#I was in high school when I made them omg. aster has been with me for so long. I forget she’s an oc of mine and not just an iconic characte
topazcarbuncle · 8 months
Do you have any other OCs other than Zeynha and Revelry?
I do! I have many, but here are two of my most developed ocs, from an original story of mine!
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Joe (left, they/them) and Aster (right, she/her) are from a world where monsters made of shadow secretly live among and around humans. The two of them are shadows themselves, and spend their time trying to protect others like them from the humans who want to hunt them down.
I imagine it as a bit of a horror-inspired, monster of the week type story, where the monsters are the ones our protagonists are trying to help.
Joe is a tech nerd and gamer and Aster likes books, flowers, and shitty tv shows.
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^ monster forms
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extravalgant · 3 years
the seven main schools (+ astral & shadow) as flowers
NOTE: i did not dive too deep into researching for this and most of the information i got for this post i got from this site . please dont come after me if i get a meaning wrong IM TRYING MY BEST!!! moving on
this is going to be a LONG POST so sit tight
myth - clematis (also known as traveller’s joy, old man’s beard)
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i chose clematis mainly for its meaning: representing artifice, ingenuity and mental beauty. i think part of being a conjurer means that the world is only as big as you make it, and part of it is utilizing your imagination to its fullest extent. mental beauty and ingenuity go hand in hand with being creative, but artifice, in this flower symbolism, means to be cunning or be deceitful. i also think this comes from cyrus drake also being your teacher, which means he would teach in a style that would want you to exploit the weaknesses of the creatures that you summon (that being, calling their true name) in order for them to do your bidding. 
“Myth dwells between Fire and Ice, for that is where the shadows lie, and Myths are the shadowy forms of thought made real.”
storm - gladiolus (also known as a sword lily)
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urgh.... storm was such a hard school to choose a flower for @_@ according to the wizard101 site storm is also based on creativity, but since we already had that sort of meaning attached to myth, i decided to go with the next best thing which is that gladiolus represents strength, strong character, honor and moral integrity. i feel like it’s pretty well known fact that storm is a hitting school, and a pretty well known one at that - their reputation as a power school is pervasive through all wizarding circles. i feel like this is also where a diviner’s sense of pride comes from - being able to one-hit ko enemies and brandish your power proudly. 
amazingly enough, the wizard101 site also addresses this, saying that, “the Storm School will train its student wizards to do a lot of damage. Storm Wizards have the ability to unleash high amounts of damage from an early level, which is good, but they place too much emphasis on power, and therefore suffer in terms of accuracy.”
placing too much emphasis on power... very interesting indeed
death - papaver (poppy)
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death was ALSO a super hard school to pick a flower for. i debated between the dracula, the poppy, and the spider lily before deciding to settle with the poppy. I chose poppies in particular because “Poppies have long been used as a symbol of sleep, peace, and death: Sleep because the opium extracted from them is a sedative, and death because of the common blood-red color of the red poppy in particular.” source 
I FEEL AS IF THE SPIDER LILY WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO EASY OF A CHOICE but i wanted to encompass all the meanings that death has and has been associated with. some people associate death with peace (at being in a “”better place””), and some people sometimes to describe it as “sleeping” to a younger audience with no death awareness. also heres a nice little excerpt from the w101 site: “Death is about ending and closure. All things pass eventually, and time cannot be held back forever. Wizards devoted to Death Magic, known as Necromancers, understand this fact about everything around them and strive to face it without fear.”
ice - magnolia 
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as soon as i saw this flower and its description it was PERFECT for ice. magnolias represent longevity and perseverance, due to the fact that magnolias are believed to have existed even at the beginning of time. the ice schools main theme is about persistance - which is to say, that if you’re patient and determined, you will collect the fruits of your labor in the end. 
the school page even says this, noting that “The Ice School will train its student wizards to take high amounts of damage and survive.” To thaumaturges, it is simply about surviving to see the end of the battle, and that’s what their play style involves. both magnolias and thaumaturges have that in common : persist and survive.
fire - ixora (also known as jungle flame, flame of the woods)
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it was also hard choosing a plant for fire, seeing as so many plants can be described as “passionate” in a symbolic sense. it was between this and orange tulips, but i felt that both the names “jungle flame” and “flame of the woods” both fit fire’s theme. that being said, ixora’s represent passion - the core of fire’s development and description. it is the “bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything.” (w101)
fire wizards mainly utilize damage over time spells, which reminds me that a frog boiling in a pot will leap immediately out of the water if its too hot, but will stay until it dies if the water’s temperature reaches steadily. while fire’s general message are that it may consume everything it touches, and how pyromancers are quick to anger and tempestuous, fire plays the longer game by slow roasting their enemies until it is too late for them.
balance - cosmos
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when i saw this flower and its meanings there was literally no chance any other flower could compare omg
balance is described as finding the equality of everything and harmony. they are described as broad-minded, taught to be considerate of all things, as well as their own place in the world they live in. cosmos, in this case, represent order, peace, modesty and harmony -- all things which are important to a balance wizard. balance thrives in the company of others, simply because it was made in mind to help others in the heat of battle. “The Balance School will train its student wizards to be effective in group play.” (w101)
however as a result, they may appear as stand-offish and impassive, unable to choose a side or make a choice. such is life when you’re raised to consider all factors of every choice you make - every decision feels heavy.
life - achillea (also known as yarrow)
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named after the greek hero achilles, legends would say that his soldiers would treat their wounds with this. source 
i chose achillea for life simply for the fact that it represents healing and protection, as well as it being used it being a versatile plant used to treat a variety of maladies or sicknesses - it’s been used as a medicinal plant for a long time across the world. 
life embodies “the spirit, the force of awareness and existence. It is about constant growth and movement.” (w101). theurgists are described as having simple pleasures in life, in revelling in the idea of the living, breathing, planet around you. it utilizes the song of creation, using it to weave life where there was none previously. it definitely has powerful roots in the canon storyline - i just wish it was utilized more through its play style. 
(astral) star - aster (also known as starwort, frost flower)
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ok i dont have a deep meaning for this im sorry . i mainly chose aster simply because “aster” is derived from the Greek word “astron”, which means “star”, and because of the shape of its flowers. pretty simple reason but ill try my best to do it justice
however, aster is represented by patience and elegance -- star magic may be a lesser form of sun magic, simply because it is meant to power yourself rather than your spells. i think theres something inherently elegant about an aura wrapping itself around your figure, bending to the whim of your spells, as it both enhances your health or your spells. 
(astral) sun - datura (also known as devil’s trumpet)
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Datura symbolizes power and caution. It is a powerful and deadly plant, but also a major religious and cultural symbol.
i chose datura’s for sun because sun is all about power -- datura is highly poisonous and very dangerous to be around. the main deal of the sun school is that they use spells to make their own stronger - it has the “power to endure, power to persevere, and power to change”. we don’t get much of a canon explanation for how sun magic works outside of battles, but i imagine that you have to be careful with sun magic, because as we know - absolute power corrupts absolutely. aint that neat
(astral) moon - protea
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protea’s represent ingenuity, diversity, transformation and courage. a big part of moon magic is that it is all about change. changing your spells, your body, your thoughts -- it is symbolized by the moon because it goes through many changes (the tides, the phases of the moon, etc).
i feel as if moon magic might be one of the harder magics to master out of all the astral schools - the transformation into something else may not come as easy as star auras, or that it simply may be too hard on the caster in question, having to change their physical appearances and battle tactics to fit into a new one.
shadow - rhododendron
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rhododendron’s represent temptation, caution and danger. 
despite how pretty it looks, the stems, leaves, and flowers can be poisonous to humans and pets if ingested. i feel as if that describes shadow perfectly -- the pleasant sight of these pretty flowers is enough to entice a person (wizard) forward, but you must be careful with how you handle this plant, or else you will end up facing dire consequences. (backlash)
shadow magic as a whole can be very tempting to those who seek it -- offering power that scales above others. but it is an advanced magic, and those who seek to play with it often end up paying the price with their lives (in this case, morganthe was crushed underneath the weight of power that shadow gave her). shadow can give you an upper hand, however, if used right -- and the wizard, for the most part, is using it right. 
shadow is mainly a cautionary tale of not playing with higher, advanced, magics with the wrong intentions.
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sarahlevys · 3 years
WIP bach 8 and demi alexis feelings!
omg anon, this is five million years late. and @hullomoon, you asked me about the demi alexis fic, too! so please see below ❤️
bach 8:
She looks at her hands in her lap, at her bare nails and faded pyjama pants, at the bedsheets she'd been using since high school. She looks at her own reflection in her mirror: her hair, mussed from Alexis' hands and her bedsheets, her lips swollen from Alexis' kisses. She'd fallen in love with Alexis under the stars with sequins and lace against her skin, under palm trees and honky-tonk lights with hairspray in her hair and extensions on her eyelashes. They'd first made love against thousand-count sheets, on silk pillowcases.
In California, Twyla had stood outside, head tipped back, dazzled by the Pacific's array of constellations and asterisms. The stars are out above Schitt's Creek every night – but what if Alexis doesn't think they're as beautiful as they could be, somewhere else?
demi alexis feelings:
She's knee-deep in research for New York's biggest and boldest LGBTQ+ gala, refamiliarizing herself with terms and spectrums and different pride colour palettes, when she sees it on Web MD:
A demiromantic person is someone who only develops romantic feelings for another person when they have a strong emotional connection to them.
Alexis has heard the term before; she has a vague understanding of what it entails, and it sounds simple enough. She's inclined to leave it at that, to close the browser tab on her phone and call it a day. But it lodges in her thoughts, taking shape and casting colours on the far corners of her mind, reframing her memories in a new light.
Once, a long time ago, on a lark, she went to see a doctor—a psychologist, to be specific. "I don't think I've ever been in love," she told him, the words settling in the pace between them, curling a lock of hair around her finger. "But that's not, like... I mean, it's not a big deal. Right?"
i have no idea where my list of WIPs went (this is from.... last fall, i think?) but you can play this WIP game with me if you'd like!
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the half of it liveblog
LET’S GO I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS SINCE MARCH hi. my name is abby, and this is me watching the half of it
i have big gay expectations for this movie
as an asian wlw, i do NOT want to be disappointed
starting NOW
fuck YES this animation is beautiful
plato. this movie is already calling out my dumb gay ass
they did really good casting with ellie! imagine having a movie with high schoolers that LOOK LIKE HIGH SCHOOLERS
chugga chugga chu chu? SQUARE UP BITCH
OMG paul and ellie’s first meeting is iconic
“i’m not looking to cheat” “no one is”
“gET a thESaURus uSE a speLLcHecKer gOOd luCk rOMeo”
this is an accurate representation of hold times istg
aster looks so tired but wowowowowow she is hecking beautiful
ellie is a disaster gay
exhibit 1: staring at aster in band
exhibit 2: “i’m ellie chu?!?!?!”
exhibit 3: more staring in the hallway
staring/longing is the peak gay experience
she is FINALLY charging acceptable prices for writing
i’d ask $15 for two page
maybe she just loves writing
can’t relate
“SHE’S LIKE ALL THREE” paul you eloquent mf
he’s a ROMANTIC... but so bad with words omg
“yah my grandma’s dead wanna go out with me”
“love makes you screwy. don’t you get screwy?”
istg you dumb jock ily
in love, one always starts by deceiving oneself... and ends by deceiving others
i LOokED uP PLaiGiAriZed
wow i had to stop for like 8 minutes there to properly watch their letters play out
the way alice wu spins this story is absolutely gorgeous
aster and ellie are so in sync and understanding of each other
the art, the words, the letters
everything just meshes together perfectly and i’m already in love with their story, whether or not there’s a happy ending
oh ho ho... paul....
no but he’s totally right
dating is burgers and fries and ice cream and whatnot
love is what ellie and aster have been doing– the talking and the listening and the understanding
smithcorona ahaha
“i love... nazis” paul you good there
oh honey you understand nothing
LMAO i love how ellie’s riding away on her bike and paul’s just bent over in the background PERFECTLY poised to pick up a rock
YES! jock + lesbian friendship
“hi ellie chu’s dad” has the same energy as “mr. jack’s dad” and “mr. sir” if u know what i’m talking about (check, please! mutuals hi)
i love how paul just treats this like drills he has to run
jocks, man
why do neither of them know how to play ping pong istg
i love one (1) girl that laughs at horror movies
omg my anxious ass would be terrified if i thought someone was watching me
oh, i thought that line was about aster
but it still makes sense in a friendship way
and this IS a friendship movie so it does make sense
my coward ass would’ve never brought a boy home in high school
especially not to my enthusiastic italian father
besides i only ever dated one person and she was a girl and i hadn’t come out to my parents yet
kudos to ellie
oh i just realized that aster’s christian
does that influence her views on lgbtq?
oh, ellie
watching that made me tear up
god, falling for someone who doesn’t know that you’re you
this english teacher is fckin hilarious
and also totally not a romantic lmao
“world’s asleep. more room for secrets”
now THAT’S what love feels like
falling in love with the little things
wait he doesn’t say “you like aster?”
...does he support her or not
paul munsky say something
oh he realizes that he doesn’t know what love is not that ellie likes aster
“if love isn’t the effort you put in”
i love this friendship and paul’s quiet wisdom
oh boy there are weird chewing noises
aww paul’s a romantic and ellie’s hilarious
seeing “guy” makes my heart hurt
aw ellie have a little faith in our dumb jock <3
this is so cute and super awkward
i feel like i did this at some point in high school
what just happened
awww he’s so enthusiastic
bitch what the fuck is “a look”
wtf is this a fucking rave
are high schools like this now??? is everyone fucking horrid?
yes girl play your song
wait a sec can they all hear her without a mic
she wrote that? that’s so sweet <3
but that’s so cliché
it’s literally high school musical
oh boy now she’s POPULAR?
i love their friendship so much
omg what? shoes in the house? shoes ON THE BED? DISGRACE PAUL MUNSKY
jk him caring for her is literally so cute
i’m glad we can have that platonically
she did that for him? aww
the way she spits out the advil is hilarious
i bet she thinks ellie and paul are dating
“it’s paul’s chinese friend” who the FUCK do you think you are? STEP THE FUCK UP KAREN
oh it’s the daisy!
it’s gorgeous
i feel like aster definitely suspects something
i have no idea what she does at the station?!?
“SECRET PLACE” oh lawd
aster definitely knows it’s ellie
i wish i had a secret pond
but alas
i am just a poor city girl
ellie is a disaster gay and i am living for it
LONG UNDERWEAR ellie is prepared for all situations
paul is so sweet that’s adorable
“i don’t think i’ve ever hung out with a girl and not talked about boys before” the GAY is showing and i love it
but love isn’t about feeling safe
it’s about feeling adventurous but being safe
you’re in HIGH SCHOOL why tf r u thinking about marriage?
oml don’t get married to trig he’s a fucking idiot
i lowkey thought they were going to kiss
and then ellie “i am a RUSSIAN DOLL of clothing!!1!1!”
when my asian mom did this, my white dad would look just like him, even after literally decades of marriage
WOAH the visuals
just... two people looking at the same sky
so intimate
“gravity is matter’s response to loneliness”
that’s so deep but all i can think of is r/showerthoughts
just two girls discussing their deepest beliefs and secrets in a spring
i would like to do that pls
lmao ellie’s dad and paul are besties now
oh ellie
COLLEGE you deserve to go to college!
omg aster and paul’s height difference
paul’s siblings are hilarious lmao
SLDKFJSDL “A BUNCH OF GUYS SNIFFING EACH OTHERS’ BUTTS” is maybe the most accurate description of high school sports
guess all that running really paid off paul
“squahamish scores for the first time in 50 yrs” i-
ellie trying to finesse the yakult is the funniest thing
what the FUCK just happened
that was like watching a train wreck in slo-mo
i have zero words.
is he ok
who sprayed him? was it paul or ellie’s dad??
oh god literally all three of them are ruined
paul! he’s trying! and that matters!
he’s been taught to condemn it
but he supports his friend first and foremost
so he tries to understand and accept it
...oh no paul’s mother
ellie looks so sad :(
ugh i’m crying
she had to grow up too quickly because of her mother’s death
“have you ever loved someone so much you don’t want anything about them to change?”
i’m so emotional
SKSKSK “i had to grind something” homophobic mother looks up
the fuck is “little lady”
oh i get it he’s proposing
trig is literally the human manifestation of microaggression
the painting metaphor is back and i am not ok
AND I OOP- she slapped him ok ok ok
“mommy wants you to know that in case you are gay, mommy still loves you” “no mom i’m not gay” “thank god” “i might want to change your sausage recipe though” “are you INSANE?” THIS IS AN EXACT PARALLEL to when bitty came out and mama bittle still loved him but then the JAM (hello again check please mutuals if ur still here ily)
lmao the english teacher “now that is some divine intervention” she is neutral evil and i am LIVING for it (bet she’s wlw too)
“you don’t mean dead, right” SLDFKJSDL
“love is messy and horrible and selfish... and bold.” -ellie chu
that’s fucking beautiful
aster looks... so tired
i have no words i just want to watch this and cry
they kissed.
they KISSED.
“i’ll see you in a couple of years”
i love that they don’t end up together
that they know that they should wait, that it’s not their time yet
because love is “the trying, and the reaching, and the failing”
ellie looks so happy
she’s comfortable in her own skin
she deserves everything
omg the emojis slap
her dad’s conductor? station master? idk but he’s working again and i’m so proud of him
is paul seriously giving her sausage
“too smart to be crying on the platform like a wussy” “i’m not crying” “wussy” underrated exchange of the year
paul chasing after ellie on the train is so sweet
i’m sobbing
she looks so content and i love that for her
that’s the end
if you made it this far, congrats! 
overall 10/10
it’s such a sweet movie it’s well paced, well written, and well shot
time to go see if there’s any fic
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