#onyx ingo
squidthesquidd · 1 year
How aboooouuut...... Gem! AU boys??
yeS!!!! gem au!!!! emmet and Ingo fusion :DDDDDD !!!! i call them Emigo!!!
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pretty sure its canon that the more compatible gems are with each other, the more “normal” their fusion will look. this is why garnets only odd feature is the third eye, but looks normal otherwise, and malachite is some hand centaur monster thing. so!!! Emmet and Ingos fusion is verrrry normal looking! two arms two legs two eyes! the only thing that's kinda odd is that they have no visible pupils, cus the gems in their eyes kinda took them over
familial soulmates my beloved 💕💖💕💘💕💖💘
My original design of their fusion had four arms, but it kinda made it too cluttered since I already had the split color outfit going on :/ so two arms it is!!!
anywayyyy, Emmet and Ingos fusion is called ‘True onyx’! cus their two halves of the onyx that was supposed to form finally come together!
True onyx is verrrrry emotional, and expressive to an almost cartoonish extent! They are curious about everything but also seem to have an unfiltered knowledge of everything around them. its kinda weird
Speaking of unfiltered, True onyx has no speaking filter whatsoever. They always say whatever comes to their mind no matter the situation
and a verrrrry important thing about them is that they are verrry stimmy!!! theyre always stimming!!! flappy hands and rocking back and forth and making little noises always!!!! verrry important!!!!!!!!
Edit: someone asking about their weapon in that tags so heres a post where i talk about that :> its at the bottom!!
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poketriodrawsstuff · 2 years
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With the onyx brothers as one, they are able to conduct their duties twice as efficiently!! Super Onyx has the best of both of them, being able to express themselves well vocally and physically! All that stays the same is their expression, with their mouths either a constant flat line, or a ♦️.
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as-good-as-held · 2 years
notes about my dragons and their genetics because that is interesting to me (making things up is my passion)
Ingo and Emmet are not identical twins! which is obvious because one of them is a standard snow and the other is an onyx, right? well actually, not at all. visually, yeah, Ingo looks like an onyx but he isn't, he's genetically a melanistic snow. now usually, melanistic snows turn out grey or even navy blue in colour, but Ingo popped out with the blackest fur i've ever seen on a dragon that wasn't pure onyx. which is weird because he and Emmet hatched from the same egg. here comes my tinfoil hat territory because i don't know what their parents were, i think they both carried the allele for melanism because it's recessive in dragons but presented as pure snows, so the were Ss. this led to Emmet recieving either SS genes (making him pure snow) or Ss genes (making him a carrier for melanism without presenting as such) and Ingo recieving ss genes, making him visibly melanistic. they aren't identical so this is definitely possible. (unless Ingo had a random gene mutation that gave him melanism outside of parents genetics, which would still result in them being fraternal twins instead of identical) Ingo and Emmet came from breeders (who could verify that Ingo is a snow because she showed me the video of him and Emmet hatching)
cucumber isn't a pure sage, either. their mama was a rose dragon and, presumably, their papa was a sage. there aren't any funny genes in roses or sages that make them present funny so cucumber has normal genes. they have the rose allele in them but the sage one is dominant, in the same way that i carry an allele for blonde hair (recessive) but the brown hair one is dominant so it wins by default. they came from a different breeder to the twins who was not very good at their job and had failed to notice that their own pet rose had gotten very friendly with the sage they owned. well they had a really runty pup that needed hand-rearing (which i absolutely did not trust them to do) and so i ended up with a very small sage-rose who is actually older than all of my others by kind of a lot
tax evasion? pure dexter. there was never a purer dexter in existence. it's a recessive allele so there is absolutely no way there's anything else in him. he was a rescue that had been spotted slinking around the back of a bookshop i used to frequent who kept shredding the cardboard boxes they had to throw away. well i trapped him in one and took him home cause he was a lil matted and smelly so clearly nobody else was coming for him. he warmed up right away and he leaves the house with me sometimes cause he's the most used to being out there but he's definitely a lapdragon. all he wants is snooze and cuddle. makes me wonder who owned him before me and why they would leave him out there. their loss, he's my special boy now
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davepetacreates · 2 months
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some submas, + a couple pokemon - based ocs
[left (top + bottom): ingo, bottom done in chibi style down to his knees, top is a more realistic bust, he looks like he could be smiling
right top: an oc based on hisuian zorua, named alec. hes got fluffy hair swept over, ending in spikes. he looks nervous.
right bottom: an oc based on emmet, named onyx. he wears a button up shirt and vest with the gear station emblem on it. he is smiling.
end id]
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Baby name ideas for the Empires Crew
Cause apparently yall need some now?
Theme: colors
Ash (associated with gray)
Beryl (a pale green stone)
Bianca (means white)
Carmine (crimson red)
Fawn (light brown)
Theme: Sun
Citrine (light callback to s1 cause citrine is a stone formed when amethyst experiences intense heat)
Alba (means Dawn)
Soleil (French sun name)
Theme: gods/holy/Greek
Theo (means ‘gift of god’)
Eudora (Greek name meaning ‘generous gift’)
Ouranos (Greek spelling of Uranus, father of the Titans and also a word meaning “the heavens”
Theme: dichotomy of glimmer grove/strength/beauty
Janus (words with contradictory meaning are sometimes called “Janus words”)
Hecate (goddess of witchcraft)
Farris (‘strong as iron’ according to the website I’m looking at)
Valentine (both a romantic association as well as having ‘strong’ as an earlier meaning)
Sterling (steel)
Theme: music/independence
Theme: strength/common western names
Barrett (mighty as a bear)
Cash (last name if a famous singer)
Wynona (first name of a famous singer and a personal favorite of mine)
Colton (I know so many yeehaw boys named Colton it’s an epidemic)
Theme: animals
Ursula (from ‘Ursa’ meaning bear + light callback to season 1)
Mariposa (butterfly)
Theme: peace/safety/protection/rabbits
Jack (jackrabbit)
Peter (Peter cottontail)
Olive/Olivia (olive bran em has symbol of peace)
Alexis/Alexander/Alexa etc. (All meaning protector of mankind)
Anthea (goddess/flowers)
Crysanthos (golden flower, name of a Saint)
Theme: history, ancient stuff, stones, memory (amendment: I couldn’t find many good names so I just found a bunch of really old names)
Sophia (lover of wisdom/knowledge)
Beowulf (both a name meaning ‘intelligent wolf’ and the oldest known work of Anglo-Saxon literature)
Alareiks (gothic name meaning ‘ruler of all’ modernized as Alaric but I think Pix would use the older version)
Áleifir (old Norse form of Olaf and that is such a downgrade on spelling why did we ever stop using the original spelling????? Also means ancestor’s legacy which is PERFECT)
Caecelia (original Latin spelling of Cecelia, means both “blind” and is the name of an ancient religious martyr)
Cúán (“little wolf” in Old Irish and I think that’s just cute)
Demophon (literally “the people’s voice” in Ancient Greek)
Ingo (an old name and also a reference to a character who accidentally travels back in time in Pokémon: Legends Arceus) (I’m running out of ideas can you tell?)
Theme: water, treasure
Diamond (it’s not that weird I went to high school with a girl named diamond)
Cordelia (apparently means daughter of the sea)
Hudson (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Caspian (literal name of a body of water on earth)
Jasper (a personal favorite + matching initials)
Theme: names with negative meanings, more stones (no I didn’t use them all on Joey’s list actually)
Deidre (sorrowful)
Kennedy (misshapen head)
Cain (I don’t think I need to explain this one. It’s also a favorite name of mine)
Cameron (crooked nose)
Lorelei (literal translation is ambush Cliff, but colloquially the meaning is ‘a woman who leads a man to his death’ which is metal as fuck)
theme: herbs/witchy stuff/creepy stuff
Desdemona (Ill-fated one)
Rosemary (both an herb and a character in a classic horror film)
Belladonna (comes with the literal translation of ‘beautiful woman’ as well)
Morrigan (literally ‘phantom queen’ and a figure in Irish mythology)
FALSE (if she ever logs in to participate)
Theme: obnoxiously British as befitting a steampunk theme
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perytonpred · 1 year
🌸 - Something that calms them.
For Onyx and also Kester (respectively)!
Given the constant chill that remained around Onyx at all times, it was easy enough to say that he was always cold. No matter how he bundled up, no matter how warm it was outside, the dark magic that tainted his body and mind had brought him a constant cold.
But a relief from that was always nice. A thick, heavy book floated before the blonde, while he rested in the lap of his husband. A huge, black winged dragonblood with scales that shimmered green in the light, sleeping most peacefully even on the sofa he sat in. Onyx glances back at him and smiles, bringing himself a little closer to him, the warmth beneath his chest not unlike a sun-warmed rock. Sighing in content, the former self-proclaimed emperor returns to his book, his heart, once cold and lonely, alight with warmth and companionship.
Okay, maybe it wasn't a healthy habit. But it worked fine, they were FINE. Kester grumbles, their leg bouncing rapidly as they stare angrily at the drink before them. You know, the guys at work are real assholes. Absolute pieces of shit.
Maybe this was a bad idea.
But it sure did help.
They lift the glass, and take a long swig from it. In moments, even if just some kind of placebo, they feel some of that anger melt away into simple calm. This shit is magic sometimes, eh? Placing the glass back on the counter, they let out a long, low sigh, rubbing their temple. Almost reluctantly, they parted with the glass, standing up.
Probably better to leave the alcohol be and just... Take a quick shower. They didn't want Ingo to figure out they had another drink and yell at them.
You know. Ignoring the fact they left the unfinished glass on the counter...
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onyxedskies · 1 year
Hey Onyx, do you know what happened to Ingo????
God sends him to the past, where he becomes the keeper to a noble pokemon. A retainer if you would.
oh my god
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shadowrpg · 2 years
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JUNE 27TH, 1:04 PM
The Battle Subway is very popular among trainers who wish to become stronger. Trainers can choose to partake in the single battles or double battles, fighting against subway trainers and soon the subway bosses Ingo and Emmett. It’s exciting and thrilling as many enter the trains to partake in the fun!
But oh no, there’s something wrong with the Battle Subway!
Carmichael de Luca is entering the next cart when he’s met with a masked trainer wearing a black cloak. Instantly, he knows that these individuals are members apart of Team Stygian and unfortunately, they have taken over the Battle Subway! Each cart has two Team Stygian members inside, these villains attacking regular trainers who try to battle them and stealing their Pokemon in the process. It’s a mess and Ingo and Emmett cannot handle everything on their own so they call for backup. The Pokedex Team is on the case, instantly teleporting to the location to save these trainers and stop Team Stygian. With Snag Gloves ready to go, the trainers enter their respective trains, ready for their first official mission from Professor Krane.
Let the battle begin!
Let’s go first event, wooo! The event will officially start on December 11th @ midnight and go until December 28th @ 11:59 pm.
Please pause all non-event related threads! You’re more than welcome to resume said threads when the event is over!
This event is mandatory, all muses are required to be there. Neutral trainers should already be on the train before Team Stygian arrived, Team Stygian members are either working OR pretending to be helpless trainers, and the Pokedex Team will be the last group to arrive as they’re trying to save the day.
To make things easier for everyone, I’ve already split all of our muses into two trains! Train one will be the Single Train with Ingo and train two will be the Double Train with Emmett. Please only write with the people on your train!
Each cart will have two Team Stygian Grunts inside. As of right now, we’ll only have two in character Stygian members working: Zuri Robinson (Apatite) and Akira(Onyx), two Team Stygian Admins. Team Stygian Grunts will have two Shadow Pokemon and Team Stygian Admins will have four Shadow Pokemon.
Both trains have seven carts in total, the seventh cart is where Ingo and Emmett reside. DUE TO AN UPCOMING PLOT DROP, PLEASE DO NOT WRITE ABOUT YOUR MUSE IN THE SEVENTH CART!
Train one: Ali ( Pokedex ), Leila ( Neutral ), Zuri ( Team Stygian ), Kaine ( Pretending to be Neutral ), Winter ( Neutral )
Train two: Sabrina ( Pokedex ), Carmichael ( Neutral ), Aisha ( Pretending to be Neutral ), Akira ( Team Stygian ), Summer ( Neutral )
If you have any questions, please do reach out by either messaging the main OR asking the question in the server. Have fun everyone!
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salon-maiden-anabel · 2 years
im still tweaking the final like . ideas for fossil fighters au in regards to the battle facility heads and im thinking . like . Brandon - Human (ace is a T-Rex Lord superevolver) Noland - Dinaurian (Sauropelta + Ankylosaurus traits [Pelta/Ankylo]) Spenser - Dinaurian (Styracosaurus [Styraco]) Tucker - Dinaurian (Austroraptor) [No in game counterpart] Greta - Dinaurian (Parasaurolophus [Paraloph]) Lucy - Dinaurian* (Titanoboa) [No in game counterpart] *Titanoboa isn't a dinosaur but if Lucy isn't a snake I've failed. Anabel - Dinaurian (Baryonyx [Onyx]) Darach - Human (ace is a Berto [Gold Fossil]) Caitlin - Dinaurian (Lexovisaurus [Lexo]) Argenta - Human (Due to the nature of her facility, the Vivosaur is randomized) Dahlia - Human (ace is a Teffla superevolver) Thorton - Human (Due to the nature of his facility, the Vivosaur is randomized) Palmer - Human (ace is a Ryden superevolver) Ingo - Dianurian (Pachycephalosaurus [Pachy]) Emmet - Dinaurian (Pachycephalosaurus [Pachy]) Benga - Human (ace is a Guan [Gold Fossil]) Nita - Human (ace is a Argentinosaurus [Argento]) Evelyn - Human (ace is a Velociraptor [V-Raptor]) Dana - Human (ace is a Anhanguera [Guera]) Morgan - Human (ace is a Shenliu superevolver)
wondering if i should change anything or leave it as be ? yeah
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choochooboss · 1 year
Butlermas artdump! 2022 May - 2023 April
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▲ "At your service!" ▽ "Leave it to me."
Before diving into the sketches I need to talk about this song. This remix slaps me to the moon and back. How can you improve perfection? You can't! So better head over to a new track! In other words, the Subway Bosses theme can't apparently be beaten, but this remix plays no second fiddle to it! Let this sexy jazz piano duet accompany this post featuring the handsome gents in their fanciest attires yet. (Fun observation: The song shifts themes pretty much in sync with the Sync Moves being used in Pokémas!)
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By chance I got into submas & installed Pokemas during the first run of The Curious Tea Party event, a week before butler Ingo's banner. I was so hyped to meet the boys in game so soon, and I was super lucky to get Ingo on his release day! Emmet on the other hand eluded me until the very last day ahah (the struggle was real), but I was so glad to FINALLY REUNITE THEM. The agony for their situation was so painfully fresh at the time, that brought a bit of relief to the suffering ahah. At first the costumes felt a little strange to me, but now I adooore them. Dang, do they look dashing and sleek in those fancy tailcoats and mirrored monocles!!
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One of the first doodles of the butlers, still learning how to draw the sillies and their funny hats.
Love the suit designs! The tailcoats make the twins look even more graceful and slender, and the tails would float when they dash around! The hats are almost comically large, but after drawing them many times they actually look the best that way! This time no funny clown shoes, but these classy loafers look pretty chunky! And fittingly they are wearing cross ties, which is also another word for railroad ties. Yes there's another train pun in their outfits! Pretty clever design! Emmet's outfit has warm light grey (I believe it's because in a white suit he would look ready for the altar ahah) with sapphire blue accents, while Ingo's is a grayish dark blue with ruby red accents for the contrast they have going in all of their outfits. Furthermore they embrace the ruby and sapphire colors in their EX suits, which make them look even more luxurious!! I imagine them wearing the regular costumes during daylight hours, then switch to EX for late night events and parties. About the details. The metal bits are silver and gold, both reflecting their personalities. Emmet likes to dress bold and go for the gold, while Ingo dons the slightly more modest silver. EX costumes trade them for cool onyx black. That's enough twaddling for this round ahah! Hope you enjoy the rest of my doodles, attempts and experiments! More butler art coming up soon!
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They're eager to serve at any given opportunity, ready to dash by your side if you just give them a word, accompany you wherever you want to go, make sure you feel safe and protected, and offer to become your personal butlers... wouldn't that be a dream! Butlermas are the ultimate official submas fanservice!
"If I can be of service in any way, please let me know! I will come to your aid faster than an express train!"
"If you're ever out alone, please feel free to call on me. I'll get you to your destination safe and sound!"
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
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more gem!submas au!!!! they are VERY small and like to get into crevices
do not be mean to them they have literally no idea whats going on
edit: also i just posted the first chapter of the gem au!!!! go read it rnrn!! https://archiveofourown.org/works/46878514/chapters/118084522
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Good old fashioned angst: Ingo, Emmet, and/or Adaman being saved from a rampaging Pokemon by their S/O. To take it easy on your (and all of our) heart(s), S/O lives but is badly hurt. Bonus: as they're being rushed to medical care, a small box with a ring falls out of their pocket; they were going to propose before the attack happened. (Sorry I always request these three, I just love my boys <3)
*weeping into my hands* oh the heartbreak! oh it's so delicious anon!
Ingo can't keep up with the paramedics. His leg hurts; he probably pulled a muscle when you tackled him earlier. He felt a sharp pain, but it wasn't nearly as painful as the sound of your shriek of pain.
The way you went limp atop him. Ingo shakes his head. Not now, he can't worry about that now. Not when you're hurt.
He notices something fall off your stretcher as the paramedics load you into the ambulance. It's a tiny velvet box, and it bounces towards him in slow motion. Everything falls silent around him as he hyper-focuses on the box, watching it roll until it bumps against his toe.
Numb, he reaches down and picks it up, carefully cracking it open. The ring inside shines a beautiful onyx, tiny ruby hearts decorating the band. You had this. You were. . . you were going to propose.
And then the Liepard attacked you both in the park. And you pushed Ingo out of the way, getting the brunt of the horrible attack yourself.
And now here he stands, alone, watching the paramedics take you away. He hopes you're still unconscious. Maybe then you won't hear him scream in anguish.
They're trying to take you away. Emmet won't let them, clinging desperately to your body. You're freezing. The Cryogonal had used a Sheer Cold on you, and now you're slowly turning blue. He can't move, can't let you go. You'll freeze.
He shrieks as several paramedics pry him off of you. Despite his jerking and kicking, then drag him away, letting others shroud you from his sight. Emmet screams for you, but you don't answer.
You're taken away on a stretcher, to an ambulance, and they don't let him follow. They keep him restrained despite his threats and fighting. It's not until a paled paramedic approaches him with a tiny black box that he quiets, frozen as he stares at it.
"They. . ." The paramedic shifts, unnerved by the now silent Emmet. "They had this in their pocket. . ."
Emmet's allowed enough freedom to take the box, cradle it. You were going to propose, he realizes, but then you saw the Cryogonal before he did, and protected him from its Sheer Cold.
And he sinks to the ground, cradling the dainty little ring, its shine blurring with his tears.
Ress boggles him until he registers the body that Adaman carries. Then the guard pales, shouting into the village for someone to get Pesselle. Adaman blazes past him, running towards the village as fast as he can. He's already wasted so much time.
You give a weak whimper at the bang of the Galaxy Hall doors being kicked open. Adaman hushes you, promises that everything will be alright as he moves towards the Medical Ward. Pesselle rushes out, gasping when she sees you, and ushers him inside.
As soon as you're laid out on the closest bed, Tomma pushes him, forcing him out of the room before the door is shut. He bangs his fist against the dark wood, demanding to be let back in, he needs to see you! But no one answers, shouting over him.
He moves back from the door, panicked and angered, only to jump when his foot hits something. He glances down, and sees a tiny wooden box cracked against the floor. Did you drop it? He's never seen it before, so it must be yours.
Adaman reaches to pick it up, but the lid breaks off, revealing a ring inside. Adaman jolts, nearly dropping the precious jewel, and marvels the color of the stone. Such a deep blue. . . why do you have this?
Wait. Adaman shakes his head slowly. No, you couldn't have been. . . Before the Drapion attacked, could you have been. . . planning to propose to him?
Adaman whips towards the door, and readies to break it down. No way is he going without seeing you after this. No, he has to give you his own ring, and help you heal. Even if Pesselle kills him for it.
God, I love some angst. The reader lives, of course, but the cut off endings are just so fun! Hope you like it, love! Have a great night!
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leggerefiore · 2 years
I liked that S/O as the villain leader's child who's dating the twins post! Since Cyrus is too young to have a biological child of dating age, I have two suggestions: One, his child is adopted or the platonic option two, his very young child gets lost on the subway during a trip to Unova. I'm not even a Cyrus simp, Guzma and Archie are my favorite villainous Pokemon men, but I know you like writing about him so I'm happy to give you the chance to if I can!
personally i don't think cyrus would ever have sex b/c he thinks the intimacy is involved and the action itself are entirely disgusting, but he may pick up a poor kid up at some point and try to parent them better than he was

You were scared as you waded through the crowds of people standing on the subway, tears sting your eyes. You hated this place. Your dad was only here to do some business with a man named Col-something. He had taken the subway to some other part of the larger Nimbasa city, but at some point, you had become separated from him. Someone suddenly touched you, and you screamed. Eyes descended upon you. Mothers gasped and looked at your state in pity, teenagers sneered at the loudness of your voice, and grown men simply went back to their phones. One woman approached you and gently led you away to another part of the train. A man in green was scribbling on some papers but perked right up when she approached with you.
"Ah, I'm sorry to interrupt, but, you see, I believe this child is lost," she warmly placed a hand on your shoulder to present you to him. He onyx eyes went wide as the door behind him slid open. A tall man wearing a long black coat started to ask a question but froze as he saw you. "Oh, if it isn't a Subway Boss! All the better. Please help this poor thing," the woman gently pushed you toward the man. His silver eyes and unmoving frown seemed harsh at first. You felt intimated and nervous by his sheer authority he radiated, reminding you quite of your father when he addressed the strange blue-haired people or Ms. Jupiter, Ms. Mars, or Mr. Saturn.
He knelt down to your level. "Shh, shh, it's alright. I'm the Subway Boss Ingo. Are you lost?" his voice was a soft rumble, a reassurance that he was someone you can trust. You lip trembled as you nodded. "Can you tell me what one of your parents look like?" his hand gently pressed onto your shoulder, a reminder that he was there. "T-tall! Dad has spiky blue hair a-and he's got no eyebrows like you," you managed out after a few hiccups. His face twisted strangely at the no eyebrows comment, but he ignored it. "Ah, well, let's sit up here until he comes to find you, or we'll spot him at the station," he helped you get up onto a smaller seat than what the other cars had. The woman giggles as the observes Ingo handle you so tenderly.
She leaves, Ingo returns back from the door he came out of, and the man in green returns to his papers. You feel confident that your dad would show up soon. Moments pass by as you slowly become more and more insecure. Did he forget about you? Had he found another kid? Were you going to be here forever? It happened suddenly. Tears fell from your eyes as you started bawling. The man in green jumped, and the door slid open again. Ingo walked out again except he had seemingly chained his coat and hat. "Hi! Is something wrong?" he cooed, kneeling down before you. His voice was different from Ingo's own, and he had a completely friendly face. His bigger hand came around your tiny one.
"D-did my dad forget I exist?" you sniffled, terrified to be alone in such a strange place. The Subway Boss shook his head and smiled sweetly, "Nope! He is searching for you as we speak." He pulls up his long sleeve to check his watch. "We are arriving at our station soon. Ingo and I will take you to the help desk," he explains, thumb rubbing comfortingly into your palm. "I-I thought you were Ingo! Did you lie!?" you snapped in panic. He looked exactly like Ingo! It was impossible he was not him. Emmet giggled and shook his head. "I am Emmet. I am a Subway Boss. You met my older brother, Ingo. He's busy right now, but will return when he stops," he explained with a playful tone. You nodded. Did siblings usually look this much alike?
The train did come to a stop soon after, and Ingo left from the door once more. Emmet had not lied; he was not Ingo. The younger brother softly grasped you hand as he led you along. Ingo followed closely behind, looking over the clipboard that the man in green handed him. "Mr. Emmet! Why does Ingo look just like you? Do older brothers normally look like that?" you asked, curious about their strange parallels.
Emmet chuckled, "Nope! Ingo is a special older brother. He's my twin! We're identical twin brothers. Ingo is only twenty minutes older than me."
You were stunned. You had met a pair of twins before, but they didn't look as they did. "I know twins! They don't look the same!" you argued.
"You must have met fraternal twins, dear," Ingo corrected you, finding your antics adorable. It was rare they met someone who had never heard of identical twins, but always a funny experience. "We're identical. Emmet is the same as me down to our genes."
"Down to your trousers?!" Both brothers broke out in laughter at that.
They escorted you to the desk as they had promised. A familiar someone glared down at the poor clerk with a navy haired man beside him. "Dad!" you yelled, breaking free of Emmet's grasp and running to him. Cyrus turned his head at the sound of your voice, alongside Saturn. You hugged his legs and beamed up at him. A rare smile broke Cyrus's face. "Ah. Good. I was worried something had happened," his deep voice relaxed you immediately. "Saturn, let's go. Colress had nothing to give despite that man's promises." Saturn nodded while regarding your curiously. You waved a goodbye to Mr. Ingo and Mr. Emmet who mimicked you.
You missed the distressed expressions on their face as your group left the station.
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myhouseidea · 5 years
With the mission of establishing a tailor-made interior design project for a couple of art and object collectors signed by renowned designers, the interior designers Ana Paula Cunha and Grace de Paula, from Angra Design, adapted the environments of this 280 m2 apartment in São Paulo to integrate the pieces in a harmonious way.
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With the predominance of neutral and woody tones, especially the panel designed by Angra and made by Bontempo, the project invests in noble materials, such as calacate marble, besides glass and metals. The result is a residence in contemporary style marked by elegance, coziness and sumptuousness, which values integration and social coexistence.
The balcony with gourmet space, for example, makes it possible to gather visitors for a relaxed lunch and also watch a good movie in the integrated TV room. The proximity between the living room and the dining room allows for a more formal and sophisticated encounter.Highlights include Sergio Rodrigues’ armchairs and the table signed by designer Bianca Barbato. The double room, which has its own intimate balcony, combines elegant design and elements that refer to relaxation, such as clear tones and built-in lighting. The other bedrooms bet a little more on bright colors, which appear in detail in the furniture and decoration objects.
The lighting is predominantly natural, with the support of Ingo Maurer’s lamps on the veranda and the Puntoluce chandelier at dinner, which provide an original and sophisticated touch. “We insert decorative luminaries that fit in harmony in the project. As light values the environment, we seek to highlight walls, furniture, paintings and sculptures,” say the architects. The coverings, on the other hand, follow a geometric pattern, and the carpentry provides exclusivity to the project, since it was made to measure for the residence.
The exuberant toilet brings a mix of noble materials, such as onyx stone and French oak, from Oscar Ono. “Fixed on the wooden panels, the sculptures of Rapha Preto confer sophistication, without leaving aside the cozy atmosphere that permeates the project”, conclude Ana Paula and Grace”.
Apartment by Angra Design With the mission of establishing a tailor-made interior design project for a couple of art and object collectors signed by renowned designers, the interior designers Ana Paula Cunha and Grace de Paula, from…
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6 Fakten über Peugeot Paris beschrieben
Auf den Fotos wurde die Salz-Pfeffermühle mit Alpen-Ursalz mit Chilli und Ingwer sowie buntem Pfeffer befüllt. Kein Wunder, dass die Funktionsgarantie des Herstellers auf 20 Jahre festgelegt ist. An einem dunklen Ort halten sich so auch feine Nuancen und stehen bei Bedarf als frisch gemahlenes Gewürz unverzüglich zur Verfügung. Preisvergleich Kaufratgeber Angebote & Tests. Wmf Pfeffermühle Elektrisch. Dies zeigt ein Test der deutschen Stiftung Warentest. WMF Ceramill Salz und Pfeffermühle-Set 19 cm (0667059990) Salz- und Pfeffermühle, Keramik-Mahlwerk.
Haben Sie damit schon einmal einen Pfeffermühlen Test gemacht? Schwarzer, bunter oder weißer Pfeffer wird präzise gemahlen ohne das die Mahlwerke verkleben. Welches Mahlwerk sollte die Pfeffermühle haben? Exklusiv im Riesenformat: die 110 cm Pfeffermühle mit original Peugeot Mahlwerk. .. Pfeffermühle aus unedlem Metall und in der Salzmühle aus keramischem Material. Insgesamt wirkt die Pfeffermühle sehr hochwertig verarbeitet und lässt sich wunderbar bedienen.
Ausgefallene Pfeffermühlen
Wenn ich überlege, was für ein Gift durch die ganzen Batterien in Umlauf gebracht wird, nur weil die Leute ihr Handgelenk nicht benutzen wollen... In so einem Fall, kannst du einfach die Preise unserer 25 mini pfeffermühle Liste vergleichen und das passende mini pfeffermühle kaufen. Kein Problem - mit unserer Suchfunktion können Sie mehrere hundert Pfeffermühlen nach vielen verschiedenen Kriterien durchsuchen und so die Mühle finden, die ganz Ihren Vorstellungen entspricht. • gehärtetem Kohlenstoffstahl das Pfeffer-Mahlwerk produziert durchgehend abgerundete und intensiv würzigen Pfeffer. Unfreiwillig wurde dieses Münchner Kabarett zum ersten deutschsprachigen Exiltheater. Pfeffermühle aus robustem Buchenholz in traditioneller Form. Der eigentliche Mahlvorgang erfolgt erst durch die kleineren Rillen.
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Den die Optik und Handhabung sind einfach klasse. Im Jahre 1840 verkaufte Peugeot die.. Über ein Einstellrad lässt sich die Mahlstärke von fein bis grob stufenlos einstellen - so geht das Würzen locker von der Hand. Anleitung zum auseinander Bauen einer Peugeot Pfeffermühle. Mumbi 2x Elektrische Edelstahl Salzmühle Pfeffermühle Gewürz Mühle silber Lampe. Als Kochzubehör gehört die Gewürzmühle zur Grundausstattung eines jeden Hobbykoches. Es wird bei 1.700° C gebrannt, ist immun gegen Korrosion und Verschleiß und härter als Stahl. Описание и характеристики Peugeot Pfeffermühle Palace 10 cm. Haben Sie Interesse, Ihren schönsten Tag im Leben in der Pfeffermühle zu feiern? Elektrische Salz- / Pfeffermühle Bomann.
Pfeffermühle Holz Mühlwerk aus Keramik Für Salz, Pfeffer Klassisches Design. Nach dem Mahlen geben sie ätherische Öle ab und verlieren schnell ihren Geschmack. Das Material nimmt keine Aromaspuren auf. WMF Salz-/ Pfeffermühle Ceramill Nature, 2er Set - WMF Salz-/ Pfeffermühle Ceramill Nature, 2er Set. Bei jedem Grillfest sollten daher zumindest Pfeffer und Salz auf dem Tisch stehen. Die Funktionsweise einer elektrischen Pfeffermühle.
Pfeffermühle Ingo Holland
Wir möchten Sie einladen, die gewünschten Detaildaten und Informationen direkt auf der Homepage Pfeffermühle Siegen zu suchen. Es ist härter als Stahl, verschleiß- und korrosionsfrei. Inklusive ein robustes Keramik-Mahlwerk. Die Mahlstärke lässt sich stufenlos regulieren. Vor geraumer Zeit habe ich eine Markenpfeffermühle von OSTMANN erworben ?img= (rechts ims bild) Nun ist diese Mühle leer. Details about Peugeot Elis Sense Duo Set bestehend aus Salzmühle und Pfeffermühle U'Select neu. Peugeot ist unser Hersteller für hochklassige Pfeffermühlen. Im Fuß des elektrischen Salz- und Pfeffermühlen ist die Feineinstellung des Mahlgrades möglich. Seit einiger Zeit gibt es aber auch eine Bessere Version mit Akkubetrieb zu Kaufen. Mühle und Streuer punkten mit einer transparenten, eleganten Optik und einer raffinierten Form.
PARIS Pfeffermühle. Pfeffermühlen aus Kunststoff sind in den unterschiedlichsten Farben erhältlich. So hat WMF die Ceramill Gewürzmühlen nach dem Vorbild von Pfeffermühlen entwickelt und sie ebenfalls mit einem langlebigen Keramikmahlwerk ausgestattet. Durch leichtes Drehen der oberen Kappe der Mühle können Sie problemlos das integrierte Mahlwerk aus Keramik betätigen und Ihre Speisen beim Kochen oder bei Tisch würzen. SO reinigen Sie ganz einfach eine Pfeffer Mühle Wenn Euch diese Information gefallen hat.. Bei PEARL finden Sie Elektrische Salz- & Pfeffermühlen in einer grossen Auswahl von € 6,45 bis € 11,90. Vor dem pfeffermühle Test die eigenen Bedürfnisse überdenken. Es gibt sie aus Holz, poliertem Cromargan® Edelstahl Rostfrei 18/10 und einer Materialkombination aus Glas mit Edelstahl oder hochwertigem Kunststoff. Egal, ob in der Küche oder auf dem Esstisch - diese neuen Salz- und Pfeffermühlen. Der Gastronomie oder in den eigenen vier Wänden. Jeder Hersteller verspricht jedoch etwas anderes von seinem Produkt. + zeitloses Design.
Elektrische Pfeffermühle Keramikmahlwerk
Salz Und Pfeffermühle Bottle
Pfeffermühle Aus Glas
We did not find results for: elektrische pfeffermühle. .. funktionellen Salz- und Pfeffermühlen eine stilvolle.. Diese formschönen Pfeffermühlen wurden aus Buchenholz gefertigt und weisen die klassische Balusterform auf, wie man sie auch von den säulenartigen Stützen einer Balustrade kennt. Mit Stielkasserolle Topfset NEU/OVP 0760356380 EUR 298,00 Sofort Kauf Silit Wokpfanne Wuhan 28 cm induktionsfähig Wok Pfanne Edelstahl 2137263753 EUR 44,50 Sofort Kauf Kategorien Angebote Duftkerzen Gastronomie Kerzen Grabkerzen Hutschenreuther Kugelkerzen Sonstige Stabkerzen/Spitzkerzen Stumpen Kerzen Teelichter Trends & Neuheiten WMF / Silit / Kaiser Sie zahlen mit PayPal oder Überweisung Wir versenden mit DHL und an Packstationen Links eBay Shop Bewertungen Shop speichern Hinweis Unsere Kontaktdaten finden Sie im Impressum oder in unserem Shop. Da kann einem die Pfeffermühle behilflich sein. To encourage the way toward cooking, there are a lot of kitchen machines being favored by clients nowadays.
Pfeffermühle Peugeot Paris
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Dort werden sie durch die Verengung des Mahlspalts gebrochen. Füllen Sie die ganzen Pfefferkörner in die elektrische Mühle, verschrauben Sie diese wieder fest zusammen und drücken Sie auf den Knopf. Edelstahl Salzmühle Elektrische Pfeffermühle Gewürz Mühle silber Lampe NEU DE. Nur so kann das große Geschmacksspektrums des Pfeffers zur Entfaltung kommen. Dann Griff gegen den Uhrzeigersinn aufdrehen. Zwar sind Pfeffermühlen mit Titanmahlwerk neu am Markt, dennoch zeigen elektrische Pfeffermühlen Fakten-Tests, dass sie sich bald großer Beliebtheit erfreuen werden. Pfeffer wurde teils sogar mit Gold aufgewogen. Er liefert die erforderliche Mechanik. Bottle Salz- und Pfeffermühlen Set von Menu.
Mit einer Größe von 40 cm liegt die Pfeffermühle gut in der Hand und sorgt für zusätzlichen Spaß beim Zubereiten. Beginnen wir nun diesen Pfeffermühle Vergleich von der ersten Stelle, an der wir wie gesagt dem Testsieger begegnen werden. Die nicht auf den ersten Blick erkennbare Besonderheit ist zweifelsohne das exzentrisch drehende Oberteil. Kriterium verarbeitung und dicke des keramikmahlwerkes, denn keramik bricht leider auch gerne, da eine hoher härtegrad mit einer verminderten elastizität verbunden ist. Dadurch wird die Nahrung, an die Pfeffer angebracht werden soll, bei der Mahlbenutzung etwas erhellt. Bei der Peugeot Onyx elektrischen Pfeffermühle handelt es sich um eine einzigartig designte, wertig verarbeitete sowie durchdacht ausgestattete, elektrische Pfeffermühle, die mit einer schwarzen Soft-Touch-Oberfläche ausgestattet ist und aufleuchtet, sobald sie genutzt wird. Mit noch mehr Biss greifen nur die vier Nadeln des Mitnehmers der aus der Schweizer Präzisionsmechanik-Werkstatt Strässler kommenden Muskatraspel zu. Strässler, der auch die Innereien für hochwertige Pfeffermühlen fertigt, verkauft selbst keine kompletten Zerkleinerer. Der Gastronomieshop bietet ausschließlich hochwertige Salz- und Pfeffermühlen von zuverlässigen Markenpartnern, wie Contacto und AdHoc an. Diese Hersteller sind absolute Spezialisten, was die Aromaqualität von Gewürzen, Kräutern, Salz und Pfeffer angeht und verarbeiten entsprechend edle Materialien zu professionellen Produkten. Auch beim Würzen selbst ist einiges zu beachten. Beim Bezahlen Ihrer Bestellung sind Sie ganz flexibel. KEINE SAUEREI BEIM KOCHEN MEHR: Kochen macht Spaß, danach die Küche sauber zu machen eher weniger. Die Auswahl fällt jedoch schwer, denn das riesige Sortiment umfasst Modelle aus den unterschiedlichsten Materialien wie Glas, Metall, Keramik, Holz oder auch Kunststoff und zusätzlich kann man eine Gewürzmühle sowohl unbefüllt wie auch mit Gewürzen kaufen.
WMF Pfeffermühle geöffnet. SILVERCREST® Elektrische Salz- und Pfeffermühle im LIDL Online-Shop kaufen. USelect Pfeffermühle Salzmühlen Set Acryl 2-27162. Hier stellt sich oftmals die Frage, welche Variante die bessere ist und.. Diese Geräte sind zwar teuer, halten aber eine ganze Ewigkeit. Lassen Sie sich zu tollen DIY-Projekten inspirieren, denn nichts sorgt für mehr Wohlfühl-Gefühl, als wenn man die eigene Persönlichkeit in die Einrichtung miteinfließen lässt. In den letzten Jahren rückten auch immer mehr Alltagsgegenstände in den Fokus von Klaus Wangen. Die Investition in ein Qualitätsprodukt lohnt sich also ganz ohne Zweifel. Das volle Aroma bleibt im Pfeffer enthalten und gibt Ihren Gerichten das typische Pfefferaroma.
Zur Pfeffermühle
Heute gehören Salz- und Pfeffermühlen als Tischaccessoire auf jede Tafel. XD Design "Planet" Salz- und Pfeffermühle Set. 1 Foto von Fackelmann Stoha elektrische Salz-/Pfeffermühle 21 cm. Meist stehen neben dieser Mühle auch noch eine Salzmühle oder gar andere Gewürzmühlen. Günstige Plastikmahlwerke halten meistens nicht das, was sie versprechen. Salz ist billig, werden Sie sagen und kostet nur wenige Cent. Bereits seit 1996 baut AdHoc als einer der ersten Anbieter konsequent sein bewährtes Ceramic Mahlwerk CeraCut® in die Mühlen ein. Praktische Funktionen: Neben einem stufenlosen Mahlwerk sollten Sie unbedingt darauf achten, dass Ihre elektrische Pfeffermühle mit Licht ein Innenleben aus Keramik beherbergt. Gewürze, wie auch Pfeffer, sind immer frisch gemahlen am würzigsten und heben jedes Gericht mit einer persönlichen Note hervor. Es gibt sie von weiß bis schwarz und von mild bis scharf. Mehr erfahren. Und es darf auch ruhig etwas schärfer sein?
Elektrische Pfeffermühle Mit Licht
Pfeffermühle Holz Gross
Die Verarbeitung aus Holz macht die Mühlen nicht nur zu echten Hinguckern, sondern verleiht ihnen dazu eine angenehme Haptik. Für ein perfektes Mahlergebnis sorgen hochwertige Keramikmahlwerke, die von der dänischen Firma CrushGrind stammen und bei uns in Deutschland eingebaut werden. Was genau für Ihre Pfeffermühle wichtig ist und was sie aushalten muss, sollten Sie vorher austesten. Pfefermühlen Test, feffermühlen Test, Ofeffermühlen Test, 0feffermühlen Test, Üfeffermühlen Test, Öfeffermühlen Test, Lfeffermühlen Test, Peffermühlen Test, Pdeffermühlen Test, Peeffermühlen Test, Preffermühlen Test, Pteffermühlen Test, Pgeffermühlen Test, Pveffermühlen Test, Pceffermühlen Test, Pfffermühlen Test, Pfwffermühlen Test, Pf3ffermühlen Test, Pf4ffermühlen Test, Pfrffermühlen Test, Pfdffermühlen Test, Pfsffermühlen Test, Pfefermühlen Test, Pfedfermühlen Test, Pfeefermühlen Test, Pferfermühlen Test, Pfetfermühlen Test, Pfegfermühlen Test, Pfevfermühlen Test, Pfecfermühlen Test, Pfefermühlen Test, Pfefdermühlen Test, Pfefeermühlen Test, Pfefrermühlen Test, Pfeftermühlen Test, Pfefgermühlen Test, Pfefvermühlen Test, Pfefcermühlen Test, Pfeffrmühlen Test, Pfeffwrmühlen Test, Pfeff3rmühlen Test, Pfeff4rmühlen Test, Pfeffrrmühlen Test, Pfeffdrmühlen Test, Pfeffsrmühlen Test, Pfeffemühlen Test, Pfeffeemühlen Test, Pfeffe4mühlen Test, Pfeffe5mühlen Test, Pfeffetmühlen Test, Pfeffefmühlen Test, Pfeffedmühlen Test, Pfefferühlen Test, Pfeffernühlen Test, Pfefferjühlen Test, Pfefferkühlen Test, Pfeffermülen Test, Pfeffermüglen Test, Pfeffermütlen Test, Pfeffermüylen Test, Pfeffermüulen Test, Pfeffermüjlen Test, Pfeffermünlen Test, Pfeffermüblen Test, Pfeffermühen Test, Pfeffermühken Test, Pfeffermühien Test, Pfeffermühoen Test, Pfeffermühpen Test, Pfeffermühöen Test, Pfeffermühln Test, Pfeffermühlwn Test, Pfeffermühl3n Test, Pfeffermühl4n Test, Pfeffermühlrn Test, Pfeffermühldn Test, Pfeffermühlsn Test, Pfeffermühle Test, Pfeffermühleb Test, Pfeffermühleh Test, Pfeffermühlej Test, Pfeffermühlem Test, PfeffermühlenTest, Pfeffermühlen est, Pfeffermühlen Rest, Pfeffermühlen 5est, Pfeffermühlen 6est, Pfeffermühlen Zest, https://aitais.com/homesalzpfeffermuehle263/der-beste-trick-fur-pfeffermuhle-zassenhaus-daruber-redet-keiner/ Pfeffermühlen Gest, Pfeffermühlen Fest, Pfeffermühlen Tst, Pfeffermühlen Twst, Pfeffermühlen T3st, Pfeffermühlen T4st, Pfeffermühlen Trst, Pfeffermühlen Tdst, Pfeffermühlen Tsst, Pfeffermühlen Tet, Pfeffermühlen Teat, Pfeffermühlen Tewt, Pfeffermühlen Teet, Pfeffermühlen Tedt, Pfeffermühlen Text, Pfeffermühlen Teyt, Pfeffermühlen Tes, Pfeffermühlen Tesr, Pfeffermühlen Tes5, Pfeffermühlen Tes6, Pfeffermühlen Tesz, Pfeffermühlen Tesg, Pfeffermühlen Tesf. Bei nahezu jeder hochwertigen Salzmühle und Pfeffermühle kann der Mahlgrad eingestellt werden. .. Kartoffeln hinzufügen, salzen und mit etwas Pfeffer aus der Pfeffermühle pfeffern.
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squidthesquidd · 1 year
I would like to see the babies (gem AU lads) UwU I love those little lads The tiny ones raaaaa
im about to pass out so sorry its just a quick doodle 🫵
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in the gem au, ingo is MUCH more protective of emmet than most of my other AUs. might have something to do with Emmet being a frequent target back on homeworld :P haha hurting them
if you even look at his other half the wrong way he’ll kill your ass
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