#I was going to extend it until the following morning when Weiss' father comes for her and JNR gets train tickets
bmblboop · 4 years
A Team Shattered - RWBY Fic
Immediately after the Fall of Beacon, Jaune’s team must remain overnight in Vale due to the general chaos and lack of communication.
Warning: Volume 3 Spoilers, Some Volume 4 Spoilers, Discussion of Character Death, and lots and lots of ANGST.
Basically, what happened after Jaune’s plea to Weiss the night Beacon fell, from his POV. Canon-compliant.  Posted to celebrate the JanuRWBY prompt ‘Missing Scene’. This is my first ever fic I’ve shared publicly.
His shattered scroll lay on the shattered pavement as Jaune fought to contain his sobs. He wracked his brain for answers. Everything happened so fast – the vault, the woman, then Pyrrha… Why? What did Ozpin tell her? What was that machine? Why was she in pain? Why didn’t anyone tell me?
One coherent thought surfaced from the spiral – I need answers.
From where the rocket-locker landed in downtown Vale, Jaune had no choice but to seek help on foot. He wanted, desperately, to run all the way back to Beacon, to Pyrrha, but fruitlessly wandered deeper into the city. He happened across the safe zone set up by Glynda and Qrow, and informed them of the situation at the school. The rogue robots, the Grimm Dragon’s appearance, and…
“Ozpin told Pyrrha to find you two, and that ‘the tower can’t fall.’”  
Qrow and Glynda looked at each other.
“P-Pyrrha is still out there, but I know she’ll need help –“
Qrow started moving. “I’m on it. Hold down the fort,” he pointed at Professor Goodwitch.
“Wait I can -” Jaune was stopped by a firm hand. “No,” Glynda said, “We have informed the other professors about the need for an evacuation. Our mission right now is to protect the survivors.”
Jaune opened his mouth for a comeback that never came. Instead he just watched the empty street, the distant cry of a crow fading into the night.
Jaune was too anxious to be bored. Everyone was in the dark about the situation at the school. He fiddled with the cracked remains of his Scroll, hoping it would turn on and hoping there would be enough of a signal to call Pyrrha and make sure she was alive. To call home and tell his parents he was alive. It was a hopeless hope, spurred by the regret of having smashed it grief and anger. When he thought about getting up to find a CCT terminal, Glynda announced that all wireless communication had come to a standstill and she had no answers for when it would return.
More and more airships landed and the building became crowded. Jaune began to look for familiar faces. Some students he’d recognized, some Vytal Tournament participants that had been fending off Grimm were getting bandaged and checked by the nursing staff.
“I’m tired of being the lovable idiot, stuck in the tree, while his friends fight for their lives.”
Those words came back to him, vivid and pained. That feeling of wanting to do more, wanting to be more, while looking at opportunities that have already passed. That feeling of uselessness that sank and turned to knots in his stomach.
A familiar pair of pink and green caught his eye and his legs started moving on their own. The second Nora’s eyes met his; she pushed herself off the table and threw her arms around his neck. She started talking, her face buried in his hoodie, but he couldn’t hear her over the ambient chaos of the First Aid stations. Only when she turned her face away from his chest could he tell she was crying.
“…we didn’t want to leave because we thought you were still in the school. And Pyrrha! And then Ruby and Weiss took off too. We lost Scroll signals during the flight so we couldn’t even reach anyone!” She took a shaky breath before letting go. Her blue eyes were streaked with tears. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Me too,” Jaune’s own voice catching unexpectedly in his throat.
Nora had suffered heavy bruising as a result of a punch to the gut from an Atlesian Paladin. One of Ren’s ribs broke, but it was an aligned fracture, a non-threatening crack that would heal on its own. Even still, Jaune came to find out that this half of his team made it out easy compared to half of Ruby’s.
Blake had been bandaged up at the school for her injury, and was hovering over an unconscious Yang. Her right arm, or what once was her right arm, was being bound in new bandages atop the ones she had already bled through. Blake was noticeably shaken up, but Jaune could not find the words to ease her fears. The other blond who arrived with them (I think his name was Sun?) was keeping an eye on the huntresses, so the three JNPR members let them be.
They sat in the hallway and exchanged their experiences. “…so I rushed over to push him out of the way…” Nora recounted, jabbing a thumb in Ren’s direction. “…and the next thing I know, I’m waking up short of breath and being rushed to the docking bay in front of the school!” She pouted. “Some help I was during that Paladin fight…”
“It was reckless, Nora.” Ren inhaled sharply at the memory. “I still ended up getting punched by that thing, so I wasn’t much help either...”
“Well, I knew I had more Aura than you, so I thought I could take it, but ooh-” Nora groaned. “What about you Jaune?”
He could tell in her eyes the real question. Where’s Pyrrha?
He wish he had an answer.
“We… went down into the school, into… it think they called it a vault? Pyrrha knew what was going on, but there wasn’t enough time to explain it. I was keeping watch until-”
She started screaming. That other woman showed up. We started running. Pyrrha-
It felt like a lifetime ago, has it only been an hour? Two? No matter how much he wants to understand what just happened, nothing makes sense. No one is telling him anything, not even Pyrrha told…
“Jaune?” Nora’s worried tremble broke the silence Jaune didn’t realize he’d left. Ren’s eyes are locked with concern. He had to say something, they are her teammates too.
Jaune swallowed stiffly. “Pyrrha left to fight someone. I think it’s the woman behind that message in the Coliseum.” What else could he say? The encounter in the vault was so brief he really didn’t get a good look at her face, but she had arrows, fiery eyes, and the ability to fly. Everything about her felt… unnatural.
Another airship landed, whipping the bricks with wind and shaking the windows. Jaune stood up. It was getting late and the building was already crowded.
“That’s strange. I thought all the evacuations were done by now?” he told his teammates.
The three of them stood and made their way to the main entrance. The automatic doors parted to show Qrow’s return, with Weiss trailing briskly behind him. He mumbled something to her, but Jaune was more focused on what he was carrying. Cradled in his arms was the tiny, cloaked form of Team RWBY’s leader.
“Ruby!” Jaune yelled as his team sprinted over. Qrow was gripping her shoulder with one hand and lifting her knees with the other. Her head lolled into Qrow’s shoulder, like a sleeping child. She looked so small, cradled in his arms like this. Her optimism and drive made her feel larger than life - it was chilling to see her so helpless.
“What happened, is she-?!”
“She’ll be fine, give us some room will ya?” The huntsmen turned his shoulder to push past him and marched into the empty sickbay. The team followed, a few feet behind, as Qrow found an empty room and bed to lay Ruby down in. He closed the door on the curious onlookers, who stood in the hall with uncertainty.
“I’m sure she’ll be okay.” Weiss broke the silence, but she didn’t look as confident as she sounded. She was holding one arm across her chest and hadn’t taken her eyes off the door. She wasn’t bruised or dirty from the battle, but her eyes were rimmed with exhaustion. The door on the opposite side of the hall squeaked open and a familiar face stepped out into the hallway with them.
“Blake!” The heiress turned and ran to greet her teammate. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine.” Blake said, but was hugging her stomach with a pained look on her face. “Did you and Ruby just get back?”
Weiss glanced down at the floor, “Yeah, sorry we took so long.”
“What happened tonight?” Jaune asked. Not to anyone in particular, but Weiss audibly sighed in response.
“We got back on campus and made it to the CCT tower at the same time we got your call.” Weiss glanced at Jaune. A flicker of hope rose in his chest. They were right there, maybe they saw what happened. Maybe they were able to help.
Weiss continued, gripping her sleeve. “Grimm were surrounding the base, so we had to cut a path through them. There was this loud crash and the Wyvern kept roaring.  I used my Semblance to propel Ruby’s climb up the side, but… she didn’t come back down. And the dragon stopped moving.” She paused as she looked at everyone’s faces. Glancing around, Jaune could tell everyone was feeling as bewildered as he was.
“Qrow nearly gave me a heart-attack when he showed up.” Weiss continued with a half-laugh. “We climbed the tower and found Ruby unconscious up there, in Ozpin’s – well… what’s left of the office.  I think that Grimm took the entire roof off.”
That’s how they found Ruby, and she was already out cold? Where did Pyrrha go?    
“Wait, isn’t that roof the CCT antenna?” Blake balked.
“Is that why communications are down?” Nora gasped.
Weiss nodded.
“That means communication is down everywhere.” Blake said, shaking. “Outside of Vale, no one knows what’s going on.”
“Yeah.” Weiss slumped. Jaune thumbed over his broken scroll again. At that moment, the door to Ruby’s room opened.
“Still here?” Qrow’s attempted scowl was betrayed by the underlying tiredness and concern in his voice. Closing the door gently, he continued. “She’s just exhausted is all, might be a day or two before she wakes up.”
Some of the tension visibly eased among the teenagers. “That’s good to hear.” Blake mused quietly.
Managing to catch Blake’s eye, Weiss asked warily, “How’s Yang?”
Blake looked away, and then turned her head toward Yang’s room with a gentle nod. Weiss hurried past her to the door and closed it behind her. Blake watched and turned the opposite way, walking out the main entrance and into the shadows of the night.
Qrow began walking toward Yang’s room, but Jaune reached out to stop him. “Hey wait! You were at the CCT Tower, the Vault, the… whatever! Did you find Pyrrha?” Jaune’s voice wavered.
Qrow stopped and was quiet for a minute. Turning to face Jaune, he said, “The elevator was busted, so we used Ms. Schnee’s glyphs to scale the tower. At the top, we found charred rubble and fallen gears in what remains of Ozpins office.”
Qrow dropped his gaze and rubbed the back of his neck.
“Kid, there’s no easy way to say this.” He reached behind his back for something. “Aside from Ruby, this was all we found up there.”
Qrow revealed a soft, folded red cloth sitting in a golden disc. Atop the cloth were three twisted scraps of metal and a golden circlet – a tiara. Jaune’s eyes widened in recognition. Her crown? The metal suddenly clicked too – it was red and gold like her javelin, but melted and snapped into thirds.
His hand fell on Jaune’s shoulder, and Qrow placed Pyrrha’s weapons in his hands.
“I’m sorry.”
Jaune felt as if he had been kicked in the chest. He struggled to breathe, and felt his knees going weak. He stared at her belongings – her shield, her sash, her crown – until his vision ran blurry. He felt a hand on each shoulder as he sank to the floor and squeezed his eyes shut. Gripping his last memory of her in his hands, the tears began to fall.
People rolled out mats and sleeping bags, everyone trying to sleep away the worries of what tomorrow might bring. The hall, like an empty cafeteria, felt awkward and uncertain – strangers sitting too close to each other in a large, repurposed room.
It reminded him of the first night they slept in Beacon.
Nora was restless, turning over and over, half-asleep. Jaune could sympathize; despite the emotional exhaustion, he couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes. Ren was sitting up, staring out the window. He could be listening to the distant skirmishes of Huntsmen and Grimm or just be lost in thought and Jaune would not know the difference. His calm demeanor seemed unbreakable.
Nora groaned and crawled her way over to Ren, resting her head on his knee. “Ren?” she asked in a frustrated, exhausted whine.
“Can you do the thing?”
He moved his hand and rested it on her head, brushing her hair behind her ear. Starting at his fingertips, Nora began to change. It wasn’t dramatic, at first Jaune thought his eyes were playing tricks on him, but her coloration began to fade. For a moment, her whole body turned shades of black and white, and then the color returned as she began to snore.
“W-what did-?” Jaune stammered, hoping for his own sanity that what he saw wasn’t some kind of illusion.
Ren looked to him, then back at his hand. “I can calm emotions, suppress turbulent feelings. It even helps with avoiding Grimm.” He gently lifted Nora’s head off his knee and onto his sleeping bag.
“That’s… so cool.” Jaune didn’t know what it was like to have a Semblance, but he could imagine it. A tranquility semblance like that would make it easy to evade or sneak up on Grimm. A great semblance for a Huntsman.  
Some distant explosions sounded off, senior Huntsmen fighting off Grimm, probably. They both looked up, a wave of dread returning them to this harsh reality. Jaune attempted to re-rail the conversation.
“So, how did you unlock it?”
“It was like tonight, when I discovered it.” Ren was still looking out the window.
Like tonight? The gears in Jaune’s mind turned. A Grimm attack? Or something more calculated? Ren looked at Nora, sound asleep on the top half of his sleeping bag.  “I unlocked my Semblance that�� the night I met her.”
Jaune could tell he was avoiding the question, but if it was as bad as all …this… then no wonder he never brought it up. Ren never talked about his past at all, now that I think about it. Jaune turned to lie down, drop the whole conversation here, but Ren spoke up.
“Jaune, would … it be alright if Nora and I stayed with you for a while?”
Jaune couldn’t meet his eyes. Ren was still looking away, dropping his voice to a whisper.  
“We- we don’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Of course.” Jaune’s throat tightened, but pushed the conversation out of his mind quickly. He needs to be somewhat rested for tomorrow, and another cry will just keep him up longer.  But I promise, he thought before drifting to sleep, I won’t let you two down.
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keeptheslnc · 5 years
Day 2: Soulmate AU
Weiss sighed at her reflection, her eyes staring at her bare shoulder. Well, it was pretty bare up until a few days ago when the faint outline of her soul mark suddenly began filling with a soft red. She traced over it with her right hand, the flames seeming to sprout from the top of the rose. She recognized her own snowflake crest merged within it, but it was less prominent. Whoever her soulmate was had the same mark on their body, just with her snowflake being more visible.
Everyone around Remnant knew about her family’s symbol, so it didn’t surprise Weiss whenever she met someone who claimed they were her soulmate, but she knew. She wasn’t about to waste her time on someone who wasn’t worth it. According to popular taboo, you weren’t supposed to even show people your mark until you met the one or else you’d never meet them.
Weiss wasn’t superstitious, but she also didn’t want to risk the chance.
A knock on her door drew her out of her thoughts and she quickly tugged her bolero back on. “Come in,” she called.
“Miss Schnee,” Klein kindly greeted, his mustache twitching with a smile. “Your bags have been brought down to the airship and it will depart in fifteen minutes.”
“Thank you, Klein. I’ll be down in just a moment,” she responded. Once he closed the door, Weiss turned back to her mirror. Tomorrow would be her first day attending Beacon Academy and all she could think of was if her soulmate would be there, too.
“Ruby, quit your worrying! I’m sure you’ll make lots of friends!” Yang exclaimed with a confident slap to her sister’s back.
The younger girl stumbled at the strike before giving the blonde a skeptical look. “I’m not worried about making friends here. I have you, after all!”
Yang could tell something else was bothering her, so she toned down her teasing just a smidge. “Come on, what’s gotten you so nervous? Is it because you think you’ll meet your soulmate here?”
Ruby’s eyes widened and Yang knew she hit the nail on the head. “I’m not nervous about that. Why would I be nervous?” Out of habit, she clutched at her left shoulder where her mark sat. The barely-visible snowflake had suddenly turned into a pale blue, indicating she was that much closer to meeting her soulmate. She didn’t recognize the symbol and she was too afraid of the taboo to ask around. It seemed that the past week was just full of surprises!
“You just have to be yourself, Ruby. Whoever your soulmate is will love you no matter what, or so the saying goes,” Yang told her. She placed a gentle hand on her sister’s shoulder this time. The blonde pictured her own mark which was slowly starting to fill in with black atop her own yellow sign. She was better at playing off her own nerves, however. “Now come on, let’s find the assembly so we can finally get settled in here.”
Ruby gave her a nod and let herself be guided by her older sister. Her eyes were flitting this way and that at any person who happened to walk by them, wondering if they’d make her soul mark heat up.
The morning after their massive sleepover, Ruby and Yang made their way to the cliff. They could already see a line of their classmates staring uneasily out over the forest. Professor Ozpin nodded to the two girls as they took their places along the line. Ruby’s nerves were still on the fritz despite nothing happening last night in the room full of people. She only started paying attention to the headmaster’s explanation of their initiation after an elbow nudge from Yang.
“Remember, the first person you make eye contact with will be your partner for the next four years here. Any questions?”
The blonde next to Ruby--vomit boy, she remembered--began asking what exactly a landing strategy was. Ruby glanced down the line to see people being catapulted into the forest. Her heart began racing in anticipation. This was something she actually trained for!
Her confidence fizzled when she caught sight of a girl in white holding her weapon out before being launched away. Silver eyes followed the trail of white, feeling some kind of spark in the back of her mind, but it was quickly replaced with a rush of air and the sensation of falling. It took Ruby a moment to realize that she had been flung into the sky and was now shooting towards the forest below. Quickly extending her scythe into its full form, she fired several shots to lead her towards a tree and then caught onto one of the branches, swinging herself around until she landed safely on the forest floor. She could vaguely hear Yang cheering as she rocketed herself further away and Ruby’s heart sank at her sister being so far.
Yet she couldn’t stop thinking about the girl in white.
Weiss stomped her way through the bushes. Honestly, what kind of initiation was this? Getting flung into a forest full of Grimm. Preposterous! If only her father heard about this-- No, no, wait. Telling Jacques of Beacon’s questionable tactics was a surefire way to get Weiss sent back to Atlas. In an instant, she resolved to do whatever it took to keep attending this school.
A rush of footsteps caught Weiss’ attention and she spun around, hand going towards Myrtenaster by her side. She was surprised when she found herself staring into a pair of silver eyes. Her breath caught in her throat as they continued to stare at each other until the brunette in the red cape nervously smiled.
“Um… Hello!” she squeaked out.
Weiss blinked in an attempt to clear her mind. “H-Hi.” Way to go.
“Looks like we’re partners! My name is Ruby Rose,” she introduced with a bright smile that immediately made Weiss’ heart flutter.
“Weiss Schnee.”
Ruby seemed about to say something before she clamped her mouth shut and grabbed her left shoulder at the same time Weiss felt a cool yet hot sensation on her own. Sudden realization dawned on the two, both minds racing with what it could mean. Only now did Weiss glance at Ruby’s belt and recognize the metal rose buckle.
“You… You’re my… We…”
“We’re soulmates?!” Ruby loudly finished her sentence. All of her nerves from yesterday came back in full force. She was at a complete loss on what to do as she just stared at icy blue eyes. Luckily, her new partner made the first move by extending her hand.
“Well, what are we waiting for? That relic isn’t going to collect itself,” Weiss told her with the hint of a playful smirk. Her own heart was pounding in nervousness, but by some miracle it calmed down the moment Ruby’s hand touched hers. The warm palm was everything Weiss didn’t know she was missing.
Ruby gave her the softest smile, clearly feeling the same way. Her earlier panic was soon replaced with a sense of calm and she instantly felt at home as she curled her fingers into Weiss’. The two made their way through the forest, both certain that this would shape up to be an interesting year.
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A commission for @thatsnice13
Emergency Commission Info
Ruby had been absolutely ecstatic when she found out they had rebuilt Penny and made sure she was the first person to go see her when she was rebooted. As Ruby entered the room she had broken down when she saw Penny sitting on an exam table, a man who turned out to be her father fussing over her.
“Ruby!” Penny had jumped off the table and ran over to her friend, wrapping her in a hug.
Ruby let out several sobs before finally being able to speak, “I’m so sorry Penny.”
Ruby could feel Penny tilt her head before the other girl pulled back and stared into Ruby’s eyes, “Why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything.”
“I should have saved you.”
Penny didn’t say anything, but she couldn’t help but think, “you already did”.
That had been almost 8 months ago. Since then Penny had moved in with Ruby and Yang. It was peaceful, the team doing missions regularly. Blake and Weiss were currently over for dinner, and Ruby noticed they kept sharing odd look. She didn’t dwell on it much as they all talked and ate. Ruby was enjoying the cake she had made for dessert when Penny suddenly reached over and gently brushed her fingers across Ruby’s cheek. Ruby looked at her with wide eyes, her cheeks turning red.
Penny just smiled back at her, “You had frosting on your face.”
“O-Oh, thanks,” Ruby said breathily.
Yang had laughed quietly and shook her head at the two.
Ruby was awoken in the night by her door opening, it took her eyes a moment to adjust to light pouring in from the hallway. When she did adjust she realized it was Penny standing in the doorway. “Penny? Is everything okay?” Ruby asked rubbing her eyes.
“I couldn’t sleep, can I stay with you tonight?”
Ruby nodded and made room in the bed, which Penny eagerly crawled into. This wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, ever since coming back online Penny had been scared of not waking back up. Ruby had the same fear honestly, but she wouldn’t tell Penny that. Penny curled up against Ruby and closed her eyes.
Ruby ran her fingers through Penny’s hair softly, “It’s alright you get some sleep, I’ll be here when you wake up.”
When Ruby woke up the next morning Penny was still asleep, so she carefully climbed out of bed, heading to the kitchen to start making coffee. She heard a door open down the hall and was surprised to see Weiss stepping out of Yang’s room. Ruby watched as her teammate entered the kitchen.
“Good morning Ruby.” Weiss said with a smile, pulling a mug from the cupboard.
“Hey Weiss….so, you and Yang?” Ruby asked, pouring coffee into the other girl’s mug.
Weiss nodded nonchalantly, taking a sip of her coffee “And Blake.”
Ruby choked on her coffee, “How long has that been going on?”
Weiss shrugged, “A few months.”
Ruby was silent for a moment before taking another drink of her coffee and nodding, “You guys seem happy, so I’m happy for you.”
“I’m glad, maybe you should ask Penny out on a date so we can have double dates.” Weiss said with a grin.
“Shut up.” Ruby muttered as Penny walked into the room.
The next week team RWBY had a mission and Penny was nervous about Ruby leaving.
“I should be going with you, I could keep you safe,” Penny said as she helped Ruby pack all her supplies.
“You haven’t been cleared for active duty, but don’t worry I’ll be fine, I promise.”
“But you aren’t like me, if I get hurt they can rebuild me, they can’t do that to you.”
Ruby pulled Penny into a hug and sighed, “I’m gonna be fine, this is a simple mission, just clearing grimm out of the woods around a village.” Ruby thought for a moment, trying to think of how to reassure her friend. Then she remembered something her mother had down when she was young. “Here,” she said, unfastening her cloak and wrapping it around Penny’s shoulders,” you can keep this, that way you know I’ll be back for it.”
When they both walked out of the room Yang raised her eyebrow and smirked, “You got everything Ruby?”
“Yep, you guys ready to go?”
The three older girls nodded and waved goodbye to Penny before they headed off.
When they set up camp outside the village they were working, Yang sat down next to Ruby. “So, you gave Penny your cloak?”
“I let her borrow it,” Ruby corrected, “like mom used to when she’d leave us to go on missions.”
Yang nodded, “Does that mean you’ve finally admitted your feelings and are going to take her on a date?”
“No, I like her being my friend, and I’m not gonna jeopardize that by trying to start a relationship.” Ruby said.
Yang shook her head, “You two are so close I’m sure that you’ll stay friends no matter what.”
“You don’t know that though.”
“Tell you what, when we get back you ask her on a date and if she says no then I’ll tell her it was all a misunderstanding and I’ll do the dishes for a month.”
Ruby furrowed her eyebrows at her sister, “I’ll consider it.”
They had almost cleared out all the grimm when Ruby got overwhelmed. It should have been easy, it was only some Ursa. But there were more of them than the team had first thought. One of them swung and hit Ruby, causing her to fall and lose grip on Crescent Rose. Before she could get up an Ursa was on top of her. Ruby managed to pick up her weapon and use it to block the Ursa’s attack. She heard Yang yell something to the others. But she was more focused on trying to get the grimm off of her. She shifted her grip on Crescent Rose and fired off several shots into the grimm’s belly. This stunned it enough that Ruby got out from under it. She extended her scythe and swung at the Ursa, finishing the job.
“Are you okay Ruby?” Blake asked breathlessly.
Ruby nodded, “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.”
“After that, you are definitely asking Penny out.” Yang said, pulling Ruby into a hug.
When they got home Penny ran out to great them. She was still wearing Ruby’s cloak. “Ruby!! You’re back!” Penny exclaimed as she threw herself into Ruby’s arms.
“Of course I’m back, I had to get my cloak!” Ruby said between giggles.
Yang cleared her throat and gave Ruby a pointed look.
Ruby scowled at her, before pulling out of the hug and smiling at Penny. “So Penny, I was wondering if you, uh, if you maybe wanted to go out with me? Like on a date?”
Penny tilted her head to the side, “A date?”
“Umm, yeah, I really like you,” Ruby said rubbing the back of her neck nervously.
“I like you too Ruby, I would love to go on a date with you.” Penny said with a grin.
The date Ruby had planned was pretty simple, she planned on taking Penny out to dinner at a small cafe and then for a walk through a small park in town. Even with it being simple Weiss insisted on helping her get ready. Yang and Blake were lounging on the bed while Weiss gently straightened Ruby’s hair.
“There, you’re ready,” Weiss said as she set down the straightener.
“I’m pretty sure I was ready half an hour ago,” Ruby said with a laugh.
Penny was waiting in the living room when Ruby walked out. She stood up from her spot on the couch and smiled at Ruby. “You look beautiful Ruby!”
Ruby blushed bright red at the compliment, “Oh, um, thank you, you look really pretty too!”
The walk to the cafe was nice, about halfway there Penny slid her hand into Ruby’s, causing Ruby to blush. It was comforting though, to have Penny's hand there to ground her, reminding her that this was real and not some dream that she would wake up from any minute now. She had wanted this before the attack on Beacon, before Penny had been…. Ruby didn’t like to think about that. It didn’t matter now, Penny was right here and she was holding Ruby’s hand and smiling, that was all that really mattered.
What Ruby and Penny weren’t aware of was that they were being followed.
“Remind me again why we’re doing this,” Blake whispered.
“To make sure the date goes well,” Yang replied simply.
Weiss snorted softly, “Don’t you think they can handle that on their own?”
Yang smiled at her girlfriends, “I’m sure they can, but we’ll be there incase they can’t”
When Penny and Ruby reached the cafe they sat at a table near the front window, while Yang, Blake, and Weiss took a seat at the back of the restaurant.
“How long have you felt this way? I had no clue you were interest with me until now?” Penny asked as she took a sip of her lemonade.
“Since, well, since not long after we met, I was going to ask you after the Vytal Festival, but….” Ruby trailed off and looked down at her hands. She felt stupid for bringing that up, she always tried to avoid the topic of the Vytal Festival at all costs, especially with Penny. And yet here she was talking about it on their first date. Who actually thinks that’s good conversation, “Hey let’s talk about that time you died”, for a moment Ruby wanted the floor to open and swallow her whole.
But then Penny reached over and placed her hand on Ruby’s, “It’s okay Ruby, that’s in the past, we’re here now.”
Ruby smiled, her eyes a little watery. She couldn’t think of what to say, so she just nodded.
“If we’re gonna be stalking your sister can we at least get something to eat?” Weiss asked as she looked over the menu.
“We aren’t stalking, we’re lovingly watching from afar.”
Blake shook her head, “I’m pretty sure that’s still stalking.”
Yang just huffed lovingly and continued to shoot glances over at her sister’s table. Penny was giggling at something Ruby had said. Yang smiled softly at them, “I haven’t seen Ruby look happy like that in a long time.”
“They are really good together,” Weiss said with a smile.
Once they finished dinner Ruby led the way to the park nearby, the sun just starting to set and bathing the cobblestone path in golden light. Both girls walked along enjoying the comfortable silence.
Penny suddenly gasped as a lightning bug flew in front of her, “What was that?”
“You’ve never seen lightning bugs? Do they not have them in Atlas?” Ruby asked, watching as another one flew by.
“I guess they don’t, are they dangerous?”
Ruby giggled softly and shook her head, “No, they’re really nice, we can try and catch one if you want?”
Penny nodded excitedly and bounced on the balls of her feet.
Ruby smiled, “Alright you gotta be gentle with them though.” She watched as the bugs flew by, before quickly reach out and cupping her hands around one. “See, they won’t hurt you, now you try.”
Yang smiled as she watched the girls catching lightning bugs.
Blake wrapped her arm around her waist and gently kissed her cheek, “We should head home, I think they have everything handled.”
“Yeah, I think you’re right.” Yang said, turning to head back home. She could hear Ruby and Penny’s giggles as they walked away. She couldn’t help but smile, happy for her little sister.
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tricksters-captain · 7 years
FP Jones/Andrew’s Family/Riverdale imagines - Oh Dear Part 12 - Final Part(For now)
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AN: So we’ve come to an end until Season 2 comes out. I will continue to write FP and Riverdale imagines so if you don’t already please follow me for more. I am so in love with this fic and all of you have been so kind about it, I hope to continue it next season and I hope you stick around for that. Love you all!
(Part One)(Part Two)(Part Three)(Part Four)(Part Five)(Part Six)(Part Seven)(Part Eight)(Part Nine)(Part Ten)(Part Eleven)
Overall Summary: You’re Archie’s old sister and you have a thing for a certain serpent
Pairing: Reader x FP Jones, Sister!Reader x Archie Andrews, Daughter!Reader x Fred Andrews
Word count: 3,947
Warnings: Well, FP is clearly older than the reader in this fic, 
The following few days that came after the discovery of the true murderer of Jason Blossom was a whirlwind of events. Clifford Blossom killed himself and was busted for hard drugs, the Blossom house and company was completely ransacked by the sheriff’s department, Cliff Blossom’s funeral (if you could even call it that), the Cooper’s reuniting and you constantly fighting with yourself to go see FP. 
With everything that’s happened you realised why FP wanted you watched by his guys and why he didn’t want you visiting. 
He was protecting you and now all you wanted to do was return the favour, you just didn’t know how with FP being stuck behind bars. 
You wanted to go see FP but with the all the drama that revolved around him at the moment you thought it probably best not to. And you were trying so hard to overcome this, to think positively but you didn’t know if you could. 
FP was the one who made you feel like everything was alright and now he’s not there, nothing feels right. 
Archie was trying to keep an eye out on you but he couldn’t look after everyone all the time. He had walked into your room a night or two ago and completely freaked out which snapped from sense into the both of you. 
You were sat on your bed, holding a bottle of whiskey which you had snagged from the liquor cabinet; you were surprised there was still some in there after Jughead’s party. 
Archie had walked in without knocking, leaving you no time to ditch the bottle, and then froze when he saw you. 
Your eyes were red and glassy and you were wearing FP’s shirt, the whiskey bottle clamped tight in your hand. 
“(Y/n)?” Archie furrowed his eyebrows at you, 
You just looked up at him which sad eyes and inhaled sharply, placing the bottle on your bedside table.
“What?” You shrugged your shoulders, fiddling with the hem of the shirt. 
“What are you doing?” Archie asked you, sitting down opposite you and quickly snatching away the bottle. 
You shrugged your shoulders again. 
“Do you really think FP would want you drinking? What if Dad caught you instead of me?” Archie kept his voice low and tried to sound angrier than he actually was, if anything at all, he wasn’t angry, he was scared about all this. 
“I can’t...I...” You didn’t know what to say. You just hurt and the alcohol, stopped the hurting, it stopped the empty ache that you had in your chest. 
Archie pulled you against him and you let yourself collapse against his neck. 
“You can’t be doing this, if you really want to help him, we need you sober.” Archie whispered into your ear, stroking your hair to try and calm you down. 
That was the night that you both got a slap around the face. 
You didn’t care that you were late for the Vixen cheer practise, in fact, you didn’t care for the river vixens at all anymore. Everything was too much right now, you’d rejoin later if you had to but you’ve been cheering since Freshman year, you were sure you could give it up now.
You had walked in to see that Veronica was the ‘head bitch in charge’ now and you resigned there and then. Not because of Veronica but because you didn’t want to deal with any of this anymore. Too much chaos came with things like this.
You didn’t make a scene, you just took Ronnie to the side and told her that you had too much going on to deal with the Vixens, and you lied and told her you wanted to help out your dad more but it wasn’t your dad who you really wanted to help.
That afternoon only speed to go down hill.
You got home and there was a social worker waiting for Jughead.
“Hey, guys. This is Ms. Weiss from Social Services. She's, uh, she's Jughead's case worker.” Fred greeted you as you all entered the house. You watched Jughead and Archie approach the kitchen but you chose to hang back and just listen.
“Jughead, I know how terrible and emotional the last few days have been for you. Your father's facing serious jail time. Your mom's over-extended and out of state. We just want to make sure that you're taken care of.” The woman turned to Jughead,
“Well, he can keep staying with us, right, Dad?” Archie suggested, looking towards your father.
“I offered already, Arch.” Fred confessed, sounding defeated. 
“Great, so what's the problem?” Archie’s eyes darted across to the social worker,
“It was a DUI. After your mom left. Look, we can talk about this later but between that and my cash flow problem, it knocks me out.” Fred sighed as he explained, 
“There is a family on the Southside that's offered to foster you. They're good people, they've worked with us before.” The social worker told Jughead,
“That doesn't sound completely horrible.” Jughead grumbled, avoiding eye contact with his best friend. 
“It does mean you'll be in a different school district, Jughead, and you'll have to transfer schools.” The woman told him, your head snapped up at that. Transfer schools?!
“What the hell? When is all this supposed to happen?” Archie reacted the same way you did. Suddenly becoming very panicked at the realisation that he’s gonna lose his best friend.
“The paperwork's been processed. Unless there is a radical change in your father's case, you'll be on the Southside by the end of the week.” The social worker informed the boys.
You shook your head with disbelief and raced upstairs, you didn’t want to hear anymore. 
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“Any more news?” You asked as you met Archie in the kitchen, you were making sandwiches and from Archie’s face you could tell he wanted one so being the kind sister you were, handed him your own. 
“Not much except the fact that Juggy told me that Sheriff Keller is trying to get FP to name names of Serpents that might be linked to Clifford Blossom’s drug trade but FP won’t talk.” Archie explained, you sighed and put down the butter knife that you had in your hand. 
“Well, what happens if he does give names?” You asked, 
“Jughead says that if FP gives names then it could possibly give him a lesser sentence.” Archie informed you. 
“Maybe you could talk to him? I mean someone needs to tell him about Jughead as well. I would but I’m not sure me going down the station is the smartest decision right now.” You suggested. Archie didn’t reject the idea but he didn’t agree to either, and before the conversation could continue, your dad walked in. 
“PB and J’s, count me in.” Fred slapped his hands together, you shut up as soon as he entered and took notice of how tired he looked.
“Sure, here.” You passed him the sandwich, and smiled at your dad. Your eyes fell back to Archie then towards the door, and Archie took your hint. 
When Archie returned from visiting FP, he informed you that there was no change. FP was still as stubborn as ever. It didn’t surprise you at all. 
However, something that did surprise you, was Polly Cooper showing up at school the next day. 
You were half way through Betty’s brilliant article about FP when you saw her and Polly walking down the hall together, and then the next thing you knew, you heard a tsunami of noise and not the good ‘Polly, you’re back!’ kind the ‘something has happened’ kind. 
You dumped the article and rushed down the hallway to see what all the commotion was about when you spotted...
...written over Betty’s locker along with several copies of her article. 
“Betty....” You tried to call through to her but Jughead had already reached her by this point. The boys pulled Betty away from the scene and you stepped forward. 
You found yourself struggling to breathe as your mind spiralled and your mouth went dry. 
No one can know about your relationship with FP if someone could do this over a simple article that helped support FP, you couldn't imagine what else could happen. 
You left school after that, your stomach was twisted into a knot and you went the only place you knew you could be alone. FP’s trailer. 
‘I thought I might find you here.” Archie opened the trailer door, startling you. 
“How?” You sniffled, wiping your face with your forearm. 
“Well, after searching all of your usual hiding spots, I realised that you had found a new one.” Archie admitted, sitting down on the couch beside you. 
“You didn’t need to come check on me, Archie, I’m not a child.” You told him as you pulled your knees to your chest. 
“I don’t need to check on you? Says the girl who I found drowning herself in alcohol the other night.” Archie scoffed, you sent him a flat look with that. 
“You should be with Betty.” 
“Betty has Jughead, she’ll be fine. The real question is: Will you?” Archie asked, his dark brown eyes full of concern. 
“I’m fine, Arch. I’m just getting through it, okay? I don’t need my baby brother looking after me.” You told him, rising to your feet. 
“You should really go see him, (Y/n). I think it would help. You can’t just come running to his trailer every time something like this happens.” Archie sighed, confronting you. 
“I suppose you’re right, I mean, there’s always the bar.” You teased, trying to make light of the situation. 
Archie sent you a ‘be serious, (y/n)’ look and you just chuckled. 
“Oh, come on, I’ll drive us home.” You pushed Archie from the trailer and took one last look inside. You really did miss that man. 
You spent the next day off school, contemplating whether you should go and see FP or not. 
You spent the morning in the Whyte Wyrm. Surprisingly. 
You visited the bar on instinct, in hope that you may find something to tell you that you must go visit FP and help you make up your mind but at that early in the day, there wasn’t much in store. 
A few drunks lounged on the bar stools and a couple of girls were wiping up the mess of the previous night. 
You neared the pool tables and took hold of a cue that lay on top of the closest one.
“Hey!” A deep man’s voice alarmed you. You dropped the cue and turned to see a tall man wrapped in a Serpent’s jacket with long hair and a beard. “You FP’s girl?” He asked, “You were in here a while ago, right?”
“Uh... Yeah, why?” You tried to swallow your anxieties when you spoke to the Serpent. 
The man introduced himself and you did the same. 
“Any news on him yet?” He asked, digging his hands into his jacket pockets. You figured this guy was some kind of second-in-command, the guy in-charge whilst FP was temporarily out of the game. 
“Well, the cops want him to give names on the Serpents who did business with Clifford Blossom but fortunately for you, he’s not talking and it doesn't look like he will be anytime soon, being the stubborn ass he is.” You folded your arms across your chest and the Serpent breathed out a wry laugh. 
“I can see why he liked you.” The Serpent told you, “Look––” The Serpent went to speak again when your phone blew up with messages from Archie. 
Archie: Get to Sweetwater River, now! Important! Cheryl might be in trouble
“I’m sorry but I have to go.” You excused yourself from the conversation and ran to your car, tossing the keys into the ignition and speeding towards the river. 
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You arrived at Sweetwater to hear someone scream, 
You recognised the voice to be Betty’s and raced towards the shore. You could see the group all surrounding what looked like a body and Archie was knelt beside it. 
“Betty! Veronica!” You called from the shore, too afraid to go onto the ice. 
The group turned and looked over at you just as Cheryl managed to regurgitate the water she inhaled. 
“(Y/n)!” Archie yelled over to you as he scooped up Cheryl into his arms. You watched them all make their way over to you and immediately removed your coat, draping it over the frozen girl when they reached you. 
“What the hell happened?!” You asked, then you noticed Archie’s blood dripping hand and immediately felt much more concerned with getting these kids warmth and medical attention. 
“Cheryl, she, um, she tried to...” Betty couldn’t even explain it. 
You opened the car door to the back seats and Archie, Veronica and Betty all piled in. Cheryl was pressed against Archie’s chest, the small frail girl, on his lap as he tried to use all his body heat to warm her. 
Jughead clambered into the front with you and you started up your car. 
“Where are we taking her? Home? Hospital?” You asked, it suddenly felt like your heart was pulsing in your head and your whole body shook as you tightened your grip on the steering wheel. 
“Go to mine, we’ve got medical supplies and it’s probably the safest bet we have.” Veronica told you and you put your foot down. 
“You need to get that in a cast, it’s definitely broken.” You told Archie as he cleaned the blood from his fist. You weren’t leant against the kitchen counter whist he was stood at the sink. 
Cheryl was drying off with Veronica and Betty looking after her whilst Archie, well, Archie’s hand, was far from okay. 
“Yeah, it looks pretty bad, huh?” Archie winced as he tried to move it. 
“Come on, I’ll drive.” You beckoned your brother out the house and told the girls you’d be back after Archie got patched up. 
“What you did was beyond heroic, Arch. I think you just saved a girls life.” You confessed as you headed to the hospital. Archie scoffed, looking down as he cradled his broken hand. “Honestly, Archie. I mean it, it was totally insane and you broke your hand but Cheryl’s alive because of you.” 
“Cheryl texted Veronica, if she’s alive because of anyone, it’s because of her.” Archie, always so humble. You leaned away from the topic since you knew Archie wouldn't want to talk about it for much longer. 
“(Y/n)?” Archie picked up the next car-ride conversation, 
“Hmm?” You rose your eyebrows. 
“Do you think that, perhaps, if FP wasn’t married and the same age as Dad that he could be... he could be your, like, soulmate?” Archie brought up. He was reflecting back on the moment with Betty and Jughead, and how they seemed so good together. Now, if you felt that way with FP, he felt like he could possibly be more accepting of it. 
“Excuse me?” You were taken back by the question. 
“It’s just sometimes people are meant to be together and––”
“Yes, Archie. Look, I know it seems strange but I really care about him. So, yes.” You admitted, 
“Then why don’t you go down to the station and actually see him?” Archie suggested. You sighed and glanced over at your brother. 
“I might.... But first, let’s get you fixed. You’re meant to be playing the jubilee tonight.”
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“We’re heading off!” Your dad called up the stairs to you. 
“Okay! See you there!” You called back, you told your dad you were still getting ready but in reality you weren’t heading to the Jubilee at all so you told him you’d drive yourself. 
You made your way to the Sheriff’s station and sat in the parking lot for about ten minutes before gathering up the courage to finally go inside. 
You had seen Jughead leave the station when you were loitering in your car so you knew it was safe to see FP and you knew that Jughead wouldn't been coming back so you had plenty of time. 
“I was wondering when you were gonna show.” FP jumped to his feet when he saw you walk through the door. 
“Yeah, well, I thought it best to stay away a while whilst it all calmed down.” You told him, the corner of FP’s lips turned up. 
“Smart.” He said. You tucked your hair behind your ear and moved closer to the bars. The whole time, FP’s eyes never leaving you just in case you might vanish any second. 
“You look great.” He told you, gesturing towards the dress you put on to convince your dad you were going to the Jubilee later. 
“Yeah, well, I only dressed up to make my family think I was going to that stupid town event.”You looked down at yourself, chuckling. 
“You not going to the jubilee?” FP asked, cocking his eyebrows. 
“No, I figured everyone would be there so I came to see you.” You admitted. 
You paused and just stared at FP for a moment. Taking in everything. His tousled hair, the scruff on his cheeks, his tired brown eyes, the way that his lips curved, the build of his shoulders, the equally tired button down shirt he wore. 
God, you had missed him. 
FP watched your eyes unconsciously fill with tears and reached forward through the bars. 
“Hey...” He held his hand out for you, his voice soft. 
You took it and FP pulled you towards him so you were leaning against the bars. “Listen to me, you’re gonna be okay. It’s gonna be okay.” FP hushed you, taking your cheek in his hand like he used to.
“But... I miss you.” You whispered, 
“I miss you too, kid.” FP felt his chin begin to wobble as he watched you intently. “Look, I need you to know something... I’m more innocent than I am guilty but I’ve done some things, some stupid things and bad things but not one of those things involved you.” FP admitted, squeezing your face slightly. “If I end up in here for a while, I need you to survive without me, you got it?” 
“What if I can’t?” 
“You’re kidding me?! You’re (Y/n) friggin’ Andrews! If anyone can do anything it’s you.” FP tried to make you feel better, he rubbed his thumb over your cheek and you melted into his touch. 
There was another blissful moment of silence before you sighed. 
“FP... I know I may be young and stupid and whatever else but... you need to know that you are near the best damn thing that’s happened to me and...and I... I love you.” You said your last remark with your eyes closed, afraid to see FP’s reaction. 
FP peered around to see if anyone could see before pulling you to meet his lips. 
You reached through the bars and scrunched hold of his shirt so tightly that your knuckles went white as you kissed FP like it was the last time you would ever be able to. 
You pulled away, a single tear managing to escape your eyes. 
“You are truly something else. I will never understand what I did on this earth to deserve you.” FP muttered, his eyes searching yours desperately. 
“We’re trying everything to get you out, you know that right?” You asked, resting your forehead against FP’s, clinging onto the bars either side of you, FP’s hands resting on top of your own. 
“I know.” FP backed away, releasing his hold of you. “Now, go, have some fun. Enjoy your night.” FP urged you towards the door. 
“It won’t be that enjoyable.” You scoffed, laughing quietly along with the man. 
You stopped in the doorway of the cell room and looked back at the Serpent. 
“Oh and by the way, I ditched the Vixens. I thought it was about time I grew into my combat boots.” You smirked, FP’s eyes flickered up and down your body. 
“I think you already have. He told you. You smiled widely and winked at the man before leaving the station. 
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With all the adrenaline you had pumping through you, you thought it best to not go to the jubilee but somewhere more... fun.
You pulled up into the Whyte Wyrm parking lot and inhaled the Southside air. 
You waltzed into the bar and ordered yourself a drink, a lot of the men in the bar had stopped what they were doing to watch you. Not that you cared. 
“(Y/n)?” The Serpent from earlier climbed down the stairs, gaining your attention and then meeting you halfway. 
“He’s still not talking. He’s pretty loyal to you guys.” You shared the good news to the Serpent.
“Well, the Serpents are family. We watch out for our own.” The Serpent told you.  You nodded, looking past the man to see a younger Serpent bring something over to you. 
“FP asked Joaquin to keep an eye on you, when Joaquin had to leave, he asked me. You’re loyal, (Y/n) and FP seems to care a lot for you. I just wanted you to know that no matter how long FP’s gone or what happens, we got your back. Only if you’ll let us.” The Serpent took the mystery item from the younger Serpent and handed it to you. Nearly the whole bar was watching now. 
You took the item to reveal it was a leather jacket of your own with the Serpent’s sign on the back. 
“I don’t even live on the Southside?” You were confused, how could you be apart of the Serpent family if you didn’t live there. 
“You’re over here enough you might as well be.” The Serpent chuckled, you smiled slightly and stared down at the jacket. 
Your dad would kill you. Archie would kill you. 
You pulled the jacket on and smiled up at the older Serpent. 
“Welcome to the family, kid.” He told you as an uproar of cheers surrounded you. Two younger Serpents lifted you up for a second before handing you a beer. 
“Anyone care for a game of pool?” You asked as you saw several Serpents whom you had beaten before, those Serpents scoffed and the rest of the bar filled with chatter and laughter just like your first night there. The only thing missing was FP. 
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Always walking in on the action. Always a second too late to witness the whole thing. That was you. You were always the caught in the moment girl. 
The next morning, you woke up to a text from your dad, you had slept in after sneaking home last night and your dad wanted bring the whole family together for breakfast. 
Breakfast, that’s all it was meant to be. 
You had opened the door to the diner to see a bandit with a gun, aiming it at your dad. 
Everything that followed that moment, happened in slow motion. 
You saw Archie about to run in front of the gun when you threw yourself across the diner to tackle him to the ground. 
Your bodies collided and your head smacked against the checkered floor with a deafening bang. 
Your vision blurred, your ears rang with a high pitched squeal and you felt a warm sticky substance begin to run through your hair. 
You couldn’t hear anything but there was a vague outline of Archie holding someone, your eyes couldn’t focus properly but for a second, you swore it was your dad. 
(PART 13)
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@jugheads-lawyer @shannon-posts @montgomerydeladempsey @amycarstairs @geekoftv @forsytheserpents @treblebeth @sweetvengeancee @immortalmurphy @rln108 @evenmyphonemissesyourcall94 @twilight-loveer @ri-verdale  @neganskitty @audreyxhorne @squall-ore @lefoutoir @riverdalehipsters @sassyfiedscribbles @itsgirl17321 @shewalksinstarlightx @cutesnakemum @svanck @juliet12345678 @oldschool-aye @bluexangels @esmiestyles @lifeisforlosers @lilythe1975 @janellemonaenae @negansxlucille @hellboundblogger @im-everyones-type @thestrugglesofateenagedirtbag @aliceswonderlandblog @youvebeenwinchesterd @xsnak-3x @cucharadebager @future-style-dreams @panther-and-peacock @wxnderfull @uncharte-dlove @illinterrogatethecat00 @angelicaleonamichelle @thealipower @hyuk-chan @squidgy84 @photoastucess @http-harleys @cordelia-stark-jones @onceitoowasinnocent @theserpentgod @anthonystoner @isak-lovelies @jordan0ella @willow-days02 @kkkkkennedyyyyy @john-and-mary-husband-and-wife @imaginationss @the-girl-who-always-believed @hey-assbutt6-6-6 @itsfangirlmendes @littlemisscaptainfandom @tudorsloth @whyugottabsorude @brooke-supernatural16 @itscalledfandombitches @writings-of-a-girl @mona-stay @rhyxn @deepiercethebrides @fuckkoffcourtney @deangirl1992 @littlxshit @clinicalkayla @shadok2015 @the-raegan-whittemore
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its-me-im-coraline · 7 years
Jughead Jones | My little Serpent
Count of words: 2567
Warnings: super long, longer than intended, fluff, maybe kind of spoiler about the season finale but I guess you have all seen it. I SWEAR I DIDN’T INTEND ON WRITE SUCH A LONG IMAGINE BUT I’M PROUD!
A/N: this is seriously as good as it could be. It is currently very late at night and while I was trying to sleep I couldn’t cause someone is having a wedding on the next street and there are fireworks, which I’m scared of so heeey I got a distraction.....I swear this is 100% your average big greek fat wedding going on in that house. IT’S BEEN ALMOST 6 HOURS NOW!!! Sorry I rumble about this... Anyway enjoy my late night creation ♥
PS. Let’s pretend that Fred was either not shot or survived the shot...
(My little Serpent part two)  (My little Serpent part three)
@tayrae515 asked: Ok so don't hate me but I had another idea! Could you do one where you are once again Archie's younger sister and you and Jughead are really close friends so when he became a serpent you were around them a lot and became friends of the serpents and because they take care of there own the offer you a jacket to and Archie and Betty and the gang find out and get upset, they feel like they already lost Juggie and don't want to lose another friend but you join and idk fluff? Jughead x reader. 💕💕💕
Even with all that crazy stuff following you ever since the death of Jason Blossom, you thought that for once you could have a quiet day. And you did, but not for long. You woke up that morning with your brother, Archie, and his best friend ,and roomate, Jughead jumping on top of you. They were laughing while trying to wake you up to have break fast and go to school with them. As soon as you realised what was going on the two dorks started tickling you and the extreme laughter combined with the extreme ab exersise you were getting by it didn’t really let you talk. “Stop! Stop you are killing me,” you yelled. “DAD! SAVE ME!” You called at him after seeing him standing by the door, admiring the joyfull moment before him. “Hey, boys, enough,” he tried stoping him but the didn’t stop. “Well, you know what they say, Y/N. ‘If you can’t stop them, join them’ .“ “NO!” You screamed as your dad joined the two boys tickling you; more like stabbing you, with their fingers. 
“I hate you all,” you said at the two boys sitting in front of you eating breakfast trying to suppress their chuckles. “She’s right, you know,” your father butted in jokingly. “Oh, you don’t talk,” you grumped and went on with your breakfast as the man let out a breathy laugh.
The day seemed to be rather calm. You know, stupid classes, small breaks, lunch with your brother and his friends; in which Jughead would not stop tickling you. You really had no idea why they were like that today but you liked it. As much as you hated to admit you liked it. But, your quiet day came to an end as soon as you walked inside your house with your brother and your close friend short behind you. 
As you stepped a foot inside you spotted a woman around the age of your father talking to him. “Hey, guys. This is Ms. Weiss from Social Services. She’s, uh, she’s Jughead’s case worker.” Your father declared as soon as he saw you three. You all seemed shocked and you were. While the boys walked towards the small kitchen you followed close behind. “Jughead, I know how terrible and emotional the last few days have been for you. Your father’s facing serious jail time. Your mom’s over-extended and out of state. We just want to make sure that you’re taken care of.” The woman admitted and Archie butted in , “Well, he can keep staying with us, right, Dad?” Your father simply sent him a sad smile telling him that he already offered. At that moment you knew what was coming. You took Jughead’s arm in your hands and held it firmly, while you later proceeded on hugging it close you your body and interwine your fingers together. He turned his gaze on you for a second smile at the sight of you like this. No, you were not together, not that it would bother you. But Jughead was the person you truly fitten in with. He was quiet and so were you. You were the two members of the little group of friends that would never talk, and when you were it would mostly be between you two and you would be just making sarcastic remarks. “Great, so what’s the problem?” You asked even though you knew the answer.  “It was a DUI. After your mom left. Look, we can talk about this later but between that and my cash flow problem, it knocks me out.” Your father explained as Jughead gave your hand a reasuring squeeze. “There is a family on the Southside that’s offered to foster you. They’re good people, they’ve worked with us before.” The woman added while looking at him. “That doesn’t sound completely horrible.” Jughead reasoned, saying that mostly for you to hear. “It does mean you’ll be in a different school district, Jughead, and you’ll have to transfer schools.” That’s when you lost it. The only person you were comfortable around in school was going to tranfer to the southside. Great, wasn’t that just great?
After leaving them and dashing into your room you were completely unaware of anything else that was said. All you could do was stay in your room and try to calm down a bit. There was a soft knock on the door and without having anytime time to answer the sudden visitor opened the door. “Are you ok?” A person you recognised as Jughead asked. You slowly rearrenge your posistion so you could look at him. “Do I look ok?” you replied with tear stained eyes. “Oh, little one, come here. I’m not gonna be that far away,” he said hugging you close to his body. “I’ll tell you what. I will be staying at my dad’s house, ok? And you will be coming over as frequently as you would like, ok? We could even have sleepovers!” He cheered trying to explain to you that it was not the end of the world. “Yeah, ok. But you will not be there with me at school. How will I do that?” you asked, probably acting like a baby but you didn’t care. “Well, uhm, I could give you my beanie but we both now I won’t,” he said jokingly and making you smlie, “but I will give you one of my flannels. You can wear it on school and it’ll be as if I’m there, yeah?” He said giving you a peck on the forehead. “Good. Want me to sleep here tonight?” he asked and you simply nodded as he started getting comfortable in the bed and pulling you towards his body, embrassing yoy and allowing the heat to warm your small body up in this cold night. “The door stays open,” your father called passing by, always destroying the moment.
It had already been a couple of days ever since Jughead moved to the southside and you spent most of your time there.You would finish school and then you would instantly run to FP’s trailer to meet Jug and today was not going to be any different. The thing was that before that Jughead would come over so you all would go to the Jubilee together and as much as he hated it he did it for you. He walked inside and was stunned after he saw you. You were standing by the kitchen island with your brother and mother. A stunning off-the-shoulder tight-fitted black dress, falling down to your knees. You looked absolutely stunning and Jughead could not hide it. “Oh, Jug’s here,” your mother called and you saw the boy looking at you all. “Jug!” You called and walked up to hug him. “Hey little one,” he said hugging back and giving you a forehead kiss. “Are they a thing?” Your mother asked Archie silently that replied with a disappointed no. “I think we should head off,” your dad said and grabbed his car keys as you all walked to the truck.
After the boring dance was over... Well, it was not so boring. I mean you had Betty’s speach and your brother sing with his current love intrest, and your mum being annoying and a lot more things, but let’s stick to boring. So, after the boring dance was over you and Jughead were going to walk to his father’s trailer, watch a movie and you would then sleep here. And that’s exactly what happened, with a little twist. You made it to your destination and walked inside. Jughead offered you a shirt of his he knew would be huge on you and a pair of his boxers as shorts, knowing that his sweatpants would be enormous on you. You were after all tiny in front of him, but he found that cute. Not that you knew. After putting that on you found Jughead sitting on the couch turning on the TV to find a good movie, and knowing him it would probably be some great old one or a scary movie since he was always amused when you got scared. But his actions were stopped when there was a knock on the door. He walked outside but you didn’t know what happened until you got out as well to see what took him so long and he was wearing his father’s Serpent jacket. When he saw you he seemed scared of your reaction but you took it surprisingly well. You even said that he looked like a very dark version of Clark Kent with the hair and all, or like a younger and more adorable version of Damon Salvatore. After that you continued doing what was on your original plans.
Your brother and his friends were devastated when they saw Jughead walk inside Pop’s wearing his Serpent jacket. Betty was shocked to say the least, while your brother seemed angry, Veronica didn’t think much of it and neither did Kevin so they just kept on making jokes and comments like the ones you did when he was given the jacket. The downside of this was that you were going to have your brother talk about this for a long long time, but you would indeed avoid it as much as possible. 
It had been about a week since Jughead became in charge of the southside Surpents, since his father was the ‘leader’ before. But he did have help both from you and a man’s that was second-in-command that took his dad’s place until Jughead came to the southside. Due to that and because you and him seemed to become even closer with everything that happened you spent a lot of time together in the southside, either just walking around and talking, or staying at his house, or some times spending a lot of time in the Whyte Wyrm. Everyone was surprised and you constantly had your brother or father trying to keep you from going there with Jug, but you didn’t seemed to care. The thing is the Serpents accept you as their own, they got your back not matter what. Like that time this girl from your school started calling you names and some of them happened to be around they did everything to protect you from her and make sure you didn’t actually believe everything she said. They even had one of their own stick around you just to make sure you were ok but your brother didn’t know. 
One day you all were going to hang out over at Jug’s so you, your brother and the girls were driving there in Archie’s truck. Just as you stepped outside a bunch of Serpents appeared in front of you. Betty got scared, thinking they would attack you or something, since they were told you to stop walking, and she hurried to get Jughead. He walked towards you watching as the second-in-command came over to you and hugged you. “Look,” he began, “we see your friends here are like family to you, you are one of them. But you are family to us and you are one of us. And you know how we take of our own. So we wanted you to know that we will keep on taking care of you, kid. It’s always good when you stick around and, well, we thought you deserve to have this. You deserve to have this cause, as I said you are one of us.” He finished. It was so sweet how much these people cared for you. I mean you grew up with the idea that they are vicious and bad. But they’re not. They are nice people; different people that are under the influence of the stereotypes. You smiled at the man and reached for the jacked but Archie stopped you. “Y/N, no. Don’t you dare. You are not a surpent. You are one of us.” He said. “He’s right, Y/N. You don’t belong with them but with us.” Veronica butted in, agreeing with the stupidity of my brother. “We already lost Jughead to the serpents,little one, we can’t lose you as well,” said Betty adding to the anger that began to boil inside of you. “You are joking right? You don’t mean this stupid things you said.” You mumble. “No, Y/N we’re not,” replied Archie. You looked down for a second contemplaiting what was going on exactly, and then you did what your friends and brother didn’t want you to. You grabbed the jacket from the surpent and wrapped it around your body. After a long time you felt like home. You felt that you truly belonged somewhere. The serpents start cheering on your decision the one that gave you the jacket even hugged you once again. Jughead stared in aw as the two girls with Archie walked inside.
The serpents left and both you and Jughead walked inside meeting a furious Archie, a disappointed Betty and an annoyed Veronica. “What’s wrong with you guys?” You asked trying to understand why they all were like that. “What’s wrong? You ask what’s wrong? Y/N, you are no serpent. You are my sister. They are no good for you.” Archie said pacing up and down the small space. “Arch are you joking? They are amazing people. At least most of them. They treat me like family, they take care of me. They have one of their own to keep an eye on me and make sure I’m safe with all that shit you guys get yourselves into and drag me into as well.” You fired back at him. “Wow, Y/N, wow.” Betty said looking at you with a very disappointed, almost discussted look. Tears pricked your eyes as this kept going on for a while. “Just don’t come home until you find a way to explain this to dad,” he said in an angry matter. “That’s it. Get out. All of you get out. And don’t come talk to me or her until you stop being irrational.” Jughead yelled, seeing how these words hurt you. You started sobbing in an instand as Archie said that and Jughead pulled you into his arms. Archie tried to apologise but Jug didn’t let him. “I said leave. Now.” He chanted once more since your brother wouldn’t leave. Eventually he did and Jughead picked you up and walked to the couch.
The whole night you spent on that couch. He would say things to calm you down but your tears would not stop. He wouldn’t give up though. He would hold you in his arms stroking your hair and back in attemts to relax you. “It’s ok Y/N. It’s gonna be alright. You can stay here for as long as needed. You know the serpents love you. I love you,” he said. You stopped crying after he said that and you just stared at his face. “Yo-you love me?” You asked surprised. Jug didn’t reply so you took matters in your own hands and you kissed him. You kissed him with so much love you had never shown to anyone. “I love you too,” you uttered before the boy took you in his arms bridal style and run to the bedroom playfully as you laughed. He seemed so happy you said that, so he threw you on the bed and run to the window and opened it. “My little serpent loves me back,” he screamed repeatingly so every one would know.
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