#I watched say yes to the dress india
sleeper9 · 5 days
What were we doing???
What were we doing !!!
Them taking out George getting MAD about the India stuff lol okay
Love how comfy John is looking just playing for Paul to show off his singing
Paul’s eyes looking green green! Eek! I love it !
God this really is the Paul and John show… I once again can see why John is like it’s too much Paul. George and Ringo really get so little here. And johns really just reacting to Paul
Honestly I’m happy John just joined in to them playing octopuses garden… it’s so cute. Love to see the whole scene of Paul coming in with heather and everything. It really is crazy… he hasn’t even known heather for that long.. he’s a dad!
Oop billy is here!! Hello billy!
I love watching John singing you’ve got a hold on me… he’s cute! This is a John/George’s moment <3
Closeup of Paul’s little bunny teeth
It really is funny that there’s no real narrative being presented here at all. Like it’s funny to think there’s this whole thing going on between these takes. But watching it you’re just like they’re just happy guys playing some jams! It’s not even sad or anything? Maybe because one of the few scenes with talking is George getting snippy? But yeah there’s no other stressors going on that we’re seeing
as soon as they came to the apple studio it feels like Paul is just kinda playing in the background.
also it’s funny how much uglier it is in here when it looked so good at twickenham. Obviously it’s better for the band but I miss the color
Omg big george is shaking it (dig it)
it’s absolutely crazy heather is sitting at johns feet as he’s saying “ THIS TIME YOURE GONNA GET IT GOOD”
John laughing when Paul says stick it-
This conversation John and Paul have I honestly really agree with Paul in that George too easily says well let’s just not do that when in reality if he’s pushed to do something in the end he could have fun. I really do understand Paul’s mentality here cause I’m like that too where i think okay but if you were in that situation it probably won’t be that bad so you have to force yourself to do things sometimes even tho your instinct is to say no.
actually insane to skip to post rooftop from that conversation! I wonder why he just included that bit.
Now Paul’s all dressed up for no reason
Two of us is legit one of my favorite songs
Johns little darting hazel eyes…
It’s really kinda sad/funny that George and John can’t really take Paul seriously during let it be.
Yes show billy jamming that part!! Iconic!
Is this the best Paul’s hair ever looked?? Phew baby… it’s giving disheveled priest… 🥵
His green eyes truly out to kill me!! I love green eyes…
If I had kids they could have green eyes (my mom has green eyes) random thought…
I love ringos sad eyes watching Paul singing long an winding road…mcstarr baby…
Ugh the iconic shot of Paul walking out on the roof… he knows he’s hot
Love all these crowd shots too!!! Love looking at the people
OOh cut to yoko during don’t let me down
OMG THE SOUND FROM THE STREET !!!!! I always wondered in get back what does it really sound like down there and I get to finally hear it! Ahh! Love that
Ah! Is that Sue John again?? Only see her from the back but it looks like her
Watching it this time just made me realizing they’re performing at three different mics… that would’ve been so unusual for them no? Usually it was the two… but obviously it was for recording
God Paul is rocking out so hard to I’ve got a feeling
Omg Paul’s crying!! I can’t tell if Paul is getting teary eyed cause it’s cold af or if he’s just feeling it so hard… playing with the boys … god I love this zoom in to his watery eyes I’m dead
God watching one after 909 you can see how in sync their bodies are… 😭
Paul watching john singing and then John smiles real big!!!! Ah!
Honestly it’s crazy to look at the cut of Paul’s jacket like it’s so skinny in the middle and then flares out real wide cause of he’s thicc
John glances over at Paul after he says “all I want is you” and answers Paul’s little woo! With an “ohh” cute
John sticking his little tongue out again 👅they honestly love doing that don’t they
Paul really said NO IM NOT STOPPING!!! Arrest me officer!!! *dances around*
Meanwhile johns like uhhh 🧍
Thanks Mo!!!
Wonderful !! I had such a good time!!
Thank you Mr MLH!!
It’s really amazing that Peter Jackson managed to use nearly completely different footage from Let It Be! Like truly a feat!! And how kind of Peter to be so considerate of another director!! It really makes the experience feel totally different!! I was worried it would feel too similar to get back but it didn’t at all! I noticed right away all of the shots were different so it didn’t feel repetitive to me.
Great! I’m so happy! To me it’s not a narrative movie at all it’s just a pure performance movie. And since 2021 I’ve really grown to appreciate all the footage MLH was able to capture like some truly insane stuff!! It’s amazing considering how chaotic it all was for him.
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inlocusmads · 3 months
so apparently PB has a book solely for their Indian audiences called 'the promise of forever' and being an Indian, of course I played it, like about a million times (mostly because it is a short read, I can get 15 diamonds) and I have some thoughts:
(if you don't wish to play the book, go ahead because there will be 'spoilers'?? it is a short book, so not really plot-twisty-things are involved)
firstly, the concept of arranged marriage depicted in the book feels like they watched 'Indian Matchmaking' on netflix and decided to cash in on that opportunity. The show in itself is very exaggerated and has many well-warranted criticisms towards it and you shouldn't take the concept of how matchmaking works in India from that show alone. It feels tone-deaf to the actual industry in India, its problems and so on. Now I don't really hold PB to a strickler for accuracy, but to market a book towards an Indian demographic and not do some proper research feels very.. weird
THE OUTFITS. for an indian family that is so hellbent on arranged marriages and their choice as gospel, it is funny how we get off-shoulder tops and glittery cocktail dresses. nowhere in actual hell would a family approve of wearing an off-shoulder top to a meeting with the son-in-law's family, like in the name of everything holy, PB, if you want to talk about how "orthodox" the MC's family is, you can't just reject this one key detail!!!
the love interest is an absolute piece of shit, by the way.
most accurate thing about this is the dad not giving a fuck about their first meeting, I love that (by the way, they used Dr Banerji's sprite and it is so fucking weird)
Also why the New York setting? I know a lot of first-gen immigrant parents do adhere to the arranged-marriage route but why New York though? While Hindu-Americans and Hindus in India usually share the same heritage, it doesn't mean their upbringing and the surroundings around them don't play a key role in how they perceive things. PB had an opportunity to really look into this, talking about culture-clashes but the book isn't too far different. You could have it in Kozhikode and it would still be.. the same.
All the more reason I think PB watched one episode of Indian Matchmaking and decided to just make this book and be like 'yay, we are going to write something for our Indian demographic and of course they'd relate to it! Oh wait-- you mean Indians in India and Indians in New York may have different experiences that can't be amalgamated into one? You mean I can't do this? That we need a sensitivity reader? Nah fuck that!' it is so fucking insulting.
Also Rishi's character (rishi is the love interest; yes, he is the only love interest; yes it's a 'he'; yes, there's no goc but points for realism I guess) is so not done well. Personally, yes, there's a preference towards cis men in Indian society - they're treated well, they're basically at the top of the food chain, but at the same time, the way he is that arrogant would NOT bode well with his family or MC's family. Like Harvard or not, he would be dropped right away. I know it is a common misconception that in Indian society, it's common for people to not take 'personality' into account while selecting a possible match for someone and it's all about their educational background, how much money they make, etc, but that's all in the past.
Arranged marriages in Hindu culture isn't always equated to abusive marriages or partners who are downright pieces of shits. Personality is a big BIG part and technically, MC should have a say. Doesn't matter if she's doing it for her parents, it is MC's life. And it isn't like the matchmaker runs out of options either. She probably has an armful of biodahtahs (if you get that reference, I am giving you a million cookies) and if Rishi isn't a match, they'd move onto the next one.
(Also it is ridiculously funny how 'arranged marriage' tropes in Western culture is equated to the 'closed proximity' trope but when you throw a couple of Indians in there, it is toxified ten-fold. Great job PB)
Now you could be like, "but Mads, it's a realistic portrayal of South Asian culture. Toxic arranged marriages do exist!" and I'm not negating that. But it would have been an empowering story if that were the plot and Rishi was a piece of shit as the narrative made him to be and MC found a way out.
But nope.
She marries him.
For a company that markets itself to be progressive, this book sure is a massive downgrade. It doesn't just villanize a character, it demonizes the whole culture. It reduces a culture to its stereotypes, even if the industry of arranged marriages in India has grown overtime and Indian society as a whole has become progressive in the past years. Or even better, Indian culture and tradition continuing to be associated with 'creepy, misogynstic men with an attitude problem' when in reality, we should be holding the person or the induvidual accountable, like how we do with actual misogynists. PB is doing an unimaginable horror here by saying this is 'accurate representation'.
The most unrealistic thing to happen is this exchange:
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No Indian turns DOWN food. Please PB get this thing right. Like I don't care if Rishi is the worst person ever or if he claims himself to be the "rudest asshole in existence"; nobody turns down fucking home-cooked food. We'll just revoke their Indian citizenship entirely.
This whole portrayal of these two characters feels so... 90s. It's like they went to ChatGPT and asked them to type a script of a Bollywood masala movie with the snobby hero getting the girl in the end. I cannot believe this is an actual thing.
ALSO WHY IS THE MAIN CHARACTER READING INTO A LITERAL ABUSIVE PERSONALITY AS ROMANTIC? I know Choices MCs have a history of that, but this is downright disappointing. Also once again, a massive 'L' in terms of the 'representation' they want to bring out. They gave MC an American upbringing, sprinkling in coriander-bits of Indian culture and it feels so patrionizing. This romanticization of toxic marriages is not 'totes adorbs'. It isn't cute. it isn't 'enemies to lovers'.
Here's a crash course in arranged marriages for you, PB:
Arranged marriages do not always end in abuse. The reason why it is popular in India, from an oversimplified way, is due to the fact that India is pretty diverse. There's tons of religions, belief sects and languages spoken and it started as a way to 'preserve people's traditions'.
While there have been problematic things about it (inter-faith marriages are frowned upon; how religion also breeds a lot of intolerance, etc) arranged marriages are done even today is to eliminate uncertainty, bring about convenience and is deeply rooted in the history of the culture as a whole.
At the same time, in modern-day society, Indians like the rest of the fucking world, have a no-tolerance policy for abusive relationships. In an ideal lens, the parents would be as involved as the MC in her marriage to Rishi. It is seldom for a modern-day-21-st-century parent to not notice the red flags. Also weird for MC to not notice it either - resorting to "oh it's just a difference of opinion" when she is clearly educated, living in America and that too New-fucking-York and still resorting to a 80s, 90s mindset.
Representation doesn't have to always be "morally good". You can have terrible Indian characters, not terribly-written Indian characters. It just needs to be plausible within modern times. That's why they call it an accurate representation. And it needs to portray the culture as it is, without the stereotypes, without the constant romanticisation of something actually terrible (i.e Rishi's poor attitude and borderline abusive personality) and associating it with the culture and calling that representation.
There are so many areas PB could have focused on in this brief book or "improved" their Indian representation:
It could be about how MC deals with being a first-gen immigrant (I assume she is) or Rishi's own qualms with fulfilling his dead father's requests of 'settling down' but finding meaning outside of the marital sphere.
It could just be about an arranged marriage NOT working out. Instead of it being played for as 'enemies to lovers', it could be about MC seeing the red flags and getting out of it and that could be her journey of embracing her culture but also be able to call out and avoid things that are damaging to her life.
Or even a book set in India minus the marriage tropes. It could just be about how MC is dealing with the 'American dream' versus trying to stay at home and staying connected to their culture. This is a real thing that's happening right now; how many Indians migrate to America looking for a new life and the moral argument that arises from it.
Heck even a MaH-themed book where queer themes are discussed through Indian perspectives.
The actual problematic undertones associated with arranged marriage culture and providing thoughtful commentary without demonizing Indian culture as a whole.
It kind of sucks that PB - even though did no advertising for this book - still uses this as a flag to tell people they write diverse stories, when really, it's once again the same stereotypical shit we've been dealing with for so many years. It's Apu from the Simpsons multiplied tenfold but takes itself too seriously and threatens us that it's 'good representation'. It also sucks that once again, Indian culture is reduced to 'daal-eating, arranged marriage'ing, orthodox rude uncles, Kama Sutra chemistry' and market it TOWARDS INDIANS which is the absolute rudest thing I have ever seen, ever.
If you've read until here, I appreciate you taking the time to do this. This is just a rant and of course, from my own personal point of view and of course opinions are going to vary. But this ain't it, PB. Shove this AI-arted cover up your rear end.
But I do want to compile a list of resources for you/additional reading if you want to see an accurate portrayal of South Asian culture:
how to name your south asian character
things to keep in mind while writing a south asian character
how 'indian matchmaking' perpetuates harmful stereotypes
the actual reality of arranged marriages
american-born confused desis and representation (reddit thread)
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apinchofm · 9 months
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Requested by @angel-starbeam - Edwina and Friedrich meet in India before she leaves for England and exchange letters.
Edwina knew balls would be much different in England. She would not get to wear her saris anymore, having to wear English clothes instead. She would have to drink English tea and soften her Indian ways. She was to be an Englishman's wife.
She took a deep breath, as her mind races with all the changes. Especially standing in the ballroom of the Sivaganga Palace. It was her last ball here before she and her family set sail for England.
Kate, in her beautiful teal sari was standing with their mother, assured it would be well. Edwina was an extremely proficient young lady and excelled in all the skills she put her mind too. Mary was anxious about returning to England. All Edwina knew is that she left after marrying her Appa, given he and Kate were traveling with the Maharaja when they met in London. She hoped there would be a few good memories at the very least, for her mother.
She strolled outside into the water gardens, smiling at the other attendees and taking it all in. She had run around in these gardens as a child. In between lessons and naps in her father's office. Lanterns, covered in different colours illuminated the garden as water lilies floated around in the various pools.
Oh, she would miss home.
Edwina looked up at the sky as she leaned against the pillar. She remembers her Appa telling her the stars were the same all over the world, so they were all looking at the same stars when he went away. It was a comfort. She would see these same stars in London and think of her father. She was determined to make him - and her mother and sister - proud. She would do it. She hummed to herself.
Prince Friedrich had thought himself alone, looked around hearing someone humming. It was a beautiful sound.
"Hello?" He called out. He had seen her. She was much like a startled fawn, trying to hide behind a column. A girl in a pretty pink floral saree, lined with gold. Her deep brown eyes widened.
Edwina looked at him, nervously fiddling with the material draped over her shoulder. She was in so much trouble!
"I-I did not mean to interrupt you, sir!" She protested, seeing his uniform. He was white, tall, with broad shoulders which told her he could be a soldier. But his uniform was different from the British or Indian guards. A deep blue that brought out the blue in his brown-blue eyes.
"No, not at all." He assured her with a kind smile.
"You are German?" She asked, hearing his accent.
"From Prussia, yes."
"Oh, my deepest apologies!" Edwina quickly said, afraid of offending him.
He chuckled at her cautious approach, "Not at all. My mother is from a German principality, so I suppose I am. But do not tell any Prussian purist. A crown prince should not admit being from another country!" He winked and watched as her face fell, this opposite effect he was hoping to have.
She curtsied immediately, "Your Highness."
"I am Friedrich."
Edwina fixed her saree, unsure of what to say. She should know what to say!
"That is a beautiful dress." Friedrich said with a smile, “Who might you be? One of the Maharani’s lovely daughters? Sisters?”
Edwina giggled and blushed, shaking her head, “No, no. I am just Edwina. Miss Edwina Sharma, sir.”
“A pleasure to meet you, Miss Edwina Sharma.” Friedrich replied. He leaned on the opposite pillar from her, “What are you doing so far from the gathering?”
“Oh, I needed some air. This shall be my last ball here and I found myself overcome with emotion.”
“Are you leaving?”
“Yes, to England in a few weeks.” .
"England? Why leave such a beautiful country for country in which in rains all the time?” Friedrich wondered.
Edwina's face fell, "Well, my appa died. We have managed this far, as the Maharaja has been most generous. They were close. But to ensure long-term stability for my family, we must go to England so that my sister and I will make good matches." She explained. She did not know why she was telling him this but he was listening intently.
"My deepest sympathies for the death of your father. But why England?”
“Well, my mother is English. My parents met at a ball.” Edwina gushed, her eyes alight as she recounted the story she had adored hearing as a girl. "Amma always says how she fell in love with him and his soul. How he would always find her eyes in any room. Appa said that it was love at first sight."
"Do you wish for a love like that?" Friedrich asked softly. She looked like someone who deserved a love like that. A beautiful young lady, intriguing too.
Edwina thought hard. She did. She wanted to feel the love and joy her mama had for appa. But she remembers how devest
"I do. But I suppose…” Edwina sighed, “It does matter.”
“I believe it does.”
“I do not think so.”
“Are you sure?”
Edwina giggled, “Such impertinence from a gentleman!"
“I am a Prince. We are impertinent men.” Friedrich replied, then smiled taking a step towards her, "I hope you shall enjoy England. Perhaps we may see one another there. You are most lovely."
Edwina felt her face warm, "You are kind, my lord."
"I am honest. You are beautiful."
She shook her head, “I should go, I do not wish to disrupt you further."
Friedrich stood, wanting to reassure her, "You are not disrupting me. Did the Prince revelation scare you? I do not hope it did?” He asked.
"I think so." Edwina admits, fiddling with one of the gold bangles sliding up and down her arms, "Surely, you have far more interesting people to speak with?"
"I am a soldier. I can only have so many conversations on trade." He pretended to close his eyes and snore, making her laugh again.
She looked back, “I should go. I do not wish for my sister or mother to worry for me.”
"Good evening, Miss Edwina Sharma." Friedrich said in farewell.
"Your Highness." She smiled bashfully, looking back as she walked away. He was still smiling at her and she felt all warm and fuzzy inside.
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skz-bella · 11 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Pets
Taglist: @curly-fr13s @elizalabs3
Pairing: Hyunjin X Bella
Timeline: Before the NOEASY era.
Genre: Fluff.
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Bella's eldest brother had come to visit her after traveling to India for a work trip with his colleagues. As per family rule, bring something back, preferably food, for Bella. (and yes it was Bella who made that rule)
What she didn't expect to see was JinJin, her pet pet ferret, to be brought into the JYP building at 2.00 in the afternoon. Jonathan had said that the plane had to stop at Germany for an emergency landing so he just decided to visit their grandparents and bring back the animal.
Safe to say Bella was ecstatic. She had told her manager about Jin's arrival and allowed her to stay with her in the same apartment. Luckily for her, she already had some food stuffs and sleeping cushions so she was all set.
Jin had been adopted one year after her debut in Stray Kids, as a congratulations from her aunt. The small white animal was named after her fellow member Hyunjin as he reminded Bella of the ferret.
Coincidentally, Kkami had been allowed by JYP to come and spend a few days with Hyunjin, seeing as also Jin was staying with Bella, with the condition that the dog would stay with Hyunjin, and the male agreed.
It was a few weeks before the group would begin to practice for their comeback with THUNDEROUS so the two members decided to maximise their time with their pets and spend it together as well.
Since Bella had her own apartment, being the only girl and all, they decided to have their pets play there during their hangout.
It was around 11.00 in the morning when Hyunjin showed up with Kkami in his arms and a bag for his essentials.
"Hey!" Bella greeted and invited him into the house. She was dressed in some loose black pants and a large grey sweater. Hyunjin wore some grey sweatpants and a black hoodie for some warmth.
"Hi Kkami~" She took put the small dog from Hyunjin's arms and kissed his snout, the little dog happily barking at seeing her again after a long time. Hyunjin watched this with a happy smile, but he was feeling a bit jealous that Kkami loved Bella more than he does.
"Wah!~" Hyunjin whined. "Kkami loves you more than me! Not fair!~" A cute pout adorned his lips.
"Too bad for you!~" Bella laughed as she placed the dog on the floor.
"Where's JinJin?" As if on queue, the white ferret jumped out of the blanket it had been sleeping in a few minutes prior and happily ran towards the red headed male. Hyunjin laughed and scooped up the little pet as it rubbed itself along his hands.
"Hi JinJin!" His voice went a pitch higher. "How have you been?"
The ferret squeaked in delight as its response before jumping out of Hyunjin's arms and into Bella's. This made the girl laugh as Hyunjin pouts once again.
"What can I say? They love me." She gave the older male a smile, to which he returned with one as well. Bella placed the ferret down and Kkami, who had been (im)patiently waiting for his friend to be put down, jumped on Jin and sniffed him. It was Kkami's way of greeting his friend.
"I have some food cooked already for us." Bella told Hyunjin. "Do you have food for Kkami or do I need to make some for him?"
"I brought some but Kkami loves your cooking more than mine." Hyunjin laughed as the two walked towards the living room, the two animals trailing behind their owners.
The rest of the day is spent having fun. Kkami and JinJin played for nearly two hours straight before exhaustion finally hit them and they took a nap, curled up into each other. Bella and Hyunjin had taken some pictures of that and posted them on bubble, making Stays happy.
As the two pets slept, Bella and Hyunjin were mostly in the kitchen making food and telling each other about the JYP gossip or in the living room watching TV, keeping the volume low so as to not wake up the sleeping animals. Their day was quiet and relaxing, and the two enjoyed.
"Thanks for having us." Hyunjin said as he held Kkami in his arms. It was 6.00 in the evening and it was time for Hyunjin and Kkami to go.
"No problem, Jinnie." Bella gave him a soft smile before glancing at the white ferret that was trying to climb Hyunjin's leg. She laughed before grabbing him and cradling her in his arms.
"Say bye bye to Jinne and Kkami~" JinJin simply whined and tried to reach Kkami not wanting him to go. Hyunjin leaned Kkami closer to her and the two little animals rubbed and sniffed each other's faces before Hyunjin pulled back.
"Okay let me go before the two end jumping out of our arms again." The man laughed before turning around and grabbing the bag he had come with.
"Be safe on the way home." Bella told him, a sweet smile on her face.
"Of course." Hyunjin suddenly turned around and placed a gently kiss on her temple before giving her a one-arm hug. "Lock your doors and windows."
"Don't let any sasaengs kidnap you." She laughed as he opened the door.
"I won't. See you at practice tomorrow?" Bella nodded and gave him a finger heart, to which he returned, before he left and walked out the door. She stood there in silence, her mind going back to the kiss before she looked at Jin who was looking at her.
"What?" She cuddled her face into her long body, making the ferret squeak in joy. Bella walked back into the living room, preparing to go to bed after a long, relaxing and tiring day.
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findingnemosworld · 8 months
𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝? - 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐫𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐬
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: @littlemaidensworld
( 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐚 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢 𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐀𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥? )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐚 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐢𝐬 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐢 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥, ( 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐱𝐭, 𝐢 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐤𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐝𝐮𝐤𝐨𝐧𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐲𝐰𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞 )
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It had definitely been a culture shock for the Andalusian as he had taken advantage of the break he had to travel to Mumbai to support his old childhood friend from way back when in school on the most special day of his life, his wedding. Aditya was thrilled to see him and had taken on helping him get settled and get to know every angle of Udaipur where the wedding was held, while at first Sergio was slightly uncomfortable and felt out of place, around the third day he was well settled within Aditya's family, so much so that he didn't think he would see her again.
Prior to the wedding ceremony, the sangeet was arranged to celebrate Aditya and his bride to be Malti - the groom and bride's families prepared their dance performances which were a refreshing thing to see, reminding Sergio of the festive atmosphere present in the weddings in Spain, only here in India it definitely exceeded his expectations - Just after the bride's family completed their performances, his eyes were instantly drawn to the dusky brunette dressed in a silver saree, her hair was curled to perfection with just the right amount of makeup adorning her features.
" Is that ...? " He asks Aditya.
" Yes, that is Naina " Aditya smiles, having already been aware of the lingering feelings his friend has for his cousin.
Once upon time, while Aditya was residing in Sevilla with his family; he and Sergio had grown close, often times playing football together and whenever they played, a young girl would sit and watch them, at first Sergio didn't mind her, however as time went on he came to learn that she was Aditya's cousin, Naina.
" She just arrived from London, after completing her masters degree in journalism - she worked for um, if I remember correctly, Sky Sports for a while " Aditya explains, " And uh .. she hates you "
" She hates me " Sergio laughs, " Why? "
" She's a ... " Aditya chuckles, " She's a Liverpool fan so let's just say that um, she hates you because the Champions League final, that Champions league final "
Sergio nods slowly, realizing which incident he meant. " I'll try to smooth things over "
A little while later, Sergio spots her chatting with another girl who noticed him before she did, " Good evening " he said.
Naina turns around, resisting the urge to roll her eyes; instead she forces a smile, " Oh, I didn't notice you " she murmurs, " Aditi, this is Aditya's old childhood friend, Sergio Ramos "
" Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Aditya's other cousin " Aditi smiles shaking his extended hand.
" Pleasure to meet you " Sergio states with a charming smile.
Aditi then looks at Naina, " Is this the same Sergio you said you'd smash when we played the game last week with the girls "
Naina shoots her cousin a glare, while Sergio looks at her with a confused smile. " Smash? "
" Basically we mention the guys we want to get down and dirty with " Aditi laughs, " and Naina here mentioned you "
" Aditi " Naina said through gritted teeth and a forced smile. " I was drunk so it's not that big of a deal "
" Oh jaan, it is " Aditi giggles, " Drunk words are sober thoughts remember? anyways, I'll see you later, it was nice meeting you Sergio and if she gives you a hard time, you know where to find me " she winks.
Sergio chuckles, " noted " he then turns to Naina. " So? "
" Don't even " Naina shakes her head, aiming to walk past him only for him to follow her outside of the venue.
" Naina wait " Sergio said loudly, jogging up to her.
" Why are you chasing me? there are plenty of pretty girls in there for you to choose from " Naina states with a sarcastic smile.
Sergio laughs, " Aditya said I'm not on your favorites list "
" He's right, all you do is behave like a violent maniac on the pitch " Naina rolls her eyes before muttering, " But I'm sensible to not hold it against you "
" So ... you're not mad at me because of the final in 2018 " Sergio wonders.
" No I'm still mad " Naina chuckles, " Actually I'm seething " she turns to face him, " And all I can think about is wrapping my arms around your throat and choking you "
Sergio opted to be playful by saying, " Why don't we head back to my hotel room then? "
Naina rolls her eyes again, then smiles. " Is that why you chased me? so you can behave like a man child "
" I'm trying to lighten up the mood " Sergio states with a chuckle.
" On the contrary " Naina retorts sassily, " You ruined it "
Sergio watches her walk past him and back to the venue, now determined more than ever to win her over.
Naina was definitely drained, being in charge of photography was a lot more tiring than she initially believed yet she was happy to have been able to see her cousin find the love of his life which in retrospect had her thinking of Sergio, of the time she was enamored by him as a teen, after the ceremony, some of the guests were still in the hotel, Naina included as she was working on editing the photos of the wedding to include them in a special article for her blog which steers away from sports.
While she was working, she hears a knock which causes her to look up, confused she stands up and walks towards the door, she opens it expecting one of her family members only to find Sergio in front of her. " You haven't left yet? "
" I leave tomorrow, I wanted to come see you " He said.
Naina heaves a sigh, he'd been very persistent throughout the times they've encountered one another and despite every attempt she made to push him away, he was relentless which ultimately left her with no choice but to step to the side to allow him to enter, " Sit down please "
He takes a seat on the chair near the bed while she went up on the bed to check her laptop before shutting it off to look at him, " What is it? "
" I wanted to apologize, for alot of things ... " He sighs, " for teasing you as a kid, and for beating Liverpool even though I don't mean the last one "
Naina chuckles, " Of course you don't, you're a monster "
" A hungry monster that loves winning " He smiles, " I would however like to say another thing "
" Yes ...? " She said.
" I asked Aditya and he said you're moving to Madrid " He said, " So it leads me to my next question "
" Which is? " She prompts him to continue.
" Will you be my friend? " He asks.
She furrows her brows, then laughs. " Seriously? "
" Yes seriously, let's start off again as friends because I want to do this properly, I've always liked you Naina and I promise if you give me a chance, I won't let you down " He said.
She remained silent, measuring everything he had said; while considering the pros and cons of dating a football player, " If we do this, you're going to be coming here a lot more " she said.
" I'll get used to it " He shrugs.
" My mom will grill you and ask you when you'll marry me " She said.
" I'll figure out how to charm her " He said.
" My dad is an easy target, he loves football ... and I would like to point out that if we are going down this path, I'm very head strong so you'll have to be patient with me " She said.
" I'll wait a lifetime " He smiles.
She smiles, " Ok ... you've got yourself a new friend "
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ranveer--singh · 1 year
The nights are tasteless without you: part 4 ~ Ari Levinson fic
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A/N - This is my first proper multiple chapter story which came to me while watching a Bollywood movie. It is set in Mumbai India where Ari is a professor at a university meets a person of colour - Marathi girl at the train station. There will be other Chris Evans characters as professors and Henry Cavill   characters as professors  
Warning: Please read this before reading the story. 18+, smut, sex… etc
For the next few days, Maddy ignored his texts, calls and pictures because she was embarrassed after what had happened. She had started her periods and was craving a double dose of vada pav, so she took the bus to her local vendor and ordered some food. 
She grabbed both plates and some chai, sitting at the table and rubbed her hands to eat the food. Ari was driving by and spotted her sitting alone eating food; she looked a little sad and in need of some company. 
He parked the car, got out and walked towards her.
"Hi, Maddy, can I join you," he said, waiting for her to look up; her cheeks turned red, and she picked up her glass to take a few sips. "Hey, I haven't seen you around; how's work," he asked after the vendor brought some thumbs up and samosa chaat. 
"It's been hectic; not had any downtime," she said, her head looking up at Ari. She couldn't help blushing at him; he looked stunning in the green shirt and grey pants combination.
"I'm sorry; is it possible for you to take a break, maybe," he said, making Maddy bite her lip and squeeze her thighs together. He was so sweet, yet the David's star chain dangled out of his shirt, making her body tingly. 
"Umm, I'll see what I can do," she said softly, putting the loose strands of hair behind her ear. Maddy took a deep breath in, before saying, "anyway, enough about me. How are you finding Mumbai?" 
"I haven't explored much of Mumbai; it's been driving to work, teaching, then going home," he said, putting his fingers through his hair. 
"Why don't you take a break then," she said, twirling her hair around her finger," 
"Well, I have sat aside this Saturday for us to go shopping; that will help," he said, looking at her blush, her cheeks permitting red. 
"Oh yes, you sure you still want to go," she said, looking at her food getting cold and quickly took a bite. 
"Of course, I'm looking forward to it. I'll pick you up at 10am" he said again, putting his fingers through his hair and making Maddy gulp her food down. She smiled, nodding her head, both of them seeing the sky getting dark and leaving to head their separate way home. 
*Saturday at 10am* 
Ari pressed the horn outside Maddy's, letting her know he had arrived. She quickly ran outside the balcony to tell him she would be 5 minutes. 
Five minutes later, she ran down the stairs, her bag in hand and a very comfortable but bright dress and sandals. Maddy's eyes widened; Ari wore a denim shirt rolled up to show his hairy arms. He had brown trousers and was wearing ray ban sunglasses. 
She whimpered, grabbing the bottle of water from her bag to take a few swigs. She was hot, but also today in Mumbai it was very hot, so she could play that off if he asks. 
"Hi," Ari said, jumping out of his seat to open the door for her. 
"Hey," she said, getting in, loving the fragrance of the car. It smelt of musk and chai, and now all she could think of was fucking in the back seat. Maddy needed to control herself and get the task at hand done. 
Ari connected his phone to the car music system, playing songs from the movie Chandramukhi. The last time the song came on, Maddy loved it, so Ari shazamed the song and forever listened to the song thinking of her. 
Ari tried singing along to the songs, making Maddy giggle and help him out. She bit her lip, watching as he squeezed his hands on the steering wheel. It took Ari 20 minutes to get to Phoenix Palladium and find parking before they both headed inside, straight to the men's shop.
They walked into a few shops, not finding anything they liked. Nothing made Maddy go wow, or even feel tingly inside. They went to a more expensive shop, looking for some items when Ari bumped into Andy. 
"Hey, Andrew," Ari said, seeing him try on a suit jacket. 
"Ari, pal, nice seeing you. How is Mumbai treating you," Andy said, shaking Ari's hand. Andy works at the university as a law professor; they both met at the canteen, where he helped Ari pay for his food as he didn't know what the coins and notes meant. 
"I love the hospitality everyone has shown me, even this nice lady here. Maddy, she helped me out when the food was so spicy. She knew what drink I needed, to take away the spice," he said, rambling away. "Maddy also told the vendor what I like, so every time I go there all I have to do is sit down and he brings the food over. You should try Andy, you will love it," he explained, making Maddy blush, trying to calm herself down before saying hi to Andy.  
"Thanks Ari, send me the name and I'll definitely take my wife after she is back from her trip," he said and Ari nodded his head, before saying goodbye and walking around the other side of the shop with Maddy. 
It took them both 4 hours and 7 shops to find 10 new outfits for Ari which got her feeling hot and tingly. Her favourite outfit was a linen brown suit, with a white coloured shirt. When she saw him try it on, she grabbed her water bottle and downed the liquid. 
Ari also bought her a dress, just to say thank you for being so friendly and helpful after the train platform fiasco. 
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shojo · 1 year
Shojo Reviews Movies: RRR
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It’s a little over three hours long but let me tell you I was disappointed when it was over because it could have went on for five hours and I would have the same opinion. RRR is epic, heartbreaking, stunning, lights that fire inside of you to keep fighting and put those colonizers in their place. I gotta get up in six hours so I’m just gonna write some bullet point thoughts:
- I’ve never seen a movie made and set in a country that has 1. lived through the British Empire and 2. won against it. The pride of India as a nation was practically oozing from every pore of this film. I’ve also never seen a film that villainizes white Europeans in such a harsh and unapologetic way. Every white person had no redeeming qualities whatsoever and boy did it feel good to see each of them get their comeuppance. (Yes, there is Jenny who you could argue is the token “not all white people” character but she wasn’t perfect, she just happened to be just kind enough to be on the right side of things where it mattered.) Comparing this to a film like Django Unchained where you hate Leo DiCaprio’s character but you love to hate him. It’s still Leo. He’s still very charismatic, handsome, despicable, the whole nine. The governor, his wife, his guards, all awful terrible people who you just hate. Period. The pay off at the end is *chef kisses* to say the least. 
- Naatu Naatu has the skill and prowess of any Gene Kelly ballet with the energy of an EDM rave. I need to watch it approximately 12,000 more times because it’s absolutely fantastic. 
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- The differences between American and Indian cinema is a road I’ve always wanted to explore and RRR was a hell of an introduction. In America having a full blown musical number in the middle of an epic revolutionary war drama would more than likely be seen as a gimmick and yet it feels so natural here. And I’m not just talking about Naatu Naatu. There were multiple songs explaining the internal struggle these men are going through, resetting the scene, etc. and they didn’t distract me in the slightest. 
- Nick Fury should have called Bheem and Ram to take care of Thanos instead. 
- I still can’t tell what I was more impressed over: the sheer amount of extras, the fight choreography, or those thirty seconds of Ram dressed as Rama jumping out of the flames like the god he is and landing hit after hit with Bheem making Jason Mamoa look like a guppy with that spear just UGH EVERYONE WAS SO GODDAMN COOL. 
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Alright I think that’s everything. Go watch RRR. (Fair warning: this movie does contain very high amounts of violence, bloodshed, and racism so don’t go in expecting three hours of cool suspender dancing. This movie is graphic and does not shy away from showing it. That being said, go watch RRR.)
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bm-blog01 · 1 year
Why having a wedding for Kate and Anthony makes sense
There has been a lot of commentary in parts of the fandom about the lack of a wedding for Kate and Anthony, and the leaks suggesting a grand wedding for Penelope has (understandably) fuelled even more resentment towards the show, and the Polin fans who have been seen to gloat that they will get a wedding when Kate and Anthony didn't. There are arguments that have been put forward as to why Kate and Anthony didn't get a wedding (or need one), I disagree that Kate and Anthony didn't need a wedding. First I will look at the two main reasonings presented as to why Kate and Anthony did not get a wedding, then give my reasoning as to why them having a wedding would have made sense for their story.
There had already been one big wedding and Kate and Anthony's would have paled in comparison. This was put forward by Chris van Dusen, he explained that as Edwina and Anthony had a big wedding hosted by the Queen then any wedding that Kate and Anthony had would most likely have been small and looked plain in comparison as the Queen most likely wouldn't host a second wedding for Anthony. Whilst this could make sense if Edwina and Kate were similar characters, and their relationship with Anthony was the same, considering their differences this actually just sounds like an excuse made up on the fly by Chris, as if he was taken by surprise that anyone would actually question why Kate and Anthony never had a wedding. Further to this explanation Chris also indicated that Edwina would not have attended Kate's wedding therefore it didn't seem right to have one for Kate and Anthony without Edwina in attendance. I am sorry Chris, I missed the part where it was Edwina's story you were telling in S2, to my knowledge it was Kate's story, in which case Edwina's actions should not have influenced what you gave to Kate.
The second reasoning for no wedding, which makes a lot more sense than Chris's above, is that they had a deconstructed wedding. It has been reported that the show borrowed some inspiration from Bollywood for season 2 due to the lead female being from India.*
From what I have seen from South Asians online the idea of a deconstructed wedding for the leads appears to be a common one in Bollywood movies, we saw all of the parts of the wedding, but not the actual wedding, so let's break it down:
The engagement: In episode 5 we see Kate trying on the betrothal ring, Anthony holds her hand and looks at the ring on her finger
The Haldi: In episode 6 at Edwina's Haldi ceremony we see the Haldi paste applied to Kate by Edwina, and see Kate viewing herself in the mirror
The walk up the aisle: Anthony watches as Kate walks up the aisle towards him, the look on his face is one of love and affection, in that moment he truly believes he is seeing his bride.
The wedding dress: Again from Anthony's perspective, but we see Anthony fantasising that the woman standing before him in a wedding dress is Kate, not Edwina. We see Kate in a wedding dress, with a bouquet of flowers, facing Anthony as we hear the Archbishop begin the vows.
The Bangles: Now this is something I am not familiar with, so please feel free to correct me if I have been misinformed, however, my understanding is the bangles Kate wears at Edwina's wedding are normally worn by a Bride. Further to Kate wearing the bangles we see Anthony give Kate one of the bangles, which I understand is a marriage declaration, or at the very least a promise of marriage.
The vows: Now these come a little later in the show. Kate and Anthony make vows to each other in episode 8, just after the Featherington Ball (and before the Fireworks). When Kate says that she will vex him every day, Anthony asks if that is a promise, he also uses her full name which is symbolic in a marriage ceremony where full names are used. In reply Kate responds that yes, it is a promise.
The Kiss: There are two occasions for the kiss. In episode 6 we see Kate and Anthony kiss at the altar, and in episode 8 we see them kiss after making their vows to each other. Where the bangles may have been a symbolic aspect of marriage for Kate in her culture, the kiss at the altar was symbolic for Anthony in his culture. A kiss at the altar in church is the point of the marriage ceremony that the bride and groom are pronounced husband and wife. It is conceivable that at this point Anthony felt that him and Kate were married before god.
Now, whilst this all makes sense to a degree, I don't think it was enough, not just because we missed out on seeing a wedding - and who doesn't love a wedding in a romance? I think it was not enough for a more fundamental reason within Kate and Anthony's arc.
In episode 8, whilst Kate and Anthony were confessing their love, and making their vows Anthony expressed his desire for them to have a life to suit them both. On the surface this could have been seen as Anthony showing that he understands Kate is independent, and he won't try to suppress her independence, but I think this goes deeper than that. That expressed desire from Anthony is his acknowledgement that he accepts everything about Kate, including her culture and her beliefs, this was Anthony telling Kate that he wants her to be happy in England with him and he will do what he can to make her feel at home, and this is why I believe a wedding between Kate and Anthony on screen was important to show.
A fused wedding, including aspects of both a traditional English church wedding and a traditional Indian wedding would be symbolic of the life to suit them both, they would be beginning their life together as they mean to go on, fusing their cultures and coming together in a way that would suit both of them. It would show them both choosing something for themselves, in this instance a wedding that was not the norm for the Ton, but one that they chose to suit themselves.
*Disclaimer, I am rather ignorant of Bollywood movies and tropes, so I apologise for any errors I may have made, my analysis regarding the deconstructed wedding was based solely on what I have read about Bollywood movies. Please let me know any errors and I will correct them.
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desbianherstory · 2 years
...I’ve had people engage with my race while dating. Not in a positive way, but in a way that fetishises me. There was a woman, (yes, you guessed right, she’s white), who I went on a couple of dates with and my friends and I still speak about her actions to this day. I came across her on Twitter and we started talking over DMs. She showed mild interest, but not as much as I did: remember, I was eager to prove my bisexuality with women and non-binary people, so would find myself engaging excessively on social media platforms. We eventually exchanged numbers and went out on a date. On the lead up to the date, I would receive a flurry of messages, showing interest but also a very specific interest. She talked a lot about Bollywood and well … Indian things. At one point, assuming she knows more than me, would tell me things about the Bollywood stars I grew up with. I assumed she was just dense, but my horniness took over and I went on the date. It was awkward: she controlled a significant part of the conversation and as it was my first proper date with a woman, I was nervous. The date ended and I felt strange. A few days later we were still talking over text, and she kept talking about India and I found myself sighing every time her name popped up on my phone.
I was on the bus, coming back from a meeting when I looked at my phone and saw a message saying:
‘I’m obsessed with Indians now. Watching these movies like “CAN I HAVE ONE?”’
I stopped moving. In fact, it felt like the bus had stopped in shock too. It felt like everyone on the bus took a sharp intake of breath and were staring at my phone.
Can I have one? My mind goes to takeaways, because I always give people the benefit of the doubt. She’s hungry for a takeaway? No, she wasn’t. She was hungry for an Indian person. The cannibal nature of her fetishisation is not an exaggeration – there’s a need to devour the culture, the people, the art. They consume it.
‘Indian people fucking love me. I will be in an item song. I WILL BE.’
Do Indian people fucking love you? Really? Because this Indian person is really regretting that date. For those who don’t know: an item song is a number in a Bollywood film, performed by a dancer/actor who isn’t cast as a main character but is just introduced for this song – and it is usually very seductive. Like a sexy cameo that no one needed. I guess that sums her up as well.
‘I FANCY ALL INDIANS. Hahahahahahaha!’
The laugh was deafening.
She talked about adopting an Indian accent, about learning how to speak and write in Hindi and then perform her stand up (yup, she’s a comedian). She talked about wearing Indian dresses like they were costumes and has since modelled for Pakistani TV. She would send me scribblings of her learning Hindi and ask me to translate certain words.
I’m Punjabi. I know Hindi from Bollywood. Also, I can barely write in English, I can’t decipher what you’re writing, woman. Eventually, I stopped replying more and more. It took longer than it should have because my heart was broken over the idea that my first proper date with a woman went down like this. What were the chances. I was so adamant that men were the worst and then I was reminded that white women are not far behind them. She was not at all interested in me, my personality, my work, my looks, my desires … she was interested in the fact that I’m Indian. She didn’t care that I had a magazine that works with creative and young people. She didn’t care that I wanted to talk about systematic oppression. She definitely didn’t care about any of my stories. She didn’t even really want to be with me in any sense of the word.
She wanted to use me to learn how to be more Indian. This white woman. Turns out she was known in the comedy circuit for being problematic and my friends who were actual good comedians filled me in. I’ve been fetishised by men before, but that’s kind of expected. I have very little expectation from them, so I wouldn’t be surprised. But when it came from the first woman I went on a proper date with, it sent me down a hole of uncertainty. I wasn’t sure whether I was able to survive the dating world as a bisexual person, because men suck and now, I had this awful experience. So, what now?
Through time and speaking to others, I developed confidence back in myself, but it has still stuck with me. Now when someone says ‘I’d like to watch a Bollywood film with you’, after I’ve told them I’ve spent the whole day dancing to Bollywood songs, instead of saying ‘sure!’, my mind thinks ‘okay but why though’. And I scrutinise actions. I rarely give the benefit of the doubt. I often overanalyse.
Sharan Dhaliwal, Burning my Roti: Breaking Barriers as a Queer Indian Woman
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I'd love hugs that last longer than they should w/ Adventure Husbands
Here's a little thing for when after Phileas wakes up after his very long night in India. Part of the Let The Adventure Begin au.
On with the fic!
"Oi, Charity," Came Crowley's voice, "Phileas' finally woke up."
That got Will right to his feet and he ran out of his room. He passed the redhead, who seemed to be grinning in a knowing way, but he chose not to think on that. He needed to see Phileas!
He entered the courtyard, where he found Phileas speaking with a few people, and getting a hug from Aziraphale. A small spike of something ran through Will, but he ignored that as he approached.
Phileas looked exhausted, but so much better than he had last night. He was still dressed in his clothes from yesterday, including the shirt that was now torn at the buttons, with a stain from the medicine from when he choked on it a little.
His hair was a mess, he looked like he needed a bath, but by God, he looked beautiful.
And so very much alive.
Bright, brown eyes fell on Will and Phileas stared at him, then a smile came to him. "Will, good morn-"
He didn't finish, as Will was suddenly hugging him close, tightly, nearly frantic. He feared, just for a moment, that if he let go, something terrible would happen to Phileas again.
Last night had been so long, so frightening, he hadn't felt such anxiety like that in quite some time.
"Oh, oh my," he heard Phileas say, then felt the man return the hug, "seems I'm quite popular with being hugged this morning. What in the world happened last night?"
"Do you... not remember?" Will asked.
"Not a thing."
Maybe it was best if he didn't remember, at least right now.
Will should pull away, this was going on too long, but he didn't want to stop. He sighed and held him close again. "I'm just happy you're safe now, angel." He said quietly, so only Phileas could hear.
"I..." Phileas started. "I'm happy to be safe as well." He replied, unsure of the situation, but he seemed to understand that something had happened that worried everyone. He hugged back for a moment, then patted Will's back and they seperated.
"Right, well, I should go and get myself ready to speak to the lieutenant, yes?"
Right, back to reality. Will sighed again, watching as the situation was explained to Phileas, and panic set in for everyone. Right, time to save a man's life!
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clonedking · 1 year
It's me tag
was tagged by @crampdown! I haven't done any of these for a hot minute so let's go.
- Are you named after anyone?
Supposedly, yes. My parents went on a trip to India and met a happy, energetic young girl that had a very particular name they then decided on for me.
2. - When was the last time you cried?
One of my friends told me that they have gastrointestinal problems, that it was incurable and they'll probably need a feeding tube someday. I was playing a game at the time and lost because I could not stop crying. That was on January 11th.
3. - Do you have kids?
Nope, and the only way I'd ever have kids would be through someone else.
4. - Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I want to say yes, however I have some friends who don't understand sarcasm very well so it also depends who I'm around.
5. - What's the first thing you notice about people?
I'm alright at remembering faces, especially their expressions, names not so much. I also take note of how people dress, since it can sometimes reveal things about you.
6. - What's your eye colour?
Some kind of warm brown.
7. - Scary movies or happy endings?
I'm a big horror movie enthusiast so of course the former. I don't mind the occasional happy ending though, especially when it's written in a satisfying way. We need to hope a litte.
8. - Any special talents?
One but I can't describe it without making a zero amount of sense..
9. - Where were you born?
Why, The Sound of Music land, of course.
10. What are your hobbies?
Drawing, watching movies and shows, taking long walks to wherever, playing videogames, crafting/building (currently lego and perhaps cosplay soon), theater, museum, cinema, dancing, video editing
11. Have you any pets?
I don't, used to have a lovely cat though.
12. What sports do you play/ have you played?
None, but I always wanted to do ice hockey... ooor maybe saber fighting..?
13. How tall are you?
14. Favourite subject in school?
History, Art, Music, English, Psychology, Philosophy
15. Dream job?
I don't know anymore, man. Something relating to art.
Anyone else who wants to and:
@the-punforgiven @lady-herald @eyyitskida @r6shippingdelivery
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akocomyk · 1 year
Believe it or not, I'm very happy
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Long post ahead. Just wanna put all my thoughts here in one post.
Chronicling my reactions during the 71st Miss Universe pageant.
The opening number reflects the culture of New Orleans. I love it.
The introduction of judges got messed up—the cameras pan on the wrong people. I think they only got the first and last ones correct.
Olivia Culpo is more energetic now—I think it’s just because Jeannie Mai was her co-host.
Announcement of the Top 16
Puerto Rico – Of course. I expected this. 😊
Australia – she was in my radar. I included her as one of my alternates.
Dominican Republic – Called it.
Laos – A shock, but I felt it. Annie called me out on this when I posted my predictions and asked why I didn’t include her in my final predictions despite indicating many times during the preliminaries that I think she has a very pretty face. I was laughing when I chatted Annie saying that Laos made it.
South Africa – Expected it.
Portugal – GAAAH I was so happy with this. 😁
Canada – Nowhere near my radar. 🤯
Peru – I contemplated hard on whether or not I’d include her as one of my alternates—I picked Panama instead. BUT I did notice her.
Trinidad & Tobago – Didn’t like her at all, despite many pageant analysts see her as a dark horse.
Curaçao – YES! 😁
India – Many analysts were including her in their lists, primarily because of her speaking skills. I just felt her performance in the preliminaries was a bit middling.
*Commercial* At this point, I was already doubting that Philippines would be called. Only four countries are left, and I was thinking those spots would be for the USA, Philippines, Thailand and Mexico. 🙃
Venezuela – ALAS! Forgot about her earlier, but totally deserving.
Spain – GAAAH! A sentimental favorite of mine. I’m already in bittersweet emotions right then since the Philippines still hasn’t been called. 🥳
USA – MY frontrunner. OF COURSE. Upon her announcement, I chatted Annie, “Parang laglag na tayo ah” 🤩
Colombia – Expected this. But I don’t think she’d win.
Welp. That was it. I didn’t want to stop watching since my best bets were still there, and—including Laos (my uncalled favorite) and Australia (one of my alternates)—I got 11/16 of the semifinals.
None of those I put in the Lower Tier made it. I knew it. I KNEW IT. Also, none of those whom I had gut feels would make it didn’t either, which I guess is good?
After that, I said “Bohol should’ve won MUPh 2022.” Judging from the videos about the semifinalists, they all seem to have concrete advocacies, inspiring stories and something that makes them stand out aside from just being a pretty face. They are potential “transformational leaders.”
Celeste lacks this. She doesn’t have an advocacy that makes her unique. She doesn’t have anything rather than “being authentic” and “being relatable through my struggles.” Gurl, if that was what Voltaire told you to say, HE DESTROYED YOU. Everything that she says—although it all seems true and eloquently said—feels like lip service. More than half of the candidates have the same script.
Annie asked me where I think Celeste went wrong.
Judges at the prelims already know something about the girls. They start with the interview, don’t they? So before the candidates step out on the stage, the judges already know who to look out for. Odds are, they’d give high scores to the girls who they think deserve to be a semifinalist based on personality and credentials alone, as long as they don’t give a trashy performance.
If Celeste failed her interview, her only chance is to give the BEST performance on the prelims.
Unfortunately, Celeste gave a middling performance at the preliminaries. She wasn’t the best during swimsuit, but she did very well on evening gown—despite not having a very flashy dress. Regardless, she was still one of the standouts from those competitions.
At least half of the other girls who made it to the Top 16 were inferior to Celeste when it comes to stage presence. What was their edge? As I said, they have inspiring stories.
It has always been like this. Pia, Catriona, and the other queens in the IMG era… they all had stories to tell. The branding and the owner has changed, but the evolution has already started years ago. And the Trump era standards have already been downplayed for quite a while.
Which gets me back to my statement. Bohol should’ve won, based solely on the responses in the final question at Miss Universe Philippines. And she has done other things other than being just a model.
GOING BACK to Miss Universe.
Swimsuit Competition
Puerto Rico – YES, GURL! TAKE IT!
Haiti – Yow. That walk is why I didn’t expect her to be here.
Australia – Damn that ripped body. The way she walks feels so… harsh though.
Dominican Republic – Since Mexico is out, you’re in my Top 5. 
Laos – Again. PRETTY FACE. It’s just. Ugh. What’s with the slow-mo walk and quick turn? That needs more practice. 🤨
South Africa – Beautiful performance. Not the best one, though.
Portugal – Yaaaay! She’s fighting! Loved her in Miss Earth 2018, still love her now. 🥰
Canada – Did she add another layer of cape? What’s with all the ending twirls? This isn’t Miss Grand. It’s poorly executed too. 🙃
Peru – See that? This is why I contemplated putting her in my list.
Trinidad & Tobago – Love pink on her skin. Love the fierceness she projects.
Curaçao – GAAAH! YES!
India – She has an amazing body and a good pasarela. Her cape really reflects the Indian culture.
Venezuela – Really good. She’s IN IT to WIN IT. Love the art on her cape.
Spain – Love seeing the painting on her cape. She did a good job. Many candidates are just better.
Colombia – It’s hard to keep up with USA after that performance.
My clear standouts are Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, and USA—Curaçao close behind them.
Evening Gown Competition
I’m in love with the background music haha!
Puerto Rico – Didn’t change her gown. Why change when there's nothing wrong with it? I loved seeing her in that gown again.
Haiti – Better than her swimsuit performance, but still not there.
Australia – Didn’t like her styling. I wish she should’ve picked a gown that softened her image a little bit ‘coz I think her body’s just too in-shape. The performance was better than in the prelims, though.
Dominican Republic – I’m so happy she didn’t wear her rehearsal gown. This gown is immaculate. And her styling? I think I’m looking at a different woman from what I’ve seen during the preliminaries. 🤩
Laos – She used a nude-colored gown. It didn’t help her.
South Africa – After all the muted colors the came before her, THIS IS A GOOD CHANGE. I love the vibrant color. I love the design. I love the pocket, I don't think I've ever seen that in Miss Universe before.
Portugal – Love her, but… Another silver gown? It’s good… but… there’s a “but.” ☹️
Canada – I love her white gown with that feathery cape.
Peru – I love the sparkly silvery gown, probably better than her prelims gown. She’s good.
Trinidad & Tobago – The color of her gown reminds me of Ms. Trinidad & Tobago’s gown back in 2010. 
Curaçao – Thank god for the lavender ombre at the bottom. Beautiful, still. However, I wish she had picked a different gown. This one doesn’t stand out amongst the others.
India – What’s with all the silver gowns???
Venezuela – *gasps* 🤯
Spain – Another mute-colored gown. It looks good on her, but I wish she walked with more confidence.
USA – *another gasp* like… I still haven’t recovered from my gasp at Venezuela’s gown, then here comes another one. But… RIAN FERNANDEZ made this, RIGHT???!!! *screams in silence 🥳
Colombia – Her preliminary gown was better.
My standouts for gown are USA, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico (in that order), Curaçao at fifth.
Combining the scores I’ve given to all candidates, my personal Top 5 are—from 1st to 5th—USA, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Curaçao.
Announcement of Top 5
Okay. I only have one constant reaction during the announcement. Venezuela was called first, then USA, and then others. One by one, my Top 5 is becoming a reality. I WAS SO HAPPY. I couldn’t contain myself. I was screaming.
These girls are also the ones who were at the top of my predictions. I got 4/5 of the finalists, and I ranked Dominican Republic at 6th. I was so close.
This same instance happened when I made my predictions for Miss Universe Philippines 2020—Rabiya Mateo’s year. I got 4/5 of the Top 5—Alaiza Malinao of Davao City didn’t make it—but I had Rabiya at 6th place.
Top 5 Q&A
After hearing all their answers, I thought USA and Dominican Republic were sure in the Top 3. And the last spot would be… Venezuela? I just thought Puerto Rico and Curaçao’s answers were too generic.
Announcement of Top 3
This was just a series of me chatting “I TOLD YOU SO.” to my friends, as my Top 3, once again, materialized into reality.
Top 3 Final Quesion
Dominican Republic – She answered too monotonously. She’s like a recorded audio. She’s my 2nd Runner-up
USA – I’ve never been so satisfied with an answer since Catriona’s final question back in 2018. USA’s gonna win.
Venezuela – Flowery words delivered with conviction, but lacks depth and context. She did not personalize her answer as much as she could. She did better than DR though.
At that point, I knew it was gonna be between USA and Venezuela—and I was leaning a lot more towards USA.
And who was the last two holding hands before the new Miss Universe was announced?
Eventually, Ms. USA was crowned as the new Miss Universe.
Yep. I should really consider becoming a pageant blogger.
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jalajappa · 1 year
An unnecessarily long analysis of "India" from the superhit anime series Hetalia
This character is introduced to being a part of the elephant admirer's club along with Thailand in an alternate universe episode where the characters are reimagined as high schoolers. I like to assume this is a nod to the elephant Indira that was given to Japan when Nehru was the PM. Otherwise, it could be just another stereotypical "joke" about how both India and Thailand revere elephants
The next time you see India is in an episode about different countries writing horror movies. So obviously you'll have a scene from a Bollywood movie. 
So this is the picture where we can see how India is portrayed in this series. (in the previous scene it was just some squiggle). But this is where you get his actual physical appearance
Like how they whitewashed him (a hint of him being a Bollywood actor). He also has lighter hair and eyes than the average Indian(that's quite interesting to note). So all in all your typical Bollywood actor. The film follows the plot where India has to fight against a phantom that kills people in a temple. He faces it and then the phantom surrenders with a dance number with background dancers coming from literally nowhere
The other countries get quite impressed with this plot twist by Japan saying:
Just another proof that the writer didn't watch a single Indian horror film.
But he later went out to watch an Indian film, this can be seen in a Halloween episode where India along with Prussia dress as Salman Khan from Veer, particularly in the song Mehrbaniya. The funniest part is how they show a shehenai in the comics while in the mv you see it’s a western band or something playing western instruments like bagpipes. This stupid show made me to see a Salman Khan film, I wont forgive the show for this sin. They could’ve referred a better Bollywood film.
I couldn't find the anime clip, but he is more dark-skinned compared to his initial appearance, this is from the comics(colored by a fan)
(yes they are shipped after one dance scene)
These are pictures from the anime btw. (i found this later) 
So after the comic finishes, we get to know that India and Prussia met on Twitter. So he speaks in a Kyushu dialect(Hakata dialect). I don't know what's the implication of this tbh. I'm thinking this is how the author tries to distinguish his way of speaking from other countries. 
This is however not the last Bollywood dance scene that we might get, there is another scene from a Halloween comic strip.
The guy who says India has energy is England we will come to that guy in a while. All I have to say is that I can't relate to this stereotype, but I've seen people in schools and colleges dancing at stuff like Baila. I think there is some truth to this stereotype
Let's take a break from Bollywood. There is a dream Lithuania gets where India claims that it is a stronger ally to Russia than China. This was an interesting point the series mentioned. I've never seen people talk about Indo-Russian relationships in non-Indian media
This is the strip. So he calls India Yindu( 印度, That's how they call India in Mandarin. It means broken/crescent moon). This is different from the Japanese word インド(Indo) which is India in Japanese.
I'm delving into this too much, but Indo Russian relationship was huge during the Nehruvian era and it has remained since then. I seem to notice the pattern where India has some similarities with Nehru, along with wearing the Nehru coat in the horror film with a lot of roses.
Ok back to Bollywood, the author makes a note about rain being used in happy scenes in some Indian films, but it is usually used as a thing that represents sadness in English media(forget England's dress). IDK what film this happens in. I can only think of the Aashiq2 scene with rain.
this is where I thought of the contrast between English and Indian art in this picture. A song about the sun coming in English is written in contrast to a Hindi poem about a couple rejoicing in the rain.
I couldn't find it but there is a picture in that same strip about how people in different countries watch films in India's part you have the Indian audience dancing(i didn't know it was a thing until I asked someone) 
There is another cameo of him with China cooking for England. This is a nod to the several Indian and Chinese restaurants in Britain and how the food served in these restaurants is relatively better than English "food". (English food being bad is a recurring joke btw)
it's also funny to note how America couldn't differentiate the cuisine of England, China, or India.
Since we don't have like a proper scene with India from the manga we can only gather from the bits of scenes he's put in. So before he comes in the show in the comics, he is written in England's notebook as one of the incompetent allies. This will be later proven wrong in the other scenes with both of them. He is mentioned in passing in one of England's songs where he(England) boasts about having "holiday houses" in India and Hong Kong. This could be a reference to the east India company and how these countries were holiday spots back in the 19th and 20th century
this is a scene where we can see the both of them together. for context: England faced a huge economical loss from the American war of independence. This is where India provides "tea"(one of the many commodities England has taken from India)
Addressing people with honorifics in Japanese culture is a huge thing. So calling him England-Ji makes sense. Also, India is under Britain so calling him -Ji makes sense. But then if you think of actual history…
England discovered the Assamese growing tea and didn't want to depend on china for it. So there is some merit to this scene. but again, the author might've given the wrong context. In 1776(when the war happened) the British didn't have that strong of power over India(still in the east India company phase).
This is about England "reviving" from this provision of goods from India. This particular scene also reaffirms this whole stereotype of India being a healing country too.
Later you get scenes about how he is in England's "house", just a sweet way to say that he is colonized. (yes there is another picture of him with an elephant)
This is another example:
There is another mention of India in the comics where it seems like Portugal has lots a bit of India and the Netherlands has him now (this is the only mention of the other European powers India was under). Also its a bit weird that Portugal thinks he has completely lost India when he had Goa way up to the 60s
I've already mentioned this before, but India is shipped with England and it is iffy at the least and downright evil at most. It's weird because most of the ships in this show are weird if you think of its historical context
Then there is this brief Introduction of India in the comics where they talk about him being good at mathematics (maybe a ref to Aryabhata) and arguing (Idk who this is a reference to). It says he has a princely aura. This is another fetishized way of portraying the royal kingdoms in India. Also, I like the fact that the author claims that he has his thoughts which do not allow people to argue with him. Reminds me of all the Indian news channels on TV. 
in this, he seems to wear the rudraksha beads even though the show doesn't mention personified countries to be religious identities. But thank god the author gave him a better complexion
Interesting to note the fact he and raj have the same hairstyle
In his first appearance, he's dressed like a politician too lol
What’s with these rose garlands??
This is one beautiful picture that looks like it romanticizes the two centuries of colonial oppression by making them out to be friendly.
The author calls him the gender swap of a hyperactive character called Hungary-> "Mr. India is a character that is as well made as Mr. Hungary, and it's
quite an unexpected character, so I'm going to add a little more character. Indian people are very interesting!" 
For context: the author was in New York for a while, so he has interacted with Indians. There is a comic he wrote about a Japanese student in NY who had an Indian character.  
The author has also mentioned how it is easy for him to imbibe the behavior of Indians along with Italians. This feels a bit sus. The author seems to treat Indians as specimens tbh.
Also, he should stop saying namaste. The word has lost its meaning for me. And that tilak looks like a pimple at this point lol. 
As you likely pointed out he is the embodiment of the privileged sect of Indian society. With his tilak, his behaviour, and his "respect" for England (to prove that he is on the level of Britain)
then again, this is just like how America is a blond-haired blue-eyed guy. (External perception people outside have of the USA). In India, this can be replaced by a Savarna man.
While this character feels like a caricature (in a show about caricatures). India is a pretty cool character for someone who barely gets proper "screen time". However, when we question what exactly is India and what aspect of India he is about. His image gets heavily questionable. I think it's better to assume that this guy is born from the outsider's perspective of India rather than the internal politics of India. Like the name he has which is not a word in any Indian language. Just like how America is born from the European dream of conquering that land in the western hemisphere. 
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dhalsimxhonda · 5 days
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SUMMARY … rashid and ed’s relationship reminded edmond and dhalsim back when they first met… memories stirs onto dhalsim’s head.
CW … post-mpreg, mentions of trans pregnancy
CHARACTERS … edmond honda, dhalsim, luke sullivan, jamie siu, rashid, & ed
SHIPS INCLUDED … lukejamie & edrashid
SETTINGS … street fighter 6
A/N … someone wanted more edrashid so i tried to do my take with these two as the supporting ship for this prompt . hope you like it <33
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the sumo wrestler chef took a look at the beautiful skyscraper around edomon and its cozy surroundings. he couldn’t believe how amazed everyone was when they took a shot in there. he could even watch the statue of liberty and it felt like a dream. all dressed up with his turtleneck, he already felt warmth and wind at the same time. it was all interrupted by his workers telling him that two couple’s orders were ready and he should be serving it. “thank ya as always for letting me know. please take a break while i do my work, sir!”
edmond smiled and left the view as he began carrying the meals with his other mates. towards the gang of four, he placed all of the respective plates onto luke sullivan, jamie siu, and rashid… except ed who didn’t like his experience on edomon due to just edmond being edmond and he wasn’t that hungry. “and there ya have it, please enjoy all of yer foods, fellas. all done from recipes by me!” the trainee smiled and gave edmond a handshake as an honor. “no worries, we enjoy spending time in your restaurant watching those sumo matches!” the sumo wrestler chef chuckled from luke’s encouragement. “why thank ya! we should spare some time soon, sullivan!”
after leaving the gang alone, he could hear rashid rambling about his memories of his experience in the bathhouse in those years. how was the time i knew rashid back then, he thought. was it more than eight years? i still hope he doesn’t create his tornado in my restaurant. all the hard work i’ve done! he then went to supervise the sumo match from the heya, crossing his hands. “yoga!” behind him, the yoga master who was also dressed up with a turtleneck placed his hands onto his husband’s shoulders. “did you miss me, darling?”
edmond turned his head towards dhalsim and gave him a big hug while spinning around. “oh, dhalsim-kun! how much i miss yer embrace!” the hindu man laughed as he gently caressed the japanese man’s cheeks. “do ya know that you’re my #1?”
“yes, my dear edmond! but please calm yourself.” dhalsim tried to snap his husband’s pda out of it. the sumo wrestler carefully placed the yoga master down as he kissed him on the cheeks. “i know i shoulda calmed myself down, but seein’ ya makes me happy! i’m so glad to see ya, dhalsim-kun!” the yoga master chuckled while kissing his husband’s lips. “glad to see you again, my darling! please, tell me what are you doing?” the couple went back to the view. “i had to serve the gang seconds ago!” he replied. “ya know they love to spend time here on edomon!” he laughed as dhalsim embraced his arms onto his husband’s shoulders. “what gang?” he asked as edmond turned around and looked at the four men. “sullivan and his friends. the blondie grumpy guy i talked about before is part of his group, he’s with the streamer tornado guy!”
dhalsim raised his eyes, surprised. “you don’t say?” he asked as he turned around. “but how did you know? who told you that?” the sumo wrestler chef glanced at his husband. “relax, honey. rashid told me that before.” he replied. “plus, seein’ them together just reminds me of us when we’re younger.” his smile grew softly as he held dhalsim’s hands. “do ya ever miss our youth back then?” the yoga master thought and remembered memories from eighteen years ago.
back when they both met in mumbai, and became good parents with datta and sanjo edmond honda received his transition goals and dhalsim became pregnant with anishk. from taking down shadaloo as many times before, traveling from japan to india endless times until they finally reached their new chapter in metro city. they lost count of how many times they make love and would do anything to kiss birthmarks, bodypaints, or scars. all of the difficulties of becoming street fighters and protectors of their three children ended when honda decided to establish his restaurant in metro city. sanjo has been training sumo wrestling, datta is studying to become a doctor, and anishk enjoyed studying in his elementary school with his friends.
eighteen years of being together have been the best decision that dhalsim and edmond took and their respect for each other is so special that they deserve each other. their fate with each other was meant to be after all. dhalsim remembered everything…
“i indeed miss our youth. and the day that we met changed everything about us. you were so handsome when you were on your late twenties, and you still are nowadays.” dhalsim recalled as he held his husband’s hands back. “i love you, darling. i still love you after nineteen years of our first fight.”
as rashid looked at the sumo wrestler chef and yoga master together as they looked at the view, he smiled in awe. he thought of himself with ed if they ever grow older together. something he wanted to have with ed. “psst, these two could be us.” he whispered as the blondie wrestler crossed his hands, looking away. “yeah right.” he mumbled. “that sumo guy kinda lucky with that old monk.” rashid smiled as he rests his head onto his boyfriend’s arms. “c’mon, ed! they’re literally us!” as for luke and jamie’s views, they would ramble about them being just like honda and dhalsim when they get older.
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little-whats-her-name · 5 months
So I showed my church Youth Group Reefer Madness: The Movie Musical, and before you say that's super problematic, we play Cards Against Humanity all the time and Josh made an AI draw Jesus having an epic pizza battle so it's fine. Everyone had their head in their hands saying "What is going on?" at some point. Watching Listen To Jesus Jimmy in a church is really something.
(on Ralph's laughter at the very beginning)
Sofi: My guy is high as a kite.
Josh: You don't just say “good evening” then drink a glass of water.
Sofi: I would. Keep ‘em hanging.
Jesse: I mean, ideally you'd drink a glass of water then say “good evening”.
Sofi: My school should do this for their musical.
Sofi (about Jimmy): He looks like he's made out of plastic.
Jesse: Welcome to musical theatre, Sof.
Sofi: Why does [Mary] look 16 and [Jimmy] looks like he's thirty?
Emma: To be fair, I think they're both probably thirty.
Emma: Did he just pour hot chocolate from a teapot?
Sofi: It's like Grease but better!
(on Jack putting the gun he just fired in his top pocket)
Jesse: Wh- No! You just burned a hole in your jacket.
Josh: And possibly also your skin.
Jesse: He just charred his nipple off!
“Damn stairs.”
Emma: Oh yes, that was definitely the stairs’ fault.
(on the way Mae moans when Jack hits her)
Emma: She enjoyed that too much.
Sofi: Especially the full 360 then falls.
(during the intro music for The Stuff)
Sofi: I think she's going to burst into song.
Jesse (sarcastically): Really? What gave you that idea?
Emma: Was it the pose?
Jesse: So, to summarise, my boyfriend abuses me but he buys me lingerie and drugs so it's fine.
Sofi (super whiny): It's fine!
Jesse: A woman just screamed “my boyfriend gets stoned and rapes me” out a window and no-one outside reacted.
Sofi: One guy reacted - he dropped the milk.
Jesse: And then they just went back to doing what they were doing.
(as The Lecturer's film finishes)
Josh: That was it! That was the whole movie!
Sofi: *gasps* It's the Floop guy!
Jesse: He's been in many many other things.
Sofi: It's the Floop guy ☺️
(on the dance break in Down At The Old Five And Dime)
Sofi: Yes! Mood lighting!
Emma: Why is [Miss Poppy] in a dress now?
Sofi: Because it's sexy now.
(as it cuts to people having sex in the reefer den)
Sofi: How did we get here?!
“Why don't you and J-J-Jimmy get better acquainted?”
Josh: P-p-pedophilia.
(on the intro music for The Orgy)
Josh: We are now in India!
Me: Oh he did paint it like a cow! There was a cut scene where Jimmy took the turtle at the start of the film home and painted it like a cow. And now you can see he's turned the shell into a bong.
Josh: Hah, tortle bong.
Josh: Does [Mary] realise that she's the only person in the church?
Emma: Where are her parents?
Sofi: This is peak acting.
Sofi: [Jimmy] looks like Marty McFly crossed with Ferris Bueller.
Josh: Is [Joan of Arc] gonna do a striptease?
Jesse: This film needs a drinking game.
Me: This is what I thought of when I saw that the cross on the stage lights up.
Sofi: Satan doing a spit-take made that scene.
Emma: Why's [Sally] always falling over?
Sofi: Because weed.
Sofi: How did (Mary Jane/Mary Lane) win an Emmy and Kristen Bell didn't?
Sofi: Stop singing to your cigarette!
“I believe in you Jimmy Harper! Even if you do have pudgy fingers.”
Sofi: Oh! Roasted!
Sofi: [Mary's] so cute!
Sofi: Is Mary gonna die? *Mary dies* Whoo!
Sofi: We should do this film for Year 12 English Lit.
Me: One of the Year 11 classes at my school did Jo Jo Rabbit, so this isn't far off. There's probably more you could talk about in this.
Josh: They just gonna leave [Mary] there?
Emma: Wait, why isn't [Jack] stoned?
Sofi: Drugs don't affect men. Just teenagers and wives.
(during the prison scene)
Jesse: Don't drop the soap!
*prisoner drops the soap for Jimmy*
Whole table: NO!
“I'm… fine. Perfectly in control.”
Sofi: Me too, bestie. Me too.
(as Ralph is skewered)
Sofi: Now, if he'd fallen the other way he could've done Olaf’s “I've been impaled”.
(on Mae's screaming)
Sofi: Calm down.
Me: She just saw three people be MURDERED!
(during The Stuff Reprise)
Sofi: Ayyy! Queen!
Josh: Hit him with the pointy end!
Sofi: No, she's dragging this out. This is for every time he hit her.
(as Mae applies lipstick while drenched in blood)
Josh: Flawless!
Sofi: Beautiful!
Final Thoughts
Sofi: That was phenomenal.
Josh: I don't really like musicals but that was pretty good. I liked the Jesus scene.
Jesse: That had the second best drop the soap scene.
Jesse (to Sofi): Can you imagine explaining the film we just watched to our mother?
Sofi: We learned about fear-mongering in the media and that the end will justify the means so it's fine.
Emma: We definitely didn't see any racial profiling. We definitely didn't see a black family run back into their house as a mob approached them.
Sofi: They just decided that wasn't something they really wanted to be a part of.
0 notes
sylviindia · 6 months
Discover The Latest Trends In Stylish Watches For Men - Sylvi
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Always be the man who flaunts his wrist with utmost pride. 
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Sleek Minimalistic Watches
Staying minimal is never considered to be out of fashion. Rather these days minimalism is the new trend that everyone cannot sport with confidence. Sleek minimalistic watches are like the shining crowns that will never lose its glory. Clean and simple dials and sleek straps comprises of minimalistic watches. 
These watches give a sophisticated look that is perfectly suitable for every occasion you attend. Even minimalistic watches would look great with any outfit – formal, ethnic, and casuals. So you can easily attend your office meeting and also go to the pub with your friends. 
Sylvi has some great collection of minimalist watches that is best for any occasion for men of every age group. So if you are looking ahead to buy men’s watches online, you should definitely look for the collection from Sylvi. 
Go Bold with Colours
Gone are those days when designer watches for men would only come in black or brown and the straps are only in leather. These days watch brands are not afraid to experiment with bold colours. And trust me, men’s watches in bold colours are hugely in trend these days. 
Even watch dials and watch straps come in variety of different colours that are selling like hot cake. If you will look into the latest trends then you will know that blue watches, green watches, pastel shades, and even rose gold watches are hugely in demand. 
Sylvi is immensely renowned in India for manufacturing bold colour watches that are highly in demand by men of all ages. Trust me, the colours are made in such a way that men from 18 to 80 years can easily wear them and look very stylish. 
Be Active with Sports Watches
Sports watches and quirky styles, is one style combination that goes so hand in hand with each other. If you are someone who is quite renowned among your tribe with your quirky styles then you should definitely try for the sports watches from Sylvi. I can assure you won’t be disappointed. There is some kind of retro effect in it. 
Vibrant pops of colours and huge bold dials with modern features is what makes sports watches as one of the most sought after watch trends in 2023. These watches have that contemporary twists that you can never ignore. 
There are so many options available with Sylvi sports watches that indeed makes them their bestsellers. They are the best for sports enthusiasts as well as adventure junkies to be your most trusted partner. 
Silicone is the New Heartthrob
Ever since smartwatches have become a rage, silicone bands have achieved a cult status. Therefore, different watch brands are launching different categories of wristwatches that come in stylish and colourful silicone bands that are extremely durable and long-lasting. 
Sylvi has a huge collection of silicone watches in India online for both men and women. This is the reason silicone watches apart from smartwatches are much in trend these days. The silicone bands used are of best quality that wouldn’t get damaged easily. 
  Are Sylvi watches highly in trend these days?
Oh yeah, absolutely, all the Sylvi wristwatches are designed keeping in mind the latest trends and designs of the international market. Hence none of the products are dull and out of latest trends. 
  From what places can I purchase a Sylvi watch?
Genuine Sylvi watches are widely available at their official website www.sylvi.in. Apart from the website, the products are also available in trustable online portals like Flipkart, Amazon, Nykaa, Myntra, and Ajio. Apart from this, you can also visit their store in Surat with a prior appointment.
  Is there a post-sale service with Sylvi watches after the purchase?
Sylvi takes all of its customers (both previous and new) very seriously. So if you have any issue with your watch, our service team would definitely help you irrespective of order value.
Source Link: https://sylvi.in/blogs/blog/discover-the-latest-trends-in-stylish-watches-for-men-sylvi
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