#I was working on this all week:P
floydsteeth · 6 months
Licht doodle page!!!!:3
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legostars · 7 months
(This is going to flop anyways.. and I was bored)
You were looking for a job, for a long-long time now. You kept applying for jobs but none of them accepted you. (Bro you're just like my mom.)
One day, as you were about to give up hope. An email was sent to you, you took a glimpse and saw that you have been chosen to be an employee of the poppy playtime co. you screamed happily about it. You finally got a job! The email was long to be read, but you read it all just to be sure. At the end of the email, it said that you will be starting tomorrow morning at 6:00 Am in the early of the morning.
You set your alarm and went to bed, you slowly closed your eyes... And drifted to sleep. The next morning, you woke up from your alarm and set it off. You took a quick shower and ate some early breakfast. (Egg omelette🍳)
You rode on your motorbike (or whatever you ride idc) and drove to the poppy playtime co. a famous toy factory. You were so surprised at how big it is, You went in and was greeted by some employees. One of the employees told you that you have been put to work in playcare orphanage. You were surprised about it, a factory and also an orphanage? Well that's surprisingly cool.
You followed the other employees where they were leading you too (time skip bc I'm lazy as shi-)
You ride on some sort of an elevator, and see the whole entire area of the playcare. You saw an orphanage, a toy shop, a circus tent, a school, and a building for the employees. And in the middle of the playcare area you saw Gigantic statues of eight smiling critters that the employees told you about. They also mention that you will love your new co. Partner.
At the end of the elevator, some employees gave you the uniform you will be wearing. You put on your uniform, an orange T- shirt with a sun pin and dog ear headband. (You're a dog on a Leash now>:] )
The employees told you that you might see your co. Partner if you walk around, you nodded and just walked around a little. A child came running to you and hugged you and said "Miss dogday!"
Miss dogday? What on earth is the child talking about? Well, you decided to ignore that and gave the child a pat. "Hi there, kiddo." The child smiled and pulled your hand as she led you somewhere.
"Dogday! Dogday! They're here! They're here!"The child shouted. You were confused as the child shouted the word dogday again, you look towards where the child was looking in a direction and saw, a tall orange dog with a sun pendant. He was like 8 ft. Tall for a dog tho.
"Slow down, kiddo." You chuckled as she led you to dogday. Dogday then turned around to see you, he put on a wide smile and walked towards you and the kid and then bends down. "Alright, Tiffany.. thank you for leading them here." He smiled at the child and gave her a pat on the head as she giggled and ran towards the other children. "Well, I do apologise if the child was dragging you here." He scratched the back of his head and put on a nervous smile. You chuckled and shook your head. "It's fine, really.." You smiled at dogday, you can clearly see his tail wagging, because of it, you let out a small laugh. Dogday smiled as you laughed. "Well, come on angel. I'll give you a short tour of this place" You nodded as you followed dogday.
He showed you around, the school, the orphanage, the toy shop, the play place, the circus, and finally your office and where the other employees are. "Well, that's the end of the tour!"
(I made this during class so I had to continue it tomorrow or next week:P)
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livecharliereaction · 10 months
longer ramble (post tsumihoroboshi part 5)
enough higuing today OK: im rly liking the different protags btw meakashi shion pov and now the rena bits it works VERY WELL! But it also rly makes sense that the first 3 had to be keiichi because to understand renas/shions/rly anyone elses thoughts you have to understand some things about hinamizawa itself so making us play from the pov of a guy who just got here? its kinda the only option. I think those last tips r from the "evil rika" by the way so like demon allegations never stop with her + sonozakis. which of course makes SENSE three families n all that. i think satokos outbursts seem sort of normal for a traumatized child and as i said before; rena can do ANYTHING and ill forever just be able to brush it off with a "ohh shes a weird girl i guess :P" and now that she killed 2 people again i am not changing this statement in the slightest. She can just do that. Let her do whatever the hell she wants ETC. But clearly not a demon from three families with how she describes it all.
In shion pov she did actually call this "evil rika" a demon too so calling her that suffices for now. They do keep saying that the elderly think of rika as a reincarnation of oyashiro. i mean i dont think id be too off the mark to just call that "evil rika" oyashiro but i think its a term made up by the villagers instead of her REAL name so im just gonna call her "evil rika" until they provide me a better way to call her.
I also think that she will be the way this ties into umineko. I know a few facts... 1. theres a character with the same voice casting i dont remembr her name but u know the one who kinda looks like her anyways 2. the playing order should be higurashi first if at all and then umineko because theres characters who will refer to something that happened in higurashi/something youll understand if you have played higurashi... But like even aside from this kinda meta information i know theres a girl who looks like rika a lil too much. OH IDEA? Its just another oyashiro reincarnation 8 generations before or 8 generations after higurashi. Ok that might be jumping to conclusions a little but just something to state so itll be funny to look back at either if that happens OR its actually super false as hell
...as a matter of fact I used to think the other umineko character looked a LOT like satoko but i saw her on the tl the other day i think n i dont think so anymore. Color palettes more similar to miyo takano if i HAD to choose n that seems like a stretch too. OK but i need to mute the wtc tags though because were in peak spoiler territory i feel... Ok.
Also last thing: that time of rena stating she wants to go back in time immediately cut to all of the guys having a nice time without a single mention of the people rena killed (ofc - keiichi pov) but in a way RIGHT NOW? its kinda out in the open if that DID happen until we get rena pov again which i find a little fun.
Oh but one thing does still bother me to no end... Renas mentions of seeing oyashiro before makes literally no sense with the information we have so far. BUT ONCE AGAIN. renas just kinda weird. Maybe thats a conclusion she made because well shes a little weird and also mentioned to be like actually mentally ill. Man how did they write a character like that where shes my absolute #1 favorite no shot but then i trust literally nothing she says??? So funny. Love her
stopping for today though i mean i want to continue but we have to have SOME self discipline left so it all doesnt end in like a week:P ok bye
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birds-of-the-sur · 5 years
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Finally have a Robot Design I’m happy with:0
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grumpykt · 7 years
Feedback is great!
Reminders! As fans that get fan fic, scenarios, headcanons, fan art and other media mostly for free (commissions aside) the least we can do is leave feedback. 
If you love a piece of fan art, reblog it, leave fun tags! Even if it’s just a simple “this is so cute” that is still super appreciated by most artists! If it’s a fan fic that you liked reading, leave a kudos at the very least. If you really loved it, or want to read it again, bookmark it and write your own tags for that too. If you have a comment, leave one! Even if it’s just you saying what part you liked the best, or a simple “I loved reading this” I can guarantee the writer will appreciate it. Everytime I leave a comment on a fic, the author has a happy response.
If you haven’t noticed, on ao3 anyway, all feedback is super low. Even on the most popular fics, percentage-wise it’s horrible. I decide to a read a fic if the premise is interesting, but also if it has like... at least 10% kudos to reads. A fic that has 20k reads and 1000k kudos vs a fic that has 500 reads and 200 kudos is very different, and the 1000k kudos will still show up higher on the list even though it’s a lower percentage. So leaving kudos will help others know that it’s worth the read.
A popular fic that gets 10k readthroughs might get like 1000 kudos, which is silly cause that implies that 9000 people didn’t like it? Which really makes no sense either. That’s a lot of people that didn’t want to leave feedback and that’s too bad because if we want creators to keep creating stuff for us, we have to support them.
If you’re embarrassed about leaving a comment or reblogging, maybe make an account without your personal info in it. That’s what I did. For example, I can leave a super enthusiastic comment to an author that wrote really good daisuga smut (which I did this week:P) and i’m not self conscious because almost no one knows my ao3 account. And that’s very freeing:)
If it’s on tumblr, go on anon if that’s an option! Lots of creators understand and still love anon messages. Or ask them to answer it privately (if you’re not on anon) and they can do that too:)
Especially if you really like a specific artist or writer, let them know. There’s no way for them to know how you felt about their work unless you tell them.
Also, commissions! There’s this stigma around commissioning like it’s sooo expensive but it isn’t always some far-fetched price. Lots of creators have different price points for different things, and again, that’s how they make a living/are supported. You’re paying for something custom, that someone with the skills you probably don’t have, is going to create for you. They deserve to be compensated fairly.
I know some creators take requests, and that’s incredibly kind of them. But if you’ve ever tried to learn how to use a drawing tablet, or write a functional story with feeling, you know that it’s not just magically created. It’s all time and hard work that someone is using for you, for free, and they don’t have to do that. 
I could rant all day about this, and I’ve already written so much, so i’ll leave it here. SUPPORT YOUR FAVES - you get so much shit for free, feedback literally costs you nothing.
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