#I won’t tag her but Squilf I love u and u are the whole reason I wrote this <3
animalechochamber · 5 months
I think about warrior cats sexism all the time. All the time. Like they clearly have it in their writing we (I’m saying we as in the circles I run in. If you don’t know here’s a video on it made by sunnyfall on yt) all know this but it’s in the way that the authors bias shows into their media which just shows how they think about women subconsciously. But like I’m obsessed with the version of warrior cats where this bias is actually real and was written with it in mind. Where it would actually be pointed out and looked at. Where it isn’t just something they accidentally but strongly wrote into their stories.
Idk even when I first read wc as a 7 year old I felt a connection to the female characters bc I could even see how mistreated they were (despite not knowing what sexism really was. just shows how I could already see the difference between me and my male peers at such a young age :/)
And wished so so badly that it would be confronted- but it never was. And that’s so upsetting to the point I still think about it all the time today.
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