#I wish there would've been some reckoning of this whole thing
Janeway to both Seven and B'Elanna: I want you to think of me as your mentor so you can trust me and tell me what's weighing on you but also I'm your boss and I can't always be your friend and I see you and understand you and I've been there but you have to follow my directions in order to survive and get to where I am now because I'm sure that's exactly what you want even though I haven't asked and I am trying to leave you enough space to find yourself on this ship and if you have a hard time you can count on me but I will definitely read your logs if I suspect something is up with you
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myddle · 8 months
"Casper & Nova" And "Cheers": The Beginning Of My Anime Villain Arc
After ruminating on it for a long time (this is the second draft of this goddamn post), I've come to understand what my issues were with the Fionna & Cake finale, and I'm ready to discuss it.
Big thanks to @bettycrockerscookbook and his post, "Fionna and Cake is a narrative about loss of agency, and I don't know if that was on purpose", it really helped me get my thoughts in order. There is some overlap between that post and mine, but my views predate reading it, although they are reworded for clarity.
Warning: Big Post, Spoilers, Opinions
I get what they were going for. I have full respect for everyone who loved the finale, and I give them all hugs and kisses.
But... it just didn't click for me. I still love the rest of the show, but I couldn't believe it's conclusion, and it left me feeling all hollow and rotten afterwards. I don't know it there's going to be a second season, but the ending felt very "happily ever after", so lets just presume not for now, and get into some things.
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That Glitch Glitched Right Out Of The Plot
I probably should have seen this coming after BMO's corpse glitched in front of everyone and they didn't react, but it still sucks we didn't get an answer to this mystery, or at least some commentary on it. Heck, even back in "Winter King", Simon's tone describing the normalised Ice crown is more of dissapointment than confusion. It just feels like a waste, after all the set-up; I was excited to learn what was really going on there, or see how it would affect our protagonists.
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Credit Where It's Due: The Lich/GOLB Scene Is Kinda Perfect
I don't wanna be too negative, so I must say I LOVED THIS SCENE. The Lich has been an insurmountable force of destruction for the whole series, both physically and morally, so seeing the one thing that could finally break him - his success - is fascinating to me. And then, without a word, GOLBetty dissassembles him in a horrifying display and turns him into one of those Tetris Blocks... I guess they must be GOLB's literal building blocks for crafting it's machinations. A terrifying glimpse into the Chaos God's methods.
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Do We Have Time For A Choose Your Own Adventure Right Now, We Only Have Two Episodes Left
The Casper & Nova segment was super neat, and it was cool to see 1000+ Ooo again, but... I don't know. This framing device within a framing device is an awful lot of setup to do in the second to last episode. This is honestly more of a time-constraint issue though; I'd probably be more forgiving of it if I was on board with the rest of the finale.
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Petrigrof Did Nothing Wrong (Except For The Things They Did That Were Wrong)
Simon and Betty's final goodbye was beautifully made. A heartfelt message of recognising and accepting the mistakes of your past. I just don't think I agree on what those mistakes are.
The concept of someone going along with everything their partner wanted, and the partner not realising because they were still happy, is an amazingly nuanced arc, but I don't think it fits Simon and Betty's relationship. Betty had agency, and wasn't afraid to disagree with Simon; just look at the way she dealt with the snakes, or how she kept Simon alive as Ice King against his wishes in hopes of curing him. And speaking of which, I don't think Betty was wrong for wanting to cure Simon - he DID NOT WANT to be Ice King - she just became too reckless and self-destructive. Summoning and merging with motherfucking GOLB was unambiguously a mistake, there were other things she could have done (I reckon Simon being vampirised by Marceline, then destroying the Crown would've worked, but that's not as good of a story).
I think a message on stopping the cycle of sacrifice would've been stronger, more coherent, but this sequence is still incredible.
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Who Needs Stakes: Just Barf Up A Fuckin' Dandelion For The Class
Most of the stuff before this was nitpicks, and I wouldn't need to make this post if that was it. This is where we get into the things that I actually take issue with.
So the chain of events is Simon doesn't want the responsibility of the City of Um in his head, so GOLBetty (I think) compells the world out of him in the form of a dandelion. He gives the dandelion to Fionna, who blows on it to give it to everyone in the City, and then the world... becomes authorised? Huh? What? Like, I get the sentiment, but this feels like an asspull. And such a waste of plot, too! The idea of an entire universe being descriminated against by a celestial corporatocracy is so cool! I wanted to hear about the ideology behind that, and I wanted to see that injustice fought. But instead, they just... made it okay now, in a way that wasn't established as an option at all.
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Doctor Petrikov: Multiverse Of Messed Up Implications
Most of my bigger points are really just differences of opinion: me not being happy with what the show turned out to be. But this? This is actually a plot hole.
To assist our heroes, Prismo decides to send in Jay and Little Destiny from Farmworld, Baby Finn from Baby World, and the Peppermint Tank from Vampire World. And after the dust settles, they just... stay there. Worse, the other characters from those worlds are never touched on again, despite the huge opportunity to do so in the ending montage. Are we just not supposed to care about those worlds? Is Farmworld Finn alive? What about Jay's siblings? Did Vampire World Bonnibel and Marceline kill eachother? Is the Vampire King just free to rule unopposed? WHAT ABOUT JAY'S SIBLINGS!?
Also, why didn't Prismo just teleport Scarab out of there? The tank didn't even do anything.
While I'm on the topic, check out OSP's Detail Diatribe on "The Multiverse Problem", it was very informative for my perspective here.
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Alright, I Get It, Fionna Is A Bad Person For Wanting More Out Of Life
The series ends with Fionna learning to be happy in a mostly unchanged City of Um, and I just... I don't buy it. I cannot believe that Fionna is happy there after the song we opened this series on.
I'm not really feeling like my self today Hated every job I've had, what's wrong with me Every day's the same; Painfully mundane 'Cuz I'm running from my feelings and my fear of sudden change Everytime I leave my room, I wanna die Even when I'm with my friends, I'm alone inside 'Cuz nothing really matters, and I don't know what's sadder The fact I even try or that my hopes and dreams are shattered I'm not really feeling like my self today
It's probably not supposed to be one to one, but this paints a very dark picture of Fionna's psyche at the start of the series. This isn't boredom, this is a young woman being crushed by her environment.
Fionna struggled in the other universes because she didn't have her memories of Ooo, her experience of dealing with this kind of stuff. Throwing her in the multiversal deep end with none of her old life experiences didn't teach her she was wrong to want Ooo back, it just traumatised her, to the point she was arguing it was better for her universe to die than risk changing the people inside. Yes, her outlook at the beginning was childish and needed to change, but her mind overcorrected, giving her a nightmare of her desires hurting her loved ones.
And I was waiting for Fionna to realise that; that she doesn't just crave excitement, but autonomy, and heroism. That she wasn't wrong for wanting something else for herself. For being unhappy in the City of Um.
But... she doesn't. She just gives in, ready to die fighting when things looked bleak, and resigned to her fate when they recovered. Her world has functioning toilets. It's not so bad, right?
Easy to regret wanting to change your world when it's getting ripped apart in front of you.
This wasn't an either/or situation; after Scarab was dealt with, Fionna and Cake could have just pulled a Lemonhope and fucked off (Prismo would have done them the favour), but noooooo, being responsible means surrendering yourself to your own bleak existence, I guess. SPEAKING OF WHICH,
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"I am myself. Like this."
When I heard Cake say this line, I was convinced that leaving the City of Um as it is would not be a happy ending. Setting aside the fact that Genderswap Ooo is technically the original version, Cake doesn't even need her memories to know that her stretchy Ooo form is her authentic self. She likes having options.
Condemning Cake to her City of Um form would be unethical, and the show knows this, because it doesn't. But what about the rest of Um's residents? Which side of the coin would they choose? They don't get that choice, because they don't even know. Gary and Marshall worry about losing their new relationship, not knowing about the potentially hundreds of years of history they've already lost. And how many more Cakes are there? Animal residents of Ooo that lost their autonomy and personhood in the shift? Lord Monochromicorn made it out alright, but I doubt Cake was the only one to suffer.
Of course, the situation isn't black and white. Some residents of Um, like Female Fern (should've been called Flora, but whatev), the Lemoncarbs and maybe Human Ice Queen (I like to call her Ice Creem) might be better off in the City of Um than Genderswap Ooo, presuming their stories resolved the same as their Ooo Prime counterparts (Considering only one Lemongrab was alive during "Come Along With Me", when the shift happened, but Um has two Lemoncarbs, I'm not convinced on that).
But ultimately, this lack of knowledge denies the people of Um the agency to choose what world they want to live in, and what form is their authentic self. Which makes Fionna's gesture of giving the world's fate to them ring pretty hollow. And as someone who is fighting very hard in hopes of living as my authentic self, this ending kinda hurts.
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Disclaimer and Conclusion (unrelated pic, I just love this shot)
I'm not mad at the team behind Fionna and Cake for this ending. I definitely don't blame them for my problems with it, I don't think these dissonances were intended (unless they are gunning for a second season to resolve some of them, in which case globspeed) I respect their creative vision, and everyone who took home the good message they intended wasn't wrong to do so. From what I've seen, most people did, but some, like me, did find this ending unsatisfying.
Thing is, I'm still thankful. I loved the first eight episodes of this show, and my reaction to this finale has stirred within me the desire to make my own fan ending, as a creative excercise of sorts. Certainly fitting for a series about an in-universe fan-fic. I lost my creative drive some years ago, and I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get it back. I'm not sure how I'll go about making this fan ending, but if i manage it, I'll be sure to keep y'all posted.
So... thank you, Fionna & Cake. You got me to care about your story, and that's half the battle.
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cheekygreenty · 3 years
Little Witch - Part 8
The Darkling x Reader
'Are you busy?' You had taken to looking for Aleksander to entertain yourself. You had already done the usual routine for the day and were bored. You had been intending to speak with him for a while but he always seemed to be busy when you asked for him. You had an inkling he knew what you wanted but was scared to approach the topic. Your wandering around the Palace and acting like a leader surely hadn't gone unnoticed by him.
You finally found him in the courtyard hopping off of his horse, looking as regal and handsome as always. The way he stood while talking to his stable boy gave you a clear view of the embroidery on the back of his kefta. The weaves of black shadows seemed to have grown since the last time you had such a close look. Magnificent
'I think I can find a moment out of my day for you' He briefly took your hand in his and lightly traced your knuckles with his thumb in a soothing manner. He always does this.
'Fantastic, I've been meaning to thank you for welcoming me back into the Palace, I feel I owe you big time.' Butter him up first.
'Nonsense, this is as much your home as it is mine' He said and started to walk towards the entrance.
'Well, in that case, is it possible for me to take up my old position?'
You studied his face while a knowing smile replaced his emotionless expression. He didn't look in the least surprised.
'How long have you been waiting to ask me that?' You couldn't help but laugh. I knew he knew.
'I have nothing else to do. I can't just sit and pamper myself for the rest of my life as lovely as that sounds.'
'Do you think you're up for it? It has been a while since you commanded an army.'
You'd be surprised. You were about to give him all the reasons you were even more suited now but he abruptly stopped and looked deep into your eyes, catching you off guard. He looked at you with longing and love. It suddenly rendered you speechless.
'So?' he quirked his head and wore that boyish smile that you loved so much.
'As a matter of fact, yes. If you wish, I'll even take over those boring council meetings with the King to prove myself.' He raised his eyebrows and let out a short hum.
'That does sound like a very advantageous proposition.'
'So I'm assuming that's a yes?'
'I shall think about it.' He looked away, away from your addicting stare and those beautiful eyes.
'Thank- what?'
Did I hear that right?
'You're going to think about giving me my own position back? I made it in the first place! It was made for me!' If anybody walked past the two of your right now, they would surely think you were about to rip his head off.
'A lot has changed since then Y/N' He attempted to walk away but you had other plans.
'Where do you think you're going? We're not done here!' You ran in front of him.
'Y/N I have business to attend to'
'So do I, and it's this' He let out an exasperated sigh.
'I said I'll think about it, I never said no'
'But you never said yes'
'I'll have to run it by the King and the rest of the council. How do you think they'll respond to me appointing a brand new Grisha as Deputy-General? A Grisha like you nonetheless, they’ve never heard of your kind'
There it was. A Grisha like me. He was scared.
'I'll talk to them myself then, maybe even tell him a story or two.' You were so enraged you considered going to the King right then and there. With a little pressure on his old heart, you would be sure to get his approval.
His demeanor suddenly changed. You were talking to the General now. Great, you thought he's talking to the Deputy-General.
'Don't you even dare.'
'You're not leaving me with much of a choice. I'll reduce this place to ash if you're not careful with your words, Aleksander' You went to turn and leave but he gripped your arm and he pulled you closer to him.
'You are so sure of yourself. Did all those years alone make you so arrogant, or were you always like this?' His words were like venom to your heart but fuel for your rage. You shook his hand off.
'That is very rich of you to say don't you think?' Your hands suddenly felt very fidgety and hot.
'Y/N I suggest you calm down before making threats to your General. You should be glad I haven't chained you thus far.' His own hands balled into fists as he restrained himself.
This was your last straw, with a loud whoosh, you sent a stream of fire his way to distract him while a nice gust of wind knocked him to his knees in front of you. You grasped his hands in yours and slowed his heartbeat, relaxing him. His eyes swirled with fear.
'Go on, send the shadows, I'll gladly take them' you said through your teeth.
Suddenly you saw movement out of the corner of your eye, oprichniki. Aleksander looked at them and shook his head. Ivan looked livid. Good for him.
You roughly let go and took a step back, disappointed that he didn't make a move.
'You better think quickly' You warned and walked off.
Suits him right.
Your chambers were trashed, the mirrors smashed and the bed overturned. Screams and shouts still echoed over the walls yet nobody came to check on you. The whole reason for your return was to take back your title, to be yourself again, and leave your nasty past behind you.
You swore you were better now, that you could control your impulses, that power wasn't a temptation anymore, but you were wrong. You undermined Aleksander today, embarrassed the General in front of his soldiers. But he didn't punish you. You always knew that wherever Aleksander was involved, your loss of control followed. You never understood why.
He got one thing right though, you needed to calm down. Your mind couldn't get over the feeling right before the guards came, the feeling of almost having his glorious shadows. Of almost having that part of him again. There it is again, the temptation of power. You shook your head to rid of the thought.
You had momentarily thought about taking Alina and some of her power, but quite frankly you didn't feel the need anymore. Shadows were your thing, you always had an air of darkness. So does he. You didn't fit the light, but she did.
Sleep wouldn't come to you, not even briefly. You stared at the damage of the room in the moonlight and thought back to the image of him on his knees in front of you, fearing evident in his eyes. He looked so good on his knees.
You shot up from the bed and yanked the door open, walking with a purpose, your rage having a strange effect on you. You needed him.
Aleksander sat at his desk, halfway through a bottle of whiskey. He couldn't stop thinking of what you did. How such a small thing had affected you and made you snap. Your eyes held darkness he had never seen before, not even in himself.
He hoped your intentions were pure, it was better than the reality he imagined in his head as you held an iron grip on his hands and slowed his heart. You looked hungry; ravenous for more.
There was a time when your power made him more attracted to you, you were his equal in his eyes. Together the two of you were unstoppable, a force to be reckoned with. But all of it changed when he seen how little you understood the power you had. Your powers were always ruled by your emotions and not by you. Today just proved to him that even after 98 years of practice, you were still a loose cannon.
He couldn't bring himself to use the shadows on you, not because you would've taken them, but because he didn't want to hurt you. For a split second, he was scared you would do something to him, but it was overpowered by the fear of what you could do to his life; turn it upside down and inside out. And he would let you.
He couldn't decide if he hated you for undermining him or whether he wanted you even more than he ever did. The tension between you two was always thick, but when he was on his knees in front of you, he couldn't help but think back to all the times he'd done it willingly, worshipping you at your feet. Rightfully so. You were a goddess in his eyes.
A door opening and shutting tore him away from his thoughts. He looked up and there you were, in nothing but a nightgown, flushed and breathing hard.
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Part 9
ITS COMING sorry I’m making u wait but there’s nothing better than post-fight (literally) sex 😊😊😊
@theonelittleone @searching-for-gallifrey @0-artemis @lostysworld @xceafh @fire-in-her-veinz @cleverzonkwombatsludge @wizardwheezes @aleksanderwh0r3 @tomhollandisabae @hotleaf-juice @justmesadgirl
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tutyayilmazz · 3 years
Phoebe Waller-Bridge really said "i'm gonna give wlw everything they want" & created the most promising, interesting premise ever, had us relish an excellent 1st season & then LEFT the show in the hands of head writers that clearly didn't have the same vision nor the quality imo
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every time i think about killing eve i get so angry about last season, sandra oh as eve is a performance and a character that's captivated me like none other and it was infuriating to watch her being sidelined while villanelle got a solo episode, geraldine wasted screentime...
yes, eve not being a driving factor in the central plotline was a good idea for emphasizing the deliberate choice she makes in the end. yes, villanelle's past should've been explored, but not with a whole episode of random bs that didn't strengthen the reckoning with her mom
eve severing her ties with her past is even more significant and yet we only see this to the extent of nico, when this would've been a great opportunity to see how her "monster" shaped over time. instead they introduced a family member of carolyn, which accomplished nothing except repeating the same things every episode and in the end lead to absolutely nothing
the villanelle episode and the title cards of nico telling eve to fuck off are also a good time to mention how the tone of the show changed and the humor cheapened :/
the finale was the high point and covered up some of the blunders but also how they resolved kenny's death was so unbelievably ridiculous. i like the mutual understanding the season ended with after both have shed their illusions about each other and themselves away. the dance was one of my favorite scenes. but i'm so disappointed in how they arrived there, character development stagnating then lurching forward, just so much inconsistency in the season and among the whole series and i wish so fucking bad that PWB had continued on the show
Emerald Fennell and Suzanne Heathcote are perhaps good writers in their own right, i don't know their personal work but Heathcote especially did not suit the show not with direction she took things or the tone
and yeah it's just a show but season 1 felt so perfect and just what i was looking for without realizing and season 2 still continued pretty strong but season 3 didn't deliver much of what the season 2 finale made us crave, continued rocky and barely saved the ending. so i'm sad to see the something i loved so much not live up to the standard and i'm so worried how season 4 is going to wrap up the series :/
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mallowstep · 3 years
What characters in Warriors would you change by personality/development? Since there are a lot of Warriors that had lost potential, which ones do you think would've turned out to be AMAZING characters if they had more care given to them?
lmao i just did the one with bad end-of-arc stuff, so this feels fitting.
which, btw, i think these are different things, altho i won't be surprised if we see some repeats
i'm also going to do my best to not include too many background characters, because that's cheating. like yeah, sure, mossyfoot could have been a fantastic character but like she has like five lines in mistystar's omen, y'know?
and as before, if you want detailed discussion of anyone, send me an ask w one or two characters n i'll ramble on à la what i did for breezepelt anon.
okay, let's go! again, i'll be going roughly chronologically
silverstream. she could have been a lot. actually, silverstream novella would be cool? that would be fun.
sandstorm. idk. i just want to see her from someone else's pov, not fireheart. is she in redtail's debt? prob not signficantly
morningflower. i have so many questions. i want answers. i love her. she's so pretty.
deadfoot. i just. i just. he's. he's just. i want. i want. so much was set up in tallstar's revenge and yet. and yet.
until we get leopardstar's honor (and maybe even after, if it's bad), leopardstar.
related, mudclaw. we did get winds of change (which i'm still reading), so that's good! but i haven't finished it yet so it doesn't exist lmao.
mistystar. like. uh. her novella is bad? it's not bad the way leafpool's wish is bad; it's just not enjoyable, imo. but she suffers so much. i want to feel her pain; i also want to mercy kill her.
stonefur! my boy.
BLACKSTAR. we got blackfoot's reckoning (which btw why is it tallstar's revenge but blackfoot's reckoning what? are we getting a blackstar super edition?)
ferncloud! god i love her. she's perfect.
is it cheating to say squirrelflight again? she barely fits on this list but as far as i'm concerned you could never give too much care to her. she's not really on this list i just love her.
ashfoot! ASHFOOT. i do like that she came up in crowfeather's trial tho! just haven't read it.
billystorm. he was in skyclan and the stranger a lot which was good, but i still think he deserved more.
all of the sisters. they're great characters, but you can't have too much of them. okay maybe you can, but we're not even close.
oh, opposite! snowfur is a really well done character. she's given exactly the right amount of weight and time, very well executed. maybe i'm biased but i think they did a good job with her.
mothwing? uh, i just can't get enough of her but also i think while mothwing's secret made me sob like a baby i think she could have gotten a whole arc and i'd still be saying mothwing but also she deserves more and no we don't count tbc bc that's not my mothwing
the oots riverclan apprentices. they make it on this list bc (a) i gave them all personalities and (b) a lot of them have fucked up allegiances. hollowflight, rushtail, troutstream, mossyfoot: i honor you in one bullet point since you're way too minor to get your own.
millie. i haven't read the greystripe graphic novel, but i do try to focus on main arc content for these lists anyway. but millie. kind of.
a moment of silence for every apprentice and queen ever killed for a plot device. swiftpaw, shrewpaw, brindleface, badgerfang, smokepaw, coriander, and more i cannot remember: this one is for you.
moth flight. no, i know she got her own super edition i just. uh. this is a lil personal but as someone with adhd, reading her super edition made me cry. n i want more from her
fuccck okay so i don't remember anything that happened in avos that wasn't violetshine (violetshine) so my avos list is gonna be bad here but. puddleshine.
larksong, or w/e sparkpelt's mate was named.
like most of the great battle casualties.
half moon!
flametail and dawnpelt.
ANOTHER GOOD ONE: NEEDLETAIL. that's the first needle's name, right? i'm sorry i'm bad with this but anyway. needletail. she was very good. she did suffer a lot because her bonus chapters which. bs can i say. i cannot afford the b&n editions i don't have space or money for physical books. very bs. but needletail.
the guardian cats!
the other needle? needleclaw? is it needleclaw? that's a bad name lmao. people complain about twigbranch but like. at least twigbranch has meaning and i think it's cute. needleclaw is just. repetitive for no reason. what, leafstar, are you naming her after sharpclaw? yeah sure i definitely believe you smh.
all of leafstar's kits.
velvet. i loved. just. also moonkitti's velvet is adorable. but legitimately, canon velvet too could have been interesting. mostly through her relationship (i.e., connection, not necessarily romantic) to alderheart.
any deputy who retired or died from normal events. any. deputy.
really the thing with warriors is when you have this many characters, every character is a chance to do something interesting.
like, uh, okay. let's look at birchfall. he's a great example for what i mean here because he's. he's not quite a blank slate but you can still write just about anything and say "look, it's birchfall."
i can make him a good father who dovepaw thinks about and misses in dovefeather:
"How are you?"
"I'm good. I miss all of you."
He purrs. "We miss you too. Whitewing and Ivypaw will be thrilled to see you." He studies her. "Has RiverClan been treating you well?"
"Yeah, I've been learning a lot." She waves her tail, excited. "I even learned how to swim."
Birchfall chirps. "Really? Imagine. My daughter, swimming."
"It's not as hard as it looks," she says. "And the water is warming up."
Birchfall licks her shoulder. "I'm proud of you, you know that? It's not easy to leave your Clan for so long."
just a cute lil convo i haven't posted any wip teasers in a long time.
but that doesn't make it the only way to write him. and i know that's obvious, but like! that's my point. there's almost infinite potential in warriors. i've read fics for canon characters but you feel like you're reading ocs, not in a bad way, they just don't have any personality.
i had to sit down and do character creation strategies for trout, rush, and mossy because they just don't have a lot going for them, canonically. i could have done anything.
so uh? yeah?
as always, thank u for giving me an opportunity/excuse to ramble
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Grace & Janis
Grace: I thought you were back??! Janis: I've just gone to 🐕🏃 Janis: didn't fancy hockey in the freezing cold when I could be 💰 instead Grace: oh okay Janis: Mia will have to try and kneecap me another time Grace: 🙄 please Grace: like she has the energy to go after us both Janis: Yeah, you might wanna make whatever alibi for NY you have watertight Janis: they were cooking up their version of event in physics Grace: that was days ago, everyone's talking about you and your boyfriend again now, babes Grace: not my 🤢 🤮 🤧 🤒 Janis: then you're welcome Janis: but it ain't just bugs bunny who's slow on the uptake, much as they'd like to portray Grace: she can't prove I wasn't sick, she wishes Janis: send me an anon, if you want Janis: about what I did, throw something in about getting you soup or some bollocks Grace: cos that worked SO WELL when Ella tried it Grace: it's fine, I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere or post anything Janis: 1. you aren't as blatant as they are 2. people wanna know what I'm up to, idiot, it's not like 'hi pls tell me what your sister grace was doing between the hours of 8-2 on new years tah' Grace: literally nobody is but whatever Grace: 1 sec Grace: [sending those anons like] Grace: 👌👌?? Janis: don't need to tell me Janis: [does the responses] Janis: there you go Grace: 💜 Janis: yeah, crisis well adverted Grace: neither of us are in crisis, you're 😍😍 & I'm 🙄🏑 Janis: 👌👌 Janis: far as any cunt's concerned Grace: yeah Janis: I'm at his house Grace: cute Janis: he's not here Janis: said I could stay though Janis: if I need Grace: like I said, it's beyond obvious he cares Janis: you think it's weird Grace: ?? Janis: him and me Grace: why would I think it's weird and why would you care? Janis: Alright, what do you think then Grace: I literally just said how cute you were Janis: you say that about things usually when you don't mean it Janis: it's a them thing you've picked up Grace: excuse you, you'd know if I didn't mean it Grace: I've never once come at you telling you to dump him Grace: it'd be a big thing like !!!!!!!!! Grace: having no chill is a me thing Janis: if I was one of the gals, sure Janis: you and me don't do that Grace: UM hello, you're my sister Grace: you wouldn't listen to me but I'd still TRY Grace: if he was like the worst ever Janis: you don't reckon he's Liam 2.0 then? Grace: why are you even bringing him up? Janis: nans got a shit poker face Janis: she looked like she'd seen a 👻 when she met him Janis: briefly Grace: it's nan, babes Grace: she thinks every boy is going to do us dirty in every way possible Grace: with this family's track record she does have a point but like Grace: just no Grace: you're not her, you wouldn't Janis: love made her stupid Janis: she could've done anything and she decided to die in a car crash with a lad who only liked her as much as Ri Grace: & I repeat you're not like her so don't even Janis: not that smart to begin with Grace: shut up Grace: you literally do physics with Mia & Ella Janis: and they're right geniuses that pair Janis: 🙄 Janis: Ella'd learn rocket science if she got to be up Mia's hole Grace: 🙄🙄🙄🙄 Janis: it's not hard, all I'm saying Grace: cos you're not stupid, duh Grace: & he really likes you so stop Janis: what do you mean? Grace: what do you mean, what do I mean? Janis: what should I stop? Grace: I know a freak out when I see one Grace: 👑 of Janis: Got no reason to freak out Grace: exactly so don't Janis: I ain't Grace: 👌👌 sure Janis: what would I be freaking out about? Janis: not broken into his house here, like Grace: idk this is the longest convo we've had in forever Janis: must be the way you accuse me of having mental breakdowns Janis: not very endearing tbh Grace: ha ha Grace: but not even Janis: I shouldn't tell him Janis: about Ana, and all that Janis: should I Grace: he was a church Grace: I don't think he'd be 😱😱😱 Janis: don't paint me in the best light Grace: maybe put the 💬 equivalent of like, a filter on it Grace: if you do tell Janis: I didn't try to kill her, she just slipped Janis: 👍 Grace: it was A LOT Janis: she always is Janis: dunno what kind of cult he found that fucking bitch in though Grace: ugh, let's not Janis: she ain't going to just fuck off Janis: even if Ana is going to sulk thinking I'll come and apologize Grace: well, some of us are being forced to play hockey, hun, instead of having a mental breakdown Janis: you scream if the ball comes near you, I've seen you Grace: I don't want to have to hit it 💅! Janis: exactly, don't act like you're busy Grace: I'm not saying I'm busy, I'm saying I'm not trying to be busy 😢😢 thanks Janis: fuck all to cry about Janis: that's the point Janis: I'm not pretending her kids, or any of the fucking others, mean anything to me Janis: or he did Grace: if that's how you feel don't tell barista boy any of it, end of convo Grace: it was just family drama, no specifics Janis: of course that's how I feel Janis: shouldn't be surprising Grace: I'm not surprised Janis: you're an idiot if you feel any different Grace: you can stop, it's not like I want any of them to exist either Janis: someone needs to back me up Janis: you know full well Ri won't stop seeing her, and Junior ain't about and if he were he'd do fuck all as well Grace: okay so what are we going to do? Janis: that's what we need to work out Janis: why should they be the only ones allowed to talk about him Janis: how amazing he was Grace: she's the loudest Grace: if we could be louder then Janis: it's a joke and everyone around us fucking knows it Janis: someone needs to lay it out for her, finally face it, for what it actually is Janis: who he was Grace: but she's never gonna hear it from either of us like that Grace: it would literally have to come from god, babes Janis: maybe it can Janis: hmm Janis: leave it with me, but think what you want to say Grace: ??! Grace: obviously I'll 🤔🤔 though Janis: might take a while Janis: but fuck it Janis: she ruined my new years Grace: yeah, mine too Janis: would've been a shite party anyhow Grace: that's totally not the point Janis: put it in your letter Janis: already got enough people in a mood with me Grace: fine Janis: fuck sake Grace: UM rude, why are you swearing at me? Janis: because it ain't my fault Grace: I'm not blaming you for what happened Grace: I was there Janis: I told her to get out of my way Janis: she should've, simple as Grace: I know Grace: I was freaking out too, she deliberately ambushed us Janis: you didn't cunt punt her though so you know Grace: yeah but you'd be on my side if I did so Janis: if you do it now it will look like you're copying me, just fyi Grace: & I've never been accused of that before ever 🙄 I think I'd find a way to cope Janis: hardly the sister you copy now Janis: don't need to know the ins and outs to see that Grace: cos nobody EVER brings up the past 🙄🙄 Grace: beyond focused on only 💬 about us now, like Janis: that's why I've given them something to talk about Grace: & that's great for you, babes Janis: not like you can't Grace: not in the same way Janis: not unless there's another new kid any time soon Grace: not holding my breath Janis: it's not the only way Grace: 😂😂 what else am I gonna do?? Janis: depends Janis: they're gonna chat shit, regardless, that's obvious Janis: what would you rather they said Grace: is that like, a trick question?? Janis: why would it be Grace: UM it's a little too late for me to try & overhaul what people 💬 about me, hun Janis: hardly Janis: stuck here for another 3 Janis: you could have a totally different rep in that time Grace: hardly Grace: ALL the receipts exist Janis: 🙄 Grace: you have NO idea Janis: yeah Janis: 'course I don't Grace: so are you done trying to make me a better person or ?? Janis: I'm not trying to do shit Janis: if you're gonna cry about it, you could at least try Janis: that's the point Janis: don't complain if you ain't Grace: if I wanna talk about my rep, grandma & god are ALWAYS available Grace: you brought it up Grace: literally all I said was congrats on your 😍😍 Janis: your rep is 😢😢 and freakouts Janis: you said Grace: no I didn't Grace: I said I know a freakout when I see one Janis: well it is Janis: we all get chatted on Janis: if all you want to do is cry about it that's your look out but no one is gonna feel sorry for you Janis: least of all me Grace: I didn't ask Grace: for your opinion or sympathy Janis: yeah, people NOT looking for sympathy 👑 themselves queen of 😭😱 Janis: good luck with that, really working in your favour Grace: I'm talking to you not tweeting it out but sure Grace: thanks Janis: you think it's a secret? Janis: pretty sure your own friends and any guy you'd ever fucked wouldn't treat you like shit if you didn't reek of the desperation of it all Grace: grandma being literally the worst, which is all we were talking about when I said I was 😢😢 is as close to a secret as this family gets Grace: but 👌 attack me Janis: I'm not interested in living this lie with you rn Janis: you cry all the time Grace: &? Grace: you get angry all the time, I'm not judging you Janis: and this is why no one has anything to say about you Grace: whatever, Janis Grace: I didn't come here for this Grace: 👋 Janis: 😢😢 Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: you're a fucking joke, Grace Grace: this whole family is Grace: 👏 that you changed the news cycle for a sec Janis: 👏 that you're less interesting than Mia and Ella and all they do is slowly starve themselves to death Janis: people aren't going to forget suddenly that you belong to this family, just 'cos you try to blend into the walls Grace: like I said, you have no idea Janis: Yeah, I do Janis: we all get talked about, I did when I was doing literally nothing Grace: not about me & it's not like you care so just focus on yourself Grace: my rep is my problem Janis: it is your problem if you can't take the tiniest bit of initiative and see that being a lesser version of Rio is just going to make people talk about her more Grace: people aren't going to stop talking about her just cos I have a fake personality overhaul Janis: it's about the comparison Janis: you don't wanna be your own person, no? Janis: carry on getting Mia to dress you Grace: 😂😂 mhmmmm cos we all just get to be our own person Grace: if I'm not compared to her, it's Edie or you Janis: yeah, wild how no one is mistaking you 2 for sisters Janis: no amount of her leftovers is gonna make you exempt Janis: try getting crippled, evidently worked for Billie Janis: get a sex change, Junior who? Grace: hilarious Janis: we all got our lot Janis: and they're getting bored of their charity work with you Janis: what are you gonna do then, huh? Grace: yeah & yours is nothing like mine so stop coming for my life Janis: we're literally twins Grace: oh please Janis: sorry, not much can be done about it now Grace: duh Janis: 🧱 Grace: 👌👌 Janis: fuck this Grace: 👋 Janis: 🖕 Grace: 💜
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The Storm That's Brewing
Summary: morning in Spain, breakfast
Warnings: food/eating
(first, previous and next chapter links at end)
Chapter 9- A Morning Of Chocolate, Charging And Charming
Waking up was always hell, Virgil thought. Waking up to the smell of burning chocolate, and the sound of faint cussing from another room, though? Virgil wasn't sure how he felt about that.
Of course he was mad about waking up, and if it were up to him he'd nestle back under the covers and sleep for another week, but he was already on his feet before the thought crossed his mind.
Out of habit he checked his phone before anything else: one message from Patton, reading 'Okay! See you tonight!' followed by a heart, cat, and tea emoji. He replied a simple 'ok' emoji and shut off his phone. Then he did what his instincts told him and followed the chocolate.
Stepping out into the hallway, Virgil pondered over why he wasn't completely freaking out right now. For once, he had plenty of reason to: he'd just discovered that his roommate could teleport, meaning that he and Patton weren't the only superpowered ones out there and there could be countless others, that his life was probably going to get a lot more complicated very quickly, and also that he was in Spain. He was sure a breakdown was inevitable. Yet, walking barefoot towards a stranger's kitchen, in a stranger's house, in borrowed clothes, he felt completely fine. Probably because of shock. Or denial. Either way, he preferred it to stressing.
As he neared the kitchen, the cursing stopped, and he noticed quiet music playing from Roman's phone on the table. Behind, Roman stood, frantically jumping between the tasks of mixing bowls, setting the table and presumably not burning the place down.
Roman hadn't noticed Virgil sit down at the table, until he went to place a cup next to him and jumped out of his skin.
"Heckedy heck! Five abs and a peck! Warn a guy before you sneak up on them."
Virgil laughed. He'd never seen Roman so disgruntled before- dressed in sweats and an oversized Disney tee, hair unbrushed and face bare, discounting the line of flour he had across his cheek. Virgil rarely caught Roman in the mornings before either of them left for work, or for social purposes in Roman's case. He liked plain Roman- he seemed less like an annoying preening peacock, and more like an annoying, cute robin. Not like Virgil had any issues with Roman looking dressed up though, both were very pleasant sights.
"Well that's... An image. But yeah, good morning to you too Princey." He said, aiming for sarcastic, but just sounding tired (which he was). He glanced behind Roman, where he could see smoke. "Uh, something's burning."
Roman quickly turned the oven off, scowling into the previously smouldering bowl. He placed it, as well as another onto the table.
Virgil peered into one of the bowls and saw a mass of clumpy, charred chocolate. He bit his lip. "This looks... Good?"
Roman sighed and flopped into the seat opposite Virgil. "I know, I know. It's burnt. It's inedible. It's unsalvageable." He draped an arm across his head. "You've found my weakness- it's chocolate."
Virgil laughed under his breath. "What were you even trying to do? Burn the house down?"
Roman titled the other bowl for Virgil to see; inside were a load of piped, yellow-y shapes.
Roman nodded solemnly.
"Why is this one shaped like a deformed dinosaur?"
"I was trying to make some Mickey mouse shaped."
Virgil tried to hide his smile. <i>Of course <i/>he was. "Alright well the chocolate is salvagable. Did you make the sugar dip thingy?"
Roman perked up. "I was just about to but..." He poked the chocolate lump with a spoon. "Really?"
Virgil stood, "Is there a kettle?"
"Why, of course!"
Roman outstretched his hand and, with a slight pop, a kettle appeared.
"Dude. How do you do that?"
"I don't know, I just-" He looked suspiciously up at Virgil, "I usually can't do it with people watching."
Virgil raised an eyebrow.
"Here." Roman handed Virgil the kettle.
Virgil placed it underneath the tap and filled it. A silence fell over the cabin. Virgil realised that he and Roman hadn't actually ever spent that much time together since their first day in the apartment. He reckoned, now that some new secrets had come to light, that was going to change. Was that a bad thing?
Once the kettle was almost boiling on the stove, and Roman had (manually) found a spare bowl and several types of sugars, Roman tried to initiate a conversation. Unfortunately, it wasn't one that Virgil wanted to have so early in the- morning? Afternoon? What timezone should he even go by?
"So uh... Do you just do lightning or are you like Storm?" Roman tried.
Virgil glared at him.
Roman summoned a white flag into his hand. "Alright, alright, Lightning McQueer, we'll talk about it later."
Virgil narrowed his eyes. Did he hear Roman correctly? He huffed out a small laugh despite his best efforts not to.
Roman beamed. "Virgil smiling within an hour of waking up? What magic is this? "It's straight out of a fairytale."
Virgil shook his head. "Yeah right, as who, the villain? The evil witch?"
Roman gasped. "Of course not! You are clearly the princess. The damsel in distress." He lifted Virgil's hand and tried to spin him.
"I have a kettle full of boiling water in my hand, you dolt!"
Virgil gently pushed Roman away, careful not to
Roman chuckled. "You certainly have the distressed part of damsel in distress going on."
"Dream on Princey." Virgil poured some water into the closest mug. He looked around for a second, then at Roman, "Spoon?"
"Do you have a tea spoon?" Virgil asked impatiently.
Roman smirked and handed Virgil a spoon he'd gotten from seamingly nowhere. Was he creating them or bringing it from another place? If so, where? Virgil would've asked if he hadn't already waved away Roman's question about his lighting/Storm powers.
Virgil muttered a "thank you" and poured a spoonful of boiling water in the charred chocolate and began mixing.
Roman quietly mixed some sugar and then began to reheat whatever oil he'd been using to cook the churros.
It didn't take too long for Virgil to revive the chocolate.
"How did you save it?" Roman asked incredulously. He placed a plate of freshly cooked churros, and a bowl of mixed sugars, in the centre of the table. He tried to pick up one of the churros but dropped it, blowing one his fingers to try cool them down.
Virgil grabbed Roman's dropped churro. He dipped it in the sugar and stirred it idly in the chocolate.
"If you somehow hadn't noticed, Patton likes to bake cookies, like, all the time."
"Well he doesn't like to read recipes and we both get distracted pretty easily- plus, neither of us have any sense of time- so we've burnt a lot of chocolate. And we did this one time at the apartment and Logan came out of his room for once and got all Lecture Mode and told us that when you burn it you basically remove loads of moisture or whatever so you just re-moisturize it." Virgil took a bit of the churro then reconsidered his words. "That sounds weird. But... Yeah."
"I guess the know-it-all does know some useful facts after all. Let the record show, I always had full faith in him."
"You just called him a know-it-all."
"Unimportant." Roman said, dismissing the statement with a wave of his hand. He reached for a churro but they were still steaming hot. It was possible he'd overheated the oil a bit.
To Roman's surprise, Virgil grabbed and ate another churro without issue.
"How are you not burning yourself? These churros are hotter than Hades' hair."
"They're not that hot." Virgil shrugged.
"Virgil, they're steaming hot." He poked one. "Like me but in a less fun way."
Virgil suppressed a laugh. "Drama queen."
"Emo nightmare." Roman retorted.
Virgil began to think of a witty reply but found that 'emo nightmare' was really more of a compliment. He instead replied, "Thank you."
Roman summoned a fork and stabbed a churro. He did his best to fully cover it in sugar and chocolate without dropping it and, somehow, did so successfully. It was a truly heathenly way to eat a churro, he knew, but he was hungry.
After several churros (which never seemed to cool down, by the way), Virgil finally worked up the courage to ask, "So... When are we going back to America?"
Roman wiped some chocolate off of his chin. "What's the rush? Do you have work? A date? Some emo band concert tickets?"
"Ha-ha." Virgil deadpanned. "But no. No plans. Just... You know... America?" <i>Smooth.<i/>
"Alright, My-Chemically-Imbalanced-Romance, as you wish. How about I escort you home after we both get ready?"
"Both get ready? God, we're never leaving." Virgil sniped.
"Ha-ha. I don't take that long to get ready-"
"You're the reason Logan made morning bathroom schedules."
"-<i>But<i/> I have no plans today so I have no need for makeup. Just a quick shower. I'll use the en suite in the main bedroom if you want to use the main; I know you prefer to shower at night but since you were a little busy last night..."
<i>'A little busy' was an understatement,<i/> Virgil thought, but he agreed.
Despite Roman's promise to be quick, Virgil was ready a whole half an hour before Roman, who sauntered in at 5:30pm (Spanish time, which Virgil didn't know how to convert to his normal time), a whole hour after breakfast.
"Alright, it took a smidge longer than I'd previously anticipated- outfits and all- but I'm here now. You ready to go?"
Virgil ended his conversation with Patton, who'd been texting him from work, and slipped his phone is his hoodie pocket. He stood up. Roman walked over and took him by his hands. "What are you doing?"
"We need to be touching, apparently."
Virgil recoiled. "Apparently?"
Roman laughed nervously. "I've never teleported with someone else with me."
Virgil sighed and offered Roman his hands, "Great."
Roman accepted. He held Virgil's hands tightly, which sent sparks up and down his spine (possibly literally, it was hard to tellwith him) and closed his eyes for a second, then let go. He proposed, "Why don't we for a walk first? There truly are some splendid views around here."
"It must be almost sunset, very picturesque-"
Roman collapsed onto the couch. "It didn't work."
"What do you mean 'It didn't work'?"
"I tried to take us back to the apartment, back to my room, your room, behind the apartment, backstage at the Mind Palace... Nada."
"I can't do it when people are watching," Virgil raised his eyebrows. "Or cameras. I guess somebody's home."
"You don't say."
"No need to fret, though, we can try again a bit later. Somewhere's got to be empty eventually."
Virgil flopped down onto the couch next to him.
"Actually," Roman turned to Virgil, "I have another solution. May take a while though. Need to send a few texts. Want to go for a walk?"
Virgil bit his lip. He hated having no control. "Okay."
"Curses, my phone's dead. Please spare me a second."
"Give it here." Virgil said, already regretting it.
Roman handed over his phone with very little hesitation. Virgil's phone was his lifeline; he doubted he could hand it over as easily as Roman had.
Virgil placed the phone between both of his palms, like a sandwich. He glanced towards Roman then back at the phone. Energy coursed through his hands, like constant static shock, although a lot less painful. He watched as the minute switched over to 17:29, and as the battery percentage steadily increased. He stopped at 20%, which took a minute, as it was 17:30 when he was done, although Virgil hadn't noticed the time passing, too focused on his task.
He could've charges the phone up fully, or a little faster but if he'd learnt anything from the seven phone batteries he'd killed within a week, it was best to take it slowly. The last thing he wanted was to ruin Roman's nice phone.
"There." Virgil handed the phone back to Roman.
Roman desperately wanted to pepper Virgil with questions about his (awesome) powers, but he'd been raised a polite gentleman and opted to only thank Virgil, no questions asked. He knew both of them were equally curious of the other's abilities, but perhaps it wasn't the right time. He'd let Virgil ask the first question.
Roman sent a series of texts and received a response almost instantly. It was technically part of her job.
Plans were made- which Virgil knew not of, for no reason other than that he didn't ask, and this wasn't something Roman paticularly wanted to be known- for an hour's time. That left plenty of time for a nice walk, and hopefully an enlightening chat, Roman thought.
Taglist: *insert audio of the zoe 101 oOh*
Chapter 1:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 10: in progress
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: *Bea felt sick. She'd felt sick the whole day, not able to focus on any task, told off for daydreaming (as if), waiting for this moment to come, thinking SO hard for a way out of it but still not having a solid one by the time the bell for lunch rang and Miss was calling out their names. Crosslegged on the carpet, being 'Agosti' gave her no extra time to prepare either. There was only Josh Abbott and Amaya Adams before her on the register. She was a School dinner kid, that meant getting in line to be led to the dining room to get your tray of whatever shit they were serving today. The packed-lunch early years' kids stayed in the classroom, having their sandwiches and crisps and whatever else where they'd been doing their colouring and ABCs earlier. Trying to swallow the lump in her throat as she cleared it, and then trying to look the way the movie stars looked when you were annoying them, narrowing your eyes, raising a brow like you were so stupid, instead of shamefaced embarrassed, when Miss faltered at her interruption and the class tittered, expectant. 'Yes, Katie, what is it?' 'I've not got my lunch money, Miss.' Of course, it had to be drama, huffing and puffing with the classroom helpers who shook their heads, some with equal annoyance, some with pity, Miss making a big scene of 'Why not?' and then 'Well HOW did you forget?'; pondering out loud if she could be trusted to bring money in tomorrow, if that would be allowed and on and on it went, the kids getting rowdier again, laughing and sneering, all that bullshit washed over her anyway, she didn't care about them. Just standing there, still and expressionless, wishing they'd hurry up and make a bloody decision. Protests, pointing out 'I'm not even hungry anyway' batted away with annoyance 'You HAVE to eat lunch, Katie, don't be ridiculous!' Everyone loving how in trouble she was. This was all his fault. She hated him so much. Trying not to care, because that was the punishment, and if she wasn't embarrassed then he hadn't won, hadn't got what he wanted out of it, had he? She stood there, jogging her right leg up and down, the 'I'm bored of this now so you all should be too' look plastered on her face, fixed so tight it ached to maintain it on days like this. She caught eyes with that freckly boy, who hadn't joined in with the laughing yet, and wasn't looking at her just to see how much trouble she'd be in. She didn't know how she could tell, but she just could, she narrowed her eyes at him, furrowing her brows, as if to say 'What do you want?'* Fraze: *Lunch was proper class, not the cheese sarnies and deffo not the bruised fruit that his ma kept putting back into his bag day on day like enough threats and hard looks would make him eat it on one of 'em. Nah tah. Apples or oranges he could kick or lob decent but bananas were fucking scratty shit. It'd been a laugh when Joe showed him how to shove one up a car exhaust, yeah, but he couldn't reckon on one of the lads keeping watch every time. They were too soft, like. And he could hear his ma now if he got caught, feel how far he'd have to duck out of her way if the news caught her when she was home. Forget her having his knackers in a vice like she did his da, he wanted to be let out for footie, free to smash any other scally at the beautiful game whenever he fancied. That was what he was thinking about 'til it got gegged by the bullshit around him kicking up a notch. Alright. Fuck's sake. It was all going off from what he could tell 'cause that girl who was always on her tod hadn't got her spends, which shouldn't be nothing 'cept the teachers were being well cackhanded as per and keeping her pure embarrassed. Or so he'd have reckoned if he hadn't kept glancing, like. With one more he recognised how fuming she was. It was just the same as how he got, but she weren't handling it in any of the ways he did. Or didn't. Depending who you asked. He kept waiting for her to shout or swear or throw the tray and leg it, but there was none of that. Alright then. She had his full attention with the rest. 'Course that made him feel bad 'cause he wasn't stupid, he knew she didn't want any of 'em staring, but for every knobhead that he elbowed or glared at to shut up, more joined in laughing or pissing about that he'd have to make himself noticed too to deal with. That would be stupid. What then? It felt like ages before he worked out that he was gonna give her the fruit and half of whatever else Joe had thrown into his lunchbox this morning. Longer before he stood to do it, meeting the girl's eye for the first time. He made his voice loud.* Miss, she can share with me, I've got loads. Bea: *She didn't have to wait long for an answer, not that it was an answer that satisfied her, AT ALL; fucking hell. She shook her head, trying to protest but it was lost under how much Miss was wetting herself in excitement, literally clapping her hands together, making more of a show of how considerate and kind he was being, and how they should all make more effort to be like that to each other. Like, yeah, this boy was usually one for acting up, making her job harder than she liked, but no need to go overboard. Apparently so, though, at least Bea weren't the only one in this silly pantomime now, that gave her some solace and pride back. Not that it was hers to keep, a 'Thank you, Frazier' forced from her by their stupid teacher. As if that weren't bad enough, she was then plonked down next to him on his lunch table, as if he'd agreed to be her 'bezzie mate', as they'd probably put it. She scowled down at her shoes, kicking the table leg in frustration. This was so shit. She jutted her chin out, looking up at the blonde kid with defiance, and a shrug.* Thanks but keep it, I don't need anything. Fraze: *His eyes would've rolled back into his head at miss' bullshit if he'd let 'em, but right now, he only had eyes for who he'd lumbered himself with this break without knowing why he'd bothered. She wasn't, this girl whose voice didn't match his (too posh for 'round here), or really sound like it should come out of her either (too quiet for the anger he saw was there, barely hiding). She talked like someone off the telly but she kicked out at the table like she belonged at his, squeezed between his ma and da too, like. Same temper. Call this the mad kid table, yeah? Katie sat down and everyone stopped craning their necks and finally put some food in their gobs. Good. Still, his nose scrunched itself up at the teacher's continued fannying about, fuck the pat on the head. He didn't do it for that, he weren't no goodie two shoes and nobody called him Frazier, not even his ma when she was on one. He'd just wanted everyone to shut up and they had now. So whatever. Job done, yeah? Go away, miss. When it was only them two he emptied his bag out onto the table, and giving the lunchbox a hard shove towards her as she tried to refuse, in a way that matched her attitude and unmistakably said, 'yeah, you do.' Or, 'it's lunchtime, what else are you gonna do, watch me eat?' * Bea: *Bea scowled at him, taking a little less than half, what she knew she was meant to, including the battered banana that was starting to smell like what she knew as booze from all the people's breath she'd smelt in on. Gross. She was resolute on not eating any of it anyway, even if her stomach was growling, feral with the hunger, making her mood worse, it was always worse when she was hungry, all of it. She remembered Sunday mornings with her Dad, crispy bacon on fluffy white rolls, yellow pools of butter. Vague remembrances of him telling her not to tell her Mum soured by all the things she wasn't allowed to tell now. Not hungry anyway. Yeah, right. All they'd had in this morning was those rusk things Luce liked so much and it didn't feel right taking anything from her, even when she felt so empty she might fall in on herself. Candy from a baby, yeah? Didn't take a genius to know that made you the bad guy. And there wasn't room for three of 'em in one house, was there. There was only one baddie in the films, maybe a gang but they only counted as one 'cos they was bad in the same ways. She weren't nothing like him or her, nah, fuck that forever. No one was gonna be bad like they were to her, to Luce, never. She shook her head, not wanting to be here, in these thoughts, in her head, again. He had a point on that, even if he was annoying with it; What else was she gonna do? She tore her half of the sandwich up, playing with it, acting like she was always just about to put it in her mouth but always got distracted before she could.* I owe you then. Fraze: *He'd fucked up, she was telling him that every way but saying it out loud so it didn't matter how, why or because. His ma would say 'are-eh' all sarky if she were here, he reckoned and that jogged him on to get over it. Stop being soft. Sulking, like. If you don't like it, do something that voice inside told him. His da would. Joe would. Even little Tommo would have a go, if only by throwing a wobbler loud as a baby brat could. Fine then. Fraze turned to her with a shrug, shaking his head that nah, she didn't owe him fuck all. Meaning it. Well, it went boss, 'course it did. No effect. She was just still pissing about like she'd never seen a sarnie with the crusts cut off before. Maybe she was up herself like some of the other's said, too good to eat with him or any food made for him, like. That'd be right, after he'd put himself out. He kicked out at the table leg himself to settle his stomach back, using more force that she had, before bothering to try to fill it and replace the frustration with fullness. 'Cause that made you happy, yeah?* It's just cheese. *He stuffed the whole of his share of sandwich into his mouth as if to prove it weren't that bad, chewing with the same fierceness. Blue eyes burned into green unflinchingly as if forcing her to watch him would also make her copy the actions and eat. Like she was Tommo's age and it was that simple.* Bea: *She looks down at the table leg pointedly, raising a brow, 'What'd it ever do to you, like?' also throwing a cursory glance the adult's way, yeah, they were getting noticed.* Thanks a bunch. *She smiled sweetly, as if it were a genuine thanks, shoving a bit of the sandwich in her mouth sharpish, they'd be over like a flash to make her otherwise, least this display had 'em focusing on the kid choking on their crisps again, 'stead of them.* Well, I do. So think what you want fast or I'll decide for you. *She said, matter-of-fact. Savouring the first bite of food she'd had since...3 o'clock, yesterday? And that was only the sweets she'd settled on from Al's, should've gone for something more filling... She frowned.* And I know what cheese is, by the way. *Obviously, the boy was regretting being 'nice' to her now. Standard. Not like anyone else bothered. Oh well. She turned her body to face away from him, arms folded in her lap, body language closed. Cheeks pinkening at the idea he thought she was trying to be his friend, and not only that, but he was going to be like all the rest and be so openly against the idea. Well, think again.* I'll stop talking to you, how's that for a favour? Fraze: *He followed her gaze to where it went when it broke off from his and saw that he'd probably be in trouble if he didn't stop. At the very least one of the teachers would try and make him do that counting to calm down thing which never fucking worked and made him feel like such a twat. He sighed, exactly how he so often heard one of his parents do, without knowing he'd made a sound never mind done his own copying. There wasn't any consideration in his next action either, Fraze just did it. Broke the chocolate bar down the middle and assigned her the bigger piece. Like she was him and he was Joe. He handed her share to her, wordlessly, not taking no for an answer, like. Not waiting for one. No fucking way was he gonna let her decide anything for him. So yeah, he was thinking on his feet. And gonna make a quality choice, obviously.* Go'ed giz us some sweets then if you're gonna cry 'bout it, like. *He shrugged again, giving pretending that the idea of getting anything decent from her (just 'cause he gave her half a manky sarnie, handful of crisps and a banana) wouldn't make his day. A grin escaped anyway. He couldn't help it, how she talked made him want to. It was dead funny.* Yeah? *He raised his eyebrows as if he was pure shocked by the idea of someone knowing what cheese was. *Well, no take backs, you said I can have whatever I want, shit sarnie or nah. * He nudged her, playfully, grinning. *Okay, but what if what I want is for you to chat to me, what you gonna do then? Fucked it for yourself, haven't you? You've gotta set boundaries for me, see, or I want it all. Bea: *She tried to not look at the chocolate as if she'd never seen any before, save him taking the piss again. Also save melting it in her palms, waste; she was about to take a bite, 'cos they were eating lunch now and it was pointless trying to fight that, especially as hunger always got worse if you had SOME food. It was like teasing yourself, poking the bear or whatever it was that adults said. Once you had a little, you NEEDED more. But fat chance she was letting that comment go unanswered, dickhead! She kicked his foot closest to her, not hard nor nothing, didn't need the teachers back 'on 'em and didn't need to make HIM cry, like.* I.don't.cry. Get that straight. *Bea took a bite now, for emphasis.* Right then, easy. Come with me after School, get it sorted. *She nodded, happy to have it sorted by time the day was out, and happy he'd picked something she could give or she would've had to get creative. Blinking at him, at what felt like a sudden change of heart from the boy, and concealing the grin that tries to form in return of his, she shakes her head.* Nah, it's one for one, you don't get unlimited favours, idiot. And you'd rather have sweets, wouldn't you? *Bea shrugs, finishing the chocolate, licking her lips clean.* Fraze: *He laughed, no shame at it now that she was finally reacting in a way he was used to, shaking his head again, harder this time.* All girls cry. End of. *Ma's didn't count, like, and she didn't know his, so whatever. That could be the story and he was sticking to it. She had hers and the way she was telling it meant he'd get sweets. If she wasn't full of it, Joe would lose his mind. They all would. Ali would definitely cry and she wasn't allowed chocolate or sweets yet to know how good they were. His grin widened at the idea of having something none of them did, for once. But the voice was back as soon as he had that thought, turning it into more of a frown, telling him that if he showed the rest of them what he had, he'd have to fight to keep every sweet and losing wasn't just about sharing, it was shaming. Fuck. He'd have to eat 'em all before he got home. There weren't decent enough hiding places in the flat to risk anything else. The fucking dog would sniff 'em out and he'd be in the shit like he was at Easter. Fraze clicked his lunchbox shut, why the hell was he thinking about that? Stop being a div. She'd gonna think you are, and worse.* Alright. I'll ask. *Easy said, 'cause like he'd already, to himself, she didn't know his ma. Or that there was no chance she'd let him go down the shops with the new girl at school 'cause he asked nice. Still, he nodded himself to convince her (at least) that it was happening. Fuck knows what Katie would be like if she reckoned she still owed him. Nah tah, to that. But wait a sec, he might not have to be the loser mama's boy in her eyes though if this after school plan went tits up. She was right, 'course he wanted sweets, but he still knew better than not to take advantage of the possibility that he didn't, just in case. He was a McKenna for fuck's sake.* Who says? Bea: Well you must only know really pathetic girls then because I never cry so you're wrong. *She stuck her tongue out at him, not even checking if any adult was looking now. She believed it, though; Loads of the kids in their class, girls AND boys, still cried every morning when their Mums left, clinging to their legs, begging 'em not to leave... And barely anyone took the piss out of them, much. It pissed Bea off. She could handle the ones who just wouldn't have nothing to do with her, suited her fine anyway, but the ones who thought they were funny or hard or whatever were the worst. Didn't have time or energy for it, didn't they get it? She shook her head. Still, this one, Fraze, they ACTUALLY called him, not Frazier, wasn't being like that right now; So for this lunch break, (JUST this one, like), she'd 'play nice' as Miss always told her to.* If you can't come tell me what's your favourite and I'll still give it you tomorrow morning, swear. *She held out her pinky to him.* I say. What, you wanting something for every single bit of your lunch or something? That's a bloddy cheek, init? *She smiled, to show she was joking.* Fraze: *His eyebrows rose in proper surprise for the first time since they'd sat down together. She weren't backing down, maybe she was right that she weren't like other girls in their class? She already hadn't pitched a fit when he swore or run off to tell on him like others did when he did in front of them. But he couldn't let her know that, could he? Still a McKenna, like. If she earned it, he might give her a clue. Maybe. For now, he just had to fight back. With a laugh he balled up the empty crisp bag and threw it at her, not hard, but aiming for her head. 'Course it was a direct hit. A teacher moved towards the table at speed, but he reckoned it was worth it anyway. She'd be well impressed, how could she not be? Before the telling off could come and stop him, Fraze continued to grin proudly as he linked his finger with hers, making sure she did promise even if she was mad at him now. And he nodded too.* Well, I like Sherbet Lemons best, remember that, yeah? In case and just 'cause.* He grinned back, trying not to show how happy it'd make him if they could go to the shops sometime. He didn't like girls, but if she weren't, basically (and they both agreed, or as good as, that she weren't a standard one, at least) then it was alright. Fuck it. He laughed that off with what else she said.* Nah, not for this shit show, but next time I save you, for sure. I'll step my game up. Then you'll owe me big and won't wanna refuse. Bea: *She saw the hit for what it was, a challenge. She wasn't, however, as fully certain on what the response he was after was, especially when the big grin came. If he wanted her to cry, good fucking luck, boy. The teacher who marched over and made Fraze not only apologize to her but get up and put his crisp packet in the bin, helped her work it out, giving her no time or chance to respond with violence, like. Instead, she made funny faces behind the woman's back at him whilst he was at the bin, sticking up her middle fingers (being careful that only he saw because SO many of the girls would love a chance to dob her in for anything). As he sat back down she smacked him upside the head, shaking her own, bemused but not necessarily mad.* NEXT time? What makes you think I'll need you EVER again? And what's bigger than sherbert lemons? *Her eyebrows rose questioningly with her grin, to show she expected an answer* Fraze: *His apology was about as sincere as her thank you earlier, like, 'cause he knew she weren't mad at him. If he was sorry for anything it'd be the lunch bell going. This was a proper laugh and girl or not, Katie was sound. He didn't even get mad himself when he had to get up and clean up 'cause she made sure. No promise needed. It should've wrecked his head that this posh girl with no mates he hadn't spoke to before today was pulling the same tricks on him right now that he did to keep the lads thinking he was boss but he didn't. Maybe it was just that he'd already worked out they were the same and she belonged with him on the angry kid table or he could've been having too much fun watching her to care. Either way, like his ma and da always said, he'd take what he could get. Keep on loving it, yeah? It helped that she could hit an' all, better than most of the other boys on his street. Fraze was so impressed that he wanted to blurt that news out to her there and then, but he didn't. Couldn't 'cause that'd only show that she didn't need him, any time, probably, and she'd win. He wanted that way less than Sherbet Lemons, if he admitted it out loud or not.* What makes you think you won't? You got form now, ain't yous? *He shrugged, stomach twisting, though he didn't know why any possible answer she could give in reply would do that. So what if she never wanted to see him again? Give a fuck, yeah? He was popular, he didn't need her as a mate. She needed him to be hers, if anything. Remember.* Plenty of shit is, I can fit loads of 'em in my mouth if I want. I'll show you later on if you don't reckon so. Bea: *Back to scowling, getting up from her seat, metal chair legs scraping on the vinyl floor as she pushed away from the table and away from him, slamming her chair under the desk with more force than necessary. Why'd he have to say that, like that? Oh well. It was only a lunch time, like she'd said. And the bell was due to go in five, according to Miss' loud voice ringing too close in her ear.* Oh, piss off, Frazier. See you later.*She tutted turning away from him sharply. Bea busied herself with helping clean up, a task she usually left to the rest of her class, only pretending to help, like. She kept catching his eye from across the classroom, unable to stop herself for some stupid bloody reason. She made mental note to sit as far away as possible from him when it was carpet time next.* Fraze: *He didn't know what he'd said or done but he knew what he couldn't and wouldn't. He wasn't sorry. Not for anything. Not ever. He weren't no pussy, like. And he deffo weren't the kind of soft lad that trailed along after a stupid girl. Older lads took the piss out of any that behaved like that, he'd heard 'em, under the slide at the park, bevvied voices carrying, loud and proud. The old pissheads that stumbled out of the ale 'ouse in the afternoon were the same but only in volume. He was meant to keep away from them, his ma and da made him swear. Not these lads though, they were cool. Decent. Fraze puffed his chest how he'd seen these teens do and turned away. Another job done. 'Cept his back wouldn't stay to her, wanting to be aware of what she was doing and if she cared what he was. Or not. Jesus Christ. Why and what the fuck? Alright she was funny, but not enough of a laugh to be a proper bitch. Fuck it, if he found out what he'd done wrong it'd stop winding him up, yeah? He'd ask her next chance he got and that'd be that. End of. He just didn't like not having the answer. He'd get that and get over it. Easy. Then he'd get his sweets and go home. Like she said, nothing beat his faves anyhow so whatever.* Bea: [Home Time] Bea: *It had been dead hard avoiding the freckly kid all afternoon. Harder than it should be. He was no more on her radar than the rest before this, like, but now it seemed everywhere she turned, he was there, being all loud and...well, loud, really. It didn't help when they were sat on the same table to do puzzles, snatching pieces from the other before they got place it becoming a game that almost got her to grin when she remembered what he said and she had to remember to scowl at him again. Idiot. Form? What did that even mean? And he could fucking talk. His Mum always picked him up, and he had a Dad too, he'd picked him and his Brother up too sometimes, with the little boy and girl which must be more family. What did he know about anything, like. Absolutely nothing. Baby. Home time was easily her least favourite bit of the day. All the Mums and Dads and Nans and older Sisters and Brothers waiting in the playground, the way all the other kids ran to the window, all excited to see who was there for them, waving until they'd be allowed out to jump into their arms, tell them all about their day as they walked hand in hand to their lovely Home where they'd have fish fingers and beans for dinner in front of kids' TV before bath time and being tucked up in a cosy bed and read a story 'til they fell asleep and got to do it all again tomorrow. She hated them all. But she had to stick close. She weren't no idiot. She knew how dead easy she could get snatched by some wrong'un. So she changed the way she went home, switching it up every day. Following a different family every time, so they didn't get suspect and ask her where her 'Mam' was, all concerned. Safety in being confused as one of theirs, with an adult to protect her. She'd never followed freckled boy, he didn't live the same way she did. Anyway, his Mum stared too hard and Bea didn't like it at all. Miss tried (and failed) to get everyone to calm, back crosslegged on the carpet as she did the last register to make sure everyone was accounted for and sent to the right family and home. Bea reckoned they spent half their day saying 'Here', as if it was possible to get out. She'd tried, plenty of times. It would be easier when they were in proper classrooms like the bigger kids but they were still treated like such little babies. Fraze was sat about three kids away, so she leaned behind, tapping him on the shoulder, giving him a silent thumbs up and then a thumbs down, to gauge if he remembered. He had. So when her name was called, number three, she spoke loud and clear over the overly-excited chittering of everyone else.* Miss, I'm going back with Frazier and his Mum today. *When Miss nodded, how little she cared clear, Bea went to gather her bag from the cloakroom, hanging about there 'til they got to the Ms on the register; That's where he was, right?* Fraze: *It was piss easy ignoring that girl for the rest of the afternoon, like. He had loads of mates, more than anyone else in the class had 'cause who didn't like him, 'cept her now. But he weren't thinking 'bout that, was he? If he thought he was properly gonna, it was all grins and chatter and laughter. Being louder than all them other sounds going on in his head, learning it off Joe, everything what not too do 'cause his brother could be well quiet and frowny and he didn't like that. Fuck no. Besides, his ma and da were loud all the time, even sleeping they snored and snored. Jesus, his ma could say more with one of her looks than miss said all day, and everyone on their street knew it. Like everyone in this class knew he was the funniest, best at footie and fighting by miles. So there. Katie could reckon whatever else she wanted. What did he care? He was Fraze McKenna. End of. Still, he couldn't help trying to get the girl to grin again, wanting to see it same as before, share jokes that half the rest of 'em never got. Fuck knows why. Maybe she was right, and he was different too, not just better. And they were both more like the older lads under the slide than the babyish girls who hid under their tables playing pretend. He'd been weighing that idea up for a bit himself anyway. He could hurt his big brother if he wanted, and sometimes he did want to. Katie could hurt anyone here if she felt like it ('cept him, 'course) and he reckoned she did, maybe more than sometimes. That went round and round his head 'til the bell rang and he had something else to think on. Home time. Time to worry 'bout other shit. At least today if was only if his ma would let him go to down the shops or nah, Joe would say it could be worse and he weren't wrong 'bout none of that stuff ever. His brother could be trusted to be right when Fraze weren't sure if he'd dreamed things or muddled them up. Joe knew what was real and what weren't no matter what. Alright then. Fine. He'd just get permission to go. No need to fucking cry 'bout it, only man up, she said she'd bring the sweets tomorrow if his ma said no, swore as well. He couldn't lose. Fuck it. Fraze charged out to do exactly that as soon as he could, without looking back to check if the new girl was keeping up with how fast he could run. Unlikely. He was proper fast. He nearly smacked into his ma with the force of it, like, but she just laughed. Ruffled his hair, glaring back at him when he tried to do one to make her stop, before cracking up again. Fucking hell. Pure embarrassing. He tried not to go red and get his words out. If he made this quick she couldn't do anything else to make him look stupid, yeah? Besides ask loads and loads of questions about where he was going, who else was, and what Katie's mum reckoned about it. Fraze stamped his foot impatiently through each one, earning a less jokey look of warning. Oh come on! He answered every one, he weren't gonna do it smiling while she made him look like a twat, was he?* Bea: *Bea rolled her eyes, as he ran out, surprised he didn't fall and scrape his knees on the tarmac the way he kept looking back at her. She couldn't help but smile smugly to herself, making sure to take her time just as smugly, swinging her bag at her side as if she was in no rush. 'Cos she weren't in no rush to chat to his Mum, no thanks. He could bloody sort that, she'd be doing the rest; favours didn't extend that far no matter how much of a hero he chatted he was. She hung back, bored, as she did the usual Mum thing and he went all pink. Bea looked the lady up and down, studying. Fraze didn't look loads like his Mum. They were both blonde but she was more pale, and her eyes were really big and it was creepy, she decided there and then. She was young, younger than the Mums that all stuck together looking everyone else up and down, but not the youngest by any stretch, the Mums who looked like they should still be at big School, like. Probably about as young as her Mum and Dad had been...That made her dislike her more. Bea did her best to stay out of it, even though he was being such a boy and making a right mess out of it but she instinctively chimed in when she asked what her Mum reckoned.* My Mum don't reckon anything, she's dead. *You find out quick it's a decent way to shut people up, or make 'em feel sorry for you and give you what you're after, simple as. Fuck, even Nan could be tapped for stuff when she was having one of her days where she wanted to go on and on about how much she loved and missed her 'little girl' wailing and sobbing so dramatically like she was trying to get an Oscar. Of course, ran the risk of her calling her 'Kathryn' (even though that weren't even her full name or nothing) and saying she wished she was the one that died instead but, who cared? Not like she didn't wish her Nan was dead too so it was fair. She copied Fraze, stamping her feet too, making eye contact with his Mum as she grinned, willing her to relent.* Fraze: *Fraze blinked when Katie told 'em about her ma ('cause he didn't know that or anyone else who had a dead ma, only some lads without das, dead or taken off by the bizzies for a stretch) but his own didn't flinch, she just asked instead what 'whoever was looking after her' reckoned then, not missing a beat, and calling her 'kid' which made him go even redder, like, his own eyes basically begging her to shut up, but his ma weren't paying no attention to him, only the girl next to him. It wasn't a look he'd had aimed at him before so he didn't have a clue what it meant, good or bad. Either way, he reckoned it was best to try and hurry this shit along. Not that his ma was having any of this. 'Course she wouldn't. He weren't born yesterday even if she was treating him like he was in front of this girl. He tried saying 'please' and everything, only screwing his face up a bit around the word, 'cause a whole bag full of sweets wouldn't disguise the taste of having to. If she was proud of him, she never said though, insisting that yeah, they could go to the shops if she went with them. FUCK! Arlarse weren't the word. Right, this weren't happening. No way was he going with his ma along to hold his hand like some baby. He'd rather starve. Or never speak to Katie again, ever, than have her think that's the kind of lad he was. Tah, ma. Honestly. Cheers so much. His face was burning up to his ears, it was shit enough she'd see that, they both would. Fraze scowled, shaking his head, fiercely.* Nah. Forget it. Bea: *Bea raised a brow, disbelieving. Was this lady actually daft? She gestured around her with an encompassing shrug of her shoulders.* You see 'em here? They reckon it's fine, adult. *Putting thick disdain on the 'adult' because the 'kid' had rubbed her up the wrong way so sod you, whoever's Mum you are, give a fuck. She let's it sit for as long as she can but sighs, inevitably relenting when she won't and he's about to blow his top with it. Poor boy. More hassle than they were worth, parents. Glad she didn't have any, like. Sure. Bea was sure she didn't want/couldn't have her coming if she were gonna stick to her promise, and she always did so. She'd try once more to get Fraze to come with, thinking it'd be good to impress him with all the sweets she could get, for free; but if his old lady was gonna be a pain in her arse she'd have to settle for just getting him his share tomorrow morning. No fun in it but at least she wouldn't owe him no more.* Look, my Nan's husband- *She had to call him Grandpa when he was here, to show how close they were to people and what a great man he was to raise the orphan girls, but he weren't here and she took the small amount of satisfaction it gave her to disobey him here and now-* is a Doctor at that surgery right there, see? I ALWAYS go to the corner shop after School, he watches the whole time, yeah? I'll bring him back safe. But if you're REALLY worried about YOUR child, I'll just go ALL BY MYSELF then. *Emphasis as a challenge, like are you concerned for real like you're fronting or are you just like Miss and the rest? As long as you're seen to have done your bit, then fuck off, kid, I'm blameless and don't owe you shit. Go on, disappoint me, like.* Fraze: *He couldn't believe what he was hearing, nobody talked to his ma like that, even his da knew better than to try it, like, but fucking hell, here was this tiny girl, half his size, giving it all that and more 'cause she weren't fronting that she weren't scared or anything, she just properly weren't. Fraze's chest felt tight and his stomach was well twisty, making him reckon that maybe he didn't want sweets so bad any more now. Wide blue eyes went from Katie to his ma and back again, not daring to blink in case he missed a sec of what either of 'em were gonna do next. He watched for everything that weren't said out loud an' all, 'cause that was the thing with his ma, she could be quieter than Joe ever had, when she wanted, but there was always something going on. Like he said, she was always loud, not always in the shouty way of it or whatever though. And right now he reckoned he could hear her thinking. Deciding about shit. More than if he was allowed sweets or nah. He swallowed hard, waiting, counting not to calm, exactly, just...fuck knows.  He made it to 3 when he saw his ma do one of them smiles of hers that he tried to copy in the mirror whenever Joe weren't about to catch him. And then swore he felt the nod she gave as much as saw it, breathing out himself at the same time. Yeah? She was really saying it was alright instead of kicking off? Oh my god. His jaw was about to hit the floor, unlike his ma's which he knew was set as much as her mind was made up. She told him to 'go with his friend'. (The unspoken McKenna code passing between 'em with a look as he made sure to stand as tall as possible so his ma knew he understood that he was meant to look after this girl and would. Could easy.) He barely listened to the rest, knowing she'd be telling him the usual shit, to get his arse straight back to the cafe, no messing, blah blah blah, but he did hear her invite Katie back too, catching his classmate's eye quickly, unable to stop himself from hoping that she would come with after, get a coke with him and stick around. He liked her again and this time he really wanted her to know it. Be friends proper like his ma reckoned they were. But even more than that, he wanted to see if he could impress her too, somehow. For that, he needed time and opportunity so fingers crossed. The boy grinned widely, feeling it on his face but not caring who else saw. Things were going his way, why shouldn't he? Fuck off if you don't agree.* In a bit, ma. *He threw the words over his squared shoulders, feeling her watch him how he was sure she would they both until they were out of sight. Fine. He weren't mad. Not now.* Bea: *She wasn't sure how Fraze's Mum would react. Most adults (the normal ones) didn't know how to react to her, she made them uncomfortable, she did the other kids as well. Hell, even some of the bad adults she saw way more of couldn't handle her, just like old Al in the corner shop, she shook her head, smirking at the thought of rinsing him of all the good stuff, yet again. This time with someone to show-off to and share her spoils with. She liked it when she made people uncomfortable, it was better than the ones she didn't, they're the ones who made her feel like that instead and she hated it. Telling her how clever and grown-up and funny she was, but in the voice you'd use to talk to a baby so she doubted they fucking meant it. But she was. Had to be, so she had to take some damn pride in it too, thanks very much and fuck you for thinking otherwise. As much as she doubted the lady was gonna belt her one, still, Bea didn't reckon on a smile either; It ALMOST caught her off-guard, to the point she smiled back, before quickly wiping it off her features as if it never happened. Pretend it was to get out of here faster, whatever. She did a fake polite smile back when the invite came, knowing she couldn't already- but when she caught him trying to catch her eye, all eager and earnest- her reply that NEEDED to be 'No, thanks' stuck and instead she said nothing, just nodded her head dumbly. Oh well. She'd dash after, make whatever excuse worked best, no problem. Walking off from her with a bemused nod, kind of shocked that that had actually worked but proud it had, she stood up as tall as him (well, she wasn't, but back as straight and shoulder's pushed as far back, like), side by side. The shop really was only a few buildings down the road from their School and you only had to cross one tiny sideroad which was easy unless you was a total moron and she didn't think he was, actually. She looks up at him, grinning back, his infectious.* How many Brothers and Sisters you got then? *Bea asked, unprompted, wondering if there was more she'd not seen before or what.* Fraze: *He was pure made up to be doing this, he weren't allowed when it was him and his big brother together, though they did it secretly when ma and da weren't about to stop 'em, this was different. Proper. They'd asked and they'd got, that didn't just fucking happen, day to day. Not to him. Not with his ma. So there was no pretending he weren't happy. Simple as. He was bouncing on his heels all the way along, free and loving it, like. Fraze didn't look back once, wouldn't. He barely stole any the girl walking with him, 'til she spoke, breaking the easy silence. His eyes met hers then, searching for how she felt in spite of the grin he could see, making sure. Taking it serious, everything his ma hadn't needed to tell him to do and he hadn't needed to promise to. He shrugged at the question, surprised if she really didn't know already 'cause for some reason it was always something people did.* 2 Brothers and a sister. *He grimaced at that word same as he had with 'please'.* But she's just a baby, like. Whatever. *He meant that. Ali weren't annoying yet. Less than Tommo already was, following 'em about like a little shadow. Fuck that and fuck off.* Ma and da like me best though. *He laughed. The boast was half true, he was his da's fave, way more than Joe, who was a mama's boy. Like or nah. *An' they got a girl now so they ain't need no more, thank Christ. *He paused, looking at her again as he remembered what she'd said before about her own family, the only thing he knew about her other than her name and her anger. His eyes and voice both softened as he spoke up.* Soz 'bout your ma. That's shit. Bea: *He had loads of energy, like. It was hard for Bea to keep up, honestly, but she did her best not to let it show. That was par for the course when you never got enough food or enough sleep, you get used to faking an acceptable, undetectable level of 'fine' to keep from the more exhausting conversations no one wants to have. Simple as. Still, conversationally, he was easy to keep up with. So she had seen them all before. Bea nodded, pleased she had some experience to relate to what he was saying.* My sister too. *It was hard to tell how old babies were, they all sort of looked the same but she reckoned Luce was a bit younger than the little girl she'd seen with Fraze's Dad a few times. Fatter though, and she didn't walk yet or say much. It worried her a lot but she didn't wanna think about that right now when she had all the other time in the world to do that, right now she actually had something else, so appreciate it whilst it lasts. She laughs, meaning it, ruffling his hair like his Mum had, having to get on her tiptoes to reach.* Nah, bet they tell you off ALL the time. Bet you're- *She gets off him, quick, shrugging away, pulling her jacket 'round her tight but making a sound like she ain't even bothered, though she's walking faster.* If you reckon that's shit, my Dad's dead too so wha'd'ya think to that? Fraze: *Fuck's sake. It was going decent, she liked him again, he could see it, hear it when she laughed and feel it when she took the piss that it was playful same as before with the crisp bag, but he didn't keep his mouth shut and let it be. Why? She was the one with the dead ma, she knew how shit it was without him to tell her. Knobhead. She turned into Joe when their ma and da came home late or they woke up in the night 'cause the door was going again, like. If he tried another sorry she might hit him, or worse, cry like she reckoned she never. Either way, she wouldn't hear the apology 'cause she didn't want it. He blinked hard, scratching the back of his neck as he caught up with her increased stride. That bit was easy, finding something to say weren't. Fraze frowned and thought. It came to him after a sec.* I reckon you'll do all right, my ma and da don't have parents, never have, and they're sound. *He pulled the girl back by the sleeve of her coat, not rough like he would've if she actually was his brother, but insistent still, looking at her.* You won my ma round, like, and that ain't something I can do. Bea: *More nodding. Least that made sense, why his Mum had been nice to her, like. Dead Parents club. They didn't call it that, but she'd overheard him telling some well-meaning old biddies that that's where she went...Support group? Yeah, support group, that he'd found a really amazing one for her with other kids with dead Parents, sometimes dead Brothers and Sisters too, for a change. It was all bollocks, she didn't go nothing like that. Fuck, probably reckons if he lets her start chatting that all his secrets and feelings will come spilling out, never mind her own. Joke. She didn't really feel much about her Parents anyway, truly. No offense. Didn't have time for it. If she ever had the luxury of time to think on them, she just got angry at them for leaving her here because if they hadn't, all the rest of her problems wouldn't exist, so then she would have time to miss 'em like everyone reckoned she must/should. When Fraze pulls her back, she considers telling him, God, not all of this, but some of it, she decides against it, though. HIS Parents ain't dead, after all, and holy fuck she bets nothing like what's happening to her has EVER happened to him; So he ain't gonna get it, couldn't. She shrugs, less aggressively than before, sort of smiling that weird half-smile that was a bit sad too, that she'd learnt from the films, fluttering her eyelashes at him all for effect.* I am cuter than you. Fraze: *There was a huge part of him, growing every second, it felt like, that wanted to know what going on, behind everything, but just like his ma (who never even locked the bathroom door but still kept 'em all at arms length still) he had no clue how to get Katie to show or tell him either. He couldn't scream at her or hit her. You weren't allowed to do shit like that to girls, and everyone else saw her as one even if them two didn't, so he'd get in trouble if he dared try anyway. And he didn't, dare, like. Not 'cause he wanted sweets, fuck them honestly by now, he'd basically forgot 'bout the whole debt thing. But 'cause he couldn't stop thinking about her coming to the cafe with him and maybe tomorrow, sitting together 'cause they wanted to, instead of miss saying they had to. He shrugged back, staring at her openly, fed up with so many secrets around all the time. Fuck cute, that was for babies and animals and that. She was more. Impressive and fierce and...what? He needed to find a word for the new girl that was just better. Cooler. Properly decent. Something that fit.* You ain't cute, you're boss. Bea: *It isn't that the prolonged eye contact made her uncomfortable, it was that it DIDN'T, and she didn't know what to do with that at all. She was used to people looking at her, and those people and their looks making her want to rip off her own skin because it crawled so much. As much as their hands and eyes would roam all over her and- And she knew what to do with them, stare back, to hide all that...grossness, that she felt underneath, because that's what they wanted to see, so you couldn't let 'em. She had to make it hard for them, not as fun, or else, what the fuck did she have? But Fraze wasn't looking at her like that. Or making her feel any of that. But she felt SOMETHING, not nothing, like when people looked her up and down who didn't know. What did he know, though? It was confusing. Bit like the word he called her. She still didn't know exactly what it meant, when they said it the way they did 'round here, but she knew it was a good thing so she was happy. She smiled, opening and holding the shop door for him with a wink as they reached it.* You'll see. Fraze: *She smiled and he was back to winning. Nah, feeling like a winner was more like it. He smiled back, putting his weight on the door before it could knock her over, like. She really was tiny, smaller than any other girl in their class by loads but he'd never noticed until she squared up to his ma just now, which didn't make sense 'cause 'course that made her seem bigger. Why was he thinking 'bout how she looked anyway? Weird that. She weren't no boy he was looking to fight, working out his odds and that was the only time size mattered. Fraze told himself to shut his gob and went in, looking 'round 'til he found where the sweets were and went towards 'em. This shop had shit loads, if he had spends he could go well mad in here, like. Get more than a handful of his faves. His ma hadn't given him any though so that weren't likely, was it? He could hear her voice in his ear, saying 'take what you can get, kid' so he started filling one of the little paper bags with Sherbet Lemons, but he'd only thrown a few in, nowhere near enough to stop her owing him, when something else drowned out that wisdom. He turned back to the girl, sharply, stopping. Fraze kept his voice low, trying not to embarrass her again.* How you gonna buy these without any money? Bea: *Al was a nervous sort of man but Bea could see he was even more nervous than usual now that she wasn't alone, his eyes darting back to Fraze enough to be odd but he clearly couldn't help it. Probably reckoning the little girl had told the little boy all the bad things unassuming old Al liked to get up to with her. She grinned at the man fiercely, taking power in that thought, linking her arm with the boy's and Al smiled back best he could, all meek and licking his lips even five seconds making them all wet. Disgusting. Bea peered down into Fraze's pink striped bag and frowned up at him, talking loud to show she could, it weren't no secret.* Get more! Get stuff for your Brother's and Sister too, if you like. We can have whatever we want. Al and me are good friends, aren't we Al? *A mumbled 'Oh erm, yes, of course we are. Help yourselves, kids. Any friend of Katie's...' as he worried the skin on the back on his neck, coughing into his elbow furiously, going pink like Fraze had earlier with his Mum.* Bea made a big show of peering at every shelf, taking her time, 'Hmm'ing' out loud, tapping her index finger on her lips, in time to the tapping of her foot. She was really taking the piss today, trying a 'sample' of every pick 'n' mix going, shoveling jellybeans into her mouth and handing the boy as many, firing them into his mouth, see if he could catch them. It was a right laugh. Made better by the fact Al was getting mad but still couldn't do anything, even when she 'accidentally' knocked over a whole display of chocolate bars. He was still just laughing, in such a nervous, fake way and tutting over the top dramatic, cleaning up behind 'em. The power she felt in him being able to do fuck all was immense, it was why she came back every day. It was why he was so mean when he got his chance. Worth it though. Worth it to make him fucking squirm. In the end she got some of those little sugar mice for Luce, they were kinda gross and she didn't really like letting her sister eat them either (she was big enough and everyone knew sweets were bad for you) but her little sister loved it when Bea made them scurry about, pretending to nibble on the mouldy cheese way past the turn, acting like they were gonna bite the horrible dog's tail off, she proper giggled, like- Yeah, those for Luce and she didn't really fancy anything herself, feeling sick from how much she'd ate just to show her accomplice that she could, to show Al too. She felt full as well though that was impossible. Full of it, like. That's what she'd heard Miss say about the freckly face in front of her, dead affectionate though, like, not on a day when he was actually winding her up proper. He was just...likable. Bea liked him, she decided. Pulling him out the door, giggling, waggling her fingers at Al behind 'em who looked like he was about to cry, the absolute pussy.* If you come back with me again, you can have more, don't have to share your lunch or nothing. Just don't tell no one else. I only share my secrets with people who are worthy, okay? Only us can do it, not even your Brother can come...No offense. *She stuck her pinky out again.* Deal? Fraze: *Linking arms was the kind of playground shit that stupid girls did and he didn't like it, but he liked that she did, that she was over the top happy from the first sec she did it so he didn't pull away. Besides, the bloke weren't happy 'bout none of it, and Fraze liked him even less. Instantly. He was the kind of bell end his ma warned 'em off of, he felt that. Acting all nice to hide the sketchy. Loads of 'em did it, you had to have your wits, like. And a decent jab, which his da had taught him an' all. The way Katie called him a friend got his back proper up, not just 'cause he wanted to be hers, though he did. It was the way she said it, with the same voice his ma and da used when people came 'round, late. He felt sick over it, didn't want anything, would rather she was a dipper too, like him and Joe sometimes were, with little things you could hide easy. But every time he tried to shake his head nah or get words out to tell her they should just bail now, fuck this for a bad idea, the girl handed him something. It was tempting to go home the hero, sweets for everyone and as many inside him, like. He couldn't deny that. And anyway, if this man was a wrong'un then he was owed it. Worse too. Until he could tell someone, maybe make his da come 'round and scare the cunt then why not, yeah? They were good sweets, he couldn't deny that either, especially when she made a game of getting him to catch 'em. He laughed with none of the nervousness he felt in his guts when Katie did that, finding it even funnier when they fell on the floor. Al would have to sweep each of 'em up. Have fun, knobhead. He grinned wider than he had before now, 'til it almost hurt, picking out loads more sweets and chocolate than his ma would ever let him keep hold of, just 'cause. If he could leave this place with empty shelves, he would, to see how smiley Al would feel 'bout him taking everything. His ma would be proud of that much, he reckoned. It made him feel better, a bit. Brave enough to stick his own fingers up at the bloke when she waved, like it was how he treated shitty adults as standard. Still, he breathed out a huge breath once they properly left. The street under his feet felt massive suddenly and well bright. Fraze shook his too heavy head, only stopping when his new mate spoke to him, his eyes widening instead, both eyebrows rising up really high. That was alright by him, it meant he didn't have to ask any stupid questions when his face did that for him. A hand ran through his short blonde hair, too many thoughts to think.* Okay. Yeah. *He couldn't help grinning again, he knew she was only saying that stuff about him so he'd keep his mouth shut, but he liked it. Being treated like a winner by someone else without a fight and having a secret that even Joe wouldn't know. Sharing it with her. He nodded, redoing the promise. It didn't feel decent enough though, not for now, and not as soon as he'd had a better idea. The boy spat into his palm quickly and held it out for the other to shake.* Deal. Bea: *She knew what the other girls in their class would do if Fraze so much as attempted to do this with them, (though, why would he? He was always just playfighting with the other lads and generally tormenting the girls that came near and tried to make him play Mums and Dads with them or something), they'd shriek in horror and run away, hysterical giggling or crying, either to tell the Teacher or talk to the other prissy girls about how gross boys were. Bea just reckoned they were lucky if a bit of spit was really the grossest thing they could imagine. How lucky to be such a little Princess that you never have to touch anything unpleasant, that you can run and scream, and people will listen. She spat into her own palm, with more enthusiasm than necessary, (fueled by her annoyance at every other girl who wouldn't), and shook his hand real strong, like, looking him square in the eye, serious.* No takebacks. Your Mum will let you now she knows me so don't be tryna get out of it, alright? I'll know. *She poked him in the chest to show she meant it, but turned her serious tone into a playful one, grinning again, wiping their spit onto the chest of his School jumper.* Boss, yeah? Fraze: *He didn't know how he knew she'd do it before she did, he just reckoned she would. Without any of the other bullshit other girls brought with 'em, like screaming or telling tales of him. Anyway, who was she gonna tell, her granddad? He weren't scared of no coffin dodger and she hadn't called by him that anyway, so maybe she could stick him less than the teachers. Sounded like it, and yeah, if he knew more blokes like Al, no wonder. Fuck it, he weren't sorry 'bout spitting and he didn't have to be, 'cause she'd done the same back before he could even blink. So there. All Fraze could do now was hold her serious gaze.* I ain't never. I only say what I mean, nothin' else. And I reckon I like you, now. Kid. *He added the last word with a cheeky grin, doing the best impression of his ma's voice that he could, which by his own reckoning was pure decent. He'd practiced a lot, like, to make Joe and the younger 'uns laugh. He hoped she would too, fingers crossed. Every grin of hers made him do it too, if he realised or nah, but the boy felt this one, how it kept growing when she was grosser than him. He looked down at her hand when it touched him, small as fuck, but really strong against his chest. He wanted to put his own on top of it, or something, for a sec, 'til he blinked the moment away. Don't be stupid, he told himself, as quick. Why would Katie want that? Why did he? He forced himself to look away, blushing, a bit. Fucking hell. This was the most embarrassing thing that'd happened all day. He shrugged hard, pretending it was that easy to get past it. His voice, only his own again, steady and loud.* Yeah. You comin' to the cafe then? Bea: *Her face hurt from how big she was beaming but she didn't mind none, didn't even care how much she was showing all her cards right now, 'cos he had first so that made it alright for her as well. It was nice, different, but still nice. She really hoped he meant it and they could have some more fun, get in some more trouble. It'd make her days a bit less shit, she'd have less time to think about when she had to go 'Home'. No sense worrying 'bout it whilst she weren't there, couldn't be, HAD to be in School. It'd be ace if they could be kinda mates. Bea even let the 'Kid' slide because it was funny how much he could make himself sound like his Mum, she laughed, able to see the funny side when the woman herself weren't the one saying it at her. She felt him tense up under her fist, she didn't know why but instinctively dropped it back to her side, feeling bad she'd made him feel bad, though she didn't get it. Not like he was afraid of her, like he thought she was gonna thump him, surely? Maybe he thought she was gross? She let it slide, as well, knowing he'd only get dead moody if she tried to ask, (she would've too so), walking further on in the direction of the cafe. It was her turn to tense up. She wanted to. Even though his Mum and Brother would be there too, she really did want to stay with him, keep having a nice time. A lot, actually. But Luce...Bea bit her lip, conflicted. What was ten more minutes? But, how much would she enjoy them when she knew anything could happen in a split second and it was bad enough she had to spend 6 hours every day away from her, not able to keep an eye on Nan, keep her Sister safe.* Will your Mum put my coke in a to-go cup for me? I can't stay long. I have to go look after my baby Sister. Fraze: *She hadn't said nah and that put the smile back on his face, though his face still felt a bit hot from the hand thing and his stomach was doing that twisty shit again 'cause it was ready for her to go running off home and keep him waiting for tomorrow, like. That's what girls did, yeah? He'd seen it on telly and heard it from the lads at the park, both couldn't be wrong. No way. So she was different and he was lucky. And today was a good day where this girl kept being boss. End of. He weren't gonna ask why. Alright, maybe later when she had properly gone and he was in bed, trying to sleep, but not now. While they could, Fraze intended on having as much fun as they could. It weren't like he'd forgotten that he needed to impress her too for everything she'd already done. Easy it'd be 'cause they had ages before it was time to go pick the others up and head home. All he had to do was think of something that she'd reckon was 'worthy' again. He weren't no thicko, he'd get it done. Somehow. He was about to open the door, holding it open for Katie this time, when he worked out that she'd stopped. He hung back with her, waiting for the reason. It weren't the one he expected, 'bout getting in trouble for staying out or feeling sick from so many sweets and he blinked for what felt like the hundred millionth time that day. What? He looked at her confused.* Can't your nan or grandda do that? But yeah, she will. 'Course. Anything for one of my mates, like. Bea: *Any potential annoyance at him not getting it was assuaged by him calling her his mate. It felt good, on the inside, it was her turn to go pink, facing away so he couldn't see it, that and her stupid big smile. She weren't even arsed about all the kids at School who wouldn't be her friend, because they clearly didn't know shit, why'd she wanna be friends with idiots like that? And she reckoned him the same before but he was showing he was different now, somehow, even if she hadn't totally pinned down how, yet. It didn't matter, if they were mates, she'd have time to work him out, she was smart enough. Easy. She shrugged, being casual with it as she walked in the cafe, like it weren't the big deal it was.* ... Sure, but she makes me help her.  *Rolling her eyes at him all 'adults, yeah?', making it as relatable as she could, like, come on, get it and drop it quick.* Fraze: *He nodded, pulling a face of his own 'cause his ma was like that, on at him if he told Tommo to fuck off even though he weren't the one being annoying in the first place. So what if that was his little brother's first words? He'd fit right in then, yeah? You're welcome, like. He could answer the door for 'em next time armed with that and all the pointing he did. The grimace turned realer then, he'd only said the stuff in his head but Fraze just couldn't joke about that shit. Never. It made him scared and weren't having that ever, but especially now, with her. He nodded at his ma as they walked in, exaggeratedly as he made his fingers into a gun and put it to his head, miming dead for a sec after, to show Katie he knew exactly what she meant and 'course it was the same for him. He pulled out a chair for the girl at the table Joe was sat at, homework book already out, the one next to empty seat he was gonna take though. It didn't take long after they'd sat down for his ma to come over too and he told her quickly what they both wanted so she'd go again. He'd been embarrassed enough by her, knowing she'd ruffle his hair again on her way past to piss him off. It was fucking worse, she told him that they had to share 'cause she weren't 'made of money' even when he basically shouted back at her that Katie had to leave soon, trying his best to barter for the cup deal. FUCKING HELL. It was this table's turn for a kick and his to get pulled up by his collar so his ma could 'have a quiet word in his ear'. The whole cafe knew what she was really saying. His fists clenched as he went, no chance of calming down as he stared back at the two of them left at the table.* Bea: *Bea watched the whole performance from start to finish, mix of amusement and curiosity, sat passively on her chosen-for-her chair, opposite Fraze's Brother, who sat as passive. More. He wasn't even slightly interested, it seemed, barely looking up when voices were raised, tables kicked and his Brother dragged off. She got it. Your normal's your normal, no matter how unlike anyone else's it might be. God, she got it. The things she knew were bad that she didn't bat an eyelid at now, blinking like her friend had whenever she said something he weren't reckoning on. When him and his Ma were gone out back, she turned to properly study the Brother, Joe, weren't it? You wouldn't pin 'em as Brothers, for a start. He was dark where Fraze was blonde, long hair 'stead of short, shorter than him too even though he was the year above, brown eyes where his were blue, devoid of any freckles when the other boy was entirely covered. Opposites. Again, she got it. She loved her little sister but she was the weirdest looking thing and she was glad she didn't look like that, sorry Luce. The boy, Joe, smiled up at her, bit nervous, she smiled back, apologetically, not meaning to have been staring for that long. She didn't get out her Homework, no intention of doing it, even if she had the time. She sipped on the shared coke, taking the blue straw so Fraze would have to have the pink, smirking. It was a funny taste, but it seemed grown-up. She'd only had coke before now from stealing the dregs other people left in places like McDonalds. Pretending to be with this family or that, she'd never been noticed, good at looking like she belonged somehow. Her friend came back scowling, slumping in his seat dramatically. She pushed the glass over to him, like he had his lunch earlier today, nudging him with her shoulder to say 'Cheer up, mate'.* Fraze: *He was so fucking mad, knowing that his first shot at impressing the girl was gone already and not reckoning on having long for another, if she was even still there when he got back. Joe could make her wanna leave by being west in his own way if their ma didn't. He should've taken her someone else, somewhere pure cool, like the park, but he didn't reckon it until now, while he was meant to be listening to his telling off. Forget that shit though, it was always the same bollocks over and over, them reckoning he should do what they never did themselves. His ma and da weren't calm. Joe weren't, still as he sat. So why should he listen? It was stupid. Yeah, alright his ma didn't have loads of spends but neither did Katie and look at all the sweets he'd got. She coulda stretched to another coke to make him look boss too, if she'd wanted. But nah, she wanted to keep him a baby. Fraze didn't make a sound, dared not 'cause it'd make her keep him here longer away from his brother and mate, but he grimaced through every sec. Couldn't not, like. 'Til his ma started saying stuff he didn't expect, questions about Katie which made his eyes widen (again). There weren't much else he could give her, answers wise, all he knew 'bout this girl really was that she had a baby sister too, dead parents and lived with her grandparents (he didn't have any to compare to, 'course but they sounded annoying) He weren't gonna tell anyone 'bout Al, he'd promised and there weren't anything to say even if he hadn't. It was more of a feeling he had, not words and thoughts. How was he meant to explain that? If there'd been no promise, or he was a snitch, his ma still weren't giving him chance, talking and talking herself. The only question out of loads that he did answer was when she asked him if they nicked the sweets she'd already clocked him having. He didn't want her thinking Katie was a dipper when she weren't and he definitely didn't want to be marched back into that bloke's shop and made to give 'em all back. No fucking way, tah. He waited for her to kick off or call him a liar ('cause it weren't the proper truth, leaving Al out the picture) but his ma just let him go back to the table with one of her looks ('cept not exactly, and not the kind he reckoned on getting either). He went, but it didn't feel like winning, even being back with his new friend. He didn't like that look or what it might mean if he brought this girl back to the cafe again.* Bea: *Bea didn't like how it felt now. Dead awkward. She knew his Mum didn't actually like her, yeah, shocker and give a shit, lady, stop staring at me too; but that was seeming to matter more now it wasn't just them two. Probably 'cos she'd got him in trouble with his Mum and he was angry with her now. Shit. She didn't mean to do that, like. Not trying to make and break friends on the same day. Oh well. Guessing she'd leave before she could make it any worse, she got up almost as soon as he was back, leaning over to take a big gulp of the drink as she did.* Thanks for the drink. *She raised her voice loud enough so his Mum would hear too, show she had manners, actually.* See you tomorrow then? Fraze: *Fraze wanted to kill his ma right then and if looks could kill, he would've, without feeling bad, at all, like. As soon as Katie got up, he moved himself, holding onto the sleeve of the coat she hadn't taken off (again) to keep her at the table she'd leaned over for longer, shaking his head.* Don't go yet. *His voice sounded dead weird and he was glad he couldn't see whatever the fuck his face looked like, 'cause he'd only wanna take the piss out of himself and now weren't the time.* We've got loads of homework, like. *He could give a fuck 'bout that, he weren't gonna do it and even if the new girl was, he knew she didn't need his help, miss loved to go on 'bout how proper smart Katie was, but it was the first thing he could think of. Fuck's sake. Maybe he was a thicko. Fingers crossed she'd reckon on what he actually meant and he wouldn't end up more embarrassed that he'd already been today. Worth a shot, yeah?* Bea: *She looked down at her cuff, and his hand attached firmly to it, still, looking back up to his face, resolve softening instantly, seeing how mad he WASN'T at her, just his Mum. Instinctively, she'd drawn her hand up into the coat when he'd made to grab her, but she now had a strong urge to reach down and grab his hand back, to hold it for a while. Her fingers felt itchy from it, but Bea resisted. Booting her dropped bag back under the table, she smiled, sitting down again. Leaning down to get the homework book and a pencil out.* Alright, boff. *She stuck her tongue out at him.* Fraze: *She sat back down next to him and he breathed out hard, but making it the kind of 'oh fuck off' sigh he'd heard both his parents do as he made a face back at her. It quickly turned into a wide grin though, Fraze couldn't help that, his ma was cleaning the other tables, Joe wasn't trying to be matey with his new one (he did shove some sweets his brother's way, just in case he was gonna open his mouth to say something) and she was sticking around. He was made up to take all that. Homework weren't gonna keep him happy, but he reckoned he could think of something else to do with his book if he tried hard. Thinking, the boy blew bubbles in the glass with his straw, biting down hard on the tip when he realised he had a pink one. Tah ma, bet that was you, an' all. He nudged Katie with his elbow, showing her his 'masterpiece' when was done. It didn't take long, it was piss easy to make a flipbook, his ma had shown him and Joe ages ago and it weren't hard to draw a version of their teacher getting a lunch tray dumped over her head by the last page. Not impressive either, but he couldn't raid the cafe kitchen like she had Al's shelves. He weren't doing this to score points anyway, just make her smile. Or maybe laugh, that'd be best.* Bea: *Bea watched him studiously, over his shoulder, uncaringly brazen like, so she could try and work out what exactly he was doing. She laughed happily when he showed her the finished product. It was like a tiny film or something, she had no idea how it worked but she thought it was really clever. Not to mention funny, especially the look he'd drawn on Miss' face.* Cool! Show me how. *She bet Luce would love these. She could make her ones about the dog and the mice, make up stories to go with them...Yeah, that'd be good, she'd think it was like magic, her big brown eyes shining out from her pudgy little face. Fraze obliged, clearly feeling proud to know something she didn't but he was a patient teacher with it too, her tongue poked out in sheer concentration. By the end, she'd drawn Al, slipping on some gumballs and falling straight on his big bum, mop bucket landing on his head to add insult to injury, crying big, fat cartoon tears. She grinned up at her friend, seeing if he liked it, and could tell who the fat, bespectacled old stickman was meant to be. She whispered in his ear, so the other's couldn't hear, the cafe quieting down as they got closer to closing time.* You didn't tell your Mum nothing, did you? Fraze: *She did laugh and it made him feel weird, but not in the bad way he had in the shop or his ma had with her questions. It was like when he was little like Tommo and his da used to chuck him around and flip him upside down, all that kind of shit. When he laughed too, Fraze couldn't get his breath properly, as if he'd run really far and fast, and his face hurt (the same as when he had contests with his boy mates to see how could fit the most food in their gob) 'cause he was grinning so much. It got wider once she asked him to show her how to make a flipbook and again when she had her own go, but he weren't mad. Couldn't be. Honestly, he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so NOT mad and not only that but happy instead. Happy, even though she was better at drawing than him by miles and normally he hated coming second at anything, announced out loud by somebody or in his own head, like. For a sec he almost told her how good she was, reckoning she'd like to hear it, but before he could, Katie got closer to him than she'd been up 'til now and he forgot any of them words. The upside down feeling was back, 'cause her hair was long and soft and it tickled his cheek when she moved (which should've been annoying but was only confusing 'cause it weren't ) and he knew it smelt nice but not why or what of. He knew too that, like her hand earlier, he wanted to touch it, but again, not why he did. He shook his head firmly no to both things, but couldn't stop himself from reaching to put every strand that'd got him behind her ear where it should be, telling himself it would get in the way of him talking into hers if he didn't.* 'Course not. I promised, didn't I? I always keep 'em. Bea: *She could tell he liked her, for real. She weren't being 'up herself' nor nothing, like everyone reckoned she was; But she couldn't help it when it was THAT obvious, could she? What was she meant to do? Ignore it? Pretend the opposite was true? That was just stupid, if you asked her. Anyway, she liked that it was obvious. Why was it meant to be all sly and secret and make you feel confused and wrong? It was like that with him, with all of them, and that was just... bad. Really bad. She appreciated how easy kids her own age made it. And it felt nice. Good. Nothing weird in it, she was the one in control too, knowing more than all of them always. Some of them didn't even know what it was, the feeling. She reckoned Fraze probably didn't. He didn't like girls, he'd said. He was one of those boys. The footie and fighting and running around being lairy boys. Some boys would play with the girls, preferred it, enjoying all the attention and love they got lavished on them if they were willing to be the Daddy, or worse, much worse, the Doctor. She'd kissed lots of boys under the slide, or in the Wendy House, when the Teachers weren't looking, but ONLY when they were being the Dad. Doctors and Nurses made her skin crawl. It made her wonder if these kids knew him like she knew him, the way they insisted on playing it. Too hands on, too in your face, too...everything. She'd give any boy, or girl for that matter, who came near her with the stupid plastic stethoscope a slap. No, that wasn't even the point right now. Focus on what he was saying, not doing. He's your friend, an actual friend, don't ruin this like you do with all the others who give you the time of day. They weren't going to kiss RIGHT NOW. In front of his Brother and Mum, for God's sake! So stupid. She shook her head, letting more strands of her strawberry blonde hair fall in front of her face, the tight ponytail she did before leaving the house a laughable mess by the end of the day, hair wild and essentially loose. It wasn't like she WANTED him to tuck the rest behind her ears too, nah. She smiled at him, a little breathless, a little pink, to show she weren't shaking her head at him, only herself.* Good. Me too. Fraze: *He smiled but couldn't look back at her at the same time, he needed to take a breath and a drink so he did both. Too fast, nearly knocking the glass of coke properly over. Thank fuck it only wobbled but didn't fall 'cause he was in enough trouble with his ma. Still, he shrugged, acting like even if he didn't mean to be that div, he didn't care that it'd happened. He was Fraze McKenna and he was cool, end of. Especially now she reckoned so too. This girl who weren't like the rest and he'd already told was well boss. He turned back to their homework books, clearing his throat, all 'ahem' like he'd seen loads of adults do before they said something important, like, deciding that now was the time to let her know what he reckoned to her picture of Al. He made his voice standard volume again, hoping his ma would hear it an' all ('cause she could draw or paint anything he'd ever thought up and asked her to do, unlike his da who weren't as decent as Katie, somehow.)* You're dead good at drawing, you know. Bea: *Bea went to steady the glass, grabbing it from him when it didn't fall and he was busy playing it off; taking a huge, gulp, finishing it for them with a grin.* 'Fore you're wearing it, like. *She explained, similarly loud enough for his Mum to hear too, the lady already not reckoning much to her manners as was. She smiled big and proud with the compliment he gave. Usually she didn't really care about approval or compliments or any of that shit from people, like Miss, definitely not from any of them. It was just telling her stuff, about herself, which she already knew? Like, thanks. Saying, well done, YOU'VE impressed ME. But from Fraze, it was I'M impressed by YOU. She didn't know if those things were really any different or if they just felt it, but it was like sunshine.* I just practice a lot really... *It was true. It was quiet, easy to do anywhere, when she couldn't sleep, when she weren't allowed to. And it was almost like being somewhere else when you could focus, see the picture so clearly in your head, put all your energy into trying to make it as real as possible on the page in front of you. .She did it to try and remember too. Where she'd lived before. Mum. Dad. It wasn't good enough to take her back, though. Maybe when she was older and really good, maybe then- No. Never. She shook her head. Invariably thinking about Luce now because that's how it worked, literal trade-off she hadn't asked for. That was mean. She was a baby. This wasn't her fault, she didn't ask for it either, she didn't do anything wrong- but neither did I, Bea thought.* I better get going now. *It probably seemed out of nowhere but it weren't, she'd stayed way longer than she should've, than she meant to. She really did have to leave this time. Running all the way Home, heart already thudding hard into her ribs before starting.* Thanks for lunch again. See ya tomorrow.
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Rio & Nancy
Rio: If you wanna head home 'fore nan and granddad are ready, you can always have a lift back with us Nancy: Thanks Nancy: I'm in no rush though Rio: Having a good time then? Nancy: Sure Nancy: It's not a classroom, I'll take it Rio: Yeah, I bet you're buzzing Nancy: You mean you can't tell? Well, that's devastating Nancy: I reckoned on it being so obvious, like Rio: I mean, your poker face ain't all that, babe, if you wanna be real about it Nancy: More of a resting bitch, I know Nancy: The good news must not have sunk in yet Rio: Give it a few Nancy: Yeah Rio: Anyway, can't do anything about it now Rio: May as well enjoy your summer Nancy: Like I said, I already am Nancy: Aside from the prospect of going home Rio: 👍 Rio: How bad can it be Rio: he's taken one for the team Nancy: No, he's made sure exams mean more than they did before Nancy: and made me the focus since he's a less than safe convo topic Rio: Well, your family's inability to communicate is longstanding and not my fault so I'm not gonna take the blame for it, nor is my baby Rio: Sorry, like Nancy: I didn't ask Nancy: It's not my fault that his fall from grace makes me their poster child for success now either, I definitely never asked for that Rio: If you're going to feel so sorry for yourself, don't be surprised when people feel it for you in return Rio: Oddly enough our decision to have a child wasn't exactly about you Nancy: I'm only surprised the pity party isn't full already Nancy: My brother tends to take up a lot of space Rio: Please Rio: We've got no reason to be sorry, either definition Rio: we're happy, if you lot wanna be miserable then the party is all yours Nancy: Does he know that? Does he feel it? 'Cause he sounded like he wanted me to be sorry for him many times over when we last spoke Rio: Like I said, you're all crap at communicating Rio: but thanks Nancy: Yeah, and he's one of the worst Nancy: If I feel sorry for anything, it's for you, for that much, like Rio: Fuck off Rio: I don't need your pity Nancy: Don't tell me to fuck off Rio: Why not? You've seen fit to talk to me how you please Nancy: 'Cause you're judging my communication skills like its your job, for one thing Nancy: And for another, I haven't said anything like that to you, ever Rio: You said in as few words as possible that you don't think Buster really wants our baby, implying that I don't know him and we don't talk, whilst you were at it Rio: but no Rio: the f bomb in response, so much worse, Jesus Nancy: No I haven't Nancy: All I've said to him is that his timing is ridiculous and when was the last time we even spoke, me and you? Before exams probably so Rio: What does it matter to you, or your parents for that matter Rio: He's still going to Uni, he's still doing everything they want Nancy: I don't care what they want Nancy: I care about him and how hard it's gonna be Nancy: I won't be here to help either of you, not even in the same country, so excuse me for being worried Rio: When ain't life? Rio: You can't let that stop you from doing what you want Nancy: You don't need to make it harder on yourself, Jesus Rio: Well that ain't how it's going to be, or how we see it Nancy: It's easy for him to see it that way when he never admits that he needs help or that anything could possibly be a struggle in the slightest Nancy: He's just perfect and everything will be, end of story Rio: I help him Rio: and I know that, I knew that before this even started Nancy: I know you do and you know I love you, yeah? I'm not saying this to be a bitch to you Rio: I know Rio: but I don't get why you can't translate your worry into supporting him, that is literally all he needs from you Rio: instead of the constant barage of questions Nancy: because I'm scared for him and he scares me Nancy: how little he thinks about anything Nancy: He just wants and he gets and I'm the only one who cares if it'll work out or not Nancy: you know that's what he's always been like Rio: It's going to work out Rio: even if you wanna talk worst case scenarios, we have to get divorced, yeah Rio: he'll still have the kid, I'm not that bitch Nancy: I hope it does Nancy: Genuinely Nancy: You know that Rio: I think I do Rio: but you don't always show it Rio: I know it's a lot Rio: but it's hard for him when none of you seem happy for him or even say it's alright, like Rio: why do you think he can't admit he needs help, when has he got it? Nancy: Do you? 'Cause when you got together I had to re-evaluate everything I thought I knew about him and you Nancy: He says he's loved you since he was a kid, I was there, I have almost the same memories Nancy: But I don't Nancy: at all Rio: Why does it matter? We were all kids Nancy: 'Cause all this time he was so unhappy and I didn't know, okay Nancy: I didn't do anything Rio: None of us did Rio: He didn't want you to know, anyone Rio: you can't take blame for it like you wilfully ignored cries for help but he's trying now Rio: he needs you now, okay Nancy: I'm trying too Nancy: I just Nancy: I don't know him, if I ever did Nancy: How am I meant to know what to do? Rio: You did Rio: You were close then, just because you didn't know this one thing doesn't mean you weren't Rio: You wouldn't tell him about every crush you had, especially if you felt shame about being gay or there was another reason you knew he could judge you for it, you know? Rio: Just, try and be nice to each other, simple and as stupid as it sounds Rio: that's all you gotta do in this world though Nancy: You can say wanting to fuck my teacher, that's pretty shameful, babe Nancy: Lord, did you really have to do the one thing that scares me most to test me Nancy: Babies are terrifying Rio: Well you know, I assume you weren't child thirsting after your reception teacher like 👌👌👌 nice cardigan miss Rio: Nah Rio: they're just people Rio: I guess that's kinda the problem though Nancy: Hey, she was cute! And very attentive Nancy: Well, not to be dramatic and turn this into a therapy session but the last time I was properly excited for a baby to be born, he died Nancy: And now we don't talk about him Rio: That isn't going to happen again Rio: and you could talk to Buster about him Rio: he's thinking about him too Nancy: Does he talk about him to you? Rio: Yeah, a little Rio: we're going to give the baby his name as a middle Nancy: Really? Rio: I should say we don't know it's a boy yet, we just think it is Rio: but I won't say 'if not, the next one' and freak you out further, like Nancy: Go ahead, I'm just out here openly crying at the beach Rio: I'm sorry Rio: you can use my ugly dress as a hankie if you wanna Nancy: It's not that bad Rio: It's years old 'cos everything I own now would leave no need to announce this Rio: tempting but probably not Nancy: You should have come to me, my wardrobe runneth over Nancy: Literally, I need to have such a huge clear out before uni starts Rio: You planning to reinvent yourself as a minimalist? 😏 Rio: local charity shops gonna be a goldmine, like Nancy: Reinvent myself, yeah, as that, no Nancy: I get it, not tempting to come over when I'm being a bitch Nancy: I'm sorry you have to suffer that dress as a result, babe Rio: Well you know, or we could say I was giving you space and time Rio: politer Rio: I'm not even sure it was ever mine Rio: maybe it was yours, the ultimately bitchery to get it out of my system Nancy: Not to be that bitch or lesbian stereotype, okay, but what's under it? Can you not just remove it now the secret's out? Nancy: Be you again Rio: 😂 Rio: Still got it, babe Rio: I guess I can now Rio: It's weird Nancy: Do it for my brother if not me Nancy: You think I need to sort my face, look at his right now Rio: Poor boy Rio: at least I didn't straighten my hair, then he'd really be devastated Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I wish you had, I'd have taken so many pics to post and tag him in Rio: 😏 Pure evil, like Nancy: Genetically, sorry Nancy: Not saying you should watch The Omen again or anything but Rio: 😲 How rude Rio: but if I remember correctly that fucker was adopted so it would've been more cutting to come at me with Rosemary's Baby, like Rio: slacking Nancy: Oops, horror movies not really my forte Rio: You should reconsider Rio: yeah the bitch always dies, but she's usually half-naked beforehand, like Nancy: Are you gonna put your arm around me when it gets scary though? I think not Rio: You know I would you just ain't vibing 💔 Nancy: Lies! I just told you to strip Rio: True enough Rio: There's hope yet then Nancy: I'm sorry for being a bitch this whole time Nancy: I've missed you, it feels like exams lasted years Rio: I know, it was stressful and I weren't even taking them so God knows how you lot survived Rio: How do you feel about them, genuinely? Nancy: I know you love him, but how much of a prick was he during his, like 1-10? To make me feel better Nancy: I feel bad but like, I always do about that stuff so Nancy: It doesn't mean anything Rio: Oh, 11, for sure 😏 Rio: no, it was hard though, he was stressed as fuck Rio: you'll have done what you needed to do, I know Nancy: At least you could play the pregnancy card, like DO NOT STRESS ME, BOY Nancy: I basically had to shut myself away to get the same effect Rio: I feel it, Junior looks like this is his first time seeing sunlight in years, he hasn't taken his sunglasses off Rio: know they're prescription but come on Rio: as for the pregnancy card, great for getting out of arguments you've probably caused being a crazy bitch, like Nancy: I don't think he remembers who any of us are 😂 Nancy: It's not too late to have some actual fun today, is it? Nancy: You need it too, Buster said you've been pretty sick Nancy: He's dramatic, but still Rio: Of course not Rio: Someone suggested going to the pub to celebrate but as I'm the one with the baby I can make sure they choose somewhere nice with a decent cocktail list and beer garden, not a grotty old man pub, like Rio: Just morning sickness but it was pretty shitty and lonely when he was at School and so was Indie Rio: but fingers crossed I'm over that now so Nancy: We have to do something about that dress first Nancy: Come with me before we go anywhere else Nancy: I will save you Rio: 🙌 Rio: If you take me near a maternity section, we will brawl Nancy: God no Nancy: I'd burst into flames Rio: 😂 Rio: You remembered suncream today though, yeah? Nancy: Yes, mum Nancy: Maternity clothes are actually disgusting and I'm not letting it happen to you Nancy: Or my niece or nephew, how embarrassing to look back on Rio: It's just not necessary either Rio: do you know how big most clothes go these days like Nancy: Thank you! Like be more creative than that Nancy: If you wear a smock I'm disowning you Nancy: I don't care if you're having twins in a heatwave Rio: You'll be glad to know it ain't, unless one of them was hiding real stealth, but I'd be much bigger, pretty sure Nancy: Yeah, you'd need more than that dress to hide behind, right? Mum was such a ridiculous size with us, the pics are actually like something out of a scary movie Nancy: Say what you like about her, and do, but she always looked good Rio: Honestly, poor bitch Rio: Feel her small girl pain in a way you can never Rio: feeling like a human ball some days and it is just the one Nancy: Why do you think I'm not taking you to a maternity section, they'd think I was the one with a baby on board Nancy: No offense but kill me Rio: Oh bitch no Rio: like, is daddy excited or terrified, Nance? Rio: straight girl bants Nancy: I nearly threw up in my mouth Nancy: Not morning sickness, sorry lads Rio: You keep down your breakfast if you getting in my car, thank you very much Nancy: Such a mum 😏
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Buster & Rio
Buster: How much money do you have? Rio: Um, I can check my balance now Rio: Why? Buster: Let's just go straight from the spa, yeah? Buster: We can put all our shit in the car and just head to the airport when we're done Rio: I'm okay with that Rio: Where's the big rush come from though? Buster: My mum is gonna cut me off when we get back from Brazil so we might as well go now while we've got the most funds Rio: Wait Rio: what Rio: she said that? why, what happened? Buster: She didn't need to Buster: She went off on a big enough rant about how I spend my money wrong Buster: And she's said enough times that she doesn't want me to marry you so Buster: It's the next logical step Rio: Jesus Rio: What are you going to do? Buster: Like I said, we should go as soon as Rio: Are you sure? Buster: Yeah Buster: Do you not want to? Rio: I mean, of course I do Rio: but I want you to have time to think about this Rio: you don't have to rush Buster: Think about what? Rio: About what you're going to do Rio: about your ma, like Buster: Nothing's changed Buster: I'm gonna marry you, have our honeymoon and then go back to school for my exams Buster: If not before Rio: Yeah but Buster: But nothing Rio: Babe Rio: are you okay? Buster: 'Course Rio: It's okay if you aren't though Rio: It's really awful Buster: I'm not gonna cry about it Buster: She isn't Rio: Was she really awful? Buster: I mean, I've wasted 18 years of her life, who wouldn't be mad about that, like Rio: That's bullshit Rio: I can't believe she said that Rio: she doesn't mean it, she can't Buster: She does Rio: No Rio: I'm not having that Buster: Well, I'm not gonna fight with you about this Buster: It's done Rio: I'm not trying to fight you Buster: Then don't, just listen to what I'm telling you Rio: I am Rio: Tell me Buster: There's no fixing this Buster: So forget about her and focus on us Buster: What we're gonna do Rio: But I know you don't want it like this Buster: That's how it is Buster: I'm not gonna make myself unhappy for her Rio: There's no way we can fix this? Buster: I could go back to school and wait a decade to marry you Buster: Is that what you want? Rio: I mean Rio: Obviously not but if that's what you need to do Rio: I'm gonna be okay with it and support you Buster: Fuck that Buster: What about what I want? Buster: What you want Buster: I don't need her holding me to fucking ransom so I'll fall in line Buster: What the fuck is that Rio: I don't know what to say Rio: I'm so sorry Buster: Don't Buster: We haven't done anything wrong that's the whole point Rio: But it shouldn't be like this Rio: I wish it wasn't Buster: So let's leave it behind Buster: I love you Buster: Marry me Rio: I love you too baby Rio: What if it's always like this, what are we going to do? Buster: I don't need anyone or anything else if I've got you Buster: Seriously Rio: Yeah? Rio: Let's do it then Buster: Okay Rio: Have you hurt yourself at all, should I come back? Buster: I'm fine Buster: Stay Rio: Baby Rio: You know you can tell me anything yeah Buster: You should spend time with that lot before we leave Buster: We could be gone for a fortnight, like Rio: I want to be with you Buster: I'm right here, babe Rio: Yeah but you're hurting Rio: and I can't make it better from here Buster: But you are Rio: I am Rio: Good Buster: Don't you know you always do? Rio: I try but this is really shit Buster: It's whatever Buster: If my parents need to disown me to feel better they can Buster: It only makes a difference to my budget, like Rio: Maybe she was just angry Rio: We'll see, yeah? Buster: I have no doubt she was Buster: From the moment she ordered me on the next flight and I refused, if not before Rio: Yeah, that'd do it Rio: Why is it so important to her Rio: School, I mean Buster: I need it if I'm gonna make something of my life, apparently Buster: Bit rude, ain't it? Rio: I mean Rio: like maybe but you're not not going to do your exams Buster: She doesn't care Buster: She wants me away from you Buster: She thinks if it's hard enough we'll stop Rio: But we can't Rio: why does no one get that Buster: They don't want to understand Rio: This can't be any more fun for them than it is for us Buster: It's obviously not but the more they treat us like stupid kids who don't know what they're doing or want, the more they can dismiss us Buster: Like this will all just blow over and go back to how it was or some shit Rio: Fuck sake Rio: if it could've it would've by now Buster: Tell me something I don't know, babe Buster: Tell them too, if you want, but I'm sick of saying it Rio: Me too Rio: Let's just never come back, yeah Buster: Fine by me Buster: My mum doesn't reckon I can hack law school anyway so Rio: Well that's bullshit Rio: You're one of the hardest working people I've ever known Rio: You can do anything Buster: Yeah, well that was before I fell in love apparently Buster: Now I'm spending all my time wrong as well as their money Rio: Like you were doing a great job before??? Only books and healthy meals, like Rio: What Buster: I was a fuck up, sure, but I wasn't pathetic Buster: We are now, 'cause we can't deal with not seeing each other every second Buster: You can near enough direct quote that Rio: Wow Rio: She really went there then Rio: Christ Buster: And you think I'm charming, yeah? Rio: Does she mean it Rio: or is she just trying to say the things she knows will hit hardest Buster: I don't care Rio: Do you mean that? Buster: What does it matter Buster: It's been said regardless Rio: It matters to me Rio: I care what you feel Buster: I'm not gonna beg her to reconsider Buster: She feels how she feels and I feel how I feel Rio: I just want you to be happy Rio: Whatever that takes Buster: I'll be happy when you're my wife so Rio: It's happening Buster: Good Buster: Then I'm fine Rio: You will be Rio: I'll make sure of it Buster: Until then, I'm not drunk yet but I'm working on it Rio: Understandable Rio: Could use one myself now and I'm just hearing it second-hand Buster: Come pick me up later Buster: I'll add yours to my tab Rio: See Rio: Actually charming Buster: You make me want to be Rio: You are Rio: You can't even help it Buster: You're perfect and I'm glad you can't help that either Rio: Baby Rio: I'm going to tell you every good thing about you so you forget everything else Buster: You're cute Buster: You just want me to blush before you do Rio: Maybe Buster: I thought I was meant to be the one with a competitive streak Rio: I'm not being competitive Rio: You just look so pretty when you blush Buster: I do look good in pink Buster: Valid Rio: Exactly Rio: Almost as good as me but not being competitive with it Buster: You look better Buster: I'll gladly admit it Buster: You're so fucking beautiful in anything Rio: I love you so much Rio: We're gonna make a fucking beautiful man and wife, there I said it Buster: Yeah we are Buster: And we're gonna have beautiful babies one day Rio: Fuck Rio: Yeah we will, and you'll be the best Dad Buster: I'm gonna try Buster: If I do half as well as I know you will, I'll take it Rio: We'll be good Rio: Together Rio: We're the best team, yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: You're going to feel so much better when you get on that beach, I promise Buster: I'll feel it once I'm on the plane Buster: I'd take a 24 hr flight over another day of this shit Rio: I feel it Rio: We can sleep most of the way there Rio: Not the whole time though Buster: I'll wear you out so you sleep well, don't worry Rio: That's why I said we can't sleep the whole time Rio: Great minds, babe Buster: 😏 Buster: Smart girl Rio: Hardly going to start making you wait now Buster: Good 'cause I can't wait to fuck you in first class Rio: 🤤 Rio: Yeah, I'm gonna feel soooo much better on the plane too Rio: can't we go now? Buster: Yeah we can Rio: I wish Rio: We've gotta go to the spa though Rio: Your sister is one of the only people supporting us fully right now Buster: I'll relax you there too if the treatments don't Rio: Yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: You're gonna feel so good, babe Buster: Fuck everything else Rio: You too Rio: That's all I care about Buster: I know Buster: That's why I love you Buster: And why I'm gonna see how many times I can make you cum before we get kicked out of the spa for disturbing everyone else's relaxation Rio: Oh God Rio: I want you now Buster: Come find me Rio: 😒 I can't Rio: I let Mum and Dad get out for a bit, they've been so stressed Rio: Regretting that now Buster: You can still have me Rio: Yeah? Aren't you out right now? Buster: Yeah Buster: And? Rio: It's been that kind of day, true Rio: What can I do to help you unwind, daddy? Rio: Anything Buster: We'll have to be creative, won't we? But like I said, you're a smart girl Buster: I believe in you Buster: What do you have there to make yourself feel good? You know that's what I want Rio: You're so good to me Rio: I'm going to look Buster: Okay Buster: Pick whatever most reminds you of me Rio: 😩 Rio: Nothing is ever as good as you Buster: I know but if you try hard enough it'll be almost like I'm inside you Buster: You've got this, baby Buster: Just like old times, yeah? Rio: I'll go really hard Rio: I can't say I miss those times but remembering just how bad I wanted you is getting me ready for how big this toy is Buster: Yeah? Buster: I think I remember but I also think you should tell me Rio: When do you want me to tell you about? Rio: I've wanted you for so long Rio: After our kiss? When you started coming back 'round and you'd gotten hot? Or all of the not-quite moments that killed me? Buster: Jesus Buster: I wanna hear all of it Rio: You know the first time I ever touched myself I thought about you Buster: Seriously? Rio: Serious Rio: I didn't mean to really but when it started to feel good, I couldn't stop thinking about when you kissed me Rio: and it made it feel even better Buster: Fuck Buster: I just got hard Rio: Good Rio: I was so embarrassed the next time I saw you Rio: Thinking you'd know Buster: I can't believe I'm only just finding this out now Rio: I felt so dirty, baby Rio: but I couldn't stop, I touched myself every day thinking about you for so so long Buster: Me too Buster: Many times a day usually Rio: If I'd have known that then Rio: Jesus, I'd have died and gone to heaven, seriously Buster: I wish I could've told you how much you turned me on Buster: But at least I can say it now Rio: You can show me too Buster: Yeah Buster: Imagine if you'd caught me using your feed back then. My entire family nearly did so many times Rio: I would not have been mad Rio: You family would've been though 'cos if I knew for sure you liked me then, it would've happened so much sooner Buster: I wouldn't have been mad if it did Buster: Trust me Buster: You were so hot then and you're even hotter now Rio: I wish it had Rio: I wish you'd have taken my virginity Buster: Everyone's looking at me 'cause of how much that affected me Buster: Oh my god Rio: I would've done everything with you, baby Buster: Where can I buy a time machine, like? Buster: However much it is Rio: Seriously Rio: Thinking about it is getting me so close Buster: I would've treated you so right, you know Rio: I know Rio: Next time you fuck me can we pretend Buster: I need that Buster: As soon as we both get home Rio: I can't wait for you to show me how good sex can be Buster: You have to wait for me to sober up though, I want it to be perfect for you Rio: It's okay baby Buster: Don't worry, I'm not drunk, I promise Buster: And I'm stopping Buster: I'll be ready when you are Rio: We're making you feel better, remember Rio: Do whatever you wanna do Buster: It's exactly what I want Rio: You're gonna do all the things you dreamed about doing to me as a horny kid? Buster: You know it, babe Buster: Besides, if I don't get out of here you're gonna make me cum in front of everyone Rio: That's so fucking hot Rio: I wonder what everyone thinks Buster: They know what's happening Buster: You know I can't hide how much I want you Rio: When we get to Brazil you don't need to, you can fuck me on the beach, anywhere and everywhere Buster: I'm biting my lip so hard right now Rio: Me too Rio: Pablo has friends over, I've got to be quiet Buster: Fuck Buster: You know what that does to me Rio: I know you want them to hear me moaning for you so they know how bad I need you Buster: Baby Rio: Yes, Daddy? Buster: I need you too Buster: So bad Rio: I know Rio: I'm getting so ready for you Buster: Come here Rio: Where, baby? Buster: To me Rio: Are we going Home? Buster: I'll go anywhere you want Rio: Come here Rio: Fuck me in the room I fucked myself to the thought of you in Buster: Jesus Buster: Okay Buster: But if you keep being so fucking hot I won't make it Rio: I'm sorry but knowing you're hard right now makes me wanna get you off immediately it's just what I was born to do, like Buster: You're making me moan on my way out the door Buster: But even if you make me cum all over myself I'll get hard again by the time I walk through yours, you know that Buster: That's just how bad I want it Rio: I hope you always want me this bad Rio: You make me cum so many times before you do, it's so fucking Rio: you're so good, daddy Buster: You don't need to hope Buster: I will Buster: Same as loving you Buster: There's nothing you could do that'd make me want you any less Rio: Good because I need you Rio: Every day Buster: You've got me Buster: As many times a day as you need Rio: 😻 Rio: I can't wait 'til you live here always Buster: Me either Buster: You won't ever have to miss me, baby Rio: Good Rio: I've done enough for one lifetime, much too much Rio: You're mine now, whatever anyone says or thinks Buster: I'm all yours forever Buster: And you're mine Rio: Forever Rio: Going to have the ring and the paperwork to prove it soon but you already know Buster: I can't wait for everyone else to know it too Buster: Even though we don't have anything to prove Rio: Yeah Rio: Fuck everyone Rio: You're all I care about now Buster: I love you more than anything, Rio Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: You're so important Rio: You too Rio: And good and you're going to be great and I'l always tell you Rio: even if no one else does Buster: You're the best person I know or have ever met, seriously Rio: You're so cute Buster: It's true Buster: You actually can be or do anything Buster: I hope you know that Rio: I know I can do what I want to do if you're with me Buster: Good Rio: But so much of what I want to do is just be with you and love you and have a family with you, you know that, yeah? Rio: That'd be enough for me Buster: You're gonna make me cry Buster: Shh Rio: You're enough, Buster Rio: I can't stress how much I mean that, or how I'll never stop showing you that Buster: How could anyone be against this? You're the purest most loving fucking person Rio: Jealous, probably Rio: I don't know but I also know I'm sick of caring like it made me even a little happy, nevermind close to how happy you make me Buster: I feel the same Buster: I don't care if nobody else ever understands that 'cause I know you do Rio: I do Buster: I've run out of words Buster: I just want to be there with you now Rio: [Snap] Rio: Inspiration for you Buster: You can have loads of other sounds Buster: This cab driver did just hear them first, though Rio: Lucky 😒 Rio: Try not to be too jealous 😋 Buster: [Sends own pics] Buster: So you won't be Rio: Damn Rio: OKAY Rio: the driver better not be feeling you 'cos I need you here more than ever now Buster: If I could make him go any faster I would Buster: You've got me so close that even clothes are too much to deal with right now Rio: Okay but me when you get here Rio: And you've actually got to get all the way up the stairs for once Rio: my poor baby boy Buster: The things I do for you, babe Buster: The struggles Rio: Come on, you get my v card when you get here Rio: you know it's worth it Buster: You're always worth it Buster: Tell me about my glow up was I such an ugly kid before then or what, like? Rio: Don't be silly Rio: but we were kids, so as I was getting older and hadn't seen you properly for ages the memory became more of a cute kid than someone I could fuck myself thinking about, you know Rio: then you came around again, I can't even remember what the occasion was and you were like Rio: a man, I guess, cringe to say Rio: but you were so hot and grown and it was like, here we go again Buster: Oh Buster: Well, shit Buster: Sorry, like Rio: What are you saying sorry for? Buster: Being hot enough to wanna fuck without letting you actually Buster: I know what that feels like 'cause I had it whenever I saw you Rio: Oh, well, you're making up for it now Rio: But yeah Rio: that started the blatant jealousy phase Buster: Thank god we didn't go to school together Buster: I'd have had to kill any lad that looked at you Buster: It would have been exhausting and constant Rio: I know, right? Rio: Think I'm a distraction now Buster: I remember when I first saw you around that same time Buster: My mum thinks I'm pathetic now Buster: I fucking forgot how to breathe, I swear Rio: Baby Rio: We honestly deserve medals for how long we fought that shit because seriously Rio: I could've had you right there and then Buster: I wish Buster: I'd never seen a real person who looks that good before and all these years later I'm still like Buster: Speechless and breathless for you Rio: I don't know what to say to that Buster: You don't have to say anything Buster: I just want you to know Rio: Now I'm gonna cry, like Buster: It blows my mind that loads of other people haven't told you any of this Rio: Why would anyone Rio: Sure no one but you has ever actually thought it Buster: I don't believe that Buster: I can't Rio: I've never met anyone who is as honest as you Rio: like genuinely honest to a default, with the good as well as the bad Rio: you don't just use it as a thinly veiled excuse to be a dick Buster: I mean, I have Buster: But no Rio: Your parents? Buster: Sometimes you just wanna hurt people, you know Buster: Too many to count probably Rio: We've all said things to win arguments Rio: You aren't the only one who's done that Buster: I'm just like her though, aren't I? Buster: You're right, my mum knows exactly what to say to cause maximum damage Rio: It's just a defense mechanism Rio: she had to, you had to Rio: it doesn't make you bad people Buster: It makes me feel like a bad person Buster: It makes me feel bad full stop Rio: I know Rio: It got you this Rio: far Rio: But if you don't want to be like that now, you don't have to, you can try different Buster: I know Buster: I'm not who I was Buster: I wouldn't let you marry that cunt, like Rio: I never thought you were a cunt Rio: really, like Buster: Yeah, 'cause you've always used your bullshit detector Buster: But you don't deserve past me Rio: I'm complaining, like Rio: I know how far you've come, I see it Rio: and I love you now so Buster: I love you Rio: Let's be real, I was hardly living my best life even like, a year back Rio: regardless of how adult they reckon us, we've both grown, thank God Buster: Yeah Buster: And we can see how good we are for each other even if they don't want to Rio: You're the best thing that ever happened to me Rio: No one realizes how fucked I was before because I didn't show it Buster: Same Buster: Well, you knew, but you know everything so Rio: Naturally Rio: You knew too Rio: You wouldn't let me fob you off Buster: I should've done more to help you though Buster: I'm sorry Rio: What could you have done that you didn't, babe Buster: I used to be such a prick to you Buster: I hate that Rio: Well you know Rio: practically blueballed to death so Rio: forgiven, like Buster: Shut up Buster: I am now but I'm not gonna start a fight with you Buster: Hot as that used to be, at least some of the time Rio: You made no secret of how hot you found it, babe Rio: which made it even worse, you know I like it when you get aggressive but now I've gotta be mad on principle? 😒 Buster: Don't Buster: I had to invite girls round after every argument we had in each others inboxes Rio: 😣 Not fair Rio: Guess I kinda fucked Curtis in your face though so 😬 Buster: And honestly, I sent a lot of them home 'cause like I said, there's nobody like you Buster: It just made me more frustrated Rio: Nothing worse than a shit ride Rio: just makes the problem 10x worse Buster: Yeah Buster: Thank fuck I can take care of myself Rio: Don't get me started on how hot that is Buster: You don't wanna talk about it? Buster: Don't be shy, babe Rio: You know how hot you are Rio: No lads do half the things you do, you're lucky if they send you a dick pic they've sent to every other girl ever and the chat is abysmal Rio: not even to start on the actual sex and how much better you are then too Buster: It's all for you Buster: If you weren't worth it I wouldn't Buster: Christ knows I didn't put this much effort in for Chelsea girls Buster: But they didn't make me this turned on without being touched so Buster: Or even when Rio: Damn right they didn't Rio: No one can do you like I can Rio: don't forget it Buster: How can I, I'm so aware how hard you could make me cum right now in this taxi if you want to Rio: 😋 Rio: Don't tempt me Buster: But I need you to fuck me, any way you like, including that Buster: So I can't stop you Rio: That's permission to keep going? Buster: If that's what you want, baby Rio: Hmm Rio: It is one of my favourite things to make you cum in your pants, especially when you're in public and have to try and pretend very hard you're not Buster: I know Buster: And you know how easy it'd be, but if you need reminding, like Buster: [pics] Rio: Oh baby, you're so close Rio: Barely any challenge at all Buster: Yeah Buster: You've had me there for so long Rio: You want to cum, don't you? Buster: Please Rio: Oh, good boy Rio: remembering your manners even when you're being really bad in the back of that cab Buster: You know I've been well behaved this whole time Buster: Don't tease me Rio: You think you deserve a reward? Buster: It's not up to me Buster: It's up to you Rio: That's better too Rio: 'cos you're definitely not in any position to be making demands, babe Buster: Rio, Jesus Rio: I know baby Rio: Tell me, how oblivious is this driver? Buster: He's more aware than most of the bar was Buster: I know that's what you wanna hear but it also happens to be true Rio: I'm just thinking Rio: How much you can get away with Rio: and how much I could if I was there with you Buster: You know I'll do anything Buster: I don't care Rio: I care about not getting you arrested, babe Rio: But you can start over your clothes Rio: Slow Buster: Okay Buster: He's definitely already gossiping about me on his headset in a language that ain't Irish Buster: But I think I'm safe from the cells for now Rio: That's alright then Rio: if I have to bail you out just to fuck you I ain't gonna be happy, like Buster: Hot as that is, probably best not Rio: You'll just have to take extra time on this baby, nice and slow, try to keep my name in your head and out your mouth for now Buster: I'm trying but Rio: But? Buster: I can't Rio: How badly do you need me? Buster: I'm so desperate for you Rio: I want you to touch yourself properly now, baby Rio: I want you to feel how throbbing and hard you are, feel what I'm gonna feel Buster: Oh god Rio: How does that feel, better? Buster: So good Buster: Fuck me Rio: 'Cos you asked so pretty Rio: Give it to me, hard and fast as you want now, I want it, I want you, Buster Buster: Say that again Buster: Tell me how much you want me Rio: I want you so much, I'd do anything to be with you Rio: I have Rio: I need you, Buster, please fuck me Buster: Rio Buster: I love you Rio: I love you Rio: Forever Buster: Don't stop, okay Rio: Never Buster: Loving me, wanting me, telling me, any of it Rio: I promise Rio: Even if I could, I would never want to Rio: You're so fucking perfect Buster: You are Rio: Yeah Rio: We are Buster: You're gonna be such a hot wife Rio: Yeah? Rio: Is that what you're thinking about as you fuck yourself then? Tell me Buster: I'm thinking that I can't wait to come home to you Buster: And not just today Rio: You know I'm always gonna greet you from a hard day at the office right, babe Rio: Every day Buster: I'm gonna give you a goodbye that doesn't feel like one every day Buster: 'Cause you'll still be feeling it when I come back Buster: Whatever you're doing and however long I'm gone Rio: Fuck Rio: I need that Rio: I want nothing more than to feel you between my legs all the time, even when you're not there Buster: And I'll fuck you on the stairs until the neighbours have our vows memorised too 'cause you'll be reciting them back to me every time Buster: It'll be that good Rio: Daddy Buster: I know, baby Rio: You have no idea how wet I am now Buster: Show me Rio: [Video] Rio: Because you need to hear how loud it is too Buster: Well, now you've got me being loud too Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: I don't care who hears Rio: this is how you've got me, baby Buster: You know I'd scream for you if it makes you cum Buster: Nobody else exists to me Rio: You really would do anything for me, wouldn't you? Buster: Yeah Rio: Shit Rio: I love you I love you Buster: Keep saying it Rio: I love you Buster I love you so fucking much Buster: You're gonna make me cum everywhere Buster: Oh fuck Rio: Me too Rio: Cum with me baby please Buster: Yeah together Rio: Always Rio: Marry me Buster: All you've gotta say is I do, baby Buster: I will Rio: Literally say whatever you like at this point Buster: Just fuck yourself harder Buster: I want you to moan right now Rio: Yes sir Rio: I swear, everyone can hear me Buster: Yeah they can Buster: You're that good Rio: For you Rio: I'm doing exactly what you told me, daddy Buster: You're such a fucking angel for me Rio: I am Rio: I just wanna look after you so good and make you cum Buster: Good 'cause I need you to finish what you started Rio: I promise Buster: Now though Rio: I know what'll make you cum Rio: You're coming to take my virginity in my childhood bedroom but do you want another actual first too? Rio: Because I really do Buster: You know I want that as badly as you do Buster: Tell me Rio: I want you to take me from behind Rio: I've never done it with anyone but sometimes I put a finger up there and it feels fucking incredible it stretches me so tight Rio: I want you to take my anal virginity, if you want to Buster: That's so hot Buster: I've never done it before either but I really want to with you Rio: Promise? Buster: Of course Buster: I'm never gonna lie to you Rio: Good, we can have this together then Buster: You're always so right Buster: That did make me cum Rio: I knew it would Buster: I'm gonna have to give this cabbie so much money Rio: Whoops Rio: I can always facetime in so he knows I'm real and you're not just a pervert 😏 Buster: I'm fine with that but I'll probably leave the reason why the bill is so high off the spreadsheet my mum wants of my expenses Rio: In the bad books enough as is, babe Rio: why not go all out? gonna be mad regardless Buster: You're so fucking beautiful though at least the driver wouldn't be mad the second he sees your face Rio: I'll put some clothes on so we can pretend it's just my beautiful face 😉 Buster: Yeah he doesn't need to see any more to understand the state I'm in Buster: But don't put too many clothes on 'cause I'm not that far away Rio: You're going to need to get hard for me again Rio: Putting in the work to undress me will do you good Buster: I only need a few minutes, we might be getting married but I'm not middle aged or that turned off Buster: But fine, I like it Rio: Can't be nice all the time, babe Rio: got to keep you on your toes Buster: Who you treat me reflects how I treat you so, again fine Buster: If that's how you want it, baby Buster: How* Rio: 😻 Rio: You know it is Buster: Yeah but I'm still gonna make you beg me Buster: Just for a while Rio: Oh really Buster: Can't play too nice, right? Buster: Not if I'm gonna give you exactly what you need Rio: You're so right Rio: I'm so fucking glad you get me, and what I need Buster: Always Buster: You know you can start now, if you like Buster: But you might wanna wait until you can be on your knees Rio: I can be on my knees for when you get here Rio: Nothing if not dedicated Buster: 'Course you can Buster: I love that about you Rio: How else do you want me, daddy? Buster: Mouth and eyes open Buster: You gotta sort out this mess you made Rio: Holy Rio: That's totally fair and I won't really really enjoy that, promise Buster: Good Buster: While we're on the subject you have loads of lube right? I only wanna hurt you in the ways you want Rio: Yeah, we're good baby Rio: I promise it'll be the best thing you've felt since the first time you were inside my cunt Buster: That's a really big promise Rio: I know Rio: Hold me to it Buster: I have to, now Rio: I practically came on the spot the first time we fucked Rio: I was very impressed you didn't Buster: Well, I was trying to impress you so Buster: Glad that worked Rio: You were better than I'd ever imagined, you know you were Rio: and I thought about it a lot so Buster: I couldn't last that long but I didn't want it to be like the first kiss again, you know Buster: All that build up and then just Buster: Me not living up to it Rio: It was perfect Rio: so was the kiss Rio: you'll say I don't mean it but I do Buster: I know you do Buster: Trying to make me cry again Buster: I don't ever want to disappoint you, Rio, in anything Rio: Well you never have Rio: so don't worry about it too much Buster: I'm gonna make sure I never will Buster: I swear Rio: I trust you, baby Rio: I trust you with my life Buster: Is that why you didn't wanna do anal with anyone else? Or, like, did you want to but it just never happened? Rio: Pretty much Rio: Like it was either being too embarrassed to say I wanted it, because they'd just be dicks, or knowing they didn't care enough to do it right and be gentle Buster: You can tell me anything you want to do, you know Rio: I know Rio: You too Rio: but you can tell me if you ever don't want to do something, or me to say something Rio: I won't be mad or offended Buster: Same Buster: I don't ever wanna be that person for you Buster: You don't have to do anything ever 'cause of me Rio: You couldn't be, you just aren't like that Rio: Anyway, there isn't much I can think of that I wouldn't do with you Buster: Me either but we should still think of a safe word Buster: In case we wanna stop anything Rio: Good idea Rio: What should it be? Something really unsexy Buster: Just say Chlo's name that'd stop me dead no matter what Rio: 😂 Oh God Buster: No, but seriously, it's gotta be something stupid that we just wouldn't say normally Rio: Hmm Rio: Let's go for Rio: Lampshade Buster: Works for me Rio: It was the first mundane thing I could see from down here on the floor, like Buster: Don't make it hot Rio: Damn, I'm bad at this 😋 Buster: You're so good at everything else that's why Buster: I'm not mad about it Buster: I bet you look really fucking sexy right now, don't you? Rio: and I just fucking love everything you do to me, the idea of needing one seems so ludicrous but hey Rio: [Selfie] Rio: You tell me Buster: You look better than I knew you would Buster: Jesus Buster: I'm trying to wait until I'm out of this car before I get too turned on again for this poor bloke's sake but Buster: I couldn't stop thinking about you before you sent that so now Buster: It sounds really stupid 'cause we've been talking this whole time but I miss you so much Buster: Touching you Buster: Kissing you Buster: Being close to you at all Rio: It doesn't sound stupid at all to me Rio: so if it is I am too Rio: I always miss you unless you're literally in my arms Buster: I'm so glad you feel it too Rio: You never have to doubt that Rio: Hurry up though baby so you can do all those lovely and less lovely things to me please Buster: I'm literally around the corner, don't worry Buster: I can't wait to see you Rio: I bet Rio: Lucky no one else is gonna barge in with all the noise I was making Buster: There is no way I'm letting anyone ruin this for us Buster: Whatever I have to do, I'd even walk from here, like Rio: Such a romantic baby 😉 Buster: I know and you'll be saying that sincerely when I use all the energy I've saved, by not doing those steps, on you Rio: Promises, promises Buster: Can we record this since it's a first? Rio: FUCK Rio: How are you gonna just drop that when I'm being a brat? Rio: Um yes, of course we can Rio: we've gotta Buster: I don't care if it's not like streaming level production quality Buster: I just wanna have it Buster: Like, bonus if it is Rio: I know how to do this babe, you'll be able to watch see every face I make and hear every moan, I promise Buster: I was hoping you'd say that Buster: Is it ready though 'cause I'm outside and I'd hate for you to have to change position when you've been so good Rio: I won't move Rio: Priorities, I need to clean you up properly before you can even think about giving me a reward Buster: Alright Buster: Well, I'm on my way Buster: Literally Rio: 🙌
0 notes
Rio & Buster
Rio: I wanna come over Rio: Be awake Buster: I want you to come over but you can't Rio: I'll be extra quiet Rio: Promise Buster: I already know that's a promise that I could easily make you break Buster: But that's not the reason Rio: Why not then? 😡 Buster: Promise you won't actually freak out first Rio: Who's there Buster: Promise Rio: I ain't promising that when you've got someone there Rio: fuck off Buster: It's not like that Buster: Edie's here Rio: Oh Rio: Umm, why, like??? Buster: The hospital wouldn't let her leave with her boyfriend so I went to get her Buster: She's alright now, but yeah Rio: WHAT Rio: why was she in hospital? Rio: and what the fuck did he do Buster: She's just been partying too hard, like Buster: Same goes for her, but he's also a cunt on top of that Buster: him* Rio: Why did she call you and not me Rio: Fuck's sake Buster: She probably didn't wanna worry you Buster: It's not like she knows we talk Rio: Silly cow Rio: I'll come and get her Buster: Don't Buster: She isn't gonna trust me next time if she reckons I told you Rio: She should be coming to one of us Buster: Well, she ain't Buster: At least it was me she came to Buster: Christ knows what any of her friends would do Rio: I'm not saying anything against you Rio: but Rio: you said she's alright, yeah? Buster: Not now you can't call me a cheater, like Buster: Yeah she is Buster: Not trashing my house or anything so she must have got her fill of chaos at the hospital Rio: I didn't call you a cheater Rio: Good Rio: hopefully she's trashed enough to pass out and keep the damages minimal Rio: send me the bill otherwise Buster: As good as, babe Buster: Fuck that, not gonna be half a hero when I've got this far Buster: She did her damage to that boy from what I could understand of her chatter so I'm good Rio: You're very vague Rio: it's going to get you in trouble, babe Rio: I was just pointing it out Rio: 🙄 Good Lord Rio: Someone needed to and not sad to see the back of him but honestly Buster: Fuck off Buster: You're literally the only person who's ever accused me of that. Rather be called a cheater, like Buster: I was just trying to keep you calm Buster: And not be a massive snitch Buster: Anyway, is it even your birthday if you don't have a fight? Come on Rio: Well someone's got to tell you then Rio: So mysterious Rio: A snitch? Don't be so childish Rio: Not with a grown ass man she doesn't need one Buster: Shut up Buster: I'm mature enough to be your sister's designated adult Buster: And you love me so Rio: 😏 Rio: really? that's a brag you wanna take? Rio: little desperate, babe Buster: You wanna start? Who hit up who? Buster: You're desperate for me, babe Buster: 😏 Rio: Was, maybe Rio: but over it now Buster: Bullshit Rio: Put us right off you have Buster: You'd be in bed asleep if that were true Buster: Keeping this convo going instead Rio: You wanna go take care of Eds that bad Rio: Be my guest Buster: Been there and done that Buster: She's got everything she needs Rio: Aww, you want a 🥇 or a 🍪 Buster: Fuck off Buster: I'm not an amateur, that's all Buster joined the chat 5 hours ago Rio: It's appreciated, trust Buster: Not by me now that I know you wanna come over Rio: 💔 Rio: cockblocked Buster: Should be well used to it, like Buster: Years worth of it with you Rio: You blaming me? Cheek Buster: I'm just saying Rio: Don't be just saying nothing to me rn Buster: What? Rio: Well you think you're 💔 Rio: I came to you remember? Rio: gotta entertain myself now Buster: Baby Rio: I had a seriously good dream about you Buster: Yeah? Rio: Woke me up Rio: wish you were here Rio: put me back to sleep Buster: I wish I was there too Buster: But if I was you wouldn't wanna sleep Rio: I don't wanna Rio: I want you to wear me out for real Buster: I know Buster: Have you dreamed about me before? Rio: Daydreaming constantly Rio: usually you're here Rio: so not since forever ago Buster: I've done it before you were mine too Rio: Yeah? Rio: Tell me about it Buster: The real thing's better Buster: But I didn't know that yet, like Buster: Embarrassing Rio: Don't be embarrassed Rio: Nothing turns me on more than turning you on Buster: Good thing I didn't know that back when I was touching myself to your pictures Buster: I'd have never stopped Buster: It'd be me in hospital, like Rio: Would've stepped in before it got to that, babe Rio: completely selfish reasons, you'll be proud to know Buster: Come at me with that nurse uniform whenever, babe Rio: Add it to your list of demands Buster: I'll get my diary out, hold on Buster: Make a note Rio: Write down my IOU Rio: soon as you've got, thank you Buster: I'm gonna have to bring Edie back in the morning so if you can sneak out when I sneak her in, I'll give you the day Rio: She can walk! Rio: Too chivalrous for your own good, babe Buster: Just don't trust her not to get too comfy here in my luxury if I don't Buster: Or to end up actually at home instead of somewhere else Rio: Be kicking her out myself Rio: I put the work in 😒 Buster: You can come over now if you can honestly promise to be that quiet and unseen Rio: It's okay Rio: her birthday, not mine Buster: Like I told her, technically it ain't any more Rio: That'll make it alright when I'm screaming your name and begging you to make me cum again Buster: Fuck Rio: I need you properly Buster: I miss you so bad Rio: You wanna see how badly I miss you? Buster: Yeah Buster: Show me Rio: [Video] Buster: Jesus I need to make you miss me more often Rio: Please don't Rio: I want you, not this toy Buster: You look so fucking good wanting me though Rio: because I need you to want me back Buster: You know I do Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: I fucking love you Buster: I love you too, babe Rio: You're gonna get so many videos when you're back home Rio: be like the old days Buster: My teachers won't thank you but I will Buster: I'll be really grateful Rio: How grateful we talking? Buster: You'll see Rio: Please show me you now Rio: you're better than dream you too Buster: [sends own video] Rio: 😩 Rio: Bad idea Rio: got me fully ready to come over Rio: like just gotta find the ball gag 'cos Buster: Fuck Buster: Don't put that in my head unless you are coming Rio: Tell me I can't Buster: I can't Buster: I need you Rio: Okay Rio: I'll leave soon as Rio: not too proud to admit I will drive over just to have you cum for me Buster: Stay in the car and I'll come to you Buster: We can be louder out there Rio: You do know it's nearly the morning right Rio: respectable people getting up, like Buster: Not in this party postcode babe Buster: Would you rather your sister gets up? Think on Rio: Trust she can sleep through anything Rio: but I don't care either way Buster: Just be here Buster: I can't think clearly Rio: I never can when you're around Buster: I know Buster: Me either Rio: Gonna be a whole 'nother level of productive come September Rio: gonna be even more of a 🤓 babe Buster: Shut up Rio: Make me Buster: No Buster: Moan for me Rio: Again Rio: make me babe Buster: Hurry up Buster: I will when you get here Rio: I'm coming Rio: forgot the nurse's outfit i'm sorry Buster: Actions speak louder so I'm gonna need you to show me Buster: How sorry are you really? Rio: So sorry I've forgot some other items of clothing Buster: Christ Buster: I fucking love you Rio: Say it again Buster: I love you so much, Rio Rio: I love you, Buster Buster: Never stop saying it Buster: Or my name Rio: fuck me like only you do and that's all i can say or think Buster: Don't go back home Buster: I wanna make you cum so many times we both forget I have to leave Buster: I need so many memories there won't be room in my head for missing you Rio: Challenge accepted Buster: Good Rio: You'll not have time to miss me Rio: gonna turn so annoying, blowing your phone up with all my snaps Buster: I won't be mad about it Rio: Really? Rio: You must like me 😏 Buster: You're alright, like Rio: 😂 Rio: Cheers Buster: No worries Rio: So cute Buster: Shhhh Rio: Cute cute cute Rio: I'll never tell, don't worry, keeping it 🤫 Buster: 'Cause it's all yours Rio: 🍀 Rio: genuine Buster: Yeah Rio: Wish I could be smug about it Buster: You can, just not on Insta Buster: I'll let me be as smug as you want when you come in Buster: And take all the pics you want Rio: 😍🤤 Rio: gonna regret saying that Buster: You reckon? Rio: Know you're a poser, babe Rio: but I'm obsessed Buster: You know I can't get enough of you Rio: Means I don't have to stop then Buster: Don't Rio: As long as you don't Rio: Promise Buster: I won't Buster: I swear I'm not being dramatic, like it's just true that I can't Rio: I know the feeling Rio: Fucking hell Buster: I'm not sorry Buster: Not about any of it Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: I can't be sorry right right now Buster: Good Rio: I'm here Rio: Come out and fuck me Buster: On my way Rio: The house is not that big Rio: don't tease me Buster: Say please and I promise I won't Rio: 😩 Buster: Go on Rio: Buster will you please come outside and touch me exactly where I need to be touched Buster: Okay baby
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Buster & Rio
Buster: I saw Buster: Where are you going? Rio: Not decided Buster: How much do you have in your account? Rio: Loads Rio: Great stream, like Rio: despite some vocal haters Buster: Yeah Buster: Get as far as you can then Buster: Fuck him Rio: I won't, that's the problem Buster: Like that's his only problem Rio: No need to tell me Rio: don't recommend you engage with him but Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Nothing Rio: Not forgotten how you feel about it, like Rio: not expecting sympathy Buster: Don't be like that Rio: Why not Buster: 'Cause I ain't him Buster: Don't treat me like I am Rio: Sorry Rio: idk what to do Buster: Come here Rio: I can't Buster: Why not? Rio: Plenty of reasons Rio: For one you don't wanna see me Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Try and tell me otherwise Buster: Rio Buster: I want to see you Rio: Maybe I'll just fake out and stay Rio: how sad would that be Rio: unforgivable or? Buster: 'Course not Buster: You can do whatever you want Rio: Can I? Rio: 'cos Ryan don't reckon so Buster: What does that cunt know about anything? Rio: Enough to drag my name through the dirt Rio: that's for sure Buster: Enough that he has to try Buster: He knows he fucked up when he lost you but that's all he has a clue about Buster: And he was punching above his weight since day 1, he's also gotta be aware of that Rio: Nah Rio: he just hates me Rio: not wrong with what he's saying but Buster: Shut up Buster: That's bullshit Buster: He's got no right to hate you Rio: Maybe not but Rio: I get it Rio: nothing he says is untrue Rio: just wish he didn't care Buster: Fuck that Buster: I bet most of what he says is utter bullshit Rio: Nah Rio: hand him the ammo, don't I Buster: It's not your fault he's fucked in the head, babe Buster: Don't talk shit Rio: Just 'cause he's obsessed don't mean he ain't got a point Rio: whether I like it or not Rio: probably why it makes me so mad Rio: my easy money called into question Buster: Stop it Buster: You could leaving a nun life and he'd still wanna find ways to make you feel bad Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Maybe Rio: unlikely to find that out any time soon Buster: Good Buster: Don't change for him Buster: He's worth shit, yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Still dictating shit regardless Rio: laughing with it Rio: why did I rise to it Buster: 'Cause you've had enough Buster: It's been going on so long Rio: How awful that I wish he'd just get a new girlfriend already Rio: why would I want that for anyone Buster: 'Cause you want rid Buster: I don't blame you Rio: Promise? Buster: I swear Buster: Don't blame yourself either Rio: Hard not to Rio: I did it Rio: so stupid Buster: You're not stupid Rio: Yes I am Rio: What was the point Buster: Shut up Buster: You're smarter than him Buster: And me Buster: We both know it's my fault you fucked Curtis Buster: I would've made it up to you if Indie didn't have other ideas, like Rio: Oh yeah 😂 high school dropout with one shit job and one dubious one Rio: genius, like Buster: You're not funny, doesn't mean you aren't smart Buster: So stop Rio: I don't want to Rio: can't Rio: idk Buster: What do you want? Buster: Seriously Rio: Am I meant to know? Rio: I don't Rio: I'm not like you, clever, whatever you want to call it Rio: I have no clue what I'm doing or why Buster: I don't buy it Buster: I know you've got goals Buster: You're as motivated as I am Rio: Why are you being nice Rio: not letting me mope Buster: 'Cause he keeps hurting you Buster: And like I said, I ain't him Buster: That and you won't let me kill him Rio: Can't be the egomaniac that tries to fight their own case Rio: never ends well, babe Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 😂 Rio: just trying to give you a little dose of reality Buster: Bit late, don't you reckon Rio: I'm a tryer Buster: Yeah? Rio: You know it Buster: Don't give up then Rio: don't worry, at an airport, not the traintracks or bridge Buster: Hilarious Buster: Decided where you're going yet or what Rio: I'll check where's cheapest and where's going the minute I decide I wanna Rio: doesn't matter really Buster: 'Course it matters Buster: Going to a shithole isn't gonna cheer you up Rio: I mean Rio: I won't go to... Rio: Yugoslavia? idk Rio: somewhere sunny'll cut it Buster: 😂 Rio: just trying to hype your postcode Rio: i 👀 you Buster: I reckon its got itself covered Buster: And I ain't gotta hype me Rio: You have put those hours in by now, yeah 😜 Buster: Just you wait, babe Buster: Barely started with you Rio: I know Rio: Can't even blame all those false starts on how hot I am Buster: Welcome back Rio: 😏 Rio: Wishing you could be holding that sign at Heathrow, babe Buster: Obviously Buster: Really missing you, like Rio: Really feel it Buster: Good Rio: Well Rio: looks like I'm off to Spain Buster: I'll see you around then Rio: yeah? Rio: cool Buster: How long are you gonna be gone? Rio: just a few days Rio: can't leave indie Buster: I can check in Buster: She'd love it Rio: hmm Buster: You know she would Rio: yeah Rio: but i don't Rio: thank you very much Buster: What do you think is gonna happen? Buster: she's a kid Rio: an insatiable kid Rio: with no boundaries Buster: She ain't got any maybe but I do Rio: Some, like Rio: don't get carried away Buster: Fuck off Rio: What? Rio: Just saying Rio: too late to put some back in place Buster: Am I meant to care? Rio: Probably Rio: you still haven't realised? Buster: What? Rio: I'm going to fuck you up Buster: You wish, babe Rio: I seriously don't Rio: but I will if you let me Buster: The only way you can hurt me is the way I like Buster: Don't worry about it Rio: Okay Rio: you better be right Rio: i tried to stop this, let the record show Buster: I'm always right, babe Buster: And I'm sick of being stopped Rio: Same Rio: I wish it had been you Rio: sorry if you don;t wanna hear it Buster: It's alright Buster: I know Rio: what a mess Buster: I wish I could make you forget everybody else Rio: you could Rio: don't pick now to be humble Buster: Seriously though Buster: I hate that your exes get to treat you how they do Rio: Know how to pick 'em, right Buster: Yeah Rio: Tragic Buster: I ain't one to talk Rio: Yeah Rio: Right pair Rio: Commiserate with me Buster: I'll take a drink Rio: Sláinte baby Buster: Cheers Rio: what are you doing Buster: An assignment Buster: Technically Rio: Oop, my bad Buster: Yeah 'cause I'd rather study Rio: Should Rio: be a good boy Buster: Fuck should Rio: honestly Rio: tut tut Rio: what am i gonna do with you Buster: Everything Buster: And anything you want Rio: promises, promises Buster: What else do you want me to give you? Rio: just all of you Buster: I'll get myself to the airport then, shall I Rio: don't be moody Rio: everyone's in a mood with me Rio: i'm trying to be good Buster: I ain't Buster: I just want to actually be able to come with Rio: I know Rio: time alone will probably be good for me though, you who came for me on that, right? Rio: but i'll be thinking about you Rio: a lot Buster: I know Buster: You need to go Rio: Next time Rio: I'll come to you Rio: not because I'm running from someone else, yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: Am I being weird Rio: I'm airport drunk Buster: I like it Buster: Just make sure they let you on the plane, babe Rio: oi Rio: i'm a calm composed lady Rio: and there's a hen party on my flight who are gonna need all the handling so Buster: 😂 Buster: slip the hot ones my number, like Rio: no. Rio: you can't do any handling from there anyway hush Buster: Like I said, don't underestimate me, babe Rio: always want me to do your work for you Rio: your type ain't mine, trust Buster: We've already established your type ain't worth nobody's time Rio: fuck off Rio: girls are different Buster: You've got a type of girl too then? Rio: duh Rio: i celebrate all things woman, that's my whole job Buster: where's those exes, like? Rio: 😂 Rio: suddenly interested Buster: No shit Rio: typical bloke 😏 Buster: Not yours thank fuck Buster: So glad to be a different class Rio: you want me to feel offended? Rio: thought he weren't my fault Buster: I'm not shading you just the lads you've been with Buster: 'Cause he's the worst, yeah, but he ain't the only twat, is he Rio: what you gonna do about it, boy? Rio: you wanna matchmake for me? get me a 💎 Buster: I'm gonna give you better Buster: Then you won't wanna go back to all that bullshit Buster: All you gotta do is keep up Rio: Yeah? Rio: Never had a problem with that Rio: just don't keep me running circles 'round you forever Buster: You must be drunk if you're dropping the f bomb Rio: ha no Rio: just feels like forever Buster: One thing I can't argue with you about Rio: too right Rio: so shh Buster: I'm not in the library I'll be as loud as I want, cheers Rio: say something worthwhile then please Buster: Take lots of pics for me while you're away, yeah? Rio: Of course Rio: tan progress, naturally Rio: or if you're in the market for some nice bikinis Rio: got you, babe Buster: Standard Rio: will you call me Rio: i'm already lonely Buster: Now? Rio: No, you're working hard Rio: or meant to be Rio: but when i'm there and you've finished Buster: Yeah Rio: Don't have to Buster: I know I don't Rio: 😔 Rio: want me again Rio: i'll make it up to you Buster: I haven't stopped Buster: You know I can't Rio: but don't want to stop Buster: I want you Buster: That's all Rio: i'm going to make it so worth it i swear Rio: i know its been too long Buster: I've wanted you for years, babe Buster: I can handle waiting Rio: I can't Rio: I'm so mad at the world Rio: leave us alone for 15 minute god Buster: You sure you don't want me to call you now? Rio: 😈 Rio: Not my ideal mile-high fantasy with you obviously but Rio: I need it Buster: Maybe not but I've still thought about it Buster: Been thinking about it since you said you were at the airport Rio: You're really gonna need me to check that essay for typos then, babe Rio: I'm not going to the bathroom, so you do the telling and I'll be trying my best to stay quiet, yeah? Buster: Having you on my desk is a fantasy for another day Buster: Until then, yeah Buster: cum for me quietly that'll be a new one Rio: Sadly Rio: Fuck me 😍🤤 Rio: I love a challenge, yeah Buster: I love that either way I win Rio: I see no real downside Rio: you're going to make me cum either way Rio: whether i get forcibly removed from the plane is another thing but come on guys, be cool Buster: Well, if you are you know who to call Buster: Least I can do, like Rio: reckon they'd just fly through to spain, like Rio: no point coming back Rio: me sat there in cuffs Rio: getting too kinky Buster: 😂 Buster: I don't reckon there'll be many complaints Buster: They'll appreciate it if anything Rio: in flight entertainment Rio: not a male stripper, soz girls but you know you love it Buster: Put me there on the facetime if they get mad about it Rio: 😂 Rio: let you steal my thunder this once 'cos at least i'll get to see too Buster: you're all welcome, like Rio: save the best for just me though Buster: I will if you do Rio: Promise Buster: Okay Buster: I'm calling
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Rio & Buster
Rio: Hey Rio: Sorry for dashing like I saw a bill earlier Rio: Stupid drama called Buster: Whatever Buster: Can't be hanging with you all day anyway Buster: Got my own shit to do Rio: 'Course Rio: Just in case you thought anything real mad was going down, like Rio: I'm good Buster: Looked like you were determined to handle it, babe Rio: Needs must, you know Rio: won't bore you with a long story Buster: Yeah Buster: Long story or boring story? Rio: Ha, both Rio: Out here trying to change the narrative but Buster: If he's still being a cunt you can tell me Buster: I'll sort it easy Rio: Oh no Rio: That's already the issue lowkey Rio: one of my lovelier exes been giving him grief Rio: how that's my problem now is a little beyond me but that's the joys init Buster: Well I'll sort him then Buster: Who is it? Rio: Don't think you ever had the pleasure Rio: Timelines didn't cross, I guess Rio: I can handle it, all good Buster: I can have it now, no greater pleasure than knocking him out, like Buster: So can I Rio: Yeah, know you love a scrap, McKenna Rio: Not a big deal, he's just a twat, like all my exes, yeah? Buster: You said it Rio: 😂 Rio: Exes for a reason, babe Rio: doing something wrong if you've got loads of good ones Buster: Doing something wrong if you've got any, I reckon Buster: You girls always gotta label shit Rio: Nah Rio: just a timescale thing, init Rio: don't blame us if you can't sustain shit Buster: I blame them that they don't make me wanna Buster: Ain't my fault if they're only worth the night Buster: I'm always bringing my best Rio: Oh, babe Rio: Now I'm feeling bad for you Rio: how'd you manage that Buster: Shut up Rio: What Rio: I'm serious Buster: Distract yourself from your own drama however you want but leave me out Buster: I'm not looking for a pity party Rio: Not throwing one Buster: Don't say shit like that to me then Buster: I'm all good Rio: Alright, alright Rio: I'm just questioning what they're bringing if you're really that uninterested, that's all Buster: Trying to scope out the competition, is it Buster: Makes sense Rio: Please 🙄 Buster: I would've, but you left Buster: Gotta please yourself now, babe Rio: You're lucky I left when I did Rio: only so many casualties a girl can cause in a day Rio: well, it's sorted now so Buster: Like I'm scared of any of your exes Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Not what I meant actually, so calm down the 💪 Rio: don't know how much more your 💔 could stand, babe Buster: You reckon you can hurt me? Buster: Don't make me laugh Rio: Easy Buster: Try me Rio: Some other time Rio: so busy rn, yeah boy? Buster: About as busy as you are scared, yeah Rio: Why lie about having your own shit then, babe? Rio: Was I meant to be gutted, awh Buster: I ain't Buster: I'm well busy and you're well scared Rio: Ha Rio: No Buster: Which part is hard to believe? Buster: 'Cause trust me Rio: I'm sure, McKenna Rio: so, what boring delights await you tonight then? Buster: She's here now if you wanna say hi Rio: You're alright Rio: had a day of letting my own down gently, never mind dealing with yours for you Buster: I wasn't asking Buster: I can handle my own Buster: She's enjoying that you've got jokes, is all Buster: Agrees that you're shit scared like Rio: Now I know she ain't real, like 😂 Buster: [sends selfie with girl] Buster: there's some fakeness on her for sure, but I ain't mad Rio: Eurgh, put it away Rio: Honestly Buster: What are you doing tonight then? Buster: Wow me Rio: Night's still young over here Rio: even if you in bed Rio: see where it takes me Buster: Please, I'm not a fucking amateur Buster: Got a whole house to play with Rio: Then hadn't you better get back to it? Buster: Probably Rio: Charming as ever Buster: No complaints yet Buster: Come over and join us if you're still close by Buster: See for yourself Rio: Hmm, think we'd both be passing if she knew we were cousins, like Rio: Save you explaining that one Buster: Not gonna tell her, am I Buster: She's not here to talk Rio: Just you, like Buster: 😂 Buster: You started it, babe Buster: I'm just being a hero how you like, making sure you're okay Rio: You on something good if you cocky enough to reckon you know how I like it, babe Rio: I'm all good, that's been said Buster: You're full of shit if you reckon I don't Rio: It's all just playin' Buster: Don't have to be Rio: True Rio: Shame you got other plans then, ain't it Buster: Make me a better offer Rio: Me, bitch Rio: I am the better offer and you know it Buster: Tell me where I can find you and we'll see Rio: Finish what you started Rio: Damn, so spoilt rich boy Buster: Finish what you started Rio: Touche Rio: though, don't think we can put it all on me Buster: I think you'll want it all when it comes down to it though, babe Rio: Just think? Rio: Unusual for you Buster: Trying not to scare you off again like Buster: Lot to handle, you know Rio: Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you that wasn't about you Buster: When you believe it, maybe I will Buster: Or you can just tell me what it was about and I'll shut up Rio: Tempting Rio: you are fucking infuriating Rio: I told you, ex drama Rio: didn't know you wanted the juicy details Buster: What the fuck's so special about him? Buster: You don't get rattled that way Rio: He ain't Rio: it's Rio: he's just a bit mental Buster: Has he hurt you? Buster: Seriously Rio: What? Nah Rio: He ain't here, back in the 24 ain't he Buster: Tell me what his fucking deal is, Rio. I'm not playing now Rio: Everything always sounds more dramatic when you try and explain Rio: It's sorted Buster: Not by me Buster: Just tell me Rio: Wouldn't know where to begin, babe Rio: was ages ago, he just gets mouthy sometimes when he's on one Rio: awkward when he comes at my next ex instead of me, like, that's all Buster: Not anymore he won't be. I'll shut him up for you Rio: Don't Rio: Seriously, it'll make everything worse Buster: Do you still love him or what? Rio: Fuck no Rio: just trust me, you don't want the aggro Buster: Like I said, give a shit Buster: Just tell me what you mean, worse than what, babe Rio: I don't know he just Rio: he's always there, whatever he's saying Rio: though we broke up nearly a year ago Buster: So he's a fucking stalker, yeah? Rio: Well, I don't know if we'd go that hard Buster: Rio Buster: Come on Rio: What? I don't wanna be dramatic about it Buster: Why the fuck not? Buster: He is Buster: And if I'm gonna kill the cunt I wanna know what for Rio: You aren't, let's get that straight Rio: it's not like he's a creepy stranger in the bushes, or whatever Rio: I did go out with him Rio: he just Rio: ain't moving on, idk Buster: A year ago Buster: And it ain't me you're scared of, is it? Rio: No Buster: So I'm just gonna scare him too, yeah Buster: And you're not gonna stop me Rio: No, Buster Rio: Please Buster: I can make this better for you, okay Buster: Just let me Rio: Or worse, like Rio: and for yourself Rio: it ain't like I don't appreciate the offer, or that I don't wish you could but Buster: You can trust me Buster: I ain't that stupid Buster: I'm not just gonna walk up to him on a busy street, like Rio: It ain't like you can kill him Rio: he'll just go back to it, trust me Buster: Not if I break both his hands Buster: Can't text you then, can he Rio: Be serious Buster: I am Rio: Alright, start thinking clearer then Rio: this is why I didn't want to tell you, there's nothing you can do Buster: There's always something Buster: What's his price for leaving you alone? We can find out Rio: That's silly Rio: how are you enforcing that Rio: can't force a guarantee from a scumbag, like Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: I know Rio: Forget about it though Buster: No Buster: But I'll have better ideas Rio: Alright, by the time we've vetoed all those, he'll probably be bored Buster: Fuck off Rio: Done Buster: Too easy, babe Buster: Give me a challenge Rio: That wasn't enough of one, like Buster: Nah Rio: Damn Rio: like punishment that much I know some people you could pay Buster: 😂 Buster: Bet you do Rio: Duh Rio: your neck of the woods is prime location for punters Rio: pass on your deets Rio: even be favourable, like, welcome Buster: That why you're still here, yeah? Rio: To get you hooked up with someone you wanna 'round 2 Rio: or to punish posh boys Rio: both works for me, like Buster: You could've already got option 1 done if you hadn't done a vanishing act instead Buster: Think on next time Rio: Buster Buster: Yeah? Rio: How drunk are you right now? Buster: I ain't even, babe Buster: Good to go, honest Rio: Hmm okay then Buster: Do you wanna get a drink? We can Rio: You bringing your friend or planning to let her have free run of your gaff? Buster: If you want me to tell her to go then she's gone Rio: Nah, you don't need to Rio: just let me know when you're out, yeah? Buster: 'Course
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