#I was a mod there for 2yrs for film
It took a hot minute for my brain to Pepe Silva things but doesn’t it feel like they’re trying to make tumblr like deviantART? Yeah they’re doing algorithm ala tiktok/Twitter shit but the very specific feel I’m getting is dA circa 2010 and I don’t like it
‘Here’s this here’s that here’s a feature no one asked for!’ If I wanted to be on deviantART then I’d be on deviantART. At least over there they listened to users and rolled unpopular shit back and you can get away with porn if you’re crafty, but I haven’t been over there in a hot minute so I couldn’t tell you what it’s like atm. But that’s exactly what it feels like they’re trying to do with tumblr. It’s “a small-town feel brought to you by corporate” or whatever and it feels so utterly disingenuous in just eagh lemme vom
I’m gonna have to go clog your blogs with more stuff from the archive cuz I don’t like this and it’s dredging up bad memories. About to be cock o clock here again LOLOL
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capoteera · 3 months
The mod saying he’s looking healthy now then he has in the last 2yrs. I seem to remember the animal shelter visit in 2023 he was looking good and the delulus were saying it was because the BUA was coming. Changing the narrative yet again😂😂😂😂//
If he only looks happy/healthy when the BUA is coming and he’s a hard out addict he must be on and off drugs every couple of months because that’s how often the BUA is coming. Yep a drug addict is really going to do that but let’s throw in the “I heard in circles” goss to back up addiction. Funny how it only really picked up when they appeared at VF because they had to find some explanation as to why they were there. Poor guy CAA forcing him into drug use now. How can he even function let alone film 2 movies.
Also if it’s the healthiest he has looked in 2yrs that takes us back to 2022 and he was looking fine during Press tours and filming R1. 2023 we hardly saw him. Hawaii again looked good.
Yup that summer that lightyear and tgm came out everyone was lusting over him and he was with her so how do they explain that
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capoteera · 3 months
Then they have someone commenting that he totally could have bulked up in the last 20 days and no drug mention and the mod agreed with this anon. .😂😂 ‘Just wanting to put my two cents in here. I'm a nutritionist and part time trainer. Not trying to argue, but regarding the picture of Chris from yesterday; in comparison to him of the blue shirt on the last day of filming to that, he absolutely could have built the amount of weight that he did. From his appearance it looks to me like he gained around only 7-10 lbs. That is more than easy to do if a male is eating the right amount of protein building caloric intake, as well as doing the workout to match. I'm not sure why people are acting like he is so much "bigger" Between the last day of filming and yesterday's photo. He really isn't. The clothing changes his looks, the fitting of it, the angle of the photo, many factors.”
I don’t remember seeing people were saying he had bulked up heaps in the last 20 days. Most was he looked the same, maybe slightly bigger so not sure where their anons are getting that from. The mod saying he’s looking healthy now then he has in the last 2yrs. I seem to remember the animal shelter visit in 2023 he was looking good and the delulus were saying it was because the BUA was coming. Changing the narrative yet again😂😂😂😂
They’re the only assholes who think he looks bad
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