#I wasn't sure how to tw: warning this if you need a tag added I'll add it just let me know
marzmeltdown · 1 year
Familiar Taste of Poison - pt.3
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⌦ Pairing: Wonwoo x Fem!Reader ⌦ Genre(s): series,, angst,, fluff ⌦ chapter specific genre: fluff,, angst ⌦ Warning(s): !!TW: LIGHT MENTIONS OF Drug Use, Alcohol Abuse, mentions of depression!!, reader kinda uses Wonwoo, a lot of this will be in multiple pov's(I will clarify when it changes pov's), some mention of being sick, swearing, most of this chapter is all Wonwoo's pov, Wonwoo goes on a date with someone else. ⌦ Word count: 3.07k ⌦ Summary: You and Wonwoo have been friends since childhood, though you're both a little estranged from one another, the only contact being when you call Wonwoo for help. ⌦ A/N: This chapter is a bit longer than the last two but a lot happens to push the plot forward. It's really random that I put skz in here but I needed someone who had a sister. Fun fact about me, cause it's brought up in this chapter: I'm allergic to apples. The end of this chapter almost had a bitch crying at 4 am. If there's anything you feel I should improve on in the future, don't hesitate to let me know! You can find progress updates on this story and everything else I write in my pinned post every Wednesday.:) ⌦ I have attached a link to a website with help hotlines around the world, this series has heavy themes of mental health and substance abuse. This link will be added to every chapter. ⌦ International Mental Health hotlines
⌦ Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
⌦ marz’s tag list ⌦ marz’s req form
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⌦(Wonwoo's pov) It had been a little while since he had heard from you; granted, you had never gone longer than a month without needing him to clean up your messes. This new-found silence from being your knight in shining armor allowed him to begin streaming again. For awhile, he had stopped because your calls of need would come in at least 4-5 times a week.
To say he missed you would be an understatement; he would lie awake after a long night of streaming, waiting for his phone to ring so he could pick you up. After three weeks of no calls, he began to believe that you had fully forgotten about him, all because of a little spat that he could've handled better. He had plans to express how he felt about you, but the world had different plans that day. Maybe you two just weren't meant to be friends anymore.
Wonwoo had tried to take his mind off things; he would distract himself by playing video games until the sun went down. That night, like every other night, he stayed up to play online with a few friends.
"If I die one more time because you're not paying attention, I'm gonna strangle you," Vernon threatened through Wonwoo's headphones. To be honest, Wonwoo was a little distracted today; he kept glancing down at his phone, hoping for a call, a text, or something.
"Sorry, I've just got a lot on my mind," Wonwoo replied, the sounds of his mouse clicking and keys clacking filling his room and his eyes beginning to grow tired from staring at such a bright screen for an extended period of time.
"Woo, you need to let her go. She's clearly not interested in your friendship and hasn't been for awhile," Minghao said. If Minghao were talking to anyone else, they surely would've been offended, appalled that he could say something so cold so calmly, but Wonwoo appreciated his honesty; he wouldn't want Minghao to be any other way.
"I agree with Hao; you should put yourself out there; stop waiting for someone who isn't hurting without you," Seungcheol chimed in, everyone having paused their game to give Wonwoo some free therapy while they sat in the Fortnite lobby.
"Are you guys suggesting a date?" Wonwoo asked, pushing his glasses up as he put his hands on his face, muffling his question just a bit.
"Well, I wasn't, but I know someone who'd be great for you," Seungcheol said. He could hear the shrug in his voice, playing matchmaker so nonchalantly. "I'll send you her info; she thinks you're cute anyway," he added. Within seconds, his words were emphasized by the sound of Wonwoo getting a text message. He glanced at the notification, half hoping it was from you and half hoping it wasn't.
It wasn't.
Wonwoo opened his phone, seeing that Seungcheol had sent her Instagram profile along with her phone number. He clicked on the link, leaning back in his chair as he scrolled through the professionally taken photos that filled the girl's profile.
"She is really cute," Wonwoo said, clicking on a few photos. There was a familiar face in a few of the photos, though they looked too much alike to be anything more than siblings.
"Seungcheol, is this Chan's sister?" Wonwoo asked, zooming in on one of the photos to get a better look at the girl's alleged brother.
"Bang Chan?" Seungcheol asked.
"Yea, Bang Chan,"
"Yea, why?"
"Just curious," Wonwoo said. He chewed on his bottom lip as he swiped back into his messaging app, looking down at the series of numbers Seungcheol had given him. "You said she thinks I'm cute?"
"Yeah, she talks about you all the time at work," Seungcheol said.
"Well, I'll text her when we get off. Wanna go for one more round?" Wonwoo asked, setting his phone down and getting ready to unpause the game.
"Sounds good," everyone said, continuing with their match.
One game turned into two.
Two games turned into four.
4 turned into 6.
By the time Wonwoo looked at the clock on the PC that displayed his Discord server, he was shocked.
3:26 a.m.
Wonwoo must have really had a lot on his mind; he never stayed up this late, not unless you had needed his help. He yawned, stretching his back when they were back to the games lobby, cracking his neck as it had grown stiff from sitting hunched over a keyboard for so long.
"I think I'm gonna get off guys, I'm getting tired," he said, not waiting for them to object before closing the game and turning his headphones, mic, and pc's off. Wonwoo grabbed his phone as he got up, walking to his closet to grab a pair of night pants and changing into them.
He unlocked his phone, looking at the number again as he began brushing his teeth. After a moment of hesitation, he finally added Hannah's contact information to his phone, messaging her as soon as he finished brushing his teeth.
⌦ Wonwoo: Hey, it's Wonwoo. I know this is super random, but Seungcheol gave me your number, if that's okay.
Wonwoo didn't expect an immediate answer; it was almost 4:00 in the morning. He looked at the unopened message as he left the bathroom, slipping his phone into his pocket and turning off the light. His phone dinged as soon as he walked into his room, and he only opened it once he had lied down in bed.
⌦ 3:55 a.m.
⌦ Hannah: Hey, Wonwoo! It's totally chill; why're you up so late? (Read 3:55 a.m.)
Wonwoo found himself smiling at her message and answering immediately.
⌦Wonwoo: I could ask you the same thing, lol. (Read: 3:57 a.m.)  ⌦Wonwoo: But I was playing Fortnite with Cheol and a few other friends and lost track of time. (Read: 3:57 a.m.)
⌦Hannah: That sounds like a lot of fun. (Read: 4:00a.m.) ⌦Hannah: Why did Cheol give you my number anyway? (read: 4:00 a.m.)
⌦Wonwoo: Uh, he's trying to play matchmaker. (Read: 4:00 a.m.)
⌦Hannah: Right (Read: 4:01 a.m.) ⌦Hannah: Well, what are you doing tomorrow? (Read: 4:01 a.m.)
⌦Wonwoo: Nothing as of right now. (Read: 4:02 a.m.)  ⌦Wonwoo: Why are you trying to ask me out? (Read: 4:02 a.m.)
⌦Hannah: Yea. (Read: 4:02 a.m.)  ⌦Hannah: How's coffee sound tomorrow at noon? (Read: 4:02 a.m.)
⌦Wonwoo: You're straight to the point, aren't you? lol (Read: 4:03 a.m.)  ⌦Wonwoo: But, noon tomorrow sounds great! (Read: 4:03 a.m.)
⌦Hannah: Great, I'll send you the cafe's info tomorrow. I'm about to fall asleep (Read: 4:03 a.m.)
⌦Wonwoo: Awesome, sleep well (Delivered: 4:04 a.m.)
Wonwoo reread the small interaction he had with Bang Chan's sister, smiling softly as he put his phone on the charger. He turned off his light, took his glasses off, and went to bed.
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⌦(Wonwoo's POV cont) Wonwoo was thankful for his habitual routine of waking up at 9:00 a.m. every morning, regardless of when he went to bed. He forgot to set an alarm, having fallen asleep as soon as he put his glasses on his nightstand. Waking up this early gave him a few hours to kill before he had to get around, creating a schedule in his head for how long it would take him to eat breakfast, take a shower, shave, get dressed, and drive to the cafe. He planned on being 15 minutes early; he was always early.
Hannah had already sent Wonwoo the address of the cafe; thankfully, it was only a fifteen-minute drive from his apartment complex with traffic. He ate a light breakfast of two pieces of toast and a glass of apple juice; he'd be damned if he were going to willingly drink orange juice. He rarely ate toast, but with few food ingredients in his fridge or cabinet, toast was his only option.
With thirty minutes to spare after getting ready, Wonwoo grabbed his keys, locking his door as he left to go to his car. Hannah was already at the cafe when he got there, sitting in her car as she waited. Wonwoo parked next to her, pulling out his phone to let her know he was there. When she looked up from her phone, he waved at her with a smile, stepping out of her car to greet her on the sidewalk.
"Hey! I'm so glad you could make it," Hannah smiled as she pulled the taller male into a hug. Wonwoo was stunned at first; she surely was a bold woman, which he seemed to like about her.
"Why wouldn't I?" He chuckled, hugging her back for a moment before they pulled away and walked into the cafe.
It was a small cafe owned by a sweet elderly couple from France. The cafe always had French music playing softly through the store speakers; normally, Wonwoo would have found it nice and cozy, but today it felt cheesy. The two sat down after having ordered their drinks, exposing the poor barista to a small argument over who was paying for their drinks. Hannah won.
"So, tell me about yourself." Hannah smiled, taking a sip from her cappuccino before moving it to the side of the table so she could place her elbows on it, letting her chest rest against her forearms.
"There's not much to know," Wonwoo chuckled, swirling his straw around in his Americano and watching the ice move around with it. "But I'm in college for mechanical engineering, I stream on Twitch sometimes, and I'm a big Marvel buff," he said after a moment.
"Mechanical engineering? So you're smart and cute, huh?" Hannah teased, smiling at the redness that grew on Wonwoo's cheeks from her compliment.
"Tell me about yourself," Wonwoo said, directing the conversation back to the original topic.
"Well, I'm in college for fashion design; I also really like Marvel; and I want to get into PC gaming," she said. Wonwoo looked up at her, stunned that Seungcheol had finally set him up with a girl who shared some of his same interests, and he was already friends with her brother.
Wonwoo was pulled out of his thoughts as his phone rang in his pocket. He looked down at his pants and pulled his phone out of his pocket. Your name and contact photo were displayed on his screen; seeing this made his smile drop slightly. He clicked the side button, silencing the call, before looking up at the girl he was on a date with. "Sorry about that; I thought I put my phone on silent," he said as he placed it back into his pocket.
"It's no problem; if it's important, you can step out and answer it; I won't be upset," Hannah said, gesturing to the window that the two were sitting by. Wonwoo shook his head.
"It wasn't, and besides, it'd be rude to answer a call on our first date," he said.
"And you're considerate? Well damn, I might ask you to marry me right here," she laughed. She stood up after a moment, and in that moment, Wonwoo half expected her to get down on one knee and ask her to marry him. Instead, she grabbed her coffee with one hand and his hand with the other, pulling him up from his seat. "Wanna go on a walk?" She asked, swaying their hands back and forth.
"Are you gonna murder me?" Wonwoo asked, grabbing his coffee from the table.
"I might," she winked, sipping her cappuccino once more.
"At least you're honest," Wonwoo chuckled. His phone began to ring again once they left the building. He looked at it and canceled the phone call.
"Wonwoo, if you need to answer that, I don't mind," Hannah reassured as they began walking along the pathway.
"I don't, I promise." He said.
The walk was nice, and Wonwoo and Hannah seemed to be getting along a lot better than he would have ever imagined. It didn't take long for it to start raining. May's weather was never consistent, which seemed to be the only consistent thing in Wonwoo's life. Inconsistency. Wonwoo had given Hannah his sweater as they walked back to their cars; only when Hannah safely got into her car and pulled out of the parking lot did he leave.
He looked at his phone for a moment, seeing that he had five missed calls and ten messages from you, asking for your help. He almost answered the texts, apologizing that he was busy and couldn't get to his phone. Just as he was about to send his text, he sighed, thinking about what his friends had told him only 12 hours ago. Instead of sending the text, he closed his phone and drove home.
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⌦(Reader's POV) You groaned angrily when your phone went to voicemail for the second time. Where was he? Why wasn't he answering? Was he still mad? Your head began spinning, even though you couldn't tell if it was because of your impaired state or because Wonwoo was finally giving you a taste of your own medicine. You had ghosted Wonwoo for the better half of your freshman year of college, having found new friends and devoting all of your weekends to partying, so when you finally got ahold of him, he was shocked.
"He works from home; where is he?" You said it angrily, your plethora of messages having been delivered but unread for the better part of two hours. That was what really set you off. He couldn't even give you the respect to apologize.
Against your better judgment, you snatched the keys from your kitchen counter and stumbled out of your apartment, having decided to confront him at his apartment. You've had a few years of practice when it came to driving under the influence, taking back roads, watching the road extra carefully, and driving cautiously, it was easy. Parking your car, you stormed up to his apartment, noting that his car wasn't in the parking lot when you had gotten there.
You called him again.
and again.
and again.
Until finally, you gave up on calling him and decided to send him a hundred more text messages.
⌦You: Wonwoo, I need your help... (Delivered: 11:00 a.m.)
⌦12:45 p.m.
⌦You: Wonwoo, why aren't you answering me??? (Delivered: 12:46 p.m.)
⌦12:57 p.m.
⌦You: Hello? Where are you??? (Delivered: 12:58 p.m.)
⌦1:05 p.m.
⌦You: I'm at your place (Delivered: 1:05 p.m.) ⌦You: Hello!!!!! (Delivered: 1:05 p.m.)
Just as you were about to call him again, you saw that all of your delivered messages had been read. You watched as the three dots by Wonwoo's name appeared.
Then disappeared.
Appeared again.
Until they disappeared for a final time.
Your texts to Wonwoo began to be sent one right after the other, sitting with your back against his front door as you drunkenly blew up his phone. Fifteen minutes had passed before you saw a pair of feet standing in front of you. You looked up and saw the man in question.
Angrily, you stood up shoving your phone in his face as you began to speak.
"I've been trying to get ahold of you for two hours now! Where were you?!" You yelled, and Wonwoo gently pushed your phone out of his face. He looked down, unlocking his front door before opening it to let you in. He waited for you to walk inside, quietly apologizing to his elderly neighbor before stepping inside himself.
"I got coffee," he said, setting his keys on the table by his front door and taking his shoes off.
"It took you two hours to get coffee." You asked in disbelief, crossing your arms as your blurred vision did its best to lock onto him.
"You didn't let me finish," he continued. He sat the now-empty to-go cup on his kitchen counter. "I was on a date."
Your heart dropped, and you weren't sure why either. He was only your friend, your shoulder to cry on, and your emergency contact because you knew he would bend over backwards for you.
"Oh," you said.
"You still could have answered after she left," you said. Your anger had softened just a little bit.
"Why? So I can pick your drunk ass up from some stranger's front lawn? It's 2:30, and you're already fucked up." He said, "Your jaw dropped. What was his deal? Why was he being like this?
"What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you being such a dick all of a sudden?" You asked.
"Because I'm tired of only seeing my best friend when she needs me to be her chauffeur because her other friends left her strung out on God knows what in some stranger's bathroom because she's too drunk to get home." He said. You could see that his words were hurting him just as much as they were hurting you; he wasn't making eye contact with you either. "I can't drop everything to come save you every time you need me; I have a life too," he said. This time his words were soft, almost upset that he'd finally told you how he really felt.
"Fine. I'll leave then." You said this, stepping toward the door only to have the pathway blocked off. "Wonwoo, get out of my way."
"No, I can't let you drive home like this," he said.
"Wonwoo. Get out of my way." You repeated. He didn't move.
"No," He said.
"Now you care about my safety?"
"I've always cared about your safety!"
"Evidently not; evidently it was a burden to you!"
"Do you know why I always dropped everything to come get you?" He snapped.
"To feel better about yourself?" You asked, your words laced with anger. Your eyes began brimming with tears, and your body began to shake. You need to get out of here as soon as possible.
"Because I love you, y/n!" Wonwoo snapped back. He stopped for a second, realizing what he had just said.
"What?" You asked, finally looking up at him.
"I love you.. and it kills me that you're killing yourself like this, but I can't be around you anymore if you're going to continue to hurt yourself. I will always love you, y/n; I hope you know that." He said this, grabbing his keys off the table once more. "Let's go; I'll take you home." You were sure this would be the last time you'd ever hear from him again.
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darktypeimagines · 4 years
Piers with an s/o who just got back from a mental health break that lasted a little too long and like,,, they have a lot to catch up on and they’re just stressed about it. In case it wasn’t obvious this is a situation I’m in rn lmao
I hope you feel better soon.  I don’t know what exact mental health issues you’re experiencing, and I wrote it more or less depression-y/burn-out-y. Hope that’s ok, if not, send another request.
To you, and anyone else, my messaging is always open if you just need someone to talk to.
Put under the cut due to topic.
Piers was not a stranger to poor mental health. Spikemuth was not an easy city to grow up in, and at times, the spotlight could be just as stressful.  As an adult, he’s learned how to handle this in healthier ways, but sometimes, it’s just too much.
 So, when you started showing signs that you were going through something, Piers noticed immediately.  He started doing little things for you; nothing major. Just simple things like bringing you dinner or offering to straighten things up a bit.
He wasn’t sure how open you were.  Whether or not you were ready to talk about it.  To his knowledge, you weren’t engaging in anything super dangerous to yourself, so he waited for you to come to him.  Piers just didn’t want to cross a line; emotions are tricky.  Even if what was going on was really obvious.
But then you began distancing.  That’s what scared him.  You started staying at your home more often than his. You texted less.  Went out less. Some days, he couldn’t even get a hold of you.
After a little while of this, he decided he needed to finally see you in person again. He was beyond worried.  His schedule was booked, between battles and concerts, and while it hurt him to do so, he canceled one of his smaller concerts so he could have time to come see you.
He dropped by late morning, electric blanket in tow.  It was a cold winter’s day, and in Galar, winter’s could be brutal.  And he knew how much you loved that blanket.  He made a mental note to order one for you later.
Piers let himself in with his key.  The house was silent, smelled a bit musty.  All of the blinds were shut closed and a layer of dust coated many of your possessions.
He checked the living room first.  Nope.  The kitchen was nearby, and you weren’t there, either.  So that meant the bedroom.
Yep, it was the bedroom.  Like the rest of the house, it was dark.  He only knew you were in there because of the lump on the bed.
He quietly walked up to you.  It was difficult to tell if you were asleep, but once he was nearly there, it seemed like you were.  He plugged in the blanket, and slipped into the bed with you gently, pulling the blanket over the two of you.
You shifted but did not wake.  So, he waited.
It took a couple of hours for you to finally wake up.  And when you did, and realized what happened, you apologized profusely.  Piers assured you it was okay; he was just worried about you and peppered you with light kisses.  
Finally, though, you actually started talking.  If you are vague, he’ll still pick up on what you mean.  He knows the signs, he knows the symptoms, and even if you can’t articulate it, he knows what you mean.  This isn’t his first time around this block, after all.
You two end up talking throughout most of the day.  There was so much you two missed.  Marnie was doing well; the Champion Cup was coming up, and she had a good shot at winning!  Piers had also decided to quit being a gym leader, too…
And for him? He missed how much pain you had been in, and even though he tried his best to reach out, he couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty.
The two of you talked and agreed to improve your communication with each other.  A mental health break is fine but shutting everyone else out might only make you feel worse.
So, you agreed that the next time you began to feel like this, you would at least try to tell Piers what was going on and try a bit more to reach out when you needed help.
Hopefully, this would prevent a break from lasting too long again.
And yes, you spent most of the day in that electric blanket, curled up together in the warmth.
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