#I will probably panic and delete this tomorrow
rosyfingereddawnn · 1 year
so <3 i was on tiktok a couple days ago and someone was singing this song. and then it got stuck in my head. and i was like. hmmmmm fun vibrato fun range let’s try it <33 so this is literally just me noodling around not taking it seriously at all but!!!
the ballad of mona lisa - panic! at the disco <33
@rebelrollerqueen i owe you my life <3
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Don't play with fire | - Part 2 - |
Autors Note: I recommend to read Part 1 first. This is going to be a rollercoaster, but I hope you like it. I liked writing it and I'm really happy I started writing again. Now I try writing smut too. If you like the song 'Unholy from Sam Smith' listening to it later on, made the scene better. At least I listened to it while I wrote the scene.
Also as before, english is not my first language, I hope I corrected most mistakes.
Summary: After having a panic attack and realizing that Cooper could be the Butcher., you tried living your life normally again, until you got a text from an unknown number. Should you go to the police? Half a year later everything is normal again, at least you think it is.
-> Writing in 'italic' is supposed to be the your thoughts
Warnings: Dark!Fic, Describing of a Panic attack, Age Gap! (Legal), Swearing! Praise! Alcohol consumption!, drugs!, bit of Smut, Angst!, Arguing
Rating: R
Word count: 7,4k
Tagging: @a-movie-that-youve-never-seen, @amethystblackkchaos, @hereforthehitsbaby, @waywardtigersandwich
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That was your first panic attack you had in your life. You spend that day at the hospital, your mom picking you up in the evening. She didn’t pry for information, although she was very worried. When you got back to her house and sat in the living room over a hot tea, you told her everything– Though more like everything she could know.
You told her about the concert, how you weren’t feeling well because of the crowd of people. So you went home early, then your bike got stolen and your boss fired you after some nasty words. You said you didn’t know how you ended up at the hospital, you were just aimlessly walking and then woke up in the hospital. Remembering a lot of concerned voices around you but nothing more. 
Seeing that you were near tears again your mom started to hug you for several minutes. You let it all out. All those bottle up emotions of the day. You just didn’t know what to do with all these emotions. It was too much, like you weren’t in control anymore.
“You know sweety, you should move closer again. Ah no disagreeing! Think about it. You know my grandparents also had their apartment. Please consider it, I worry about you.” she said, squeezing your shoulders. “You could save so much money!”
“Okay mom. I promise I’ll think about it, but not today. Let me find a new job first.” you tried avoiding the situation. She nodded
“Well, come one you can sleep in your old room today. Tomorrow I'll drive you to the mechanic so you can get your car back.”
“Thanks mom.”, she kissed the top of your head and pushed you towards the stairs. Shaking your head, you went up towards your old room. You could barely say no to anything, when it came to your mom. However, moving back was the one thing you didn’t want. It was stupid. You wanted to live independent and not in your moms apartment, where she probably wouldn’t even allow you to pay rent.
Stepping inside your room, everything looked as you last remembered it. Your mom tried to make it look like your old room. The big double bed near the window, with the one teddy bear on it. A small wooden closet near the wall. You closed the curtains on the window and went to bed. 
On the bathroom mirror you could see a bruise starting to form on your shoulder, where Cooper had gripped it. Clearly you couldn’t wear something without sleeves the next few weeks. 
Before going to sleep you checked your phone. You nearly forgot about it. There was nothing. No new contact, no number saved anywhere, everything was the same. You remember it clearly, he told you he had saved his number, but nothing. You checked your phone completely. Looked through everything, photos, deleted messages, deleted contacts. Still nothing.
‘Had he just been toying with you? Playing into your anxiety?’ After checking your phone for a second time you gave up. Maybe you imagined it, maybe you should just call it a day. As soon as you put your phone down and your head hit your pillow you were out. The events of that day were finally catching up with you. 
Waking up the next day, you still felt exhausted but overall better. True to her word, your mom drove you to the mechanic, and reminded you to visit her once a week like you promised her on her last birthday. No more work excuses. 
You promised, she was getting older and you did want to spend more time with her. She turned 59 this year. You loved her, she always did her best. Recently your grandfather passed away, leaving everything to your mom. Your grandparents had an estranged relationship with your mom, but seeing as she was their only child… she inherited it all. Now your mom could live without worries. She had a house and had a spare apartment. Seeing as they did have a bit of money.
Over the next week you wrote more job applications and went to a couple of interviews. Until you finally found yourself a new job. The company and boss seemed nice and you even got to work from home 10 days a month. Big plus and the pay was decent. You stayed in your apartment most of the time after the concert, fearing you might run into Cooper somewhere. You were quite paranoid. Fearing what he would do to you. Were you going to be next, if he was the Butcher? 
With the new job, came new energy and you started to live again. Step by step you were going outside, to the office, meeting your friends or going out for drinks. Still sometimes, you looked around you. Feeling like someone was staring holes in your back.
The second panic attack came when on a day you were working from home. A few weeks had passed and overall it started like a totally normal day, just a few calls. Not much work to do that day and around lunch time you still wore your pajamas. When you went into the kitchen to cook, you suddenly got a text message from an unknown number. First you thought it was someone from work. Though, the number didn’t seem familiar, so maybe it was a customer? However, none had your private number. You opened the message and instantly knew who sent that text.
–You should watch the news. Unfortunately I must tell you that Spencer didn't seem to be very grateful. Sorry to disappoint you sweetheart. –
You dropped your phone, heart pounding in your chest. ‘Sweetheart– Was that Cooper? So he did have your number… Why should you watch the news?’ Slowly you crept down, picking up your phone from the floor and almost dropping it again. Your hands trembled so much. 
After releasing a shuddering breath, you put your phone in your pocket and stepped towards your living room. One step at time, fearing you might fall if you walked too fast. Holding on to your sofa for dear life, you reached for the remote. 
Turning on the TV, unsure of what you would find, you switched programs until you found the news channel. Your hands still trembling, you took deep breaths trying to calm yourself.
‘Maybe you should sit down?’ – Letting yourself fall onto the sofa you turned up the volume. You saw a lot of police in the background then view switched to the reporter, who started speaking
“Yesterday in the early hours, two hikers found something horrible on their daily hiking trail. We waited for further information from the police and we can now announce that the Butcher has found yet another victim. This marks the 13th victim of the Butcher.”
Your knuckles around the remote turned white from anticipation, your fingernails digging in your own palm. ‘Maybe you should stop with the acrylic nails’ You held your breath. They showed a photo of a young man on the screen. It wasn’t someone you knew.
“The victim seems to be a young man named Spencer–” Spencer.. That was the name he told you that day. You didn’t even listen to the rest of the news. Completely blending everything out, thoughts racing in your head. A sob escaped you, your whole body shook uncontrollably. Gasping for air, crying, you had your second panic attack. It felt even stronger then the first one, but maybe it was only because you were more aware now. 
A part of you felt like you killed Spencer. You had thought he was just playing with your fear. It was your fault. ‘What have you done… you were right all along. Your sixth sense didn’t leave you. Why haven't you gone to the police? Were you an accomplice now? Why haven’t you told somebody? You could have saved him…’ The answer was simple. You hadn’t been 100% sure. Hell until now you thought you imagined most of his weird behavior, were overthinking it, writing it off as anxiety.
Helplessly you wandered around towards your kitchen in the search for a bag. When you finally found one, you sank down against your cupboard. Taking deep breaths with the plastic bag to calm your breathing. After calming down and just sitting silently in your kitchen for 20 minutes, you got up and shut down the TV.
‘You couldn’t go to the police, could you? What if they held you responsible for it because you didn’t say anything until now. You didn’t even know his last name or where he lived.’ 
A dry and humorless laugh escaped you. Putting your face in your hand, trying to come to terms with reality. Finally you pushed your hair back and grabbed your phone.
Pondering if you should write back? Try to get information from him and go to the police? Could you get burned even more? Thinking for another minute you decided against it. Panic and anxiety controlled your actions. Your course of action was going in the complete opposite direction. Simply deleting the message. Deleting the evidence, deleting a small part of your guilt– ‘out of sight out of mind’
You didn’t continue work that day, called in sick, went to bed and just stared aimlessly at the ceiling. Thinking about everything. About the concert, about every small detail you remembered. All the strange things you thought he did, but in the end you thought it was just your imagination. 
This was so fucked up, why were you still alive and not locked up in some basement? Why were you still alive? He knew that you knew. By sending you that text, it almost seemed like he wanted you to know. It hardly made any sense to you. After hours and hours of thinking and getting a headache from it, you fell asleep rather exhausted.
Not even a day after you even changed your number, telling your friends and mom another lie. The excuse, you got too many spam calls on it, seemed to be good enough. You were that anxious that you were one step away from moving back into your mom's house. However you didn't want to exaggerate.
Everything you did, to feel secure didn’t help. The anxiety remained. Whenever you went outside you felt like a scared mouse, always looking around, getting in your car and inside the office building as quickly as possible. At first you looked for a black van, then you remembered that stupid little you had the great idea to reveal to him what the profiler said. Of course he was not driving that van anymore. Perhaps now he drove around in a girly pink car.
‘How could you have been so stupid?’, you wanted to bang your head against the table. You even judged Lady Raven for her naivety and here you were telling the Butcher what car to not drive. What to look out for. You helped him even further, by not going to the police. He must have been laughing at you in his head. What a fucking joke. He also must have realized what effect he had on you, using that for his advantage. That for one you found him attractive, on the other hand you were intimidated by him. You were glad you were still alive, but it also made you nervous.
A month later and nothing new from the Butcher and no strange occurrences you finally started to relax again. Cooper and all that happened was slowly being pushed to the back of your head. 
Furthermore, you moved out of your apartment. You felt spooked and unsafe in it. Living near your mom again gave you a small aspect of security back. Fortunately your workplace had a second office 20 min from your mom's apartment. You rented some transporter and with the help of your friends you moved your stuff into your new apartment within a day. Moving out helped your anxiety a lot.
Another month later, you started to go out with your friends again, didn’t look around every time you left your apartment and became more yourself. Feeling confident. You were slowly going after your hobbies again. Running outside, Swimming, visiting your favorite coffee shop or reading in the park on a good day. All without turning around every few seconds. 
Before you knew it about half a year had passed and it all was a mere memory. You hadn’t had another panic attack in months. Your job was great, you met your friends a lot, also visited your mom every week and you could even listen to music with noise canceling headphones again. It felt normal. Back to how it was before. There was no news from the Butcher. No new Butcher victims, just some mom in a horrible car crash, but aside from that there was just the usual news. 
It was around January, a Saturday, your birthday to be exact, where it began to get strange again. Even though it started out as every other birthday since you were 21. First brunch with your mum, having some good quality time in your favorite restaurant. After that, you went home again and around the evening your friends should arrive to go out. You should be around 10 people later. Normally you would just celebrate at home, but your best friend Simon wanted to party. Who were you to deny his wishes?
You had been Besties for ages, growing up with the same situation of a cheating parent, pushed you even closer together. It was only after high school where you went in different directions. Simon wanted to study, whereas you started working. There he met his better half Sebastian, they’ve been together ever since and when the three of you did something together they treated you like their child. Which you found hilarious. You loved them.
So a couple of friends were coming over and around midnight you would go dancing. When you arrived back at your apartment you noticed something strange. There was a small gift in front of your door. You looked around if you saw any of your neighbors before picking it up and unlocking your door. 
It didn’t seem to have a name anywhere. ’Strange. Maybe it was from that elderly woman on the first floor?’, you wondered. You put it on your kitchen counter, saving it for later. Seeing as you had only a couple of hours left to clean and dress up. Also you needed your makeup done before simon came, or he would go way overboard with his ideas. You already agreed to let him do your hair and change your outfit, if it was “too boring”. 
That was another reason he wanted you to go out. Maybe you would finally find prince charming and you could go on cute double dates.  In his opinion, your ‘no dating’ phase had been going on too long. Looking at yourself in the mirror you felt good. You decided to go with some short black pants, and a glittery black top with an open back. 
By the time the others arrived you totally forgot about the present still laying wrapped on the kitchen counter. Friend after friend arrived, all of them overly punctual. Except for two individuals, as always. You didn’t mind, it was only Lucas, a friend of Sebastian, with his girlfriend Mary. You didn’t particularly like her, Mary needed to be in the spotlight, sometimes you felt like she tried to replace you in your friend group. None of the others saw this most of the time though. She was ‘little miss perfect’. Well, except for Simon and Lizzy, they did see her other side sometimes.  
Putting on some music after everybody sat down in the living room, you went back to the kitchen to help Simon with the last drinks. As Simon was putting away the cake he brought on the kitchen counter he saw the small present laying around. “Who is this from?”
You walked towards him to see what he ment. “Oh, I actually don’t know. I think one of my neighbors left it for me.” shrugging you picked it up.
“Do you know what's inside?”, You shook your head, now you’ve done it. Simon loved a good mystery, something to solve, something thrilling.
“Well then, open it! I’ll get the rest of the drinks.”, he ushered you towards the living room where the others sat around your coffee table. Climbing over the back rest of your couch, you made yourself comfortable in the corner. Simon brought your drinks while you started to open the present. “What is it?”
“It’s…” you frowned. Pulling out a simple small teddy bear, with something silver on top. It was made out of plastic, nothing overly special. It was a Keychain.
“I think that’s something I could put on my keychain? Wait there's more…” There was something shiny at the bottom of the present. 
“A bracelet– Oh, it’s really pretty.” You held it towards the light, it sparkled brightly. It was a simple silver bracelet, with a little charm in the center. A cute colorful flower. 
“Aww how cute. But it seems like it was more for a child? Are you sure your neighbors know your age?” Lizzy laughed and poked you. She was what you would consider your girl bestfriend.
“Or maybe they know that you still have stuffed animals in your bed”,joked Simon and threw a pillow at him. “Hey, be careful, my drink!”, he exclaimed with a feigned outrage. You flipped him off. It wasn’t your fault that you could only go to sleep, while holding something in your arm.
“Don’t pout, come I’ll put the bracelet on. Then we get you a tiara and you’ll be a Disney princess.”Lizzy grabbed the bracelet of your hand and put it on you.
“And put the keychain thing to your keychain–”, Marcus said as they all laughed at your embarrassment. You gave them a look. 
“Really guys, do I have to?”, you whined. 
“Yes, give it to me, I’ll do it. You open the rest of our presents. I promise you’ll like them”, winked Simon and held out his hand. Reluctantly you gave him the key chain and started to open the other presents.
The other presents were way better. You got some games, wine and everybody plus your mom pitched in to buy you a new bike. They hid it in front of your door before. You had tears in your eyes as you thanked each of them. ‘You had the best friends’ 
After eating the cake there was nothing to stop you guys from going all out. Drinking games, Beer pong, dancing or just talking. Later on, Lucas and his girlfriend arrived around 10. At this point everybody was in a good mood and slightly drunk. On seeing the bike, Mary was offended that they hadn’t waited for them to give me my present. 
You were about to tell her that it was your birthday, when some of the others already apologized to her. Telling her they didn’t know when they would show up.Annoyed, you refilled your drink, and went back to the friends playing beer pong. You needed to get drunk more to be nice to her. She wasn’t even here for 5 minutes and everything had to resolve around her.
The party got louder and better, all having a good time. Half an hour before you wanted to leave Mary came to you while dancing, grabbing your arm. “Is that the bracelet you got from your neighbor? The others told me about it. It's so cute. Can I try it on? I always wanted something like this…”, Mary asked you with her stupid baby voice. She immediately tried grabbing it off your arm.
“Ehm, hey wait a second. Here, but I want back before we go.”, You didn’t want any drama today. She nodded her head, waved you off and reassured you that you would get it back in a second.
You did, in fact, not get it back within a second and when you were standing in the queue to the club, you realized that she still had it on. Now it was too late.
Inside the club your friends surprised you, they booked a small area to sit with a table in the middle. Some drinks and bottles, waiting for you in the middle. 
“Guys! You shouldn’t have!”, you exclaimed happily. 
“Only the best for you Birthday girl!” Simon cheered! Hugging you tightly. Celebrating your birthday never felt better. You did a few shots and then most of you went off dancing to the dancefloor for the next hour.
Coming back from the dance floor you sat back down exhausted. Every time you went out you asked yourself the same question. ‘Why did you even decide to wear heels today?’ All of you started to get new drinks and someone suggested to spice things up and play an old fashioned “Truth or Dare”. Without truth of course, because it was way too loud.
You loved these games, it was always fun to watch. Though you didn’t like doing dares yourself, always feeling a bit shy and easily embarrassed. Now with the alcohol you did feel more comfortable. Maybe you would be up to do a dare. As if reading your thoughts Simon yelled at you over the table “Y/N”. 
You looked at him with pleading eyes, your confidence dwindling. “Noo.. Please…”
“No! I’ve waited enough. I dare you to go out there and make out with a stranger!” he exclaimed, pointing to the dance floor. Some of your friends whistled at that. 
Not waiting for you to think about it Simon stood up. “Do you trust me? We go dancing and I promise I won’t let some creep near you. Only handsome guys?” He held out his hand. You thought about it. If not now, when would you ever do it? You needed to get over your own shadow. Quickly you emptied your glass. For the extra bit of confidence.
“Pinky promise?” you asked, feeling bold suddenly and holding out your pinky. He looked surprised and instantly linked your pinky with his. “Promisee.” happily he dragged you to the dance floor. 
“What's your age range? Still someone around your age?” Simon asked, wiggling his eyebrows. 
You rolled your eyes at his behavior. “I don’t know. He can be older… but not above 50!!” Simon pretended to be shocked at your revelation, holding his hand above his heart. 
“Older men! How scandalous!”, you jabbed his side. 
“Let's go before I change my mind.”, you threatened. As you made your way on the dance floor they started to play one of your favorite songs ‘Unholy’.
“As information, I’m going back as soon as I see you enjoy yourself. I’m not watching a full make out session from you.”, he shouted in your ear. Laughing, you nodded. Fair enough, you wouldn’t want to watch him make out with Sebastian either. Both of you started dancing to the music, stealing glances at the people around you. 
More like Simon was looking around, whereas you tried not to think about the dare too much. 
You felt the people dancing all around you. Swinging your hips and moving your arms around your body, you felt yourself getting lost in the music. 
Simon and you danced yourself further into the crowd. Someone bumped against your ass, touching it. Before you could even react somebody else pushed that person away. It was not Simon, seeing as he was still dancing right before you. He raised a brow gesturing behind you. Mouthing the simple word ‘Hot’.
While dancing you turned your head slightly to look behind. You couldn’t see much, all the flickering colorful lights made it hard to recognize anything. He was tall, broad shoulders and his hair seemed to be a bit longer. You continued dancing, Simon nodding at you. ‘Fuck it. Simon better not be wrong’ You trusted his judgment. In the rhythm of the music, you danced backwards until you found yourself practically grinding your ass on him. He didn't move away, dancing in sync with you.
One of his hands placed itself on your hip, pulling you even more against him. You felt a sudden rush of confidence, as you continued swaying your ass against him and felt something hardened in his pants. It felt huge. 
Using this confidence boost and as a confirmation you spun around, still dancing. ‘Could you do it?’ Looking up at his face, sadly, the flashing lights still barely illuminated his face. Looking closer you could make out a few facial features. He also had a slight beard. Even without knowing his exact looks, you felt a certain pull towards him. ‘I bet he is handsome’ You were not one to make the first move, but you were going to fulfill your dare. 
‘You could do it. You looked fucking hot  and you wouldn't see him ever again.’ Dancing against him, his slight erection pressing against you, you took the initiative, steadying yourself with one hand at his shirt. 'Why wouldn’t he take the first step? Why did the women need to take control in this situation?' Until now you were always the more experienced partner, so it was nothing new for you. Even though you would like some change. Him taking control, getting rough or just doing what he wants… Maybe you read too many dark romance books.
Slowly wandering with the other hand up his chest, resting it at his neck. Slightly you pulled his head towards you to push your lips onto him. His lips were rough. At first it was just you moving your mouth against his. You felt him putting away his drink on the high table next to you. 
As he still did not reciprocate the kiss and for a second you thought that you read the signs wrong. At least you fulfilled your dare. However as soon as you broke the kiss and stepped back, he roughly grabbed your face, pulling you back into him. Surprised by the sudden force of his grip, a small yelp escaped you, before he silenced it with a kiss. The action instantly sent a warm fuzzy feeling down to your core. 
Kissing you hard, your mouths moved in sync. His large hand on the side of your face kept your head in place. You winced slightly when he bit your lip, but he hardly seemed to notice. He tried to slip his tongue between your lips, but you denied it. 
Trying to gain control of the kiss and situation. You heard a low grumble from him, he seemed discontented with your attitude. You smirked against his lips, which seemed to annoy him further. Moving his hands down your body, he grabbed your ass, hard. The pain going straight into your core, making you moan into his mouth. He seized the opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth. 
This time you didn’t even try to get the upper hand, you liked that he was in control. Finally someone who was more dominant in these things. Giving you the time to explore this new, more submissive side. Letting go of your face he moved his hand down your body. Over your chest, stomach and finally resting at your hips, pulling you against him. Goosebumps traveled all over your body, where his hands touched you. Your brain felt dazed, this was the hottest makeout session you ever had. You didn’t care about his roughness or the biting, you rather liked it.
When he broke the kiss you were both panting heavily. Slowly, almost teasing, he traced his fingers up your spine before grabbing you by your hair and tilting your head upwards to look at him. Your mouth parted slightly, a small moan escaped your lips. It stung where he had his grip on your hair, but the slight pain turned you on even more. Sure you knew you liked reading about these kinds of things, but experiencing them made you feel even more aroused.  
For a split second, you thought you saw his panting expression change into a smirk. Before you could think twice, he kissed you again. Your mind instantly went blank, his kiss was like a drug. This kiss was slower, still rough but he set the tone. Moving his lips against yours, pushing his hand between your legs. You felt hot, everything felt way too hot to bear, never had you been kissed with such passion. You needed to be closer to him. You tried running your hands down his body. 
He removed his hands in an instant, grabbing yours and pushing them back to your sides. You let out a small whine. ‘What was going on with you? You never whined. You felt like a schoolgirl, making out for the first time’ Shaking his head disapprovingly, he turned away to grab his drink. Taking a sip, he held it near your lips, offering it to you. “It’s just water.”
You knew you shouldn’t drink from strangers, though you were way too drunk to think straight or even logically. ‘You wanted to keep making out and if that helped?’ Looking up at him you tilted your head forward against the glass and emptied the whole glass. You didn’t even realize how thirsty you were, and a glass of water seemed like a good option.
“Good girl.”, you heard his deep voice beside your ear. The loud music was making it hard to hear him clearly. The praise went straight to your core. He put his drink away and you began dancing to the music. More like grinding on each other. 
He still didn’t allow you to touch him much and you wanted nothing more than to travel your hands up and down on his body, or under his shirt. He leaned down, grabbing your hips to press you against him. Pressing his hard crotch against your lower stomach, making you inhale a sharp breath.  
“Can I get your number?” his deep voice mumbled against your ear. You pondered. It felt like he was growling. Slowly he began caressing your ear, gently kissing his way to your neck, making you close your eyes, leaning your head back to give him better access. Your legs were feeling weak. Running his thumb along your jawline, he sucked and bit in your neck, as he kissed his way back to your ear. 
“Please?” his voice was a low growl against your ear. Your eyes fluttered open again as you nodded, desire filled your body. You would do anything, if he kept going on like this. 
He kissed you softly this time and you bit his lip as he tried ending the kiss. You wanted to kiss him longer. You missed his warmth already, and also missed the dark look flashing up in his eyes. He pulled his phone out, tipping something before handing it to you. As you grabbed his phone, you felt yourself wobble to the side. Luckily he grabbed you in time and stadied you against his body. Now your back was pressed against his front.
You thought about grinding your butt against him, but as if sensing your thoughts he nudged you towards his phone. Looking at the screen, it was truly hard to concentrate for you. He kept sidetracking you by placing soft kisses on your neck.
Blinking rapidly you slowly made out the numbers. Your vision seemed a bit blurry, your eyes feeling so heavy. ‘You didn’t even drink that much’ After what felt like hours you successfully put in your number. As soon as you were done, he grabbed his phone back.
You were so drunk that you didn’t notice the contact already had a name. - Sweetheart - Turning back to him you nearly lost your balance, falling against his chest. His arm wrapped around your side, steadying you as he began walking you through the crowd of dancing people. You found it so difficult to keep your balance, you felt funny. You couldn’t seem to focus, everything stayed a bit blurred. You didn’t even know where he took you. Was he taking you home?
“Hey, sorry to bother you guys.”, he loudly said to someone over the music as he came to a stop. You leaned your face against his shoulder. You were really tired.
“You are her friends, right? I think someone put something in her drink, one minute she was fine and the next she could barely stand.” Your brows furrowed, ���drugged? You were fine… when should that have happened? Didn’t those drugs work way quicker?’ Shocked gasps filled the air. 
“I thought I would bring her back to you, so you can get her home.” He had such a calming and sympathetic voice. ‘Why would he bring you back? You were having fun.’ You playfully bit him in his chest, making him tighten his grip on your hip. His lips pressed in a firm line.
“Yes, yes she is our friend. Oh fuck. Thank you so much man!” Four hands grabbed you off the stranger you were leaning onto. You pouted.
“No-o I don’t wa- want to”, your voice slurred, you sounded like a brat. Struggling against their grip, not wanting to leave his side, but they were stronger than you. Also your fight wasn't really that much of a fight as you thought, you could hardly stand straight. You didn’t even knew his name. His jaw clenched as he looked towards you and the two holding you, his eyes lingered on the arm of the girl.
“Yes yes, hopefully you got his number.”, said a high pitched female voice near your ear. It sounded like Mary. You looked around, it was Lucas and Mary who supported you. ‘Why those two?’
 “Why didn’t you tell me you liked older men?” Giggling, you shrugged your shoulders.
“He is so fine, maybe I should talk to him too.” Mary whispered in your ear. ‘What about her boyfriend?’
“Well, thanks again man, I’m Simon, her best friend. We’re taking her home asap, before something happens…” he began, as Lucas and Mary led you away. He gestured for them to stop, but they didn’t look back. Thus you couldn’t hear the rest of the conversation play out. It was a good thing. Drugged or not, your subconsciousness would have freaked out sooner or later.
“No problem Simon. It is what everybody would have done. Call me Cooper.”, he held his hand out for him to shake, which Simon gladly accepted.
“Nah, I don’t think so. Some sick fuck, may have taken advantage of her in a state like that. So thank you Cooper.. Shit, I just wanted her to have a good time on her birthday.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself Simon. I was glad I could help. Wish her a happy birthday from me, I hope she feels better in the morning.” Simon nodded, turning around to talk with the others and Cooper soon vanished in the crowd. Slowly your friends started to follow the three of you back to the entrance of the club. 
“Hey, Y/N you stay here and wait. Lucas and I get the jackets. Just hold onto the handrail of the stairs or sit down. You can stand on your own for a bit, can’t you? ”she asked, concerned and something different in her voice. You gave her a thumbs up before holding onto the railing again. 
“We will hurry as best as we can, the others should be here soon.” She came closer, whispering in your ear. 
“Also you can stop your show now. Yes it’s your birthday, but do you need that much attention?”, with that she and lucas made her way to the coat check waiting line. 
You let your head fall back as you take deep breaths. ‘Show? What show?’ Deeply breathing in the fresh air that was coming from the entrance. Few people were walking past you either coming in or leaving the club. Still it was hard concentrating on anything, but you were doing okay.
Until you weren’t. All of a sudden you felt something against your back and in the next moment you lost your footing and along with the grip on the handrail and flew down the stairs. Instinctively your body tried not to hit the ground face first. For that you turned around to face the top of the stairs. ‘Was there a man?’ you thought. Blinking once whoever you thought you saw was gone, just panicked bystanders. Did you hear Simon?
Your side painfully crashed first into the stairs, then continuing falling further down the stairs. You tried your best to stop or push yourself up, but failed. Someone behind you grabbed your arm to stop you. The only thing it brought you was, that you landed on your foot, with your butt while also twisting it in a painful way. 
(A/N: You know, I thought about it, Leaving you hanging right here. However a)  I should not end all my chapters the same, you could get bored and b) I’m not evil.)
Pain shot up from your foot, as your tears began to form in your eyes. “Fuck, Y/N.” Simon and Sebastian seemed next to you in mere seconds. Carefully they lifted you off the ground and gently removed your foot from under you. It hurt like hell.
“Is she alright?”, one of the bouncers came towards you from the entrance, having heard the commotion. 
“Hey, can you move your foot?” Simon asked. You gave it a try, whining instantly. Crying even more you shook your head, your brain was way too foggy to come up with a smart ass reply. 
“Where were you?” yelled an otherwise rather quiet Simon. 
“Getting our jackets...” began Mary.
“She was drugged and you left her alone? Are you serious Mary?” Lizzy yelled too, her face enraged.
“How do we know she really was drugged? Maybe she just played it to get away from that man?” Mary suggested in an annoyed tone. 
“What the fuck? Did you look at her? Does she seem like a normal drunk to you? You have seen her drunk before, but never like this!”, came Lizzy's angry reply.
“Also from what I saw in the beginning, she sucked his fucking face off! Didn’t seem like she hated it.” Simon countered. 
“Why did you even leave her alone in the first place? None of this would have happened! Lucas you have no brain of your own anymore?”, Sebastian joined their yelling. The statement made Lucas' face turn the darkest shade of red. 
“Fucking pathetic. Lets get her to the emergency room, someone order an uber?”Simon turned around angrily, and he and Lizzy helped you up. Each of them supported you as you hobbled down towards the streets. The way from the Club to the ER was gone in a blur. You couldn’t remember most of it. One minute you were leaving the club and in the next you laid on a bed in the ER. ‘How did you get here?’
You looked around for your friends, but the room was empty besides Simon who was sitting next to your bed with a worried expression. Your head felt clearer, you cleared your throat.
“So what did the doctor say, Simon? What's the damage?”, better get it over with.
“Well.. bad news first. You have a bruised foot and a hyperextended ligament. As a consequence you have to wear a bandage and walk on crutches for the next month at least.”
You sighed. It seemed like he wasn’t even finished with the bad news yet.  
“You also got a few bruises on your arms, legs and back. Buut the Good news– they've given you something to counteract the effects of the drugs, but you'll probably still have to sleep it off, to fully feel better.”
“Better?” you laughed “I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck. Anything is better than this..”
“I know..” he said as he patted your head. “Listen, they want to keep you here overnight, but just call me in the morning and we will pick you up and drive you home, ok?”
Defeated, you nodded, he squeezed your hand and left soon after. Leaving you alone in the empty room. The rest of the night was uneventful. The nurses checking up on you from time to time, bringing you more water. Sadly they also woke you up at 6 to check your vitals again and give you painkillers. After one final talk with the doctor, getting instructions from him for the next weeks and your crutches, you were ready to go home. 
As promised Simon picked you up, he even cleaned your apartment from you and forbade you from helping. He was too kind. He even made Sebastian shop some groceries for you, which he brought over. So you didn’t need to stress about that for the next couple of days. About two hours later they left, telling you to call if you needed something. 
You never had a wild birthday like that before, but somehow trouble seemed to find you. It was just a small consolation that nothing had happened to you the last months.
Still exhausted, you laid back on the couch, still in your yesterday's outfit. Closing your eyes as you enjoyed the silence. The ping of your phone ringing loud through the quietness of your apartment. You grabbed your phone and held it above your face. It was from Simon, he left not even a minute ago. Did he forget something? You opened your Phone.
– I totally forgot to tell you something. I meant to wish you a happy birthday from the man from the club last night. He also wished for you to get well soon. –
A second message followed.
– You remember? The one you made out with? He said his name was Cooper. –
Cooper…You knew that name. There was only one person that came to your mind with that exact name. Alarm Bells were going off in your head, but whatever they gave you in the hospital was working. You weren’t shaking or panicking, you were rather calm, what confused you. 
That couldn’t be true, no. Surely you would have recognized him, even in the dim light of the club. It wasn’t that dark, was it? You rested your phone on your chest and began thinking about last night. Trying to remember, you realized that reconstructing the evening would be way harder than you thought. There were a lot of gaps in your memories and many were quite foggy. Perhaps it was because of the drugs mixed in your drink.
Sighing you closed your eyes, attempting to recollect what the stranger looked like. He was tall, had a small beard, you didn’t remember his eye or hair color, but his hair was a bit longer? You were unsure. You remembered his large hands on your body, holding your head in place while kissing you. He was strong for sure. 
‘Think straight!’ you warned yourself, already starting to feel hot again. Just thinking about it still turned you on. ‘If that was Cooper, the man from that concert. You were fucked.’ 
You tried to arrange your thoughts. Yes, you made out with him, a serial killer, and you liked it, you felt disgusted. ‘You didn’t know it was him. Why would he even be there? The possibility was close to zero’ Suddenly you remembered something. 
Didn’t you drink from his drink? Of course you were drunk before, but after that everything went downhill. Recalling how super drunk and tired you felt soon afterwards. It would all make sense.
Except… Why did he bring you back to your friends then? Perhaps it was a weird coincidence? 
Maybe you should ask Simon if his name was really Cooper. Maybe he misunderstood? That looked like a good option. Opening your phone, you started to answer Simon as a new message came in. 
It was from an unknown number. A simple: – Happy Birthday Sweetheart. –
It couldn’t be, you changed your number. Not many people called you that and you faintly remember Cooper calling you like that. Before you could wonder about it more, a second message from the same number appeared. What you read then made your heart freeze in fear, your pulse increased and hands started shaking, which made reading the message harder.
– You know, you were always nervous and so easily startled, like a cute little doe. Constantly on alert and looking around, to run away, at the slightest noise. Though if there were a little accident to happen. Where will you go now little doe, if you can’t even run? –
(A/N: nvm i am evil)
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orchid-mantis-petals · 8 months
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/ Hello!! HI!! I am so excited to drop this chapter it was so scrumptious to write.
/ As per the Poll (Which is now deleted) you loves asked for this Chapter tonight, I am here to give.
/ I forewarn, I have not proofread it this time. I am far too tired to try that tonight. So I will likely proofread and edit tomorrow AM.
/ As always thank you to @maximumkillshot for guiding and giving me ideas. And @taeminsung who is always quick to text me their reacts. Love you both!!
/ Last notes for now, I have a work schedule change coming up. Saturday will become the posting date for this fic. Baring any health complications I will update if there is a delay or of we're on track for the drop. This week will only have this chapter (Unless I get ballsy but with my flare up probably not). So without further ado here we go!!
/ Genre: ANGST, fluff, comfort, cuddles
/ Warnings: Blood (Reader and Bin), PTSD, panic attack, Screaming, crying, injury (Axel, and reader), wound care, SWEARING BECAUSE IM A FEIND (If I miss any comment below I'm very tired..)
/ Summary:
Changbin sleepily rubbed at his eyes as he followed the rest down to the vehicles. It wasn’t as though he slept. Your constant presence at his side that night just eased the tiredness that took time to come. Now he was sure once he was home he would fall asleep like the dead. He was polite enough to bow to the concierge on his way out. Outside the main lobby he shivered, the short sleeve shirt he brought with him wasn’t enough to keep him warm against the chilled air. Winter would make her own debut in the coming months. 
“Changbin, where’s your jacket??” Chan asked as he watched the younger shiver beside him. 
“I must have left it upstairs in Y/N’s apartment,” the group groaned. Most just wanted to go home and to bed after their long day ended so peacefully. 
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Changbin sleepily rubbed at his eyes as he followed the rest down to the vehicles. It wasn’t as though he slept. Your constant presence at his side that night just eased the tiredness that took time to come. Now he was sure once he was home he would fall asleep like the dead. He was polite enough to bow to the concierge on his way out. Outside the main lobby he shivered, the short sleeve shirt he brought with him wasn’t enough to keep him warm against the chilled air. Winter would make her own debut in the coming months. 
“Changbin, where’s your jacket??” Chan asked as he watched the younger shiver beside him. 
“I must have left it upstairs in Y/N’s apartment,” the group groaned. Most just wanted to go home and to bed after their long day ended so peacefully. 
“Well hurry up Bin we’ll warm up the car,” Chan tossed the key fob to him he was thankfully alert enough to catch it before it fell to the floor. 
“Thanks!!” He stepped back inside the lobby and made sure he was quick to head up to your apartment. It felt like hours in his tired brain as he watched the elevator climb higher and higher until it finally dinged on the 8th floor. When he stepped off his feet dragged him to the familiar blank door that belonged to your home. He knocked once, twice, thrice with no answer. He heard sounds beyond the wood so he was sure you were awake. They hadn’t even left your garage yet. Not even two minutes ago he was wishing you goodnight with a gentle hug on the way out. It wasn’t until he heard your scream that he leapt into action.
Changbin was thankful to find your front door had yet been locked. Though he was sure he could force it open if he had needed to. There was no time for manners, not when his blood ran cold at the idea of you in pain. The short hallway that was your entryway didn’t yield any results as to why you had cried out so desperately. It wasn’t until he rounded the corner that he caught sight of you. The space behind your couch, just in front of the stairs. Quickly he came to join you. He only stopped when his sneaker crunched on something. At a closer glance he saw a shattered picture frame. The picture that once lay within was cut apart by the glass. There was no time for him to figure out why the photo and frame had such significance. Not when he could see the blood trickle down your hands, it pooled into the cracks of the floor below you. The jacket he left behind was now used to push aside the glass that lay around you. His goal was to protect whatever part of you he could. The sound of the glass drew your attention upward toward him. But in the glassy light your eyes gave off he could tell you were not with him. Your mind elsewhere, not a registered part of this world. 
“Y/n??” He called as he stood above you, not far off to your left he saw your cell phone. A call still counting up the time at which you were on with that person. He didn’t pay much mind to it any further, not when he felt your hand clasped around his wrist. He winced as the glass embedded in your palms scratched at his skin. His blood now mingled with yours as it dropped to the floor. 
“I promise, I promise to be good,” he was confused, what had you meant when you said you would be good. Had you been bad?? Had he done something to make you think you weren’t good or kind?? Your hand dragged his forward until it settled into your hair. You forced his fingers into a fist your hair caught in his palm. “See, I’m good..I’m so good. Please..I’ll be good if you stop hurting them..please..stop hurting them. I’m here..I’ll be good,” his breath left him fast at the sight of you on your knees like that. You begged for harm to befall you at the expense of another. Tears pricked at his eyes as you continued to beg him for something he wouldn’t dare give you. It was then he realized yet again, you were not here with him. Your brain had cast you into a vast hellscape. One that made him a monster to you, a monster more than willing to usher in pain, to make an example out of your misery. 
“Changbin, what’s taking-“ from the doorway he heard Felix but paid him no mind as he knelt in front of you with his hand letting go of your hair. He didn’t face the Australian, not when you needed him more. Felix called to you, but you didn’t respond. Your eyes locked with Changbin as the battle behind them turned into a war. 
“Felix, figure out who’s on the phone,” the young blonde nodded as he scooped up your device and moved to the kitchen to speak with whoever was on the other side. Changbin studied your face once more, small cuts across your cheeks had him worried glass had settled into more than just your hands. The streaks of blood wet with your tears as they continued to wash over the scratches on your skin. There was no spark in your eyes. No fire. Not in the ways he had come so used to seeing, not in the ways he’d slowly begun to love. Gently his hand soothed over your tangled hair, his aim to fix what his hand had messed up. Though he was careful to not add to the blood that was all over you. “My sweet Whimsy, it’s me. Changbin. Can you hear me??” His voice was so light so soft all he wanted was for you to come back to the world around them. 
“I'll never do it again. I’ll never leave you, just don’t hurt them. Don’t hurt anyone else,” Changbin stayed calm as you continued to beg for something that he’d never give. Something someone else had taken from you. 
“It’s okay Whimsy. Look me in the eyes. I am not who you are thinking of. I am not here to hurt you. Come back to me Whimsy,” his motions slow, delicate in regards to you. After a few minutes he could see some light come back to your eyes. “Sweet Whimsy, are you with me??”  There was a pause as you looked around the room, then down at your hands. 
“Yes..” your voice croaked with the effort to speak through the soreness he was sure you had in your throat. 
“Good, can I help clean you up??” When you nodded he slowly lifted you off the floor by your elbow and walked toward your bathroom. He looked to Felix, then to the mess on the floor in hopes the younger would understand what he was trying to ask. Your bathroom was small, but Changbin didn’t care. Not when you needed someone to help you. Not when you let him help you. Something all the boys had wanted to do for a very long time.. He settled you on the toilet with gentle hands before he set a towel on your lap to catch the blood that dropped from your hands. “Where’s your first aid kit??” 
“Under the sink,” he made sure you kept your hands still over the towel as he reached for the familiar white box that contained all first aid needs. He rummaged quietly as he sat on the edge of your bathtub. The tweezers were first. He apologized gently as he pulled each and every piece of glass from your palms and fingers. It startled him that you didn’t flinch, you barely registered each glass he pulled free from your hands. Occasionally he noticed a nerve pull the muscles, an involuntary reaction to what he was doing. Your control was scary. He began to wonder how many times harm had come to you?? How many times had you experienced pain at the hands of another?? “Bin??” He had stopped moving. Tweezers poised over your palms as he got lost in his thoughts. 
“Just seeing if any needed stitches,” he smiled kindly at you before he put away the tweezers. “This will hurt, I'm sorry,” he didn’t want to add more to your pain, but he knew the next part needed to happen if you were going to heal. Changbin decided to grab a towel close by and soak it in the alcohol rather than dumbing it into your open cuts. This way he had more control over the situation. One by one he cleaned the cuts on your hands and face. The only noise that was heard in the room was the soft rustling of Changbin as he began the process of bandaging your wounds and the soft sniffles you let out every so often. “Want to tell me about it??” Whatever this was, whatever had you, his kind and stoic Whimsy sobbing on the floor in terror was something Changbin wanted to protect you from. 
“I’m not ready. I am too afraid,” that was all you needed to say. Changbin understood, maybe not to the full extent. But he did understand the desire to process, gather and heal from it all before you spoke about it. He would give you time. As much time and desire as you needed. So long as you understood he was someone you could come to. 
“I’ll be here when you’re ready,” there was a knock on the bathroom door, Changbin didn’t miss the way you flinched and cowered away as it swung open. “It’s only Felix Whimsy,” he relaxed when you settled at the sight of the young blonde. 
“Hey there Starlight. Are you feeling better??” Changbin’s heart sunk when you shrugged your shoulders. He reached out to you and gathered you in his arms. 
“Let’s get you on the couch,” he laughed softly at your squeak when he lifted you with ease into his arms. When you tried to protest he only held you closer as he took the short walk from your bathroom to the couch. He was sad you didn’t cling to him like he saw women do in the movies. But he didn’t blame you either. Your hands had been cut apart, the delicate soft skin was sure to scar as they healed. He was gentle as he settled you onto the couch. Felix was right there with a blanket and your stuffed bear. 
“Starlight, I talked to Ivory,” there was panic that settled over your features. Changbin watched as your eyes darted between both of them. Your waterline turned pink as tears welled up in them. In one quick motion your knees came up to your chest as you looked down, your hair now blocked them from view. 
“Did she tell you??” 
“No, she said she had wanted to. But you would have been upset. I agreed with her,” both males relaxed when you did, your legs flattened out over the couch, the blanket wrapped tight over your body. “She did, however, recommend a detective here in Korea. She said he is an old friend of hers. She wants you to go see him. Begin the process of ‘finally filing that shit’ her words not mine,” Changbin felt his heart swell when you chuckled softly. Silence filled the room as both men made moves to get ready and go. Though Changbin hesitated with every single step. He didn’t want to leave you. In fact his entire body revolted at the idea of you here alone. He’d rather stay, rather keep you safe beyond just the care of your wounds. He was so unsure, so helpless in the idea of how to ask. He feared you would reject him if he had. That you would shut him out once more.. Just as they stood you snagged both their pant legs. 
“I-I don’t want to go alone,” you had reached out to them..Changbin would not turn you away. Not when you so clearly asked for his help. At one glance he realized his personal schedule was so full tomorrow. His help would have to wait. “But I want it done,” 
“I can go with you Starlight. Come to the Danceracha house tomorrow morning. I’ll go with you. Binnie has a big schedule,” 
“I’ll move it, all of it. For you Whimsy,” 
“Don’t you dare Bin. You’ve done more than enough for me tonight,” 
‘I will do so much more if only you’d let me,’ he thought. 
“You have NIZI tomorrow, Chan will need you more than I will. Lixie will be perfect company,” Changbin chewed on his lip but nodded as he let you win, this time. 
“I’ll keep my schedule if you promise to call me..” 
“I can live with that,” you smiled softly to them both, but he saw how it didn’t meet your eyes. He saw you fiddle with the frayed ends of your bandage. He’d stop you if he weren’t afraid he’d hurt you in the process. For now he settled with resting his hand over your knee. His hands were so calm as he drew your attention back to him. 
“I will be here if you need me,” the uncut pads of your fingers came to rest over his hand on your knee. He was thrilled you felt comfortable enough to reach out to them. To finally let them in, even just a little. “I am going to walk Lixie to the cars. If you’ll let me, I'd like to stay. Just to make sure you’re okay through the night. I can drive you to Lix’s dorm in the morning,” he watched your eyes dart around once more, he was sure you’d protest to the idea. But deep in his heart he hoped you’d let him stay. Whatever you wanted he would do. He would respect every choice you made.
“Please stay,” Changbin could tell it was hard for you to make this choice. Hard to let people in. In his head he celebrated, but outwardly he simply nodded and soothed over your hair once more.
“I will be right back Whimsy. Can I tell Chan what happened??”
“Yeah, I trust him,” that was all you needed to say. He let Felix say goodnight to you once more before he followed the young male out of the apartment. 
“Lix, are you doing okay??” he was gentle as he asked, they all knew the empath Felix was. While he could handle any situation with remarkable depth and strength, Changbin also knew how much of a toll it took on him. Softly he chuckled as the aussie sagged against his side. His own arm wrapped around the younger to keep him close as they watched the elevator tick down.
“I’m okay, tired, but okay. I just don’t want Starlight to suffer alone anymore,”
“Me either Lix. We just have to keep trying. Keep being there for her,” Changbin felt the younger nod into his side as the elevator opened. When it had he scooped Felix onto his back as he walked to the front entry. The effect was immediate, from his back the blonde laughed as he kicked his legs in time with Changbin’s steps. It was only when he was beside the cars did he set Felix back on his feet. From there the younger found refuge in Hyunjin. Changbin made eye contact with Chan as the rest began to pile into the car; he motioned the leader to come out and speak to him. 
“What’s up Bin, everything alright??” Once clear of the prying ears the other members had Changbin nodded.
“Y/N had a panic attack. She didn’t really share what was going on. But she was pretty upset. I asked to stay over, to make sure she sleeps okay,” Chan nodded, and Changbin didn’t miss the worry that flashed behind his eyes before he settled back into the calm collected look he always had when he was deep in thought. “I won’t be late to schedule tomorrow,”
“That wasn’t even a thought Bin. If Sandy needs you then we will make it work,” Chan looked back at the vehicles before he nodded. “I’ll leave one of the cars here for you to drive tomorrow. Just give Y/N a hug for me,” Changbin nodded, he didn’t comment on the nickname Chan let slip for you. He himself was far too tired and preoccupied with your well being to tease his leader. He’d save it for tomorrow, while they got ready for NIZI. He waited on the lobby stoop while Chan rearranged the cars. After it was all settled Chan handed over a set of keys before he gave Changbin a squeeze to the arm. “See you in the morning,” Changbin waved the others goodnight from where he stood before he wandered back inside and up to you. When he returned he wasn’t surprised to have found you had fallen asleep where he put you on the couch not even ten minutes earlier. As gentle as possible he scooped you up. Blanket, stuffy and all tucked neatly into his arms as he walked up to your bed. He was happy that you didn’t wake at all as he settled you into your bed for the night. Changbin gently tucked you in before he wandered away from your side. He wasn’t sure he would sleep at all the night, not when there was an obvious threat that loomed over your safety. Still, he knew you’d be upset if he didn’t try. Beside your front door he spotted a baseball bat, he wasn’t sure the purpose you used it for. But tonight it would stay by his side as he slept on your couch. The blanket Felix had originally wrapped you up in was left behind on the couch. With one last glance up at your loft Changbin settled in for the night. That said blanket now wrapped around himself, the familiar scent of your shampoo wrapped him in warmth as he drifted off into a listless slumber. 
“PLEASE!! STOP!!” Changbin was up on his feet before he could even register what had happened, the bat in his hand he checked the front door. Still locked and bolted. “I’M HERE DON’T HURT THEM!! TAKE ME!!” when he heard you cry out again he took off from the front door to your room. At the foot of your bed he watched you thrash under the blankets he so calmly wrapped around you mere hours before. In seconds he was at your side his hand soothed into your tousled hair.
“Whimsy, darling it's a dream,” he called to you as he waited patiently to wake up from the nightmare. It didn’t take long for you to shoot up out of bed and latch onto the front of Changbin’s shirt. “Hey, hey it's me, Changbin,” his voice was low, gentle, and calm as he spoke to you. He waited for you to figure out where you were. Your eyes darted around the room then came to meet his as you began to calm. “Hey there Whimsy,” 
“Hey,” you sighed as you let your hands drop from his shirt. His eyes never left your body, tonight had done enough to you. Yet all it wanted to do was take more from you with every given second. Changbin settled on the bed beside you, not too close yet close enough that if you needed him he was there. Silence fell over the both of you. It was comfortable, and clear as though it was meant to be. He waited until he felt you were calm enough before he stood up to go back down stairs. “Wait,” he stopped as you snagged the hem of his shirt. “Please don’t go,” 
“Are you sure you’re comfortable with me here?? I don’t want to overstep,”
“I am. I’m afraid to be alone. Please,”  he hadn’t meant for you to beg. Because he would give you anything you wanted when you wanted it. No questions asked. 
“Okay Whimsy,” after you settled down beneath your blankets he joined you on the other side of the bed. He tried to not take up too much space, it was hard with his size sometimes. Yet he still tried his best to not crowd you on the bed. Changbin wanted you to come to him, he didn’t want to push your boundaries. So he settled down beside you, his back rested against the silken sheets, he felt awkward and stiff. It was when you reached out to take his hand that he finally relaxed against your bed. His fingers wrapped in your as he turned to face you. “Sleep well Whimsy. I will be here by your side when you wake,” 
“Thank you Changbin. For everything,” he watched you sink into your blankets, your eyes half lidded as sleep dragged you under once more. The soft sound of your breaths evened out with your slumber is what eased Changbin to fall asleep beside you. His hand in yours, he knew from that moment on he’d protect you at all costs.
****  ****  ****  ****
New message: Ivory: Please go see Himora, I know he can help. Axel made it through surgery. 
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@taeminsung @maximumkillshot @feybin @alex--awesome--22 @liknws @palindrome969 @newbbystay @highlydestiny
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pterostar · 2 months
This is just me trying to get a vent out of my head
TW// Vent
I hate having a favorite person, it’s such a great and such a bad thing. They’re all I think about I fret about them what they think about me constantly and it’s so hard. I can’t focus on anything else because they’re always in the back of my mind, I constantly stalk their blog and see who they’re talking to I can’t leave it alone. I saw from a notification they said something about a favorite person but the post was deleted and I’m sick to my stomach worrying about it. This is so annoying, I must be annoying them and they hate me and they’d probably be better off if I just blocked them because they don’t deserve to have to deal with me. I just worry, and cry, and panic and it’s probably only their bad because the first nightly of vacation is always this bad because the shakeup in my routine stresses me out and I’ll feel better tomorrow. I want to feel better now though. I just gah, but it’s also nice because I have this person who I talk to and they enjoy my presence I think? And it’s nice to care about someone, to feel something, to want to do anything to make them happy, I’d do whatever I could to make them happy and just ahh.
Sorry if you read this I just needed to let my thoughts out and this was the easiest way.
I’ll probably delete this in the morning though.
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nightcall99 · 3 months
Dreams from 27.6.24
Dream 1: I'm at work preparing for something big like a head office inspection. It felt bigger than that though. MN was on the sidelines guiding me with tasks left to do. I was running around everywhere like a headless chicken but I didn't feel panic, I was just focused on what I had to do. The place looked completely different, bigger, like I was taking care of shopping centre almost. I remember in the back room there was a huge pile of gifts which were orders that had never got delivered to the recipients. I never knew this section even existed. It was something that the intern KA knew about and had been trying to handle. I saw a list of orders on the computer screen, one of them was from someone called 'Bob Boss' (prob K) who had cancelled his order. I deleted the message so it wouldn't pop up again. They were also going to check how we presented ourselves. My staff card needed to be changed to the temporary version which is something we print out on white paper. Everyone had them in their lanyards and I was the only one with the normal red hard-card.
At one point I was in a large room putting away stock. I was trying to avoid SM who was talking with a few other people nearby. As I got close, I became hyper-ware of my body and felt really awkward. We didn't acknowledge each other which I was upset by, but felt there was no choice because I was busy. Also, MN had been helping me but I thought he was about to go home and basically leave me to handle everything. But it turns out I'd misunderstood and he'd only been on his lunch break because he put his uniform back on. Throughout this dream, there's just this feeling like something big is happening which I was preparing for.
Then at the conclusion of this dream, my brother's 'spirit' came down from upstairs (irl he doesn't live with us) and just stood there in the dark, by my bed. It was really freaky, I got really scared. I tried to move away from him but it's like I was paralysed. There was a really strong energy emanating from him, and he seemed taller than ever. Then he leant down and opened his mouth to suck my soul out, exactly the way dementors do in Harry Potter. I tried to scream and woke up.
After I woke up and as I was jotting down this dream in my notes, I suddenly remembered a dream from yesterday where I was finally getting round to doing that forgotten assignment from all those recurring dreams. I was getting into the nitty gritty of it.
Dream 2: I was at the airport to go on holiday to Europe. This time, everything had been taken care of and we were inside of a small plane, which was probably just a helicopter. There were 8 people of us. The pilot told us the flight was for 12 hours. As we were flying I asked, How can we go to the toilet? Because I don't think there was one. I was really concerned about not being able to go for that long. The pilot made a stop somewhere.
Then I was walking around in the streets of London but it was whatever. It didn't feel different at all, it's like how it always feels when I'm walking around in my home city. I was walking through an alley when some shady guy tried to get my attention. I quicky brushed him off and kept walking. Then I kept thinking about how I need to get back home for my shift on Sunday which was 'tomorrow'. It turns out I'd only taken a few days off for this trip and didn't realise it would run into Sunday for some reason. I was thinking about the fact that I could easily just forget about it and stay here. Should I even tell MN? I could just not show up. I was enjoying this time off. In the end I decided I needed to get back.
I ended up catching a plane back which only took 8 hours and I was home again. In the next scene I was at work, doing all the usual things. I was putting stuff away. I had not told anyone where I had been the past few days. Then I realised that I had to get back to London/Europe. This time it felt like it would be for a duration even less than before, perhaps only for one day. I wasn’t sure if i should tell MN or just go and not say anything.
Dream 3: There's a movie or show that's about to start and I'm waiting with my friend in the foyer. We befriend two other dudes, and we're all waiting together. We had just brought some snacks from the kiosk and were sharing them, pouring them into each other's containers. Mostly it was just candy. They had started it so I was retuning the favour since it was only fair. It felt like we were just passing time too. They seemed nice. Then we were about to go in but it turns out my friend and I had left our 'keys' in the car. (I think without them we wouldn't be able to get to our seat, so read: ticket, I guess). I looked at my friend (not someone I recognise) and I hadn't noticed it before but she was pregnant. She said, My parents gave me some in the car so I'll go get it now. She turns to leave. I think about how she'll have to go through all the checks to get inside again but there was no way around it. All I know is it's time to get seated because it's about to start.
Dream 4: I went into the hair salon with my friend (who I don't recognise) and to see how much it would cost for a cut. I could see they were finishing up with another client. It was one of those cheapo Asian places, and there was a language barrier with the ladies. I asked the how much it is to get a perm and she didn't answer my question, just started talking about clozapine (anti-psychotic drug) which was so random. I ended up leaving since we were getting nowhere.
Dream 5: In the dream, a long time ago, a customer at the shop I used to work at (a middle aged white man) gave me his divorce papers for safe-keeping. I was only just remembering this now, as if I had to go take them out now or something.
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pocketramblr · 1 year
au where giran is mustards dad
I know of a couple people who used to think this really canon but I think it can be fun in aus, and is indeed more fun because I think the order of operations went like this:
Mustard tries to get into a hero school so he can be a leak and a cool spy, fails
Giran shrugs because it's no big deal and really if his kid focuses on moving Intel around rather than just spying on one area he opens himself up to way more opportunity and potential profit
Instead of saying that he just says "you got lots of other options"
Mustard decides then that he'll be a full fledged villain then, because he is fourteen years old and desires combat rather than ugh, being like his dad
Mustard steals Dabi's gun
Mustard demands to join the lov vanguard too
Giran and Shigaraki look at each other. Shigaraki really does not want more brats along. Giran figures this could be a valuable learning experience and shrugs again. Mustard goes to attack camp
Mustard gets arrested
Giran waits until the Kamino drama rolls over so that he knows where exactly Mustard is being held, and then gets Kurogiri to warp him out.
Mustard is a fourteen year old who did not want to learn a lesson and so sulks, but does give up trying to find cool options for him. He decides that stealing Dabi's gun was fun and that he wants to focus on procuring product rather than information, focusing on sneaking and smuggling
Knowing this, Giran then asks for the bullets Shigaraki got off Chisaki in return for Compress's significantly discounted prosthetic. They're able to pretty quickly deduce which bullets are the eraser and which are the cure, (hint: they know one hero got his quirk permanently erased and there's one bullet missing from one box leaving five, but six in the other) but decide to hold off on selling either now. Instead they use the one extra surplus cure to start looking into replication with whatever tech connections/experience Giran used to rig up a Queen Bee killing device for KD in Vigs
All of that means that Mustard is able to very quickly hide when the MLA comes calling for Giran. And that he's able to shoot and delete two of the attacker's quirks, which as you can imagine is very destressing to them
Mustard immediately rolls up the the LoV and fills them in on what happened to Giran, and tells them they better help track down the group who did it, because Mustard plans on leveraging some of the cure bullets in return for his father's release
Shigaraki thinks that's a fair enough request but he's not sure how they're going to hunt down the attackers as Giran is the best information one in the party. Twice wants to get looking right away, or maybe tomorrow. Everyone else's reaction is "wait, you aren't in jail?"
I think Mustard was probably told that in case of emergency he was supposed to nuke Giran's computer and contacts rather than let it taken by whoever got him, but in his panic, focusing on shooting back, staying hidden, and also being a rebellious fourteen year old he didn't end up doing it. This leads to the MLA still being able to eventually hack in and get the Intel on the LoV, as well as the very interesting information that Giran has a son, even if his real name is never used and he's only referred to as "Mustard." I expect that the MLA would move on to threatning the kid as soon as they realized nothing else was going to get information out of Giran, and I hope they say something like "we found your son, you want him to see you in this state or join you?" about 1.2 seconds before the wall of the room crashes down and said kid and the rest of the LoV are there ready to fight
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banannabethchase · 1 year
Matt was so focused on a bit for BTE that he misses his flight out to LA, and finds himself stuck in North Carolina. How lucky is he that a certain cowboy, a certain ex, sees his sad Instagram post and is able to give him an alternative.
Song title inspired by Heart Upon My Sleeve by Avicii feat. Imagine Dragons.
I had all of this read to publish like half an hour ago then AO3 stopped working and deleted all the edits and formatting I did. So. I am Upset.
“I know, I know,” Matt says, propping the phone up between his cheek and shoulder. “Just go without me.”
“You’ll miss your flight,” Nick says. “You know that, right? If you wait too long –”
“Nick, it’ll be fine,” Matt says, a little too sharply. “I’ll get there. You two get to the airport.” Matt hangs up the phone instead of dealing with Kenny and Nick’s haranguing, going back to the camera. He really needs to get this bit filmed in a hotel room – if he does it in an airport or at home, it won’t feel right.
It's another three takes, another half an hour, which Matt doesn’t realize until his alarm goes off.
“Uh oh.”
That’s his get to the gate alarm.
Matt pulls up Google Maps to find that the airport is half an hour away, and his flight leaves in an hour. Before he can do anything else, Nick’s name pops up on Caller ID.
“You’re still at the hotel, aren’t you.”
“I lost track of time,” and Matt won’t admit it to anyone else, but he’s whining. “Are they, like, boarding?”
“Yeah, me and Kenny are in line to get on the plane, man,” Nick says. “You’re screwed.”
Matt winces as he looks around the hotel. He still has to pick up the hotel room, still has to call a Lyft, still has to wait for it, still has to check out. “I’m screwed,” he says in a small voice.
“Call the airport and see if you can get a later flight out,” Kenny yells into the phone. “There’s got to be other flights.”
“Please stop reminding me you’re on your way to LA and I’m not,” Matt grumbles. “The one week you decide to come hang out.”
“Keep us posted on the other flights available,” Nick says. “Hopefully there are a bunch.”
There are, he finds out an hour and a half later when he gets to the front of the line of the check in area of the airport, but they’re all four or more hours away.
“And I wouldn’t bet on those flights making it to LA,” says the airline attendant. She turns the screen so Matt can see it. “Big storm across the Midwest. Honestly, if I were you, I’d find a place to stay here and try a flight tomorrow.”
Matt fights the urge to whine. “Okay,” he says, deflating. “Yeah, I’ll. I’ll check out a hotel. Thank you, ma’am.”
“No problem.”
Matt posts an Instagram story of himself pouting in the airport, captioning it with, “Stuck in North Carolina.”
As he’s scrolling hotel options, he gets a text.
You’re stuck in North Carolina?
Matt refuses to get too fluttery over a text from Adam. It’s clearly just him checking in.
big storm across the Midwest no flights out until Friday night they said
There’s a pause, and the phone dings
Need a ride?
Matt panics about the response for long enough to make it weird, then makes himself text back.
Not unless you can get me to la
If you want, you can stay at my place until it all clears up. I drove into NC so I’m about to make the trip back
Matt stares at his phone, rereading the text three times before allowing himself to believe what he’s seeing.
If that’s too weird, you can pretend I never sent that. But I’m happy to help you get wherever you need to go.
Matt’s stuck here until he can get a flight out, probably in a miserable hotel room bed that'll kill his back. Or, he’s going on a road trip with his ex to his ex’s house, who he just recently got back on texting and speaking terms with.
Unfortunately, Matt’s better at suffering emotional discomfort than physical.
that would be great. im at the airport if you could swing by
Yeah of course. GPS says 30 minutes, but I need to pack up and get ready. I'll text when I'm almost there. See you soon.
Matt is half vibrating as he waits outside the airport. He looks like any other person, hanging out while waiting for their ride. But he feels like this is different.
He and Adam haven’t been alone together, really alone, for any significant amount of time for years. Matt’s knee starts going a little nuts as he sits on the bench, so he stands up and gives in to the urge to pace around the small waiting area.
And then a familiar truck comes by. A few new dents, what looks like a new interior. But it’s the same truck.
“Hey, stranger, need a ride?” Adam leans down and grins at Matt, and, god, Matt had missed his dumb little jokes.
“Hey, Hanger,” Matt says, throwing the smile back at him. He chucks his hard side suitcase in the back of the truck with a grunt then brings his backpack and carryon into the cab.
Adam raises an eyebrow. “Where are you gonna sit?”
“They fit!”
“They – they don’t,” Adam says. “I mean, the backpack probably can, but the – the little rolly guy, you’re gonna have to chuck that in the truck bed, too.”
Matt wants to argue, wants to say that there is important stuff in here that really shouldn’t roll its way around the back of a truck when rain could hit at any moment. But then he remembers that Adam is doing him a huge favor, and he relents.
“Yeah, okay,” he says. He tosses the carryon over the edge into the bed. “You don’t have a lot of stuff.”
Adam shrugs. “Didn’t need a lot this time, since all I had to do was drive down yesterday morning.”
“You drove four hours yesterday?”
Adam nods as he puts the car into drive and pulls out expertly around the manic airport drivers, making his way to the main airport road with ease. “I like driving. Redid the truck cab to make it even more comfortable.”
“I noticed,” Matt says, before he thinks about it.
Adam glances over at him. “You did?”
Matt nods. “I mean, I spent a lot of time in this truck, right?”
Adam starts to blush, just a little bit, and Matt absolutely didn’t mean it like that. “Um. Right.”
They make their way out of the airport mess, and onto the highway.
“Thanks, again, for this,” Matt says.
Adam chuckles.
“Thanks again implies you said thank you the first time,” Adam says.
Matt’s never been this uncomfortable in his life. The drive started off awkward, yeah, but this is somehow worse. It’s been two hours since they left the airport, and everything they do or say has made the cab of the truck feel like it’s airtight and the oxygen is quickly depleting. Adam keeps making random half comments, things Matt can’t even begin to parse, but shuts up before any of it makes sense. Matt has pointed out five cows.
They’ve maybe exchanged six full sentences since getting on the highway, and that’s being generous.
Matt’s leg is bouncing like mad and he can’t control it, just pulls his fingers into fists and wishes he knew what to say to make this less awful.
“So you wanna talk about why you’re freaking out, or are you just gonna let your leg vibrate the cab of my truck into the stratosphere?”
Matt exhales. At least one of them said something. “I’m fine.”
“Sure,” Adam says, laughing a little bit. “Because that,” he nods down at the way Matt’s knee is still going, “suggests a very normal and put together person.”
Matt adjusts so he’s got his legs uncomfortably crossed, forcing his knee down. “I’m normal.”
“You are fucking not,” Adam says. “It’s fine, though. It’s why people like you.”
Matt glances over at him, Adam’s eyes are locked on the road. “Sure. I guess.” Before he can say anything else stupid, his phone rings.
“Hey, buddy!” Kenny says. “LA’s looking great. But…” He trails off, frowning. “I figure answering means you didn’t get a flight out, huh.”
Matt shakes his head. “Nope. Yours was the last flight toward the west to go out, actually.”
“Where are you?” Kenny asks. “You sound funny.”
Matt can’t help but flick his eyes over to Adam when he says, “Um. Adam’s letting me stay at his place for a couple of days, until the weather clears up.”
Kenny’s quiet for a moment. “Am I on speaker phone?”
Matt clicks it up and holds the phone up to his ear. “Not anymore.”
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Matt?” Kenny says, voice low. Matt hates being on this end of Kenny’s Dad voice.
“Everything’s fine, Kenny, he’s just helping me out.”
“This is a terrible idea,” Kenny says. “He’s going to hurt you again.”
“It’s fine, Kenny,” Matt says. His voice is tense. He can’t fix it. “I’ll text you when we get there or something. It’s fine.” He pauses. “And, uh. Don’t tell Nick.”
“Oh, Jesus Christ.” Matt can pretty much hear Kenny roll his eyes. “Fuck it. Fine. Just don’t get yourself killed, you dumbass.” And he hangs up.
“Sorry about that,” Matt mumbles, shoving his phone back into his pocket.
“Kenny seems,” Adam pauses, searching for words, “agitated.”
Matt shrugs. “He’s been weird the past few months about everything. It’s not you.”
They’re quiet for a while, and Matt wonders if Adam is desperately trying to come up with something to say just like Matt.
“I can drop you off at Kenny’s, if you want,” Adam says, hesitantly.
“No, it’s the opposite direction,” Matt says. “Literally. That’s not fair to you. Plus,” he squirms a little that he’s about to admit this, “I feel weird staying there without him. The walls make weird noises.”
Adam nods. “Yeah, I get that. The one time I visited there was this weird squeaking sound in the walls. Sounded like a mouse, but Dobby would have gone nuts over it.”
Matt processes that for a second. “You visited Kenny?”
Adam sits up a little straighter. “Uh. Yeah. Yeah, right before All Out.”
“You visited Kenny during the pandemic?” Matt asks. He has no right to be mad. He doesn’t. They were well and broken up at that point, hadn’t spoken in a few days. “What the hell, Adam?!”
“It didn’t involve an airplane,” Adam says through gritted teeth, knuckles white on the steering wheel. “And it was your fault for refusing to come stay with me right before everything shut down, anyway.”
“My fault?!” Matt yells, and he glances at the clock. Here they go. “You had just pulled that weird stuff at Revolution – you were acting like you didn’t even know me!”
“You could have spoken to me once!”
Thus begins the worst two hours or so of Matt’s life in a long damned time, which he knows because he keeps checking the time. They go back and forth, shooting long-forgotten accusations and angry defenses at each other like blows in the ring. Matt almost wishes they’d been able to do this in the ring, where he could hear the smack of Adam’s open palm against his chest instead of the words, “You cared about your stupid YouTube channel more than me and you know it!”
“I went to California so that Nick wouldn’t be alone!”
“Which means you were okay with me being alone!”
He wishes he could hear the thud of his body against the mat when Adam would powerslam him instead of, “Don’t pretend you gave a shit in the trio’s match, Matt, you just wanted another belt.”
“I asked you to be my partner first. Before Kenny was even cleared!”
“Right, because I’ll believe that.”
“You should, because it’s the truth, you jerk.”
They’re yelling about something that happened way back in Ring of Honor, a miscommunication when they were first dating, when they take the turn off the highway toward the little country roads that are a little too familiar to Matt. He glances at the clock for the millionth time, then back out at the charming roadside stores. And then Adam interrupts him.
“Stop fucking timing our argument!” Adam yells. “Fuck, Matty, you still annoy me the same goddamn way!”
Matt shrinks. “I didn’t think you’d notice.”
“You keep looking at the center display every, like, two minutes,” Adam says, voice calmer than it’s been in a while. “Unless you’re super interested in my mileage, which I doubt, it’s the clock.” He sighs. “Just like you always used to.”
“I didn’t just time our fights,” Matt says, his voice quiet. “I time everything. You know that.” He chances a glance over at Adam, who, despite fighting it, is unable to fully hide his smile. Matt can find it in the corners of Adam’s eyes.
“Yeah, I know,” Adam says, voice low. “Two hours seven minutes.”
“And fifty-three seconds,” Matt adds.
They’re quiet for a few moments. But Matt is stupid, and he wants the last word, and he’s still not over this one thing. “I just think it’s a dick move that you straight up abandoned us.”
“Would you stop bringing that up!” Adam half yells. “Jesus, you guys made it pretty fuckin’ clear you didn’t want me around anymore. Kenny was acting like a dick and you and Nick kicked me out of the Elite. Hell, even before the pandemic you acted like you were sick of me!”
“I did not,” Matt says, suddenly even angrier. “You don’t – don’t you dare say that.”
Adam laughs, a little mean. “Yeah. Sure. I bet you were just waiting to break up with me. Had to find an excuse, right?”
“I bought a ring.”
Matt waits as Adam corrects his truck from crashing into a mailbox. “You what?!”
“A ring,” Matt says, and it’s hell to keep his voice steady. He doesn’t know why he’s saying it – to hurt Adam, to help Adam, to apologize. To prove that he was always so much more in it than Adam was. To show that he put in the effort Adam accused him of shirking. “Revolution 2020? Yeah, I was planning on proposing that night.” He ignores the catch in his voice. “It was the four of us putting on the match of a lifetime at Revolution, but it would be you and me forever.”
Adam is silent, and Matt looks over to see him staring dead ahead, lips pressed together in a firm line. “You bought a ring,” he finally says, voice shaky and wet. “For – for me?”
“Yes, for you, you dumb idiot,” Matt half shrieks. All composure gone, he continues. “And then you almost hit Kenny with a Buckshot, and you wouldn’t even talk to me and Nick after, and – and you proved it was always all about winning for you.” He angrily rubs at his eyes, refusing to let any tears into this conversation. “Proved that I was only there to help you get what you wanted. And that wasn’t me.”
Matt’s glad for the seat belt when Adam takes a rapid right turn into a surprisingly secluded little area without a word.
“Are you gonna kill me in the woods?” Matt asks, trying to hide his worry. “This feels very serial killer, Adam.”
“I am not,” Adam says, voice disturbingly calm as he pulls into a practically empty campsite, “going to kill you.”
“Oh, cool, leave me to die in the woods, of course.” Matt will admit it: he’s a bit hysterical. Adam parks and it’s…it’s not comforting. “Cool. Good to know you’re still willing to drop me and leave me to –”
Adam leans over and yanks Matt into a kiss that he feels down to his toes, half crawling into Matt’s lap, and makes this miserable, tearing noise from the back of his throat. Matt remembers to kiss back just in time for Adam to pull away. “You stupid, self-centered, bastard,” Adam says, voice ragged. He’s crying, trails of tears down his cheeks. “I only ever wanted you, you dumb fucking – god, I could kill you right now.”
“Not super comforting,” Matt mumbles.
“Just shut up for once in your fucking life!” Adam yells. It feels like it echoes around the cab of the truck, sinks into Matt’s skin. “Matt, Jesus fucking Christ, you stupid – I walked away because I couldn’t stand what I’d done to you!” He pounds the steering wheel with his fist, teeth gritted together. “And – and then, before All Out. When I thought I’d have to – when I thought we would…” He trails off and finally looks at Matt again, eyes red and wet and face shattered. “I couldn’t hurt you like that again,” Adam whispers. “I left the Elite to keep from hurting you more. I couldn’t let it happen again in the ring.”
They sit in it, for god knows how long. Matt’s pretty sure they’re, like, a few miles away from Adam’s home.
Eventually, Matt has to speak. “I didn’t know that’s what you were thinking. I didn’t – I thought you. I thought you stopped loving me.”
Adam laughs and closes his eyes, dropping his head back against the head rest. “How the fuck could anyone ever stop loving you?” He turns to Matt. “How could you think I’ve ever stopped?”
Matt lets out this weird little noise. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying,” Adam says, turning his body to Matt. His hand is an inch away from Matt’s on the middle seat. “That the day you and Nick and Kenny came to have my back in the ring, I almost died. Because it was proof I might still matter to you.” He reaches up and cups Matt’s cheek. “That loving you for all this time made me worth another shot.”
Matt can’t fight it. He leans forward and catches Adam’s lips, climbing into Adam’s lap. He tries to tell Adam everything he hasn’t been able to say for almost three years, apologies, confessions, questions, anything he can think of. His hands cup Adam’s cheeks, thumbs brushing away the tears that make their ways down his faces.
His ass hits the steering wheel and the honk makes him jump.
“We, uh,” Adam says, eyes flicking to Matt’s lips, “we should get back to my – my house. We. We could.”
“God, please,” Matt says. He has to force himself off of Adam’s lap and onto the passenger seat. Adam doesn’t let go of his hand as he starts up the car and tears out of there like a bat out of hell. It’s only ten minutes before they pull into the long driveway in front of Adam’s house, familiar dirt and bumps that send something bizarrely nostalgic through Matt’s entire body.
Adam parks and turns to Matt. “I – I want –”
Matt nods rapidly, unbuckling and jumping out of the truck. Adam meets him around the front of the truck and they grab at each other on their ways to the door, Adam fumbling for the house keys and pressing Matt up against the door at the same time. The weight of him feels the same kind of thrilling, the same anticipation, as it always did before, and he almost falls backward before Adam catches him by the waist as the door pushes open.
“Bedroom,” Matt half pleads, “please.”
Adam laughs, turning them to shove Matt against the wall. “Yeah, Matty. I – yeah.”
Matt’s head spins as Adam gets two strong hands under his thighs and pulls his legs up.
“Just like old times,” Matt murmurs against Adam’s lips. He loops his legs around Adam’s waist and hooks them, and the balance is set so Adam can pull back from the wall and walk them down the hall to the bedroom. They don’t break away for more than a second on the way there, and it’s like they never stopped.
Adam half throws Matt on the bed and yanks his tee shirt off over his head.
“Aw,” Matt says, a little stupid already, “I wanted to do that.”
“Next time,” Adam laughs, and it sounds like a promise.
They kiss frantically for some time, hands roaming familiar planes of each other’s bodies, and Matt thinks he could melt into this moment and stay here for the rest of his life.
“I – I want you – I want you to –” Adam stumbles over his words, almost shaking.
“Slow down,” Matt says, and he reaches up to rest his hand on the side of Adam’s neck. “Hey, Adam. Breathe.”
Adam nods, still a little wild eyed, but he slows down and takes a deep breath. “I don’t want to mess it up again,” he says.
Matt sees the tears welling in his eyes. “Adam,” he says. “Hey. Adam. Nobody’s going to mess anything up this time.” He rolls them so he’s straddling Adam’s hips, hands pressing Adam’s shoulders to the mattress. “Adam,” he says again, because having the right to speak that name feels like a privilege, “I promise. We’re going to be okay.”
Adam sighs. “I don’t want this to be one time, Matty.” He settles his hands on Matt’s hips. “I can’t do this if it’s just pretend.”
Matt lets that settle over him. It’s a decent question – is this a spur of the moment? Or is this a road to what comes next? He thinks about it. He considers it.
And he speaks.
“Okay,” Matt says, smoothing his hands over Adam’s chest. “Yeah. I – don’t expect the ring, not yet, but.” He nods. “I want you to come back to me, Adam.”
Adam reaches up and yanks Matt down into another blazing kiss, his hands sliding up the back of Matt’s shirt, hesitating just a tiny bit. Matt leans back enough to let Adam pull the shirt up over his head.
“How do you look like this,” Adam murmurs, hands sliding up and down Matt’s back. The touch sends sparks through him, desperate for more.
“Weights, genetics, being God’s favorite,” Matt says. He grins at the way Adam rolls his eyes.
“Jesus, you never change.”
They fall into it, clothes strewn across the room in record speed, before Adam’s fingers skitter down Matt’s back to the top of his ass.
“Can I…?”
“Please,” Matt begs. “If you stop, I might die.”
Adam moves his fingers in a decision that makes Matt want to throw a shoe, but he reaches to the bedside table and pulls it open.
“Always so prepared,” Matt singsongs. His voice cuts off quickly, though, with the way Adam locks eyes with him. He drops lube on his fingertips.
“Lean forward, princess, so I can take care of you.”
 And there it is. That low voice from Adam, that focused control, that masterful understanding of Matt’s body and how to make it sing. His fingers work gentle magic, sliding into Matt and fitting like puzzles, and Matt can’t help but rock back against the touch. “More,” he whimpers, “too soft.”
“Patient, baby,” Adam says, leaning up to press kisses to the skin of Matt’s chest. “Be patient.”
Matt squirms, though, terrible with patience, and pushes down. “More,” he says, a little more demanding. “Come on!”
“Maybe I want to draw it out,” Adam says, fingers sliding at a pace almost excruciatingly slow, “maybe I’ve wanted this for so long that I won’t want to miss a second. Maybe,” he leans up, a little bite at Matt’s pec, “I want to make you wait.”
And, well. To Matt, that sounds like a challenge.
He rolls his hips down onto Adam’s fingers until there’s two, until there’s three, until he can feel Adam beneath his hips, rock hard.
“I’m ready, Adam, please,” Matt says. “I want you.”
“You have me,” Adam says, deadly serious as he looks into Matt’s eyes. “I promise.”
Adam slides his cock into Matt even better than his fingers, and Matt almost falls against him in relief. He never knew he could miss a feeling so much. “I missed this so much.” Matt’s almost crying with it as he rocks his hips, eyes fluttering shut as he angles better against Adam’s body.
“Me too,” Adam says. “God, you’re beautiful.”
They’re silent for some time, Matt doesn’t know, as they rock slowly, relishing the moment. They forgive each other over and over, with gentle touches and rocking hips, and with Adam’s hands resting gentle on Matt’s thighs. The weight steadies him, makes him feel whole.
He slowly opens his eyes to see Adam looking up at him with an ethereal little grin. He looks years younger, like he did when they first met on the indies.
“Adam,” Matt murmurs, “are you close?”
“Almost,” Adam says. “I – I could be.”
Matt stills immediately, and Adam stares at him.
Matt grins. “Be patient, baby. Maybe I want to make you wait.”
Adam glares at him. “Oh, you’re a dick.”
Matt shrugs. “And?”
Adam laughs and Matt moves, bringing him closer and closer to release before freezing his motions until Adam relaxes again. Adam starts begging, pleading, singing Matt’s name beautifully.
Tears have gathered in the corners of Adam’s eyes again, for very different reasons, as he pleads again. “Please, Matt,” he gasps, “I need – I have to. Please.”
“Okay,” Matt says, on the edge himself. “I – you can come, baby, it’s time.”
“Oh, thank god.”
Adam gets an arm around Matt’s lower back and flips them, driving into Matt with single minded fury. Matt comes almost immediately untouched, the tension and the build crashing through him so hard he cries out Adam’s name and digs his nails into Adam’s back. Adam comes soon after with a hoarse sob, his face turned into Matt’s leg, and shoves himself into Matt one final time as the two of them calm down, bodies going more and more limp as the seconds pass.
“So, I know this is a weird thing to ask,” Matt asks, running his fingers through Adam’s hair, “but our stuff is safe in your truck, right?”
Adam laughs then pushes himself up so he can look at Matt. “Yes, it’s fine. My nearest neighbor is, like, two miles away. There’s no one out here.”
“So you can’t be sure there’s nobody living in your barn, waiting for you to come home so they can steal your food.” Matt pushes himself to sitting so he can kiss Adam before he steps out of the bed. “That’s a bit naïve, isn’t it?”
Adam shrugs and stands, stretching his arms out. It’s a good sight. Matt intentionally doesn’t look away.
“Come on,” Adam says, reaching out an arm. “Let’s take a shower. I remodeled it back in 2020. I think you’ll like it.”
Matt blinks. “Did you finally add the jacuzzi?”
Adam nods. “You were right. Changes everything.”
They wrap themselves around each other as they wash each other’s hair, as they clean themselves up, and Matt is unable to keep himself from the question. “When exactly did you do this?”
Adam doesn’t meet his eyes. “Finished it that May. I started it back when you refused to quarantine with me, when you were mad.” He fidgets a little. “I thought it would convince you to come back.”
Matt curls into himself. “Oh.”
They’re quiet as they dry off. Matt wraps himself in one of Adam’s giant towels and half fidgets while Adam gets changed. “Could you, um. Would you be able to bring my stuff into the car?”
“Yeah, course,” Adam says. “I know your thing about putting dirty clothes back on. Planning on getting your bag once I’m dressed.” He gives Matt a shy little smile and leans in, kissing Matt’s cheek as he does his belt. “I’ll be right back, baby.”
Matt sits down on the bed, cozy in his towel, as he watches Adam walk away.
And he thinks, maybe, the ring that’s still in his top drawer at home could soon find a home on Adam’s finger. Maybe, this time, he’ll be able to ask. And maybe Adam will say yes.
Mini Playlist: Heart Upon My Sleeve - Avicii feat. Imagine Dragons What I Need - Hayley Kioko Cowboy Take Me Away - The Chicks Back Together - Loote
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robinruns · 1 year
What a day. Oof.
(editing Robin here, this got long, sticking it under a cut)
I couldn't get up to get a workout in... or make lunch for myself... or breakfast. I did pack my gym bag with the intention of going to the gym after work because it is both hot (summer) and the air quality is garbage (Canada blowing smoke on us). First hour of work was literally one of the most excruciatingly boring meetings I've had to sit through. We got a massive software update and it will taking used to since so many things are just like second nature to me. There are lots of bugs still that kinda make me question why they weren't sorted out in the literal years this has been in development. It's gonna be even more of a cluster fuck tomorrow I think because we have to do the end of the month work. Oh and the fuckin window washers were there so I think I lost a solid hour and a half right off the top this morning. Ugh.
Not having a lunch meant I had to go to the grocery store for lunch. Going to the grocery store meant going out in the gross haze, and then of course, bad choices were made. Bad choices that involve getting a big bag of chocolates and then eating like 90% of it, so my therapist will be hearing about that on... whatever fuckin day I have therapy again. Next Thursday? I dunno. I had to cancel my appointment this week because I had to take my car to the mechanic. Then karma came around and I got my massage appointment (that was supposed to be this afternoon) canceled on me. Whatever. It's not like it wasn't already rescheduled once.
So with a gut full of chocolate, almonds, and bad choices, I went home instead of the gym. Well not directly home, I stopped off at the library and got the book I placed on hold last week. I dunno how long I have it for though. Whoops. My mom says the shortest time that you can have a book checked out is typically 2 weeks, so I'm gonna try to have it done in two weeks.
With all the commotion this morning I completely forgot about Frank's reverb sale until about 10:30 and of course like everything was gone. Oh well. I did get the We Didn't Start the Fire (1989-2023) (Fall Out Boy's Version) (from the Vault) 7" vinyl though. And the Benadryl Subreddit 7" from LS Dunes as well the other day. And new Taking Back Sunday is coming on Friday. Small glimmers of hope on the horizon.
I just feel mentally and emotionally spent this week and we're only halfway through. Tumblr hasn't been the refuge it sometimes is, so I deleted the app from my phone with the intention of just clearing my head from it for a while. I get notifs of asks and I'm like "Oh great, what method of suicide will the anons be suggesting now? Will they be creative this time, or go with an old standby?" Fun times.
I lowkey (highkey) hate that I'm hungry right now. Like I know mentally that I have had a disgusting and inappropriate amount of food this afternoon, but sadly chocolates are not filling. The self loathing is high. The desire to do something desperate is high. The knowledge that my clothes won't fit well is weighing (ha) down on me like crazy and it just makes me panic and again, makes me want to overcorrect in the other direction. How did I end up on the mailing list for 75 Hard? Probably another time like this. But maybe it's what I need? But do they account for dangerously hazardous weather with their outdoor workout requirement? Like? I get the idea of getting out in the rain or cold, but like wildfire smoke? Eh.
So the last few days have not been fun. Could be worse (NOT A SUGGETSION UNIVERSE), but sure as hell could be better.
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gloomysoup · 9 months
hey guys question. i've been a tad bit of a writing slump (i hate everything i write and end up deleting it) and i've hardly posted any worthwhile content lately, so i was thinking of doing a version of wip weekend starting tomorrow. just to kinda get some more content out and hopefully pick back up with some of my currently abandoned wips. but i can't decide if it seems like a good idea right now. or if it would even be worth it. i haven't done wip weekend or even wip wednesday in a while, and even then, i wasn't getting a lot of foot traffic.
idk maybe this is just me being slightly weird about how big my little corner of the internet is getting and honestly being a little clueless about a lot of things... and also maybe seeking validation... BUT that's not the point. the point is that i'm probably going to spend my weekend off trying to write and possibly doing wip weekend to make it interactive for anyone who seems to care about anything i have to say (i still can't believe that's happening)
okay that might not have made much sense but that's what we're going with and i'm choosing not to read it over again before i hit post bc otherwise i'll panic and not post anything at all. good night.
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bongo50ize · 2 years
an accident of the lyrics of his mother's songs. first part
description: Jack and Wanderlust who are at a karaoke place Wanderlust and jack accidentally said some stuff to his mom. if Night Swan sees this they will kill him. he asks his friends to prevent him.
we can see Wannabe Singers it's night. inside there's jack and wanderlust singing.surrender. jack and Wanderlust singing: Whenever you're ready, whenever you're readyWhenever you're ready, whenever you're readyCan we, can we surrender?Can we, can we surrender?I surrenderOoh-ooh-oh, oh-ohI surrenderthe audience applauds.the next morning jack he woke up then there are under the computer to see the video. that goes on the Internet.it was yesterday's video that jack and wanderlust who sang karaoke. Rubika in the video she said: I applaud you jacklust duets. jack in the video he says thank you support send a man in the video standing up saying i want to listen to a joke from mother jack.Wanderlust in the video in the video he said: OK. he takes his microphone he said missing: Night Swan is a loser. jack in the video laugh he said in fun: yeah mom be sad forever.Wanderlust he said: his hair is really awful. jack who sees the video shocked. jack in the video he said: you have horrible hair mom.jack who panics that if his mother sees that she will not be happy at all.jack running into Wanderlust's room. Wanderlust he said: hello my singer. jack he says: you have to go see the video. when Wanderlust you see the video he was shocked. jack he says: you see I mean? Wanderlust he says: yes if your mother sees this video she will kill us. jack he says: yeah I thought the same thing I will warn the others. but first I'm going to take a shower.30 minutes later Here we see Danceverse 5's house having breakfast as the 4 watch jack who was stressed that his mother was watching the video. Sara and say worryingly: something wrong? wanderlust he says: last night we did karaoke and I didn't know it was on the Internet. Mihaly she says nicely: so what happens in this video? jack he says wanderlust and I said some bad stuff about Night Swan. Brezziana he says: it's good for her to do something bad to me! Mihaly she says: Brezzi is not very nice but she deserved it.Sara she says: jack does your mother check the Internet every day. jack he says: no, probably she goes on the Internet twice a week. wanderlust while drinking his coffee and then he says: after breakfast we launch an operation that Night Swan does not see the video how. jack he says: or we will ask Rubika who erases the video30 minutes later in the park we can see Rubika who is sitting in a bench. jack he says: it is you that you put videos online. Rubika she says: yes it is me. wanderlust asked: can we remove the video. Rubika she says: why am I going to remove the video? look I have 2000 views.wanderlust he says: ifNight Swan who learns that we must have said some bad things about her. she is going to kill me.Rubika she says: no I don't want to lose my 2000 since it's been a hit.the Danceverse Crew they are disappointed that Rubika who did not agree to delete the video.
to be continuedsorry the text is very long I have to do two parts the second second part which will be released tomorrow.
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beej-hunnicutt · 2 years
Anxious ramble, probably will delete I APOLOGIZE.
I'm so so so nervous for tomorrow, like I know it's gonna be fine but I cannot shake that feeling. And I think it's starting to make me anxious about other minor things and I am starting to panic. But peace and love hopefully this will pass..
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ashplayz · 2 years
Father John from the movie the countdown x reader (chapter 1)
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(Warning mentions of suicide depression, abuse and death and, well demons. Also some 13+ moments 😏 (spoilers from the movie) (I finished a pt 2 to this but I might need to re write it because there's talk of a sequel)
Y/n waited in line at the phone store, very anxious. A blonde girl was freaking out about an app "What the hell is this, why is it on there!?" Quinn asked "I don't know, did you download it?" The phone guy that already made you uncomfortable asked " How could I have done that when you just turned it on!?" Quinn said "alright you can just delete it-" he started saying Quinn snatched the phone "It won't let you delete it!" Quinn said as she left A Black guy matt cut in line "Hey what app was she talking about!?" He said you felt sick to your stomach because…you knew..
You soon came to know the names of Matt and Quinn and the 3 of you went to a bar to discuss a way to escape this.. "What I wanna know is why us" Quinn questions, you stared off into space you knew why this was happening to you.. Because you wanted to die you wanted to stop hurting.. But not like this.. "Well because we downloaded it" Matt responded "Well other people download it and find out there living to be 100"... Matt managed to convince some drunk conspiracy theorist to download it so the 3 of you could look at the user agreement.. 'User will accept his or her fate any attempt to alter the users fate will result in breach of users agreement' "Accept the terms of our fate.." You repeated.. "Wait, I was supposed to take a trip tomorrow. But the app said that was when I was going to die so I canceled it" Matt said. "I canceled something too a trip with my sister and my dad" Quinn said…
You stayed quiet.. You had been spiraling for some time ever since your parents died.. You couldn't forgive them for what they did to you. You blamed yourself for your mother's suicide after your father died.. You had been contemplating it yourself.. So you knew how you would have died.. If you didn't breach the user agreement.. "So no matter what we do were going to die when this says.." Matt said.. This brought tears to your eyes.. You didn't want to die.. Not really.. But you wanted to stop hurting.. But there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel for you and you were tired of treading through the darkness in search of one..
(Time skip)
You Quinn and Matt decided to go to the hospital Quinn worked at to go talk to a priest in hopes he could help.. But he wasn't very helpful. But he directed the 3 of you to an actual church with someone who would be as he put it 'better qualified' to help. But before you could go to that church Quinn got called away by a staff member. Matt ended up going to the bathroom and left you alone in the waiting room.. That's when you saw.. You're mother.. But part of you knew it wasn't her "it's your fault you, mistake!!" Your mother said harshly to you.. You couldn't help but feel tears roll down your face.. The image of your mother charged at you but you didn't even flinch.. You just closed your eyes and held your head in your hands.. On the verge of a panic attack as more tears fell down your face.. "You're not real" you whispered.. After a moment you opened your eyes and it was gone..
You quickly wiped your tears when you saw Matt come out of the bathroom shaken up.. "You saw something too..?" You asked him.. He sat next to you without saying a word but his eyes told you everything you needed to know.. You felt some comfort in knowing you weren't alone in this.. Then Quinn came back looking very upset and said the 3 of you were leaving.. You tried to ask what happened but she was pretty upset and you didn't want to upset her further..
(Time skip to the church)
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You and Quinn and Matt came to the church and went into a back room and met the priest, father John.he was playing music you probably wouldn't expect to hear in a church and thought you guys were there for a grub hub order. He seemed very enthusiastic about the subject of demons and said it was the reason he worked as a priest in the first place.. You felt your heart flutter a little bit as he rambled on about how often demons were mentioned in the Bible apologizing for geeking out. He was charismatic and funny but somehow also managed to be charming.. You thought he had beautiful eyes that you felt like were boring into your soul.. But you shook yourself out of these thoughts 'y/n what is wrong with you you don't even know him' you thought to yourself..
*John's POV* I couldn't seem to stop staring at y/n She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen…I noticed she was shaking. She wasn't dressed very warm and it was slightly cold. I took off my coat/robe and put it over her shoulders. "You know this reminds me of a story-" I said then went on to tell them a story about a coward Prince who went to an old gypsy woman for help. "the gypsy woman said he would die so instead he sends his little brother into battle afterwards the coward prince went back to the Gypsy woman and swore the angel of death was coming for him but she assured him that what's coming for him now there's nothing natural about it it's the demon ozith but not to kill him to torment him up until the exact moment the Gypsy woman told him he would die" I said "Great…I didn't think I could feel any worse.." Matt said on the other hand y/n started breaking down terrified "I don't want to die!!" Y/n cried out "No one has to die we just have to beat the clock by one second" I said trying to comfort her..
John put his hand on y/n's shoulder.. Y/n couldn't help but blush.. "How are we supposed to do that this thing shows up and we're gonna say hang on I need a sec" Matt asked "That is exactly what we're going to do prayers can buy us some time" John said looking for a book "Have you ever done anything like this before?" Quinn asked "....no but I've read about it Alot!" John awncerd. Quinn and Matt looked like they didn't have much faith in him but you knew that if anyone could help. It was him..
"If I could only get a look at the code but that would mean you'd need to know someone who can hack into an app" John said "....I think I might" Quinn said looking at Matt "Where the heck is my GrubHub?" John said, causing you to chuckle.. He blushed at this..
(Time skip)
Quinn said Matt went to go find that phone guy John offered for you to stay with him because you said that guy made you uncomfortable (his GrubHub came) you and him ate together while he kept rambling on about demon stories from the bible you didn't mind tho you enjoyed his company and his stories were interesting. Then your phone made that horrible countdown notification sound. You checked it your numbers…they were going up! You would live till your 80s "Oh my god they did it! We're going to live!" You said finally feeling something other than crippling fear "Hallelujah!" John said very happy and without thinking he hugged you.. He was so close…. everything felt like it paused like it was only you and him in that moment…you weren't thinking straight and…you kissed him
He was shocked, you pulled away "I'm sorry I.. I didn't mean to kiss you…I I.. I just got caught up in the moment…I.." you said struggling to find the words he was so close to you…"Can.. Can you do it again…? If.. If you want I'm not forcing you.-!" He said you did without hesitation. He kissed back and soon slow kisses turned into a makeout session and it started to get heated…you two pulled apart painting "I wouldn't mind continuing if you don't.." You said quietly "I don't mind at all.. It's just.. I'm worried if we do we might take this too far.. I'm already starting to lose control.." He said still breathing hard you pushed yourself against him more "that doesn't bother me.. Unless it does you.." You said your lips inches from him you felt his hot breath.. He pulled you even closer "Then it doesn't bother me at all.." He whispered before kissing you again
After a moment he pulled away and asked in a gentle voice "Do you want to take this to my bedroom~?" You paused for a moment before chuckling lightly "You have a bedroom in the church..?" you asked him he simply just chuckled feeling a bit Embarrassed "Yeah.. W well.. I own the building and well I can't really afford rent in an apartment.." He said you laughed a bit "Does it not bother you that we're doing this in a church..?" You asked teasingly he got closer "People have done much worse things in a church.." He whispered, smiling slightly before you kissed him again. (OKAY WE'RE DONE HERE!)
(Time skip to after that!) ..
Both of you were panting trying to catch your breath.. "Wow.. That was .. Just wow.. Your… you're amazing.." He said turning to you, you felt yourself melt under his gaze.. "I could say the same to you.." You said… "Sooo are we like a thing now or.." You asked hoping this wouldn't just be a one night stand thing.. "I would absolutely love that!- I I mean if.. If you want that then-" he started but you cut him off with a kiss.. He pulled you close to him.. You were both smiling when you pulled apart.. "I would love that.." You reassured him..
After a moment of the two of you appreciating the quiet you noticed him staring at your scars.. Making you feel self conscious.. "Sorry about.. All the scars.. Pretty gross right..?" You asked jokingly to hide the embarrassment pulling the sheets over yourself.. "What!?" He asked surprised, sitting up quickly.. "No no I don't!- I don't think that at all! I- I think you are.. Incredibly beautiful.. I was just.. Wondering how you got so many scars.." He said going quieter at the end.. You sighed feeling the pain on your chest.. You saw no point in hiding it from him..
"My parents we're.. Not good people.. They were.. Abusive.. I ended up falling into depression because of them.. And they put me into an abusive mental hospital until I was 18.. Not long after I got out I met this guy.. Who.. Wasn't the greatest either but.. I convinced myself that it was okay because we loved each other.. Every time he hurt me he'd apologize and say he didn't mean it and I believed him.. He were together for.. Some time.." You said as tears silently fell down your face.. He looked like he could feel your pain.. He held you close to him wiping your tears.. "I am so sorry you had to go through that.. Know that I will never mistreat you like that.. If you love someone you should never hurt them.." He said as he kissed the top of your head.. You two went to sleep with his arms protectively wrapped around you..
(Time skip to late that night)
You woke up to your phone going off like crazy.. It startled you, causing you to fall off the bed.. John woke up in the process and saw you on the floor "Hey woah..! Are you alright!?" He asked as he was about to get up so he could help you off the floor. You grabbed your phone off of his nightstand and watched in horror as your numbers went down… "No no no no!! It went back to what it was!" You said panicking showing John.
Quinn and Matt along with Quinn's little sister Jordan showed up a little later. John went to answer the church door "Are you guys okay? Did you get the code? New girl.." I'll get a shirt on" (as you happened to be wearing his shirt ;)
(Time skip)
John read the code and you were surprised he could read Latin.. And he Disypherd that it was a curse and he said curses could be broken. So you all ended up making a protection circle after it was done the lights started flickering so all of you got into the circle soon after Matt's phone was making an ear bleeding sound everyone was covering their ears yelling over the sound to turn it off but then it was quiet…for you at least then you saw her your lover who was murdered…
you didn't tell John the whole story because you didn't want him to change his mind about you.. You came from a very christian family who believed that being gay was a sin and that you would burn in hell you happened to be bisexual…and you fell in love with your best friend…your parents didn't approve and "Taught you a lesson" your sweet girlfriend snuck in to see you and saw what they did she tried to call the police but…. your father pulled out a gun and shot her…. after that you were sent to the mental hospital…as your parents made sure no one believed you….
Your sweet girlfriend, your first love was standing there…part of you said not to fall for it that it wasn't her but you couldn't help but listen to her….she… she said it was your fault….it was all your fault and that your parents were right and that you should just give in so you can join her in hell…you started screaming and crying you tried to go to her…John stopped you holding you back as you screamed and cried he didn't see what you saw but he knew you were in pain…
Matt got dragged out by the demon it no longer torturing you, Quinn and Jordan Ran after him then…he was hit and killed by a car…you and John ran out after them you covered your mouth crying and fell to your knees "I'm so sorry…" Jordan said that's when you all realized Jordan was bleeding "Oh my god! You're bleeding!!" Quinn said turning to Jordan panicked "I need to get you to the hospital!" Quinn said before they left in a hurry you tried to follow them but John grabbed your hand and you turned to look at him he had tears in his eyes "Y/n please just.. Stay.. Stay here please! The circle will protect us!" He said. "But Quinn and Jordan are like sitting ducks out there!!" You said "Y/n..please..i know we haven't known each other for very long but I love you!!...Please just stay with me.. " he said. You looked off to the direction Quinn and Jordan went before sighing. "okay.." You said. Then the two of you went back into the church into the protection circle. That entire night was torture…for all of you Quinn took Jordan to the hospital while John insisted that you stay with him in the circle the demon tormented you all night the only thing John could do was hold you and try to comfort you as you screamed and cryed.
(Time skip)
Things had strangely been quiet for a while you checked your phone…they did it Quinn and Jordan did it it was over…
The end…..
Or is it..? (Character two won't be for a long time because I don't know when or if there will be a sequel)
(Dear fellow writers!!! Someone please write for John! Ima simp and no one has written for him except me)
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the-duckless-pond · 2 months
Trying to post a chapter today but struggling to do so. It wasn’t an awful day - pretty average. But without my anxiety meds for another week ish and it’s all compounding and the episodes are lasting a long time. Especially as I continue to adjust to the new sounds and rhythms of the apartment building. Lots of anxiety in the afternoons and evenings that makes it hard to relax and get to a spot where I can post.
But, that being said, last time I posted a chapter I woke up to two comments and that was really nice! I was scared of them for a few hours, but once I checked them I was happy to have read them. And it was fun to wake up to them.
So, I’m slowly making my way to my laptop. Just moved from the living room to the bedroom, and now I’m getting it out of my backpack and onto the bed. I’ve got a few steps - primarily connecting it to my WiFi, but after that it should be easy enough. I want to read the chapter before posting it, but I don’t think I’m there in my anxiety levels just yet. I want to read over the whole story because A) that sounds fun and low impact and like a good distraction for a few days, and B) it might inspire me to finish this chapter I’ve been stuck on and sort of dropped midway when my depression got bad. It helped once before, reading the whole thing, so I am thinking that it will again. Maybe I’ll start doing that tomorrow. That sounds nice.
Okay, laptop is out of the case and booting up. Logged in. Loading. Loaded. And we are on the WiFi now! It was kind of cool - I had my phone unlocked and got a push notification asking if I wanted to share the WiFi password with my laptop. I said yes, and boom it just auto filled in. Never seen that before. That was neat. Okay, back on task. Opening Word. Opening Happenstance. Going to the chapter. Changing chapter status. Opening AO3. Anxiety rising. Pushing through. And in a flurry of activity, it’s up! Phew. Goal achieved.
All I have to do now is clean the litter boxes and I will have achieved every goal I set for the day. That’s a record for the first time in ??? months. Since school ended, at least. It feels nice. I think I’ll do that next.
In other news, I unpacked most of my religious stuff today. It’s been tucked away inside my dresser for about a year, but I think I might find some way to make it more accessible to me. I find it comforting to have. I was also thinking I might say a rosary tonight, since I find that very soothing. I haven’t been to church in ages, but if I could find a progressive one to go to that would be nice. I know there is one downtown, and they offer online Mass so I might check that out next weekend. I intended to today, but my memory has been really bad lately and I didn’t set a reminder to do it. I did set one for this week, so that’s probably going to work out. I have a shot at it, anyway. I don’t know. I just think saying a rosary or starting a chaplet novena or something sounds nice tonight. Maybe I can ask St. Dymphna to pray that my unknown neighbor stops buzzing my fucking buzzer and triggering my panic. She’s a bro about mental health and is def the one to ask about that. Maybe I’ll do that tonight. Her chaplet is super easy and I still remember how to say it. Yeah. I’ll do that. Maybe the rosary too, but I won’t stress it. Those take like 20 min and that feels long tonight. I’ll go slow. Ease myself back in to it.
I am having some negative thoughts tonight. Things like no one wants to be my friend. Mostly that, actually. My best friend has gone dark again, which is fine but is hard when I get like this because I miss her so I text her but then it goes on and on and I feel bad and I go to text her and then delete paragraphs about my day or the cats or my little story because I don’t want to be a bother. And my other close friend is busy training for a new job, so he can’t text a lot. And my mom hates texting. She gets upset about getting messages because typing is hard for her. So I feel bad texting her, so I do the same thing I do with BFF where I write things and then delete them because I feel bad and just stay silent instead. And I haven’t told my sister that I’ve moved yet, because I don’t want to tell her that her kids triggered all this and I don’t know how to have that conversation. And those are the only people I talk to. So mostly I’m spending my days typing things out and then deleting them. It gets lonely. I don’t know. I’m sad about it and it makes me anxious. Maybe my brain is right and no one wants to be my friend and that is why no one talks to me. Maybe. I don’t know. I’m not a good judge of those things.
I got sad again because of that paragraph. I still need to clean the litter boxes, but I just want to lay down now. Get under the covers and pretend I don’t feel this way. I unpacked all my stuffed animals today. Maybe I’ll arrange them in bed with me. It will be less empty that way. Usually the cats sleep with me through the night, but they’ve been getting up before me these past few days so I wake up feeling lonely and listening for them and hearing silence. It makes me sad, but of course they don’t know that. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll push litter boxes to tomorrow. I should do at least one. I guess it wouldn’t be too hard to pick whichever one needs it more and do that, then lay down. I could make a decaf and put it on my box night stand and get under the covers and drink it very carefully since I just washed my sheets. Or I could get up, set the cup to brew, do the litter box, and go back to the couch with the coffee and stay here a little longer. Both sound nice. I guess the first step is starting the cup to brew and cleaning a litter box.
I guess I’ll do that.
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survey--s · 11 months
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Do you take a walk every day? I walk dogs for a living so I'm out for 4-5 hours during the week. I do as little as possible at weekends though, I like the break.
Who was your favourite musical artist when you were 15? Do you still listen to them? Fall Out Boy, Green Day and Panic! At the Disco. I don't really listen to any of them anymore.
What's your preferred way of getting the news? Just online or via social media.
If you go to flightradar24 dot com to see the radar, are there any planes or helicopters in your area right now? The nearest one is a SwissAir plane going from Zurich to Montreal. It's just off the coast at the moment.
When was the last time you ate at a food court and what did you get? God, years ago. We don't have any food courts anywhere near us. I probably had Chinese.
Would you consider yourself traditional/old-fashioned? In some ways I guess.
How do you like your eggs cooked? I only really like poached eggs, though fried can be okay sometimes too.
Have you ever taken a ride in a yellow car that wasn't a taxi? Maybe? I don't really remember. Taxis around here don't tend to be yellow anyway.
What was the last thing you had to return to a store and why? I can't remember the last time I returned something - probably when I worked in retail and had some jeans that faded really fast and developed a hole.
Do you need to get groceries right now? No, the food shop only arrived a few days ago. I tend to shop once a week.
What's your favourite place to go on vacation? Italy, Scotland and Canada.
What state/territory did you grow up in? Do you still live there? Suffolk, England. And no, I do not.
What colour were the last socks you wore? Grey and cream.
Do you mark your emails as read even if you didn't open them, or do you let them just sit there? I check my e-mails and delete them at least five times a day. A messy inbox really stresses me out, hahah.
Do you have a LinkedIn profile? I do but I can't remember the last time I used it.
Have you ever done your own compost? Yeah. We had a compost heap at home when I was growing up.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? If no, what about the day or two after that? Yeah, work - the same for the following two days ha.
Would you ever get a tattoo on your hand or foot? No. I hate people touching my feet and I don't like hand tattoos.
Do you open your doors and windows on warm days? Windows yes, doors no as otherwise the cats would get out.
Are the blinds/curtains in the room open or closed right now? One set are closed, the others are open.
Who was the last person you said "I love you" to? Toby (the cat).
Does your town have a bar or pub? Yeah, one bar and several pubs.
Were you mean to anyone in high school? Nope.
What's one of your favourite features of your phone? Face ID.
Have you ever accidentally started a fire? Not a major one, but yeah.
Do you ever wonder where everyone's going when you're driving around? Not really. I never really think much about other people.
Do you forget things as quickly as you think of them? Sometimes, yeah.
What is the last note you edited in your phone's notes app? Probably my list of lockbox code for work.
Who is your favourite coworker? You can tell me about one from your past if you don't have one right now. Nathan, Mandy or Alex B. I miss all of them, they were lovely.
Can you hear birds chirping right now? Nope, it's nighttime. I put my birds to bed about an hour and a half ago. And all the wild birds outside are asleep, too.
Have you ever learned a language on your own, as in, not attending classes or lessons? I tried to learn Italian and Spanish on Duolingo but soon got bored. My dad taught me basic Italian as a little kid too.
Do you know anyone who's adopted a child? My mum was adopted and a girl I went to school with had an adopted sister.
Are you good at parallel parking? I can do it when nobody is watching, lol.
What scent is your body wash? Vanilla and Shea butter.
Do you tend to wear your clothes more than one day before washing them? It depends on the clothes. Anything that's right next to my skin gets washed after each wear but jumpers/jackets etc. can get several wears out of them. I do work with animals though so my work stuff all goes straight in the wash at the end of the day.
What was the last video game or board game you purchased? I last downloaded Scavenger Hunt for my phone.
Pulp or no pulp in your orange juice? No pulp.
Is your middle name common? Yeah, very common.
What's your favourite Robin Williams movie? Mrs Doubtfire.
Do you decorate your house for Halloween? No.
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Sorry for anyone that's looking for the stream last night. I kind of deleted it out of panic when I saw the view count, lmao (Any other stream I've made got ten views max)
I'll probably stream either really late tonight or at some point tomorrow with Glorious Masquerade stuff
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ibrokeeverything · 1 year
Will probably delete this later, but I was summoned for jury duty and called in and found out that I have to serve tomorrow. And I immediately had a panic attack, so that's cool. I don't know what to do. I have to go, but I feel like I'm gonna die. Anyone have any tips?
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