#I wanted to know what Wyll had to say about Halsin's proposition
carryoncastiel · 1 year
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"Choose Halsin and our story might still be an epic, but it won't be a romance. Is that what you want?" ["I want to be with you, no question."]
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Hello! So for a character ask game (that you reblogged so I assume it’s okay that I ask) could you answer questions 2, 12, 17 and 25 about Halsin? 🐻
Thank you @obuoliukai so much for the ask!! ❤️ I always love these things so please never hesitate to ask! You can find the link to the ask game here.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
- I love that he is very vocal about his feelings in general, but specifically towards a romanced player. This man is absolutely in love with you and is never afraid to vocalize it. I love the greetings he gives a romanced player. “My heart soars just to look upon you.” “All of natures bounty pales next to you.” “Nature outdid itself with you.” And he always says it with a grin and goofy little heart eyes. And he says this followed by a quick pause before asking if you need something and I just assume it’s because he’s gotten lost gazing at you and forgot himself for a minute. This man is SMITTEN. This man is in LOVE. And I love that about him. I love that they gave the large, bulking man the ability to be so open and unabashedly proud of sharing his feelings about his partner to them. All too often male characters are depicted as being uncaring or aloof about love so the fact that they made this man be so casual about it fills me with so much joy.
12. What’s a headcanon that you have for this character?
- I like to think that Halsin secretly pines for the player after the tiefling party. Not when the player flirts at the party, but in the days following. Halsin is no stranger to casual sex, so you could have easily just tried to have a quick night together and then either carry on like normal or kind of toss him to the side because he’s already told you what the knows about the parasite. But I like to think that after he rejects you at the party and then sees that you continue to include him in the camp and in the journey that he starts to catch feelings. And it just progressively gets stronger as the story goes on and he has to struggle to keep it to himself.
- And I know that technically that sort of is canon considering the nature of his romance, but I mean just hardcore, hard to contain pining and longing. Staring at you on the sly while traveling the road, wanting to sit with you by the fire but not wanting to seem pushy given what he’s told you earlier, having thoughts of you keep him awake at night, dreaming of you when he finally does get sleep, feeling and possibly acting on the desire to pleasure himself alone while thinking of you. Longing to the point where it almost makes him stupid. Not enough to distract him from his duties, but enough to gnaw at his mind every day.
- And if you romance someone else or just a casual fling, he doesn’t feel jealousy because it’s not his nature, but just the desire to want to join. Join you alone or event with your partner, which again is canon, but having the “selfish” thoughts of wanting to spend at least one night with you and it’s just you and himself. So he can take a taste of just you even for one night.
- I love the line from him during his proposition scene when you’ve come back and said that you’ve broken up your relationship to be with him because your previous partner didn’t want to share (Gale, Wyll, etc.) and he says something along the lines of “I hate that it had to come at the heart break of another, but I want this. I want you.” Like you can’t tell me this man isn’t head over heels for you and hasn’t been thinking about you constantly for weeks.
- And for a headcanon that’s not rooted in canon, I absolutely think Halsin weaves his partners hair with his own in his little braids. I’ve posted about this before, but I’ll forever believe that.
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
- Probably Shadowheart x Halsin. I don’t dislike it, but I also don’t actively think about it. Shadowheart in general isn’t my favorite character and I typically take a long time to get decent approval with her. Whereas Halsin is my favorite so I’d rather pair him with others that are higher on my list. But at the same time I do like the idea of the potential enemies to lovers thing they could have given she’s a current or potentially “recovering” Sharran and he has history with Shar worshippers. So im just indifferent towards it.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
- Not going to lie, Halsin was my least favorite companion before I actually started playing this game. I knew nothing of his personality and only knew he could turn into a bear and could potentially have sex with said bear. So, given that he’s so muscular, I just assumed they would make him the typical dumb jock character. Big, large, douche personality, (gender neutral) womanizer, someone who gets what he wants. Literally just a first impression based on his character model. So I wasn’t very interested.
- Now?? Oh my god now?? Favorite character. 12/10. I love him. I need this man in my actual life. I’m trying to convince other people who play this game to romance this man because he is so sweet and caring and a genuine gentle giant with his lover(s) and friends but also a power house in battle. I’ve posted about this before, but I’ve never been so wrong in my life about a character interpretation at first glance and I apologize for it.
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tealfling · 3 months
okay, OKAY! i had a thought right!
what about on one of those calmer nights tav and the others have some drinks at the bar and it is so clear tav wants some fun and is just kind touching, cause buzzbrain only sees a nice body and then tav looks up, realizes its halsin and just whips their hand away (they think they've crossed a line)
"oh shit sorry!"
and halsin is so caught off guard hes just there watching tav wander off with someone else (lets say wyll, cause he would just tuck them in bed and make sure tav is safe when drunk) but its his bed so its kinda looks they maybe did something?
i can just picture astarion looking so smug "having regrets darling?"
Ooh. Yes.
What if it's just a hazy Tav, they're all hanging out drinking and having fun. They don't realize who's beside them, it's just a big warm inviting body and they rest their head there for a second before realizing (maybe through smell?) that it's Halsin. Then it's the "oh, shit sorry. Time for bed" bit.
Also. With your Astarion line-- imagine a Tav that hasn't been with any of the other companions and Astarion let's Halsin know each of them have propositioned Tav, but Tav never accepted their advances. Never advanced on any of them either. They're all fine now of course, but why do you suppose they're still only this way with Halsin?
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blackjackkent · 9 months
Oop, Halsin wants to talk during our long rest.
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"I never quite realized how burdened I was, until I met you. The threat of the shadow curse, the politics of the Grove... I was forgetting who I was, but you lifted the fog. Thank you."
Aw. Hector is always glad to hear that he's helped someone, especially to relieve any kind of spiritual burden like that.
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"You're welcome," he says with a smile.
Halsin looks at him with sudden intensity; Hector feels himself gripped suddenly by the elf's piercing brown eyes.
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"You're too modest. I wager you don't even know how extraordinary you truly are. But I do." He takes a slight step towards Hector, then stops. "I have lived a very long time. I have taken many lovers. My heart does not stir lightly. But it does now."
Hector's eyebrows lift and he blinks rapidly.
"What... are you saying, exactly?" he asks awkwardly. Even he, terrible at conversational subtlety as he sometimes is, can't exactly miss the direction Halsin has turned this conversation, and yet... perhaps he is misunderstanding...
He is not.
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"I want more than to fight at your side, or sit around the campfire with you. I want to lay with you under the stars and feel your skin against mine," Halsin says, the words coming faster now. "I think you feel the same way - why else would you have been so concerned about whether I had a lover before?"
Hector feels a flush abruptly start to creep up his neck and ears, burning, and he is suddenly acutely aware of Karlach's presence in her tent only twenty feet away. He remembers the conversation Halsin is referencing - a bit of casual chat soon after they arrived at the city environs. He was asking out of curiosity, wondering whether Halsin's work as an Archdruid allowed him time for something such as Hector himself has had with Karlach - but it seems he sent the wrong message entirely.
How do I keep ending up in these conversations? he thinks, feeling more awkward than he has almost ever felt in his life, which is saying something.
Halsin seems to recognize his discomfort, because he draws back a little and goes on, "But tell me I'm wrong, and the matter can rest. I do not wish to sour our friendship, but I have to know if it can be something more."
Hector swallows nervously. He would not lose Halsin's friendship for the world - any more than he would have lost Wyll's, or Gale's, or Lae'zel's when they made their interest clear. But his heart is Karlach's now. And she will take it with her when she's gone...
"I'm... afraid I just don't see you that way," he says softly, apology in his eyes, in every line of his face.
Disappointment and regret flash across Halsin's face - and then they are gone, controlled. Hector is grateful for that. It was terribly painful seeing the pain in Wyll's eyes when they had a similar conversation; he does not want to see it again in Halsin's.
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"I understand, and I still cherish our relationship," he says gravely. "Still... I could not have forgiven myself, had I not taken the plunge. Better to have tried and failed."
Hector can respect that. And he is deeply grateful that Halsin does not push the subject any further.
"I feel I should tell you," he mentions to Karlach later, as they begin preparing for bed, "that... ah. Halsin propositioned me, earlier." Compulsively honest as he is, he would have felt more than a little uncomfortable trying to keep this from her.
"Did he?" She looks amused. "That scamp. I thought I'd caught him eyeing you."
"You're not bothered?"
She's quiet a moment. "Never really thought of myself as the sort of person who would be bothered," she says slowly after a little while. "Never was when I lived back in the city. Fast and loose, that was us, and how we liked it. These days, with you..." She looks at him sideways. "OK, maybe a bit bothered. Not at him, or you. Just...harder to think of sharing than I would've expected. Not that I blame him for looking, though."
He nods. "I told him I wasn't interested."
"Because of me?"
"Because I wasn't interested," he says dryly. "But also because of you, yes. I am very much a one-person kind of man, I'm afraid."
She hesitates. "Hec, you know--" A pause. "You know when I-- when this--" She gestures vaguely at her chest, trails off again for a moment. "I don't want you to be alone, OK?"
He says nothing for a long time. Even if he were considering that sort of thing right now, Halsin wouldn't be his choice, but that's not the point she's trying to make. And she listened to his concerns the other night; he owes it to her to listen to hers now. "I know," he mutters. "And I... I will try to remember that. I promise. But right now... I can't think about it. I can't think about anyone else..."
A pause. "Besides, he'd snap me in half and we both know it."
That gets a soft laugh out of her.
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mongoose-bite · 8 months
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Local Paladin Gets Propositioned by Evil Extraplanar Entities Two Nights Running
Faye is so done. If Mizora thinks she has a chance in hell of tapping that after what she did to Wyll she's got rocks in her head, as my mother would say.
She wasn't tempted to ride the cocktopus carousel either, although Dyce definitely would; I don't think he'd go near Mizora though, unless he had a good reason for doing so. Faye actually hoped Mizora's offer of a 'tour of hell' was literal, and she would give directions to the House of Hope (or at very least dish some dirt on Raphael; I would love to hear Mizora's opinion of him) but no, she just wanted to bone.
Faye has decided that most of the Emperor's story seems to be true, but suspects it's left out one or two key details, and most importantly, she doesn't know what its endgame is. Getting out from under the control of the elder brain is an understandable goal, but what does it expect to happen next? As far as she can tell, the only way to get the tadpole out is to use the brain itself to kill it. (I guess there's always Raphael.) Unless I let Gale become a god? Apparently? I mean, it's not an amazing plan but frankly it's no worse than the shit Asterion comes up with, and I'd trust him to magic away the tadpoles at least.
The pacing of act 3 so far is interesting. It lowers the tension after the end of act 2 at first; circuses! brothels! and then you get into the city proper and suddenly everything goes to shit, and camp is no longer safe, your allies might not be themselves. I suspected Karlach because she didn't have a specific line after Wyll rejected Mizora's final offer. And then I thought it would have to be Halsin or Jahira because I'd not be able to communicate tadpole to tadpole with a doppelganger, and it would be obvious if they replaced a tadfool, but apparently there are no deduction options, and I was wasting my energy.
I saved a tailor from ritual murder and now I understand where all the fancy clothes in other people's screenshots come from. Faye bought sensible spare underwear.
I was honestly dragging my feet a bit on going after Orin, chasing down dodgy fireworks and taking Gale shopping, but once she snatched Laz'ael, she wrote her own death warrant. I hope. Took out the murder tribunal with less trouble than I expected thanks to a beautiful paralysing critical from Asterion. I'm just a bit concerned about the brain wrenching free with only Gortash to tether it. I don't want to be in such a rush! I still need to sort out Asterion's master and find a dragon? This is starting to feel like my current campaign honestly, the players just round up everyone they can think of and hope something sticks. (Is the dragon going to proposition us as well? I've seen no horny art so maybe not.)
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amatres · 1 year
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tagged by @turbulentpumpkin43 to fill out this relationship graph! here's balaerra's, she is doing so well in everyone's perspectives as you can see
i'll tag @fuckitwebhaal and @commander-lariel, for any of your ocs! no pressure tho! and anyone else who would like to!
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here's the blank version!
Relationships somewhat more elaborated on under cut
Astarion: The toxic codependent relationship where they destroy each other bc they love each other and don't know how else to go about it of all time I think. What more needs to be said lol. The lamer versions of the Briarwoods for Baldurs Gate. Seriously though, the two found each other a safe place and fell in love without realizing it, and even much to Astarion's surprise Balaerra is a much more tender lover than he expected from the outset. Unfortunately they both believed power would keep them safe, and because of that they damned each other to eternity and killed over 7000 people for it.
Gale: They are just friends :) Gale had romantic feelings for her, for Some Reason, so that is part of my canon now. My man, I hope when everything is over you like. just live your life in peace never thinking of her again bc even if she only has good intentions for you, she will still destroy you. I do think he'd be stuck between his lingering affection for her, while also the horror at who she ended up being, for a long time.
Halsin: He propositioned her as well, which I am still perplexed by but I must contextualize it to make it make sense. So in my head, he saw the good she did in the Shadowlands (even if she was doing it out of anger and spite), and not only admired her for it but believed he could help keep her on that path. Unfortunately that is not true, and I'm sure later on he'll mourn her for what she was while probably helping whatever adventurer comes along to put an end to her with a heavy heart. Balaerra for her part thought he was nice and found his insights interesting, even if she didn't agree with him all too often.
Jaheira: Allies of convenience. Similar to Halsin, Jaheira saw the good Balaerra was possible of but unlike him saw much earlier how far she was slipping. 'I mourn the person you were before all of this' indeed.
Karlach: Childhood friends, Balaerra was the one who suggested Karlach work for Gortash so many years ago, believing it was helping her. Then Karlach went missing and Balaerra ended up in her own horrible relationship with her teacher. They want each other to live so badly, but they both die in the end. Karlach physically, Balaerra in every other way. With Karlach dying, I think that's also the last shred of Balaerra's former life that dies with her, and it's just the eternity she is tied to with Astarion afterwards.
Lae'zel: Besites 💕The two of them get along so well it's hilarious. They share similar pragmatism, as well as ride or die attitudes once they are closer, and Balaerra very easily signed a devil's contract just because Lae'zel asked her to. I'm pretty sure Lae'zel will leave for the astral sea in the end, so what thoughts she could have on Balaerra's further decay would never come to pass I think.
Minthara: Balaerra killed her, so there's not much to say unfortunately lol. Calling Balaerra being a half drow an 'impurity' hit too sore a nerve for her, so she had to go.
Shadowheart: Another complicated one! Shadowheart trusts Balaerra a lot, and it was at Balaerra simply asking if she was sure she wanted to do it that had Shadowheart change her mind and go against Shar. All the more heartbreaking that even though Balaerra had such a positive influence on her, at the same time Shadowheart has to watch as Balaerra and Astarion slip beyond the event horizon to their own traumas.
Wyll: Interesting as well, the two aren't the closest of friends but I believe Wyll saw promise in her, and Balaerra admired his strength despite all he endured. She pushed for him to be free of his contract, bc he would never be safe if he stayed in it. Similar to Jaheira, I think he would mourn who she could be while being disgusted with who she became at the end.
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What direction do I wanna start this in
Someone good naturedly asked me today if ive been assessed for adhd
Im stalling
Ok so I got up the saving the grove party. Spoke to everyone. Considered propositioning Halsin, spoke to Laezel who propositioned me. She does not mince words. Told her Id think about it. Ive only had a romantic scene with Shadowheart and expected a proposition from her, but no just talk of enjoyment now penance later. Yeah Im probably not gonna pursue her now with that penance comment.
Wyll Im not using bc as Ive discovered I struggle with warlocks. Maybe easier as not-my-main but Im not bothered. So that left Karlach. (I double-failed to save Gale including a nat one, from the rock, so alas he perished there on that beach with nothing but a teleport marker to remember him by. Hmm can I sst up some kind of monument. Of wizard hats perhaps. It bears contemplation (no thats Halsin)). I tell Karlach I like her and shes so thrilled. Her little "Yes!" as she turns away ugh. Dammon had just tuned up her engine so I thought she was ok now. She hasnt been touched in ten years except in utter violence she deserves a cuddle at least. A hand hold. Bap her nose. Something. She seems like a very physical person with her dancing amd everything. I wanna summon her a pet to cuddle like cmon.
Regardless the scene is really swet and hot. The thing is. My guy is trans. And she says "I wanna ride you till you see stars" (hott). Uh we dont have that equipment....which leads me to surprising character building, Im playing a bard. He has to have at least 3 straps in his bag, maybe 6 or 7 to be excessive. And bet there are magical ones that feel like the real thing in Faerun. Im deciding there are.
I also like Karlach and Laezel together as a battle wife couple but I rarely need both of them in the party together. And I was considering playing as polyam as possible for fun but my research tells me Karlach and Laezel are both monogamous, Asterion doesnt like me much, no Gale, meh to Wyll and probably not Shadowheart anymore so. I was considering.
But Karlach. Its not even the strappy leathers tbh, I wamna buy her better clothes, better strappy leathers perhaps because hers have literally been to hell and back and find they look messy in a way thats unappealing to me. Id usually be into the leather tbh.
Shes so cheerful and forthright, she sings and dances, shes so joyous to be alive in a really genuine infectious way. Theres nothing preachy about it. She has no guile. I love her.
And its interesting to me because the way my particular flavour of aceness works - and yes this is probably a somewhat allo experience as well, you dont have to tell me - theres a million varied abnd theoretical layers of attraction up till like, actually yes I would do them if they wanted.
So like, Astarion the whole trickys vampire thing. Im into that in a game or a fic but I dont love it. Happy to see where it goes and have some fun. Anything remotely real-life, absolutely not I also dont know if I want to be his friend.
Laezel....hot yes but more distant. She doesnt share of herself. As a theoretical one night stand, or something super casual, sure. Irl, nope absolutely not, i dont think we'd be great friends but I could hope for mutual respect/not enemies. Exist peacably in the same circles.
Shadowheart I could be friends with occasionally but I could NOT be her therapist. I might not be there to hold her hand through her baggage either. Probably would turn down a proposition.
Wyll, eh hes attractive enough. Maybe as a one night/short term thing.
Halsin....idk how I feel about Halsin. Hes almost too wholesome? Mr druid peace with nature he doesnt want to be a leader. Id like to see him not as Mr Responsible with his hair down more. (I cant seem to add him to my party? Does he stay at camp?). With Halsin Im torn between desirr and fear of his bigness and strength. Which to some people might be ideal actually but Im not sure. I think I need to see more of his personality first. And thats def the aceness there.
Ive left her for last. Karlach. Shes my favourite. - Actually the only person whos come close is Elfira the tiefling bard, who sadly is not romanceable. Her cutscene with the song is the brightest joy and my favourite moment of thr game so far. The emotional honesty, the enthusiasm, the passion. (Am I starting to suspect I have a type. Its also often dark dashing boys like Kaz Brekker and Vaxildan but maybe its dark boys amd bright women. Idk.)
Karlach, if she were a real woman in front of me in the world I would say yes no hesitation. That is so rare for me.
Like I was being calculating about who to go with keep my options open and then she was so excited and shes just so deeply desirous not just of sex but also kind touch and also life, its kind of intoxicating. And shes jointly imagined and programmed and designed and voiced and she exists as software and art and thats beautiful?
Im a very inexperienced gamer. Ive never played or even heard of a game thats so normal about sex. Other games have sexuality but its like, seedy, theres a scene in a strip club or some gang boss has sex workers in their base, its always degrading. Theres shadowheart and her penance line, but like Keyleth in legend of vox machina, its very clearly the characters hangups, not the devs not the game experience. And here its just normal. You dont have to pursue anything with anyone. You can because its an adult game with adult characters. If you scroll the tags here you would think it was a dating sim.
I just think thats really cool, and Im really enjoying it. Thr only big thing missing is the same-time collaborative aspect that the devs cant extrapolate and create stuff influenced by our choices. Its more linear, they built in options, we collaborate by playing and making choices. But thats what tabletop games are for, not video games
If youve made it this far, re games. So far ivr played disco elysium, hades, and now bg3. Throw me some reccomendations please, Im enjoying all three. Oh and also In Other Waters, and Potionomics.
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rottenbrainstuff · 11 months
BG3: The Party + random notes
And the big conclusion to the big fight: a big old party.
(dark urge spoilers)
Time to party with all my friends! There was a tiefling there I didn’t recognize, and apparently it’s because if any of the tieflings scheduled to be at the party die for any reason, there is a new back-up NPC there to take their place. So she was there instead of Alfira. 🥲🥲🥲 Sigh. I read online that if you’re playing durge, Alfira isn’t supposed to be replaced, and instead Lakrissa will mention she’s worried about Alfira… I would have preferred that (cause no one mentioned Alfira going missing at all) and I’m not sure why that didn’t trigger in my game.
Found a suspicious lady sneaking around in the grass???? She teleported away???? Doesn’t seem to be a huge amount of info about her online???? Guess I will find out more later????
What a cute party, everyone having a good time: Ikaron loosening up and having a pint, the three siblings still arguing, Bex totally smashed and trying to convince Danis to go into the bushes with her. I feel like if people don’t even like the cute tiefling kids, then everyone must just hate Rolan, who is always super annoying? I love Rolan though, silly idiot. I really wish I could follow these guys all to Baldur’s Gate and make sure they get there safely. Unfortunately it seems like I’m going to find some of them dead on the road as the game goes on no matter what I do, and… well. I’m not going to think about that right now - just going to enjoy the cute party.
It seems I’ve done something that’s glitched Gale or made him mad at me. All the companions propositioned me at the party, even ones I have politely rejected before, but not Gale. I had no dialogue options with him at all, he only told me to go and enjoy the party. Guess I really broke the guy’s heart when I told him that I only wanted to be friends. Sorry man. (another funny bug - Wyll is supposed to be off away from the party standing by the water. But sometimes he won’t be by the water, he’ll be at his regular tent, but he’ll still have the “I hoped you wouldn’t notice I had left” dialogue)
Apparently in early access, Zevlor lights magic lights in the sky, one for every life you saved today. Dang. Why did that get cut? That sounds beautiful? Man I just love Zevlor. Poor old guy can’t relax even at the party. (Honestly, if he was a romance option I think I’d be chasing him… sorry Astarion. It’s the shame, it’s the shame. I smell it like I’m a shark and it’s blood in the water. Give me a sad old character with shame and I’m there) I’m sure everything will go great for him from here on out and nothing sad will happen at all!!! :) :) :) :)
After the party scene, I got the second Guardian dream. DESPITE what you will read online, where the information seems to all be either guessing (incorrectly) or else based on the early access, I can confidently confirm that the second guardian dream is triggered after you free Halsin and talk to him about your tadpole. …and then my friend also playing this game, who has a really bad memory, swears up and down that they had a third guardian dream while they were at the goblin camp, but can’t remember what triggered it or what it was about. I could barely find info online about the second dream at all, I have no hope of finding anything about the third, but it seems so far that the dreams are triggered by concrete game events.
I might have mentioned this before but I am *REALLY* loving the little details in the books I find. I know there’s so many of them so there’s a tendency to skim them, but if you can force yourself to actually read each one, some of them are very funny or very interesting, and some include clever little easter egg tidbits. I LOVE how in conversations with Halsin, he mentions he wishes he had some books to read, and you can say that you keep finding a million books. I am collecting every single book I find and keeping them all in the chest I stole from Kagha, hehe.
Lastly, in my incidental looking up of things, I continue to see the most rancid takes and people complaining about the weirdest things. Like the fragile straight men crying that they need a filter in the game to protect them from male characters hitting on them. Or people complaining that the game is all just pointless combat, because these people are picking the most aggressive dialogue options then wondering why every NPC is aggressive. Or people saying you can’t blame the druids for being protective of their grove - yeah right, so protective they won’t even lift a finger to defend it from an invading goblin army, so protective they can’t even crack open their door to let in one single lost and scared child. On top of everything else they did that pissed me off.
The latest bizarre thing I read is complaining about how on a durge run, Alfira’s death shouldn’t be mandatory, or how the mandatory durge kills shouldn’t break your oaths if you’re a paladin.
Like. Guys, why are you even playing a durge run if you don’t like the durge story? This game has a narrative, it isn’t just a collection of “x action causes you to receive y effect.” The point of Alfira’s death is that it’s supposed to be senseless and devastating. If you are playing a good paladin, it absolutely SHOULD break your oaths and that should be something you have to deal with. That…. That conflict is supposed to be the entire bloody point of playing a resisting durge character. It’s what makes the story so interesting and gripping. If this stuff was optional it wouldn’t be as devastating. If you don’t like it, you can 100% play a different character. Why on earth play durge if you don’t like the durge story??? The game warns you at character creation that there will be consequences. Why… why would you complain when you run into those consequences?... I don’t get it.
Next up: just tying up all the loose ends before I am ready to explore the underdark. Gotta fight that gnoll nest, gotta do Ethel’s hut, gotta clear out the goblins leftover in the camp. SO looking forward to the underdark area.
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sleepymarmot · 3 years
I hope that the defeating goblin leaders / celebration part of the game was or will be improved in the later patches, because I finally did it with my Patch 2 character and it was pretty broken.
I had one leader left to kill, Dror Ragzlin. Took me about three tries. The journal for Zevlor’s quest says to go talk to him, the journal for Halsin’s quest has no instructions. I teleport to the druid grove, assuming that Halsin would get back on his own. Nope. I walk back to the goblin camp in the hope of picking him up, but the goblins at the door attack immediately. The same happens when I reload the save from right after the boss fight. Apparently fighting Ragzlin alerts the entire camp even though I had the agreement with Halsin to only assassinate the leaders (so it should be possible) and destroyed the war drum. Also I have no idea where Halsin is supposed to be because he’s not marked on the map.
Meanwhile at the party:
1) Whatever this is:
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I skipped the cutscene after this, so idk what else is supposed to happen.
2) Everyone being horngry (horny and angry) and very emotionally unstable:
Astarion propositions me. I say I’ll think about it, come back later, and he rejects me, saying he has standards. I didn’t even want to do the do canonically with this character, I just wanted to see how the scene goes if you don’t yet know he’s a vampire.
Gale starts propositioning me and then changes his mind in the middle of his own speech. (Well, at least he promised me to tell his secrets next night, so that’s something.)
Lae’zel, completely out of the blue, starts ranting how I don’t deserve her, and what a shame it is, because if I were worthy, I wouldn’t have had to wonder about [a couple of colorful and horny descriptions]. She’s monologuing and the entire time I’m just s. I’m just standing there.
Shadowheart greets me by announcing she never expected to care for someone so much. I meekly ask, “Tieflings?” To my surprise and relief, she agrees. Then she invites me to “share a bottle” anyway. I try to refuse as politely as possible, but she still disapproves.
Wyll, bless his heart, is the only one not to make a move. I get a dialogue option for that myself, but I ignore it.
All in all, this might be the lamest party I’ve ever been to, video game or real life. If someone throws me a party, I expect more entertainment than banging, let alone a faint chance thereof!
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