voltaical-art · 5 months
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tav and durge portraits
someday i will progress the right two enough to draw them more
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randomwriteronline · 20 days
"I can't do anything for the eyelid."
Krakua listened in polite and total silence as Jaller (slightly creaky, emphasis on velar consonants) insisted: "Nothing at all?"
"It's fused into the mask," Zaria (ejective alveolar fricatives, deeper tinnier tone, slightly scratchy) replied curtly: "I can't separate the different protodermis masses anymore, and even if I could the lid wouldn't be able to move on its own after the damage it sustained. The only viable options are to either close it completely, leave it like this, or remove the whole thing."
"A permanently open eye sounds like a nightmare..."
"And there's no saying an operation like that doesn't run the risk of fracturing the brain, either."
"That's a possibility?"
"With how brittle he is, I wouldn't be surprised." the voice shifted, sound waves changing trajectory with a sneer: "How did you even wreck yourself like that, huh? Forgot how to finish a Nova blast?"
Krakua remained perfectly still, breaths quiet, shallow.
After a long pause, Jaller spoke up: "Can the mask be removed?
"Surgically, yes. I could probably shave off a bit of the excess protodermis to make the mass a little more manageable, too. He'll need to be operated on his joints either way."
"What's your sentence on those?"
"Left knee will have to be bolted down so it doesn't risk dislocating abruptly, but it'll survive; I'll leave what to do with the right one up to him in the end, though personally I'd completely re-do it since it's not much better than the calf and ankle - those are too damaged and will need prosthetic replacements. His foot seems fine enough, I'll see if I can salvage it."
"And his other ankle? Hewkii said it was broken."
"It is, and it'll need a thorough welding job. His hip and spine too, on a smaller scale. His chest is only a bit warped, thankfully, so there shouldn't be too many problems."
"About his arm--"
"The problem's organic. Elder Racans promised they'll check on it."
"Thank you. If there's anything we can do..."
"See if you can remedy him some more braces like the one he already had until the prosthetics feel natural and at least one crutch to get around, maybe a small vehicle. He'll need as little weight on his lower half as possible for the adjustment period, and it surely won't be too bad to let him have some support later on, either."
"That's the opposite of an issue. Nuparu will love to keep himself busy for about a day designing and making all that."
A deeper hum closed the conversation with a nod, and the Toa of Iron stalked away to the other side of the room to rummage with a pile of something delicate, of carefully tempered metal and thick crystalline glass, looking for the correct tool.
Their soft tinkering painted unclear shapes in the eye of Krakua's mind as their careful sounds melted into the white noise tracing patterns on the ceiling.
"You've been awfully quiet," a creaky voice whispered at his side.
"Thinking," he replied hoarsely, peacefully.
Jaller smiled: "About what?"
"If my mask can be fixed."
"That's a question for the mask makers," Zaria interjected.
"They'll surely have the schematics for a Suletu," the Toa of Fire reassured his friend: "If not, they can easily get someone to send a print for it over."
But the De-Toa tilted his head slightly: "I want my mask fixed," he insisted: "I don't need a new one. Mine's fine. I just want it fixed."
"It will have to be melted down."
"That's fine. I just want it fixed."
"I think that can be done. It will probably have some added protodermis, though, to stabilize it."
"But most of it will still be the same?"
"Of course."
"That's fine, then."
Liquid lightly crashing against the inside of some kind of vial distracted him briefly: the Toa of Iron laid the object down before he could catch a good glimpse of it and went back to rummaging for yet some other medical utensil.
Raising his volume so he could be heard above the rockus, he did not turn as he asked: "Did you listen to what I said earlier?"
"Yes," Krakua croaked as nicely as his ghastly voice could.
"What do you want for your eye, then?"
"Like this is fine."
"Your knee?"
"I trust you."
"So I have permission to make it a prosthesis?"
"Yes, please."
Zaria turned to him briefly like he'd just spoken in an alien language: "Aren't you polite," he muttered at last, sounding flabbergasted.
Krakua coughed out a little laugh.
Jaller remained in the room as long as he could, keeping a careful eye on the few pieces of equipment slowly piling up on a small tray beside the cot - metal ingots, a sealed glass vial of some nebulous liquid, some kind of half-mask, a chisel, a pair of small scissors, a miniature blowtorch, a scalpel of sorts. He recognized most of them from his time getting a shoulder fixed up in the claustrophobic infirmary in Ta-Koro, his example being used to teach as many Matoran as possible how to treat more dire injuries.
His thoughts soured the longer his gaze lingered on the utensils. A vague sense of calm nudged them to the side: glancing downward, he found the De-Toa staring at him, buzzing faintly yet reassuringly where he laid with a sort of pleasant grimace and a quiet mischievoys request to distract him.
Acquiescing, a short sonar wave left the Arthron.
The Toa of Fire managed a little smile when his friend squirmed with a hissing giggle as the sound gently hit him.
He nodded whenZaria made a definitive gesture, telling him to get out and wait until called again - probably to fetch the safely removed Mask of Telepathy.
His hand squeezed gently the dark armored shoulder one last time: "Remember you'll need to adjust."
"And I'll have your mask."
"So don't disappear again. Got it?"
A stern look: "Got it?"
The battered warrior cackled: "Got it."
Jaller patted him lightly; the next moment, he was gone.
The Fe-Toa's palm was heavier, more concrete: laid across Krakua's chestpiece it seemed to encompass it completely, carefully studying how the protodermis rose and fell beneath it.
"Take a deep breath," he instructed.
Krakua inhaled as much as he could.
"Does it hurt?"
"Good. Keep going," he ordered as he went to fetch the vial.
The younger being watched him fix the half-mask on top of it, careful not to jostle the liquid too much yet: "I don't need it," he spoke calmly, very quietly. "I can handle the pain."
He watched the rusted fingers clench a little harder around the glass.
The words came out of Zaria in a hiss: "You can't."
No further arguments were had.
It took a couple of tries, but at last the muzzle fit perfectly over the Suletu's mouth.
The anesthetic smelled like something far too clean, scrubbed dry of any hint of life. Krakua shut the one eye that could still be properly shut and breathed the disgusting antiseptic scent in as long and as deep as he could, just like he was told to do, while a palm pressed down on his forehead.
Slowly, very slowly, the odor subsided.
He startled awake when he realized the weight spread on his face was gone as well. His throat rumbled and sputtered like an engine revved up one too many times, hurriedly calling out for Trinuma: no other part of his body understood his intentions, remaining limp and unresponsive inside his frozen body, and so all that came out of him was the low monotone wail of a calculator incurring into an impossible error.
An orange shape entered his field of vision: "Stay calm," (ejective alveolar fricatives, deeper tinnier tone, slightly scratchy) "Stay calm, we're done. Deep breaths."
"Done?" Krakua repeated - borrowing Zaria's voice when his own failed him again.
"Done. The operation's done. It went well. Now breathe."
His chest moved easier now. His back had lost the strange tingle he'd been feeling long enough to forget about, noticing it again only now that it had disappeared. His lower half felt like bits and pieces of a whole: entire body parts he knew had to be there left terrifyingly large gaps in his tactile reception.
His body felt more his with each breath, returning inhabitable little by little. It took a few long attempts, but his neck cleared, and opened, and words began to fill his mouth once more.
"How are you feeling?" the Fe-Toa inquired.
"Weird," he wheezed raucously, a little pained: "Drowsy."
"That's normal," his surgeon reassured him. "Your body is trying to recognize the prosthetics. Try to sleep it off, I'll wake you when Racans arrives to see what to do for your arm."
"My mask?"
Steps moving away: "Jaller's got it."
"Ah... Ah. Right."
He focused on the white noise - conversations out of the door, just far enough for the words to become indistinguishable, blooming into large pixelated patterns of static against the ceiling.
Another part of his body felt a little more familiar.
A whine left him.
Zaria turned back to him: "What now?"
"Wanted to ask," Krakua groaned through his tiredness. "More discreet... With a Suletu..."
He did not miss the scratching sound of tightening joints: "Questions about your operation?" the deep tinny voice hissed, warning him witho uttering any threat: "Or about Toa Zaria?"
The De-Toa craned his neck enough to look at the other.
His interlocutor showed him his back as he fancied himself busy putting his tools back in their rightful place.
"You thought of two things, when I said... I could handle it. The pain."
The creak of glass under pressure: "Be very quick."
"For the second - does it always feel, that bad?"
A soft hum.
Zaria's eye glowered from behind his shoulder: "And for the first?"
"Does it ever get better?"
Silence followed.
His head felt so terribly heavy. He didn't want to sleep.
It would have been so easy, if he'd had his mask. Maybe he should have left it forever stuck to his skull. It hurt horribly, and it didn't work as well as before, but he would have been able to use it now.
His body quivered. He was so tired. He didn't want to sleep.
The white noise on the ceiling curled around him comfortably, locking him in some sort of soothing hold.
Rusted hands rested on his knees.
"You'll need these checked every year," Zaria mumbled: "I'll be waiting for you. And hopefully, I'll... I'll have a good enough answer for you, one of these times."
His gaze met Krakua's.
He got back a comforted smile.
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manufacturedrainbows · 8 months
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Finally finished the New Years drawing!! 🎉🎊✨️Otherwise known as the sequel to that comic I made about Belle~
From left to right we have Belle (she/her), Yariel (he/him), Dallas (he/him) and Zariah (she/her)
It's not very often I can afford to go all out on my drawings, so I spent a lot of time rendering and adding details! Drawing the meals kicked my ass - I've never drawn food before so I looked at a ton of references 😅 Tbh I had to force myself to stop trying to make it perfect and just post it already 🧍
Hope you guys like this one!! It's gonna be a while before I put all my effort into another drawing so I'll probably repost this one often LMAO
And Happy New Year!! 🖤
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stonewashedskies · 11 months
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nuclearghoul · 1 year
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animeschibia · 2 years
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Chibi concept art of a character that came to me in a dream. Her name is Zariah, and she’s a clever fire elemental, and according to my dream, an axe and pickax dual wielding badass (too lazy to design the axe tbh. And yes, I’m aware that the pickax is visually uninspired. I’d have to learn more about prop design tbh-).
Don’t know what I’m gonna do with her, but. Here she be-
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goldpilot22 · 2 years
thinks about tgs a little too hard and blacks out and wakes up two hours later having written >1000 words about proxima's great-grandparents first meeting each other
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bbbearwin · 4 months
I hope you know I didn't want it to take so long..
I didn't mean to take this long :(
If I thought I needed this much time I would've told you..
I thought I would've had it figured out by now but clearly I dont.. that's why you haven't heard from me.
I don't even know what to say anymore, it's been so long. I don't know if I even have the right to say anything anymore.
Know that I will always love you, and know that I will always appreciate everything you've done for me. Even if I don't get the right to love you anymore. I'm sorry I left you alone, dearest sister of mine.
- 🎆 Z
Hey, what matters is you’re doing better, or at least, you’re doing your best! I’m not sure what you’ve done, but I *know* that it’s more than enough to rest. My beautiful, darling sister of mine. You gave me so much hope and courage, you constantly inspire me to be a little brighter, even now. I admit, it hurt so much when you left. I didn’t understand why you didn’t even say goodbye… But I know you weren’t happy here. You need not apologize to me, it’s just nice to see your wonderful handwriting again.
Another day will come, and another chance you’ll get. There’s no room left for regret!  You surely go by Zariah now, right? I remember. When we'd play house with the other kids and you were always so eager to be the mother, insisting that we call you that..... It’s such a gorgeous name. Just as beautiful as the woman I’m sure you’ve finally become now that you’ve left the nest that was holding you back. You’re dancing to the beat of your own drum, dear. You just haven’t stopped to look in a mirror yet. My incomparable, sweet, astonishing, show stopping sister I have so much love in my heart for. Know I will always always always be your greatest fan, no matter what happens or how much time you need.
With much care,
your dearest little sister, 
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shinugodda · 6 months
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zariah aura 💞⚡️💞
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shadow3142 · 6 months
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This lineup is taking way too long to do so I'm just gonna post what I've got so far
(Features a few ocs)
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randomwriteronline · 7 months
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ever since i described the hellish possibility of a lesovikk-varian-chiara-zariah-orde-krakua (+ gelu) toa team as an emo band the thought "ok but what if they WERE a band" has plagued my thoughts and hands, so here they are!! in human form bc ive just discovered anatomy and i cant do proper bionicles yet. i dont trust myself
i also have like. Lore about them. sort of. also pls help i need to figure out their clothes
Lesovikk (guitar) looks like he crawled out of a dumpster at all times but he does actually have a place to stay, he's just Not Doing Good. He can shred the angriest riffs you've ever heard but at heart he's a melancholy boy forced (by himself) to be Fucking Mad. Leader on the sole basis that the others would be worse. Usually cranky but turns into a bashful sunshine the second his friends Idris and Sarda show up, and it's super weird for everybody else to see him like that
Chiara (bass) is an old school punk who has bitten at least three people this month and fistfights Orde daily. They met at a concert while she was trying to swoon his sister and he kicked her in the knee. Fixes up the instruments constantly because their hq is a humid basement that messes the wires and stuff all the time. Most competent musically but hellish at human relations
Orde (keyboard/keytar/guitar) swears he had a psychic experience at a rave because the music was just So Good. The only ones backing him up are a bunch of guys who claim he brain blasted them during it and hate him. Cyberpunk guy. The band is named after a 26-books-long mystery-horror-sci-fi-psychological series he failed to write and Chiara will tell EVERYBODY about it much to his hatred
Zariah (drummer) hit a growth spurt at 13 and the rest of his body is still trying to catch up to it. Heavy metal goth who funds the band via his job as an ironmonger and metallurgist. No clue what he or the others are doing, he's just here to beat the shit out of the drums. Despite looking Not Approachable when people want to talk to the band they go to him because he's the least off the shits
Gelu is technically part of the band in that he drives them to places because none of them have a license or a car. His own car is a mad max death trap he built himself in his old days as a member of a fairly peaceful motor gang. Sometimes he still dresses up in "uniform". Universally beloved by the members of the band. Actually likes hanging out at their gigs to watch them perform. Also helps Lesovikk via therapeutic make out sessions (they're not together)
Krakua (vocalist) can fit so much volume in him. He needs to stand six feet away from the mic or he'll blow it up. Every single time he pulls out the heavy metal growl the audience is Blown Away. Scene kiddo, youngest here. His hair is Like That because it used to be shaved and he's growing it out. MIGHT have been in a cult but nobody is sure, it remains that he lives with Zariah for now
Varian sings with them sometimes but isn't a stable member of the band. She and Orde are siblings and he loves her very much but is too angry to express it normally. Goth who hangs with a bunch of normal people and her friend Norik who might have a crush on her which is why the rest get roped into going to concerts of her older loser brother's screamo cover band
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Meet Zariah, who's fully embracing the 2000s emo aesthetic 🖤💚
Recently bought my first screen tablet, and this is the first drawing I've been able to complete on it! I'm still a but rusty, but I'm looking forward to seeing what else I can create!! 🎉
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bluegladiatordestiny · 10 months
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frenchgurlfinesse · 19 days
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Zariah Aura
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shinugodda · 8 months
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zariah aura💞
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shadow3142 · 3 months
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wrapping up the last of my icons for Art Fight :]
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