey... we have finally found the thing we have been looking for: food. it has been many mins we have walks around this forest, searching and searching while following our mentorour, Wabaffet, but finally... nvm I'll stop.
14:58 James is great, so is jessie. Now have sour tastes :3
My shoulders heart from typing so I won't tag as much... :'(
15:29 Drew is still watching her have fun :3
15:33 wtf is that! D:
15:37 oh no!!!
15:40 Jessie you love romantic stories give them the berries
15:46 Dew: Oh no! The person who I helped grow as a trainer and saved my life is about to be taken away D:
15:47 unless y'know. You sell her as a slave.
15:55 The wynuat our us, the contestshippers, remember that. Also I love the episode and all, but I'm sick of the female being in danger, wynuat it be the male for once???
16:03 you wait for the wynuat of course :3
16:07 great job guys!!! Keep it up and we will help in the advencement of contestshipping!
16:27 you said sift her out at the end... why is she on a rope and you are still vacuming?
16:40 Shiiipppiiiinnnnnggggg
16:50 Aye re'ember 'is cave 'ike tha back o' me ol' 'and
17:13 remember kids, an Arbock turns into a Saviper!
17:23 Death by leaves
17:29 protect our ship!
17:50 ya but Drew didn't tell rosellia WHERE to shoot it, what do they talk telepathicly now?
17:57 Rip a rope with peatals. Sure I'll try that.
18:07 and then I remembered Advencedshipping and started to cry becuase even though this is the best contestsipping episode people are going to advanced ship becuase of this scene.
and then they beat team rocket :skips to after that:
19:52 Enjoy the rest of the contestshipping in this episode!
19:54 So Rodrick is actually older Pual. Cool.
20:23 And Drew got May to make pokeblock, in his own way :3
The end (that took me 4 hours to make wtf)
I prmise that once I am done editing the post it will have bold letters and screenshots :3
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