#I wonder how music abt diamonds would sound
🎧❤💎 ‼️
:OOO I wonder what this could mean...🤔🤔
OH I KNOW!! You love music abt diamonds!!! /j
FCKIN. STICKVIN THE SILLIES!! gay ppl are real.........
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princehoneytea · 5 years
it is time... to answer a couple of recent asks... speedrun time
Anonymous said: IM SO HAPPY TO SEE FLORENCE AGAIN!! how is she!!!
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thank you for caring abt her!! ;_; i used her as an npc in an rp miniplot murder mystery (non-canonical to her actual story) and like... *sonic voice* long story. she’s better now.
aegishjalmur said: i love loooove your character designs! could you tell me about that angel oc more? they're so cool omg
thank you sooo much!!! here’s his character card:
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yellowmellow25 said: Is that obsidian after all this time. I didnt think she would be seen again
YUP, sure is!!! i’m really clingy with my ocs so once you see them they’ll probably be seen again at some point, LOL. way back when i made obsidian and eudialyte, none of the diamonds or homeworld had even shown up yet, so it was difficult to write those two as su homeworld ocs without world lore... but now its wayyy easier since all the lore is just out there, so you can expect to see her!
Anonymous said: hi! i dont know how loaded this question is but how did you go about with creating your magical girl campaign?? ive seen your art and i was interested into doing my own!
hihi, thank you so much! ; ; the campaign i DM has multiple moderators, so its not all me- i was the second person to hop onboard so the majority was written by my friend, though i made a lot of subplots and settings for a portion of the campaign with a lot of travelling... anyway, i think basically anything can become a campaign, nothing is stuck in traditional dnd setting! mine is in a fictional world and is based more on the world than the fact that the characters are magical girls. i think it’s just like creating any other campaign; get your friends, create a system (the one we use is homebrew), and you can do anything really!
jellhound said: where are the lyrics from in the third picture of your latest post? they dont know whats best for you like i do? it sounds familiar
that’d be Great Influence · Pouya! it’s very crude and has a lot of abusive language so warning for that, i just really like sinister music LOL
Anonymous said: hey! i was wondering if it would be alright to use one of your Touko drawings in a background on my blog! i'd link back to you, ofc!
it’s always fine to use my fanart for stuff like that as long as there’s a link back to me somewhere visible! :) 
i got a looot of asks along the lines of “do you still like ___?” and the answer is usually yes! of course i still love sam and max and bandori and all that, i just have a very limited amount of time to draw and don’t have insp at the moment, but i’ll be back eventually xP a few things are exceptions to this, but everything within like the last year i still looooove and will draw more of eventually
ok that’s all for now, thanks for all the msgs with kind words, sorry i dont get the chance to reply much!!! ;__; they mean a lot to me n brighten up my day!!! ty!!
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zenon-zogratis · 6 years
Tagging Game!
I got tagged by @obakatamago ! Thank you so much for tagging me! (Sorry it took me a while to post this hahaha)
The rules are: Bold what you prefer in order to let others know more abt you!
1. Coffee or Tea - (Ahh, I really like both, especially iced, but if I had to choose it would be coffee. I love the Frappe Mocha from McDonald’s!) 
2. Early bird or Night owl - (I used to be a Night Owl, but since I now have classes in the morning I tend to fall asleep like around 7 PM and wake up like at 4 or 5 AM. But I fit the term Exhausted Pigeon way better though hahaha)
3. Chocolate or Vanilla - (For ice-cream I prefer vanilla, but for basically everything else such as cake, candy, and drinks it has to be chocolate) 
4. Spring or Fall - (I live in a literal desert, so I don’t get to really experience all 4 seasons throughout the year, but I absolutely love the Fall aesthetic <3)  
5. Silver or Gold - (I find silver to be much more pleasant on the eyes, and I think it looks better with other colors. Gold stands out too much imo hahaha)
6. Pop or Alternative - (I don’t really pay attention to music genres and such. If I like how it sounds then I’ll listen to it)
7. Freckles or Dimples - (I have dimples myself so I’ll go with them haha)
8. Snakes or Sharks - (Ahh, I love both, but I’ll choose sharks. They have a more sentimental value for me because of the many characters I like that are associated with them, like Shirazu Ginshi from TG:re)
9. Mountains or Fields - (Where I live agriculture is a big thing, so everyday as I drive to school I love seeing the vibrant green of the fields) 
10. Thunder or Lightning - (Although it sometimes scares me, I love watching the sky flashing with lightning. It’s so cool <3)
11. Egyptian mythology or Greek mythology - (I was a big fan of the Percy Jackson series back in the day, so I’ll have to go with Greek mythology)
12. Ivory or Scarlet - (I love how passionate the many shades of red are)
12. Flute or Lyre - (I like to see how people play the flute, but I can also see the appeal of the lyre. So heavenly haha)
13. Eyes or Lips - (I love it when people draw eyes so expressive that just by looking into them you can tell what the character might be feeling)
14. Witch or Fairy - (I really like both, but I feel there is more variety with fairies, like different interpretations and designs of them. But I also really like witches and their aesthetic <3) 
15. Opal or Diamond - (The opal is my birthstone!)
16. Butterflies or Honeybees - (Butterflies are really pretty!)
17. Macaroons or Eclairs - (I would love to taste both! I love pastries so much!)
18. Typed letters or Handwritten letters - (If you write letters by hand it shows a certain dedication and passion that typed letters can’t achieve)
19. Secret garden or Secret library rooftop or Balcony - (I am a sucker for everything related to flowers and plants and such <3) 
20. Spicy or Mild - (I love spicy food! But I am worried that I might lose my sense of taste at the rate I am going OTL) 
21. Opera or Ballet - (I have seen more movies that have to do with ballet so I’ll go with it haha. The training they have to go through is really brutal though)
22. London or Paris - (I would love to visit London someday!)
23. Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet - (I am more familiar with his work, but I can see the appeal of both ^_^)
24. Denim or Leather - (I just think it feels more comfortable to wear haha) 
25. Potions or Spells - (I think both are wonderful, but in RPGs I love to gather ingredients to make potions and such <3) 
26. Ocean or Desert - (I love going to the ocean, although in either case I can’t escape the sand) 
27. Mermaids or Sirens - (From my research I can conclude that mermaids are waaaay nicer. At least they won’t attempt to kill me hahaha)
28. Masquerade ball or Cocktail party - (I believe cocktail parties are a more casual event?? I think they would be more pleasant to attend haha)
Aaand that’s a wrap! I really enjoyed this game! (altho some choices were a bit difficult to make haha) To everyone who sees this, please feel free to try it out! And also, please free feel to tag me in any other tag game/challenge you would like me to answer!
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OKAY i have so much to say about dm3 so here’s my #Thoughts (spoilers) IT’S REALLY REALLY LONG
tl;dr i loved it bc of course i did but if you want my spicy feelse it’s below the cut
OKAY i’m basically doin this off the cuff scene by scene from memory (i’ve seen it twice) but also touching on just. aspects of the movie as i think of them.
i’m gonna start by saying what everyone knows but idc i’ll say it until the end of time: I LOVE FELONIUS GRU SO MUCH OHHH MY GOD HIS EXISTENCE MAKES MY LIFE GOOD
oky so i thought the movie was RLY GOOD it basically does everything good that the first two movies do. the girls are in this more than 2 which is a big improvement. 2 may always be my favorite just bc it’s mostly abt grucy but 2 has the biggest flaw of them all (it’s fuckin racist as hell) so at least dm3 isn’t as...flawed.
it’s main problem is that it’s got a looot goin on, which is kinda common for sequels (especially third movies onward) bc they gotta give existing characters that everyone knows/likes plots/development while also establishing/developing new characters. i don’t really mind this so much bc i like all the characters in this movie a lot. i do like some plots/subplots more than others but i personally was never like. overwhelmed. the only subplot i didn’t rly care about was the minions one but i’ll talk abt that later. it’s not terrible tho.
MY main problem (basically the only thing that bothers me when i watch the movie) is how soooo fast paced it is. like, i get that the other movies kind of are too, but i can think of multiple parts of this movie where it just would’ve been better to just. let stuff sit? like okay, i have some examples that i’ll address when i get to them.
okay actually goin scene by scene now
first scene is good it’s basically just the first trailer but longer. i’ve said this before but i had the clownfish part it’s the worst part of the whole movie. but at least it’s only like two seconds. agents grucy is still my reason for existence and i’m kinda salty they never called back to that but i’m still blessed. balthazar is honestly so fuckin funny and Truthfully i liked the part when he blasts (naked) gru away with his keytar way better in the actual movie than in the trailer bc playing jump by van halen during that part was fucking HYSTERICAL.
gru...is so fucking funny and extra. “i don’t want to waste another breath on him. AND ANOTHER THING!!!” honey please chill. also “you’re making me nervous” BABY NO
okaaay buuuuuut the scene after they get fired slays me. “honey, you didn’t have to do that, i know how much you love your job” “well, there are some things i love more” LITERALLY MURDER MY ASS GRUCY IS MY REASON FOR LIVING
also catch my ass overanalyzing what gru says and tracing it back to lucy’s backstory (her parents were killed by supervillains when she was very young for those who don’t spend their free time researching everything about dm canon). she didn’t just love her job bc it was fun, it had significant meaning to her and just. excuse me I’M NOT CRYIN
“we should really tell the girls...can you do it?” girl same
the luau scene isn’t new to me so i don’t have much to say except that I Love My Daughters More Than Life Itself.
OKAY OKAY BUT here’s an example of the too fast paced parts i’m talkin about. when gru tells the girls that he and lucy lost their jobs, i read the jr novel before i saw the movie and i thought that part would be/should’ve been slower. like when he goes “lucy and i were invited to...not work at the avl anymore.” like? it just felt like he’d be a little more hesitant when telling him. just felt like it should’ve had a tiny bit more weight to it.
also “and let’s NOT go to katie’s house anymore.”
listen. i don’t hate the minions catch my ass defending them most of the time but i’m so salty at them in this movie. i get that their purpose is to serve the baddest villain but they’ve been with gru for like 45 YEARS THEY’RE SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE FAMILY!!!!! aso gru has been away from villainy for like more than a year so can they just chill please. these minions ain’t loyal.
the take on me scene was soooo goddamn funny
lucy comforting gru saved my life. that scene was actually well paced it wasn’t rushed but it didn’t go on longer than it needed to. a+ scene.
i knew from the trailers that agnes was gonna sell her unicorn but i didn’t know she was gonna look so SAD WHEN SHE DID IT THAT DESTROYED ME
uhhh skippin a few scenes bc whatever. stuff we know from trailers. OH OH but “YOU TOLD ME MY DAD DIED OF DISAPPOINTMENT WHEN I WAS BORN” WHAT THE FUUUUUCK I LAUGHED BUT GOD WHY IS SHE SO MEAN
lucy on the plane tryin to engage with the girls. i’m so sad pls just let her feel like a mom.
gru’s private part
the first scene in dru’s house reminded me that illumination’s lighting is always KILLER that scene was so beautifully lit 
DRUUUU INTERACTING WITH THE GIRLS WAS HONESTLY SOOO CUTE?? esp the part with agnes it just felt like genuine kid dialogue. i love. and “SHE’S 12 SHE LOOKS 12 AND SHE WILL ALWAYS BE 12″ oh honey (but same)
OKAY the most bothered i was by the pacing in this movie was when gru was like “lucy can i get a fuckin uhhhh leave i feel like garb” and lucy was like “honey just deal”. that’s another part i read in the jr novel and thought would have more. emotion to it. like it didn’t need to be heavy or anything but i remember feeling really sad when i read gru say “i feel worse than i did when i came here” but in the movie it just kinda flew by? ESPECIALLY bc lucy was immediately like “well, he’s your brother just try to get along with him”. like, okay, you just had a scene of gru venting to lucy about feeling like a failure so you’d think if she found out meeting dru made gru feel worse she’d be like “oh no i’m sorry this isn’t what you were expecting and you feel even worse now” like she doesn’t need to say any of that but even just. a pause and a facial expression can say a lot. just a look of sympathy and then trying to cheer him up or be more optimistic like “well he is your brother and you were so excited to meet him and you only just met like you might eventually be glad you did this” that kinda thing. it was just sooo rushed it felt like nothing when it should’ve felt like Something bc lucy knows gru’s been feeling bad and just. a little sympathy would’ve been nice and still could’ve led to the same conclusion. but shit we gotta save time for the minions musical number i guess.
speaking of that i’m just gonna talk about that subplot in one bullet point. it was the one i cared about the least and had nothing to do with anything really. i’ll admit the singing part is kinda funny bc idk what it is but they always have good song choices for when the minions sing. like make em laugh in the minions movie and now modern major general like yeah those are minion songs yknow. and okay it is kinda funny when they’re in prison bc they just IMMEDIATELY show them and they’re like runnin the place. i figured there’d be some kinda transition but nope they get there and they rule the prison. also the first class/coach separation in the plane was funny but i have to wonder what dictates whether a minion ends in first class or coach. but yeah like i said i don’t really caaaaare and i’m salty over the minions leavin gru anyway so fuck em.
okay rest of the movie. god this is so long i’m so sorry but i have SO MUCH TO SAY.
i don’t have much to say abt the scenes with gru and dru except i like them and i like their interactions. i didn’t think i’d like dru as much as i did  tho i do see how people could find him annoying. i guess i’m just like. well i’m lucy and he’s part of my family so yes i love him.
“gettin my sea legs, matey” meeeeeee
BAR NONE THE FUNNIEST AND JUST MOST CHARMING SCENE IN THE WHOLE MOVIE WAS GRU AND DRU PRETENDING TO BE EACH OTHER. everything about that scene gives me life. it was sooo genuine and natural like when they couldn’t keep it up and just burst out laughing. they’re adorable i love my husband and my brother-in-law they’re such children. i just love that it was gru’s idea bc you know when he was thinkin about twin stuff on the plane ride there he was like ‘omg what if we switched places and pretended to be each other to fool ppl omg that’s a twin thing’ but it was so obvious bc kids can get away with that but they’re in their fuckin 50s you fools.
THAT REMINDS ME steve carell was honestly so good in this movie. like he’s always good as gru but he was rly good as dru too like obviously they sounded similar but i was never watching it and thinking “oh this is steve carell talking to himself” like he voiced both characters well and obvs they had different personalities and that rly came through and just. i love you sexy grey hair steve carell.
scene with gru and agnes was so damn pure just. everything i want out of a scene with gru and agnes. thank u illumination for my life.
gonna talk abt the agnes subplot in one bullet point bc there’s not much to it. basically i love my daughter, she’s an angel, and i like that we just. have a goat now. also another animation highlight in the scene where she and edith are in the forest looking for the unicorn. that forest was gorgeous. and again, beautifully lit.
also when she was like “i gotta tell gru!” so precious omg i wish we could’ve seen her tell him about it that would’ve been so cute. 
love the scene of gru and dru sneakin into balthzar’s lair. good stuff. I DIE WHEN DRU WAS FREAKIN OUT IN THE VENT AND GRU WAS LIKE “hey relax :) it’s gonna be fine :) i got your back” I WANTED TO SCREAM WHY IS GRU SO PERFECT
i don’t ship druthazar (sorry dm fandom) but i still leaned over to david when dru was sitting on balthzar’s bed and i whispered “that’s not the last time he was in balthzar’s bed” bc i‘m funny
sometimes you want a unicorn. but you just get a goat.
i was ready to declare the part where lucy comes in just loudly singing and then goes “you’ve been a baaad boy gru” and smacks his face my favorite lucy scene in the whole movie but the it was balthazar disguised as lucy and i’ve never felt more betrayed
also how did balthazar perfectly mimic lucy’s voice? when he was disguised as the museum guy it was clearly trey parker doing another south park voice but WHATEVER
while i’m thinkin abt it trey parker was fine as balthazar i guess like he was funny but i used to watch a looot of south park so i would so often just her the south park in his voice and i was like Alright
THE CLIMAX OF THIS MOVIE MURDERED MY ASS!!!!! i looooove this movie’s climax it’s easily the best of the dm franchise. i never wanted to murder balthazar with my bare hands more than when he left the girls for dead and tried to kill an unconscious gru with a giant lazer. i was SHOOKETH. lucy jumpin across the giant bubble gum...balls or whatever to save the girls was the BEST SHIT. dru saving gru was so good i’m so proud of him...love my brother-in-law. and the dance fight with gru and balthazar SAVED!!! CINEMA!!! i was screamin oh my god..i know y’all know i love gru with everything i am but y’all he’s SO GOOD IN THE CLIMAX OF THIS MOVIE
as lucy wilde, i can confirm that after i ran up and hugged gru i was covering his face with red lipstick and also being like “balthazar’s dead right? like not just caught, fucking DEAD? RIGHT??” he either lied to assuage me or I Found A Way
tho tho tho i’m still UPSET that the girls call gru by his name and not dad...like you gonna call lucy mom WHEN U GONNA CALL GRU DAD I’M GASPING FOR AIR
lucy was very dtf at the end she was like gru say good night to your brother and let’s go FUCK (and then dru had to go and interrupt it smh)
i was like UMMMMM at first when watching the very last scene but then when i saw how gru and lucy reacted to it i was like okay i accept this. he better have just been staying temporarily at their house and going back to freedonia soon tho bc i don’t think lucy would like the idea of a supervillain living her house.
gru n lucy gettin ready to go in for the kill. love it. love them forever.
trey parker’s singing in hug me (the credits song) sounds too much like andy partridge of xtc and like 0 people reading this (if anyone’s still reading oh my god) are gonna know what i’m talking about but it makes it quite the Experience whenever i listen to it
speaking of this is the best soundtrack out of dm 1-3 i’ve been listening to it the whole time writing this
SO IN SUMMARY hi i’m lucy wilde, and my husband and daughters are absolutely everything to me. as a viewer balthazar is the most entertaining dm villain bar none (overkills excluded obvs), but as lucy wilde i hope he fucking dies for trying to kill my family. dru is a good brother-in-law and is also a gay icon. this movie came out in pride month for a reason. dru (a gay male) and lucy (a pan woman) are true mlm/wlw solidarity.
i’m fuckin.
i love.
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