#I want the entire process of Lance going from one of the most emotionally stable and happy go lucky characters to hurt and vengeful
Saw someone talk about how Tim Stoker is Lance McClain coded and this further proves my agenda that Lance deserved a revenge obsessed arc
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What Do You Want From Me? Ch 16
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Lance Tucker x Reader
Words: 1998
Warnings: Language
A/N: Lance gets with the program, but is it too late? Enjoy!
Lance watched as her car drove away down the driveway and make its way onto the main road. For some reason he was cemented to that spot; feet deciding not to move.
“Well, that shit show is finally over…shall we get back to us?”
 He heard the voice behind him say with a little too much confidence than necessary. She reached out and places her hand on his shoulder in a seductive touch, and he was immediately thrown back into the reality of what just transpired at his home.  
Lance turned around and met his PA’s eyes with an almost threatening look. “Remove your hand from me now!” Lance demands through clenched teeth.
The woman looks at him shocked at his response to her touch, but does as requested, “Lance? Did I do something wrong?”
Lance walks into the house, bypassing the woman, leaving her standing at the door. She begins to follow him, but the former playboy is not stupid and is having none of it.
“Don't take another step!” He yells at her, walking around the house collecting her things she has scattered around like she owns the place.
“I-I don't understand? Wh-what did I do?” The woman has panic written all over her face and Lance has no fucks left to give.
“I can't believe I listened to you!” Lance grabs her keys and looks for the ones to his house. “How could I have let you inside my head? Fuck!” He's fumbling as he locates the keys and removes them from her key ring.
“Listen to me?! Lance, you can't possibly think any of this is ok?! You're just going to stand here, excusing what she did?!”
The man stops and looks at her like she's just grown two heads. She's obviously still trying to portray him as the victim to gain favor. God, he can't believe how close he was to fucking her!
“Yeah… I am!”  
“B-but, she's nothing but a lying little whore!”
Lance stops dead in his tracks about a foot away from her and deadpans, “says the woman that just had my dick in her mouth! How'd that taste?!”
Her mouth drops wide open and she's shocked at his words.
“Oh, I see you've perfected how to open your mouth. Careful…wouldn't want everyone to get the impression you're a thirsty little slut that loves cock. What was it you said ‘oh Lance, I love to suck cock! I'll make you forget all about her!’ News flash…even Hope Gregory sucks dick better than you!”  
Lance places her things in her arms and ushers her out the door.
“You're fired!”
He's about to shut the door in her horrified looking face but has to make sure she knows who she's fucking with, “Oh, if you get any ideas about lawyering up...I had cameras installed before you even started working here. Every moment, every sound, every fuck you, has been recorded and downloaded. Think anyone will believe I forced myself on you? And I burned my sheets, by the way! I can't believe you fingered yourself on my bed! Didn't know I could make a girl cum without even being in the house! Should probably get you vag checked, they smelled like the fish ladder. Nobody like a dirty snatch!” And with that he slams the door, leaving his former PA standing on his doorstep stunned and devastated.
What the fuck has he done? He can't even begin to grasp how fucked he really is. Not only did he let that woman prey on his emotional state, which ended up in a lousy blow job and he didn't even come, she also somehow got into his head that he needed to go after Y/N for lying to him.
Now, he can admit part of him was upset for that. She should have told him right away, so they could deal with the pregnancy and how to go forward as parents and maybe even a couple. Jase wouldn't have been an issue, and Claire…Claire! How could he forget about her!  
“Fuck!” He yells out into his house. He just fed into Claire’s plan! Jase was right; he and Claire deserve each other. He’s always acting without thinking, and damn anyone that gets hurt in the process. “Shit!”
Speaking of hurt, Y/N was hurt! His mind was now moving on and racing at a hundred miles an hour.
The woman he loved stood on his doorstep, hurt by his words and she yelled at him. In doing so, something was happening with the babies, his babies, and now he felt like the biggest jackass in the world. Lance Tucker, former God of Gymnastics, shall now be known as the King of the Asshats! He may have to have that engraved on his tombstone.  
Grabbing his phone, he had to find her...make sure they were ok. He called her cellphone first, but it went straight to voicemail. That was expected. Y/N probably deleted his number or plans to anyway. She'll never want to speak to him again.
Maybe he could call the hospitals. Jase said he was going to take her there, but which one? Calling would do no good; privacy laws. What if he went to each one? He could do that, beg them, tell him he was a distraught father looking for his pregnant fiancé, they might take pity on him. It's worth a shot.
Two hours later he was standing in the waiting room of the labor and delivery unit. It was late and the young girl at the desk took pity on him and let him know what floor Y/N was on. Even though he knew he wasn't welcome, he had to come. He owed it to her and his babies. If anything, he just needed to know they were alright.  
A nurse came out and greeted him after he had explained he was the father and he just needed to know they were ok.
“I can't give you any information, but...if you promise not to upset her, I'll give you five minutes. I just came from there and she’s awake. She sent her fiancé home to sleep.” 
Lance nodded in understanding, “her boyfriend’s an attorney. Probably has a big case he's working on; and I promise...I won't upset her.”
The nurse gives him a reluctant smile and leads him through the halls to Y/N’s room. Lance passes the nurses station but doesn't look at any of the ladies staring at him. He feels as though he's doing the walk of shame, all eyes on him, and he can't look at them. He's had enough looks of disappointment and disgust this evening to last his entire life…he can't handle any more.  
“Ms. Y/L/N. You have a visitor?”
Lance walks in with the nurse and sees your eyes are almost closed. “I thought I told you to go ho-oh hell no!”
“I told him five minutes, but I can make him leave?” It was more of a question than a statement.
Lance swallow and looks at Y/N, face full of regret. “I promise, five minutes.”
Y/N nods to the nurse but is still seething with anger.
“Good luck?” She says as she walks out, shutting the door behind her.
Lance moves himself closer to the bed, never taking his eyes off the woman he still loves and sits in the chair next to her bed. “I'm sorry.”
Her eyes never soften at his words. “Wow! It only took you a minute. So glad you got that out because I was not prepared to sit here and listen to your bull shit for five agonizingly long minutes. Thanks for stopping…buh bye!” Nope, she's still angry.
Lance let's out a sigh and puts his face in hands. “Ugh, I fucked up!”
It comes out muffled, but he knows she heard it. He peeks out at her through his fingers, trying to hide his eyes like a child caught stealing a cookie before dinner. Y/N doesn't respond sitting there stone faced. The monitors she's hooked up to don't change, beeping staying the same. He knows he's lost her, there's no coming back from it this time.
“Seems to be a common conversation we have. I'm sorry. I fucked up. Your emotions seem to be a driving force for you. If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were emotionally unstable.”
How she manages to stay calm is beyond him. He's been on the receiving end of one of her verbal lashings, trying to put him in place. This is very uncharacteristic for her.
“Clearly, you're a horrible judge of character, and you’re quite the man whore. Guess it was only a matter of time before you fell back into old behaviors.”
Lance’s mouth opens to counter but she's too quick, and she raises her hand at him. “I've been around you too long to know when a woman's gotten her way with you.”  
Y/N shakes her head and takes in a deep breath, “I thought you changed, but I was so wrong, and you know what? That's ok! I feel that with all your horrible life choices you continue to make, your way of life is just not conducive to a stable environment for the children. So tomorrow I'll be calling my lawyer and I'll counter your suit. The twins shouldn't be subjugated to the whorish ways of their biological father.” Her face void of all emotions. Lance nearly breaks at the sight. 
This was all his doing. How could he be such a fucking idiot? She was his world...his life! Lance wanted those twins to be his, wanted her to be his so they could be a family. He was nearly there until he went back to his house and let the she devil talk him out of everything he wanted. She made him believe Y/N was just toying with him, playing with his emotions. Why he was he so quick to believe it, he'll never know, but it cost him the most important things in his life. At this point he can only pray Y/N would have a change of heart and help him become the man that he lost only a few hours ago.
“Your time’s up. You need to go, and I need sleep.” Her face was still solemn, and her tone was dry.
Lance gets up from the chair and makes his way to the door.
“Lance…,” she says flatly, “I'll be marrying Jase in a couple of days. Whatever Claire's reasoning, she's almost completed her goal. You single handedly threw me in his arms. Hope she was worth it.”
Y/N turns her head away from the door and tries to get comfortable. There's nothing he can do but watch. Lance Tucker has just officially lost the love of his life.
Opening the door, he walks out of her room hearing nothing but the monitors beep behind him as he closes the door. He moves over to the wall, throwing his back up against it and begins to bang his head.
Lance had a single moment of weakness, and it cost him the woman he loves and the children he’s grown to love. She'll never let him come near her and knows for certain, Y/N won't let him be anywhere near where she delivers the twins. ‘Lance Tucker is incapable of love and I hope you die alone!’ her words filled his head. He’d lost and there wasn't anything he could do now, right. Or was there?
Leaving the hospital, he pulled out his phone and called the one person he despised the most.
Claire answers on the second ring like she was expecting his call. “Hello Lance…bout time you called.” She sounds so self-assured.
He has no interest in small talk. He only needs to say the words and be done.
“You want me, bitch?! Come get me!” he didn't even wait for a response. He hung up the phone and walked to his car. Game on bitch.
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Another update on an earlier post
Also spoilers for Voltron Season 8, because I know not everyone will be finished by now
I’ve realised, after having a few days to process Season 8, that half the stuff I said I dislike, I either don’t actually dislike or I really do like..
I realised I was just being a little bitch and over reacting about the stuff I was surprised about that I didn’t want to happen in that exact moment
Lance with the Altean markings for instance. He’s actually so adorable with them and I’ve realised that having them doesn’t change him in anyway, they’re there because Allura gave him them, to remind him, and everyone else, that she will always be with them. That no matter what happens, she will always be watching over them, protecting them, cheering them on and being happy for them.
Another example, Lance becoming a farmer. Even if he said that he always wanted to become a fighter pilot, he chose to be a farmer and surround himself with the things he loves. He chose this because he had his time as a fighter pilot, four years of protecting the entire universe, never having a break that lasted more then a few days. Over that four years, he could have come to the relaisation that everything could change in a second. He could have realised that within a second, everything he loves could be taken from him. If he did realise this, it would made him want to surround himself with the things he loved for as long as he could, because the one thing he loved the most in the whole universe, was taken away from him because of someone else’s actions. That was Allura.
That brings me to my next point, Allurance. I love Allurance so, so much. Although I do think it was a bit rushed because it was as if Allura went from not liking him romantically at all, to actually going on a date with him within a second. Anyway, I do admit I wasn’t lying when I said I was kinda yelling at my screen telling Lance to get back to his one and only lover. My best friend can confirm, but that’s only because I do ship Klance more then all the other ships. I was very unhappy at first with Allurance because I desperately wanted Klance to happen, but I accepted that if it was Allura Lance was happy with, then I can suck it up and love Allurance.
Allura’s whole saving the universe scene (I really don’t wanna call it her death scene), I cried, I cried so much because she deserved so much better then that. Even thought I think that, the only part of that scene I would change is that fact she didn’t get to say a proper goodbye to Coran. The one she’s known her whole life, the one she had the closest and strongest bond with, her space uncle and they didn’t even get a proper goodbye. That fact just crushes my soul into pieces every single time I think about it.
Ok, the ending, I said I wasn’t sure how to feel about that, but, again, having had time to process it, I’ve come to realise that I wouldn’t have had Voltron end any other way. Them seeing off their lions when their lions know that the universe is safe for now, it was one of the most beautiful moments in the whole series. And Allura shape in the sky and stars, it just backs up my point about her always watching over them.
Also about feeling let down because the trailer made it seem so much better then it was, I’m going to say it again, I was just being a little bitch and over reacting about that. I realised, even if I do think they did rush it the smallest bit, the cast and crew and just humans too. They can preform miracles when it comes to making a TV series. But I will also say that, I personally think, that if they stretched all Season 8s content into two seasons instead of cramming into one, the majority of the fandom wouldn’t have hated it so much. I won’t deny that a lot of the people hate it because Klance wasn’t a thing, or because Allurance crashed and burned, or even because Shiro married someone that wasn’t Adam, which I personally loved that he did get his happy ending, even if the writers only did that to say sorry for Adams death (I’m not sure how to feel about that topic, but a lot of people seem to be angry at Shiro getting married because of this), but even if one of the seasons had 13 episodes and one had 5 or something, I think the fandom would have liked it better.
But out of all the things I did say I didn’t like, I will stand by my opinion of Voltron and the Atlas combining. I really didn’t like it, because, as I said, I feel as if it just taints the whole Voltron image and legacy of Voltron being the most powerful weapon in the universe.
And I will stand by all the things I said I liked/loved about the Season, and my opinion on this Season changed a lot after a processed it because I wasn’t in an emotionally stable place then. But even now I wanna cry just thinking about the season.
Also I don’t want this to seem like an apology for saying those things, because like I said, I wasn’t in an emotionally stable place when I wrote the other post because I was upset about some parts of the season, happy about other parts, and angry at myself for expecting so much from the writers because of the trailer, and trailers aren’t always to be trusted I guess.
Oof this turned into something lot bigger then I expected.
And yea, I did realised this post seemed to be mostly based around Lance at first.
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