#Lichts hair is so much fun to draw :3
floydsteeth · 6 months
Licht doodle page!!!!:3
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pocket-luv101 · 4 years
Happiness || Chapter 9
Fandom: Servamp Characters: Mahiru, Kuro, Licht, Hyde Pairings: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side)
Summary: Mahiru found a baby in front of his orphanage and he thought that it belonged to Kuro. But the infant could be the key to finding his lost mother. {Historical Romance// Family AU}
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || Ch.3 || Ch.4 || Ch.5 || Ch.6 || Ch.7 || Ch.8 || (Ch.9) ||
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“I don’t know if this is a good idea, Hyde. Your plan can endanger Machi and a loud party will only make her feel uneasy. She’s not comfortable around new people.” Mahiru said after Hyde suggested they use a party to gather information. There was also a chance they could meet the man who attempted to take Machi a few days earlier. “Maybe a simple tea party would be better.”
“From experience, the best place to gather information is a large party. People’s lips become loose with alcohol and dancing.” Hyde told him. “We can throw the party at the Alicein’s inn since they have a large ballroom. The inn is in the countryside but the Servamp name will be enough to draw to make people travel here. If you’re worried about Machi, we won’t introduce her formally.”
Mahiru had never attended a formal party or dance so he didn’t know what to expect. Machi looked up at him with a trusting smile and he recalled how tense she was when he first found her. He wanted to protect her so she would never have to be alone again. He turned to Kuro and asked, “Must we take Machi to this party? I can stay home to watch her. I’ll be out of place at the party anyways.”
“Licht and I will be busy searching for that man. We need your help to gather information and look for people who already know about Machi. We both know that Kuro is hopeless in a conversation. You’re not a nobleman like us but you should be able to blend in well.” Hyde reasoned but Mahiru’s concerned expression never left his face.
As if Machi could sense how tense Mahiru was, she tugged lightly on his shirt so he would look down at her. The three couldn’t understand her as she babbled but he nodded along with her. She sat on his knees and leaned forward towards the table. Kuro didn’t know what she wanted but he grabbed a random spoon for her to play with. Then, she held out the spoon to Mahiru.
“Thank you, Machi, but it’s not dinner time yet. You can play with it though.” He said and fondly patted her brown hair. Machi nodded and began to chew on the silver spoon. Kuro watched the two interact and he thought of the carefree smile his siblings had. Once they entered high society, they didn’t smile as brightly. He didn’t want the same thing to happen to Mahiru and Machi.
“I don’t think we should throw Mahiru and Machi into the den of wolves. You know how they can be, Hyde.” Kuro had been quiet throughout most of the discussion because he didn’t know what they should do. He was all too aware of the ton could be. They would be quick to gossip the moment they saw Mahiru at the ball. It would be easy to find information throughout the party. Yet, he didn’t want Mahiru to be forced to endure their stares and judgement. “Lily will be there and he can help us.”
“We need to be careful that this doesn’t turn into a scandal. Once people start gossiping about Machi, it’ll be difficult to find the truth among the rumours. I had to go through fifty stories after my mother disappeared.” Hyde relented. “I’ll send out the invitations tomorrow. There are a few gentlemen I would like to speak with again. If rumours are to be believed, she ran away with all of them.”
“I’ll talk to Misono about borrowing his inn for our little plan.” Mahiru wanted to do more to help Kuro. He wasn’t familiar with the world Kuro grew up in so he wouldn’t know what to do at the formal party. A simple countryman would likely embarrass a duke. He pushed those thoughts aside and looked down at Machi. “It looks like we’ll be spending Friday night alone. What do you want to do, Machi?”
The baby couldn’t reply to him but Kuro said, “I wish I could skip the party and stay home with you two. You’re much better company than those people with fake smiles. I moved here to avoid formal balls and wearing stuffy clothes. I think I’ve forgotten how to be a duke after so long. Not that I was any good at that to begin with. Troublesome.”
Hyde nodded solemnly. “I like parties but these balls are terrible. No one goes to a ball for wine or dancing. Everyone has an ulterior motive so it’s impossible to enjoy yourself there. The moment someone asks me to dance, I know it’s my family name they’re after.”
“It must be complicated.” Mahiru looked between the brothers. The kindness in his brown eyes tugged at Kuro’s heart and he wished he would be at the party. No matter what kind of situation they found themselves in, he felt more confident with Mahiru by his side. He was certain the party would be more fun with him as well.
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“That tree looks like it’ll be the perfect fit for the inn.” Mahiru said and Kuro followed the direction he pointed to. Misono agreed to let them use his inn for the party but he asked for a Christmas tree in exchange. The inn would put up a large tree in their ballroom but Misono was too busy to search for a tree. Mahiru was more than happy to help his friend.
Kuro lightly pulled on the horse’s reins to stop the sled. He stepped out and then held up his hand to help Mahiru down from the sled. The snow was slippery but Kuro helped him keep his balance. He wanted to continue to hold his hand but he let him go. “We brought the sled to carry a tree back to the inn but I don’t know how we’ll be able to place it inside.”
“It’ll be troublesome to drive back into town to get Hyde or Tetsu to help us. The sled can’t carry a lot of people either.” Kuro said and he tilted his head back to see the tip of the tree. He measured the tree’s height with his eyes and thought of how they can move it into the sled after they cut it down. Since Mahiru was carrying Machi in his arms, he couldn’t help him much. “I think I can move it on my own.”
“Are you sure? You’re strong but I don’t want you to be hurt by moving this thing on your own. There must be a way to put the tree in the sled together.” Mahiru stood next to the tree and placed his hand on the bark. He considered finding a smaller tree that would be easier to move. The children loved decorating the tree so they would be disappointed if they brought back a short one.
He looked down at Machi who was biting on a teething ring. Mahiru carried her in a baby sling but the tree branches could accidentally hit her if he picked up the tree. She was still young so he couldn’t put her down. He adjusted her hat over her head and she looked up at him with a wide smile. “What do you think we should do, Machi?”
“Boo!” She patted her hat and then pulled it down over her eyes. Quickly, she pushed it back up and repeated the word. She found the simple game of peekaboo immensely entertaining and laughed. Kuro chuckled too and fixed the hat back into place. She turned her head to observe the world around her with curious eyes. They would take Machi with them to the market but this was the first time she saw trees.
She appeared fascinated by the tall trees and stretched out her tiny hands towards the tip as if she could reach them. Mahiru wrapped his hands around her smaller one and gently swung them. “It looks like she wants this tree as well. She doesn’t know about Christmas yet but I’m sure she’ll love the holiday. There will be beautiful decorations and presents, Machi.”
“Licht gets twice the amount of presents because his birthday is on Christmas Eve. Will you be planning the party this year?” He asked and Mahiru nodded. Kuro missed spending the holidays with him after he left him. “This year will likely be busy because we have to take care of this little girl. Do you need help decorating the orphanage for the party?”
“The kids will help me.” Mahiru reassured him. He thought back to the first Christmas he spent without Kuro. Even though he was surrounded by people at a party, he felt lonely. He wanted to spend the night wrapped in Kuro’s arms under the covers. Instead, he fell asleep by himself. He forced the memory from his mind and forced a smile onto his face. “Would you and Machi like to come over and eat Christmas cookies with us?”
“I can never say no to your cookies. A party with you and the children will be more fun than the ball Hyde is planning.” Kuro smiled at him and the sight caused Mahiru’s heart to race slightly. He was happy that he accepted the invitation but he reminded himself that he couldn’t become too hopeful. Mahiru didn’t know why Kuro left him but he couldn’t endure another heartbreak. He looked down at Machi and changed the topic.
“Licht’s birthday is soon. I wonder when Machi’s birthday is so I can bake a cake for her.” Mahiru tickled her cheek but then another thought made him pause. He was picturing a future where he would help Kuro raise Machi but he knew he shouldn’t. He offered to help him take care of the baby while they searched for his mother. Would they return to their separate lives in the future?
Mahiru shook the thought from his mind and turned back to the tree. “We should cut down this tree and hurry home. I don’t want Machi to be out in the snow for a long time or else she’ll get sick. We can move the tree into the sled quickly if we work together. I’ll cover Machi with her blanket and that will protect her from the branches.”
He started to arrange Machi’s blanket around her but then he noticed Kuro take off his jacket. He draped it over Mahiru’s shoulder and the fabric fell over Machi. Kuro placed his hand over her head and said, “She’ll be cold without the blanket so we can use my cloak. I’ll get the ax from the sled and cut down the tree. You should stand behind me so you won’t be hurt.”
“Okay.” Mahiru nodded and took a step back. He felt Machi start to fuss against his chest and he lifted Kuro’s cloak. He assumed she didn’t like the darkness since she was afraid of it. Comfortingly, he stroked her hair and reassured her. “It’s okay. You don’t need to be scared of the dark since it’s just Kuro’s cloak. Doesn’t it feel warm and soft? You’re safe.”
Mahiru rubbed the cloth against Machi’s cheek so she would be familiar with it and feel comfortable. She took the fabric in her hands and studied the cloak. He thought he could see understanding enter her eyes and she hugged the cloak as if it was a blanket. His eyes softened as he watched her fall asleep with the cloak wrapped around her. He found the cloak comforting as well but it was for a very different reason than Machi. The cloak smelled like Kuro and it felt like he was holding him again.
“Mahiru, are you ready?” Kuro’s voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he quickly nodded. He lifted the ax to cut the tree but he looked over his shoulder to see if Mahiru was a safe distance from the tree. He began to chop at the tree truck and it fell after a few precise strikes. He couldn’t help but admire Kuro’s strength. Mahiru covered Machi’s ear so the crashing sound wouldn’t startle her.
He walked to the tip of the tree where there were less branches that could hurt Machi. He made certain that Machi was still sleeping beneath the cloak before he picked up the tree. Mahiru struggled to drag the heavy spruce to the sled. The weight eased when Kuro picked up the other end and helped him. Together, they set the Christmas tree on the sled and tied it into place.
“That was easier than I thought it would be. You should take your cloak back or else you’ll catch a cold. We both know you’ll fake being sick to get out of the party, Kuro. I’ll make hot chocolate for us when we get back home.” Mahiru took his cloak and wrapped it around his shoulder. As he jokingly chastised him, Kuro chuckled and tousled his brown hair.
“You shouldn’t lecture me when you’re the one who has snow in his hair.” Kuro brushed the snow from his hair before he pulled his hood over his head. “If you continue to act so motherly, Machi will start calling you Mama like half of the orphans do.”
“No one calls me their mother.” Mahiru protested but there was a bright blush on his cheeks. He walked around him to climb onto the sled but he found that the tree took up more space than he thought it would. He doubted they would be able to ride safely in the sled and his brows furrowed. Kuro read his thoughts and unhooked a horse from the sled.
“We can all ride Ash back into town. My horse is strong enough to carry the three of us since Machi is light. The rest of the horses are trained to follow him.” He reasoned. “I’ll hold Machi so you can climb onto the Ash first.”
“I guess we don’t have a choice but to ride Ash.” Mahiru said and stroked the horse’s muzzle.
He handed Machi to Kuro and then placed his foot on the stirrup. With a strong hand on his back, Kuro supported him as he sat on the horse’s back. He held onto Ash’s mane as he leaned down to take Machi. Kuro climbed onto the horse behind them and wrapped his arms around Mahiru to take the reins. Kuro waited until the two were safe and comfortable on the horse before he lightly kicked the horse forward.
He thought of the summer nights they would ride the horse together. Despite the time that passed, the memories were still clear in his mind. Mahiru could feel his heat against his back and a part of him wanted to lean back into his body. Kuro placed his chin on his hair and he found himself relaxing into his hold. He tilted his head back and their eyes met. “Let’s go home.”
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princesandromeda · 7 years
Tagged by @ewig-schatten-und-licht to do this.
I’m 5'7" or taller (heck no, I’m a midget that doesn’t even reach 5’, I’ve been 4'11" for so long it’s not even funny it actually is and I encourage you to make fun of my height ;))
I wear glasses (they’re pretty, I guess)
I have at least one tatoo
I have at least one piercing
I have blonde hair (black-brown? It’s in my profile picture)
I habe brown eyes (chocolatey ♡)
I have short hair (long)
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces (something like that but I don’t know its name? And when I looked for it in google images it gave me pictures of a restaurant idk)
I love meeting new people (sometimes, idk, depends on my mood)
People tell me that I’m funny (quite contrary, I’ve been called a “sangrona” which is someone really mean to people in general, so if I’m somewhat mean to you please don’t take it personal)
Helping others witht heir problems is a bid priority for me (people don’t really entrust me with their problems, but I do offer help when I can, which includes venting)
I enjoy physical challenges
I enoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well (sangrona, te digo)
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (does it count for prophecies? ‘Cuz I’ve done a lot of those for TV shows and it’s not even funny now)
I can sing well
I can play an instrument (piano)
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (it’s been so long idk of I can do it anymore)
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well (no, but I practice sometimes)
I have good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling (but my sister has)
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (Japanese food, but meh)
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on my school’s sports team or somewhere else (Joined basketball as soon as I heard “Inter-high”, my knb heart will be the death of me)
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol (beer and gin are horrible, but I guess champaigne, vodka and wine are ok)
I have scored the winning goal at a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (two, actually)
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in a hospital or ER in the last year (food poisoning gave me an IV I cried for)
I have beaten a video game in one day (do hetagames count?)
I have visited another country (the States)
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship (just got out of one, don’t really want one atm)
I have a crush in a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least three relationships (one)
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for at least a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feeling for a friend (demi?)
I have at least one person I consider my “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together (haven’t been since I was 5)
I have at least one sibling (I think I rant too much about my twin, but I can’t help it, I love her)
I live in the United States (…of Mexico. No really, that’s its official name. I used to live in the states, that’s kinda where I learned English and my distaste for capital letters)
There is snow right now where I live (hasn’t been for at least 30 years)
I have hung out with a friend in the past month
I have a smartphone (that’s where I write fanfiction)
I have at least 15 CD’s
I share my room with someone (My sis)
I have breakdanced
I have had a teacher whose name is hard to pronounce
I have died my hair (I want to, though)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now (not rn, but I do it often)
I have punched someone in the last week (never)
I know someone who has gone to jail (no, but I know someone who will)
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today (not since I left the states)
I know what to do with my life (no, but I have a vague idea)
I speak at least 2 languages (even if proulex says otherwise)
I have made a new friend in the past year (yup, some)
Dunno if I missed any, I typed all these manually with html code. I’ll tag @lu-cto (aka my partner in fandom crime) but whoever wants to can do it.
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
why must angels be so goddamn aggressive?
Patty: *knocks on Liz's door* "Sis? You in there?" liz: *yaaawn* im up. Patty: "Huh...Thought you'd be spending the night with Wes." -at school- Meme: "...Wait...Anya? You still believe in Santa?!" Anya: =3= "Sh-Shut up!" tsugumi: i'm sure he'll bring you lots of presents! Anya: *pouts* "I hope so...I've been on good behavior..." ("Despite burying Kana in snow...") -elsewhere- Takehisa: *yaaaaaaawn* maki: morning commander. Takehisa: "Good mor--*yawn*-ning." maki: well, shinra and buddies already went to school... Takehisa: *half awake* "Good...Did they have a decent breakfast?" maki: *she nods* Takehisa: "Good..." *yawn* "I just can't wake up. I'll shower before Obi starts the meeting..." maki: *she nods* -at school- naho: *doodling* Black Star: "What're you drawing?" naho: nothing. >///-///> Black Star: "If it's nothin', then let me take a look..." o_o -pictures of naho as a magical girl princess, two guys, one blonde, one dark haired, holding her hands- naho: o///w///o Black Star: "...Um..." *steps back* "Okay..." -elsewhere- Ponera: *playing with the baby* "You don't think I'm clingy, do you?" grimoire: what makes you say that? Ponera: "Just...a sense I get. I tend to want things my way, not used to change very much, latch onto what is familiar..." grimoire: .... Ponera: *brushes hair over her ear* "Do you hate change?" grimoire: it is a part of life. Ponera: *holds up Neian* "Some good changes..." -elsewhere- Plush!Agey: *chasing GET* "Get back here! I'm need your circuit board for my Mini Death Robot!" GET: >Xo medea:...*looks at the box* are you going to behave yourself?? Yohei: *picks up Agey by the collar* Agey: "UNHAND ME!" Yohei: "Chie, you want to play with this thing? Or put it somewhere away from my electronics?" chie: hmmm.... maybe put him up in the spare room? medea:.....i think he's asleep now. akaderu: this place, once a safe haven for stray dokeshi, now a wasteland of plush toy debauchery....what a drag… Kepuri: -_- "No kidding." PlushFix: *snore* Shinoda: "Nea, I wanted to continue our earlier discussion--perhaps in my room?" medea: *put the box back on the shelf* nea: ah, right. Agey: "Omph!" PlushFix: *startled awake* "Huh? What? Pretty woman next to me?" Agey: -_-; "Far. From it." Shinoda: *leads Nea to his room...small smirk* -and so- Shinoda: *holds the slice of apple in his teeth, leaning down towards Nea's lips* nea: it is cold, right? Shinoda: *smiles, sighs, his breath shown* "Very." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *moping* "Any update?" sakuya: we got a list of school events for the winter. Mr. Tsubaki: *griiiiiins* "Anything good?" sakuya: *examines the calendar* lilac: winter...cultural festival? Mr. Tsubaki: *claps his hands* "Wonderful! A perfect season to get to know someone better!" sakuya:.......*remembering what mahiru had said to him* ...... belkia: sooo we're gonna crash the party so to speak? Mr. Tsubaki: " 'Crash' is too 'crass.' We're simply making a dynamic entrance." lavender: and that concert with 'little mr angel todoroki'? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, is that happening there, too?" lavender: i think that one is gonna be earlier this month. Shamrock: "Is it really a good idea to go to both?" otogiri: we already scheduled the concert performance, to back out of it now would be bothersome. Shamrock: *grunt* "Fine..." Mr. Tsubaki: *cheerful* "The more opportunities to be with my beloved..." -on the tv, a news reporter is speaking- Shamrock: "???" reporter: -kllyand todoroki will be preforming in death city for a limited time before taking hiatus to complete schooling at death city's very own DWMA. Shamrock: "...A student...at that school? Oh, the fans he is going to attract..." reporter: licht todoroki's manager, Rosen Kranz had this to say, 'Being on the road makes it rather difficult to meet people. I believe attending the school would be an excellent opportunity for Licht to make friends his own age and allow him a taste of a somewhat normal life' Mr. Tsubaki: T_T "I wish _I_ could go to school...next to her..." sakuya: *muttering* you being 5'5", you probably could pass as a student, but we got a few people at that school who are on to us... Mr. Tsubaki: "ARE YOU MOCKING MY HEIGHT?!!!" otogiri: sir, please calm down. Mr. Tsubaki: *cradles his Tsubaki Nakatsukasa plushie* "You don't think I'm short, do you?" -no verbal reply- Mr. Tsubaki: *using Nakatsukasa plushie like a puppet, falsetto* "Of course you are tall! You're big in every way possible!" sakuya: *excalibur face* I DID NOT NEED TO HEAR THIS! Mr. Tsubaki: *as plushie* "I meant his heart and soul!" Shamrock: -_- -elsewhere- Relan: *whispers in class* "Thanks again for letting me stay over last night." shinra: *he smiles* -later that day- Kid: "Any plans tonight?" stocking: nah, maybe just stay in, watch a movie, and enjoy some snuggle time on the couch~? *hugs his arm* Kid: *smiles, leans against her* "Some tea, treats, candy canes, too?" stocking: hehe~ you know me so well~ Kid: *smiles* "Stocking...There is so much I want to know about you...and I look forward to continuing to learn more." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "Well, let's depart for home--" *spots other students* "Oh..." stocking: ?? *Wes is talking with Liz and Soul* stocking: what's going on? Kid: "I don't know..." *approaches with Stocking* soul: dude, seriously? Wes: "What? I think it's pretty awesome!" liz: it'll sure make things more interesting here. haha! Kid: "??? Is this about the new student enrolling?" liz: yeah, you wont believe who it is. Kid: *turns to Stocking* "You heard the news, right?" stocking: no? liz: apparently that Austrian pianist is transferring to the school. stocking: oh, him! Wes: "Yep, Licht!" soul: you met him or nah? Wes: "Unfortunately, no. I heard rumors that he was in the audience of my concerts, but whenever I tried to meet him, it was a missed connection." soul: i see. -elsewhere- Hibana: *pours out tea for her and Gabriella* "I wanted to have this personnel meeting with you, regarding Kishiri's behavior." gabriella: and the helvitz girl? Hibana: *nods* "Kishiri may be a dependable soldier, but he is like any typical teenage boy: obsessed with sex, self-image, his own personal gain..." *sips her tea* "...Not like me, of course." gabriella: *she nods, listening* Hibana: "I have known boys like Kishiri all my life: they use girls for their own satisfaction, then toss them aside. So I want you and I to keep him honest--and if he gets out of line, I'M GOING TO RIP HIS BALLS OFF!" gabriella: understood! *salutes* Hibana: *nods, looks at her watch...frowns* "...Why is he not back...? If he is doing something untoward..." *slams fist on the table* "I'LL KILL HIM!" -elsewhere- Kishiri: *walking with Vivian* "Things okay with your division?" vivain: yep, everything is doing well so far. Kishiri: "What's your commander like? As strict as Hibana?" -elsewhere- Shinoda: "Ah...ah...ahhh!" nea: AHHHHH~<3 fuuuuck.... Shinoda: *pants, lies beside her...lays a hand along her stomach, lets out a laugh* "Even however much you exert yourself, you're so cool..." nea: mmmmmm... *nuzzle* i missed you... Shinoda: "...Nea..." *kisses her forehead* "I missed you so much...Can I stay?" nea:...yeah. Shinoda: *hugs her, smiles* "I...love you." -elsewhere- Arthur: *grumble grumble* shinra: you alright? Arthur: "Aoyama keeps bugging me, this curfew and buddy system is cramping my style, and I think I got a rash." shinra:...thats rough buddy. Arthur: *sniff* "I need to do something fun...something medieval-related..." shinra: there's always monty python dvds. Arthur: o___o "...Put it on. Now." -elsewhere- Hugh: "Hello! What brings you here?" sayaka: hey little guy, are the others here? we brough bentoooos~! madoka: ^^ tetsu: oh hey guys, we're in the usual room. Hugh: *twitch twitch* "...Is one of those bentos for me?" sayaka: yep, i put a looot of work into this one. Hugh: -\\\\- "That is surprisingly kind of you. Thank you. You may now join your friends while I dine..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *watching Tsubaki* "...I like your hair like that." tsubaki: *has her hair in a low tail* oh, thanks. ^^ Black Star: *smiles* "What you up for? Head out? Stay in?" tsubaki: maybe go to a movie? Black Star: "Awesome! I'd love that! The treats are on me, too!" tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: grabs his wallet and their jackets* "Anything you up for? Action? Comedy? ...Romance?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "And that's what Mr. Kyokotsu told me..." chie: hmm.... Yohei: "...I picked a bad year to stop smoking..." chie: *she hugs him* Yohei: *holds her* lin: emine....did mr bai-ze tell you anything? Emine: *shakes his head* "The...entity stopped speaking to me when I stopped making my bad deeds as savage as they could..." lin: so he became dormant? Emine: *nods* "He's a stubborn beast...If it does not get what it wants..." *shudders* "The nightmares." Shotaro: "...Mono?" mono: ......im going to bed. Shotaro: "!!! Mono, wait! We just want to help!" mono: *she looks at him....she looks rather tired, as if she had been crying all night* Shotaro: "...Hey. You're going to be fine. We're here to protect you!" mono:..... Shotaro: "..." *thumbs up, trying to stay confident* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *holds up a fox plushie to Kabuki* "This is a totally platonic gift. Thanks for talking with me." ^^ kabuki: oh, why thank you. *he smiles* Tsukiyo: "You're welcome. If you ever want some company for tea or a hop in the hot spring, just let me know!" ^^ kabuki: noted. Tsukiyo: "Hee hee...So, is Benimaru any better, or still moping?" kabuki: a bit tired from dealing with skirmishes... Tsukiyo: "Hmm...Can you figure out a way to give him some relief? I know the stuff with the 8th is weighing down on him." kabuki: perhaps a hot spring visit? Tsukiyo: *way too pleased expression* "SQUEE!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Ready?" *holds up remote* stocking: *she nods, in a hoodie and tights with her hair tied back* Kid: *starts the film, before passing a cupcake to her* (whispers) "Cherry filling." stocking: *nom* =////w////= *The film is romantic, with just a hint of Death City horror* stocking: *nuzzles* ^^ Kid: *holds her* "I like this cinematography...very dark, but just a bit of color in the red..." stocking: *she nods, leaning into him* Kid: *leans against her, lets out a happy sigh* stocking: ^^ Kid: *small kiss on her forehead, before turning back to the film* stocking: mmmm~ *Watching as the film couple gets intimate* Kid: -\\\\\- stocking: *smooooch* -they didnt even finish the movie...that's all i'll say ;) – Kid: *lying back, naked in their bed...* "Another..." *pant* "Another...cupcake?" stocking: *panting and twitching* haaa...... Kid: *gasps, moans* "Are you...Should I...?" *his hands moves down her abs... stocking: a-ahh? Kid: *tip-toes his fingers down her abs, lightly tickling her as he reaches her sex...* stocking: *softly moans* ooh~<3 Kid: *small smile* "Like that, huh?" ("Oh, your Christmas gift...") stocking: y-yes~ Kid: *begins to rub his finger along her clitoris, as he leans his face along her stomach* stocking: *moans* ah-aaaaah~<3 Kid: *kisses along her stomach, as he inserts one finger into her...* stocking: oh~ fuck~! Kid: *licks along her navel, as he inserts a second finger* stocking: *hips jerk up* Kid: *tries to hold her hips down, as he passes a hand along her hips...* "I want to taste you, you glorious woman..." stocking: >/////< Kid: *kisses down her stomach to her sex...* stocking: fu-ah-ahhh~ k-kiiiid~! Kid: *licks along her lips* ("Beautiful music...") stocking: *panting as he licks her* Kid: *slides his tongue past her lips, along her walls...grips her thighs* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "...What do you mean you don't know where she went?" belkia: you know how toguchin is, when she has her mind set on something to do- Mr. Tsubaki: "Then you and Shamrock find her right now!" belkia: alright! alright! Jeez! Shamrock: -_-; *opens the door* "Come along..." belkia: right behind ya sham! Shamrock: "Don't call me that..." belkia: sham-wow! Mr. Tsubaki: *clutching his plushie* "I want to find you, too, my sweetness~" Shamrock: "No." -elsewhere- Wes: "More wine?" liz: sure. Wes: *pours, smiles* "How are post-graduation plans coming along?" liz: doing great. Wes: "Oh? What were you considering?" *pours a bit more wine for himself* liz: i still want to work in the DWMA, patti does too. Wes: "Like, as soldiers?" liz: not sure. still gonna look after kid. Wes: *smiles* "Good plan...Life at the Mansion treating you well?" liz: yep. Wes: "...Would you mind if I...hung out there tomorrow?" liz: im sure it'd be fine. Wes: *smiles* "Thanks...Lord Death and Yumi won't mind, will they?" liz: im sure they'll be ok with it. Wes: *nods* "Cool." ("...Hope they don't mind an overnight stay...") -elsewhere- Arthur: *sniff* "Those poor knights...arrested by the cops..." *watching end of "Monty Python and the Holy Grail* shinra: *pap pap* Arthur: *sniff sniff* Takehisa: *grumbling, as he drags his feet to the kitchen* tamaki:... here. *she hands arthur a crudely made 'holy grail'* Arthur: Q_Q "This is beautiful...Thank you." tamaki: no problem. Takehisa: *pulling a jug of milk out of the fridge* Arthur: "...Tamaki, I really do appreciate this. When did you make it?" tamaki: while you were watching the movie. Arthur: "That was some quick craftsmanship...Did you use your flame abilities?" Takehisa: ("What is wrong with my head? Nightmares, distractions...Something is not right. I feel so tense.") tamaki: yeah... >-> *she used aluminum foil and tin foil. and lots of tape.* Takehisa: *takes his cup of milk with him back towards his bedroom...* Arthur: "Glorious work!" *kisses Tamaki's cheek* tamaki: >////< shinra: ??? Arthur: *smiles* "Lady Kotatsu..." Takehisa: *sips his milk* ("...I know why I'm so tense...I just need to relieve it...") shinra: commander? Takehisa: D: "!!! W-What?" shinra: you ok? Takehisa: "Y-Yeah...My sleep schedule has just been off..." -elsewhere- Black Star: "Pretty awesome film..." tsubaki: *she nods* naho: *walking out of a shop with a bag full of stuff* Black Star: "Hey, want to head over to get dessert and coffee--" *spots Naho* "Oh, hey!" naho: oh hi! just doing some christmas shopping! *they cant see, but she has the recorder on* tsubaki: ah, i see. Mr. Tsubaki: *twitch twitch* *twists his head...180 degrees...* "My...love?" Black Star: "Looks like a bit of shopping--big family?" naho: you could say that, hehe~ Black Star: "??? Well...we were just heading out of the theater to go get some coffee..." Mr. Tsubaki: ("FOLLOW THEM!") naho: can i come with? i've been wanting to get some peppermint latte for my cram session later. -after coffee, there was karaoke- Black Star: *singing* "Hey now! I'm an All-Star!" sakuya: -_____- -tsubaki's turn- Mr. Tsubaki: *listening, his heart melting* tsubaki: *singing* Mr. Tsubaki: *SQUEEING LOUDLY* Black Star: ._. ("...Awesome.") naho: >w< sakuya: *collapsed* ow. Mr. Tsubaki: "SHHH! I cannot hear the diva!" Black Star: .\\\\\\. "What a great singing voice..." tsubaki: thank you ^^ Black Star: "...You're so surprising." Mr. Tsubaki: Q____Q "She is amazing...An angel..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "..." *smooch on the cheek* tsubaki: hehe~ Mr. Tsubaki: "...Did I...hear...SMOOCHING?!!!" belkia: oh shit. Mr. Tsubaki: *ROOOOOOOAR* tsubaki: ?! what was that? Black Star: *looks around, concerned* "Sounded like a Godzilla..." tsubaki: should we investigate it? Black Star: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: ._. "...Crap on a stick." tsubaki: *she looks around* belkia: maybe we could use this to our advantage? Mr. Tsubaki: ._. "How?" Black Star: "Hmph...If only I could sense something..." belkia: you want the girl, right? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods excitedly* belkia: then this is a great opportunity knocking at our door! Mr. Tsubaki: "...What do I do?" belkia: do the thing you did that got their attention! Mr. Tsubaki: "...Nearly kill the loud one and try to take her in her sleep?" sakuya: he means a few moments ago -_-; otogiri: also. *chop* Mr. Tsubaki: *pouts* "So...I should scream really loud?" belkia: maniacal laugh? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *grins, begins chuckling* lilac: *cowers under a couch cushion* Q-Q Mr. Tsubaki: *laughs more and more, maniacally* Black Star: "!!!" tsubaki: ?!.... !!!! *she becomes tense* Black Star: "Oh no..." Mr. Tsubaki: *laughs* "Hello~" tsubaki: ....... *frozen in fear* sakuya: *mutters* the hotel staff and patrons are gonna complain... Black Star: *stands in front of Tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: "I missed you~ And I will be seeing more of you soon..." tsubaki: ......... Shamrock: -_- "We can just pay off the hotel staff..." -she has her blade arm out- Black Star: "..." *looks around to try to locate the sound...* lavender: good thing we told them we're actors. Mr. Tsubaki: "I will be there to hold you in my big strong arms, protecting you from the dangers of this world… Mr. Tsubaki: "Wait for me." tsubaki: ....... *keeping a brave face, trembling* Black Star: "TSUBAKI DOESN'T NEED ANYONE'S PROTECTION! She is strong and doesn't need some shithead weeny little baby trying to kidnap her, rape her, or whatever fucked up shit you were thinking!" Mr. Tsubaki: "???!!!" tsubaki: .........*she smiles* Black Star: "So show your face--SO TSUBAKI CAN SLICE IT OFF YOUR HEAD!" Mr. Tsubaki: "!!!!" ("That insolent...tiny...GRRRRR!!!") naho: *backing away* (thinking: not good...) Mr. Tsubaki: "...OH YEAH?! THEN ENJOY SEEING THIS FACE, BOY!" *sweet voice* "I love you, Tsu-Tsu. Toodles!" *steps away from the microphone, glares at Shamrock and the others* lilac: *cowering* sakuya: O-O otogiri: tsubaki, please calm yourself... Shamrock: o___o belkia: aww, you made lil lila cry Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Lilac on the back* "Shhh, its ok Lilac, could you find out everything you can about the infrastructure and streets leading into and out of that school?" *points at Sakuya* "You! Locate Tsubaki's residence and determine her schedule." *points at Otogiri* "You! I will need a disguise." *points at Belkia and Shamrock* "You two! I require a massage and a bubble bath!" lavender + otogiri + belkia + sakuya: (thinking: he's really lost his marbles...) Shamrock: *oddly calm and friendly* "Yes, sir~" Mr. Tsubaki: "Come along, then, Belkia and Shamrock!" Shamrock: "Right away~" sakuya:.... (thinking: naho was right, shamrock's totally in love with him.) Mr. Tsubaki: *enters the bathroom, followed by Shamrock and Belkia* Shamrock: *shuts the door, locking it* lavender: i'll order more water, because he is thirsy as fuck, haha! Shamrock: *turns on the hot water in the bathtub, bringing it to heat* Mr. Tsubaki: *undresses* belkia: got camilla scented shampoo, just like you asked! Mr. Tsubaki: *smiles* "Thank you..." Shamrock: "Your bubbles are ready..." *turns off the water* Mr. Tsubaki: *slips into the bubble bath* =\\\\\\= "So nice..." belkia: i even got out the rubber ducky! *its a duck that looks like belkia* Mr. Tsubaki: *claps his hands* "Yay!" *holds rubber ducky* "Quack quack quack" Shamrock: *massaging shampoo into Mr. Tsubaki's hair* -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Animated dolls...So creepy." akaderu: five nights at plush-sh*t's. Kepuri: -_-; "Boo." akaderu: true though. Kepuri: *groans* "You're lucky you're cute." akaderu:...*small smirk* then i guess i rival you in that aspect. Kepuri: *small laugh, as she lightly kisses his lips* "That earns you one point." -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Ah~ ah~ ah~ ..." -knock knock knock- nayumi: you ok in there, hinawa? Takehisa: o____o; "Y-Yeah? Just feeling under the weather..." nayumi: what have you been eating? Takehisa: o_________o;;;; ("Bad, bad, bad...") *pulls sheets over himself* "...I, um, had some milk earlier." nayumi: ah. well, later. Takehisa: "L-Later..." *sighs* "Well, there goes my mood." maki: *humming j-pop* Takehisa: *hearing Maki's humming...* ._.; ("...My mood is back.") -elsewhere- Black Star: "...I'm sorry." tsubaki: it's ok...no one got hurt...*stroking his head* Black Star: -\\\\- "...That feels nice." tsubaki: hehe ^^ Black Star: "..." *hugs her, kisses her cheek* "...You're going to be fine." tsubaki: .....*smiles* Black Star: "..." *holds her hand* "...Want to turn in?" tsubaki: *she nods* Black Star: "..." *picks her up in his arms* tsubaki: >////< Black Star: "Heh heh...Between you and me, we are too badass a team to lose! ...Tsubaki? I...love you." tsubaki: i....i love you too. *tearful smile* Black Star: *still holds her, as he kisses her lips, lightly* tsubaki:....U/////U Black Star: *carries her to her room, lays her on the bed...* "...Um...Is it still okay for me to sleep in your bed tonight?" tsubaki: i would like that. Black Star: "..." *crawls in next to her, hugging her* tsubaki: mmmm... U////U Black Star: "..." *kisses her cheek* "Tsubaki...I..." tsubaki: hmm? Black Star: "...I think you're awesome. And beautiful. And so badass." tsubaki: *she smiles* i appreciate that. you're amazing too. Black Star: -\\\\\- *holds her hand* "...Do you...remember when I used to spy on you bathing?" tsubaki: ^^; that feels like so long ago... Black Star: "We've grown up...and you're more beautiful here, right now, dressed like this, than even when you were bare-butt naked." tsubaki: *small smile* yeah... Black Star: *laughs* "Why didn't you ever try to spy on me bathing?" tsubaki: O/////O Black Star: *smirks* "You never wanted to see my Little Star?" tsubaki: >///////////< b-black*star! oh my god! >/////////< Black Star: "You're cute when you're blushing..." *kisses her cheek* -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddling* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: *smiling* ("I am so lucky...and I can't wait to propose to her...") *hugs her, falls back to sleep* -morning- Shinoda: *brings a bowl of ice cream to Nea in bed* "Something a little different for breakfast~" nea: thanks~ TTwTT *she has cramps* Shinoda: *sympathetic frown* "I also brought medicine...May I bring anything else?" -elsewhere- chie: ^^ Yohei: *rubs her stomach, smiles* "Hey there, son..." chie: ^^....!! i felt a kick! Yohei: "!!! I did too! Awesome!" *hugs* chie: ^^ Yohei: "Chie...I'm so happy..." chie: *she smiles and holds him close* Yohei: "...We are going to give this child all the love in the world..." chie: *she nods* Yohei: *hugs her* "You're going to be amazing..." -elsewhere- Black Star: *cuddling* tsubaki: ^^ -at school- Relan: -_-; "...He keeps showing up in skirts..." Gopher: *smirks at Relan* "Jealous?" iris: come on, be nice. Relan: *angry twitch* Arthur: *dressed in a suit of armor* shinra: *holds relan's hand* Gopher: "Not my fault I can pull this off so well." Relan: -_-; *small squeeze on Shinra's hand* kirika: 7////7; *muttering* both the skirt and bellbottoms work.... Gopher: "Off to class, then." *walks away* Relan: -_-; "I don't like that guy." Arthur: *looks around, trying to move in his suit* -elsewhere- Takehisa: *chipper, awake, whistling happily* maki: you feeling ok? Takehisa: "!!! Oh! Um...A lot better, thank you. Finally got decent sleep." maki: great to hear! Takehisa: *smiles* ("No kidding...") "How are you feeling?" maki: good. Takehisa: *nods* "Well, we have paperwork to catch up on, so..." -elsewhere- Kid: *working on a math equation* liz: *also doing math* Patty: *playing with the compass and protractor* "Do you, Mr. Compass, take Miss Protractor to be your lawfully wedded wife?" -elsewhere- Tool: *pushing Io in a baby stroller around town* "See that over there? That's a public pay phone. Say, 'Hi, Mr. Phone!'" io: pone! pone! Tool: *laughs* "Mr. Phone says 'Thank you!'" io: ^^ saki: hehe~ Tool: *points to a cafe* "Need a break?" saki: sounds good. Tool: *opens the door, wheels Io in* "...It's good to be out of the house." saki: *she smiles* Tool: *puts Io into a high chair, hands menu to Saki* "..." *small laugh* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *smirks, as she holds up a check to Chie* chie: ?? Kepuri: "Guess who got an advanced payment for her new toy designs?" chie: wow, congratulations! Kepuri: *smug* "Yes...I will be able to pay rent for quite some time. Probably more money than Yohei ever earned." Yohei: "..." chie: *she holds his hand* Yohei: *smiles* "I think I got enough riches..." Kepuri: *pouts* "Jeez, I was hoping to really get your goat with that one..." Shotaro: *peeeeeeeeeeeeeeek* "...BONE OF GOAT!" Kepuri: "?!!!!! EEEEEK!" Shotaro: "BAAAAAH!" chie: *snickers* Yohei: *smirks* Kepuri: *runs* "GOAT PERSON! GOAT PERSON!" akaderu: !! Kepuri: *leaps into Akaderu's arms* "PROTECT ME!" Shotaro: "???" *releases Bone of the Goat* "I could always try a different bone..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: "You look really stylish..." vivian: why thank you~ Kishiri: "You ever make your own clothes?" vivian: not really. but i do have things customized from time to time. Kishiri: "Got any pics?" vivian: not on me, but maybe soon~ Kishiri: *smiles* "Well, alright..." *kiss on the cheek* -elsewhere- Kid: *pats Stocking's shoulder* "You're getting better at it..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *passes a cookie to her, clears his throat* "So...Any updates with your guidance counselor, regarding post-graduation?" stocking: i have been considering teaching, though i'll have to see what graduation brings. Kid: "Given all the courses you have, you are practically certified already to teach..." stocking: *she smiles* Kid: *small blush* "I...Um...Would you...want to..." stocking: hmm? Kid: >\\\\\\\< "WOULDYOULIKEANOTHERCOOKIE?" stocking: of course~ Kid: *hands her one...in the shape of a heart* stocking: hehe~ Kid: ("I want to pop the question...but now is not the time...") *weak smile* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, kiddo~<3 Kid: *melts into a puddle* *sigh* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *crossing his arms, pouting* "I don't see how hot springs will help me, Kabuki." kabuki: it might help you to unwind, young master. Konro: "I agree. Please, you deserve a break, given how hard you have been pushing yourself." Benimaru: *grumble* "Fine...Kabuki, when is the visit scheduled?" kabuki: later this evening. Benimaru: "...Very well. I am going to put in more hours at work." Konro: "I will bring you over to the hot spring then, sir." -elsewhere- Emine: *trying to meditate* "...No. He still will not speak with me." lin:..... nea: maybe it's for the best? Shinoda: *rubs his neck, remembering last encounter with the Bai Ze* Emine: "Perhaps...I do think the Entity will reappear should certain conditions be met." lin: for now, maybe leave it be? Emine: *nods* "Just...a sense of foreboding." lin:..... (thinking: akua....where did they go off too?) Emine: *puts a hand to his forehead* *groans* lin: ?? emine? Emine: *collapses* lin: !!! emine!! Emine: *unconscious, but breathing* nea: is it his- lin: he did his condition already...*worried* Emine: "Zzz..." Shinoda: "Get him in bed. I'll get Yohei..." lin: *carrying him to his room* setsuna: emine?! lin: he passed out, but i think he's alright...i hope... Emine: "L-Lin..." Emine: *unconscious again* lin: ?? Yohei: *follows Shinoda and Setsuna* "Setsuna, please apply this compress...I'm going to check his vitals..." Emine: *still passed out* setsuna: *doing so* please be ok.... Yohei: "...His temperature is high. He's going to need a bit of rest...Lin, what bad deeds can Emine do from bed?" lin: he did his bad deed today... -in emine's mental space- Emine: "Wh-What?" -the area is dark and foggy, with a blood red moon in the sky as the only light source, illuminating the path before you- Emine: "...I'm...back." -what awaits is not the bai ze, but a female figure- Emine: "?! You're...You're not the Bai Ze..." ???: *she is covered with blood..........the crumpled bodies of the others in the house are scattered about* Emine: "Wh-What?!" ???: *she grins widely and lunges at you* Emine: "NO!" *leaps up in bed* lin: emine!! Emine: "Wh-What?! What happened?!!" setsuna: *hugs* you passed out all the sudden... Emine: *shaking* Yohei: "He's got chills..." setsuna: shhh, its ok, mama's here... lin: *holding his hand* Emine: *crying but not making a sound...* setsuna: *stroking his head* Shotaro: *rushes to the door* "What happened?!" *spots Emine* "Oh no...Emine!" *runs to him, sitting by the bed* "..." *puts a tissue to his eyes* Emine: *keeps crying silently, shuddering* ("Those images...What did they mean?") -elsewhere- Patty: "Ready to head out?" liz: yep. tsubaki: it's been a while since we had a girl's night out. Patty: "Awww, you don't want a night in with Black Star?" *eyebrow wiggle* tsubaki: p-patti! >///< stocking: so where are we going? Patty: "Anyone hungry? Or want a manicure? Maybe a film?" tsubaki: *looks at her schedule* Patty: "Or dancing and drinks?" liz: im kinda designated driver, so i wont be doing much drinking... tsubaki: how about the shopping plaza? liz: oh my gosh yeeesss! Patty: "Sounds good!" -and so- stocking: so yummy~<3 *they got crepes* Patty: *nom nom nom* "Good choice! So, how's everyone doing?" liz: doing well. stocking: *too involved with eating her crepe* =w= tsubaki: ...quite well. *blush* Patty: *smirk* "Details, Tsu, details..." tsubaki: .////. *she explains the general gist of what has been happening with black*star* liz: ooooh~! 8D Patty: *claps* "Yay! Congrats!" stocking: ah, nice. tsubaki: w-we havent done anything like _that_! >///< Patty: "Well, we got to fix that! You need new lingerie!" tsubaki: .///////////////. liz: -.-; shameless as always, sis. Patty: "I'm up for this! Stocking, how about you?" stocking:..... ^w^ Patty: "See?! Come one, we'll all try on some new threads!" -and so- Patty: "Ready to come out?" stocking: *in a cute frilly outfit* -elsewhere- kabuki: so relaxing... Benimaru: "Hmm...Not terrible..." *lies back* Konro: -\\\\\\- "Aaaaaah..." kabuki: =w= Benimaru: *sighs a little more relaxed* "Kabuki, how is your training going?" kabuki: fairly well. my timing on target practice has improved. Benimaru: "Good eyes...Your arms look a little weary--you're holding them down..." kabuki: oh? Benimaru: *slides over, takes one of his arms* "Here..." *massages* "This release the tension?" kabuki: haa...yeah. thank you. Benimaru: *nods* "You're welcome." Konro: "Young Master did do extensive studies on muscular structure to best guide flames, and to keep at peak performance." Benimaru: *massages a bit along Kabuki's shoulder* kabuki: t-that tickles commander! >3< Benimaru: *small smirk* "Oh, you mean here?" *tickles a bit more* kabuki: c-commander! >//< Konro: *boisterous laugh* *A small hole is in the wall...* kabuki: ^///^; Tsukiyo: *peeking through...* *nosebleed* o____o fang-hua: .////////////. Benimaru: "Now, wash my back..." kabuki: ah, right of course! *does so* Tsukiyo: *looks at Fang-Hua* "Want to see~?" fang-hua: shh, you're going to get us in trouble! >///< Tsukiyo: "Aw, come on! If you take one little looksy, I'll stop goading you..." Benimaru: *doesn't notice anything* "Aaaaah~ That feels so good." fang-hua:.... Tsukiyo: :3 fang-hua: *gulps and peaks* Benimaru: *turns and stands, facing the wall* "Kabuki, shall I wash you now?" fang-hua: O/////////////////////////////////O kabuki: if you like, or would you like to, konro? Tsukiyo: *hugs Fang-Hua from behind, whispers* "Pretty hot, right?" Konro: *stands* "How about Benimaru wash you, and I'll wash Benimaru?" kabuki: sounds good. fang-hua: o///////////////////////////////////////////////o *steam coming out her ears* Tsukiyo: *smirks at Fang-Hua, whispers* "You're so cute when you're embarrassed...Enjoy the show?" Benimaru: *stands behind Kabuki, starts washing...* Konro: *washes Benimaru's back* fang-hua: .///////////////////////////////. Tsukiyo: >:3 *puts her hands over Fang-Hua's breasts* -CHOP- fang-hua: -___-; Tsukiyo: D: "B-But you could touch mine if you wanted..." fang-hua: i-i think i've had enough of the bath for one day. im going now, see ya. Benimaru: *hears Tsukiyo* -_-; "She always has to tease Kohana like that..." fang-hua: *overhearing* o////////////////////o Konro: *smirks* " 'Kohana,' huh? You are so kind towards her..." Benimaru: "..." Tsukiyo: *smirks again* fang-hua: *flustered* Benimaru: "...Kabuki, have you spoken much with her? Is Fang-Hua alright?" Tsukiyo: *squeeing silently* ("So cute! I love when Fang-Hua looks like that!") kabuki: she seems to be doing well. miss usada as well. Tsukiyo: "?!!" kabuki: with all that has happened recently, they seem to be recovering.... Benimaru: "That's good...I worry about them sometimes. Fang-Hua has been trying to keep the village calm, and Tsukiyo has looked so sad..." Konro: "...Maybe you need to make it up to them." Benimaru: "..." fang-hua:....(thinking: commander....) Tsukiyo: Q_Q Benimaru: *sighs* "I think that's enough bathing..." Tsukiyo: "..." *one last peek...* kabuki: sister kirei came by earlier and asked how you were doing. Benimaru: "What did you tell her?" kabuki: you've been working hard to keep things under control. Benimaru: *nods* "That is...accurate. Thank you..." *pats Kabuki's shoulder* Tsukiyo: Q____Q ("I am both sentimental and turned on...") kabuki: *he smiles* Benimaru: *walks towards exit* Konro: *smiles at Kabuki* "Good for you..." fang-hua: *walking towards that same exit* Benimaru: *dons his robe and exits...* "???" fang-hua: !! Benimaru: *nods* "Kohana." fang-hua: .////. commander. Benimaru: "..." *walks up to her, stands in front of her* "..." fang-hua: um....s-sir? Benimaru: *affectionate pat-pat to the head* "Good work." fang-hua: .///. t-thank you commander! Benimaru: *small smile* "Keep it up. This village needs your power, patience, and care." fang-hua:... *she nods* understood. Benimaru: "...Is there anything you want me to do to help?" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Okay, bros--we finished the arcade games! Time for drinks!" kilik: neat. sayaka: yay! soul: cool. Kid: *selects a soda* Black Star: "Sayaka, any plans after you graduate?" kilik: *looks around* sayaka: not sure, im not going to be graduating until later on. Black Star: "Yeah, but if you were graduating now, what you think? Soldier or something?" Kid: "Kilik? Something wrong?" sayaka: not sure, maybe a medic? kilik: just looking around. Kid: *sees signs for upcoming events...* Black Star: "Cool!" kilik:….. hmm? Kid: "Hmm...The concert before...Winter festival soon..." -a male with a black hoodie and angel back-pack is standing by one of the tables eating melon- Kid: *spots the person as well* "???" sayaka: *spots the hedgehog in a cage next to the male* AHHHH SO CUTE!! Black Star: -_-; "Sayaka, please, you're embarrassing us..." ???: hmm? sayaka: such a cute little hedgie~<3 ???: you want him? then have him. sayaka: for real?! Kid: "???" soul: wait....he looks familiar.... Black Star: "...Hmm...Maybe a former classmate?" *A poster with ??? is behind Black Star...* soul:...wait, he- ???: *face inches from soul's* what are you, an angel? or a demon? soul:....what? ???: red eyes....clearly a demon. soul: that's kind of judgmental. -_-; Black Star: "Dude, what kind of an intro is that? What the hell are you, anyway?" ???: *poses* i'm an angel. kilik:....what? Kid: -_-; "I doubt that." ???: oh? and who are you to judge? soul:.... (thinking: what is with this guy?!) Kid: *extends hand* "Death the Kid." ???: *stares at kid's hair* those stripes...have you worked yourself that hard as well? Kid: "...No? I was born this way." kilik:... !! wait, you're that licht guy, right? Kid: "??!!" licht: *frowns* so my cover's blown? Black Star: *looks back and forth between Licht and the poster* "...Evidently?" sayaka: so you're going to be going to school with us then? awesome! my name's sayaka miki, and these are my buddies, soul, kilik, black*star, and, well, kid! Black Star and Kid: -_-; *wave* licht: i see...hey, demon. Kid: o_o; soul: -_- what? Black Star: *anger twitch* "This guy...is pissing me off..." licht: you'd best make me not regret this decision to come here. Black Star: "?!! Or what?! What are you--" Kid: *holds Black Star back, covers his mouth* licht: now if you excuse me, i need to go. *takes the cage and begins leaving* come on, shit rat. sayaka:....that...didnt go as well as i would have hoped ._. Black Star: *muffled insult* Kid: -_-; "Agreed." soul: angel...more like-....wait.....angel...the white streak.... Kid: "???" soul: *jokingly* hey kid, maybe he's you and stocking's future son! Kid: O\\\\\\\\\O sayaka: well you better get your son in check, kiddo! he was so mean to that poor little hedgie. *pouts* Black Star: *pulls himself away from Kid's grip* "You and dumb animals, Sayaka..." sayaka: mean! >n< *cheek tug* kilik: come on you guys. ^^; Black Star: >____< Kid: *smirk* thunder: bad. -elsewhere- Takehisa: *washing dishes* shinra: we're home! tamaki: hey! Akitaru: "Hey! How was school?" iris: pretty good, i seem to be improving in math. shinra: my tutoring has payed off! ^^ Takehisa: "Good. Now you can help me with paperwork." iris: Q.Q Arthur: *grumble* nozomi: arthur? is something the matter? Arthur: "Teachers said I can't wear my suit of armor to classes anymore. Said it's too noisy." nozomi: ^^; Akitaru: "Nothing stopping you from wearing it around here!" Takehisa: "When not on duty." -_- -elsewhere- Kishiri: *walking with Vivian back to his brigade* "Well...this is me." vivian: see you tomorrow torry~<3 *smoooch* Kishiri: *smirks* *smooch* Hibana: "Well, hello there." *Hibana looks deathly serious* vivian: OwO;; Kishiri: "C-Commander?!" Hibana: *takes Kishiri by the ear* "Miss Vivian, has he done anything untoward?" vivian: eh? what do you mean commander? Hibana: "Has he abused you, manipulated you, defiled you, or in any way hurt you?" Kishiri: "I WOULD NEVER DO ANY SUCH--" vivian: nope! ^^ Hibana: *tugs his ear harder* Hibana: *smiles serenely* "Good. If he ever hurts you, call the police." Kishiri: Q___Q;;; vivian: owo; Hibana: "Gabriella, take Kishiri up to his room..." *smiles at Vivian* "Let's have tea some time, Vivian..." gabriella: of course princess~ *at kishiri* if you ever hurt her or anyone else i'll make certain they wont hear your screams. Kishiri: D: *scared squeek* -elsewhere- Black Star: "I'm home!" tsubaki: welcome back ^^ Black Star: "Hee hee...How was your girls' night?" tsubaki: it went great, you? Black Star: "Meh, not too good. Some jerk going after Soul and us..." tsubaki: .....you arent hurt are you? Black Star: *shakes his head* "Nah, and no fight broke out, either. Just...You know that piano player coming to the school? It was him--and he's a dick." tsubaki: oh. -ding on tsubaki's phone- tsubaki: hmm? -Uzuki has opened a chat- tsubaki: oh! an update? tsubaki: [hey uzuki] uzuki: [hey tsu. sagami found out some news] tsubaki: [that's great! hold on] black*star, mind logging into the chat too? Black Star: "Um, okay? What's up?" tsubaki: uzuki has an update for us. Black Star: [hey, uzuki! what's up?] uzuki: [apperantly the servamp of greed is in death city now!] tsubaki: [really?] uzuki: [yeah, i heard that his eve is some weird guy with an angel backpack and a white streak, but that's all i know.] Black Star: o_____o "...Shit." tsubaki:..... [we'll keep you posted if anything comes up.] uzuki: [ok, see ya later] Black Star: "Th-That piano guy--that's the eve!" tsubaki: really? Black Star: "Yeah!" *frowns* "I'm going to give that punk a piece of my mind!" tsubaki: lets try not to do anything too rash, we're going to need all the allies we can against.... Kid: Black Star: "...You want _us_ to work with this...this jerk?" tsubaki: *sigh* we'll try talking to him tomorrow and see how it works out. *smile* for now, lets focus on happier things. Black Star: *pouts* "...Your smiling face is _one_ happier thing, that's for sure." tsubaki: ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *looks around* stocking: hey kid! Kid: *smiles, waves* "Hello. How are you?" stocking: doing good~<3 you? Kid: "Better, now..." *kisses her cheek* stocking: how was your night out? Kid: "..." o\\\\\o "Um..." stocking: hmm? Kid: "J-Just a dumb joke I'm remembering..." *nervous laugh* stocking: oh? mind sharing it? Kid: "...Have you ever considered what our kids would look like--um, if we had kids?" stocking: oh? well, hopefully as cute as you~ Kid: -\\\\- "...This boy we saw...He was nowhere near cute. He was obnoxious, and hearing our friends say he looked like our potential child was frustrating...I know no child of ours would be so awful." stocking: aww.... *holds his hand* Kid: *blush* "...I would love to be a father to your children." stocking: i would like that too~ Kid: *hugs* "...Did you have a good night?" stocking: yeah~ i got a little something special~ did you want to see it tonight or did you want to wait? Kid: "..." *smiles* "I don't know whether I could wait." stocking: hehehe~ close your eyes~ Kid: *does so, smirking a bit* -and so, she comes back out in the frilly outfit- Kid: "May I open my eyes?" stocking: yes. Kid: *uncovers his eyes, smiling...then...* o______o *small nosebleed* stocking: you like~? Kid: *holds tissue to his nose, wiping away the blood* "Incredibly so, yes." stocking: hehe~ *she sits on his lap, facing him* Kid: *smiles, tracing a finger along the frills* "Cute." stocking: ^///^ Kid: *traces a finger along her hip* "Is this what you did while out tonight--some lingerie shopping~?" stocking: perhaps~ Kid: *leans into her ear, feeling himself grow...* "You are the most beautiful, most loving, sexiest woman I have ever met..." *kisses lightly along her neck* stocking: oh~ *rubbing her chest against his* Kid: *shudders with pleasure* "I love that, your bountiful, gorgeous breasts..." *his hands wrap around her, holding her sides as he starts to grind...* stocking: nngh~ k-kid.... Kid: *growing harder against her, as he lays his hands along the frills in her lingerie* "Stocking...Fuck..." *slight grip along her sides* stocking: *licking at his lips* Kid: *opens his mouth, his tongue coming out to touch hers...his hands slide down her sides towards her thighs...* stocking: *licking at his tongue* ngha-ah~ Kid: *moans* *his fingers reach over her groin, rubbing over the fabric* stocking: ahhh~ *grind grind* Kid: *his mouth meets hers, his tongue sliding past her lips to reach hers...his hands move up to her breasts, sliding up under the fabric...* -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *in front of a bedroom* "Fang-Hua? You in?" fang-hua: yeah. Tsukiyo: *holding a box* "...May I come in?" fang-hua: sure. Tsukiyo: *enters, looks concerned...* "You okay? I mean, after what happened?" fang-hua: y-yeah. 7///7 Tsukiyo: "...I have a personal question to ask." fang-hua: what is it? Tsukiyo: "Have you ever had a boyfriend or girlfriend?" fang-hua: ./////. n-not really. Tsukiyo: "...Are you attracted to Benimaru?" fang-hua: w-wha?! w-why would you ask that? Tsukiyo: -\\\\\- "Because I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend, either...and I think Benimaru is attractive...and I think you have feelings for him, too." fang-hua: .////. h-he's our commander...and....i need time to think about that... Tsukiyo: "..." *nods* "Well...You seemed a little tense back there when overhearing--and seeing--the Commander..." *pats box* "So I brought this." fang-hua: ??? what is it? Tsukiyo: *smiles, opens the box, and holds up--* "A brand new vibrator!" fang-hua: *completely white with shock* Tsukiyo: "..." *holds up in her hand--* "And new batteries!" fang-hua: .__________________________________. Tsukiyo: "...Well? Aren't you going to say, 'Thanks'?" -elsewhere- Shotaro: "...How's Emine?" setsuna: he's....alright. he's resting. Shotaro: "..." *hug* setsuna:...*rubs his back* its ok... Shotaro: "...Did we do this to him? When we told him to not make his bad deeds so...bad?" setsuna: im not sure why this happened.... -elsewhere- Kishiri: [yo. get back okay?] vivian: [yep~ <3] Kishiri: [cool. i'm sorry how commander acted. gab had a long talk with me. she said i need to respect u] vivian: [well, i am a helvitz~ <3] Kishiri: [lol yeah yeah. i'm going to respect u. it's just...i'm still a dick] vivian: [still cute tho <3] Kishiri: [texts a pic: he's shirtless again, holding his hands up in the shape of a heart] vivian: o///o [hold on <3] -she texts a pic of her in her undies- Kishiri: o___o "Holy. Shit." [damn. u so fine] vivian: [hehe~ thank you torry <3] Kishiri: [i'll have to out-do myself soon. lol. show u what i got under the pants] Kishiri: [u are so hot] vivian: o///w///o Kishiri: [but that'll have to come later--leave u wanting more. <3 u] -elsewhere- Black Star: *finishes brushing his teeth, spits into the sink, exits* "About ready for bed?" tsubaki: yeah. Black Star: "...So...My bed or yours? You know, if you want..." -elsewhere- Relan: [okay on your end?] shinra: [yeah] Relan: [how about u and iris? things okay at 8th?] shinra: [yeah, all good.] Relan: [okay. hope you get some good sleep. miss u both] shinra: [night. love you <3] Relan: [love u 2. night] -morning, at school- Kid: *smiles at Stocking* stocking: *studying* Patty: *asleep on top of her book* liz: *looking at her paper* Kid: "??? Liz? What is that?" liz: my exam paper. Kid: "Ah. How is it?" liz: coming along. -elsewhere- Kepuri: "How's Emine doing?" lin: he's doing better. Kepuri: "That's good at least...What the heck got into him? Over-working himself?" lin: not sure... Kepuri: "..." *pat pat on Lin's shoulder* "Maybe he could use a good meal. How you do at cooking?" lin: *shiny eyes* Kepuri: "...I'll take that as 'fucking amazing' at cooking. Let's get to work--I think some chicken soup could help..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: T_T *has a large red mark on her cheek* kabuki: ah! miss usada! Tsukiyo: "Hey...How are you? ...Ow." kabuki: well. Tsukiyo: "That's good..." *brings her fingers to the bruise--then recoils* "Owie owie owie!" kabuki: *brings her to the medic* Tsukiyo: T_T "Thank you..." ("I _never_ knew Fang-Hua had that good a slap...") Konro: "??? What on Earth?" -elsewhere- Hibana: "Do you think your talk with Kishiri go through to him?" gabriella: i hope so... Hibana: *sigh, reaches and pats her hand* "I...can imagine that was a little uncomfortable." gabriella: ...... Hibana: "...I'm proud of you." gabriella:....*she smiles* Hibana: *smiles, pushes the tray of cookies closer to her* -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Maki, you almost done recalibrating the engine?" maki: just about. Akitaru: "Have you seen Takehisa?" maki: he's making lunch. Takehisa: *chop chop chop chop* *slides the vegetables into the soup* -elsewhere- Medusa: "Grimoire, I had asked for more diapers." grimoire: here you go. Medusa: *nods, accepts them* "Thank you." *procedes to change her child* "Where is my sister?" shaula: sup. Medusa: *frowns* "You care to explain this?" *holds up a baby shirt that says "My aunt is the best!"* shaula: it's just facts. cant change facts, sis. Medusa: "..." *defeated sigh* "Whatever. She needs all the clothes she can get. Thank you." shaula: yes! Medusa: *repressing smirk, as she picks up Neian* "Feel better now that you are changed, child?" neian: ^o^ Medusa: "..." *small smile* "Well, time for a feeding before you take your nap..." -elsewhere- Kishiri: *in cafeteria* "Okay...What's your favorite food?" -elsewhere- Kurogiri: "How are you?" himiko: gooood :D Kurogiri: "...I can imagine this is a significant change in your life, so if you need any assistance, please let me know. I am good at Lamaze..." himiko: llama-wha? :D Kurogiri: "It is a form of coping with the changes the body undergoes during pregnancy, as well as the process of childbirth. I have a video!" yuuji: please dont. Kurogiri: Q_Q "...I just wanted to help." sachi: *shoulder pap* Dabi: Q______Q yuuji:..... Dabi: "Children...Babies..." yuuji:....they're gonna grow up in a really fucked up world... -elsewhere- Relan: "What happens at the winter festival?" shinra: i think it's like any other school cultural festival, but during winter... i so i guess that means snow related stuff too... Relan: "Maybe a snowman competition?" shinra: maybe. Relan: "Should be fun. We’re going with Iris?" shinra: yep. Relan: *smiles* "Good..." *rubs the back of his neck* "Um...About Christmas break...I...Um, I..." shinra: ?? Relan: *frowns* "My parents..." shinra:.....did you want to stay with us? Relan: *sighs* "I don't know...I worry that if I don't see them, then things could get worse." shinra:...want me to come with you to talk to them? Relan: "..." *nods* shinra: ok.... Relan: "..." *holds his hand, shaking a bit* shinra: *smiles* Relan: *nervous smile* -elsewhere- Kid: *smiles at Stocking, holds her hand* stocking: hehe-ow. qwq *cramps* Kid: "!!!" *reaches into his backpack, pulls out medicine* "May I bring you anything?" stocking: water please... Kid: *pulls out a brand new bottle of water from his backpack* "Here you are." stocking: thanks TTwTT Kid: "...Want to lie down?" stocking:....*nod* Kid: *helps her to lay down* stocking: thanks... Kid: *holds her hand* "Nurse's office?" -elsewhere- Emine: *stirs in bed...sniffs the air* lin: *making pancakes and other breakfast goodies* Emine: *turns over in bed...sits up, looks around* -the door is open- Emine: "..." *stands up, trying to walk himself to the kitchen...* -elsewhere- Takehisa: "Was the meal satisfactory?" maki: deeeelish! ^^ Takehisa: *small smile* "...You still have some engine grease on your nose..." *offers a tissue* maki: !! thanks *wipe wipe* Takehisa: "Thank you for your work on the Matchbox. I'm sure it will run even better because of your work." maki: hopefully~! Takehisa: "I'll handle the dishes, then. Let me know when the vehicle is ready to test drive..." *smiles* "I..um..." maki: yeah? Takehisa: "...Nothing. Just...um, thanks again." maki: no problem ^^ Takehisa: -\\\\- *takes her dish, his hand lightly passing by hers* -elsewhere- Black Star: *looking up at the ceiling* soul: you ok? Black Star: *frowns* "I'm a man who's set in his ways!" ("Stupid hedgehog-holding weirdo.") soul: ok? Black Star: *grumble* "I don't like that weird piano guy we met...Something worries me..." soul: ....'angel' huh? more like an ass... Black Star: "Yeah! Like, an ass but the opposite of an angel...So, um...an ass-demon!" stocking: *ahem* *glare* Black Star: "...What? You're obviously a boobs-demon, right?" -POW- soul: .__.; Black Star: *currently kissing the wall, blood splattered against it as he falls down towards the floor...* tsubaki: O____O;; Patty: "..." *holds up a 9/10 Olympics card* stocking: =_=# Kid: o~o "I-I think you're wonderful the way you are, Love!" stocking: i know kiddo. i know. *pap pap* Kid: *huggies* Black Star: X_____X Patty: "...Can we harvest Black Star for his organs?" tsubaki: NO! naho:....*casually snaps a pic of black*star in pain* Patty: "What? I'd leave you the good parts!" Black Star: X_____X *flies buzzing* kyouko: *groan* i'll take him to the nurse. again. Kid: *lost in affection towards Stocking* Black Star: *dazed* "I saw my life flashing before my eyes...It was awesome..." -elsewhere- mr tsubaki's phone: AHAHAHAH YOU HAVE A TEXT! AHAHAHAHA YOU HAVE A TEXT! Mr. Tsubaki: "???" *looks at his text* -its a picture of the injured black*star- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *loud chortling* belkia: oooh, that's gotta hurt! Shamrock: "Tremendous amount of blood loss..." Mr. Tsubaki: *laughing uproariously, banging his fist onto the table* "Oh...Oh, I needed that..." *wipes a tear from his eye* otogiri: ow. Mr. Tsubaki: [text: "rofl lmao thanx!] naho: [no prob >w<] Mr. Tsubaki: [how is my love?] naho: [concerned, but for the most part, ok.] Mr. Tsubaki: "..." [over him? sigh. fine. suggestions for how to make her feel better?] naho: [not sure yet] Mr. Tsubaki: [flowers? sweets? a dead bird?] naho: [go with the flowers *flower emoticon*] Mr. Tsubaki: [very well! i will need u to leave them--so she does not suspect it is me] naho: [ok ;) ] Mr. Tsubaki: [thanx!] "Belkia, which flowers should I get my lady?" belkia: something fitting her namesake, more personal! Mr. Tsubaki: "...BRILLIANT! Camelia flowers!" Mr. Tsubaki: [buy the camelia flowers, put them in her locker!] naho: [shall do that ^^] Mr. Tsubaki: [thankies!] Shamrock: "What is the next task?" *looks to Otogiri* otogiri: scheduling that concert... Shamrock: "Ah, yes, we--" Mr. Tsubaki: "Yay, concert!" *claps* otogiri: remember why we're doing this. *soft glare* dont let your hormones distract you. Mr. Tsubaki: "Eeep!" *hides behind Belkia* belkia: please dont beat us up again, girioto! Q-Q we said we were sorry for the last time! Shamrock: "Everyone calm down...Let's review our goals, then. What do we want to accomplish?" Mr. Tsubaki: *opens his mouth* Shamrock: "Besides impressing your girlfriend." Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *shuts up* lavender: what about that war you wanted to start? Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sneers* "That sounds good as well..." otogiri:...good grief. Mr. Tsubaki: "Perhaps some training is in order...maybe a bit of practice..." lavender: sounds good. should i let the lesser subclass know? Mr. Tsubaki: *nods, smiling* -elsewhere- Kishiri: "...I made you something..." *holds up a bracelet made out of bubblegum wrappers* vivian: awww how cute! Kishiri: "As cute as you?" *smiles* vivian: hehe~<3 Kishiri: *leans in, kisses her cheek* "...Hey, you busy this weekend? I was thinking we could check out the sunset..." vivian: not really, but i would love that~! Kishiri: *nods* "This weekend, then...Where would be best spot to get the view?" -elsewhere- Takehisa: *driving the Matchbox around the block* "...Good handle." maki: *she nods* Takehisa: "...Hey. Want to pick up some fast food?" maki: sure. Takehisa: *smiles* "Wait 'til they get a load of this vehicle..." *pulls into drive through, rolls down the window* Fast Food Intercom: o_o "Um...Welcome to Death Burger. May I take your order?" Takehisa: "I'll have a Number 4 and--" *turns to Maki* -and so- maki: *nom nom* im gonna have to work extra hard to burn all this off.. Takehisa: "Everyone is allowed to have an off-day in their exercise routine, especially when you are already so fit already." *bites into his burger* "And I thought you looked good when you were a few pounds heavier..." maki: um...thanks? i guess ^^ Takehisa: "..." -\\\\- "I just mean, you're capable, however much you work out. And..." maki: thanks ^^ Takehisa: "..." *finishes his burger, sips on his milkshake...looks out the window* "...More snow coming, I guess." maki: yeah...better head back.... Takehisa: *turns on the Matchbox, pulls out of the parking lot* "...Thanks for your work on the vehicle." maki: no problem ^^ Takehisa: *driving back towards the 8th* "...You are a very talented soldier..." maki: *she smiles* Takehisa: *pulls into the 8th* "...You are amazing, Maki." maki: ^^; aww shucks. Takehisa: "..." -\\\\- "Well...Back to work, then..." -elsewhere- Kid: *concerned* "Still aching?" stocking: a little better... Kid: *nods* "May I bring you anything?" stocking: heating pad? Kid: *smiles, as he pulls heating pad from dresser* "...I'm sorry." *lays heating pad along her* stocking: its ok kiddo... Kid: *nods* "I wish it was not like this..." stocking: i know...*strokes his cheek* Kid: *smiles, blushes* "Rest well..." *kisses her forehead* -morning- Black Star: *groaning* tsubaki: morning. *she smiles* Black Star: "..." *smiles* "Hey, pretty lady." *his face is still red from the wall-crash* tsubaki: *washing his face with a washcloth* Black Star: o\\\\\o "Th-Thanks..." tsubaki: ^^ Black Star: "...Your hands are soft and gentle, and you're so attentive...You are the best weap--um, girlfriend..." tsubaki:..... o//////o Black Star: "..." *sits up, lays a hand lightly along her cheek* tsubaki: *blushing* Black Star: *leans up, closes his eyes, lightly kisses her lips* tsubaki: *smooch* u///u Black Star: *hugs her, returning the kiss before pulling back* -\\\\\- "...Nice." -elsewhere- Kid: *turns over in bed* stocking: zzzzz.... Kid: *holds her gently in sleep* -later- tsubaki: stocking, you really shouldn't have... stocking: i wanted to though. tsubaki: *looking at the tickets for 4 to a private concert by licht todoroki*...*concerned look at black*star* Black Star: -3- "...So, I guess we're going." tsubaki: but i thought the public tickets werent even on sale yet... stocking: my dad managed to pull a few strings *wink* Black Star: "Hmm...Have to thank him for that. So, who does your dad want me to beat up?" stocking: um...*sweatdrop* tsubaki: *looks at the name* 'ophelia faust'? stocking: 7-7 it's kind of a psuedo name... Black Star: "??? Whose pseudo name?" stocking: apparently mine, *muttering* thanks a lot dad... Kid: "..." *remembers "Hamlet"...starts crying* Q_Q "DON'T DROWN YOURSELF." stocking: i wont kid, dont worry. *hugs him* Kid: *hugs* -\\\\- Black Star: ._. "Jeez, dude, have some self-respect..." *offers a flower to Tsubaki* tsubaki: ^////^ you're adorable. stocking: the show will be tonight. see you guys there. Black Star: "Hell yeah I am! Not as adorable as you, though!" -elsewhere- Arthur: *in a detention shirt that says "I broke the dress code"* -______-;;;; -elsewhere- manager: thank you again for your sponsorship, mr carmine Mr. Carmine (Mr. Tsubaki): "But of course. Nothing brings me more pleasure than to be a patron of the arts." manager: of course. -after the meeting- otogiri: shamrock and i will wait on the roof in case anything goes awry... Mr. Tsubaki: *clicks his tongue* "What could possibly go wrong~?" Shamrock: -_-; "Don't say that, sir." belkia: you're gonna jinx it. -that evening- stocking: here we are... Black Star: *in a suit...actually presentable and not disshelved* tsubaki: *in her green dress* Kid: "Ready to take our seats?" stocking: yeah. i think it's downstairs... Kid: "??? In a basement?" stocking: apperantly. *shrugs* tsubaki:....?? *she sees a man with a side braid looking around* Black Star: *grumbles* "So you can't hear the bad music playing..." Black Star: "...Let's just get through this..." tsubaki: yeah... Black Star: "..." *offers his arm to Tsubaki with a smile* ???: excuse me, have you seen a young man come by here? brown hair, orange jacket? stocking:....no? Kid: "??? I don't think so." tsubaki:....did he have a cat with him? Black Star: "???" ???: yes actually... -someone is outside the window, scanning the area, a young lady with short purple hair....a familiar face- Kid: ("...Blair?") Black Star: "...Wait...Is that...?" otogiri:....?? *she doesnt say anything* Black Star: "Tsubaki! Look!" tsubaki: ....!! ???: hmm? is something wrong? tsubaki: *remembering what she heard from uzuki's text messages* we need to find licht, he's in danger! ???: !!! guil! -a person in a whale costume appears- stocking: um...what? Kid: ._.; "...Fail whale?" ???: hurry along everyone! *they all head downstairs, loud noises can be heard* tsubaki: (thinking: please dont let us be too late...) Black Star: "!!! Tsubaki?! Weapon form?!" tsubaki: *does so* Kid: *kicks the doors down, symmetrically* ???: *slams the doors open* GUIL! STOP THEM! Kid: "Now see here--!" -cue epic headbutt- licht: fuck! Kid: "?!!!!" Lawless: "Hee hee hee...Here to interrupt the fun?" -GUIL CHOP- stocking: *swords drawn at lawless* what the fuck is going on here?! Lawless: "Owie!" =3= "I was just fighting off some vampires..." stocking: vampires? did you happen to kill one in a stupid top hat and pink pony tail? i sure hope you did. licht: those blades....what are you...an angel? or a demon? Lawless: "..." ._. "Pink pony tail?" stocking: *opens her mouth*............................................uhhhhhh *sweats* Kid: >____< "DON'T YOU START, YOU FOOLISH ASYMMETRICAL HAIR PEON!" ???: alright, settle down everyone, now what exactly is going on here? mahiru:...*looks at kuro, concerned* Kuro: *pinned to wall...looks like he is staring off into nothing* -mahiru tries to explain to the best of his ability- tsubaki: *has changed back....hears something* ?? lilac: *hiding, whimpering, almost hyperventilating* Black Star: "Wait...Isn't that...?" lilac: *hic* tsubaki: !! *she goes over* lilac? what are you- lilac: i...i-i.....e-everyone...t-they....*he's trembling and crying* Black Star: "Hey...You're safe..." lilac: .......*looks on the stage, eyes wide with fear* Black Star: "???" Lawless: *crazy eyes* Kuro: *dead eyes* lilac: n....no..... tsubaki: ??.... !!!!! Kuro: *staaaaaare* Lawless: "...Heh..." mahiru: h-hey wait- -tsubaki block's lawless' sword with her star blade arm- tsubaki: what are you doing?! lilac: !! Lawless: *sneers* "Out of my...way!" *slices at her* tsubaki: *block* stop it! cant you see he doesnt want to fight? Lawless: "But I do!" *stabs at Tsubaki* "I desire it! And I always get what I desire! BECAUSE I WANT TO KEEP FIGHTING, UNTIL I FACE THE STRONGEST OPPONENT I CAN!" tsubaki: *wince* stocking: stop it!! Lawless: "This monster was going to kill me?! Then they can face me and actually battle to the death instead of cowering behind you!" *slices at Tsubaki* Black Star: "No!" *rushes at him* stocking: *sword block* Lawless: "?!!! The heck? Did you just turn your socks into--" stocking: yeah. am i an angel? a demon? the answer is yes. you cream faced loon. licht:............... *licht.exe has stopped responding* Lawless: *eyeroll* "You egg, you fry of treachery..." *lifts up his arm to attack her* "SO LET ME FRY OR POUCH YOU! Ha ha ha!" -slash clash bang! slash clash bang!- -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *deep inhale* *glares at everyone around him* otogiri:.....we managed to save one.... naho: *on her knees, in tears and trembling* i-i tried...i reall-really did...but when i saw him k-ki-killing them, i-i got scared and i- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *hard stare down at Naho...he gets down on his knees, still staring hard at her...and pulls her towards him in a hug* naho:....*ghibli tears and breaks down crying* Mr. Tsubaki: "Shh..." *hums a song to her* naho: im sorry...i-im *hic* sorry.... otogiri:..... lavender:....*sigh* Mr. Tsubaki: "It's okay...You're going to be safe..." Shamrock: "..." *looks around the room, confirming the space is secured* belkia: if higan were here sooner, this wouldnt have happened Q.Q sakuya:....(thinking: lilac....i just hope you survived somehow....) Mr. Tsubaki: "...Where is he?" naho: ??? Mr. Tsubaki: "Where is Higan?" belkia: his flight back to death city was delayed, he wont be her until later in the week...STUPID AIRLINE JERKS! otogiri: i'll have to reprimand him when he returns....even if he is one of your top ranking subclass, its no excuse to slack off... lavender: come on naho, lets go down to the cafe, it might help you feel better. naho: *sniffle* t-thank you... Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Naho on the back, offers a smile...* -elsewhere, after lawless had left, sayaka and soul had arrived- sayaka: *healing tsubaki and licht's wounds* licht: i'm perfectly fine. sayaka: well these gashes say otherwise. Kid: "Hmph. You call those injuries 'fine'?" Black Star: *not moving from Tsubaki* kranz: my apologies for all this. stocking: i-it's fine... lilac:........ *has a tsubaki's jacket over his shoulders*......do...do you hate me? tsubaki: hmm? of course not... Kid: (to Kranz) "What exactly is going on?" lilac: even though i-i'm supposed to be your enemy? Black Star: *big smile to Lilac, pat on the shoulder* "Nope!" kranz: it's....a rather complicated story. Kid: *arms crossed* "Try me." mahiru: actually, it think i know some details, as does tsubaki and mr kranz. putting it simply, we'll all give our explinations. -and so they do- stocking: for real? then that pink haired weirdo.... soul: i feel like i should be shocked but.....im just not. lilac: .......am i... really being kept hostage for questioning? mahiru: jeez, it does sound bad when you put it that way....but, try thinking of it as 'protection from greed'? licht: honestly, that shit rat. sayaka: so the hedgie was a vampire? guil: *smacks sayaka upside the head* sayaka: owie! Q-Q Black Star: *scratches his cheek* "So...Lilac will stay with Mahiru?" mahiru: hmmm. *lightbulb* i have the perfect place for you to stay for a while. Black Star: "???" mahiru: he can stay at the hot springs. lilac: w-what about my s-school work? mahiru: we'll figure it out... lilac: o-o-ok... Black Star: *pats Lilac's shoulder* lilac: .....i dont...feel well.... -elsewhere- mitsuba: <this is so dumb. why are we even doing this transfer thing?> shinoa: <well, guren said it would be a good experience for us.> akane: .... *staring out the window* Higan: T_T ("I hope Mr. Tsubaki isn't too angry with me...") mitsuba: <yeah, like death city _needs_ more protection from the paranormal.> Higan: ("Maybe I could get him something at the airport gift shop as an apology...if it is even still open...") shinoa: <who knows, maybe we'll make some new friends in the states.> Higan: "Pardon me? Hi...Do you know whether the gift shop will be open when we land?" mitsuba: !!!! shinoa: i think so. if not, then maybe try again in the morning? Higan: *nods* "Thank you very much..." mitsuba: <shinoa, you're way too trusting! this guy could try to drug us and sell us as international sex slaves!> akane: <you're too damn paranoid> mitsuba: *glares at her* Higan: "???" shinoa: dont mind them, it's their first time in the US, so they’re a bit cranky from a shift in sleep schedule. Higan: *nods* "I can understand...I'm a little nervous. I...missed my flight." shinoa: ah. well, i hope things work out for you then. mitsuba: *gives the 'i'm watching you' hand motion* Higan: Q~Q -a few days later- Relan: *bundled up* shinra: i got you some sweet potatos! iris: *nom nom* -inside the building- tsubaki: *dressed as a ghost, advertising a haunted house attraction* Black Star: *dressed as a zombie* Sid: -_____- nygus: ^^; marie: well, imitation is the highest form of flattery....i think? Sid: T_____T nygus:...*pap pap* Kid: *offers Stocking a snowball-themed dessert ball* stocking: yummy~<3 Kid: *smiles* "Any word yet about Lilac?" stocking: not yet.... -in one of the offices- Shamrock: "And what would you advise?" granny: perhaps contacting the police would be a good option? Shamrock: "Yes...but have their friends said anything? That may help locate..." granny: we'll see what we can find mr yuutsu. Shamrock: "Thank you, I just…Ever since my wife passed away..." worker: ... Shamrock: *cries* "I'm sorry...I can't bear to lose more of my family..." granny: i understand sir, we'll do what we can. Shamrock: *nods* "Please, do so..." -elsewhere- Wes: "...That's the story on that guy?" soul: apparently. it's a lot to take in... Wes: "No kidding...I remember when weapons were the most complicated thing..." soul: yeah... Wes: "That poor kid..." soul: ..... Wes: "Being around someone that is trying to kill you..." soul:.....*he nods* Wes: *pats Soul's shoulder* "...Be safe, okay?" soul: ok. Wes: "...So, what you want to do? Get something to eat? Check out the stands?" soul: maybe try one of the games? Wes: "Cool...Snow Skeeball?" soul: sounds good. -elsewhere- Yumi: *walking with Shiori around the festival, points at the Christmas light display* "See the reindeer?" shiori: *shiny eyes* Yumi: *then spots...* "...Death? Why is there a display of cavemen and dinosaurs?" lord death:.....i lost a bet. Yumi: -_-; Santa T-Rex: (robotic voice) *ROAR!* "Happy Winter, Everyone!" -elsewhere- Gopher: *hands Kirika a coffee cup of hot chocolate* kirika: thanks Gopher: -W- "Such warm and tasty hot chocolate..." Patty: *getting a piggy back ride from Takeru* "Hee hee hee!" takeru: ^^ Kishiri: *blowing a bubble* -elsewhere- Hibana: *bundled up* =w= gabriella: this is so nice~ Hibana: "Agreed." *small hug* Hibana: *holds her arm, resting her head on her shoulder* "Want to go on one of the festival rides?" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *nom nom noming on taiyaki* *hands one to Kabuki* kabuki: why thank you....it's good to get out once in a while. Tsukiyo: *nods* -w- "It's a welcome break from local drama..." kabuki: fortunately, the commanders have it under control for the most part, as are the sisters of the shrine. Tsukiyo: "...Yeah. Everyone still seems so stressed out..." *stress eats another taiyaki* *mouth full* "Really discouraging." -elsewhere- Benimaru: *patrolling* "Kohana, do you see anything?" fang-hua: nothing so far. i guess everyone is staying in due to the cold... Benimaru: *exhales, sees the cold on his breath* "Indeed...Are you warm enough?" fang-hua: yeah. Benimaru: "..." *points to food stand still opened* "Chirinabe? My treat." fang-hua: sounds good. -elsewhere- Kid: *aims at the stack of bottles at the festival game...and knocks them all down!* "Yay!" *smiles at Stocking* "Which prize do you want?" stocking: *points to a pumpkin plush toy* Kid: *hands her the plush* "A pumpkin for my pumpkin..." ("...That sounded better in my head...") stocking: hehe~ *smooch on the nose* you're to adorable. Kid: =\\\\\\\= "I try...What would you like to do now? See the light displays? Play another game?" stocking: maybe see the displays? Kid: "Excellent..." *takes her hand* "I heard they were giving prizes to the best displays..." stocking: neato. Kid: *nods* "Father had told me about one display that he said would attract a lot of attention..." *spots a display with a snowman family* "D'aw..." stocking: *takes a pic* Kid: *looks at the little snow-baby...* "So cute..." *hugs Stocking* stocking: hehe~ Kid: "I'm hoping this display wins, although I know that--" o_____o "...What on earth?" stocking: uhhhh..... Kid: "...What the fuck?" stocking: oh my god. *covers face* Kid: "...Okay. You make an adorable Baby Jesus. But your father is as similar to Joseph as my father is to the Virgin Mary..." stocking: dad why? -___- Kid: "...Let's just move along before--" Jacqueline: "WHAT DID THEY DO TO THE BABY JESUS?!!" stocking: .......dont ask. -elsewhere- Black Star: "...Lilac going to be okay?" mahiru: yeah, he's staying with tetsu and hugh for now. Black Star: "Hugh..." *Excalibur face* -at the hotel- Mr. Tsubaki: "Well, then..." belkia: GUESS WHO'S BACK IN TOWN! Higan: *meek wave* "Hello, there..." *holds up a box of chocolates* Mr. Tsubaki: -_- naho: gross, i thought it smelt like old man in here! >3< lavender: *wave* Higan: *at Naho* D: *at Lavender* -\\\\- "Hi..." sayuka: *looks at shamrock, who also came back up to the room* Shamrock: *sighs* "No sign of Lilac..." sayuka:..... Mr. Tsubaki: "Hmm...Not good...Not good at all...I think our newly returned Higan should seek them." Higan: "...But I have jet lag." lavender: want me to help you out of it~? Higan: o\\\\\o Mr. Tsubaki: -_-;;;; "Please, control your hormones." Shamrock: -____-; ("You're one to talk, sir...") lavender: just tryin' to help. Higan: "...Well, it is late at night, so...We can start the search tomorrow? Rest now?" Shamrock: *turns to Belkia* "Weren't we going to do something at the festival?" Higan: *inching closer to Lavender* belkia: come on tsubakyuuun, lets check it oooout! >w< Mr. Tsubaki: "Very well...Let us put on our best disguises." belkia: YAY!! sakuya: i'll stay here. Higan: *yawns* "I as well..." *his hand inches towards Lavender's* Shamrock: -_____-;;;; "I'll clean up." lavender: *griiins* same. Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "Belkia, let us change and depart!" naho: *face of disgust* i'll just be in my room reading. belkia: YAY! Higan: *walks towards Lavender's bedroom...* Mr. Tsubaki: *snaps his fingers, is in new attire, with new hair and eye color* belkia: *in alternate costume and hairstyle* lavender: *follows* naho: *cringe* sakuya: ugh... Higan: *shuts the door behind them...* Mr. Tsubaki: "Please ask Higan and Lavender to keep their loud love-making to a decent volume." *takes Belkia by the arm* "We are off!" sakuya: *turns his music all the way up to drown out the sound, and just plays games on his phone* -elsewhere- Ponera: *reviewing notes with Shaula...seems distracted...* "I can't figure out these new designs for monsters..." -elsewhere- tsubaki: *drinking from her water bottle* this is tough work... Black Star: "No kidding." *rubs his shin* "Damn kid kicked me again..." tsubaki: ^^; Black Star: *holds out hand to borrow her water bottle* tsubaki: here you go. Black Star: "Thanks!" *sips* "At least the haunted house has gotten some attention." tsubaki: ^^ *Watching from around the corner* Mr. Tsubaki: *squee squee squee* otogiri: ...(thinking; he really is like a child...) Mr. Tsubaki: *whispering* "I'm so near her..." otogiri: try and calm yourself. belkia: OwO; *holding the stocking baby* Mr. Tsubaki: "But look at her! She is my divine angel~" *notices Belkia* "...Where did you get that?" belkia: i'm gonna head home, you two have fun! *flees* Mr. Tsubaki: ._.;;; "...That won't end well, will it?" mephisto: WHOSTOLEMYBABY!?! IWANTNAMES!!! otogiri: *takes his hand and escapes from the scene, into the building* Mr. Tsubaki: ("Eek!") Black Star: "??? You hear something?" otogiri: we should be safe here... tsubaki: get into position. Mr. Tsubaki: *looks around* Black Star: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: *walks around* "Hmm...Interesting display...Quite gothic..." otogiri: *looking around the fake graves and a fake shrine up ahead* Mr. Tsubaki: "Heh...A little spooky in here--" -sounds are heard from the shrine- Mr. Tsubaki: ._. *gulp* otogiri: *going forwards* Mr. Tsubaki: *follows her* -elsewhere- hinata: KYAAAAHH!!! fang-hua: ?!?! hinata? Benimaru: "???" hinata: commander! kohana-nee-san! it's hikage! she-she- ???: get out of here you phoney! ????: im not a phoney! you're the faker, faker! Benimaru: "..." *rubs his eyes* "Am I seeing...double?" hikage 1: commander! this phoney showed up! get rid of her! hikage 2: dont listen to her! she's the phoney! hinata: Q-Q this isnt how i wanted to play 'which one is hikage!' Benimaru: "...Fang-Hua? What sorcery is this?" fang-hua: i dont know... *muttering* could it be related to the incident with the 8th? -some locals are muttering amongst themselves- towns person: 3 of them? Konro: "!!! Kabuki...What is this?" kabuki: ??? -the two hikages are trying to beat each other up- hinata: commander! do something! Benimaru: *moves towards the Hikages* "Enough of this..." *picks up one Hikage...* *SNIIIIIIIIIIIF* fang-hua: c-comman- Benimaru: *picks up the other Hikage* "SNIIIIIIFF* Konro: o____O; hikage 2: w-what the hell are you doing?! hikage 1: UNHAND ME! *Benimaru takes Hikage #1--and tosses the motherfucker into the wall of a house* hinata: D8> hikage: O_O Konro: D: fang-hua: COMMANDER?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! Benimaru: *shrug* "She didn't smell right." hinata: *lightbulb* oh! sister kirei made us snacks today! they smelled really good! hikage:.... *looks at the other and screams* EW!! Benimaru: "...!!! Good lord..." -the fake hikage had the face of an old man- fang-hua: ?!?! -the townspeople are shouting, demanding answers- Benimaru: "Fang-Hua...Konro...What had that cat-person from the 8th said?" fang-hua: .....that she saw two figures that looked like commander oubi and commander hinawa on the roof...even though they were also on the ground... Benimaru: "...Kabuki, bring this...thing in for questioning." kabuki: r-right.... -elsewhere- otogiri:....quiet... Mr. Tsubaki: Q~Q "But it's scary in here..." otogiri: -_-; tsubaki: *coming up out of a tv set* *singing* <you may go in~ you may enter~ which way is the exit, if there even is one~?> Mr. Tsubaki: .______. *SHRIEK* otogiri: o-o Mr. Tsubaki: "D-Don't eat me! I'm not tasty at all!" tsubaki:..... !!! Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *smiles* "Oh, it's you!" tsubaki: *crawling back into the tv* otogiri: *gives mr tsubaki a judgmental glare like 'oh dont do it'* Mr. Tsubaki: *snatches her hand* "It is so good to see you again~" tsubaki: !!!! Mr. Tsubaki: *leans to kiss her hand* otogiri: *closes her eyes as if to say 'oh my god'* tsubaki: *slaps him across the face* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! ..." *smiles* "I like it rough! Do it again!" tsubaki: *SLICE and runs deeper into the house* (thinking: this is bad....why is he here?!) Mr. Tsubaki: *grunts, pants, chuckles* "I love this...The chase stage in a relationship!" *runs after her* otogiri: .......i'll have to reprimand him for this. how bothersome. Mr. Tsubaki: *cackling in the shadows* "Where are you~?" tsubaki: *hiding in a coffin* *sending a text to black*star* Black Star: *hears his phone chirp, looks at message* tsubaki: [_he_ is here in the shrine part of the haunted house!] Black Star: "!!! Soul! Creepy vampire guy's got Tsubaki!" soul: ?! Black Star: "Come on! We have to stop this fucker!" soul: right! -inside the house- Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs around a set of three coffins* "...I smell camelia flowers~" tsubaki: ........*arm blade at the ready* Mr. Tsubaki: *scratches at one coffin next to the one Tsubaki is in* "Are you in here?" tsubaki: *a bead of sweat drips from her forehead* Mr. Tsubaki: *sniffs, turns, leers at the coffin Tsubaki is in* "Your sweat...smells delicious..." tsubaki: *kicks the lid off* Mr. Tsubaki: "?!!" *lid to the face* "Ouchie!" tsubaki: *chain arm slams him into a wall as she runs off* Mr. Tsubaki: *imprint of his body against the wall...as he smiles, with hearts in his eyes* "Come back to me, my flower~" *runs after her* Black Star: *running around the building* "Where is she?! I can't--" soul:...!!! *blocks knifes* otogiri: i cant find them, and now this? this day has been so bothersome... Black Star: "?!!! You again?!! What is with you freaks going after Tsubaki?! Leave her alone!!! Or I will rip your face off and--" Mr. Tsubaki: *swings along a noose on the ceiling, after Tsubaki* "Tsubaki-Man, Tsubaki-Man, does whatever a Tsubaki can..." otogiri: -___-; found him. *follows the sound* Black Star: "!!!" *yells at Otogiri* "Get back here! I wasn't done yelling at you!" *chases after her* soul: *follows* Mr. Tsubaki: *leaps from noose, towards Tsubaki, his lips pursed* "Love you!!!!" -smacked by a foam grave- Mr. Tsubaki: "Ouchie!" *falls on his face, butt stuck up in the air* "...Babe, I love the harsh treatment, but could you kiss my bruise to make it better?" *butt wiggle* tsubaki: *blade at his face* *twitch* Mr. Tsubaki: "!!! Jeez...I just wanted a kiss...Why are you so irritable at me? I love you--" tsubaki: you attacked me in my own home! the fact you try to stalk me like this, it's not love, it's...it's utter obsessive insanity! Mr. Tsubaki: "...'Utter obsessive insanity' is the definition of love. I was following you to know where you live so I could deliver presents to you! I crawled into your bed to comfort you because you were crying for someone! I wanted to comfort you! I just want to help!" tsubaki: ....do you even know anything about me? what i've experienced? Mr. Tsubaki: *takes a step forward* "I know you are a woman who has suffered greatly, who is in pain. You lost someone close to you..." *smiles* "What if I could offer you a world, where you never have to lose anyone ever again?" tsubaki:......that would be nice....but loss is a part of life, because those experiences help us grow stronger. Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *stops walking forward* "...If I lost another person...I would be devastated." *holds out a hand* "I don't want to lose you...like you lost your brother." tsubaki:.....masamune....even though his body is gone, is soul still remains.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Is that enough for you? Really?" tsubaki: .....as long as i still remember him, then he's still here in my heart, right?... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Tsubaki...If I lost one of my friends...I would be shattered." *holds out his hand* "...Where is Lilac?" tsubaki: !! Mr. Tsubaki: "Please...I don't want to lose someone else. Are they safe?" tsubaki:.....t-they- Black Star: "TSUBAKI!" tsubaki: !! Mr. Tsubaki: "?!! You?" Black Star: *rushes at Mr. Tsubaki* "AAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHH!!!" Mr. Tsubaki: *growls* otogiri: *puppet strings keeps black*star in place* we should go now.... Mr. Tsubaki: *solemn nod, looks sincerely at Tsubaki...* Black Star: "Let me go, you stupid vamp!" Mr. Tsubaki: "Tsubaki...I know you won't hurt Lilac." *smiles* "Otogiri...Let us depart." tsubaki: .......*she runs towards black*star* -mr tsubaki and otogiri absconded- Black Star: *falls face-first onto the floor* "...Ouch." soul: you ok? -later, elsewhere- lilac: ..... Hugh: "You! You have grown silent!" lilac: s-sorry, did you want me to say something? Hugh: "Yes! You can start by complimenting how wonderful this bathhouse looks! Isn't it quaint and homey?" lilac: its nice...*small smile* Hugh: "Good!" *passes tea to them* "Regale me with more compliments about how fine an establishment this is! AND SPEAK UP!" tetsu: i brought baked manjuu. lilac: t-THANKYOUVERYMUCHSIR! mr sendagaya: tetsu, you have visitors. tsubaki: good evening. Black Star: *smiles, waves at Lilac* "Hey!" lilac: *small smile* Black Star: "How you doing? Having a meal?" lilac: *eating the manjuu* *nod* tsubaki: ....*smiles* Black Star *looks to Tetsu* "Hey...No unexpected visitors have been around, have there?" tetsu: not that i can tell Black Star: *nods* "Keep an eye on that...We, um..." lilac: ?? Black Star: "...We saw him. Tsubaki." lilac:.... !!! Black Star: "So be on the look-out for him..." tetsu: alright, will do. lilac:......*sitting on the porch, staring at the snow* Black Star: "??? Hey, Lilac? You alright?" lilac: y-yeah... Black Star: "...You know no one here is going to hurt you, right?" lilac: i believe that.....but...i hope i can go back soon.... Black Star: "...What is it about Tsubaki that makes you want to go back? He seems like a creep." lilac: m-mr tsubaki...h-he may have done some very bad things, but....he isnt a bad person....it's because of him that....that im still even here... Black Star: "How's that? Did he save you or something?" lilac: *he nods* do you...know how a subclass is made? Black Star: *shakes his head "no"* lilac: when a human is on the verge of dying, if they consume the blood of a servamp...then they become a subclass.... tsubaki: !! Black Star: "...So, he saved you from dying?" lilac: he did....me....sakuya.. miss lavender...naho...all of us... lilac:....!!! *covers his mouth* Black Star: "...Naho?" lilac: n-nothing! f-forget i said anything! Black Star: *looks wearily at Tsubaki, then back at Lilac* "...What you want to do after your meal? Dip in the hot spring?" lilac: y-you...arent mad at me? tsubaki: of course not.... Black Star: *remembers Maka forgiving Crona* "If I didn't forgive you, I'd disappoint someone..." lilac:....*faint smile* i think...im ok for now.... tsubaki: *she smiles* Black Star: *pats Lilac's head with a smile* lilac:....*nods*.....miss? tsubaki: hmm?? lilac: you arent....going to kill him....are you? tsubaki:....*thinking back to what mr tsubaki said* Black Star: "..." [mr tsubaki: if i lost one of my friends:...i would be shattered] tsubaki:....we'll talk about it. lilac:....oh. Black Star: *thinks about fighting Mifune...when Angela intervened* -elsewhere- lavender: maid outfits? for real? damn higan, you sure got into trouble while you were gone, haha! Higan: =\\\\\= sakuya: *cringes* Higan: "What about you? Any interesting partners you had?" lavender: well, there was that bellhop....but he kinda died so...that's a thing. sakuya: *cringing more* Higan: "Hmmm...How was he? Before he died?" lavender: eh, decent i guess. naho: *excalibur face* Higan: "How did he compare to me?" *holds up his index fingers a certain width* lavender: trust me, you are waaay better equipped~ sakuya: OH MY GOD! DX< naho: that's gross, old man! Higan: =\\\\\\= "D'aw, thank you..." Higan: *glares at Naho* naho: TnT lavender: that reminds me! i actually got something the other day. *pulls out a seifuku cosplay* naho: *JAWDROP* sakuya: *about to vomit* Higan: O\\\\\\\\\\\\\\O "...We...um..." *takes her hand* lavender: hmm~? Higan: "Could you put it on? Now?" sakuya: i'm going for a walk bye! *exits* lavender: sure thing~<3 naho: *exits the room* shaaaaammmm Q_Q Higan: *covers his eyes, waiting for her to change* -elsewhere- Wes: "You okay, Soul?" soul: yeah... Wes: "...That was a bit of a fright...Any update from Black Star or Tsubaki?" soul: *he explains what all happened and what they told him* Wes: "...Poor Tsubaki...and that poor kid..." soul: yeah.... -elsewhere- Kid: *hugs Stocking* stocking: mmmm, nice and warm~ -elsewhere- kirei: eh? have the twins stay here at the shrine? Benimaru: "We cannot afford to have them harmed, as could have happened had I made a mistake. And we need them safe should this...person try to impersonate them again." kirei: understood. hikage: how dare that slimy old creeper try and impersonate my cute face! >n< hinata: *sweatdrop* we're twins you dope. hikage: THERE CAN ONLY BE TWO! >n< Benimaru: *small smile, as he pats Hikage's head* "Sister, has anyone odd visited the girls when they were here at the Shrine?" kirei: to what i can recall no. sister:....*small smile to herself?* Benimaru: "Hmmm...Someone is getting a close eye on people here, even visitors, imitating their appearances, even voices..." kirei: that's....quite alarming. Benimaru: "We need a way to track who is and is not a fake..." Tsukiyo: *standing with Fang-Hua, raises her hand* "I have an idea!" fang-hua: oh boy. Tsukiyo: "We just need a detailed report on everyone's various scars, birthmarks, and other distinguishing features! We can do it in the infirmary! I volunteer to inspect the naked bodies of each and every adult in this village!" fang-hua:.........that's....actually a smart idea. but leave it to the medics -_-; Tsukiyo: "...But it was my idea..." Q~Q fang-hua: and we appreciate it. we'll treat you to ramen later today, how's that? -elsewhere- otogiri: we're home- lavender: AHH! OH FUCK~!<3 otogiri:...why am i not shocked? Higan: "Who's been a naughty one?" *spank spank* sakuya: *in the bathroom, throwing up* naho: *HAS THE RADIO TURNED ALL THE WAY UP* HEY GUYS! lavender: OH~ Higan: "So tight! Oh, God, I missed this!" lavender: *pant pant* more~ more~! Higan: *thrusts deeper inside her* "Take it--take it!" otogiri: ......*looks at mr tsubaki* Mr. Tsubaki: *looking out the window, deep in thought, with a bruised ego* lavender: AHHHHHHHHH~<3<3 Higan: *growls* "AAAAAAAAAH!!!" *collapses alongside her, taking one of her breasts in his hand* Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *grunts* lavender: *panting* fuuck... =/////w/////= Higan: "God, I missed all of this...especially these." *sucks on her right breast* -KNOCK KNOCK- otogiri: we're back. lavender: ah~ >///o Higan: -_-;;; *calls through the door, as he slides his hand up her leg...* "And? How did it go?" otogiri: ....finish up, and then we'll discuss it. lavender: fine by us! ^^ Higan: *his finger reaches inside of her* lavender: ah-ahhhh~<3 Mr. Tsubaki: *looking more and more irritated...* Higan: *suckles again on her breast, as he slides another finger into her* otogiri:...tsubaki...? lavender: ah~ ah~ i want it~ i wanna suck on it~ Higan: *smiles, as he lifts himself up, one knee to her left, one foot to her right, his hardening member in front of her face* Tsubaki: "...I lost Lilac...I am no closer to my camellia flower..." otogiri:..... lavender: *licking at it* Higan: *moans* "So good...Like that..." Mr. Tsubaki: "I know I have all of you...but to lose any of you...to lose her...It hurts." otogiri:...*pap pap* lavender: *sucking on the tip* Mr. Tsubaki: *holds her hand, nods...* Higan: *holds her head as she starts to suck* "I missed your lips..." belkia: we're back! Shamrock: "Master, I--" Mr. Tsubaki: *hugs Belkia and Shamrock* belkia: o.o naho: O///w///O Shamrock: o\\\\\\o "M-Master? What is--" Mr. Tsubaki: "I'm glad you returned...I WANT A GROUP HUG!" otogiri: even...*points to lavender's room* Mr. Tsubaki: -______-;;;;;;; "...Let them finish. And shower first.": belkia: good call! -elsewhere- Kishiri: [u still up?] vivian: [ya] Kishiri: [i had fun at the festival. and yesterday evening. esp this part:] *Texts a pic he took of her, as they watched the sunset--the sky behind her is bright pink and orange* vivian: ^^ [same] *saves pic* Kishiri: [going to head to bed. luv u] -elsewhere- Black Star: *towels off after dip in hot spring* "Thanks for the use, man. I'll get dressed and head on home with Tsubaki." tetsu: no problem. -and so- tsubaki: are you feeling better? Black Star: "..." *nods* "I feel a little angry at Lilac...but I feel bad for them..." *looks at her* "And I was so scared that something happened to you." tsubaki: ....im alright now, arent i? Black Star: "...You look alright. How do you feel?" tsubaki:....conflicted. Black Star: "???" tsubaki: i know i wont completely forgive the things he did to me... but if what lilac says is true.. Black Star: "..." *nods* "I think I get that..." *smiles* "That's the kind of person you are." tsubaki:...*she smiles* i dont really understand him...but i want to. i want to find out why he's like this.. then maybe... maybe we can help him. Black Star: "..." *sighs* "Alright...You take the lead on this, okay?" tsubaki:...*she nods* Black Star: *holds her hand* "And you tell me what to do, and I'll do it!" tsubaki: ^^; -elsewhere- Hibana: "Oh, Gabby~?" gabriella: yes? Hibana: *holds up phone, snaps a pic* "So cute~" gabriella: >////< Hibana: *moves closer, hugs her* "You're more beautiful each day~" -elsewhere- Relan: *kisses Shinra's cheek* shinra: ^///^ Relan: *kisses Iris's cheek* "Well...I guess I better get home." -elsewhere- Emine: *smirking, holding an egg* -elsewhere- Medusa: *asleep in rocking chair next to Neian's crib* "Zzzz..." shaula: *has a marker* >:3 Medusa: *snore* "Zzz..." -morning- Medusa: *glaaaaaaaaare* shaula: *whistling* -elsewhere- maki: happy birthday, commander miwa! miwa: awww, thanks guys! Arthur: *blows party favor* padma: *cutting the cake* Takehisa: *passes out plates to everyone* -at school- Patty: "How is your dad after the stolen 'Baby Stocking 'incident?" stocking: well, we managed to resolve it. found the baby, but the thief vanished... Patty: "Huh...Who would steal a baby version of you? I mean, that's one messed up fan..." stocking: probably some weirdo... Kid: "Hmph. Best be cautious, after what Tsubaki has gone through." stocking: yeah... Kid: *holds her hand, pats it* "We'll keep an eye out for each other, right?" stocking: right. Kid: *smiles* "Then let's see what is ahead of us today." -elsewhere- Yohei: "Anything you need?" chie: some tea please. Yohei: *smiles* "You got it..." *dispenses hot water from WASHU into a teacup...* chie: i havent heard from that little demonic plushie in a while. medea: i sold him. Yohei: o_______o chie: O-O medea: there was antique dealer in the neighborhood, and i sold it to him. he had a pet snake with him... Yohei: "...That cannot end well..." -elsewhere- mikuni: who's a cute widdle teddy~? metsu: .... PlushFix: -_-; "...Did any of you bring porn?" mikuni: OwO eh? PlushFix: "You heard me, motherfucker." metsu: ..........*twitch* Jeje: "..." *pulls out a flamethrower* "Kill it with fire." PlushFix: .______. mikuni: *faking a southern accent* dont be so mean, jayjay *pouts* Jeje: "It is obviously evil! What kind of a doll asks for pornography?!!" mikuni: you dare accuse my sweet abel of being a pervert? metsu: -_-; PlushFix: "So...Where am I, anyway?" metsu: an antique shop. mikuni: indeedio~! PlushFix: -_-; "It looks like a convenience store...that isn't very convenient." metsu: *muttering* hopefully _he_ doesnt notice this....he'd go into a frenzy -_-; PlushFix: "??? Notice what?" Jeje: "Why is this thing still talking?" mikuni: oooh, you mean _him_... as long as he doesnt touch the other dolls, it's fine~! metsu: your priorities are so messed up -_-; PlushFix: "???" *looks around...* PlushFix: "Any dolls that are anatomically correct?" metsu: O-O mikuni: dont you lust after my babies! PlushFix: "..." *sneers, as he yawns and puts his arm over a doll's shoulder* mikuni: BACK INTO THE BOX WITH YOU! *puts a price sticker on the box that says 'WILL TAKE ANY OFFER!'* PlushFix: "WHY DOES NO ONE LOVE ME?!!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: "Update on the medical examinations?" medic: all notes have been taken care of. Benimaru: "Hmm, fast work. I take it you had no interruptions?" medic: *shakes their head* -elsewhere- Kishiri: "You." *grabs Shinra by the back of his collar* "You're coming with me." shinra: ?!?! Kishiri: *pulls him into empty hallway* "You. You like girly stuff, right?" shinra:....why do you assume that? T-T Kishiri: " 'Cause you look like someone who would be into girly stuff--which is why I need your help." shinra: ...... *calmly flips the bird as he walks off* Kishiri: *anger twitch* "What the fuck?! I'm asking for your help and this is how you treat me?!" ... *gets on his knees and grabs Shinra's ankles* "I'M BEGGING YA!" shinra: !! Kishiri: "I'm stumped, man! I want to get a gift for my girl, and I don't have any more ideas what!" shinra: ........wait, you? toru 'fuckboi' kishiri, in a relationship? yeah, apparently i just transported to an alternate universe where birds are currency and people keep bigfoots as pets! Kishiri: *anger twitch* "I'm gonna show you what a nice guy I am and laugh off that insult..." *unconvincing curt laugh* "...Look, I'm not used to this dating thing, and you're already dating two people, so you got to have, like, twice the experience as me in these relationship things, right?" shinra: uhhh...... Kishiri: *on his knees, hands clapped in front of him* "You help me, I will do you a solid. On my word. Promise." shinra: ..... shinra: *siiigh* hey arthur! Arthur: "???" Kishiri: "???!!!" shinra: mind helping me out here? Arthur: "...Very well. Which dragon has possessed this sad little fuckboi?" Kishiri: "?!!!!!" -shinra explains the situation- Arthur: "...Then I think he should do something in exchange for assistance." *pulls out a dragon outfit* "Put this on: I get to run a sword through you." Kishiri: o____O;;; shinra: he means it jokingly kishiri -__-; Kishiri: *sigh of relief* "Ha ha...That's good..." Arthur: *brandishing a real sword* "I DON'T JOKE ABOUT DRAGONS." Kishiri: "What the hell is wrong with this freak?!!" shinra: O_____O;; -SHASHOCK- vivian: dont stab my man, jerk! >n< Arthur: x_______x Kishiri: *hiding behind Vivian* "So scary..." shinra: O__________O;;;; Kishiri: "Thank you, babe." *kiss on her cheek* shinra: …Arthur, you owe me five birds -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *sneezes* kim: *gives her soup* here you go. Jacqueline: *sniff, stuffed up* "Thank you..." *accepts the soup* "Don't know why the cold does this to me..." kim: *shrug* ....about christmas vacation... Jacqueline: "..." *solemn nod* "...My parents?" kim: if you dont want to go, you dont have too...miss misery is letting me spend break here, since i dont have anywhere to go back to... Jacqueline: "..." *shakes her head* "I can't put this off any longer..." kim: ..... -elsewhere- Shamrock: "...He's been quiet." lavender: maybe he caught something? Shamrock: ("Hmph...I would say most people catch something from _you_...") *knocks on Mr. Tsubaki's door* "Master?" *Silence* naho: *slips a drawing of mr tsubaki under the door* i made that for you. *smiles* Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, on his bed...* "???" *leaps off bed, approaches the drawing...* -its of himself with a fox mask surrounded by camellia flowers- Mr. Tsubaki: "..." *sniff* Q___Q *Door unlocks* otogiri: *concerned look* belkia: feeling better? Mr. Tsubaki: *still in fox form...approaches Otogiri, passes along her leg, as if desiring to be petted* otogiri: *lifts him up and sits on the couch, petting his head* ..... Mr. Tsubaki: ~_~ *sighs* "Zzz... lavender: rough night, i take it? otogiri: *she nods* Shamrock: "A lot of simmering issues coming to a boil...Poor Lilac..." belkia: i admit, stealing the baby was a spur-of-the-moment thing. i never _meant_ for it to happen, it just kinda happened! Shamrock: -______-;;; "Must you steal a baby that looks like _that_? It looks like the face of a grown woman put onto a baby's body." naho: *remembering how she and lilac were the two randomly selected lower subclass chosen to go with them to the hotel* belkia: it was the face of my stabby darlin~! Higan: "??? What did I miss while I was out of town?" -otogiri explains all that happened, and what happened last night- Higan: *head spinning* "That is so much to take in..." X____X Shamrock: T_T "Poor Master..." lavender: coffee? Higan: *nods* Mr. Tsubaki: "Zzz..." *curls up* otogiri:...*she gives him the plushie* Mr. Tsubaki: *cuddles with the plushie in his sleep* -elsewhere- Shotaro: *handing a balloon to a child* "Free balloons!" *he's with the Fire Brigade mascot* mana: *watching* Emine: *arms crossed, watching as well* "Why are children so fascinated with helium held in rubber orbs?" medea: it's truly a spectacle. Emine: -_-;; "...Did anyone want a free balloon?" -elsewhere- Shinoda: *bundled up in the snow* nea: *in normal clothes* nice day today~ Shinoda: -_-; "I'm freezing my tuckus off..." *holds her hand, with his mitten hand* nea: hehe~ -elsewhere- Kepuri: *asleep at her workstation* "Zzz..." boss: you ok, yanma? Kepuri: "H-Huh?" o___O "S-Sorry!" *sits up* "Just needed a cat-nap after finishing work!" *pulls up her coding* "See? Ahead of schedule!" boss: ah. keep up the good work! Kepuri: *nervous laugh...* *pulls out phone, texts Akaderu* [having trouble staying awake at work] -elsewhere- Kid: "Ready to head home?" stocking: *she nods* Kid: *smiles* "Anything to pick up on the way home?" *walks with her* liz: we're low on milk Patty: *nods* "Yeah, and we could use some snacks!" -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *eating her ramen, pouting* fang-hua: how're you holding up? Tsukiyo: *shrugs* "Just grumpy...People here seem more upset than before, now people don't trust that their neighbor may not be who they really are, and...to top it off..." fang-hua:..... Tsukiyo: -\\\\- "Well, you know..." *sigh* "Things were simpler when I could just lust after Beni-Hottie instead of worrying about whether the person next to me was a doppelganger." *looks at Fang-Hua* "For all you know, I'm a duplicate." fang-hua: it's...a scary thought. but i know you're the real thing. Tsukiyo: "??? You do? How?" fang-hua: because at this moment you're staring at my butt -_-; Tsukiyo: o\\\\\\\o;;; *embarrassed laugh* "I was just remembering that cute birthmark on your heiny..." fang-hua: O/////O oh shush >.< -elsewhere- Black Star: "Got everything you needed?" mahiru: yeah. thanks again. tsubaki: it's not a problem. Black Star: *nods* "Happy to help...How's everyone?" mahiru: doing well. misono: how do you work this thing? *messing with the tv* Black Star: "??? What, never saw a TV?" *looks at the cables...* mahiru: how's licht doing? Black Star: *grumble* "Still spoiled." mahiru: ah... Black Star: "I don't know what his deal is--how to get him to cooperate with us." sayaka: maybe if we beat him in a fight, he'll become our ally! soul: =_=; what do you think this is, a shonen manga? sayaka: .....*opens her mouth, but says nothing* Black Star: "It worked on Crona, didn't it?" soul: that's different -_-; Black Star: "How so? Just go up, punch Piano Angel Dickhead in the jaw, and he'll be your friend for life!" tsubaki: *sweatdrop* lilac: .__. Black Star: "...What? Did I say the wrong thing?" -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Any word from the 7th?" maki: nothing yet, but if there is, we'll keep you updated. Akitaru: *sigh* "This turned into a mess...I should've known that someone would follow us there and try to screw up our work convincing Benimaru. I'm such an idiot." maki: we had no way of knowing, it isnt your fault. Akitaru: "But to not see this coming? Jeez, this was so much simpler when it was just people turning into flame monsters...But someone impersonating me...?" maki: ..... Akitaru: *sigh* "Maki, could you talk with that bunny girl from the 7th? See what's up there?" maki: sure thing. -elsewhere- Kid: *at lunch, showing a photo to Stocking of him, Age 4, in one of his father's cloaks* stocking: aww, that's too cute! Kid: *smiles, nods* "I said, 'I am Lord Death! Hello hello hello!' like Father does." stocking: hehe~ it's sweet.....it's a shame i didnt have childhood photos until i was around 11. Kid: *sympathetic pat on her hand* stocking: *she smiles* Kid: "...Right now, you have your parents. You have family." stocking: i know. -elsewhere- Relan: *in home ec with Tamaki* "What are we cooking?" tamaki:....hopefully bacon. *her frying pan is literally on fire* Relan: ._. "Um...Please turn the heat down?" -elsewhere- Spirit: [text: sure, i can pick up izumi. anything to pick up on the way home?] sachiko: [we're running low on cereal] Spirit: [okay. any preference for izumi? something without a lot of sugar?] -elsewhere- Hibana: *thumbing through photoshoot proofs* "Hmm...The color looks off in this dress." -elsewhere- belkia: what's today's game plan? Mr. Tsubaki: "We need a lead on Lilac's location..." naho: what do we do? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I think I should follow someone close to this new group of super-friends they are forming around Lilac...Get to someone in that clique, follow them..." naho: *raises her hand* i wanna! i heard there's a bunch of cute guys in that group! THINK OF ALL THE SHIPS! Mr. Tsubaki: "??? Um...Okay?" otogiri: she seems like the best option... belkia: *sigh* it feels like it was just yesterday when i sunk my teeth into her neck. naho: TnT you chewed off a whole chunk of it! belkia: i was hungry! Mr. Tsubaki: *pats Naho's head* "Very well. Go forth and befriend them..." Shamrock: -____-;;; ("I've read too many reverse-harem stories to know where this is going...") -elsewhere- Shotaro: "We're home!" Emine: "Hello." chie: welcome home guys. io: ^o^ Shotaro: "Hee hee..." *picks up Io* "How you doing?" *holds Io at Emine* Emine: "..." io: *staaaaares* Emine: o_____o io:.... ^o^ Emine: "..." *nervous grin forming* lin: >////< Shotaro: "Hee hee...See, Emine? Io likes you! Bad deeds and all!" *puts Io into Emine's hands* Emine: o_____o;;;; "Wh-What if I drop the baby?" lin: here, like this. *helps him position his arms to properly hold her* Emine: "O-Okay..." *holds Io as instructed* "...The child is breathing...feels warm..." io: ^w^ Emine: "..." *small smile* -elsewhere- Spirit: *waves at Izumi* izumi: hey! ^^ thanks for picking me up today! Spirit: "Of course! Your mom wanted us to stop by the grocery store on the way home..." izumi: ah. Spirit: "How was school, kiddo?" izumi: good. Spirit: "Didn't get into any fights, did you?" *winks* izumi: uhh, no? Spirit: "That's good. When I was in school, I had to break up fights all the time..." izumi: *listening* Spirit: "My meister--the guy who wields me as a weapon? He was...violent." izumi: o_o Spirit: "I had to talk him back, make it promise to calm down, stop threatening to--" *sees Izumi scared* "!!! H-He's much better now though!" *nervous laugh* izumi: where is he now? Spirit: "...He's a teacher at my school." izumi: ah. will i get to meet him one day? Spirit: *smiles* "I would imagine you will--" *remembers Stein's usual behavior* o____o;;; "Um...I'll be sure to be present when you meet him..." izumi: neato. -elsewhere- Kishiri: *looking through DWMA help wanted listings* ("Gonna need some serious green to buy it...") -elsewhere- metsu: have a nice day now... *waves to the leaving customer* Jeje: *peeps around corner* "They gone?" metsu: *she nods* Jeje: *tiptoes out from the corner* "Good...What did they buy?" metsu: some of the antique dolls and some candy. Jeje: "...But not the weird creature?" PlushFix's box: *shake shake shake* metsu: unfortunatly no...my needles dont even work against it...
0 notes
Tsukigairei 5 | Kado 5 | Grimoire of Zero 5 | Boku no Hero Academia 19 | Royal Tutor 6
Tsukigakirei 5
Ep 6’s title is “Run, Melos!” (走れ、メロス!), a Dazai work.
Bad CGI strikes again.
Oh, I forgot to mention this last time when I explained this ep’s title, but Kokoro means “heart” for those of you that don’t know. That’s its literal meaning, though. It can mean a lot more than that.
That taiko near Kotaro (when he drinks his Pepsi) seems to be CGI.
Glasses guy is basically an older Kotaro…I know I’ll have problems telling the difference between them…
Did they pay Yahoo! for this product placement?
One of Kotaro’s posters seems to be about Muhammad Ali.
Having the screen intentionally the wrong orientation really is one small detail I appreciate from this show, like what I said with Boku no Hero Academia a bit back.
I can feel Kotaro’s heart sinking as student council pres calls him “Curly-kun”. I do admit I have done this sort of thing in the past to someone though (what Akane’s doing), so maybe I shouldn’t be feeling it.
There’s a book called “Delicious Curry” on one shelf, but it has a small green box near the “delicious”. I heard today that mango jam tastes good in curry, as a side note.
I guess it’s well established by now that both members of the couple will have romantic rivals, but only now is their potential to disrupt the couple actually coming in…just goes to show you how much I prefer Ore Monogatari! to this stuff, eh?
That cram school Kotaro goes to reminds me of one I used to go to on Friday nights. Again, the atmosphere’s really been captured by Tsukigakirei and that’s why I’m watching.
More money = more dates and vice versa. That’s kinda obvious if you think about it.
I LOLled at how Akane says she used Maps. Kids these days can’t get around with an ol’ paper map, it seems.
When Kotaro looks at Akane’s face, I remember some words from Arata (ReLIFE) – “You want to hold hands. You want to kiss her…” etc. etc.
I know how Japan is with these things (hugging, kissing etc.) – more so than the West – but still, get a move on, kiddos!
Kado 5
Wow, if Kado appeared on the 27th and it’s the 30th, it’s 3 days in 4 episodes.
The camera guy falling over was a laugh, at least.
Why is there fanservice of an army guy in Kado? (That’s something I never thought I’d say…) Please get some clothes on, (army) man.
Whatever you do, Kanata, please don’t touch Shun-she ate Shunina’s hand?
Kanata’s eating Shunina’s hand, and yet he deems her “appropriate”? *eyebrow raised*
Mifune uses a Windows OS. Well, it looks mostly like a Windows 7/8/8.1.
The slow pan really showed how they cut corners…
Notice Shunina has his disembodied hand on the handrest. It could be a sign he’s getting used to humanity.
If Kanata’s investigating placement of the Wam, I have the feeling this has to do with quantum physics.
Spinodal decomposition.
The mini-Kado explosion was so pretty! Like real fireworks!
Saraka’s eyes are really off model in this ep, eh?
Knowing how many people have died as a result of nuclear fallout and nuclear wars, Wam fighting would involve more than just one death, Shunina. Just a note.
It’s not 5 days ago, it’s 3. Didn’t I just calculate that? (Assuming it’s still the 30th of July, that is.)
I have a bad feeling about this…
I’m actually laughing right here. Everyone’s going “ohmigawd!!!”, even the UN. I did see a tweet saying you could make a Wam prior to watching this ep, but I never knew they meant it this literally. As for deciphering Kanata’s words (if they still need deciphering), I think Wam are like mini black holes in reverse...
Grimoire of Zero 5
I think they’re trying to be mournful, but when you have a guy suffocated by a cube of soil? That’s actually pretty funny. *cue Dumb Ways to Die*
They’ve never answered this, but why does Zero not have a band around her neck?
The still shots are probably the most striking. Certainly, there’s only been a ebelboar and a Mercenary one, but man, they look great.
The final spread has never been on a double page before…clearly this is ramping itself up. It looks like an ending…in the middle of what appears to be a 12 episode series. Unless the staff have something even better up their sleeves for the actual climax, I’m not sure this show is going to be a worthwhile investment from now on.
Boku no Hero Academia 19
It’s quite clear even though he’s being trained to surpass All Might, Shouto still admires the top hero, eh?
Notice Kaminari is eating a battery pack of some sort.
I’ve never seen meta go against someone like Todoroki…(re: Midoriya’s comment about how he’s normally the main character of a manga).
Chanbara. It’s the kind of thing you get with Rurouni Kenshin, apparently.
Aoyama (is that sparkly bellybutton guy’s name?) got his face squashed when Ashido came into the screen…
Todoroki looks a tonne like Yato (Noragami) if viewed from certain angles and not taking colour into account…
Kyouka isn’t even particpating in the cheerleading. That’s so her.
Basically, All Might is saying, “Fake it until you make it.”
Seiji Mizushima’s on econte (sorry, I don’t know what econte translates to)? Oh my glob! I’m not good with directors, but I know that name (from ConRevo)!
Royal Tutor 6
Einspanner. Apparently, it’s a kind of Viennese coffee.
Kapuziner? Hmm…lessee. Google-sensei’ results say it’s “a small black coffee with a bit of whipped cream…so that the coffee takes on the color of a monks hood” (sic).
Dobos torte. Apparently it’s topped with caramel…*drools* *retracts drool* But I ate not too long ago, so…on with the show!
Viktor is so hot when he’s disappointed! Agh! *almost dies from fangirling*
Richard…wait, I get it, actually. Licht is “ri-hi-to”, therefore Richard is “ri-chaa-do” (or something like that, or Richie (similar to what he wanted the professor to call him when he was introduced) for short.
Ooh. That pool shot took my heart away too. Licht really does take after his dad, to the point where I like him with a ponytail, but without the glasses. (His annoying comments from episodes past are still unforgivable, though.)
The “dramatic hair drop” thing really works on Licht. I can actually feel suspense from it.
Dangit, yaoi hands! You ruined my perfect image of the king!
I never saw that coming. What a turn of events, to see the king working in a café. Come to think of it, I once tried to write a story where a fallen angel and a constellation spirit work in a café (it was called Zodiac Conspiracy) but I’ve never worked in a café, so it fell through rather quickly.
The off model in this episode really snaps you out of the cosy, fun mood of this episode. It’s simultaneously the best (because it doesn’t debase women) and the worst (because I think this is the worst effort they’ve made with being on model so far in this show).
Gotta love a good man in a good suit.
I’m LOLling so hard. It’s like Viktor’s a host, not a waiter! Then again, I feel (somewhat) like they’re trying to capitalise on the Black Butler movie (Atlantic) that’s coming out soon and because that’s meant to be a (SPOILERS for non-manga readers! -> )big zombies-on-a-ship spectacle, they’re filling up that now vacant space with actual butlering from the closest subsitute...this show.
A franziskaner appears to be a type of beer, while a linzertorte is a latticed pie-thingy.
That “puis-je vous aider?” line appears to be French for “how can I help you?” (says Google Translate). By the same token, “ou est la gare?” is “where is the station?” and “je vais vous dessiner un plan” is “I will draw you a map”. (You can tell I don’t speak French…)
That Licht pose reminds me of one taken in Atarimae Taisou (it’s at the end of every exercise in that video, so you won’t miss it!), which I saw a few days ago but suddenly it got stuck in my head today…argh.
So…it’s yet another misunderstanding? I can see why people fall out of love with this show, but I’m still a firm enough fan of it that I’m sticking around with it…until the anime’s end, at the very least.
Shouldn’t Licht put his glasses back on and his hair back to a ponytail????
Oh yes, while I was reading this, I remembered something I forgot to mention earlier. Why was Viktor, a person who Heine may or may not have only had contact through mail, the first person Heine could trust? Is Heine from a criminal background, a loner who lived in a cave (like Grimoire of Zero’s title character) or something? (…Okay, I joke about the cave, but otherwise I’m serious.)
0 notes
pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Strange Events || Chapter 3
Fandom: Servamp Ships: KuroMahi (main), LawLicht (side), Tetsono (side), Jekuni (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht, Tetsu, Misono, Snow Lily, Mikuni, JeJe
Summary: When Mahiru’s friend goes missing, he searches through the woods for him. He comes across a boy with psychic abilities. He hoped Kuro would be able to help him find Misono. (Stranger Things AU) A/N: This was an AU that @viconekochan suggested.
Ch.1 || Ch.2 || (Ch.3) ||
“The game is almost ready.” Mahiru said as he plugged the game system into the television. He walked back to Kuro who was sketching on the recliner. He was curious about what he was drawing and glanced at the sketchbook as he stood next to him. The page was blank and Kuro simple glide the pencil over the paper. “Are you having trouble thinking of something to draw?”
“Sensei always told me who to draw.” Kuro told him and put down the sketchbook. He glanced around the living room and found that it was different from the sterile room he knew. The warm colours were welcoming and the plush furniture was comfortable. He didn’t know if he could touch anything so he stayed in the recliner.
“You can draw whatever you want now. If you see something that inspires or intrigues you, you should try to draw it. I’m not an artist so I don’t know what kind of advice I should give you. But I’m a great baker and you can have as many cookies as you want.” Mahiru pointed to the jar of cookies on the table. “Just be careful not to get crumbs everywhere.”
He reached down and took the controller from the table. He sat on the arm of the recliner and placed the controller on Kuro’s lap. As he studied the game controller, Mahiru scrolled through the channels. “You have to be on channel three to play. But if you get bored of the game, you can watch cartoons. Just click this button on the remote to find another channel.”
Kuro changed the channel like he showed him. A movie appeared on the screen and he tilted his head at the confusing costumes the actors wore. “Why are they wearing disguises? There’s a lot of singing and dancing too. Are they trying to perform a ritual?”
“It’s Halloween and the characters are at a ball.” From Kuro’s expression, it was likely he didn’t know about the holiday. He smiled sympathetically and told him, “Halloween is my favourite holiday. People dress up and go around the neighbourhood to collect candy. We’re a little old for trick-or-treating but there are fun things to do like the Halloween Ball.”
They watched the scene where a boy approached a girl and asked her to dance. Mahiru spoke his thoughts out loud. “Isn’t it romantic? You’re sitting alone but then a mystery person comes and asks you to dance. You probably think I’m weird. Most guys prefer action movies over romantic comedies.”
“I don’t think it’s weird. I’ve never been to a Halloween Ball before but it looks like everyone’s dancing.” Kuro thought Mahiru would be able to find someone to dance with easily. He was kind and he made him feel comfortable with his smile. His next words made Mahiru blush. “I can dance with you at the ball. We’re friends now.”
He realized that Kuro didn’t fully understand the concept of asking someone to dance. Mahiru wasn’t sure if he should explain it to him. Instead, he said: “Thank you but the Halloween Ball is held at our school. You’re too scared to come upstairs without the curtains being closed so you won’t be comfortable at the ball. It’s okay, Kuro. Let’s get back to the video game.”
Mahiru switched the channel so they could play the game. He leaned closer to Kuro and taught him how to play the game. He was so close that he could smell the subtle scent of his hair. Kuro stared at the buttons on the controller and thought back to the control panel Sensei showed him once. He wasn’t allowed to touch the buttons no matter how curious he was.
“What does this one do?” He asked but he almost immediately bit his tongue. He was accustomed to people being irritated with him if he asked them too many questions. Yet, Mahiru only smiled and explained the controls to him. Kuro relaxed and played through the level with Mahiru’s help. He quickly learned the game mechanics and beat the next level.
“You’re pretty good at this. Oh, watch out for the fireball.” Mahiru found himself caught up in the game and excitedly patted his arm. Time passed quickly without him noticing as they played and talked. The clock above the television caught his attention and he sat up. “I missed two periods already. I should get going. Feel free to help yourself to anything in the fridge if you get hungry.”
“Okay,” He said despite how much he wanted him to stay. Kuro looked down and saw a lever on the side of the recliner. He became curious and reached towards it. “What does this do? Is it connected to the TV like the controller?”
Kuro pulled the lever to test if it would affect the television. He was surprised when the chair suddenly tilted back and he was laying down. The sudden movement made Mahiru lose his balance and he fell forward onto Kuro’s chest. Mahiru groaned softly and rubbed his head. “Well, it looks like you found the release lever. It turns the chair into bed if you pull it.”
“Was I not supposed to pull it?” Kuro asked, worried that he upset or hurt him. The regret on his face pulled on Mahiru’s heart and he smiled reassuringly at him.
He patted his hair and said, “It’s okay. Next time, make sure you warn me or else I might fall off.”
Mahiru slipped off his lap and gently took Kuro’s hand. He tugged him to his feet and showed him around the rest of his home. After he finished giving him a tour, they returned to the living room. He put on his backpack and then faced Kuro. He was looking over the photos on his mantle. Mahiru moved to stand next to him and said, “That’s a photo of Uncle Toru, Tsurugi, Licht and me.”
“Your family?” Kuro looked at the next photograph and pointed to Mahiru standing with his friends. “You.”
“That was the year we won the science fair. It was a lot of fun.” His smile became sad when he looked at Misono. He was still worried for him and he wished he knew where he was. He sat Kuro’s expression in the corner of his eyes and there seemed to be something troubling him.
Kuro reached out and pointed at Misono. He didn’t say a word and Mahiru asked, “Do you recognize him? Did you see him last night in the forest?”
“Not in the forest.” Kuro shook his head and dropped his hand. “Somewhere dark.”
“Can you tell me about it?” Mahiru didn’t want to push him but he needed to find his friend. “Please, tell me about where you saw him.”
“You said the person called you after I left?” JeJe picked up the phone to examine it. The receiver was charred like he described earlier. He briefly told him about the call already but JeJe didn’t know what to make of it. “Last night’s storm must’ve caused the burn. You should get another phone and check the wiring for your home. For the call, it’s probably a cruel prank.”
“But I heard Misono’s voice! Hyde did too. Misono didn’t say anything but I know it was him. Can’t you ask the phone company for records of incoming calls?” Mikuni insisted and he could see that JeJe was skeptical. “I know I sound desperate but it was Misono’s breathing. If Lily called you, wouldn’t you know it’s your brother.”
“I would be desperate for any sign that he was alive. Mikuni, this is difficult but we need to keep a leveled head.” He reminded him. “If you get more prank calls, you can keep a record of them. I’ll look into them if they become a problem. Let’s focus on finding Misono. Where would he go if he was in danger and he can’t run to his friends?”
“He had a fort in the woods but I already checked it the day we discovered him missing. There’s a short cut through the back fence that he uses.” Mikuni led him to the backyard. He took him to a corner of the fence where there was a small gap in the bars. JeJe was surprised Misono could fit through the hole even though he was small. “Hyde ran his car into the fence and made the hole.”
“I have several questions about that but I don’t want to know the answer. There aren’t any sign of blood. If he used this hole to run away, it means he wasn’t hurt.” Mikuni felt slightly relieved. JeJe glanced up at the top of the gate. “Are the security sensors in the same area?”
“Yeah. Give me a boost and we can climb over the fence. It’s faster than walking around the house. Don’t trip the alarm.” He ordered and JeJe groaned. He didn’t want to argue with him throughout the investigation so he gave in quickly. JeJe cupped his hands and helped him reach the top of the gate. Mikuni placed his hands on his shoulder and stepped onto his palm.
He pulled himself onto the stone pillar at the corner of the gate. Mikuni was careful not to move in front of the alarm’s sensor. Once he was perched safely on the small ledge, he reached down to help JeJe climbed up. The gate was tall and it would be difficult for anyone to climb over it. They were only able to scale the gate as a team because they would often do so as children.
JeJe jumped to the ground first and turned around to help Mikuni down as well. He was taken by surprised when Mikuni leapt off the pillar and into his chest. He managed to catch him without tumbling to the ground. With a groan, he said: “You need to warn me before you do something like this.”
“We don’t have the time when Misono’s missing.” He slid down and took his hand to drag him away. “We already searched the west side of the woods where his fort is. We should look for any clues Misono might’ve left behind in the east side now. It’ll help us organize the search party.”
The search party wouldn’t officially gather until the afternoon but Mikuni wanted to spend as much time searching as he could. They walked through the woods and he scanned the ground. He didn’t know what to look for but he hoped something would stand out to him. He trusted JeJe’s experience as the town’s chief and asked: “How do you know something is a clue?”
“Since we don’t know what happened to Misono, it’s hard to say what to look for. For now, just look for anything that’s out of place.” JeJe told him.
“What about that?” Mikuni pointed to a grate cover laying on the ground. He picked it up and searched the ground around them. A few feet away, there was a pipe tunnel. He walked to the small tunnel and held the grate against the opening. It appeared to fit and Mikuni looked through it. “Do you think Misono could’ve crawled through here to escape the person chasing him?”
“It’s pretty small and you’ll have to be desperate to crawl through here.” JeJe remembered Hyde telling him that Misono was able to hide in small spaces. Would a teenager be able to pry open the grate off the tunnel though? He knelt next to Mikuni to look through the tunnel. “Property of The Servamp National Laboratory. That’s the energy plant nearby.”
“That must be where he is!” Mikuni shot to his feet. “We should go there right now.”
“We can’t go barging into a private, government property, Mikuni. There’s a proper way to do things. We have to call them and explain why we want a tour of their facilities. He might not be there though. If Misono crawled to the other side, they would’ve sent him to the police already.” JeJe reasoned. Mikuni didn’t appear satisfied with that answer and sighed. “I’ll give them a call and we’ll go there tomorrow.”
After school, Tetsu and Lily went to Mahiru’s home. He didn’t go to class so his friends wanted to check on him. They knew Mahiru was kind but they weren’t certain if he should’ve taken in a stranger. Licht was staying with him so they knew he wouldn’t be alone with him. They knocked on the door and waited for Mahiru to answer.
Tetsu noticed that all of the curtains were drawn even though it was the middle of the day. He wasn’t able to think about it much before Mahiru opened the door. A relieved expression appeared on his face the moment he saw them. He unhooked the chain on the door and let them inside. With a hushed whisper, he pointed to the basement. “I need to tell you guys something in private.”
“What is it?” Lily was worried by how tense Mahiru was. He couldn’t see the boy they helped the previous night and he wondered if he told Mahiru something strange. They followed him down the basement where Kuro was sitting in a small, pillow fort. He had the super-com in his hands and he shuffled through the channels.
He heard them approach and he looked up. Mahiru knelt in front of him and gently took the radio from his hands. He wrapped his hands around his and squeezed them lightly. He could see that Kuro saw nervous and he wanted to reassure him. “It’s okay, Kuro. You can trust Tetsu and Lily. They were with me when I found you in the woods.”
“Friends?” He whispered and Mahiru nodded confidently.
“What is he still doing here, Mahiru? I thought you were going to take him to the police.” Lily whispered to him. He thought it was better to let the police help him because they had more resources. He wanted to focus on finding Misono as well.
“I was going to but that might put Kuro in danger. There are dangerous people after him. We can’t let them find him.” Mahiru took a deep breath and hoped they would believe his next words. “I think he knows what happened to Misono as well. This morning, he was able to point out Misono in this photo. We did find him in the same place Misono disappeared. The bad men could be involved as well.”
“Isn’t that even more reason to tell the police?” Lily pointed out. “We should tell our parents at least.”
Tetsu walked past both of them and knelt in front of Kuro. He placed his hands in his shoulders and shook him lightly. “Do you know where Misono was taken? If you know what happened to him, please tell us. Help us find him, Big Brother.”
“You’re going to scare him, Tetsu.” Mahiru knew that Tetsu would never hurt a person but he rushed to stop him. He felt protective of Kuro and placed himself between the two. He could tell that he had been through a lot and he didn’t want anything else to hurt him. “You’re not going to get any answers if you force him like that.”
“This isn’t going to get us anywhere. I’m going to get my brother.” Lily was JeJe’s brother and he thought it was best if he knew about Kuro. He turned to walk up the stairs but the table flew into his path. The three stared at the furniture that began to pile in front of the stairs. Cautiously, Tetsu tried to pull the table away from the stairs. The table flew back to the entrance like a magnet.
“No.” The voice made them turn around. There was a trickle of blood flowing out of his nose.
“Kuro, what happened to your nose?” Mahiru walked to him and wiped the blood with his sleeve. He couldn’t stop picturing the furniture moving and question how they were able to move on their own. In a soft voice, he asked: “Did you just do that, Kuro?”
“I don’t want to go back to the bad people.” His words caused the room to spin beneath Mahiru’s feet. He didn’t know how to process that Kuro was able to move things with his mind. He thought that it was only something he would see in movies. “Are you scared of me now? I can leave.”
“You’re my friend so I won’t let you face those bad men alone.” Mahiru whispered back. He turned to face his friends and said, “Let’s not do anything rash and take a moment to think. We can talk about what we should do after dinner.”
“That demon called me a fake. Can you believe that, Kranz?” Licht complained to his friend over the phone. He laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. “He thought I was one of those gossiping jerks when I tried to be nice to him. Then, I wasn’t able to find the music room either! Maybe I can sneak back into the school tomorrow. Hopefully, Mahiru will be able to go to school.”
“If you don’t have anything else planned, do you want to go to a party? My friend is throwing a party and it’s in the town Mahiru lives in. His house is on Mirkwood, near the woods. It’ll be fun.” He suggested. Licht considered it but he doubted he would have much fun. Kranz would likely be the only person he knew at the party. He didn’t have many friends since his family moved a lot.
Then, Kranz said: “It has been a long time since we could talk in person.”
“Yeah. What’s the address?” Kranz was the first friend he ever made and he cared enough to send letters and call. He gave him the address and he wrote it down quickly. He grabbed his jacket and climbed down the stairs. Mahiru was in the dining room with his friend and Licht waved to his cousin. “Mahiru, can I borrow your bike? I want to go to a friend’s house. This is his address.”
“This is close to Misono’s home. That was where my friend disappeared. I don’t think you should go near the woods when it’s dark outside. There might be bad men in the woods or other dangerous things.” Mahiru warned. He looked to Kuro but he didn’t add anything else. Kuro knew Mahiru wanted him to warn Licht about the woods but he couldn’t describe the things he saw there.
“I’m a strong angel so you don’t need to worry about me.” Licht puffed his cheeks in annoyance. Mahiru knew how stubborn his cousin was and that he could quickly become unreasonable. With that thought, he was surprised when Licht seemingly relented. He muttered something and walked away.
He sneaked into the garage and found Mahiru’s bike resting against the wall. Licht told himself he would apologize to Mahiru once he returned. He didn’t know where the house was but he knew its general location. He rode the bike down the street and towards the woods. The street signs helped him find his way to Mirkwood.
The lighting suddenly changed around him and he realized that it was the headlights of the car. He moved closer to the sidewalk to let the car pass. The car slowed next to him and the window rolled down. It was dark so he couldn’t see the driver. Licht was able to recognize his voice though. “You shouldn’t be out at this time of night. Where are you going? I can give you a lift.”
“Keep your eyes on the road, Shit Rat.” Licht snapped back.
Hyde was confused by his tone and he turned on his dashboard’s light. They were finally close enough for him to see him clearly and he recognized him from the school. He pressed the gas and drove forward with the intention of ignoring Licht. He thought he was like the other high schoolers he knew and decided that it was best not to bother with him.
His shift ended early and he planned to search the forest for any sign of Misono. He glanced at Licht in the mirror and groaned to himself. Hyde couldn’t leave him riding his bike alone in the dark when his own brother disappeared in a similar situation. He slowed down until Licht was beside him again. “Do you need a ride? If it’s close, I’ll drop you off.”
Licht was surprised by his offer since he believed he would drive away. He considered it but his pride stopped him. “I think I’m close to the party already so I don’t need your help.”
“You think?” Hyde raised a brow but Licht didn’t respond. He watched him ride away on his bike and he didn’t stop him again.
“Where is Hyde?” Mikuni finished installing the new phone and looked at the clock. His brother should’ve returned ten minutes ago. He wished he could call him but he didn’t have a cell phone. Misono was missing and he didn’t want the same thing to happen to Hyde. The phone rang and he hoped that it was Hyde to tell him he was working a double shift or JeJe with news.
“Hello?” He answered the phone but the person didn’t answer him immediately. The line was filled with static and he remembered the last call was similar. He didn’t know if he was deluding himself but he thought he could hear someone breathing heavily. “Misono, is that you? Please, tell me where I can find you.  It’s okay if you don’t know where you are. Just tell me what you can see.”
Mikuni twisted the cord around his finger as he listened for an answer. He almost dropped to his knees when he heard Misono’s voice. “Home…”
He wasn’t able to hear anything more as the static abruptly became louder. The sound made Mikuni winced but he forced himself to hold onto the phone. He closed his eyes and focused on the call for any distinct sounds. Mikuni noticed that the buzzing was from more than the phone and opened his eyes. The lights and electronics around the living room were flicking on and off.
“Mikuni!” Small sparks almost burnt him but he quickly dropped the phone. He saw that the phone was charred like before. The lights all turned off by themselves but Mikuni couldn’t move to switch them back on. He didn’t know if something was wrong with the electricity or if he was losing his mind.
The lights in the hallway flickered back on but its strange pattern caught his attention. He walked down the hall and stopped in front of Misono’s room. Mikuni glanced down where light filtered out from beneath the door. He took a deep breath and stepped inside. The room was empty and the same as how he left it. “I’m losing my mind.”
“Where is your ancient courage?” The cassette player blared to life. Mikuni recognized it as a quote from Coriolanus, one of Shakespeare’s plays. Both of his brothers liked his work and had audio cassettes of his plays. He stood in front of the cassette player and stared at the spinning wheel. He thought he could hear more sounds from the player and his brows furrowed.
“Misono?” As if responding to him, the lamp next to the player began to brighten. He thought it would explode because of how bright it became. The lamp and the record shut off and the room was pitched in darkness again. Mikuni’s hands shook as he grabbed the large player to examine it. He hoped there was a logical reason why it played by itself.
A low grumbled echoed throughout the room and Mikuni thought it was from the player. He looked up and dropped the cassette when he saw the wall start to deform. He stepped back sharply and tripped over the carpet. Mikuni blinked a few times and the light came on again. Everything appeared normal but Mikuni was certain he saw something in the wall.
18 notes · View notes
pocket-luv101 · 5 years
Moondust on the Titanic ‖ Chapter 3
Fandom: Servamp Pairings: KuroMahi, LawLicht (side) Characters: Kuro, Mahiru, Hyde, Licht, Tsurugi
Summary: Mahiru meets Kuro on the ship of dreams, the Titanic. (Titanic AU, Fem Mahiru) This AU is actually something I discussed with @damucochan. It turned out way longer than I thought it would be so i split it up into parts.
This chapter does have the “Draw me like one of your french girls” scene.
Ch.1 // Ch.2 // (Ch.3) // Ch.4
“This I need to say; You have stolen my heart; Please don’t go away.” Mahiru sang softly as she skipped across the deck. She felt a little tipsy and Kuro thought the night air would help her become sober again. He watched her twirl and sway to the song of the ocean. The moonlight highlighted her fair skin and he remembered how soft her hand felt in his as they danced.
“La-da-dum. I don’t remember the rest of the words.” She laughed at herself. She leaned back against the rail and she almost slipped backwards. Kuro kept her from falling into the water by wrapping his arms around her waist. Mahiru giggled and rested her head against his chest. “I had so much fun tonight. Will there be another party tomorrow? I would love to dance again.”
“I don’t think so.” Disappointment crossed her face and he tried to think of something he could say to make her smile again. He didn’t have much to give her and that thought squeezed his chest. When did her smile become so important to Kuro?
Mahiru leaned her head back and stared up at the stars. She trusted Kuro not to let her go. The stars looked so far away yet she held the moon in her hands. Kuro’s light hair was the colour of moondust to her and she brushed his bangs from his face. “So, beautiful.”
“The sky is clear tonight. It makes you feel small when you’re staring at a million stars.” Kuro thought she was referring to the sky. He looked up to admire the stars with her. They caught a glimpse of a shooting star passing over the boat. “Did you know the Greeks believed shooting stars occurred when the gods looked down at us. It’s the best time to make a wish because you know the gods are watching.”
“Unfortunately, everything I would wish for, I can’t have.” Her own words brought Mahiru back to reality. She slipped out of his arms and looked towards the first class entrance. Mahiru sighed and then said, “I should return before my family starts to worry. Thank you for the wonderful night, Kuro.”
“Mahiru,” He said her name but he couldn’t find anything else he could say to make her stay. Kuro gently took her hand. Instead of voicing the words in his heart, he said: “The song you were singing earlier. The next lyric is: I won’t give up on us.”
“In my heart, you will stay.” She finished the song. With those words lingering between them, she slipped her fingers from his.
“You wanted to speak with me, Grandmother?” Mahiru entered the private sitting room. Aside from a few maids, the only ones in the room was her grandmother and Kazuma. Her body tensed when she saw the two because she knew that they wanted to discuss the engagement. She would have to face them eventually so she decided to enter the room.
She sat down at the table and placed a napkin on her lap. Mahiru went through the motions like she had been trained to do since she was a child. She wanted to address the issue immediately but she bit her tongue. She was taught that she had to wait for others to address her before she was allowed to speak. Her grandmother placed her teacup down and the china clicked loudly.
“Mahiru, we have set a date for your wedding with Kazuma. Grandma wants you to be happy so I have made a list of acceptable bridesmaid’s gowns and flowers you may choose from. I will leave you and your new fiancé to discuss your wedding.” She stood and left the room before Mahiru could tell her that she didn’t want to marry Kazuma.
“Dresses and flowers are for women so I will leave these matters to you. I have more pressing matters to focus on.” He slid the list towards Mahiru. Kazuma’s condescending tone made her brows furrow. She tried to think of how she could politely reject him. Then, he said: “It seems like you had an adventure below deck with that gutter rat. I will not tolerate that behaviour after we’re married.”
“Did you have someone follow me? How dare you? I am not a worker in one of your mines. I am not even your fiancé! No matter what my grandmother has promised you, I have no intention of participating. You are rude, violent and sexist. No amount of money can make me marry you.” Mahiru thrust the papers back to him. “Excuse me while I tell my grandmother the same.”
“I will not be made a fool of!” His sudden, violent outburst made her jump out of her seat. Mahiru backed away from him when he hit the table so hard that the tea set shook and clattered. “I was promised that you will be my wife and you will behave as such. Do not talk back to me.”
“Why are you so determined to marry me? We are not a good match nor do we love each other. Is the reason because you know the only way you can secure a wife is an arranged marriage?” She bit back. She saw his anger flare and she grabbed a teacup. Before he could strike her, Mahiru threw the tea at him. The hot water stopped him long enough for her to run out of the room.
Mahiru no longer cared about the way people stared at her as she dashed down the hall. She couldn’t stand the life her grandmother forced on her. Tears of frustration filled her eyes. She remembered the last time she felt trapped and she thought of Kuro. Mahiru managed to find the stairs despite her tears blurring her vision. She wiped her eyes and followed the numbers lining the doors.
She stopped in front of Room 1231.
The moment Kuro answered her knock, Mahiru ran into his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into his chest. Kuro was confused but he tenderly stroked her brown hair. His heart ached when he saw the tears in her eyes. He could see that Mahiru was trying her best to keep the tears from falling. He wiped away a stray tear on his thumb and then he brushed his fingers over her cheek.
Kuro gently led her into his room where Mahiru could have more privacy. He was glad that his brother discretely left the room. The third class cabin didn’t have much but he did his best to make her comfortable. He placed a pillow on the chair before she sat down. He squeezed her hands lightly to comfort her. Like the first night they met, Kuro waited for her to speak first.
She took a shaky breath to collect herself. Mahiru instinctively ran to Kuro even though it wasn’t proper for her to be alone with a man. She looked down at their hands and weaved their fingers together. His touch helped calm her because she knew that he wouldn’t force her to be the highborn lady most expected of her. He was one of the few people she could be herself around.
“Am I selfish, Kuro?” Mahiru glanced up from their linked hands and looked into his red eyes. “I told you about the engagement my grandmother is pressuring me to accept. She said that his money will help pay off the debt my father left us. We might have to sell Licht’s piano if I don’t marry him. Licht is like a sister to me but I don’t know how to tell her this. She’ll feel guilty or be angry enough to murder Kazuma. I don’t want to burden my family.”
“I don’t think it’s selfish to have doubts. I can’t see many people being happy married to a man like him.” When he thought of how Kazuma treated Mahiru, his anger boiled. It was clear that Mahiru was a kind woman who put others before herself. “I have seven siblings and we had our share of hardships. We made it through those times because we shared the burden. You can share yours with me.”
Kuro let go of her hands and cupped her face. He stared into her brown eyes and he thought of how they shined as she talked about her art gallery. He knew that a person like Mahiru was rare. She was bright, honest and passionate and he didn’t want anyone to extinguish the fire in her eyes. He couldn’t walk away from her without knowing that she was free and happy.
“I don’t have much but maybe I can help you. What do you want to do?” He asked her softly. His hands holding hers were more than enough. Mahiru felt stronger with his support. She closed her eyes and carefully considered the options she had. Kuro didn’t rush her.
She opened her eyes and said, “My grandmother plans to take me to a church and marry Kazuma the moment Titanic docks. Will you help me run away and see my uncle before she can? I just need an hour to make a business plan with Uncle Toru. Maybe my grandmother will give up on the marriage after I show her that I can pay off the debt on my own.”
“If Kazuma tries anything, I’ll protect you.” Kuro offered.
“Don’t waste your time on a man like him. I certainly won’t.” Mahiru traced her fingers over his palm. “I plan to ask Licht and Tsurugi to help me sneak away from them. I want to show my uncle your artwork and convince him to feature them in the gallery. This way, I can open my gallery sooner and you will earn money for your family in England. Both of our dreams will come true.”
The Titanic was advertised to have the most luxurious accommodations. Yet, Mahiru found that simply walking and talking with Kuro was the most fun she had on the ship. They had already spoken with Licht and Tsurugi about the marriage and then they enjoyed dinner as a group. Afterwards, Mahiru suggested they enjoy the fresh air. Kuro preferred staying indoors but he joined Mahiru on her walk.
They faced the sunset and Mahiru enjoyed how the ocean reflected the sky. The water looked like gold. She stood at the bow of the Titanic and imagined the new life she would start in New York. She stared at the horizon and watched dusk slowly fall over the sunset. Mahiru stepped onto the rail so she could see further. She looked over her shoulder to Kuro. “Isn’t it beautiful?”
You are, Kuro wasn’t sure if he should voice the thought. It might be too forward to say because he didn’t know how she felt for him. She had captured his heart without trying. He watched the wind thread through her hair. Mahiru reached up to brush the stray locks out of her eyes. She wasn’t holding the rail so she started to fall backwards. Kuro moved behind her to catch her.  
She felt his strong chest against her back. Mahiru tilted her head back and their eyes met. Kuro blushed and looked away. His heart was beating so fast that he hoped she couldn’t feel it. He walked closer to the rail and placed his hands on the bar. Mahiru stood in the circle of his arms but she didn’t feel trapped with him. She spread out her arms and the breeze rush past them. “It feels like we’re flying, Kuro.”
“This is nice.” Kuro cupped his hands around her wrists to keep her safe. Unconsciously, their hands came together and their fingers interlocked. Mahiru brought their joined hands to her chest and lightly kissed his knuckles. She stepped off the rail and moved closer to him. She turned slightly so she could look up at him. They were so close that their noses touched.
Mahiru rose onto her toes and brushed her lips over his. She whispered his name as she placed her hand on his cheek and pulled him lower for another kiss. Kuro wrapped his arms around her waist and kept her warm against the cold breeze. His kiss made her melt. She parted her lips when she felt his tongue tease her. She closed her eyes as he kissed her softly.
Mahiru wanted to capture the moment and keep it forever.
“Will your brother challenge me to a duel if he finds out I’m in your room? That would be troublesome.” Kuro said as Mahiru led him into her cabin. She laughed lightly and shook her head. She asked him to sketch a portrait for her and her room would have the best lighting. He looked around the elegant room and spotted a painting leaning against a vanity. “The colour on the lake blends well.”
“My uncle bought a few paintings when he was traveling through Italy. He lives in New York permanently now but he keeps a few of his artwork in our country home. I thought I could surprise him by delivering these paintings to his new building. This lake is my favourite.” They had very different personalities but she enjoyed talking about art with him. Mahiru gestured towards a lounge chair. “Please, sit and relax, Kuro. Licht told me she will be out late.”
“Hyde told me the same thing.” Kuro sat down as she disappeared into her room. He wondered if she planned to change for the portrait. She was only gone for a few minutes before she returned. 
“Kuro, can you help me put this on?” Mahiru held a beautiful pearl necklace in her hands. She stood in front of the mirror and saw Kuro move behind her. As he tied the necklace around her neck, she told him: “These were my mother’s pearls. They’re very precious to me and I only wear them on special occasions. Tonight, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls wearing this… Wearing only this.”
His hands stilled and his heart raced when he realized what she meant. Mahiru turned in his arms and looked at him from beneath her lashes. She gently traced her finger down his jaw. Her touch pulled him out of his daze and he nodded. With his answer, she walked to her bedroom again. “I’m going to change. While I’m gone, you may arrange the furniture however you need to for the portrait.”
He saw the blush dusting her cheeks before she closed the door. Kuro was certain that he was blushing as well. He couldn’t stop picturing Mahiru laying before him. He shook the image from his mind and he tried to focus on something. Kuro took a chaise longue and dragged it next to a tall lamp. He piled pillows onto the chair so it would be comfortable for her.
Kuro set a chair across from the couch and sat down. He took out his sketchbook and pencils. As he waited for Mahiru, he sharpened the charcoal. The door opened and Kuro turned towards her. Mahiru wore a translucent robe. He could see her silhouette through the thin, blue fabric. She smiled shyly and crossed the room. “Would you like me standing or on the couch?”
“You’ll be more comfortable on the couch.” Kuro suggested. She sat down and folded her legs beneath her. Mahiru lifted the collar of the robe to her lips to hide her blush. Then, she let go of the fabric and it pooled around her. He forgot how to breathe for a moment. Mahiru was far more beautiful than anyone he had ever drawn. The lamps were dim but they gave her skin a warm glow.  
She laid on her side and placed her hand over her head. “Is this right?”
“You don’t need to pose like that. Relax and sit comfortably.” He knelt beside her and smoothed her hair back from her face. Kuro loved her brown eyes and he wanted to draw them. He stroked his thumb over her lips. They were still swollen from their kiss earlier. Mahiru shivered as he ran his hand down her waist to drape her blue robe lightly over her hip. “Just keep your eyes on me.”
“Okay.” She smiled towards him. Kuro returned to his chair and balanced his sketchbook on the armrest. Mahiru didn’t tell him that she couldn’t take her eyes off him even if she wanted to. She enjoyed watching his deft hands. Her heart quickened when she remembered his hands on her skin. The concentration in his eyes was also attractive to her. She relaxed and rested her cheek on her hand.
He made her feel comfortable and they talked with each other as he made the portrait. Time passed but it barely felt like it to Mahiru. She was almost disappointed when Kuro finished the portrait. He turned the sketchbook around to show it to her. Mahiru pulled the robe loosely around her and went to him so she could see the portrait closely. She sat on the chair’s armrest and leaned against his shoulder.
“I thought you would draw me as a mermaid.” She said but she still loved the portrait. He handed her the sketchbook. “You’re so talented. I think you made me more beautiful than I actually am.”
“You’re gorgeous, Mahiru.” He whispered and drew her onto his lap. Mahiru went into his arms willingly. She felt safe and surrounded by his warmth. She pressed a quick kiss onto his strong jawline. He stroked her hair as he asked, “Are you going to keep this in a secret place? It’ll be a scandal if someone finds this portrait of you.”
“It’s my gift to you, Kuro. We don’t know if my plan will work and we might not see each other ever again. I want you to keep this and remember me. I know I will never forget you, Kuro. You’ve made me so happy. Thank you.” Mahiru carefully cut the portrait out of the book and handed it to him. Kuro tucked the portrait into a hidden pocket in his sketchbook. He didn’t want anyone else to see her naked.
Mahiru took his hand and placed it over her heart. “I don’t know how much longer we can make memories together. I don’t want to regret anything. Put your hands on me and make love to me, Kuro.”
“Are you sure?” He asked. Mahiru nodded and moved his hand down her stomach to her legs. Kuro leaned down to kiss her breast through the thin cloth. A soft moan escaped her and she felt her body become hotter. He pushed the robe from her body to stroke the skin beneath. The entire time he drew her, he thought of how her body would feel. She was like warm silk.
He kissed the nape of her neck and whispered: “If you want me to stop, say so.”
“I don’t want you to stop. But the bed would be more comfortable.” Her cheeks had a rosy glow as she glanced towards her bedroom. Kuro didn’t know if he could control himself if she continued to make such cute expressions. He stood and carried her away.
“Do you feel sore?” Kuro asked her. Mahiru had to smile as she shook her head. She leaned her head on his shoulder as they strolled across the deck. It was late and most of the passengers were asleep. Yet, Mahiru was wide awake. She wanted to stay in bed longer with Kuro but they couldn’t. It would be embarrassing if Licht returned to the cabin and found them.
“It’s a little cold tonight, isn’t it?” Mahiru rubbed her hands together. They intended to go to the grand hall and enjoy the band but it might be better to return to their warm rooms. Kuro wrapped his hands around hers and breathed onto them softly. He was wearing the gloves she bought him. He took them off and pulled them on her hands. They were a little big for her but the wool still held the warmth of his hand.
A horn blared and cut through the moment. Kuro looked towards the crow’s nest and wondered why they rang the alarm. He squinted his eyes at the sea in front of them but he couldn’t see anything in front of them. He instinctively held Mahiru close against his chest to protect her. They stood beneath the ship’s bridge and he could hear a commotion from the command room.
Kuro was able to catch snippets of their conversation. “The rudder is too small… Can’t turn fast enough… Close the water tight doors… Get the captain… There’s an iceberg ahead.”
Mahiru must’ve heard them too because she stiffened in his arms. He caressed her hair to comfort her but he was also worried. While he couldn’t see the iceberg, he could sense the panic of the crew. The ship started to turn and he was able to see the iceberg rapidly approaching them. He tried to measure the distance with his eyes and he thought they would be able to dodge it.
As they passed the iceberg, the ground shook beneath their feet and Kuro let out a curse. Chunks of ice rained around them. He pushed Mahiru against the wall and covered her with his body. Even after the tremors stopped, Kuro held Mahiru protectively. They hesitantly walked to the rail and looked over the edge. He said, “It doesn’t like there’s much damage. Maybe it was just a bump.”
“Icebergs are much larger underwater than it appears above.” Mahiru worried her lower lip. He rubbed her arm and stared at the iceberg disappearing into the darkness. Kuro wanted to reassure her but he knew that they needed to act quickly if they were in danger of sinking. She took her hand and “We need to tell our families so they’re ready in case we have to evacuate. You should go to your brother.”
“I’ll walk you to your cabin. It’s on the way.” Kuro said and took her hand. He didn’t want to leave her alone since she appeared shaken by the iceberg. But he was also worried about his brother because the third class deck would flood first. Once he knew Mahiru was safe with her family, he would go to Hyde.
They heard voices from the bridge again. “Five compartments were breached… Water is already flooding into the ship… We have an hour, two at the most… Keep everyone calm and don’t tell them yet.”
Mahiru’s hand tightened around Kuro’s and they hurried to the cabins. They rushed down the hall and passed other passengers who were equally confused. The staff were handing out lifejackets. Kuro was able to sneak into first class with her due to the confusion. Before they reached her room, she saw that there was a crowd in front of her door. She wondered if they already knew about the iceberg.
“Licht, we need to put on lifejackets!” She quickened her pace and she rushed to tell her family about the iceberg. Mahiru turned to Kuro so she could thank him. He was probably worried for his brother and she didn’t want to keep him. Before she could tell him to leave, two men grabbed Kuro’s arms. She gasped and she tried to stop them from handcuffing him.
“Hey, let go of me.” Kuro struggled out of their grip.
Mahiru grabbed the man’s arm. “What is the meaning of this?”
“Step away from that man, Mahiru.” Her grandmother ordered and jerked her away from Kuro. She didn’t know why they would arrest Kuro, especially when they needed to evacuate. “Mahiru, go back into the room while we deal with this thief. I came to your room and found our jewellery missing. I knew this man was trouble. He wanted to use you to rob us. Sir, arrest this man.”
“No!” She realized that the staff didn’t know that the Titanic was sinking because the captain didn’t have an opportunity to tell them yet. Mahiru argued, “You have no proof that Kuro did anything! I’ve been with him all day so he couldn’t have possibly stolen anything. We are in the middle of an emergency and we can’t waste time on false accusations. We must ready the lifeboats and fill them with as many people as possible.”
“Mahiru, you can’t make excuses for this gutter rat because you feel pity for him. He is a thief. I saw him leave your room and I told your grandmother. I was worried for you, Mahiru.” Kazuma’s blatant lie made Mahiru furious. She couldn’t stop herself before she punched him. Kazuma glared at her and gave the order: “Take him below deck.”
“Kuro!” Mahiru reached out to grab his hand. She was confused when he shook his head.
“I’ll talk this out with the master of arms. They have no proof so they’ll let me go. Right now, you need to go to safety.” They both knew how dangerous the situation was and Kuro didn’t want her to stay on a sinking ship for his sake. “Please, just go, Mahiru.”
“I can’t leave you, Kuro.” She wasn’t given a chance to say anything more after he took his hand back and left with the crew.
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