#I was going to have the individual rules on the carrd too but I manage to hit element limit so that plan went out the window)
rosetintedgunman · 1 year
I figure out of all the blogs, this one gets the most traction so...
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Hey! I made a carrd! It has general rules for all blogs and links and stuff! It's very simple, but I made it all by myself with only an online tutorial for guidance! Hopefully it works?? I tested it earlier and there's nothing fancy that could break it?
I also updated the rules for this blog, Damien's, and the multi to make them more specific for each one. Unfortunately, it's only the web browser (ie [url.com]/rules) as I don't have time tonight to update the mobile-friendly rules.
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cyrilphd · 1 year
going to upgrade this post to be a Cyril masterpost SO hii this is my vtm OC he makes me crazy
this is where most of the context you'll find on him is, minus a few things like his big overarching goals and his planned horrid form as not to be spoilery to the other players in my campaign (none of them follow me on tumblr though, so...)
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big thanks to cain for bringing my guy to life
and continuing to take my money when i pay him to
#cyril merricks - actual content, art, and various asks i've answered to flesh him out
#cyril - meme posts that remind me of him
#c - aesthetics and vibes
underneath the cut is links to the individual fics and a short summary of each one
AS PROMISED I have migrated my Cyril works off of google docs into much more presentable ao3 fics so here they are once again in chronological order, each of them (so far at least) takes place before our campaign starts
Debut Oeuvre
Cyril is tired of being out of the loop when it comes to the teachings of vicissitude, his sire is being difficult but promises more information if Cyril completes just one vaguely defined task. 'Let's just get it over with' He thinks, not fully understanding the consequences of what 'it' might be.
Employment Opportunity
Tyson's prospects aren't looking good, he's getting on in life and he doesn't particularly have a great retirement fund, relationship with his children, general odour, et cetera. He counts himself lucky that his landlord is a real upstanding guy, willing to be flexible as Tyson tries not to end it. This is another of those moments, being given a small job that has a great payout for him. This would be a learning experience on how to negotiate better terms and really read the fine print before agreeing to anything.
Dubious Allies
The prince of New Hammington, Ohio, has just been diablerized, which is bad news for Cyril because he happened to be his entire support system. What's worse is that the new prince has managed to dig up dirt on him, and knows that he is both a Tzimisce and a former Sabbat member, things that the Camarilla doesn't typically enjoy. In his time of trouble, a vague missive is delivered to him, and he decides to follow its instructions, because really, what does he have to lose?
Feeding Time
Ruben lives a life of a typical shut-in, with the benefit that he at least has a job... Though not a glamorous one. His apartment is comfortable enough and he doesn't need all too much room, so he's happy to live there. The landlord seems to have a lot of strange rules in place, though, such as only being able to pay in cash... And his attitude is really very offputting. Tonight, he's about to find out why those rules have been put in place, and perhaps understand why his landlord is so standoffish with him.
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rose-from-ashes · 1 year
Voidsent Vynathr verse explanation- will be added to carrd soon
Before the calamity, Vynathr was not named Vynathr. He was named Vukmir, and he was the ruler of a kingdom called Emden. Emden was situated on the Thirteenth's equivalent of Ilsabard, and was very diverse, populated primarily with highlander hyur, hrothgar, and possibly (I've yet to decide if Garleans are an artificially created race, of so they don't exist on the Thirteenth) garleans. The kingdom was massive, and was constantly creeping ever further out, taking over other nations in the process.
Vukmir was born with various insecurities and issues as every Vynathr does, but when the calamity struck, this faded. He had done what he could to deal with matters before it was too late, but when the worst came to pass, he made a discovery. He had an extremely powerful soul. He became strong, inhumanly so, intelligent and monstrous yet more appealing than so many other voidsent reduced to flying eyeballs and mouths and other horrors. The only downside is that to fuel his incredible strength, intelligence, and power, he needed to eat. A lot.
He became prideful and gluttonous. Gulping down being after being, absorbing their souls into his own- his powerful soul overrides them at large, but with the sheer number he has eaten, there is an undeniable change to him on some level. He is a ravenous beast, with a name more fitting of his inhuman nature now, and he rules his section of the void with an iron fist, his territory ever growing. He is famous for his nigh insatiable hunger, but he is also known to be both a powerful fighter and a very skilled and intelligent leader. Someone to have on your side.
Reaper sideverse- Vynathr's hunger grows too insatiable, and he turns his attention to the Source, seeking to eat and eat as much as he can, even if he must possess the one he made a deal with to do so. He stalks the land like a ravenous wolf, seeking both aether to consume and places to conquer and rule through the guise of the one he had possessed. This individual can be wol Vynathr, an unknown individual, or someone else's muse.
By default, he has his eyes set on Garlemald and Ishgard, mostly the latter, as he is most comfortable in frigid places. In some versions of this side verse, he manages to slip into place as a Garlean legatus, and take over Ishgard to rule as his own- in other versions, he takes over without Garlean aid. And in others still, he roams alone. He can also be the wol, with his motives being more focused on the multitude of excuses to fight and consume than actual altruism.
Note- Void Vyn is originally based on an attempt to directly adapt main verse Vynathr from my main blog, an alien deity of pain, rage, and hunger, to ffxiv as closely as possible, and thus themes and mentions of him will come up often. Dw, you aren't expected to know anything, I just don't want people to be confused when it happens. And since he is based on a deity, he is incredibly overpowered, to the point that were he to exist in canon, he would have easily attacked and eaten Golbez alive. I will not tone this down.
To those who are familiar with main verse Vynathr, there are differences, such as void Vyn being truly very prideful whereas main Vyn simply appears that way due to a certain expression of anger. Though void Vyn started as an attempt to echo main Vyn as closely as possible, he has kind of developed into his own thing, as is probably expected from my tendency to go all in with every verse.
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sea-and-storm · 5 years
LFRP :  Nhia Molkoh (Crystal)
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Below are just the most basic of Nhia’s character details in order to keep this post short and sweet. But if you’d like to see a more in-depth profile, please check out her carrd!
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The Basics ––– –
Age: Twenty-four (24).
Birthday:  Twentieth sun of the first astral moon. (1/20)
Race:  Miqo’te, Keeper of the Moon.
Gender: Female, cisgender. (she/her)
Sexuality: Bisexual, male leaning. Demiromantic.
Marital Status: Single.
Server: Balmung (Crystal DC)
Physical Appearance ––– –
Hair:  A medium gray-brown color, long and thick in texture. Sometimes left down and untamed, other times pulled up or styled, but almost always decorated with some combination of braids, beads, and other baubles that catch her eyes. For a visual example of the sorts of hairstyles she tends to wear, take a look at this gallery.
Ears:   Same color as her hair, and very soft to the touch. Pierced along the underside of the lobes, usually wearing some small, simple earrings.
Tail:   Very long, very plush, and very well-groomed. Extremely expressive, often moving along with her mood or as she speaks.
Eyes: Bright blue.
Height:  5′0″.
Build:  Petite pear, with a little extra weight carried around her hips and thighs. Pleasantly soft and curved.
Distinguishing Marks:  Light gray-white tribal paints across her face, and sometimes other places across her body depending on the occasion and her mood.
Personal ––– –
Profession:  Clan Trade Liaison. She brings her clans’ good to market in the cities to trade for coin and barter, and attempts to find those merchants and artisans willing to enter into more lasting and mutually beneficial supply agreements with them.
Hobbies:  Drawing and painting. Finding new places and new things to paint or draw. Foraging. Flower picking. Listening to other people's stories.
Languages: Common, Huntspeak.
Residence:  None in particular, outside of her clan's territory when she's home. She wanders wherever her feet carry her, and she tends to prefer making a camp for herself out in nature rather than spending gil on inn rooms.
Birthplace:  The Black Shroud, as a part of the Singing Dove Clan of Moon Keepers. Theirs is a small and peaceful gathering of families that mostly keeps to their own, but occasionally reaches out beyond the Shroud's borders to sell and trade for goods not readily found at home.
Religion: Devout follower of Menphina.
Fears:  Anything ill befalling her loved ones. Being trapped. Deep waters. Very large and fearsome beasts. Losing her ability to wander, whether by injury or by order of her clan.
Personality:  Cheerful, bright personality. Very sociable. Talkative. Curious. Empathetic. Generous. Understanding. Quite emotionally intelligent. Can handle her own in nature. Very naive. Too trusting. Sometimes too talkative or too curious. Not the most formally learned. Also not the most street smart.
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Parents: Emhi Molkoh (mother, npc) & Naih’a Epocan (father, npc).
Siblings: (Open to sibling / half-sibling connections!)
Other Relatives: (Open to other familial connections as well!)
Pets: No pets, per se. But she does have a chocobo by the name of Arrow.
Traits ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted Disorganized / In Between / Organized Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded Calm / In Between / Anxious Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable Cautious / In Between / Reckless Patient / In Between /  Impatient Outspoken / In Between / Reserved Leader / In Between / Follower Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic Traditional / In Between / Modern Hard-working / In Between / Lazy Loyal / In Between / Disloyal Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: None.
Drugs: None.
Alcohol: Sometimes, but she doesn’t handle hard liquor well. Though chances are if you offer her a drink, she’d think it rude to turn it down.
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Possible Hooks ––– –
◖SHROUD DWELLER◗ ⠀ Fellow dweller of the Shroud, or maybe just a passer-through? We could set up an interaction around this, easily! Nhia is often found within the forests of the Black Shroud whenever she's home from her traveling, whether she's hunting or just exploring.
◖KEEPERS OF THE MOON◗ I would love to meet some fellow Keepers, whether they've left home in search of a new life or keep the old ways! In the latter case, a connection would be quite easy to manage, as Nhia is regularly sent out to make contact with other clans of the Shroud to establish trade and goodwill with her own.
◖TRADERS AND MERCHANTS◗ This is technically what Nhia does for a living -- venturing out to establish trade connections for her clan. If your character is the buying and selling sort, perhaps they can speak and come to a mutually beneficial deal!
◖FELLOW HUNTERS◗ Nhia is something of a huntress herself, and so crossing paths with others is only to be expected! Perhaps a trail leads them to the same prey, or they team up to take down something neither can handle individually?
◖THE ARTIST & HER MUSE◗ The only thing that Nhia loves more than traveling is documenting it, most usually by way of paintings and drawings. Perhaps she might ask if it's alright if she adds you to her sketchbook while you regale her with stories of your travels, or maybe you know of a particularly beautiful, breathtaking sight that you could take her to see?
◖GULLIBLE WITH A CAPITAL ‘G’◗ For better or worse, Nhia tends to take everything that someone tells her at face value, believing it to be the absolute truth. I mean, what reason would they have to exaggerate or lie to her, right? .....right? Feel free to regale her with all your wildest tales, even if they aren’t exactly truthful.
OOC Rules of Engagement ––– –
I'll do no RP of any sort with real-life minors. Sorry, I just don't feel comfortable writing with anyone under eighteen!
I don't tolerate OOC romantic and/or sexual advances, or any OOC clinginess or possessiveness. Just… don’t. RP partners with reasonable and healthy OOC boundaries only, please!
All natural, slowburn ships only. I don't do the whole pre-arranged or love-at-first-RP ship deal. If it's meant to be between our brainchildren, it'll happen because of character chemistry and a lot of RP, or not at all.
Dark & mature themes are fine, but please ask before crossing too far over the line! Very little thematically tends to bother me in RP. However, if you plan on pushing further past the conventional boundaries than usual, I'd at least appreciate a heads up first in the off chance I'm not up for it!
ERP is something I could easily take or leave. It may be fun to write sometimes, but it gets repetitive and boring to me real quick. So if this is your sole or primary focus of RP, we aren’t gonna be suitable partners. If we are going to write the beast with two backs, at least give me some plot to make it interesting and/or meaningful. And don’t be salty about being asked to FTB more often than not.
Contact Information  ––– –
Discord:  Jaliqai#1327.
In Game:  Niah Molkoh.
Tumblr:  @jaliqai-and-company
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