#I wanted it to look like those 80’s movie posters but idk i feel like something is missing from it
pseudohoney · 2 years
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started reading the mirage comics and had the idea to redraw april from the volume 1 cover
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t4t-lumpygrab · 3 years
Some thoughts I’ve had about lemongrab 2 in terms of defining them a bit more as a character so they’re not just a punching bag: 
-So I’m constantly thinking of the rock bandits video game where lg2 wants to join their brother’s punk band. So yes. lg2 is a rockstar to me. I like to think lg2 played bass guitar as a more supportive role that fits with their personality, and also idk, Marceline fan I think. Lg2′s favourite music is riot grrl punk I just think the themes of autonomy and the denial of autonomy and anger against injustice and gendered violence and abuse would really resonate with them bc of their experiences. They had a pretty extensive CD and tape collection and would listen to Bikini Kill and Mommy long legs in their room and try to play along. Also they would do little concerts for the lemon people and try to teach them to play instruments too. Like we see that Lemongrab 2 was supportive of lemonhope so I think they would have played music with him.
-lg2 can also play the harp and piano. But Obviously had to hide this. 
-Fashion wise Lg2 really liked to wear punky clothing and do weird makeup and dressed quite gnc. I view the white outfit as more of a uniform they have to wear or are expected to wear, but it’s not quite a representation of how they actually feel and express themselves. 
-Also Lg2 had their own room and would like... put band posters up and stuff. Also photographs taken of them and the lemon people, like imagine a tacky teenagers’ bedroom (I say as if my room doesn’t look EXACTLY like this). 
-Lemongrab 2 looooved horse riding and loved their pegasus! I think it would be cool if they entered like... competitions and stuff occassionally so they have a few trophies. Also they loved anything that had horses in it. Like those trashy horse girl movies... cowboy stuff... my little pony... loved it. Definitely had a mlp toy collection and I mean a proper extensive collection like they had toys from the 80s and stuff. Absolute horse fanatic. 
-I think lemongrab 2 should have had some friends at least. They had some cloud people friends in the cloud kingdom that they would go visit and hang out with by flying up on the pegasus. They’d go to like... cloud parties and things and come home slightly drunk and try to hide it from people because they were embarrassed. 
-Nonbinary. No biney. I think lg2 was pretty much fine with all pronouns but was uncomfortable with being read solely as a man, like the whole being made as an exact copy of their brother and expected to have the same gender and expression as him was an absolute dysphoric nightmare and they never really had a chance to explore themselves outside of that. I think lg2 like.... suspected something was up with them gender wise and then realised they were trans halfway through their lifetime but couldn’t ever come out to anyone because they were already being treated so terribly and didn’t want to show any vulnerability or risk the abuse getting worse. 
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nvzblgrrl · 4 years
Part 1 Heyo man, I'm absolutely ecstatic that you have this whole One Piece Big Fic project in the works. I'm honestly p paranoid about interacting with words, but your works have been something I've continuously enjoyed going back to and rereading over all these years. And while you've grown and your earlier stuff feels cringe, there's a charm that Witt and Witticism and all of your earlier works have that is longlasting. And I, and apparently others, can't help but love.
Part 2 I've probably reread your fics a good thousand times by now. Like seriously I've got a good bunch of the fics you posted on AO3 saved as PDFs for my own personal reading when I feel the urge. Namely Luck of The Draw, Ultimate Symbiote, and a portion of your Chain Adventures. I've been here quietly reading for a long time and I'm gonna make sure to properly give feedback this time. Good luck in your absolutely bonkers endeavor!
Yeah, absolute mood on the ‘cringe’ part. I think the only excuse I can make for the really early stuff is that -
(this is gonna get loooong and reference child abuse + the 2000′s-2010′s meme culture, so pre-emptive apologies)
1. I had a really messed up upbringing. Not as bad as some people’s situations but still on the deeper end of bad by the ‘White American’ standard and still (albeit barely) within the bounds of Funny Sitcom Abuse Antics (at least for mid-2000′s and older stuff) most of the time. Most of it was neglect and social isolation - I pretty much left the property to go to school, church, and to visit relatives because of court-mandated visitation, the last of which probably kept me from going insane, and that was it aside from events where my dad needed an accessory to compliment his public mask - but there were some other shit mixed in that relied on the Trunchbull Rule (it has to sound too weird to be real so nobody believes it/takes it seriously) to happen.
So besides like, the PTSD from that (which has a habit of bleeding into all of my works, which you’ve probably noticed by now, lmao), I had like, zero experience on healthy relationships, social skills (well outside of a few variations on ‘messed up friendships’ and what I picked up from books, movies, and TV), and basic life skills outside of stuff like ‘boil water and follow the box directions’).
2. I got into the internet really late compared to my generation and everyone after. This was mostly because we had literally no semi-reliable internet access until I was about 11-13 and that was either the school internet or the dial-up at home (which of course was time-limited with the time shared with my brother and done on the family computer with observation in effect). Most of that was spent on like flash games or webcomics, many of which I have tried to reread only to find them gouging my soul because god what the hell was happening in 2007 - wait. Yeah.
It got better by the time we hit high school because by then we had our own computers (not scanners though, I had to pass art and passwords over to a friend of mine to get them on the internet for a couple years before we got one at home), a better internet connection, and high levels of parental disengagement as we proved to be disappointments despite our previous ‘potential’ (my dad was hoping for me to become a life-long cash cow for him, IDK what was going on with my brother and his mom), which meant I could spend more time on the internet... which at the time, meant DeviantArt and FF.net (tumblr came way, waaay at the end of my time in high school).
Yes, that’s where I started out. That should explain a good 90% of why the early stuff was Like That.
Also don’t look for my DeviantArt because I deleted the whole thing years ago, for cringe reasons - namely, a really, really stupid minor war over something I can’t even remember but it ran a lot like those old ‘Potterheads Get Your Wands’ posts, though the fact that 80% of my output towards the end were extremely banal and/or fucking insane One Piece (and occasionally Soul Eater) Demotivator Posters didn’t help.
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Pictured: proof of my crimes against humanity (with some minor repeats - every single one of those demovitators are something I did and that’s not even all of them) despite my attempts to destroy the evidence, because the internet (and pinterest) never forget and often reposts without permission.
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[Image description: a series of drawn images of a man. the first panel is of him looking at a computer with the subtitle ‘recognition’, the second is a close-up of him with sweat and a look of surprise on his face along with two exclamation points subtitled ‘realization’, the third and final image is an extreme close up of his intensely stressed expression subtitled ‘fear’.]
[Image description, but funny: me accidentally coming across one of those reposts a couple years ago.]
I personally can’t forget because I know my style at the time (it had a few variations, but all of them have been seared into my soul) and how inane/insane some of them read. My favorite was one that ended up turning into a word vomit about how cool Gol D. Roger was that ran so far that it didn’t fit inside the format anymore and ended up running off of the page repeatedly.
...and yes, I did make one edit that was ‘Dead or Alive? is that a trick question?’ for Brook. That one’s still circulating too.
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3. While that covers a certain amount of the problems with the early work, Witt and Witticism stands out as a pinnacle because I was both using a reaction heavy style (I was pretty much doing a live-blog of my One Piece anime rewatch in fanfic form, using Witt as a mouth piece - a similar style was used with Ultimate Symbiote but fortified with a few original stories and actual non-canon stuff happening!) and going through the tail end an extreme manic period brought on by escaping (read: getting kicked out of because they were no longer socially or legally obligated to care for me anymore) my abusive childhood home + having money (from my dead mom’s social security).
Seriously, that year was bonkers. I got to go to Disneyworld, got a new cat, published an insane fic, and blew through so much money on some dumb fucking shit when my dad wasn’t stealing it because I didn’t realize he had access to my then-bank account.
Also I’m pretty sure that you can detect when my sanity/depression started reasserting itself in the last few chapters of Witt because he starts experiencing consequences, though I’m not saying you should reread it to try to locate that moment because I’m having to re-read it repeatedly for reference purposes and I don’t think anyone should have to suffer this unless they’re into that (which admittedly, might be the result of that ‘charm’ you mentioned, because I can’t otherwise account for how that fic got over a quarter of a million hits otherwise).
Not to say that all of my early stuff was bad (some of it was actually shockingly good once I found it again, even though it was flawed) but the most easily accessible stuff is... not great!
And thanks for the well-wishes. I’m gonna need that luck if I want to get through it. I look forward to the feedback!
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praphit · 5 years
The X-People: DP Degrees of BS
Frickin Phoenix!
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(What does that even mean? “Every hero has a DARK side?” She kills people! Are all of our heroes murderers? - but I’ll get to that later.)
I'm mad! That's right, people! I'm mad at MYSELF! Why? Well, I could have taken the kids to go see "The Secret Life of Pets 2", so we could laugh our asses off (Idk what kids I'm talkin about - just randomly picking kids up off the streets and taking them to see movies... prob best I didn't do that). 
I could have seen something cultured like "Late Night" or "THE LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANSISCO"; which I admit is a stupid title, but it seems like it's a good movie. But, no, people! My comic book geekiness would not allow it!
Instead I went to see this bullshit right here - “X-Men: Dark Phoenix”. 
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Don't look at me that way, Sansa! You know dag gon well this movie is some ol' bullshit!
You know! The rest of your acting squad knows, the director knows, the writers know - I knew from the first trailer! I knew from the first time they announced that they were taking another crack at a cinematic Phoenix story. Why?? Cuz we've done this before! Yep! 
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There it is! - and it was terrible! 
What’s going on with that poster? Apparently, they didn’t have any confidence in that movie either. Why is Wolverine running at me like Sonic the Hedgehog?
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I tried to find a better poster, but...
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Here they look like they’re posing in some 80′s rock video. TAKE THAT STAND:)
I was mad back then with the first trailer, because I knew that this moment would come. And I actually really liked the first two movies of these particular X-Men. It was Apocalypse that ruined everything. 
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People thought that movie was so bad, that it erased all the good that this franchised has done (even going back to the older X-Men):
The ground-breaking 1st movie (tho it prob doesn't hold up),
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(Creepy old Magneto is coming for dat ass!)
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(it's hard to imagine anyone playing him better than Hugh Jackman. And he should have won an award for how cut he got... and he was so modest. If I ever  end up looking like that, WHEW! - ladies look out:),  
I loved Patrick Stewart as Prof. X, James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender's intense hot & frigid bromance (though we never got our make-out seen:), Quicksilver (man, I wish we could get more of him), "Logan" (excellent comic book movie), and I'm not sure if we'd have Deadpool without them ruining that first Wolverine movie. Not to mention that they marketed the hell out of this movie franchise and made so much money! But, then this guy showed up and effed it all to hell!
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("Everything they built will FALL... ")
- you ain't lyin, jack!
And while that movie was terrible, it wasn't as bad as everyone said. Bullshit sure, but... there are different degrees of bullshit. Apocalypse was forgettable BS, sometimes there's BS that makes us laugh, or think, or cry - what type of bullshit will Dark Phoenix be? -  Let's take a look:
This movie kicks off with the X-Men in space. Yep! SPACE! Since when are the X-Men astronauts? Which movie did they get training for any of that? How did they build an X-Jet for space travel? Did they learn it on YouTube? And even if that were the case, how's the government allowing this? If a group of talented minorities built a functional space craft, do you think President Trump would allow them to come and go as they please? Shiiiiiii In the movie they don't even test it first. Xavier just says that they'll be fine, and sends the kids off.
I think that there needs to be an investigation. Prof. X is trying to kill these kids. He keeps sending them on missions that they shouldn't come back from:
X-Men: "But, professor, we don't know how to disarm a bomb!"
Xavier: "You'll be fine."
X-Men: "But, professor, the X Jet isn't built for deep sea exploration, we don't even know where we're going!"
Xavier: "Y'all will figure it out."
Then, as they come back, he's counting to see if they all made it - "Ten kids left, and coming back, I count... ten DAMMIT! But, wait, one is injured... doesn't look like he'll pull through. YES! (as he drinks some bourbon - which he does at an alarming rate in this movie... prob to block out all the kids he has killed).
While we're on the topic of him - did the movie "Split" ruin James McAvoy's take on Prof X for anybody else? This is all I kept seeing when he was on camera.
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But, as you know, cuz they did this exact plot in "X-Men: Last Stand" Jean Grey gets possessed by some space entity while they're up there, and becomes Phoenix.
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Jean (played by Sophie Turner, who actually does a good job) is found to have done something horrible. Xavier (and this is no spoiler, cuz again X-Men: Last Stand") blocks out the bad stuff she has done to try to protect her, this eventually wears off, and now we get DARK 
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...wait, sorry.
Now we get DARK PHOENIX! 
There we go!
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(”Where’s my money?!”)
Now, Jessica Chastain is in this as well seen here, experimenting with bleach,
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 who's leading a group of aliens to manipulate Jean (I'll get to them later). But, if JC is in the house, you can be sure that a women's rights message will be in there somewhere (#drinkinggame) And BOOM, there it was - "Don't let some MAN in a chair tell you what you are? - what you can and can not be! Don't let him controoool you!" 
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I'm all for girl power, buuuuuut she HAS been on a bit of a carnage streak, and she has been killing people, annnnnnd isn't Jessica Chastain also trying to control her? But, imma let all that go... what do I know?? :)
I gotta be honest, I was digging the first half of this movie. They were capturing everything I love about the X-Men: social issues, political issues, teen struggles. They have lots of real drama going on amongst themselves. There are times when you'll cheer the X-Men on and times when you'll agree with some of the humans that THEY GOTZ TO GO! I love the flaws of the X-Men; it makes them relatable. I even love the struggle with having so much power, and yet having to try to walk a line of morality - which they suck at btw.
The professor sucks at it the most, which made me kinda sad, actually. BUT, to be fair, he has the power to control people's minds... would any of us with that power be able to consistently resist certain temptations?? Def not giving him a pass though. He does a lot of messed up stuff (some things they draw attention to, and others that they don't). Some things that made me cringe, even though MOST of what he was doing was out of love. I can't depend on none of my fave leaders anymore - not even the fictional ones.
We were getting into some deep stuff! BUT, then it was as if some big shot walked on the set and reminded them that they have a "Blow shit up" quota to meet, and that the plot points were slowing them down. Soooooooo, they burn the script and start blowing things up. Some people might say "Praphit, this is a comic book movie, how much script can you expect?" If this were 20 years ago, I'd agree.
Plus, it's more the fact that nothing makes any sense at this point.
Magneto (who's always the voice of reality in these movies, in my opinion) wants to kill Jean (for very good reasons), but he knows that he can't take Phoenix by himself, so why is he trying? He's a smart dude; why not come up with a better plan? Prof X wants to talk to Jean, to reason with her... the problem with that is that they just tried that a few days ago, and that couldn't have gone any more terribly than it did. The aliens in this movie (which lack all personality btw), who's objective is to control Jean, also know that they can't really do that or take her out (which was plan B), so... what the hell are we doing? The aliens are supposed to be the smart ones!
Prof X should have just controlled everyone's minds, and played a big game of immoral chess to take Jean out - that would have been a cool movie. But, this (though the effects are VERY COOL:) simply became a shoot-out! Not to mention, that right before all of this awesome, but confusing damage takes place, they have a big speech about restraint and not doing harm. Literally, a minute later, the X-Men are blowing buses up!
But, all of that is not even what makes this movie bullshit (grade: D+ btw). What makes this movie bullshit is the fact that it's the last one before Disney takes over.
You'd think that they would have given it their best, so that they can go out making us miss them! But, it felt like half way through the movie the team was told that this is all over, and that Mickey Mouse is coming to collect, but instead of going out with their best, they said to themselves "bleep it" and mailed-it-in.
The way that the final battle scene ends doesn't make any sense. It's one of those scenarios where "If you could do that... why didn't you do that earlier and save more destruction?" and a lil bit of "Well, if you had THAT much power, then none of these other altercations should have even been close."
The way it ends after that too! Man! It's like they just fast forwarded through the parts they didn't feel like acting out. This is the last one, people! Just lazy!
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Yeah you!
I've got a spoiler, sooooo if you don't want it, skip through the text after Patrick Stewart - and start reading again when you see his handsome face again:)
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(this is back when I learned to love this man)
So, Jean is... gone (possibly dead), and the X-Men name the school after her "Institute of Jean Grey" or something like that. Also, Prof X steps down (maybe due to guilt of his misatkes with Jean, who knows for sure, cuz they didn't act it out), and leaves Beast in charge in with the other teen X-Men to instruct the 'young kids at the school. "Other TEEN X-Men" Did they just make these kids professors? And what qualifies Beast (at this stage in his life) to run the school? Plus, Jean Grey was kind of a murderer wasn't she (and this wasn't a secret from the rest of the world)? Come on,kids, let me sign you up for "Ted Bundy's School for gifted youngsters" Would you be onboard for that? Hell no!
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(Here’s PS fresh off a bender. “I promise, Timmy, I’ll try to think about never touching the sauce again, but this hair says that I will.”)
So... I'd say, entertaining bullshit. The effects (especially) at the end are great! But, the rest... and to go out like this... ugh.
There's a cool quote in here from Mystique (played by J.Law) who clearly didn't want to be there. It was a quote about how the women in the X-Men seem to be sticking their necks out and saving the day way more than the men, and that  maybe Xavier should change their name to “The X-Women”. I thought that was not only funny, but a damned good point. I say do it!
I'd love it if you had a a big strong manly man of the team go ahead of the action and stand up to the enemy, and when asked "Who are you?" he replies
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"We're the X-Women."
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moonshugar · 8 years
Search Voat Limit to v/pizzagate Submission Info Posted by: Johnny3names Posting time: 2 months ago on 12/13/2016 4:35:31 AM Last edit time: never edited. Traffic stats Views: 2645 Score SCP: 75 80 upvotes, 5 downvotes (94% upvoted it) Share a link Discuss pizzagate unsubscribe block 12204 subscribers ~1837 users here now Darknet Hack DATA COLLATION MEGATHREAD Pizzagate Subverse Network /v/AskPizzagate – Pizzagate-related questions /v/pizzagatewhatever – anything Pizzagate-related /v/PizzagateMemes – Pizzagate memes /v/pizzagatemods – meta concerns and Pizzagate moderation discussion Submission Requirements Please review BEFORE you submit content. Submissions not meeting these requirements will be removed. 1 ALL submissions should be directly related to Pizzagate, and this is how we define Pizzagate. It is the responsibility of the poster to demonstrate relevance. 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Chatroom #voatpizzagatemain:matrix.org (Riot) created by kingkongwaswrong a community for 3 months Advertisement Eat my ass Want to advertize on Voat? message the moderators MODERATORS kingkongwaswrong [O] Crensch [O] heygeorge [D] VictorSteinerDavion [O] Millennial_Falcon [M] rktyp [J] belphegorsprime [M] wecanhelp [M] l4l1lul3l0 [J] Kwijibo [J] Vindicator [M] abortionburger [J] SpikyAube [J] sensitive [J] MODERATION LOGS Removed submissions Removed comments Banned users 80 Nancy Pelosi and husband accused of shipping little boys in for Harry Reid back in 2014... (pizzagate) submitted 2 months ago by Johnny3names I posted this over on the shipping thread already but... Idk how dependable this publication is but I just ran across a post from 2014 accusing Pelosi and her husband of using his business to ship in little boys for Harry Reid. Anybody know what business her husband's in or a company name? His wikipedia page just makes some vague reference to American businesses with no real specifics. Well, today we found out, from the same unimpeachable whistleblower who gave us the information about Reid, that Nancy Pelosi has been Reid’s primary supplier of little boys. Apparently her husband has a multinational business and he’s been shipping in children for Harry.> http://conservativebyte.com/2014/03/harry-reids-pedophile-nancy-pelosi-supplying-children/ Harry Reid has been one of the asshole faces everywhere you look lately pushing one line of bullshit or another, Idk if this is it but he's got some kind of baggage somewhere. 31 comments unsave source report sort by: New Bottom Intensity Old Sort: Top [–] coincidencesmyass 8 points (+8|-0) 2 months ago  (edited 2 months ago) Not that it's proof or anything, but I've always thought that Nancy Pelosi's wide eyes looked psychopathic. Her eyes remind me of the eyes of the guy with the dyed orange/red hair that shot up that movie theater. His are worse, but still, her eyes are not the eyes of an average person. permalink save source reply report [–] Bulgakov 4 points (+4|-0) 2 months ago  I always assumed her plastic surgeon didn't do an even job...really opened that one eye permalink parent save source reply report [–] Johnny3names [S] 3 points (+3|-0) 2 months ago  (edited 2 months ago) More of these assholes than not look weird af with either bugged out or bird of prey eyes. They all remind me of the Skeksis from the 80's Jim Henson movie The Dark Chrystal or Montgomery Burns from the Simpsons and Mitch McConnell has a face like a shaved droopy nutsack wearing glasses. No one can ever say "never woulda guessed". permalink parent save source reply report [–] rail606 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  What you dont like?JPG permalink parent save source reply report 1 reply [–] it_was_foretold 3 points (+3|-0) 2 months ago  wide-eyes think mk-ultra permalink parent save source reply report [–] [deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) 2 months ago  [Deleted] parent [–] coincidencesmyass 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  ethic-eze, I love it. The men have the cremation of care at Bohemian Grove, maybe the Stepford wives are given medication. permalink parent save source reply report [–] blind_sypher 2 points (+2|-0) 2 months ago  You can always tell by their eyes. permalink parent save source reply report [–] Forgetmenot 6 points (+6|-0) 2 months ago  Harry Reid was absolutely not happy about bannons appointment to trumps cabinet. http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/15/politics/harry-reid-donald-trump-steven-bannon-floor-speech/index.html Could it be because bannon might be aware of the same information that Andrew breitbart was tweeting about? There was also a video where breitbart yells what is in your closet podesta but I cannot find it. Maybe someone can post it. http://www.infowars.com/andrew-breitbarts-chilling-podesta-tweet-from-the-grave/ permalink save source reply report [–] FyndersKeepers 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  It can be safely assumed Breitbart filled Bannon in on everything that Bannon wasn't already privvy to. permalink parent save source reply report [–] hashtaggery 4 points (+4|-0) 2 months ago  Have you looked into Paul Pelosi Jr (her son)? He seems to hang around with a rough crowd - James E. Cohen / Joseph Corazzi. I'll dig around to see what I can find. permalink save source reply report [–] LearningTheLessons 4 points (+4|-0) 2 months ago  (edited 2 months ago) In the comments of this article about Bengazi someone posts "Nancy Pelosi's husband was the money manager for the Muslim Brotherhood in Turkey, when they were married in 1963. It's in their wedding announcement in the NY Times. Pelosi's husband has been orchestrating from behind the scenes." http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/04/real-benghazi-story.html permalink parent save source reply report [–] LearningTheLessons 2 points (+2|-0) 2 months ago  http://gawker.com/5113868/paul-pelosi-jr-the-fresh-green-prince-of-san-francisco permalink parent save source reply report [–] jbooba 2 points (+2|-0) 2 months ago  This is another hint ..: Pelosi’s daughter leads effort to block Trump through Electoral College permalink save source reply report [–] FyndersKeepers 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  A hint treading on giveaway grounds. permalink parent save source reply report [–] Mrs_Ogynist01 2 points (+2|-0) 2 months ago  Utah is perusing a $2 million bribe case against Reid. http://www.sltrib.com/home/4533272-155/a-2m-check-harry-reid-and permalink save source reply report [–] 28leinad82 2 points (+2|-0) 2 months ago  a lot of emails from nancy and about her in the podesta wikileaks if you want to dig further. permalink save source reply report [–] BRING_DOWN_THE_RING 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  Well, there's always the Pelosi Goat Hill Pizza thing... http://magafeed.com/guccifer-2-0-nancy-pelosis-goat-hill-pizza-may-be-a-front-company/ permalink save source reply report [–] ALDO_NOVA 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  (edited 2 months ago) http://www.sfgate.com/politics/article/Pelosi-s-husband-prefers-a-low-profile-2660253.php " the couple's net worth, most of it linked to Paul Pelosi's investments, has made the Nancy the ninth-richest person in the House(of Representatives)." permalink save source reply report [–] surgit2 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  She and her husband Paul own a Napa Valley vineyard: http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-pol-ca-richest-nancy-pelosi-vineyard-story.html permalink save source reply report [–] The_Kuru 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  The reason they promote people to the top positions who are horribly compromised like Hastert and Reid is that they can be trusted. Same reason that you have to be destroyable before you can be "made" in the mafia. permalink save source reply report [–] [deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  [Deleted] [–] Votescam 3 points (+3|-0) 2 months ago  Goat Hill Pizaa http://magafeed.com/guccifer-2-0-nancy-pelosis-goat-hill-pizza-may-be-a-front-company/ The owner of Goat Hill Pizza is Philip DeAndrade. as per this article from October 2016 He was a former staff member of Nanci Pelosi as recently as 2013 which can be found in the document ‘NP STAFF LIST UPDATED.xlsx’. Suggest a few others involved in purchase: Monley, Dickinson, Lipski Goat Hill Pizza is owned by Goat Hill Inc. Another website reports: BREAKING: Guccifer 2.0 - Nancy Pelosi’s Goat Hill Pizza Restaurant Is A Front Company Used To Funnel Money To The Democrats. Goat Hill Pizza is REGISTERED IN PANAMA. Who registers a pizza place that is in San Francisco in Panama? https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/55w48s/breaking_guccifer_20_nancy_pelosis_goat_hill/ permalink parent save source reply report [–] LargePepperoni 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  You know about her and Goat Hill Pizza? permalink save source reply report [–] Johnny3names [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  Not at all, but I grew up in the bay and I shit you not my HS Social Studies teacher was married to one of the owners. The mf didn't believe in deoderant and taught in an inner classroon with no fucking windows, it was insane. permalink parent save source reply report [–] VictorDaniels777 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  Harry Reid hasn't gotten enough attention. Nice lead. permalink save source reply report [–] sunshine702 4 points (+4|-0) 2 months ago  (edited 2 months ago) Harry Reid resigned his office in such an abrupt fashion. Not long after this happened: http://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/01/02/reid-is-hospitalized-after-exercise-accident/ There are some whispers about a "Mr. Exercise Equipment" paying him a visit at home over Christmas week but who knows?! permalink parent save source reply report [–] CadiBug 1 points (+1|-0) 2 months ago  (edited 2 months ago) "Mr. Exercise Equipment" = Ried's younger brother I believe permalink parent save source reply report [–] quantokitty 0 points (+0|-0) 2 months ago  Paul Pelosi is a land developer. https://www.google.com/#q=nancy+pelosi%27s+husband "Paul Francis Pelosi, Sr. is an American businessman who owns and operates Financial Leasing Services, Inc., a San Francisco, California-based real estate and venture capital investment and consulting firm. Wikipedia" Then there's the gifting of Treasure Island to this b*tch. This article leaves out that Clinton forced the military to sell the land. https://sadbastards.wordpress.com/2009/01/28/the-real-nancy-pelosi-multi-millionaire-non-union-resort-baroness/ permalink save source reply report [–] madmanpg 0 points (+0|-0) 2 months ago  As much as I wish this were true, "I heard Harry Reid touches little boys" has been a meme for a long time, mainly in response to his unsubstantiated claims that Mitt Romney cheated on his taxes during the 2012 election. He claimed to have an anonymous source but never produced them or any evidence, and his announcement of the baseless charge on the Senate floor was seen as proof that he was a slimy, ruthless piece of amphibian shit. I am looking forward to when he drops dead, and I really don't doubt that he's a kid-toucher if pizzagate turns out to be real...but going to any conservative blog for that source is going to be a dead end. permalink save source reply report
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silvershadow1398 · 6 years
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Sexuality: Straight Bisexual Pansexual Gay/lesbian Asexual - gray
Year you were born: ‘84 or less ‘85 - ‘90 ‘91 - '95 '95 +
Day you were born: 1-10 11-20 21-31
Month you were born: Jan - April May - Sept Sept – Dec
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Height: Very short Short Average Tall Very tall
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Style: Trendy Preppy Punk Goth Comfortable Conservative Classic Vintage Wild Out there Classic Designer Other
Jewelry: Earrings Nose rings, lip rings, etc. Necklaces Bracelets Bangles Anklets Toe rings Rings Chokers Other
Shoes: Skater shoes (DC’s, Etnies) Running shoes (Nike, Adidas) Flats Flip-flops Sandals Heels Boots Peep shoes (open toe) Ballet flats Converse Other
Interests: Music TV shows Drawing/art Surfing the web Chatting Phone Games Singing/dancing Watching or playing sports Hanging out with friends/family Partying/drinking Going out Movies Reading Musicals Singing Dancing Cooking Theatre Acting Cars Animals Politics Other - travel, photography
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What you want: A Relationship - not forcing it, but it would be nice Sex - if it happens that’s cool but meh A house - only if in a serious relationship or more An apartment More friends A Best Friend Money For once not to feel sad all the time A job A change in scenery - soon!!! To be able to travel To visit someone who lives miles away from me An Education To graduate To get accepted into grad school - not 100% rn but thinking about it MP3 player/iPod New computer - not atm but within the next year or two Clothes - not actively looking, but will happily get something if I like it Jewelry Make-up Nails Haircut/colour - just got that today!!!!
Gifts you like: Flowers Chocolate/candy Other food - just order me pizza or takeout lol Jewelry Electronics Art Music Cards Hugs Tickets (Concerts, Musicals, Movies) Cash Plushies Games Handmade gifts
Preference: Night Day
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