#I uh 8 ubd
Okay, it’s April and I am writing a blog post about March. I mean it is the usual thing for me to write every month. As for today I feel a bit meh-and-uh, but lets start shall we!
March 3,
So I spend my Friday going out with my mom, my brother and also my boyfriend. As we went to Gadong Properties Food Court, well it’s been a while. The last time I went here was with my boyfriend, and as for my mom hmm probably years. I tried Laksa Sarawak, expectation; spicy, reality; not, but it was okay.
March 5, 
I tried to do “Flatlays” because I have been admiring and following instagram accounts of flatlays related. It’s so nice and simple, yet hard to find the right angle, also lighting most importantly lighting! The background as well. I am a purple kind of girl or probably a bit of pink – okay a lot of pink sheesh. But what I need is a white background and tadaa! I really like it a lot! Tell me what do you think about the pictures!
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March 6,
It was cold rainy Monday, which is a good start! I am wearing my favourite sweater today! Not until I reach my class at the IBM knowing that there’s no air conditioner ON. And it was hot hot hot. My class starts at 7:30 AM, waited until 7:45 AM or something. Just got an announcement that our class cancelled. Ah I walk as fast as I could to go back to my car, going home, in my room, standing RIGHT in front of my air conditioner. #Life Took a nap before my next class which is at 4:30 PM. (DO YOU SEE THE GAP?) Had our presentation, it went well – kind of.
March 8,
A gloomy Wednesday, and it’s raining. Not good. Just because my E-business class is so damn cold, adding up with a rainy day? HP – 1000 FREEZING! but hey we got a guest lecture, which I thought that he or she would be a Bruneian lecturer, but actually he’s from Korea. To be honest I am excited to be taught by international lecturer, I mean besides than Bruneian lecturer. Don’t get me wrong, my lecturers are fine, my point is that THATS A FIRST! But I hardly understand what he is trying to say. He did apologised for it in front of the whole class due to his different accent-ish. Overall it was fun.
Bonus point:
Another month for both of us. As for this month we went to Cherry Cafe. My current favourite would be Laksa Sarawak. Not too spicy but I was expecting it to be SUPER spicy (again, me and spicy food). As for him, Buttermilk Chicken of course. Also, to celebrate we bought games! Corpse Party! The anime is ah-mayy-zinng! I’m a gore kind of girl – how meh? Hmm I should probably write about Top 5 all time favourite gore anime or something. Hmm probably.
March 15, 
We’re going on a trip! Well it’s not that far away. E-Business Class trip to iCenter. I have always been wanting to know what it is about, I know it’s business related. I NeeD MORE! I am amazed with the talk, the short tour and get to know local entrepreneurs, kind of get the idea of the programs as well. Looking forward to be here again. And I met both co-owners of BruVera! which I was going to have a mini talk session soon. Do visit their website as well! Support local you guys! Click here!
March 18, 
GUYS! Guess what! 100 + 100 = 200 followers! Thank you so much! I shall crei in Japanese language! My cat, too excited to receive the notification!
  March 26, 
Attending my cousin’s wedding! I’m not so sure with the family structure here – totally lost. I get to meet my grandparents, and grandparents’ siblings and other relatives that I do not know their names but they do know me.  Of course the “when you’re getting married?“, “are you next?” and all those questions. No offence of anything, I find it funny because it’s been a while. 
Photo of the day? YES Thanks to my sister for taking the photo. I had fun attending this event, and I do enjoy all of the traditional performance which I forgot to take pictures of it. Nevertheless (Ohh fancy word fancy!), I am happy to see a smile on my mother’s face, to have a good time or talk with my grandmother, as well as her sisters. I took photos of her and grandma, which of course I’m not going to post it here. The event was at UBD, so basically I’m going to school the whole week. hahaha #sobs at the end, why do I have to wear heels again. God that hurts. I used to be into heels, have lots of them, but as for now, sneakers please.
March 29, 
My mom decided to go out, with my boyfriend. WAIT, why does that sounds so wrong. hahaha, basically with me and also my siblings as well. We went for Steamboat and Grill, which I forgot the restaurant name thing. But we ate a lot! Like a lot! Thank you ma!
March 30, 
Potato Habit! New branch open up near to my University! also my village. So my boyfriend and I bought BBQ flavor and it taste like Maggie’s curry or something, taste familiar. Oh, this is my first time trying Potato Habit. The first branch is somewhere around Times Square.
I want to introduce Garfield! He’s my boyfriend’s cat, which I am going to take care now. So, in total I have thirteen kids! I have lots of black and gray cats, lets add Garfield in. Have to say, it is not easy to introduce Garfield with my other kids, which means Garfield have to stay in my room. You can guess what color Garfield is. And of course I will write a post about him soon enough!
March 31, 
We’re going on a trip! 2.0 Well for this one its ‘quite’ far away, kind of. To Kunyit7lodge!! Kem went to UBD for a talk, Entrepreneurship Lecture, one of my class. I was surprised to know that “There’s a homestay at Kampong Ayer?” I – Want – To – Go – There! THEN! My boyfriend have an interview session with Kem today! Have to be honest, I enjoy all the history about the place, about Brunei Darussalam and more, totally love her place! I can’t stop staring outside, I mean LOOK AT THE VIEW!
Here is Kem’s Instagram. Please do check her Page out, also if you are interested to visit simply yes click that Follow button! It would be great for you to get to know about Kampong Ayer with her.
Some pictures I took, hm when was the last time I use my camera. . #Help
Reminder: Yumie, please fully charge your camera.
I really do want to explore more and listen to her stories, and of course take picture of everything. Hopefully soon!
After that, we went for an early dinner.
It wasn’t much but I am trying to highlight important events for this month. So how was your March? Tell me tell me! Best of April is coming! Here’s a hint, assignment and examination season. Pray for me!
Click Here to my Instagram page!
Best of March Okay, it's April and I am writing a blog post about March. I mean it is the usual thing for me to write every month.
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