#I wish I could see the kh3 latest chapter
mythicalartistx · 8 months
So I decided to read the KH mangas
A week or two ago I read the kh1 manga, it was cute and love how Amano's art style developed (Since I've seen kh3 manga) and saved some of my favorite panels as I do.
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Then two days ago, Tuesday night I decided to read the chain of memories manga. And I have opinions.
First of all I love Repliku, he is so silly and so bothered by Riku. I love all the Repliku moments those were the best. From first meeting Sora was super excited he was there— even blushing but Repliku didn't care 😭😭😭
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He looked bored and then annoyed and so bothered. It didn't help that Sora was saying the "Riku is fine he can take care of himself.." scene when Repliku first arrives.
But then I got to this scene after it was revealed Repliku is a replica and Sora already fought Larxene. It was a scene I didn't know existed where Naminé brings Repliku to a hallway in Castle Oblivion and she says," I'm sorry I made you face a painful memory," and she takes the star charm as she says "it's not necessary."
And during this moment she just feels his hair and it's so cute. Like I didn't know his existed until now
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But it's basically the last time he's seen in the manga and that's where I have problems with the manga. He's not there defending Naminé with Sora before Marluxia. Sora doesn't tell him he is his own person and he's thankful that Sora's feelings are real.
I wish it had that because it's such a great scene. Also he doesn't die he just leaves. So there a bonus scene basically after com events and he wakes up is confused and wonders where Naminé is, runs into Riku. Then he leaves carrying a bag like he's the sad ant meme 😭
And I was thinking it's sad because that's probably the last time we'll see Repliku. In the kh3 manga, he's cut out. Dark Riku wasn't shown. They skipped Fransankyoto a long a few other words, but that word has Dark Riku.
I was afraid they would cut him out completely even though that's a big plot point.
However THE VERY NEXT DAY, yesterday I find out the next chapter of kh3 manga released and had Repliku, however only certain people can access it and I have not.
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Though I heard they skipped the sacrifice scene with Riku and all the guardians falling which is disappointing 😢💔
But I'm so excited when it's there for everyone to see on February 15
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promisedangel · 6 years
Fresh Meat: Confinement- Chapter 15
Little late since KH3 consumed my soul for too long.
Chapter 15- Screaming
An excerpt from the journal of Dr. W. D. Gaster
In between all my duties, I had received the prototype for the new laser apparatus for the soul scanning device. Despite his short timeframe, Serol and the small team of five that I approved performed adequately; above my expectations for his punishment. While I’ve not been able to give my comments and improvements about the device, I did find time to use it in the human’s punishment for its latest escape attempt. Its initial reaction to the device confirmed my suspicions in that it escaped due to Alphys informing it that the device’s prototype was set to be completed. I must admit, I had an overreaction. Once it was all over, and the beam hit the table just next to its head, I laughed. I had only gone in with the intent to punish, and yet I found myself laughing at its reaction. Its begging and pleading. That isn’t to say I hated the event. On the contrary, I found it a resounding success. After all, the human is beginning to take my words to heart. It is beginning to see the truth of its situation.
Alphys gave a sigh of relief. She relaxed in a chair next to the desk in her room. She set her canister of the substitute back down on her desk, fewer pills in the canister than before. Even with the shaky ‘permission’ from Chara, she still felt tinges of guilt for eating the substitute, but she knew Chara was right; she had begun to lose herself as she got closer to Chara. While she had no opportunity to test if the substitute indeed offset this, she had felt more energy and less apathy since she had begun to take it. She silently cursed herself; those long days of finishing the report on Chara’s mental health could have gone much smoother if she wasn’t stubborn.
The report. She frowned at the thought of it. She knew Gaster had been more preoccupied with his duties as Leader of Monsterkind since he had completed the batch. With it, she knew he hadn’t read the report she had slaved over for ten days yet. Worse yet, he had enacted Chara’s ‘punishment’ for their latest escape attempt. She couldn’t get much information from Chara; they were sobbing when she arrived with dinner. They didn’t want to be held or even touched. Alphys could only sit by silently until Chara slowly finished with their dinner and asked her to leave. She could do nothing but comply with Chara’s wishes. Not the way she expected to end her workday. But, her bed beckoned her, and she was happy to oblige.
Her dreams, what few she had, were cut short by a loud but distant sound that faded in and out. Her eyes flashed open, unsure of the sound or its source at first. As she woke to her full consciousness, she realized what the noise was; screaming. Dust-shaking, scale-rattling screaming. Alphys left out of bed, her mind began to race. Who could possibly scream like that? She heard a pause for breath. A cry sounded in its place, “No! Stop, please!” Alphys finally recognized the voice; Chara! She bolted out the door and left it ajar. She sprinted down the halls towards Chara’s room. The screams grew louder and louder. Alphys tried to rationalize. Did a monster break in and attack Chara? Did they try to escape again and Gaster had already stopped them? Alphys feared the former scenario, easily the worst one. As she approached the door, the shrieks were ear-piercing. She fumbled with her key to unlock the door and the latch lock. Everything was properly locked. No scuffs or tears at all. A chill ran down Alphys’s spine as she braced herself to open the door.
She opened the door slowly at first. Only a peek. Even in the darkness, she could see Chara in their bed. They still sounded their shrieks and screams. Their bedsheets a tangled mess around them. But, Chara’s movements seemed… restrained was the only way to put it. Alphys had no idea what had happened to Chara. She threw the door open. She swiftly turned on the light. She turned to fully examine Chara. Their eyes were wide open as they shrieked. Tears ran down their face. Their expression was one of pure terror. Their body was flat on their back, almost as if they stood straight. But, Alphys noticed Chara’s arms were out slightly and not directly at their side. She also noticed that their lashes seemed restrained by their wrists and legs. By the time she had fully taken a glance at Chara, Chara screamed out, “Stop…. it hurts!”
Alphys blinked in surprise. Hurts? Pain? Where? Nothing was so much as touching them, other than the bed and sheets. Her calm expression exploded into shock as she realized one thing; she couldn’t see injuries in the soul. She approached the bed and tried to call out to Chara, “Chara?! Chara! Can you hear me?!” Chara’s cries and wails continued unabated. Alphys whined and fiddled with her fingers. She was at a loss of what to do.
Through the screams, Alphys could faintly hear a noise outside the open door. She didn’t think much of the noise until she heard the ever familiar voice of her boss shout out, “What is happening here!?” Alphys turned to see Gaster walk in the door. His expression was a mixture of annoyance and exhaustion. She guessed he was in the same situation she was in: awakened by Chara’s screams. Alphys replied in worry, “I don’t know! Th-they were just screaming about pain, but I don’t see any wound! Is… is their soul cracking again?!”
Gaster approached the bedside. He looked down at the thrashing human with a look of contempt. His eyes flashed with magic as he began to gaze at their soul. The crack was unchanged. After a few moments, he relaxed his magic. He shook his head and spoke in annoyance, “No, its soul has sustained no further injuries.” Alphys threw her hands on her head with a panicked tone, “What?! Then what’s wrong with them?!” Gaster glared at Alphys and stressed his words, “That is your job to figure out, remember?” Alphys curled her arms into her chest. She blushed and twiddled with her fingers as she responded quietly, but loud enough for Gaster to hear, “Y-yes, sir…” Gaster gave an aggravated sigh, “Now, figure out what is wrong with it so it will stop screaming!”
Alphys approached Chara carefully, unsure if their thrashes would become less restrained. As she approached, Chara spoke once more, “Please… I can’t take it…” Alphys gently touched Chara’s forehead. Chara had no reaction as they continued to scream and wail. No fever. Alphys began to rattle off Chara’s symptoms, “Well… they’re screaming, crying.” She poked Chara with a knuckle of her finger, “Non-responsive to outside stimuli.” Gaster rolled his eyes and sputtered, “An over-exaggeration.” Alphys outwardly ignored Gaster’s jab. She lowered herself towards Chara’s ears and spoke, “Chara! Can you hear me?!" Alphys waited a few moments, Chara did not react to Alphys’s voice. Gaster raised a ‘brow’ curiously. “…Perhaps not.” Alphys gave a small, but smug smile unconsciously. She turned back to Chara to continue her diagnosis. She spoke in confusion, “I think… the strangest is how they are moving. It looks like they want to thrash and push away from… something, but…” Alphys moved the bedsheets to confirm her suspicions; Chara’s ankles seemed to lock in place, in addition to their wrists. Alphys stepped to the side to show Gaster her find. She continued, “Their movements are… restricted at their ankles and wrists. Almost as if-“ Gaster swiftly interrupted her: “As though it was restrained on the island in the examination room.”
Alphys’s eyes widened. Her heart dropped in her chest. How did she not see that?! She used that room during her initial examination, after all. She gave a worried tone towards Gaster, “Sir… how did you punish them today for their escape?” Gaster crossed his arms and glared at her, “That is of little concern at the moment.” Alphys pressed the issue, “Sir, it could have something to do with them screaming!” Gaster’s eyes narrowed at Alphys for a moment. In that moment, Alphys shrunk back and curled inward. Gaster sighed sharply before he responded casually, “I restrained the human and pretended I was continuing with its soul examination with the prototype laser, but I aimed it beside their head.”
Alphys paled slightly. Her mouth hung open in shock. She could not even formulate words for this situation. The way he described the event rubbed her the wrong way; as though this was a mundane event. She knew he was very strict and swift with his punishments with interns in the past, but this had to be the most twisted punishment she’d heard yet, all in an attempt to keep a child under control. Her face turned to anger for a moment but deflated in the next. What could she do? He was the absolute power in the underground now. If he wished it, she could be stripped of her job, or even dusted! There would probably be no one else in the underground who would sympathize with Chara at this point. If Chara was to have any semblance of comfort, she’d have to not rile him more than he already was. She could only attempt to mitigate their pain in small and subtle ways.
Alphys frowned and gently spoke, despite the need to raise her voice over Chara’s screams, “If… that’s the case… Chara could be having a violent nightmare about that machine…” Gaster appeared befuddled, “All this screaming over a nightmare?” Alphys shrugged, “I’m… not sure. The information about dreams and nightmares… it um… it didn’t match the criteria you asked me to research… for their first health report.” Gaster’s expression and tone evened out, “That is true…”
By this time, Chara’s screams had become hoarse and decreased to quiet sobs. Their muscles relaxed in their bed. Alphys took notice. She gently cradled Chara’s head with a sigh of relief, “The nightmare must be winding down. If… that is what this is…” Gaster calmly spoke, “And why would it not? Are there other sorts of things that humans experience during the night?” Alphys replied with a frown, “This… just doesn’t seem right. I practically screamed in Chara’s ear and they didn’t react at all. And the thrashing… this… this doesn’t seem like a normal nightmare. I think this might be something more serious!” Gaster sighed, “We can discuss this in the morning. If you find something in the books, you can bring it up to me then.” Alphys whined slightly. She began to fiddle with her fingers more. She began to speak faster, more worried, “What if this continues throughout the night? What if the screams hurt their throat so much they bleed? What if-“ Gaster swiftly cut her off, “You’re overthinking this, Alphys.” Alphys stiffened, then relaxed. She sighed, “Yes, sir.” “However,” Gaster continued, “This does seem rather extreme for a nightmare. Even monsters can wake up from a nightmare.” He raised a thumb and finger to his chin to cradle it. He murmured, “Could that not be true for humans? No, monsters would have been able to hunt humans at night with greater ease if that were the case.”
By this time, Chara had quieted completely. Alphys turned back towards Chara again. She checked their pulse via their wrist. A fast heartbeat, but it soon slowed to normal. Alphys smiled in relief. She squeezed Chara’s hand in her hands. Chara let our a tired groan. Alphys blinked. She let go of Chara’s hand and stood tall, “Ch-Chara? Are you okay?!” Gaster relaxed his arms, his train of thought was broken. He shrugged it off, the human was a more pressing issue.
Chara grunted and opened their eyes. Their eyes took some time to adjust to the room’s light. As their eyes adjusted, they heard Alphys speak just beside them, “Oh, thank goodness you’re awake!” Chara groaned out, “Alphys?” They felt a small pain in their throat. They touched it to find no scars or wounds. They looked over at Alphys to say something and their mouth began to move. However, as they turned their head towards Alphys, they saw Gaster stood in the center of the room. Their eyes widened. They gasped. They immediately flailed and curled into a far corner of their bed. They shook and hoarsely questioned, “Why is he here?! What is going on?!” Their fear turned to anger at Gaster. “What did you do to me?!” Gaster replied dryly, “Nothing since your punishment. You, however, woke both of us up with inconsolable screaming.” Chara blinked, confused. They looked towards Alphys. Alphys nodded, “It’s true! You’ve been screaming for about ten minutes… then you just… stopped? A-and you were flailing in bed, but… sort of restrained?” Chara looked between the two with increased confusion, truly baffled. They could only muster out a “What?” Gaster sighed, “You deal with this Alphys. Give me any necessary details in the morning.”
With that, Gaster disappeared from the room in an instant. Chara looked back at Alphys, still confused. “I was… screaming? How did I not wake up?!” Alphys frowned, “I don’t know. I think you had a nightmare? But… I’ve never heard of a nightmare that… you can’t wake up from and your body lashes out to. You had no reaction to us at all! I even spoke in your ear!” Chara’s expression evened out, “A nightmare… I couldn’t wake from… I’m… not sure. I usually remember my dreams vividly. Yet, I cannot recall a thing.” Alphys blinked in surprise, “You… don’t remember? Anything?” Chara shook their head, “No. I only remember crying myself to sleep sometime after you left, and then you waking me.” “Nothing in between?” Chara silently shook their head. Alphys sighed, “This all doesn’t seem right.” She yawned, “But… I’m really tired, and you probably are, too. I have the books on humans in my room. I’ll see if I can find anything in them. Hopefully… this was just a one-time thing.” Chara frowned as Alphys began to turn towards the door. They spoke, “If what you say is true… I hope it has passed as well.” Alphys turned towards Chara, one hand on the door, “Well… goodnight, Chara.” Chara settled into bed, “Goodnight, Alphys.” Alphys closed the door. She secured both locks. With another yawn, she slowly made her way back to her room, where she flopped on the bed and fell asleep.
She awoke the next morning. She stretched before she stood. She made her way to the numerous books on her desk. She examined the table of contents of each one. When that did not satisfy her, she looked at indexes. She was able to find a passage about nightmares. She read aloud to herself, “‘Nightmares are, simply put, bad dreams’…” She sighed but continued on for a few sentences. She muttered to herself as she continued. After a few sentences, she took a double-take at the last sentence and closely examined it as she read, “Some people often miscategorize a ‘night terror’ as a nightmare, but the two are quite different.” She raised a brow at the new term, “Night… terror?" She quickly returned to the index. She found the term with ease and flipped to another page where it was mentioned. Alphys scoured the page until she found what she wanted. A definition. Her eyes widened as she read the definition aloud, “‘A night terror is an episode of screaming, intense fear and flailing while still asleep! A night terror episode usually lasts from seconds to a few minutes!’” She beamed, “This is it! I knew it wasn’t a nightmare!” She placed a bookmark on the page and slammed the book shut. She stood up before she clutched the book in her arms. Focus returned to her gaze. She turned to leave the room, “I have to tell Dr. Gaster!”
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