#lws5 spoiler warning
gwtwoimpsarewe · 5 years
Welcome to the Family
So, this story won’t make a lot of sense without context; but I’ll save that for another post. I wrote it to enjoy it and it’s my first full OC full prose. Hopefully ya’ll enjoy it too.
A quick helper tho set after the prologue bound by blood. So mild? Spoilers? 
Lorcan Vulthon - Norn, Roughly about 26 (circa 1332),(Ex-)Wolf Shaman,  (Ex-)Auxiliary Iron Legion Engineer, Vigil Initiate. Yes he was raised by wolves. (Not literally) 
Zariah Dào - Human, Roughly about 42 (circa 1332), (My Commander for the game, but operates under Lt. Commander to allow for easier rp), Warmaster of a Vigil Company, Lorcan’s new Boss, Has not tapped out since Claw Island. 
Veeck - my necromancer reaper I haven’t made but am taking from an old DnD character of mine, Asura, age unknown, The Deacon of Pain,  
A jungle stalker, tiger and one other feline mini follow him around that’s the joke. One of the JP’s for the Tiger den Achievement is what sparked this. 
Not sure what to tag it but it starts funny ends feelsy, found family vibes, if descriptions of eyes squick you (no harm just who’s looking at you, sudden eye contact etc) be wary or pass on, fluffy angst I suppose, emotional breakdown,
it ends happily I swear! 
(Don’t panic if things seem to change, I post and edit as I go otherwise I get locked in perfectionism spiral and never post at all.) 
Eyes shielded from the setting sun, Lorcan peered out over the landscape, comm at the ready. 
Dusk crawled toward the horizon. Hazy smoke trails blown over the open fields lazily from the nearby mill, an end of a lovely day, on all accounts. 
The receiver came to life in Lorcan’s hand with an exhausted sigh of static as Lt. Commander Zariah sluggishly answered, “Yes, Lorcan. What is it?” 
The smile pulled over Lorcan’s face, unable to resist the urge to tease. “Kinda, an odd time of day to be sleeping sir.” 
It was utterly incredible how he could feel the dry stare-down and complex half lecture on the misuse of communications equipment in a brief pause. 
That was talent right there.  
Another sigh brought his attention back in, “I wasn’t, thank you, did you need something?” 
Brightening, Lorcan sat down in front of the mess of fur and leaves, “Yeah! I found your cat bed!” 
“… What.”  
Lorcan gestures at the pile of leaves at his feet although his officer couldn’t see it. “Yeah! One of your Sylvari, the one with the monotone-” 
“-Ours, and their name is Eir, -” 
“-Said one of your weird tiny death machines-“ 
“-Again, wild animals, and not mine-” 
“-Yeah, yeah, the striped one ran off and went to bed everything-” 
“-Tiger; and has been making beds not bedding, your Common is improving-” 
“I found one!” 
The crackle and whine from a heavy static sigh made Lorcan wince and pull the device from his ear. 
“...… You’ve found a tiger.” 
Something about the suddenly calculating monotone made his insides squirm as he forced the cheerful up another notch. “Well no, but I’ve found its bed, and now we have each other’s scents, and I probably will find it and we’ll form a life-long bond like rangers and shaman-” 
“Lorcan.” His name came gently, cutting off his rambling in a way that had nausea setting in. 
“I’m grateful you found one, does it look fresh?” The genial tone was almost disconcerting after seeing nothing but jaded exhaustion, and it was wrong. 
This was not how this works. 
This was a crank call. Because he’s Lorcan. The rambling loud, obnoxious idiot whose superiors while agitated are fond of. Lorcan, who did not want to do this all over again but here they are, and Zariah! Who’d barely known him three days! 
Who took him in without blinking after getting cut off from his war-band, who trusted him enough for a reconnaissance mission. Who put up with all his antics so far with a droll but benign stare; who—
A rustling came finally, along with the clink and slosh of what Lorcan knew to be the large mug of coffee usually in hand. 
“Stop that,” his throat felt tight, half leaping to his feet into a defensive stance, “You—Don’t-” The plains suddenly felt suffocatingly small, leaving him on edge and snarling into his comm. 
Burn him, what was he doing. 
“Stop that!” his ears were burning, eyes stinging against the smoke in the air. It was his name; it was just his name what the tar was his problem? 
The placid silence that followed nearly had him throw the damn thing down onto the rocks. Embarrassment burned viciously under his skin. He was better than this now. He wasn’t- 
He turned the comm offline. 
It was long past dark by the time he’d calmed down, eyes red and throat raw, hunched at the base of the tree.
Great first impression.
Really sold it this time.
Groaning, he dug his face into his knees to do something other than mope in the dark like a moody cub. Or worse start up again.
A skittering of rocks and not entirely muffled metal had him look up in time to see a silhouette with an obnoxious Asuran light nearly blind him.
“Mind if I come over? You turned your comm off.” Zariah inquired tilting his head to the side just before the last jump. “I can stay over here. Just wanted to-”
Lorcan waved him off with a flippant hand and shoved his face back down. “Make sure I hadn’t broken-”  
“-Your bones. Yes. Or anything else important to your personal self.” Zariah moved over the outburst with both a note of finality and comfort that had Lorcan looking up out of instinct, only to wince again at the mini sun in his Commanders hand.
“… If you're going to jump over, douse the Mouse-Light. Before I lose my eyes.”
 Immediately, the object dimmed down and out before far more familiar sounds came and a torch sparked to life. “Sorry about that, but I’ll ask you to refrain from derogatory names. Veeck is a valued member of our team and cares deeply about our survival.”
“… The Asura.”
“Who rambles on about some new Entity?”
“Of Pain, yes.”
“… Boss.”
“Not up for debate, Lorcan.”
Heaving to his feet with a sigh, Lorcan reached out to him; “Well, can’t let them upstage me now can I. C’mon I’ll catch you; it won’t give you enough light without the M--……. beacon. From the Deacon.”
Zariah landed with a grunt into his grip. “You’ll have to share that one, they’d love that-what is that an idiom?”
“Not a clue.” Wearily sitting again, Lorcan stopped short as something small and purring wormed its way into his lap. “… Uh…”
“She likes belly rubs, and she can smell tears.” Was all Zariah offered settling next to him and safely anchoring the torch in front of them, while the Stalker wiggled about before she settled solidly into Lorcan’s lap. Big eyes batted up at him, as if pointedly proving Zariah’s point; said belly up and offered.
Slowly, Lorcan answered the demand, a new deeper slew of purrs unleashed in repayment. “I thought you said they’re wild.”
“They are. Or were, a few years ago. They found me in the Maguuma, when Mordremoth was; well you know.” came the easy answer, as Zariah set about digging in his pack and handing over a wrapped meat smelling something to Lorcan who merely blinked at it.
“You haven’t eaten since before you left and I know how Norn eat. Eat your dinner.”
Gingerly, Lorcan accepted the meal; before peering at him. “… Does this get any weirder?”
“Only if you let your guard down long enough for them to steal it.”
They sat like that a long while, quietly; with a lap full of warm purring death machines, a belly full with warm food and drink, and tired eyes watching the torch slowly burn down to a smolder.
The lecture never came; the ‘we’re alike you and I’ speech, the wise mentor talk, whatever he’d been expecting. Zariah just sat there, relaxed and was… well, there.
But then it made sense didn’t it. He was a tactician for a military organization, one of the high tier leaders in the Pact, leader of his own company; and Lorcan was an accomplished engineer and a perceptive people's person when he wasn’t being difficult. 
There wasn’t anything to say.
He’d freaked out, he didn’t want to freak out, but he did. He’d reverted to causing a scene and trouble because he was a full inferno of freaking the blazes out. About what any of this meant now. About where home was now. What he would do now. What his purpose was now.
Had another identity crisis in an evening flat because he kept trying to put it in a title. Wolf Shaman, Auxiliary Charr—anything that wasn’t just him. How else could he go back and show that he’d changed after all? Prove he was all grown up out of his awkward paws making a mess of everything.
Except he hadn’t had he-
Lorcan spat fur out of his mouth, leaning away from the incessantly batting paws from his lap companion.  “Hey! Hey! Hey! C’mon!”
“I told you. She smells monologues.”
“You said tears.”
Stretching out with an innocent hum that edged too close to playful to pass as sincere, Zariah rose a brow at him, “Mm? Did I? I must have misspoken. So terribly sorry.”
The words pulled a snort out of Lorcan at the obvious lie, “So, what, she just slaps you in the face at random? Or she’s just psychic and knows when you're spiraling every time.”
Turning towards him, Zariah rose the brow higher, something of a smirk toying in the corner of his mouth. “Oh, definitely a psychic; when I need it. Constantly. She can tell usually because,” His eyes glanced meaningfully at Lorcan’s lap, “I’ve ceased to pet her.”
Lorcan paused, looking to where his hands had fallen stagnant some time ago on her back, much to the indignant pout on her face. “… Oh.”
“Well.” He chuckled at his own obliviousness and began smoothing hands down her head and spine apologetically, much to her delight, “S’a good trick.”
“She tries.” A yawn dragged out the end of the sentence as Zariah settled down more against Lorcan’s side who moved to accommodate him.
Eyes glanced at the time curiously, “Aw burn me, Boss I’m-”
“Safe.” That firm tone was back again, even as exhausted as it sounded. “And that’s all I care about. We’ll go back when you’re ready.”
“Don’t you have paperwork to do?”
“Great thing about paper, it’ll be there when I get back.”
“What about orders? Don’t you have to know what’s”
“Anything I need to know, I’ll know through my comm, if it’s of immediate importance. As for orders, there are other commanders.”
“… How many hours you running on here?”
“Two and a half, I was in fact sleeping when you called me.”
“Boss-” An incredulous laugh cut short by an overused stubborn excuse.
“I had coffee.”
Silence lapsed again, softer as the torch barely glowed embers and Zariah’s breathing began to deepened, and slow against his side.
It wouldn’t have made sense for how lax Zariah was, after seven years of nearly non-stop war and fighting; if the moon wasn’t glinting off four Iron Legion Sharpshooters standing guard nearby that Lorcan could now see.
“Boss?” swallowing around the lump in his throat, Lorcan nudged him again. “Hey, Boss.”
There was a slurred hum, eyes not even opening as Zariah lifted a brow in answer “Mmn—yes Lorcan.”
“… Thanks.”
“S’ what ‘m here for.”
Epilogue (aka beeps an giggles)
For the weight of a Pact Commander, Zariah was unnervingly light once you removed the pack, armor, weapons, felines, etc.
Which Lorcan awkwardly got to know firsthand as the pint-sized (seriously how small was this guy) Asura fussed around this way and that muttering too fast to keep up with.
It was a very odd feeling of you break it you buy it, with the Commanders sleep schedule. Which cemented in his mind as no one else seemed bothered by the ranting Asura at his feet. 
“-two months! Two months! Not even! We were so close, on ordered leave, relaxing, vacationing, nearly had it! But no! The evil little box of death opens its evil little mouth and ruin everything! This does not please the Pain!”
Lorcan made the mistake of uttering “Does anything,” before realizing the error as he became the subject of the bespectacled, laser sharp, owlish gaze before off again as they moved in thought. 
Finally, with a decisive nod, they firmly shouted up to him, “…… Milk! Milk and Ink!”
(Seriously did the guy think he was deaf? Though they looked like they’d fit into his boot with room to spare, and he wasn’t exactly short himself.)
A tiny hand lifted into the air, fire in their eyes; “I shall explain!”
“Please don’t.” Lorcan begged.
“Easy Squeak-A-Veak, lets save converting until after we get Boss back to bed for a few hours. We’ve already got orders to meet up with General Soulkeeper in the morning.” Came the beautiful rescue from one of the other officers Lorcan couldn’t put a name to.
Whose hands lifted up immediately in a placating gesture, as the tiny Asura looked ready to implode, “Rephrase, to head over to General Soulkeeper in the morning.”
Small detonation avoided, the medic, nodded with minimal professional sulking, “He’s napping on the way there.”
“As always, you can try small fry, you can try. Eir wanted to see you; I’ll see that Boss gets settled yeah?” Offering a fond amused look, they winked at Lorcan who wasn’t honestly sure what to do with himself at this point of being ‘Boss-shelf’.
Veeck squinted but turned and left with a toddle out of the room. “I know what you’re doing and I don’t appreciate it but yes I will leave and stop scaring our recruit.”
“… Wasn’t scared.” Came late and lamely as the officer chuckled and lead him in to where Zariah was staying for the time being.
Which for the first few moments Lorcan was sure they got the wrong room before he finally spotted a bed past all the paperwork. “Is that a war table?”
“Mini-sized yeah, Rye sleeps in his office, it was the only solution after a long drawn out internal war lemme tell you.”
“How is that a win?”
“He used to do it on a cot armed with a coffee pot, and don’t worry about Veeck. Squeakers is harmless; they get dramatic with displeasure and pain cos it’s like a prayer offering? I think? I’m trying to follow it but I need a few more run throughs. They’re a lot calmer day to day.”
“…….. Oh! Good to know, thanks—ah…”
“You forgot my name already didn’t you.”
Laughing they helped settle Zariah down and into bed, even tucking them in. Which by this point, Lorcan had one final question.
“…… Sooo, kinda curious. Why he’s not; you know.”
“Twitchy as fleas about being handled like a doll? He usually is, but this is day four of small naps and I made his coffee decaf. He’s out cold for the next three to five hours.”
“Burn me.”
“It’s a good thing, say goodnight if you want; just hit the lights when you're done. I’m catching a few myself before we hit the road.” They offered with a wave before heading out.
Lorcan absentmindedly gave a wave only to perk and try to call out; “Wait! You didn’t--…… tell me your name. Tar’nfeathers.”
Sitting down with a sigh he glanced over at Zariah, and with a crooked grin leaned over. “Night Boss. Still totally going to steal your tiger.”
A brow raised as tired, but amused eyes snapped open, “Still totally not going to let it happen.” Zariah challenged as Lorcan shrieked with a flail and fell off the bed. 
“Burn! Tar! and Feather You!”
Yawning with a final chuckle, Zariah listened to him stalk off and turn out the lights. “Good Night, Lorcan.” 
“Welcome to the family.” 
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If today's episode doesn't result in braham being a dragon champion I'm going to be legitimately shocked
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draw-you-coward · 4 years
"Do you think he would still love me?"
"Yes," says Canach.
Roza glances at him. "I am broken," he says softly.
~ In another time, Roza sees his marshal dance with someone, and certainly does not get jealous.
(takes place after lws5ep2!)
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Mild Spoiler Warnings for LWS5 No Quarter
Image ID for stories below read more
Title: Smashing, bashing Dragonbash returns
“Tyrians held the first Dragon Bash after Zhaitan’s defeat—an expression of relief and joy at beating impossible odds,” a statement by Arena Net reads. “With Jormag’s influence on the rise, it’s more important than ever to commemorate your victories with an annual party!”
Dragonbash has returned to Hoelbrak once again to bring joy and hope to the citizens of Tyria.
Fan-favorite events return to the Norn home city such as the hologram stampede, moa races, and the ever-popular and ever potentially fatal dragon arena.
“It wouldn’t be a proper celebration without your attendance. Join me in Hoelbrak for another moot for the ages! There will be tests of strength, racing, food, song, and most importantly—ale,” said Knut Whitebear.
I’ll see you there. Unless, of course, you don’t enjoy the fun.”
This year introduces new items to players that include the unique Holographic
Dragon Shoulder as well as holographic representations of the first generation of legendary weapons in the Imbued Holographic weapons set.
The moa races this year sparked a bit of controversy with allegations that one racer, Mystic Forgery, had experimental rockets strapped to its torso in an attempt to propel the moa forward. According to Photo Editor Dexsia Truthseeker, Mystic Forgery also had roughly 30 Superior Runes of Speed hidden within its feathers, a clear violation of the rules. After officials and Knut Whitebear were called to mediate the rockets were ruled as an unfair advantage to the other moas and the extra equipment was removed.
Dragonbash organizers also want to remind The Commander and other participants that while Zhaitaffy is a sugary, delicious, chewy treat it is not meant to be consumed in quantities of over 1000 pieces at a time, and doing so may cause intestinal harm and a sugar rush followed by an intense sugar crash.
Organizers also asked us to remind all participants that rollerbeetle racing is not for children, or sylvari, under 5 years of age because of the dangers that the highspeed races present. They recommend that families and participants who fall outside of this age range instead participate in spectating the races from a safe distance or hitting dragon pinatas located around Hoelbrak.
We here at the Lion’s Arch Chronicle wish you all a safe and happy Dragonbash!
Title: United Legions brace themselves against Dominion forces (spoiler warnings for lws5)
The newest shocking turn in the battle against the elder dragons has brought the charr to outright civil war with the defection of Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer and his followers creating the Dominion forces. Currently, a savage battle rages in the Drizzlewood Coast pitting charr against charr as more members of the United Legions allegedly defect to the Dominion.
According to the latest intel, the negotiations with the newly promoted Tribune Ryland Steelcatcher have failed due to the unexpected arrival of Pact Marshal Logan Thackeray and Lady Kasmeer Meade as reinforcements to the United Legions during the parlay.
The area has been split into two major battlefields with a seemingly neutral zone in the center. The situation is changing hourly but at the time of publication the United Legions control, Petraj Overlook, Vloxen Mine, and Port Cascadia. While the Dominion forces control Fort Defiance, Leadfoot Village, Wolf’s Crossing, and Lighthouse Point.
Editors Note: As the situation is changing rapidly this information is subject to change and may be inaccurate, we have reported the information as accurately as we could at the time of publication.
The former pact commander has allegedly aligned themselves with the United Legions, and have been helping to turn the tide in this brutal civil war that so far seems to have no end in sight.
The coverage of this story is ongoing and will be updated as new information is revealed.
Title: Lion’s Arch sees increase in fountain related accidents
I recently went on a tour of Lion’s Arch, and we came across the most beautiful fountain near the Trader’s forum. Our tour guide made a point to let us know that it’s where most of the accidents happen on the tour. An amazing 80%!! Obviously this had to be wrong because there were two quaggans having a good ole time playing in the fountain. I thought, “what the heck” and started playing along. Let me tell you I had the best time until I fell flat on my face after one of those little fellas told me I was too big for the fountain! Lesson of the day: Listen to your tour guide! Or wear non-slip shoes…
Editors Note: The Lion’s Arch Tour Guide asked us to remind everyone that those statistics are not a joke and that everyone should have listened to her when new Lion’s Arch was under construction because this all could have been avoided in the first place. The Lion guard has also asked us to remind everyone that this should not be attempted and that what our staff writer did was ill advised and could lead to serious injury.
Title: Opinion Article, About the Birds of Tyria
There are all kinds of amazing birds of Tyria! The most superior bird of all is the Ascalonian Quail. It is clear because they are compact and have ornamental feathers to show off their superiority to the rest of the birds of Tyria. I’ve heard many people say Griffins are the superior bird of Tyria but I am here to say that those folks are wrong. Griffins aren’t even birds!! They have four legs! All birds I’ve ever seen have 2 legs! Griffins in fact are arachnids! They have 6 limbs! I mean look at them! That’s not a bird! Some could argue that Moas are the superior bird, but alas they are too tall to hold in your hand! You can’t even carry them in your pocket! Owls are pretty cool! I even hear some people have them to help them fight. However, that’s too aggressive for most folks, unlike the small quail of Ascalon! Why not Hawks you ask? Their beaks and claws are very sharp! Great for hunting, or stabbing holes into your arms or eyes. Crows are pretty neat, they have the whole goth aesthetic going, but they don’t have the super rad head ornaments like quail do. And Griffins hardly have any of the benefits of these other birds, because they aren’t even birds!  In conclusion, Ascalonian Quail are the best birds in Tyria and Griffins are abominations.
Title: Lion’s Arch Chronicle welcomes new staff writers
The Lion’s Arch Chronicle proudly would like to introduce our two newest members to our  staff, Freepaw Kittyblog and Consultant Teekay they reached out to us after the publishing of our first issue.
Kittyblog will be covering local attractions and places to see when visiting your travel destinations, as well as being promoted to being the head of local advertisement while she travels.
“Hi there! I’m Freepaw Kittyblog! I’m a char who grew up in Divinity’s Reach,” Kittypaw said when asked for a statement. “I love visiting new places and I hope to one day make a living as a travel blogger!”
Our second newest member is Consultant Teekay they are well versed in all manner of research and have a knack for finding the deep truths that no one had thought to look for yet. They will be covering and either proving or debunking the latest rumors that are floating around Tyria, a true light at the end of the tunnel.
“Greetings readers! I’m Consultant Teekay, a fun loving, truth telling columnist from Rata Sum,” said  the Consultant in her statement. “I’ve traveled Tyria in search of secrets big and small, but secrets are no fun if we can’t share them! And that’s exactly what I intend to do!
We are proud to have these additions to our team and hope that you enjoy the stories  that they will be writing in the near future.
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A Dumb GW2 Thing (Minor Spoiler Warning)
I am about 80% sure we’ll be getting another set of free human hairstyles with EOD.
It’s reasonable to think so, as it’s human based, just like PoF. But why 80%?
Because of Kasmeer’s New Hairstyle (thats also the hairstyle used by the spell caster in the Sunqua Peak fractal).
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At first, it seems like it’d just be an indication of new exclusive hairstyles. But I noticed something similar...
Remember Livia? (Yes, I know you do gw1 players)
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Livia was introduced (at least into gw2) at the end of lws3, or right before the next expansion (PoF). Livia had a unique hairstyle, or rather variation of a hairstyle, that player characters didn’t have access to. Said variation was added alongside multiple Elonian hairstyles for free.
Kasmeer’s new hair style was introduced in lws5, aka the Icebrood Saga, or right before the next expansion (EOD). It is a great unique variation of a hairstyle that player characters do not have access to.
So I know it’s just a dumb little thing, but I sure hope it’s true...
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storm-called · 5 years
Broken Oaths [11]
Spoilers for LWS5 Shadow in the Ice!
Posts a chapter right after the last even though my motivation to share these is slowly fading because I only got 1 outside note on the last chapter and have gotten exactly zero feedback on the past 6 or so chapters. 
It’s fine
[First/Previous/Next] || [AO3]
The tangled walls of the labyrinth surrounding Wolverine’s shrine spiraled upwards into the clouded sky. Glaw’s eyes watered as he tried to make out where the vines ended and the sky began. Jhavi had been right; a strange energy held the place in a death grip, stifling all sound except for their own breathing. Even the breeze didn’t dare blow.
Jhavi greeted them at one of the labyrinth’s scattered entrances. Her arms were crossed, and she kept throwing wary glances at the dark labyrinth behind her. “I hope you’re ready for this.” She said.
“After the others, how hard can it be?” Braham joked. His voice wavered as he took in the suffocating shadows beyond.
“There’s something in there.” Jhavi warned. “Every Vigil soldier that’s gone in has either gone missing or come out babbling nonsense.”
Glaw watched the darkness shift and course around the mushrooms that peppered the labyrinth's floor. They gave off a toxic blue glow, throwing pale shadows over mysterious movements in the tunnel.
“The Vigil Priestess says to cleanse the shrine, we need to give Wolverine offerings.” Jhavi jerked a thumb at the meager collection of offerings layed out nearby.
“Let me guess,” Rook said, “Wolverine’s altar is in there.”
“Right in the middle, unfortunately.”
“You ready for this, Braham?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
Rook picked up one of the offerings from the pile. “Right, let’s get to it, then.”
They each picked up an offering and pressed their way into the darkness. The first thing that struck Glaw was the smell. It smelled of decay, putrid rot, and poison. The mushrooms made Glaw’s head spin if he got too close, and his stomach churned with the concoction of smells. His hand strayed to where his helmet hung from his belt, and he pulled the mask over his face. It didn’t do much against the smell, but the nausea from the spores abated a little.
The first corridor passed easily enough, although Glaw couldn’t shake the feeling of something else. Watery lamplight showed the way into the second corridor.
As they rounded the corner, Glaw stopped cold. The others did too, and Glaw bumped unceremoniously against Braham’s back. A spectral form of a boneskinner stared them down with wispy-green eyes. Its jaw chittered a familiar sound, and Glaw’s shoulder ached despite the absent wound.
“Back up, slowly. Get to the lamp light.” Rook hissed. They each took an agonizing step back. In turn, the boneskinner stepped forward. Glaw’s heel passed into the lighted area, and the muscles in the creature’s haunches tensed. Glaw held his breath.
With an ear-splitting shriek, the boneskinner pounced. Glaw grabbed Braham’s shoulder and yanked him back. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Jhavi do the same to Rook. They stumbled back into the lamp light, falling into a heap on top of one another. The boneskinner landed just outside the light’s circle. It chittered and trilled in clear annoyance. It prowled a tight circle around them before giving up and stalking off in the opposite direction.
They sat there in their tangled pile for a moment, breathing heavily. Glaw’s legs were pinned beneath Braham, and Jhavi was nearly sat on his shoulder with Rook splayed in her lap.
“Well, I hope Wolverine doesn’t mind if his offering is a little squished.” Rook joked. A weak burble of laughter passed between them, and they untangled themselves. Glaw brushed debris and leaf matter off his shoulders and helped Jhavi stand. He wondered with morbid curiosity what would have happened if the spectral boneskinner had laid a claw on them.
The beast in question was nowhere to be seen, although the unnerving sensation from earlier was absent for now. Tentatively, they crept from the light’s safety. They rounded the corner into the last dark corridor, the faint shape of the boneskinner prowling away from them. Wolverine’s shrine was barely visible.
Rook held up a hand, her fingers slowly ticking down. Her index finger folded, and they filed out of their position. Each of them breathed out a heavy breath as they entered the safety of the central chamber. In the center, Wolverine’s shrine sat lonely and cold, covered in moss and vine.
Glaw placed his offering at the foot of the shrine, and the others followed suit. The muttering of Braham’s prayer broke the silence of the air.
Wolverine Spirit rose slowly, crawling from beneath the weight of vines crushing his shrine. He looked from his shrine to Braham, blinking slowly. If Glaw knew any better, he would say they had just awoken Wolverine from a long sleep.
“You,” Wolverine Spirit rumbled, “you are the one who would stand against the ice dragon’s champion?”
“I’m Braham Eirson.” There was a note of pride in Braham’s voice that had been missing before. “And I’ll do more than stand against it. I’ll slay it.”
Wolverine Spirit hummed. “Yet you struggle to stand even before me. I can see your spirit, your valor, what little you possess. So much doubt…”
“Are you calling me a coward?”
Rage tinted Braham’s words. Glaw edged a glance at his face.
“You fight only for yourself,” Wolverine Spirit said churrishly, “you have no courage. Only selfishness.”
“I fight with others now. The Commander, Rytlock, Crecia, Jhavi--all the others.”
“You fight for them, not with them.” Wolverine almost sounded bored. He sniffed over the offerings, his whiskers twitching at the squished contents. “You wish to impress, to prove yourself out of nothing but fear.”
“Maybe so.” Glaw whipped his head up at the acceptance. The rage was gone from Braham’s face, replaced with something akin to understanding. “You’re right, I do want to prove myself. I want to earn my legend. My doubts aren’t a weakness, though. They push me to be stronger, better, because I know I can be.”
Wolverine Spirit stopped, considering Braham. “Perhaps you are right, Eir’s son. Fine. You have my valor. Fight where I have failed. Earn your legend.” Wolverine dipped his head and disappeared back into the cracks in the shrine.
A few beats of silence passed. Glaw rolled his jaw. “In the short time I’ve known you, Braham,” he said slowly, tentatively, “I think you’ve proved yourself more than enough.”
He met Braham’s eyes for a split second before dipping his gaze. It wandered to the labyrinth around them. The darkness of the corridors seemed to have vanished, along with the lingering stench and the putrid mushrooms. The others noticed, too, muttering in confusion and relief.
The path back to the clear sky beyond was unimpeded, and the sight of snow was almost welcome.
“Well, that’s the last shrine. What next?”
“We take down Drakkar.” Jhavi said. “We should head back to Still Waters Speaking. I think Cloudseeker had some ideas.”
Whatever Cloudseeker’s private counsel was, it didn’t include Glaw. He sat beside the village fire again, trying to ignore the stares the kodan were giving him. Jormag’s voice had been mostly absent during the trials, but they were back with a vengeance now.
‘Try as you might, you cannot please them. You see that now, don’t you. They will use you until you are no longer helpful. You will break, and they will toss you aside. With me, you will never be without purpose. Come, dear child… come back to me.’
Glaw looked at where the others had disappeared, swallowing hard. The memory of Balur’s burnt, disfigured body rose in his mind, and he clenched his icy fist. He tried to drown out the Dragon’s whispering.
Glaw jerked his head up at his name. Braham approached him, a near mirror to that morning. Behind Braham was Rook. Both of them were eyeing him warily. Glaw straightened, beginning to get to his feet. “Are we--?”
“Jhavi and some Vigil soldiers are going to push Drakkar from the lake into the mountains.” Rook said, holding up a hand. “We are going to talk.”
A cold lump settled in Glaw’s stomach. The others sat across from him, and Glaw fell back into his seat. He placed his head in his hands, running fingers through his hair.
“We need the truth, Glaw,” Rook pressed. “What’s going on?”
“I--” Glaw stammered. He swallowed and raised his head, flicking his gaze between Rook and Braham. “I hear Jormag…” He began.
There was silence, so he continued.
“Near constantly. The corruption on my arm…” He flexed the frozen digits. “It seems to amplify the Dragon’s power.” He left out the part where it also amplified his own.
He drew in a breath as an ache jackknifed up the frozen limb. Whether from the fire’s heat or Jormag’s meddling, he couldn’t tell.
“And?” Rook prompted.
“And I’m losing time.”
The admittance escaped him like a pump in the gut.
Rook’s sharp gaze met his. He didn’t miss the concern in her expression, though. “How so?”
“This morning…” Glaw’s fingers worked at the frozen knuckles of his other hand. “When I… attacked Braham. I dreamed that I was back when I first encountered Jormag, when I was working with the Svanir. The dream faded, but I was still there, back then. I didn’t realize till… after.”
Glaw dared a look at Braham. The other norn looked conflicted.
Rook was painfully silent, and unease carved itself a hole in Glaw’s chest.
“Are you going to be okay?” Rook asked finally.
“What?” Glaw said dumbly.
“Are you going to be okay, going against Drakkar? The whispers will be strongest there. We don’t need you going rogue on us.”
Glaw stared at Rook, stunned. His mouth ran dry, and he swallowed before speaking hoarsely. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be fine. I can do it. I need to.”
Rook’s mouth quirked up in a small smile. “I know.”
Warmth spread in Glaw’s chest, replacing the unease. He returned the smile.
“I will get you back.”
Braham’s deadpan voice dropped the smile off Glaw’s face. He turned and looked at Braham. “What…?”
Wordlessly, Braham tapped the still-bandaged patch of ice-burnt skin on his chest. “I will get you back, when you’re least expecting it.”
Slowly, Glaw noted the mischief twinkling in Braham’s eyes, a quiet grin turning his lips. Braham clapped him on the shoulder warmly.
The moment was broken by Jhavi’s voice crackling over the comms. ‘Commander.’
“What is it, Jhavi?” They all stood as Rook answered the comm.
‘We did it.’ Jhavi sounded breathless, excited. ‘Drakkar’s on the run. Cloudseeker and I will handle things here--you should head to the cave.’
“Excellent work, Jhavi.”
A solemn, steady reply came through the static.
‘Good luck, Commander.’
They were saddling up the skyscales when another crackling voice spouted from the comm line. ‘Commander, come in!’
“Crecia? What’s going on?”
Rytlock’s voice broke in before Crecia could reply. ‘Bangar and Ryland broke away from the army. They’re heading straight for Drakkar!’
There was a shuffling on the line, and Crecia spoke again, although Glaw could make out Rytlock’s worried muttering.
‘Commander, at least tell me you’ve got a plan to kill this thing…’ Crecia growled.
Rook sighed, pulling Ace’s saddle tight. “We’re cornering Drakkar in a cave, south of the lake. Let’s hope we can finish it off before Bangar gets there.”
Crecia growled again, and there was muffled yelling on the other side of the line. Rytlock ground out, ‘We’ll meet you inside,” and the line cut off into silence.
Rook mounted Ace, pulling Braham up behind her. Glaw hoisted himself onto Frigg and nudged the fidgeting skyscale forward. He looked at Rook.
“Here goes nothing,” She said. She set her mouth in a firm line and tapped her heel against Ace’s flank. Ace spread her wings and took to the sky. Glaw went to follow, but a voice slipped into his ears like ink.
‘This is your last chance, child. Do not squander it.’
Glaw faltered. He tensed, listening for more of Jormag’s purr, but nothing but the wind roared in his ears. He drew in a shuddering breath, looking up at the speck in the sky that was Rook and Braham; they were waiting for him.
Last chance.
Cold dread coiled in the pit of Glaw’s stomach.
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Day 7 of Wintersday fic week! This is another fic that could be seen as a sort of follow-up to others earlier in the week. This one focuses on Braham, Auslog, and Toril, because I just really love writing these three idiots together. 
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Braham Eirsson/Original Character(s), Player Character (Guild Wars)/Original Character(s) Characters: Original Female Character(s), Braham Eirsson, Female Norn Player Character (Guild Wars), Auslog Iceshaper - OC, Toril Dragonslayer - OC Additional Tags: Fluff, Returning Home, Wintersday (Guild Wars), set just before the start of lws5, but no spoilers, Banter, Polyamory, Polyamorous Character, teen rating for light cursing, that tends to be the case with most of my writing I guess lol Series: Part 7 of Wintersday Fic Week 2019 Summary:
Toril finally gets back from her week in Hoelbrak. Braham missed his best friend, and Auslog missed her partner. They catch up.
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Issue 5
Mild Spoiler Warnings for LWS5
Image ID under the cut
Title: Breaking the Ice Legion: A New Terror Story: In the latest updates from the charr civil war reports have been coming in that negotiations have come to an absolute standstill. There has been a breakdown of all negotiations after the reported capture of Steel Warband member and second in command to Centurion Steelcatcher, Cinder Steeltemper, who has not been seen since and according to intelligence is to be considered MIA. Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer has also not been seen in the recent weeks, unverified sources claim that the former Blood Legion Imperator was last seen forging farther north. Reports also state that a new enemy has been spotted recently, a before unseen form of icebrood. The Jormag corrupted icebrood who have been referring to themselves as the Ice Legion have been rising from the ranks of Dominion all under Ruinbringer’s command. The United Legions, after gaining control of the southern portion of Drizzlewood Coast, will be looking to push beyond Wolf’s Crossing Bridge up into what is being called the Frost Citadel the main stronghold of the Dominion and Ice Legion. While on the surface this appears to be an advantage to the United Legions this could pose greater risks than ever as the farther north the legions push the closer they get to the looming threat that is the elder dragon Jormag. No comment has been made from the Legion Imperators within the United Legions about the risks that this advancement into enemy territory may entail but with an elder dragon involved nothing is certain.
Title: Introducing skritt fashion reviews
Story: Skritt was told by boss editor lady to seek help from others in writing of fashion column. So Skritt has come to paper reading people to ask for you to send us photos of your shiny shiny outfits. The shinier the better! Skritt will then give a full review of the outfit, the shiny pieces of armor that nice photo people are wearing, and the dyes that they have used. Boss Courica has said that even if the dyes are shiny that we can’t drink them, which skritt thinks is unfair. If you would like skritt to review your best shinies submit the outfit in our submission box. Uh, wherever that is, editor lady didn’t tell me where but skritt hopes that  people will find them so we can see all the pretty pretty outfits.Editor’s Note:  Outfit submissions can be shared via our tumblr page at https://lions-arch-chronicle.tumblr.com/submitWe promise that Kuritata will have very in depth reviews of outfits (we hope).
Title: An Icy Olive Branch from the Icebrood?
Story: Reports have arrived from reporters Truthseeker and Teekay that a group of seemingly peaceful  icebrood were spotted in Hoelbrak within the Great Lodge yesterday. The group was surprisingly peaceful similar to their Svanir counterparts that live within Hoelbrak. The icebrood  crowd was peaceful and even willing to give quotes to reporters on the scene. Truthseeker was able to get a very short interview with Svana Dragonbane who when questioned about the dragons and their opinions on them said, “Once, I thought the dragons were a blight. But now I see that Jormag is here to protect us. Ice fortifies, ice protects.” The group departed shortly afterwards toward Frostgorge Sound where there have been common sightings of the Claw of Jormag.
Title: An unbiased travel review of Divinity’s Reach from a Charr
Story: Divinity’s Reach is easily the best city in all of Tyria! The city is easily the most gorgeous with the best infrastructure. The locals are the most elegant and beautiful of all the Tyrians.The city is huge with plenty of shopping opportunities. If you don’t want to spend money you can always craft it yourself at the Dwayna Low Road crafting stations. The most beautiful and just Queen Jennah also resides in the city. The Central Plaza is one of the most beautiful places in the city, just second to the Queen’s throne room. The city is also one of the safest, with Shining Blade members posted throughout. All in all, if you are thinking about visiting Divinity’s Reach I highly recommend it! Plenty of luxury to be had! Editor’s Note: Kittyblog was asked if this review was unbiased as she grew up in Divinity’s Reach, despite being a charr. Her statement was that this was her unbiased opinion but in the interest of fairness we would like to point out her very strong conflict of interest despite how confusing it may be for a travel reporter to have said biases.
Title: The Boasting Hall, Quail on Quail
Story: I know you’ve heard it before but Ascalonian Quail are the best birds in all of Tyria! They are the superior bird due to many things. The first being their beautiful head ornament! It is perfect! You wish you had such a beautiful headpiece! They also lay the cutest little eggs! They are perfect for an egg salad or scrambled eggs OR even hatching more quail! Obviously hatching them and making more is the superior choice of those but all are great! Some quail can even lay an egg a day! Imagine the quail army you could have in a short amount of time!  It’d be an army superior to any other animals in Tyria i’m sure!  Quail also travel in small flocks and when spooked they majestically burst forward with power and speed to take to the skies(for a moment.) You would be blessed to see such a beautiful display of feathers and power! The Quail’s call is also amazing! Just listen to the male as he calls to his flock! It’s glorious and powerful! Also have you ever seen a small baby quail? It’s amazing! So small and fluffy and perfect for cuddling and carrying with you anywhere you go! If you haven’t seen a baby quail I highly suggest you change that right this moment! Adopt your own Ascalonian Quail today! They are the superior bird of Tyria and deserve all the love and attention we can give them! Editor’s Note: This may hopefully be the last opinion article we do on the birds of Tyria. If anyone at all no matter what the subject is would like to also participate in some non bird related opinions that they would like to share we would absolutely love to hear them. But we also won’t say no to more bird related content if that’s what our readers would like to see. Just please, maybe just a little less bird content. 
Title: A true omnivore: I ate like the Commander for a day
Story: What’s the secret to finding the best food Tyria has to offer? According to the famous Pact Commander… try it all. Including, no offense to the honorable Commander, some items I would not strictly classify as edible. To be fair, I did ask for out of the way recommendations, and I certainly got them! Some stops on our tour were fairly respectable, the Meatoberfest in Diessa Plateau, for example, was utterly delightful, but things quickly went in a questionable direction. We tried some Orrian sea urchin, and I have to admit it was enjoyable, if a tad bit salty. Next was coffee with bloodstone, which packed a punch so powerful that I was afraid my soul may have left my body. I think my skeleton may still be suffering the aftershocks and I would recommend avoiding all foods laced with bloodstone dust. After that was enchanted clam bait, inedibly slimy and unappetizing seeing as I am not a clam. Then I was handed something that came from a can and claimed to be flank steak. It tasted more like the faint memory of meat bestowed upon insulation foam. I politely declined when the Commander suggested we consume a clay based Grawl paint to, “Imbue ourselves with its essence.” And suggested we try something more conventional. I was pleased that our next stop was Rata Sum… until I was offered a bag of cat food. With all due respect… I hope the Commander sticks to fighting the elder dragons.
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Issue 9
WARNING: Major spoilers for the end of LWS5 in the headline, the rest of the paper is spoiler free 
Image ID under cut
Title: The United Legions put Dominion on ice
Subtitle: WARNING: Major Spoilers for the end of Living World Season 5
Story: As a part of our continuing coverage of the Charr Civil war and the fight against the Elder Dragons, we have finally obtained another update from the front. Former Blood Imperator Bangar Ruinbringer has been reported to leading his Dominion followers to unthinkable ends in pursuit of victory. Reports of charr being transformed into ice brood known as the Ice Legion have been flooding in as the Ice Legion has begun to work with the Sons of Svanir in communing and serving the elder dragon Jormmag. United Legions report that all attempts at negotiation have failed and Jormagg has awakened and has chosen their champion. However, there has been an unseen turn in events. Despite the former Blood Legion Imperator being vocal about his goal of becoming the Elder Dragon’s champion to bolster the charr, reports have come in that the dragon has taken none other than Blood Tribune Rytlock Brimstone’s son and Dominion Tribune Ryland Steelcatcher. Reports say that neither the dragon nor the tribune has been seen since the United Legions and the Commander lead their strike on the Frost Citadel. Ruinbringer is reportedly being held by the Dragon’s Watch guild in the Eye of the North the status of the former Imperator is speculation at best and we cannot report more detailed information at this time.
Title: Community Event: Tyriaslibrary first anniversary
Story: Our lovely friends over at Tyriaslibrary are coming up on their first anniversary. For those unacquainted with the blog they are “A place to promote the many talented writers in the Guild Wars 2 fandom.” Where they reblog and promote the fan writers within the community in one place for people to browse and find content. For their first anniversary, they are hosting a community event from Aug 30 through Sept 6 where writers are encouraged to participate in writing for a specific prompt every few days.The prompts listed from the blog are as follows: 
August 30-31: Visiting the library. Write about your characters visiting the library and enjoying some books!
September 1-2: Tyrian book excerpts. Write what you think you’d find inside a book from Tyria! Someone’s got to compete with Snargle Goldclaw, right? 
September 3-4: Anniversaries. With the game’s anniversary happening too, celebrate by writing about any type of anniversary. 
September 5-6: Relaxation. You don’t need to curl up with a good book to relax, but it does help! Write about what your characters do when they get that well deserved break.
They are also hosting a meetup for the community on Saturday, September 5th at 3 pm pst on NA servers. The meeting will be on the second floor of the Minister Wii’s Mansion poi in Divinity’s Reach and look for or whisper Librarian Ink! And finally for content creators that aren’t as involved in writing they are also encouraging people to participate in the #tyrian book hunt where players take screenshots in areas with books to be shared on the blog.We here at the LAC would like to say congrats to the Library for a year of awesome content for their support of us as well!
Title: No Reservations: The GroveBeautiful as a garden but boring 
Story: The Grove is pretty on the outside, sure, but what is it like to visit? I will tell you! It’s very humid. There are lots of weeds everywhere to trip on so be sure to watch your step! I hope you like bugs because this place is full of them, you can’t go anywhere without a creepy crawly walking across your feet. All the residents are related too! Must be really hard to date here because everyone is your brother or sister. I will say it is a lively place and it stays green year round. On the very bottom level of The Grove there is a beautiful pond with lily pads that would be a great place to stay if you were a frog! I mean seriously, would it kill them to put in a mall and a McDonalds or something?Editor’s Note: We are unsure what Kittyblog means by “A McDonalds” when asked she wouldn’t clarify so your guess is as good as mine.
Title: The Boasting Hall, Hot Spring and Swing
Story: With everyone running around at the festivals lately, I’ve been running dry of sparring partners at Zelechor Hot Springs! Those of you who have run into me before know I follow a two-part spring strategy. I sit in the steaming waters and let them soak into my pores. Then, I get out in the cold, and fight something. It keeps me young. Come here and let me fight you. You’ll see my wisdom.  The festivals are nice and all but all of that food? All of that running around and the food and drink will weigh you down after all that time. Water washes the surface. Battle alone and cleanse your insides. Come visit me at the hot springs then you can truly be cleansed. Title:  The Shadow Behind the Throne: is Queen Jennah a Cat?
Story: Like many of you, I paid a visit to the Crown Pavilion recently, partially for the event, but mostly for the hors d’oeuvres. While I was there, I decided to take a gander at Queen Jennah- I mean, what self respecting gossip writer wouldn’t at the very least check to see if she really walks around barefoot! She does. But that got me thinking. While I was enjoying my light dinner, as well as the truly spectacular show, I realized something. Isn’t it quite the risk for the Queen of Kryta to be just… sitting in public like this? Besides, I’m sure she has plenty to do, even in a time of festivity, but as far as I could tell she’s been there since the party started! So, how could this be? Well, my first thought was mesmer clone, of course. But could you really trust a simple illusion to be so close up with the people? Of course not! It has to be a disguise, and it has to be someone she trusts with her life… That’s when it hit me. The Queen Jennah we see sitting in the Crown Pavilion is… the Queen’s beloved cat, Shadow! Call it far fetched all you want… But I’ve never been able to put shoes on a cat.
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storm-called · 5 years
Broken Oaths [12]
Spoilers for LWS5 Shadow in the Ice!
[First/Previous/Next] || [AO3]
Jhavi and Cloudseeker were waiting for them at the mouth of the cave. Jhavi raised her hand in greeting as they landed and they slid off the skyscales’ backs.
“You sure you don’t want to come with us, Jhavi?” Rook asked as they approached the pair.
Jhavi shared a glance with Cloudseeker. “Cloudseeker and the kodan need me here. You have your mission, I have mine. Just break Drakkar.”
“Gladly.” Braham rumbled.
“We’ll need to be quick.”
Glaw looked up as Crecia and Rytlock walked up, snow coating their fur.
“Bangar and Ryland could be here any minute.” Crecia continued. She looked up, taking in the cave.
“Then what are we waiting for?” Rytlock growled and started into the cave.
Glaw watched as his companions followed. He lingered at the mouth, turning over Jormag’s words again. He nodded to Jhavi and Cloudseeker and plunged himself into the icy maw.
He quickly caught up with the others. They were talking between themselves in hushed whispers; the faint noises bounced off the walls in eerie tones, distorting and drawing out the sounds.
Rytlock looked up sharply as a wail bounded from deeper in the cave.
“It’s in here…” Braham said.
A faint whisper brushed past Glaw’s ears, and he stopped mid step. Crecia turned and looked at him before turning her eyes to the Commander. “What does the Commander want…?” She murmured.
“Crecia,” Braham warned, “don’t listen to it. It’ll only get stronger the farther we go.”
Crecia’s ears flicked. “I… I know. I’m sorry. I just need a moment. Let’s keep moving.”
The cave spiraled farther on, the only light the faint flickering of Rytlock’s flaming sword and the dull glow coming from the icy walls.
A dark shadow shuddered through the ice overhead, making the entire tunnel squeak shrilly.
“Drakkar!” Braham shouted, breaking into a run. “After it!”
The tunnel widened as they ran. The ground underfoot grew slicker the deeper they burrowed, changing from mush and dirt to ice and rock. Glaw nearly lost his footing as Drakkar darted around a bend in the ice.
Drakkar’s shadow disappeared again, and they came to a stumbling halt in a broad cavern. Heavy breaths were the only sound echoing through the air.
Another whispering sigh wafted past, and this time, Glaw could make out a few of the words.
‘...when you know words will suffice?’
‘Maybe you should listen…’
“Maybe we should…” Rytlock muttered.
“Rytlock!” Rook protested.
Rytlock grumbled. “Why’ve we stopped? We should keep moving.”
“Drakkar is--”
The dark shape bolted across the cavern’s wall, delving ever deeper.
“--on the move again. Let’s go.”
Glaw had barely gotten his breath back, the chill in the stagnant air biting his lungs, but they were moving again.
As the group came to an abrupt halt, Glaw narrowly avoided running into Rook and bowling the small sylvari over. He leaned against the wall to catch his breath, looking around the cavern they were now in. All of the walls were iced over, leaving them in a verifiable dead end.
More of Jormag’s whispers washed over the group.
‘I can open a way… if all you want to do is speak…’
“A parley?” Crecia asked to the open air, approaching one of the frozen walls.
Rook grabbed her arm before she could get too far. “We have nothing to say to you!” She shouted.
“Stop talking to it!” Braham snapped.
“We’re not.” Rook reassured. “Crecia, can you get us through?”
“The ice is too thick. Not much I can do--unless…”
“What’re you thinking, Cre?”
“Hm,” Crecia hummed, “Rytlock, draw Sohothin. Hold it up and stand still. If I can focus my magic into the blade…”
“Nevermind, I don’t think I like this plan…” Rytlock rumbled, but he drew the sword nonetheless.
Glaw watched with lidded fascination as Crecia focused a blast of magic against the blade’s flaming face. A hot beam reflected from the two, sizzling a hole in the icy floor.
Rytlock danced back from the beam. “Whoa!” He tilted the blade up, melting through the icy wall and revealing a path that led deeper. “Guess I don’t hate it anymore.”
The new path descended at a gentle slope. The floor changed to just rock, although the walls were still thick, green-blue ice. Any small noise warbled oddly across the uneven surfaces. Each tiny click and whisper sent a shiver up Glaw’s spine. The path spit them out into a cavernous vault of ice; pale blue light filtered in through the back wall.
“Braham,” Rook’s voice echoed around the large space, “you ready for this?”
For the first time since confronting the Spirits, Glaw heard uncertainty in Braham’s tone. “Don’t know. Wolf Spirit made it sound like I was.”
“Quiet!” Crecia suddenly snapped. “Where’s Drakkar?”
A large shadow drifted past them; there was a faint sound of cracking ice.
“Dammit, it’s in the walls.” Rytlock growled, gripping Sohothin tightly.
Glaw spun in a slow circle, watching Drakkar lazily drift through the sheets of ice. “We have to draw it out of the ice.”
“Then we’ll melt it out.” Rytlock hefted his sword. “Crecia--Crecia?”
“If we kill Drakkar, then what? Who’s next?” Crecia’s arm went slack at her side. Glaw heard Jormag’s saccharine purr in her words. “You’d kill Bangar, then Ryland… Then all the legions to stop Jormag.”
“Damnit, Crecia, focus!” Rook’s order washed uselessly over Crecia.
Glaw glanced at Rytlock. The charr tightened his grip on Sohothin, but his attention was pinned on the Commander now. “All this time, you were planning to kill him. I trusted you!”
Rook barely dodged the beam of burning light that sprung from the raised Sohothin and Crecia’s magic. She hooked a hand around Glaw’s arm and tugged him. “I hope you’re still in your right mind.” She hissed in his ear.
“For the moment, yes,” Glaw said, dancing back from the sweltering beam.
“Good. Look alive.”
“Commander, the walls! Use the beam to melt the walls!” Braham shouted from the other side of the cavern. “Once Drakkar’s out, I’ll summon the Spirits! Just don’t die!”
“That’s the plan!” Glaw shouted in return. He tugged at Rook’s elbow, pulling her back as the beam licked at them again.
“That one, over there.” Rook nodded at the icy wall where Drakkar’s shadow hovered menacingly.
“Let’s go.” Glaw ducked under the scorching magic, wincing as the light singed his cloak and burned at his corrupted arm. Rook followed him, yelping under her breath as the beam glanced across her skin.
Glaw looked back at her. “You alright?”
“Fine.” Rook said through gritted teeth. “Keep going.”
Glaw nodded and pressed on. He reached the slab of ice and peered up at where Drakkar still lurked.
‘Just a child… Innocent… You have much in common.’ Jormag sounded almost… mournful.
How much responsibility did Drakkar have in this mess? Was this any better than killing a child? Something senseless and innocent?
Glaw blinked, looking to Rook. The beam of magic was leering closer, sizzling and snapping at the icy floor. He waved off Rook’s concerned stare. “I’m fine. Get ready.”
The beam was nearly on top of them. The ice at Glaw’s back grew slick, water beading on the chilled surface.
“Now!” Rook leapt aside as the beam arced towards them. Glaw rolled away. There was a splintering crack, and the icy wall split asunder, melting furiously under the intensity of the magic beam. Glaw rose from his crouch slowly, watching as half of Drakkar’s monstrous body slipped from the ice like a fish through water. He backed away, momentarily forgetting about Rook and the two furious charr.
His attention was snapped back when Rook shouted, “Glaw, a little help!”
She was locked in combat with Rytlock and Crecia, daggers drawn. A strange green mist danced around her, and her eyes glowed a vibrant green instead of amber.
Glaw summoned an icy dagger. He rushed at the two charr, ducking under a stray swipe that Crecia threw at him.
“Just put them out of commission.” Rook breathed at him between strikes. “Try not to hurt them too badly.”
Glaw’s only answer was a grunt as Sohothin swung over his head, singing a few hairs as it went. The ice in his hand thickened into a blunt shape. Not thick enough to cause anything mortal or permanent, but hopefully thick enough to get through Crecia’s skull. As Crecia raked a wayward paw at Rook, Glaw took his chance and slammed the rod of ice against her temple. Crecia crumpled.
Rytlock struck at Glaw with a gravely roar. The breath wheezed out of Glaw as Sohothin carved across his right arm. The flaming blade only skittered across the corruption, but the pain was blinding. Glaw fell to his knees; his good hand hovered over the throbbing wound, fingers trembling.
He wasn’t sure how long he was kneeling there in the half-melted ice puddled on the floor, but Rook’s fingers curling into his shoulder roused him. Rook muttered a few unintelligible words, and the pain alleviated enough for Glaw’s head to clear. He rocked back on his haunches, dazedly looking at Rook. “What’s…” He waved at his own eyes, indicating her glowing green own. “What’s this.”
“Soulbeast.” She said as an answer and nothing more. She held out a hand, and Glaw took it, letting her pull him to his feet. “You fit to fight?”
Adrenaline replaced the rest of the pain still sinking its fangs into his arm. “Yeah, yeah. Give me a moment.”
“We may not have a moment.”
“Rytlock, Crecia?”
“Down, but not for long.” Rook said, looking up at where Drakkar still loomed half out of the ice. “Braham, now!”
Glaw raised his hand against the burst of light that suddenly filled the cavern. Out of the corner of his eye, he made out the faint apparitions of Ox, Eagle, and Wolverine. An ear-shattering shriek rent the air, making Glaw’s ears ring. When Glaw lowered his hand, he found Drakkar slumped against the ground and Braham kneeling just before its muzzle.
Glaw shook off Rook’s hovering hand and half-limped to Braham’s side. The other norn rose slowly, his eyes not leaving Drakkar.
“Is it…?”
“Yeah, I think it worked. How are…?” Braham finally turned away from Drakkar, looking to where Rytlock and Crecia were curled. He approached them; Glaw followed.
“Out for now. They’ll be up in a few minutes.”
Glaw studied Braham’s face. “Are you… alright?”
Braham met his gaze. “Yeah, it’s just… ah…”
“Braham?” Rook looked up from where she was tending Rytlock and Crecia.
“Nothing, nevermind--”
“Working with the lost Spirits of the Wild? You mortals truly are brilliant creatures…”
Glaw spun on his heel, his hackles raising. Horror rose like bile in his throat as a long, winding creature slunk out of the ice behind Drakkar’s body.
“Jormag…?” The name hissed from his lips before he could stop himself.
The creature looked down at itself, hands spread apart in a mock bow. “This is but a piece of me. An ambassador. The whisper that spreads my words.”
“Then that’s what we’re going to kill.” Braham growled.
Rytlock and Crecia stirred behind Glaw. “Our words… are not our own.” Crecia muttered.
The Whisper of Jormag slithered closer to their huddled group. “We do not need to fight. You’ve already proven your strength. Braham…”
Braham stiffened.
“You earned all three of the Spirit’s blessings, and yet… you are still just a norn.”
“Braham, don’t listen to it. Shut it out.” Rook said.
Glaw’s heart hammered in his throat as the creature lurked just out of reach. It’s inky eyes lingered on him before flicking back to Braham.
“It was Wolf, wasn’t it? Said you could take their power, maybe even become Wolf yourself. But look at you, still nothing special.”
“I… I…” Braham stammered. “Just… a norn.”
“Braham…” Glaw finally found his tongue. “Don’t trust it.”
“Your whole life, you’ve tried to become Wolf, but never could. But I--I want to help you. Please, let me give you power.”
The promise echoed through Glaw’s head; it sounded nauseatingly like the promise Jormag had given him months ago on that cliffside. He clenched his icy fist.
“That power won’t give you anything.” He warned. “It won’t help you. It’s only for Jormag’s gain.”
The Whisper of Jormag’s eyes snapped to Glaw. The lidded slits blinked at him slowly. “You,” it purred, drawing closer. Glaw glanced at Braham; panic struck him when he noted the dull look in Braham’s eyes. The creature’s breath billowed in Glaw’s face, sickly sweet.
“You, dear child,” The Whisper of Jormag said, “I have given you so much, and yet you still fight against me…”
Glaw swallowed thickly. The blood rushed in his ears, drowning out everything but the creature’s voice.
“Do you not remember how much I have helped you? Kept you safe?”
A memory blinded Glaw, pulling at his senses like a lulling dream. He tried to fight it. He tried. But he was tired, so tired…
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storm-called · 5 years
Broken Oaths [7]
Spoilers for LWS5 Whisper in the Dark!
Also a trigger warning for vomiting and gore. If those things squick or bother you, I advise treading lightly.
[First/Previous/Next] || [AO3]
Glaw adjusted the straps of Frigg’s saddle, her head far away from the actual task. She was stuck in a loop of the previous night: both the lighting of the pyres of the dead warriors and the fragmented dreams sleep had brought her. The funeral pyres were bright, haunting, smoky in her memories. The melancholy and grief that had saturated the air were still cocooned in the drunken haze of the Wintersday celebrations. Her dreams were no better; she remembered even less of them. More lulling songs and unfamiliar faces. They were something. Belonged to someone. Pieces of Glaw’s past, sifting through her fingers like sand.
She tugged the last strap a little too hard, and Frigg rumbled unhappily at the pinched scales. Slowly, Glaw lifted her head out of the fog and patted Frigg’s flank. “Sorry, love. Lost myself a bit there.”
Frigg gave another rumbling snuffle and stared Glaw down.
Glaw sighed. “Don’t give me that look. It’ll be fine.”
Frigg still looked at her doubtfully. Glaw couldn’t blame the skyscale. She was banding with people who were supposed to be her enemies, people she was befriending yet would ultimately betray. And between her misty memories and dreams, the day felt… off. The clouds rested high in the sky, thin and spread apart in a stark contrast to the snowy storm they had been just a day before. A weak film of sunlight even trickled into the valley. Everything was too quiet, too peaceful, as if something was holding its breath. Or perhaps just waiting for them to move on.
Glaw shook her head and went back to her task. Around her, there was more shuffling and quiet murmurs. The rest of their party was getting ready to plunge into the northern mountains. Most were on foot, with a few pack dolyaks to carry supplies, but Jory was softly cajoling a very large cat. In hindsight, Glaw considered, such a beast was likely more suited for freezing conditions than a skyscale.
Then again, those very thoughts were cast aside when something landed heavily on the keep’s walls and washed a watery shadow over their gathered group.
Glaw looked up and blinked against the light. Had the sun been any brighter on the snow, she might have thought that her eyes were playing tricks on her. The sun was still partially hidden behind the high clouds, though, and her vision was one of the few things that had been spared from injury.
A skyscale was perched precariously on the parapets, long talons hooking into the stonework as it sought to find balance on the thin walkway. It was much larger than Frigg, more thorny and less youthful with a smattering of vibrant red and white scales balancing out the dishwater gray. And sat upon its back, eyes pinned on the horizon beyond the keep’s walls, was the Commander.
Whatever she was looking for, she must have found, because her face twisted in concentrated concern, and she nudged the skyscale forward. The beast tucked its wings and leapt down from the parapets. Its weight threw up a flurry of snow slush as it landed, and Glaw danced back to avoid the cold and muddy debris.
She met Rook’s gaze with eyes wide with surprise. The look seemed to stir amusement in Rook, and as she slid free from the skyscale’s saddle, she chuckled. “Why do you look so surprised?”
“Just… wasn’t expecting to see another skyscale.” Glaw sputtered out, eyes still on the large creature. “S’cold. Up here. North. They don’t like the cold.” She finally spat out the rest of the words making her tongue trip, and she held out a hand for the skyscale to sniff.
It did and then gave her an unimpressed, lidded stare.
Glaw shook off some of her amazement in lieu of indignation, and she shot the skyscale a similar glare.
Rook patted her skyscale’s snout affectionately and hummed. “They don’t. Ace isn’t usually this grumpy, I promise.”
That got a laugh out of Rook, and she took the skyscale’s large head in both her hands. “Her name’s Asal, Ace for short. Means asshole.”
“Ah. Makes sense.” Glaw commented, which got her another full stink eye from Ace.
Frigg didn’t seem to share Glaw’s reservations about the new skyscale, and she shoved past Glaw to stick her face in Ace’s own.
Glaw tensed, her hand itching to grab Frigg’s reins and pull her away. She had no doubt that Ace was more than capable and willing to use the many teeth she bore, especially against the excitable smaller skyscale.
Rook noticed. “Don’t worry.” She said, watching as Frigg shoved her shovel-like head beneath Ace’s own and squirmed until she was half wedged beneath the weight of the other. “Ace’s used to dealing with young ones.”
Glaw looked at Rook again in surprise, but Rook didn’t notice this time. Her attention was still on the pair of skyscales. Glaw swallowed and looked away, unsure of why the sentence has struck her like a slap to the face. Maybe it was just how little she knew about Frigg, her loyal mount and self-acclaimed friend. Young one… for all Glaw knew, Frigg might have been barely more than a juvenile.
She broke out of her runaway thoughts when Rook clicked her tongue. At the sound, Ace untangled herself from the mess of limbs that was the gangly Frigg and plodded over to Rook. Frigg righted herself and started to do the same, but she paused and gave Glaw a bright-eyed look before bounded up to the norn.
“Right.” Rook said, and this time her voice rang around the near-empty courtyard. The gentle background clamor quieted except for the lowing of the pack dolyak. “Everyone ready?”
She swept her gaze around and landed it on Glaw. Glaw gave a half nod, and Rook tilted her head in turn.
Glaw planted her foot in Frigg’s stirrup and hoisted herself into the saddle. Rook followed suit onto Ace’s back.
“Let’s be off.” Rook said, quieter this time, but her voice still carried through the still air.
The world was still holding its breath.
The thought sent an unnerving shiver down Glaw’s spine. She cast another glance at the weakly-illuminated sky and tried to quash the feeling of unease brewing in her belly. Rook took to the air, and she followed.
The cold air bit at her face, but that feeling was almost familiar now. At least with the blizzard gone, some of the wind seemed to carry warmer currents from the southeast. She let the breeze batter her face and wash the smells of the keep from her nose before she tugged her helmet on. Her armor was still scraped and dinked in places, but she’d taken a bit of time to at least wipe the grime off it. She couldn’t afford it rusting.
Her helmet securely cinched in place, she tapped her heels to Frigg’s flank, and the skyscale surged higher into the air, until the rest of their party below them looked like little more than colorful ants.
Rook appeared in the air beside her, rocking gently in her saddle against Ace’s rhythmic wing beats. A grin built on Glaw’s face, not that Rook could see it, but it quickly melted away when Rook pointed to something in the distance with a drawn and grim expression. “Look, over there.” She said. “Smoke. And not the good kind.”
Glaw twisted in her saddle and peered towards the ridges just beyond Jora’s Keep. The unease that was building in her gut twisted and crept up her throat like an ornery eel.
Black smoke, thick and foreboding, rose from the nearest hillside. Glaw could just make out fur-strung tents, broken and licking with flames.
The eel was in the back of her mouth now, sour and choking. Her heart thudded a protestation, and Glaw wordlessly nudged Frigg into a dive towards the burnt-out campsite.
Against the wind shrieking around her helmet, she barely heard Rook shout after her. “Glaw, wait!”
Frigg touched down just out of reach of the flames and smoke, and Glaw all but spilled off the skyscale’s back. Her knees landed heavily, wrongly, in the snow, and she nearly slipped again as she righted herself. She drew in a ragged breath, absently sent a prayer of thanks to the Spirits for the air filtration her helmet possessed, and dove into the curtain of ashy black air.
Fire whipped and crackled around her, sounding oddly muted to her ringing ears. The heat made her icy arm burn, and her right leg even set to aching. She stumbled as her knee nearly buckled, but there was nowhere to steady herself on. Everything was ablaze.
She wanted to howl. To yell. To do something. But her voice caught obstinately in her throat and didn’t give much more than a keening whimper.
She swung her head to and fro, trying to see more than just smoke and fire and broken tent. Her vision snagged on a dark shape half-covered by a bit of charred fur and canvas. Her heart had replaced the eel in her throat, and the feeling was even more nauseating. She limped towards the lifeless mound, her leg all but a dragging dead weight at this point. She collapsed into a puddle of slush, mud, and ash beside the form, a chorus of no’s slipping out between her clenched teeth.
She hooked her fingers in the tattered remains that were once cloth and furs, now just burnt threads, and heaved. She pulled the body free of the dying blaze, half slipping, half sliding in the slush that gradually turned to snow as she ripped herself away from the fire’s clinging grasp. Gasps were now tearing at her throat, and her lungs were seizing despite the fact that no smoke had touched them.
She hovered her hands over the dark corpse, numbly watching as her fingers shook with the force of a northern gale. She swallowed, steeled herself, and rolled her morbid prize over.
“No…” The word hissed out, the last whisper of air from her lungs.
Balur’s glassy eyes stared back at her, although it was not the friendly, warm face she remembered leaving behind not long ago. The fire had not been kind to him; burnt flesh mixed with dark, pooling blood.
Glaw met his sightless gaze. Blood roared in her ears, and something painful tore and fluttered in her chest.
Her hands scrambled for the latches to her helmet. Her shaking fingers could barely undo the cinches, her fingernails scrabbling at the metal. The cold air slapped her in the face as she tore the mask free and tossed it away. She shoved herself away from Balur’s corpse.
Bile burnt the back of her tongue as she retched. Her nose stung and her eyes watered. Her throat squeezed and shuddered in protest. Her stomach did flip flops as her back arched for another round.
The vomiting subsided into dry heaving and then into raspy, punctuated gasping. Glaw remained there, bent on her hands and knees in the biting snow while the silent clamor of the world rang in her ears like a death knell.
A hand came to rest gently between her shoulders. Soothing. Gentle. Fingers touched her forehead and carded through her hair.
Eventually, Glaw pushed herself up and fell back on her ass into the snow. The hands steadied her. She messily scrubbed at the bile dribbling from her bottom lip. Her throat still ached with a righteous fury, and her eyes stung with tears not just borne from the heaving. She sucked in a cold, bitter breath and raised her gaze from the snow.
Rook stared back at her. Concern darkened her amber eyes. “Glaw…?” She said Glaw’s name with uncertainty, letting it hang in the still air.
Glaw sucked in another breath and nodded jerkily. Her gaze wandered back over to Balur’s unmoving form. Rook followed the empty stare.
“Who was he?” She asked quietly.
“A…” Glaw’s voice croaked out of her throat. She paused and gathered herself. “A friend.”
Rook’s expression was sympathetic, and she helped Glaw stand on unreliable legs. Glaw’s right leg no longer buckled, but the limp persisted as she returned to Balur’s side.
“They took her.” She said to the open air.
“Who?” Rook’s voice was soft, like she was testing the waters.
“Nelena. His companion… his friend, the other merchant.”
Rook didn’t seem satisfied with the answer. “Who took her?” She pressed.
Glaw looked up finally at the charred and broken campsite. The fire had died to a smolder with nothing left to consume. Something started like a spark in her gut. She traded grief for anger. “The Svanir. This was their work. I should know. I’ve done it enough times…”
Of her last admittance of guilt, Rook said nothing.
Like the fire, the anger burning in her stomach found kindling easily.  This was the Svanir’s work, but it wasn’t some mindless raid and pillage. Nelena and Balur hadn’t had much, certainly not anything worth putting in the effort of an attack. Certainly not with so many armed soldiers so close by.
Glaw was willing to bet that Jormag had puppeteered it. She hadn’t thought the Dragon to be spiteful. Vengeful. This didn’t feel like a coincidence, though.
As if on cue, a voice slipped down her ears like ink. ‘What I give, I can just as easily take.’
“Shut up!” Glaw snapped, and the whisper disappeared.
Glaw set her jaw and turned on her heel. It might have just been the heat of the dying blaze at her back, but the air almost seemed cloyingly warm. The half-melted snow at her feet glistened.
The rest of their little party was finally catching up. Each wore a different expression as they raked their eyes over the carnage behind Glaw. She could almost taste the burning questions dancing on the tips of their tongues.
Glaw’s nose wrinkled as she drew her lips up into a snarl. She bared long canines against the icy wind.
“Let’s go kill a fucking dragon.” She growled.
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