#I was so scared it was gonna be a fucking cuckoo
DCAS S3E9!!!
-um Yul…? Is that Kai’s shirt???
-I wanna kill Yul so bad
-I’m really starting to ship Riya x Grett
-oh Gabby’s going cuckoo again
-Ally and Jake bickering like siblings and Ashley being like their mother lmao
-Tom is so gay
-ooh that elimination is gonna be crazy
-aw Tess :(
-this elimination was kinda sad
That’s all I have to say
but like I’m kinda scared for villain Gabby but I love it too
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ascendent · 1 month
i haven't even gotten into it yet bc i've been too busy gushing about trans metaphor but also cuckoo scared the piss out of me. the fucking bike chase scene..... man it was in the fucking trailer so i knew what was gonna happen and i was still shitting my pants out of sheer dread
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birdisland · 1 year
I am not completely sober writing this but I just felt the need to get it out.
So basically, if you've been following my "I'm gonna die" posts, here's what happened: I had such terrible pains and such a terrible health scare, it caused me to go absolutely cuckoo and not sleep for 10 days.
A month ago, I woke up with terrible stomach pains, dizziness, diarrhea and nausea such as I've never experienced before. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I went to the ER where they dismissed me with endometriosis pains (because they found I had had 'signs' of it in an old hospital journal) and sent me home with ibuprofen.
I've always kind of known I have endometriosis (even if I've never been properly diagnosed) and I would have trusted them if this kind of violent pain and indigestion was something I'd experienced before, but it's NEVER been this bad, ever. And this terrible pain and nausea lasted for well over two weeks, starting days before and ending long after my period ended.
And NO ONE would give me a proper check up. I had to run in circles from the ER to the local Health Center then back to the ER (where I was thrown out - twice) then to the emergency gyno ward where they barely looked at me, then to the psych ward because I had barely slept in 10 days and then - days and a lot of drama later - finally, finally I got a referral back to the gyno ER where they FINALLY did an ultrasound and concluded that I had a particularly bad attack of adenomyosis/endometriosis.
But by then I was already so mentally broken down the anxiety and insomnia had me in a death grip and didn't let go for days after.
I have now got a Mirena IUD put in and am starting to feel a little better mentally and physically.
During the 10 days it was at its worst, I was awake for three periods of 72 hours each, with one or two hours of sleep in between. The pain was so bad, so fucking bad. I thought I had colon cancer. I thought I had last stage ovarian cancer. I thought for sure I was gonna die. I was so fucking alone in all of this. I crawled on the floor, I prayed for death, the bed became my enemy, I went out into the woods and tried to sleep on the ground. I went absolutely fucking cuckoo. I threw away all my diaries from my teens and all my sex toys and other embarrasing stuff that I didn't want people to find after my death. (And then the next day I went and recovered it all from the trash because I'd changed my mind LOL.)
Even after I knew I wasn't dying from physical reasons I thought I was going to die from insomnia because the anxiety remained.
And long story short - during this time period I got three or four different sleeping pills prescribed, neither of which helped because my anxiety was just so bad it broke through my body's need of sleep. The pain eventually subsided but the anxiety remained. Eventually I got something that worked - Mirtazapin - which did make me sleep but turned me into a zombie pretty much. I stopped taking those a few days ago because the anxiety had subsided and I am now able to sleep on my own. And hopefully the IUD will do its job.
So that was that. I am still not quite myself mentally, but hopefully I have the worst of it behind me, and if I find myself in pain again, at least I don't have to be as scared again, knowing what it is.
Tl;dr: Sudden violently worsening endometriosis pains for weeks caused me to go ding dong mad and not sleep for 10 days and still suffering some of the mental trauma of it weeks later, but doing better every day.
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fasterthanmydemons · 11 months
[ Speedster of the Galaxy ]
Rocket was watching Pietro. He didn’t know if the speedster noticed, but Rocket was actually studying him. His posture, his words, his body language… Surely, if Pietro was a threat, Mantis would’ve told the Guardians. Her powers were appreciated, but Rocket knew she also tried to see the best in people. She had a lot of… well, empathy. And Rocket just wanted to make sure Pietro was not a threat to the team or the team’s dynamic. The speedster had pointed out his weaknesses, almost stupidly, as he spoke with Mantis. If Pietro tried to pull shit of any kind, Rocket knew where to aim. Was he pissed Pietro scared Mantis away? Eh, no. Yeah. Maybe. A little. He knew the lady bug. Not as well as Drax knew her, but still. A lot of people in the galaxy deserved to be dismissed, pushed away or scared away. Mantis wasn’t one of them. Then again, the stars did not give a fuck about who deserved this or that. Life gave everyone shit. Rocket accepted that a long time ago, and he clicked his tongue as Pietro said Rocket was too short to punch him in the face. “I could climb. Don’t test me.���
He listened as Pietro explained how children’s role could vary depending on cultural elements. “That’s cool, really, it’s important to teach ‘em how to be strong and all that, it’s part of being a parent. It’s good to teach ‘em what being responsible is. But man, blaming them when things go wrong? When shit outside their control happens? You blame yourself even though you did not kill your parents. I don’t think you’re to blame unless you directly caused their deaths, but what do I know.” He forced out a breath at Pietro’s confusion about Groot being part of the team. “He’s always been with us. He helps us when we need someone to sneak into small spaces, for example. When things get dangerous we try to keep him out of the way, but he doesn’t listen. He sees us busy, he takes the Zune, blasts music and dances right into harm’s way. Raising a kid is stressful, we’re all gonna end up frickin’ cuckoo. You’ll end up cuckoo as well.” He pointed at Pietro. “You’ve seen him, right? Tiny, friendly… Well, he has already killed people. He knows how things are. This galaxy is unrelenting.”
He tilted his head as Pietro asked if 'Smurfette’ was because Nebula was blue. “I don’t know anythin’ about Earth cartoons, but if Quill calls her that, I guess it’s a reference. Yeah, she’s blue.” Rocket chuckled at Pietro’s confusion because she was blue and Gamora was not. “I know. You see, Nebula’s adopted. And Gamora is also adopted. I guess 'adopted’ is a… nice word for it. It’s a long story and not a happy one. But yeah, they’re sisters.”
Rocket sipped his drink, shaking his head again when Pietro said maybe he shouldn’t share things with Mantis anymore. “Bug is many things, but not a pretender. If she says you can talk, that’s because she’s willing to listen. She’s just… sensitive when it comes to children, y'know? She was raised by Quill’s dad. Apparently, he found her abandoned as a larva and kept her. Man was a real piece of shit. The guy killed his own children because he considered they failed him, so you can imagine what he did to Mantis, who wasn’t even his.” A part of Rocket wondered why someone as cruel as Ego would randomly adopt a helpless orphan, but… it wasn’t that hard to believe. Mantis had a tendency to trigger protective instincts in others. Not like Rocket would know that. Nope. “The thing is, he was a god, so it wasn’t like she could ask the authorities or somethin’ for help. And he was also a planet, so it wasn’t like she could escape without him knowing. Man, define 'trapped’. She was pretty screwed, she doesn’t need to be told that children this, children that.”
Beckoning to Pietro, Rocket walked into another room, an equally dimly lit bathroom. He turned on the lights, giving a shrug after Pietro asked how he should clear the air. “I mean, that’s a you thing. Me, personally? I would talk to her now, 'cause I get… uh, uncomfortable when she’s sad,” he admitted, shit shit shit, “but that’s because I know her powers work best when her mood is stable,” he quickly added. “There’s somethin’ else I wanna show you though, so…” Approaching the shower, Rocket placed his bottle aside and picked up an open, plastic box he had left in the shower. Inside there was a small turtle covered in mud that Rocket had unsuccessfully tried to wash away.
“So.” Rocket cleared his throat. “Back on your planet, a few hours before we left, I decided to go out and explore a little, and I found a stream. This little guy was stuck on the side of it, dirty as shit, dribbling with mud.” He looked down at the turtle. “Hi, little idiot! So, I picked him up, brought him here and tried to wash him, but he kept biting me. The asshole. I thought you could try instead. He needs a name, too.” He gave Pietro the box. “He could make a decent pet, y'know? Somethin’ to remind you of your planet. A little friend in case you don’t get along with… any of us. If space is too much for him, he can always hide in his shell and only come out to eat. If anyone asks, you found him on the side of the stream, ya hear me?” Rocket crossed his arms again. “If you wanna talk to her now, I’ll watch over him. She’s probably still awake. If not, you should clean him up. I’m sure he’ll look much better once he’s not covered in mud.”
(*epic music* THE ORIGIN OF THE TURTLE KING HIMSELF. And omg no, seriously you have nothing to worry about. Her misunderstanding with Pietro is tame compared to her entire backstory XD You write whatever reaction feels more in character to you, as I said I like it when there are misunderstandings between characters, especially someone who is always on good terms with everyone like Mantis. Plus Rocket being a lil protective of his team is always a treat for my brain.)
{ AHHHHHHHHH!! YOU MADE AN MCU-BASED ORIGIN STORY FOR MR. DIBBLES! YASSSSSSSS!!! *squeaks with delight* And aww, I know, I just feel bad that it seemed to upset a lot of my followers heh. I’ve never gotten so many messages at once after a reply before hahaha. People randomly being like “hey can u not hate on mantis she’s so pure” and I’m like… glaring at Pietro… like see what you did? XD You write Mantis and Rocket so well, it makes Pietro seem a bit flat tbh, and I need to step up my game haha, but other than that, he owns whatever comes out of his mouth. XD }
Pietro did feel scrutinized by Rocket and the others since his arrival, but it didn’t rise to the level of conscious thought. It was more like an uncomfortable feeling of being judged that he process more emotionally than cerebrally, leaving him jittery and anxious. Since he’d felt anxious ever since the whole Raft incident, he chalked up how he was feeling now to recent stress, being displaced, and being separated from Wanda. “Okay. I won’t,” Pietro said rather humorlessly when Rocket said he could climb. He felt like a chastised child, and that ticked him off, but he also didn’t want any more drama today, so he was trying to stay on Rocket’s good side. Or at least, not tip over to bad.
“I did not kill them, but also I did not do anything to help them either,” Pietro said, sighing in frustration. No, no, stop sharing things! This is how you got into trouble with Mantis! “Sorry, nevermind. We can change subject whenever,” he said not-so-subtly. He couldn’t help but smirk, though, at the mention of Groot not listening. “Yeah, kids never listen. It can be good thing, if it is because of independent thought. Critical thinking skills. But sometimes I guess is just to be a little shit, as all kids do,” he said with a chuckle. “Okay, well, I will try to look out specially for him. Not… you know, obviously. He’d hate that, I’m guessing. But just watch to make sure he is not getting himself into trouble by not paying attention or something.” His hands found his hips as he remembered the first time he met little Groot. Or rather, the first time Groot noticed him. “He is cute, though, isn’t he? He called me an ‘old guy’ at first. Probably because my hair is white?” He fluffed said white hair a bit. 
“Yeah, smurfs are blue. Smurfette was like… the only girl smurf on the whole show for the longest time, and it was really weird. Like… all the boy smurfs would fawn over her and I always wondered if that was stressful for her or not, like why is there only one? But then later they added a younger one, like a teenage smurf, and a grandma smurf. It was still kindof weird, though. But yeah, smurfs are all blue except for their hats and shoes and whatever clothes they decide to wear.” Anytime he can educate someone on quality cartoons, Pietro was so there.
As Rocket explained that both Nebula and Gamora were adopted, Pietro nodded. “Ah, okay. Makes better sense now. Hey, adopted family is still family. In my culture we call it ‘clan.’ Anyone you consider family, whether they’re blood, adopted, or just ride and die friends, they’re your clan. They’re the people you’d go to the ends of the world for when they didn’t even ask.” He hadn’t realized that he’d said “ride and die” instead of “ride or die.” Sometimes things in English eluded him. It happened when he understood the overall meaning of a phrase or saying, but wasn’t thinking about the literal translation of the individual English words.
He sighed as the conversation turned back to Mantis. It made him feel terrible and he just didn’t want to deal with it at all, but he didn’t want to blow Rocket off either. “She may be willing to listen, but I am not willing to share anymore. Because it hurt her, why would I do it again? I don’t like hurting people, most of my life has been about helping people to not feel that way. I’ll just… make sure I don’t look like I need to talk around her. You said she can tell anyway, but I’ll do my best. I just have to be fine enough so she won’t think I need to talk. I can do that.” 
“Wait, a god and a planet? A planet?” Pietro’s face contorted in bewilderment. “How does a planet... you know? Like... how was Mantis even... created? How does a planet have sex? I... have a lot of questions, but you know what, is okay, I will just let that be where it is.” He wasn’t sure he wanted an explanation for any of that. Rocket wanted him to talk to her now, and Pietro understood why. Everybody on the ship would be put in a bad mood by Mantis being sad. He understood that fully, given how cute and sweet she was. “Okay. I will talk to her now, then,” he said, moving to do just that, to get it over with, so he could calm down and stop being so anxious.
But then Rocket said there was something else he wanted to show him, and Pietro quite literally stopped in his tracks. “What?” he asked with some curiosity, ready for it to maybe be a prank or even something negative. Maybe he deserved some of that right about now. Instead… he was met with… a turtle? A turtle. A turtle!! “Oh, hey!” Pietro exclaimed, his whole face lighting up like a little boy’s. “Sure thing. I won’t rat you out,” he said with a smirk before taking the turtle, not caring at all how messy he was.
And just like that… Pietro changed. His jittery, constant-movement, high-energy style of anxiety was switched off. His scatterbrained, lack-of-focus, “oh look a nut” mindset suddenly came into crystal clear focus. He calmly held the mud-caked turtle in his arms, smiling down at it and peering in to try and see its face. “Turtles get scared sometimes. All animals do. You just have to be calm, and then they will.” He looked at Rocket. “They can sense if you are angry or afraid or even just energetic. It feels different to them than being calm and happy, and they’ll feed off of that. So you just have to… speak softly… and be calm… and they’ll learn that is okay, you are not going to hurt them.”
Looking back at the turtle, he hummed in thought. “Hmm… so you got yourself into a sticky situation, huh? Dribbling with mud? Yeah, that can be fun sometimes. Messy, though.” His voice was gentle and almost soothing. The turtle’s head came a bit closer to the edge of the shell, but it didn’t pop out just yet. “Dribbles? Nah, too negative, right? Makes you sound like a messy boy, yeah? We can work with it though. How about Dibbles? Mr. Dibbles, for you are proper turtle with culture. I like that. Do you?” The turtle slowly pushed his head out from his shell, his eyes blinking once, the nictating membrane slowly sliding back to reveal his bright eyes. “Hello, Mr. Dibbles…” Pietro whispered. Since he’d stuck his head out and nothing bad happened, Mr. Dibbles promptly began to kick his wrinkly turtle leggies, trying to find solid ground to stand on. “Is okay, here,” Pietro said, putting his arm under the turtle and giving him something to place his feet on. This seemed to calm Mr. Dibbles down.
“Thank you, Rocket. I will take good care of him,” Pietro said with a smile. “I’ll go talk to Mantis now, and then Mr. Dibbles will get a nice bath.” When Rocket offered to take the turtle, Pietro shook his head. “Nah, is okay, he might help. You know… ‘sorry I was kindof a jerk to you, but hey look at this cute turtle.’ Is um… what is called… an ice breaker, yeah? She might not forgive me, but she can enjoy cute turtle instead if she doesn’t, heh.” 
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satelliteaccident · 3 years
Hello Six! Can you help a disco elysium newbie? Finally ready to play this masterpiece but not sure which attributes to choose at the beginning and which skills prioritise, if my main goal is befriend Kim as much as possible. I'm not sure if specific playstyle will have any influence on our relationship and kinda scared to fuk it all up in a long run, so will be happy to any suggestions *-*
hey, newbie! welcome to DE hell. :D
so idk if it's my Midwestern Dad disease or what but i'm gonna start with, don't be scared about fucking it up buddy, it's a game, you're gonna be okay.
if you're hoping to befriend kim, good news, it's pretty hard not to! as long as you're not a racist dickhead, mean, or stupendously corrupt, you'll be fine.
if you want to go absolutely cuckoo-bananas, you can check @morgue-xiiv's FAYDE for everything that raises or lowers your reputation with kim.
i don't wanna be too specific and spoil surprises for you, but here are some general tips:
if you save early and often, you can reload or replay if you want to make different choices
you can improve stats and learning caps throughout the game, so beyond "try not to have a 1 on a first playthrough" don't sweat your starter stats
with high INT stats, you'll impress kim with what you know
with high PSY stats, you'll notice more of kim's thoughts/feelings through empathy and esprit de corps
with high FYS stats, you'll pick up info about kim's fatigue levels and notice little physical details you might otherwise miss
with high MOT stats, you and kim will be able to nerd out about cars et cetera, and you'll understand more about kim's reflexes/reactions
so basically, as long as your playstyle isn't "racist assbutt", you'll get where you wanna go. save often, and enjoy the journey. :D
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[[Part 6 of ???]]
Conversation in the cave
//The group came across two paths. One led into a dark, creepy cave with monsterous sounds echoing. While the other led to a sunny, field of flowers. Baozhai walks towards the entrance of the cave.//
Islay: Baozhai, why are you going that way?
Baozhai: This was is a short cut, we'll get there waaaaay faster if we go through here!
Billy: um, you sure about this..?
Baozhai: of course I am! If we took the other path, we'd get there slower duh! Sure it looks more safe but it ain't worth it! *Walks into the cave*
Billy, looks over to Islay: she's not serious is she..?
Islay: She knows where the treasure is so we gotta follow her. *follows Baozhai into the cave*
//Billy and Flint looked at each other, exchanging worried looks. They has a feeling this wasn't going to end well. Regardless, they followed them in. Islay pulled out a match a lit it. She saw a few large sticks on the ground and picked them up. She lit them and handed them out for each person.//
Islay: Be careful where you step. You might end up trigging a trap or fall through something.
//The group walked together through the cave. They made sure to stick close together. No one could risk getting lost in here.
Baozhai stayed close to Flint. A bit giddy she was close to her love interest.//
Baozhai: sooo, Flinty, you got some special in your life?? You know, like a boyfriend or girlfriend??
Flint: No.
Baozhai: Oh, that's great! Wait, I mean- oh nooooooo...
Flint, rolls his eyes: why do you care?
Baozhai: oh no reason, just trying to get to know each other.
Flint: why you you want to get to know me?
Baozhai: Because IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII... Think I'd be good to pass the time!
Flint: Okay..
Baozhai: So tell me, what type of things are you into?
Flint: um-
Baozhai, cutting him off: You like thrilling adventures? Swords? Rum? Treasure? Glory???
Flint: yeah, I like all those things-
Baozhai, cutting him off again: -killing rich people? Blowing up banks they own?? TORTURING THEM IN FRONT OF THEIR SPOUSES???
Flint: ಠ_ಠ
Flint: no...
Baozhai, nervously laughs: haha, I took it too far didn't I..?
Flint: Yeah, you did.
Baozhai: Sorry, it's just, I really don't like the nobility or monarchy. I get a "little" carried away when thinking about them.
Flint: They're not too pleasant.
Baozhai: haha, yeah, definitely! The total WORST! The only good thing about them is their riches and valuables. Makes me so happy seeing them miserable when I steal their things!
Flint, uncomfortable: uh huh..
Baozhai: but enough about my hatred of the one percent, tell me about yourself.
Flint: Well, I'm a bit new to this whole pirating thing.
Baozhai: oh really?? No way, me too! Please tell me more.. 💕
Flint: I and my friend Bones were kidnapped by Haggis. We were forced to join his crew and became his cabin boys. Captain works us till we drop. I think the only thing I enjoyed about being apart of his crew is the access to treasure and rum.
Baozhai: Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you.. I mean at least it's not all bad for you. Treasure and rum is great!
Flint: Well, I only get a small cut of the treasure. Haggis says I haven't proven myself to get more of it.
Baozhai: What an asshole! He shouldn't do that. You should take all the treasure because.. because.. you're a amazing! And do as much work as everyone in your crew! Dang it I should've said that first...
Flint, sighs: He won't listen to me but I have to deal with that. Everyday.
Baozhai: you've never thought about escaping..?
Flint: Nah, I'm pretty sure the captain would just track me down and beat me to a pulp.
Baozhai: Well, if he ever does, I'll teach him a lesson or two with my dagger!
Flint: heh, you can try but you're the size of a mouse in comparison to him.
Baozhai: oh please I still can take him on! You know what they say, size doesn't matter.
Flint: I don't think that applies to that situation.
Baozhai: it can work in any situation. If a mouse can scare an elephant than so can I! He won't even see it coming! I'll be all like "what's up Haggis I'm gonna kick your butt!" And then he'll be all like "please don't hurt me! I'll do anything!" And then I'll say "oh I'll let you walk free IF you stop treating Flint awful!"
//Flint chuckled softly finding her tangent very amusing.//
Flint: You're a brave little thing aren't you? Not even afraid of what'll happen to you?
Baozhai: Nope! He may have messed up my nose but he's gonna regret that! I'm about to unleash a world of pain on him!
Flint: I wouldn't do that if I were you. You'll get really hurt, Haggis is more capable of causing damage to more than just your face.
Baozhai: It's fine, I'll be fine! You don't need to worry for me. Aw you're such a cutie for caring 💕
Flint: I'm just making sure you won't do anything you'll regret..
Baozhai: I swear I won't regret it. Besides someone needs to stand up to that jerk.
Flint: I've already tried that. It ain't as easy as it looks.
Baozhai, sympathetically: Hey, I won't do it if you're that concerned. Besides we can always talk how horrible he is behind his back. If that makes you feel any better.
Flint: I'm not sure if I should.
Baozhai: No, no, no. You sir need to get out all that pent up rage you have with your boss! Here I'll say something awful about bonnet and then you say something awful about Haggis!
Flint: I-
Baozhai, cutting him off: Okay it's agreed! Now where should I start... *Snaps fingers* Oh yeah. Bonnet is a weak man that's too much of an idiot to be captain! Whew, been meaning to get that one outta me... Now you try :)
Flint: Um. Let's see, Haggis is a jerk.
Baozhai, groans: Come on, I know you can do better than that!
Flint: That's all I have.
Baozhai: Seriously? Coming from the man who gets treated awfully by him everyday of his life? I know there's something you want to say, you just won't let it out.
Flint: He's an asshole that I want to throw overboard...
Baozhai: What was that? I couldn't hear you.
Flint: I said he's an asshole that I want to throw overboard.
Baozhai: What??? I still can't hear you! Why are you talking so low? Afraid that he'll hear you??
Baozhai: Yes. Now, did that make you feel better? Getting all that anger out..?
Flint: it kinda did...
Baozhai: You don't have to feel ashamed. It's a good thing to get it all out! Bubbling up anger isn't healthy.. ain't that right Islay?
Islay: Go fuck yourself.
Baozhai: Seeee?
Flint: ... You're a strange person you know that.
Baozhai: I'm strange in the way I try to help people :)
Flint: heh, I guess so.. hey, I haven't asked you, how did you join pirating?
Baozhai: Huh? Oh, I joined after leaving my home for becoming a wanted fugitive. I thought to myself that joining a pirate crew was the best thing. I mean I was already a criminal so why not embrace it? Haha!
Flint: How did you become a fugitive?
//Baozhai got flashbacks of a burning house, hearing sirens, and the screams of bloody murder. She couldn't make out the images because they were so blurry. Baozhai couldn't help but smile at the flashbacks. She found it almost nostalgic. It was a moment in her life that caused a massive change. In her path and in her mind. Flint noticed this her expression. He felt a bit alarmed seeing her smile so randomly. All he did was ask a question.//
Baozhai: Well, let's just say, I shouldn't have my back turned near high places. 🙂
Flint, creeped out: Okay..
Baozhai: Sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable. I'm a little cuckoo in the head but don't worry, I won't hurt you, promise.
Flint, scoots a little bit away from Baozhai: Sure, I can trust you on that.
Baozhai: You definitely can! I'll have your back if anyone tries to mess with you!
Flint: Nice to know I have a possible crazy woman to protect me.
Baozhai: I know right?? Isn't that such a good deal? No one will try to mess with you then!
Flint: I can't guarantee that but you can try to.
Baozhai: haha, I love you..
Flint: what-
Baozhai: I said I shove you.. In a playful way! See? *Playfully shoves Flint*
//Flint bumps into a wall. A button was trigged causing multiple torches to light up. It revealed a mural before them. Islay took a closer look at the murals. They showed depections of outsiders with armies attacking and killing the villagers.//
Islay: Looks like the paititi people didn't just disappear.
Baozhai: so you're saying they were attacked?
Islay: Pillaged seems more like it. Just like how most civilizations of today were born.
Bones: You think there's any treasure left?
Islay: By the looks of it, looks like they managed to hide most of it to where we're heading. It's a good thing too or our adventure here would've been a waste of time.
Flint: We should keep moving. I think I see the exit up ahead.
Baozhai: Lead the way Flinty!
Flint: don't call me Flinty.
Baozhai: oh okay. Flinty..
//The squad walked together, exiting the cave.//
Flint: Huh, to be honest I kinda expected to get attacked by a monster or something.
Baozhai: I know right? I really wanted to beat up a big scary monster..! *Pouts*
Flint: Maybe next time Baozhai.
Baozhai: I mean dang I choose that one on purpose to fight something but guess I choose wrong.
Baozhai: Something you should know about me is that I'm a liar.
Flint, pins her up against a tree: YOU FUCKING IDIOT YOU COULD'VE GOTTEN US KILLED!
Baozhai: HEY HEY! I mean at least we didn't die right???
Bones: she does have a point.
Flint, slowly unpins himself: I've got my eye on you from now on..
Baozhai: okay, okay, you don't have to worry from now on... But having your eye on me won't be so bad..~
Flint, rolls his eyes: whatever..
Bones: if that one was safe then wouldn't the other one be..?
Islay: Dangerous? Possible but I don't wanna find out. *Puts out her torch*
Bones, shrugs: I guess you're right. No point in doing so now. *Puts out his own torch*
Baozhai: Alright then ladies, enough chit chat. Treasure awaits us!
//Baozhai ran forward through some bushes. The others quickly tailed behind her, not wanting to lose the only person who knows where the treasure is. As soon as they ran away, from the different path emerged Sao, Haggis, and Erik. They looked pretty distressed after having witnessing something terrible.//
Sao: Why would you think that was a good way to go??
Erik: I DON'T KNOW! It looked safer???!
Sao, grabs him by his collar: We almost got killed! Those creatures were going to mual us to death!!
Erik: Oh please next time you chose where we go! Let's see how well that works out for you!
//Suddenly a dagger was thrown in between the two. It caused them to separate. Haggis had another dagger in hand, in case one wasn't enough to quick the twos fighting.//
Captain Haggis: Would you two shut up!? We don't have time to argue! We have to keep moving..
Erik & Sao: Yes captain!
Captain Haggis, pulls out the map from an inner pocket of his coat: we move north. Don't make yourselves noticable.. I have feeling one of Bonnet's leeches are around here.. closer than we know it.
Erik: you think that echo that called you an asshole and wanted to throw you overboard was one of them?
Captain Haggis, punches him in the face: DON'T SAY THAT AGAIN!
Erik, falls over: I'm sorry captain! I was just.. retelling what they said..!
Captain Haggis: Doesn't matter, you don't disrespect me regardless.. Let's go. *Walks forward*
Sao: get up off the ground you Sissy.
Erik: I can't.. I'm.. too weak to go on... Carry me?
Sao: no.
Erik: okay fine.. at least kiss it to make it all better??
Sao: I'm gonna kick you where the sun don't shine if you don't get up.
Erik, quickly getting up: ALRIGHT THEN! Let's not leave the captain behind now..
//Sao rolls her eyes at him and shaked her head. The two quickly followed behind their captain.//
Erik: you sure know how to swing a right hook captain..
Captain Haggis: I know. Not even Bonnet, who's twice my size couldn't even beat me. If I see him again, I'll make sure he won't even get out alive.
To be continued..
((Islay and Baozhai belong to me
Haggis, Sao, and Erik belong to @chaossmith2))
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nightmarewritings · 4 years
Thoughts on Rob Zombies Halloween remake as it's watched (spoilers!)
Also, theres like, swearing and I thirst a lot.
very hard to get past the first 3-4 minutes, took me legit 5 tries because I couldn't stand Myers family. 😔
Grown Michael HOT. 🥵🔥Really digging that orange mask.
Don't wanna sound like a monster but it's been really hard to care about these deaths except like Danny Trejos. Like dang, these are some EVIL rednecks!
Dr. Loomis HOT, glad they took advantage of Malcolm McDowell's beautiful blue eyes for closeups.
You really can't go wrong with Ken Foree, can you? He's hilarious in this.
oh he's dead.
Not really liking this Laurie so far, but I've only seen like a minute of her so there's plenty of time to turn it around. she looks younger than Jamie Lee Curtis did in the original, but from what I've seen of yearbooks people just looked older back then for some reason.
The armless skeleton decoration cracked me up
Rob Zombie is really good at writing young kids, Tommy and young Michael both sounded a lot like how real kids talk. Dude has missed his true calling writing a kids show.
not gonna lie, I know he needed the iconic mask but I sure wouldn't have minded if he wore that orange one more.
I want a spin-off of Udo Kier, Clint Howard, and Malcolm McDowell just chewing the scenery together.
Lmao I love Laurie and her friends talking shit to Michael, that was funny.
Always kinda lowkey thought Brad Dourif was hot. I blame One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest.
I love Lauries coat. I want it.
That skeleton figure continues to delight.
Loving all these cameos!
One thing I love about Rob Zombie movies is the dude legit has great taste in music and a good eye for interesting aesthetic. This movie really nails the autumn feel.
Oh shit one of the jump scares got me!
Idk what it is about this Michael Myers but I wanna lick that dirty mask (and then die from my latex allergy).
Tommy Doyle has some damn good skeleton makeup, kid looks badass!
Every scene with Loomis is a treasure
Brad Douriff too, these dudes are KILLIN IT!
The Strode's answering machine message is charmingly dorky.
That's a really weird way to deal with finding a baby at a crime scene isn't it? I don't know, I'm not a cop.
Rob Zombie is really good at making tense scenes.
Michael carrying Laurie like that got me like “god I wish that was me”. I really shouldn’t watch slasher movies while thirsty.
Aw this part where he’s showing Laurie the photo is kinda sweet.
Man I just want one movie where the final girl joins the villain and it isn’t really gross and cheesy like in Texas Chainsaw 3D.
Oh she stabbed him. I get he’s evil but dang girl, dude was opening up to ya. Didn’t have to open him up too lol pretty badass tho, can’t lie.
How’d he fit all that hair under his mask anyway? Makes me wanna buy one and see how much hair I could fit in it, but the latex would fuck me up.
Myers family had a really nice pool.
I want to cuddle up close to Loomis too while he tells me it’s alright.
OH JESUS CHRIST WHAT THE HELL- lmao Loomis that’s such a weird thing to say there
Laurie is REALLY good at hiding. Like dang girl you need to enter competitive hide and seek or something.
Michael’s big and hot but ngl I kinda want Laurie to shoot him at least once because I don’t like how he’s just smashing up this house. I don’t care if it’s old and falling apart anyway, you’re ruining the aesthetic.
Just pictured Billy Lenz falling out of the attic on Michael and laughed so hard I snorted.
Man this Laurie went through HELL, like all Lauries have but her face looks ROUGH, like I can barely see it through the blood. Real badass though!
Not a big fan of the ending, too abrupt, but overall it’s MUCH better than I thought it’d be, once it got going it REALLY got going. Plus I want big giant like 6’7” Michael to stomp on my 5’ self. Not my favorite horror remake, but it’s certainly not the worst and not nearly as bad as I used to guess. Overall, very glad I watched it!
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mysoftboybensolo · 4 years
I’m gonna say this and you will listen: There is nothing wrong with people saying that Zagreus, Melinoe and Macaria being the children of Hades and Persephone or that in general they had children because:
1: It’s fiction, people are allowed to give Hades and Persephone children if they want, it’s not based on historical fact.
2: If you really want to be fucking anal about, they technically are the children of Hades and Persephone, not Zeus and Persephone, due to the Roman’s poor translations of the Greek texts. More info can be seen here (x)
3: Why do you even care and have to argue with anyone calls them the children of the Underworld. Why can’t you just let people have a good time?
But since we are here, let me give you a few details that I hadn’t seen anyone else mention about this topic.
First off, the stories tell that “Zeus” transformed into a black serpent to get into Persephone’s bed. This is strange, because 1, whenever he transformed into animals they were described as being white, and 2, they were often creatures described to be beautiful i.e a bull, swan and cuckoo. So his choice of being a black serpent is strange, since it is not his color nor type of animal.
You know who actually had a black serpent as being one of his scared animals? You guessed it, Hades. Plus, Demeter hid Persephone away that no one, not even Zeus would be able to find her, in the mouth of Tartarus. Once again, guess who would have noticed Persephone easily, this is a no brainier. Hades. A lesser known fact, which I had learned within the past year, is that the name Zagreus was one of the earliest epithets for Hades back in the days of the Minoan worship. So basically, Zagreus is Hades the Second. I mean, that should tell you who the father is easily.
Also, consider these thoughts; in the one telling of the story, after “Zeus” had impregnated Persephone, Hades immediately goes to Zeus to ask him to marry her. First off, why would Hades quickly go to his brother to ask for his daughter, who is supposedly carrying his brother’s child? Wouldn’t it have been the other way around with Zeus having to ask his brother to marry her, if he really was concerned for her? Also, how would Hades have known that Persephone was pregnant if he wasn’t the one there? Plus, if anyone had even dared to harm Persephone, you don’t think Hades wouldn’t have exacted revenge even on his own brother? Hell, he imprisoned a mortal for all eternity for attempting to kidnap his wife. No one would want to upset Hades, especially when it came to his family, because all he had to do is just let the Titans and other monsters out and let the world fall to chaos. Zeus may have been a whore, but he isn’t that stupid. Just some inconsistencies to think of.
Is this a bit much? Maybe, but it has been so aggravating to see people go all “actually” on others even to the point of rudeness. Also, I have no one else to talk to about this and I’ve had this on my chest for a long while now. Thanks for indulging the Hades and Persephone nerd.
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writings-of-dumpy · 4 years
George Weasley and the Girl in Ravenclaw: Part 9
A/N: VIOLENCE, MENTIONS OF GUNS, child endangerment (like literally all of Harry Potter), language, mentions of sex, and cliffhanger..
After Dumbledore’s death, Severus Snape had taken over being Headmaster of Hogwarts and judging by the sparse letters from Ginny over the past few months since Christmas holiday, it was an absolute nightmare. Students were treated like slaves and anyone who stepped even a toe out of line would be punished harshly. The order gathered midday during Fred and George’s lunch hour to discuss what to do about the situation since no news of Harry had been brought to their attention.
“Okay, hear me out. This may sound crazy, but Muggles have these things called guns, and if we shoot Snape—or Voldemort, for that matter—in the head, he will probably die. At a minimum, it’s a bit hard to do magic with an obliterated prefrontal cortex,” Raven suggested.  George smiled at her and patted her leg. Since Bill’s wedding, she and George hadn’t had much time together alone. He and Fred ran the shop as best they could, and Raven often took assignments from the order to go to Hogwarts and smuggle supplies to the students.
“If you want to carry a gun, fine, but I’m not sure the rest of us know how to use one,” Lupin said.
“It’s very simple,” Raven said. “Anyway, things are only getting worse, even muggles are starting to notice. I managed to swipe this newspaper that says people have been seeing odd clouds of smoke through the air…”
“Fucking Death Eaters,” Fred, George and Raven said in unison and exhaustion.
“We’ve got to start getting students out of Hogwarts. It’s not safe anymore, especially the muggle-borns,” Tonks said. Raven nodded.
George would constantly worry when Raven made trips to Hogwarts. She traveled through the Forbidden Forest and through the tunnels under the Shrieking Shack to get supplies to students in need there. He knew it was dangerous and if she was ever caught, who knew what would become of her.
“It would have to be all in one night. If students started going missing—especially the ones Yaxley likes to pick on—I’d be found out and killed for sure,” Raven said.
George’s jaw clenched at how casually she took her life. The thought of her not coming back scared the hell out of him, and he wouldn’t let her go alone.
“Fine, then it’ll be more than just you going, I’ll go too,” George offered.
“No, the Ministry has a log in Diagon Alley of strange happenings. A Weasley missing from his own shop would raise red flags,” Lupin reasoned. “Raven, go tonight and talk with Ginny and Neville about possible times that we could sneak muggle-borns out.”
“Done,” Raven agreed.
After the meeting, Raven went up to her space in the attic to supply herself with protectives and supplies the students will need. George rarely went after her because he knew she wanted to be alone as she prepared, but he couldn’t help himself. He knew with every moment she spent inside Hogwarts, the higher her chances of being caught were.
“Ven?” he asked from the doorway. She turned around and smiled at him.
“Hey,” she said and turned back to shrinking bandages and water bottles.
“I’m worried,” George said plainly. “And I’m scared for you.”
Raven looked at him, then zipped up the pack and slung it over her shoulder. “Well, that’s not doing you any favors, is it?”
She went to walk past him and he caught her arm with his hand and gently stopped her. He looked into her eyes and said, “I don’t want you to keep doing this.”
“I’ll come back, I promise. Always, remember?” Raven said and gave his arm a squeeze.
“If you aren’t back by midnight, I’m coming after you,” George said seriously.
“I’ll be back by then, I usually am,” she said. She leaned up and kissed the corner of his mouth tenderly and headed out the door. George’s heart skipped a beat and he felt the familiar lust he had for her creep into his mind and his heart swelled. He was sure she was trying to kill him now.
George waited anxiously for closing time to finally arrive so he could head back home and check for Raven. When the cuckoo clock finally struck 10pm, he was already packed and ready. “Come on , Fred, or I’m locking you in.”
“Eager to get home, eh?” Fred said as he tucked his bag under his arm and the pair headed out to close the shop.
“I need to make sure Raven’s okay,” George muttered as he fumbled with his keys. When he finally locked the door, Fred was eyeing him strangely. “What?”
“Are you two finally… you know…” Fred asked and mimed a rude gesture.
“Shagging?! No, are you serious? We’ve only kissed once, and who’s had time with all this, anyway,” George said and gestured to the air.
Fred scoffed, “I’ve had plenty of time.”
“Oh really now, with who?” George challenged.
“Angelina, of course! Where do you think I go every Friday night?” Fred asked. George’s eyes widened. Come to think of it, he had noticed Fred’s sudden disappearance on most Friday evenings, but I guess he assumed Fred was off being alone.
“Unbelievable,” George said.
“No, what’s unbelievable is that you and Ven have only kissed. She’s a good fit for you, just go for it!” Fred encouraged.
George shook his head. “Maybe I LIKE taking my time. Besides, she’s your friend, shouldn’t you be discouraging men from trying to shag her unless she likes them?”
Fred scoffed and shook his head. “You’ve gone mad.”
The subject was dropped once they apparated into the burrow. George walked into the kitchen to find Tonks with Molly sat in a chair.
“What happened?” Fred asked, following George in.
“Harry’s gone to Hogwarts tonight. Raven saw him in the tunnels and told us straight away. He’s going to confront Snape and try to destroy the last horcruxes. All of the Death Eaters will be there at any moment,” Tonks said. “We wanted to tell you. The rest of the Order is ready to go, will you join us?”
“No question,” Fred and George said. George panicked at the thought of every dark wizard, witch and creature swarming on Hogwarts with Raven and his sister in it. He quickly changed into more suitable clothes, then the four of them apparated into the tunnels below the Shrieking Shack. When they arrived, they were greeted by every member of the order, and they made their way through the tunnels. George wondered where Raven was and if she was alright. He expected to see her with the rest of the order, but he couldn’t find her.
“This way,” Kingsley commanded and pointed to the left at a fork in the tunnel. When they approached a dead end, Kingsley leaned against the wall to listen, then knocked four times.
“Wands ready,” he said to the group in a low voice. Slowly, the wall opened and George recognized the Gryffindor common room. Out popped Raven from the side with a grin on her face.
“Hi guys! Come on, Harry’s already headed towards the great hall,” she said and George felt an overwhelming sense of relief and he stepped forward with he rest of the order. They made their way silently through the corridors, petrifying death eaters all along the way. George was reminded of his time in school with Fred and Raven sneaking past Filch and various teachers. He looked over at her while they walked and grinned at her. She smiled back at him. As they reached the Great Hall, they heard Harry’s voice.
“It seems that despite your exhaustive defensive strategies, you still have a bit of a security problem, headmaster,” Harry declared in the silent room. As he spoke, Kingsley opened the large doors and the order walked in, fanning out to block the door. “And I’m afraid it’s quite extensive.”
George snuck his hand down to hold Raven’s behind Bill’s tall figure, and Harry continued, “How dare you stand where he stood? Tell them how it happened that night! Tell them how you looked him in the eye—the man who trusted you—and killed him! Tell them.”
Without another word, Snape raised his wand and pointed it at Harry. The students who were formed in neat lines suddenly jumped out of the way and scattered out of the way. Before any of the arrived order could step forward, Minerva McGonagall placed herself between Snape and Harry. After a small moment, fire flew from her wand right at Snape’s dumbfounded face. He blocked it, and McGonagall advanced forward, sending flame after flame until Snape rebounded the spells off of him and back to the death eaters behind him, then flew out of the window.
“And stay out!” Raven shouted. McGonagall lit the candles back to their familiar glow and the room erupted in applause and cheer. George grinned from ear to missing ear and looked down at Raven. The two embraced tightly and George said to her, “I was so worried…”
“I was too. But we’re here now, and we’ve got a fight ahead of us,” Raven said in a slightly ominous tone.
The room suddenly went dark and an eerie voice was heard by all by the looks of it. “I know that many of you will want to fight, some of you may even think that to fight is wise, but this is folly. Give me Harry Potter. Do this and none shall be harmed. Give me Harry Potter and I shall leave Hogwarts untouched. Give me Harry Potter and you will be rewarded. You have one hour,” Voldemort’s voice rang out. George held onto Raven, who looked sick to her stomach.
After a moment, a Slytherin girl spoke up, “What are you waiting for? Someone grab him!”
“Looks like I’m gonna kill a child today,” Raven said and stood next to Harry with her wand raised. The rest of the Order followed her with George and Fred on either side of Raven.
“Students out of bed! Students in the corridors!” Filtch screamed as he came running into the Great Hall.
“They are supposed to be out of bed, you blithering idiot,” McGonagall said impatiently. “However, your appearance is most opportune. Would you be so kind as to escort Miss Parkinson and the rest of Slytherin house to the dungeons.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Filtch said, completely intimidated.
After that, the Order’s job became clear: protect Harry until all of the horcruxes were destroyed. Kingsley turned to the remaining order members after Molly and Tonks went with McGonagall to the front of the castle. “Fred, George, Raven, you take the east tower, Arthur, Bill, Fleur, you take the west, the rest of you split up in between. They’ll be attacking from all over we expect, so if you need backup, move to the middle.”
George started to run to the east side of the castle with Fred and Raven. He noticed that the barrier was already up and he could see several wires and explosives being set up on all of the bridges. When they reached a good spot to see over the courtyard, he managed to make out dark shadows on the hill across the lake, and assumed it must be Voldemort and his Death Eaters. Not even an hour had gone by  before they began their attack on Hogwarts.
“Bloody git, that Voldemort!” Fred said.
“Well, with a title like ‘Dark Lord,’ I think bloody git is putting it lightly,” George observed.
All of a sudden George couldn’t tell what was happening there was so much chaos.The castle was exploding and creatures of all kinds of dark lands flooded the grounds.  He could barely tell who he was fighting, and he could barely get a word in, all he could do was block the curses and hope that none of them landed on him and better yet rebounded back onto his attacker. During a brief pause, George managed to stun his attacker backwards and off of the tower. 
“Oops,” he said to himself, and the three of them ran to the courtyard through the chaos of students. George and Raven’s hands clasped together for George feared he’d lose her in the chaos of the fight. Explosions and curses erupted around them and George was feeling slightly overwhelmed. The three of them stood back to back and guarded each other that way while defending an entrance to the castle. Death Eaters, giants, trolls, vampires, and werewolves all were involved in attacking students, staff, and Aurors. 
“Are you actually kidding me right now?! What the fuck is this noseless freak playing at, anyway?!” Raven shouted and started throwing hex after hex at the new oncoming enemy: giant spiders. 
“This reminds me of something, George!” Fred said. “Hang on!” Fred leapt away from them and George assumed he didn’t know he stopped right in the path of a falling beam. He was far away from where the chaos was concentrated, so he had a moment to stop moving, but George prayed that he wouldn’t... but he did.
“FRED, NO!” Raven cried out, but before they could reach him, the beam had fallen and smacked him in the head, his face still stuck in a smile. 
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dream-girls-evil · 4 years
Ratched: Episode 7 Reactions
Oh wait Hanover has a family??? A child?!
Ahh a classic case of a doctor married to his work
Oh no this is heartbreaking
Ahh and this is when he meets Lenore and Henry, pouring himself into this work
Huck!! The sweetest boy!!!
Ohhh does he like her?? Omg this is precious
I hope she’s honest with him about why she can’t. Cuz he’s so kind and accepting.
And this is the first time she’s really said this out loud to someone
Why couldn’t Dolly have fallen for Huck?
“Blowsy, alcoholic jazz baby” XD that is exactly what Louise is
Finally we’re back to this! Fuck is Betsy going to find out that they’re siblings?!
Damn and Betsy not wasting any time confronting her about it! Everyone finding out her secrets!
Wait she...wants to help her? Is this gonna be actual help or like blackmail “we can benefit each other” help?
“Now I don’t know what I think he deserves” called it! Her conviction is wavering!
Betsy doesn’t think Edmund deserves the death penalty either? Now that’s a surprise. Ah well, I guess she’s got Hanover’s view on things.
Ooh was she discharged for killing that guy? Multiple men, I guess.
Betsy being so understanding is...weird. But I kinda get it? She really has seen Mildred be kind and caring and strong. She knows she’s far from a heartless killer.
Ooh Betsy has a plan? To save the hospital?
Ahh they’re trying to get full private funding, and maybe take over the hospital themselves? Remove Hanover from his position?
Oop Mildred didn’t share everything she knows about Hanover lol
Bucket’s shock is so funny XD that wasn’t on the list!!!
Make Huck head nurse!!! Give him a purpose!!!
So Mildred is definitely setting things up so that she can cut and run, with or without Edmund, when she needs to
Go Betsy go!!! I love her dismissing Hanover
“That’s why I’m letting you go” aw they kinda reconciled
He’s gonna know this is all because of Mildred tho
I bet Charlotte’s gonna regress
Yay racism
Something’s not right with Charlotte. Is she gonna die? Oh no oh no he put her in a closet. She’s gonna regress.
Oh fuuuuuuck and that’s the end of Hanover
Aw poor Charlotte. I’m glad she called Mildred. Mildred’s going to help.
This makes three patients they’ve literally just spirited away on buses or trains lol
How does Mildred know about the hospital in Mexico? I wonder if she’s planning on fleeing there herself
Getting lye for the body? Or a saw?
Oh hey lol now she can deliver his head after all
...I do have to wonder if Charlotte getting triggered and killing Hanover was the best-case scenario all along
Lenore totally has a little bit of a thing for Mildred
Is Henry gonna kill her? He looks like he wants to kill her.
Dude literally how do you think this is going to work out for you? She’s the one who wipes your ass.
Louise must be so tired of people coming to visit Mildred 😂😂😂
Oh!! The social worker!!!
Justifiable homicide!!! GOOD.
Aw wow Mildred had been looking for him for so long
Hmm why do I feel like he’s not gonna be there when she shows up to get him?
I’m completely lost with the timeline here. How many years ago was this? Did he give her the slip to go kill the priests?
Haha we’re back to “doomed since conception”
Wait, did Mildred not know why Edmund killed the priests until now? That changes things.
Aaand here we go, Anna’s going to confirm to her that Edmund is a lost cause
Gwen’s going East. I wonder if she’ll go to Boston lol
Why the weird focus on her drinking the water? And why looking through this car window?
Okay it’s just Mildred watching from the car
Ooh they need to talk! So things are not all good between them.
Ah yeah Gwen’s pissed. And she’s right on the money. Mildred does whatever is best for Mildred.
Honey this is not time for a love confession. This is time to apologize and then let her decide how she feels.
Gwen doesn’t want a part in this!!!
Really? Cancer? Jesus.
Tbh I’m...not about this kiss?
Lmao Mildred’s look when Betsy says she’s an example of grace
WHO NEEDS DOCTORS okay Betsy loving the confidence but also...you do. You need doctors.
Thoughts and Theories
Only one episode left to go!!! Tbh, I keep waiting to suddenly realize the meanings between the red and green lights, but it seems like they’ve abandoned the whole thing at this point, so who knows? Also, pretty sure my favorite character in this whole thing is Betsy Bucket. She’s just so delightful. I also really liked how she called Mildred out this episode, and I love that she got over Hanover and realized she deserved better and could run things on her own. And speaking of Hanover, what an ending! I feel horrible for Charlotte, but we all saw this coming. And despite everything, I really like Hanover as a character. He’s weak-willed and very idealistic and has a drug problem, but he’s a compassionate man. I think he’s a really good example of how despite the rampant corruption and abuse in psychiatric hospitals at the time, which Cuckoo’s Nest was written to comment on, there were also a lot of very well-intentioned doctors and nurses who truly did believe these treatments were what was best for their patients. They were products of their time. 
On to other things, I must admit I’ve been excitedly waiting for Gwen and Mildred’s first kiss and I was...really disappointed by the whole scene. I don’t like how Gwen’s very real and reasonable objections to being in a relationship with a liar and murderer are dismissed as a tactic to make Mildred go away because Gwen is scared of dying. I don’t like how Mildred reacts in the scene either. The way keeps trying to touch Gwen even though Gwen is batting her hands away is not an okay thing to do, and she really seems to thing that everything should be fine between them and she should be forgiven because she had reasons for killing and hurting people, but that’s not a decision she gets to make for Gwen. She doesn’t really seem to acknowledge or respect that Gwen is not comfortable being with her, and in a situation like this where someone is trying to tell you “no” and trying to explain their feelings, insisting on how much you love them is not a comfort; it’s a manipulation.  Idk, the friends I’ve talked to who have finished the season say that their dynamic improves in the last episode, so I’ll try to go in with an open mind, but this is not what I’d hoped for. It’s completely understandable that Mildred has some unhealthy relationship behaviors, but they need to be portrayed as such, and this kind of thing often isn’t. Gwen has always been so straightforward and insistent about being heard and respected that her giving in like this seems out of character, too.
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
Starter quotes from "What The Fuck Is Wrong With You"on Radio Dead Air
This must be how baby kangaroos feel when they’re on heroin!
Did you draw the penis?
Yeah, you know what, I’m fucking nuts, I’ll be up front
I would love to see this man in a death match with Sonny the Coco Puffs Cuckoo
Why is it the people who have kids are always the ones who shouldn’t have kids?
Canada, you owe us an apology
You are not a pimp, motherfucker
They get a little pissed when you set shit on fire. I know this from experience, don’t ask me how.
The stolen vagina is still on the lam
He’s created a very inexpensive weapon of mass destruction
Flaming bees!
If that’s what comes up when you play Truth or Dare, you need new friends
I don’t want to drink people
Oh my god, it’s wooden box and people are doing weird things with it!
We don’t do things with things anymore
Why are strange people washing me?
That dog was probably confused as hell
Ok, we’ve got lesbians
They do burglaries correctly, and they don’t burgle houses with a lion
You’re playing tug of war with an eel for possession of your dick
The rectal eels jokes are officially dead. It’s urethra eels now!
If you’re a girl, and you just act contrite and scared, they’ll let you go
Cops are not allowed to expose their genitals when trying to sting hookers
Butt pads?
Did she and the duck have some sort of argument?
You are going to be sold for a pack of cigarettes in record time
I threw a duck!
Don’t throw ducks
I hope that dog bites her ankles real hard! A buncha times! Forever!
Dolphins kinda are the douchebags of the sea
I take no responsbility for the actions of a dolphin-fucker
Don’t encourage dolphin-fuckers!
Being pendantic’s what the Internet’s all about
They’re not gonna raise awareness, they’re gonna raise serial killers!
I think their intention is to just ruin masturbation for everyone
Let’s just poke at the subconscious
There’s always that one kid when you’re growing up that tries to jump off the fucking roof
You can tell the hippo. The hippo does not judge.
All of a sudden, you’ve got Roman candle wars and half the neighborhood’s on fire
You’re about as far from being the Lord Jesus Christ as a person can be without actually being Charles Manson
If you’re using the Bible as a weapon, you have missed the point
That’s five more years in purgatory for you!
Come get me, Thailand!
I don’t even feel bad that he probably got stabbed in the dick four hundred times
Those birds, in a previous life, one of them was Hitler
Look, I am trying to make sense of why a man would put birds in his junk
Don’t get high and watch The Village
That just seems unnecessarily elaborate; like can’t you just put antifreeze in her coffee like everybody else?
I don’t wish them dead. I might wish them stabbed in the dick by angry hummingbirds.
Don’t mix your porn and your dead rabbits
Who steals underwear with a getaway driver?
If at first you don’t succeed—crime, crime again!
Elaborate on the weird
That’d probably be a fetish
You cannot sit in my backyard and masturbate
Our society is based on lies!
I have never heard of dignity, what is this word?
Maybe they just sucked it into another universe!
When I started taking my clothes off, a man said you can’t do that in here, so I glued myself to his desk
Phase Three is disability, because you’ve torn your own ass off
We should totally fucking steal the Brooklyn Bridge while we’re in New York
Be a good nerd, that’s all we ask
Did you rob convenience stores as a group?
I’m very sorry I streaked your wedding
You want the Black Death coffee
Why would cooking your poo make it turn into gold?
Fuck that leprechaun!
This is all kinds of douche
Should I be calling the TSA or should I just be calling the Exorcist?
They let him stay naked!
Your ability to express yourself ends when it goes in my eye
Can I get some Thousand Island for that word salad?
Someone thought this was a good idea
This is totally my wheelhouse-- Drunk and naked
Did you miss the last fucking decade?
Desperate for vagina, plastic or otherwise
It is the cutting edge in jerking-off machines
Everyone knows you can’t wear naked after Labor Day
Zombies need love too
Have an oral agreement before you start the oral sex
Basically, we have a gang of drag queens
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i like to imagine it as a slow escalation over time. at first, as you all know, he's all bitchy and cranky and he's insisting he's gonna take over and blah blah blah before he warms up to you and i imagine the possessiveness kinda increases alongside that. at first it's not super noticable at all, he just kinda gives anyone who's outright flirtatious dirty looks behind his sunglasses. it escalates to petty shit-talking of potential love interests but at that point it still feels like Johnny Being Himself™
i think as time goes on he'd have this fixation, a compulsion i guess you could call it, of being THE one in your life that you can turn towards and be with and most importantly pay a lot of attention to. it gets out of pocket over time, to the point where he's straight up PISSED at anyone who tries to make a serious connection - especially a romantic one - with you. he'd hide it well at first but the mask would slowly slip over time and it would just keep snowballing to the point where he's mad at pretty much everyone because in his eyes your attention and care is a finite resource and he wants ALL OF IT. you'd start noticing and at first he'd keep it together and play it cool and insist that it's fine but you know it Isn't but there isn't any really bad shit happening so you just let it slide.
but it just keeps getting worse and he loses his ability to stop himself from taking measures to change course. he'd get increasingly desperate and try to convince you that all these people are Bad and have Bad Intentions, and it almost works. but you're (hopefully) smart enough to see through it (and get a little scared, and Johnny knows this but convinces himself it's ok, you just don't get it but one day you will!)
when this course of action fails he has to get a little more hands-on, and he'd probably initiate ✨hostile takeover✨ of your body and physically yank you out of situations that get too "romantic" for his liking. from what we've seen when he takes over you kinda blackout, so all you have is his word to go off of. obviously he'd lie and say something like "oh things were getting bad and i needed to help you" and you're semi-aware he's lying but you just go with it because he's sewed a big enough seed of doubt in you.
since he's kinda cuckoo for cocoa puffs at this point he can't just take over once and never again, so he does it again a week or two later, and again, and again. every time you wake up from these events he's very sweet and tries to assure you he's just doing you a favor, but you start catching on of course and you're not very happy about it and also pretty scared which makes him feel bad but you still don't understand yet and that's okay! so one day you decide man fuck this dude i'm gonna go see my damn friend(s) and you actively fight him and keep trying to stay in your own body (so to speak) and he is BIG mad and decides to give you a "love tap" to put it nicely. not anything super crazy, just a good shove or a slap or maybe a little choking if that's your thing.
naturally you're pretty fucking horrified at this and start freaking out but he just pulls you in his arms and tries (in vain) to calm you down. he just had a little moment of anger, that's all! one day you'll get it and when you do you'll TOTALLY come around, he's sure of it.
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slashersdownsouth · 5 years
S/O with a Motor Tic Disorder
Hey, i don't know if asks are open right now so ignore this if they aren't (sorry never done this before). Anyways i was wondering if you could do some of the slashers with a s/o that has a tic disorder? Thank you!!!! I love your writing!!
Thank you for the kind words~ very encouraging! If motor skills is something of a struggle, I hope everything gets better for you. Right now I have a lot of slasher matchups to work on, but I'm taking a little break for this reactions post - thought it was really good. But don't worry friends - I'm working hard!
Alrighty, let's begin!
Request By: @this-is-just-an-alias
Michael Myers
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'Biting the lip'
• When he first met you, he knew something was different about you..
• You seemed ordinary enough to him, honestly.
• He knew you biting your lip was a thing, per se, but he didn't realize it was brought on by anxiety
• He saw you on the phone with a relative, he saw you getting jumpy and looking a bit flustered. Then he noticed it - the way the biting turned into nibbling and chewing
• "She's eating her face." he's thinking
• Once you explain, he won't think too much of it
• He doesn't mind it, it's a thing of yours and he's not one to judge on things.
• He'll probably just walk up to you and slide your lip out from between your teeth with his finger
• If that doesn't help, he'll steal you some lip balm so you don't chap up too much or so it can at least taste good
Thomas Hewitt
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'obscene gestures/words'
• Thank goodness Sheriff Hoyt has a sense of humor, you flipping off the other victims while getting in the backseat of the car was the only reason you're still alive today
• You kept your hand up the entire time in the car , even when you walked in
• Of course, now at the dinner table, you calmed a bit, but the tension was high and so were your stress levels
• Now Luda Mae thought it was nice to have a guest, and an attractive one at that.. *wink wink Thomas*.
• Thomas kept his eye on you, he wasn't sure what, but you looked ... eerily calm but jumpy at the same time
• When Uncle Monty suddenly slammed his cane on the floor, both hands were high with the middle finger up - one at Monty and one above your head.
• Hoyt was dying, Luda Mae is trying calm you down a bit, Monty was not amused and Thomas is thinking, "what the fuck?"
• Once Luda Mae has you all calm and cleaned up, you take a moment to explain. Now she has no idea what it's like, but she can understand how much you struggle with this, so she'll take you under wing and care for you.
• She explains to Thomas it's like when she bites her nails when she's nervous and that he needs to be patient
• After nearly two years of living with the Hewitt's, it's gotten better thanks to Thomasand his mama, but sometimes Thomas will catch you flipping off the laundry hanging outside
Bubba Sawyer
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'Sticking the tongue out'
• No lie, Bubba thought it was cute.
• He didn't mind the tic, cause it only happens when you're really excited about something!
• He figured that out when he presented you with jewelry he personally made just for you
• You were so giddy, your tongue just kept poking in and out of your mouth
• He knew your excitement was genuine, he'd try to groan out some incoherent words and just squeeze you with hugs
• Of course you've explained it to him it's just a tic, it could go away with time. He doesn't really want it to though, but he understands tics aren't normal for folks
• We've lost count for how many times Drayton and the boys (besides Bubba) threaten to cut off your tongue and throw it in the chilli bowl eww nasty fools
Jason Vorhees
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• Now he met you when you were making a shitload of noise in the forest
• He understood something may have been wrong with you and you WERE alone, so he took you a cabin
• Once you saw him again, you explained your tics and how this was like a syndrome and how you jerk your arms and legs alot when your extremely anxious
• Now, he knows syndrome means sick. So you're sick. No worries, he'll take care of you.
• He'd watch you and show you around when you were generally calm. Letting you know where traps were and how to access him quickly
• He would be busy around the camp, taking care of traps and trespassers and such
• But he'd never be gone for too long in fear of you getting anxious
• He wouldn't want you to start jerking and hurt yourself
Brahms Heelshire
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'wrinkling the nose'
• Now as his "caretaker", he's been observing you through the walls for weeks
• He saw how you'd scrunch up your nose when you got frustrated with anything
• It was a minor detail really - but he caught it pretty quickly
• Now it wasn't a big deal. It's just like a little scrunch.. kind of like when you smell something bad
• Thus made Brahms a little more conscious about personal hygiene thank God
• It wasn't until that new delivery boy called you out on it and made you visibly embarrassed/uncomfortable about it that he knew it was something you struggled with
• After that, he made sure to always do his best to help you and give you little eskimo (nose) kisses when you felt down
Billy Loomis
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• When people are happy, they usually smile. Not you, you blink. Excessively.
• Now Billy, in all honesty, if he doesn't understand is gonna be all like, "can you chill the fuck out?"
• Once he knows, he'll feel a bit bad, cause this is a struggle of yours and him being a dick isn't helping.
• He'll research on how to help someone with tics, different exercises to help, write notes and try to be a little more positive around you
• When he learns that it happens when your happy, then he'll think it's kinda funny and a tiny bit cute
• If anyone tells you shit, they somehow appear on the next day's homicide news. Coincidence?
Stu Macher
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'animal noises'
• Being with Stu has always been the funniest times of your day, hell, the BEST. Period
• Now, he's never spent the night, and for that you're kinda glad cause you have this "habit" of making noices when you're tired.
• One night though, he knocks on your window around 11 at night and you half asleep, just unlock it and let him crawl in
• He doesn't say much, just undresses into his tank top and boxers and slides under your covers and you just mold to him
• You know Stu though, he's a talker. He's talking about his day, and you're honestly trying to keep up but you're keep nodding off
• Then begins the "woof! woof! meow! woof!"...
• Stu is just stunned... and he's dying of laughter on the inside... he's googling "why is my gf making animal noices?"
• If he can't find anything, he's recording your ass so he can play it for you in the morning, this is your cue to explain.
• He actually thinks it's a good thing! Appreciates you sharing and tries to help should you feel down or upset about it.
Bo Sinclair
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'snapping the fingers'
• Bo is a very hot-headed man, it takes a patient and strong person to deal with this slasher
• Sometimes, he says stupid shit and directs his anger at you and it's just stressful
• When the stress builds up and just pours out like a full cup, your hands have a mind of their own
• You just start snapping your fingers and it's difficult to calm your nerves to stop
• Bo never sees it first hand cause you hide it - you don't need more judgment from people who'd never understand
• One night though, Bo is blowing steam off at you again and runs out the house to check on any passing trespassers
• This is your chance to snap in the privacy of your room and you don't even realize you're crying
• You're just sitting on the bed,, crying and snapping and yea, that looks unnerving
• When Bo walks in and sees this, he thinks he finally drove you insane
• Now, everyone may not think the same, but Bo still has compassion, so when he sees this, he's heartbroken
• He'll just sit behind you and hold you close, whispering apologies to you and rubbing your arms so the nerves will relax
• Once you two talk, he'll try his best to cool it with the anger and should he hear you start to snap in future arguments, he considers that his cue to calm the fuck down and shut the fuck up
Vincent Sinclair
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'twisting the neck'
• When he saw you, no lie, he thought you were trying to kill yourself via neck break
• He's thinking, "oh no, this one's a cuckoo".. might as well ease their pain
• But when he sees how your friends ignore it and leave you to do you, he thinks you're a captive and that they're torturing you "I'll save you sad girl!"
• He'll kidnap you and keep you in his art studio so you don't have to witness what he and his brother do to your friends
• Of course, you're scared shitless and this just makes the tic react even worse
• He has no idea what to do with you, honestly. He's looking through his dad's medical notes and he can't find anything
• Once you calm a bit, you willingly explain to him what a tic is, and how yours is simply twisting your neck
• Of course it's a dangerous one and sometimes your neck pops and you feel like you've given yourself whiplash, but Vincent's been so kind with you that it's actually helped your habit
• I guess living here in Ambrose won't be too bad
Hope you liked, will post new stuff very soon
- Cowgirl
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Supernatural- Asylum (1.10)
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Pairing: N/A, Olive Winchester (OC)
Summary: The siblings are sent on a hunt by an unknown number, a crazy doctor gets his hands on Sam, and things go downhill for Dean and Olive very fast
Warnings: mental asylum, crying, cursing, guns, threats, etc
Word Count: 7385
“No. Dad was in Cali last we heard from him. We just thought, since he goes to you for munitions…” I sighed deeply. “Maybe you’d heard from him in the last few weeks… Just… please call us if you hear anything.”
“Will do.”
I sighed again. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, you bet.”
“Caleb hasn’t heard from him?” Dean looked up as I flipped the phone shut.
“Nope. Sams?” I turned to him, tears welling in my eyes.
Sam only shook his head. “Neither has Jefferson. Or Pastor Jim.”
“De, what about the journal? Any leads in there?” I tried to hold back my breath.
“No. Same as last time I looked. Nothing I can make out… I love the guy, but I swear, he writes like frigging Yoda.” Dean scowled.
Sam sighed and put his arm up, offering the space. I ignored him, instead standing at the base of the bed, arms crossed over my chest.
“Maybe we should call the Feds.” He sighed. “File a missing person’s report.”
“We’ve talked about this.” Dean shook his head. “Dad would be so pissed if we put the Feds on his tail.”
I scowled, tears now dropping down the curve of my nose. “You know what Dean, who cares anymore?”
His phone buzzed, but I kept going.
“After what happened in Kansas? He should’ve been there, Dean! You even said it yourself!”
“Ollie, I know!” Dean scoffed as he rummaged through his duffel bag. “Where the hell is my cell phone?”
“You know, Olive’s right. He could be dead for all we know.”
“Don’t say that!” Dean turned, angry. “He’s not dead! He’s-he’s…”
“He’s what, Dean? He’s hiding? Busy?” I shouted, seeing spit fly out.
“Olive, stop!” Dean screamed back at me, chest heaving with his phone in his grip.
My shoulders fell and I let myself cry. Dean’s face softened and he sighed, shaking his head, trying to say something. I sighed, staring at Dean and feeling betrayed.
“Dean, where the hell is he?” I sniffled. “Where’s the hell’s Dad?”
Dean sighed. “Ollie, I don’t know.” He shook his head. “I don’t know, but he isn’t dead.”
He flicked his phone open, looking away from me. I dropped onto the floor, leaning back against the bed. Sam came to the foot of the bed and gripped my by the waist, pulling me onto the bed with him.
“It’s okay.” He whispered.
I snorted before leaning against him.
“Huh.” Dean scoffed. “I don’t believe it.”
“What happened?”
“It’s, uh… it’s a text message. It’s coordinates.”
“Do you think Dad was texting us?” I whispered.
I was sitting next to Dean. I hadn’t raised my voice above a whisper since this morning. I was stressed and sad, and I missed Dad and I wanted things to go back to normal. Dean was still angry, upset with me because I had lost it, because we said Dad could be dead.
“He’s given us coordinates before.”
“The man can barely work a toaster, Dean.”
“Sam, it’s good news! It means he’s okay. Or alive at least.”
“Was there a number on the caller ID?”
“Nah, it said unknown.”
I sighed. “Well where do the coordinates point?”
“That’s the interesting point. Rockford, Illinois.”
“Okay, and that’s interesting how?”
“I checked the local Rockford paper. Take a look at this.” Dean shifted the computer toward us. “This cop, Walter Kelly, comes home from his shift, shoots his wife, then puts the gun in his mouth, blows his brains out. And earlier that night, Kelly and his partner responded to a call at the Roosevelt Asylum.”
Sam and I looked at each other, confused.
“Okay, I’m not following. What does this have to do with us?”
“Dad earmarked the same asylum in the journal. Let’s see…” Dean flipped through the pages. “Here. Seven unconfirmed sightings, two deaths-till last week at least. I think this is where he wants us to go.”
I took another deep breath and sighed. “This is just another job. Dad just wants us to work a job.”
“Well maybe we’ll meet up with him. Maybe he’s there.” Dean offered.
“Maybe he’s not, Dean. I mean, he could just be sending us there. By ourselves, to hunt this thing.”
“You know what, Olive? Who the hell cares? If Dad wants us there, it’s good enough for me!”
I rolled my eyes, and Sam stepped in.
“This doesn’t strike you as weird? The texting? The coordinates?”
“Guys! Dad’s telling us to go somewhere. We are going.” He hissed. “End of fucking story.” He slammed the laptop shut and stormed into the bathroom.
Sam and I looked at each other again. I sighed and sunk into my seat.
“This is fucking bullshit, Sam.” I rubbed my face.
“It’s gonna be okay, bug.”
“We’ll be back soon, okay?” Sam brushed my hair behind my ear.
“Keep the doors locked.” Dean ordered as he slammed his door.
I sighed. “Be careful. Please.”
Sam nodded. “Always.”
I watched as Dean stormed out of the bar. I sighed and got out of the car.
“No Dad?”
He sighed and shook his head. “No Dad.”
“Dean, I’m sorry.” I shuddered out.
He sighed and his shoulders dropped. He shook his head.
“No, I’m sorry.” He held his arms open. “I’m so sorry, baby.”
I wrapped my arms around him and whimpered.
“I’m sorry, De, I’m just scared. I’m so fucking scared. It’s just that Dad’s never gone this long, a-and Sam’s right. It feels like something really big is starting. I’m so scared.” I let out a sob.
“It’s okay. It’s alright. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry I yelled.” He brushed a hand through my hair. “I’m so sorry.”
“I love you.” I whispered. “It’s okay.”
He squeezed me. “I love you too.”
I shuddered. “Aren’t you cold?”
He snorted. “Yeah. Let’s get in the car.” He pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
“Shoved me kinda hard in there, buddy boy.” Dean scowled as Sam ducked into the car.
“I had to sell it, didn’t I? It’s method acting.” Sam shrugged.
“What?” I asked, confused.
Sam shook his head. “Never mind.”
“What did you find out from Gunderson?” I asked, shaking my head.
“So, Walter Kelly was a good cop. Head of his class, even-keeled, he had a bright future ahead of him.”
“What about at home?” Dean asked.
“He and his wife had a few fights, like everybody, but he was mostly smooth sailing. They were even talking about having kids.”
I snorted. “Alright, so either Kelly had some deep-seated crazy waiting to bust out, or-”
“Something else did this to him.”
“What’d Gunderson tell you about the asylum?”
Sam’s eyes widened. “A lot.”
I sighed as we stared up at the fence.
“Okay. I’m not gonna lie. This is a terrible idea.” I shook my head.
Dean shrugged. “Best we got.”
Sam shook his head and got on one knee. “Alright, bug. Up you go.”
“So apparently the cops chased the kids here… into the south wig.” Sam pointed to the door labeled.
“South wing, huh? Wait a second. 1972. Three kids broke into the south wing, only one survived. Way he tells it, one of his friends went nuts and started lighting up the place.” Dean read from the journal.
“So whatever's going on, the south wing is the heart of it.” I sighed.
“But if the kids are spelunking the asylum, why aren't there a ton more deaths?”
Spelunking? What is this, a 90s sitcom with an angry dad?
I blinked as Sam looked around and tutted.
“Looks like the doors are usually chained. Could’ve been chained up for years.”
“Yeah, to keep people out.” I shrugged.
“Or to keep something in.” Dean raised his eyebrows.
We sighed as we looked at each other. Dean pushed me closer to Sam, keeping himself behind me. Sam opened the door and we followed him through.
“Let me know if you see any dead people, Haley Joel.” Dean teased.
“Dude, enough.” Sam scowled.
“I’m serious. You gotta be careful, alright? Ghosts are attracted to that whole ESP thing you got going on.”
“I told you, it’s not ESP! I just have strange vibes sometimes. Weird dreams.” Sam hissed.
I giggled. “Sammy’s got bad vibes.”
“Yeah, whatever. Don’t ask, don’t tell.”
“You get any reading on that thing or not, Ol?” Sam asked, nodding to the EMF meter in my hand.
I shook my head. “Nah. Doesn’t mean nobody’s home though.”
“Spirits can’t appear during certain hours of the day.” Sam shrugged.
“Yeah. The freaks come out at night.” Dean snorted.
Dean grabbed my arm and I froze, fully attentive. He nodded toward Sam.
“Hey Sam. Who do you think is the hottest psychic? Patricia Arquette, Jennifer Love Hewitt, or you?”
Sam rolled his eyes and pushed Dean into me. Dean snorted a laugh and I squirmed away from him and to Sam’s side, clinging to his arm.
Sam pushed a door open, and the rusted hinges screamed. I flinched, and Sam sighed as he led the way through. Dean was right behind me, and he let out a sharp breath through his teeth.
“Man. Electro-shock. Lobotomies. They did some twisted stuff to these people. Kinda like my man Jack in Cuckoo’s Nest.” Dean made another reference I was too young to understand as he made crazy eyes at Sam.
Sam ignored him and Dean dropped his smile, now pouting.
“So whatcha guys think? Ghosts possessing people?”
Sam shrugged. “Maybe. Or many it’s more like Amityville, or the Smurl haunting.”
I shivered. Amityville scared the hell out of me, and I was never sold on the Smurl haunting.
Dean nodded. “Spirits driving them crazy. Kinda like my man Jack in The Shining.”
Sam sighed. “Dean. When are we gonna talk about it?”
“Talk about what?” Dean looked around, confused.
I sighed. “He means that Dad’s not here.”
Dean snorted from the back of his nose. “Oh. I see. How ‘bout… never.”
“I’m being serious, man. He sent us here.”
“So am I, Sam. Look, he sent us here, he obviously wants us here. We’ll pick up the search later.”
I sighed. I could feel the tension in the air rising, and I knew what was about to happen. Dean would imply Sam leaving because of Dad, he would mention that he didn’t try as hard, Sam would get pissy and say he wanted answers and it wasn’t his fault for wanting to have a normal life. It would turn into a war, and Dean would be Dad’s loyal soldier while Sam would go rogue.
“It doesn’t matter what he wants.” Sam hissed again.
I sighed again. Here it went.
“See. That attitude right there? This is why I always get the extra cookie.”
“Dad could be in trouble. We should be looking for him! We deserve answers, Dean. I mean, this is our fucking family we’re talking about.”
“I understand that Sam, but he’s given us an order.”
Sam scoffed. “So what, we gotta always follow Dad’s orders?”
“Of course we do.”
Sam opened his mouth to rip something else out, but Dean turned around, ending the conversation.
I sighed a third time, feeling my nose and eyes burn.
“Sanford Ellicott…” Dean read off a sign. “You know what we gotta do. We gotta find out more about the south wing. See if something happened here.” He shoved the sign into Sam’s hand and pranced away.
I wrapped my arms around myself and sighed. Sam was angry, lip raised into a snarl and nose twitching.
“Let’s just go.” He scowled.
“Let me do it.” I perked up.
Dean and Sam turned to me, confused. Ellicott’s son was a therapist nearby. We needed to get more information, and undercover as a patient was the best shot we had.
“Are you sure, baby girl?” Dean’s eyebrows furrowed.
I nodded. “Yeah, I can do it. I-I’m just a kid. They can take me in with your consent because you’re basically my dad, but it might be a little more difficult with Sam.”
“Olive…” Sam trailed off, concerned.
I grinned. “I can do it, Sams. I promise.”
“Olive Winchester?”
I looked up from the magazine. The door was open, and a man with glasses was standing in it with a clipboard.
“That’s me.” I stood.
“Come on in.” He stepped aside, letting me follow him into the room.
“Thank you so much for seeing me last minute.” I sat down on the couch, looking around the room. “Dr. Ellicott. Ellicott… that name. Wasn’t there a… a Dr. Sanford Ellicott? Chief psychiatrist somewhere.”
He nodded. “My father was a chief of staff at the old Roosevelt Asylum.” He tilted his head. “How did you know that?”
I shrugged. “My older brother is sorta a local history buff… Hey, wasn’t there… an incident or something? In the hospital, I guess. In the south wing, right?”
“We’re here on your dollar, Olive. We’re here to talk about you.”
“Actually, we’re here on my brother’s dollar.
“So. How’s things?”
“Ah…” I sighed. “Things are good, doc.”
“Good.” He nodded, crossing one leg over the other. “What have you been up to?”
I shrugged again. “Same old. On a road trip with my older brothers.”
“Was that fun?”
I cracked all my knuckles and blew air from my mouth. “Lots. Um… you know, we uh… we met a lot of interesting people.” I let my inner child out and blew a raspberry. “Yeah, no, I’m sorry. What was it exactly what happened in the south wing?”
“Look, if your brother is a local history buff, he knows all about the Roosevelt riot.”
“The riot… No, he never told me. I’m curious.”
“Olive. Let’s cut the bull, shall we? You’re avoiding the subject.”
“What subject?” I tilted my head.
“You. Now I’ll make you a deal. I’ll tell you about the Roosevelt riot if you tell me something about yourself. Like, uh, these brothers you’re road tripping with. How do you feel about them?”
I scratched at the back of my neck. “Uh… well, let’s see… I was like… less than a week old when my mother dropped me on a motel doorstep. Sam was… seven, and Dean was eleven.” I chewed my lip. “Dean didn’t ask for me… and neither did Sam. My dad least of all. Anyways,” I shrugged. “He’s been missing for a while, and maybe it’s my fault, but-”
“Your father’s missing?”
“I love Dean. He raised me. I mean like, technically so did Sam, but mostly Dean.” I sighed again, now upset. “Dean’s sad. He misses our Dad. I hate it when he’s upset.”
“Olive, would you say you have a high dependency on your brother?”
I nodded. “Yeah. Yeah, Dean’s my entire life.”
“And would you say this dependency extends to Sam too?”
I took a breath. “No. I mean, don’t get me wrong! I love Sam to death, but it’s not the same with him as it is with Dean.”
“If I can speak bluntly…”
“Go ahead.”
“It sounds to me like you have a dangerous dependence on Dean.”
I blinked.
Yeah. Probably.
“Baby!” Dean perked up as I walked out of the door. “You were in there forever. What did you talk about?”
I pulled him into a hug. “The hospital. You and Sam. My mom leaving me. Dad being gone… a lot.”
Dean only blinked, and Sam grinned. “And what’d you find out?”
“Oh, the south wing! It’s where they housed the real loonies. The psychos, criminally insane.” I huffed.
“Sounds cozy.” Dean dropped his chin onto my head.
“Yeah, and one night in ‘64, they lost their shit. Attacked staff. Attacked each other. So many fucking people died.”
“So the patients took over the asylum?”
I nodded. “Apparently.”
“How many deaths?”
“Uh, upwards of a few dozen. Some patients. Some staff. It was super gory. Most of the bodies were never even recovered, including Doc Elliot.”
Dean pulled back. “Never recovered? The hell’s that mean?”
“Cops scoured every single fucking inch of the place.” I shook my head. “Nothing. Guess the patients must’ve stuffed the bodies somewhere.”
“That’s grim.” Sam shivered.
“Yeah. So they transferred all the remaining patients and shut the hospital down.”
“So to sum it up, we’ve got a bunch of violent deaths and a bunch of unrecovered bodies.” Dean huffed.
“And an assload of angry spirits.”
“Good times.” Sam tutted.
“Let’s check out the hospital tonight.” Dean squeezed me tightly before sighing.
We piled into the car.
“Getting readings?” Sam asked as he shuffled through the doorway.
“Yeah, big time.”
“This place is orbing like crazy.” I mumbled as I swept the video camera around.
It would be easier for the boys to look down to see it than Dean and I stand on our toes to see it in Sam’s grasp.
“Probably multiple spirits out and about.”
I shivered. “And if these uncovered bodies are causing the haunting…”
“We gotta find ‘em and burn ‘em. Just be careful though. The only thing that makes me more nervous than a pissed off spirit is the pissed of spirit of a psycho killer.” Dean grimaced.
Sam shook his head. “Let’s just keep moving.”
Sam stayed with me as Dean split into the next room. He held his shotgun up and moved at the same pace I did as I swept the camera around the room.
“Nah.” I mumbled before bringing it back around to do a second sweep.
This time I could see an old woman, white hair crazy, with one eye hanging out of her head. She was moving toward us, slowly and calmly. She wasn’t trying to hurt us. I tilted my head.
“Dean? Dean!” Sam shouted as he pulled the trigger and nothing happened. “Shotgun!”
“Sam, Ol, get down!”
Sam yanked me down as Dean shot, leaving the woman to burst into a cloud of dust.
“That was weird.” I pushed myself to my feet and brushed myself off.
“Yeah, you’re telling me.” Dean snorted as he held a hand out for Sam. “Since when don’t spirits put you on the defensive?”
“No De, I mean… it was that she didn’t attack us.”
“Looked pretty aggro from where I was standing.” Dean shook his head as he picked at Sam’s shotgun. “Clip got stuck.” He slammed his hand against it, a satisfied grin on his face. “Fixed it.”
“Olive is right. She didn’t hurt us. She didn’t even try.”
“So if she didn’t wanna hurt us, then what did she want?” Sam and I asked at the same time.
There was a scratching metallic noise and I jumped a foot in the air. Dean pushed me between him and Sam as he raised his shotgun. Sam flicked the flashlight and shined it into the room. There was a bed on its side, covered in ratty sheets. The top of a blonde head was peeking out from above it. I propped the video camera up against my cheekbone as Sam and Dean nodded to each other.
Sam reached out and tipped the bed onto all fours, and the head turned out to be a girl. She spun to face us, horror clear on her face as she gasped.
“Hey, it’s okay. We’re not going to hurt you. What’s your name?” Dean asked, shotgun down.
“Uh, Katherine.” She shook her head. “Kat.”
“I’m Olive.” I piped up, letting the camera go slack at my side. “This is Dean, that’s Sam.” I gestured.
“What are you doing here?” Sam asked, eyes wide.
“Um. My boyfriend, Gavin.”
The boys and I looked at each other, same expression copied onto our faces.
“Is he here?”
“Somewhere. He thought it would be fun, try and see some ghosts. I thought it was all just… you know. Pretend. I've seen things. I heard Gavin scream and…” 
“Alright. Kat?” Dean asked and she nodded. He put out a hand to help her stand. “Come on. Sam's gonna get you out of here and Olive will stay with you while we find your boyfriend.”
“No! No. I'm not going to leave without Gavin. I'm coming with you.” She shook her head and crossed her arms over her chest.
Dean scoffed. “It's no joke around here, okay. It's dangerous.”
She nodded. “That's why I gotta find him.”
Dean and Sam looked at each other. Sam shrugged and I snorted as Dean turned back to Kat.
Alright, I guess we’re gonna split up then. Kat stick with me, Olive, you’re with Sam.”
I nodded and hooked a finger onto one of Sam’s belt buckles. He patted my head with a smile.
“Let’s move.”
“Sam.” I patted his arm and pointed to the unconscious boy on the floor.
Sam nodded and stepped in front of me before crouching to shake the boy. His eyes opened and he freaked out.
“Hey, it’s okay!”
“Gavin, we’re here to help.” I coaxed as I squatted next to Sam.
“Who the hell are you guys?” Gavin sat up.
“My name is Sam, that’s Olive.”
“We um, we found your girlfriend?”
“Kat?” Gavin moved to stand. “Is she alright?”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, she’s okay. Just worried about you. Are you okay?”
“I was running. I think I fell.” Gavin rubbed his forehead.
“Running from what?”
“There was… there was this girl. Her face. It was all messed up.”
“Okay listen, did this girl… did she try and hurt you?”
“What? N-no, she uh…”
“She what?” I pressed.
“She… kissed me.”
Sam and I looked at each other, and I blinked. Sam held back an annoyed snort and eye roll combo. 
What the fuck?
“Uh… um… but… but she, she didn’t…” Sam trailed off, blinking as he looked at me, confused.
“She didn’t physically hurt you, did she?”
“Dude!” Gavin snorted. “She kissed me. I’m scarred for life!”
Sam and I looked at each other again, blinking furiously.
What the… fucking hell?
“Well, trust me… it… it could’ve been a lot worse.” 
“Now do you remember anything else?” Sam asked, blinking.
“She actually, uh, she tried to whisper something in my ear.”
“What was it?”
“I don’t know. I ran like hell.”
Sam and I looked at each other again and sighed.
This is fucking pointless.
“Let’s get back to Dean and get them the hell out of here.” I mumbled.
There was a shrill scream that rang off the metal of the building. Gavin jumped and Sam flinched. My chest clenched and I gasped.
I burst into a full out sprint, boots pounding on the floor.
“She’s inside with one of them.” Dean grabbed me by the shoulder the second I reached him, pointing to the rusted door.
“Help me!” She shrieked, and Sam and Gavin got to us, panting.
“Kat!” Gavin began to panic, and Sam’s fists clenched as he shut his eyes.
“Get me out of here!”
“Kat, it's not going to hurt you. Listen to me. You've got to face it. You've got to calm down.” Sam huffed.
Dean blinked as he turned to Sam. “She’s gotta what?”
“I have to what?” Kat echoed.
Sam sighed. “These spirits, they're not trying to hurt us, they're trying to communicate. You gotta face it. You gotta listen to it.”
“You face it!” She spat back.
“No!” Sam hissed. “It’s the only way to get out of there.”
“No!” Kat fought.
“Kat, just look at it! Come on, you can do it.” I leaned against the door.
There was silence and Gavin called out to her. Dean sighed and ducked his head.
“Man, I hope you’re right about this.”
Sam huffed again. “Yeah, me too.”
I reached for Dean’s hand as we waited, silent and tense. He looked down at me and swallowed, pulling me closer to his side. Sam’s breath was the only thing I could hear. Dean squeezed my hand as the lock unclicked. I tried to steady my own breathing as the door slid open. Kat stood in the doorway, pale and drained.
“Oh, Kat.” Gavin grabbed her and she fell into him.
Sam dashed into the room, shining the light around. He made a grabby hand at me and I put the camera into the palm of his hand. He flicked it up and looked around.
“Anything?” I asked as he emerged.
He only shook his head.
“One thirty-seven.” Kat spoke.
Dean and Sam and I looked at each other, each blinking in confusion.
“Sorry?” Dean asked.
“It whispered in my ear. One thirty-seven.”
“Room number.” The three Winchester brains clicked as I ducked to squat, pulling Dean down with me, Sam following on his own.
“So if these spirits aren’t trying to hurt anyone-”
“Then what’re they trying to do?” I finished his question.
“Maybe that’s what they’ve been trying to tell us…” Sam shrugged.
“I guess we’ll find out.”
“Alright.” Sam huffed as the three of us popped back onto our feet.
Dean turned to the teenagers with a grin on his face. “So, now, are you guys ready to get the hell out of here?”
Kat snorted. “That’s an understatement.”
“Okay.” Dean nodded to Sam. “Get them, Olive can stay with them while I find 137.”
“No.” I reached for him again, latching onto his wrist.
“I’m going with you. Sam can get them out on his own, but we shouldn’t leave one person alone in here.” I shook my head.
“Dean, she’s right.” Sam sighed. “It’s dangerous.”
Dean blinked. “Fine. Keep the shotgun.” He pulled it off his back and held it out to Sam.
Sam took it and slung it over his back. “Be careful.”
“Always.” Dean grumbled back.
“Found it!” I called to Dean as I stood in front of the door.
“Here, help me move this.” He pocketed his own flashlight and gestured to the fallen furniture in blocking the doorway.
I gripped my flashlight between my teeth as I anchored my feet on the ground and pushed against the wooden mess. Dean followed, his weight doing the job. I stumbled as the support of the cabinet gave way and he helped me stay steady by grabbing the back of my neck. I cleared my throat as Dean pushed the door open.
The room was a disaster. The walls were stained with what was most definitely blood and other bodily fluids, filing cabinets tipped over and papers strewn about. Dean pushed me behind him.
“You got the camera?”
I patted my sides and huffed. “No. We left it with Sam.”
He huffed. “Alright. Just stay close.”
I nodded. This room had bad vibes.
I huffed from my spot on the floor. I was leaning against the wall, and I was absolutely leaning against blood, but I didn’t care.
“De, we’ve looked through every single paper here. Whatever we’re looking for, it’s not here. The spirits are wrong.”
Dean pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Ol, it has to be here.”
I rubbed the back of my neck and sighed.
“Fine. Then there’s a secret door or drawer or something. It’s not in this mess, not in plain sight.”
Dean blew a raspberry. “Fine. Fine, let’s try to pull the room apart then.”
I groaned as I got to my feet. “I wish Dad was here.”
He sighed. “Yeah Ollie, I know. I wish he was here too.”
I turned to face the wall and splayed my fingers out, running them across the wall as I started to circle the room.
“Here!” Dean piped up.
I blinked. “How did you find it so fast?”
He chuckled. “It was right in front of me.” He pried the floorboard up and tossed it aside.
I joined him, delighted to see a satchel that looked full.
“This is why I get paid the big bucks.” He pulled the satchel up with a grunt.
I pranced to the desk in the middle of the room and sat down. Dean pulled up a chair and laid the papers from the satchel on the table. I snatched the top half of the pile and pulled it into my lap.
“Holy shit.” I grimaced as Dean sat and took his pile.
Notes upon notes upon notes, medical instruments and procedures hand-drawn, it was insanity on paper.
“Hey Ol.” Dean mumbled.
I looked up from the papers, seeing that his expression matched how I felt.
Pure concern. Whatever had happened to Ellicott to make him do this must’ve been awful, and what he did to the patients must’ve been even worse.
Dean broke into a smile and I blinked, confused. Why was he smiling?
“Looks like all work and no play makes-”
“Dr. Ellicott a very dull boy.” I chimed in, finishing the saying with him as he chuckled and I giggled.
There was a thud and our heads snapped up.
We got shot at the second we rounded the corner. Kat had the shotgun, and thankfully, Dean reacted quicker than I did, pulling me down around the corner with him.
“Damn it, damn it! Don’t shoot! It’s us!” Dean shouted.
“Sorry!” Kat squeaked. Sorry.”
“Son of a-”
“What the hell are you still doing here? Where’s Sam?” I asked as I ran around the corner, seeing Gavin and Kat huddled together against the wall.
“He went to the basement. You called him.” Gavin spoke.
Dean and I looked at each other.
“I didn’t call anyone.”
“Not you. Dean.” Kat nodded to him.
Dean and I looked at each other again, increasingly confused and frustrated.
“His cell phone rang. He said it was you.” Kat shrugged.
“Fucking hell.” I hissed.
“Basement, huh?” The wheels in Dean’s head began to turn.
I sighed and looked around, picking up the first pipe I saw. I twisted it in my hands. It would be better than nothing.
“Alright. Watch yourselves, and watch out for us.”
“Be careful!” Kat called as Dean reached for my hand and led the way.
“Sammy? Sam, you down here?” Dean called.
“Sams? Sammy!” I followed behind him, holding onto his jacket like a little kid.
The basement was creepy. There were desks and chairs thrown around, like Ellicott’s office but worse. I felt a step behind me and jumped as I turned, Dean immediately jumping in front of me with the shotgun up. Upon seeing that it was Sam, I sighed.
“Man, answer me when I’m calling you!” Dean barked, reminding me very quickly of Dad. “You alright?”
“Yeah. I’m fine.” Sam’s gaze seemed dead and it sent chills down my spine.
“You know it wasn’t me who called you, right?”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, I know. I think something lured me down here.”
“Probably Ellicott. That’s what the spirits have been trying to tell us. You haven’t seen him, have you, Sams?” I asked, still behind Dean, inching closer slowly.
“No.” Sam’s cold eyes went from Dean to me. “How do you know it was him?”
I flinched. How do you know and not why do you think. That was bad. It gave me a bad feeling at the base of my spine and in the pit of my stomach.
“Cause we found his log book. Apparently he was experimenting on his patients. Awful shit. Makes lobotomies look like a couple of aspirin.” Dean scoffed, unaware of the tension.
Sam kept his eyes on me. Something was wrong with him. “But it was the patients who rioted.”
“Yeah.” Dean snorted, and Sam’s eyes went back to him, face blank. “They were rioting against Ellicott. Dr. Feelgood was working on some sort of, like, extreme rage therapy.” Dean rolled his eyes. “He thought that if he could get his patients to vent their anger then they would be cured of it. Instead it only made them worse and worse and angrier and angrier. So we were thinking, what if his spirit is doing the same thing? To the cop? To the kids in the seventies, making them so angry they become homicidal?” Dean proposed, and Sam said nothing, still staring.
I huddled closer to Dean, clenching his jacket so hard my knuckles began to hurt. “Guys, let’s just go. We have to find his body and burn it.”
“How?” Sam quirked an eyebrow. “The police never found his body.”
Dean shook his head, shooting me a look over his shoulder. I looked up at him, terrified. Sam was not Sam right now, and I was hoping Dean would catch onto that.
“The log book said he… had some sort of-” He cut himself off to look back at me, confused. I shook my head and Sam cleared his throat. I jumped, feeling my skin crawl. This was hopeless. I pushed my face into Dean’s back and whined. His hand came back to my arm and I sighed. He had gotten the message.
“Uh… he had a secret procedure room down here where he’d work on his patients. So, if I was a patient, I’d drag his ass down here, do a little work myself.”
“I don’t know, Dean. It sounds kind of…” Sam trailed off, looking over Dean’s shoulder at me.
I squirmed, uneasy. “Crazy?” I proposed, and Sam’s eye twitched as he nodded.
“Yeah, exactly.” Dean grabbed me by the hand and pulled me out from behind him, to his side.
“I told you. I looked everywhere. I didn’t find a hidden room.”
My blood froze again. He hadn’t mentioned looking at all.
Dean chuckled. “Well yeah, that’s why they call it hidden.” He pulled me to follow him around, and I could feel Sam on my tail.
I closed my eyes, hoping it would stop. Ellicott must’ve done something to him. He was freaking me out.
“You hear that?” Dean asked, tilting his head to the ground. “There’s a door here.”
He dropped my hand to crouch, and Sam’s hand slammed over my mouth as the shotgun pressed into the base of my neck and I was dragged backward, away from Dean. I squealed, horrified and shaking.
“Dean.” Sam spoke, and Dean stood, eyes wide. He took a step forward, and Sam dug the gun into my skin. I whimpered, trembling like a chihuahua.
“Step away from the door.”
“Sam, put the gun down.” Dean tried to reason, putting his hand up.
“Is that an order?” Sam tilted his head.
Dean shook his head. “No. More of a friendly request. Let her go.” Dean squared his shoulders. “That was an order.”
Sam snorted. “Well I’m getting pretty sick of taking your orders.”
I bit down into Sam’s hand and the gun pressed harder, but I got my mouth free.
“De, I was right! Ellicott did something to him!”
“Oh, for once in your life, Olive, just shut your mouth.” Sam covered my mouth again.
“What are you gonna do, Sam? Shoot your little fucking sister? Gun’s filled with rock salt. It won’t kill her. Won’t kill me either.”
Sam huffed, and the gun left me. I sighed, but then he aimed at Dean and shot.
“No, but it will hurt like hell.”
I screamed as Sam put the gun down and dragged me across the room, tossing me into the corner. There were ropes right by, and I knew he had planned this. Dean had been blasted backward, through the door. He was strewn on the floor.
“Dean! Dean! Dean! Sammy, stop it! Sam, please! Dean!” I tried to kick Sam away, screaming and crying.
“Shut up, Olive! I’m tired of hearing you!” Sam hissed into my face as he tied my wrists together, then my ankles. “You ruin everything.”
“Sam, don’t do this.” I whined. “You don’t have to do this.”
“I know. But I want to.” Sam spat on me and I let out a whimper.
“Olive!” Dean’s voice was a howl, and then it turned into a bark. “Sam!”
Sam was now standing over him, a grim smile on his face. Dean was trying to back away so he could get to his feet, but it was clear that he was in pain and struggling.
“We gotta burn Ellicott’s bones and then all of this will be over, and you’ll be back to normal.” Dean panted.
I struggled against the ropes. He had made the mistake of tying my wrists in front of me and tying the rope on my boots and not above. Sam hissed at Dean.
“I am normal! I’m just telling the truth for the first time!”
His attention was fully on Dean. I slowly grabbed at the laces of my boots, undoing the knot.
“I mean, why are we even here? Cause you’re following Dad’s orders like a good little soldier? Because you always do what he says without question?”
I pulled down the zipper as he raised his voice. I tugged one boot off, grunting as the rope dug at my skin as it passed. One boot was off.
“Are you that desperate for his approval?” Sam laughed.
“This isn’t you talking, Sam.” Dean shook his head.
“That’s the difference between you and me! I have a mind of my own! I’m not pathetic, like you!”
The other boot slid off, leaving me in socks, wrists tied but functional.
“So what are you gonna do? Huh? Are you gonna kill me?” Dean challenged, seeing that I was halfway there.
“You know what? I am so sick of you telling me what to do!” Sam shouted, and I took the chance to get to my feet and tiptoe toward him. “We’re no closer to finding Dad today than we were six months ago!”
“Well then here!” Dean screamed louder than Sam had, giving me enough time to drag a chair behind Sam and step onto it. “Let me make it easier for you!” Dean held his Smith & Wesson out to him. “Come on! Take it! Real bullets are gonna work a hell of a lot better than rock salt.” He growled, and I took a deep breath as Sam hesitated. “Take it!” Dean spat.
Sam snatched it and pointed it at Dean’s face. I caught Dean’s eye and there was a twinkle of a smile before his attention reverted back to Sam. “You hate me that much? You think you could kill your own brother? Then go ahead. Pull the trigger.” Dean taunted him. “Do it!”
Sam pulled, and the gun clicked. I felt my eyes burn with tears, and I wasn’t sure if they were from fear or relief. He pulled the trigger again, but it would be of no use. The chamber was empty. Sam was confused. Dean nodded at me and I took the chance to leap onto Sam, hooking my tied wrists over his neck. He stumbled backward, trying to get me off as Dean struggled to get to his feet.
“Man, I’m not gonna give you a loaded pistol!” Dean shouted.
“Get Ellicott, I can handle him!” I squeaked as Sam grabbed my arms and tried to pull them off.
“Sorry, Sams.” I whispered as I tugged my arms back, elbows to my sides.
My wrists hit Sam in the throat and he gagged, thrashing about and trying to get free of me. I dug my heel into his side, and he hissed, falling to the ground. I shook loose and looked up to see that Dean had disappeared behind a pair of curtains.
The heel of Sam’s hand came up to my nose and I groaned, stumbling backwards.
“Sam, listen to me!” I howled, spitting the blood that traveled to my mouth.
“Why can’t you ever stay out of it, Olive?” He screamed at me. “Sometimes I wish you had never shown up!”
I sighed as he pinned me down, hands at my neck. He was gonna choke me out, and I would either pass out or die. I was scared of both. I tried to squirm away, but it was no use. I prayed another apology before bringing my knee up to his crotch. His arms lost their tension, and I looped my wrists around his neck, bringing his head down and slamming my forehead into his nose. His eyes rolled back into his head and he went limp. I huffed as I pushed him off of me and looked for his pulse. It was there. I sighed, dropping onto the floor.
“Olive!” Dean shouted and I struggled to get back up, panting.
Ellicott had Dean in the corner, hands on his face.
“Don’t be afraid. I’m going to help you. I’m going to make you all better.” Ellicott cooed, and Dean stopped struggling, staring into the doctor’s eyes.
I took a deep breath, gagging at the smell of a dead body, but also being washed in a sense of relief at the smell of salt and kerosene. I rummaged through my pockets to find a lighter. I heard Dean’s laugh as my fingers curled around the lighter. I looked up to see him coming at me, a horrifying grin on his face. I flicked the lighter open and threw it onto the body. Ellicott’s ghost began to crumble as the body burned, and Dean stopped right in front of me. His smile dropped and his eyes went wide at the fear on my face. He started to cry and he fell to his knees.
“Olive, I’m so sorry.” He panted.
I fell to my knees in front of him and looped my arms around his neck as he grabbed at me, sobbing.
“It’s okay.”
“I’m sorry.” He shook. “I don’t want you to be scared of me, I’m so sorry.”
I giggled. “I’m not scared of you. Now let’s go. We have to haul Sam out of here somehow, and he’s massive.”
He pulled back and brushed my hair behind my ear. “I’m sorry.”
I shook my head. “It’s okay.”
He pressed a kiss to my forehead before getting to his feet and holding his hands out to help me. There was a groan and I looked over to see Sam sitting up, wriggling his nose.
Dean and I looked at each other.
“You’re not gonna try and kill us, are you?”
“No.” Sam cupped his nose.
“Good. Cause that would be awkward.” I huffed as I shuffled over to him.
I took a deep breath of fresh air and sighed, leaning into Dean’s side as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
“Thanks, guys.” Kat sighed as we stood outside of the asylum.
“Yeah, thanks.” Gavin added.
“No more haunted asylums, okay?” Dean emphasized, and we watched as they walked toward their car.
“Hey, Dean? Ol?”
Dean and I turned to Sam, eyebrows raised.
“I’m really sorry, guys. I said awful things back there.”
Dean and I looked at each other.
“You remember all that?”
“Yeah.” Sam nodded. “It’s like I couldn’t control it. But I didn’t mean it. Any of it.”
“You didn’t, huh?” Dean eyed him.
“No, of course not!” Sam’s face became panicked, and inched away from Dean and to him, throwing my arms around his middle. He hugged back with a sigh. “Do we need to talk about this?”
Dean shook his head as he opened the car door. “No. I’m not really in the caring and sharing kind of mood. I just wanna get some sleep.” He got into the car and Sam sighed.
I pulled away and gave him a sympathetic smile. “He’ll come around. Ellicott just hit some sensitive spots, that’s all.”
“Olive.” Sam frowned. “I love hearing you talk. Y-y-you’re like… this little genius. You’re so smart and creative and funny, and you’ve never ruined anything in your life.” He sighed. “I’m so sorry.”
I smiled. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t mean any of it. And Dean knows too. He’s just…” I leaned in and whispered. “Insecure.” I cleared my throat. “Don’t tell him I told you that.”
Sam chuckled. “I love you, Ol.”
I grinned. “I love you too, Sam.”
I yawned as I pulled my hoodie on. Dean was asleep in bed, and Sam had just gotten into the shower. I was about to crawl in next to Dean, and I was so tired I was sure that I’d snore louder than him.
His phone rang and I groaned.
He didn’t move. I let out a whine and grabbed the phone. It wasn’t a familiar number, but we knew a lot of people.
“Hello?” I put it to my ear.
“Olive? Where’s your brother?”
My eyes bugged out of my head. “Dad?”
Previous Ep: Home (1.09)
Next Ep: Scarecrow (1.11)
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tomsgreg · 5 years
Are Lovebirds Pigeons Too?
Summary:  When Stanley becomes disappointed that nobody wants to join his bird-watching club, Richie decides to be a good friend and join him in his endeavors.
Notes:  Hey! Hopefully, you enjoy this! I actually researched birds native to Maine for this! Like, reblog. reply, and or send asks if you do!
Ao3: Are Lovebirds Pigeons Too?
   Stan loved the losers, he did, but he’d also be lying if he said he didn’t wish he had some other friends who appreciated his some of his other interests more. Sure his baseball team appreciated baseball the way he did, but he doesn’t exactly enjoy spending time with them outside of when he needs to be. He just wished he had somebody to sit and watch birds with every so often. That’s why he started the bird watching club. Yet here he was, at the fifth meeting, alone again. He doesn’t know why he made this stupid club, he was perfectly fine watching birds alone until the idea came to him that maybe he didn’t have to, but, evidently, he does have to.
    A week later and Stan was preparing himself to once again be let down by the lack of people in his club. You’d think that after a month and a half of the same it would be less disappointing, but it doesn’t. It just becomes more of a reminder that your interests aren’t normal for people your own age. Stan shut his locker and walked towards the school’s exit when he felt a familiar set of hands on his shoulders,
    “Stan my man, what’s up? Going to that bird club of yours?”
    Stan sighed and stopped walking, turning towards his best friend, “I’d hardly call it a club, Richie. It’s just me there every week.”
    Richie was going to make a joke about Stan trying to replace the losers, or even about birds being lame and that’s why nobody wants to join, but he was looking at Stan looking genuinely sad. He never saw his friend like this over being alone. Usually, Stan valued his alone time every so often. Suddenly Richie had an idea.
    “You know, Stan, if you want someone to come with you today, I’ll go.”
    Stan nearly scoffed at the idea, Richie was his best friend, so he knew better than to think he had any interest in bird watching, “Rich, you really don’t have to. You can just go home and-”
    “No, Stan! I want to-I really want to go with you. I think it would be fun.” Richie smiled nervously, Stan noticed that for the first time since they met, Richie looked nervous to be around him, almost the way he used to look at Bowers’s cousin during that summer, but it couldn’t be. Stan was just reading too deeply into it. Richie doesn’t like him.
    Stan returned a sheepish smile before replying, “Then what are we waiting for, trashmouth? Let's go.”
    Stan and Richie left the school and headed towards the quarry.
    “Stan, why are we going to the quarry? We spent the whole fucking summer there. There are no birds.”
    Stan shook his head, “Then you haven’t been paying enough attention. Besides, that’s not where we’re going. We’re going to the woods.”
    Richie raised his eyebrows, “The woods? Oh, near the kissing bridge? How romantic Stanley.”
    Stan’s face felt hot and he knew it was bright red. Usually he’d be unbothered by Richie’s comments, but with the way he was staring at him earlier, and now Stan is holding Richie by the hand, leading him towards the area Richie had never been before, it’s all a bit too much for him, “Shut up, Richie.” Unbeknownst to Stan, Richie was also blushing, struggling to keep his up with his usual trashmouth self. Stan stopped walking and he let go of Richie’s hand, “We’re here.” he said, removing his blanket from his bag and his pair of binoculars. He laid the blanket down before sitting and patting the blanket next to him, signaling for Richie to sit, which he gladly did.
    “Ya know Stan, I still don’t see many birds.”
    “We just got here. They’ll come. We just have to be quiet and wait.”
    The two boys sat together in the comfortable silence they’ve come to enjoy over so many years of friendship. Stan shifted slightly and his hand brushed against Richie’s. Both pretended not to notice the other’s cheeks become a subtle shade of pink, because there’s no way it could be because of the other. Richie was watching Stan and suddenly his face lit up.
    “What do you see, Stanny?” Richie asked, and the small bird looked towards them briefly before choosing to ignore them.
    “Be quiet,” Stan whispered, pointing to the small brown bird in the tree, “it’s up there.”
    “Is that a pigeon?” Richie asked, his voice hardly a whisper.
    Stan shook his head, he should’ve known Richie would treat this as a joke, but he told him anyway, “It’s a black-billed cuckoo. Coccyzus erythropthalmus. One of the few cuckoo species that look after their own eggs. They’re omnivorous, mainly eat insects though,”
    Stan continued speaking about the bird and Richie intently listened, eyes shifting from the bird and towards Stan. He looked at Stan’s brown eyes and his smile reached them. Stan looked genuinely happy and his passion made Stan look all the more beautiful to Richie. He wanted to kiss him and tell him how beautiful he looked when he was passionate, but he kept quiet, knowing Stan could never reciprocate.
    Stan stopped speaking and Richie pointed over to a tree branch directly above them, the two boys laid back, “What about that Stan? Is that a pigeon?”
    Stan shook his head, “Richie, it's safe to say we won’t see many pigeons here.”
    “But we have, because that’s a pigeon, right?”
    Stan shook his head again, this time letting out a soft chuckle, “No. It’s a great crested flycatcher. Myiarchus crinitus. It’s the most widespread member of its genus. It’s almost always in the treetops. It actually doesn’t have sexual dimorphism like most birds do. Males and females generally look the same.”
    Richie stared at Stan again, looking at his soft lips and wondering how they’d feel against his own.
    “Richie,” Richie was still in his own head when Stan lightly smacked his shoulder, and he became aware of how dark it suddenly was, “Rich. It’s getting dark. We should go home now.”
    Richie sat back up and nodded, before standing and helping Stan fold his blanket, “You know Uris, I really enjoyed being here today. Would it be okay if I came with you next week?”
    Stan smiled widely, nodding his head. Maybe he didn’t need new friends to bird watch with him. Maybe he just needed Richie. Richie who made him laugh, and who laughs at Stan’s jokes even when he doesn’t understand it. Richie, who he had a huge crush on.
    Weeks go by and Stan and Richie fell into their comfortable rhythm. Every Monday after school, the pair meet up at Stan’s locker, they leave, and find their favorite tree to sit under. Well, Stan’s favorite tree to sit under, Richie doesn‘t know enough about trees to have a favorite, but if Stan likes that one then there must be a reason why. Every time they see a bird Richie asks “is that a pigeon?”, to which Stan always replies with a whole slew of information about the bird, and slowly Richie begins to understand why Stan loves this so much. Richie compulsively performs for the world to feel seen, but Stan sees him, and he sees more than just “trashmouth”. Stan sees Richie as the smart, funny, loyal friend that he is. It’s easy to forget Richie’s act is just that, an act, but Stan never does. That’s why I love him , Richie thinks to himself.
    “Hello? Earth to Richie? You okay?” Eddie asked, waving his hand in front of his face.
    Richie shook his head, coming out of his daze, “Huh? Yeah Spaghetti man. Just thinking about your mom.”
    The rest of the losers let out a small chuckle, the one they let out whenever Richie makes a “classic Richie” joke.
    “Oh very funny, trashmouth. Come up with some new material.”
    “Can’t. I have a brand, Eds. Would you ask John Mulaney to stop talking about his wife?” Richie looked at Eddie with a smile that screamed ‘you know I’m right’.
    Eddie turned away from his friend, this time addressing the group as a whole, “So like I was saying, Stan, are you still looking for people to join your bird watching club?”
    “I mean it’s hardly a club. It’s just Richie and I.” Stan looked at his friend and they exchanged soft smiles.
    “S...o do you want us t-to join?” Bill asked, “If we’re all there maybe m-more people would c-come.”
    “Strength in numbers,” Bev added.
    “If you guys want. Nobody is gonna force you to, but if you think you’d have fun go ahead. Meet us at my locker after 8th period today.”
    So they did, and Stan led them down towards the quarry, like he did the first time he took Richie, except this time, they didn’t sit down under their usual tree. Instead, opting to walk south a few extra yards before settling down. Per usual Stan and Richie sat next to each other, personal space hardly existing, Bill and Eddie to Stan’s left and Mike, Bev, and Ben to Richie’s right.
    “So when do the birds show up?” Mike wondered.
    Stan went to reply, but before he could Richie whispered his reply, “Well, sometimes we don’t see any, but it helps to be quiet.”
    The rest of their friends looked at the pair quizzically, disbelieving that Richie would find interest in a hobby that involved such quiet, reading their reactions, Stan quietly told the losers that, no, Richie did not, in fact, scare the birds away.
    A few moments passed before Ben pointed to Stan and Richie’s usual bird watching tree, “What’s that?” he asked.
    “That’s a calliope hummingbird. Selasphorus calliope. It’s named after the Greek muse Calliope. It’s actually late in the season to be seeing one this far north.” Richie told Ben. This time even Stan was surprised at Richie’s answer.
    Stan looked up at Richie, looking pleasantly surprised by his friend’s knowledge, “I never told you about them,”
    “I know, but I fell in love, so I did some research of my own,” Richie replied, smiling sheepishly and staring directly into Stan’s eyes, trying to say three very important words without actually speaking.
    “With bird watching?” Stan asked, his heart beating out of his chest, face red. He was returning Richie’s gaze and, hey Stan hadn’t noticed his hand was on Richie’s, no need to move it though. That would make it a thing , and it’s not a thing .
    Richie gulped and his smile went from sincere to playful, as he tried to laugh off what he said, “Of course. Bird watching.”
    Ben and Bev exchanged looks, wordlessly saying “Bird watching, my ass” and “We’ll talk later” to each other, respectively before shaking the moment off, returning their eyes to the bird.
    “Hey guys, what about that one?” Eddie asked, grabbing the pair’s attention and removing the two from each other's gaze and to the new bird, Stan’s hand lingering a moment longer before slowly removing it from Richie’s own and answering Eddie’s question.
    As the sun began to set the losers all head out of the woods and made their separate ways. Ben deciding to take the long way home to talk to Bev about what they noticed earlier.
    Bev was the first of the pair to speak, “So, you know we can’t go to the next meeting, right?”
    “Of course. I’m sure bird watching is fun, but we were definitely sitting in on their thing . It would be like if everyone else sat around watching us when we show each other new music.”
    “Exactly. So how are we going to convince everyone else not to go?”
    The rest of the week came and went, and it was Monday again. Just as they did the week before everyone had gathered around Stan’s locker.
    “Are you guys ready to go bird watching again?” Mike asked his friends, “I had fun last week” he added.
    “You know,” Ben said, drawing out the ‘o’ sound of the word, “I wish we could, but don’t you remember we all have, uh…”
    “Band practice!” Bev interjected, “Remember?”
    “I...don't…” Eddie said, confused by the couple.
    Beverley shifted her eyes quickly to Stan and Richie who were quickly becoming suspicious of their friends.
    “Oh! Right!” Mike exclaimed, “Band practice! Don’t you remember, Bill?”
    “Uh, sure. We all have band practice.” Bill replied, nodding, still confused, but figuring his friends would explain later when they were alone.
    “Are you guys okay? I don’t remember ever making a fucking band, let alone agreeing to rehearse on a Monday . Who does that?”
    Bev laughed nervously, trying to signal to Eddie to shut up and ask questions later before dragging him by the arm away from Stan and Richie and the rest of their friends following.
    “Well that was weird” Stan pointed out.
    “I know” Richie stated, “Why weren’t we invited to be in the band?”
    Stan stopped at their usual tree, grabbing Richie’s arm to signal him to stop walking when he continued. “Oh, we’re sitting here again?”
    “Yeah. This is our tree.” He said, sitting down, still holding his friend’s arm as he followed suit sitting down on the ground. Stan inched closer to Richie before putting his head on Richie’s shoulder.
    “Long day, buddy?” Stan couldn’t help but feel disappointed by the word ‘buddy’, but outwardly he didn’t show it.
     Richie took Stan’s hand and gently rubbed his knuckles, just two bros , Richie thought to himself. Just a friend comforting a friend , “What happened?”
     Stan sighed, “Nothing really, just usual school stuff.”
    “So its a personal thing? You can tell me anything, Stan. You know that. We tell each other everything.”
    Stan gulped, looking up in the treetop before noticing a brown bird and pointing up at it, “Look at that.” Stan said, almost a little too loudly, excited to have a distraction from the conversation.
    “Is that a pigeon?” Richie asked, as he always did.
    “No. Well, actually, they’re in the same family. It’s a mourning dove. Zenaida macroura. It’s actually one of the most widespread birds in North America and it’s a popular game bird.”
    For the first time since joining the club, Richie zoned out. Instead just watching Stan speak passionately and smiling at his friend as he watched Stan crane his neck to see the bird, knowing Stan’s neck would hurt later before shrugging it off and saying it was worth it. He kept thinking about how much he admired Stan’s passion for birds, and for everything he loved even if he was alone in that passion. How Stan is always trying to take an interest in the passions of his other friends, because Stan loved to see his friends happy, and how it’s a shame none of them tried to love his interest in birds sooner.
    Stan asked Richie a question, and when he didn’t respond Stan lightly tapped his friend’s face, “Pay attention to the bird, ninny. Look at them, not me.”
    Richie shifted over a little bit and Stan took his head off the taller boy’s shoulder, “Hey Stan, I have an unrelated question. Doves are a symbol of love, right?”
    “And so are lovebirds.”
    “So are lovebirds pigeons too?”
    “No. They’re actually a species of parrot. Why?”
    “Well, people call couples lovebirds right, and Ben and Bev are a couple.”
    “Richie, I don’t understand where you’re going with this.”
    “Just, sh. I’m going somewhere with this I promise.”
    “Okayy…” Stan said, staring at his friend, becoming more confused as every second passed.
    “Well sometimes I look at the way they act, and how we act towards each other, and I think ‘maybe we’re kinda similar’. Basically, what I’m trying to say is-”
    Stan interrupted Richie, “I love you too, doofus.”
    Richie’s face lit up, feeling a ten-pound weight come off his chest and his smile spreading from ear to ear, “Really?”
    “Yes. Really.” Stan said, returning Richie’s wide smile, and it would have gotten wider if that were at all possible as Richie placed his hand gently on Stan’s cheek and he leaned in and placed a kiss on Stan’s lips. It was, for lack of a better term, very them. It was a little awkward for a second before they relaxed and just let everything fall into place. It felt right, like they should’ve done this years ago, back in that summer, even, when Richie was too busy chasing some asshole closet case when he had known who he really wanted was his best friend. When he could’ve had him for years by now. Richie chuckled at the thought and Stan pulled away, his joy quickly turning into anxiety that he had done something wrong, “What’s so funny, Rich?”
    “Just that we should’ve done this ages ago.”
    Stan’s smile came back, “agreed,” he said before pulling Richie into another kiss.
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Symphogear, Ep. 6 (Cont.)
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Hibiki, having seen a horror upon horrors, immediately asks Tsubasa if she’s okay. Tsubasa points out she’s a hospital patient, why would you ask this question, you insensitive prick. Hibiki points to the following scene:
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Now, you may be asking yourself. “How does a formerly comatose person who is now bedridden on an IV drip manage to do this much damage?” Simply put, Tsubasa has a very chaotic aura. She doesn’t even have to take stuff out of her room; the places she goes to just naturally wind up like this. It’s a metaphor for how much of an absolute mess this person is simply by existing.
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“l-look i just- its hard to organize things and- im more of a visual person and-”
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Hibiki unwittingly gets her revenge on Tsubasa. She doesn’t realize it, but her lecturing Tsubasa on what an absolute mess every facet of her life is could possibly be heralded as her lowest point in the entire series.
No, wait. Thinking about it now, this is her second lowest. We won’t see her lowest until GX comes along.
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“hibiki, every single bone in my body is broken, you dont have to break my pride too”
Hibiki, being an absolute darling, actually picks up Tsubasa’s mess. This is more than she can say about her own messes.
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“haha, miku usually does this for me! wait- wait a minute.”
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“i dont get it. i tried to kill you. i tormented and ignored you. i refused to help you for months. i failed to train you on any facet of combat as your senior. i nearly let you get kidnapped and, failing that, nearly killed myself while making you watch, which ALSO didnt help you not get kidnapped aside from scaring the shit out of that weird lady. why are you... helping me?”
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“because either we’re going to be very good friends or im going to toss you out the window personally!”
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“oh god, that aggression screams kanade. i cant not like her.”
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Absolutely annihilated. Just kick her while she’s down in her Taco Bell spiral of humiliation and self-discovery, Hibiki.
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“it’s okay, tsubasa! you may be a terminal dumbass, but im sure if we all work together, we can share our braincells and become collectively smarter, for each other!”
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“interesting theory. how many ya got?”
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They trade the kind of banter two people with 0 brain cells would have and then Tsubasa points out Hibiki is doing a great job in her place.
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Meanwhile, in the library, Miku is looking at books, as she does what she says she’s gonna do, unlike a certain other person cavorting with cute idols.
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“The Gay Way: How to Get Your Same Sex Relationship Back On Track, by Dr. Lesbe Honest. wow, this one is right up my alley.”
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Okay, I’m gonna be honest with you. I literally forgot they show you the title in this. Imagine my face when I made up that title on the spot only to be hit with this little number. Holy shit, Symphogear. There’s this thing called subtlety. I’m begging you. We get it.
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Okay. Okay. Let’s get that out of our system. The worst is over. This is the, uh, crescendo of the bad side plot as it inevitably sets itself on the road to resolution. I’m not going to have an aneurysm. My brain is not going to split itself in half. We’re good. I swear, we’re good.
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Tsubasa, meanwhile, wants to understand why Hibiki fights, wrestling with the Da Vinci code that is her own emotions. She points out the fight against the Noise isn’t a game, and it ain’t no comic book bullshit either. It’s real, it’s out there, and it’s not pretty yet easily marketable as cute mascots. And what does our protagonist say? No making it up, she literally says:
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“i dunno”
Not a damn brain cell in her body, but props for keeping it real. I’d likely say the same thing.
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This is the face of someone currently sucking air through their teeth at the raw frustration that someone would be dumb enough to risk their life for the sake of only helping others.
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“listen. im gonna keep it real here. i suck at literally everything. math. social studies. writing. helping people is all i have, because its not a competition. you just... you do it. you dont get better at helping people, you just help. like, thats it. i dunno what else to tell you.”
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Then Hibiki points out that she feels it all started with Kanade saving her, and the speech implies its a ‘pay it forward’ sort of affair. She was saved, and so she should save others. Unfortunately, it comes off more as a guilt complex. “I lived, and I feel bad about that, so I gotta save everyone else” kind of stuff.
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“its my coping mechanism for my countless traumas!”
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“i get it now. you’re just as much of a mess as i am. you just dont show it as much. that kinda thinking’s gonna get you killed.”
Tsubasa then correctly points out that it is a kind of survivor’s guilt, where she wants to be released from the pain of old wounds, completely unaware of the irony of her statement.
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“yeah. i get ya. we’re both wrecks. but... we can be wrecks working together.”
This would be the part where she says I’M SORRY but apparently we just don’t fucking do apologies in Symphogear, huh? Too good for ‘em, eh?! God.
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Then they go outside and talk more about stuff and Durandal. The summation:
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“do you have the capacity to live a life forever kicking ass?”
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Hibiki, coming to terms with how she wants to deal with shit, manages to sharpen (haw) her resolve as to who she is and how she uses her abilities.
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“i cant believe hibiki is having an affair with an attractive idol popstar. especially my favorite one from their old band. not only is she cheating on me, but she’s cheating on me from one of the five people on my lists id immediately get with if i had the chance. it feels like a double betrayal. a real life one, and a fantasy one... why do i find this weirdly hot...?”
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“ive come to take my throne. i’ll take the ‘one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” and have the three eggs over easy with the ‘easy sleazy pancakes’”
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“make it an extra lonely helping. this is gonna be a long afternoon.”
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“ahhh. a freshly cucked newcomer coming to the cuck and buck to duck amongst their bad luck run amok, huh?”
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“listen dont sass me about my busy girlfriend with your dr. seuss antics just gimmie the food and lets get this over with”
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“no problem! sorry, they just come easy. it’s hard to buck at the cuck and buck when rhymes you huck make you wanna fu-”
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Miku then ponders about how her feelings may have spiraled from a process of over thinking, or possibly hunger. Maybe both. Maybe Hibiki isn’t cheating on her. Maybe the reasons are more complicated than she knows. She briefly contemplates communication; a futile gesture when it is Hibiki safeguarding a secret she is forced to keep for incredibly stupid reasons.
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“thanks for the food, miss. it really helped sort my feelings out.”
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“no probs, kid. here at the cuck and buck, the only thing we cuck here is... our hearts.”
Meanwhile, Hibiki is still hanging with Tsubasa. Hey, if you’re gonna hang out with a critically acclaimed popstar, might as well squeeze every minute out of it, right?
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“so... taco bell, huh? im surprised you actually like taco bell now. maybe you just like fast food styled psuedo-mexican restraunts? have you tried chipotle?”
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“i... maybe you’re right, actually. i’ve grown to love taco bell, but... maybe i should expand my horizons. kanade did say... singing makes you hungry. maybe thats what she meant. i should take to new life experiences...”
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“yeah! i can take you to all the good fast food places i know!”
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“dont you have a girlfriend?”
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“she can join us! she’s a big fan of you after all!”
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“hey- hey wait! m- more friends? more... more friends... more friends.....”
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“more friends...”
Meanwhile, a crisis develops.
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Chris, having heard the f-word (friendship), is heading immediately to do the exact opposite of this.
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She’s taken some pointers from Tsubasa, t-posing to assert dominance.
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“how the fuck is she even flying”
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“i cant wait to tell hibiki how much i love and appreciate her despite the weird NTR aura surrounding this whole situation”
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“yeah, that’s right! i’m meeting the Gremlin in the park for an asskicking, don’t worry!”
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“oh, speak of the devil! hibiki! i love and appreciate you despite the weird ntr auras!”
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“miku- wait. oh no. i saw this happen in sam reimi’s spiderman 3. im fucked.”
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I know I’ve joked about homewrecking, but this is ridiculous.
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Chris realizes there’s someone else around she may have potentially hurt. This is surprising, given murder is not something she has shyed away from, but she’s slowly climbing that ladder of morality, so cut her some slack for taking it one rung at a time.
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“im losing my girl. losing my grip. now im about to lose my life. this NTR business truly is the worst.”
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Chris has accidentally employed the Dio Brando style of disposing of people, which consists of throwing a vehicle and smashing them until dead.
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“you’ve taken one step too close to my heartstrings, Gremlin, and for that you’re about to understand the full definition of an ass kicking.”
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Hibiki fucking punches the car. Everything is forgiven in this episode for now.
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“i... hibiki... are you... a street fighter character? holy shit. oh my god. hibiki oh my god you’re a street fighter character. thats been the true problem here. you’re a street fighter character now. oh my god. cheating? how could i have thought cheating was involved? you were literally just becoming a straight up superhero! oh my god. the abs! the washboard abs! the signs were all around me! the only thing you went to do behind my back was kick ass!”
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“i’m sorry. i need to go kick ass now.”
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The good news is all that tension just got evaporated. Miku sorta gets the truth now: her girlfriend hasn’t been cheating on her, she’s just been trying to save the local tri-county area from the grips of inter-dimensional alien eldritch entities controlled by a Gremlin and her Mistress. It’s a lot to take in, though.
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These two are about to fight head to head. Last time, Hibiki was but the pupil. Now, she is the Master.
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“can’t touch me, goldie locks. lemme do you a favor and CRACK THAT WHIP!”
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“oh my god hibiki’s gonna fight that weird looking person”
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“naruto running deeper into the woods isn’t gonna stop me from beating your ass senseless, fists for brains”
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“thats because i wanna talk, asshole”
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“wait. wait, what? you... you want to talk? to me?”
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Hibiki proceeds to aggressively describe herself to her. Name, identity, blood type, age, the works. This is because she’s trying to befriend her, because Hibiki feels fighting people is bad, and that talking is more useful than fighting. This is a recipe for suicide, normally, but in this instance...
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“what in the goddamn hell... i... um... nice.. to meet you...?”
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Hibiki deploys a counter-T-Pose to show kinship, feeling that they don’t have to fight like this since they’re not Noise.
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“talk may be cheap but it’ll make kicking your ass all the more easier, nerd”
Chris learns this, in fact, does not make the ass kicking all the more easier. Hibiki’s fresh new moves manage to dodge whip after whip of Chris’s attacks, and it’s really starting to annoy her a lot.
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“pain in the ass. so you learned how to fight, huh? fine. you’ll tire out eventually.”
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“let’s just talk, seriously! or maybe we can bond over board games-”
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“i FUCKING hate board games. the fuck are you, a grandma? just fight already! people cant understand each other anyway!”
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“i was told to kidnap you. but im exerting a loophole today; no one told me to do it alive”
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“the only kidnapping going down is me, sleeping in on a thursday afternoon forgetting class exists, you neon porcupine. so come at me. can’t kick me ass if you dont come any closer, right?”
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“ive watched the entirety of dragonball z, i know exactly how this fight’s gonna go down”
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“finally. looks like i got y- hey, wait, what?”
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“ARE YOU ABSOLUTELY JANKING MY LEG? THIS BITCH IS LITERALLY GOKU? PULLING KAMEHAMEHAS AND SHIT? WHY? god. its me. yukine chris. why do you hate me. why do you drag me through all this shit only to be hit in the head with some real anime baloney. why. please. have some mercy.”
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“i dont know what a goku is but sure, yeah, why not”
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“im going to kill her. oh my god. she doesnt even know who goku is.”
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“get that tentacle shit away from me. im not fucking around anymore. we’re going to have a heart to heart whether you like it or not!”
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“oh shit she found my weakness. really close melee combat.”
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Hibiki punched her so hard that she physically destroyed the entire armor Chris was wearing in a single blow.
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“she... she doesnt punch ME like that... i mean, probably because she loves me, but..”
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“did... did she just kill that person...? hibiki...? you, uh... you alright...?”
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