#I will always make the loV BAMFS!!!!
amaranthinedream · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're doing well!! Do you have any BNHA fic recs you don't mind sharing? You seem like you'd know and have read some really good fics, esp bkdk fics :)
Hi!!! I am doing well thank you, still job hunting but that's because I'm procrastinating so badly on it. You've actually caught me at a good time because I've been reading a few recently after hopping round other fandoms for months. apart from the last, these are all complete!
lose it all (with eyes wide open) by ghostwriterofthemachine
KtDk - oneshot - 5k
okay is is MAJOR whump, read the warnings before you read the fic and take them seriously. that said, I love loved this fic to bits and peices and it triggered a search for similar material that I just couldn't find. basically:
"Katsuki is blinded. Izuku is muted. Both of them are kidnapped. Things get worse."
ktdk are kidnapped and are forced to depend on each other, slowly losing their senses of selves and triggering major co-dependency. it has a happy ending and god the way it's written is just so good. I cannot reccommend it enough, it really takes you into their viewpoints and how vital it is that they know exactly where the other is as they grow dependant, and how they start blending together to the point that if one is taken away, the other feels like their world crumples and aspj;oerjjepgijiegwe READ IT
Immovable by asdfjkl129
KtDK - 3 ch. - 75k
Bakugou and Midoriya get trapped under a building together. As Midoriya struggles to keep them both alive, refusing to give even an inch, Bakugou realizes some crucial things and refuses to leave without Midoriya by his side.
I am obsessed with their characterisations in this fic. especially katsuki's, which is so hard to get right and I'm jealous how accurate the author makes him. ktdk in this fic love each other so so so so so much and they are so ride or die. it's exactly what it says in the summary, what it doesn't mention is how the first chapter will make you clench your jaw with tenseness and then melt into a pile of mush for the second two.
"Average Person Gets Kidnapped 3 Times A Year" Factoid Actually Just Statistical Error by ohshiddlesticks
Kt & Dk - 2 ch. - 5k
"Midoriya Izuku just sort of assumed that everyone else got kidnapped at least once a year, and his once-or-twice-a-month ordeals were just a little bit more than normal." –– Bakugou gets kidnapped, and Izuku is surprised that nobody else knows what to do. It's a normal childhood occurrence, right?
this isn't technically ktdk but it's adjacent-ish. it's back in the LoV kidnapping arc where izuku, used to a lifetime of kidnapping events, goes and singlehandedly gets kacchan back. i don't know how to describe it any better than that, I just love fics where izuku kind of comes out of left-field with skills that people don't realise he's had because his life-experience as a quirkless person means he's been exposed to different things. plus, he's badass and i always love reading aizawa's reaction to his problem child going off and causing him problems
The Distance Between Suns by totallyrottentomatoes
KtDk - 17/19 ch. - 220k - INCOMPLETE
okay the summary for this one is too long for a tumblr post that's already long so I'm making my own
Katsuki and Izuku grew up with each other in a forest deeper, bigger, and more mysterious than any usual gathering of trees. they are seperated when soldiers come to burn down their world; Izuku is taken to a city of sand as prisoner, ending up as the prince's advisor, while Katsuki is taken to a camp to train as a soldier for those in the city. They struggle to find each other and go back home once more
if you love intense world-building, political/smart!Izuku, bamf!Katsuki, and ktdk willing to burn the world for each other (and if you're coming here from OEL then you probably do) then this is the fic for you. i haven't had the extra brain power/time to immerse myself and finish this just yet, but i'm halfway through and i want to take this fic by the shoulders and snuggle it, maybe chew on it's fingers a little bit. I need to become one with the fic. it's amazing
those are a couple of the ones I've been reading recently, but if you want my all time faves then just go to my bookmarks where i always save the fics that i want to reread over and over again. Or, if you haven't already, then shameless self-plug and go and read (or re-read) any of my fics that take your fancy!
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izusun · 3 years
Alright so the LOV attack Mamadoriya because they want to get back at Izuku, so they attack on the day that she's visiting the Bakugous. Of course Izuku is contacted immediately and him and Katsuki get over there almost as fast as the police get there. Imagine the surprise when they find the LOV sprawled all over the floor and Inko and Mitsuki laughing about the good ol days
Turns out that back in the day, Inko and Mitsuki were a famous vigilante duo back in the day. Katsuki is on the floor having an existential crisis while Izuku's just glad his mom and Auntie are okay.
- Goblin anon
once again, i love love your au dumps <3
and since you set up the ground frame for the plot bunny, i’d like to dabble on inko and mitsuki’s past vigilantism.
inko’s quirk doesn’t have an official name but it’s basically attraction of small objects, as such we saw her quirk at work when she pulled izuku’s figurine from the floor. but without disclosure of how small she can attract, i’d love to think that she can attract even smaller materials. materials like atoms, compounds—matter.
or, even at a frightening scale, cells.
not that she’s purposefully pull at someone’s cell/s to reshape or disturb the flow of the body. also i’m not a science major and i don’t have much interest in science so idk how accurate this is BUT pushing past irl semantics, imagine:
inko’s quirk is more than a surface-level quirk; it can fix or ruin an object’s construction, often by remodelling its foundation. it used to fuck with villains (and heroes pursuing her alike) back in the day because no one knows how her quirk works, and so they don’t know how to fight her back. next thing they know is that the gun in their hands is falling apart, or their car is swivelling off the road.
outside of her quirk, i see inko mastering judo. idk much about martial arts but my friend (who studies them) basically described judo as a martial arts that uses the opponent's strength against the artist. it teaches ground work and prioritizes drilling techniques. in judo, striking hard is not a necessity. and it fits inko! because her quirk is very versatile, she doesn’t need much physical prowess to win, often utilizing techniques with her quirk.
she was dangerous so no wonder the heroes wanted to apprehend her because if she slips into the dark side, they’re in trouble.
of course she didn’t, but the heroes never caught her too. just one day, she retired and no one knew where she went. there were talks in the underground saying that she settled and had a kid, but how real are underground talks?
mitsuki’s quirk is glycerin which basically gives her the ability to secrete glycerin from her skin. tbh we had a hard time brainstorming about mitsuki but alas we persevered because bamf mitsuki is something we all need.
because glycerin contains antimicrobial and antiviral properties (which approved it to treat burn and wound injuries), it usually helped mitsuki heal and treat her burns because she often found herself getting exploded at whenever she was out fighting villains.
and since she can’t fight with her quirk, best believed she’s heavily armed and trained with multiple martial arts. mitsuki has greater connections than inko (really because of her job which gives her more flexibility in meeting these people), and basically has a trusted small team where she can get her armoury.
my friend imagined mitsuki taking more than one martial arts (i.e. taekwondo and jiujutsu) because her tenacity relied on the punches she could give. as much as she is armed, she’s more in-tuned with her body, thus combat fighting with the mix of martial arts make her very dangerous.
the heroes thought she was quirkless so they were never able to create an accurate profile of her. it fucked with heroes a lot because they don’t know how to approach her. she was quiet, strong, quick, and efficient, thus the heroes sent to apprehend her always lost her trail.
she was very different from inko. wherein inko was feared but loved by the underground, mitsuki was a friend of the police and even daylight heroes. not that mitsuki ever really teamed up with hero agencies in times of dire, but there wasn’t the presence of uncertainty in terms of her moral stance that many had with inko.
which was why it was fitting that when mitsuki officially retired, she sent a telegram to the closest police station she knows and they never got to hear from her after.
imagine seeing your mom and your boyfriend’s mom just battling it out against the most dangerous villains and winning?
izuku probably would’ve asked for tips, especially from mitsuki because mitsuki basically fought quirkless.
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theseathatsparkles · 4 years
idea buffet 001
I wanted a place to put down the fic ideas I get but don’t always follow through on. So here we go. I’ll be putting ideas and prompts under the #ideabuffet tag on this blog. 
Feel free to use these (with credit), and if you want me to write something lemme know in my ask box!
1. Swiss Army Nemu - why does she have a drill arm, anyways?
2. Shinji listening to Jazz - no context just jazz
3. A series of interactions between Mayuri and Akon that I really need to work on - because they’ve gotta have some more backstory than what we’ve seen
4. Byakuya fights Nnoitra instead of Zommari
5. The one where Momo’s character gets an overhaul - maybe she takes Tosen’s place at Aizen’s side? Maybe she takes Gin’s? All I know is that I wanna write her as the bamf lady she really is.
6. The one where Aizen, Gin, and Tosen travel back in time to stop their past selves from ruining everything
7. Ukitake and Kyoraku scheme - in which they decided to get Byakuya and Renji together (I actually do have some content for this written lmao)
8. Starrk is a god - yeah. I read a fic on Ao3 about Starrk being the god of Hueco Mundo (I’ll link it if I find it) and was intrigued
9. Aizen is released from Muken at the end of his sentence. Almost everyone he knows is dead, and he’s basically a god at this point - I don't want to make this into another time travel story but. It’s got potential.
10. yet another cliche fic in which Loki and Peter bond
11. (post-Avengers, pre-Dark World) Loki tries to launch a coup, and the Allfather orders Thor to take him to the human world as punishment. Thor takes him to the Avengers tower.
12. Deku has AFO - not much context. I have a bit of this written but don't know where I’m going with it
13. Deku gets zapped by a Quirk. A Quirk activated by a rock. - what can I say, my friend requested this crackfic like a year ago
14. Deku joins the LoV...post-USJ - I also have some of this written/planned
Yuri on Ice
15. Viktor is dead. He's not gonna let that stop him from coaching the sexy Japanese skater, though - Viktor dies after Sochi and becomes a ghost
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daddysteven · 7 years
💖 i have a black cat named bucky and my favourite marvel movie is tws sflmfldsds lov ur blog !
asdfhjgk i love ur blog too what to heck!!!! and that’s so cute u named ur kitty child after the softest boy in the entire mcu!!
superpower: invisibility / flying / superhuman strength / healing / telekinesis
cap: steve / bucky  / sam
bamf: peggy / gamora / daisy / natasha
infinity stone: space stone / mind stone / power stone / time stone
what team?!: avengers / guardians of the galaxy / howlies / agents of shield
cinnamon roll: groot / luis / peter parker / jemma simmons
things: mjölnir under a blanket / drax’s laugh / bucky’s voluminous hair / jumping out of a plane without a parachute / hello kitty pajama pants / fury pronounced furry
compliments: i have had the biggest tumblr crush on u for the longest time like u seem like the funniest™️ gal around, the memes u post are always hilarious and ur having such a good time with ur friends on here like???? i wanna have a good time too!!! i wanna be part of ur funny people club wtf!!!! and it’s not just the memes that make u such a grade A, crush-worthy blog like ur overall content mixed in with ur awesome personality and silly sense of humor come together as this huge concoction of ultimate greatness that make ur followers go “sign me tf up!!!” in conclusion i am lowkey highkey in love with u and i want u to notice me lmao i hope u have a spectacular start to ur week pumpkin 💛💛💛💛💛
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