#I usually don't like drawing leather jackets because of the shading but I was really in the mood today
raphodraws · 6 months
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Sometimes you just gotta sit down and get lost in the details
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average-joseph · 2 years
What are the poets hobbies?
The movie tells us about their passions and aspirations but we don't really know what they like to do in their free time. (This is a modern au mind you).
Neil. - This man loves trampoline parks and rock walls. He's tall and lanky so that makes climbing easier for him, and trampoline parks let him bounce until he gets his energy out. He's even learned how to do backflips. He also loves making smoothies because I said so.
Todd. - Todd can play the piano really well. That's just a fact. But I also think he would love being outside. It's just very peaceful for him. He goes for long bike rides and he likes archery. He sits outside and does nothing for hours on some days. I think he has a little notebook where he writes about all of the animals and plants he saw outside that day. Yes he is sunburnt all the time. Yes he collects pine cones.
Knox. - This guy likes water. Some days I wonder if he's secretly a fish. Seriously though he's amazing at swimming. He's still distraught that Welton doesn't have a swim team.
Cameron. - He likes drawing. It's easy for him to visualize images in his head, so he's great at sketching anything he sees. He hates doing faces because people don't like how realistic he is. He prefers to do simple things like a car driving down his street or cityscapes. He doodles on his homework sometimes but it's just geometric shapes. "Wow you can draw?" "Yea look at this really cool cube I made yesterday."
Charlie. - He. Does. Everything. Name an activity and he probably tried his hand in it. After a week he usually gives up whatever it is. He's the type of guy to watch a movie and copy a character for a while. When Top Gun came out you know he bought aviator shades and a leather jacket. He also likes skipping rocks.
Meeks. - He's a computer guy. He likes video games like minecraft because he can make whatever weird stuff he wants. He's good at coding for websites. He's probably a mod for 8 differant discord servers as well.
Pitts. - He loves movies. He loves movies so much but not in the usual way. It's always "Wow do you guys see that camera angle? This was a never been done angle when this came out and it changed the film industry. That lighting is so great because it has so much .shadowing to the end of the movie." "Pitts just let us watch the movie." You mention any movie casually and he provides 8 different behind the scenes facts and every detail that inspired the writer into making the script. Nobody lets him come with them to theatres anymore.
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nintendont2502 · 2 years
Got tagged in this by @laivanfurroo !
Hot or cold shower - hot all the way. I refuse to step foot into a cold shower (in the middle of summer ill occasionally (very reluctantly) have a cold shower but it just doesn't feel the same. Can you really call it a shower if the walls aren't steaming up to draw on?)
Texting or calling - texting texting texting 100%. I *hate* talking out loud, and I'm also just. Incredibly bad at forming my thoughts into coherent words and then getting those words out semi-coherently so it's a lot easier to text. Plus when I'm texting I can do my. Fucked up punctuation,,, or Capitalise Important Words, or do this B3c 0-0 (and also I can add in extra random thoughts/tangents in text)
Earbuds or headphones - I got a pair of noise cancelling headphones for my birthday and I feel wrong not having them around my neck at all times. Earbuds just hurt my ears and usually fall out anyway (plus with headphones you can block out other sounds/people)
Paperback or hardcover - honestly I'm not sure if I have a preference? Most of my physical books are Paperback since they're cheaper, and they are a lot easier to carry around, but I love how important a hardcover feels. I'd say Paperback for regular books and hardcover for important books (but I read most of my books digitally anyway lmaoo)
Matte or gel - uh. Yes
Twelve hour or twenty four hour clock - another thing I don't really have an opinion on. Leaning towards twenty four hour just because the amount of times I've woken up at 2 am and panicked thinking it was 2 *pm*, and then panic even more because I can't figure out how to tell if it's am or pm on my phones clock is. Embarrassing, and twenty four hour time fixes that
Sci fi or horror - I love horror but only very specific *types* of horror (mainly psychological horror), but I love almost all Sci fi (even if it's mediocre. *especially* if it's mediocre)
Blue or green - hmm this is a tough one. I love so many shades of blue (mainly dark and desaturated blues) but GOD do I love dark/forest green. Gotta lean towards blue just because on average I'm more likely to like any given shade of blue, while I'm more picky with greens
Sunsets or sunrises - Sunsets all the way. Not just because if I'm seeing a sunrise I'm up *WAY* too early, but I also just love the feeling of sitting and watching the sunset, and then seeing the stars come out. (Plus where I live has ridiculously good aunsets I need to get some photos)
Tulips or orchids - I've literally never seen either of these before but after looking them up I *guess* Tulips? Kangaroo paws are still better though
Candlelight or moonlight - I love being outside at night with only the moonlight, it's so calming
Pen or pencil - 90 percent of the time my pencils are dulled down so I definitely prefer the constantly sharp tips of pens - also half the time I can't see my own writing in pencil but I always can in pen. Pens that smudge when you write can die by my blade though
Pandas or koalas - Pandas are overrated. I may be biased though
Gold or silver - gold is obnoxiously bright + hard to use right.
Sneakers or boots - i love my boots but also they destroy my feet every time I wear them. Sneakers are less cool but more comfortable + practical
Denim or leather jacket - Denim beloved. I hate the feel of leather jackets
Pink or purple - why he ourple
Chocolate or sour candy - sour gummy worms are literally the greatest things on earth
Drive in cinema or the theatre - drive in cinemas are cool but I love the experience of watching movies (especially horror movies) on a huge screen with a crowd of other people
Deodorant or perfume - this may be the Transgenderism(tm) speaking but I've never liked perfume. Give me the lynx xbox bodyspray any day
Pastel blue or earth tones - unless the pastel blue is desaturated/grey toned I just. Don't really like it on its own. Earth tones WITH pastel blue though
Lemonade or fruit juice - most fruit juice is way too sweet. At least lemonade isn't pretending to be helpful. (Depends on what you consider lemonade though. Lift/Solo? Fucking love em. Generic lemonade/Sprite? Eh.)
Past or future - god this one made me think for way too long. On one hand, at least you know what you're getting with the past? Like the future has greater potential for good things to happen, but also greater potential for terrible things to happen, and the concept of the unknown terrifies me. But on the other hand i don't want to just do the same thing for the rest of my life. At least the future is new, even if it's terrifying?
Tagging @iknaenmal @gillbuoy and @ominous-babe though if anyone else wants to do it feel free! (Also if I tagged you you dont have to do it!)
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crunchykiwibby · 4 years
Core Four
Hi! After days of my antics i had decided to show my drawings for my redrawn Descendants next to outfit clarification/ idea for my fanfiction (+ analysis because I love fashion analysis! I watched one episode of the topic and I'm hooked now-) also sorry about the poor camera quality I'll digitalize it soon 😭
So here's them all together:
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So what they have in common is the use of patterns and somewhat baggy(ish?) clothing whether it's from the top, ( Carlos, Evie) or by the pants ( Jay, Mal). The next use is pictures or patterns which is pretty predominant in Mal's side of town ( The inner city/ a good most of the Isle except anywhere near the coast. Which is known to be Uma's side of town.) 9 times out of 10 you would see a lot of painted clothes with patterns or designs, pieces of leather or cloth in clothing that can form a pattern or pictures. It is very popular on the Isle to wear gloves, bandages, and something you can at least move in because sometimes certain areas get congested and you might have to jump from a building time to time, run away from a troll, or fight. Also it's good to wear clothes that hide stuff you stole or hide weapons compared to Uma's side of town where you kinda just casually have a dagger or sword out. The inner city fashion is a mix of military, grunge, and goth depending on where you are. And it also reflects in the fanfiction in their Auradon fashion which I'll describe later. Their outfits together all clash but it's unified in one shape or pattern which also presents their friendship.
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So Mal doesn't have fear as she usually doesn't worry about being randomly shanked out of nowhere. Seen here I kept her purple/ green aesthetic but I used a very minium of pink which was her top which was magenta. Her outfit is quite girly tomboyish. Her top is a repurposed binder that she cloth dyed and painted green flames on. I did this changes because she's more of the rambunctious one in the group next to Jay so her clothes are fitted in the purposes of movement next to the fact of her always stealing and running away which I felt that the leather jacket limited her upper body in her og design, I do love the leather don't get me wrong! But it's more practical in fall/winter (assuming that it's pretty tight) than spring and summer which is when my fanfiction takes place. However the use of leather is shown in her pants as the her pockets is dyed leather. Her hair is more blunt like cut and a deeper purple more toward her hair in D3 (Which was the color I like the most) but it's not a long asymmetrical bob it's just a blunt cut bob and she keeps it that way for a while. She aims for that casual militant fashion a lot, as some of her outfits won't look like what is the one above since she's not jumping place to place in Auradon would lean towards edgy and militant for a while until Coronation and later in the series where it leans more like EGIRL/Prep as her hair gets longer and is just plain black and cut again so she would wear a baggy clothes with combat boots in darker shades of purple and green while some of her shoes consist of designs of her own graffiti in the earlier parts and eases slowly into more to skinny jeans and a shirt that's stuck in with some canvas shoes. You notice how her outfits would present a very dominant leader energy because her outfits would stand out a lot when she stands with the group. Reflecting her always in control and assertive role as leader in the group. Whether in maybe the graphics on her shirt or the pattern until later where her and the core four all equally stand out in their own ways but not clash with one another and she's not trying to outshine any of them. So her style choices in the beginning reflects how she sees herself more of a pawn to her mother and more of someone was placed in charge due to her mother's orders which makes her prone to have a harder time shifting from that mindset in the beginning.
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Her outfit is very male gaze oriented, intentionally as presented on how she was raised so how she dresses is out of place for normal people on the Isle that live more in the inner city as she dresses more for fashionable and what the Isle consider Auradon like. However don't get it twisted because her outfit is quite practical than one thinks. Her outfit is a dress with attached shorts that is hard to see due to her dress because she dresses in a way for the male gaze. Her sleeves are utilized in a way that she can keep weapons. Any weapon. Same applies to her dress skirt the cut is makes her capable of sneaking in a knife or something same rules don't apply to her purse as it just keeps makeup and a mirror in hand for quick access. Her dress is pretty tight at the waist as her mother always say "tinier the waist the better" and the closest thing of love she got from her mom is that she complimented her waist so her outfits then on compliment her waistline. Her colors are still blue and red as her mother thinks that what works because Snow White but later on she will have mementos of her mother's colors of red, black, purple, greens, and gold albeit jewelry or clothing pieces. Her shoes aren't made for any parkour. Most of her shoes are heels. Mother says a girl in heels fluctuate the legs. Her hair is in the braid as it makes her face pop out more, it represents also the strict beauty guidelines she follows due to her mother's influence so her hair will always be up and tight until later on she starts wearing it loser to present how confident she is in her skin. Her hair leans towards a black blue color it's has a blue shine if you see it in the sun which has a slight color reference to her D1 hair mixed with D3. As a result her Auradon fashion can be formed with ease as it's a easier transition since she dresses like that before going to Auradon so her outfits would be very reflective of what's popular in Auradon without the prep, so she would wear dresses but they would be in darker colors and have a few spikes. Of if she was wearing a skirt it would be a synthetic leather. Her fashion is edgy prep until later in the series where it's still edgy but has a color tune up a bit. Her outfits will very much reflecting of fitting in Auradon as much as possible and try to appeal to the male gaze in Auradon as she would try to look more modest and muted compared to everyone in the group until later on she's comfortable of being herself as she dresses more for herself and wears what's fashionable and what makes her comfortable than what her mother thinks. Her outfit choices reflects more of her needing to be approved by others which makes her have a wavering confidence in what she wears forming into her wearing clothes she would never be caught dead wearing but has to so she gets her mother's and other's approval until she realizes that she lives for her not anyone else.
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This dude knows he's a little shit. So he dresses like one. His is simple and it reflects that he needs to have places to store a box cutter and a cheap necklace. He's all about practicality. He hates and I mean HATES anything that prevents him from moving in absolute precision. There is no leather on him besides his pants which are similar to Mal's with the leather accents. Now his hair is long and just up until later he wears is down often and is just styled. So his Auradon outfits will reflect Mal in some form, it's different because it leans towards athlesiure, jock, and skater in many different ways until later he leans towards athlesiure and jock with a sprinkle of skeeter fashion with brighter colors and more simplicity so not a lot of patterns or graphics. His earlier outfits will always be outshined by Mal. No matter how similar it can be it will always be outshined by Mal. His outfit choices shows how he just goes along with Mal because that's who he knew the longest next to the fact that he doesn't crave the same need for power and leadership as Mal does he just in it for the loot and his mindset isn't about teamwork it's just what works for enough for him to get his share until he notices that he gets and works enough to get his share but...he isn't noticed that also made sure everyone get theirs, just somewhat ran over just because everyone assumes he doesn't care when he does or take it for themselves so they get brighter and become separate and drastically different from Mal making him shine.
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His outfits are practical yet fashionable like Evie's but simple. He wears anything that makes him blend in blend in. He blends in so hard that Evie stands out more than him. His clothes are very two sided like his mom's hair but he only literally have one outfit since being on the Isle and what was in his bag of stuff when he went to Auradon was like a few inventions and games and some pictures and his oversized jacket and finally getting new clothes given by Evie and some new friends he makes as seen worn here because he doesn't really go out. His hair remains the same and just gradually gets longer and he can place it in a ponytail. Which if posted on his friend's stories just looks like a maltese ponytail. His Auradon outfits are simple and blends in more better in Auradon than Evie's. He mostly wear button up shirts with some pants or sweater. He just is scared and a lot of his clothes represent security in the beginning so some of clothes would be bagger than others until later he becomes more secure and wears clothes that reflects his newfound happiness and security which is more fashionable and what's popular with Auradonian boys while being himself. As with such with the two-sided clothing from before it also presents what his personality is like really in real life, and his oversized jacket is washed its a pure white jacket. He's witty and comical and iconic while also being anxious and terrified. So his outfit choices reflects him coming out of his shell show what more of him meets the eye making him be the iconic king he is.
I hope that this analysis makes sense 😭 please let me know if it doesn't! Also i would like to hear some suggestions because ironically fashion is also not my strong suit and I'm worried that I made them too ooc but know disney i probably wasn't far off smh-
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