#I will edit the outfit and make it look more original cus in the making of this I was heckin lazy
squidthesquidd · 1 year
How aboooouuut...... Gem! AU boys??
yeS!!!! gem au!!!! emmet and Ingo fusion :DDDDDD !!!! i call them Emigo!!!
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pretty sure its canon that the more compatible gems are with each other, the more “normal” their fusion will look. this is why garnets only odd feature is the third eye, but looks normal otherwise, and malachite is some hand centaur monster thing. so!!! Emmet and Ingos fusion is verrrry normal looking! two arms two legs two eyes! the only thing that's kinda odd is that they have no visible pupils, cus the gems in their eyes kinda took them over
familial soulmates my beloved 💕💖💕💘💕💖💘
My original design of their fusion had four arms, but it kinda made it too cluttered since I already had the split color outfit going on :/ so two arms it is!!!
anywayyyy, Emmet and Ingos fusion is called ‘True onyx’! cus their two halves of the onyx that was supposed to form finally come together!
True onyx is verrrrry emotional, and expressive to an almost cartoonish extent! They are curious about everything but also seem to have an unfiltered knowledge of everything around them. its kinda weird
Speaking of unfiltered, True onyx has no speaking filter whatsoever. They always say whatever comes to their mind no matter the situation
and a verrrrry important thing about them is that they are verrry stimmy!!! theyre always stimming!!! flappy hands and rocking back and forth and making little noises always!!!! verrry important!!!!!!!!
Edit: someone asking about their weapon in that tags so heres a post where i talk about that :> its at the bottom!!
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potential-fate · 1 year
I sorta loathe the ts2 fat morph....
which has apparently become a project of it's own.
so I mentioned this vaguely somewhere, but thought I should make a generalize post about it. Mainly cause it'll probably affect any cc I make in the future so... there's that.
Anyway.... because I've spent the last few months sorta adding fat morphs to some of my really old clothing, I quickly realized that I didn't have to deal with EA's "fat" morph. There is literally nothing stopping me from just... making it look better/how I want it to.
Anyways, long story short, I'm picky. There are a decent amount of nice bodyshapes out there, and while I like them, I don't like having multiples of the same outfit (it's the same reason I ended up going with Sunshine hair.) I like sticking to the game's original setup, which in the case of fit states, is unfortunately limited.
I also spend most of my time posing and doing story posts, so I'm not a fan of the much larger bodyshapes, even though I love them in theory.... because they clip a ton, and make more work for me later. So I wanted something that I liked 🤔 but also didn't fuck with the in-game animations too much.
Also, I just sorta like the pear-shaped chunky body type (it's not at all cause it resembles mine lmao nope.... not at all.)
anyways, idk if anyone is even still reading this, but uh... yeah.
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I guess this is me, introducing the "sorta chunky, sorta pear-shaped, 'still not really a fat morph' in my opinion because game limitations" bodyshape/fatmorph? (Or, in short cause filename size 'pfate pearshape'.)
At least as an idea. idk if anyone is at all interested in this. but if they are, I can share whatever people want about it/resources for it? idk it's not like I have WSOs cause I honestly don't know how to use them let alone make them. I tend to just make my morphs by hand.
But on a technical note, I think I have most of the Digi Marvine feet naked meshes defaults changed to this, and some other stuff too. mainly Club Crimson stuff, because frankly, I'm still using the files I had from 2012 so none of them had morphs at all (though I'm sure someone somewhere HAS added morphs to them.)
[[ TL;DR is this: I felt like I needed to make a post about it, cause some of the stuff I'm gonna be sharing coming up has fat-morphs based on this. things like defaults that either didn't have morphs so I added them, or they had morphs but I edited them anyways because I was defaulting them with specific sims in mind (like Jorah, Alex or Ginevra) and I wanted a post that I could link back to for reference on those posts. ]]
in any case, if I make a default and change the morphs from ones that already exist, and you WANT the defaults with the original morphs, that's very easy to switch out and I will gladly do it if you ask lol. otherwise I'll probably edit things as I see fit since uhm. well I make cc 99.9% for myself 😂😅
Other age turnarounds under the cut, cause this is too long already.
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EU Bodies (Left: Maxis Standard/thin, right: Pfate-Pearmorphs)
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TU Bodies (Left: Maxis Standard/Thin, right: Pfate-Pearmorphs)
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CU Body (Left: Maxis Standard/Thin, right: Pfate-Pearmorphs)
CU body changed the least from the original fat-morph, then the elder femme frame, I would say? cause the elder frame already had a sort of pear shape (that sorta inspired the other femme ages.) the others are varying degrees of change, with AM being the strongest change by far.
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biolizardboils · 2 years
Crumpled Up Pages: Old Captain Underpants WIPs #1-4
The First Epic Movie turned 5 earlier this month, and I dug through some old folders to write this post about it. In the process, I found some fanfic ideas I’d written down, fleshed out a little, and then forgot about for years. So while hyperfixation still has its grip on me (and while there’s still some extra activity in the tag), I figured I’d finally set these dust bunnies free!
A few ground rules before this deep dive descends:
When I say “fleshed out a little,” I’m putting major emphasis on the “little.” Some of these docs contain detailed notes and snippets of dialogue, but others are just a title and a vague one-sentence summary. I’ll be transparent about what each one contains, and try to fill in the bigger gaps by memory.
If you were around for the CU Fandom Renaissance of 2017, some of the ideas here might sound familiar, ‘cus I refitted them into fanart and headcanon dumps that actually got posted. I’ll link to those where they’re relevant.
These were all written and abandoned months before a CU show was even announced, so there’s no Epic Tales content or characters in here. Sorry if you were expecting any!
I’m splitting this into two posts cus it was getting and taking too long. This first part will cover the 4 simplest, fluffiest WIPs; the second one will tackle the 6 sadder, more character-heavy ones. And with character-heavy stuff comes spoilers for the movie and books — especially the books. If you haven’t read all 12, you’re probably wondering why anyone would care about Captain Underpants spoilers. First off, your loss; second off, BEWARE!
And finally: if you write fanfiction and feel inspired to use any of these ideas? You have my permission to do so! Seriously, steal anything here and put your own spin on them! I don’t care much for credit, but if these old things help fuel someone else’s creativity, I’d love to know!
That’s enough prep, probably. Plug your nose!
WIP #1: Inspiration
It can come from even the worst of places. ...And people, in this case. [Book!Verse, pre-Book 1.]
This document contains a long script, but no context; I can remember the gist though, so I’ll insert that in-between dialogue. Basically it’s third grade, and George and Harold are in detention again. They cheat to fill up the blackboards like usual, but they’re too bummed out to start a comic afterwards. George sits around stewing in his frustration while Harold angry-scribbles Mr. Krupp yelling.
“...Why does he hate us so much, George?”
“I dunno. Maybe ‘cause he can’t handle our coolness? …Nice drawing, by the way.”
“Thanks. …It’s making me sad just lookin’ at it, though.”
“Yeah, me too. …I wonder what he’d look like if he smiled.”
“...I mean, like, a real smile, not an I’ve-got-you-now smile.”
“Oh. Hmmm…”
Harold erases Krupp’s wide yelling mouth and draws a goofy smile in its place.
“Aw, man, now it’s just creepy.”
The boys keep editing the drawing until it stops being creepy and starts being funny. George erases Krupp’s toupee, remembering the time they stole it and the teachers couldn’t take him seriously without it. Harold draws one of his office curtains around his neck, adding more color and kinetic energy. Soon they’re struggling not to laugh out loud, but they manage to calm down… until George gets an idea that takes the sketch from great to legendary.
“Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Remember what my pop said about Superman yesterday?”
“That he looks like… DUDE. Duuuuuude.”
Harold redraws Krupp’s entire lower body so he’s only wearing underwear. Then with a flourish, he adds the finishing touch – two dots on his chest – and they both lose it. All their laughter finally prompts the real Krupp to check on them, and predictably, he rips up the drawing. It upsets the boys in the moment, but they’re still in much higher spirits than before, and brainstorm a new comic about their new creation as they skateboard home.
“You think we should make his origin issue first?”
“Naw, let’s get right to the action! His outfit’s already the perfect hook – finally, a superhero who actually does fly around in his underwear!”
“Yeah, and he could fight with Wedgie Power!”
God, rediscovering this gave me the most uncontrollable grin. From the date it was last opened, I think this fic was meant for September 1st, 2017 (Book 1’s 20th anniversary), and I gave up after missing it. For shame, 2017!me. For shame.
WIP #2: Untitled Boomer One-shot
Harold won’t admit it, but he’d slay a dragon for his little sister. [Book!Verse but only cus this scene was deleted and is thus dubiously canon]
This doc’s nothing but notes, so I’ll paraphrase the plot: Ms. Hutchins takes Heidi and Harold to Boomer the Purple Dragon: Live! Harold was gonna stay with the Beards but they cancelled last minute, and he’s grumpy about it the whole time. When the show ends, kids gather in front of the stage to meet Boomer; Ms. Hutchins suddenly gets an important call, and makes Harold walk Heidi up there. 
But the dragon’s mascot suit is big up close for a 6-year-old, and Heidi gets so scared she starts crying. She’s rooted to the spot and waves her arms in panic, but “Boomer” thinks she wants a hug and waddles closer and closer... until Harold kicks him in the groin. Their mom understandably grounds him for it, but Heidi is grateful and calls him her hero :)
This one was based on the classic “kid hits mascot in the weak spot” genre of AFV, but also on an early memory of mine! My sister and I loved Arthur as babies, so our mom took us to see this thing. The characters suddenly being real (and huge) was so upsetting that we scream-cried until she took us home early. (Speaking of Arthur, it’s a shame Heidi’s never really done anything in canon, I can see her having big DW energy.)
WIP #3: When Worlds Collide
It was less “love at first sight” and more “love at first squawk.” [Book!Verse, Book 7.]
A quick refresher: George told Harold to take Crackers back to dinosaur times, but he left her in the treehouse with Sulu instead. Later in the book, they’re shown snuggling in their sleep 🥺🥺 Anyway, this fic was about what they got up to in between! It’s actually the most complete of the lot, but only because it’s so short and simple.
It opens with Harold introducing them to each other, leaving out some treats for them (hamster food for Sulu, crackers for Crackers), then telling them to play nice until he comes back. They do not. Crackers pulls a Thunderclap the moment Harold leaves, Sulu karate-chops her throat until she spits him out, and they wreck half the treehouse in the ensuing chase.
Eventually they settle for standing in opposite corners and hissing at each other. Then Sulu… *squints* …records Crackers’ hisses with his bionic ears and plays them back so they can communicate? …Yeah, okay, why not. The outline ends after this sudden development; I’m guessing they talk things out and start to catch feels, before settling in to sleep. Anyway here’s the few sentences I actually wrote out:
Harold opened the door, Sulu got on the floor, and in walked the curious dinosaur.
[…] As predator and prey faced off, a little boy and his mother happened to be walking down Vine Street. “Mommy,” said the little boy, “I can hear a bionic hamster and a pterodactyl fighting in that treehouse!”
“Oh, please,” his mother scoffed. “How do you even know what that would sound like?”
The boy considered pointing out the CHOMPs, SQUEAKs, and SQUAAAWKs emanating from the tree in big blocky letters, but decided it wasn’t quite worth the trouble.
The doc ends with a reminder to not refer to Crackers with any pronouns until the two pets can understand each other. Also I was gonna title this after a Tony Orlando and Dawn song as foreshadowing, but I couldn’t choose one, so instead I went with this Spongebob song lol.
WIP #4: Untitled Tommy One-shot
The school’s been near bully-free ever since Treehouse Comix Inc. was formed. Tommy reflects on this from the safety of his locker. [Movie!Verse with a hint of Book 9. CW: discussion of bullying.]
A Kid I Never Named knocks on Tommy’s locker and offers to trade Pilkeymon. They have to be sneaky, because it’s the 90′s and they have to slip a Link Cable through the locker vents without being spotted.
As they trade, the other kid asks Tommy why he hides all the time. He explains that it’s a habit from when Kipper Krupp terrorized the halls. But Kipper left four years ago, and the legend of Wedgie Magee has kept other bullies at bay ever since; the other kid points this out and asks why he still hides. This led into “a somber discussion on adverse school experiences and the long-lasting coping mechanisms they cause” (exact words from the doc). Unfortunately 2017!me never wrote any dialogue, and I’m mad at her for that.
Trivia drop! I used the Pilkeymon joke a few times at @treehouseblogsinc, but it’s way older than that, and also not mine: Pilkey.com used to have a coloring game named Pilkeymon’s Paintbox. It even had art of Dav’s old spiky-haired avatar with Pikachu ears! There’s no trace of it on the Internet anymore, but I swear I’m not making this up.
I left a note here to add that Tommy has glow-in-the-dark stickers in his locker, which ended up in this headcanon dump. There’s also a list of last names I came up with for him but never chose between: Chambers, Lakatos (which I shared once here), and Lockenspiel. Right now I’m leaning towards the last one, it rolls nicely off the tongue.
That’s it for now! Not gonna lie, I’m still nervous about posting the other 6 WIPs. Most of them deal with Book 12, and all the tough subjects that that entails. But hey, I made this bed, and by God am I gonna lie in it. Thanks for reading so far!
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tornrose24 · 3 years
I recently got the color editions of the third and fourth Captain Underpants books for my eldest nephew. I looked through them for fun (and because I remembered reading these books specifically in 4th grade). Here are random things I picked up or thought about:
Book 3
-According to the book, Fyde isn’t evil its just that he’s pretty boring as a teacher. I’d have to agree because the information he teaches feels like its more for middle/high school students.
-Good thing Ree didn’t have to clean up the green mess all by himself.
-According to the original lunch ladies, the school as about 1000 students and staff. If you do some math, that means there should be around 950 students (Assuming that the staff is around 20 or more members). Now in my experience working at a school, you need additional staff depending on how big the school is, but you especially need Assistant Principals if the count is too large.
I don’t know if 950-ish students is normal for a regular elementary school or not, but you’d think Krupp would hire an AP to help him out. (However I’m sure he’d hate sharing even a fraction of his position with anyone).
-While Edith was created for the movie, its very clear how much of this book played a role in her creation. The way the original lunch ladies are dressed is almost similar to her, but there is an outfit that Anthrope is wearing that not only nearly resembles key elements of Edith’s attire, but the way Pilkey describes the outfit is almost exactly like it. (Not sure about the ‘ugly loafers’ bit). By the way, you see the outfit in question when she’s eating Krupp’s desk.
-Speaking of which, why did the colorist make her look like a zombie when she’s NOT a zombie?
-In the in-verse CU comic books, the principal looks like George’s dad, but isn’t presented as smart. Was this a way for the boys to avoid using Krupp’s likeness and avoid getting in further trouble?
-This was weird, but the lunch ladies present the comic as proof that the boys were behind their recent prank, but then Krupp is all ‘well this isn’t actual proof even though I know you’re right.’ 
-As I’m reading this book, I’m wondering ‘how did they get the idea for Krupp to be stupid in the cartoon?’ Because I can’t recall him EVER being that dumb in the books. Also, I think this is the first time he’s briefly forced to team up with the boys.
-The boys eating the gross food combos in front of Krupp is a lot funnier now when you know that in the cartoon Krupp has worse eating habits than them, in addition to that shout out in the choice-o-rama.
–While there are similarities, the aliens in the book aren’t an exact match to the ones in the cartoons (or at least the ones we THOUGHT were going to be important for season 4).
-When the boys and CU are falling from the spaceship, Harold yells “Hallelujah!” Ironically, he and George (and CU!) would sing the famous ‘Hallelujah’ song in the movie.
-Personal Trivia: This was the first CU book I read as a ten year old eying the books in my fourth grade classroom. I was wondering why CU wasn’t showing up for much of it and I didn’t realize that Mr. Krupp was CU’s other half OR realize that he looked like CU until the finger snap happens.
Book 4
-Something I picked up was that Poopypants wasn’t a pleasant fellow to begin with, even before he became an official bad guy. He doesn’t treat his assistant that well and is full of himself when we first meet him.
-The annual field trip to the Piqua Pizza Place (Palace?) is awfully generous (and almost out of character) of the school, considering its track record of field trips across all three incarnations.
-Before Krupp catches the boys arranging the sign, we see that he’s waiting in the bushes nearby even before they get to it as if he was anticipating it. I think he knows the boys more than he’d care to admit.
-Also, how the HELL could he not see that forcing the boys to clean the teachers’ lounge would backfire horribly on him when he should have known better?
-When Fyde is listing off his reasons as to why he’s quitting, Krupp doesn’t believe him at first. But then is all “Holy cow, you ARE crazy!” when Fyde specifically mentions CU. As if THAT’S the craziest thing imaginable and not talking toilets. (Not to mention the irony).
-If you read the add for the science teacher position, it comes off as especially bitter and lazy (Want a low paying job with lots of red tape? Hate children? etc.) And there’s also a ‘no need for credential, experience, etc.’ It really paints a poor picture of the school and especially shows Krupp’s lack of caring.
-It makes me wonder how the interview in the movie would have gone down with Krupp instead of CU since Krupp was more competent/intelligent in the film. (And I don’t think the flyer was as lazy as the add in the book).
-For their next comic, the boys are inspired title wise by a story Ribble is reading. The story is ‘The Pied Piper of Hammelin.’ The title character uses his music to drive the rats out of town and when the townsfolk refuse to pay up, he gets revenge by having their children follow him out of town via that same music. I can see how it influenced the in-comic story, but its interesting how George and Harold didn’t realize that the piper took his revenge on others for not respecting him enough much like Poopypants does. Also there’s the connection of hypnotism in that story to the hypnotism in Captain Underpants.
-I wonder how Cher thought about getting dissed in this book.
-This is the first time we hear Krupp’s first name, but he calls himself ‘Benny’ instead of ‘Benjamin.’ I find that odd that he used his nickname instead of the full name since he was clearly reluctant to reveal it. (‘Benny’ does sound more friendly/childish than ‘Benjamin.’)
-Speaking of which, I think this is the first time we see him in a slightly more human light/in a moment of cowardice. Sure he’s being a coward and hiding under his desk when the school is shrunk, but its kind of a normal reaction.
-The second half of the book shows Harold wearing what would soon be his signature green and white stripped shirt which he’d be wearing in the movie.
-I think not only is this where we especially see CU in papa wolf mode, but the boys are more appreciative of him here. And the school cheers for all three of them when the day is saved.
–Dav makes it a point to show that the boys have the Shrinky Pig and the super power juice in their tree house at the end of the book. The latter becomes important for the next book.
-In the original first edition of the book, the cover teases ‘Romance! (Just kidding!’) Years later, when this book was among the books to be used for the film, they actually meant it.
-Also in the original first edition of the book, Dav had a drawing teasing the fifth book (I think it had the boys trapped in underwear and a hand is lifting it up).
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grazhir · 3 years
Laundry List
No off switch for illness overlay. Sure, I have a default replacement to remove those, because they make my skin crawl, but you'd think with the number of people those creep out, they'd do something about it?
Plants still randomly dropping to sprout stage. I've watched it happen. Between one second and the next, bam, fully mature plants drop to sprout stage.
All stair railings should have matching fences and vice versa.
All fences should have matching gates, preferably in 1 and 2 tile versions, maybe the odd 3 tile.
Kinda crazy you can't visit the hospital for vaccinations.
Those Sylvan Glade pink "trees" are just psycho.
No costume category, or maybe special events category (so you have five slots to fill with outfits for Spooky Day, certain festivals, etc., stuff you absolutely wouldn't want in a normal category).
X-34 Landspeeder still doesn't register as having been scanned (meaning, you can scan it a million times if you want). You can still complete the collection, though.
No auto-follow for droids after sleeping, such as at the whatever in Black Spire. Enable Follow Protocol isn't automatically cued up like it is for traveling (no wonder when I originally played Batuu I kept thinking I'd lost droids and bought more).
Weird slow/show pony jog in Batuu. Might as well be walking.
Still pissed I can't transportalate in Batuu. (But at least with that one mod, I can use a spell to conjure food.)
Keep getting stuck behind the bar at the cantina and needing to travel to get unstuck (I finally gated off both sides and locked my sim out).
Normal load screen music popping up during Batuu loading screens in addition to the Batuu music, and stacking (I had two or three playing at once, and finally just disabled music [but not object music]).
Icy conditions in Batuu. Like, WTF?
Already at programming 10, can't do certain mission parts, always getting shocked. Cheating it down to 9 allowed me to finish one of them at the comm tower, but the First Order HQ door? Pfft. I edited the lot to add a normal door. (Even a fully upgraded droid couldn't open that damn door.)
Lost the distraction protocol on the droid at some point, possibly after upgrade(s).
Explore on the X-Wing, to Galma, sometimes the flavor text reads to Peka, but sometimes it's the Galma options.
There are no exercise bikes.
There are no additional instruments. Drums, sax, etc.
Every freakin' time I have a toddler, I get prompted for toddler lessons. Look, game, she's had ten kids already and none were taken away, I think you can stuff it with the toddler lessons.
Auto-solve hygiene sends sims to go swimming, or worse, start a lightsaber duel.
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emsartwork · 4 years
Can I ask why you chose those specific fairy tales/mythological/folk figures for the Mythix redesign? Very much enjoy how unique the designs are and how they draw from multiple different cultures thnx
Yeah so Mythix was a process and had a lot of concept brain work before i ever put anything down on paper. I think I had a few ladies in mind from the very beginning (Scheherazade is one of my favorite folk lore ladies just in general lol) but i wanted to pull from as many different cultures as possible, and have fit the winx girls’ ethnicity when possible. 
So for a character like Musa, who is Asian even if she is technically from an alien planet, I wanted to draw from mostly north east asia(even tho south and south east asia have super cool stories too), and I know a good amount of japanese folklore because of...... anime reasons and at first I was trying to find a japanese figure related to music, voice, or mouth, but I kind of hit a wall with that one because the only one i could think of/find was the tongue-cut sparrow story or the Split mouth woman which, while interesting, aren’t all that fitting for a powerful magic lady. You of course have momotaro, princess kaguya, or, a personal favorite, the boy who drew cats but none of those felt right either so I expanded my range to China and IMMEDIATELY landed on Mulan, I like to think at least some of her story was true, but even if she is just a legend WHAT A FUCKING LEGEND AMIRIGHT. she was perfect for a powerful magic lady, strong, honorable, selfless, protective, and smart. Even if her “power” wasn’t realted at all to music she was a perfect fit. 
With Flora I wanted to draw from Mexican or native american(aztec or mayan) folklore, I actually did consider making her Scheherazade for a hot minute cus I draw a lot of inspo for Flora and Lynphea from Persia/the middle east in general, but ultimately decided against it. La Muerte is another favorite figure of mine, partially because she has such an interesting origin from an anthropological point of view. with the blending of catholic saints and native cultures in Mexico and possibly some influence from what would eventually become voodoo. Also, Dia de Muertos has that whole marigold flower petal association which perfectly links to Flora. 
Aisha was a little more difficult because she’s black, and black people are, ethnically, from Africa, and Africa has SO MANY DIFFERENT CULTURES AND STORIES AND EVEN JUST GEOGRAPHY. and i know from past experiences its stupidly hard to find good reliable references for any of the native cultures in Africa, or america for that matter, because racism and colonialism. So I tried going by Aisha’s name, which is of Arabic and Swahili in origin, but arabic and swahili are both spoken in many countries across south Africa North Africa and the Middle East, so I used her parent’s names Niobe and Teredor which are both Greek sounding so that pulled it towards North Africa/Saudi Arabia(where there was a lot of Greek influence). SO i thought to myself, what about egypt??? Didn’t the Cinderella story originate in Egypt with an eagle and a sandal and a prince or something?????? UNFORTUNATELY THAT’S A LIE(as far as my research showed). So I was mega stumped with Aisha, and I tried applying Scheherazade to her as a last ditch effort because Saudi Arabia, and.,,,....,, it fit???? like weirdly well???? like Aisha and Scheherazade are both BAMFs with unrelenting determination, an urge to protect the innocent, and punish the unjust they just do it very differently, but I liked the contrast between Aisha’s more active aggressive style and her switching to a more subtle story teller’s methods. So somehow I got it to work out ethnically, geographically, personality, and using my lady Scheherazade AND the design + the colors came out fantastic imo.
Stella was easier, I knew I wanted to pull from Greece, and possibly link to Apollo if possible so I looked up the temple of Delphi to see if there were any notable priestesses. Pythia came up right away, and had a gorgeous classical painting to use as reference so that was a snap tbh
Bloom was pretty easy, I’ve based Domino off of Scotland and a lil’bit of China but appearance wise she’s VERY white. But I was already pulling HEAVILY from Scotland and Ireland for Morgana and Tir Nan Og, so I broadened to Europe in general(which means I had a lot to work with because fairytales are so Eurocentric *eye roll emoji*) I decided to go with cinderella because CINDERS come from FIRE(aren’t I clever) and glass making requires a lot of heat. I mentioned earlier that there are theories as to where the “cinderella” story truly originated, The most popular being China, Egypt, or Germany(as far as I researched the Egyptian and Chinese “versions” of Cinderella barely resemble the story?).  Aschenputtle is the iconic one from Grimm Brother’s collections in 1812 but I chose to use the edition that popularized the story in 1698 by Charles Perrault since thats the “classic cinderella” modern audiences still recognize(even tho i am very partial to the more violent german version lmao). Her outfit design was a bit of challenge but I really like what I came up with.
Tecna was..... troublesome. Pink hair doesn’t exist irl unless it’s dyed, so I had only a partial appearance to base ethnicity on. I pull a lot from Russia for Zenith tho, so I figured I would start with Baba Yaga(who is already a villain in world of winx so I wasn’t gonna use her anyways) and see where that lead me. I came across Vasilisa the Fair/Beautiful/Wise, she featured in a lot of Russian folklore and had a lot of different aspects/personalities/stories so I kinda tried to pull from all of them (which gave me difficulties later on in the design process) She was one of the only Fairytale figures I could find that had a direct connection to intelligence (not that other fairytale ladies aren’t smart ofc). Because of Vasilisa’s many different roles and some physical transformations (russian frog princess) I made her the Fairy of Transformations. Tecna is probably the one I’m least satisfied but I’m not changing it lmao 
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moonbokrk · 5 years
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MGA Season 5 - Episode 2 Skill Evaluation - Rapping Performing: Til I Die - pH-1 and Jay Park (00:13 to 2:11) Outfit: [x] Mentioned: @ericxrk @rkmason @yuzurk @rkyeji @rkyuna​, @jacksxnrk​, @rkxbin​ TW: MENTIONS OF DEPRESSION, MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND MEDICATION
He should have been happy, he'd been considered one of the top 50 contestants and made it through to the next round. But when the results had been shown, Moonbok couldn't stop himself from bursting into tears when he saw that Yoona wouldn't be progressing to the next round with him. While he was happy that he'd made it through, along with so many of his friends, his heart broke for his cousin who simply forced a smile and gently chided him for crying.
"Guess this means you'll have to do your best for both of us, Bokkie."
His mood hadn't been helped by a series of phonecalls not long after the show had aired on Saturday; one from his parents who sounded exasperated that he'd 'run into something like this without telling anyone' and another from Yoona's father, absolutely infuriated that Moonbok had been the one to survive. At least his parents had been supportive by the time they'd hung up, his uncle wished him nothing but misery.
Moonbok had spent most of the next afternoon in a bout of depression until he pulled himself together on Sunday evening. Yes, it sucked that Yoona, Chan and so many others were eliminated so early. But him moping around wouldn't bring them back, nor help him progress any further. And there was no way he was going to give his uncle the satisfaction of falling here. Not if he could help it.
When the day had come for the skill challenge, Moonbok enters the studio and let his eyes roam around the set, heart still clenching at the fact that their numbers had been reduced to half. Of course, it just meant that they were now at the same number of contestants as the they were in the first episode last year, but it's still a little sad to see, given how many talented people had had to leave last week.
"Not so much like Produce 101 now, hm?" Moonbok snarks to himself before going to find a seat. Not too far ahead of him he can see Eric up to something and feels as though he should stop him. However his name is called by Changbin before Moonbok can go and try to put a stop to Eric's antics, and by the time Moonbok has taken his seat, Eric has returned to his, looking very pleased with himself. Praying that the younger hasn't done anything that will get himself tossed out, Moonbok engages Hwang Yeji in small talk, shyly accepting her compliments on her hair and wholeheartedly complimenting her dancing the week before.
The results of Eric's mischief become clear when Yena returns from talking to another contestant (Kenta, right?) and complains that she can't find her chair. This provokes amusement from the other contestants, particularly when Jackson Wang pointedly offers her his lap to sit on though it ends up being one of her girlfriends that makes Yena sit on her instead. Having no doubt that Eric was behind that little mishap but not any situation to scold him, all Moonbok can do is laugh and roll his eyes to himself as the CEOs enter. Then once again, he's on full alert, dark eyes trained them.
In all honesty, he was a little confused as to why they were showcasing their strongest skills yet again. Granted the previous week they'd showcased two of their strongest skills too. In any case, had he known that he'd be showing off his rapping again, he'd have kept one of his self-composed songs for this week instead. That's not to say he isn't happy with his choice of performance for this week, even if it is in English. The lyrics completely encompass his feelings and Moonbok sorely hopes he can do them justice.
The rappers would be the last to perform, with Moonbok himself going fifth. Until then there are a lot of other performances to have to sit through. Not that he lets himself lose focus, watching each of the others intensely. Though he can't help but lower his eyes when Shin Yuna takes the stage, knowing she too would be furious that he'd made it through to this round instead of Yoona. She hates his guts on a good day, after all. That's not say he doesn't enjoy her performance, but he does spend most of it staring at a spot beside her on the stage rather than at Yuna herself.
Moonbok wishes Yeji a quiet 'good luck' as she takes the stage for her performance, enjoying it thoroughly and giving her an encouraging smile when she returns. He also continues to be impressed with Eric's evolution and growth when it comes to his dancing. Not only was he sticking to a boy group song again for this week, but he'd managed to incorporate gymnastics into his routine, something Moonbok could only dream about being able to do.
Like last week, it feels like even though it's one of the longest waits of his life, it also feels so sudden when his name is called. Pulling himself to his feet, Moonbok makes his way down the stairs and onto the stage where the judges are waiting. Automatically he bows.
'He's always bowing! Sometimes it makes me forget that he's actually a rapper, he's almost too polite!'
Moonbok isn't sure who the whisper comes from, but he pointedly ignores it and straightens up to speak to the CEOs, offering them a small smile.
"Hello again. This week, I'll be rapping to pH-1 and Jay Park's 'Til I Die.' Please watch over me."
Brief piece said, Moonbok takes a step backwards. Silently, he waits for the music to begin and once he hears his cue, he starts without hesitation.
Lately I been caught up in my feelings Cus I was moving way up no ceiling I grabbed a chance heaven sent It ain't been the same ever since I’m waking up, sweating every morning
Truly, nothing has been the same since he decided to walk on the road of becoming an idol. So much had changed, his relationship with his parents (not in a bad way), his relationship with his uncle (That had always been poor, it had just gotten worse) even who Moonbok himself was. Sometimes he isn't even sure if he was pursuing this dream for his own sake or if he's doing it to prove to his parents that they hadn't given up on seeing him become a doctor in vain. He can't help but wonder if they secretly resent him for it, given the lack of progress he seems to have made in nearly two years. He knows he resents himself.
Though surely, if they were upset with him, they wouldn't have encouraged him like they did on Saturday night, or like they did on the night he'd been eliminated a year ago.
Fighting myself in my dream I'm my own opponent Every now and then I pop a pill to numb it down Voice inside my head I need to turn it down yea
He's never 'needed' to take anything for his moods, has never seen anyone about how his feelings sometimes feel as though he's drowning, suffocating in despair. He knows about the stigma of mental health issues in South Korea, he knows that being the eldest son confers certain expectations on him. He's terrified of looking weak, having to depend on medicine to be able to function. It's been hammered into his head for so long that he has to be strong and in control of his emotions.
But Dear God, it's not as though he's never thought about defying those expectations before. To get help and be free of the feeling that he's nothing more than a burden to his family and friends.
Can't hold it down Any longer I’m clipping Swear all these people just Praying til I'm slipping One thing I can't ignore is That I'm different
In the original song, this rap is melodic and almost song-like. But Moonbok has changed it to be a straight rap, bar for some undulations in his tone. It was a challenge to pull off, but as he listens to himself, he’s happy with how it sounds.
He wonders how many people are hoping he’ll mess up. He’d watched the last episode, he’d heard and read the comments said about him, Eric, Mason and the other returnees. How they didn’t really deserve to be there and should have given their spots to others. It still hurt him, and his face takes on a slightly melancholic look as he raps.
This is why he has to prove them all wrong.
The way I envision My future ambitions Chips on the table I raise to the max Can't beat my hand Imma leave with the bags Riding the wave I create on my own Imma jump in and give it all
What’s that saying? ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained.’ He knows that he could have forgone participating this season and tried the more conventional ways to be signed. But if he hadn’t done it, he’d have spent the whole summer wondering ‘what if’ and getting annoyed at himself. Just like when he’d forgone going to the SuperStar KT World and spent the next few weeks kicking himself for it, and that was probably what motivated him to enter the Triple Threat Challenge, even knowing that there was a chance that nothing would come from it. Not that it had, but it had at least helped him move on. In time, all of this heartache, confusion and hard work would pay off; he would be the star he promised himself he’d be.
Cus Imma do this til I die Imma do this til I die Cus imma do this til I die Imma do this til I die
After three years in university and a year and a half of actively pursuing the path of an idol, Moonbok is sure of one thing. No matter the outcome, he truly can’t see himself working in a field that isn’t music from now on. Whether as a performer, a producer, a lyricist and composer or as a music teacher, Moonbok’s life is music by now. And he honestly can’t imagine how he’d gotten by for so long beforehand.
(He’ll never say it aloud, but owes that bastard Youngsik everything.)  
They be like Aye Jay Where the heck* you going? (expletive edited for broadcast) I'm like aye you know? But don't be really knowing
His movements on stage aren’t as strident as last week, though he doesn’t take the microphone from it’s stand and paces back and forward as he sees fit. It’s probably an annoyance, but he’s always been able to focus on his rapping when he’s able to move around a little. Besides, it’s not much, a few steps to the side, pause for a few lines before returning to the center.
What's the end goal? I’m just focused on us growing Necklace iced out Boy it’s looking like it snowing
He’s grown a lot since that first audition a year ago, from where he nearly bawled his eyes out while auditioning. Sure, the songs are as impactful as they were then, but Moonbok has been better at presenting a facade of calmness and letting the lyrics fuel his performances instead of being caught up by them.
But one thing I do knows Take it to the top Either that or we die trying Every verse I write I gotta make it hot Brains over bron gotta Einstein It's in hindsight but Can’t attain the dream Gotta put in way way more work
His face breaks into a grin as he begins to speed rap, in English no less, enjoying the stunned gasps and murmurs it results in. True, he’s probably not on the same level as Mason, especially when the other is a native English singer, but Moonbok knows he’s no slouch.
He dares a direct look at the CEOs grinning even more at the slightly stunned expressions on some of their faces. Granted, he’s not sure whether that’s a good or a bad thing, but he decides not to worry about it too much. At least he knows that people are sitting up and taking notice of him, and not just for his hair.
Screw the garbage make it with the team* (expletive edited for performance) Everybody got their own worth I ain't there yet but I'm making my way Screw the haters you can doubt me*  (expletive edited for performance) I don't really care what you say
There’s one thing that irks him about rapping in English, though. And it’s the prevalence of swear words. Sure, he understands that they’re used for emphasis (sometimes), but he’d rather not get into hot water with Mnet or the CEOs and have his screen time cut for cursing on air. Hence he’d had to get creative with censoring, keeping the rhythm and flow of the words intact while still maintaining his speed. It had been a challenge, but he thinks he’s pulled it off.
Even without the swear words, the message is the same. Granted, he does care about the comments made about him online, but if he shows they upset him, then it’s only opening the floodgates for more abuse. In a twisted way, it’s like motivation. He wants to succeed, to make all of the people who dismissed and insulted him eat their words. Whether he does that with odd society, through a contract or even by striking out on his own, he’ll defy everyone who only see him as a pretty face.
Imma do this til I die They all wonder why It’s probably cause I see my vision going past the sky
His expression once again morphs into a serious and determined one, Moonbok fully embracing the lyrics he was belting out. How much of this rap would actually be understood by the people watching him, Moonbok wasn’t entirely sure, given that English is still a language that many people find difficult to understand. But there was sure no way they could deny his passion and his determination to succeed ‘until he died.’ That is surely universal.
Imma do this til I die They all wonder why It's probably cause I see my vision going past the sky!
He repeats the last verse in an almost triumphant tone, standing tall as the last notes fade away and the music ends, a resolute smile back on his features. He holds his position for a moment, before bowing once again and offering the judges his thanks, his voice back to its usual soft-spoken tone. He replaces the mic back onto the stand and returns to his seat, once again leaning forward to watch the rest of the rappers show their skills.
This stage, even more so than Red has reignited his passion and determination; and he hopes that everyone will see it. Yoona, his parents, even his uncle and anyone who spoke ill of him. He hopes he’s proven that no matter how hard it is or whatever it’s going to cost him, Moonbok won’t give up.
[Word Count: 2,193] [Word Count without Lyrics: 2.527] Lyrics credit: x
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miyomiikonran · 6 years
Voltron season 8 opinion- SPOILERS!
Okay, so I watched it with my bff @ironic-artist just a while ago and felt the need to sum up my thoughts, so here we go.
First thing to clear up, I expected nothing. Just absolutely nothing cus I thought that this series came too far to give me joy it gave me in S01 and S02. But to my highest suprise, it was better than I expected it to be. I won't lie, I have never been a fan of allurance because of my high dislike for Allura. I have never wished her death actually, but she annoyed the heck out of me. But if that's the price for allurance not being an endgame for real, then who I am to complain :') I felt so bad for Lance but this short epilog thing made me feel better and cry like a baby. For whole season I couldn't get enough of how good, responsible and caring he was for Allura. I just wished it was different person, any other ship would be okay tbh. He's such a good boy, that's my Lance, Lance I have fallen in love with in first season and I'm more than happy to see him end being his true kind self in the end. With his lovely family, the way it was supposed to be 💙 I was really worried but in the end creators did so much better! I can rest in peace now knowing my boy found some peace and joy in his life despite this big loss he has to come to terms with. I'm proud of him.
About other characters I guess it'll be better to talk about them one at the time. So here we go:
Hunk. O. M. G. The biggest suprise in this season! They handled him so much better than before, there was a lot of develepment for him. And I'm so happy he achived his dream and can bring people together with his love for cooking! He's probably the most mature one of all the characters in my eyes. Also he looks SO GOOD. I got blessed. He's so handsome, he and Pidge look the best out of the all characters. I hope he maybe got together with Shay after war ended c:
Pidge. Our sweet tech nerd has such important role now, she was born to be there! And she's finally together with her family, doing what they all love. And just look at her! Succesful and full of happiness, I love her new image at the end. It's a great mix of her old more girlish side with the Pidge we got to know and love during eigh seasons, but in more mature and confident edition. Another blessing for my eyes 💚
Shiro. OH GOD. YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE ME WE SAW IT COMING AT THE FIRST SIGHT OF THIS MAN. I just stopped the video when we saw him and together agreed his looks are similar to those of Adam...and we predicted it. Of course it was all off screen sadly, but THE KISS. THE KISS AT THE END, JUST RIGHT INTO MY HEART. I wish we have got more of this sweet happy Shiro on screen but well, it went better than it could, so I'm satisfied. Yes it's possible to do it better but I won't complain too much...
...because there's more. ZETHRID AND EZOR AAAAAAAAAA. So great. Even better handled if you realize they were just secondary characters. This relationship was hinted before in last season and I'm so happy they made it real in such open way. The best girlfriends ever. The pain in Zethrid eyes hurt me a lot and I'm so happy in the end they found their peaceful way.
Keith. Finally a little on the side. Not entirely but he made some space for others while still being the leader. Glad it has been this way. In the end he found his place in universe. For a moment I was afraid he'll be the next emperor but it didn't happen :'D. It would have been so bad and stupid... Maybe he got closer with Acxa later as they work together~? Let me have my headcanons ;)
I won't talk about Allura just to not ruin the positivity of this post. Let me say I wouldn't change what happend.
Lotor. After this season I feel extra bad for him. He deserved much better but in the same time his character was really well developed and it was done slowly, letting viewers make up their opinion about him. Small Lotor made me scream, the cutest child in universe. Also I have to congratulate the creators for their courage in this one scene of him sitting in his robot, all melted. Absolutely horrifing view I didn't expect to see in this type of show. Good job.
Coran. The saddest man in the universe right now probably. He didn't deserve to lost the closest person for him, the last link with his beloved Alfor. Doesn't matter he have Voltron members, he still probably feel bad he let this happen. I hope he found peace in taking care of Altea. Also another congrats for making him really similar outfit to one from original series. He looks really good in it.
Honerva. I get all pain she got throught but I don't think she deserved being so easily let go and especially she has been the reason Allura sacrificed herself. Not cool but it was soothing to see her hug her son and husband at least at the end.
For the season and plot alone, I appreciate how they tied some loose scenes, explaining them at the end. That was good. The actual plot in the last episodes was rushed for me and a bit messy, sometimes lacked some logical explanation, but whatever. Characters matter more for me than plot soo... I'm happy because it could be much worse than this. I'll be happy to rest my head with comforting thought that Voltron has ended and it wasn't terrible, even good.
Also I'm looking up to She-ra as my another series to watch! I really liked He-man as child but never got to watch She-ra, I didn't even knew it exist. My adventure with Voltron is over in a good way, it's time for another ❤
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