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gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
Welcome to the Family
So, this story won’t make a lot of sense without context; but I’ll save that for another post. I wrote it to enjoy it and it’s my first full OC full prose. Hopefully ya’ll enjoy it too.
A quick helper tho set after the prologue bound by blood. So mild? Spoilers? 
Lorcan Vulthon - Norn, Roughly about 26 (circa 1332),(Ex-)Wolf Shaman,  (Ex-)Auxiliary Iron Legion Engineer, Vigil Initiate. Yes he was raised by wolves. (Not literally) 
Zariah Dào - Human, Roughly about 42 (circa 1332), (My Commander for the game, but operates under Lt. Commander to allow for easier rp), Warmaster of a Vigil Company, Lorcan’s new Boss, Has not tapped out since Claw Island. 
Veeck - my necromancer reaper I haven’t made but am taking from an old DnD character of mine, Asura, age unknown, The Deacon of Pain,  
A jungle stalker, tiger and one other feline mini follow him around that’s the joke. One of the JP’s for the Tiger den Achievement is what sparked this. 
Not sure what to tag it but it starts funny ends feelsy, found family vibes, if descriptions of eyes squick you (no harm just who’s looking at you, sudden eye contact etc) be wary or pass on, fluffy angst I suppose, emotional breakdown,
it ends happily I swear! 
(Don’t panic if things seem to change, I post and edit as I go otherwise I get locked in perfectionism spiral and never post at all.) 
Eyes shielded from the setting sun, Lorcan peered out over the landscape, comm at the ready. 
Dusk crawled toward the horizon. Hazy smoke trails blown over the open fields lazily from the nearby mill, an end of a lovely day, on all accounts. 
The receiver came to life in Lorcan’s hand with an exhausted sigh of static as Lt. Commander Zariah sluggishly answered, “Yes, Lorcan. What is it?” 
The smile pulled over Lorcan’s face, unable to resist the urge to tease. “Kinda, an odd time of day to be sleeping sir.” 
It was utterly incredible how he could feel the dry stare-down and complex half lecture on the misuse of communications equipment in a brief pause. 
That was talent right there.  
Another sigh brought his attention back in, “I wasn’t, thank you, did you need something?” 
Brightening, Lorcan sat down in front of the mess of fur and leaves, “Yeah! I found your cat bed!” 
“… What.”  
Lorcan gestures at the pile of leaves at his feet although his officer couldn’t see it. “Yeah! One of your Sylvari, the one with the monotone-” 
“-Ours, and their name is Eir, -” 
“-Said one of your weird tiny death machines-“ 
“-Again, wild animals, and not mine-” 
“-Yeah, yeah, the striped one ran off and went to bed everything-” 
“-Tiger; and has been making beds not bedding, your Common is improving-” 
“I found one!” 
The crackle and whine from a heavy static sigh made Lorcan wince and pull the device from his ear. 
“...… You’ve found a tiger.” 
Something about the suddenly calculating monotone made his insides squirm as he forced the cheerful up another notch. “Well no, but I’ve found its bed, and now we have each other’s scents, and I probably will find it and we’ll form a life-long bond like rangers and shaman-” 
“Lorcan.” His name came gently, cutting off his rambling in a way that had nausea setting in. 
“I’m grateful you found one, does it look fresh?” The genial tone was almost disconcerting after seeing nothing but jaded exhaustion, and it was wrong. 
This was not how this works. 
This was a crank call. Because he’s Lorcan. The rambling loud, obnoxious idiot whose superiors while agitated are fond of. Lorcan, who did not want to do this all over again but here they are, and Zariah! Who’d barely known him three days! 
Who took him in without blinking after getting cut off from his war-band, who trusted him enough for a reconnaissance mission. Who put up with all his antics so far with a droll but benign stare; who—
A rustling came finally, along with the clink and slosh of what Lorcan knew to be the large mug of coffee usually in hand. 
“Stop that,” his throat felt tight, half leaping to his feet into a defensive stance, “You—Don’t-” The plains suddenly felt suffocatingly small, leaving him on edge and snarling into his comm. 
Burn him, what was he doing. 
“Stop that!” his ears were burning, eyes stinging against the smoke in the air. It was his name; it was just his name what the tar was his problem? 
The placid silence that followed nearly had him throw the damn thing down onto the rocks. Embarrassment burned viciously under his skin. He was better than this now. He wasn’t- 
He turned the comm offline. 
It was long past dark by the time he’d calmed down, eyes red and throat raw, hunched at the base of the tree.
Great first impression.
Really sold it this time.
Groaning, he dug his face into his knees to do something other than mope in the dark like a moody cub. Or worse start up again.
A skittering of rocks and not entirely muffled metal had him look up in time to see a silhouette with an obnoxious Asuran light nearly blind him.
“Mind if I come over? You turned your comm off.” Zariah inquired tilting his head to the side just before the last jump. “I can stay over here. Just wanted to-”
Lorcan waved him off with a flippant hand and shoved his face back down. “Make sure I hadn’t broken-”  
“-Your bones. Yes. Or anything else important to your personal self.” Zariah moved over the outburst with both a note of finality and comfort that had Lorcan looking up out of instinct, only to wince again at the mini sun in his Commanders hand.
“… If you're going to jump over, douse the Mouse-Light. Before I lose my eyes.”
 Immediately, the object dimmed down and out before far more familiar sounds came and a torch sparked to life. “Sorry about that, but I’ll ask you to refrain from derogatory names. Veeck is a valued member of our team and cares deeply about our survival.”
“… The Asura.”
“Who rambles on about some new Entity?”
“Of Pain, yes.”
“… Boss.”
“Not up for debate, Lorcan.”
Heaving to his feet with a sigh, Lorcan reached out to him; “Well, can’t let them upstage me now can I. C’mon I’ll catch you; it won’t give you enough light without the M--……. beacon. From the Deacon.”
Zariah landed with a grunt into his grip. “You’ll have to share that one, they’d love that-what is that an idiom?”
“Not a clue.” Wearily sitting again, Lorcan stopped short as something small and purring wormed its way into his lap. “… Uh…”
“She likes belly rubs, and she can smell tears.” Was all Zariah offered settling next to him and safely anchoring the torch in front of them, while the Stalker wiggled about before she settled solidly into Lorcan’s lap. Big eyes batted up at him, as if pointedly proving Zariah’s point; said belly up and offered.
Slowly, Lorcan answered the demand, a new deeper slew of purrs unleashed in repayment. “I thought you said they’re wild.”
“They are. Or were, a few years ago. They found me in the Maguuma, when Mordremoth was; well you know.” came the easy answer, as Zariah set about digging in his pack and handing over a wrapped meat smelling something to Lorcan who merely blinked at it.
“You haven’t eaten since before you left and I know how Norn eat. Eat your dinner.”
Gingerly, Lorcan accepted the meal; before peering at him. “… Does this get any weirder?”
“Only if you let your guard down long enough for them to steal it.”
They sat like that a long while, quietly; with a lap full of warm purring death machines, a belly full with warm food and drink, and tired eyes watching the torch slowly burn down to a smolder.
The lecture never came; the ‘we’re alike you and I’ speech, the wise mentor talk, whatever he’d been expecting. Zariah just sat there, relaxed and was… well, there.
But then it made sense didn’t it. He was a tactician for a military organization, one of the high tier leaders in the Pact, leader of his own company; and Lorcan was an accomplished engineer and a perceptive people's person when he wasn’t being difficult. 
There wasn’t anything to say.
He’d freaked out, he didn’t want to freak out, but he did. He’d reverted to causing a scene and trouble because he was a full inferno of freaking the blazes out. About what any of this meant now. About where home was now. What he would do now. What his purpose was now.
Had another identity crisis in an evening flat because he kept trying to put it in a title. Wolf Shaman, Auxiliary Charr—anything that wasn’t just him. How else could he go back and show that he’d changed after all? Prove he was all grown up out of his awkward paws making a mess of everything.
Except he hadn’t had he-
Lorcan spat fur out of his mouth, leaning away from the incessantly batting paws from his lap companion.  “Hey! Hey! Hey! C’mon!”
“I told you. She smells monologues.”
“You said tears.”
Stretching out with an innocent hum that edged too close to playful to pass as sincere, Zariah rose a brow at him, “Mm? Did I? I must have misspoken. So terribly sorry.”
The words pulled a snort out of Lorcan at the obvious lie, “So, what, she just slaps you in the face at random? Or she’s just psychic and knows when you're spiraling every time.”
Turning towards him, Zariah rose the brow higher, something of a smirk toying in the corner of his mouth. “Oh, definitely a psychic; when I need it. Constantly. She can tell usually because,” His eyes glanced meaningfully at Lorcan’s lap, “I’ve ceased to pet her.”
Lorcan paused, looking to where his hands had fallen stagnant some time ago on her back, much to the indignant pout on her face. “… Oh.”
“Well.” He chuckled at his own obliviousness and began smoothing hands down her head and spine apologetically, much to her delight, “S’a good trick.”
“She tries.” A yawn dragged out the end of the sentence as Zariah settled down more against Lorcan’s side who moved to accommodate him.
Eyes glanced at the time curiously, “Aw burn me, Boss I’m-”
“Safe.” That firm tone was back again, even as exhausted as it sounded. “And that’s all I care about. We’ll go back when you’re ready.”
“Don’t you have paperwork to do?”
“Great thing about paper, it’ll be there when I get back.”
“What about orders? Don’t you have to know what’s”
“Anything I need to know, I’ll know through my comm, if it’s of immediate importance. As for orders, there are other commanders.”
“… How many hours you running on here?”
“Two and a half, I was in fact sleeping when you called me.”
“Boss-” An incredulous laugh cut short by an overused stubborn excuse.
“I had coffee.”
Silence lapsed again, softer as the torch barely glowed embers and Zariah’s breathing began to deepened, and slow against his side.
It wouldn’t have made sense for how lax Zariah was, after seven years of nearly non-stop war and fighting; if the moon wasn’t glinting off four Iron Legion Sharpshooters standing guard nearby that Lorcan could now see.
“Boss?” swallowing around the lump in his throat, Lorcan nudged him again. “Hey, Boss.”
There was a slurred hum, eyes not even opening as Zariah lifted a brow in answer “Mmn—yes Lorcan.”
“… Thanks.”
“S’ what ‘m here for.”
Epilogue (aka beeps an giggles)
For the weight of a Pact Commander, Zariah was unnervingly light once you removed the pack, armor, weapons, felines, etc.
Which Lorcan awkwardly got to know firsthand as the pint-sized (seriously how small was this guy) Asura fussed around this way and that muttering too fast to keep up with.
It was a very odd feeling of you break it you buy it, with the Commanders sleep schedule. Which cemented in his mind as no one else seemed bothered by the ranting Asura at his feet. 
“-two months! Two months! Not even! We were so close, on ordered leave, relaxing, vacationing, nearly had it! But no! The evil little box of death opens its evil little mouth and ruin everything! This does not please the Pain!”
Lorcan made the mistake of uttering “Does anything,” before realizing the error as he became the subject of the bespectacled, laser sharp, owlish gaze before off again as they moved in thought. 
Finally, with a decisive nod, they firmly shouted up to him, “…… Milk! Milk and Ink!”
(Seriously did the guy think he was deaf? Though they looked like they’d fit into his boot with room to spare, and he wasn’t exactly short himself.)
A tiny hand lifted into the air, fire in their eyes; “I shall explain!”
“Please don’t.” Lorcan begged.
“Easy Squeak-A-Veak, lets save converting until after we get Boss back to bed for a few hours. We’ve already got orders to meet up with General Soulkeeper in the morning.” Came the beautiful rescue from one of the other officers Lorcan couldn’t put a name to.
Whose hands lifted up immediately in a placating gesture, as the tiny Asura looked ready to implode, “Rephrase, to head over to General Soulkeeper in the morning.”
Small detonation avoided, the medic, nodded with minimal professional sulking, “He’s napping on the way there.”
“As always, you can try small fry, you can try. Eir wanted to see you; I’ll see that Boss gets settled yeah?” Offering a fond amused look, they winked at Lorcan who wasn’t honestly sure what to do with himself at this point of being ‘Boss-shelf’.
Veeck squinted but turned and left with a toddle out of the room. “I know what you’re doing and I don’t appreciate it but yes I will leave and stop scaring our recruit.”
“… Wasn’t scared.” Came late and lamely as the officer chuckled and lead him in to where Zariah was staying for the time being.
Which for the first few moments Lorcan was sure they got the wrong room before he finally spotted a bed past all the paperwork. “Is that a war table?”
“Mini-sized yeah, Rye sleeps in his office, it was the only solution after a long drawn out internal war lemme tell you.”
“How is that a win?”
“He used to do it on a cot armed with a coffee pot, and don’t worry about Veeck. Squeakers is harmless; they get dramatic with displeasure and pain cos it’s like a prayer offering? I think? I’m trying to follow it but I need a few more run throughs. They’re a lot calmer day to day.”
“…….. Oh! Good to know, thanks—ah…”
“You forgot my name already didn’t you.”
Laughing they helped settle Zariah down and into bed, even tucking them in. Which by this point, Lorcan had one final question.
“…… Sooo, kinda curious. Why he’s not; you know.”
“Twitchy as fleas about being handled like a doll? He usually is, but this is day four of small naps and I made his coffee decaf. He’s out cold for the next three to five hours.”
“Burn me.”
“It’s a good thing, say goodnight if you want; just hit the lights when you're done. I’m catching a few myself before we hit the road.” They offered with a wave before heading out.
Lorcan absentmindedly gave a wave only to perk and try to call out; “Wait! You didn’t--…… tell me your name. Tar’nfeathers.”
Sitting down with a sigh he glanced over at Zariah, and with a crooked grin leaned over. “Night Boss. Still totally going to steal your tiger.”
A brow raised as tired, but amused eyes snapped open, “Still totally not going to let it happen.” Zariah challenged as Lorcan shrieked with a flail and fell off the bed. 
“Burn! Tar! and Feather You!”
Yawning with a final chuckle, Zariah listened to him stalk off and turn out the lights. “Good Night, Lorcan.” 
“Welcome to the family.” 
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gretagertwig · 7 years
halt and catch fire - season 3 finale pt. 2
now that i finished discussing my favorite “light-hearted” moments of the two-part finale, let me get to the utterly devastating cameron and donna scenes
i can’t believe donna created the world wide web just so she could work with cameron again, she’s so extra, i love it, it was so sad but also funny how she literally did all of this just so she could work with cameron and then all these uninvited men showed up, the struggle
ok look before i go any further, i have to say that although i always mention how gay donna and cam are, i understand that they aren’t and i’m happy with their relationship regardless of the subtext, but man, that scene in episode 9 when donna ambushes cameron at the comdex party and their “break-up” in episode 10, that was some extra gay shit
so that ambush scene, when donna said “lets fix it, i want to fix it”, i mean the way she said it…donna is desperate, like i said in pt 1 of my finale review, donna is really lonely, and although she’s become very successful, she’s lost all sense of innovation and creativity, she needs cameron, their need for each other and how they make each other better has been repeated by several characters throughout the season, but i think that after their time apart, donna realizes just how true that is
the end of that scene with cameron walking away with joe and joe looking back at donna with the final shot being a pan out from donna while velouria by the pixies slowly fades into the background, masterful, but also, i reiterate, very gay, if people did not know the context, i wouldn’t blame them for thinking that there was some love triangle going on between these characters
now as for their final breakup, that was truly gut wrenching, i understand why cameron could not work with donna, but i think she took what donna said about getting rid of joe in the wrong way, donna was just eager to please and wanted cameron to be happy, this isn’t about the idea to donna, this is about working with cameron, so she’ll do whatever she has to do to make sure cam sticks around
saying that donna gets rid of anyone who stands in her way is a gross mischaracterization and that’s rich coming from cameron who’s in bed with the man who embodies that statement (can you tell i’m very pissed at cameron?)
donna saying “i was trying to help you, all i was ever trying to do was help you” was devastating, yes donna’s methods weren’t always the best but i really do believe that she wanted to help cameron, she really cares for this woman and that final blow broke her heart
the end of the episode made my blood boil, joe, gordon, and cameron all huddled around a computer ready to work together again while donna THE WOMAN WHO GOT THEM THE IDEA IN THE FIRST PLACE has a panic attack in the car
i am tired of these characters continually shitting on donna and always underestimating her, i thought i was over being angry over this but after writing this post i realize i'm still so petty and i really want donna to destroy what the three backstabbing musketeers are working on, she has nothing to lose anymore
let me collect myself before i end this and say, that ifind it telling that cameron could forgive joe but not donna, yes joe looks like he’s changed, but i think her connection to donna ran much deeper than her connection to joe, donna was not just a friend to cameron nor was she just a business partner, she was the embodiment of everything cameron was looking for  her entire life, safety, security, care, cameron found these things in donna, but she also found an equal who pushed her and made her better, who challenged her but also guided her, joe and donna have both betrayed cameron, but it’s obvious that donna’s betrayal cuts much deeper 
“working with you at mutiny was the most fun i ever had in my life, okay?”
“oh cam, i picked up the phone so many times”
“never actually called though, did you?”
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howardlyontx · 6 years
FIRST DRIVE: 2018 Subaru XV Malaysian review – RM119k-RM126k
The first-generation Subaru XV was considerably successful in the regionand it was undoubtedly the most popular model for Subaru Malaysia. In continuingthe same success story we have before you the second-generation Subaru XVIt’s currently available in two variants starting with the base 2. 0i that’spriced at RM119,000, and the range-topper 2. 0i-P, this one in bright sunshine orangeIt’s priced at RM126,000, making it a full RM9kmore expensive than the top spec HR-V. But wait a minute, is the XVa direct competitor to the HR-V? Well more so in terms of pricing then segmentbecause this car actually rides on top of a C-segment platform, which it shareswith the Impreza. Well I’ll explain the benefits of this in a minute but first Iwant to talk about how it looks. The XV is basically a jacked up version of theImpreza hatchback, sharing the same overall shape, even down to the roofrails and shark fin antenna. Now although it doesn’t look all that differentcompared to its predecessor I actually find new look to be very well executedand the proportions are just spot-on. And between the two new XVs, this is theone you should be really looking at. It gets automatic LED headlights withcornering function, stylish C-shaped LED daytime running lights, headlight washersa bolder hexagonal grille and LED combination tail lamps. This 17-inch dualtone alloy wheels is standard on both variants, but here the tyres are actuallythicker than the ones fitted to the older model. In any case it gets thisrugged plastic cladding that goes around the car and to be honest I kind of fancy thisThere’s an even higher spec variant with Subarus EyeSight safety system, butthat’s only going to come next year. One of the many things I’ve grown fond ofthe XV is just how convenient and easy it is to get in and out of the carRide height is just niceand upon getting in, things just get a whole lot better. I honestly think it’sone of the best-looking and most well-built cabin in its class. The buildquality in this thing is leaps and bounds better than the older model and isconsiderably nicer than the HR-V as well the top portion of the cabin getssmothered in high-quality soft touch plastic and it’s used all the way downto the center tunnel, even to the rear doors. However I can’t help but thinkhaven’t I seen this dashboard before? Anyway I reckon the build quality of theXV is slightly better than the Mazda CX-3 and that really caught me bysurprise. I like the look of this 3 spoke steering wheel – it’s nicely contouredit’s leather wrapped, it has all the controls within reach and it also haspaddle shifters. There’s even contrast stitching to match the theme of theentire cabin. Speaking of theme, the seats which are wrapped in part leather andpart fabric get bright orange stitching as standard. The driver seat is the onlyone that’s electrically adjustable and this is the same for the cheaper variantas well. Unique to this variant though is the carbon-fibre trim that surrounds allfour of the door handles. Check out this super cool secondary multi-info displayInstead of cramming all the driving data into this small space right here, whatSubaru did was move everything, well almost everything, into this 6. 3 inchmultifunction display. Here it gives a multitude of information such as fuelconsumption, all-wheel drive status, pitch angle and even a more detailed trip meterreading, all of which are in real time. The head unit on the other hand leaves alot to be desired I think car manufacturers have to spenda little bit more time and effort to make the infotainment display systemfeel more cohesive, like it belongs with the car. Mazda is a perfect example of thisHere it just feels like they bought somethird-party open-source program and built their own user interface on top of itThe brightness it’s, it’s quite bad. Well it works and serves its purpose butthe compromise is that the whole thing looks very basic and underwhelmingI mean if the whole cabin is so impeccably made then something like this isdefinitely gonna stick out. Just sayingDown here you get the traditional button and dial controls for the air-conSome space to keep your mobile devices while it’s charging, cupholders and a nicecentre armrest with two USB charging ports built in. The old manual handbrakelever is now gone, replaced by this nifty electronic switch. What’s neat is thatyou can charge two devices at the same time and keep most of the cables hiddenwithin the armrest. There are two thoughtfully position openings at eachcorner that let the cables out without causing a mess. Now let’s check out the back seatsAs you can see it’s quite spacious back here and there’s even morelegroom compared to the first generation XV because the wheel base here is longerby 30 millimetres. Notice this hump over here, it’s pretty much the same size asbefore but I don’t mind it. The headroom as well, same as beforeOverall space back here is slightly smaller than the HR-V, butdefinitely way bigger than the CX-3. One downside back here is the lack ofair vents but this is a common problem shared by all the XV’s rivals. In termsof boot accessibility, the opening has been widened by 100 millimetres to makeloading and unloading easier and unfortunately boot space is only up by 5litres to 345 litres, which is not great for a car like this. Just look at howshallow it is with the tonneau cover on. The flipside is you get a spare tyre sothat’s a fair compromise if you ask me. Now let me show you the unique thingabout this handsome crossover. Unlike every other model in its class the XVgets a 2. 0 litre flat-four Boxer engine. The benefit of this is that it sits lowin the car compared to traditional inline-four or V6 engines, so the centre ofgravity is effectively lower. Just look at how low this thing sits. Subaru says thisdirect injection engine is almost entirely new and produces 156 PS and 196 Nmof torque. It’s paired to Subaru’s continuously variabletransmission, otherwise known as Lineartronic and features 7 virtual ratiosThis CVT is also nearly 8 kg lighter than the old unit withrevised gearing to improve fuel efficiency. Now with all that out of theway let’s find out how it drivesThe original Subaru XV was popular for manyreasons particularly because it gave people that rugged SUV look with acommanding driving position and it didn’t look too boring or dowdy as otherrun-of-the-mill SUVs that you could get. It also drove pretty well and had decentlevels of comfort. Well, this new one improves on all that thanks to a newSubaru Global Platform. Apparently body and chassis rigidity isup by 70% and you can really feel this in the corners. There’s less flexion in thechassis when you take corners at higher speeds and it’s inherentlya more stable car to drive. This car is also very beautifully sprung, possiblyexhibiting the best ride quality in its class, by far. Remember what I saidearlier about this being on top of a C-segment platform? One of the keybenefits is that you get a more sophisticated suspension especially inthe rear way it gets a double wishbone suspension instead of a cheaper torsionbeam set up found in the HR-V. This makes it a far better car to driveespecially for rear passengers. With the new engine and transmission Ifind the throttle response to be quicker and the engine is more eager to rev thanthe old one And if you must know this car sprintsfrom zero to 100 in 10. 4 seconds which on its own is 0. 3 secondsquicker than the old one but still slower than HR-Vs 10. 1 second markThe CVT has a step function to mimic a normal automatic gearbox andit’s still one of the better made CVTs out there. However as with allCVTs it lacks the pull factor at full throttleespecially at highway cruising speeds. Generally though performance iscomparable to the HR-V despite weighing over 300 kg more but this islargely due to the size and construction of the car. For city driving afront-wheel drive car is definitely going to make more sense and you savemore fuel in the process. But the XV is permanently driven on all four wheelsand it now features an X-Mode through a button right here for better off roadtraction. If you’re the adventurous type, consider this a bonus. On the subject offuel efficiency expect this car to perform slightly better than the old onealthough not by much. With a full tank of 63 liters I managed to squeeze about 600 kmof range in mixed driving conditions but this car is not properlyrun in, so it’s not a very good barometer. I’m pretty sure I can do moreif I only I have a little bit more determinationI’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again. I really honestly like this XV but like all cars it has to have someflaws – this gaudy head unit is one of them, it’s one of the biggest, and theother is noise. One part from that CVT which is a very common problem and thesecond is tyre roar. CVT noise is part and parcel and mostcars in this price bracket suffer from the same fate but the factory fittedContinental MC5 tires are just unacceptably noisy. And if you check theunderside of the wheel well there’s only a bit of sound deadening materials usedHonda knows this and has fixed the problemso Subaru if you’re watching this, please do something about itAll-in-all the XV has once again proven to be a worthy contender in the growing subcompactcrossover segment. It’s improved in just about every aspect and despite all thatit’s still competitively priced against its closest rivals. The icing on the cakeis the seven airbags that are standard across the range and there’s also ISOFIXchild anchors in the rear seat to go with the usual set of safety systemsFor those of you who are waiting for the full range of Subaru’s EyeSight safetysystem, well that’s only gonna come sometime next year. For now I’ll be happywith this, just maybe not in this colour, because I’m not flashy like thatThank you for watching. This is Matt, rain or shine, I will see you in the next one
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deonheim30 · 6 years
FIRST DRIVE: 2018 Subaru XV Malaysian review – RM119k-RM126k
The first-generation Subaru XV was considerably successful in the regionand it was undoubtedly the most popular model for Subaru Malaysia. In continuingthe same success story we have before you the second-generation Subaru XVIt’s currently available in two variants starting with the base 2. 0i that’spriced at RM119,000, and the range-topper 2. 0i-P, this one in bright sunshine orangeIt’s priced at RM126,000, making it a full RM9kmore expensive than the top spec HR-V. But wait a minute, is the XVa direct competitor to the HR-V? Well more so in terms of pricing then segmentbecause this car actually rides on top of a C-segment platform, which it shareswith the Impreza. Well I’ll explain the benefits of this in a minute but first Iwant to talk about how it looks. The XV is basically a jacked up version of theImpreza hatchback, sharing the same overall shape, even down to the roofrails and shark fin antenna. Now although it doesn’t look all that differentcompared to its predecessor I actually find new look to be very well executedand the proportions are just spot-on. And between the two new XVs, this is theone you should be really looking at. It gets automatic LED headlights withcornering function, stylish C-shaped LED daytime running lights, headlight washersa bolder hexagonal grille and LED combination tail lamps. This 17-inch dualtone alloy wheels is standard on both variants, but here the tyres are actuallythicker than the ones fitted to the older model. In any case it gets thisrugged plastic cladding that goes around the car and to be honest I kind of fancy thisThere’s an even higher spec variant with Subarus EyeSight safety system, butthat’s only going to come next year. One of the many things I’ve grown fond ofthe XV is just how convenient and easy it is to get in and out of the carRide height is just niceand upon getting in, things just get a whole lot better. I honestly think it’sone of the best-looking and most well-built cabin in its class. The buildquality in this thing is leaps and bounds better than the older model and isconsiderably nicer than the HR-V as well the top portion of the cabin getssmothered in high-quality soft touch plastic and it’s used all the way downto the center tunnel, even to the rear doors. However I can’t help but thinkhaven’t I seen this dashboard before? Anyway I reckon the build quality of theXV is slightly better than the Mazda CX-3 and that really caught me bysurprise. I like the look of this 3 spoke steering wheel – it’s nicely contouredit’s leather wrapped, it has all the controls within reach and it also haspaddle shifters. There’s even contrast stitching to match the theme of theentire cabin. Speaking of theme, the seats which are wrapped in part leather andpart fabric get bright orange stitching as standard. The driver seat is the onlyone that’s electrically adjustable and this is the same for the cheaper variantas well. Unique to this variant though is the carbon-fibre trim that surrounds allfour of the door handles. Check out this super cool secondary multi-info displayInstead of cramming all the driving data into this small space right here, whatSubaru did was move everything, well almost everything, into this 6. 3 inchmultifunction display. Here it gives a multitude of information such as fuelconsumption, all-wheel drive status, pitch angle and even a more detailed trip meterreading, all of which are in real time. The head unit on the other hand leaves alot to be desired I think car manufacturers have to spenda little bit more time and effort to make the infotainment display systemfeel more cohesive, like it belongs with the car. Mazda is a perfect example of thisHere it just feels like they bought somethird-party open-source program and built their own user interface on top of itThe brightness it’s, it’s quite bad. Well it works and serves its purpose butthe compromise is that the whole thing looks very basic and underwhelmingI mean if the whole cabin is so impeccably made then something like this isdefinitely gonna stick out. Just sayingDown here you get the traditional button and dial controls for the air-conSome space to keep your mobile devices while it’s charging, cupholders and a nicecentre armrest with two USB charging ports built in. The old manual handbrakelever is now gone, replaced by this nifty electronic switch. What’s neat is thatyou can charge two devices at the same time and keep most of the cables hiddenwithin the armrest. There are two thoughtfully position openings at eachcorner that let the cables out without causing a mess. Now let’s check out the back seatsAs you can see it’s quite spacious back here and there’s even morelegroom compared to the first generation XV because the wheel base here is longerby 30 millimetres. Notice this hump over here, it’s pretty much the same size asbefore but I don’t mind it. The headroom as well, same as beforeOverall space back here is slightly smaller than the HR-V, butdefinitely way bigger than the CX-3. One downside back here is the lack ofair vents but this is a common problem shared by all the XV’s rivals. In termsof boot accessibility, the opening has been widened by 100 millimetres to makeloading and unloading easier and unfortunately boot space is only up by 5litres to 345 litres, which is not great for a car like this. Just look at howshallow it is with the tonneau cover on. The flipside is you get a spare tyre sothat’s a fair compromise if you ask me. Now let me show you the unique thingabout this handsome crossover. Unlike every other model in its class the XVgets a 2. 0 litre flat-four Boxer engine. The benefit of this is that it sits lowin the car compared to traditional inline-four or V6 engines, so the centre ofgravity is effectively lower. Just look at how low this thing sits. Subaru says thisdirect injection engine is almost entirely new and produces 156 PS and 196 Nmof torque. It’s paired to Subaru’s continuously variabletransmission, otherwise known as Lineartronic and features 7 virtual ratiosThis CVT is also nearly 8 kg lighter than the old unit withrevised gearing to improve fuel efficiency. Now with all that out of theway let’s find out how it drivesThe original Subaru XV was popular for manyreasons particularly because it gave people that rugged SUV look with acommanding driving position and it didn’t look too boring or dowdy as otherrun-of-the-mill SUVs that you could get. It also drove pretty well and had decentlevels of comfort. Well, this new one improves on all that thanks to a newSubaru Global Platform. Apparently body and chassis rigidity isup by 70% and you can really feel this in the corners. There’s less flexion in thechassis when you take corners at higher speeds and it’s inherentlya more stable car to drive. This car is also very beautifully sprung, possiblyexhibiting the best ride quality in its class, by far. Remember what I saidearlier about this being on top of a C-segment platform? One of the keybenefits is that you get a more sophisticated suspension especially inthe rear way it gets a double wishbone suspension instead of a cheaper torsionbeam set up found in the HR-V. This makes it a far better car to driveespecially for rear passengers. With the new engine and transmission Ifind the throttle response to be quicker and the engine is more eager to rev thanthe old one And if you must know this car sprintsfrom zero to 100 in 10. 4 seconds which on its own is 0. 3 secondsquicker than the old one but still slower than HR-Vs 10. 1 second markThe CVT has a step function to mimic a normal automatic gearbox andit’s still one of the better made CVTs out there. However as with allCVTs it lacks the pull factor at full throttleespecially at highway cruising speeds. Generally though performance iscomparable to the HR-V despite weighing over 300 kg more but this islargely due to the size and construction of the car. For city driving afront-wheel drive car is definitely going to make more sense and you savemore fuel in the process. But the XV is permanently driven on all four wheelsand it now features an X-Mode through a button right here for better off roadtraction. If you’re the adventurous type, consider this a bonus. On the subject offuel efficiency expect this car to perform slightly better than the old onealthough not by much. With a full tank of 63 liters I managed to squeeze about 600 kmof range in mixed driving conditions but this car is not properlyrun in, so it’s not a very good barometer. I’m pretty sure I can do moreif I only I have a little bit more determinationI’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again. I really honestly like this XV but like all cars it has to have someflaws – this gaudy head unit is one of them, it’s one of the biggest, and theother is noise. One part from that CVT which is a very common problem and thesecond is tyre roar. CVT noise is part and parcel and mostcars in this price bracket suffer from the same fate but the factory fittedContinental MC5 tires are just unacceptably noisy. And if you check theunderside of the wheel well there’s only a bit of sound deadening materials usedHonda knows this and has fixed the problemso Subaru if you’re watching this, please do something about itAll-in-all the XV has once again proven to be a worthy contender in the growing subcompactcrossover segment. It’s improved in just about every aspect and despite all thatit’s still competitively priced against its closest rivals. The icing on the cakeis the seven airbags that are standard across the range and there’s also ISOFIXchild anchors in the rear seat to go with the usual set of safety systemsFor those of you who are waiting for the full range of Subaru’s EyeSight safetysystem, well that’s only gonna come sometime next year. For now I’ll be happywith this, just maybe not in this colour, because I’m not flashy like thatThank you for watching. This is Matt, rain or shine, I will see you in the next one
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/26/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian-review-rm119k-rm126k-3/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/09/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian_26.html
0 notes
diaryoftypist · 8 years
Everything is just fucked up from every single aspect. I can't take it anymore. It's so hard. I can't see his name any where. I can't do it and live normally. I lost passion in everything including the will to wake up and see what the day has for me. Everything feels so dull and grey. I don't want human interaction I can't dtand people's judgements and looks at anything. Mind your own fucking bussiness. Everything is just so screwed. And every day I am being more and more certain about stuff like the fact that I don't have real friends, most of the people don't wish to stay with me for a long time, talk and know more. I am very different. In an annoying way. No jody seems to click, no body seems to understand. It's shit. They all suck. Some look to me in an envious way only. Some in a very very competitive way. Even the supposedly closest. What should i do now? Now that the only person who clicked. Who was interested. Who was interesting. Who understood me. Turned out to be a complete psychopath. What do I do now? How do I trust anymore? How would Ifind anyone that clicks again? Anyways i feel so empty and sad. I need to fix that. I an very soon graduating. I'll be old and independent enough to go through a serious relationship and quit all that teen talk. I just needed to let those words into the void. To let it go and say them. Yalla elhamdulellah. Later.
0 notes
avantseating-blog · 8 years
Reviewing three typical GPS manufacturer software
GPS receiver manufacturers have a number of software products available for their models that support maps. So you have a better understanding of what types of maps are available, here are the different map software packages that the major GPS receiver manufacturers offer. Read on to discover what types overs. For more information and in-depth reviews of GPS receiver manufacturer map products, including screenshots, visit http://gpsinformation.net.
GPS receivers sold in different parts of the world typically have different basemaps. For example, a GPS receiver sold in Germany will have a more detailed basemap of Europe, compared with the same model of receiver sold in the United States. I want to clarify a point that sometimes confuses current or prospective GPS receiver owners: Each of the major GPS receiver manufacturers has their own line of map products that all sound pretty similar. Here they are:
Magellan MapSend Magellan manufactures the popular Meridian and SporTrak GPS receiver lines. The Meridian receivers use memory cards for map storage, and the SporTrak models have a fixed amount of internal memory to store maps. Software products that you can use with Magellan mapping GPS receivers include the following. Information about all these products is available at the Magellan Web site. MapSend DirectRoute
This software package provides street maps, POIs, automated street routing, and turn-by-turn directions for most Meridian and SporTrak receivers. With automated street routing, you can enter a starting and destination street address, and the GPS receiver will provide you with a route, including street directions. Most GPS receivers give you a straight-line route between two points, but Magellan upgraded the firmware on a number of their receivers to support both straight-line and street routes when MapSend DirectRoute maps are uploaded. Versions of the software are available for the United States, major cities in Canada, and Europe.MapSend BlueNav charts These are nautical charts with detailed coverage areas and enhanced marine navigation information, such as currents, tides, and port services. Charts, available for a number of coastal areas in North America and Europe, can be purchased on CD-ROM or preloaded SD memory cards.
MapSend Topo The Topo product is designed for outdoor recreation use :100,000 scale topographic maps of the United States, including trails, roads, rivers, lakes, coastlines, and POIs. After you upload the maps, you can display elevation profiles on your GPS receiver for roads, trails, and user-created routes.
MapSend Streets & Destinations
Magellan’s original road map software package has versions available for the United States and Canada. If you’re looking for street navigation software for your Magellan, I recommend MapSend DirectRoute because of its autorouting features and more cur-rent NAVTECH maps. Choose Streets & Destinations if you have an older GPS receiver that isn’t compatible with DirectRoute or if you’re on a tight budget.
MapSend WorldWide Basemap This map software package expands your GPS receiver’s built-in basemap coverage to other international regions. Each basemap region has basic map features such as cities, highways, waterways, railroads, national boundaries, and shorelines.
Lowrance MapCreate Lowrance was the first manufacturer to offer a GPS receiver with uploadable maps. The company continues the electronic map tradition with its current line of iFINDER handheld GPS receivers; which use memory cards to store maps.
If you own a Lowrance GPS receiver or are considering purchasing one, here are the map products you can use:
MapCreate is Lowrance’s primary map program for creating GPS receiver maps of the United States. In addition to street maps and points of interest, MapCreate also has an extensive database of navigation aids, wrecks, and obstructions for marine use. One nice feature of MapCreate is that you can select polygon map regions to upload, which maximizes map storage space. Although MapCreate currently doesn’t offer autorouting and turn-by-turn directions, Lowrance does plan to offer this feature in the future.
In addition to maps on CD-ROM, Lowrance also offers the FreedomMaps product line, comprising memory cards preloaded with maps of the United States, Europe, and Canada. Regional maps come on 128MB and 256MB memory cards that you just plug into your GPS receiver; no software or CD-ROMs are required.
Navionics charts
Navionics (www.navionics.com) is one of the largest producers of electronic nautical charts. Navionics Gold and Classic charts and fishing HotMaps are all available on MMC memory cards and are also compatible with the iFINDER Pro GPS receiver.Garmin MapSource
Like the other GPS receiver manufacturers, Garmin offers a number of different types of maps for its products. Unlike Magellan and Lowrance, however, Garmin doesn’t use memory cards in its current line of handheld GPS receivers. Any maps that you upload must be able to fit into whatever fixed memory the GPS receiver has available for storage.
Although Garmin doesn’t use commonly available SD or MMC memory cards in its GPS tracking device, the company is using newer technology to make uploading maps quicker. Recent Garmin products feature USB connectivity, which is considerably faster than uploading a map to a GPS receiver through a PC serial port.
If you own a Garmin GPS receiver or are considering purchasing one, here are some of the mapping software packages that you can use. Detailed information about all is available from the Garmin Web site.
MapSource City Select
City Select contains street maps and points of interest and is designed to work with Garmin GPS receivers that support autorouting , such as the GPSMAP 196 and GPSMAP 60C/60CS. The three versions of the product are available for North America, Europe, and South Africa.
  Map Source Metro Guide
Metroguide is similar to City Select but is designed for Garmin GPS receivers that don’t support auto-routing (such as the e-Trex Legend and Vista). Four versions of this product are available, providing street maps for the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe.
  MapSource WorldMap
This software provides basic international maps that expand the default basemap coverage that comes with your
electronic tracker
GPS receivers sold in different parts of the world typically have different basemaps.
  MapSource Bluechart
BlueChart products are Garmin’s nautical charts and are available in regional versions that cover the Americas as well as the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
  Fishing Hot Spots
Fishing Hot Spots are maps of popular fishing areas in North America with depth contours, shoreline details, boat ramp information, and fishing tips. The maps are sold for multistate regions.
Minnesota LakeMaster ProMap
Designed specifically for GPS receiver owners who fish in the Minnesota area, this map product has maps of popular lakes and includes three-foot contours with underwater structure detail, islands, reefs, points, bays, access points, and marinas.
More information at  http://www.jimilab.com/. Should you have any other question, please contact us at http://www.jimilab.com/contact/.
0 notes
deonheim30 · 6 years
FIRST DRIVE: 2018 Subaru XV Malaysian review – RM119k-RM126k
The first-generation Subaru XV was considerably successful in the regionand it was undoubtedly the most popular model for Subaru Malaysia. In continuingthe same success story we have before you the second-generation Subaru XVIt’s currently available in two variants starting with the base 2. 0i that’spriced at RM119,000, and the range-topper 2. 0i-P, this one in bright sunshine orangeIt’s priced at RM126,000, making it a full RM9kmore expensive than the top spec HR-V. But wait a minute, is the XVa direct competitor to the HR-V? Well more so in terms of pricing then segmentbecause this car actually rides on top of a C-segment platform, which it shareswith the Impreza. Well I’ll explain the benefits of this in a minute but first Iwant to talk about how it looks. The XV is basically a jacked up version of theImpreza hatchback, sharing the same overall shape, even down to the roofrails and shark fin antenna. Now although it doesn’t look all that differentcompared to its predecessor I actually find new look to be very well executedand the proportions are just spot-on. And between the two new XVs, this is theone you should be really looking at. It gets automatic LED headlights withcornering function, stylish C-shaped LED daytime running lights, headlight washersa bolder hexagonal grille and LED combination tail lamps. This 17-inch dualtone alloy wheels is standard on both variants, but here the tyres are actuallythicker than the ones fitted to the older model. In any case it gets thisrugged plastic cladding that goes around the car and to be honest I kind of fancy thisThere’s an even higher spec variant with Subarus EyeSight safety system, butthat’s only going to come next year. One of the many things I’ve grown fond ofthe XV is just how convenient and easy it is to get in and out of the carRide height is just niceand upon getting in, things just get a whole lot better. I honestly think it’sone of the best-looking and most well-built cabin in its class. The buildquality in this thing is leaps and bounds better than the older model and isconsiderably nicer than the HR-V as well the top portion of the cabin getssmothered in high-quality soft touch plastic and it’s used all the way downto the center tunnel, even to the rear doors. However I can’t help but thinkhaven’t I seen this dashboard before? Anyway I reckon the build quality of theXV is slightly better than the Mazda CX-3 and that really caught me bysurprise. I like the look of this 3 spoke steering wheel – it’s nicely contouredit’s leather wrapped, it has all the controls within reach and it also haspaddle shifters. There’s even contrast stitching to match the theme of theentire cabin. Speaking of theme, the seats which are wrapped in part leather andpart fabric get bright orange stitching as standard. The driver seat is the onlyone that’s electrically adjustable and this is the same for the cheaper variantas well. Unique to this variant though is the carbon-fibre trim that surrounds allfour of the door handles. Check out this super cool secondary multi-info displayInstead of cramming all the driving data into this small space right here, whatSubaru did was move everything, well almost everything, into this 6. 3 inchmultifunction display. Here it gives a multitude of information such as fuelconsumption, all-wheel drive status, pitch angle and even a more detailed trip meterreading, all of which are in real time. The head unit on the other hand leaves alot to be desired I think car manufacturers have to spenda little bit more time and effort to make the infotainment display systemfeel more cohesive, like it belongs with the car. Mazda is a perfect example of thisHere it just feels like they bought somethird-party open-source program and built their own user interface on top of itThe brightness it’s, it’s quite bad. Well it works and serves its purpose butthe compromise is that the whole thing looks very basic and underwhelmingI mean if the whole cabin is so impeccably made then something like this isdefinitely gonna stick out. Just sayingDown here you get the traditional button and dial controls for the air-conSome space to keep your mobile devices while it’s charging, cupholders and a nicecentre armrest with two USB charging ports built in. The old manual handbrakelever is now gone, replaced by this nifty electronic switch. What’s neat is thatyou can charge two devices at the same time and keep most of the cables hiddenwithin the armrest. There are two thoughtfully position openings at eachcorner that let the cables out without causing a mess. Now let’s check out the back seatsAs you can see it’s quite spacious back here and there’s even morelegroom compared to the first generation XV because the wheel base here is longerby 30 millimetres. Notice this hump over here, it’s pretty much the same size asbefore but I don’t mind it. The headroom as well, same as beforeOverall space back here is slightly smaller than the HR-V, butdefinitely way bigger than the CX-3. One downside back here is the lack ofair vents but this is a common problem shared by all the XV’s rivals. In termsof boot accessibility, the opening has been widened by 100 millimetres to makeloading and unloading easier and unfortunately boot space is only up by 5litres to 345 litres, which is not great for a car like this. Just look at howshallow it is with the tonneau cover on. The flipside is you get a spare tyre sothat’s a fair compromise if you ask me. Now let me show you the unique thingabout this handsome crossover. Unlike every other model in its class the XVgets a 2. 0 litre flat-four Boxer engine. The benefit of this is that it sits lowin the car compared to traditional inline-four or V6 engines, so the centre ofgravity is effectively lower. Just look at how low this thing sits. Subaru says thisdirect injection engine is almost entirely new and produces 156 PS and 196 Nmof torque. It’s paired to Subaru’s continuously variabletransmission, otherwise known as Lineartronic and features 7 virtual ratiosThis CVT is also nearly 8 kg lighter than the old unit withrevised gearing to improve fuel efficiency. Now with all that out of theway let’s find out how it drivesThe original Subaru XV was popular for manyreasons particularly because it gave people that rugged SUV look with acommanding driving position and it didn’t look too boring or dowdy as otherrun-of-the-mill SUVs that you could get. It also drove pretty well and had decentlevels of comfort. Well, this new one improves on all that thanks to a newSubaru Global Platform. Apparently body and chassis rigidity isup by 70% and you can really feel this in the corners. There’s less flexion in thechassis when you take corners at higher speeds and it’s inherentlya more stable car to drive. This car is also very beautifully sprung, possiblyexhibiting the best ride quality in its class, by far. Remember what I saidearlier about this being on top of a C-segment platform? One of the keybenefits is that you get a more sophisticated suspension especially inthe rear way it gets a double wishbone suspension instead of a cheaper torsionbeam set up found in the HR-V. This makes it a far better car to driveespecially for rear passengers. With the new engine and transmission Ifind the throttle response to be quicker and the engine is more eager to rev thanthe old one And if you must know this car sprintsfrom zero to 100 in 10. 4 seconds which on its own is 0. 3 secondsquicker than the old one but still slower than HR-Vs 10. 1 second markThe CVT has a step function to mimic a normal automatic gearbox andit’s still one of the better made CVTs out there. However as with allCVTs it lacks the pull factor at full throttleespecially at highway cruising speeds. Generally though performance iscomparable to the HR-V despite weighing over 300 kg more but this islargely due to the size and construction of the car. For city driving afront-wheel drive car is definitely going to make more sense and you savemore fuel in the process. But the XV is permanently driven on all four wheelsand it now features an X-Mode through a button right here for better off roadtraction. If you’re the adventurous type, consider this a bonus. On the subject offuel efficiency expect this car to perform slightly better than the old onealthough not by much. With a full tank of 63 liters I managed to squeeze about 600 kmof range in mixed driving conditions but this car is not properlyrun in, so it’s not a very good barometer. I’m pretty sure I can do moreif I only I have a little bit more determinationI’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again. I really honestly like this XV but like all cars it has to have someflaws – this gaudy head unit is one of them, it’s one of the biggest, and theother is noise. One part from that CVT which is a very common problem and thesecond is tyre roar. CVT noise is part and parcel and mostcars in this price bracket suffer from the same fate but the factory fittedContinental MC5 tires are just unacceptably noisy. And if you check theunderside of the wheel well there’s only a bit of sound deadening materials usedHonda knows this and has fixed the problemso Subaru if you’re watching this, please do something about itAll-in-all the XV has once again proven to be a worthy contender in the growing subcompactcrossover segment. It’s improved in just about every aspect and despite all thatit’s still competitively priced against its closest rivals. The icing on the cakeis the seven airbags that are standard across the range and there’s also ISOFIXchild anchors in the rear seat to go with the usual set of safety systemsFor those of you who are waiting for the full range of Subaru’s EyeSight safetysystem, well that’s only gonna come sometime next year. For now I’ll be happywith this, just maybe not in this colour, because I’m not flashy like thatThank you for watching. This is Matt, rain or shine, I will see you in the next one
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/12/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian-review-rm119k-rm126k-2/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/09/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian.html
0 notes
howardlyontx · 6 years
FIRST DRIVE: 2018 Subaru XV Malaysian review – RM119k-RM126k
The first-generation Subaru XV was considerably successful in the regionand it was undoubtedly the most popular model for Subaru Malaysia. In continuingthe same success story we have before you the second-generation Subaru XVIt’s currently available in two variants starting with the base 2. 0i that’spriced at RM119,000, and the range-topper 2. 0i-P, this one in bright sunshine orangeIt’s priced at RM126,000, making it a full RM9kmore expensive than the top spec HR-V. But wait a minute, is the XVa direct competitor to the HR-V? Well more so in terms of pricing then segmentbecause this car actually rides on top of a C-segment platform, which it shareswith the Impreza. Well I’ll explain the benefits of this in a minute but first Iwant to talk about how it looks. The XV is basically a jacked up version of theImpreza hatchback, sharing the same overall shape, even down to the roofrails and shark fin antenna. Now although it doesn’t look all that differentcompared to its predecessor I actually find new look to be very well executedand the proportions are just spot-on. And between the two new XVs, this is theone you should be really looking at. It gets automatic LED headlights withcornering function, stylish C-shaped LED daytime running lights, headlight washersa bolder hexagonal grille and LED combination tail lamps. This 17-inch dualtone alloy wheels is standard on both variants, but here the tyres are actuallythicker than the ones fitted to the older model. In any case it gets thisrugged plastic cladding that goes around the car and to be honest I kind of fancy thisThere’s an even higher spec variant with Subarus EyeSight safety system, butthat’s only going to come next year. One of the many things I’ve grown fond ofthe XV is just how convenient and easy it is to get in and out of the carRide height is just niceand upon getting in, things just get a whole lot better. I honestly think it’sone of the best-looking and most well-built cabin in its class. The buildquality in this thing is leaps and bounds better than the older model and isconsiderably nicer than the HR-V as well the top portion of the cabin getssmothered in high-quality soft touch plastic and it’s used all the way downto the center tunnel, even to the rear doors. However I can’t help but thinkhaven’t I seen this dashboard before? Anyway I reckon the build quality of theXV is slightly better than the Mazda CX-3 and that really caught me bysurprise. I like the look of this 3 spoke steering wheel – it’s nicely contouredit’s leather wrapped, it has all the controls within reach and it also haspaddle shifters. There’s even contrast stitching to match the theme of theentire cabin. Speaking of theme, the seats which are wrapped in part leather andpart fabric get bright orange stitching as standard. The driver seat is the onlyone that’s electrically adjustable and this is the same for the cheaper variantas well. Unique to this variant though is the carbon-fibre trim that surrounds allfour of the door handles. Check out this super cool secondary multi-info displayInstead of cramming all the driving data into this small space right here, whatSubaru did was move everything, well almost everything, into this 6. 3 inchmultifunction display. Here it gives a multitude of information such as fuelconsumption, all-wheel drive status, pitch angle and even a more detailed trip meterreading, all of which are in real time. The head unit on the other hand leaves alot to be desired I think car manufacturers have to spenda little bit more time and effort to make the infotainment display systemfeel more cohesive, like it belongs with the car. Mazda is a perfect example of thisHere it just feels like they bought somethird-party open-source program and built their own user interface on top of itThe brightness it’s, it’s quite bad. Well it works and serves its purpose butthe compromise is that the whole thing looks very basic and underwhelmingI mean if the whole cabin is so impeccably made then something like this isdefinitely gonna stick out. Just sayingDown here you get the traditional button and dial controls for the air-conSome space to keep your mobile devices while it’s charging, cupholders and a nicecentre armrest with two USB charging ports built in. The old manual handbrakelever is now gone, replaced by this nifty electronic switch. What’s neat is thatyou can charge two devices at the same time and keep most of the cables hiddenwithin the armrest. There are two thoughtfully position openings at eachcorner that let the cables out without causing a mess. Now let’s check out the back seatsAs you can see it’s quite spacious back here and there’s even morelegroom compared to the first generation XV because the wheel base here is longerby 30 millimetres. Notice this hump over here, it’s pretty much the same size asbefore but I don’t mind it. The headroom as well, same as beforeOverall space back here is slightly smaller than the HR-V, butdefinitely way bigger than the CX-3. One downside back here is the lack ofair vents but this is a common problem shared by all the XV’s rivals. In termsof boot accessibility, the opening has been widened by 100 millimetres to makeloading and unloading easier and unfortunately boot space is only up by 5litres to 345 litres, which is not great for a car like this. Just look at howshallow it is with the tonneau cover on. The flipside is you get a spare tyre sothat’s a fair compromise if you ask me. Now let me show you the unique thingabout this handsome crossover. Unlike every other model in its class the XVgets a 2. 0 litre flat-four Boxer engine. The benefit of this is that it sits lowin the car compared to traditional inline-four or V6 engines, so the centre ofgravity is effectively lower. Just look at how low this thing sits. Subaru says thisdirect injection engine is almost entirely new and produces 156 PS and 196 Nmof torque. It’s paired to Subaru’s continuously variabletransmission, otherwise known as Lineartronic and features 7 virtual ratiosThis CVT is also nearly 8 kg lighter than the old unit withrevised gearing to improve fuel efficiency. Now with all that out of theway let’s find out how it drivesThe original Subaru XV was popular for manyreasons particularly because it gave people that rugged SUV look with acommanding driving position and it didn’t look too boring or dowdy as otherrun-of-the-mill SUVs that you could get. It also drove pretty well and had decentlevels of comfort. Well, this new one improves on all that thanks to a newSubaru Global Platform. Apparently body and chassis rigidity isup by 70% and you can really feel this in the corners. There’s less flexion in thechassis when you take corners at higher speeds and it’s inherentlya more stable car to drive. This car is also very beautifully sprung, possiblyexhibiting the best ride quality in its class, by far. Remember what I saidearlier about this being on top of a C-segment platform? One of the keybenefits is that you get a more sophisticated suspension especially inthe rear way it gets a double wishbone suspension instead of a cheaper torsionbeam set up found in the HR-V. This makes it a far better car to driveespecially for rear passengers. With the new engine and transmission Ifind the throttle response to be quicker and the engine is more eager to rev thanthe old one And if you must know this car sprintsfrom zero to 100 in 10. 4 seconds which on its own is 0. 3 secondsquicker than the old one but still slower than HR-Vs 10. 1 second markThe CVT has a step function to mimic a normal automatic gearbox andit’s still one of the better made CVTs out there. However as with allCVTs it lacks the pull factor at full throttleespecially at highway cruising speeds. Generally though performance iscomparable to the HR-V despite weighing over 300 kg more but this islargely due to the size and construction of the car. For city driving afront-wheel drive car is definitely going to make more sense and you savemore fuel in the process. But the XV is permanently driven on all four wheelsand it now features an X-Mode through a button right here for better off roadtraction. If you’re the adventurous type, consider this a bonus. On the subject offuel efficiency expect this car to perform slightly better than the old onealthough not by much. With a full tank of 63 liters I managed to squeeze about 600 kmof range in mixed driving conditions but this car is not properlyrun in, so it’s not a very good barometer. I’m pretty sure I can do moreif I only I have a little bit more determinationI’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again. I really honestly like this XV but like all cars it has to have someflaws – this gaudy head unit is one of them, it’s one of the biggest, and theother is noise. One part from that CVT which is a very common problem and thesecond is tyre roar. CVT noise is part and parcel and mostcars in this price bracket suffer from the same fate but the factory fittedContinental MC5 tires are just unacceptably noisy. And if you check theunderside of the wheel well there’s only a bit of sound deadening materials usedHonda knows this and has fixed the problemso Subaru if you’re watching this, please do something about itAll-in-all the XV has once again proven to be a worthy contender in the growing subcompactcrossover segment. It’s improved in just about every aspect and despite all thatit’s still competitively priced against its closest rivals. The icing on the cakeis the seven airbags that are standard across the range and there’s also ISOFIXchild anchors in the rear seat to go with the usual set of safety systemsFor those of you who are waiting for the full range of Subaru’s EyeSight safetysystem, well that’s only gonna come sometime next year. For now I’ll be happywith this, just maybe not in this colour, because I’m not flashy like thatThank you for watching. This is Matt, rain or shine, I will see you in the next one
featureBoxVar = ""; from Auto Detailing Services (480)233-1529 Call or Text Now https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/12/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian-review-rm119k-rm126k-2/ from Auto Dealing Services https://cardetailingphx.tumblr.com/post/178024821311
0 notes
howardlyontx · 6 years
FIRST DRIVE: 2018 Subaru XV Malaysian review – RM119k-RM126k
The first-generation Subaru XV was considerably successful in the regionand it was undoubtedly the most popular model for Subaru Malaysia. In continuingthe same success story we have before you the second-generation Subaru XVIt’s currently available in two variants starting with the base 2. 0i that’spriced at RM119,000, and the range-topper 2. 0i-P, this one in bright sunshine orangeIt’s priced at RM126,000, making it a full RM9kmore expensive than the top spec HR-V. But wait a minute, is the XVa direct competitor to the HR-V? Well more so in terms of pricing then segmentbecause this car actually rides on top of a C-segment platform, which it shareswith the Impreza. Well I’ll explain the benefits of this in a minute but first Iwant to talk about how it looks. The XV is basically a jacked up version of theImpreza hatchback, sharing the same overall shape, even down to the roofrails and shark fin antenna. Now although it doesn’t look all that differentcompared to its predecessor I actually find new look to be very well executedand the proportions are just spot-on. And between the two new XVs, this is theone you should be really looking at. It gets automatic LED headlights withcornering function, stylish C-shaped LED daytime running lights, headlight washersa bolder hexagonal grille and LED combination tail lamps. This 17-inch dualtone alloy wheels is standard on both variants, but here the tyres are actuallythicker than the ones fitted to the older model. In any case it gets thisrugged plastic cladding that goes around the car and to be honest I kind of fancy thisThere’s an even higher spec variant with Subarus EyeSight safety system, butthat’s only going to come next year. One of the many things I’ve grown fond ofthe XV is just how convenient and easy it is to get in and out of the carRide height is just niceand upon getting in, things just get a whole lot better. I honestly think it’sone of the best-looking and most well-built cabin in its class. The buildquality in this thing is leaps and bounds better than the older model and isconsiderably nicer than the HR-V as well the top portion of the cabin getssmothered in high-quality soft touch plastic and it’s used all the way downto the center tunnel, even to the rear doors. However I can’t help but thinkhaven’t I seen this dashboard before? Anyway I reckon the build quality of theXV is slightly better than the Mazda CX-3 and that really caught me bysurprise. I like the look of this 3 spoke steering wheel – it’s nicely contouredit’s leather wrapped, it has all the controls within reach and it also haspaddle shifters. There’s even contrast stitching to match the theme of theentire cabin. Speaking of theme, the seats which are wrapped in part leather andpart fabric get bright orange stitching as standard. The driver seat is the onlyone that’s electrically adjustable and this is the same for the cheaper variantas well. Unique to this variant though is the carbon-fibre trim that surrounds allfour of the door handles. Check out this super cool secondary multi-info displayInstead of cramming all the driving data into this small space right here, whatSubaru did was move everything, well almost everything, into this 6. 3 inchmultifunction display. Here it gives a multitude of information such as fuelconsumption, all-wheel drive status, pitch angle and even a more detailed trip meterreading, all of which are in real time. The head unit on the other hand leaves alot to be desired I think car manufacturers have to spenda little bit more time and effort to make the infotainment display systemfeel more cohesive, like it belongs with the car. Mazda is a perfect example of thisHere it just feels like they bought somethird-party open-source program and built their own user interface on top of itThe brightness it’s, it’s quite bad. Well it works and serves its purpose butthe compromise is that the whole thing looks very basic and underwhelmingI mean if the whole cabin is so impeccably made then something like this isdefinitely gonna stick out. Just sayingDown here you get the traditional button and dial controls for the air-conSome space to keep your mobile devices while it’s charging, cupholders and a nicecentre armrest with two USB charging ports built in. The old manual handbrakelever is now gone, replaced by this nifty electronic switch. What’s neat is thatyou can charge two devices at the same time and keep most of the cables hiddenwithin the armrest. There are two thoughtfully position openings at eachcorner that let the cables out without causing a mess. Now let’s check out the back seatsAs you can see it’s quite spacious back here and there’s even morelegroom compared to the first generation XV because the wheel base here is longerby 30 millimetres. Notice this hump over here, it’s pretty much the same size asbefore but I don’t mind it. The headroom as well, same as beforeOverall space back here is slightly smaller than the HR-V, butdefinitely way bigger than the CX-3. One downside back here is the lack ofair vents but this is a common problem shared by all the XV’s rivals. In termsof boot accessibility, the opening has been widened by 100 millimetres to makeloading and unloading easier and unfortunately boot space is only up by 5litres to 345 litres, which is not great for a car like this. Just look at howshallow it is with the tonneau cover on. The flipside is you get a spare tyre sothat’s a fair compromise if you ask me. Now let me show you the unique thingabout this handsome crossover. Unlike every other model in its class the XVgets a 2. 0 litre flat-four Boxer engine. The benefit of this is that it sits lowin the car compared to traditional inline-four or V6 engines, so the centre ofgravity is effectively lower. Just look at how low this thing sits. Subaru says thisdirect injection engine is almost entirely new and produces 156 PS and 196 Nmof torque. It’s paired to Subaru’s continuously variabletransmission, otherwise known as Lineartronic and features 7 virtual ratiosThis CVT is also nearly 8 kg lighter than the old unit withrevised gearing to improve fuel efficiency. Now with all that out of theway let’s find out how it drivesThe original Subaru XV was popular for manyreasons particularly because it gave people that rugged SUV look with acommanding driving position and it didn’t look too boring or dowdy as otherrun-of-the-mill SUVs that you could get. It also drove pretty well and had decentlevels of comfort. Well, this new one improves on all that thanks to a newSubaru Global Platform. Apparently body and chassis rigidity isup by 70% and you can really feel this in the corners. There’s less flexion in thechassis when you take corners at higher speeds and it’s inherentlya more stable car to drive. This car is also very beautifully sprung, possiblyexhibiting the best ride quality in its class, by far. Remember what I saidearlier about this being on top of a C-segment platform? One of the keybenefits is that you get a more sophisticated suspension especially inthe rear way it gets a double wishbone suspension instead of a cheaper torsionbeam set up found in the HR-V. This makes it a far better car to driveespecially for rear passengers. With the new engine and transmission Ifind the throttle response to be quicker and the engine is more eager to rev thanthe old one And if you must know this car sprintsfrom zero to 100 in 10. 4 seconds which on its own is 0. 3 secondsquicker than the old one but still slower than HR-Vs 10. 1 second markThe CVT has a step function to mimic a normal automatic gearbox andit’s still one of the better made CVTs out there. However as with allCVTs it lacks the pull factor at full throttleespecially at highway cruising speeds. Generally though performance iscomparable to the HR-V despite weighing over 300 kg more but this islargely due to the size and construction of the car. For city driving afront-wheel drive car is definitely going to make more sense and you savemore fuel in the process. But the XV is permanently driven on all four wheelsand it now features an X-Mode through a button right here for better off roadtraction. If you’re the adventurous type, consider this a bonus. On the subject offuel efficiency expect this car to perform slightly better than the old onealthough not by much. With a full tank of 63 liters I managed to squeeze about 600 kmof range in mixed driving conditions but this car is not properlyrun in, so it’s not a very good barometer. I’m pretty sure I can do moreif I only I have a little bit more determinationI’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again. I really honestly like this XV but like all cars it has to have someflaws – this gaudy head unit is one of them, it’s one of the biggest, and theother is noise. One part from that CVT which is a very common problem and thesecond is tyre roar. CVT noise is part and parcel and mostcars in this price bracket suffer from the same fate but the factory fittedContinental MC5 tires are just unacceptably noisy. And if you check theunderside of the wheel well there’s only a bit of sound deadening materials usedHonda knows this and has fixed the problemso Subaru if you’re watching this, please do something about itAll-in-all the XV has once again proven to be a worthy contender in the growing subcompactcrossover segment. It’s improved in just about every aspect and despite all thatit’s still competitively priced against its closest rivals. The icing on the cakeis the seven airbags that are standard across the range and there’s also ISOFIXchild anchors in the rear seat to go with the usual set of safety systemsFor those of you who are waiting for the full range of Subaru’s EyeSight safetysystem, well that’s only gonna come sometime next year. For now I’ll be happywith this, just maybe not in this colour, because I’m not flashy like thatThank you for watching. This is Matt, rain or shine, I will see you in the next one
featureBoxVar = ""; from Auto Detailing Services (480)233-1529 Call or Text Now https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/08/04/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian-review-rm119k-rm126k/ from Auto Dealing Services https://cardetailingphx.tumblr.com/post/176642813436
0 notes
deonheim30 · 6 years
FIRST DRIVE: 2018 Subaru XV Malaysian review – RM119k-RM126k
The first-generation Subaru XV was considerably successful in the regionand it was undoubtedly the most popular model for Subaru Malaysia. In continuingthe same success story we have before you the second-generation Subaru XVIt’s currently available in two variants starting with the base 2. 0i that’spriced at RM119,000, and the range-topper 2. 0i-P, this one in bright sunshine orangeIt’s priced at RM126,000, making it a full RM9kmore expensive than the top spec HR-V. But wait a minute, is the XVa direct competitor to the HR-V? Well more so in terms of pricing then segmentbecause this car actually rides on top of a C-segment platform, which it shareswith the Impreza. Well I’ll explain the benefits of this in a minute but first Iwant to talk about how it looks. The XV is basically a jacked up version of theImpreza hatchback, sharing the same overall shape, even down to the roofrails and shark fin antenna. Now although it doesn’t look all that differentcompared to its predecessor I actually find new look to be very well executedand the proportions are just spot-on. And between the two new XVs, this is theone you should be really looking at. It gets automatic LED headlights withcornering function, stylish C-shaped LED daytime running lights, headlight washersa bolder hexagonal grille and LED combination tail lamps. This 17-inch dualtone alloy wheels is standard on both variants, but here the tyres are actuallythicker than the ones fitted to the older model. In any case it gets thisrugged plastic cladding that goes around the car and to be honest I kind of fancy thisThere’s an even higher spec variant with Subarus EyeSight safety system, butthat’s only going to come next year. One of the many things I’ve grown fond ofthe XV is just how convenient and easy it is to get in and out of the carRide height is just niceand upon getting in, things just get a whole lot better. I honestly think it’sone of the best-looking and most well-built cabin in its class. The buildquality in this thing is leaps and bounds better than the older model and isconsiderably nicer than the HR-V as well the top portion of the cabin getssmothered in high-quality soft touch plastic and it’s used all the way downto the center tunnel, even to the rear doors. However I can’t help but thinkhaven’t I seen this dashboard before? Anyway I reckon the build quality of theXV is slightly better than the Mazda CX-3 and that really caught me bysurprise. I like the look of this 3 spoke steering wheel – it’s nicely contouredit’s leather wrapped, it has all the controls within reach and it also haspaddle shifters. There’s even contrast stitching to match the theme of theentire cabin. Speaking of theme, the seats which are wrapped in part leather andpart fabric get bright orange stitching as standard. The driver seat is the onlyone that’s electrically adjustable and this is the same for the cheaper variantas well. Unique to this variant though is the carbon-fibre trim that surrounds allfour of the door handles. Check out this super cool secondary multi-info displayInstead of cramming all the driving data into this small space right here, whatSubaru did was move everything, well almost everything, into this 6. 3 inchmultifunction display. Here it gives a multitude of information such as fuelconsumption, all-wheel drive status, pitch angle and even a more detailed trip meterreading, all of which are in real time. The head unit on the other hand leaves alot to be desired I think car manufacturers have to spenda little bit more time and effort to make the infotainment display systemfeel more cohesive, like it belongs with the car. Mazda is a perfect example of thisHere it just feels like they bought somethird-party open-source program and built their own user interface on top of itThe brightness it’s, it’s quite bad. Well it works and serves its purpose butthe compromise is that the whole thing looks very basic and underwhelmingI mean if the whole cabin is so impeccably made then something like this isdefinitely gonna stick out. Just sayingDown here you get the traditional button and dial controls for the air-conSome space to keep your mobile devices while it’s charging, cupholders and a nicecentre armrest with two USB charging ports built in. The old manual handbrakelever is now gone, replaced by this nifty electronic switch. What’s neat is thatyou can charge two devices at the same time and keep most of the cables hiddenwithin the armrest. There are two thoughtfully position openings at eachcorner that let the cables out without causing a mess. Now let’s check out the back seatsAs you can see it’s quite spacious back here and there’s even morelegroom compared to the first generation XV because the wheel base here is longerby 30 millimetres. Notice this hump over here, it’s pretty much the same size asbefore but I don’t mind it. The headroom as well, same as beforeOverall space back here is slightly smaller than the HR-V, butdefinitely way bigger than the CX-3. One downside back here is the lack ofair vents but this is a common problem shared by all the XV’s rivals. In termsof boot accessibility, the opening has been widened by 100 millimetres to makeloading and unloading easier and unfortunately boot space is only up by 5litres to 345 litres, which is not great for a car like this. Just look at howshallow it is with the tonneau cover on. The flipside is you get a spare tyre sothat’s a fair compromise if you ask me. Now let me show you the unique thingabout this handsome crossover. Unlike every other model in its class the XVgets a 2. 0 litre flat-four Boxer engine. The benefit of this is that it sits lowin the car compared to traditional inline-four or V6 engines, so the centre ofgravity is effectively lower. Just look at how low this thing sits. Subaru says thisdirect injection engine is almost entirely new and produces 156 PS and 196 Nmof torque. It’s paired to Subaru’s continuously variabletransmission, otherwise known as Lineartronic and features 7 virtual ratiosThis CVT is also nearly 8 kg lighter than the old unit withrevised gearing to improve fuel efficiency. Now with all that out of theway let’s find out how it drivesThe original Subaru XV was popular for manyreasons particularly because it gave people that rugged SUV look with acommanding driving position and it didn’t look too boring or dowdy as otherrun-of-the-mill SUVs that you could get. It also drove pretty well and had decentlevels of comfort. Well, this new one improves on all that thanks to a newSubaru Global Platform. Apparently body and chassis rigidity isup by 70% and you can really feel this in the corners. There’s less flexion in thechassis when you take corners at higher speeds and it’s inherentlya more stable car to drive. This car is also very beautifully sprung, possiblyexhibiting the best ride quality in its class, by far. Remember what I saidearlier about this being on top of a C-segment platform? One of the keybenefits is that you get a more sophisticated suspension especially inthe rear way it gets a double wishbone suspension instead of a cheaper torsionbeam set up found in the HR-V. This makes it a far better car to driveespecially for rear passengers. With the new engine and transmission Ifind the throttle response to be quicker and the engine is more eager to rev thanthe old one And if you must know this car sprintsfrom zero to 100 in 10. 4 seconds which on its own is 0. 3 secondsquicker than the old one but still slower than HR-Vs 10. 1 second markThe CVT has a step function to mimic a normal automatic gearbox andit’s still one of the better made CVTs out there. However as with allCVTs it lacks the pull factor at full throttleespecially at highway cruising speeds. Generally though performance iscomparable to the HR-V despite weighing over 300 kg more but this islargely due to the size and construction of the car. For city driving afront-wheel drive car is definitely going to make more sense and you savemore fuel in the process. But the XV is permanently driven on all four wheelsand it now features an X-Mode through a button right here for better off roadtraction. If you’re the adventurous type, consider this a bonus. On the subject offuel efficiency expect this car to perform slightly better than the old onealthough not by much. With a full tank of 63 liters I managed to squeeze about 600 kmof range in mixed driving conditions but this car is not properlyrun in, so it’s not a very good barometer. I’m pretty sure I can do moreif I only I have a little bit more determinationI’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again. I really honestly like this XV but like all cars it has to have someflaws – this gaudy head unit is one of them, it’s one of the biggest, and theother is noise. One part from that CVT which is a very common problem and thesecond is tyre roar. CVT noise is part and parcel and mostcars in this price bracket suffer from the same fate but the factory fittedContinental MC5 tires are just unacceptably noisy. And if you check theunderside of the wheel well there’s only a bit of sound deadening materials usedHonda knows this and has fixed the problemso Subaru if you’re watching this, please do something about itAll-in-all the XV has once again proven to be a worthy contender in the growing subcompactcrossover segment. It’s improved in just about every aspect and despite all thatit’s still competitively priced against its closest rivals. The icing on the cakeis the seven airbags that are standard across the range and there’s also ISOFIXchild anchors in the rear seat to go with the usual set of safety systemsFor those of you who are waiting for the full range of Subaru’s EyeSight safetysystem, well that’s only gonna come sometime next year. For now I’ll be happywith this, just maybe not in this colour, because I’m not flashy like thatThank you for watching. This is Matt, rain or shine, I will see you in the next one
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/08/04/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian-review-rm119k-rm126k/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/08/first-drive-2018-subaru-xv-malaysian.html
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