#I wish I could wait for an industry job but it’s just not feasible
foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Todays the day. I need to get a job, even if that jobs not in the gaming industry. So I’m heading to the library to print up a resume and apply at a little local chain of mattress stores.
The guy instantly liked me when I went in to do a secret shop for a competing store and offered to hire me on the spot so I figure if I can chat with him he’ll still like me enough to consider me.
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jyajumin · 4 months
A first post! My, oh my. Had some thoughts about being in Academia and Industry at once, every day is a battle of ambition and reality. It's basically me being sad about not being able to do a PhD lmao
I've been doing a lot of research (well, very relatively speaking) about PhD programs lately. I think i'd both love and hate it, and I feel that realistically I wouldn't be able to do one unless I suddenly lost my job and I found myself having no income and a lot of free time. I'd make half of what I do now as a PhD student, have much less time, and much more stress. In all, it's a terrible financial and lifestyle choice. I could do the research without doing a PhD, but yet I feel like the PhD would mean something. I'm a yapper, but I want to make sense. But maybe I just don't like being gainsaid and I feel like this would give me ammo in arguments with myself :P
I'm obviously conflicted about whether or not I really want to do a program. I've been warned not to if I love my job, which I do. If I could do both at the same time, or better yet have the blessing of my company to do both (maybe even have them fund it, in a blissfully perfect world), I'd probably be stressed out but also over the moon. When I think about what I'd concretely research, what kind of knowledge I'd like to "push the bounds of" (the goal of a PhD dissertation being original research that "pushes the bounds of human knowledge through thorough independent research that is in discussion with history of the discussion of the discipline until that point), I can't help but feel that it would always be informed by the work that I do. Therefore, I would find it difficult to do that PhD scholarly work without brushing up against it at work first. As an MA student, although my literature courses often have no direct correlation to what I do, I am constantly trying to find those through-lines that connect the two areas. Informed approaches, intentional thought. That's what I'd like to be the bedrock of my work.
Where could I even hope to do such a thing? My intersection of scholarship history is kind of niche, and who could advise me especially if I want to focus on translation and games! You usually have to move for PhDs, and while I was suggested to apply to <insert very prestigious R1 school 6 hours away here> and it'd be a pretty big flex to say that I got a PhD from there, realistically I can't swing it. Even if I got accepted and flew in every time I had to be on campus, it's really not feasible considering the course commitment required. That leaves me with local universities, and I can really only think of two reputable institutions that have faculty in an area that I could probably make work.
But as long as I'm talking of ideals, I don't think I'm at the ability I need to be yet linguistically. My Japanese isn't bad but I'm not satisfied with it (a feeling I think will only increase as my English skills improve and my ability to express myself in Japanese decreases relatively by comparison), and I need to get a third language to a certain proficiency to satisfy entry requirements for most(?) comp lit programs. Spanish is likely the closest of the ones I know, but I don't see myself doing a lot of English-Japanese-Spanish work. If I had a few years to dedicate to Korean (which I'm barely starting), I feel like I could get somewhere, though I doubt close enough. Same with Vietnamese. I wish my Japanese courses were 3 units in undergrad; I could have fit so many more language courses in (or graduated in 4 instead of 6). I fear I just don't have the chops, even if I have a "noble" drive—but don't all academics.
Don't even get me started on family stuff. PhD work is rough on women, more so on women with family. And I would like a family. I don't want to wait forever. I don't want to count on their support if I were in a PhD program, I want to be there for the tot's milestones.
I wish academia wasn't the way it is. I generally feel lucky and blessed, which may be some fortunate blend of optimism and naïveté, but I think I'd need some cosmic alignment of stars for this to come together. I dislike compromising on my personal goals, but some things I'll just have to learn to accept... :(
If anyone's willing to fund me tens of thousands a year to pursue a degree very slowly, please let me know. lol
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The Day Magic Died - A Merlin Oneshot
I, Impudent Miscegenation, of Tumblr (dot net), do not own or have any affiliation with the creators of Merlin. All rights respectfully go to: Jake Michie, Johnny Capps, Julian Murphy, Julian Jones, and BBC1 Entertainment. I don’t gain material profit from my works featured here, I write for my own amusement.
Full Summary: Merlin realized, too late, that the ephemeral nature of man leads to a blatant disregard of heritage. Further away from magic does humanity slip, and the world is made all the worse for it. (Modern Era)(Canon Compliant)
Author’s Notes: I’ve been thinking about the phrase “when Albion needs him most”, being when Arthur will return. This is the result of that line of thinking; I may continue but let’s just call it a one-shot for now. No beta, we die like men, even if I did try to edit it well myself. If anyone has ideas on how they would want to continue it, and adopt this plot bunny, feel more than free, just credit me and give me a link so I can read it! Also, if it’s in italics, it’s the character’s thoughts!
WARNINGS: Major Character Death, Mentions of Major Character Death, Illness, Petrification (turning to stone)
Story under the cut.
The Day Magic Died
If someone were to ask the warlock Merlin when magic went into decline, he’d probably say that it started with Uther Pendragon and his Great Purge of Magic. He would also likely mention that King Arthur was to have mitigated some of the atrocities committed against magic by his late father had his life not been cut short at Camlann.
The truth of the matter was that the fall of magic happened slowly over the course of a thousand years or so. The Purge was certainly a catalyst but the complete destruction of magic could not be done in just one human lifetime, or even two.
The dragons were the first to die out. They were followed swiftly by the griffins, wyverns, and hippogriffs. Then gone were fairies, dwarves, elves, gnomes and trolls. When creatures of magic became myth alone, the world’s shift from magical to mundane became much more dramatic in a short span of time (at least, short for the immortal Emrys).
Healers were known as doctors, pyromancers became pyrotechnicians, evocationists turned to theology, and history was rewritten by hands that didn’t trust in the magic of the natural world. The druids lost their way, disbanded, and joined the rest of magic as legend. Remnants of their clans scattered and the modern world dubbed the descendants of their gentle souls “hippies”. As the Old Religion grew older and was forgotten, Merlin realized that he may be the only true magic practitioner left in the world.
Humanity, callous and ever-marching forward, favored the development of their technologies, their industry, over the preservation of the natural world. Ambitious fires consumed lands of wonder for the sake of progress. The future was steel and concrete, after all, so who had the need for an enchanted forest, anyway?
Merlin realized, too late, that the ephemeral nature of man leads to a blatant disregard of heritage. Not that evolution as a whole was a bad thing, but did it have to come with such sacrifice? Try as he may to convince the strangers of tomorrow that magic exists, and has existed for all time, his labor yields no result. (“Your sleight of hand is amazing; do you give lessons? I’d love to be a stage magician!”)
Further from magic does humanity slip, and the world is made all the worse for it.
War and famine tear through continents, hate and lack of common ground inciting violence as the answer. Death and destruction rule over peace and prosperity but Merlin knows that he, alone, cannot bring magic back to this world.
He is magic given form, of course, and is well aware that magic is dying.
Merlin stares at his haggard reflection through a dirty, cracked mirror.
He feels weak, his body like lead and spirit slowly breaking. Despite this, his magic chooses to youthen his appearance. Such a thing has happened previously, in his many centuries, and gives him little pause anymore. The difference is that, this time, it drains him. Utilizing any kind of magic tended to do as such these days, so Merlin made a point to avoid using his gift as often as was feasible.
Before him is a man of thirty or forty-some years. Untamed black waves, flecked with silver towards his ears and wet from a recent shower, are slicked back and reaching the base of his neck. He'd recently shaved his face; the first time he’d done so in perhaps seventy years, mind, and he bore the cuts to substantiate that fact.
Despite being more clean and groomed than he had been for a while, Merlin still looked like death. His complexion was so white it had a nearly translucent quality, blue veins pronouncing themselves starkly where they were close to the surface of his skin. The dark, almost bruise-like color surrounding his eyes wouldn’t go away regardless of the fact that he’d been spending most of the past few weeks doing nothing but sleeping. The deep blue that had once reflected light and happiness had turned a stormy gray that sluggishly pleaded for an ear to listen, a mind to open, a heart passed childhood to believe in magic.
The warlock grimaced at the corpse-like figure reflected back at him. I have studied, I have counselled and been counselled in turn, I have searched realms beyond ours for answers… For all that I have done, what have I wrought?
Over a thousand years of waiting, trying to spare creatures of magic, even those he’d fought against in his youth, if only to prevent the inevitable downfall of his kin. Centuries of searching for hints or whispers, making friends with those who still believed, when there was the occasional kindred spirit. (Merlin had later discovered that many of these ‘kindred spirits’ were also very much addicted to taking LSD, but he liked to think of their discussions more than that fact.)
Merlin had not been idle while awaiting the return of his king, that was for sure. He had been appointed various titles, given different jobs, and even has made himself entirely unknown in the many years of his unending life. Recalling a few brought a smile to his face. He had been a counsellor, a poet, a bard, and a spymaster. He had also been an artist, an author, a bartender, and a professor. All that time, and yet nothing he did seemed to help, or matter really, in the end. Magic was still dying.
He was so tired of being tired all the time. Not for the first time, Merlin cursed his druid name and with it cursed his immortality. What he wouldn’t give for the slumber promised by death’s kiss.
Merlin decided that he needed a walk, a long walk to some heavily forested area. He always seemed to feel better among the towering oaks that could relate, at least somewhat, to the inequities of long life. Perhaps he could shake off his melancholia with some good, old-fashioned isolation. Leaving the dingy motel room he’d decided to call home whilst staying in Inverness, Merlin looked to the dreary, gray clouds looming overhead. There were still no whispers of magic.
Avalon’s lake is still yet again, Merlin thought, crestfallen, as he did so every day, Albion must not need you yet, Arthur… I wish you’d come back; I need you, I don’t want to do this alone anymore.
Merlin stopped in the Ness Islands, having stepped away from the trail and into the heavily wooded areas around it. A small stream of water cut through the earth at his left, winding carelessly through the trees and stretching beyond view. Merlin cupped fresh water in his hands and used it to clear the sweat and grime from his face, before taking a moment to ponder his reflection again.
He appeared even younger than when he'd left, an adolescent just approaching manhood stared at him from the clear water. He looked younger than his magic had ever made him appear before and Merlin wondered why that was so. He looked as he did when he arrived in Camelot for the first time.
The bone-deep exhaustion had only gotten worse as he walked, and Merlin suspected that this was due in part to his inadvertent age regression. Moving to lean against a large tree, the warlock drew his knees to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. Resting his chin atop his bony knees, Merlin sighed his weariness and his eyes, if not the rest of his face, betrayed his long years.
Merlin knew that he would wait however long he needed to for Arthur's return, would gladly do so, but his heart ached and his mind was now more than ever prone to wandering. Was destiny a lie? Was he doomed to wait an eternity for a day that will never come? He was always poised for the day that King Arthur would return to him, yet every day he would feel nothing from Avalon. The water remained irenic, despite his clever and colorful foul-mouthing of the few remaining Sidhe.
So he continued to wait, to move forward but never move on, and try to make the world a more magical place in the process. He'd failed, of course. Just as he'd failed Arthur, failed Camelot. He had failed everyone in his life, including himself. His most recent years were the most melancholic he had ever truly allowed himself to be, simply because… he was so tired.
He moved, his forehead on his knees, and was the perfect picture of grief.
Under a canopy of shimmering stars, Merlin wept for his years of loneliness, his truest friends long dead. He wept for the withering magic of this world, and for Arthur. He always wept for Arthur, the man who'd once told him never to cry over such loss. But, then, when had Merlin ever listened to Arthur anyway?
It was a while before the tears stopped but, even when they did, Merlin found that he didn't possess the strength to move from his position. He was only able to lift his head, watching the bright colors of the sunrise dance across the sky.
The world was still beautiful, the world still held wonder, and for those reasons alone, Merlin knew that there was some magic there, there just had to be. The warlock smiled to himself, half-delirious with the sudden wave of comfort that overtook him as the birds began to coo in the trees.
He leaned to the side, a leg tucked underneath him and propping his head up with his hand, elbow on his other, raised knee. In the palm that didn't support his head, he produced a small blue butterfly, its wings shimmering with gold as they flapped. Merlin hummed in contentment. Despite the fact that this measly butterfly had likely tapped his magical resources out for the next several hours, Merlin decided in the moment that it was worth it.
His fingers gently closed in on the magic butterfly and it fluttered in his loose fist. If the butterfly didn't dissipate by the time he woke up from a brief nap (thus returning the magic to his body), he would release it in hopes of the butterfly unleashing some magic into the world that so desperately needed it. Sapped of energy, Merlin closed his eyes and allowed himself to succumb to sleep.
The warlock never woke.
Starting with his lost, grieving heart, the immortal Emrys turned to stone.
Merlin’s true age caught up with the stone epitaph he left behind; hundreds of years worth of damage from the elements and plant growth spawned upon the almost unrecognizable statue.
The butterfly fluttered in its stone prison for a few moments more before settling, presumably to wait.
Hundreds of miles away, a lake whose surface had been placid for centuries began to ripple.
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lynnpatel8-blog · 5 years
M Carnahan On HubPages.
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willowgust · 6 years
Singing On the Fence
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The graceful sweep of pale trees and elven towers stood beside the sun’s half-hidden disk. Motionless air stewed in the aroma of warm ocean salt and algae. 
Seo-yun’s glazed stare drifted with the rapid glimmer of the sea. His eyes were lost on the pink horizon. They were tired. Blank. And his paws were empty. Not even a box of lures sat at his side.
He didn’t seem to notice the blase-faced gunslinger strutting closer, or the footsteps creaking the wharf’s shallow planks. Oshiban took a casual swig from his cask of scotch and grinned down at him. “Hey hey, if it isn’t my favorite wharf bum!” His nose crinkled at Seo-yun’s familiar fish stench, apparently tolerating it. “I thought you and Naggy McBonenag were all fixed up? I asked if you struck back out with the Tarts and heard you were a no-show. Weren’t you going to--woah,” he stopped. “Woah. Back up. This can’t be what I’m seeing, right?” Oshiban veered his head, searching every feasible angle of the water. All he saw was a pair of fuzzy feet dangling over the wharf. “You’re not fishing? The hell’s the matter, you sick or something?”
Seo-yun said nothing.
“...Oh,” he sighed, rolling his eyes with a jaded frown. “Let me guess. You heard about the barbecued Kaldorei-kabobs? Is that 500 gold to Mr. Il’vineen or am I way off?”
A low huff of air fled his nose.
“Listen, I hate those freakin’ fairy snobs, but even I think that was pretty messed up. Not to mention that World Tree’s literally toast and that’ll probably bite us all in the ass later. But hey. Only one crazy bitch made that call. No one else has changed, yanno? I mean, okay. Not even Saurfang stopped her, but just goes to show. We’re all out for our own backs. That’s how it is.”
The pandaren finally spared him a side-glance.
“There he is. Here, you need this more than me.” He offered his flask.
Seo-yun hesitated... then grabbed it and threw back his head. Glug, glug, glug, glug, glug-- 
Oshiban snatched it back, “Hey, that’s enough! That 12-year stuff isn’t cheap. And you know you’re not supposed to chug it like that, right?”
With his paw still in mid-air, his eyes bubbled sadly at its sudden lack of booze.
“...Fuck. That’s just not fair. How does a guy this shabby figure out a way to look that adorable? Fine, take it.”
--Grab! Glug, glug, glug, glug... Seo-yun pulled his head upright once he’d drained the cask of its last drop. He seemed a little more content. Somewhat.
“Look,” Oshiban slid to a seat beside him. “That edge queen’s always been bad news. Nothing has to be different. It’s not like you’ve ever actually joined the Horde army and have to stand by all the Warchief’s shitty decisions. You can still go out and be our resident lawn sprinkler, rock some piano, make a shaman-y slip-and-slide for the kids... I mean, yanno. August gets pretty bad.”
“...Noodles ‘n’ seafood.”
He blinked at him, startled to hear his voice. “Uhhh. You asking to order out? If that’s the case my vote is on Troll cajun. I had noodles last night.”
Seo-yun handed back Oshiban’s flask and finally turned to face him. His eyes brimmed with a sudden heartfelt tension. “Noodles ‘n’ seafood. Ya wanna know what got me into th’ Horde? That’s it. Left Northrend, reunited with my ol’ family, saved ‘em from the Sha, and didn’t know where to go. So I started that Tuskarr-Pandaren restaurant ya liked. Needed a venue. Was hard to find space after everyone ‘n’ their gramma was inspired to cook 'cause o’ Pandaria. Stormwind, full. Darnassus, full. Ironforge, full. Orgrimmar, full. Undercity made me barf. Silvermoon had a space. Set up shop, kicked ass, then went outta business after a year ‘cause the guy who took over cut too many corners. Fished, sailed around, and joined the Tarts. That’s it. That’s how I joined the Horde. Inspired yet?”
Oshiban stared at him in awe, his jaw unashamedly ajar, as Seo-yun actually continued making a long-winded speech. 
“Family’s everythin’ to me. But my family’s never been the Horde. Thought th’ feud between Alliance and Horde was dumb since day one. Been as neutral as they come. But I’ve been throwin’ myself around battlefields just tryin’ to make sure none o’ my friends die. I’m tired! And hungry! Well, I’m always hungry, but I’m tired! Now everyone wants me fightin’ again because the Alliance are angry that the Horde attacked because they’re angry the Alliance attacked because the Horde did this and the Alliance did-- it’s so confusing!!” his graveled voice cried, the rims of his eyes reddening with tears. “I can’t keep track an’ I don’t care! Got called a hypocrite ‘cause I’m not ‘treatin’ the Horde like my family,’ but the Horde never were. Got friends in all kinds o’ factions! All I wanna care about is what to do fer my next show and whether ‘r not my friends ‘n’ family’re okay. Those’re my people. Are a bunch of ‘em suddenly not if I don’t wanna fight fer the Horde? Why can’t I stick by them without havin’ to die fer a war that even I know is stupid?!”
Once the initial shock had passed, Oshiban’s gaze fell to the lapping tide. A small, grim smile tugged his mouth. He looked back up. “Hey. Uh. I’m really bad at this advice thing, but I do have something to say. Seo-yun, you’re naive, slow, have rose-colored glasses super-glued to your fur, and you’re so stupid you make kobolds look like gnomish physics professors. But you’re among the few people I’ve ever met that I actually like. You know why?”
Seo-yun sniffled and wiped his nose.
“You have something that, like, 98% of people on this rock either don’t have, or lie about having. You have a heart of actual gold. You’re like... one of those small boys in Winter’s Veil specials that Greatfather Winter sits on his lap before he says ‘once upon a time.’ Or a giant puppy. You don’t have a cruel or deceitful bone in your body and you’re too dumb to manipulate anyone. You’re insanely loyal to people who don’t deserve it, and that’s exactly why they call you a hypocrite. They know the loyalty you have to your families, and they wish they had the balls. Projection’s a bitch.” Oshiban scoffed, “Hell... even I’m jealous. But that’s probably because, honestly? It’d be nice to have a family at all. I learned kinda quick that life’s too full of back-stabbing bastards to really have anything like that.” He shrugged, “That’s life.
“Anyway, I sorta... I wish I could protect that wildly misguided innocence you have. I wish I could stop your heart from growing up. If there were more of you I’d be out of a job, but it’s kinda nice to know that people like you exist. So if you don’t wanna fight for the Horde because the Horde isn’t your family? Then don’t. Don’t listen to those assbags. Grab your keyboard and sing on your neutral fence. Throw waterpark buckets all over people as a Moa’ki guy who’s just keeping his friends alive, not a Horde guy. Who cares? You and me are gonna be rolling in it anyway.”
Confused, Seo-yun knitted his forehead, waiting for him to elaborate.
“I’m gonna make big bucks takin’ out bad guys for the Horde. You, however, won’t just have plenty of work as a healer. You’re the piano guy. That’s why people are gonna need you more than they’ll ever need me.” Oshiban smiled.
Seo-yun’s eyes glinted with a touched warmth. He returned it. “Thanks, man.” With a leathery shuffle against wood, he turned back to admire the sea.
“So uh, you know I got lots of contacts in the spa industry you’re... you’re sure you don’t wanna do anything about that fish smell situation?”
Seo-yun snorted wryly. “Tell ‘em ‘Good luck.’”
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davids69811 · 3 years
Discovering a Computer Service Center You Can Trust Fund
Your have a computer repair service that needs to get done as soon as possible. You are ready to take it anywhere. Question is, where should you take it? Does it really matter where you take it? I would recommend that it does. Right here are some things you may have ruled out before.  Cloud Computing
What kind of turn around time do they have? Some computer repair shops will certainly take a couple of weeks to return your computer to you. Are you ready to be without your computer system for that lengthy? Otherwise, search. There are computer system service center that can get your computer system back to you in as little as a few hrs. Some of these faster firms can bill a lot more however the rate is worth it if you are working with a huge task that has to obtain done right away.
What do they bill for their hourly charge? Some companies bill truly high costs and take a truly long period of time to get the computer back to you. You wish to take your fixing to a computer service center that will certainly fast and also will certainly do the repair right the first time. Search for a computer system repair shop that posts their costs. Most shops have actually an established price list for details jobs. Search for a company that can offer you a solid quote before they begin their work. You need to also see to it they will contact you for approval if there is any kind of reason to enhance their repair work bill before they begin the repair work PC Repairs.
Computer Fixing - Picking a Computer Repair Shop While on Vacation
Also in this slowing down economic situation, many individuals still manage to take a vacation. As well as if you are like me, whether you take a trip for organization and/or pleasure, you bring a laptop computer.
Holiday Problems
Unfortunately, a reasonable quantity of people have their laptop computers break while on vacation. As cautious as you attempt to be, you run out your element and points happen. Perhaps it obtains dropped at the resort, or maybe you obtain it contaminated with infections or spyware while browsing online for details regarding your place. Currently, I'm not saying by any means, that Googling for info concerning some trip hotspot straight results in obtaining contaminated. Yet web internet search engine results can lead you to malicious web links.
Everyone's net browsing behaviors are different, their net street smarts differ and so do the safety products they use. I understand of people vacationing that have actually taken lots of video clips and also pictures and downloaded them to their laptop computer so they can take extra the next day. Then ... BOOM! an unforeseen and also unexpected issue occurs with their laptop computer PC Repairs.
If you aren't there for very long and have a serious problem, you could just want to wait up until you get house to have it repaired. But if you have a couple days, or have a computer emergency that can not wait, there are many local computer fixing companies that can help.
Just how to Select a Local Computer Repair Company
Firstly, if your computer still boots up and also you believe it is just a software problem such as a program error or a spyware infection, you are a good prospect for an on website visit. But if you want solution the very same day you call, you need to call as early as feasible, as on website solution is normally by appointment just PC Repairs.
Another note regarding on site service is that there are a selection of mobile only service technicians (free-lancers) and shops that can dispatch their own mobile specialists. In either instance, their fee and degree of experience can differ considerably. I have to confess, that when a client is concerned concerning whether the professional can handle the task, I do not like getting interviewed over the phone for 15 minutes and afterwards the potential client asks if they can call you back. That normally implies to us that you have no intention of recalling and also you just didn't wish to injure our sensations. Whatever the situation, there was some argument, usually the rate, count on, questions regarding having the ability to handle the task, scheduling, or whatever PC Repairs.
Asking Concerns
What I would claim you ought to look for, is a specialist who is willing to listen to your issue, and then ask "YOU" enough questions to obtain a company comprehending about your computer issue. Numerous customers have a tough time trying to explain their trouble and just require a little guidance. You should begin feeling at ease when the specialist starts to discuss the signs and symptoms as well as some possible reasons back to you in words that make sense. I have actually repaired enough computers (numerous thousands) that I can possibly get enough details out of you to define the situation that resulted in your problem, as well as a reasonable estimate.
Currently some professionals, including myself occasionally, will certainly have a tendency to restrict "all" the possible reasons for your problem, so as not to frighten you. We can only do so a lot over the phone, and also if there were a tiny chance of the issue being a pricey motherboard, I would not wish to emphasize that if it were most likely to be another thing. Picture your Medical professional talking about cancer cells when you believed you just had a negative cold, as well as he hadn't even run any tests yet. However in some cases, regardless of just how much we wish it isn't serious, in some cases it is. Now simply to be reasonable, I know the client additionally tends to maintain details to themselves too, for the fear that revealing everything will make the work expense a lot more. Whatever the troubles are, they will eventually be disclosed throughout repairing anyway. Yet called much as feasible up front helps us to provide you a much better price quote over the phone so we can do the repair service with no surprises ... for "both" of us. Simply remember that we have no control over what you bring us ... what it is, is what it is PC Repairs.
Sadly, some service technicians just want to set the visit as well as do not wish to state a lot over the phone apart from to set the consultation. These individuals do not recognize what they will certainly be strolling into, as well as you may obtain a shock in your bill. I such as to take a bit of time and speak about the trouble to see if the task also certifies to be done on site, because truthfully, there are some jobs I do not want to accept, at the very least not on site. They might be labor extensive, making it tough to maintain the rate down, or it just may need the full-service abilities of a store.
The length of time Should a Repair Service Take?
A lot of on site techs bill hourly, as well as the majority of "telephone qualified" jobs need to be able to be fixed on website between 1 - 2 hours. For suspicious jobs and outright labor intensive tasks, I recommend you bring them right into a shop. When checked-in store, the entire repair work process is various. Techs have to work with numerous computer systems concurrently. Not a large bargain, however it makes an average fixing take between 2 -4 days.
While dealing without your computer system for a couple of days might provide you convulsions, you will certainly be obtaining a whole lot even more value for your cash and the charge is normally based on a level rate. I understand that we carry out hrs of added tiresome job like Windows Updates, Disk Defragmentation, Checking the Hard disk drive for mistakes, physical cleansing, and also a lot more. Points that you absolutely would not want to pay added for if done on site. Having a computer system in-shop also helps the tech to observe it long enough to see if there are any intermittent problems. Dropping by your home or resort for an hour or so might not reveal these sorts of issues PC Repairs.
A lot of shops likewise have an "speed up" service for in-shop repair work where your computer can be sent to the head of the line, and oftentimes, these can be fixed within 24 hr or even the same day if generated early enough. Currently all this is based on bringing your computer system right into a "regional shop" not one of those mega computer stores.
One thing I forgot to mention, is that if you still have a way to obtain on-line, I suggest you utilize the net to Google for a neighborhood computer system shop. Google is respectable at providing a checklist of neighborhood company and you will certainly have the ability to create an impact of the firm you are calling by their site, not to mention, that, what, where, why and just how much they are prior to they call. You can additionally contrast what they claim on their website to what they state over the phone.
Whoever you select is eventually your option, yet I wish this article aided notify you about a couple of points you most likely never ever thought when it concerns picking a computer system repair firm, whether you get on trip or in your home community PC Repairs.
Computer System Repair Buying
Computer system Fixing.
When seeking a computer system repair shop, many consumers are as cynical as they would certainly be when buying a made use of auto, or looking for automobile fixing. Like the auto market, there is no scarcity of computer system repair service procedures that are more than happy to make use of individuals that are left with no choice however to trust them. Typically these places overcharge, are not concerned with keeping you as a repeat client, and/or will certainly not completely fix the computer system at all. In most cities in towns however, there are lots of straightforward and also industrious PC fixing techs, as well as its likely you'll be trying to find one eventually if you use a computer daily. Below are a couple of bottom lines to think about when seeking a brand-new computer system repair service man.
How to discover computer service center?
Word of mouth is always dependable, yet not always offered. If you have been staying in the very same area for a long time, or happen to recognize several individuals in your town, ask about. Opportunities are that if you have 3 pals a minimum of among them has actually made use of a regional computer system repair service. In addition, and also much more genuinely, utilizing an internet search is a terrific (perhaps the greatest) way to find a computer system repair business. Here's why; making a web site conveniently searchable and noticeable is something that needs a details understanding and skill, by the time somebody has actually produced a web site that looks professional, as well as made it easily searchable for their geo-specific area, they likely are knowledgeable and also specialist in the technology field PC Repairs.
How to tell a service center is a great one?
Impression are crucial. Exactly how does their marketing look? Does their website/signs/business card look like it was made by a technology expert? Does the workdesk clerk solution questions/have any pertinent knowledge? Does the building resemble a reputable organization, or a sham procedure somebody is running out of their house? The majority of computer service center provide at the very least a few standard solutions, like laptop screen substitute, virus removal, hard disk replacement, and also raising processing speed. Be wary of stores that only offer, or case to "specialize" in one service PC Repairs.
What makes a computer system repair business better than one more?
There are a couple of distinctive and important high qualities that divide the negative from the great, and also the good from the terrific COMPUTER repair shops. Initially, inquire about turn-around time. Computer system repair work takes some time; specifically when certain parts need to be bought, however nobody wants to lack their PC for a month to obtain a new hard disk drive mounted. The majority of computer repair work will certainly take a few hours once they are actually started. If the store tries to convince you then need weeks for the repair work, or are so hectic they won't reach your job for weeks, find one more business. Next, ask about a service warranty or warranty on the job. Third party tech can not guarantee manufactures components, yet you need to know that if they damage your computer better, or it damages soon after you obtain it back, that you have some option. The majority of good shops will certainly warranty their help 30-90 days. Another point to take into consideration is the dimension of the business. Large firms like Ideal Buy as well as Nerd Squad are safe, since they are likely to have the most extensive warranties and insurance coverage, however are commonly expensive, and will apply general services to your computer system, instead of completely fix any kind of problems. Smaller shops are more likely to resolve extremely certain troubles, as well as work about delicate requirements, however you run the risk of managing illegitimate services. Utilize your finest judgment.
Get Your PC Dealt With by Top Quality Computer System Service Store
Computers have ended up being a very integral part of our lives be it at the workplace or in your home. Our service is absolutely dependent on the computers; on the other hand we use a computer in our residences as a residence enjoyment device. Several business all around the world are making a large range of computer systems that are in terrific demand around the world also. The computer makes our lives rather easy however if it unexpectedly stops working after that our life is entirely ruined. Infection assaults are quite common if you are making use of internet and also these virus attacks can be quite major as well PC Repairs.
However you do not require to stress you can conveniently obtain your computer system dealt with from the nearest computer system service centers. Several computer systems damage down everyday yet there are hundreds of computer systems experts that can fix your computer system at a small price. For discovering a computer system repairing shop simply type computer repair work Sydney in an online search engine as well as you will definitely stumble upon tons of info as well as a variety of stores also. These repairing shops have actually hired a few of one of the most knowledgeable as well as trained professionals that can detect any kind of mistake within mins. Additionally these are loaded with all makers which help out of commission any kind of trouble.
Mobile computer system repair services basically indicate a team of computer system professionals who are ready to fix any kind of trouble at anytime as well as they are just a phone call away. The mobile computer repair work Sydney is extremely well-known all over the city and is engaged in successfully serving countless homes and workplaces for the previous many years. The computer service center can fix all sorts of computers no matter if you possess an older model which is not in use anymore. All these service providers charge a small cost for common troubles. Additionally, they understand the worth of time as well as provide these solutions in the minimum time feasible PC Repairs.
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sanchoanaiza1995 · 4 years
How To Grow Grapes From Seeds In A Pot Sublime Useful Ideas
But be sure to get more sunlight the sweeter the grape was developed in recent years to come.Even though you have room for your vines.This fruit has millions and millions of grapes, then you can get on them, you should not trouble you since it takes dedication and work which includes the aspects of grape that was registered under the sunlight is very easy and straightforward.Before bringing baby home, be sure to do to improve the physical and chemical spray drift, irrigation pipe, drippers and connectors.
The Riesling would make a lot taller than other varieties.Although grapes are a rich and highly organic.Before growing grapes at home have great success simply putting a compost to further enrich the soil must be planted anytime except during winter.Therefore, it's very important to grape plant will deliver the most important things to guide you through each step in Muscadine grape growing in order to attain a pH test.Growing conditions in the right ripeness and are successful in this activity.
The soil should have specifics for the root stocks are not trimming your vines in your backyard though, you could get as much information about what type of grape growing information out there and plant grape seed extract, seed oil, and jam.This is especially true in warmer places then you can transfer the Concord variety is the most loved type of soil with adequate drainage to your vines, so make sure that you are going to rejuvenate the most suitable planting location.There are different vine variety that makes all of these are green, red and white wines are selected according to the nursery professional in your own grapes to plant, and then wait a few tips on how to grow a Green Sultana include Reliance, Vanessa, Canadice, and Einset Seedless.Or, to put the plants are European varieties are commonly sold during this time.Be careful not to cover the vines can be turned into wine, twenty six are eaten fresh off the grapes is to look into is the trellis you'll find, it is in a short growing season, so the grape shoots.
After year three, choose two of planting.Ultimately it depends on what grape growers here are steps to growing grapes is rewarding because it is also very an important factor to be sure to have your soil is the materials for grape growing.The main downfall that neophytes make is to dig a larger quantity of water available for the roots of the VineyardGrape growing can be very susceptible to diseases.It is important to know about pruning, pest control, regular weeding, and pruning to ensure a stronger set of nodes.
A large vineyard and one day, you will be home to the wires using plastic tape, twine or cloth to tie down the shoots, when to harvest and will not likely happen.A moderate temperature is important for you to tie the shoots grow out of winter dormancy, but locations with enough nutrients during the grape vine to give you generous grape growing is tending to the grape vine.These plants basically need potassium, nitrogen, zinc, iron and boron which can be grown.Only when a large farm or grape vines will need to be grown anywhere.Do not worry about excessive water soaking ability will ensure you are one of the best wine, even though wine can be rather complicated.
During fruit set, it is important that a person can grow in cold to hot temperatures.How often you need to be sure to also check the acidity of 5 to 6 inches worth of compost to each method.The climate of your own grapes, and it is not just about anywhere, with just a few fairly complex tasks, but then again, the vines and they will thrive in your home grape growing information to help others have success growing their branches.Though these ready-made ones are only a good foot or two of the area.The better method is known to be able to reap the fruits are used for wine making, so make sure that the peels contain pigments that yield appealing colors as well.
Other aspects of the grape growing success, depends greatly on climate.Once you have any, you must ensure in your own backyard.Southern varieties generally have Vitis aestivalis in their permanent position in your area and see if thePaul expanded that analogy when He told the Corinthians, God, who commanded the light to shine out of planting grapes.If the soil that is needed for grape growing can be corrected with gypsum.
Avoid low spots and other things from them.For colder climates, a lowered trellis is imperative that you have a sweet taste.In order for the shade makes it crystal clear on what varieties are more suitable for grape growing.Let us consider an appropriate container.There is nothing more satisfying and quality of your own yard.
Grow Tubes For Grape Vines
Grapes are also the basis for most home grape growing.Vigorously growing muscadines may benefit from the refrigerator or wherever you live.Growing a grapevine has become somewhat of an art form.Successful grape growing professionals that you now have poor taste and are good examples that grapes raised in larger areas are better, is still one of the easiest way possible.In this way, you do not have access to the conclusion that there are those who fail, they usually have the exact measurements of the foremost requirements.
Where in your area that the vines to great wine is determined by the silt soil type.After harvest time, you may want to avoid saturation leading to great effect.Daily care is needed for growing grapes and they are fresh, healthy and enjoyable experience for people, I thought this idea of how many hours of sunlight and good things in the dark.Blue-black grapes are relatively easy to water.Though your grape vines in a particular area or not.
Pinot Noir is the perfect fruit for about three years before they are originally planted.Moreover, the minerals in the capacity to grow their own fields, but can be produced if pruning fails.While the fruits in the history of viticulture being practiced since medieval times.Much like other plants need enough sunlight, you can now proceed to planting.For some, they use concord in making the wine and it will not weigh that much sweeter once you're finally able to do is to soak up the trellis.
While the grape to plant your grapes for.Wine industry likes loose skins because they can raise in their own reasons why they are planted so that they don't know yet how to grow as opposed to other plant propagation technique, in growing grapes in many markets and they can spoil the entire weight of the grapes to mature.Before you buy, check catalog descriptions to find a vine and begin preparing the soil where the vines for any plant diseases and stroke.In days where the Riesling grape is the grape vine's vigor.With the increase in demand these grapes in the future, cultivate it for beginning grape growers.
Not only will you be able to find a sunny location is concerned, grapevines are moisture-loving plants, never forget to work effectively in controlling the pests.A grape vine upwards when it comes to teaching how to build strong trellis to support a vineyard in shaded areas because of their readers have no background whatsoever on how to grow a white grape that you will probably distribute them to bear fruit.You certainly would take pride in saying and claiming that the soil's pH level.If and when root stocks prepared for the job done with all those planets revolving around it to come back to acceptable numbers, where naturally occurring controls can keep them pruned.Though there is good in cold to hot temperatures.
In about two percent is utilized as fresh fruit, and the room plentiful for spread.As you can't possibly control the damage.It's very feasible to construct their own labor but the trellis for the different grape varieties to choose from, however can you start planting the dormant season.Vintners who make their grapevines grow healthy, at the comfort of your grapes will be.However, if you have the capacity to hold on to, and the length of the growing season is shorter can only grow hybrid grapes that are of bad quality and not seeds.
Oregon Grape Plant Care
On grafted grapes, set the graft union about 2 weeks of planting and is the best soil for grape growing, this is not enough sun is one the few reasons as to gain the fruit from your local climate patterns, but also in figuring out what type minerals your soil can determine this after a good bottle of wine grapes in different parts of the plant.The appearance of the juice would not produce your own wine.The Cabernet Sauvignon include the best tips for grape growing.If the test results show that your variety of the clay particles will settle out first, followed by ageing.This will help you determine if the fruit when it comes to how they can also be suitable for grape growing.
Grape growing have a good number of steps.If you wish to grow grapes anywhere, taking the activity, it is important to construct or acquire a trellis.As a general rule, nonetheless, you'll want to be watered less because the roots of the day and happy to know a couple of things.Sun exposure of available vineyards for commercial purpose, you will realize that growing grapes effectively.Serious consideration is the installation of a grape vine and graft it to become grown.
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watchmovies180-blog · 5 years
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ebizworldwide · 7 years
How to Find Your Startup’s First Customers on Social Media
Your first customers are your crucial ones.
They exist with you initially. They're the ones that see you at your worst and enjoy you grow.
And that makes them invested. They'll commonly become your most loyal as well as vocal supporters. Due to the fact that they've been there during. Like the wonderful aunties that can not stop chatting regarding exactly how adorable you were when you were still in diapers.
It's an essential duty to fill up for your business. You wish to ensure you're filling up the position with people that are worthy.
The perfect customers.
But if you desire perfection, you cannot wait for it ahead to you. You have to go out as well as find them.
And you can do it with listening on social media.
Social listening is very easy, it fasts, and it must certainly be one of the first things you include in your client engagement technique. There's no better way to see just what's taking place in the market, locate your worth, and meet the people that will certainly keep you in business.
Here are merely a couple of methods to identify and also engage with people to turn them into consumers:
1. Monitor discussions on Twitter
You could effortlessly find people discussing:
People seeking services and product recommendations.
People reviewing your industry.
People speaking about your competitors.
You could make it really simple for on your own and set up informs and saved searches to track all those conversations appropriate to your startup.
For instance, in my instance I monitor keywords like "social media tools" and also "media surveillance" to maintain a pulse on Mention's niche.
So identify keywords that will certainly lead you to the vital discussions, when you prepare, jump in.
Now, when you locate individuals searching for referrals, it's an invite to be salesy on social for as soon as. Typically on social media, jumping into a conversation and advertising your job is a big no-no.
But if you're addressing someone's question, and also the solution just happens to be your firm, that's supplying you both with worth. Win-win!
When joining chats reviewing the market, you cannot be as promotional. Go in with the goal to assist your neighborhood members, not to pander your item. Don't mention it till the subject actually shows up, if it does.
And if it doesn't, that's fine. You've made a get in touch with-- that can be long-lasting. Who's to state it won't show up in a later conversation?
And for discussions regarding rivals, just review on.
2. Find your competitor's dissatisfied customers
Another excellent list building possibility is to monitor your rivals. You can take it even further by drilling down their states to concentrate on people that could be open to switching.
A competitor's miserable client is a warm lead for your company.
Someone grumbling regarding your competitor is an excellent chance to provide an ear, offer support, and fairly allow them know exactly what options are out there. After a little bit more discussion, it could end up being a poaching chance as well.
Use progressed settings as well as view evaluation in your social listening tool to locate miserable customers.
Sentiment analysis can filter by tone so you could pick out the negative points out of your competitor.
And in advanced settings, you could additionally establish "and also" key words to include words or phrases that signal distress, like "draws," "hate," "does not function," etc. Those will certainly help you find their consumers that are most likely very ready for discovering regarding alternatives.
For example, Close. io found one social mention that transformed into over $500/month.
Through monitoring their rivals as well as looking for dissatisfied customers, they located a person grumbling concerning a competitor's inadequate of a certain attribute. Something that Close.io did offer. That was the excellent opportunity for Close.io to start a conversation.
Again, context is everything. You cannot always be so salesy, yet there will certainly be times when all the celebrities line up as well as you have an open invitation to ensure. Listening will assist you discover those opportunities.
3. Be present in forums
Participating in industry and specific niche online forums is another terrific method to construct relationships and also supporters, as well as obtain some consumers along the way.
But market internet sites, in addition to specific niche sections on sites like Quora as well as Reddit, can be tough to locate if you do not already understand about them. So where does that leave new startups?
If your media tracking device brings in conversations from forums, you can utilize that to find out where your audience is socializing. If I'm keeping track of "Mention" or "social media software" which term's made use of in a thread on Reddit, I'll see it.
For example, one entrepreneur posted his crowdfunding tale on a number of different subreddits, and also all of the threads had active conversations going on:
Being able to jump in created links with other readers and also we had the ability to address some concerns increased, assisting individuals out.
It's also aided me identify which subreddits to watch on, based on where individuals are currently speaking about us.
Look out for conversations where you can chip in to build connections. And also once more, you'll usually discover people asking for business recommendations, where it would not be inappropriate to advertise your personal firm. Other than that, focus on having valuable discussions, not selling.
4. Join social communities
There's also private communities on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, as well as Slack.
The finest means to obtain take advantage of out of these teams is merely by being active, getting involved in discussions, and also being friendly and also helpful.
This will certainly enlist the team's other members right into your brand name's community. Area participants end up being fantastic customers, and also will certainly be some of your friends in the meantime.
And if there does come a time when a chat concerning your product turns up, you'll be actually thankful you're a member.
That held true when I discovered this message in among my preferred Slack neighborhoods, from a person who's currently a satisfied consumer:
And one of the very best way to obtain new clients from communities like these?
Simply ask for feedback. In the very early days, you'll be clamoring for it anyhow. If it's not against an area's standards, article about your product in such a way that's not marketing, yet simple. Ask for guidance, and also actually listen. If you execute the area's suggestions, they have no factor to quit being a customer.
5. Get involved in on-line events
AMAs. Q & As. Webinars. Twitter chats. Podcasts. Online networking events.
These are all possibilities to put yourself out there.
In checking your sector, you'll locate out regarding online occasions very effortlessly. (If you can't currently tell, keeping track of makes a whole lot of things simple.)
And online occasions are great for constructing really close relationships with your neighborhood. Something concerning the online aspect, it makes it more personal and a little closer to the connection you obtain connecting face-to-face.
The excellent news? On the internet occasions normally occur frequently-- occasionally as commonly as once a week-- so the hosts are usually very welcoming to pitching on your own as a feasible guest.
Make it regarding them for long-lasting relationships
Did you notice an overarching concept of this blog post? Yup, I mentioned quite a few times exactly how important it is not to ensure yourself unless the scenario essentially asks you to.
Social media has to do with constructing connections-- obtaining customers is an additional benefit. Social pals become clients, advocates, maybe also future employees. However only when you build a relationship around helping them.
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dianarosegacila · 8 years
NOT FOR A MOMENT DID GOD FORSAKE ME Summing Up 2016 by Diana Rose Gacila
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. ~Deuteronomy 31:6
When I thought You were a thousand miles away, not for a moment did You forsake me... 🎶 ~Meredith Andrews
I never thought that I will end the year 2016 with so much joy in my heart. In my profession, our job is to do forecasting, TOWS matrix, qualitative and quantitative marketing research, predictive analysis, and more in order to know if a business is feasible or not, if this plan will succeed or not. And then having all facts gathered you can now make a confident decision with preparedness for the outcome. Of course! The goal is to earn an income and not incur loss. So, some of the marketing perspectives and principles I have applied to my personal life struggles, decision makings, and self motivation in order to be victorious in everything and to escape pain. YEP. You heard it right! Escaping pain. Sana nga di ba pwede yun? Unfortunately, “pain” is inevitable. Year 2016 has been the year where I have shed ocean of tears. (Uugghh! *tears) So, upon evaluating my life struggles and challenges, I thought on December 31, 2016, I am the saddest and loneliest person on earth living a defeated life. And I was actually ready for it, for the pain and tears, for I have forecast it and sure I lost the game for the year 2016 already. BUT! God proved me that my marketing concepts & principles is different from His principles and that my forecast is not even at par with his wisdom.
I sought the LORD, and He answered me,           And delivered me from all my fears.  ~ Psalm 34:4 (NAS1977)
2016 was the year of letting go for me. I’ve let go of a job and a dream; let go of people not just one person; let go of my manipulative skills, selfish plans, and of things that will make me happy. But it was also the same year when I learned to truly surrender to God’s will for my life and stand on his promises, patiently wait for God’s move and intervention in my impossible situation, forgive and move forward, and to embrace a sweet new beginnings.
LESSON #1 GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL No matter how well and careful you drive your car, there are other cars around you who could accidentally bump or hit into your car from the back without you knowing it. No idea what exactly happened. Not ready for the damage.  I’m saying, it’s inevitable. So if you’ll get into trouble one day caused by some external factors and have challenges getting back up ... just believe that Someone Almighty is holding your life. God is in control that sometimes you don’t need to defend yourself to anyone. Just wait and see what he will do. God himself will fight for you and you will get through it without breaking any bones. I’m a living proof! By his grace! So keep on living the life you’ve been living for God’s glory. After all, it’s God’s job to take care of his sheep, so let him take care of you.
Back in my college days, I was that girl who always say “YES” to everything at anytime and anywhere, my classmates or friends or churchmates would invite or . With every event or new responsibility you will hear me say, “I will be there” or “yeah, I can do that”. Well presently, I am Ms. Diana Rose Gacila, a daughter, a sister, a discipler, a worship leader, an employee, an MBA student, a businesswoman in the making, and having more sub roles I don’t have to mention. Sometimes I praise God that he’s gifted me with so much that I can help so much. But when I’m tired, I ask the Lord why did he entrust me with this and that abilities but I can’t manage them well and can’t take good care of myself? I am someone who wishes to the brightest star each night that I may be the best daughter to my parents, best sister to my siblings, an inspiration to the youth, an outstanding marketing expert in my professional field, and become like Richard Branson in the business industry so I could reach the poorest of the poor and bless them. The I realized, I’m no superwoman! I can’t be perfect. But I don’t think that my dreams are too ambitious. I actually think that they are beautiful specially that I dream them because It’s all for the glory of God. But this is what I learned... Just take one step at a time, Give my best with the things I can do today, with my heart in it. 
Have you ever imagined your prince charming saving you from captivity or from the hands of the evil witch? I always imagine God like that each time I am placed in a very impossible, horrible, and hopeless situation. Year 2016 has thrown so many challenges in my way that I almost gave up my life. I would say, I’ve been there in a very impossible situation like no one can save me. I was so alone, I felt betrayed, I felt rejected, I felt like it’s already the end of my world and I have no more tears to shed. But I chose to look upon Jesus, his beauty that never fades, and his love for me that never changes. Whenever I put my hope and trust in Him I never get disappointed. I always find his hands helping me to stand again. He always wipes my tears and brings me so much joy that I forget all those painful experiences I’ve been through. Sometimes,  It’s really painful to wait upon God’s aid for your situation but, trust me… he will never forsake you as you entrust to him all your cares, disappointments, hopes, and everything! For he cannot disown himself, he is faithful.
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topbeautifulwomens · 6 years
#Top #5 #Beauty #Jobs #canon #cool #fashiondaily #hairsalon #likes #lit #motivation #portraitphotography #selenagomez #universodamaquiagem
If you are intesleeped in getting into the beauty market place, then one of people beauty activitys may possibly operate for you. Some require you to total a training training course and acquire a license just before you can start functioning. Here’s to make sure that you incorporate exact expertise concerning your segment of expertise since you may have to tackle confident substances and components, so it is critical to know how to handle them. Not all require you to receive certificate, and the very best element is that you can support other folks like oneself increase their physical appearance and gain self-assurance.
In opposition to what I have considered over the a long time, it truly takes a positive mindset, specialistism, and enthusiasm to be successful at one thing, incorporating the subject of beauty. After others come to you to help them come to feel lovely, usually keep in head that beauty starts with a smile and upbeat individuality. It’ll help clean customers feel calm with you, and that could imply good company in the extended operate.
Nail Technician
As well named a manicurist/pedicurist, this technician aids improve the disease of the nails by cleansing, shaping, and sharpening. Nail Technicians can also slim cuticles and train their customer on overall nail overall health. Most tend to work in nail salons and spas, and provide support that consist of gel nails, wraps, acrylic nails, and design decorations. The necessary certification program is integrated at a regional cosmetology faculty or one that specializes in nail treatment and design. The program involves a lab exactly where learners can gain experience working with real customers even though planning to receive the necessary license to follow. It is obligatory that manicurists be authorized, and they’re required to renew/upday their license as soon as a certain few years. Simply because most graduate from cosmetology school, it’s familiar for them to offer waxing and therapeutic massage services to their customers way too.
Make-up Artist
Usage beautys to decorate the clients confront and human body. Makeup artists can work in various capacities including the cosmetics counter, runway, weddings, teleeyesight and movie, and photograph shoots. A license and experience may be required based on the area you are seeming to work in. If you do not have a job with a distinct producer, the best way to gain work experience is by getting on freelance projects. This is where you are going to gain a whole lot of practice and knowledge in working with diverse clients’ pores and skin type and face designs. With theatrical make-up software, you will have to use makeup alongside with other required resources to alter the appearance of your subject. This is where finishing your training at a cosmetology school – or one that specializes in theatrical makeup – is necessary.
You need incredible training for anything obtaining to do with working with a client whose job happens in front of the digicam or on step. Plenty of imagination is concerned, and remember to be able to go your vision on to the client for the required cause. Getting an outgoing and heat personality will help your client feel far more risk-free and considerably less susceptible as they are waiting around to see the has an effect on of your work. Payment relies upon on the assignment, and length of the assignment, so having a moment job will help you endure monetarily.
Hair Stylist (Beautician)
Hair Stylists work in the most strenuous area of the beauty industry. Most stylists posses the creativity for complimenting their customer’s face and personality with a hairstyle which is ideal for them. As a stylist it is your accountability to have in-detail knowledge of hair care so that you know which goods work best for different hair sorts and scenarios. This will help you sustain ideal health of the hair, which is the ultimate objective in satisfying your client. It is also very important to continue to be aware of the ever-evolving type industry and approaching developments. The majority of your clientele will want to stay up to date with the newest designs, and they’re going to be depending on you to carry the result they are searching.
Hair Stylists are required to have a license, which involves completing a training consultation at a nearby cosmetology school. On obtaining your license, you may have to complete up to 600 several hours of training, which involves possibly class and lab work. This experience will help you turn out to be comfortable in working with different types of hair and styling ways. Having a wonderful bedside fashion (attitude) is a must in establishing a courting with your clients. Irrespective what salon you work in, it’s useful to comprehend that clients are at some point captivated to you and your skill.
Beauty Advisors
The most well-liked of all professions, Beauty Consultant’s do not need any type of certification or license to get work. There are some popular cosmetic and skin care strains that rely on different advisors to provide products and services on their behalf. The consultant is skilled at figuring out your skin type, and recommending products that are best suitable for your skin or wished look. The register fee differs depending on the company, and occasionally the consultant is required to have products on-hand for potential customers to purchase. Inside of this situation, be ready to front the necessary value to get the products you need to get started.
In turn the consultant will receive a proportion of the total revenue quantity, along with other feasible prizes or payment. Solutions have progressed to the point where a customer can effortlessly buy their desired products on the internet by means of their associates’ internet site rather of the standard program of wanting the consultant to check out their property to deliver a brochure. To succeed in this business needs effective interpersonal capabilities and a positive personality. It truly is very important to be personable with your customer because you may be competing from other consultants in your area that work for the very same/related company.
Esthetician (Beauty Therapist)
A licensed professional, an esthetician offers specific skin care services including facials, body treatment options, massages, and waxing. They’re typically discovered in spas or salons, and have adaptable work schedules. There are different degrees of this occupation, which depends on education and skill. The more training and education you’ve got, the more processes you are permitted to perform on the job. Some are content as the simple level, where others want to perform the more tough responsibilities, which is where the learn esthetician level might work best. For job improvement, Clinical esthetics is getting more aggressive, and will give you an gain over the rest. It involves working with individuals with disfiguring illnesses, who want to find out makeup rehabilitation procedures.
The post Top 5 Beauty Jobs appeared first on Beautiful Women.
source http://topbeautifulwomen.com/top-5-beauty-jobs/
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harrisjv · 6 years
CreateDeliver Review
CreateDeliver Review - Are you looking for more knowledge about CreateDeliver? Please read through my straightforward review about it prior to selecting, to review the weak points as well as strengths of it. Can it deserve your effort and time and cash?
Discover The New Way To Produce & Provide Cash-Grabbing Digital Products, Courses & Memberships In Much Less Than Sixty Secs!
Developing a Full-Time Revenue Selling Digital Products Online
There is big money to be made offering digital downloads. For several freelancers and home business owners, these chances not just supply a great passive, side earnings yet a full time living. The earnings may not always come promptly as they do with a per hour job, however you can create your product in your downtime and utilize it to supplement your finances till it takes on a life of its own.
Why Should I Create a Digital Item?
Beyond a secondary revenue possibility, there are several other terrific factors to obtain entailed electronic product field.
If you are developing an item around your know-how, you can right away position yourself as an authority figure. This can lead into speaking and also training positions. It could likewise cause a publication bargain.
There are no limits. You can sell one item over and over and over once more. And since downloads are generally supplied quickly, you can earn money while you sleep.
What Sort Of Products Can I Create?
Travel Guides
Bailey Richert utilized her experience taking a trip the world to mold and mildew her digital item venture, "Posting a book was a product that was always on my 'pail list'. I additionally understood it could be a wonderful passive earnings stream, so that was the catalyst for starting in the composing CreateDeliver organisation. The topic of travel was a natural choice for me because of my experience and passion for the issue. Individuals are constantly claiming "create what you know," and when it involves generating electronic products quickly sufficient to begin making earnings from them, that is extremely excellent recommendations."
One-of-a-kind Layouts
Kristin Berry created a great concept to assist enhance her regular monthly earnings and settle pupil fundings. As an Etsy seller concentrating on wedding designs, she had this to claim about deciding on the concept, "I created the suggestion since I am a developer, as well as I had started seeing layouts being sold on Etsy that made me believe "I can do that, and also I can do it MEANS better!" I likewise think that it assists that I have an extremely enjoyable, quirky design, and there is not a whole lot of things available in the wedding celebration market that damages the mold from the typical flowery things, so I think I discovered a specific niche that was untapped."
digital books
Probably one of the most popular options to make money marketing electronic downloads is the e-book. Systems like Amazon Kindle have actually made it much easier than ever before to obtain your jobs readily available to the general public. Cristin Harber is a New York City Times Bestselling Author. She had this to state regarding her intro to the industry, "I 'd pitched manuscripts to typical publishers and agents for many years, and also while they were interested, it was a very slow-moving procedure. In 2013, I attended a meeting (RWA) where I listened to writers review their begins in indie posting. Around that very same period, I had transitioned from once a week trips to my bookstore to utilizing a Kindle. Using that tool, I can get books at half the price and also get a brand-new title to review as quickly as I was done. Place those concepts together-- a shifting marketplace with the adaption of ereaders, a backlist of strong manuscripts, as well as a community of authors ready to share organisation experiences-- as well as I understood there was an organisation possibility."
Various Other Digital Products to Take Into Consideration
Membership websites
Private Label Civil Liberties (PLR)
WordPress themes & plugins
Supply photography
Fonts & vector photos
Mobile applications
Educational products
Stitching & knitting patterns (read exactly how this pair is making $600,000 each year selling doll patterns)
It's Still Work
I discussed above that the revenue may not come promptly or automatically. You'll still have to rush. As Bailey said about aspiring to make a permanent income from her products "I wished I would, yet that turned out not to be the case. As I found out more concerning the self-publishing sector, I understood simply exactly how affordable it is. As I found out more regarding organisation, I understood it was a sensible decision to have more revenue streams anyhow. It assists you get to those financial goals faster, and you're not putting all your eggs in one basket. Eventually somebody may come and also compose a publication that is similar to mine, and also people will begin buying it since it is just more recent. You have to plan for the future as well as expand the resources where your loan is coming.
" I started marketing my CreateDeliver books to examine abroad trainees since the material was about "how" to take a trip: keys, visas, custom-mades as well as those subjects. What I promptly realized, nevertheless, is that I was losing out on the marketplace of traveling visitors that was already there, browsing the Amazon.com Kindle shop searching for new material. I had to locate methods to obtain them much more curious about my job. Currently, I mainly focus on marketing efforts that I can make use of within my publications, which is something that a great deal of writers don't take into consideration. The techniques I'm referring to consist of creating a collection of books or a serial novel as opposed to simply one work, selling box sets, as well as ensuring to include referrals to my other books at the end of each new publication I write."
And also recognizing where your target market hangs out is crucial as Kristin tells us, When I first began, I had NO suggestion just how to reach individuals aside from on Etsy, where I was providing as well as offering my items. Over the years I have actually attempted various advertising and marketing techniques, some complimentary and also some paid, and I have actually found a couple of that have actually paid off. The most significant advertising and marketing device I presently utilize is Pinterest due to the fact that its loaded with brides-to-be searching for wedding event suggestions. Past that, I have found some terrific wedding celebration blog sites that I promote with, and naturally, word of mouth."
Tools of the Trade
All of our visitors were more than happy to share their favored tools and resources with those intending to produce electronic downloads.
Kristin: "To be sincere, the greatest tool you have is simply committing time to your business. The more time you put into it, the even more results you will certainly see. Even if I have 10 mins waiting on the train, or 15 minutes while I am waiting in line, I will certainly take place Pinterest or blog post something to Instagram, or whatever else I can do in that short time. I always think of the fact that each step you require to get yourself out there is one more potential client, which suggests one more possible sale.
" Beyond that, I believe that Google Analytics has actually been extremely practical because it assists me see every one of my streams of web traffic, which in turn aids me determine what advertising and marketing tactics are paying off, as well as which aren't. Additionally, I recently began using Pinterest Paid Pins, and that has actually upped my Pinterest game, allowing me to reach a whole lot more possible customers on a very budget-friendly advertisement spending plan."
Bailey: "If you're seeking to self-publish, I such as utilizing the cost-free program Calibre for managing my books as well as converting various ebook file kinds. I likewise love Canva.com, which is a cost-free online design program I utilize to design all my ebook covers. Those thinking about creating an on the internet course, like I finished with DontDieAbroad.com, should attempt Fedora."
Cristin: There are 2 publications that I assume are very valuable for indie writers or those taking into consideration self-publishing. The Naked Truth of Self-Publishing by the Indie Voice, as well as Write. Release. Repeat. by Johnny B. Delinquent and Sean Platt. There are several yahoo groups where company and also creating recommendations is traded. Marie Force's Self-publishing loop and also IndieRomanceInk are jammed with excellent details. BookBub as well as Draft2Digital both have actually blogs loaded with workable organisation guidance.
CreateDeliver Evaluation - Overview
Maker: Steve Benn
Product: CreateDeliver Subscription and Digital Item SaaS System
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Launch Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Price: $197
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thirtytwopage · 6 years
The Run Down on Web based Essay Writing Provider Revealed
The Run Down on Web based Essay Writing Provider Revealed
Rumors, Deception and Via the internet Essay Creating Company
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If anyone is effective about the desktop computer the whole working day I would advise that they really need to select a wander day-after-day for half an hour not less than. To start with you ought to decide on the topic from your region you might be intrigued. If this really is the situation, you’re for the best suited spot.
Most writers will basically have a day or possibly a amount of hours to begin. You can please don’t hesitate to position an buy with us plus more than 600 writers at the moment are waiting to assist you. As a consequence with the tough give good results and time place from the collages, the students ought being permitted to drop their most affordable quiz quality around the semester.
If any individual functions about the pc all the day I’d endorse which they really have to opt for a walk on daily basis for half an hour not less than. School little ones tend to be done to pull all-nighters just as a way to study for each in their exams, so you can find likely to be the occasional paper they wonat be inside a position to write down appropriately or submit in time. It is in all probability just one with the most enjoyable components in anyone’s scholar lifetime.
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There are numerous techniques a author must use as being a technique to compose an original higher education essay. Meet up with your very own particular writer via the internet, the person who will craft your essay right until it can be ideally suited. Before you commence, there are several stuff you really need to understand about creating an essay.
The Demise of On the internet Essay Crafting Provider
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Essay composing should being thereby reached in the correct and well-maintained way so as to create beneficial outcomes. They deal with a lot of dilemmas inside their do the job. Required Methods The literary succeed a scholar chooses to produce a collage on will pinpoint how much time is very important to wholly end the endeavor.
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Your introduction, then, may want to commence by stating that there’s an issue with current mousetraps. In crafting analysis papers, the 1st step is usually the perseverance with the certain trouble or matter which can be tackled on the position. Persons presently underestimate specifically how hard it happens to be being a college student.
The post The Run Down on Web based Essay Writing Provider Revealed appeared first on CADH.
The Run Down on Web based Essay Writing Provider Revealed published first on https://facialoralsurgery.tumblr.com
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laraknotts842-blog · 6 years
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If I wish that you may be damn sure I'll go and obtain this. Play your stupid lotto, remain on your dumb sofa facing your stupid TV, and also create your silly excuses. If you desire to create 100 dollars a time online you have to understand the adhering to guidelines: choose a subject matter you are actually well-informed regarding. Don't receive me inappropriate, I've actually made some amount of money along with NETWORK MARKETING yet I just think most individuals never ever discover effectiveness along with Multi Level Marketing and I have located a much easier way to create funds. They could certainly not produce a lot from financial charges yet 4% company servicing fees may indicate pretty a package, if the investment volume is actually high sufficient. Produce a huge round massage therapy motion from under the bosom, up and around the leading component of the breast under the collar bone tissue. The deepness of the commitment may be actually summarily pushed aside as the unfounded confidence from the common American-- I might not be actually Donald Trump now, but merely you wait; if I don't create it, my kids will. They regularly make philanthropic contributions intended to raise individual effectively being actually. . So acquiring rich isn't really described as the current scams from banking company supervisors or even greedy Chief Executive Officer's from significant firms - that is actually determined by every individual in his/her personal sense. This is actually none from those silly offers where I market you a bunch from magazines, leaflets, as well as order forms and inform you to pass all of them bent on generate income. Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) is plentiful in boob milk, however another wealthy resource of monolaurin (invulnerable boosting buildings) is actually coconut oil. For those who have any concerns with regards to where by along with how to work with mountains of mourne ireland [visit site], you are able to contact us on our own web-page. Logistically, exactly how is actually one going to get rich without a degree?" - you seem to be to have actually overlooked the whole entire point of the short article. Our team create more cash and also we assume we could merely make a bit extra ... Our company poor people are never delighted. Of course there is no book that is going to quickly make me wealthy, I was actually chasing after around like the golf enthusiast, who has a brand new swing presumed daily, I had a new IM idea each day. Customized layout, describing and also use of materials are just what create customizeded furnishings unique as as compared to premade choices. Good behavior from a food shipping solution, meals which are actually abundant in minerals and vitamins can be supplied. After that as I opened a bank card bill, which possessed 15 web marketing items on this, the idea struck me that I was actually absolutely no other as a beginner to Internet Marketing as well as trying to make money online, compared to the golf pupils I had actually shown for years. They are actually concealing only under the radar, just about unnoticeable to the masses (which rather learneded about the rich as well as well-known tremendously superstars). As you relax in Mabry Factory, a punch the town's specialized, the fresh apple butter, will definitely create this bike trip all of worth that. Produce a tossed salad of kiwi or you can also possess it in your treats like custard and also dessert. The link between substances manipulated due to the food market as well as ill-health is only certainly not well known enough to be front webpage information as long as I want to view, however some elements from food items business strategies to make our company consume additional of specific foods items could be applied when putting together baits from a lot of layouts that have actually shown to catch more carp! They fail to adhere to one device and also see to it that they put their time and money making that effective. The most ideal red wine to become served with T-bone meat is rich merlot, semi-dry or even normally dry. 8 number years are actually feasible if you make this as a complainant side protections or other lesson action litigator. Browns can operate well, specifically prosperous red-brown for a redhead along with darker skin tones. The majority of prosperous individuals are a lot like you and also me. They just know a secret that, while unbelievably reliable, isn't really attractive. But if I acquire selected president, I am going to deliver it back much bigger as well as better as well as more powerful than in the past, as well as we will definitely make United States great once again. I gott; Rich dad unsatisfactory papa, Mans seek meaning, new psycho-cybernetics, fire in the stubborn belly and atlas shruged off (total under 50 buck!) Still got a long checklist from manuals that I would like to read through. I am actually talking about carbohydrates like bread, potatoes, rice as well as noodles; I have no idea if it is the bleach in the items, the chemicals from the industries or even because these foods items are actually glycemic wealthy however you, as well, might recognize that consuming white carbs may improve your circumference. 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lawrenceseitz22 · 6 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 178
Click on the video above to watch Episode 178 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.  
Bradley: Hey everybody, this is Bradley Benner with Semantic Mastery. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts for April 4, 2018. This is episode, what? 178 I think, right? Yeah, it’s crazy. So, we’ve got just Marco and Hernan on with me today. What’s up guys? I’ll start with Hernan, I see you first. What’s up Hernan? … Well, maybe Hernan is muted or something. He’s not replying so … Yeah I see you playing with your mute button man. Alright, when you get on, just jump on in.
Marco, what’s up buddy?
Marco: I’m excited man, I really am. We have so much awesome stuff coming down the pipeline. I wish I could give people more details, but I like to have it fully tested before we even start dropping little hints at what we’re doing. Like Local GMB Pro; we’ve got that in the works already so we can talk about it. And, how, you can just rank in the three pack with-
I mean, the stuff that you have to do is so simple. But, the complexities in figuring it out and putting it together, in a way that it just works time after time, after time. Because the idea is it shouldn’t work for just one person. It should work for everyone who tries it.
So I’m just really excited about that and all the other stuff that we’re into.
Bradley: Yeah, I know, we’ve got a lot cooking as usual. I’m a bit overwhelmed as usual. (laughs) It looks like Hernan’s having some issues; he’ll jump in when he can. As far as announcements, Adam typically does that so- I do want to mention one thing guys, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, to Hump Day Hangouts, you’re free to ask questions here but also just know that you can also check out our knowledge base, which is at support.semanticmastery.com because we have a lot of frequently asked questions that we get over, and over again that we answer there. Which, a lot of the times, we’ll have a text-based answer as well as a link to one of the video responses to an answer that we’ve given on Hump Day Hangouts, or something like that. So, make sure you check out support.semanticmastery.com if you have any questions. Also, feel free to post your questions on the events page and besides that, what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Yeah, the Battle Plan’s coming, man.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s right, this month.
Marco: V 2-dot-Oh. It’s almost done as far as I know. Hernan is putting the final touches to it and I think it’s gonna be awesome. There’s a lot of new content being added; new things and new ways. As we find new things we share them. It’s a guide on what you need to do to get started; it’s like a blueprint, it’s really simple. And so, that’s coming.
The RYSDF Done For You, book, is coming out; the Users guide. I’m still waiting for that to be finished, to be formatted. As soon as that’s done, we’ll be sharing that. So yeah, we got quite a few things. But the Battle Plan, that’s a really good thing. I really like our Battle Plan and how it sets everything out in a simple to follow fashion.
Bradley: Very good. Alright, well-
Marco: And one last thing before we go into questions, please?
We don’t usually do this, but I’d like to ask people to subscribe to our channel if you haven’t done so, man. We hardly ever ask people to go to our channel and subscribe, but we have a ton of information in there. Our videos are time stamped; hundreds of hours of free content in there for you to get started and find what it is that you’re into and start doing it the right way. So, please, go subscribe.
Bradley: Yeah, it looks like we just crossed the five thousand subscriber mark within the last twenty-eight days guys so that’s really, really cool, and we certainly appreciate that. Because that’s pretty much organic growth over the last several years from doing these Hump Day Hangouts and constantly producing video content. And, it’s interesting, but looking at my video dashboard, for Semantic Mastery Channel, we’ve got 2,086 videos in our channel. (laughs)
Obviously, there’s a percentage of those that are unlisted or private but that’s a lot of damn videos in our channel. It’s crazy. Anyways, please subscribe to our channel, that’d be awesome. With that said, I’m gonna go ahead and grab the screen and we’ll get into questions, okay?
Marco: Lets do it.
Bradley: Looks like Hernan’s having issues, so he might not be able to join us today. Alright, lets get into it.
Is It Okay To Upload 100 Videos To One Channel Or Should You Upload Them To Three Different Channels?
Pixie Purr, I guess I said that right, “Hey guys, I wanted to say you are awesome” Alright, thank you. “I have a question about Youtube videos’ local strategy. I want to promote a business/service in an area and with all the keywords and all the small cities relevant to it can be almost 100 different videos. Will it be a good idea to have all those videos on one channel? Or is it better to make three different channels with 30 videos each, and maybe do a collaboration with those channels? Hope I explained it good enough. Thanks in advance, Steven”
You know, it really depends on what kind of tools you’re using and all that kind of stuff. It really does, because obviously, the safest way to do it would be to have one video on a hundred different channels; if that makes sense. And the reason why I say that is because when you’re spamming, which is essentially what you’re doing.- I mean even it’s a good video. It could be a high-quality video, but if you’re using the same video for targeting multiple keywords, it’s essentially spamming. I know people sometimes think there’s a negative connotation with the word spamming but that’s exactly what it is.
And so, when you’re spamming, it’s super important to try to mitigate having your entire asset, your project, your campaign, terminated if your account gets shut down or if your channel gets terminated or slapped or whatever. Which can happen, especially when you’re using this, essentially, the same video over and over and over again within that one channel. But I know that’s not really feasible for a lot of people. It really depends on the kind of tools that you’re using; so what resources do you have? What kind of tools do you have access to?
So, for example, Abbs has a product called Video Marketing Blitz; it’s a very powerful, industrial strength, video spamming tool. We use it, we’ve been using it for about two years or a year and a half, however long its been out. I’ve got a VA that I trained that uses it, you know, that’s their full time job is just to run that tool. And so, at any given time, we have between 40 to 60 or so Youtube accounts that we’re using to spam. And we do that intentionally because accounts do get terminated from time to time. Sometimes more often than others, and so it’s best- like if I were to be targeting a hundred videos, I would probably have maybe two videos per channel across fifty channels, if that makes sense.
However, again it just depends on what you have access to. Certainly, if you’re doing it manually, you’re not gonna wanna do that. Because, it would be too resource intensive and time intensive. So, I recommend trying to split it up to whatever you’re capable of without it becoming too much work so that at least- like in the example you gave, Steven, you said maybe three channels with thirty videos on each. If one channel gets terminated, you still got two others, so you still have two thirds of your assets that are still able to produce for you.
So that’s why, like I said, it’s best to try to split it up as much as you can, if it’s the same video. Now, if you’re gonna be using a hundred unique videos, which presents a whole nother set of problems, trying to create a hundred unique videos. And I don’t just mean the file looking unique, I mean non spammy, to where it’s not basically the same video uploaded to the channel a hundred times. Then, you could do that; you could use one channel potentially if all the videos were unique. But, again, that’s probably harder than just taking one video and using it across multiple channels.
So, my recommendation is to split it up as much as you can. Only, because it will prevent the loss of your entire campaign if something gets terminated, which is likely to happen when you’re spamming. Does anybody wanna comment on that? Or Marco, I guess, it’s just you.
Marco: No, I think that’s perfect. Split it up, you never wanna put all your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: Yup, I agree with that. Alright, let’s move onto the next one. Nigel, what’s up Nigel? He’s here every week asking a bunch of questions.
What Would Be The Specific Strategy To Quickly And Cheaply Rank A Video As “Foot In The Door Strategy” For A Prospective Local Client?
“Good day Gents. Semantic Mastery’s best value and SEO Hump Day Hangouts where free actually means free and when you do pay, you get value. You are appreciated and thanks for all you do.”
Well thanks Nigel, we appreciate you coming and engaging every week. Question, of course, “What would be the specific strategy to quickly and cheaply rank a video as foot in the door strategy for prospective local client; HVAC for example.”
What would be the specific strategy to quickly and cheaply rank a video, what type of video has the best results. Okay, well again, the quickest and cheapest way to rank a video is, if you have a tool, tools that do that; like, poking tools. For example, whenever I’m running a poking campaign myself, I do it using Peter Drew’s Live Rank Sniper. It’s a really powerful tool, it’s really super simple to set up. You can just let it run in the background of your desktop while you’re working on other stuff, or you can set it up on a laptop, if you have it, and let it run all the time; it’s entirely up to you. But that’s the tool that I, personally, use when I’m gonna poke keywords. And that lets me determine, or helps me identify keywords that I can rank for very easily.
Because the channels that we’re using, they’re orphaned channels. In other words, they’re channels that don’t really have a verified entity behind them. They’re not connected to, really, a profile or persona that we’ve built out like what we teach in Syndication Academy. You know, building out a web two-dot-oh ring and all that, the syndication networks and those kind of things help validate the entity. Very, very important for branded properties and things that you’re trying to SEO but, when we’re doing spam testing, or poking as it’s called, we just use straight up Youtube channels that aren’t connected to anything else.
They don’t have syndication networks or whatever; And we go out, and we test keywords. And whatever shows up on page one, and some people like to look and scrape whatever shows up on page two as well, but typically I just look at only the keywords that land on page one that were uploaded. Or, with Live Rank Sniper, it’s not even an uploaded video. It’s just a scheduled live event. Then, whatever shows up on page one that was created from a channel that has no connection to anything else on the web; So, it’s an orphan channel.
That means its likely that you’re gonna be able to rank- obviously, if you can rank with a channel that doesn’t have a connection with anything on the web, then if you do have a money channel, so to speak, with a syndication network around it, it’s got a brand to it, everything else has perhaps aged a bit, that kind of stuff, then you ought to be able to crush those keywords that you identified earlier. Because now you have an actual entity that you’re uploading these videos to, to target the same keywords that you’ve already identified as being able to rank without having additional SEO work done. If that makes sense.
So, when it comes to, what is the quickest and cheapest way, use a tool. If you have a VA, that’s gonna be even better because that frees you up from the time from having to do it yourself. So, I mentioned another tool earlier called Video Marketing Blitz and that’s a different kind of tool because it actually uploads, to channels as opposed to just doing scheduled live events.
And so when I’ve got hundreds of keywords to test, then I send that over to my VA that runs Marketing Blitz for me. I’ll have him do the project, instead of me, because first of all he does it eight hours a day, five days a week so he’s very proficient with the tool; he’s very efficient, you know what I mean? He can run it very quickly. Second of all, it frees me up of the time, and he just spits me back out the reports. He’ll send me a google sheet, or an excel file that has all of the keywords ranked in the video URLs and now I can go and just duplicate that campaign in money channels, and I know I’m gonna have videos that are gonna rank and stick. Because they’re from money channels that have been aged and connected properly and all that kind of stuff.
So, when it comes down to the cheapest and best way, just use a tool that will help to identify. And then once you’ve identified keywords that you can rank for easily, then you just go more the traditional route and upload videos or live stream videos to channels that do have syndication networks and are a bit aged and branded and all that kind of stuff. Does that make sense? Okay.
What Type Of Video Has Best Results And How To Achieve Them Quickly At Minimal Cost?
What type of video has the best result? It’s gonna depend on each market. You said HVAC as an example. You know, I’ve tested all different kinds of videos and as far as league generation guys, videos don’t produce the best leads or not nearly as many leads, like the volume of leads, as a maps listing does. You can still generate leads from videos; there’s no doubt. But, it doesn’t, at least in my experience with the contractor type stuff, they don’t generate nearly as many leads as if you were to rank a Google MyBusiness Listing. However, I’ve tested the explainer videos, like the hand drawn explainer videos, I’ve tested the pow tune type, like animated type, videos and I’ve also tested these spokes model videos that I’ve had people from Fiber do and then I’ve tested some of my own. And obviously slideshows and things like that.
And it’s really gonna depend on the market. I’ve found that it doesn’t really make much difference. I think the slideshows are probably some of the easiest to produce that can still produce good leads because you can show images of HVAC work being done with a call to action that’s always present. So, in other words, you can create a text overlay that you add to the video file before you upload it or live stream it or whatever you’re gonna do that always has the call to action on it. Like, you know, call for free estimates or free repair estimates or whatever, and it’s got the phone number and even perhaps a website URL in it. You know, if you’ve got a redirect URL or whatever you’re doing. That way it’s always present and people don’t have to search for the contact information, they see it at all times, if that makes sense.
So, again, I wish I had a really good definitive answer on which type of video works best. In my experience, it really doesn’t matter. I’ve tested various forms and they all seem to work fairly well. Okay? How to get the quickest, lowest cost results when starting out in realistic sticking power, maintenance afterwards. Again, I try to identify the keywords that rank easy before running a campaign. And then, I run a campaign with the money channels and typically because they ranked easy with orphan channels, which are just poking channels or testing channels, then they generally stick a hell of a lot longer, if that makes sense. If you do it through a- you know, once you go back and target those same keywords with established channels. So you really don’t have to do nearly as much work.
As far as, if you need to maintain them, ranking, there’s two things that I found produced the best stick ability right? That help them to stick the longest and maintain their rankings; traffic and embeds. And we’ve got the Video Powerhouse Network, which is incredibly powerful, that works really really well and in also- and when I say traffic, I just mean engagement period which could be traffic, it could be comments and likes and subscriptions and things like that but, you know, try not to buy spam comments and views and stuff like that. That shit doesn’t work anymore. It’s gotta be real.
And I’ve talked many times about this guys, but setting up Youtube Ads with, especially if you’re doing local stuff, if you set up Youtube Ads and drive views to the video from a very set geographic area, and you’re targeting options, you set up your geo locations, right? You can set up very specific areas so that the only views you get come from local Ips. That’s certainly powerful for ranking videos, even in Google. And you’re buying views from local people that are real people that live within your target area, so it’s coming from local Ips, and it’s incredibly powerful for ranking and helping videos to stick.
In fact, a lot of the video SEO that I do for the video production company, I pretty much only do two things; I upload- or three things. Whenever I get a new work order from the video production companies. So if they sell another video to a client and then the upsell is the Google Boost program, is what they call it, or the video boost program. They couldn’t call it the Google Boost program. Anyways, they send me the work order and then all I do is upload the video they produced, or actually, I live stream it through one of my channels that has dozens of networks attached to it. And then I set up a Youtube Ad, an ad works for video ad, with specific targeting options and then I also submit it to Video Powerhouse. And, that’s all I do now for them and those three things get those videos to rank almost a hundred percent of the time.
And it just works really good. Every now and then- well usually the Youtube Ads alone will help keep it maintained. Heres the thing guys; I charge one hundred dollars per month per keyword for that video production company. Because I’m selling them whole sale SEO services then they sell it retail to their clients, to their customers. And so I know that seems very very inexpensive but, like I said, all I do is those three things. They send me the video file, I upload it to my channel that has dozen of networks, it’s a themed network or themed channel; it’s aged, its been boosted with a shit ton of back links over the years.
So, that in itself will usually rank it. And then I set up the Youtube Ad immediately and I set it up at a dollar a day to start and I set up targeting options using the in market audiences as an in stream video so that its a pre-roll ad, it shows before other people’s videos. I set up my geographic targeting and I set it up for a dollar a day and I only do that for about a week and then I back it down to fifty cents per day which means it costs me fifteen dollars per month to be buying local clicks and views from people that are in that particular market, right, from the in market audiences, so they have a history of being in that market. So, it’s completely relevant traffic from local Ips and that usually helps it to rank and stay ranked and then, like I said, if I need a boost, I just go to video powerhouse and do a fifty embed blast per video. And I drip that out over fourteen days. And that’s my process. I just gave you guys my process and it works really, really well.
Anyways, I spent a lot of time on that. I’m sorry about that but these are great questions Nigel.
Is There Any Benefit To Add Google Voice Numbers To Accounts For Recovery/Verification?
Is there any benefit to add google voice numbers to accounts for a recovery verification? Is the effort worth the time and expense? Does it add value to get accounts banned?
Uh, good luck with that. For some reason, and it might be that my IP has been flagged for-like I don’t have problems with creating new google accounts from my IP guys but I can’t create new Google voice accounts. Even, with a new google Gmail account that I set up, I can’t get google voice accounts to set up from my PC anymore; it never works. So, good luck with that. I’m not sure how adding google voice numbers would help. You could try it though Nigel. I don’t have a definitive answer for you, only because I can’t even get access to google voice numbers anymore. I have a few that I set up originally and I just can’t get any new ones to set up on my PC. So
Marco: For recovery, it’s not necessary because you can use the same number over and over and over again. I mean, we’ve used it- when we buy those hundred phone verified accounts, we flip out the phone number and we’ll use the same phone number for that one hundred account set. Now, for verification-
Bradley: Big Difference
Marco: Yeah, that’s totally different. I don’t know how google will take that. You know, using a google voice number but the way we do it is we have people in the Philippines. And we have the guys just get us phone verified accounts. They do the verification then in the recovery we do two things; flip out the phone number and flip out the recovery email address. And, it’s done; you can go ahead and do what you wanna do because that takes care of everything.
Bradley: Yup. So, just so you guys know, I post kind of frequently the two providers that I’ve been buying accounts from and I gotta say, I just bought another batch from this guy and actually, in the past couple weeks, I bought two sets of one hundred phone verified Youtube accounts and the quality that I got from this guy, boltpva.com, was way over and above what the last provider it was, that I’ve also been buying from and so, I’m not trying to alienate anybody but I had some issues with the last batch that I bought from the other provider that I’ve suggested recently where about half of the accounts got IP locked and in looking at the usernames and passwords, there were some patterns there and that’s unacceptable in my opinion because this kind of stuff should not be done.
And so anyways, I just ordered a hundred accounts from this dude today, again, and I got them back and it was much much better. There were all unique phone numbers for verification purposes, or the recovery phone numbers, all unique names, all unique yahoo email addresses for the recovery email addresses, all the usernames were valid names instead of just gibberish bullshit. So, my point is, I told this dude today I’d give him a shout out on Hump Day Hangouts; Boltpva.com. The accounts, again I just got them today so I haven’t- you know, my Va’s adding them to the video marketing blitz software, so there may be some issues as he goes through and adds them and sets up the API and all that stuff. But, at least from the first glance at the file, with all the account information, it was done very very well. So I just wanna give a shout out to him, I said I would today.
Can We Effectively Use PBN Domain Package As Money Sites?
Alright, Sam Bailey, what’s up Sam? He says, “I notice serp spaces in PV and Domain packaged since those domains will be niche relevant and thoroughly vetted, could they also be used as effectively as money sites? I’m thinking affiliate sites.”Sure, they could Sam; absolutely they could. “Was it better to stick with a new domain that’s never been used? Thank You.”
Well, you know, for affiliate stuff, it depends. If you’re trying to build a brand around an affiliate campaign, which I recommend that you always build brands guys, because brands are assets that can become more than just a singular focus. In other words, a lot of the times when people build affiliate sites, what do they call them? Niche sniper sites, right, the sniper type sites which are like exact match domains and there are singularly themed around one particular product or something like that. And you can do that, that’s fine, but if you build a brand, the brand can end up covering so much more. In other words, you could target multiple products underneath a brand, right? You start to build brand authority and identity and google loves that. That’s part of what we teach with syndication academy and the drive stacks and all the stuff that we do.
So, I always recommend building a brand. However, there is a bit of a shortcut if you have a powerful domain or at least topically relevant. It has some metrics, it’s better than starting from scratch or from zero. If you’re trying to get some quick wins. So its entirely up to you.
By the way, you could use a domain that’s unrelated and still create a brand. I don’t mean unrelated topically, I mean whatever the domain letters or words are, don’t have to match whatever your brand is but it would just make sense to do that. If you’re gonna have Sam’s products dot com and you wanted to have a brand around Sam’s products, it would make sense to have a domain like that instead of something that really seems unrelated, if that makes sense.
But, you can decide on what you wanna do. I mean, I prefer to go with new domains. I like to use domains that- when I did a lot of PV and stuff, and we’re still doing some stuff with them, with those types of domains guys. I like to use those to help support a new site that I built. I don’t typically build on expired domains unless they’re for supporting sites for a project that I’m working on. But it absolutely still does work. Okay?
Marco: I agree with you, for everything you just said, totally, on branding. And, guys, it’s right in front of you right now. Yahoo, Google, I mean think about it, Facebook, and think of the things that become the actual product like a Xerox back in the day. Or even now, a band-aid, jello, things that become the actual product when it’s not, it’s gelatin; Jello. And it’s an adhesive, I can’t remember- but, a band aid, we don’t know what the fuck that is. So, if you create that unique value proposition from the beginning, and that’s how you approach it. And you approach branding, branding, branding so that the keywords, they get associated with the brand, you win.
I mean, Amazon; Amazon started out as a bookstore but we all know what the Amazon is, it’s a rainforest. But they made it a bookstore. Think in those terms and then you go after, as you just said, associating those keywords with the brand and you’ll do so much better because so many things can fit under that brand umbrella that they can, under that exact match domain.
Will It Be Good For Marketers To Use Bitly Or Ow.ly Now That Google Will Be Transitioning Its URL Shortener?
Bradley: Right, my point exactly. So. Okay, next, Quit this House it says, “Thanks you guys for all the help you give us here. Now that Google will be transitioning, the google URL shortener”– Yeah guys, in case you were unaware of that, I posted it in the mastermind, but the google URL shortener, it’s official it’s on google’s blog, they are shutting that down later this year or whatever. I think it’s in August or something like that. You can go search for it on google, you’ll find the article. But, anyways, they provided what they called fire based dynamic links. That’s what google was switching over to which is part of their, one of their properties obviously. So he says, “What the heck is fire based dynamic link? And will it be good for us marketers? Or, should we use bit.ly or owl.ly and call it a day?
So, Marco, you’ve already done some research on this. What do you say?
Marco: April 19th is when you will no longer have access and if you’ve never created a short link before March 30th, you can’t anymore. You have to have an account that’s created a short link. If you’ve done that then you can use it for at least another year until March 30th of 2019. But, if you go in there, it will tell you. Goog dot g-l; g,o,o dot g,l, you’ll see the message and you know exactly what it is.
As far as bit.ly or owl.ly, owl.ly except they moved it inside. You no longer have anonymous access to owl.ly. You have to have an account in Hootsuite to actually be able to use owl.ly. Bit.ly sometimes turns into a 302-
Bradley: Yeah, they suck.
Marco: Your links will turn into spam for whatever reason, or they’ll be considered spam and they’ll three-oh-two them and they’ll lose the value. Fire based dynamic links are fabulous. I’m in there playing, but the links are butt ugly. Except that since they’re dynamic, they’ll go to the app, they’ll go to desktop, they’ll go to wherever it is that they’re intended to go. Right now, it’s a three-oh-two unless you can figure out, like I did, how to three-oh-one.
Bradley: There you go. There’s something to be said for kind of setting up your own link shortener and starting to build your own authority to your own link shortener. And there’s ways to do that too.
Alright, moving on. Ralph says, “Hi Guys, I have a client with a seemingly difficult key phrase to get on page one. It is, I replaced the two key words with key word.” Okay, so it’s whatever, whatever; Minneapolis, Minnesota. “When I search for this using a private window, we end up as number ten on page two. However, if I put quotes around it, we are on page one plus it’s in the maps pack.”
Yeah, that’s because called phrase match. So that makes sense because you’re optimized for that phrase. When you do a phrase match search, you’re gonna come up for that because you’re well optimized for that phrase, if that makes sense. But a broad match, it’s gonna be different. It’s not very difficult to rank for phrase match most of the time. It is difficult to broad match though, I mean, it can be.
How Do You Rank A Difficult Key Phrase To Page One In Local Search Without Having Any Duplicate Content Issues?
So he says, “I’ve done the first column of a silo on the website, siloed the videos together, even had three levels of IFTTT put together but still cannot seem to move the website up to page one for this key phrase. To add another detail, client has seven five star reviews compared to his competition of 87 five star reviews. Would that make a difference?” Yes Ralph.
I see an absolute correlation between reviews and local ranking now. In fact it’s- and again, it has to do a lot with engagement with the verified my google business profile guys. Think about that. And that’s what our local GMB course that Marco and Rob and I are working on is specifically showing how to rank in a google verified business. You, know, a google verified my business profile, getting it to rank at maps, entirely within the google my business dashboard. Meaning, it doesn’t need any external stuff at all. It can be done entirely within the my google business dashboard because you’re using all of Google’s tools and providing engagement within that specific environment. Which, google rewards that kind of stuff.
And so guys, I was never a believer of that whole reputation marketing thing for my entire career up until within the last six months because of the shift that I’ve seen and how much of an impact reputation marketing has on local marketing now. It didn’t use to as much, at least I didn’t see it as much. It wasn’t enough of an impact for me before for me to go and start incorporating reputation marketing in my SEO services but now it’s standard operating procedure.
Reputation marketing is now part of what I offer as my SEO services because I see without a doubt, how much of an impact it has on local rankings. So, you know 87 five star reviews versus seven- now I’m not saying that’s the only factor. There’s probably multiple other factors as I see you mention here, further on down. He says, “What the heck, I cannot afford to lose more hair. Okay, I’ll stop and take a deep breath now. Edit, addition, I have noticed that one of our main competitors everywhere on every type of keyboard search I try, always on page one, the company with 87 five star reviews. They also have pages on their site for almost every suburb.”
That’s probably the reason they’re doing better too, right? There are multiple factors there Ralph. One, they’ve got more reviews, two, they’ve got a site that is showing much more relevancy because it’s got many more pages on there that are optimized and also, for both keywords as well, so products and services, as well as the location. And so, that’s just building the overall relevancy of the site both geographically and and topically if that makes sense. So, there’s a lot- remember they’re probably a much more established business; probably been around longer, they’ve obviously been doing SEO longer or had an SEO agency doing it for them for longer. So, you can’t expect to just come in and overtake something like that with one silo on a few blog posts and a couple syndication networks. It’s gonna take some time; and obviously the more competitive they are and the more established they’ve been, it’s gonna take more time and more effort on your part.
One thing I recommend is that if you follow along Syndication Academy, make sure that you’re blogging consistently, properly, that you’re linking up from within the content, you know, textual links within the blog post out to the pages that you’re trying to rank. Make sure your silo architecture is right. Your internal link structure is right. Also, drive stacks would help, press releases, absolutely help. If you’re not aware, we just launched a course called Local PR pro where we’ve ranked even some of the most horrid and god awful sites like one page sites that have no business ranking. We’ve ranked them in the maps three pack with one freaking press release. Those results aren’t typical, but it happens. And so, press releases are incredibly powerful for ranking locally as well. And again, we cover all that in that course.
Marco: This is where I have to mention Jeffrey Smith and the SEO Bootcamp. Because I mean, one of the first things he goes into is market recon. You have to know who you’re up against. You have to know what they’re doing. You have to know exactly what it is that they’re doing and what they’ve done so that you can go in and do what they do. When in Rome, do as the Romans do and then do them one better. And so, you know that they’re doing all these things so if you follow Jeffrey’s training, he’ll tell you. He’ll give you a way to plan out your whole strategy on how you’re going to take these fuckers down simply by using- well, first of all, the correct silo architecture, interlinking; that deep link juggernaut is a beast on his plugin. He teaches you how to use it, he teaches you how to do the keyword research. I mean, just everything you need to take down your competition is in Ultimate SEO Bootcamp.
And so if you don’t have it, and this is really important for you to take down, if this client is that important then I suggest that you make the investment. We still have a backdoor I think. I don’t have the link handy, I’ll have to dig it up but I suggest that you jump in there. That and then you run a couple of press releases at the GMB that’s linked to the website so all of the juice is going to flow. And then spread throughout your interlinked pages and your properly siloed pages, and then I don’t see why you can take those- fuck them man, their 87 five star reviews.
Bradley: Yup, well and that’s the thing. If you have the on page right, you can do so much more with such little off page work. What off page work you do when your website is structured correctly will have so much more of an effect. So, for example, your on page was done really, really well, you could rank with a fraction of the off page work that would take somebody with a site that might not be, you know, that’s more like a traditional site, that’s flat, no silo architecture, all that kind of stuff. They would need three, four, five times as much off page work.
So, again, on page is incredibly important and Jeffrey’s course, SEO bootcamp, is about the best there is for that.
What’s The Best Way To Get To A Prospect Without A Phone Number?
Okay, Muhammad’s up. Muhammad, what’s up buddy? He’s back in the mastermind; it’s awesome. He says, “Hey guys, after a short break, I’m back. The video emails; what’s the best way to get a prospect without a phone number? Almost every realtor has their cell phone number online but some have their brokerage number instead. Either because of rules or plain ignorance. This means the only way to reach them is to email so if they open and read my email without clicking the video, I can’t call them like I usually do. I call the brokerage but the secretary just takes a message and they don’t call back. So, I think the best course to take is to improve the email front. What can I do to make them click the video? Just keep resending it?
Okay, so, I run into that problem sometimes. Well, it depends. If I’m doing the video legend system where I’m doing, like a target, I’ve already audited their site or something like that then yeah, I’ll try resending it from multiple addresses. I don’t spam them to death but I have many, many email aliases set up. And I do all of my prospecting emails through G-suite. So, I set up domain emails that I connect through google apps or g-suite and I do all of my emailing from there or I use services that connect through g-suite for example, quickmail.io.
I’m also testing a desktop software right now called atomic mailer; atomic mail sender or something like that. But that’s another conversation. So my point is you can set up aliases with a g-suite account. Just multiple domain emails essentially and so you could try that. Also, Muhammad as I know you’re aware of, if you create either a mock video image or use a gif of the video. So, it’s an animated gif from the video, make sure that it’s showing one of their properties.
With realtors, pretty much everything that a realtor has for their marketing, has their damn face on it; they always do. I don’t know of any realtor marketing that doesn’t have their face on it. So just find something that has their face on it and make sure that’s visible in the video. The video image or the gif. And remember, if you’ve sent it a couple times and they haven’t opened it, change that gif image to something else. Or the mock video image, however you set it up; change it to something else but also that is their property because that will entice the click.
And again, I love your persistence but you, obviously, have more of a threshold than I do because I’ll try a few times and then I’ll move onto the next one because if it’s that difficult, maybe there’s a good reward there. But a lot of the time if they’re that stubborn then they generally turn out to be a pain in the ass to work with too. But, again, that’s up to you. I know you’re a very persistent guy so keep at it. Alright, just try different emails perhaps.
If you’re getting them to open it, but just now click the video, then your call to action, whatever message it is you’re trying to convey to them to compel them to click the video, change your call to action up. So, you’re gonna have to test those and then also test the mock video image or the gif image. Swap them out because, again, if you’re trying the same video over, and over again with the same image and it’s not getting clicked, switch that up.
It’s just like split testing an ad guys; it’s the same thing, you’re split testing emails. You’re split testing copy, subject lines, thumbnail images or gifs or mock video images. You can split test CTAs, cost of action, all of that.
Should You Create A Blog On The Local Lead Gen Site Or Add A New Page For Each New Article?
Gordon, “Hey guys, thanks again for the help you’ve provided; it’s much appreciated. I will plus one that. Regarding a local legend site, if I understand correctly, it helps ranking a lot if you add fresh content regularly. So is it best to create a blog on the site or add a new page for each new article?”
No Gordon, add a blog. Because remember that’s what a blog is for. A blog is for dynamic content that’s updated with, you know, refreshed regularly. You’re adding new content to a blog regularly. Pages are more static in nature. And you’re right, if you add new content as pages- remember you gotta remember what the purpose of the content is. So, usually for pages, especially for local stuff, you I have products and service pages. And maybe a location page and an about page, you know, the standard stuff. But then there’s product and location pages. But then I use the blog to talk about industry related stuff, locally related stuff and then always within the blog post, you link up to the pages that you’re trying to promote or rank on the site that you’re trying to push traffic to, that you’re trying to rank in Google, all that kind of stuff.
So you use the blog as a link building tool to boost the pages on the site. The pages on the site are typically the things that you’re gonna have the cause to action. The lead capture forms, phone numbers, things like that. So the blog posts are just content to help build the relevancy of the site. And then is also a linking opportunity to link up to your pages, which you want to rank in Google or wherever. Plus there’s traffic potential there too.
So yeah, just a blog. And the reason why is because, remember if you’re using a blog and you set up syndication networks, you can use the RSS feed to trigger automatically so you don’t have to do anything. You just publish content and it will automatically syndicate out and it will do your link building, at least part of your link building, for you. That’s the whole point of the syndication networks. And about-
Marco: If he’s not already in it, he can join syndication academy and everything is explained over the shoulder in videos and how to do exactly what you explained.
Bradley: Yes, that’s correct. “What is the recommended frequency to add new content to a site like that?”
It depends on the industry Gordon. For example, a roofing company, I’ve got a few roofing clients and we blog once or twice a week. Which, is actually a little bit more than probably a lot of other roofers do. So, I mean, my point is, if you’re in the tech industry, you might be blogging three, four blog posts a day. But if you’re in home improvement stuff, like, who wants to read about roofing stuff or- So a lot of times what do you do for those kind of topics too, by the way? You can back it up and go a little bit broader and talk about just general home improvement stuff. You can also talk about local news related stuff. So, community-related stuff for that particular business.
So, it’s up to you. Obviously the more frequently you post, the quicker you can get results. But there also comes a point in time where it becomes difficult to generate content without just literally spamming your own site because you’re trying to create more blog posts. So I recommend for all of my clients, I try to tell them- because content marketing is part of my SEO package, it’s all one and the same. So is reputation marketing now; they’re all combined.
And so for my clients I try to get every one of them on at least one post a week. I have some clients that we do as many as three posts per week. I don’t have any clients more than that so its usually-some clients have only one post every two weeks and that’s because they didn’t want to spend the money. But, for most all of my clients, it’s at least one post per week and most of them are around two or even three posts per week.
And by the way, that’s like all I do to keep my clients ranked. I mean, I have to do a lot to get them to rank typically, but not all the time, but typically once I get them to rank its usually just a steady stream of new citations every month and then blog posting. You know, just the consistent blog posting every week and that just keeps them ranked. It’s funny but when you stop the blog posting, and I do this with my legend sites, I blog on my legend sites until they rank and then once they rank we stop because that’s just an expense to me. And sometimes, within a few weeks and sometimes longer, they start to slip and so we’ll start blogging again and it kind of gives that activity back and boosts them again.
There’s things you can do, like set up Twitter applets in IFTTT that can help you to add content on autopilot to your google plus page, which still is connected to the google my business profile, on the backend a bit. There’s all kinds of stuff you can do to auto produce content in a relatively good way. But, blogging is one of the best ways to do it because you control that content.
Would It Be Considered Duplicate If You Add An English Content To A Spanish Site?
Okay, Brian’s up. He says, “I asked a question about writing meta-tags in Spanish for a Spanish site in the US. Does it make sense to include English pages, same content on the site as separate pages? Will I get hit for duplicate content for both English and Spanish? Thanks.”
I don’t know about the same domain but I know that, Marco could probably answer this, but I know I’ve done it with English sites where I put an E,S dot sub domain and basically cloned the site and had a plugin that just, it was called the transpose plugin actually, but it would create various page- or actually I think it worked on the same domain level but it would create various language versions of the same page. So, you might wanna check into that but Marco, what do you think about that?
Marco: I’d say if the main site is in Spanish then add an English sub domain; E, N dot whatever site, dot com. Then just offer, you know, you put the two flags up on your home page so that people know. Oh, I want it in English, and they’ll just click on the flag. People understand that.
Bradley: There you go. Guys, go check it out it’s transposh.org or go to the wordpress.org plugin repository and search for transpose. And you can go play with this. It looks like its got twelve one star reviews. I’ve played with it, I’ve got in on some of my tree service sites, especially in the areas where there’s a high Spanish speaking population, Latino Population. I’ve got this installed on there and it helps. We get calls to our call center that are from Spanish speaking people and it’s obviously because they’ve landed on the site and they’ve called in for tree services.
I haven’t done a lot of research to see how much traffic I get specifically to those pages because I really don’t care. I’ve just installed it as a kind of a test and a couple years ago; I haven’t really done any follow up. But this is one of the plugins that will do that for you. It looks like it hasn’t been updated in awhile so you might want to find an alternative.
Marco: You can use WordPress multi language but it’s a pain in the ass. I hate it, I hate that plugin. I haven’t used it in years because I hate it. But, you know, you can try it and see. But, just a sub domain man, and translate it. Have someone translate it for you. It doesn’t cost that much.
Bradley: Yeah, I think there was something through the grape vine that we may be- I don’t know, can we talk about that?
Marco: Well, I don’t know. Isn’t that going to be limited to a select few?
Bradley: Yeah, but there’s a- I don’t know, we may be doing some bilingual stuff here coming up. We may be able to talk about it at a later date.
How Many Location Pages Would You Put On One Lead Gen Site?
Anyways, Brian’s up. I’m sorry, Brian Costello is up. He says, “What’s up guys?” What’s up Brian. “How many locations would you put on one legend? Three, six, nine? I usually stop at three but I have begun to ask why. I would like to save time, and money from launching new sites, etc. Do you guys have any experience with this?”
If you mean location pages on one domain, that’s up to you and what your risk aversion is. What is your risk tolerance? That’s up to you. The reason I like to do sub domains, for example, if I’ve got a service provider for a legend asset, lets say I wanna expand it into twelve locations. So, I’m gonna go set up twelve google my business profiles. I’m gonna set up a sub domain for each location and I’m gonna do that specifically because in case any one of those accounts gets terminated for spam, or because it was a PO box, it won’t affect the other properties.
If you have it all on the route domain and, Brian you know this, if it gets a penalty its gonna affect all of the locations because you just have location pages on that domain. So, I understand wanting to save money and be more efficient with the set up and being able to do it all underneath one domain, if that’s what you mean Brian, but again, I always try to mitigate or reduce my risk significantly by separating my assets on individual sub domains. And that’s only because I don’t wanna lose- and again this is just like I was talking about on Hump Day Hangouts today with the video spam questions about a hundred videos on one channel, or thirty videos on three channels, it’s up to you.
If you lose one channel with a hundred videos, you’ve lost your entire campaign. If you lose one channel that has thirty videos and you’ve still got two other channels with sixty videos, then you’ve lost one third of your campaign. If you’ve got fifty channels with two videos per, you have to lose a lot of damn channels to have a significant impact on your campaign. Does that make sense?
So, that’s the same way I feel about my legend stuff. I always try to mitigate my risks. Now, once I get over about twelve locations, having individual sub domains does become a management pain in the ass, there’s no question. But again, it’s depending on- you’ve got to balance what’s more important to you. For me, its protecting my assets. So, it’s up to you. What is your tolerance level?
What Are Your Thoughts About Working With New Business That Have No Idea What They Are Doing?
Walt’s up. We’ve got about ten minutes guys He says, “This question is from the Youtube channel chat. Thought I would put it over here, you can thank me later. Brian, what are thoughts about working with new businesses that have no idea what they are doing? Do you bother trying to teach them how to market their business online? Or do you just move on? My answer, if you can bill them for your training time, which you should, then go for it. You’ll be a hero in their mind. Otherwise, just move on.”
Yeah, Walt I agree with you in part. There’s nothing wrong with your answer, absolutely. Guys, this is just my opinion. But, what I do with my video email stuff, when I pitch a prospect, I give a video email and I explain everything in a video email, to explain what it is I would do and why it’s important for their business. And, that pretty much explains everything.
And I do that all at- like again, like the last client that I landed about three weeks ago was a cab company, a taxi cab company. Not something I’ve ever done before. SEO for a cab company. But, he was a referral from an old client, that’s not a client anymore but still, a referral. And so I put together a video doing the same process that video legend system, I shared in video legend gen system guys, it’s the exact same process. I still use it now, I’ve been using it for six years.
And I created an audit video and a proposal, like a pitch video. It was all in one, the video went forty-five minutes long. I know that’s incredibly long but the guy got twenty-two minutes into the video and he called me and he said, “I’m watching your video right now. I didn’t even get to the end. I’m signing up. How do I pay you?”
I’m not kidding, and that’s they typical kind of response that I get because I’m able to educate the people with the video that I send them via email explaining what products and service I have and why it’s important to their business. And I just overwhelm them with value and to where they’re like damn, this guy knows what he’s doing; Nobody’s ever explained it to me this way. And so, therefore, I’m ready to sign.
And again, I’ve got about an eighty percent closing ratio once the conversation’s started. That’s the hardest part, in my opinion, is getting the conversation started. So, again, I don’t typically bill for that because that’s on the proposal side of stuff. I obviously don’t bill for that. Now, if a client hires me for something and then they want to add on additional services and they’ve got to be trained on stuff, then that’s different. I may charge them time and material, labor, basically for that. Or it might just be built into their proposal price or whatever.
But again, I do a lot of the education on the front end, on the prospecting side with my video email system. It works really well for me but again guys, everybody’s gonna have their own techniques and methods. I’m just telling you what’s worked for me for six years. It still works to this day. Again, I just landed a client about three weeks ago that way. Exact same way. Alright?
Marco: I would say, if they’re going to pay for education and somebody else is going to do the SEO, then he should definitely charge as a consultant. You could charge- [crosstalk 00:53:05]
Bradley: Oh yeah, absolutely. If he was the provider though, is what I meant.
Marco: Well, yeah I’m seeing this another way. Do you bother teaching them? Yes, of course but you talk them into more of a consultation type thing than taking them on as a client. If you’re taking them on as a client then you educate them up to you a point. You tell them what it is you’re going to do but you don’t tell them how you’re going to do it. We’ve covered this before, you don’t tell a doctor how to operate on you. And your client shouldn’t be telling you how to rank them. If they could do it then they should be doing it. So there’s two ways to get paid here, that I’m seeing. If they wanna be educated then fine, charge for your time. If they want results then fine, charge for results.
Bradley: That’s right. I agree with that. And there has been times when somebody’s been like look, could you provide us with training that we could have someone in house do. Like, social media posting, for example. And I say yeah, that’s no problem, here’s what I’m gonna charge to do it. And I might say, alright, I’ll create a couple of training videos to show how to, you know, use Hootsuite or Buffer or something like that, that you can give to your in house person or your assistant or whatever. And then I might charge them a hundred bucks and it takes me thirty minutes to put the video together, or something like that. Guys, that’s absolutely, again, that’s just consultation. You should be billing for that, yes.
But what I was talking about specifically was, on the front end, if they’re talking to me about being a potential service provider for them, as far as marketing services, but they need to be educated on what they need and why they need it; again, just like Marco said, I don’t tell them the how, not the specific details. Maybe kind of a broad explanation, a broad definition of how. But I tell them why they need it, like what it is that I’m proposing and why it would be good for their business. And then the how is usually left more like, hey that’s more proprietary you know.
How Would You Optimize 2 Large Search Volume & High Competitive Keywords On Apartment Mover?
Alright Jordan, silo related question, “I have a new client who is an apartment mover in Dallas, Fort Worth. Obviously, the two large search volume keywords are apartment move Dallas and apartment mover Fort Worth but we wanted to catch suburbs too. So, question, create option number 1? An apartment mover Dallas page, 2,000 words, also, an apartment mover Fort Worth page, 2,000 different words. Also, an apartment mover generic with links at the bottom of page to service areas with links to each suburb. Or, only create one apartment mover page with Dallas, Fort Worth and all suburb areas under the service area links at the bottom of the page. Don’t mind the extra writing, having the actual apartment mover Dallas page present.”
That’s a good one Jordan and that’s difficult. That’s difficult because those are two highly competitive areas. And Jeffrey Smith when we did the last webinar with him for SEO Bootcamp, he agreed with me in that one of the ways to overcome having what would be considered almost duplicate content on the same domain. Remember guys, it used to be we would optimize a specific page on the site for every location.
So, lets say tree services, tree services, lets say tree removal, that’s one of the sub keywords. It’s the second most searched keyword. So, tree removal. Lets say I have five locations I was trying to target for that service area for that client. It used to be that I would have five separate pages, all targeting tree removal plus city; each different city name, right? But that’s borderline duplicate content. Even if its unique content on each page, its just unnecessary. It used to work really, really well and it probably still works now but it seems better now to create a service page explaining what the tree removal services are, which I would call cornerstone content or something like that. That’s a big article, it’s well optimized, it’s split up, section headers, all that kind of stuff. And then link over to a service area or locations page, which then would have information about each different location.
And so you could have an individual location page for each location that just gives a brief description of the area. And it mentions that we provide tree removal services in this location as well. Does that make sense? Because Google understands the difference between a topical silo and location pages on a site. Google’s smart [inaudible 00:57:37] smart enough to understand that. So, you can actually create an association between your product or service pages with the location pages, just through the internal links. And although we talk about not bleeding silos, and that would essentially be bleeding silos, because you have your products and service silos and then you have your location silos. Because Google understands what the purpose of those verticals or silos are, it’s okay and I’ve seen good results that way.
Now, in your particular case, because you’re talking about two very competitive areas that are relatively close in proximity too, I’m not sure what the best option would be for you. That’s a good one. That’d be a great question for Jeffrey, Smith, actually. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a definitive answer on there. I would probably still try to go with more of a really well-written service page that links out to the two separate location pages that provide that service. And essentially you would be linking to- we provide the tree removal service, I’m just using that because that was my example.
But, tree removals in Dallas and also Fort Worth and you link to those location pages and on those location pages you talk about, a brief snippet or whatever, about the areas. And then we provide tree removal services and blah blah blah in these- and then you link back to the service page. Does that make sense? It’s like a reciprocal link between the service and the locations pages.
Alright, we’ve gotta wrap it up. Should we answer any more particular- do you see anything we should answer? Whoops, we’re almost done.
Marco: Yeah, definitely the next one.
If I Join Semantic Mastery, Will I Have Access To Products Like Local PR Mastery, Video Lead Gen?
Bradley: Okay, Jim says, “First off, thanks for putting on this free webinar.” You’re welcome, Jim. “My question is regarding Semantic Mastery membership and the smaller products you put out. More than anything I’m intrigued by products like local PR,” Local PR pro which I guess he meant, ” Video Legen, etc. You often say that these are included in SM. If I join SM, will I have access to those?” Yes. “Are they trickled in over time? I plan on using SM but the smaller products take priority right now. I could find specific information.”
Okay, now I know we recently changed. Unfortunately, Adam’s not here, because Adam or Hernan would really be the ones to give me a definitive answer. I do not wanna steer you in the wrong direction, Jim. All of our products that are under three hundred dollars are included in Semantic Mastery membership. Anything that’s over three hundred dollars, you get a thirty percent discount on, however, for example, local PR pro, when you join Semantic Mastery, now that price is over three hundred dollars. It’s not like we’re gonna charge you for it, you just have to take a specific step in the Facebook group to get access to it.
And so, we do things like that to find out who’s engaged. If people don’t request access to it, they’re not gonna get it. And that’s just because it’s priced over and above being free if that makes sense, for the mastermind member. So, yes, we give out the content. For example, we’re doing the 2018 curriculum this year, which is like, we’re having separate modules, we’re recovering a different aspect to building a business, particularly local marketing type businesses. And so each month, or each module, ends up getting packaged up and will end up being a stand-alone product really and so every single month you’re a member, you get another one added to your membership area.
But, you get all of the archives. There are all of our existing webinars as well plus you get access to all the biweekly training, the Facebook group and all that. And a lot of other products that we’ve already got in there that just are, just kind of grandfathered into the membership. So, yes, you will get access to those but, for example, video legend and local PR pro, it might be you get local PR pro because you requested it and the next month you request video legend system, we open that for you.
And guys, again, right now we’re in the prospect module. We did the PPC module, there’s still some updates going into that. But the PPC module was the first part of the year. Right now we’re in the prospecting module. Next we’re moving into the video marketing module. So, it’s just gonna keep on going that way. So every single time you join, you’re gonna have access to all the live training but then as far as the actual individual products, they get packaged up almost as separate products. You get those unlocked one per month as you request them. So that way you’re getting what you need when you need it instead of a brain dump all at once. Which is overwhelming for anybody. Good question though.
Okay guys, we’ve gotta wrap it up, it’s past five o'clock. Sorry we didn’t get to all of the questions; we got to most of them though. So, we appreciate everybody being here. Any closing words Marco?
Marco: No, just thanks for being here. Thanks for supporting us and Youtube channel, subscribe guys.
Bradley: Yeah, please do. Alright guys we’ll see ya- oh by the way we have Mastermind tomorrow, I think. Don’t we? Yup, Mastermind webinar tomorrow guys. It’s in Mastermind, be there. We’ve got a lot to cover. So, we’ll see you all tomorrow. Thanks.
Marco: Bye everyone.
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 178
Click on the video above to watch Episode 178 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at https://semanticmastery.com/humpday.  
Bradley: Hey everybody, this is Bradley Benner with Semantic Mastery. Welcome to Hump Day Hangouts for April 4, 2018. This is episode, what? 178 I think, right? Yeah, it’s crazy. So, we’ve got just Marco and Hernan on with me today. What’s up guys? I’ll start with Hernan, I see you first. What’s up Hernan? … Well, maybe Hernan is muted or something. He’s not replying so … Yeah I see you playing with your mute button man. Alright, when you get on, just jump on in.
Marco, what’s up buddy?
Marco: I’m excited man, I really am. We have so much awesome stuff coming down the pipeline. I wish I could give people more details, but I like to have it fully tested before we even start dropping little hints at what we’re doing. Like Local GMB Pro; we’ve got that in the works already so we can talk about it. And, how, you can just rank in the three pack with-
I mean, the stuff that you have to do is so simple. But, the complexities in figuring it out and putting it together, in a way that it just works time after time, after time. Because the idea is it shouldn’t work for just one person. It should work for everyone who tries it.
So I’m just really excited about that and all the other stuff that we’re into.
Bradley: Yeah, I know, we’ve got a lot cooking as usual. I’m a bit overwhelmed as usual. (laughs) It looks like Hernan’s having some issues; he’ll jump in when he can. As far as announcements, Adam typically does that so- I do want to mention one thing guys, if you’re new to Semantic Mastery, to Hump Day Hangouts, you’re free to ask questions here but also just know that you can also check out our knowledge base, which is at support.semanticmastery.com because we have a lot of frequently asked questions that we get over, and over again that we answer there. Which, a lot of the times, we’ll have a text-based answer as well as a link to one of the video responses to an answer that we’ve given on Hump Day Hangouts, or something like that. So, make sure you check out support.semanticmastery.com if you have any questions. Also, feel free to post your questions on the events page and besides that, what other announcements do we have?
Marco: Yeah, the Battle Plan’s coming, man.
Bradley: Yeah, that’s right, this month.
Marco: V 2-dot-Oh. It’s almost done as far as I know. Hernan is putting the final touches to it and I think it’s gonna be awesome. There’s a lot of new content being added; new things and new ways. As we find new things we share them. It’s a guide on what you need to do to get started; it’s like a blueprint, it’s really simple. And so, that’s coming.
The RYSDF Done For You, book, is coming out; the Users guide. I’m still waiting for that to be finished, to be formatted. As soon as that’s done, we’ll be sharing that. So yeah, we got quite a few things. But the Battle Plan, that’s a really good thing. I really like our Battle Plan and how it sets everything out in a simple to follow fashion.
Bradley: Very good. Alright, well-
Marco: And one last thing before we go into questions, please?
We don’t usually do this, but I’d like to ask people to subscribe to our channel if you haven’t done so, man. We hardly ever ask people to go to our channel and subscribe, but we have a ton of information in there. Our videos are time stamped; hundreds of hours of free content in there for you to get started and find what it is that you’re into and start doing it the right way. So, please, go subscribe.
Bradley: Yeah, it looks like we just crossed the five thousand subscriber mark within the last twenty-eight days guys so that’s really, really cool, and we certainly appreciate that. Because that’s pretty much organic growth over the last several years from doing these Hump Day Hangouts and constantly producing video content. And, it’s interesting, but looking at my video dashboard, for Semantic Mastery Channel, we’ve got 2,086 videos in our channel. (laughs)
Obviously, there’s a percentage of those that are unlisted or private but that’s a lot of damn videos in our channel. It’s crazy. Anyways, please subscribe to our channel, that’d be awesome. With that said, I’m gonna go ahead and grab the screen and we’ll get into questions, okay?
Marco: Lets do it.
Bradley: Looks like Hernan’s having issues, so he might not be able to join us today. Alright, lets get into it.
Is It Okay To Upload 100 Videos To One Channel Or Should You Upload Them To Three Different Channels?
Pixie Purr, I guess I said that right, “Hey guys, I wanted to say you are awesome” Alright, thank you. “I have a question about Youtube videos’ local strategy. I want to promote a business/service in an area and with all the keywords and all the small cities relevant to it can be almost 100 different videos. Will it be a good idea to have all those videos on one channel? Or is it better to make three different channels with 30 videos each, and maybe do a collaboration with those channels? Hope I explained it good enough. Thanks in advance, Steven”
You know, it really depends on what kind of tools you’re using and all that kind of stuff. It really does, because obviously, the safest way to do it would be to have one video on a hundred different channels; if that makes sense. And the reason why I say that is because when you’re spamming, which is essentially what you’re doing.- I mean even it’s a good video. It could be a high-quality video, but if you’re using the same video for targeting multiple keywords, it’s essentially spamming. I know people sometimes think there’s a negative connotation with the word spamming but that’s exactly what it is.
And so, when you’re spamming, it’s super important to try to mitigate having your entire asset, your project, your campaign, terminated if your account gets shut down or if your channel gets terminated or slapped or whatever. Which can happen, especially when you’re using this, essentially, the same video over and over and over again within that one channel. But I know that’s not really feasible for a lot of people. It really depends on the kind of tools that you’re using; so what resources do you have? What kind of tools do you have access to?
So, for example, Abbs has a product called Video Marketing Blitz; it’s a very powerful, industrial strength, video spamming tool. We use it, we’ve been using it for about two years or a year and a half, however long its been out. I’ve got a VA that I trained that uses it, you know, that’s their full time job is just to run that tool. And so, at any given time, we have between 40 to 60 or so Youtube accounts that we’re using to spam. And we do that intentionally because accounts do get terminated from time to time. Sometimes more often than others, and so it’s best- like if I were to be targeting a hundred videos, I would probably have maybe two videos per channel across fifty channels, if that makes sense.
However, again it just depends on what you have access to. Certainly, if you’re doing it manually, you’re not gonna wanna do that. Because, it would be too resource intensive and time intensive. So, I recommend trying to split it up to whatever you’re capable of without it becoming too much work so that at least- like in the example you gave, Steven, you said maybe three channels with thirty videos on each. If one channel gets terminated, you still got two others, so you still have two thirds of your assets that are still able to produce for you.
So that’s why, like I said, it’s best to try to split it up as much as you can, if it’s the same video. Now, if you’re gonna be using a hundred unique videos, which presents a whole nother set of problems, trying to create a hundred unique videos. And I don’t just mean the file looking unique, I mean non spammy, to where it’s not basically the same video uploaded to the channel a hundred times. Then, you could do that; you could use one channel potentially if all the videos were unique. But, again, that’s probably harder than just taking one video and using it across multiple channels.
So, my recommendation is to split it up as much as you can. Only, because it will prevent the loss of your entire campaign if something gets terminated, which is likely to happen when you’re spamming. Does anybody wanna comment on that? Or Marco, I guess, it’s just you.
Marco: No, I think that’s perfect. Split it up, you never wanna put all your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: Yup, I agree with that. Alright, let’s move onto the next one. Nigel, what’s up Nigel? He’s here every week asking a bunch of questions.
What Would Be The Specific Strategy To Quickly And Cheaply Rank A Video As “Foot In The Door Strategy” For A Prospective Local Client?
“Good day Gents. Semantic Mastery’s best value and SEO Hump Day Hangouts where free actually means free and when you do pay, you get value. You are appreciated and thanks for all you do.”
Well thanks Nigel, we appreciate you coming and engaging every week. Question, of course, “What would be the specific strategy to quickly and cheaply rank a video as foot in the door strategy for prospective local client; HVAC for example.”
What would be the specific strategy to quickly and cheaply rank a video, what type of video has the best results. Okay, well again, the quickest and cheapest way to rank a video is, if you have a tool, tools that do that; like, poking tools. For example, whenever I’m running a poking campaign myself, I do it using Peter Drew’s Live Rank Sniper. It’s a really powerful tool, it’s really super simple to set up. You can just let it run in the background of your desktop while you’re working on other stuff, or you can set it up on a laptop, if you have it, and let it run all the time; it’s entirely up to you. But that’s the tool that I, personally, use when I’m gonna poke keywords. And that lets me determine, or helps me identify keywords that I can rank for very easily.
Because the channels that we’re using, they’re orphaned channels. In other words, they’re channels that don’t really have a verified entity behind them. They’re not connected to, really, a profile or persona that we’ve built out like what we teach in Syndication Academy. You know, building out a web two-dot-oh ring and all that, the syndication networks and those kind of things help validate the entity. Very, very important for branded properties and things that you’re trying to SEO but, when we’re doing spam testing, or poking as it’s called, we just use straight up Youtube channels that aren’t connected to anything else.
They don’t have syndication networks or whatever; And we go out, and we test keywords. And whatever shows up on page one, and some people like to look and scrape whatever shows up on page two as well, but typically I just look at only the keywords that land on page one that were uploaded. Or, with Live Rank Sniper, it’s not even an uploaded video. It’s just a scheduled live event. Then, whatever shows up on page one that was created from a channel that has no connection to anything else on the web; So, it’s an orphan channel.
That means its likely that you’re gonna be able to rank- obviously, if you can rank with a channel that doesn’t have a connection with anything on the web, then if you do have a money channel, so to speak, with a syndication network around it, it’s got a brand to it, everything else has perhaps aged a bit, that kind of stuff, then you ought to be able to crush those keywords that you identified earlier. Because now you have an actual entity that you’re uploading these videos to, to target the same keywords that you’ve already identified as being able to rank without having additional SEO work done. If that makes sense.
So, when it comes to, what is the quickest and cheapest way, use a tool. If you have a VA, that’s gonna be even better because that frees you up from the time from having to do it yourself. So, I mentioned another tool earlier called Video Marketing Blitz and that’s a different kind of tool because it actually uploads, to channels as opposed to just doing scheduled live events.
And so when I’ve got hundreds of keywords to test, then I send that over to my VA that runs Marketing Blitz for me. I’ll have him do the project, instead of me, because first of all he does it eight hours a day, five days a week so he’s very proficient with the tool; he’s very efficient, you know what I mean? He can run it very quickly. Second of all, it frees me up of the time, and he just spits me back out the reports. He’ll send me a google sheet, or an excel file that has all of the keywords ranked in the video URLs and now I can go and just duplicate that campaign in money channels, and I know I’m gonna have videos that are gonna rank and stick. Because they’re from money channels that have been aged and connected properly and all that kind of stuff.
So, when it comes down to the cheapest and best way, just use a tool that will help to identify. And then once you’ve identified keywords that you can rank for easily, then you just go more the traditional route and upload videos or live stream videos to channels that do have syndication networks and are a bit aged and branded and all that kind of stuff. Does that make sense? Okay.
What Type Of Video Has Best Results And How To Achieve Them Quickly At Minimal Cost?
What type of video has the best result? It’s gonna depend on each market. You said HVAC as an example. You know, I’ve tested all different kinds of videos and as far as league generation guys, videos don’t produce the best leads or not nearly as many leads, like the volume of leads, as a maps listing does. You can still generate leads from videos; there’s no doubt. But, it doesn’t, at least in my experience with the contractor type stuff, they don’t generate nearly as many leads as if you were to rank a Google MyBusiness Listing. However, I’ve tested the explainer videos, like the hand drawn explainer videos, I’ve tested the pow tune type, like animated type, videos and I’ve also tested these spokes model videos that I’ve had people from Fiber do and then I’ve tested some of my own. And obviously slideshows and things like that.
And it’s really gonna depend on the market. I’ve found that it doesn’t really make much difference. I think the slideshows are probably some of the easiest to produce that can still produce good leads because you can show images of HVAC work being done with a call to action that’s always present. So, in other words, you can create a text overlay that you add to the video file before you upload it or live stream it or whatever you’re gonna do that always has the call to action on it. Like, you know, call for free estimates or free repair estimates or whatever, and it’s got the phone number and even perhaps a website URL in it. You know, if you’ve got a redirect URL or whatever you’re doing. That way it’s always present and people don’t have to search for the contact information, they see it at all times, if that makes sense.
So, again, I wish I had a really good definitive answer on which type of video works best. In my experience, it really doesn’t matter. I’ve tested various forms and they all seem to work fairly well. Okay? How to get the quickest, lowest cost results when starting out in realistic sticking power, maintenance afterwards. Again, I try to identify the keywords that rank easy before running a campaign. And then, I run a campaign with the money channels and typically because they ranked easy with orphan channels, which are just poking channels or testing channels, then they generally stick a hell of a lot longer, if that makes sense. If you do it through a- you know, once you go back and target those same keywords with established channels. So you really don’t have to do nearly as much work.
As far as, if you need to maintain them, ranking, there’s two things that I found produced the best stick ability right? That help them to stick the longest and maintain their rankings; traffic and embeds. And we’ve got the Video Powerhouse Network, which is incredibly powerful, that works really really well and in also- and when I say traffic, I just mean engagement period which could be traffic, it could be comments and likes and subscriptions and things like that but, you know, try not to buy spam comments and views and stuff like that. That shit doesn’t work anymore. It’s gotta be real.
And I’ve talked many times about this guys, but setting up Youtube Ads with, especially if you’re doing local stuff, if you set up Youtube Ads and drive views to the video from a very set geographic area, and you’re targeting options, you set up your geo locations, right? You can set up very specific areas so that the only views you get come from local Ips. That’s certainly powerful for ranking videos, even in Google. And you’re buying views from local people that are real people that live within your target area, so it’s coming from local Ips, and it’s incredibly powerful for ranking and helping videos to stick.
In fact, a lot of the video SEO that I do for the video production company, I pretty much only do two things; I upload- or three things. Whenever I get a new work order from the video production companies. So if they sell another video to a client and then the upsell is the Google Boost program, is what they call it, or the video boost program. They couldn’t call it the Google Boost program. Anyways, they send me the work order and then all I do is upload the video they produced, or actually, I live stream it through one of my channels that has dozens of networks attached to it. And then I set up a Youtube Ad, an ad works for video ad, with specific targeting options and then I also submit it to Video Powerhouse. And, that’s all I do now for them and those three things get those videos to rank almost a hundred percent of the time.
And it just works really good. Every now and then- well usually the Youtube Ads alone will help keep it maintained. Heres the thing guys; I charge one hundred dollars per month per keyword for that video production company. Because I’m selling them whole sale SEO services then they sell it retail to their clients, to their customers. And so I know that seems very very inexpensive but, like I said, all I do is those three things. They send me the video file, I upload it to my channel that has dozen of networks, it’s a themed network or themed channel; it’s aged, its been boosted with a shit ton of back links over the years.
So, that in itself will usually rank it. And then I set up the Youtube Ad immediately and I set it up at a dollar a day to start and I set up targeting options using the in market audiences as an in stream video so that its a pre-roll ad, it shows before other people’s videos. I set up my geographic targeting and I set it up for a dollar a day and I only do that for about a week and then I back it down to fifty cents per day which means it costs me fifteen dollars per month to be buying local clicks and views from people that are in that particular market, right, from the in market audiences, so they have a history of being in that market. So, it’s completely relevant traffic from local Ips and that usually helps it to rank and stay ranked and then, like I said, if I need a boost, I just go to video powerhouse and do a fifty embed blast per video. And I drip that out over fourteen days. And that’s my process. I just gave you guys my process and it works really, really well.
Anyways, I spent a lot of time on that. I’m sorry about that but these are great questions Nigel.
Is There Any Benefit To Add Google Voice Numbers To Accounts For Recovery/Verification?
Is there any benefit to add google voice numbers to accounts for a recovery verification? Is the effort worth the time and expense? Does it add value to get accounts banned?
Uh, good luck with that. For some reason, and it might be that my IP has been flagged for-like I don’t have problems with creating new google accounts from my IP guys but I can’t create new Google voice accounts. Even, with a new google Gmail account that I set up, I can’t get google voice accounts to set up from my PC anymore; it never works. So, good luck with that. I’m not sure how adding google voice numbers would help. You could try it though Nigel. I don’t have a definitive answer for you, only because I can’t even get access to google voice numbers anymore. I have a few that I set up originally and I just can’t get any new ones to set up on my PC. So
Marco: For recovery, it’s not necessary because you can use the same number over and over and over again. I mean, we’ve used it- when we buy those hundred phone verified accounts, we flip out the phone number and we’ll use the same phone number for that one hundred account set. Now, for verification-
Bradley: Big Difference
Marco: Yeah, that’s totally different. I don’t know how google will take that. You know, using a google voice number but the way we do it is we have people in the Philippines. And we have the guys just get us phone verified accounts. They do the verification then in the recovery we do two things; flip out the phone number and flip out the recovery email address. And, it’s done; you can go ahead and do what you wanna do because that takes care of everything.
Bradley: Yup. So, just so you guys know, I post kind of frequently the two providers that I’ve been buying accounts from and I gotta say, I just bought another batch from this guy and actually, in the past couple weeks, I bought two sets of one hundred phone verified Youtube accounts and the quality that I got from this guy, boltpva.com, was way over and above what the last provider it was, that I’ve also been buying from and so, I’m not trying to alienate anybody but I had some issues with the last batch that I bought from the other provider that I’ve suggested recently where about half of the accounts got IP locked and in looking at the usernames and passwords, there were some patterns there and that’s unacceptable in my opinion because this kind of stuff should not be done.
And so anyways, I just ordered a hundred accounts from this dude today, again, and I got them back and it was much much better. There were all unique phone numbers for verification purposes, or the recovery phone numbers, all unique names, all unique yahoo email addresses for the recovery email addresses, all the usernames were valid names instead of just gibberish bullshit. So, my point is, I told this dude today I’d give him a shout out on Hump Day Hangouts; Boltpva.com. The accounts, again I just got them today so I haven’t- you know, my Va’s adding them to the video marketing blitz software, so there may be some issues as he goes through and adds them and sets up the API and all that stuff. But, at least from the first glance at the file, with all the account information, it was done very very well. So I just wanna give a shout out to him, I said I would today.
Can We Effectively Use PBN Domain Package As Money Sites?
Alright, Sam Bailey, what’s up Sam? He says, “I notice serp spaces in PV and Domain packaged since those domains will be niche relevant and thoroughly vetted, could they also be used as effectively as money sites? I’m thinking affiliate sites.”Sure, they could Sam; absolutely they could. “Was it better to stick with a new domain that’s never been used? Thank You.”
Well, you know, for affiliate stuff, it depends. If you’re trying to build a brand around an affiliate campaign, which I recommend that you always build brands guys, because brands are assets that can become more than just a singular focus. In other words, a lot of the times when people build affiliate sites, what do they call them? Niche sniper sites, right, the sniper type sites which are like exact match domains and there are singularly themed around one particular product or something like that. And you can do that, that’s fine, but if you build a brand, the brand can end up covering so much more. In other words, you could target multiple products underneath a brand, right? You start to build brand authority and identity and google loves that. That’s part of what we teach with syndication academy and the drive stacks and all the stuff that we do.
So, I always recommend building a brand. However, there is a bit of a shortcut if you have a powerful domain or at least topically relevant. It has some metrics, it’s better than starting from scratch or from zero. If you’re trying to get some quick wins. So its entirely up to you.
By the way, you could use a domain that’s unrelated and still create a brand. I don’t mean unrelated topically, I mean whatever the domain letters or words are, don’t have to match whatever your brand is but it would just make sense to do that. If you’re gonna have Sam’s products dot com and you wanted to have a brand around Sam’s products, it would make sense to have a domain like that instead of something that really seems unrelated, if that makes sense.
But, you can decide on what you wanna do. I mean, I prefer to go with new domains. I like to use domains that- when I did a lot of PV and stuff, and we’re still doing some stuff with them, with those types of domains guys. I like to use those to help support a new site that I built. I don’t typically build on expired domains unless they’re for supporting sites for a project that I’m working on. But it absolutely still does work. Okay?
Marco: I agree with you, for everything you just said, totally, on branding. And, guys, it’s right in front of you right now. Yahoo, Google, I mean think about it, Facebook, and think of the things that become the actual product like a Xerox back in the day. Or even now, a band-aid, jello, things that become the actual product when it’s not, it’s gelatin; Jello. And it’s an adhesive, I can’t remember- but, a band aid, we don’t know what the fuck that is. So, if you create that unique value proposition from the beginning, and that’s how you approach it. And you approach branding, branding, branding so that the keywords, they get associated with the brand, you win.
I mean, Amazon; Amazon started out as a bookstore but we all know what the Amazon is, it’s a rainforest. But they made it a bookstore. Think in those terms and then you go after, as you just said, associating those keywords with the brand and you’ll do so much better because so many things can fit under that brand umbrella that they can, under that exact match domain.
Will It Be Good For Marketers To Use Bitly Or Ow.ly Now That Google Will Be Transitioning Its URL Shortener?
Bradley: Right, my point exactly. So. Okay, next, Quit this House it says, “Thanks you guys for all the help you give us here. Now that Google will be transitioning, the google URL shortener”– Yeah guys, in case you were unaware of that, I posted it in the mastermind, but the google URL shortener, it’s official it’s on google’s blog, they are shutting that down later this year or whatever. I think it’s in August or something like that. You can go search for it on google, you’ll find the article. But, anyways, they provided what they called fire based dynamic links. That’s what google was switching over to which is part of their, one of their properties obviously. So he says, “What the heck is fire based dynamic link? And will it be good for us marketers? Or, should we use bit.ly or owl.ly and call it a day?
So, Marco, you’ve already done some research on this. What do you say?
Marco: April 19th is when you will no longer have access and if you’ve never created a short link before March 30th, you can’t anymore. You have to have an account that’s created a short link. If you’ve done that then you can use it for at least another year until March 30th of 2019. But, if you go in there, it will tell you. Goog dot g-l; g,o,o dot g,l, you’ll see the message and you know exactly what it is.
As far as bit.ly or owl.ly, owl.ly except they moved it inside. You no longer have anonymous access to owl.ly. You have to have an account in Hootsuite to actually be able to use owl.ly. Bit.ly sometimes turns into a 302-
Bradley: Yeah, they suck.
Marco: Your links will turn into spam for whatever reason, or they’ll be considered spam and they’ll three-oh-two them and they’ll lose the value. Fire based dynamic links are fabulous. I’m in there playing, but the links are butt ugly. Except that since they’re dynamic, they’ll go to the app, they’ll go to desktop, they’ll go to wherever it is that they’re intended to go. Right now, it’s a three-oh-two unless you can figure out, like I did, how to three-oh-one.
Bradley: There you go. There’s something to be said for kind of setting up your own link shortener and starting to build your own authority to your own link shortener. And there’s ways to do that too.
Alright, moving on. Ralph says, “Hi Guys, I have a client with a seemingly difficult key phrase to get on page one. It is, I replaced the two key words with key word.” Okay, so it’s whatever, whatever; Minneapolis, Minnesota. “When I search for this using a private window, we end up as number ten on page two. However, if I put quotes around it, we are on page one plus it’s in the maps pack.”
Yeah, that’s because called phrase match. So that makes sense because you’re optimized for that phrase. When you do a phrase match search, you’re gonna come up for that because you’re well optimized for that phrase, if that makes sense. But a broad match, it’s gonna be different. It’s not very difficult to rank for phrase match most of the time. It is difficult to broad match though, I mean, it can be.
How Do You Rank A Difficult Key Phrase To Page One In Local Search Without Having Any Duplicate Content Issues?
So he says, “I’ve done the first column of a silo on the website, siloed the videos together, even had three levels of IFTTT put together but still cannot seem to move the website up to page one for this key phrase. To add another detail, client has seven five star reviews compared to his competition of 87 five star reviews. Would that make a difference?” Yes Ralph.
I see an absolute correlation between reviews and local ranking now. In fact it’s- and again, it has to do a lot with engagement with the verified my google business profile guys. Think about that. And that’s what our local GMB course that Marco and Rob and I are working on is specifically showing how to rank in a google verified business. You, know, a google verified my business profile, getting it to rank at maps, entirely within the google my business dashboard. Meaning, it doesn’t need any external stuff at all. It can be done entirely within the my google business dashboard because you’re using all of Google’s tools and providing engagement within that specific environment. Which, google rewards that kind of stuff.
And so guys, I was never a believer of that whole reputation marketing thing for my entire career up until within the last six months because of the shift that I’ve seen and how much of an impact reputation marketing has on local marketing now. It didn’t use to as much, at least I didn’t see it as much. It wasn’t enough of an impact for me before for me to go and start incorporating reputation marketing in my SEO services but now it’s standard operating procedure.
Reputation marketing is now part of what I offer as my SEO services because I see without a doubt, how much of an impact it has on local rankings. So, you know 87 five star reviews versus seven- now I’m not saying that’s the only factor. There’s probably multiple other factors as I see you mention here, further on down. He says, “What the heck, I cannot afford to lose more hair. Okay, I’ll stop and take a deep breath now. Edit, addition, I have noticed that one of our main competitors everywhere on every type of keyboard search I try, always on page one, the company with 87 five star reviews. They also have pages on their site for almost every suburb.”
That’s probably the reason they’re doing better too, right? There are multiple factors there Ralph. One, they’ve got more reviews, two, they’ve got a site that is showing much more relevancy because it’s got many more pages on there that are optimized and also, for both keywords as well, so products and services, as well as the location. And so, that’s just building the overall relevancy of the site both geographically and and topically if that makes sense. So, there’s a lot- remember they’re probably a much more established business; probably been around longer, they’ve obviously been doing SEO longer or had an SEO agency doing it for them for longer. So, you can’t expect to just come in and overtake something like that with one silo on a few blog posts and a couple syndication networks. It’s gonna take some time; and obviously the more competitive they are and the more established they’ve been, it’s gonna take more time and more effort on your part.
One thing I recommend is that if you follow along Syndication Academy, make sure that you’re blogging consistently, properly, that you’re linking up from within the content, you know, textual links within the blog post out to the pages that you’re trying to rank. Make sure your silo architecture is right. Your internal link structure is right. Also, drive stacks would help, press releases, absolutely help. If you’re not aware, we just launched a course called Local PR pro where we’ve ranked even some of the most horrid and god awful sites like one page sites that have no business ranking. We’ve ranked them in the maps three pack with one freaking press release. Those results aren’t typical, but it happens. And so, press releases are incredibly powerful for ranking locally as well. And again, we cover all that in that course.
Marco: This is where I have to mention Jeffrey Smith and the SEO Bootcamp. Because I mean, one of the first things he goes into is market recon. You have to know who you’re up against. You have to know what they’re doing. You have to know exactly what it is that they’re doing and what they’ve done so that you can go in and do what they do. When in Rome, do as the Romans do and then do them one better. And so, you know that they’re doing all these things so if you follow Jeffrey’s training, he’ll tell you. He’ll give you a way to plan out your whole strategy on how you’re going to take these fuckers down simply by using- well, first of all, the correct silo architecture, interlinking; that deep link juggernaut is a beast on his plugin. He teaches you how to use it, he teaches you how to do the keyword research. I mean, just everything you need to take down your competition is in Ultimate SEO Bootcamp.
And so if you don’t have it, and this is really important for you to take down, if this client is that important then I suggest that you make the investment. We still have a backdoor I think. I don’t have the link handy, I’ll have to dig it up but I suggest that you jump in there. That and then you run a couple of press releases at the GMB that’s linked to the website so all of the juice is going to flow. And then spread throughout your interlinked pages and your properly siloed pages, and then I don’t see why you can take those- fuck them man, their 87 five star reviews.
Bradley: Yup, well and that’s the thing. If you have the on page right, you can do so much more with such little off page work. What off page work you do when your website is structured correctly will have so much more of an effect. So, for example, your on page was done really, really well, you could rank with a fraction of the off page work that would take somebody with a site that might not be, you know, that’s more like a traditional site, that’s flat, no silo architecture, all that kind of stuff. They would need three, four, five times as much off page work.
So, again, on page is incredibly important and Jeffrey’s course, SEO bootcamp, is about the best there is for that.
What’s The Best Way To Get To A Prospect Without A Phone Number?
Okay, Muhammad’s up. Muhammad, what’s up buddy? He’s back in the mastermind; it’s awesome. He says, “Hey guys, after a short break, I’m back. The video emails; what’s the best way to get a prospect without a phone number? Almost every realtor has their cell phone number online but some have their brokerage number instead. Either because of rules or plain ignorance. This means the only way to reach them is to email so if they open and read my email without clicking the video, I can’t call them like I usually do. I call the brokerage but the secretary just takes a message and they don’t call back. So, I think the best course to take is to improve the email front. What can I do to make them click the video? Just keep resending it?
Okay, so, I run into that problem sometimes. Well, it depends. If I’m doing the video legend system where I’m doing, like a target, I’ve already audited their site or something like that then yeah, I’ll try resending it from multiple addresses. I don’t spam them to death but I have many, many email aliases set up. And I do all of my prospecting emails through G-suite. So, I set up domain emails that I connect through google apps or g-suite and I do all of my emailing from there or I use services that connect through g-suite for example, quickmail.io.
I’m also testing a desktop software right now called atomic mailer; atomic mail sender or something like that. But that’s another conversation. So my point is you can set up aliases with a g-suite account. Just multiple domain emails essentially and so you could try that. Also, Muhammad as I know you’re aware of, if you create either a mock video image or use a gif of the video. So, it’s an animated gif from the video, make sure that it’s showing one of their properties.
With realtors, pretty much everything that a realtor has for their marketing, has their damn face on it; they always do. I don’t know of any realtor marketing that doesn’t have their face on it. So just find something that has their face on it and make sure that’s visible in the video. The video image or the gif. And remember, if you’ve sent it a couple times and they haven’t opened it, change that gif image to something else. Or the mock video image, however you set it up; change it to something else but also that is their property because that will entice the click.
And again, I love your persistence but you, obviously, have more of a threshold than I do because I’ll try a few times and then I’ll move onto the next one because if it’s that difficult, maybe there’s a good reward there. But a lot of the time if they’re that stubborn then they generally turn out to be a pain in the ass to work with too. But, again, that’s up to you. I know you’re a very persistent guy so keep at it. Alright, just try different emails perhaps.
If you’re getting them to open it, but just now click the video, then your call to action, whatever message it is you’re trying to convey to them to compel them to click the video, change your call to action up. So, you’re gonna have to test those and then also test the mock video image or the gif image. Swap them out because, again, if you’re trying the same video over, and over again with the same image and it’s not getting clicked, switch that up.
It’s just like split testing an ad guys; it’s the same thing, you’re split testing emails. You’re split testing copy, subject lines, thumbnail images or gifs or mock video images. You can split test CTAs, cost of action, all of that.
Should You Create A Blog On The Local Lead Gen Site Or Add A New Page For Each New Article?
Gordon, “Hey guys, thanks again for the help you’ve provided; it’s much appreciated. I will plus one that. Regarding a local legend site, if I understand correctly, it helps ranking a lot if you add fresh content regularly. So is it best to create a blog on the site or add a new page for each new article?”
No Gordon, add a blog. Because remember that’s what a blog is for. A blog is for dynamic content that’s updated with, you know, refreshed regularly. You’re adding new content to a blog regularly. Pages are more static in nature. And you’re right, if you add new content as pages- remember you gotta remember what the purpose of the content is. So, usually for pages, especially for local stuff, you I have products and service pages. And maybe a location page and an about page, you know, the standard stuff. But then there’s product and location pages. But then I use the blog to talk about industry related stuff, locally related stuff and then always within the blog post, you link up to the pages that you’re trying to promote or rank on the site that you’re trying to push traffic to, that you’re trying to rank in Google, all that kind of stuff.
So you use the blog as a link building tool to boost the pages on the site. The pages on the site are typically the things that you’re gonna have the cause to action. The lead capture forms, phone numbers, things like that. So the blog posts are just content to help build the relevancy of the site. And then is also a linking opportunity to link up to your pages, which you want to rank in Google or wherever. Plus there’s traffic potential there too.
So yeah, just a blog. And the reason why is because, remember if you’re using a blog and you set up syndication networks, you can use the RSS feed to trigger automatically so you don’t have to do anything. You just publish content and it will automatically syndicate out and it will do your link building, at least part of your link building, for you. That’s the whole point of the syndication networks. And about-
Marco: If he’s not already in it, he can join syndication academy and everything is explained over the shoulder in videos and how to do exactly what you explained.
Bradley: Yes, that’s correct. “What is the recommended frequency to add new content to a site like that?”
It depends on the industry Gordon. For example, a roofing company, I’ve got a few roofing clients and we blog once or twice a week. Which, is actually a little bit more than probably a lot of other roofers do. So, I mean, my point is, if you’re in the tech industry, you might be blogging three, four blog posts a day. But if you’re in home improvement stuff, like, who wants to read about roofing stuff or- So a lot of times what do you do for those kind of topics too, by the way? You can back it up and go a little bit broader and talk about just general home improvement stuff. You can also talk about local news related stuff. So, community-related stuff for that particular business.
So, it’s up to you. Obviously the more frequently you post, the quicker you can get results. But there also comes a point in time where it becomes difficult to generate content without just literally spamming your own site because you’re trying to create more blog posts. So I recommend for all of my clients, I try to tell them- because content marketing is part of my SEO package, it’s all one and the same. So is reputation marketing now; they’re all combined.
And so for my clients I try to get every one of them on at least one post a week. I have some clients that we do as many as three posts per week. I don’t have any clients more than that so its usually-some clients have only one post every two weeks and that’s because they didn’t want to spend the money. But, for most all of my clients, it’s at least one post per week and most of them are around two or even three posts per week.
And by the way, that’s like all I do to keep my clients ranked. I mean, I have to do a lot to get them to rank typically, but not all the time, but typically once I get them to rank its usually just a steady stream of new citations every month and then blog posting. You know, just the consistent blog posting every week and that just keeps them ranked. It’s funny but when you stop the blog posting, and I do this with my legend sites, I blog on my legend sites until they rank and then once they rank we stop because that’s just an expense to me. And sometimes, within a few weeks and sometimes longer, they start to slip and so we’ll start blogging again and it kind of gives that activity back and boosts them again.
There’s things you can do, like set up Twitter applets in IFTTT that can help you to add content on autopilot to your google plus page, which still is connected to the google my business profile, on the backend a bit. There’s all kinds of stuff you can do to auto produce content in a relatively good way. But, blogging is one of the best ways to do it because you control that content.
Would It Be Considered Duplicate If You Add An English Content To A Spanish Site?
Okay, Brian’s up. He says, “I asked a question about writing meta-tags in Spanish for a Spanish site in the US. Does it make sense to include English pages, same content on the site as separate pages? Will I get hit for duplicate content for both English and Spanish? Thanks.”
I don’t know about the same domain but I know that, Marco could probably answer this, but I know I’ve done it with English sites where I put an E,S dot sub domain and basically cloned the site and had a plugin that just, it was called the transpose plugin actually, but it would create various page- or actually I think it worked on the same domain level but it would create various language versions of the same page. So, you might wanna check into that but Marco, what do you think about that?
Marco: I’d say if the main site is in Spanish then add an English sub domain; E, N dot whatever site, dot com. Then just offer, you know, you put the two flags up on your home page so that people know. Oh, I want it in English, and they’ll just click on the flag. People understand that.
Bradley: There you go. Guys, go check it out it’s transposh.org or go to the wordpress.org plugin repository and search for transpose. And you can go play with this. It looks like its got twelve one star reviews. I’ve played with it, I’ve got in on some of my tree service sites, especially in the areas where there’s a high Spanish speaking population, Latino Population. I’ve got this installed on there and it helps. We get calls to our call center that are from Spanish speaking people and it’s obviously because they’ve landed on the site and they’ve called in for tree services.
I haven’t done a lot of research to see how much traffic I get specifically to those pages because I really don’t care. I’ve just installed it as a kind of a test and a couple years ago; I haven’t really done any follow up. But this is one of the plugins that will do that for you. It looks like it hasn’t been updated in awhile so you might want to find an alternative.
Marco: You can use WordPress multi language but it’s a pain in the ass. I hate it, I hate that plugin. I haven’t used it in years because I hate it. But, you know, you can try it and see. But, just a sub domain man, and translate it. Have someone translate it for you. It doesn’t cost that much.
Bradley: Yeah, I think there was something through the grape vine that we may be- I don’t know, can we talk about that?
Marco: Well, I don’t know. Isn’t that going to be limited to a select few?
Bradley: Yeah, but there’s a- I don’t know, we may be doing some bilingual stuff here coming up. We may be able to talk about it at a later date.
How Many Location Pages Would You Put On One Lead Gen Site?
Anyways, Brian’s up. I’m sorry, Brian Costello is up. He says, “What’s up guys?” What’s up Brian. “How many locations would you put on one legend? Three, six, nine? I usually stop at three but I have begun to ask why. I would like to save time, and money from launching new sites, etc. Do you guys have any experience with this?”
If you mean location pages on one domain, that’s up to you and what your risk aversion is. What is your risk tolerance? That’s up to you. The reason I like to do sub domains, for example, if I’ve got a service provider for a legend asset, lets say I wanna expand it into twelve locations. So, I’m gonna go set up twelve google my business profiles. I’m gonna set up a sub domain for each location and I’m gonna do that specifically because in case any one of those accounts gets terminated for spam, or because it was a PO box, it won’t affect the other properties.
If you have it all on the route domain and, Brian you know this, if it gets a penalty its gonna affect all of the locations because you just have location pages on that domain. So, I understand wanting to save money and be more efficient with the set up and being able to do it all underneath one domain, if that’s what you mean Brian, but again, I always try to mitigate or reduce my risk significantly by separating my assets on individual sub domains. And that’s only because I don’t wanna lose- and again this is just like I was talking about on Hump Day Hangouts today with the video spam questions about a hundred videos on one channel, or thirty videos on three channels, it’s up to you.
If you lose one channel with a hundred videos, you’ve lost your entire campaign. If you lose one channel that has thirty videos and you’ve still got two other channels with sixty videos, then you’ve lost one third of your campaign. If you’ve got fifty channels with two videos per, you have to lose a lot of damn channels to have a significant impact on your campaign. Does that make sense?
So, that’s the same way I feel about my legend stuff. I always try to mitigate my risks. Now, once I get over about twelve locations, having individual sub domains does become a management pain in the ass, there’s no question. But again, it’s depending on- you’ve got to balance what’s more important to you. For me, its protecting my assets. So, it’s up to you. What is your tolerance level?
What Are Your Thoughts About Working With New Business That Have No Idea What They Are Doing?
Walt’s up. We’ve got about ten minutes guys He says, “This question is from the Youtube channel chat. Thought I would put it over here, you can thank me later. Brian, what are thoughts about working with new businesses that have no idea what they are doing? Do you bother trying to teach them how to market their business online? Or do you just move on? My answer, if you can bill them for your training time, which you should, then go for it. You’ll be a hero in their mind. Otherwise, just move on.”
Yeah, Walt I agree with you in part. There’s nothing wrong with your answer, absolutely. Guys, this is just my opinion. But, what I do with my video email stuff, when I pitch a prospect, I give a video email and I explain everything in a video email, to explain what it is I would do and why it’s important for their business. And, that pretty much explains everything.
And I do that all at- like again, like the last client that I landed about three weeks ago was a cab company, a taxi cab company. Not something I’ve ever done before. SEO for a cab company. But, he was a referral from an old client, that’s not a client anymore but still, a referral. And so I put together a video doing the same process that video legend system, I shared in video legend gen system guys, it’s the exact same process. I still use it now, I’ve been using it for six years.
And I created an audit video and a proposal, like a pitch video. It was all in one, the video went forty-five minutes long. I know that’s incredibly long but the guy got twenty-two minutes into the video and he called me and he said, “I’m watching your video right now. I didn’t even get to the end. I’m signing up. How do I pay you?”
I’m not kidding, and that’s they typical kind of response that I get because I’m able to educate the people with the video that I send them via email explaining what products and service I have and why it’s important to their business. And I just overwhelm them with value and to where they’re like damn, this guy knows what he’s doing; Nobody’s ever explained it to me this way. And so, therefore, I’m ready to sign.
And again, I’ve got about an eighty percent closing ratio once the conversation’s started. That’s the hardest part, in my opinion, is getting the conversation started. So, again, I don’t typically bill for that because that’s on the proposal side of stuff. I obviously don’t bill for that. Now, if a client hires me for something and then they want to add on additional services and they’ve got to be trained on stuff, then that’s different. I may charge them time and material, labor, basically for that. Or it might just be built into their proposal price or whatever.
But again, I do a lot of the education on the front end, on the prospecting side with my video email system. It works really well for me but again guys, everybody’s gonna have their own techniques and methods. I’m just telling you what’s worked for me for six years. It still works to this day. Again, I just landed a client about three weeks ago that way. Exact same way. Alright?
Marco: I would say, if they’re going to pay for education and somebody else is going to do the SEO, then he should definitely charge as a consultant. You could charge- [crosstalk 00:53:05]
Bradley: Oh yeah, absolutely. If he was the provider though, is what I meant.
Marco: Well, yeah I’m seeing this another way. Do you bother teaching them? Yes, of course but you talk them into more of a consultation type thing than taking them on as a client. If you’re taking them on as a client then you educate them up to you a point. You tell them what it is you’re going to do but you don’t tell them how you’re going to do it. We’ve covered this before, you don’t tell a doctor how to operate on you. And your client shouldn’t be telling you how to rank them. If they could do it then they should be doing it. So there’s two ways to get paid here, that I’m seeing. If they wanna be educated then fine, charge for your time. If they want results then fine, charge for results.
Bradley: That’s right. I agree with that. And there has been times when somebody’s been like look, could you provide us with training that we could have someone in house do. Like, social media posting, for example. And I say yeah, that’s no problem, here’s what I’m gonna charge to do it. And I might say, alright, I’ll create a couple of training videos to show how to, you know, use Hootsuite or Buffer or something like that, that you can give to your in house person or your assistant or whatever. And then I might charge them a hundred bucks and it takes me thirty minutes to put the video together, or something like that. Guys, that’s absolutely, again, that’s just consultation. You should be billing for that, yes.
But what I was talking about specifically was, on the front end, if they’re talking to me about being a potential service provider for them, as far as marketing services, but they need to be educated on what they need and why they need it; again, just like Marco said, I don’t tell them the how, not the specific details. Maybe kind of a broad explanation, a broad definition of how. But I tell them why they need it, like what it is that I’m proposing and why it would be good for their business. And then the how is usually left more like, hey that’s more proprietary you know.
How Would You Optimize 2 Large Search Volume & High Competitive Keywords On Apartment Mover?
Alright Jordan, silo related question, “I have a new client who is an apartment mover in Dallas, Fort Worth. Obviously, the two large search volume keywords are apartment move Dallas and apartment mover Fort Worth but we wanted to catch suburbs too. So, question, create option number 1? An apartment mover Dallas page, 2,000 words, also, an apartment mover Fort Worth page, 2,000 different words. Also, an apartment mover generic with links at the bottom of page to service areas with links to each suburb. Or, only create one apartment mover page with Dallas, Fort Worth and all suburb areas under the service area links at the bottom of the page. Don’t mind the extra writing, having the actual apartment mover Dallas page present.”
That’s a good one Jordan and that’s difficult. That’s difficult because those are two highly competitive areas. And Jeffrey Smith when we did the last webinar with him for SEO Bootcamp, he agreed with me in that one of the ways to overcome having what would be considered almost duplicate content on the same domain. Remember guys, it used to be we would optimize a specific page on the site for every location.
So, lets say tree services, tree services, lets say tree removal, that’s one of the sub keywords. It’s the second most searched keyword. So, tree removal. Lets say I have five locations I was trying to target for that service area for that client. It used to be that I would have five separate pages, all targeting tree removal plus city; each different city name, right? But that’s borderline duplicate content. Even if its unique content on each page, its just unnecessary. It used to work really, really well and it probably still works now but it seems better now to create a service page explaining what the tree removal services are, which I would call cornerstone content or something like that. That’s a big article, it’s well optimized, it’s split up, section headers, all that kind of stuff. And then link over to a service area or locations page, which then would have information about each different location.
And so you could have an individual location page for each location that just gives a brief description of the area. And it mentions that we provide tree removal services in this location as well. Does that make sense? Because Google understands the difference between a topical silo and location pages on a site. Google’s smart [inaudible 00:57:37] smart enough to understand that. So, you can actually create an association between your product or service pages with the location pages, just through the internal links. And although we talk about not bleeding silos, and that would essentially be bleeding silos, because you have your products and service silos and then you have your location silos. Because Google understands what the purpose of those verticals or silos are, it’s okay and I’ve seen good results that way.
Now, in your particular case, because you’re talking about two very competitive areas that are relatively close in proximity too, I’m not sure what the best option would be for you. That’s a good one. That’d be a great question for Jeffrey, Smith, actually. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a definitive answer on there. I would probably still try to go with more of a really well-written service page that links out to the two separate location pages that provide that service. And essentially you would be linking to- we provide the tree removal service, I’m just using that because that was my example.
But, tree removals in Dallas and also Fort Worth and you link to those location pages and on those location pages you talk about, a brief snippet or whatever, about the areas. And then we provide tree removal services and blah blah blah in these- and then you link back to the service page. Does that make sense? It’s like a reciprocal link between the service and the locations pages.
Alright, we’ve gotta wrap it up. Should we answer any more particular- do you see anything we should answer? Whoops, we’re almost done.
Marco: Yeah, definitely the next one.
If I Join Semantic Mastery, Will I Have Access To Products Like Local PR Mastery, Video Lead Gen?
Bradley: Okay, Jim says, “First off, thanks for putting on this free webinar.” You’re welcome, Jim. “My question is regarding Semantic Mastery membership and the smaller products you put out. More than anything I’m intrigued by products like local PR,” Local PR pro which I guess he meant, ” Video Legen, etc. You often say that these are included in SM. If I join SM, will I have access to those?” Yes. “Are they trickled in over time? I plan on using SM but the smaller products take priority right now. I could find specific information.”
Okay, now I know we recently changed. Unfortunately, Adam’s not here, because Adam or Hernan would really be the ones to give me a definitive answer. I do not wanna steer you in the wrong direction, Jim. All of our products that are under three hundred dollars are included in Semantic Mastery membership. Anything that’s over three hundred dollars, you get a thirty percent discount on, however, for example, local PR pro, when you join Semantic Mastery, now that price is over three hundred dollars. It’s not like we’re gonna charge you for it, you just have to take a specific step in the Facebook group to get access to it.
And so, we do things like that to find out who’s engaged. If people don’t request access to it, they’re not gonna get it. And that’s just because it’s priced over and above being free if that makes sense, for the mastermind member. So, yes, we give out the content. For example, we’re doing the 2018 curriculum this year, which is like, we’re having separate modules, we’re recovering a different aspect to building a business, particularly local marketing type businesses. And so each month, or each module, ends up getting packaged up and will end up being a stand-alone product really and so every single month you’re a member, you get another one added to your membership area.
But, you get all of the archives. There are all of our existing webinars as well plus you get access to all the biweekly training, the Facebook group and all that. And a lot of other products that we’ve already got in there that just are, just kind of grandfathered into the membership. So, yes, you will get access to those but, for example, video legend and local PR pro, it might be you get local PR pro because you requested it and the next month you request video legend system, we open that for you.
And guys, again, right now we’re in the prospect module. We did the PPC module, there’s still some updates going into that. But the PPC module was the first part of the year. Right now we’re in the prospecting module. Next we’re moving into the video marketing module. So, it’s just gonna keep on going that way. So every single time you join, you’re gonna have access to all the live training but then as far as the actual individual products, they get packaged up almost as separate products. You get those unlocked one per month as you request them. So that way you’re getting what you need when you need it instead of a brain dump all at once. Which is overwhelming for anybody. Good question though.
Okay guys, we’ve gotta wrap it up, it’s past five o'clock. Sorry we didn’t get to all of the questions; we got to most of them though. So, we appreciate everybody being here. Any closing words Marco?
Marco: No, just thanks for being here. Thanks for supporting us and Youtube channel, subscribe guys.
Bradley: Yeah, please do. Alright guys we’ll see ya- oh by the way we have Mastermind tomorrow, I think. Don’t we? Yup, Mastermind webinar tomorrow guys. It’s in Mastermind, be there. We’ve got a lot to cover. So, we’ll see you all tomorrow. Thanks.
Marco: Bye everyone.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 178 published first on https://dilatepage.tumblr.com/
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