#idk why tumblr is doin this shit
It took a hot minute for my brain to Pepe Silva things but doesn’t it feel like they’re trying to make tumblr like deviantART? Yeah they’re doing algorithm ala tiktok/Twitter shit but the very specific feel I’m getting is dA circa 2010 and I don’t like it
‘Here’s this here’s that here’s a feature no one asked for!’ If I wanted to be on deviantART then I’d be on deviantART. At least over there they listened to users and rolled unpopular shit back and you can get away with porn if you’re crafty, but I haven’t been over there in a hot minute so I couldn’t tell you what it’s like atm. But that’s exactly what it feels like they’re trying to do with tumblr. It’s “a small-town feel brought to you by corporate” or whatever and it feels so utterly disingenuous in just eagh lemme vom
I’m gonna have to go clog your blogs with more stuff from the archive cuz I don’t like this and it’s dredging up bad memories. About to be cock o clock here again LOLOL
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tiredassmage · 2 years
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A group of besties started playing Guild Wars 2... idk, like the other week? Time is fake and everything is an illusion to me, so, anyway, photodump excuse of uhhh... I half-accidentally recreated Tyr & Rhiannon, but GW??? I think, idk, I’ve never played another GW in my life, but look my brainworms are having a great time.
Featuring, I would die for this raptor and also my necromancer minions (he waited for me when I was trying to get a vista, I felt like I’D ABANDONED MY BOY), and also that time I thought “what’s the worst that could happen, let’s do the jumping puzzle” (swtor this is ALL YOUR FAULT, fucking corrupting me into enjoying jumping puzzles and now there’s VISTAS. what the FUCK) and uh, tldr, Tyr was in a really dark jacket (see the lizard pics) and the rest of him just deadass kinda disappeared and I spluttered about this for about 5 minutes.
What’s NOT pictured is landing on necromancer as my beloved took about 3 or 4 other character attempts (including would-be Tyr) and all I’m saying is that I’m now way more familiar with the first 30 levels of the human origin story than I ever planned to be, do NOT ask me why or how I did this, I don’t know, okay? I don’t know. Tyr doesn’t know, Letallia doesn’t know, we all don’t know.
What I HAVE decided: is necromancer fucks. I’d die for these creepy little bony bastards. (They’ve done a lot of dying for me. MVPs, they’ve been real ones) Necromancer fucks and also fuck you, I kind of love you GW2 vistas and other little jumping activities. How fucking dare you do this to me.
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piratefishmama · 7 months
Everything wrong with the liveaction Avatar and WHY.
in my own personal opinion that nobody need agree with me on.
Zuko fought back in the Agni Kai against his father.
Okay so, so far, there's been a lot of people trying to explain why this was wrong with the very limited space on twitter, i'm going to do it here, on tumblr, where i have unlimited space, whee. In the original show, Zuko, with pure terror in his heart, got down on his knees, begged, and pleaded for forgiveness that his father would not give, before being burned and banished for his weakness and disrespect. This gave the audience the impression that Ozai was fucking terrifying. His power was beyond comprehension, and he was so scary that his own son, his own progeny, would still be TOO AFRAID of him, to even dare cross him. Even at the cost of his honour. Ozai wouldn't even grant mercy to his own terrified son, scarring his face, a part of Zuko that he could never hide, so everyone would forever see the proof of Zuko's dishonour and shame. Ozai was awful. In every single way, but he was also terrifying. The Live Action version had Zuko fighting back. Not only did it have him fighting back, it also had him obtain an actual chance to win that fight. Now, an Agni Kai, is a fight between firebenders where the first person to be burned, loses. Undoubtedly, Ozai had many oppportunities to burn his son from the get go, but for a brief moment, Zuko has the upper hand, right here
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It's right here, that Zuko could have won an Agni Kai against his father, the firelord, and big bad of the entire series, right out of the gate, before he'd even hit adulthood. Pathetic. Dont get me wrong, it's a cool scene, but it greatly diminishes how scary Ozai is supposed to be. Zuko has the strength to fight back, he's scared, but he's not paralyzed with fear, he's able to fight back, and damn near almost WIN. Shit's pathetic. Ozai almost got his shit rocked by a teenager. Who isnt even the avatar. Cartoon Ozai was a terrifying monster who had the actual avatar so scared he was having recurring nightmares about rocking up to the big fight without pants, this dude's just a terrible father with superpowers.
The Face Stealer Koh
In the original cartoon, Koh was introduced as a spirit old enough to know who and what the real world forms of the ocean and moon spirit were. A creepy stealer of faces who hunted by causing reactions in people. Stealing their faces wouldnt kill them, they just. Wouldnt have a face. In the live action, he appears in the 'Hei Bai' episode and hunts in the fog of lost souls, y'know, the place in Korra where lost souls get stuck in their worst memories? Then he cocoons them, and eats their faces. Like, full on eats them. And for some reason he was the one who grabbed the lost villagers in the Hei Bai episode, not Hei Bai. It's weird. Pretty sure one of them maybe got eaten, idk. Unclear. Gross and unclear.
Hei Bai plothole
Not so much a plothole as just... something missing. Hei Bai is seen in his 'distressed spirit' form, he's seen, his pain and distress is acknowledged multiple times, and the reason why he's distressed is seen, but he's never shown to be soothed. Aang buries an acorn in the ground near his damaged statue, but it never shows Hei Bai being soothed. In the cartoon he had to be handed the acorn to see it, to understand the implication and be calmed, if just burying an acorn in the ground would have worked, he'd have never been upset, because he'd have been able to see it himself in the ruins of the forest with there being acorns all over the place.
Wan Shi Tong cameo in Hei bai's foggy spirit forest
Dude why tf are you out of your library? Your foxes venture out into the world to find you things, get back to your library, what the hell r u doin out there?
Gyatso's underwhelming skeletal remains.
In the cartoon they found him surrounded by dead firebender soldiers, having solo'd a ton of them by himself, an old man, a monk, all on his own. Giving the impression that either he fought them off until he fell, or he removed out the air in the room suffocating them all and himself. Both entirely badass ways to go. In the live action the firelord walks through his frankly impressive wall of airbending in a cool 'oo i'm on fire' trick, and burns him alive in front of a bunch of air nation children. The fucking dishonour on your whole goddamn family whoever decided upon that scene, jesus christ.
Azula wasn't scary
She was just... meh.
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The Only Good Thing About the Avatar Live Action series.
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Big spirit fish go brr.
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megamindsecretlair · 7 months
First and foremost….
How u doin?? How’s ya health?? Really hope you’re like tremeeeendously better. How’s ya loved ones an shit? I be forgettin ta ask like real life questions cuz we all somebody behind these letters and screens. I’ve been distant from Tumblr (no good/bad reason, just life be life-in) so I’m playin catch up now.
Okok so I rewatched They Cloned Tyrone and yall…it might just be me ion know🤭but it don’t hurt ta question. You remember Issac? The nigga who shot Fontaine (well really the dude w/run over leg) at the beginnin at Royal?? An at the end he came round wit the whole overthrowin shit??
Yeah him…..he growin on me😩🤌 like Fontaine level growin on me (I just needa know if someone sees what I see cuz that nigga can do sum thangs an i wouldn’t mind🤤)
Aight that was it, hope u have a great/lovely day an weekend🤟
I'm SO sorry I'm responding late to you, beautiful! Fuck it, EVERY month is BLACKITY BLACK BLACK HISTORY MONTH. I'm good, over the Covid! It's cold as hell here so I'm hoping I don't catch something (knock on wood). We all good over here, 'cause they're driving me nuts but they get all the benefits so they're double good!
Hows ya peoples? How are you? I hope you're getting enough rest and taking care of yourself!
YOU KNOW WHAT!!!!! I was definitely checking his fine ass out. Especially in the salon scene, when he came in with the cape around his neck LOL. Don't ask me why, but I was like he a little 🔥🥵WHEW!
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That's a man right there. He screams hella dom to me too. Idk, I just love a man I can't tell what to do. But he'd definitely be on his protective shit too? Like, he REFUSES to let you open your own doors, gives you random gifts when he thinks about it. That's a tiredt man!
But just imagine him getting home and you got everything cooked and laid out for him and now that he's home, you can relax 'cause baby got it!
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eldritch-spouse · 2 years
Going off my last ask, I dunno how to link sorry. I'm just gunna say my favorites, who I am Definitely not ashamed of! Ok, maybe a little... Gallon, Morell, Grimbly, and Belo like idk why, Gallon and Morell have that "daddy knows what hes doin" vibe, the Belo and Grimbly are just so fuckin cute like, LEMME SQUISH YOUR FACE IN MY BOOBS!!!! But yeah, this are my 4 favs who can answer my last question
[I love that it's come to the point where people are embarrassed to tell me they like my characters. This is it, I've peaked as a Tumblr user.]
Meeting s/o's family
Gallon is moderately normal about this. Moderately. No matter how suave and subtle he tries to be, the slime still gives off mildly creepy vibes that others definitely pick up on. Not only that, his tendency to stare for uninterrupted periods prevails. He's good at making casual conversation however, one of the perks of his job you could say, and manages to say very little about himself in a way that doesn't make your relatives uncomfortable. They'll likely get a pretty good impression of Gallon, as a respectable and cultured monster. The bartender will bring his finest wine for your parents.
Morell's got this. He's all about family, he's used to being around people with strong personalities and he knows what to expect. Problem is, your family is human... It's like being in a room full of walking rotisserie chicken. He looks at your relatives and the only things he sees are burgers, sandwiches. He can keep his shit together for the most part, but he eats a lot more and sometimes has to wipe his mouth because he's drooling. Morell does bring a mean pie to the meeting however, and your family's likely to see him as a jolly man overall.
Grimbly's more nervous than he lets on. More than two hours are spent thinking about how he's going to dress. He doesn't have a family (aside from the found family that is TCE), so he's not too sure how to behave and will stick close to you. He'll put on the cute charm tenfold to distract people from asking too much about his work and will gush about you openly, though he has to correct himself several times so as to not call you "mommy" out loud. Although his nervousness shines clearly at times, Grimbly is likely to be readily accepted, or found odd due to feminine tendencies, depends on your family really.
Belo is in TOTAL anxiety. He's meeting his lady's PARENTS. If he fucks this up, he'll never be forgiven. You'll throw him to the streets! The angel is so tense the whole time, afraid moving too much will make him look bad. Honestly, if he could just stand by you and not say a thing, that'd be ideal. For both your sakes, lead the conversation, and don't let him get too much into his poetic, religious descriptions of yourself. He definitely respects your parents a lot, after all, they made an incredible being deserving of eternal worship! He'll try to make himself useful above all else.
Thoughts on a suicidal s/o
I think I've covered this before scarcely, but it's a sad scenario, because you'll never truly get the help you need. And their concern for you isn't entirely genuine. You'll get scars from this episode, and getting through it is mostly on you and your will alone.
They'll keep you alive through selfish means.
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psychicequalizer · 8 months
I don’t mean this as a personal attack or to be condescending since you are very young but one day you will mature and realize that trans liberation and the liberation of Palestine and Sudan are connected. Those are your siblings being bombed in their homes and starving to death because of the actions of your government. The very same boot on your neck is the boot on theirs. I understand not having a lot of agency to control international geopolitics vs. local political action, but I hope you can find it in your heart to still care and advocate for Congo, Palestine, Sudan, etc.
I have trans friends, Southern friends, and trans Southern friends who have watched tens and hundreds of their family members die since October and no, they can’t do a lot about it, but that doesn’t mean they quite rudely tell people to stop posting because it’s hopeless. Your cynicism is on no one else but you and to post the way you did about literal genocide is disgusting ngl. Please do some sober self reflection as to why people advocating against the slaughter of brown people bothers you so much, especially when you are fully capable of curating your own dash experience and never had to say anything in the first place.
Drink some water, rest well, and Free Palestine 🇵🇸
shit man i aint even gonna lie rn bc they say whatever you say drunk is probably what you really mean sober (i aint sober a lot but it is what it is rn) but man i cant do shit about nothin. i cant do shit about this. i cant do shit about nothin. i aint even that damn cynical neither, at least not compared to how damn cynical i was a couple years ago. n also shit, i already told yall that i aint educated enough on this shit to be takin no stance on neither side, n i aint tryna start no fuckin problems. im just real sick of hearin about it. n i aint even gonna lie, im about two fuckin seconds away from not even bein on this app no more. bout sick of it. shit bout all the people i met on here anyways save for about two of em aint even on here no more. whatever. im glad you think youre old n wise. good for you. happy for you. n as far as sayin shit, i can say say whatever the hell i want. this is my damn house n im allowed to say whatever the hell i want. you curate YOUR fuckin dash if you dont wanna see me. i dont give a fuck. shit i got 2k people followin this blog which is funny as hell but you aint gotta see me if you dont wanna. idc. im in a world where i do not need validation from people on tumblr to chill w myself. we chillin. i dont need you to tell me what the hell i should be doin. yeah i think palestine should be free. yeah i think everyone should be free. but there also aint no such thing as freedom n if you want me to elaborate on that lemme know n i will. godspeed brother (or sister idk i aint tryna assume nothin)
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metukika · 2 years
ok you needing a second to understand that tumbel in tumblr saved me from my embarrassment for having misread your message xD hell yeah haha
maybe you could write us a lil post about your favorite character & why they are that :D (soz for not doin it myself i‘m not feeling like putting anything out there today)
and don‘t decide that you won‘t ever contribute to a bigger project that touches people yet !!!!!! YOU‘RE SO YOUNG you‘ve got the whole world waiting for you and you‘re ALREADY so good at art though. your art is already touching people, no reason why that shouldn‘t work if you should ever work with others on a bigger project!!! GET OUT THEREEE i mean also take your time but IF YOU WANT THAT ABSOLUTELY SHOOT YOUR SHOT KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN FOR OPPORTUNITIES i‘d personally love to see your work in something bigger :D nothing‘s set in stone <3 <3 <3 !!!
aww thank you so much anon! idk who you are but youre so kind to me... thats so nice!
about the whole future thing... i know i have a lot of time but i think because of some stuff coming up soon (when i leave school) im stressed about the future and my decisions in it entirely. idk what im gonna do if i need to go to the military lol like what job to take... i havent started driving and i dont understand shit about all the other stuff thats attached with going to the military im just stressed in general. i dont wanna end up staying in my parents house forever ig.
but i have a lot of time and i know that even if my connection with my friends fade away when they get recruited (which is... also something that could happen... oh god i dunno how to make irl friends) i still have my family, and probably the online world too. if i open commissions im pretty sure id get some work, but i dont think i could do that too much cuz i hate drawing things i dont wanna draw.
but, again, who knows what will happen. ill be fine haha, especially if there are people like you who care enough to write messages like these. most of my online friends are from twt so its always nice to see a tumblr fan <3 thank you anon.
(im realizing how depressed this is all making me sound like i promise its just my school hammering in the importance of the military signs up like i dont even know what part of the mess ill be in most of the time theyre teaching shit that doesnt concern me. im okay, im not dying!!)
now to actually talk about my favorite character! woohoo! happy topic change!
for the two people who read this and the one thats actually gonna read till the end, im putting a cut so this isnt annoying on ur dash (note to anon: this post is so so fucking long i know u prob asked me my fav character to cheer me up but dont force urself to read this whole thing just to be polite lmaooo but id appreciate it if anyone did cuz holy shit)
something that ive realized a while back is that usually when it comes to favorite characters of media, i have a type.
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when i made this the character i had in mind where souda (danganronpa), aiura (saiki k) and teru (mp100).
after making the tweet i also thought of denji (csm) who fits right in, and also bakugou (mha) who doesnt, but he looks like half of the characters i did mention lol.
i think the whole social but nice thing came to because of all those shows and stories where the popular kid in school is the mean bully.. maybe i dislike this trope cuz i havent personally experienced any kind of bullying in my school, even as an observer so i cant relate to the experience of having this type of antagonist. the worst it ever got for me was when in fifth grade a girl made fun of me for crying and no one laughed. (shes still in my class over six years later and shes really nice not ufhduh were not friends but were friendly and i dont hold a grudge). maybe its just cuz im wholesome so i dislike any type of negative character. maybe.
that might sound stupid cuz i said i like bakugou, who i used to think of constantly, like for the entirety of 2021 he was in my mind it was annoying. but idk man not all my favs fit into this category ((shinguuji, saihara, yuuko, tweek (who also looks like them! what the fuck!) yuudai from sakana (why are they all blond?!? and men. more female characters what the fuck) barf bag (yes im an object show fan good morning)))
anyways. i like the popular but nice trope is what im saying. why are they all simps? i dont know honestly only one of the characters that i mentioned at the start is simping for someone i ship them with (terumob) (but the reason i even like teru in the first place might be cuz i saw terumob art, thought it was cute, and decided to search more art. i do that with a lot of characters when i dont watch the show (from the original list ive watched all of saiki k, watched playthroughs of the first 2 dr games, watched like a season of mp100 years ago and watched like 2 seasons of mha even before that. i get my filling of plot and character from meme videos, fanart, and fanfics. i understand enough.) and i get hooked on the ship (more examples include akiangel, kiribaku and the two gay boys from evangelion. a lot of homo happening. also whatever the fic version of this is but with denji and yoshida).
about the simping and the bakugou being mean-- i accept my character's flaws!!! i dont erase them!!! bakugou is an asshole and thats why i wanna see him get punished and learn from his mistakes, even if its a little hard! a great fic where this happens (but isnt the main storyline) is quirk: knife! which is probably my favorite non ship heavy fic, check it out!
my fav characters have flaws but just like how you need to embrace flaws in the people you love, whether that means helping them get better or accepting them, i embrace these flaws cuz it makes them who they are! souda, denji and auira wouldnt be themselves if they werent pushing the lines with their crushes and idk what the fuck bakugou would be if he wasnt what he was.
alright lets actually start talking about my favorite character now.
so, right now, my favorite character of all time is-- ding ding ding-- kazuichi souda! who i already mentioned.
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look at him! idk if the one and a half people who are reading this know him, but if u know denji, who is a more popular character atm, then imagine that but more wimpy.
the first time i encountered this character i was watching game grump's playthrough of the second game. i watched their first and enjoyed it but didnt really join the fandom. i didnt know anything about the second so i was going in blind like arin and dan, so theres a chance that whatever i thought about the characters was biased and connected to how they feel.
at first i really liked his design. a lot of the characters have small and complicated details but souda is probably the most simple design, not including hinata, but unlike him souda has a lot of bright colors that draw the eye in! i dont particularly prefer designs with sharp teeth but i think its a pretty nice quirk, since its another part of him that makes him look intimidating. theres a headcanon that he filed themselves but i honestly think he wouldnt do that, and prefer the headcanon that its genetic, even if it makes less sense. but danganronpa, and their designs, dont make sense. i think these little strange quirks are better when they arent thoughtout or have reason. he has sharp teeth becuz. just cuz.
if u dont know what happens in the game im just gonna say that the plot doesnt really matter, cuz really the only growth souda experiences is with his relationship to hinata (the main character) and his trust to his survivor friends that makes him stronger and convinces him to leave the virtual reality. im not gonna be talking about the plot in detail. i also havent watched the anime so im not gonna get into whatever he does there. i do know that he makes some cute faces in it, which is pretty awesome.
but, yeah, besides his design, at the start i truthfully didnt really like him lmaooo he was kind of stalkerish towards sonia (ill prob get into their relationship later), he is also a wimp but honestly... i get it hes stuck in a killing game i would be scared of anything too. i feel like of all of the cast, from all the games, souda is probably one of the best depictions of an actual teenager that might exist. of course he has his obnoxious moments, but in a way that a dumb teenager would have. i dont know when i started liking him, maybe after discovering soudam? hmm.
kazuichi is the ultimate mechanic, which is one of the talents in the game that actually gets used? he makes the communicators in chap 3 and fixes the elevator in chap 4. besides that, he is also important to the second chapter since he helped tie up komaeda and he also brought hinata to the diner, though that has nothing to do with his talent.
he learned to be a great mechanic from working at his dad's repair shop or garage or whatever its called. its mentioned that their family is pretty poor, and i think the concept of a character being at one point or another un-wealthy pretty interesting (did that come strange? sorry). he worked to help get their family money he is a good boy, he mentions being better than his dad too. he doesnt look like the typical mechanic, except from the greasy hair and jumpsuit (im talking specifically about his color scheme) and thats another one of those quirks that make no sense but i just like haha
speaking of his parents, lets talk about a popular headcanon that fans have of souda's dad (before we start i wanna state that my opinion on this topic and the topic of souda relationship towards sonia and his trust issues were all stem from an analysis video of him on youtube, if u know u know, so if i want someone more competent talking about it go there, but if u dont care enough to research it or ure only reading because u like me and wanna hear me talk about something i care about dw im gonna go into detail about these anyways
the hc is that souda's dad physically abuses him. i wanna talk about why dont agree (if u wanna skip this part ill put *** when it ends so just go there <3). this hc stems from a story he tells hinata in one of the free time events where he didnt go to his previous school trips because he wanted to save money for his family, even though he really wanted to go, and he says something along the lines of how his dad "beat the crap outta him" when he didnt go.
do i think his dad hit him? probably. i dont really know how common this type of discipline is in japan, or in places with more un-wealthy people so this might be normal to them. does that make that okay? obviously not. but if the only example we get for him hitting souda is after souda does something good for the family in his own expense, it wont make sense for his father to be mad about it, right? i think he was upset his son had to give up his happiness for them, even if it was to save money. the analysis vid said it might be souda just using more dramatized words for it. He was hesitant to tell hinata that he was picked on at school, i dont think hed just admit to being abused so casually. i think his dad might have smacked him from time to time when he was younger but probably stopped the more souda grew up. if his dad really hated him he wouldnt beat him after doing something that would benefit the dad, is what im saying.
also i think that the way souda acts doesnt reflect someone who would be regularly abused... its not like im an expert, but if we for example look at tsumiki, who was canonically abused and bullied regularly, we can see a great difference. yes, souda tends to be caught off guard or scared of stuff, but usually its less of other people and more about the situation around him. he was scared of monokuma and the monobeasts and the morning after the killing gama announcement. he's also generally not that apologist about his stupid behavior... for example he doesnt feel remorse for tying up komaeda, and even threatens to tie up kuzuryuu too. i also think he said something about wanting to punch one of the other guys? this might be cuz he tends to blurt out his thoughts stupidly and doesnt know how to hold his tongue (something that, if he was abused, would probably get him in trouble) but he never recoils from what he said. he whines about being judged, like after letting slip that he was thinking of sonia in a creepy way, but he never goes back and is afraid that someone might punish him or hurt him. like how tsumiki apologizes for the smallest thing at claims that she'll take any punishment.
it might also be because i generally dont like hcing characters with abusive parents haha. i know for a lot of characters its a part of what makes them who they are, but if thats not the case i feel like its always to excuse the character from some frowned upon trait they have.
its a bit difficult to explain so ill take an example from a different character from a different show. todoroki from mha was abused as a child, and its a part of what makes him him, and its a big part of his character, even if hes not in that situation anymore. i wont deny it. now, theres a hc that some people like to believe about bakugou's parents, specifically his mom, being abusive. this isnt canon. first of all everyone is entitled to hc what they want but a lot of the time i feel this is a way to explain his asshole behavior (also i just love mitsuki). i dont like excusing his fucked up actions and blaming his parents. i think that him being an asshole from the ideals that he himself made is kind of what made him interesting. he believes in what he learned from his own experiences that he and only he had. his stupid child thinking made him the gross person he is, and thats way more interesting than blaming his parents' behavior, like we can do with reason in todoroki's case. todoroki acts antagonistic at the start of the show because of the pressure his dad put on him.
now going back to souda, by making his dad abusive a lot of people linked that to him being a creep towards sonia. while i do see how his parents and their expectations might be a motivator, i prefer to blame souda himself for his wrong actions. i dont want to excuse his actions like that. its more interesting to see him grow from the ideals and reasonings he made himself.
now let's talk about his relationship with hinata! woo!
canonically, hinata is the person souda is closes to in the game, even though most of the time hinata is just tolerating his stupid behavior. except in his free time events maybe. their relationship is probably the biggest character development souda gets.
lets talk about his past a little more.
souda tells hinata that he used to be picked on for looking like a nerd. he had black hair (but i hc it more like dark brown, because reminder this is a post gushing about my fav character first and an canalization second), brown eyes (in hc world dull pale brown cuz a lot of the char's eyes are dull and pale colored) and glasses (hc: thin and rectangle shaped). he's not really a nerd... except that he's probably good at math and that type of things, since he builds machines and all. if i remember correctly, he says his bullied got away with what they did because he tends to be naive and trusts too easily. he was also used by his best friend that cheated off of his test, blamed souda for it (which he didnt really mind, showcasing how much not a nerd he is if he doesnt care about his studying and tests like that) and then kinda ghosted after feeling bad. but at the time souda was really heartbroken and felt betrayed, this whole situation gave him trust issues because that his naive heart cant tell when someone really wants to be his friend or if they'll drop him when they dont need him anymore.
souda and hinata start off being friends because souda didnt like any of the other guys enough (fair enough, hinata is the most normal one lol) and he tolerated him enough to go to the diner on the second island to spy on the girls with him. at the time kuzuryuu was still an asshole to everyone, but the two do get friendlier after the second trial (survivor boys bff agenda. i did say "bff coded" didnt i?)
souda tells hinata that after his ex best friend left him, he kinda went through something-- he dyed his hair, put in contacts, and pierced his ears (which i like to think was really scare to him) (and i assume this is when he started to wear bright colors, but i like to think he was always a fan of them (aiura and teru kinnie)) to make himself more intimidating (like i said in the list! remember the list?!) so that he wont be picked on. i assume the bullying he experienced was more emotional that physical, and he was probably called names for his nerdy appearance and was made to do tasks for toxic friends and somethings like that. tsumiki was physically bullied and she has bandages all over her design while souda rolls up all his sleeves and has his collar bone exposed while there is no marks on him. maybe he's have some scars from beginner's mechanical mistakes but thats hc territory.
anyways, because of his appearance change, he got some attention from flirtations girls and said that it had intimidated him. i imagine that while he was in his nerd looking mode, he didnt get much attention from the other sex so when they only started approaching him with the assumption he's some punk badass, that was probably a bit overwhelming for him and thats why he has a strained relationship with the female sex. he does kind of sexualize the girls, specifically in the second chapter, but honestly its not really that bad. it kind of even feels a little forced, like he said nanami had "huge jugs" and wonders if this "is what moe gap is" or something like that but he doesnt even say anything about wanting her lmao. the only girl he really shows any interest is sonia, and he mostly gushes about her beauty, instead of her body. not that thats really any better ofc.
he does get along with some of the girls or at least acts normal and not incel-y towards them, like whenever he's angry at saionji, when he felt awkward next to tsumiki or when he made minimaru for owari (though he did mainly do that to impress sonia). when alter ego enoshima suggest putting him between her boobs or whatever batshit crap she said he just yelled he's get crushed, so like. good for him for not being toooo bad. so yeah i do think there are reasons why souda's best friend woudlnt be a girl (for now, at least) and thats why it really is hinata.
and while hinata has other friends, his and souda's connection is special <3 some examples: he is friends with nanami, but they dont really get each other, or at least hinata doesn't feel too connected at her at times cuz shes like a robot and doesnt really get emotions to the full extent. canonically, his and komaeda's relationship is just not... bros, yknow? whatever it is its not "bros". he and souda are bros. i know that he and kuzuryuu consider each other brothers but i feel like while the friendship they have is great, hinata would be more comfortable just letting loose and being stupid with souda. they could connect by being stupid together and distracting one another from the bad in the world by being fun. cuz souda can be fun when he isnt stressed.
but since souda is an emotional character (i dunno if i mentioned this, if u didnt know souda beforehand hes emotional as shit and cries constantly, my beloved) they can get close the two of them emotionally and are empathetic enough to be able to comfort each other. that is, when souda trusts his enough to do that.
thats right. as much as id like to say souda is loyal like a dog, he doesnt really show that in the game lol. because of his experience with his ex friend, souda has trust issues, which i think i already touched upon (idk this is so fucking long im tryna go thru this one topic at a time but good god) and these issues come up in his and hinata's relationship, mainly chap 4. to put it simply cuz honestly the plot doesnt really matter in this context: souda suspects hinata to be a traitor, and because in chap 4 the characters are not allowed to eat, this probably makes him more stressed and causes him to think even more rationally. after the chap is over, in souda's last free time event, he invites hinata to the beach and order him to punch himself.
his actions are really silly here, but basically: hinata shows in souda trust, which makes souda feel like a bad friend, because he couldnt bring himself to trust hinata even though hinata didnt do anything wrong. he feels that their friendship is unfair and that he's the cause of this problem. so i guess he knows he'll get into an argument or a fight because of it, or maybe he wants to give hinata a reason to not trust him so he bring hinata to the beach so they could fist fight. but souda doesnt like to harm people cuz soda is a good boy tm so he asks hinata to do the work for him (which he does not do lol. they communicate and talk like normal friends). this is where souda tells hinata about his past being bullied, after in the last free time event hinata said he could see souda hanging out with the cool kids, so this is where he confides that hes not a cool kid. anyways souda comes to the conclusion that hes more scared of being a bad friend and a coward because of his trust issued that actually being betrayed, and tells hinata that he'll trust him. hooray!
in my mind they are suchhhh good friends. i dont mind shipping souda with a lot of the characters, but it think their friendship is the most important to me. i love them!
now lets get into his relationship with sonia!
i do, in fact, think that his crush on her is fake. i do think he believes in it. but he does not realize that the created a version of her brought on by her general politeness, her status as a princess and her beauty, in his mind that every day strays farther away from the real sonia. he denies her liking of the occult and other scary stuff that turns him off and he acts shocked when she admits to being a virgin (yikes. at least he doesnt really shame her. i think it just ruins his image of her-- again, yikes-- but he ignores it mostly. like he ignores her, the real her, most of the times)
i dont know why he needs a romantic relationship specifically so desperately, but i can think of why he wants that puppy love admiration that he has for her. she, or at least the way he makes her in his mind, is wildly out of her league. sure he wants a girlfriend, but deep down he knows hell never get her. thats why when she turns him down again and again he only gets hurt for like a minute. she even suggests she would rather he be the blackened in the 4th trial and he gets over it pretty quickly. this is the reason he wants to like someone out of his reach so much-- because he cant get hurt from her. he isnt being betrayed or heartbroken like his ex best friend did to him (yes this is about the trust issues again) because he never expected to be with her in the first place. by expecting failure by chasing a girl that is so so out of his league (a pretty perfect princess) he knows what he gets when hes turned down. to him, this is better than actually making an effort with someone he is genuinely attached to because in that case he might actually get his feelings hurt. we see this with his relationship with hinata, though it isnt in a romantic sense. sadly, after they become close friends, he still chases after sonia, but that might be because the player isnt guaranteed to play all of souda's free time events.
this stuff probably will take time for souda to understand. ofc this doesnt really justify his actions and creepy behavior towards her... i like to think that at some point (i constantly forget that dr is a game about killing each other and the apocalypse, but ig this can take place in here too since they both survive) he understands where his problem stem from, maybe with a conversation with hinata or kuzuryuu and he learns and he asks forgiveness from sonia and changes his behavior. the long and hard way!!! my boy did something stupid and he has to make up for it!!!! he will take responsibility because thats what good character writing is!!
itll probably be difficult to come to terms that the girl in his mind, that i do believe he actually fell in love with, is not real. he will cope <3
briefly i'd like to mention souda's and kuzuryuu's relationship i think they are bffs #2 honestly i feel that the both of them plus hinata could be the best trio they are such wholesome guys from all corners of the bro spectrum let the be friends<333 idk maybe even add owari. owari and souda sibling energy <3 this is just hc territory at this point. mioda and souda sibling energy!!!!! for more kuzuryuu and souda friendship read the fic Fuyuhiko and Kazuichi's Guide to Despair Disease: A How-To Take Care of Your Friends(?) Without Spiraling Out Of Control Story. still a wip.
hmmm that was a lot. lets talk about some hcs cuz believe it or not i dont just think of his as what he is canonically, but also what he could be!
ok lets talk about appearances (still canon atm:) he is short-- one of the shortest guys in the cast cuz fuyuhiko and teruteru dont count (thats a plus) and he is, sadly, pretty ripped. it makes since cuz he prob carries heavy stuff and moves his arms a lot for his talent of being a mechanic but when a (male) character is TOO ripped and not for a good reason (for example theres a good reason why nidai or oowada are physically strong cuz of their talents, and some characters are just himbos that deserve it like momota) i just look at them like :|. but it think souda deserves some strong arms <3 he is a cuddler. he would. i just dont think he's impressively ripped. like i think he could sprint fast, but not for long, and that girls wouldnt flawk him for his arms (if they already knew who he was) cuz all in all he is still a wimp loser and he will stay as such, please and thank you.
im a big fan of his narrow eyes. theyre just. dont make sense on him i love it. just like the sharp teeth, he is blessed with looking the opposite of his personality.
now lets talk about post canon appearances! in the world of canon, where the most tragic event in history happens and they were a part of the despair refinements and they live the neo world program (i always forget they dont live in my lil modern day normal aus, ugh), i think he would wake up still looking like how he did in his depair era. idk how long theyre like that but this is my personal hc: hair that reaches his chest, some ugly dulled down pink still sticking to the tips of his messy hair, no hat </3 but his hair is long enough that he doesnt have that hedgehog thing going on </3, no contacts, no glasses, probably scars over his arms and one over the side of his lips like that rio penguin from madagascar (also curse that show for making my tiny stupid child brain think there are penguins in the desert. at least there are such a thing as beach penguins... hmm). i think he would cut his hair to be shorter that it is in canon, a bit longer than hajime's and would resemble saihara's except brown, parted and no ahoge. he wold be dispensation by the length. he would also wear a cap (the normal way) and with his natural colors back, he would look very snuggble :)) he would hug everyone he would be the comfort giver at least to the survivors (this is the part where u realize how insame i am for him lol)
in a world where the end of it didnt happen, i feel like he would feel kind lonely for a while after school, and wouldnt care enough to wear contacts and would go back to glasses, and he wouldnt dye his hair (i just really like his naturality okay i know i said i liked him at first for his colors but this is character growth! he is learning that he doesnt need to be intimidating to get friends!!!) his hair would be a little longer than canon but not by much. i just have this au where he works in an office and there he meets kamukura (who, personality wise is just hinata but depressed) and they become bffs dont at me, and this is how he looks in that au, wearing a button down without the tie and the sleeves rolled up. i do think hed wear obnoxious colors in his free time tho <3
maybe i should get into ships a little? mostly i shipped him with tanaka because i love me some rivals to lovers that isnt angst filled and is mostly just petty. theys either be salty towards each other or tanaka would be very intense in his friendship and souda would be tsundere-ish, not the obnoxious type tho. imagine how denji acts towards yoshida. (denji and souda are actually really alike. before i knew anything about csm my twt mutual told me id prob like denji cuz i like souda and.. well he was right)
but recently i dont really focus on shipping souda with anyone as much as i focus on his friendship with hinata (am i the only one who watched gg compilations and put their faces behind the silly conversations? like i imagine their sprites laughing while the video plays. is that weird? them and also saihara&momota. cuz theyre the same relationship!!! tactful mc and their friendly dumb bro! they!!!). also if u recall i made that drawing of souda with a bunch of ships so its not like loyal lol.
also why are souda and tanaka together constantly in the anime... i think its the end song where theres a slide show of all the characters in class in places like a picnic and the beach and stuff and the two of them are almost together. theyre at the very least friends. that dynamic where they both look intimidating but theyre both so fucking stupid. frienemies. <333 they are so <333 theyd be friedns at least!!! thank you for the anime for realizing that.
i also like to imagine that he and tsumiki would be friends <3 they were both bullied, they both cry a lot and arent really taken seriosuly, at least when it comes to their emotions. i think theyd hug and cry together and be friends :) also as couple they could be very cute.
i dont really know what more to say... i think this is it! i dont know what about kazuichi souda makes me love him so much. he is flawed but not to the point of being unlikable. he is unique but can easily be related to! i care about him so much... the amount of aus i come up and put him in... i dont post so much about him, but know he is my love. ofc i dont have romantic feelings for him some ppl just thirst over their favs i wanna preface that aint the case. not cuz of his age (im close to him in age) but cuz i just... dont feel and romantic or thristy feelings towards anyone so istg if anyone says something stupid to me about that.
thats all! i think this is the longest post ive ever made? when i got this ask last night i thought id write about all those characters i mentioned at the start but then when i went to bed i thought about my answer and realized i have a lot to say lol.
to the one person who actually read until the end, if u even exist (who knows myabe this was for nothing, i still had fun), you're insane. and i hope u have a great rest of ur day. if u didnt know who souda was before this... well u certainly do now (also why did u read this?) sometimes i just gotta rant about something i adore haha. its been a while since i went all out cuz me and my irl dont watch the same shows. i hope i made whoever read this love souda! at least a little!
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this post is 5787 words long... im not rereading this
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koyukoyukoyukoyu · 2 years
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I posted 79 times in 2022
That's 79 more posts than 2021!
10 posts created (13%)
69 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 16 of my posts in 2022
#outsiders smp - 7 posts
#letters on the fridge - 6 posts
#koyu’s fridge art - 5 posts
#mcyt - 4 posts
#outsiders smp fanart - 3 posts
#mcyt art - 3 posts
#important koyu post - 3 posts
#krowfang - 3 posts
#owengejuicetv - 2 posts
#ggacho - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#ngl the monochrome color scheme does have its appeal but. sometimes all we need is a teal wall
My Top Posts in 2022:
hi again outsidersblr. i asked people on twitter to send me clothing items and a c!outsider for me to style that clothing item in. i still have some that i need to do because procrastination but still take them
under the cut bc this post is LONG
if this (readmore) doesn’t work then oh well at least i tried
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c!mohwee and c!ori requested by bees on twitter @/PogchampBees
clothing item: crocs. matching crocs
See the full post
27 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
i come out of my little hole to bring treats
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this is the piece I did for the outsiders fanzine !!!!! go check it out now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
time: 10 hrs 49 min
layers: 373
canvases used: 3
the outfits explained here (a tweet bc im too lazy to explain it here
anyways toodaloo I got nothing else to say
45 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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✨its ayngel and krow time✨
here outsidersblr, i painted ayngel and krow together a few days ago! speedran the skin and clothing but i rlly love the hair :0
52 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
heehee hi hello outsidersblr (or whatever it’s called)!!! im koyu and I just joined tumblr !!
im an artist and i’ve done some promo art for owen’s outsiders streams!! im pretty sure they weren’t posted here so i’m doing myself !!
yes if you check twitter they are all the promo art for every stream where c!owen murders a c!outsider who is a demon. i have become a harbinger of c!death
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See the full post
60 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Carpe Diem.
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WOOOOO THIS SHIT TOOK SO LONG (click pic for better quality)
happy wednesday outsidersblr! how are we doing after the Angst Hell that was the Finale Part 2? i haven’t coped from that! but whatever! im making a fic of post-finale shit!
i made this hell of a group art piece and posted it on monday but i was too lazy to post it on my other socials so im doin it now. also my friends and i are still wondering why a) they are inspirations to the outsiders and b) how im not included in the artist section despite doing art for like 4 lore streams and an animatic when we all saw the end credits
the world may never know.
layers: 573
time: 45 hrs 26 min
canvases: 6
AND YES. i did put them in designer clothing. im too lazy to attach it to this post so here’s a tweet of it
also a lil bit of lore: this piece started out as initially a redraw of this art but then i decided to make things worse for me
153 notes - Posted July 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ariaisabitch · 2 years
idk i did these last season and got a lot of notes from it so. Time for a single lesbian to judge a bunch of random straight people!!
S3 Ep2
I did episode one but then tumblr crashed and i lost it all and no way in hell am I re-typing all of that. Just know that I already dislike Cole and am feeling antsy with uhhh whatever his name is. The dude in the first couple. Ok anyways onto the reactions ig.
BRENNON. His name is Brennon. Idk I feel like he's gonna react badly to Alexa (probably cause i'm plus size as well and have that same fear LMAO)
MAN'S WHISPERED "Yes!" under his breath when he saw her, nvm.
Awww ok they're kinda cute. They're like the awkward couple, but they're awkward together. Love that.
HES JUST STARING AT HER AS SHES SPEAKING OK NVM ALL DOUBTS ARE GONE. Why can't I find me a girl like that. This show is so rude.
oh yeah this girl got rejected twice in the same day. Ouch. I mean, I understand their sides cause why would you marry someone when they can't decide what they want? Like this show is literally speed dating x10000000. But also I understand her want to find someone to love her, I just don't think it would be on this show of all things.
YO THIS DUDE GOT MARRIED AT 18 FOR 8 YEARS? AND THEY BROKE UP? FUCKING OUCH. Holy shit. Give this man a massive ass hug.
Ok, she's literally just gonna go to her third choice? This feels like another Jess situation ngl. This shit happens every season omg.
(yet i eat it up everytime)
Yo, Nancy is so fucking beautiful, man. Like holy shit.
Andrew gives me douche vibes. Just the way he holds himself. Dude has barely talked yet and i'm like "nope. ew" he's literally bragging about traveling and cars and shit dude.
Nvm, man's just dropped some really deep shit. Wtf. Where tf did that come from? the casual sip afterwards
I know she did not just basically call this man humble.
Bartise is giving me bad vibes. Like he hasn't necessarily done anything that bad yet, but he just feels off. Idk.
Raven is so gorgeous too. Weren't these the two that randomly started working out on the first date? I forget. oh wait she said she was insecure about something, i missed it.
Honestly, I think the Bartise feeling i have is just his voice. I just really don't like his voice LOL
She's just pacing around in a circle, and she keeps looking directly into the camera and it's fuckin hilarious omg. Girl is just doing hip thrusts as he tells a story.. Dude this girl.. LMAO He's opening up and she's just doin jumping jacks.
LMFAO HE HEARD HER WORKING OUT, THATS GREAT. Aww i kinda feel bad for him now.
SK's voice on the other hand, is so smooth. I could listen to this man read me audio books bro. YOO HIS PARENTS ARE POLY?? Omg this man is an absolute sweetheart. I like SK way more LOL. He's so nice about everything.
He annoys me so fucking much tho omg. I feel like he's trying to be quirky hyper, but he's just annoying hyper.
Zanab is great as well. They're all so nice this season and then the dudes are shit. Except for SK and- why tf is he crying? is he fake crying or just? cause both are incredibly weird. He's fake crying... wtf. Anyways. Except for SK and Brennon.
THEY DATED FOR A FEW MONTHS, GOT MARRIED, AND SHE LEFT HIM IN A FEW MONTHS AFTER THAT? Girl nah, that's a red flag in itself. There's a reason that girl left.
dude just casually asked her to be his girlfriend. He's like the fucking couch steve impersonator from last season that dated natalie.
Colleen and Matt. Forgot about him. Why do so many men have southern accents here? I think it's like two actually. Oh wtf, I blanked out and now he's talking about getting cheated on. Ok, but that situation actually does suck ass.
LMAO RAVEN JUST STOPPED AND STARED AT IT. Can she say no, man? Like, if he's about to propose let's just say no. SHES JUST EATING CHIPS WHILE HES ABOUT TO PROPOSE. Honestly, I don't feel sorry for him ngl. He sounds like a prick rn. LMFAO HER FACE OMG THATS AMAZING.
"I go out there looking for girls that make me feel better" absolutely not.
LMAO THIS GIRL. SHES AMAZING. Raven has been picked as my favorite this season. Absolutely love her. Queen.
I KNOWWW HES NOT TALKING SHIT ABOUT RAVEN. LMAOOOO he calls raven obviously very attractive and SK is like "She's very smart! 😁" he's adorable.
Bro Nancy is just picking the douchebags. Like Andrew needs to be humbled, and Bartise needs someone to smack sense into him.
Nancy is so cute, girl I need you to run. Rip those heels off and full on quarterback run outta there.
Wtf is this? Silent disco? That's not random at all. Literally where tf did that come from.
"I wouldn't want it any other way, I want love in your way" this man..
Cole is a literal child omg
i can't believe she said yes. Well i mean i understand it, but me, personally. Absolutely not.
Matt, that "me too" was not convincing at all
Her pacing around the room is such a mood
"Husband material" girl.... be honest...
"i couldn't see myself being with zanab" yeah cause you got rejected by your number one. Rightfully so.
ok i did not need to hear her moan
"has bigger boobs than i expected" bruhhhh
ok that's enough kissing... ok...
i feel like nancy's gonna pick baurtise and it makes me anxious
I don't think Andrew's amazing, but he's better than baurtise.
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allofuswantgwinam · 11 months
i once again need to vent into the abyss of tumblr hello
i have a friend and i hate her fiancé sm he is literally so fucking toxic but they have a baby (AND A BABY ON THE FREAKING WAY I KEEP FORGETTING) so it makes it harder for her to leave 😭😭 and i don’t get to see her a lot anymore bc she got a new job so idrk if he’s doin the same shit he has been doing BUT I s2g he is bc I texted her last night about how this dude messaged me last night that I am almost 1000% sure we have talked about him before and this woman only said “idk who that is��� and didnt even ask for the tea or anything and y’all wanna know why!!? Wanna know effing W H Y!? bc he is such an insecure POS that he’ll get mad about if one of her friends even messages her about a male person that has nothing to do with her … like im so pissed rn I hate him. I wish she would see her worth already and dump his ass but I don’t think that will ever happen and it makes me sad bc she deserves better than the way he treats her.
0 notes
hollylachat · 2 years
mole game 01
today is february the first,
i am the most motivated person in the world right now i am literally god, i am having a prophetic episode and everyone is my pawns
i am going to learn the unity game engine as one with such an overload of emotions and a psychotic mind would do. I believe the best therapy is to just give urself work and convince yourself it is actually really fun.
why do i want to learn a game engine, because i want to make a game, for gaming. I'm a bit of a prophet gamer, like a holy spirit that makes video games for all the poor peasants
I have chosen unity game engine because the internet is made for gnomes, and im not picking no engine made and spread around for gnomes, im no gnome. I will rip out all of my body hair if someone tells me to try out gadot game engine, i shouldnt even be hearing those words, just make it easier for me, im a beginner how do you expect me to learn on that shit.
the internet makes things so much harder for me to learn this shit, makes it impossible to know who to trust, youtube does not help, ive tried in the past to learn but youtube video tutorials do not help in the slightest, ill just find my brain going into college lecture mode and just write down code and not even understand anything
unity docs are also chronically impossible to read, its like a different language, its like they thought that they needed to restate all their type functions and shit in their docs and not say anything about what they do besides what they output or something, even though you already get this information from your IDE.
you can scrub over here, rant is over ill get into what I have done
i followed game makers toolkit tutorial for unity which idk if i should be like embarassed to mention considering my distaste my tutorial videos, i dislike this video for like spending alot of time explaining what code does like as if someone who doesnt know c-sharp at all isnt going to have like a really hard time after watching the video. but its like mildly encouraging to learn on your own and find your own problems and whatnot to work on.
I made the dumb flappy bird clone and made like a pencil character and like some book assets which was probably the fun part, really cool seeing your own art be in a video game.
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here is flazzyjohn completely preserved as a gif on the tumblr servers
the only two things i even bothered to do after doin all the shit in his video is make the wing sprite change when pressing the space key and like that sucked, unity animation system looks like its going to be something that i will hate the more i use it, and i made it to where when the walls/books spawn they like randomly choose what sprite they are out of the 3 book sprites i made
brackeys unity videos which people seem to praise in the youtube comment sections really feel like dumbbed down youtube content in the meanest way possible, i refuse to accept that the answer to my problem is that you used a function that you made in a different video and actually i should watch that, just flash the code on the screen or something, its literally not worth my time
ok now i will exclaim my prophetic invision for my incredibily intricate first real game that i will burn out on sooner or later, you cannot convince me otherwise
either that or ill backout and make a snake clone or something
BUT then ill work on it
I want to make a 3d game, i know dumb, it would be like shitty low poly if that rationalizes it in anyway (it doesnt).
I have one idea that im kinda hyperfocusing on right now thats really simple but really complex and already hyper engineered in my head.
im imagining like a really dumbed down mining game wit like gumdrop-shaped moles with big handheld drills
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(ignore the chibi robo they wont be in the game)
so ur this little mole guy and theres like a mole city wit like people to talk to or whatever (they would exist just to give u fetch quests and dumb dialogue) and the fetch quests would consist of going down the big elevator in the center and heading into the ever changing mines or something lore something lore
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made this ms paint drawing for a friend in a jiffy
the like splotches of colored areas is supposed to be what minerals looks like on a map you recieve everytime you go into the mines, its always the same level, it just resets through like shifting rock or something, thats why there will be a time limit of like 2 minutes or something idk to grab ur shit and get out.
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the map would be start out like one of those like lottery ticket scratch off things, and u gotta scratch it off like really fast.
i guess like the point is to like implement alot of weird stuff to do on the map that takes up your time inside the mine, since the main game concept is kinda simple
a sense of progression could be implemented through items given by the npc's that let you do more weird stuff with your map, like reveal hidden minerals and shit
i got like two ideas rn:
ones just like a pencil that you have to hold down and wait for your mole character to draw out a line to where you currently are, because the map wouldnt like show where you are.
another where you have like a limited use item where you could put like magnetic dust that sticks to a certain part of the map that would tell u where a secret mineral is or somethin.
im thinkin like this can only work in a 3d game for like selfish and learning reasons, i have like a few inspirations to go off of too
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i had to play like 30 minutes of this game for like screenshots but like this shit, fairly oddparents shadow showdown encapsulates the gamecube era of games, i also played way too much of it like 3 years ago because i thought it would be fun to speedrun and wasted alot of time on it. Mostly just taking inspiration from the incredibly simple icons and text boxes.
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Woooo i lovwe animal crossing i love making fake relationships with animal people, growing up with animal crossing did not impact me in the slightest, not a single thing. Ive always really liked the ui design in animal crossing, i will be ripping it off in some shape or fashion, i will decide if it will be shameless or not at a later date
Main issue with making a 3d game is that i gotta learn blender and thats makes it difficult because i also have to learn how to make a 3d model like look good
Anyways I dont expect this to be done for awhile, but im hoping the pressure from starting a log, generally just to complain and complain about how unreadable documentation can be.
This is supposed to spark the start and I will be opening a unity project and trying make a cube move with WASD whenever i have free time and im not drawing.
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neko-nemesis · 3 years
Diluc Ragnivindr x reader
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❗WARNINGS ❗: MDI (MINORS DON'T INTERACT), 18+ sexual contents ahead, nsfw, semi-public (I think?), biting, choking, unprotected sex (don't do this shit irl, wrap it before you tap it), rough sex, slight degradation, use of the word "cunt", manhandling, idk what else, lmk if I missed anything.) Not proof-read, forgive my dumbass for typos and grammatical mistakes, I'm about to fall asleep standing up like a horse.
𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒄𝒆: 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅�� 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒚 𝑮𝒐 𝒃𝒚 𝑻𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒂𝒌𝒐
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1k
Note: sjsjdhdhsj MY FIRST FIC WOOHOO HI hello, how ya doin, I caved in you guys 🤚😩 the horniness has taken over me, too far gone to even heal by just touching grass. Anyway though can you tell I'm down bad for Diluc? 🗿 That sexy emotionally constipated mf can have me any day now. SHDHDjdjs I hope y'all enjoy this nonsense I wrote right fucking now at 3 in the fucking morning. Feels great writing here for the first time in Tumblr. (If you know me from Wattpad, no you don't.) Please lmk what y'all think 💬 reblogs and notes are highly appreciated <3 mkay bye 🤸🏽‍♀️ I'm outta here, I feel SO SHY tf?
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This isn't what you were expecting, at all. Infact you definitely didn't see yourself spending the night with your boyfriend like this on a fine evening, your face pressed against the cool wooden wall inside a tight closet. Completely nude aside from thigh high stockings and shoes. It was unfair how you were butt ass naked, with your back arched meanwhile your boyfriend, Diluc was fully clothed aside from his pants hanging below his thigh, low enough to have his fat cock out and drilling inside you. Not one article of clothing of his on the creaky wooden floor haphazardly like yours but you sure weren't complaining. From how hard he was busy pounding into your poor little cunt, leaving you not a chance to even utter a word and complain since he also had one of his large hand on your throat, tightening his grip ever so slightly now and then.
Well, how did you get into this in the first place? Well...Kaeya happened. Having nothing better to do in the knights of Favonius, he made his pretty little way to Angel's share. Just knowing how much Diluc hated when he interacted with you only egged him more to walk up to you with a smirk on his face and chirp away. Little did both of you knew, Diluc really wasn't having any of this tonight. Already being in a sour mood from before, with all the recent increase of casualties around Mondstadt, it sure has taken a toll on the poor man's mood and then seeing Kaeya making his s/o laugh angered him only further. Making it his last straw.
"Y/n." He calls out, your ears perk up and you feel a little uneasy, Diluc from the start since you have been dating him has been nothing but a gentleman. Extremely respectful and not to mention, gentle with you surprisingly, as if you were delicate. It wasn't an often occurrence where any of you would call each other by given names. So this definitely caught your attention. Looking back at Kaeya one more time as he gives you a knowing smile as you walk over the counter, Diluc stood there still on the opposite side, cleaning the last glass rather with much more force. "Hey honey." You say, smiling, "what's up-" "Charles, watch over for the night, me and miss y/n are leaving." He sternly says as he walks out and grips on your forearm tight, dragging you along with his fast footsteps which you were struggling to keep up with and you both make way towards the small closet where we are now.
"D-Diluc slow down" you yelp, feeling him much deeper as his hand leaves your throat and rather used it to bring you closer by your thigh while the other never stopped rubbing slow but hard circles on your clit. "Why- just fucking why do you even give him time huh?" His teeth sinks in the skin on your shoulder, leaving a crescent mark along with all the other hickeys and bite marks on your skin from your neck to your shoulders and chest that he has placed from moments ago. Thrusting in more harder than before, it was as if he was in your tummy. "Kaeya this, ugh fuck- kaeya that huh?- Archons fuck- you're tight." His hot ragged breath hitting the back of your neck, causing goosebumps to form everywhere on your body. By now, you were on your tiptoes, trying to keep up with Diluc's harsh thrusts inside you. "You're forgetting your place, my love. You- you belong to me." he groans, feeling the gummy walls inside of you tightening inside around his dick at his words. He chuckles darkly at that, "Seems like you agree with me doll."
Your trembling hands covered your mouth, trying your level best to not fucking scream at this point from both the pleasure and pain, starting to feel the build up in the pit of your stomach, "B-baby please, I'm close I'm close-"
Quickly his hand moves faster on your clit, while the other leaves your hip as it soon finds home in your hair, pulling back your half-lidded eyes make contact with his crimson ones, his eyes betrayed his actions as his loving gaze was still there. The slight drool on your chin, puffy red swollen kissed lips, you eyes almost shutting close from the intense amount of pleasure, just everything about you had the man in love with you all over again. "Yeah?" He coos, "you're gonna cum for me, got it?" His lips curving upto those rare smirks you were only one who could see, though it's mostly mischievous. Closing in, he whispers in your ear, "you're gonna cum on me, you're gonna make a fucking mess angel" his voice faltering, thrust getting sloppier as now he continues to nipple on the tip of your ear. "Fuck- damnit cum. Come on now, cum, cum for me y/n. Fucking scream my name and everyone- every fucking one outside better know you're my fucking pretty whore-" you legs shook as his dirty talk gets to you, making the coil in the pit of your stomach snap as you came and it was intense. Keeping his promise, you just couldn't take it anymore and scream out loud. "D-Diluc- fuck diluc too much. augh~" he thrusts inside fast for few more seconds as he then holds you more tighter close to his body as he buried his dick deeper inside, filling you up to the brim as he let's out the sweetest little moan.
He helps you come down from your high by pressing on softer circles on your clitoris until you had to pry his hands off from how sensitive you were. Leaning back, he catches his breath while you take the chance and look back him. And fuck, the sight only made you want more. His once fluffy red locks on a tight ponytail was now all messy and disheveled. The sweat on his forehead making his hair stick on his skin and red dusted all over his handsome face. "Master Diluc" you begin, smirking to yourself though your voice was still shaky but you were not about to miss an opportunity to tease him. "I didn't know jealousy looked so.. attractive on you baby." Diluc could only roll his eyes playfully, "I'm not jealous." He lies. Feeling embarrassed already from losing his composure like this. You chuckle, cocking your eyebrows, your hand mindlessly buries itself into his hair and proceed to brush them as you continue, "Didn't know you had it in you, if I'm being honest.."
Diluc ignores what you said as he pulls you close to him, caressing your face lovingly, "I didn't hurt or was too rough with you, was I..?" He asks, concerned, you shake your head. "Oh no" smiling, he doesn't fail to notice the lust in your eyes. "I liked it, I liked you rough 'Luc."
"Oh?" He questions, you too don't fail how his hand travels down to grip on your ass roughly before hitting it hard enough to leave a mark behind. "Good. Cause I'm not done with you just yet, love."
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© 𝚗𝚎𝚔𝚘-𝚗𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚜𝚒𝚜 2021
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gegewrites · 3 years
My Lil’ Killers
(Not exact words obviously I’m writing this at 5:00 am)
Words-idk I wrote this on tumblr
Published- 1-24-22
Content warning- violence
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Fezcos pov-
I watched as (y/n) and ash dipped outta the living room, saw a truck sitting out front for a long time and told them to go investigate. I looked over at Faye who was smoking a blunt.
“Go killers!” She hazily cheered for them as they took a turn. In a matter of minutes they came back in with Cal Jacobs, Ash had the black shotgun and (y/n) was holding a Glock to the side of this talk man’s head.
“Now sit in that fuckin chair, one wrong move, one wrong word, and I will have this kid fuckin kill you.” (y/n) threatens cal as he sat down, gun pointed right at his forehead. She looked hot holding that peice, and ash well looked deadly.
“Understood.” Cal nodded as she took a step back.
“What’re you doin around my house man?” She asked,”you and your son love poking in people fuckin business. First you come to our fuckin job, and now you’re at our house. Wan’ explain?”
“Ya man, you come around askin alotta shit.” I said, he moved in the seat slightly and Ash took no hesitation in putting the tip of the shotgun against his head.
“Stay fuckin still.”
“Look, why don’t you just let me leave or call the cops on me.” Cals voice was slow and precise
“This bitch wanna get the fuckin cops involved?” Ash took his phone out.
“Then call them. Dial them right up Cal, have fun. They’re gon come looking and they won’t find your ass or your truck.” (y/n) let out a small laugh at the end of her sentence.
“Fuckin dial pussy!” Ash pushed him with the gun.
“The cheif of the police, he’d believe me.” Cal said looking back at me.
“Then call them bitch!” ash tempted him, Cal didn’t,”that what I Fuckin thought.” He hit him with the end of the gun,”go ahead,” he hit him again drawing blood from his scalp,”call them.”
I don’t know how I raised such a brutal kid but at times like this im glad I did, cause I know we’d all be safe or get a point across. He reminds me of Gran, I have this hazy memory of her beating this guy with a crowbar but nothing more cause then she hit me accident.
“Why should we even let you walk?” (y/n) knelt down in front of him,one of her hands on his knee,”I bet you like this, me sitting on my knees infront of you, you like minors right?”
“All I want-“ ash hit him again,”fuck kid-“ and again.
“Yo ash, calm down some.” And he hit him again.
“Jesus.” Cal muttered,”all I want is the disc.”
“We ain’t got no fuckin disc.” (y/n) said, obviously she knew what he was talking about,” I even told your bitch ass son that.”
“What disc? Yo this gotta do with Jules and Rue?” Cal stayed silent as (y/n) stood up, making him look at her by pulling his face Ik with the end of the Glock.
“What’s on that disc that you need to get sooo badly Cal?”
“A video I took of Jules.” He answered.
“Do I know jewels?” Faye asked nobody answered,”jewels…jewel…hmm”
“What type?”
“I didn’t know she was 17.” He said.
“Yo what?” I asked,”the fuck are you getting at?”
“I recorder her, us.” He admitted.
“This sick suck recorded him and Jules Fucking.” Ash hit him 3 times, blood pouring from his scalp.
“I just…want the..disc.” He was taking deep breaths between his words.
“We don’t got a fuckin disc, why the fuck you think we got a fuckin disc?” I asked, he wiped his eyes removing the blood from his face.
“Because.” Was all he answered before (y/n) whiled his face with the gun,”fuckin shit. Look…just let me go, I won’t- I won’t say anything.” Ash and (y/n) looked over at me and (y/n) made a motion for us to follow.
“Don’t you dare Fuckin move.” (y/n) threatened him begire she walked away. we went into the first room we found and closed the door, it was an office.
“Why does he think we got a disc? The fuck we need a disc for?” Ash asked.
“Because it’s got child porn on it.” (y/n) said,” that coukd ruin his life if it ever got out or got found.”
“Aight so what we gon do? We can’t just let him walk, he’ll probably snitch.” Ash said.
“Worse comes to worse you kill him, we hide his body like we did with mouse, sell his truck and use the money to pay the mortgage.” I said.
“Let’s let him walk for now, but…he’s gotta leave all of us alone, I’m talking Rue, Jules, You, ash, me, all of us. Him and his boy can’t come around askin questions or shit, Nate looks at anyone the wrong way it’s Cals life.” I shrugged my shoulders in agreement.
“Is that thing even loaded?” I asked ash.
“No but he don’t know that.” He sassed back.
“Mine is, come on.” (y/n) started walking but I stopped her.
“How we know he ain’t gon talk?” I asked.
“This bitch is a gay man living a straight man’s life, he’s Fuckin minors and recording it, and we know. I don’t think he’s gonna talk if he knows what’s good for him.” She opened the door and walked out.
“Now that, is a women.” Ash walked out right after her and I followed.
We walked back into the living room, seeing Faye with her head in the couch and Cal with a bloody ass head.
“I’m so confused.” He muttered.
“You’re confused? Shit man we all are.”Ash said.
“Aight man, we gon let you walk, under one condition.” He looked at me,”you gotta tell your boy to stop coming around and messin with my friend and shit, and you too. We don’t wanna see either of you at the shop, around here, and if I see Nate’s talk ass at a party in at…happy New Years bitch.”
“Fine,” he agreed, “I’ll make sure of it…can I go now?” He asked.
“Escort his ass outta here Ash.” I said and he pulled him out of the seat and pushed him forward leading him by the front of the shotgun taking him down the hall.
“Wow, you’re a bad ass Bitch” Faye slurred at (y/n).
“Thank you Faye.” (Y/n) smiled, she out the gun down on the table close to where Cal was sitting and then she sat down in the chair.
“So he’s gay?” I asked and (y/n) nodded.
“Uh-huh sorta.that’s what Jules told me.”
“Now this seems like a hate crime.”
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tiantianxuexi · 7 years
日子 . 我們的生活 就像牆上這本 風景已經不再新鮮了 . 朋友們在夜晚到來 我會盡力做出一桌的菜 每道菜都不會忘記放鹽 不用喝酒 你的話就說滔滔不絕 大家興高采烈 雞的腳指頭啃得煞白 . 黎明時分 朋友們盤旋而去 燈光下 窗簾上的向日葵 依然豔麗而瘋狂 成堆的煙灰和美麗的魚骨 卡住了我們的喉嚨 我們相互不看一眼 就爬上床去
劉霞 Liu Xia, (wife of activist Liu Xiaobo) in the collection Empty Chairs (a bilingual edition I’d highly recommend. annotate it here) translation by Ming Di & Jennifer Stern:
Our life, like the calendar  on the wall, presents a stale picture.
Friends come at night and I cook enough dishes to cover the table—  remembering to put salt in each. You get chatty without even drinking wine. Everyone is happy and eats chicken feet until the bones are sucked white 
At dawn, our friends are suddenly gone like a breeze. The sunflowers on the window curtain are crazily bright against the light. Cigarette ashes and beautiful fish bones are jammed down our throats. Without looking at each other  we climb into bed.
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mitzo · 2 years
Tumblr: A History Of Bullshit (episode 4 - the paywalling incident)
Yes. We the people of the united blogs of hellhole ran tumblr's staff off their own blog post. To the point the backlash was so severe they deleted the post to try and save face as if they don't know how this site works.
When post+ was announced, they botched the announcement so badly that the actual beta testers were assumed by some to have hacked or otherwise mess with the workings of tumblr to institute a paywall on some of their posts.
This caused some bad actors to start slinging death threats at the beta testers. Only then did staff step up and way "bruh we're testing a new feature, chill" because of course staff couldn't do anything properly.
Unfortunately, after THAT announcement, some things happened immediately:
the absolute boiling hatred then started rotating toward the staff,
meanwhile one of the artists who had been beta testing came forward with receipts for their accusations that tumblr had not only lied to them about the announcement to the public, but threw them under the bus so hard that they were now threatening to get a lawyer and lay tumblr's shit to waste if the staff did not finally come out and take responsibility for their actions, this being literally the only reason tumblr made the announcement so soon,
which then caused everyone who was rather indifferent to the idea of instituting this experiment (myself included) to turn on the staff completely and essentially bully them about how shit they treated that person on their own post,
which then promoted them to turn off the comments on that one post (this did not save them, as it then went totally viral with multiple threads of multiple people ripping into them), and make a new post to "address everyone's behavior", which contained multiple barely veiled threats.
This launched even more neutral parties into the anger vortex because it wasn't like they were saying "don't send other users death threats or we'll nuke your account and not let you back on", but they were actually making threats that read like "stop calling us out for shitty behavior or we'll doxx you". Which ofc that didn't sit well, idk what kinda crack they were smoking but it was the wrong kind.
So people started looking into this project more carefully, hoping to spot some loophole or something they could exploit to essentially kneecap the staff's damn attitude. Meanwhile staff's working overtime at their approximation of "damage control", which is basically read as "making shit worse via being total shitasses".
It would've been funny if it wasn't so disgusting on the staff's part.
So, while they're busy trying to patronize their adult userbase and anyone who isn't under 13 into liking them again despite having threatened them in such an unforgivable manner, the rest of us are reading TOS and partner documents to find out why they want this shit so bad that they're willing to pick a fight with the toxic fuckers that live here.
The largest thing we find is that tumblr's unsecure ass isn't going to be handling the transactions, but an even more unknown group called Strype or whatever, that has some really interesting terms of use (seriously how many people on tumblr do you think will use your services if you expressly ban hoes who wanna make money doin they thang from doing they hoeing thang for money through your service? We're pretty hoe positive here, that's just dumb) and the typical "we won't help you if you get into legal trouble", which... Buckle up.
Everyone's scrutinizing these TOS/TOU documents, looking for the smallest problem in it, and then tumblr staff does the most [tumblr]-officiated shit a human could ever think of. We're talking dashcon levels of bad. Tumblr's illustriously stupid staff comes out and starts encouraging people to use their new paywall feature (post+) specifically on copyrighted material. And the way they do this isn't even direct, but in an equally illegal way — they use copyrighted material in their ads for this service that they intend to profit from (40-45% of the assigned paywall price, which people also take an issue with for reasons tumblr can't fathom), while telling people "if you do what we're doing, we swear, we will not help you even though we're literally encouraging this". Which sparks even more anger.
By this time, staff has made up its mind that they're not gonna treat the users seriously, and that they're pretty much just gonna do what they want, right? Well this attitude backfires on them severely.
The copyrighted content in question this first time was Guinan from Star Trek Next Generation (Whoopie's character) in a gifset in their ad. So the userbase is like "aight bet, who owns Star Trek and what is their fucking phone number?", which weirdly enough catches the staff's attention because a lot of people are starting to say this, solely because tumblr's encouraging this bad behavior.
So tumblr starts taking notice, right, and they start trying to encourage more people to get on board this titanic of an idea.
There's even a poll they launch at some point, which is intended to gather data on how they could make this project work; the only problem is all the results say "don't do it, do something else". Anyone who says otherwise is immensely bullied as being a bootlicker (which while I do think it's kinda funny because the corporate encouragement to break the law and get in trouble with more giant faceless entities had already been widely known at this point, I did not participate in, I just advised and educated).
This encouragement and attempted misdirection and misinformation of the unknowing sparks multiple discussions with multiple groups. Multiple walkout protests happen and everyone's talking about how funny it would be if someone rolled up to automattic and went "heard you're tryin'a profit off our shit 👀" for using their content in an ad for a service tumblr would profit nearly 50% from without the copyright holder's permission.
And then they decide to make another ad, and this time, they use a list of videogames with screenshots and everything from these actually existing games, and one of them is Persona 5, which has apparently had several NASTY copyright suits between its owners and twitch streamers already. So ofc the whole userbase is like "CALL THE OWNERS OF PERSONA 5 MAYBE THEN STAFF WILL GET IT" because we'd been begging them to institute literally anything else due to the unsafe and potentially illegal nature of the postplus system, which tumblr did not seem to give a shit about and continued to encourage despite trying to take the moral high ground.
Now staff's starting to notice the swarm of pissed off wasps it calls a userbase, but the only thing they seem interest in is causing more problems via more patronizingly irksome "updates" on how "well" post+ is going. At this point, they're not just getting bullied by the entire userbase, they're getting fucking death threats from some users, which is... Wild... And they continue about their merry way, albeit very obviously losing steam.
Eventually, shortly after the second walkout protest, they institute post+ very quietly, and there's a flood of users vowing to unfollow literally anybody with the audacity to use post+ instead of something normal like Patreon. There's also a group of artists extantly pissed at tumblr because tumblr wants to take half their otherwise profits from said paywall, and realistically who the fuck would do that when they could get 100% of their profits by just directly selling their shit?
So, yeah, after that borderline userbase revolt where some people allegedly started threatening to hack staff accounts and out them, tumblr's listening to us a lot more lately.
You are not obligated to answer this because it's so long.
Also if you're curious about the shadowban comment, Flavia is still shadowbanned.
I actually was only asking about the shadowban but thanks!
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 3 years
okay, one more shitpost before i log off because 400 things happened in my life today and idk if i can do much besides shout silly goofy things i think of into the tumblr void so here are some sonic characters as artists i associate them with! these aren't like headcanon singing voices it's just a thing my brain does, i'll make that post when i have a functioning brain. anyways...
sonic: artist vs poet
knuckles: kanye west
tails: owl city
amy: literally any rachel berry song in glee but in a good way
big the cat: waterparks idk don't ask
cream: kelly clarkson but like, the good shit. breakaway, my december... yeah. or clairo
rouge: megan thee stallion and other girlboss rappers but not Cardigan Bin i aint doin my bestie dirty like that
shadow: bruno major and not to be basic but mcr
omega: three days grace once again don't ask
espio: falling in reverse but also anything with ronnie i just made a post on this
vector: this might be controversial because he is a canonical music lover but i'm definitely getting classic jazz from him just as a whole
charmy: hmmcmdkdkddk 100gecs 💀
ray: that one dancing in my room song but also baby emo vibes like fall out boy and medium p!atd (pretty odd and doab vibes specifically)
mighty: hollywood undead or 3oh!3 ik he's a sweetheart but i give him a pass to like misogyny music because it does slap ngl
metal sonic: mother mother 🤭 do with this what you will
vanilla: abba or fleetwood mac but also sex pistols as a nancy spungen defender
wave: penelope scott but she could definitely pull a paramore or new years day if she wanted. but also i hc her as a percussionist so also rush (RIP neil i love u so much). also doja and rico nasty and willow ok i need to stop picking favES ANYWAYS—
storm: the piano guys because he radiates cello energy
infinite: bring me the horizon i do not take criticism on this one
silver: ... ben platt BUT NOT JUST DEH STUFF LIKE, BEN'S MUSIC TOO and also undertale fan music
blaze: mitski... look i don't make the rules yes i do
eggman: definitely queen but also wham! and listens to the entire make it big album specifically for the interlude for that version of careless whispers (fave track is heartbeat tho)
mephiles: matt maltese and asking alexandria simultaneously
scourge: the cure and hyperaptive
bean: front bottoms but i can't explain why i'm sorry
cosmo: MITSKI LIKE BLAZE THEY CAN TWIN but also the macrobats
marine: florence + the machine
tikal: hozier but also dodie for some reason
fang: ...mccafferty
bark: arctic monkeys and this isn't because polar bear he just radiates those vibes
honey: banshee 🥰
shade: evanescence and i'll elaborate if someone reminds me
maria: girl in red
sticks: definitely stans gaga i don't make the rules yes i do i need to stop saying this
PS: i can't tag every character so i didn't tag sonic knuckles or shadow since their tags get a little more love so if you're seeing this bc i tagged your underrated fave i wanna say ily and i'm gonna try making more content for underrepresented characters and ships so if you ever have a rare request please lmk!!!🥺 i know what it's like to fave a lesser known or liked character so i've gotchu!!! and if your fave wasn't here like maybe helen or comedy chimp or lumina or merlina or whoever i can always make a part 2 because trust me, i have songs for everyone :")
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